9. Merging and Databases#

9.1. Announcements#

Assignment 3 is graded, but only today, so A4 is extended until tomorrow so that you can incorporate your A3 feedback into A4 (in particular, extending you EDA if you did not earn level 2 for summarize and visualize in A3).

Your achievement trackers are updated.

Take a few minutes to think about the following questions and make a few notes for yourself whereever you need them to be (a planner, calendar, etc).

  1. What achievements have you earned?

  2. Does your tracking repo seem accurate to what you’ve done? If not, make an issue to ask about it.

  3. Are you on track to earn the grade you want in this class?

  4. If not, what will you need to do (respond more in class, submit more assignments, use your portfolio to catch up) to get back on track?

  5. If you are on track and you want to earn above a B, take a minute to think about your portfolio. (tip: post an idea as an issue to get early feedback and help shaping your idea)

9.2. Merging Data#

Focus this week is on how to programmatically combine sources of data

We will start by looking at combining multiple tabular data formats and see how to get data from other sources.

import pandas as pd
import sqlite3
from urllib import request

we’re going to work with a set of datasets today that are stored in a repo.

course_data_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rhodyprog4ds/rhodyds/main/data/'

We can load in two data sets of player information.

df_18 = pd.read_csv(course_data_url+'2018-players.csv')
df_19 = pd.read_csv(course_data_url+'2019-players.csv')

and take a peek at each

0 1610612761 202695 2018
1 1610612761 1627783 2018
2 1610612761 201188 2018
3 1610612761 201980 2018
4 1610612761 200768 2018
0 Royce O'Neale 1610612762 1626220 2019
1 Bojan Bogdanovic 1610612762 202711 2019
2 Rudy Gobert 1610612762 203497 2019
3 Donovan Mitchell 1610612762 1628378 2019
4 Mike Conley 1610612762 201144 2019


Remember columns is an attribute, so it does not need ()

Index(['PLAYER_NAME', 'TEAM_ID', 'PLAYER_ID', 'SEASON'], dtype='object')

Let’s make note of the shape of each

df_18.shape, df_19.shape
((748, 3), (626, 4))

9.2.1. What if we want to analyze them together?#

We can stack them, but this does not make it easy to see , for example, who changed teams.

0 1610612761 202695 2018 NaN
1 1610612761 1627783 2018 NaN
2 1610612761 201188 2018 NaN
3 1610612761 201980 2018 NaN
4 1610612761 200768 2018 NaN
... ... ... ... ...
621 1610612745 203461 2019 Anthony Bennett
622 1610612737 1629034 2019 Ray Spalding
623 1610612744 203906 2019 Devyn Marble
624 1610612753 1629755 2019 Hassani Gravett
625 1610612754 1629721 2019 JaKeenan Gant

1374 rows × 4 columns

(1374, 4)

Note that this has the maximum number of columns (because both had some overlapping columns) and the total number of rows.

9.2.2. How can we find which players changed teams?#

To do this we want to have one player column and a column with each year’s team.

We can use a merge to do that.


if we merge them without any parameters, it tries to merge on all shared columns. We want to merge them using the PLAYER_ID column though, we would say that we are “merging on player ID” and we use the on parameter to do it. In this case, it looks for the values in the PLAYER_ID column that appear in both DataFrames and combines them into a single row.

0 1610612761 202695 2018 Kawhi Leonard 1610612746 2019
1 1610612761 1627783 2018 Pascal Siakam 1610612761 2019
2 1610612761 201188 2018 Marc Gasol 1610612761 2019
3 1610612763 201188 2018 Marc Gasol 1610612761 2019
4 1610612761 201980 2018 Danny Green 1610612747 2019
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
533 1610612760 203583 2018 Abdul Gaddy 1610612760 2019
534 1610612760 203460 2018 Andre Roberson 1610612760 2019
535 1610612755 203658 2018 Norvel Pelle 1610612755 2019
536 1610612741 1627756 2018 Denzel Valentine 1610612741 2019
537 1610612754 203912 2018 C.J. Wilcox 1610612754 2019

538 rows × 6 columns

Since there are other columns that appear in both DataFrames, they get a suffix, which by default is x or y, we can specify them though.

df_1819_inner = pd.merge(df_18,df_19,on='PLAYER_ID',suffixes=('_2018','_2019'))
(538, 6)

By default, this uses an inner merge, so we get the players that are in both datasets only. If we want to see differences, we need another type of merge.

