24. ML with Text#

from sklearn.feature_extraction import text
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
from sklearn import datasets
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

ng_X,ng_y = datasets.fetch_20newsgroups(categories =['comp.graphics','sci.crypt'],
                                       return_X_y = True)

24.1. News Data#

{'data': ["From: lerxst@wam.umd.edu (where's my thing)\nSubject: WHAT car is this!?\nNntp-Posting-Host: rac3.wam.umd.edu\nOrganization: University of Maryland, College Park\nLines: 15\n\n I was wondering if anyone out there could enlighten me on this car I saw\nthe other day. It was a 2-door sports car, looked to be from the late 60s/\nearly 70s. It was called a Bricklin. The doors were really small. In addition,\nthe front bumper was separate from the rest of the body. This is \nall I know. If anyone can tellme a model name, engine specs, years\nof production, where this car is made, history, or whatever info you\nhave on this funky looking car, please e-mail.\n\nThanks,\n- IL\n   ---- brought to you by your neighborhood Lerxst ----\n\n\n\n\n",
  "From: guykuo@carson.u.washington.edu (Guy Kuo)\nSubject: SI Clock Poll - Final Call\nSummary: Final call for SI clock reports\nKeywords: SI,acceleration,clock,upgrade\nArticle-I.D.: shelley.1qvfo9INNc3s\nOrganization: University of Washington\nLines: 11\nNNTP-Posting-Host: carson.u.washington.edu\n\nA fair number of brave souls who upgraded their SI clock oscillator have\nshared their experiences for this poll. Please send a brief message detailing\nyour experiences with the procedure. Top speed attained, CPU rated speed,\nadd on cards and adapters, heat sinks, hour of usage per day, floppy disk\nfunctionality with 800 and 1.4 m floppies are especially requested.\n\nI will be summarizing in the next two days, so please add to the network\nknowledge base if you have done the clock upgrade and haven't answered this\npoll. Thanks.\n\nGuy Kuo <guykuo@u.washington.edu>\n",
  'From: twillis@ec.ecn.purdue.edu (Thomas E Willis)\nSubject: PB questions...\nOrganization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 36\n\nwell folks, my mac plus finally gave up the ghost this weekend after\nstarting life as a 512k way back in 1985.  sooo, i\'m in the market for a\nnew machine a bit sooner than i intended to be...\n\ni\'m looking into picking up a powerbook 160 or maybe 180 and have a bunch\nof questions that (hopefully) somebody can answer:\n\n* does anybody know any dirt on when the next round of powerbook\nintroductions are expected?  i\'d heard the 185c was supposed to make an\nappearence "this summer" but haven\'t heard anymore on it - and since i\ndon\'t have access to macleak, i was wondering if anybody out there had\nmore info...\n\n* has anybody heard rumors about price drops to the powerbook line like the\nones the duo\'s just went through recently?\n\n* what\'s the impression of the display on the 180?  i could probably swing\na 180 if i got the 80Mb disk rather than the 120, but i don\'t really have\na feel for how much "better" the display is (yea, it looks great in the\nstore, but is that all "wow" or is it really that good?).  could i solicit\nsome opinions of people who use the 160 and 180 day-to-day on if its worth\ntaking the disk size and money hit to get the active display?  (i realize\nthis is a real subjective question, but i\'ve only played around with the\nmachines in a computer store breifly and figured the opinions of somebody\nwho actually uses the machine daily might prove helpful).\n\n* how well does hellcats perform?  ;)\n\nthanks a bunch in advance for any info - if you could email, i\'ll post a\nsummary (news reading time is at a premium with finals just around the\ncorner... :( )\n--\nTom Willis  \\  twillis@ecn.purdue.edu    \\    Purdue Electrical Engineering\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies."  - F. W.\nNietzsche\n',
  'From: jgreen@amber (Joe Green)\nSubject: Re: Weitek P9000 ?\nOrganization: Harris Computer Systems Division\nLines: 14\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: amber.ssd.csd.harris.com\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\n\nRobert J.C. Kyanko (rob@rjck.UUCP) wrote:\n> abraxis@iastate.edu writes in article <abraxis.734340159@class1.iastate.edu>:\n> > Anyone know about the Weitek P9000 graphics chip?\n> As far as the low-level stuff goes, it looks pretty nice.  It\'s got this\n> quadrilateral fill command that requires just the four points.\n\nDo you have Weitek\'s address/phone number?  I\'d like to get some information\nabout this chip.\n\n--\nJoe Green\t\t\t\tHarris Corporation\njgreen@csd.harris.com\t\t\tComputer Systems Division\n"The only thing that really scares me is a person with no sense of humor."\n\t\t\t\t\t\t-- Jonathan Winters\n',
  'From: jcm@head-cfa.harvard.edu (Jonathan McDowell)\nSubject: Re: Shuttle Launch Question\nOrganization: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA,  USA\nDistribution: sci\nLines: 23\n\nFrom article <C5owCB.n3p@world.std.com>, by tombaker@world.std.com (Tom A Baker):\n>>In article <C5JLwx.4H9.1@cs.cmu.edu>, ETRAT@ttacs1.ttu.edu (Pack Rat) writes...\n>>>"Clear caution & warning memory.  Verify no unexpected\n>>>errors. ...".  I am wondering what an "expected error" might\n>>>be.  Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but\n> \n> Parity errors in memory or previously known conditions that were waivered.\n>    "Yes that is an error, but we already knew about it"\n> I\'d be curious as to what the real meaning of the quote is.\n> \n> tom\n\n\nMy understanding is that the \'expected errors\' are basically\nknown bugs in the warning system software - things are checked\nthat don\'t have the right values in yet because they aren\'t\nset till after launch, and suchlike. Rather than fix the code\nand possibly introduce new bugs, they just tell the crew\n\'ok, if you see a warning no. 213 before liftoff, ignore it\'.\n\n - Jonathan\n\n\n',
  'From: dfo@vttoulu.tko.vtt.fi (Foxvog Douglas)\nSubject: Re: Rewording the Second Amendment (ideas)\nOrganization: VTT\nLines: 58\n\nIn article <1r1eu1$4t@transfer.stratus.com> cdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr20.083057.16899@ousrvr.oulu.fi>, dfo@vttoulu.tko.vtt.fi (Foxvog Douglas) writes:\n>> In article <1qv87v$4j3@transfer.stratus.com> cdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares) writes:\n>> >In article <C5n3GI.F8F@ulowell.ulowell.edu>, jrutledg@cs.ulowell.edu (John Lawrence Rutledge) writes:\n>\n>> >> The massive destructive power of many modern weapons, makes the\n>> >> cost of an accidental or crimial usage of these weapons to great.\n>> >> The weapons of mass destruction need to be in the control of\n>> >> the government only.  Individual access would result in the\n>> >> needless deaths of millions.  This makes the right of the people\n>> >> to keep and bear many modern weapons non-existant.\n\n>> >Thanks for stating where you\'re coming from.  Needless to say, I\n>> >disagree on every count.\n\n>> You believe that individuals should have the right to own weapons of\n>> mass destruction?  I find it hard to believe that you would support a \n>> neighbor\'s right to keep nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and nerve\n>> gas on his/her property.  \n\n>> If we cannot even agree on keeping weapons of mass destruction out of\n>> the hands of individuals, can there be any hope for us?\n\n>I don\'t sign any blank checks.\n\nOf course.  The term must be rigidly defined in any bill.\n\n>When Doug Foxvog says "weapons of mass destruction," he means CBW and\n>nukes.  When Sarah Brady says "weapons of mass destruction" she means\n>Street Sweeper shotguns and semi-automatic SKS rifles.  \n\nI doubt she uses this term for that.  You are using a quote allegedly\nfrom her, can you back it up?\n\n>When John\n>Lawrence Rutledge says "weapons of mass destruction," and then immediately\n>follows it with:\n\n>>> The US has thousands of people killed each year by handguns,\n>>> this number can easily be reduced by putting reasonable restrictions\n>>> on them.\n\n>...what does Rutledge mean by the term?\n\nI read the article as presenting first an argument about weapons of mass\ndestruction (as commonly understood) and then switching to other topics.\nThe first point evidently was to show that not all weapons should be\nallowed, and then the later analysis was, given this understanding, to\nconsider another class.\n\n>cdt@rocket.sw.stratus.com   --If you believe that I speak for my company,\n>OR cdt@vos.stratus.com        write today for my special Investors\' Packet...\n\n\n\n-- \ndoug foxvog\ndouglas.foxvog@vtt.fi\n',
  'From: bmdelane@quads.uchicago.edu (brian manning delaney)\nSubject: Brain Tumor Treatment (thanks)\nReply-To: bmdelane@midway.uchicago.edu\nOrganization: University of Chicago\nLines: 12\n\nThere were a few people who responded to my request for info on\ntreatment for astrocytomas through email, whom I couldn\'t thank\ndirectly because of mail-bouncing probs (Sean, Debra, and Sharon).  So\nI thought I\'d publicly thank everyone.\n\nThanks! \n\n(I\'m sure glad I accidentally hit "rn" instead of "rm" when I was\ntrying to delete a file last September. "Hmmm... \'News?\' What\'s\nthis?"....)\n\n-Brian\n',
  'From: bgrubb@dante.nmsu.edu (GRUBB)\nSubject: Re: IDE vs SCSI\nOrganization: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM\nLines: 44\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: dante.nmsu.edu\n\nDXB132@psuvm.psu.edu writes:\n>In article <1qlbrlINN7rk@dns1.NMSU.Edu>, bgrubb@dante.nmsu.edu (GRUBB) says:\n>>In PC Magazine April 27, 1993:29 "Although SCSI is twice as fasst as ESDI,\n>>20% faster than IDE, and support up to 7 devices its acceptance ...has   \n>>long been stalled by incompatability problems and installation headaches."\n                                                                      \n>I love it when magazine writers make stupid statements like that re:      \n>performance. Where do they get those numbers? I\'ll list the actual\n>performance ranges, which should convince anyone that such a               \n>statement is absurd:                                                     \n>SCSI-I ranges from 0-5MB/s.                                                \n>SCSI-II ranges from 0-40MB/s.            \n>IDE ranges from 0-8.3MB/s.                          \n>ESDI is always 1.25MB/s (although there are some non-standard versions)\nALL this shows is that YOU don\'t know much about SCSI.\n\nSCSI-1 {with a SCSI-1 controler chip} range is indeed 0-5MB/s\nand that is ALL you have right about SCSI\nSCSI-1 {With a SCSI-2 controller chip}: 4-6MB/s with 10MB/s burst {8-bit}\n Note the INCREASE in SPEED, the Mac Quadra uses this version of SCSI-1\n so it DOES exist. Some PC use this set up too.\nSCSI-2 {8-bit/SCSI-1 mode}:          4-6MB/s with 10MB/s burst\nSCSI-2 {16-bit/wide or fast mode}:  8-12MB/s with 20MB/s burst\nSCSI-2 {32-bit/wide AND fast}:     15-20MB/s with 40MB/s burst\n \nBy your OWN data the "Although SCSI is twice as fast as ESDI" is correct\nWith a SCSI-2 controller chip SCSI-1 can reach 10MB/s which is indeed\n"20% faster than IDE" {120% of 8.3 is 9.96}. ALL these SCSI facts have been\nposted to this newsgroup in my Mac & IBM info sheet {available by FTP on \nsumex-aim.stanford.edu ( in the info-mac/report as \nmac-ibm-compare[version #].txt (It should be 173 but 161 may still be there)}\n\nPart of this problem is both Mac and IBM PC are inconsiant about what SCSI\nis which.  Though it is WELL documented that the Quadra has a SCSI-2 chip\nan Apple salesperson said "it uses a fast SCSI-1 chip" {Not at a 6MB/s,\n10MB/s burst it does not. SCSI-1 is 5MB/s maximum synchronous and Quadra\nuses ANsynchronous SCSI which is SLOWER}  It seems that Mac and IBM see\nSCSI-1 interface and think \'SCSI-1\' when it maybe a SCSI-1 interface driven\nin the machine by a SCSi-2 controller chip in 8-bit mode {Which is MUCH\nFASTER then true SCSI-1 can go}.\n\nDon\'t slam an article because you don\'t understand what is going on.\nOne reference for the Quadra\'s SCSI-2 controller chip is \n(Digital Review, Oct 21, 1991 v8 n33 p8(1)).\n',
  'From: holmes7000@iscsvax.uni.edu\nSubject: WIn 3.0 ICON HELP PLEASE!\nOrganization: University of Northern Iowa\nLines: 10\n\nI have win 3.0 and downloaded several icons and BMP\'s but I can\'t figure out\nhow to change the "wallpaper" or use the icons.  Any help would be appreciated.\n\n\nThanx,\n\n-Brando\n\nPS Please E-mail me\n\n',
