1. Assignment 1: Portfolio Setup, Data Science, and Python#


Eligible skills: (links to checklists)

1.2. To Do#


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Your task is to:

  1. Install required software from the Tools & Resource page

  2. Create your portfolio, by

  3. Learn about your portfolio from the README file on your repository.

  4. edit _config.yml to set your name as author and change the logo if you wish

  5. Fill in about/index.md with information about yourself(not evaluated, but useful) and your own definition of data science (graded for level 1 process)

  6. Add a Jupyter notebook called grading.ipynb to the about folder and write a function that computes a grade for this course, with the docstring below.

  7. Add the line   - file: about/grading in your _toc.yml file.


Do not merge your “Feedback” Pull Request

1.2.1. Docstring#

    Computes a grade for CSC/DSP310 from numbers of achievements at each level

    num_level1 : int
      number of level 1 achievements earned
    num_level2 : int
      number of level 2 achievements earned
    num_level3 : int
      number of level 3 achievements earned

    letter_grade : string
      letter grade with possible modifier (+/-)

1.2.2. Sample tests#

Here are some sample tests you could run to confirm that your function works correctly:

assert compute_grade(15,15,15) == 'A'

assert compute_grade(15,15,13) == 'A-'

assert compute_grade(15,14,14) == 'B-'

assert compute_grade(14,14,14) == 'C-'

assert compute_grade(4,3,1) == 'D'

assert compute_grade(15,15,6) =='B+'

1.2.3. Notebook Checklist#

  • a Markdown cell with a heading

  • your function called compute_grade

  • three calls to your function that verify it returns the correct value for different number of badges that produce at three different letter grades.

1.2.4. Grading Notes:#

  • a basic function that uses conditionals in python will earn level 1 python

  • to earn level 2 python use pythonic code to write a loop that tests your function’s correctness, by iterating over a list or dictionary. Remember you will have many chances to earn level 2 achievement in python, so you do not need to do this step for this assignment if you are not sure how.


skills will be marked like this on the first time they are eligible. There will also be a on skills for the last assignment they are eligible


process is a special skill. You’ll earn level 1 in this assignment or a soon one and two in either portfolio 1 or assignments 6-10, then level 3 in portfolio 2,3, or 4.