Some players still appear twice, because they were in one of the datsets twice, this happens when a player plays for two team in one season.

9.2.3. Which players played in 2018, but not 2019?#

We have different types of merges, inner is both, out is either. Left and right keep all the rows of one dataFrame. We can use left with df_18 as the left DataFrame to see which players played only in 18.

df_1819_outer = pd.merge(df_18,df_19,how='outer',on='PLAYER_ID',suffixes=('_2018','_2019'),)
0 1.610613e+09 202695 2018.0 Kawhi Leonard 1.610613e+09 2019.0
1 1.610613e+09 1627783 2018.0 Pascal Siakam 1.610613e+09 2019.0
2 1.610613e+09 201188 2018.0 Marc Gasol 1.610613e+09 2019.0
3 1.610613e+09 201188 2018.0 Marc Gasol 1.610613e+09 2019.0
4 1.610613e+09 201980 2018.0 Danny Green 1.610613e+09 2019.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
922 NaN 1629097 NaN Terry Larrier 1.610613e+09 2019.0
923 NaN 203461 NaN Anthony Bennett 1.610613e+09 2019.0
924 NaN 203906 NaN Devyn Marble 1.610613e+09 2019.0
925 NaN 1629755 NaN Hassani Gravett 1.610613e+09 2019.0
926 NaN 1629721 NaN JaKeenan Gant 1.610613e+09 2019.0

927 rows × 6 columns

Also, note that this has different types than before. There are some players who only played one season, so they have a NaN value in some colums. pandas always casts a whole column.

TEAM_ID_2018     int64
PLAYER_ID        int64
SEASON_2018      int64
PLAYER_NAME     object
TEAM_ID_2019     int64
SEASON_2019      int64
dtype: object
TEAM_ID_2018    float64
PLAYER_ID         int64
SEASON_2018     float64
PLAYER_NAME      object
TEAM_ID_2019    float64
SEASON_2019     float64
dtype: object

nan is a float

import numpy as np

Back the the question, we can also use a left merge. To pick out those rows:

df_1819left = pd.merge(df_18,df_19,how='left',on='PLAYER_ID',suffixes=('_2018','_2019'),)
df_18only = df_1819left[df_1819left['SEASON_2019'].isna()]
9 1610612761 202391 2018 NaN NaN NaN
11 1610612761 201975 2018 NaN NaN NaN
18 1610612744 101106 2018 NaN NaN NaN
23 1610612744 2733 2018 NaN NaN NaN
24 1610612744 201973 2018 NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
749 1610612752 1629246 2018 NaN NaN NaN
750 1610612748 1629159 2018 NaN NaN NaN
751 1610612762 1629163 2018 NaN NaN NaN
752 1610612743 1629150 2018 NaN NaN NaN
753 1610612738 1629167 2018 NaN NaN NaN

216 rows × 6 columns

1629150    4
202325     3
201160     3
1628393    3
202328     3
1628515    1
1627816    1
1628979    1
2736       1
1629167    1
Name: count, Length: 178, dtype: int64

9.3. Getting Data from Databases#

9.3.1. What is a Database?#

A common attitude in Data Science is:

If your data fits in memory there is no advantage to putting it in a database: it will only be slower and more frustrating. — Hadley Wickham

Businesses and research organizations nearly always have too much data to feasibly work without a database. Instead, they use different tools which are designed to scale to very large amounts of data. These tools are largely databases like Snowflake or Google’s BigQuery and distributed computing frameworks like Apache Spark.


We are going to focus on the case of getting data out of a Database so that you can use it and making sure you know what a Database is.

You could spend a whole semester on databases:

  • CSC436 covers how to implement them in detail (recommended, but requires CSC212)

  • BAI456 only how to use them (counts for DS majors, but if you want to understand them deeper, the CSC one is recommended)

For the purpose of this class the key attributes of a database are:

  • it is a collection of tables

  • the data is accessed live from disk (not RAM)

  • you send a query to the database to get the data (or your answer)

Databases can be designed in many different ways. For examples two popular ones.

