Syllabus and Grading FAQ#

How much does assignment x, class participation, or a portfolio check weigh in my grade?#

There is no specific weight for any activities, because your grade is based on earning achievements for the skills listed in the skills rubric.

However, if you do not submit (or earn no achievements from) assignments or portfolios, the maximum grade you can earn is a C. If you do not submit (or earn no achievements from) your portfolio, the maximum grade you can earn is a B.

What time are assignments due?#

End of day. I could start grading at any time the next morning. If your work is not there when I start grading it will not be graded, but if it is, I won’t check the time stamp.

Can I submit this assignment late if …?#

Late assignments are not accepted, however, your grade is based on the skills, not the assignments. All skills are assessed in at least two assignments, so missing any one will not hurt your grade. If you need an accommodation because you cannot submit multiple assignments, contact Dr. Brown.

I don’t understand my grade on this assignment#

If you have questions about your grade, the best place to get feedback is to reply on the Feedback PR. Either reply directly to one of the inline comments, or the summary.

Be specific about what you think you should have earned and why.