3. Grading review, Pandas, and Iterables#

3.1. Grading Calculation#

here is my solution

def compute_grade(num_level1,num_level2,num_level3):
    Computes a grade for CSC/DSP310 from numbers of achievements at each level

    num_level1 : int
      number of level 1 achievements earned
    num_level2 : int
      number of level 2 achievements earned
    num_level3 : int
      number of level 3 achievements earned

    letter_grade : string
      letter grade with modifier (+/-)
    if num_level1 == 15:
        if num_level2 == 15:
            if num_level3 == 15:
                grade = 'A'
            elif num_level3 >= 10:
                grade = 'A-'
            elif num_level3 >=5:
                grade = 'B+'
                grade = 'B'
        elif num_level2 >=10:
            grade = 'B-'
        elif num_level2 >=5:
            grade = 'C+'
            grade = 'C'
    elif num_level1 >= 10:
        grade = 'C-'
    elif num_level1 >= 5:
        grade = 'D+'
    elif num_level1 >=3:
        grade = 'D'
        grade = 'F'

    return grade

Note that we can verify it works using assert

assert compute_grade(15,15,15) =='A'
assert compute_grade(15,15,9) =='B+'

this also means we can assign the value out

my_grade = compute_grade(15,11,5)

Alternatively if we use a side effect instead, printing the value instead of returning it.

def compute_grade_sideeffect(num_level1,num_level2,num_level3):
    Computes a grade for CSC/DSP310 from numbers of achievements at each level

    num_level1 : int
      number of level 1 achievements earned
    num_level2 : int
      number of level 2 achievements earned
    num_level3 : int
      number of level 3 achievements earned

    letter_grade : string
      letter grade with modifier (+/-)
    if num_level1 == 15:
        if num_level2 == 15:
            if num_level3 == 15:
                grade = 'A'
            elif num_level3 >= 10:
                grade = 'A-'
            elif num_level3 >=5:
                grade = 'B+'
                grade = 'B'
        elif num_level2 >=10:
            grade = 'B-'
        elif num_level2 >=5:
            grade = 'C+'
            grade = 'C'
    elif num_level1 >= 10:
        grade = 'C-'
    elif num_level1 >= 5:
        grade = 'D+'
    elif num_level1 >=3:
        grade = 'D'
        grade = 'F'

    print( grade)

Look this way it looks similar:


and python lets us assign something

my_grade = compute_grade_sideeffect(15,15,15)

but the output is nothing


3.2. Loading data with Pandas#

First we learned about the dataset then we can load it.

coffee_data_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jldbc/coffee-quality-database/master/data/robusta_data_cleaned.csv'

We will use pandas.

import pandas as pd 

load the data

coffee_df = pd.read_csv(coffee_data_url,index_col=0)
Index(['Species', 'Owner', 'Country.of.Origin', 'Farm.Name', 'Lot.Number',
       'Mill', 'ICO.Number', 'Company', 'Altitude', 'Region', 'Producer',
       'Number.of.Bags', 'Bag.Weight', 'In.Country.Partner', 'Harvest.Year',
       'Grading.Date', 'Owner.1', 'Variety', 'Processing.Method',
       'Fragrance...Aroma', 'Flavor', 'Aftertaste', 'Salt...Acid',
       'Bitter...Sweet', 'Mouthfeel', 'Uniform.Cup', 'Clean.Cup', 'Balance',
       'Cupper.Points', 'Total.Cup.Points', 'Moisture', 'Category.One.Defects',
       'Quakers', 'Color', 'Category.Two.Defects', 'Expiration',
       'Certification.Body', 'Certification.Address', 'Certification.Contact',
       'unit_of_measurement', 'altitude_low_meters', 'altitude_high_meters',
(28, 43)
Species Owner Country.of.Origin Farm.Name Lot.Number Mill ICO.Number Company Altitude Region ... Color Category.Two.Defects Expiration Certification.Body Certification.Address Certification.Contact unit_of_measurement altitude_low_meters altitude_high_meters altitude_mean_meters
1 Robusta ankole coffee producers coop Uganda kyangundu cooperative society NaN ankole coffee producers 0 ankole coffee producers coop 1488 sheema south western ... Green 2 June 26th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1488.0 1488.0 1488.0
2 Robusta nishant gurjer India sethuraman estate kaapi royale 25 sethuraman estate 14/1148/2017/21 kaapi royale 3170 chikmagalur karnataka indua ... NaN 2 October 31st, 2018 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m 3170.0 3170.0 3170.0
3 Robusta andrew hetzel India sethuraman estate NaN NaN 0000 sethuraman estate 1000m chikmagalur ... Green 0 April 29th, 2016 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0
4 Robusta ugacof Uganda ugacof project area NaN ugacof 0 ugacof ltd 1212 central ... Green 7 July 14th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1212.0 1212.0 1212.0
5 Robusta katuka development trust ltd Uganda katikamu capca farmers association NaN katuka development trust 0 katuka development trust ltd 1200-1300 luwero central region ... Green 3 June 26th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1200.0 1300.0 1250.0

