3. DataFrames from other sources#

Today we will:

  • continue examining the dataframe object

  • see more ways to load data

  • make sure you are set up for assignment 2

3.1. Indexing reivew#

topics = ['what is data science', 'jupyter', 'conditional','functions', 'lists', 'dictionaries','pandas' ]

negative numbers count from the right

3.2. Reserve words#

these are words you do not want to use for variable names

Python reserve words turn green:

<function print>
  Cell In[3], line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

3.3. Built in iterable types#

These are four different iterable constructions:

a = [char for char in 'abcde']
b =  {char:i for i, char in enumerate('abcde')}
c = ('a','b','c','d','e')
d = 'a b c d e'.split(' ')

We can see their types

type(a), type(b), type(c), type(d)
(list, dict, tuple, list)

Dictionaries are really useful because they consist of key, value pairs. This is really powerful and we will use it a lot to pass complex structures into functions.

{'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'd': 3, 'e': 4}
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

Where we index lists with numbers


we can access items, the values in a dictionary using square brackets and the keys


3.4. Building iterables quick with Comprehensions#

we can make a list using a loop all in one line The constructions above for a and b are called list and dictionary comprehensions it is equivalent to using a loop, but a more concise way to build a list with a loop.

a_long = []
for char in 'abcde':

Notice that even in this for loop the lopo variable is a conceptually meaningful variable and we iterate over the items in an iterable type object. This is incontrast to creatinga loop variable that is an integer. This loop style is considered good pythonic strategy.

For more detail, see the Python docs section on looping strategies

['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']


Programming is a practice the goal is not to memorize everything, but be exposed to enough that you remember what you can look up later

enumerate is a built in function that allows you to get both a number and an item for your use in a loop or comprehension. You can read the help below or the technical details in the official Python Docs

Help on class enumerate in module builtins:

class enumerate(object)
 |  enumerate(iterable, start=0)
 |  Return an enumerate object.
 |    iterable
 |      an object supporting iteration
 |  The enumerate object yields pairs containing a count (from start, which
 |  defaults to zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument.
 |  enumerate is useful for obtaining an indexed list:
 |      (0, seq[0]), (1, seq[1]), (2, seq[2]), ...
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __getattribute__(self, name, /)
 |      Return getattr(self, name).
 |  __iter__(self, /)
 |      Implement iter(self).
 |  __next__(self, /)
 |      Implement next(self).
 |  __reduce__(...)
 |      Return state information for pickling.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods defined here:
 |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.

3.5. Read DataFrames from HTML#

let’s use read_html on the course communications page and then inspect what we get to figure it out

course_comms_url = 'https://rhodyprog4ds.github.io/BrownFall23/syllabus/communication.html'

we will first need out library

import pandas as pd

then we will read it in without saving it and look at the output to see what it looks like.

[      Day      Time   Location       Host
 0  Monday  12pm-2pm       Zoom       Mark
 1  Monday     4-5pm       Zoom  Dr. Brown
 2  Friday     4-5pm  134 Tyler  Dr. Brown,
                                                usage platform  \
 0                                           in class  prismia   
 1                                           any time  prismia   
 2               private questions to your assignment   github   
 3         for general questions that can help others   github   
 4  to share resources or ask general questions in...   github   
 5       matters that don't fit into another category   e-mail   
                            area  \
 0                          chat   
 1           download transcript   
 2      issue on assignment repo   
 3       issue on course website   
 4  discussion on community repo   
 5        to brownsarahm@uri.edu   
 0  outside of class time this is not monitored cl...  
 1  use after class to get preliminary notes eg if...  
 2                              eg bugs in your code"  
 3  eg what the instructions of an assignment mean...  
 4                    include links in your portfolio  
 5  remember to include `[CSC310]` or `[DSP310]` (...  ]

now we will save it to a variable for future use.

comm_df_list = pd.read_html(course_comms_url)

we can check the type, it is a list as we noted from looking at the outpu.


and each item in the list is a DataFrame


DataFrames also have a shape attribute, to tell us the number of rows and columns.

(3, 4)
achievements_url = 'https://rhodyprog4ds.github.io/BrownFall23/syllabus/achievements.html'

Make a list of the shapes of all of the tables on the syllabus Achievements page.