  "From: kerr@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Stan Kerr)\nSubject: Re: Sigma Designs Double up??\nArticle-I.D.: ux1.C52u8x.B62\nOrganization: University of Illinois at Urbana\nLines: 29\n\njap10@po.CWRU.Edu (Joseph A. Pellettiere) writes:\n\n\n>\tI am looking for any information about the Sigma Designs\n>\tdouble up board.  All I can figure out is that it is a\n>\thardware compression board that works with AutoDoubler, but\n>\tI am not sure about this.  Also how much would one cost?\n\nI've had the board for over a year, and it does work with Diskdoubler,\nbut not with Autodoubler, due to a licensing problem with Stac Technologies,\nthe owners of the board's compression technology. (I'm writing this\nfrom memory; I've lost the reference. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)\n\nUsing the board, I've had problems with file icons being lost, but it's\nhard to say whether it's the board's fault or something else; however,\nif I decompress the troubled file and recompress it without the board,\nthe icon usually reappears. Because of the above mentioned licensing\nproblem, the freeware expansion utility DD Expand will not decompress\na board-compressed file unless you have the board installed.\n\nSince Stac has its own product now, it seems unlikely that the holes\nin Autodoubler/Diskdoubler related to the board will be fixed.\nWhich is sad, and makes me very reluctant to buy Stac's product since\nthey're being so stinky. (But hey, that's competition.)\n-- \n\nStan Kerr    \nComputing & Communications Services Office, U of Illinois/Urbana\nPhone: 217-333-5217  Email: stankerr@uiuc.edu   \n",
  'From: irwin@cmptrc.lonestar.org (Irwin Arnstein)\nSubject: Re: Recommendation on Duc\nSummary: What\'s it worth?\nDistribution: usa\nExpires: Sat, 1 May 1993 05:00:00 GMT\nOrganization: CompuTrac Inc., Richardson TX\nKeywords: Ducati, GTS, How much? \nLines: 13\n\nI have a line on a Ducati 900GTS 1978 model with 17k on the clock.  Runs\nvery well, paint is the bronze/brown/orange faded out, leaks a bit of oil\nand pops out of 1st with hard accel.  The shop will fix trans and oil \nleak.  They sold the bike to the 1 and only owner.  They want $3495, and\nI am thinking more like $3K.  Any opinions out there?  Please email me.\nThanks.  It would be a nice stable mate to the Beemer.  Then I\'ll get\na jap bike and call myself Axis Motors!\n\n-- \n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"Tuba" (Irwin)      "I honk therefore I am"     CompuTrac-Richardson,Tx\nirwin@cmptrc.lonestar.org    DoD #0826          (R75/6)\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  'From: david@terminus.ericsson.se (David Bold)\nSubject: Re: Question for those with popular morality\nReply-To: david@terminus.ericsson.se\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Camtec Electronics (Ericsson), Leicester, England\nLines: 77\nNntp-Posting-Host: bangkok\n\nIn article 17570@freenet.carleton.ca, ad354@Freenet.carleton.ca (James Owens) writes:\n>\n>In a previous article, david@terminus.ericsson.se (David Bold) says:\n>\n>>\n>>I don\'t mean to be rude, but I think that you\'ve got hold of the wrong\n>>end of a different stick...\n>>\n>>David\n>\n>I had a look at your posting again and I see what you mean!  I was so\n>intent on explaining how Jung thought we could be more moral than God that\n>I overlooked your main line of thought.\n>\n>You seem to be saying that, God being unknowable, His morality is unknowable.\n\nYep, that\'s pretty much it. I\'m not a Jew but I understand that this is the\nJewish way of thinking. However, the Jews believe that the Covenant between\nYHWH and the Patriarchs (Abraham and Moses, in this case) establishes a Moral\nCode to follow for mankind. Even the Jews could not decide where the boundaries\nfall, though.\n\nAs I understand it, the Sadducees believed that the Torah was all that was\nrequired, whereas the Pharisees (the ancestors of modern Judaism) believed that\nthe Torah was available for interpretation to lead to an understanding of\nthe required Morality in all its nuances (->Talmud).\n\nThe essence of all of this is that Biblical Morality is an interface between\nMan and YHWH (for a Jew or Christian) and does not necessarily indicate\nanything about YHWH outside of that relationship (although one can speculate).\n\n>\n>The first thing that comes to mind is that man is supposed to be created\n>in His image, so there is an argument that we are committed to whatever\n>moral code He follows as part of trying to live up to that image.  If we\n>are supposed to live by Christ\'s example, you would be hard pressed to\n>argue that God is a "do what I say, not what I do" kind of guy.\n\nThe trouble with all of this is that we don\'t really know what the "created\nin His image" means. I\'ve heard a number of different opinions on this and\nhave still not come to any conclusion. This rather upsets the Apple Cart if\none wants to base a Life Script on this shaky foundation (to mix metaphors\nunashamedly!) As to living by Christ\'s example, we know very little about\nJesus as a person. We only have his recorded utterances in a set of narratives\nby his followers, and some very small references from comtemporary historians.\nRevelation aside, one can only "know" Christ second-hand or worse.\n\nThis is not an attempt to debunk Christianity (although it may seem that way\ninitially), the point I`m trying to make is that we only really have the Bible\nto interpret, and that interpretation is by humanity. I guess this is where\nFaith or Relevation comes in with all its inherent subjectiveness.\n\n>\n>Metaphysically, if there are multiple moral codes then there is no\n>Absolute moral code, and I think this is theologically questionable.\n\nNo. There may be an absolute moral code. There are undoubtably multiple\nmoral codes. The multiple moral codes may be founded in the absolute moral\ncode. As an example, a parent may tell a child never to swear, and the child\nmay assume that the parent never swears simply because the parent has told\nthe child that it is "wrong". Now, the parent may swear like a trooper in\nthe pub or bar (where there are no children). The "wrongness" here is if\nthe child disobeys the parent. The parent may feel that it is "inappropriate"\nto swear in front of children but may be quite happy to swear in front of\nanimals. The analogy does not quite hold water because the child knows that\nhe is of the same type as the parent (and may be a parent later in life) but\nyou get the gist of it? Incidentally, the young child considers the directive\nas absolute until he gets older (see Piaget) and learns a morality of his own.\n\nDavid.\n\n---\nOn religion:\n\n"Oh, where is the sea?", the fishes cried,\nAs they swam its clearness through.\n\n',
  'From: rodc@fc.hp.com (Rod Cerkoney)\nSubject: *$G4qxF,fekVH6\nNntp-Posting-Host: hpfcmrc.fc.hp.com\nOrganization: Hewlett Packard, Fort Collins, CO\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8.5]\nLines: 15\n\n\n\n--\n\n\nRegards,\nRod Cerkoney\n                                                        /\\\n______________________________________________         /~~\\\n                                                      /    \\\n  Rod Cerkoney MS 37     email:                      /      \\ \n  Hewlett Packard         rodc@fc.hp.com        /\\  /        \\  \n  3404 East Harmony Rd.  Hpdesk:               /  \\/          \\    /\\\n  Fort Collins, CO 80525  HP4000/UX           /    \\           \\  /  \\\n_____________________________________________/      \\           \\/    \\__\n',
  'From: dbm0000@tm0006.lerc.nasa.gov (David B. Mckissock)\nSubject: Re: Space Station Redesign, JSC Alternative #4\nOrganization: NASA Lewis Research Center / Cleveland, Ohio\nLines: 102\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: tm0006.lerc.nasa.gov\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41    \n\nIn article <1993Apr23.184732.1105@aio.jsc.nasa.gov>, kjenks@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov writes...\n\n   {Description of "External Tank" option for SSF redesign deleted}\n\n>Mark proposed this design at Joe Shea\'s committee in Crystal City,\n>and he reports that he was warmly received.  However, the rumors\n>I hear say that a design based on a wingless Space Shuttle Orbiter\n>seems more likely.\n\nYo Ken, let\'s keep on-top of things! Both the "External Tank" and\n"Wingless Orbiter" options have been deleted from the SSF redesign\noptions list. Today\'s (4/23) edition of the New York Times reports\nthat O\'Connor told the panel that some redesign proposals have\nbeen dropped, such as using the "giant external fuel tanks used\nin launching space shuttles," and building a "station around\nan existing space shuttle with its wings and tail removed."\n\nCurrently, there are three options being considered, as presented\nto the advisory panel meeting yesterday (and as reported in\ntoday\'s Times).\n\nOption "A" - Low Cost Modular Approach\nThis option is being studied by a team from MSFC. {As an aside,\nthere are SSF redesign teams at MSFC, JSC, and LaRC supporting\nthe SRT (Station Redesign Team) in Crystal City. Both LeRC and\nReston folks are also on-site at these locations, helping the respective\nteams with their redesign activities.} Key features of this\noption are:\n  -  Uses "Bus-1", a modular bus developed by Lockheed that\'s\n     qualified for STS and ELV\'s. The bus provides propulsion, GN&C\n     Communications, & Data Management. Lockheed developed this\n     for the Air Force.\n  -  A "Power Station Capability" is obtained in 3 Shuttle Flights.\n     SSF Solar arrays are used to provide 20 kW of power. The vehicle\n     flies in an "arrow mode" to optimize the microgravity environment.\n     Shuttle/Spacelab missions would utilize the vehilce as a power\n     source for 30 day missions.\n  -  Human tended capability (as opposed to the old SSF sexist term\n     of man-tended capability) is achieved by the addition of the\n     US Common module. This is a modified version of the existing\n     SSF Lab module (docking ports are added for the International\n     Partners\' labs, taking the place of the nodes on SSF). The\n     Shuttle can be docked to the station for 60 day missions.\n     The Orbiter would provide crew habitability & EVA capability.\n  -  International Human Tended. Add the NASDA & ESA modules, and\n     add another 20 kW of power\n  -  Permanent Human Presence Capability. Add a 3rd power module,\n     the U.S. habitation module, and an ACRV (Assured Crew Return\n     Vehicle).\n\nOption "B" - Space Station Freedom Derived\nThe Option "B" team is based at LaRC, and is lead by Mike Griffin.\nThis option looks alot like the existing SSF design, which we\nhave all come to know and love :)\n\nThis option assumes a lightweight external tank is available for\nuse on all SSF assembly flights (so does option "A"). Also, the \nnumber of flights is computed for a 51.6 inclination orbit,\nfor both options "A" and "B".\n\nThe build-up occurs in six phases:\n  -  Initial Research Capability reached after 3 flights. Power\n     is transferred from the vehicle to the Orbiter/Spacelab, when\n     it visits.\n  -  Man-Tended Capability (Griffin has not yet adopted non-sexist\n     language) is achieved after 8 flights. The U.S. Lab is\n     deployed, and 1 solar power module provides 20 kW of power.\n  -  Permanent Human Presence Capability occurs after 10 flights, by\n     keeping one Orbiter on-orbit to use as an ACRV (so sometimes\n     there would be two Orbiters on-orbit - the ACRV, and the\n     second one that comes up for Logistics & Re-supply).\n  -  A "Two Fault Tolerance Capability" is achieved after 14 flights,\n     with the addition of a 2nd power module, another thermal\n     control system radiator, and more propulsion modules.\n  -  After 20 flights, the Internationals are on-board. More power,\n     the Habitation module, and an ACRV are added to finish the\n     assembly in 24 flights.\n\nMost of the systems currently on SSF are used as-is in this option, \nwith the exception of the data management system, which has major\nchanges.\n\nOption C - Single Core Launch Station.\nThis is the JSC lead option. Basically, you take a 23 ft diameter\ncylinder that\'s 92 ft long, slap 3 Space Shuttle Main Engines on\nthe backside, put a nose cone on the top, attached it to a \nregular shuttle external tank and a regular set of solid rocket\nmotors, and launch the can. Some key features are:\n  - Complete end-to-end ground integration and checkout\n  - 4 tangentially mounted fixed solar panels\n  - body mounted radiators (which adds protection against\n    micrometeroid & orbital debris)\n  - 2 centerline docking ports (one on each end)\n  - 7 berthing ports\n  - a single pressurized volume, approximately 26,000 cubic feet\n    (twice the volume of skylab).\n  - 7 floors, center passageway between floors\n  - 10 kW of housekeeping power\n  - graceful degradation with failures (8 power channels, 4 thermal\n    loops, dual environmental control & life support system)\n  - increased crew time for utilization\n  - 1 micro-g thru out the core module\n',