  • SQLite is optimized for transactional workloads, which means a high volume of requests that involving inserting or reading a couple things. This is good for eg a webserver.

  • DuckDB is optimized for analytical workloads, which means a small number of requests that each require reading many records in the database. This is better for eg: data science

Experimenting with DuckDB is a way to earn construct level 3

9.3.2. Accessing a Database from Python#

We will use pandas again, as well as the request module from the urllib package and sqlite3.

Off the shelf, pandas cannot read databased by default. We’ll use the sqlite3 library, but there are others, depending on the type of database.

First we need to download the database to work with it.

('nba1819.db', <http.client.HTTPMessage at 0x7f10ed5f5c10>)

Next, we set up a connection, that links the the notebook to the database. To use it, we add a cursor.

conn = sqlite3.connect('nba1819.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()

We can use execute to pass SQL queries through the cursor to the database.

cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
<sqlite3.Cursor at 0x7f10ed60d1f0>

Then we use fetchall to get the the results of the query.


If we fetch again, there is nothing to fetch. Fetch pulls what was queued by execute.


We can run another query with execute then fetch that result. This query gives us the column names.

The schema of a database is the description of its setup and layout. The * means to get all.

OperationalError                          Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[25], line 1

OperationalError: no such table: INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS

Then we use fetchall to get the the results of the query.


9.4. Querying with pandas#

We can use pd.read_sql to send queries, get the result sand transform them into a DataFrame all at once

We can pass the exact same queries if we want.

pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';",conn)
0 teams
1 conferences
2 playerGameStats2018
3 playerGameStats2019
4 teamGameStats2018
5 teamGameStats2019
6 playerTeams2018
7 playerTeams2019
8 teamDailyRankings2018
9 teamDailyRankings2019
10 playerNames
pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM teams',conn).head(1)
0 0 0 1610612737 1949 2019 ATL Hawks 1949 Atlanta State Farm Arena 18729.0 Tony Ressler Travis Schlenk Lloyd Pierce Erie Bayhawks

9.4.1. Which player was traded the most during the 2018 season? How many times?#

There is one row in players per team a played for per season, so if a player was traded (changed teams), they are in there multiple times.

First, we’ll check the column names

pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM playerTeams2018 LIMIT 1",conn)
0 0 1610612761 202695

then get the 2018 players, we only need the PLAYER_ID column for this question

p18 =pd.read_sql("SELECT PLAYER_ID FROM playerTeams2018 ",conn)

Then we can use value counts

1629150      4
202325       3
203092       3
201160       3
202328       3
1626150      3
1628393      3
202083       3
202692       3
203477       3
Name: count, dtype: int64

and we can get the player’s name from the player name remember our first query told us all the tables

pd.read_sql("SELECT PLAYER_NAME FROM playerNames WHERE PLAYER_ID = 1629150",conn)
0 Emanuel Terry

9.4.2. Did more players who changed teams from the 2018 season to the 2019 season stay in the same conferences or switch conferences?#

In the NBA, there are 30 teams organized into two conferences: East and West; the conferences table has the columns TEAM_ID and CONFERENCE

Let’s build a Dataframe that could answer the question.

I first pulled 1 row from each table I needed to see the columns.

pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM conferences LIMIT 1',conn)
0 0 1610612744 West
pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM playerTeams2018 LIMIT 1',conn)
0 0 1610612761 202695
pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM playerTeams2019 LIMIT 1',conn)
0 0 1610612762 1626220

Then I pulled the columns I needed from each of the 3 tables into a separate DataFrame.