This is a good job for a list comprehension.

shape_list_comp =[df.shape for df in pd.read_html(achievements_url)]
[(14, 3), (15, 5), (15, 15), (15, 6)]

Again, we can write this out as a for loop with append, but the comprehension is more concise.

shape_list = []
for df in pd.read_html(achievements_url):

in the comprehension structure the [] are what make it a list, they make anything a list


3.6. More DataFrame Indexing#

we’ll go back to our coffee data

coffee_data_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jldbc/coffee-quality-database/master/data/robusta_data_cleaned.csv'
coffee_df = pd.read_csv(coffee_data_url,index_col=0)

See again our shape

(28, 43)

and the first few rows

Species Owner Country.of.Origin Farm.Name Lot.Number Mill ICO.Number Company Altitude Region ... Color Category.Two.Defects Expiration Certification.Body Certification.Address Certification.Contact unit_of_measurement altitude_low_meters altitude_high_meters altitude_mean_meters
1 Robusta ankole coffee producers coop Uganda kyangundu cooperative society NaN ankole coffee producers 0 ankole coffee producers coop 1488 sheema south western ... Green 2 June 26th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1488.0 1488.0 1488.0

1 rows × 43 columns

we can also see a random sample, not only the head and tail

Species Owner Country.of.Origin Farm.Name Lot.Number Mill ICO.Number Company Altitude Region ... Color Category.Two.Defects Expiration Certification.Body Certification.Address Certification.Contact unit_of_measurement altitude_low_meters altitude_high_meters altitude_mean_meters
27 Robusta cafe politico India NaN NaN NaN 14-1118-2014-0087 cafe politico NaN NaN ... Green 1 August 25th, 2015 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m NaN NaN NaN
5 Robusta katuka development trust ltd Uganda katikamu capca farmers association NaN katuka development trust 0 katuka development trust ltd 1200-1300 luwero central region ... Green 3 June 26th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1200.0 1300.0 1250.0
23 Robusta andrew hetzel United States sethuraman estates NaN sethuraman estates NaN cafemakers, llc 3000' chikmagalur ... Green 0 February 28th, 2013 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m 3000.0 3000.0 3000.0

3 rows × 43 columns


printing out the list of columns is a helpful way to get them to copy-paste for later selection to ensure no typos. In a polished notebook, you could then delete a cell like the one below, but it’s really helpful while you are working

Index(['Species', 'Owner', 'Country.of.Origin', 'Farm.Name', 'Lot.Number',
       'Mill', 'ICO.Number', 'Company', 'Altitude', 'Region', 'Producer',
       'Number.of.Bags', 'Bag.Weight', 'In.Country.Partner', 'Harvest.Year',
       'Grading.Date', 'Owner.1', 'Variety', 'Processing.Method',
       'Fragrance...Aroma', 'Flavor', 'Aftertaste', 'Salt...Acid',
       'Bitter...Sweet', 'Mouthfeel', 'Uniform.Cup', 'Clean.Cup', 'Balance',
       'Cupper.Points', 'Total.Cup.Points', 'Moisture', 'Category.One.Defects',
       'Quakers', 'Color', 'Category.Two.Defects', 'Expiration',
       'Certification.Body', 'Certification.Address', 'Certification.Contact',
       'unit_of_measurement', 'altitude_low_meters', 'altitude_high_meters',

We can subset columns by passing a list of multiple columns to use for indexing

columns_of_interest = ['Owner', 'Country.of.Origin']
Owner Country.of.Origin
1 ankole coffee producers coop Uganda

it has to be a list though, if we put them in one set of square brackets, it is a tuple and we get a KeyError because it looks for one column that has the name 'Owner', 'Country.of.Origin'

coffee_df['Owner', 'Country.of.Origin']
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/base.py:3653, in Index.get_loc(self, key)
   3652 try:
-> 3653     return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3654 except KeyError as err:

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx:147, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx:176, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

File pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi:7080, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

File pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi:7088, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

KeyError: ('Owner', 'Country.of.Origin')

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[31], line 1
----> 1 coffee_df['Owner', 'Country.of.Origin']

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py:3761, in DataFrame.__getitem__(self, key)
   3759 if self.columns.nlevels > 1:
   3760     return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
-> 3761 indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
   3762 if is_integer(indexer):
   3763     indexer = [indexer]

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/base.py:3655, in Index.get_loc(self, key)
   3653     return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3654 except KeyError as err:
-> 3655     raise KeyError(key) from err
   3656 except TypeError:
   3657     # If we have a listlike key, _check_indexing_error will raise
   3658     #  InvalidIndexError. Otherwise we fall through and re-raise
   3659     #  the TypeError.
   3660     self._check_indexing_error(key)

KeyError: ('Owner', 'Country.of.Origin')

instead we can use 2 sets col square brackets if we do not want a separate variable

coffee_df[['Owner', 'Country.of.Origin']].head(1)
Owner Country.of.Origin
1 ankole coffee producers coop Uganda

3.7. Subsetting by values#

We can do boolean operators on a pandas.Series and it will do it automatically to every element

is_green = coffee_df['Color'] == 'Green'
1      True
2     False
3      True
4      True
5      True
6      True
7      True
8     False
9      True
10     True
11     True
12     True
13     True
14     True
15     True
16     True
17    False
18     True
19     True
20     True
21    False
22     True
23     True
24    False
25    False
26    False
27     True
28    False
Name: Color, dtype: bool

then we can look at the shape and see that it is the same shape as the column we selected.