  "From: jllee@acsu.buffalo.edu (Johnny L Lee)\nSubject: RE:  == MOVING SALE ===\nSummary: RE:  === MOVING SALE ===\nOrganization: UB\nLines: 44\nNntp-Posting-Host: lictor.acsu.buffalo.edu\n\nReduced Prices! \nI have a list of things forsale on behalf of my brother, who's moving (moved\nalready)\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOffer:\n1) Black and Decker Duster Plus (Portable Hand Vaccum)\t\n \tpurchased for $32, \t\t\t\t\t  $12\n\n2) SR-1000 Dual Cassette Portable Player, AM/FM\n5-Band graphics Equalizer, high speed dubing, Duo \nTape.Tape deck A, seems to have lost treble sound. \nBut, I bet  it's fixable.\n\tpurchased for $80\t\t\t\t\t  $25\n\n3)Monolux Zoom MicroScope, up to 1200X magnification\nMade in Japan, includes case and accessories\n\tpurchased for $50\t\t\t\t\t  $20\n\n4)Sunbeam 1400 Hair Dryer, the dryer you put your \nhead under/into. You know, the ones you see in the salons.\n(Don't ask me why my bro had it)\n\tpurchased for $60\t\t\t\t          $24\n\n5)Everylast Speed Bag, all leather. Brand new, never \nused\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  $10\n\n6)Osterizer Pusle Matic Blender, with 10 speeds \nand a cookbook, 5 years old\t\t\t\t\t  $10\n\tpurchased for $50\n\n8)Binolux Binoculars . 7x35, extra wide angle\n525ft. at 1000yds. with case. very new.\t\t                  $20\n\n9)Proctor and Silex Spray,Steam and Dry Iron.\nvery new.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  $10\n\n\nAny questions, contact me thru e-mail and I will reply expeditously\nAnd always, S+H are not included, so please consider this.\n\nAnd lastly, I'm a very reasonable.Very Reasonable.\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThanks,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJohn\n",
  'From: mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk>\nSubject: Re: <Political Atheists?\nOrganization: Mantis Consultants, Cambridge. UK.\nX-Newsreader: rusnews v1.01\nLines: 22\n\nkmr4@po.CWRU.edu (Keith M. Ryan) writes:\n> ( I am almost sure that Zyklon-B is immediate and painless method of \n> death. If not, insert soem other form. )\n> \n>         And, ethnic and minority groups have been killed, mutilated and \n> exterminated through out history, so I guess it was not unusual.\n> \n>         So, you would agree that the holocost would be allowed under the US \n> Constitution?  [ in so far, the punishment. I doubt they recieved what would \n> be considered a "fair" trial by US standards.\n\nDon\'t be so sure.  Look what happened to Japanese citizens in the US during\nWorld War II.  If you\'re prepared to say "Let\'s round these people up and\nstick them in a concentration camp without trial", it\'s only a short step to\ngassing them without trial.  After all, it seems that the Nazis originally\nonly intended to imprison the Jews; the Final Solution was dreamt up partly\nbecause they couldn\'t afford to run the camps because of the devastation\ncaused by Goering\'s Total War.  Those who weren\'t gassed generally died of\nmalnutrition or disease.\n\n\nmathew\n',
  'From: ab@nova.cc.purdue.edu (Allen B)\nSubject: Re: TIFF: philosophical significance of 42\nOrganization: Purdue University\nLines: 39\n\nIn article <prestonm.735400848@cs.man.ac.uk> prestonm@cs.man.ac.uk (Martin  \nPreston) writes:\n> Why not use the PD C library for reading/writing TIFF files? It took me a\n> good 20 minutes to start using them in your own app.\n\nI certainly do use it whenever I have to do TIFF, and it usually works\nvery well.  That\'s not my point.  I\'m >philosophically< opposed to it\nbecause of its complexity.\n\nThis complexity has led to some programs\' poor TIFF writers making\nsome very bizarre files, other programs\' inability to load TIFF\nimages (though they\'ll save them, of course), and a general\ninability to interchange images between different environments\ndespite the fact they all think they understand TIFF.\n\nAs the saying goes, "It\'s not me I\'m worried about- it\'s all the\n>other<  assholes out there!"  I\'ve had big trouble with misuse and\nabuse of TIFF over the years, and I chalk it all up to the immense (and\nunnecessary) complexity of the format.\n\nIn the words of the TIFF 5.0 spec, Appendix G, page G-1 (capitalized\nemphasis mine):\n\n"The only problem with this sort of success is that TIFF was designed\nto be powerful and flexible, at the expense of simplicity.  It takes a\nfair amount of effort to handle all the options currently defined in\nthis specification (PROBABLY NO APPLICATION DOES A COMPLETE JOB),\nand that is currently the only way you can be >sure< that you will be\nable to import any TIFF image, since there are so many\nimage-generating applications out there now."\n\n\nIf a program (or worse all applications) can\'t read >every< TIFF\nimage, that means there are some it won\'t- some that I might have to\ndeal with.  Why would I want my images to be trapped in that format?  I\ndon\'t and neither should anyone who agrees with my reasoning- not\nthat anyone does, of course! :-)\n\nab\n',
  'From: CPKJP@vm.cc.latech.edu (Kevin Parker)\nSubject: Insurance Rates on Performance Cars SUMMARY\nOrganization: Louisiana Tech University\nLines: 244\nNNTP-Posting-Host: vm.cc.latech.edu\nX-Newsreader: NNR/VM S_1.3.2\n\n     I recently posted an article asking what kind of rates single, male\ndrivers under 25 yrs old were paying on performance cars. Here\'s a summary of\nthe replies I received.\n \n \n \n \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n \nI\'m not under 25 anymore (but is 27 close enough).\n \n1992 Dodge Stealth RT/Twin Turbo (300hp model).\nNo tickets, no accidents, own a house, have taken defensive driving 1,\nairbag, abs, security alarm, single.\n \n$1500/year  $500 decut. State Farm Insurance (this includes the additional $100\nfor the $1,000,000 umbrella policy over my car and house)  The base\npolicy is the standard $100,000 - $100,000 - $300,000 policy required in DE.\n \nAfter 2nd defensive driving course it will be 5% less.\n \nI bought the car in September 1992.  The company I was with (never had\nand accident or ticket in 11 years) quoted me $2,500.\n \nHope this helps.\n \nSteve Flynn\nUniversity of Delaware\n======================================================================== 45\n \n    Kevin:\n \n    (Hope I remembered your name correctly)...\n \n    You asked about insurance for performance cars.  Well, last year\n    I was in a similar situation before I bought my car, and made the\n    same inquiry as you.\n \n    Age: 24 (then and now)\n    Car: 1992 Eagle Talon TSi AWD\n    Driving Record: Clean\n    State: Illinois\n    Cost: $820/6 mos.\n \n    I turn 25 in May and the insurance goes down to $520/6 mos.\n    Also, I\'m single and that incurs a higher rate with my company.\n \n    I\'ve got a couple other friends w/ AWDs and they pay more\n    than I do (different ins. companies also), so maybe I\'m just lucky.\n \n    Hope the info helps.\n \n    Dan\n    [dans@jdc.gss.mot.com]\n    Motorola Cellular Subscriber Group\n \n======================================================================== 38\n USA\nCc:\n \nI\'m 23; live in Norman, Oklahoma; drive an \'89 Thunderbird SC; have\nnever made a claim against my insurance (though I have been hit\nseveral times by negligent drivers who couldn\'t see stop signs or\nwere fiddling with their radios); and I have had three moving violations\nin the last 18 months (one for going 85 in a 55; one for "failure to\nclear an intersection" (I still say the damn light was yellow); and\none for going 35 in a 25 (which didn\'t go on my record)). My rates\nfrom State Farm (with a passive restraint deduction) on liability,\n$500 deductible comprehensive, and $500 deductible collision are\nroughly $1300/year. (I was paying just over $1100/year for a \'92 Escort LX.)\n \n\t\t\t\tJames\n \nJames P. Callison    Microcomputer Coordinator, U of Oklahoma Law Center\nCallison@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu   /\\    Callison@aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu\nDISCLAIMER: I\'m not an engineer, but I play one at work...\n\t\tThe forecast calls for Thunder...\'89 T-Bird SC\n   "It\'s a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he has\n\tand all he\'s ever gonna have."\n\t\t\t--Will Munny, "Unforgiven"\n======================================================================== 61\n \nI am beyond the "under 25" age group, but I have an experience a few\nyears ago that might be interesting to you.  I owned a 1985 Toyota Celica\nGT.  I decided to buy myself a gift - a more exotic car.  Front runners\nincluded the Toyota Supra Turbo and the Porsche 924 (1987 model years).\nI narrowed it down to those two.  I liked the simplicity and handling\n(and snob appeal, too) of driving a Porsche.  The Supra Turbo was less\nmoney and had more features and performance - almost a personal luxury\ncar.  It had better acceleration and a higher top speed than the 924.\nI was almost ready to give in to a buying impulse for the 924, but i\ndecided to stop by my insurance agent\'s office on the way.  I asked\nabout what would happen to my rate with either car.\n \n"If you buy the Supra, your rate classification will be the same as\nthe Celica (the \'85 Celica was considered a subcompact and for that\nyear was rated as one of the safest cars), with a slight increase because\nthe car will be 2 years newer.  Our lower-risk division will continue\nto handle your account.\n \n"If you buy the Porsche 924, we\'ll have to change you to the standard\n[higher] rate company and your rate will double.  And if you go with\na 944, it\'s another story again - we\'ll cover the rest of this year,\nbut cancel you after that."\n \n"But the Supra is much faster than the 924, and the 924 is actually\nfaster than the [standard] 944.  That doens\'t make sense."\n \n That\'s what the book says.  We don\'t insure Corvettes, either.  For\nsome reason, the underwriters consider Supras - and their drivers -\nas very traditional and conservative."\n \nI eventually went with the Supra for a number of reasons.  The Porsche\ndealer had a nice salesman to get me interested, but a tough high-pressure\nguy in the back room.  At equal monthly payments, it would have taken\na year longer to pay for the Porsche, plus its higher insurance.  I\nconcluded that the high insurance was related to probability of auto\ntheft.\n \n   /|/| /||)|/  /~ /\\| |\\|)[~|)/~   |   Everyone\'s entitled to MY opinion.\n  / | |/ ||\\|\\  \\_|\\/|_|/|)[_|\\\\_|  |      goldberg@oasys.dt.navy.mil\n========Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein=======\n \n \n \n \n \n======================================================================== 32\n \nI live in Idaho.  When I was <26 many years ago (10 years) I bought a Trans\nAm (new).  Insurance was about $1300/year.  When I turned 26, it immediately\ndropped to $460/year.  I had not had any accidents before or after, this was\nstrictly an age change.  That same rate stayed pretty much the same until I\nsold the car 2 years ago.  My F-150 pickup is about $80/year less.\n \nThe real amazing thing is that when I woke up at age 25, I felt SO MUCH MORE\nRESPONSIBLE than I was before...  :-)\n \nWes\n \n======================================================================== 21\n \n \nFor your information:\nCalifornia\nMale, single, under 25 , No moving violation\nAlfa Spider\n     =======> $2000 / year\n \nWhat a bargain!!!