Portfolio Check 1

I’ve demonstrated level 2 for process in Podcast Review by explaining the phases and how they related to the topic that episode.

I had trouble with assignment 2, so I redid that to demonstrate level 2 access in Loading Data. For level 3 of access, I added extra analysis comparing different ways of loading data in the Loading data chapter. Also across my 4 chapters, I loaded data in 3 different ways.

I’ve demonstrated level 3 for construct and prepare in Building a new Dataset by cleaning data from unrelated sources, reorganizing them so that they could be merged and merging the two on the new column that I added to each.

In the Cool Analysis chapter, I demonstrate level 3 for summarize and visualize. I used my built dataset from the previous chapter and found cool insights supported with statistics and plots.

I demonstrate level 3 python throughout all of the chapters because I did specific things.