5 rows × 43 columns

<bound method NDFrame.head of     Species                              Owner Country.of.Origin   
1   Robusta       ankole coffee producers coop            Uganda  \
2   Robusta                     nishant gurjer             India   
3   Robusta                      andrew hetzel             India   
4   Robusta                             ugacof            Uganda   
5   Robusta       katuka development trust ltd            Uganda   
6   Robusta                      andrew hetzel             India   
7   Robusta                      andrew hetzel             India   
8   Robusta                     nishant gurjer             India   
9   Robusta                     nishant gurjer             India   
10  Robusta                             ugacof            Uganda   
11  Robusta                             ugacof            Uganda   
12  Robusta                     nishant gurjer             India   
13  Robusta                      andrew hetzel             India   
14  Robusta  kasozi coffee farmers association            Uganda   
15  Robusta       ankole coffee producers coop            Uganda   
16  Robusta                      andrew hetzel             India   
17  Robusta                      andrew hetzel             India   
18  Robusta                 kawacom uganda ltd            Uganda   
19  Robusta                      nitubaasa ltd            Uganda   
20  Robusta              mannya coffee project            Uganda   
21  Robusta                      andrew hetzel             India   
22  Robusta                      andrew hetzel             India   
23  Robusta                      andrew hetzel     United States   
24  Robusta                        luis robles           Ecuador   
25  Robusta                        luis robles           Ecuador   
26  Robusta                        james moore     United States   
27  Robusta                      cafe politico             India   
28  Robusta                      cafe politico           Vietnam   

                             Farm.Name Lot.Number   
1        kyangundu cooperative society        NaN  \
2       sethuraman estate kaapi royale         25   
3                    sethuraman estate        NaN   
4                  ugacof project area        NaN   
5   katikamu capca farmers association        NaN   
6                                  NaN        NaN   
7                   sethuraman estates        NaN   
8       sethuraman estate kaapi royale          7   
9                    sethuraman estate        RKR   
10                              ishaka        NaN   
11                 ugacof project area        NaN   
12      sethuraman estate kaapi royale      RC AB   
13                  sethuraman estates        NaN   
14               kasozi coffee farmers        NaN   
15              kyangundu coop society        NaN   
16                   sethuraman estate        NaN   
17                  sethuraman estates        NaN   
18                            bushenyi        NaN   
19   kigezi coffee farmers association        NaN   
20               mannya coffee project        NaN   
21                  sethuraman estates        NaN   
22                  sethuraman estates        NaN   
23                  sethuraman estates        NaN   
24                           robustasa   Lavado 1   
25                           robustasa   Lavado 3   
26                     fazenda cazengo        NaN   
27                                 NaN        NaN   
28                                 NaN        NaN   

                                      Mill         ICO.Number   
1                  ankole coffee producers                  0  \
2                        sethuraman estate    14/1148/2017/21   
3                                      NaN               0000   
4                                   ugacof                  0   
5                 katuka development trust                  0   
6                                   (self)                NaN   
7                                      NaN                NaN   
8                        sethuraman estate    14/1148/2017/18   
9                        sethuraman estate    14/1148/2016/17   
10                            nsubuga umar                  0   
11                                  ugacof                  0   
12                       sethuraman estate    14/1148/2016/12   
13                                     NaN                NaN   
14                                     NaN                  0   
15  ankole coffee producers coop union ltd                  0   
16                                     NaN               0000   
17                      sethuraman estates                NaN   
18                                 kawacom                  0   
19                               nitubaasa                  0   
20                   mannya coffee project                  0   
21                                     NaN                NaN   
22                      sethuraman estates                NaN   
23                      sethuraman estates                NaN   
24                             our own lab                NaN   
25                          own laboratory                NaN   
26                            cafe cazengo                NaN   
27                                     NaN  14-1118-2014-0087   
28                                     NaN                NaN   