is_green.shape, coffee_df['Color'].shape
((28,), (28,))

now we can use that to subset the rows

green_coffee_df = coffee_df[is_green]
Species Owner Country.of.Origin Farm.Name Lot.Number Mill ICO.Number Company Altitude Region ... Color Category.Two.Defects Expiration Certification.Body Certification.Address Certification.Contact unit_of_measurement altitude_low_meters altitude_high_meters altitude_mean_meters
1 Robusta ankole coffee producers coop Uganda kyangundu cooperative society NaN ankole coffee producers 0 ankole coffee producers coop 1488 sheema south western ... Green 2 June 26th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1488.0 1488.0 1488.0
3 Robusta andrew hetzel India sethuraman estate NaN NaN 0000 sethuraman estate 1000m chikmagalur ... Green 0 April 29th, 2016 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0
4 Robusta ugacof Uganda ugacof project area NaN ugacof 0 ugacof ltd 1212 central ... Green 7 July 14th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1212.0 1212.0 1212.0
5 Robusta katuka development trust ltd Uganda katikamu capca farmers association NaN katuka development trust 0 katuka development trust ltd 1200-1300 luwero central region ... Green 3 June 26th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1200.0 1300.0 1250.0
6 Robusta andrew hetzel India NaN NaN (self) NaN cafemakers, llc 3000' chikmagalur ... Green 0 February 28th, 2013 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m 3000.0 3000.0 3000.0

5 rows × 43 columns

and look at the shape to see

(20, 43)
Index(['Species', 'Owner', 'Country.of.Origin', 'Farm.Name', 'Lot.Number',
       'Mill', 'ICO.Number', 'Company', 'Altitude', 'Region', 'Producer',
       'Number.of.Bags', 'Bag.Weight', 'In.Country.Partner', 'Harvest.Year',
       'Grading.Date', 'Owner.1', 'Variety', 'Processing.Method',
       'Fragrance...Aroma', 'Flavor', 'Aftertaste', 'Salt...Acid',
       'Bitter...Sweet', 'Mouthfeel', 'Uniform.Cup', 'Clean.Cup', 'Balance',
       'Cupper.Points', 'Total.Cup.Points', 'Moisture', 'Category.One.Defects',
       'Quakers', 'Color', 'Category.Two.Defects', 'Expiration',
       'Certification.Body', 'Certification.Address', 'Certification.Contact',
       'unit_of_measurement', 'altitude_low_meters', 'altitude_high_meters',

3.8. Python has no switch#

we use dictionaries in those kind of cases

score_text = {False:'low',

Here we can switch from a list of true/false to high low

this gives true/false values for if the flavor is above or below 7

1      True
2      True
3      True
4      True
5      True
6      True
7      True
8      True
9      True
10     True
11     True
12     True
13     True
14     True
15     True
16     True
17     True
18     True
19     True
20     True
21     True
22     True
23     True
24     True
25     True
26     True
27    False
28    False
Name: Flavor, dtype: bool

and this is high/low instead

[score_text[flavor_comp] for flavor_comp in coffee_df['Flavor']>=7]

3.9. Keeping a clean notebook#

we can put code in a python file and include it in our notebooks to use it

this can be useful if:

  • you have a long hard to read thing that distracts from your other analysis

  • you have a function you want to reuse a lot

  • (unlikely in class) you need to make your own library!

I created a separate file calledn example.py and defined a variable in it like:

name ='sarah'

now I can import that and use it.

from example import name

3.10. Additional hints#

  • pandas objects have dtype info

  • using any pandas method is okay, including some we have not seen if it is a single method, for example the select_dtypes method docs

  • Your task is partially to learn other IO methods, so the pandas docs IO page is a good resource

3.11. Questions After Class#


some questions are not answered below because they are explained in the notes above or they are too vague, you can come to office hours if you have a question that is not here or post a more detailed question on this repo or your assignment

3.11.1. what is pandas?#

it is a Python library. Read more at the user guide

3.11.2. My question is how is the data frame being accessed from the url and how can I understand it more clearly?#

pd.read_ functions can do web requests and read data online and load it directly into memory. To understand in greater detail, I recommend the docs and then follow through the links through there to the level of depth that you want.

3.11.3. what does the shape of a dataframe do?#

It is just information that we can do

3.11.4. Why do we need dictionaries to create new rows in the dataframes rather than operators?#

We did not use the dictionary to create new rows, we used it to map values to other values. We will see this patther throughout the course.

3.11.5. how to figure out which dataframes from html are useful#

we have to look at them.

3.11.6. How to download datasets#

For your assignment, you can load directly with a URL

3.11.7. Is the sum() method only counting true values, and if so, is it simply treating them as 1?#

It is adding the values after casting them to integers.

int(True), int(False)
(1, 0)

3.11.8. Why does the thing that happens right before a for in loop apply to all of the values? I think I know but just to be sure#

in a list comprehension the part before the for is like the loop body, see above where I defined a_long and compare it to the defintion of a

3.11.9. I would like to learn more about dictionaries#

I recommend starting in the python language docs section on dictionaries they are a very powerful structure and the text there is technical, but there are plenty of links. It is really good practice to get good at parsing through technical docs like this.