conf_df = pd.read_sql('SELECT TEAM_ID,CONFERENCE FROM conferences',conn)
df18 = pd.read_sql('SELECT TEAM_ID,PLAYER_ID FROM playerTeams2018',conn)
df19 = pd.read_sql('SELECT TEAM_ID,PLAYER_ID FROM playerTeams2019',conn)
df18_c = pd.merge(df18,conf_df,on='TEAM_ID')
df19_c = pd.merge(df19,conf_df,on='TEAM_ID')
df1819_conf = pd.merge(df18_c,df19_c, on='PLAYER_ID',suffixes=('_2018','_2019'))
0 1610612761 202695 East 1610612746 West
1 1610612761 1627783 East 1610612761 East
2 1610612761 201188 East 1610612761 East
3 1610612763 201188 West 1610612761 East
4 1610612761 201980 East 1610612747 West
... ... ... ... ... ...
533 1610612739 1628021 East 1610612751 East
534 1610612739 201567 East 1610612739 East
535 1610612739 202684 East 1610612739 East
536 1610612739 1628424 East 1610612766 East
537 1610612739 1627819 East 1610612761 East

538 rows × 5 columns

Then I merged the conference with each set of player informationon the teams. Then I merged the two expanded single year DataFrames together.

Now, to answer the question, we have a bit more work to do. I’m going to use a lambda and apply to make a column that says same or new for the relative conference of the two seasons.

labels = {False:'new',True:'same'}
change_conf = lambda row: labels[row['CONFERENCE_2018']==row['CONFERENCE_2019']]
df1819_conf['conference_1819']= df1819_conf.apply(change_conf,axis=1)
TEAM_ID_2018 PLAYER_ID CONFERENCE_2018 TEAM_ID_2019 CONFERENCE_2019 conference_1819
0 1610612761 202695 East 1610612746 West new
1 1610612761 1627783 East 1610612761 East same
2 1610612761 201188 East 1610612761 East same
3 1610612763 201188 West 1610612761 East new
4 1610612761 201980 East 1610612747 West new

Then I can use this DataFrame grouped by my new column to get the unique players in each situation new or same conference.

new     [202695, 201188, 201980, 203961, 1626153, 1011...
same    [1627783, 201188, 200768, 1627832, 201586, 162...
Name: PLAYER_ID, dtype: object

And finally, get the length of each of those lists.

new     119
same    385
Name: PLAYER_ID, dtype: int64

This, however, includes players who stayed on the same team, so we also need to split for who changed teams. First we add the team comparison column, then groupby by both and count unique players.

new_team = lambda row: labels[row['TEAM_ID_2018']==row['TEAM_ID_2019']]
df1819_conf['team_1819']= df1819_conf.apply(new_team,axis=1)
conference_1819  team_1819
new              new          119
same             new          135
                 same         263
Name: PLAYER_ID, dtype: int64

This is good, we could read the answer from here. It’s good practice, though, to be able to pull that value out programmatically.

player_counts_1819_team =  df1819_conf.groupby(['conference_1819','team_1819'])['PLAYER_ID'].apply(pd.unique).apply(len)
('same', 'same')

This tells us that the largest number of players stayed on the same team (and therefore same conference). We’re not interested inthis thoug, we’re itnerested in those that changed teams, so we can drop the (same,same) value and then do this again.

('same', 'new')

This tells us that more players changed teams within the same conference than changed teams and conferences. We can compare the two directly:

player_counts_1819_team['new','new'], player_counts_1819_team['same','new']
(119, 135)

Again 135 is more than 119.

We can also make this a little neater to print it as a DataFrame. If we use reset_index it will make a DataFrame, but the count column will still be named PLAYER_ID so we can rename it.

conference_1819 team_1819 num_players
0 new new 119
1 same new 135
2 same same 263

All in all, this gives us a good answer that we can get with data and display answers and this is one way that using multiple data sources can help answer richer questions.

9.5. Questions After Class#

9.5.1. Is there a max DB size?#

Generally, no. In specific instances, yes. For example, MSFT SQL Server has a max size of 524,272 terabytes.

9.5.2. when can pandas not use SQL databases?#

The most important limit here is realy that the cmoputer you are working on will have limits on how much data you can pull from the database into local RAM.

9.5.3. how do you learn more about different quieries you can use for sql?#

Wizard zines has a good reference, but it is not free. I have some of their other work though and it is all high quality. this preview is especially helpful for me If the cost is prohibitive for you, but the preview of this looks like something you would like, send me an e-mail.

This cheatsheet is also good.

9.5.4. What other SQL ‘keywords’ in the queries are there? ex: SELECT, FROM, WHERE#

quick reference