                              Company    Altitude   
1        ankole coffee producers coop        1488  \
2                        kaapi royale        3170   
3                   sethuraman estate       1000m   
4                          ugacof ltd        1212   
5        katuka development trust ltd   1200-1300   
6                     cafemakers, llc       3000'   
7                          cafemakers        750m   
8                        kaapi royale        3140   
9                        kaapi royale        1000   
10                         ugacof ltd    900-1300   
11                         ugacof ltd        1095   
12                       kaapi royale        1000   
13                         cafemakers        750m   
14  kasozi coffee farmers association        1367   
15       ankole coffee producers coop        1488   
16                  sethuraman estate       1000m   
17                    cafemakers, llc        750m   
18                 kawacom uganda ltd        1600   
19                      nitubaasa ltd        1745   
20              mannya coffee project        1200   
21                         cafemakers        750m   
22                    cafemakers, llc        750m   
23                    cafemakers, llc       3000'   
24                          robustasa         NaN   
25                          robustasa          40   
26            global opportunity fund  795 meters   
27                      cafe politico         NaN   
28                      cafe politico         NaN   

                           Region  ...         Color  Category.Two.Defects   
1            sheema south western  ...         Green                     2  \
2     chikmagalur karnataka indua  ...           NaN                     2   
3                     chikmagalur  ...         Green                     0   
4                         central  ...         Green                     7   
5           luwero central region  ...         Green                     3   
6                     chikmagalur  ...         Green                     0   
7                     chikmagalur  ...         Green                     0   
8     chikmagalur karnataka india  ...  Bluish-Green                     0   
9           chikmagalur karnataka  ...         Green                     0   
10                        western  ...         Green                     6   
11       iganga namadrope eastern  ...         Green                     1   
12          chikmagalur karnataka  ...         Green                     0   
13                    chikmagalur  ...         Green                     1   
14                        eastern  ...         Green                     7   
15                  south western  ...         Green                     2   
16                    chikmagalur  ...         Green                     0   
17                    chikmagalur  ...    Blue-Green                     0   
18                        western  ...         Green                     1   
19                        western  ...         Green                     2   
20                       southern  ...         Green                     1   
21                    chikmagalur  ...  Bluish-Green                     1   
22                    chikmagalur  ...         Green                     0   
23                    chikmagalur  ...         Green                     0   
24               san juan, playas  ...    Blue-Green                     1   
25               san juan, playas  ...    Blue-Green                     0   
26  kwanza norte province, angola  ...           NaN                     6   
27                            NaN  ...         Green                     1   
28                            NaN  ...           NaN                     9   

             Expiration                   Certification.Body   
1       June 26th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority  \
2    October 31st, 2018         Specialty Coffee Association   
3      April 29th, 2016         Specialty Coffee Association   
4       July 14th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
5       June 26th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
6   February 28th, 2013         Specialty Coffee Association   
7        May 15th, 2015         Specialty Coffee Association   
8    October 25th, 2018         Specialty Coffee Association   
9     August 17th, 2017         Specialty Coffee Association   
10     August 5th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
11      June 26th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
12    August 23rd, 2017         Specialty Coffee Association   
13       May 19th, 2015         Specialty Coffee Association   
14      July 14th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
15      July 14th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
16     April 29th, 2016         Specialty Coffee Association   
17       June 3rd, 2014         Specialty Coffee Association   
18      June 27th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
19      June 27th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
20      June 27th, 2015  Uganda Coffee Development Authority   
21       May 19th, 2015         Specialty Coffee Association   
22      June 20th, 2014         Specialty Coffee Association   
23  February 28th, 2013         Specialty Coffee Association   
24   January 18th, 2017         Specialty Coffee Association   
25   January 18th, 2017         Specialty Coffee Association   
26  December 23rd, 2015         Specialty Coffee Association   
27    August 25th, 2015         Specialty Coffee Association   
28    August 25th, 2015         Specialty Coffee Association   

