13. Clustering#

Clustering is unsupervised learning. That means we do not have the labels to learn from. We aim to learn both the labels for each point and some way of characterizing the classes at the same time.

Computationally, this is a harder problem. Mathematically, we can typically solve problems when we have a number of equations equal to or greater than the number of unknowns. For \(N\) data points ind \(d\) dimensions and \(K\) clusters, we have \(N\) equations and \(N + K*d\) unknowns. This means we have a harder problem to solve.

For today, we’ll see K-means clustering which is defined by \(K\) a number of clusters and a mean (center) for each one. There are other K-centers algorithms for other types of centers.

Clustering is a stochastic (random) algorithm, so it can be a little harder to debug the models and measure performance. For this reason, we are going to lootk a little more closely at what it actually does than we did with classification.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import itertools
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn import metrics
import string
import itertools as it

13.1. How does Kmeans work?#

We will start with some synthetics data and then see how the clustering works.

# -------- Set paramters, change these to adjust the sample
# number of classes (groups)
C = 4
# number of dimensions of the features
# number of samples
N = 200
# minimum of the means
offset = 2
# distance between means
spacing = 2
# set the variance of the blobs
var = .25

# ------- Get the class labels
# choose the first C uppcase letters using the builtin string class
classes = list(string.ascii_uppercase[:C])

# ------- Pick some means
# get the number of grid locations needed
G = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(C)))

# get the locations for each axis
grid_locs = a = np.linspace(offset,offset+G*spacing,G)

# compute grid (i,j) for each combination of values above & keep C values
means = [(i,j) for i, j in it.product(grid_locs,grid_locs)][:C]

# store in dictionary with class labels
mu = {c: i for c, i in zip(classes,means)}

# ------- Sample the data
#randomly choose a class for each point, with equal probability
clusters_true = np.random.choice(classes,N)
# draw a random point according to the means from above for each point
data = [np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[c], var*np.eye(D)) for c in clusters_true]

# ------- Store in a dataframe
# rounding to make display neater later
df = pd.DataFrame(data = data,columns = ['x' + str(i) for i in range(D)]).round(2)

# add true cluster
df['true_cluster'] = clusters_true

This gives us a small dataframe with 2 featurs (D=2) and four custers (C=4).

x0 x1 true_cluster
0 5.80 1.53 C
1 2.34 6.66 B
2 5.64 4.74 D
3 2.89 2.15 A
4 1.96 5.69 B

We can see the data with the labels

sns.pairplot(data=df, hue='true_cluster')
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7f5250429d30>

this is what the clustering algorithm wil see.

<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7f52064ee910>

13.2. Kmeans#

First we will make a variable that we can use to pick out the feature columns

data_cols = ['x0','x1']

Next, we’ll pick 4 random points to be the starting points as the means.

K =4
mu_0 = df[data_cols].sample(n=K).values
array([[5.8 , 1.53],
       [6.57, 2.88],
       [6.02, 5.83],
       [1.53, 1.99]])


I changed this to mu_0 while I was fixing the loop below to be more explicit instead of overwriting it.

i = 0

Here, we’ll set up some helper code.

def mu_to_df(mu,i):
    mu_df = pd.DataFrame(mu,columns=['x0','x1'])
    mu_df['iteration'] = str(i)
    mu_df['class'] = ['M'+str(i) for i in range(K)]
    mu_df['type'] = 'mu'
    return mu_df

cmap_pt = sns.color_palette('tab20',8)[1::2]
cmap_mu = sns.color_palette('tab20',8)[0::2]

You can see that this whole color pallete is paired colors, and what the cmap_pt and cmap_mu do is take odd and even subsets of the palette into two separate


Now, we will compute, fo each sample which of those four points it is closest to first by taking the difference, squaring it, then summing along each row.

