11. Assignment 11: Model Comparison#

11.1. Quick Facts#

11.3. Assessment#

Eligible skills: (links to checklists)

  • first chance compare 1 and 2

  • optimization 1 and 2

  • clustering 1 and 2

  • regression 1 and 2

  • classification 1 and 2

  • evaluate (must use extra metrics to earn this here) 1 and 2

  • summarize 1 and 2

  • visualize 1 and 2

11.4. Instructions#


this is best for regression or classification, but if you use clustering use the scoring parameter to pass better metrics than the default of the score method.


You can use the same dataset you used in one of the last few assignments

Choose a dataset, it can be appropriate for classification, regression, or clustering. Fit at least two models for the same task and choose the appropriate metrics to compare the fit. Decide which model you would recommend based on a realistic setting for that dataset and include evidence justifying that choice. Summarize your findings with plots and tables as appropriate.

You can reuse a dataset you’ve used on for one of the previous assignments or choose another.

Think Ahead

How would this decision making compare for a more complex model or in more realistic setting.