1   e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743  \
2   ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
3   ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
4   e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
5   e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
6   ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
7   ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
8   ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
9   ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
10  e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
11  e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
12  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
13  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
14  e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
15  e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
16  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
17  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
18  e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
19  e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
20  e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743   
21  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
22  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
23  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
24  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
25  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
26  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
27  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   
28  ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720   

                       Certification.Contact unit_of_measurement   
1   03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m  \
2   352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
3   352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
4   03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
5   03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
6   352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
7   352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
8   352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
9   352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
10  03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
11  03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
12  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
13  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
14  03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
15  03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
16  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
17  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
18  03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
19  03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
20  03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8                   m   
21  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
22  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
23  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
24  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
25  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
26  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
27  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   
28  352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2                   m   

   altitude_low_meters altitude_high_meters  altitude_mean_meters  
1               1488.0               1488.0                1488.0  
2               3170.0               3170.0                3170.0  
3               1000.0               1000.0                1000.0  
4               1212.0               1212.0                1212.0  
5               1200.0               1300.0                1250.0  
6               3000.0               3000.0                3000.0  
7                750.0                750.0                 750.0  
8               3140.0               3140.0                3140.0  
9               1000.0               1000.0                1000.0  
10               900.0               1300.0                1100.0  
11              1095.0               1095.0                1095.0  
12              1000.0               1000.0                1000.0  
13               750.0                750.0                 750.0  
14              1367.0               1367.0                1367.0  
15              1488.0               1488.0                1488.0  
16              1000.0               1000.0                1000.0  
17               750.0                750.0                 750.0  
18              1600.0               1600.0                1600.0  
19              1745.0               1745.0                1745.0  
20              1200.0               1200.0                1200.0  
21               750.0                750.0                 750.0  
22               750.0                750.0                 750.0  
23              3000.0               3000.0                3000.0  
24                 NaN                  NaN                   NaN  
25                40.0                 40.0                  40.0  
26               795.0                795.0                 795.0  
27                 NaN                  NaN                   NaN  
28                 NaN                  NaN                   NaN  

[28 rows x 43 columns]>
Species Owner Country.of.Origin Farm.Name Lot.Number Mill ICO.Number Company Altitude Region ... Color Category.Two.Defects Expiration Certification.Body Certification.Address Certification.Contact unit_of_measurement altitude_low_meters altitude_high_meters altitude_mean_meters
1 Robusta ankole coffee producers coop Uganda kyangundu cooperative society NaN ankole coffee producers 0 ankole coffee producers coop 1488 sheema south western ... Green 2 June 26th, 2015 Uganda Coffee Development Authority e36d0270932c3b657e96b7b0278dfd85dc0fe743 03077a1c6bac60e6f514691634a7f6eb5c85aae8 m 1488.0 1488.0 1488.0
2 Robusta nishant gurjer India sethuraman estate kaapi royale 25 sethuraman estate 14/1148/2017/21 kaapi royale 3170 chikmagalur karnataka indua ... NaN 2 October 31st, 2018 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m 3170.0 3170.0 3170.0