[((df[data_cols]-mu_i)**2).sum(axis=1) for mu_i in mu_0]
[0       0.0000
 1      38.2885
 2      10.3297
 3       8.8525
 4      32.0512
 195    14.6101
 196    23.9881
 197    19.4041
 198    13.0562
 199    12.9205
 Length: 200, dtype: float64,
 0       2.4154
 1      32.1813
 2       4.3245
 3      14.0753
 4      29.1482
 195    20.8025
 196    12.1805
 197    10.2629
 198    19.8932
 199    20.3785
 Length: 200, dtype: float64,
 0      18.5384
 1      14.2313
 2       1.3325
 3      23.3393
 4      16.5032
 195    28.4345
 196     0.5725
 197     0.1949
 198    29.6482
 199    31.4905
 Length: 200, dtype: float64,
 0      18.4445
 1      22.4650
 2      24.4546
 3       1.8752
 4      13.8749
 195     0.3488
 196    44.3848
 197    32.0072
 198     0.4649
 199     0.5408
 Length: 200, dtype: float64]

This gives us a list of 4 data DataFrames, one for each mean (mu), with one row for each point in the dataset with the distance from that point to the corresponding mean. We can stack these into one DataFrame.

pd.concat([((df[data_cols]-mu_i)**2).sum(axis=1) for mu_i in mu_0],axis=1).head()
0 1 2 3
0 0.0000 2.4154 18.5384 18.4445
1 38.2885 32.1813 14.2313 22.4650
2 10.3297 4.3245 1.3325 24.4546
3 8.8525 14.0753 23.3393 1.8752
4 32.0512 29.1482 16.5032 13.8749

Now we have one row per sample and one column per mean, with with the distance from that point to the mean. What we want is to calculate the assignment, which mean is closest, for each point. Using idxmin with axis=1 we take the minimum across each row and returns the index (location) of that minimum.

pd.concat([((df[data_cols]-mu_i)**2).sum(axis=1) for mu_i in mu_0],axis=1).idxmin(axis=1)
0      0
1      2
2      2
3      3
4      3
195    3
196    2
197    2
198    3
199    3
Length: 200, dtype: int64

We’ll save all of this in a column named '0'. Since it is our 0th iteration.

This is called the assignment step.

df[str(i)] = pd.concat([((df[data_cols]-mu_i)**2).sum(axis=1) for mu_i in mu_0],axis=1).idxmin(axis=1)
x0 x1 true_cluster 0
0 5.80 1.53 C 0
1 2.34 6.66 B 2
2 5.64 4.74 D 2
3 2.89 2.15 A 3
4 1.96 5.69 B 3

Now we can plot the data, save the axis, and plot the means on top of that. Seaborn plotting functions return an axis, by saving that to a variable, we can pass it to the ax parameter of another plotting function so that both plotting functions go on the same figure.

sfig = sns.scatterplot(data =df,x='x0',y='x1',hue='0',palette=cmap_pt,legend=False)
# plt.plot(mu[:,0],mu[:,1],marker='s',linewidth=0)
mu_df = mu_to_df(mu_0,i)
sns.scatterplot(data =mu_df,x='x0',y='x1',hue='class',palette=cmap_mu,ax=sfig,legend=False)
# sfig.get_figure().savefig('kmeans01.png')
<Axes: xlabel='x0', ylabel='x1'>

We see that each point is assigned to the lighter shade of its matching mean. These points are the one that is closest to each point, but they’re not the centers of the point clouds. Now, we can compute new means of the points assigned to each cluster, using groupby.

mu_1 = df.groupby('0')[data_cols].mean().values

We can plot these again, the same data, but with the new means.

fig = plt.figure()
mu_df = mu_to_df(mu_1,1)
sfig = sns.scatterplot(data =df,x='x0',y='x1',hue='0',palette=cmap_pt,legend=False)
sns.scatterplot(data =mu_df,x='x0',y='x1',hue='class',palette=cmap_mu,ax=sfig,legend=False)
<Axes: xlabel='x0', ylabel='x1'>

We see that now the means are in the center of each cluster, but that there are now points in one color that are assigned to other clusters.

So, again we can update the assignments.

i=1 #increment 
df[str(i)] = pd.concat([((df[data_cols]-mu_i)**2).sum(axis=1) for mu_i in mu_1],axis=1).idxmin(axis=1)
x0 x1 true_cluster 0 1
0 5.80 1.53 C 0 0
1 2.34 6.66 B 2 2
2 5.64 4.74 D 2 2
3 2.89 2.15 A 3 3
4 1.96 5.69 B 3 3

And plot again.

sfig = sns.scatterplot(data =df,x='x0',y='x1',hue=str(i),palette=cmap_pt,legend=False)
# plt.plot(mu[:,0],mu[:,1],marker='s',linewidth=0)
mu_df = mu_to_df(mu_1,i)
sns.scatterplot(data =mu_df,x='x0',y='x1',hue='class',palette=cmap_mu,ax=sfig,legend=False)
<Axes: xlabel='x0', ylabel='x1'>

If we keep going back and forth like this, eventually, the assignment step will not change any assignments. We call this condition convergence. We can implement the algorithm with a while loop.