\n======================================================================== 28\n \nLet\'s see, I\'m 24, single, male, clean driving record. I have a 92 VW COrrado\nVR6. I live in San Jose, California. I pay ~1500$ a year through Allstate. A\ngood deal if you ask me.\n \nI was thinking about getting a Talon, but I think the insurance is higher\nfor a "turbo" sports car vs a V6\n \n-W\n \n======================================================================== 27\n \n1986 Honda CRX Si, clean record, in a small New Mexico town was around $800\nper year, age 24.\n \nNearby city rates were 1.5X-2X higher than where I\'ve got mine insured.\n \n..robert\n--\nRobert Stack / Institute of Transportation Studies, Univ of California-Irvine\n               stack@translab.its.uci.edu   \'92 Mazda Protege LX\n======================================================================== 37\n1300 per year, 1992 Saturn SC, 21 Years old, State: New Mexico,\nInsurance: State Farm.\n \n \n======================================================================== 64\n \n \nHere is my info:\n \nCar             : \'89 Toyota Celica ST\nInsurance Co    : Farmer\'s Insurance\nYearly insurance: $2028\nAge             : 24\nDate of license : Oct 14, 1992\nResidence       : Mountain View, California\nNo moving violations (for now atleast ;-)\n \nHope this helps. Please post a summary if possible.\n \nVijay\n**********************************************************************\nVijay Anisetti\nEmail: anisetti@informix.com   Apt: (415)962-0320   Off: (415)926-6547\n======================================================================== 38\nSingle, 24 years old, Eagle Talon Turbo AWD, $1200 (full-cover, reasonable\n liability)\nNo tickets, No violations, No accidents... (knock on wood...)\nMass,\n \n\tOne thing that makes a HUGE difference in MASS is the town you live in.\nI\'m personally in one of the best towns within reasonable distance\nof Boston.  If I moved to the absolute best it would go down to about\n$1150, if I moved to the worst it would be $2000+..\n \n\tAlso one accident and a couple of tickets, would probably add another $600...\n \n \n\t_RV\n \n \n======================================================================== 43\nI have a 1990 Mitsubishi eclipse turbo awd, am 23 years old and have no\ntickets that went on my record.  I live in Illinois just outside of Chicago\nand pay $1560 a year with full coverage at State Farm.  I did get a small\ndiscount because of my alarm system($30 a year).  I only live 15 miles from\nChicago but if I actually lived in the city the price would be about $2000\na year.\n======================================================================== 41\nI\'m over 25, but in case you\'re interested anyway, I\'m insuring a 93 SHO\nfor $287/6 month.  Thats 100k personal+300k total+100k property with\n250 deductible, glass and towing, State Farm.\n \n======================================================================== 39\n \nUnless you are under 20 or have been driving for less than 5\nyears, I think you are being seriously ripped off.  I don\'t have\none of the performance cars you listed, but if your record is\nclean, then you should not be paying over $2K.\n \nDid you try calling all the insurance dealers you could find?\nAlthough rates are supposed to be standardized, I\'ve found that\nmost places I initially call, give me some ridiculously high\nquote and *finaly*, I hit one that is much lower.\n \nAlso, I have changed insurance companies when the rate went up at\nrenewal (no accidents, tickets, car gets older??) to maintain a low\nrate.  You always have to be careful when it comes to insurance\ncompanies 8^).\n \nGood luck,\nSerge\n',
  'From: ritley@uimrl7.mrl.uiuc.edu ()\nSubject: SEEKING THERMOCOUPLE AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT\nReply-To: ritley@uiucmrl.bitnet ()\nOrganization: Materials Research Lab\nLines: 17\n\n\n\nI would like to be able to amplify a voltage signal which is\noutput from a thermocouple, preferably by a factor of\n100 or 1000 ---- so that the resulting voltage can be fed\nmore easily into a personal-computer-based ADC data\nacquisition card.\n\nMight anyone be able to point me to references to such\ncircuits?  I have seen simple amplifier circuits before, but\nI am not sure how well they work in practice.\n\nIn this case, I\'d like something which will amplify sufficiently\n"nicely" to be used for thermocouples (say, a few degrees\naccuracy or better).\n\nAny pointers would be greatly appreciated!\n',
  'From: abarden@tybse1.uucp (Ann Marie Barden)\nSubject: X-Terminal Config. file question\nOrganization: Tybrin Corporation, Shalimar, FL\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 19\n\n  QUESTION:\n  What is the EXACT entry (parameter and syntax please), in the X-Terminal\nconfiguration file (loaded when the X-Terminal boots), to add another system \nto the TCP/IP access control list?   \n\n  BACKGROUND:\n  I have two unix systems, 1. an AT&T 3B2 running X11R3 and MIT\'s X11R4 and \n2. a Sun SS10 without any X.  \n  I want to have a window to the Sun and the 3B2 on the NCD X-Terminal at the\nsame time.  I can do this if I manually set the Network Parameter TCP/IP\nAccess Control List to off, then login to my telnet session. Not Great!  \n  I\'ve tried to get "xhost" to work and failed.  Either my syntax is wrong\nor the X11R3 implementation is bogus.  \n  I am trying to edit the NCD configuration file that is loaded when the \nNCD boots.  No matter what entry I add or edit, the NCD still boots with\nthe TCP/IP Access Control list containing only the 3B2.\n  My manuals are worthless so any help would be most appreciated!!  Thanks!\n\nAnn Marie Barden  \tabarden@afseo.eglin.af.mil\n',
  'From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: <<Pompous ass\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 16\nNNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu\n\nlivesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes:\n\n[...]\n>>The "`little\' things" above were in reference to Germany, clearly.  People\n>>said that there were similar things in Germany, but no one could name any.\n>That\'s not true.  I gave you two examples.  One was the rather\n>pevasive anti-semitism in German Christianity well before Hitler\n>arrived.  The other was the system of social ranks that were used\n>in Imperail Germany and Austria to distinguish Jews from the rest \n>of the population.\n\nThese don\'t seem like "little things" to me.  At least, they are orders\nworse than the motto.  Do you think that the motto is a "little thing"\nthat will lead to worse things?\n\nkeith\n',
  'From: leunggm@odin.control.utoronto.ca (Gary Leung)\nSubject: Re: NHL Team Captains\nOrganization: University of Toronto, Systems Control Group\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.151818.4319@samba.oit.unc.edu> Scott.Marks@launchpad.unc.edu (Scott Marks) writes:\n>>And of course, Mike Ramsey was (at one time) the captain in Buffalo prior to\n>>being traded to Pittsburgh.  Currently, the Penguins have 3 former captains\n>>and 1 real captain (Lemieux) playing for them.  They rotate the A\'s during the\n>>season (and even the C while Mario was out).  Even Troy Loney has worn the C\n>>for the Pens.\n>\n\nI think that Mike Foligno was the captain of the Sabres when he\ngot traded to the Leafs. Also, wasn\'t Rick Vaive the captain of\nthe Leafs when he got traded to Chicago (with Steve Thomas for\nEd Olcyzk and someone). Speaking of the Leafs, I believe that\nDarryl Sittler was their captain (he\'d torn the "C" off his\njersey but I think he re-claimed the captaincy later on) when he\nwas traded to the Flyers.\n\nOh yeah, of course, Gretzky was the captain of the Oilers before\nhe was traded wasn\'t he? \n\nGary\n',
  'From: rpwhite@cs.nps.navy.mil (rpwhite)\nSubject: Re: Catalog of Hard-to-Find PC Enhancements (Repost)\nOrganization: Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 35\n\nAndy Freeman writes:\n>Joe Doll writes:\n\n)>>   "The Catalog of Personal Computing Tools for Engineers and Scien-\n)>>   tists" lists hardware cards and application software packages for \n)>>   PC/XT/AT/PS/2 class machines.  Focus is on engineering and scien-\n)>>   tific applications of PCs, such as data acquisition/control, \n)>>   design automation, and data analysis and presentation.  \n\n)>>   If you would like a free copy, reply with your (U. S. Postal) \n)>>   mailing address.\n>>\n>>    I am very interested in your catalog, but E-mail to you bounces.\n>\n>Don\'t bother - it never comes.  It\'s a cheap trick for building a\n>mailing list to sell if my junk mail flow is any indication.\n\nI have a copy of this catalog in front of me as I write this.\nIt does have tons of qool stuff in it. \nMy impression is that they try not to send it out to "browsers". It\nappears that if your not a buyer or an engineer they do not want to\nwaste a catalog on you. When you get a catalog there\'s a "VIP Code" you\nhave to give them "to ensure your continued subscription.".\nAnyway, if you want to get in touch with them, the company is\n\nPersonal Computing Tools\n550 Division Street\nCampbell, CA 95008\n(408) 378-8400 \n(They also have fax #\'s and toll free #\'s for ordering and tech support)\n\nPlease note that I am not associated with them in any way. In fact, I\nhave never ordered from them so I can\'t comment on their products or\nservice but the catalog is real and I am sitting here salivating over\nit.\n',
  'From: csyphers@uafhp..uark.edu (Chris Syphers)\nSubject: Re: ?? DOS font size in windows??\nOrganization: Kansas State University\nLines: 20\nNNTP-Posting-Host: uafhp.uark.edu\n\nssa@unity.ncsu.edu (S. Alavi) writes:\n\n\n>\tI have an 8514/A card, and I am using windows in 1024x768 mode \n>\t(normal 8514/A font, not small).  In the 386 enhanced mode\n>\tthe DOS window font is too small for my 14" monitor. Is there a \n>\tway to spacify the font size for the DOS window? You\'ll have to \n>\texcuse me if there is a trivial answer, since I am fairly new to\n>\tMS Windows world.\n\n>\tThanks.\n\n>\t(Please include this message for reference)\n>\t======  S. Alavi    [ssa@unity.ncsu.edu]  (919)467-7909 (H)  ========\n>\t\t\t\t\t\t  (919)515-8063 (W)\nThe control box of the Window itself (upper left corner of the window, single\nclick, am I being too simplistic?) has a font option. The 8 X 12 is about the\nbiggest one I can use without the characters turning funky. \n\nHpoe this helps.\n',
  'From: nodine@lcs.mit.edu (Mark H. Nodine)\nSubject: Re: Quadra SCSI Problems???\nKeywords: Quadra SCSI APS\nOrganization: MIT Laboratory for Computer Science\nLines: 9\n\nI don\'t know about the specific problem mentioned in your\nmessage, but I definitely had SCSI problems between my\nQ700 and my venerable Jasmine Megadrive 10 cartridge\ndrives.  My solution was to get Silverlining.  None of\nthe loops that involved blind writes worked to the drives;\nin fact the only loop that worked was the "Macintosh\nSoftware" loop (whatever that means).\n\n\t--Mark\n',
  "From: kph2q@onyx.cs.Virginia.EDU (Kenneth Hinckley)\nSubject:   VOICE INPUT -- vendor information needed\nReply-To: kph2q@onyx.cs.Virginia.EDU (Kenneth Hinckley)\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nLines: 27\n\n\nHello,\n     I am looking to add voice input capability to a user interface I am\ndeveloping on an HP730 (UNIX) workstation.  I would greatly appreciate \ninformation anyone would care to offer about voice input systems that are \neasily accessible from the UNIX environment. \n\n     The names or adresses of applicable vendors, as well as any \nexperiences you have had with specific systems, would be very helpful.\n\n     Please respond via email; I will post a summary if there is \nsufficient interest.\n\n\nThanks,\nKen\n\n\nP.S.  I have found several impressive systems for IBM PC's, but I would \nlike to avoid the hassle of purchasing and maintaining a separate PC if \nat all possible.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nKen Hinckley (kph2q@virginia.edu)\nUniversity of Virginia \nNeurosurgical Visualization Laboratory\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