2 rows × 43 columns

Species Owner Country.of.Origin Farm.Name Lot.Number Mill ICO.Number Company Altitude Region ... Color Category.Two.Defects Expiration Certification.Body Certification.Address Certification.Contact unit_of_measurement altitude_low_meters altitude_high_meters altitude_mean_meters
24 Robusta luis robles Ecuador robustasa Lavado 1 our own lab NaN robustasa NaN san juan, playas ... Blue-Green 1 January 18th, 2017 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m NaN NaN NaN
25 Robusta luis robles Ecuador robustasa Lavado 3 own laboratory NaN robustasa 40 san juan, playas ... Blue-Green 0 January 18th, 2017 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m 40.0 40.0 40.0
26 Robusta james moore United States fazenda cazengo NaN cafe cazengo NaN global opportunity fund 795 meters kwanza norte province, angola ... NaN 6 December 23rd, 2015 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m 795.0 795.0 795.0
27 Robusta cafe politico India NaN NaN NaN 14-1118-2014-0087 cafe politico NaN NaN ... Green 1 August 25th, 2015 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m NaN NaN NaN
28 Robusta cafe politico Vietnam NaN NaN NaN NaN cafe politico NaN NaN ... NaN 9 August 25th, 2015 Specialty Coffee Association ff7c18ad303d4b603ac3f8cff7e611ffc735e720 352d0cf7f3e9be14dad7df644ad65efc27605ae2 m NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 43 columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 28 entries, 1 to 28
Data columns (total 43 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                 --------------  -----  
 0   Species                28 non-null     object 
 1   Owner                  28 non-null     object 
 2   Country.of.Origin      28 non-null     object 
 3   Farm.Name              25 non-null     object 
 4   Lot.Number             6 non-null      object 
 5   Mill                   20 non-null     object 
 6   ICO.Number             17 non-null     object 
 7   Company                28 non-null     object 
 8   Altitude               25 non-null     object 
 9   Region                 26 non-null     object 
 10  Producer               26 non-null     object 
 11  Number.of.Bags         28 non-null     int64  
 12  Bag.Weight             28 non-null     object 
 13  In.Country.Partner     28 non-null     object 
 14  Harvest.Year           28 non-null     int64  
 15  Grading.Date           28 non-null     object 
 16  Owner.1                28 non-null     object 
 17  Variety                3 non-null      object 
 18  Processing.Method      10 non-null     object 
 19  Fragrance...Aroma      28 non-null     float64
 20  Flavor                 28 non-null     float64
 21  Aftertaste             28 non-null     float64
 22  Salt...Acid            28 non-null     float64
 23  Bitter...Sweet         28 non-null     float64
 24  Mouthfeel              28 non-null     float64
 25  Uniform.Cup            28 non-null     float64
 26  Clean.Cup              28 non-null     float64
 27  Balance                28 non-null     float64
 28  Cupper.Points          28 non-null     float64
 29  Total.Cup.Points       28 non-null     float64
 30  Moisture               28 non-null     float64
 31  Category.One.Defects   28 non-null     int64  
 32  Quakers                28 non-null     int64  
 33  Color                  25 non-null     object 
 34  Category.Two.Defects   28 non-null     int64  
 35  Expiration             28 non-null     object 
 36  Certification.Body     28 non-null     object 
 37  Certification.Address  28 non-null     object 
 38  Certification.Contact  28 non-null     object 
 39  unit_of_measurement    28 non-null     object 
 40  altitude_low_meters    25 non-null     float64
 41  altitude_high_meters   25 non-null     float64
 42  altitude_mean_meters   25 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(15), int64(5), object(23)
memory usage: 9.6+ KB
col_types = coffee_df.dtypes
Species              object
Owner                object
Country.of.Origin    object
Farm.Name            object
Lot.Number           object
dtype: object
for col_name in coffee_df.columns:
my_list = ['honda','ford','nissan']
short_names = [col_name[:3] for col_name in coffee_df.columns]

3.3. Questions After Class#

3.3.1. • will we be gathering our own data or will it all be provided for the course?#

3.3.2. Will you always give us an answer key for assignments?#

No, but we will always give personalized feedback.

3.3.3. will we be cleaning data?#

Yes, see the notes from the first class.

3.3.4. Will we do correlations later?#


3.3.5. will we go over more imports like pandas?#

Yes, we will use other libraries. In A2, you’ll even import your own code.

3.3.6. How will datasets be used in conjunction with one another?#

We will combine data in a few weeks.

3.3.7. How similar of an alternative to modeling in R exists in python?#

They are both compelte languages so at some level, they can both do all the same things. Some libraries are easier/better for specific things in one language or the other.

3.3.8. Will we be working with databases at all in this class?#

A little. We’ll pull from a database into python.

3.3.9. Are we going going to be using pandas a lot in this class?#

Yes. We will use pandas for almost every single remaining class session this semester.

3.3.10. how do you short-cut fill variable names in jupyter#

Press tab to autocomplete

3.3.11. what is the most efficient way to get help on the homework ?#

Accept the assignment and make an issue or go to office hours for general questions. For clarifying questions, you can post an issue on the course website.

If you are stuck with some progress made, upload (or push) your code first and then ask for help so we can see where you are.

3.3.12. is there a best or most common way to organize data for use#


3.3.13. how would you laod a csv file with python if i was using visual studio instead of jupyter?#

All of the code we are writing will work in any python environment that has the libraries. the Editor you use (jupyter vs VSCode vs PyCharm) does not impact what you can do with python. Which interpreter you use can impact and jupyter does default to ipython instead of the core python kernel, but that does not change how to load data.

Remember that jupyter is not on a cloud service. YOu can use any file on your computer with a relative path.