In the following I swapped the order of the mean update and assignment steps.
My previous version had a different initialization (the above part) so it was okay for the steps to be in the other order.

mu_list = [mu_to_df(mu_0,0),mu_to_df(mu_1,1)]
cur_old = str(i-1)
cur_new = str(i)
mu = mu_1
while sum(df[cur_old] !=df[cur_new]) >0:
    cur_old = cur_new
    i +=1
    cur_new = str(i)
    #     update the means and plot with current generating assignments
    mu = df.groupby(cur_old)[data_cols].mean().values
    mu_df = mu_to_df(mu,i)

    fig = plt.figure()
    # plot with old assignments
    sfig = sns.scatterplot(data =df,x='x0',y='x1',hue=cur_old,palette=cmap_pt,legend=False)
    sns.scatterplot(data =mu_df,x='x0',y='x1',hue='class',palette=cmap_mu,ax=sfig,legend=False)
    file_num = str(i*2 -1).zfill(2)
    sfig.get_figure().savefig('kmeans' +file_num + '.png')
    #     update the assigments and plot with the associated means
    df[cur_new] = pd.concat([((df[data_cols]-mu_i)**2).sum(axis=1) for mu_i in mu],axis=1).idxmin(axis=1)
    fig = plt.figure()
    sfig = sns.scatterplot(data =df,x='x0',y='x1',hue=cur_new,palette=cmap_pt,legend=False)
    sns.scatterplot(data =mu_df,x='x0',y='x1',hue='class',palette=cmap_mu,ax=sfig,legend=False)
#     plt.plot(mu[:,0],mu[:,1],marker='s',linewidth=0)
    # we are making 2 images per iteration
    file_num = str(i*2).zfill(2)
    sfig.get_figure().savefig('kmeans' +file_num + '.png')
../_images/e4a29ef5d8e3d434206a42faa4bcdbc4d028deb677fddf2f9c7f76a1eece9605.png ../_images/d5650cd6df4b3527e46495c58499cf6819e07c33b846bfa1b7a898dd1e73e08e.png ../_images/72ccd62d52a96b135987c3bd815a03e281c31d795f8c1b432d66d09275b6366c.png ../_images/25459d0786665f15049e50a57dae9902aee4a8a89c9773e30b7a575d4b46d4eb.png ../_images/9926f59943de0fec2eca5666d876276e60542081dd7d4cdd2450fc965a53c7ed.png ../_images/87ea5ee8b450dc358749985be111ffe98a0fda143479422783a43d9484084816.png ../_images/3ae89a74628c3916d93310ca48cb209435933d6a6c8cebf9779892163c4c0f11.png ../_images/de4ac36ab874de3c4b98f078101cc0929dfa364b80fb8cc36fb9aa94f70bca46.png ../_images/1e151c97d812990cf45d1162c0e7a8e169cd0f7132898e8687c52c769036477d.png ../_images/b328e65e2b6aa2cc5349551e9649db24002e1437bb9bf5d81f911179fb23bd74.png ../_images/553545375a567010252844e46eb2f8c7aa63a800bc79ef6e12d896b13fc729c0.png ../_images/dca3a303784a0f9e5b9657ee1c828df21a9debcd431cd2b19af5f051fd766d84.png ../_images/ab87ed57fef86c8f9268ffccc099ae479f449911b1dec4bc3e16106117ab24cb.png ../_images/cfb155669cbc85430b834409b1996c5c2e0fc0663a59a35c456b8ed36fb99bf6.png ../_images/9222777c4da473590e81037d59fb87d241ba485e60c7928392fa646f28ffe50e.png ../_images/58b175d651de0841ae74daaffa094735e26d5c742fc3b5115778169f4368dcd7.png ../_images/4475906f1697b4f3c1f8fe9f987bd8bf6be00871b36614165b0867a3e4918cfa.png ../_images/5eb71c0077ca544e47677bfc7b734d0694fadee679a844e221f7f6772b31cb19.png ../_images/d7ea0c1f0a80e88b7e0ff211ac9db8aaa69aabc1007439504436af4b5d1f3f43.png ../_images/d7ea0c1f0a80e88b7e0ff211ac9db8aaa69aabc1007439504436af4b5d1f3f43.png

This algorithm is random. So each time we run it, it looks a little different.

