7. Assignment 7#

accept the assigment

Due: 2023-10-28

Eligible skills:

  • evaluate level 2

  • classification level 1,2

  • summarize, 1,2

  • visuailze 1,2

7.2. Dataset and EDA#

Choose a dataset that is well suited for classification and that has all numerical features. If you want to use a dataset with nonnumerical features you will have to convert the categorical features to numerical with one hot encoding.


Use the UCI ML repository, it will let you filter data by the attributes of it you need.

  1. Include a basic description of the data(what the features are)

  2. Describe the classification task in your own words

  3. Use EDA to determine if you expect the classification to get a high accuracy or not. What types of mistakes do you think will happen most (think about the confusion matrix)?

  4. Hypothesize which classifier from the notes will do better and why you think that. Does the data meet the assumptions of Naive Bayes? What is important about this classifier for this application?


You will get to reuse the above, and this dataset, for the clustering assignment and optionally one or both of A10 and A11.

7.3. Basic Classification#

  1. Fit your chosen classifier with the default parameters on 80% of the data

  2. Inspect the model to answer the questions appropriate to your model.

    • Does this model make sense?

    • (if DT) Are there any leaves that are very small?

    • (if DT) Is this an interpretable number of levels?

    • (if GNB) do the parameters fit the data well? or do the paramters generate similar synthetic data (you can answer statistically only or with synthetic data & a plot)

  3. Test it on 20% held out data and generate a classification report

  4. Interpret the model and its performance in terms of the application in order to give a recommendation, “would you deploy this model” . Example questions to consider in your response include

  • do you think this model is good enough to use for real?

  • is this a model you would trust?

  • do you think that a more complex model should be used?

  • do you think that maybe this task cannot be done with machine learning?


You need to give a thorough answer to the deployment question and these bulleted questions will help you create a thorough response.

7.4. Exploring Problem Setups#


Understanding the impact of test/train size is a part of classifcation and helps with evaluation. This exercise is also a chance at python level 2.

Do an experiment to compare test set size vs performance:

  1. Use a loop to train a model on 10%, 30%, … , 90% of the data. Compute the training accuracy and test accuracy for each size training data. Create a DataFrame with columns [‘train_pct’,‘n_train_samples’,‘n_test_samples’,‘train_acc’,‘test_acc’]

  2. Use EDA on this data frame to interpret the results of your experiment. How does training vs test size impact the model’s performance? Does it impact training and test accuracy the same way?


Please make sure you complete the above and get feedback before you go on to the following, because if you attempt the following with an error in the above you may spend a lot of time on something that might not earn credit