  'From: nagle@netcom.com (John Nagle)\nSubject: Re: What do Nuclear Site\'s Cooling Towers do?\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nLines: 42\n\nWayne Alan Martin <wm1h+@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:\n>Excerpts from netnews.sci.electronics: 16-Apr-93 Re: What do Nuclear\n>Site\'s .. by R_Tim_Coslet@cup.portal. \n>> From: R_Tim_Coslet@cup.portal.com\n>> Subject: Re: What do Nuclear Site\'s Cooling Towers do?\n>> Date: Fri, 16 Apr 93 21:27:21 PDT\n>>  \n>> In article: <1qlg9o$d7q@sequoia.ccsd.uts.EDU.AU>\n>>         swalker@uts.EDU.AU (-s87271077-s.walker-man-50-) wrote:\n>> >I really don\'t know where to post this question so I figured that\n>> >this board would be most appropriate.\n>> >I was wondering about those massive concrete cylinders that\n>> >are ever present at nuclear poer sites. They look like cylinders\n>> >that have been pinched in the middle. Does anybody know what the\n>> >actual purpose of those things are?. I hear that they\'re called\n>> >\'Cooling Towers\' but what the heck do they cool?\n>Great Explaination, however you left off one detail, why do you always\n>see them at nuclear plants, but not always at fossil fuel plants.  At\n>nuclear plants it is prefered to run the water closed cycle, whereas\n>fossil fuel plants can in some cases get away with dumping the hot\n>water.  As I recall the water isn\'t as hot (thermodynamically) in many\n>fossil fuel plants, and of course there is less danger of radioactive\n>contamination.\n\n       Actually, fossil fuel plants run hotter than the usual \nboiling-water reactor nuclear plants.  (There\'s a gripe in the industry\nthat nuclear power uses 1900 vintage steam technology).  So it\'s\nmore important in nuclear plants to get the cold end of the system\nas cold as possible.  Hence big cooling towers.  \n\n       Oil and gas fired steam plants also have condensers, but they\nusually are sized to get the steam back into hot water, not most of the\nway down to ambient.  Some plants do cool the condensers with water,\nrather than air; as one Canadian official, asked about "thermal \npollution" de-icing a river, said, "Up here, we view heat as a resource".  \n\n       Everybody runs closed-cycle boilers.  The water used is \npurified of solids, which otherwise crud up the boiler plumbing when\nthe water boils.  Purifying water for boiler use is a bigger job than \ncooling it, so the boiler water is recycled.\n\n\t\t\t\t\tJohn Nagle\n',
  "From: r4938585@joplin.biosci.arizona.edu (Doug Roberts)\nSubject: Re: NL vs. AL?\nOrganization: University of Arizona, Biotechnology, Tucson\nLines: 2\nNNTP-Posting-Host: joplin.biosci.arizona.edu\nKeywords: Game length\n\nDoug Roberts - Ken Hill for NL MVP!!\n\t       Let's go 'Spos\n",
  'From: jonh@david.wheaton.edu (Jonathan Hayward)\nSubject: Re: Pantheism & Environmentalism\nOrganization: Wheaton College, IL\nLines: 46\n\nIn article <Apr.> by028@cleveland.freenet.edu (Gary V. Cavano) writes:\n>I\'m new to this group, and maybe this has been covered already,\n>but does anybody out there see the current emphasis on the\n>environment being turned (unintentionally, of course) into\n>pantheism?\n\nYes.\n\n(I am adamantly an environmentalist.  I will not use styrofoam table service.\nPlease keep that in mind as you read this post - I do not wish to attack\nenvironmentalism)\n\nA half truth is at least as dangerous as a complete lie.  A complete lie will\nrarely be readily accepted, while a half truth (the lie subtly hidden) is more\npowerfully offered by one who masquerades as an angel of light.\n\nSatan has (for some people) loosened the grip on treating the earth as something\nother than God\'s intricate handiwork, something other than that on which the\nhealth of future generations is based.  It is being treated with respect.  You\nthink he\'s going to happily leave it at that?  No.  When one error is rejected,\nit is his style to push people to the opposite error.  Therefore the earth is\nnot God\'s intricate handiwork, not because it is rubbish, but because it is\nGod.  Mother earth is the one you are to primarily love and serve.\n\nI see two facets of a response to it:\n\n1: Care for the environment.  Treat it with proper respect, both because it is\n   God\'s intricate handiwork and the health of future generation, and because\n   showing the facet of one who is disregardful of such things does not\n   constitute what the Apostle Paul called "becoming all things to all men so\n   that by all possible means I might save some."\n\n   Don\'t say "Forget the environment, I\'ve got important things to spend my time\n   on." - putting your foot in your mouth in this manner will destroy your\n   credibility in expressing the things that _are_ more important.\n\n2: Show that it is not the ultimate entity, that it is creature and not\n   creator.  Show that its beauty and glory points to a greater beauty and\n   glory.  Show that it is not the ultimate tapestry, but one of many cords\n   woven in the infinite tapestry.\n\n################################################################################\n# "God, give me mountains # "But the greatest   # Jonathan Hayward             #\n# to climb and the        # of these is love."  # Jonathan_Hayward@wheaton.edu #\n# strength for climbing." # I Corinthians 13:13 # jhayward@imsa.edu            #\n################################################################################\n',
  'From: jimf@centerline.com (Jim Frost)\nSubject: Re: Is car saftey important?\nOrganization: CenterLine Software, Inc.\nLines: 14\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\n\ntcorkum@bnr.ca (Trevor Corkum) writes:\n>Is it only me, or is\n>safety not one of the most important factors when buying a car?\n\nIt depends on your priorities.  A lot of people put higher priorities\non gas mileage and cost than on safety, buying "unsafe" econoboxes\ninstead of Volvos.  I personally take a middle ground -- the only\nthing I really look for is a three-point seatbelt and 5+mph bumpers.\nI figure that 30mph collisions into brick walls aren\'t common enough\nfor me to spend that much extra money for protection, but there are\nlots of low-speed collisions that do worry me.\n\njim frost\njimf@centerline.com\n',
  "From: mrh@iastate.edu (Michael R Hartman)\nSubject: Re: Car Stereo Stolen?\nOrganization: Iowa State University, Ames, IA\nLines: 36\n\nIn article <C5t7qG.9IJ@rice.edu> xray@is.rice.edu (Kenneth Dwayne Ray) writes:\n>> I had the front panel of my car stereo stolen this weekend.\n>\n>> I need to buy the front panel of a Sony XR-U770 car stereo.\n>>\n>I was my understanding that the purpose of those removeable-front-panels\n>were to make the radio useless, and thus discourage theft (that is if the \n>cover were removed by the owner and taken along whenever the car was left.)\n>\n>If those covers were sold for anything remarkably less than the radio \n>originally costs, or even sold at all,\n>then the above discouragement wouldn't be so great.\n>\n>I personally would be unhappy, if I bought a radio like that, thinking that \n>removing the cover greatly depreciated the radio's value, and the covers were\n>sold by the company (or other legitimate source) cheaply.\n>-- \n\nThe front covers should be available from Sony.  Check with a local car\nstereo shop.  You will probably (definitely) have to provide the units \nserial number and hopefully you had registered the warranty card.  I \ndon't know the cost, but replacements have to be available to people\nwho damage the face cover, so it stands to reason that it can be replaced.\n\nAs to deterring theft:\n\nWhen I worked for a stereo shop, we referred the customer to a Sony 800\nnumber.  We would not sell the face, nor did we have them available.  Most\npeople who came in asking for the face cover (or a pullout sleave for that\nmatter) would look very disheartened to find that they acquired a deck\nthey couldn't use.  If theft occurs with these decks, notify Sony.  Serial\nnumbers do catch theives.\n\nJust a thought,\nMichael\n\n",
  "Subject: Teenage acne\nFrom: pchurch@swell.actrix.gen.nz (Pat Churchill)\nOrganization: Actrix Networks\nLines: 26\n\n\nMy 14-y-o son has the usual teenage spotty chin and greasy nose.  I\nbought him Clearasil face wash and ointment.  I think that is probably\nenough, along with the usual good diet.  However, he is on at me to\nget some product called Dalacin T, which used to be a\ndoctor's-prescription only treatment but is not available over the\nchemist's counter.  I have asked a couple of pharmacists who say\neither his acne is not severe enough for Dalacin T, or that Clearasil\nis OK.  I had the odd spots as a teenager, nothing serious.  His\nfather was the same, so I don't figure his acne is going to escalate\ninto something disfiguring.  But I know kids are senstitive about\ntheir appearance.  I am wary because a neighbour's son had this wierd\nmalady that was eventually put down to an overdose of vitamin A from\nacne treatment.  I want to help - but with appropriate treatment.\n\nMy son also has some scaliness around the hairline on his scalp.  Sort\nof teenage cradle cap.  Any pointers/advice on this?  We have tried a\ncouple of anti dandruff shampoos and some of these are inclined to\nmake the condition worse, not better.\n\nShall I bury the kid till he's 21 :)\n\n-- \n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n            The floggings will continue until morale improves              \n    pchurch@swell.actrix.gen.nz  Pat Churchill, Wellington New Zealand \n",
  'From: xandor@unixg.ubc.ca (John Gilbert )\nSubject: Re: Exploding TV!\nOrganization: The University of British Columbia\nLines: 4\nDistribution: usa\nNNTP-Posting-Host: unixg.ubc.ca\n\n Just as a not of possible interest on this subject ..\nIt is my understanding that exploding televisions were a major cause of\ndomestic accidents in the Soviet Union in past years!\n  \n',
  "From: ayr1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Amir Y Rosenblatt)\nSubject: Re: Israeli Expansion-lust\nNntp-Posting-Host: cunixa.cc.columbia.edu\nReply-To: ayr1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Amir Y Rosenblatt)\nOrganization: Columbia University\nLines: 57\n\n\nIn article <2528@spam.maths.adelaide.edu.au> jaskew@spam.maths.adelaide.edu.au (Joseph Askew) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr13.002118.24102@das.harvard.edu> adam@endor.uucp (Adam Shostack) writes:\n>>In article <1993Apr12.184034.1370@bnr.ca> zbib@bnr.ca writes:\n>\n>>>IMHO, it does not really matter who started any individual battle within\n>>>the Arabs/Isreal war context. The real question is who/what  started the\n>>>War. Does anyone have any doubts it was the creation of Israel on Arab\n>>>land ?\n>\n>>       Huh?  A war was started when several armies invaded Israel,\n>>vowing to drive the Jews into the sea.  Most Jews wanted to live in\n>>peace, and the Arabs who stayed in Israel were granted citizenship.\n>\n>It depends entirely on how you define 'war'. The actual fighting largely\n>predates the Arab invasions - after all Deir Yassin happened in midApril\n>well before the Arab invasion. As I have said elsewhere Lt Col Lorch has\n>said that Hagana forces were fighting well before the Arabs invaded as in\n>months before. As for Jews wanting to live in peace that to is entirely\n>arguable. I think it is easy enough to show that the Labour party leadership\n>had no such intention at all. As for the Arabs who 'stayed' don't you mean\n>those who were not expelled? Even some of those who did 'stay' were not\n>granted citizenship but expelled after the fighting had stopped anyway.\n>\n>Joseph Askew\n>\n\nHow do you define war?  Do seiges and constant attacks on villiages\ncount as acts of war, or is that only when the Jews do them?\nJanuary, 1948: Arab Liberation Army attacks Kfar Szold\n               1000 men attack Kfar Etzion, 14 miles south of Jerusalem,\n                    after cutting off the supply lines to it.\nAttacks on Yehiam (Western Galilee) and kibbutz Tirat Tzvi.\nBy Mid-March, The Jewish settlements in the Negev had been cut off from\n      land links with the rest of the Jewish population.\n         The Etzion group of villiages, near Hebron, had been cut off,\n            while 42 members of a convoy trying to supply Yehiam were\n            slaughtered, cutting off the villiage.\nJerusalem was under seige, being cut off from its supply route from\n     Tel Aviv (the bombed out supply trucks have been left on the side\n     of that road to this day in memoriam).  By this time, 1200 Jews \n     had been killed.\n\nOf course, this isn't war, since it's only the Arabs attacking.\nJust like last week when the Fatah launched Katyusha rockets\nagainst Northern israel.  Where does uprising end and war begin?\nWill it still be 'Intifadah' when the PLO brings in tanks?\n\n\n>-- \n>Joseph Askew, Gauche and Proud  In the autumn stillness, see the Pleiades,\n>jaskew@spam.maths.adelaide.edu  Remote in thorny deserts, fell the grief.\n>Disclaimer? Sue, see if I care  North of our tents, the sky must end somwhere,\n>Actually, I rather like Brenda  Beyond the pale, the River murmurs on.\n\n\nAmir\n",
