4. Exploratory Data Analysis#

Now we get to start actual data science!

4.1. This week: Exploratory Data Analysis#

  • How to summarize data

  • Interpretting summaries

  • Visualizing data

  • interpretting summaries

4.1.1. Summarizing and Visualizing Data are very important#

  • People cannot interpret high dimensional or large samples quickly

  • Important in EDA to help you make decisions about the rest of your analysis

  • Important in how you report your results

  • Summaries are similar calculations to performance metrics we will see later

  • visualizations are often essential in debugging models


  • You have a lot of chances to earn summarize and visualize

  • we will be picky when we assess if you earned them or not

import pandas as pd

Today we will work with a new dataset about Carbon emissions

carbon_data_url = 'https://github.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/raw/master/data/2024/2024-05-21/emissions.csv'
carbon_df = pd.read_csv(carbon_data_url)

data readme

year parent_entity parent_type commodity production_value production_unit total_emissions_MtCO2e
0 1962 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company State-owned Entity Oil & NGL 0.91250 Million bbl/yr 0.363885
1 1962 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company State-owned Entity Natural Gas 1.84325 Bcf/yr 0.134355
2 1963 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company State-owned Entity Oil & NGL 1.82500 Million bbl/yr 0.727770
3 1963 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company State-owned Entity Natural Gas 4.42380 Bcf/yr 0.322453
4 1964 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company State-owned Entity Oil & NGL 7.30000 Million bbl/yr 2.911079

In this case, head shows that these rows are very similar because it is sorted. Tail would probably be similar, so we will try sample to get a random subset.

year parent_entity parent_type commodity production_value production_unit total_emissions_MtCO2e
6827 1995 North Korea Nation State Anthracite Coal 13.221050 Million tonnes/yr 38.574888
1591 2018 Canadian Natural Resources Investor-owned Company Oil & NGL 299.665000 Million bbl/yr 119.499778
1166 2009 BHP Investor-owned Company Metallurgical Coal 36.416000 Million tonnes/yr 108.032327
9007 2015 Poland Nation State Metallurgical Coal 12.985117 Million tonnes/yr 38.521870
11088 1999 Suncor Energy Investor-owned Company Natural Gas 393.800000 Bcf/yr 28.704236

4.2. Describing a Dataset#

So far, we’ve loaded data in a few different ways and then we’ve examined DataFrames as a data structure, looking at what different attributes they have and what some of the methods are, and how to get data into them.

The describe method provides us with a set of summary statistics that broadly

year production_value total_emissions_MtCO2e
count 12551.000000 12551.000000 12551.000000
mean 1987.148116 412.712258 113.219734
std 29.202455 1357.569683 329.812666
min 1854.000000 0.004398 0.000321
25% 1973.000000 10.601353 8.785294
50% 1994.000000 63.203536 33.058688
75% 2009.000000 320.664764 102.154596
max 2022.000000 27192.000000 8646.905949

And these all give us a sense of the values and the distribution or spread fo the data in each column.

4.2.1. Individual statistics#

We can also extract each of the statistics that the describe method calculates individually, by name.

year                                    2022
parent_entity                            YPF
parent_type               State-owned Entity
commodity                       Thermal Coal
production_value                     27192.0
production_unit            Million tonnes/yr
total_emissions_MtCO2e           8646.905949
dtype: object

4.2.2. Understanding Quantiles#

The 50% has another more common name: the median. It means 50% of the data are lower (and higher) than this value.

The quantiles are tricky, we cannot just .25%() to get the 25% percentile, we have to use the quantile method and pass it a value between 0 and 1.


4.3. Individual variable#

We can use the descriptive statistics on individual columns as well

4.4. What is the average total emissions in this dataset?#


4.5. Working with categorical data#

There are different columns in the describe than the the whole dataset:

Index(['year', 'parent_entity', 'parent_type', 'commodity', 'production_value',
       'production_unit', 'total_emissions_MtCO2e'],

So far, the stats above are only for numerical features.

We can get the prevalence of each one with value_counts, this can also allow us to answer certain questions. Let’s try a few.