The savefig step allows me to save the separate images and then I converted them into gifs. I have saved some from today as well as some past ones.

scatterplot of gaussian data in 4 clusters running kmeans

scatterplot of gaussian data in 4 clusters running kmeans

scatterplot of gaussian data in 4 clusters running kmeans

scatterplot of gaussian data in 4 clusters running kmeans

scatterplot of gaussian data in 4 clusters running kmeans

df_vis = df.melt(id_vars = ['x0','x1'], var_name ='iteration',value_name='class')
df_vis.replace({'class':{i:c for i,c in enumerate(string.ascii_uppercase[:C])}},inplace=True)

df_vis['type'] = 'pt'
df_mu_vis = pd.concat([pd.concat(mu_list),df_vis])
cmap = sns.color_palette('tab20',8)
n_iter = i

sfig = sns.relplot(data=df_mu_vis,x='x0',y='x1',hue='class',col='iteration',
            col_wrap=3,hue_order = ['M0','A','M1','B','M2','C','M3','D'],
           palette = cmap,size='type',col_order=[str(i) for i in range(n_iter+1)])

and another run I saved that has a lot of iterations:

grid of subplots of kmeans iterations

13.3. Clustering with KMeans#

We can fit it with the fit method. We have to instantiate it with the number of clusters.

Splitting to test and train is not always necessary, beacuse we are not testing predictions.

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4, random_state=0).fit(df[data_cols])
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/cluster/_kmeans.py:1416: FutureWarning: The default value of `n_init` will change from 10 to 'auto' in 1.4. Set the value of `n_init` explicitly to suppress the warning
  super()._check_params_vs_input(X, default_n_init=10)

Once it is fit the learned labels for each sample are saved.

array([2, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2,
       0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3,
       0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 3, 1, 0, 3,
       0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,
       0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0,
       1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1,
       2, 2, 0, 3, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0,
       0, 3, 2, 3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2,
       3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 3, 3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3,
       0, 0], dtype=int32)

As are the cluster centers.

array([[1.94389831, 1.97118644],
       [1.96773585, 5.99056604],
       [5.99333333, 1.96309524],
       [6.09391304, 5.9973913 ]])

In this toy dataset we can see that they match the true ones:

x0 x1
A 1.943898 1.971186
B 1.967736 5.990566
C 5.993333 1.963095
D 6.093913 5.997391

However, note that they can be in different orders.

13.4. Questions#

13.4.1. what happens if we do not know how many clusters there are?#

There are some clustering algorithms that can also learn the number of clusters, for example the Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model.

Alternatively, you can try the algorithm with different numbers of clusters and evaluate to determine which one is the best fit.

13.4.2. what’s the difference between synthetic data and data from the gaussian machine learning model.#

They’re both Gaussian data. This data is actually a little bit simpler than the GNB data, because all of the variances are the same.

13.4.3. How helpful would clustering be over the previous classifiers if there are no discernible groups within 2D plots of the data?#

Clustering is for a case of a different goal. It is for when there are no labels, but you have reason to beleive that there are separate groups.

If the data has a even just 3 features it is possible that the clusters are not visible in 2D plots but exist and are findable with KMeans.

13.4.4. How do clustering algorithms relate the data to the desired output. is it pureley for humans to be able to understand what the data is or is there some deeper systems going on.#

Clustering can help you discover groups in the data even if they are not available in the real data. It is a way to discover something else that is going on that was not known in advance.

13.4.5. What are some more applications for clustering?#

Some example applications:

  • one of my lab mates in grad school, used unsupervised learning in collaboration with medical doctors to discover subtypes of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pluminary Disorder).

  • Etsy Data Scientists used clustering to discover “styles” of products like geometric, farmhouse, goth, etc.

  • My Dissertation research was a different type of unsupervised learning but similar, to use brain imagaing data and discover what images different people in a study viewed which images as similar.

  • a data scientist at ESPN might think there are “types” of players in a sport, they could use data on the players to discover it

  • a data scientist at a retail company like Walmart or Target might think there are “types” of customers and what to discover them from the data on what people have purchased.

13.4.6. How can clustering benefit the analysis of data?#

It allows you to find groups in the data that is not an available column.