  'From: joec@hilbert.cyprs.rain.com ( Joe Cipale)\nSubject: Re: Clayton Need not Retract\nOrganization: Cypress Semi, Beaverton OR\nLines: 13\n\nIn article <Apr.> kaldis@romulus.rutgers.edu (Theodore A. Kaldis) writes:\n>civilized society.  The _ONLY_ way a homosexual can maintain even a\n>modicum of respectability is by remaining in the closet.\n>-- \n>  The views expressed herein are   |  Theodore A. Kaldis\n>  my own only.  Do you seriously   |  kaldis@remus.rutgers.edu\n>  believe that a major university  |  {...}!rutgers!remus.rutgers.edu!kaldis\n>  as this would hold such views??? |\n\nOnce again, it appears that the one-eyed man has appeared in the land of the sighted\nand for some strange resaon has appointed himself the ruler and supreme power.\n\nJoe Cipale\n',
  'From: dchhabra@stpl.ists.ca (Deepak Chhabra)\nSubject: Re: Goalie masks\nNntp-Posting-Host: stpl.ists.ca\nOrganization: Solar Terresterial Physics Laboratory, ISTS\nLines: 21\n\nIn article <120666@netnews.upenn.edu> kkeller@mail.sas.upenn.edu (Keith Keller) writes:\n>My vote goes to John Vanbiesbrouck.  His mask has a skyline of New York\n>City, and on the sides there are a bunch of bees (Beezer).  It looks\n>really sharp.\n\nFunny you should mention this; one time on HNIC Don Cherry pointed out\nVanbiesbrouck\'s mask.  He _hated_ it.  I think he said something to the effect\nof:\n"You see?  He was great last year; now he goes out and gets that dopey mask \nand he can\'t stop a beachball!"\n\nYou may or may not take Cherry seriously at all, but I cracked up when I heard\nit.\n\nI think Ed Belfour has the current best mask in the NHL btw.  I also like\nMoog\'s, and I\'ll give Fuhr\'s new one an honourable mention, although I haven\'t\nseen it closely yet (it looked good from a distance!).  What\'s also neat is\nChevaldae\'s in Detroit; they call him "Chevy" so he has two checkered flags\npainted at the top as in an auto race.\n\n\n',
  'From: static@iat.holonet.net (Joe Ehrlich)\nSubject: Re: BMW MOA members read this!\nOrganization: HoloNet National Internet Access System: 510-704-1058/modem\nLines: 19\n\nOh boy, a little K-bike versus /2 scuffling? Grow up! And that goes for\nthe both of you!\n\nI do hope that the "dump dempster" campaign works however.\nI think that he is a crook, and I am suprised that it has taken this long\nfor anything to be done (though obviously, it ain\'t over yet)\nOn the other hand, \nI\'m not sure that I want to be in bed with ANY of the wackos running.\nThrowing $20.oo down a rathole might be more effective than sending it in\nto the club. You wouldn\'t get anything, but you don\'t get anything now.\n\nThe magazine you say? Ever since the MOA politburo installed Don it has\nlacked any sort of panache it may have had. \n\nAh, but what would I know? I own a /6 AND a K-bike\n\n\nstatic\nMOA 20297\n',
  'From: ebrandt@jarthur.claremont.edu (Eli Brandt)\nSubject: Re: Do we need the clipper for cheap security?\nOrganization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711\nLines: 56\n\nIn article <1r466c$an3@news.intercon.com> amanda@intercon.com (Amanda Walker) writes:\n>Agreed.  Remember, I don\'t even think of Clipper as encryption in any real \n>sense--if I did, I\'d probably be a lot more annoyed about it.\n\nI agree with this assessment.  Furthermore, its promotion as\nproviding greater protection than bare voice is quite true, as far\nas it goes.  However, the only way for it to fulfill its stated goal\nof letting LE wiretap "terrorists and drug dealers" is to restrict\nstronger techniques.  \n\nWiretap targets presently use strong encryption, weak encryption, or\n(the vast majority) no encryption.  The latter two classes can be\ntapped.  With weak encryption in every phone, the no-encryption\nclass is merged into the weak-encryption class.  Will the\nintroduction of Clipper cause targets presently enjoying strong\nprivacy to give up on it?  that is, to rely for privacy on a system\nexpressly designed to deny it to people like them?  I doubt it.  The\nmere introduction of this scheme will give the government *nothing*.\n\nThe stated goal of preventing the degradation of wiretapping\ncapabilities can be fulfilled by restriction of domestic\ncryptography, and only by this restriction.  "Clipper" appears to be\nno more than a sop, given to the public to mute any complaints.  We\nwould find this a grossly inadequate tradeoff, but I fear the public\nat large will not care.  I hate to even mention gun control, but\nmost people seem to think that an `assault weapon\' (as the NYT uses\nthe word) is some sort of automatic weapon, .50 caliber maybe.  Who\nwants to have such a thing legal?  Well, people know even less about\ncryptology; I suspect that strong cryptography could easily be\nlabeled "too much secrecy for law-abiding citizens to need".\n\n>That\'s not for Clinton (or anyone under him) to say, though.  Only the \n>federal and supreme courts can say anything about the constitutionality.\n>Anything the administration or any governmental agency says is opinion at \n>best.\n\nWhat they say is opinion, but what they do is what matters, and will\ncontinue unless overturned.  And the courts are reluctant to annul\nlaw or regulation, going to some length to decide cases on other\ngrounds.  Furthermore, Congress can get away with quite a bit.  They\ncould levy a burdensome tax; this would place enforcement in the\nhands of the BATF, who as we\'ve seen you really don\'t want on your\ncase.  They could invoke the Commerce Clause; this seems most\nlikely.  This clause will get you anywhere these days.  The 18th was\nrequired because the Supreme Court ruled a prohibitory statute\nunconstitutional.  In 1970 Congress prohibited many drugs, with a\ntextual nod to the Commerce Clause.  The Controlled Substances\nAct of 1970 still stands.  I think the government could get away\nwith it.\n\n>Amanda Walker\n\n\t PGP 2 key by finger or e-mail\n   Eli   ebrandt@jarthur.claremont.edu\n\n\n',
  'From: behanna@syl.nj.nec.com (Chris BeHanna)\nSubject: Re: Should liability insurance be required?\nOrganization: NEC Systems Laboratory, Inc.\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 32\n\nIn article <tcora-140493155620@b329-gator-3.pica.army.mil> tcora@pica.army.mil (Tom Coradeschi) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr14.125209.21247@walter.bellcore.com>,\n>fist@iscp.bellcore.com (Richard Pierson) wrote:\n>> \n>> Lets get this "No Fault" stuff straight, I lived in NJ\n>> when NF started, my rates went up, ALOT. Moved to PA\n>> and my rates went down ALOT, the NF came to PA and it\n>> was a different story. If you are sitting in a parking\n>> lot having lunch or whatever and someone wacks you guess\n>> whose insurance pays for it ? give up ?  YOURS.\n>\n>BZZZT! If it is the other driver\'s fault, your insurance co pays you, less\n>deductible, then recoups the total cost from the other guy/gal\'s company\n>(there\'s a fancy word for it, which escapes me right now), and pays you the\n>deductible. Or: you can go to the other guy/gal\'s company right off - just\n>takes longer to get your cash (as opposed to State Farm, who cut me a check\n>today, on the spot, for the damage to my wife\'s cage).\n\n\tThe word is "subrogation."  Seems to me, if you\'re willing to wait\nfor the money from scumbag\'s insurance, that you save having to pay the\ndeductible.  However, if scumbag\'s insurance is Scum insurance, then you may\nhave to pay the deductible to get your insurance co.\'s pack of rabid, large-\nfanged lawyers to recover the damages from Scum insurance\'s lawyers.\n\n\tSad, but true.  Call it job security for lawyers.\n\nLater,\n-- \nChris BeHanna\tDoD# 114          1983 H-D FXWG Wide Glide - Jubilee\'s Red Lady\nbehanna@syl.nj.nec.com\t          1975 CB360T - Baby Bike\nDisclaimer:  Now why would NEC\t  1991 ZX-11 - needs a name\nagree with any of this anyway?    I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.\n',
  'From: bressler@iftccu.ca.boeing.com (Rick Bressler)\nSubject: Re: Gun Lovers (was Re: My Gun is like my American Express Card)\nOrganization: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group\nLines: 104\n\n/ iftccu:talk.politics.guns / vincent@cad.gatech.edu (Vincent Fox) / 10:34 am  Apr 14, 1993 /\n\nThis isn\'t rec.guns, so maybe this is getting a bet technical, but I\ncan\'t resist....\n\n> - A revolver also has the advantage that if it misfires you just pull\n>   the trigger again.\n\nSometimes.....  Depends on WHY it misfired....\n\n> - A double-action revolver (almost all of them) can be hand-cocked first,\n>   but will fire merely by pulling the trigger.\n\nI can\'t imagine doing much combat type shooting single action.....\n\n> - A misfire in a revolver merely means you must pull the trigger again\n>   to rotate to the next round.\n\nAssuming the cylinder WILL rotate....\n\n> - A revolver can be carried with the 6th chamber empty and under the\n>   hammer for maximum safety, but still can be drawn and fired with an\n>   easy motion, even one handed.\n\nNever hurts to err on the side of safety, but if you\'ve got one of those\n\'new fangled\' hammer blocks or transfer bar safeties, it\'s unnecessarily\nredundant.  I\'d rather have the extra round.\n\n> - Speedloaders for a revolver allow reloads almost as fast as magazines\n>   on semi-autos. Can be faster depending on users.\n\nQuite true.  Speed loaders are a little less convenient to pack around\nthan magazines though.\n\n> - A misfire in a semi-auto will require you to clear a jammed shell\n>   first, time spent which can be fatal. And a vital second or so is often\n>   lost as you realize "hey, it\'s jammed!" before starting to do anything\n>   about clearing it.\n\nTrue, but this is a training function.\n\n> - Most semi-autos must have the slide worked to chamber the first round\n>   and cock the hammer. Some police carry their semi-autos with the\n>   chamber loaded and hammer cocked, but a safety engaged. I do not consider\n>   this safe however. You must trade-off safety to get the same speed\n>   of employment as a revolver.\n\nCocked and locked for single actions or hammer down on double actions\nare the only carry modes that make sense...  The 80 series Colt\'s for\nexample are quite safe to carry this way.\n\n> - There are some double-action semi-autos out there, but the complexity of\n>   operation of many of them requires more training.\n\nAgreed.\n\nNow that I\'ve shot off my mouth a bit, let me back some of this up.  It\nis true that a simple misfire on a revolver doesn\'t cost you much.  On\nthe other hand, I\'ve had all sorts of interesting things happen over the\nyears.  For example, I\'ve had FACTORY ammunition that has had high\nprimers.  A high primer will tie your revolver up somewhere from seconds\nto minutes while you try to pound the action open to clear the problem.\nAn auto?  Jack the slide and continue.\n\nI\'ve had bullets come out of the case, keeping the cylinder from\nturning, see clearing paragraph above.  About the WORST that can happen\nwith a semi auto is a double feed.  This can be cleared in seconds.\n\nMost revolvers are more \'fragile\' then semi auto\'s.  There are all sorts\nof close tolerance parts and fitting involved.  Dropping the gun, or a\nblow to the gun or all sorts of things can take it out of action.  Many\nof the problems that can be cured on the spot with a (quality) semi auto\ntake a gun smith for a revolver.  In short a revolver MAY be less likely\nto malfunction, but as a rule when it does, you\'re out of the fight.\nThe majority of malfunctions that occur with semi autos does not fall\ninto that category.\n\nVincint makes many good points in this post, but leaves off the opposing\nview of most of them.  A real good starting place is Ayoob\'s "The Semi\nAuto Pistol for Police and Self Defense."\n\nIn general, I\'d agree, the revolver is an excellent first gun and self\ndefense weapon for somebody that does not have the time, and inclination\nthat is necessary for the training and practice needed to use a semi\nauto effectively as a self defense arm.\n\nMost cops are notoriously indifferent to firearms.  If the department\nisn\'t going to train them, they aren\'t going to take the time on their\nown.  There is no doubt that training is an issue.  The amount of\ntraining required for effective use of a semi auto is probably several\ntimes that of a revolver.  Many cops don\'t bother.\n\nFor myself, I\'d hate to be limited to one or the other.  I\'d rather pick\nwhat fits better with my personal inclination, what I\'m wearing that day\nand so on.  Like the Moderator on rec.guns says, buy em all!\n\nThat said, I have to admit that often my advice to people thinking of\nbuying their first defense arm is (right after taking a class) get a\nRuger or Smith revolver....  (Sorry Colt fans.  Colt revolvers are ok\ntoo!)\n\nIf this post had gone the other way, I\'d be arguing for revolvers. :-)\n\nRick.\n',