4.5.1. What is the most common parent type?#

Investor-owned Company    6583
State-owned Entity        3914
Nation State              2054
Name: count, dtype: int64
Hide code cell source
from myst_nb import glue
most_common_ptype = carbon_df['parent_type'].value_counts().idxmax()
'Investor-owned Company'

This shows us that the most common one is ‘Investor-owned Company’

We also notice that the data is relatively balanced enough that we can make good comparisons from the overall output.

For the specific question, we could instead use the mode method (the most frequent value).

0    Investor-owned Company
Name: parent_type, dtype: object

4.5.2. Is it reasonable to compare and use all of the the commodity types in the data#

To do this, we again look at the value counts:

Oil & NGL              3733
Natural Gas            3452
Bituminous Coal        1370
Metallurgical Coal     1073
Lignite Coal           1008
Sub-Bituminous Coal     673
Thermal Coal            611
Anthracite Coal         368
Cement                  263
Name: count, dtype: int64

Here, we note that the top few are a lot more similar and the smallest one is a lot lower. Here we might drop only the bottom couple or keep them call becaus for a lot of things 200 measurements is enough.

Another choice is that we could combine the different types of coals together. We can do this by adding a column.

carbon_df['commodity_simple'] = carbon_df['commodity'].apply(lambda s: s if not('Coal' in s) else 'Coal')

The way this works is:

  • carbon_df['commodity'] picks out the column of interest

  • the .apply method applies a function (that we pass to it) to all of the elements of a series (or to the rows or columns of a DataFrame)

  • lambda s: s if not('Coal' in s) else 'Coal' is a lambda function that returns the same value if Col is not in it or only Coal if it is

  • assigns values to a column 'commodity_simple' carbon_df['commodity_simple'] =. It also creates that column since it did not exist

4.5.3. understanding lambda functions#

To better understand the lambda function that we used above, let’s assign it to a variable.

coal_strip = lambda s: s if not('Coal' in s) else 'Coal'

First we will inspect it a little:


We can see it is a function here

Now we can make calls to it, like any other functions

coal_strip('Metallurgical Coal')

this works and now we test the other case:

coal_strip('naything else')
'naything else'

4.5.4. How a column is added#

Now we can see a sample of the DataFrame again to see how the apply method works.

year parent_entity parent_type commodity production_value production_unit total_emissions_MtCO2e commodity_simple
8908 1996 Poland Nation State Lignite Coal 63.845576 Million tonnes/yr 85.502641 Coal
4276 1903 ExxonMobil Investor-owned Company Natural Gas 17.322720 Bcf/yr 1.262660 Natural Gas
8412 1992 Petroleum Development Oman State-owned Entity Natural Gas 145.655315 Bcf/yr 10.616873 Natural Gas
4248 2020 Exxaro Resources Ltd Investor-owned Company Metallurgical Coal 5.331660 Million tonnes/yr 15.816993 Coal
9694 2022 Russian Federation Nation State Metallurgical Coal 98.936523 Million tonnes/yr 293.506779 Coal

We can further examine this column:

Coal           5103
Oil & NGL      3733
Natural Gas    3452
Cement          263
Name: count, dtype: int64

Now the numbers are more similar, we might want to drop the cement, we can do that using a mask that we saw last week.

4.6. Split-Apply-Combine#


see it in action on pandas tutor

4.6.1. Which commodity type has the highest average emissions?#

To do this we group by the categorical value, the new simplified commodity column we created, then we pick out thee emissions column, and take the average.

Cement         112.859242
Coal           118.369779
Natural Gas     75.073875
Oil & NGL      141.479481
Name: total_emissions_MtCO2e, dtype: float64

4.6.2. How apply works#

We can use apply with any function, that we write in advance, that comes from a library, or is built in. Above, we used a lambda we defined on the fly, but here we can make it first.

def first_chars(s):
  return s[:5]

0        Oil &
1        Natur
2        Oil &
3        Natur
4        Oil &
12546    Natur
12547    Oil &
12548    Natur
12549    Oil &
12550    Natur
Name: commodity, Length: 12551, dtype: object

4.6.3. Grouping Multiple times#

we can pass a list to group by two values

commodity_simple  parent_type           
Cement            Investor-owned Company     38.813769
                  Nation State              243.802816
Coal              Investor-owned Company     45.397065
                  Nation State              228.621342
                  State-owned Entity         94.977580
Natural Gas       Investor-owned Company     58.313678
                  Nation State              741.445688
                  State-owned Entity         80.152170
Oil & NGL         Investor-owned Company    106.583580
                  Nation State              885.428265
                  State-owned Entity        162.042650
Name: total_emissions_MtCO2e, dtype: float64