  'From:  (Sean Garrison)\nSubject: Re: Bonilla\nNntp-Posting-Host: berkeley-kstar-node.net.yale.edu\nOrganization: Yale Univeristy\nLines: 37\n\nIn article <1993Apr17.213553.2181@organpipe.uug.arizona.edu>,\nkrueger@helium.gas.uug.arizona.edu (theodore r krueger) wrote:\n \n> Isn\'t it funny that  a white person calls comeone a "nigger" and gets banned \n> for a year, but a black person calls someone a "faggot" and there is no \n> consequence?\n\n> Ted\n\n\nTed, you\'re missing a vital point.  As Roger Lustig pointed out in a\nprevious response, the reason why Schott was banned from baseball was\nbecause she had been known to call and think in a racially biased manner on\na constant basis.  Such thoughts affected her hiring practices.  Bonilla,\non the other hand, was found to have mentioned this one word a single time.\n If he had been known to go around, criticizing homosexuals, it would be a\ndifferent story.  Furthermore, he is merely an athlete.  He doesn\'t have to\nhire anyone as Schott had to do.  Dave Pallone, the former NL umpire who is\nan admitted homosexual, has decided to assist in a protest before a Mets\ngame at Shea.  He, like you, thinks that Bonilla should be suspended from\nbaseball.  Pallone is hoping for a year\'s suspension.  In my opinion,\nthat\'s downright ludicrous.  As Howie Rose on WFAN said, if you start\nsuspending athletes who have mentioned a derogatory word even a single time\nunder whatever conditions, then you\'d probably have enough people remaining\nto play a three-on-three game.  Now, honestly, if you truly analyze the\ndifferences between the two cases that you bring up in your article, I\nwould think that you\'d reconsider your thoughts.\n\n\n                                    -Sean\n\n\n\n*******************************************************************************\n  "Behind the bag!"\n            - Vin Scully\n*******************************************************************************\n',
  "From: root@ncube.com (Operator)\nSubject: Re: Which fax modem is the best?\nNntp-Posting-Host: admin\nReply-To: root@ncube.com\nOrganization: nCUBE Corp., Foster City, CA\nLines: 19\n\nWell I am using The Home Office. I bought it for arounde $350.\nIt does 14.4. I don't know if it's for data or fax. But the\nfeature I use is the Voic Mail Box, which I really have liked.\n\n---\n\n\n\n                     ^~\n                     @ *  *\n  Captain Zod...    _|/_ /\n  zod@ncube.com    |-|-|/\n                  0 /| 0\n                   / |\n           \\=======&==\\===\n           \\===========&===\n\n\n\n",
  "From: ab245@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Sam Latonia)\nSubject: Re: Need phone number for Western Digital (ESDI problem)\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 5\nNNTP-Posting-Host: slc10.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\nWestern Digital 1-800-832-4778.....Sam\n-- \nGosh..I think I just installed a virus..It was called MS DOS6...\nDon't copy that floppy..BURN IT...I just love Windows...CRASH...\n",
  "From: paul@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Paul R Krueger)\nSubject: Brewer bullpen rocked again...\nOrganization: Computing Services Division, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee\nLines: 30\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\nOriginator: paul@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\n\nFor the second straight game, California scored a ton of late runs to crush\nthe Brewhas. It was six runs in the 8th for a 12-5 win Monday and five in\nthe 8th and six in the 9th for a 12-2 win yesterday. Jamie Navarro pitched\nseven strong innings, but Orosco, Austin, Manzanillo and Lloyd all took part\nin the mockery of a bullpen yesterday. How's this for numbers? Maldanado has\npitched three scoreless innings and Navarro's ERA is 0.75. The next lowest\non the staff is Wegman at 5.14. Ouch!\n\nIt doesn't look much better for the hitters. Hamilton is batting .481, while\nThon is hitting .458 and has seven RBI. The next highest is three. The next\nbest hitter is Jaha at .267 and then Vaughn, who has the team's only HR, at\n.238. Another ouch. Looking at the stats, it's not hard to see why the team\nis 2-5. In fact, 2-5 doesn't sound bad when you're averaging three runs/game\nand giving up 6.6/game. \n\nStill, it's early and things will undoubtedly get better. The offense should\ncome around, but the bullpen is a major worry. Fetters, Plesac and Austin gave\nthe Brewers great middle relief last year. Lloyd, Maldanado, Manzanillo, \nFetters, Austin and Orosco will have to pick up the pace for the team to be\nsuccessful. Milwaukee won a number of games last year when middle relief either\nheld small leads or kept small deficits in place. The starters will be okay,\nthe defense will be alright and the hitting will come around, but the bullpen\nis a big question mark.\n\nIn other news, Nilsson and Doran were reactivated yesterday, while William\nSuero was sent down and Tim McIntosh was picked up by Montreal. Today's game\nwith California was cancelled.\n\n--salty\n\n",
  "From: cmeyer@bloch.Stanford.EDU (Craig Meyer)\nSubject: Re: Jack Morris\nOrganization: DSO, Stanford University\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\nLines: 27\n\nMichael Chen (mike@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu) wrote:\n\n: In any case, I think Viola would have made a better signing.  Why?\n: Viola is younger, and is left handed (how many left handed starters does\n: Toronto have?\n\nWell, I agree that Viola is a better signing.  However, why does\neveryone say that you want lefthanded starters?  I understand lefthanded\nspot relievers, even though they usually face more righthanded batters\nthan lefthanded batters.  I just don't understand why people insist\non lefthanded starters, unless there is a park effect (e.g., Yankee Stadium).\nMost batters in MLB are righthanded, so righthanded starters will have\nthe platoon advantage more often than lefthanded starters.\nI guess one argument for lefty starters is that certain teams\nmay be more vulnerable to LHP's than RHP's.  However, this is probably\nonly a factor in the postseason, because teams seldom juggle their starters\nfor this reason during the regular season.\n\nI think you just want the best starters you can get, regardless of\nwhether they are lefties or righties.  Lefthanded starters tend to have\nhigher ERA's than righthanded starters, precisely because managers\ngo out of their way to start inferior lefties (or perhaps because of\nthe platoon advantage).\n\nAm I missing something here?\n\n--Craig\n",
  "From: Robert Everett Brunskill <rb6t+@andrew.cmu.edu>\nSubject: Re: $$$ to fix TRACKBALL\nOrganization: Freshman, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA\nLines: 7\nNNTP-Posting-Host: po4.andrew.cmu.edu\nIn-Reply-To: <93105.152944BR4416A@auvm.american.edu>\n\nOf course, if you want to check the honesty of your dealler, take it in\nknowing what's wrong, and ask them to tell you. :)\n\nOf course he'll probably know right a way, then charge you a $20 service\nfee. :)\n\nRob\n",
  'From: vng@iscs.nus.sg\nSubject: Wyse 60 Terminal Emulator\nReply-To: VNG@ISCS.NUS.SG\nOrganization: Dept of Info Sys and Comp Sci, National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE\nLines: 6\n\nIs there a Wyse 60 Terminal Emulator or a comms toolbox kit available on the\nnet somewhere?\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n',
  "From: speedy@engr.latech.edu (Speedy Mercer)\nSubject: Re: Looking for MOVIES w/ BIKES\nOrganization: Louisiana Tech University\nLines: 25\nNNTP-Posting-Host: bhm116e-spc.engr.latech.edu\nSummary: Bike movies\nKeywords: movies\n\nIn article <csundh30.735325668@ursa> csundh30@ursa.calvin.edu (Charles Sundheim) writes:\n\n>Folks,\n\n>I am assembling info for a Film Criticism class final project.\n\n>Essentially I need any/all movies that use motos in any substantial\n>capacity (IE; Fallen Angles, T2, H-D & the Marlboro Man,\n>Raising Arizona, etc).  \n>Any help you fellow r.m'ers could give me would be much `preciated.\n>(BTW, a summary of bike(s) or plot is helpful but not necessary)\n\nEasy Rider (harleys, drugs, rednecks, New Orleans), Mad Max (violence, DoD \nwanna-be's), Time Rider (Honda Thumper, Time travel), On Any Sunday \n(Documentary about dirtbike racers, GREAT!), The (Great?) Escape (Steve \nMcqueen, Nazis), Rebel Without a Cause (James Dean, future DoD'ers).  I \nthink the last two are right, they are OLD movies I haven't seen in YEARS. \n ----===== DoD #8177 = Technician(Dr. Speed) .NOT. Student =====----\n\n                          Stolen Taglines...\n              * God is real, unless declared integer. *\n            * I came, I saw, I deleted all your files. *\n         * Black holes are where God is dividing by zero. *\n        * The world will end in 5 minutes. Please log out. *\n       * Earth is 98% full.... please delete anyone you can. *\n",
  'From: tg@cs.toronto.edu (Tom Glinos)\nSubject: 12V to 3V and 48V at 3A\nOrganization: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto\nDistribution: na\nLines: 11\n\nThe subject line says it all. I\'m working on a project\nthat will use a car battery. I need to pull off 3V and possibly\n48V at 3A.\n\nI have several ideas, but I\'d prefer to benefit from all you\nbrilliant people :-)\n-- \n=================\n"Conquest is easy, control is not"\t| Tom Glinos @ U of Toronto Statistics\n[Star Trek TOS]   \t\t\t| tg@utstat.toronto.edu\nUSL forgot this simple history lesson\n',
  'From: 18084TM@msu.edu (Tom)\nSubject: Golden & Space ages\nX-Added: Forwarded by Space Digest\nOrganization: [via International Space University]\nOriginal-Sender: isu@VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU\nDistribution: sci\nLines: 17\n\nPat sez;\n>Oddly, enough,  The smithsonian calls the lindbergh years\n>the golden age of flight.  I would call it the granite years,\n>reflecting the primitive nature of it.  It was  romantic,\n>swashbuckling daredevils,  "those daring young men in their flying\n>machines".  But in reality, it sucked.  Death was a highly likely\n>occurence,  and  the environment blew.\n\nYeah, but a windscreen cut down most of it.  Canopies ended it completely.\n\nOf course, the environment in space continues to suck :-)\n\n-Tommy Mac\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTom McWilliams 517-355-2178 wk   \\\\ As the radius of vision increases,\n18084tm@ibm.cl.msu.edu 336-9591 hm \\\\ the circumference of mystery grows.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  'From: johnc@crsa.bu.edu (John Collins)\nSubject: Problem with MIT-SHM\nOrganization: Boston University\nLines: 27\n\nI am trying to write an image display program that uses\nthe MIT shared memory extension.  The shared memory segment\ngets allocated and attached to the process with no problem.\nBut the program crashes at the first call to XShmPutImage,\nwith the following message:\n\nX Error of failed request:  BadShmSeg (invalid shared segment parameter)\n  Major opcode of failed request:  133 (MIT-SHM)\n  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_ShmPutImage)\n  Segment id in failed request 0x0\n  Serial number of failed request:  741\n  Current serial number in output stream:  742\n\nLike I said, I did error checking on all the calls to shmget\nand shmat that are necessary to create the shared memory\nsegment, as well as checking XShmAttach.  There are no\nproblems.\n\nIf anybody has had the same problem or has used MIT-SHM without\nhaving the same problem, please let me know.\n\nBy the way, I am running OpenWindows 3.0 on a Sun Sparc2.\n\nThanks in advance--\nJohn C.\n\n\n',