This is one Series, but is has a multi-index. We can check the type

em_by_comm_parent = carbon_df.groupby(['commodity_simple','parent_type'])['total_emissions_MtCO2e'].mean()

and look at the index to confirm

MultiIndex([(     'Cement', 'Investor-owned Company'),
            (     'Cement',           'Nation State'),
            (       'Coal', 'Investor-owned Company'),
            (       'Coal',           'Nation State'),
            (       'Coal',     'State-owned Entity'),
            ('Natural Gas', 'Investor-owned Company'),
            ('Natural Gas',           'Nation State'),
            ('Natural Gas',     'State-owned Entity'),
            (  'Oil & NGL', 'Investor-owned Company'),
            (  'Oil & NGL',           'Nation State'),
            (  'Oil & NGL',     'State-owned Entity')],
           names=['commodity_simple', 'parent_type'])

We can use reset_index to change from the multi-index into a new count from 0 index (and make it a DataFrame in the process)

commodity_simple parent_type total_emissions_MtCO2e
0 Cement Investor-owned Company 38.813769
1 Cement Nation State 243.802816
2 Coal Investor-owned Company 45.397065
3 Coal Nation State 228.621342
4 Coal State-owned Entity 94.977580
5 Natural Gas Investor-owned Company 58.313678
6 Natural Gas Nation State 741.445688
7 Natural Gas State-owned Entity 80.152170
8 Oil & NGL Investor-owned Company 106.583580
9 Oil & NGL Nation State 885.428265
10 Oil & NGL State-owned Entity 162.042650

4.7. Prepare for next class#

Seaborn is a plotting library that gives us opinionated defaults


Run this line one time before class on Thursday

import seaborn as sns

If you get ModuleNotFound error, open a terminal tab and run pip install seaborn .

seaborn’s alias is sns as an inside joke among the developers to the character, Samual Norman Seaborn from West Wing they named the library after per their FAQ

4.8. Questions After Class#


Questions about the assignment have been addreessed by adding hints and tips to the end of the instructions

4.8.1. when putting the two column names ["commodity_simple", "parent_type"] in the square brackets, what did that do?#

We cann answer a question like this by inspecting the code further

First we can look directly at it:

["commodity_simple", "parent_type"]
['commodity_simple', 'parent_type']

Next, we can check its type:

type(["commodity_simple", "parent_type"])

It makes a list which is then compatible with the groupby method.

We can look a its help to remember what it can be passed:

# the __doc__ attribute is a property of all functions
# it is a string so I used split to break it into lines, 
# looked to see how many i needed then joined them back together
# and printed them (to have the newkines render)
Group DataFrame using a mapper or by a Series of columns.

A groupby operation involves some combination of splitting the
object, applying a function, and combining the results. This can be
used to group large amounts of data and compute operations on these

by : mapping, function, label, pd.Grouper or list of such
    Used to determine the groups for the groupby.
    If ``by`` is a function, it's called on each value of the object's
    index. If a dict or Series is passed, the Series or dict VALUES
    will be used to determine the groups (the Series' values are first
    aligned; see ``.align()`` method). If a list or ndarray of length
    equal to the selected axis is passed (see the `groupby user guide

4.8.2. How does the apply function work?#

I have explained it and linked resources above, plus the pandas docs have a section on it in their user guide

4.8.3. How should we be practicing this material. Its hard to tell whats the specific take away from this class vs memorizing methods.#

Review the notes and see the analysis.

What we did is ann example data anlysis. We asked and answered several questions. This serves as example questions and types of questions. How to interpret the statistics.

4.8.4. what does the lambda do inside of the function we created to group the coal commodity#

lambda is the keyword to define a function in line, like def is in a full length definition.

4.8.5. Is there a way to scrape data from a website and make it a csv file if the website does not allow for exporting?#

Sometimes, we will learn webscraping in a few weeks. For now, download locally, or try a different dataset.

4.8.6. Will be working on forms of data visualization?#