  "From: dlecoint@garnet.acns.fsu.edu (Darius_Lecointe)\nSubject: Re: Sabbath Admissions 5of5\nOrganization: Florida State University\nLines: 27\n\nI have been following this thread on talk.religion,\nsoc.religion.christian.bible-study and here with interest.  I am amazed at\nthe different non-biblical argument those who oppose the Sabbath present. \n\nOne question comes to mind, especially since my last one was not answered\nfrom Scripture.  Maybe clh may wish to provide the first response.\n\nThere is a lot of talk about the Sabbath of the TC being ceremonial. \nAnswer this:\n\nSince the TC commandments is one law with ten parts on what biblical\nbasis have you decided that only the Sabbath portion is ceremonial?\nOR You say that the seventh-day is the Sabbath but not applicable to\nGentile Christians.  Does that mean the Sabbath commandment has been\nannulled?  References please.\n\nIf God did not intend His requirements on the Jews to be applicable to\nGentile Christians why did He make it plain that the Gentiles were now\ngrafted into the commonwealth of Israel?\n\nDarius\n\n[Acts 15, Rom 14:5, Col 2:16, Gal 4:10.  I believe we've gotten into\na loop at this point.  This is one of those classic situations where\nboth sides think they have clear Scriptural support, and there's no\nobvious argument that is going to change anybody's mind.  I don't think\nwe're going anything but repeating ourselves.  --clh]\n",
  'From: yuting@Xenon.Stanford.EDU (Eugene Y. Kuo)\nSubject: Any updated Canon BJ-200 driver?\nOrganization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University.\nLines: 8\n\nHi ... can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of updated Canon BJ-200\nprinter driver for Windows 3.1, if any ? I have ver 1.0 which comes with\nmy BJ-200 printer, I just wonder if there is any newer version.\n\nThanks very much, please email.\n\n\n\n',
  'From: km@cs.pitt.edu (Ken Mitchum)\nSubject: Re: Patient-Physician Diplomacy\nArticle-I.D.: pitt.19422\nReply-To: km@cs.pitt.edu (Ken Mitchum)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 22\n\nIn article <C4Hyou.1Iz@mentor.cc.purdue.edu> hrubin@pop.stat.purdue.edu (Herman Rubin) writes:\n>In article <188@ky3b.UUCP> km@ky3b.pgh.pa.us (Ken Mitchum) writes:\n>\n>>Ditto. Disease is a great leveling experience, however. Some people\n>>are very much afronted to find out that all the money in the world\n>>does not buy one health. Everyone looks the same when they die.\n>\n>If money does not buy one health, why are we talking about paying\n>for medical expenses for those not currently "adequately covered"?\n\nHerman, I would think you of all people would/could distinguish\nbetween "health" and "treatment of disease." All the prevention\nmedicine people preach this all the time. You cannot buy health.\nYou can buy treatment of disease, assuming you are lucky enough\nto have a disease which can be treated. A rich person with a\nterminal disease is a bit out of luck. There is no such thing\nas "adequately covered" and there never will be. \n\nAnd for what it\'s worth, I\'ll be the first to admit that all my\npatients die.\n\n-km\n',
  'From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: Day and night Armenians were rounding up male inhabitants...\nArticle-I.D.: zuma.9304052020\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 71\n\nIn article <734048492@locust.cs.duke.edu> wiener@duke.cs.duke.edu (Eduard Wiener) writes:\n\n>\t  Sure it joined you by ballot in 1918!  And I suppose that\n>\t  Northern Bukovina (where I was born), which has always had\n\nThat\'s why zoologists refer to you as a \'fecal shield\'. Colonel Semen \nM. Budienny, a subsequent Soviet military fame, said about the \nArmenian genocide of 2.5 million defenseless Turkish and Kurdish \nwomen, children and elderly people during his visit to Anatolia \nin June 1919 that\n\n"the Armenians had become troublemakers, their Hinchakist\n and Dashnakist parties were opportunist, serving as lackeys\n of whatever power happened to be ascendent."\n\nIn September 16, 1920, Major General W. Thwaites, Director of\nMilitary Intelligence, wrote to Lord Hardinge, Under-Secretary\nof State for Foreign Affairs:\n\n"...it is useless to pretend that the Armenians are satisfactory\n allies, or deserving of all the sympathy to which they claim."[1]\n\n[1] F.O. 331/3411/158288.\n\nIn the Special Collection at Stanford Hoover Library, donated by\nGeorgia Cutler, the letter dated Nov. 1, 1943 states that\n\n"Prescot Hall wrote a large volume to prove that Armenians were\n not and never could be desirable citizens, that they would \n always be unscrupulous merchants."\n\n\nSource: Documents: Volume I (1919).\n        "Document No: 50," Archive No: 4/3621, Cabin No: 162, Drawer \n        No: 5, File No: 2905, Section No: 433, Contents No: 6, 6-1, 6-2.\n        (To 36th Division Command - Militia Commander Ismail Hakki)\n\n"For eight days, Armenians have been forcibly obstructing people from\n leaving their homes or going from one village to the other. Day and night\n they are rounding up male inhabitants, taking them to unknown destinations,\n after which nothing further is heard of them. (Informed from statements\n of those who succeeded in escaping wounded from the massacres around\n Taskilise ruins). Women and children are being openly murdered or are\n being gathered in the Church Square and similar places. Most inhuman and\n barbarous acts have been committed against Moslems for eight days."\n\n\n        "Document No: 52," Archive No: 4/3671, Cabin No: 163, Drawer \n        No: 1, File No: 2907, Section No: 440, Contents No: 6-6, 6-7.\n        (To: 1st Caucasian Army Corps Command, 2nd Caucasian Army Corps\n        Command, Communications Zone Inspectorate - Commander 3rd Army\n        General)\n\n"As almost all Russian units opposite our front have been withdrawn, the\n population loyal to us in regions behind the Russian positions are\n facing an ever-increasing threat and suppression as well as cruelties\n and abuses by Armenians who have decided to systematically annihilate\n the Moslem population in regions under their occupation. I have \n regularly informed the Russian Command of these atrocities and\n cruelties and I have gained the impression that the above authority\n seems to be failing in restoring order."\n\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           \'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.\'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           \'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.\' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n',
  "From: cme@ellisun.sw.stratus.com (Carl Ellison)\nSubject: Re: Clipper Crypto\nOrganization: Stratus Computer, Software Engineering\nLines: 26\nDistribution: inet\nNNTP-Posting-Host: ellisun.sw.stratus.com\nKeywords: crypto, EFF\n\nI sent a response to the White House at\n\n\t0005895485@MCIMAIL.COM (White House)\n\nand received a nice, automatic reply from MICMAIL noting, in passing, that\nif I had included a SNail address, I would get a reply in due course.\n\nFor those who care, my reply was:\n\n\t1.\tyes, let's protect the voice network\n\n\t2.\tprivately-developed crypto has always been available and\n\t\talways will be -- so let's think about how to do law\n\t\tenforcement given that fact not about how to hope to\n\t\tlegislate against it\n\n\t3.\tmy needs for crypto as a system designer are not met by the\n\t\tClipper Chip.  I want freely to export uses of algorithms\n\t\t(like DES & RSA) which are already freely available in the\n\t\tdestination country\n\n-- \n - <<Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own, of course.>>\n - Carl Ellison                                        cme@sw.stratus.com\n - Stratus Computer Inc.       M3-2-BKW                TEL: (508)460-2783\n - 55 Fairbanks Boulevard ; Marlborough MA 01752-1298  FAX: (508)624-7488\n",
  'From: eliot@lanmola.engr.washington.edu (eliot)\nSubject: Re: Improvements in Automatic Transmissions\nKeywords: Saturn, Subaru, manual, automatic\nArticle-I.D.: engr.Apr19.045221.19525\nOrganization: clearer than blir\nLines: 40\nNNTP-Posting-Host: lanmola.engr.washington.edu\n\n\nan excellent automatic can be found in the subaru legacy.  it switches to\n"sport" mode when the electronics figure it,  not when the driver sets\nthe switch.. which is the proper way to do it, IMO.  so what does "sport"\nmode entail?  several things:\n\n1) revving to red line (or to the rev limiter in the case of the legacy)\n\n2) delayed upshifts.  (i.e. if you lift off briefly, it will remain in the\n\tlow gear.  this is handy if you are charging through corners and\n\twould like to do without the distraction of upshifts when there\'s\n\tanother curve approaching)\n\n3) part throttle downshifts, based on the *speed* at which the pedal is\n\tdepressed, rather than the *position* of the pedal.  modern\n\telectronics can measure this very easily and switch to sport mode.\n\tthis is wonderful if you want to charge through a green light about\n\tto turn red.  my audi senses this very well and can downshift on as\n\tlittle as half throttle if my right foot is fast enough.\n\nalso, i think that a smart automatic can deliver better gas mileage\nthan a dumb driver with a stick, all else being equal.. remember that\nthe idea of a stick being more economical than an automatic makes a\nbig assumption that the driver is smart enough to know what gear to\nuse for each situation.. how many times have you ridden with an\ninattentive driver cruising on the highway at 55/65 in 4th gear (of a\n5 speed)?  \n\nhow many % of people who drive manuals *really* know what the best\ngear to use is for every conceivable situation?  i\'m sure there will\nbe some who know, but i suspect that a chip controlled automatic with\nall possible scenario/ratio combinations stored in ROM is likely to do\nbetter.  i can also say that all my previous assumptions were proved\nwrong after i got a car with instantaneous mpg readout... high gear,\nlow revs and wide open throttle is more economical than low gear, high\nrevs and small throttle opening.  the explanation is quite simple if\none sits down to think about it, but not that obvious at first sight.\n\n\neliot\n',
  "From: d_jaracz@oz.plymouth.edu (David R. Jaracz)\nSubject: Re: Octopus in Detroit?\nOrganization: Plymouth State College - Plymouth, NH.\nLines: 16\n\nIn article <93106.092246DLMQC@CUNYVM.BITNET> Harold Zazula <DLMQC@CUNYVM.BITNET> writes:\n>I was watching the Detroit-Minnesota game last night and thought I saw an\n>octopus on the ice after Ysebaert scored to tie the game at two. What gives?\n\nNo no no!!!  It's a squid!  Keep the tradition alive!  (Kinda like the\nfish at UNH games....)\n\n>(is there some custom to throw octopuses on the ice in Detroit?)\n>-------\n>Not Responsible -- Dain Bramaged!!\n>\n>Harold Zazula\n>dlmqc@cunyvm.cuny.edu\n>hzazula@alehouse.acc.qc.edu\n\n\n",
  'From: sp@odin.fna.no (Svein Pedersen)\nSubject: Re: Utility for updating Win.ini and system.ini\nOrganization: University of Tromsoe, Norway\nLines: 11\n\nSorry, I did`nt tell exactly what I need.\n\nI need a utility for automatic updating (deleting, adding, changing) of *.ini files for Windows. \nThe program should run from Dos batchfile or the program run a script under Windows.\n\nI will use the utility for updating the win.ini (and other files) on meny PC`s.  \n\nDo I find it on any FTP host?\n\n Svein\n\n',
  'From: leech@cs.unc.edu (Jon Leech)\nSubject: Space FAQ 11/15 - Upcoming Planetary Probes\nSupersedes: <new_probes_730956574@cs.unc.edu>\nOrganization: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill\nLines: 243\nDistribution: world\nExpires: 6 May 1993 20:00:01 GMT\nNNTP-Posting-Host: mahler.cs.unc.edu\nKeywords: Frequently Asked Questions\n\nArchive-name: space/new_probes\nLast-modified: $Date: 93/04/01 14:39:17 $\n\nUPCOMING PLANETARY PROBES - MISSIONS AND SCHEDULES\n\n    Information on upcoming or currently active missions not mentioned below\n    would be welcome. Sources: NASA fact sheets, Cassini Mission Design\n    team, ISAS/NASDA launch schedules, press kits.\n\n\n    ASUKA (ASTRO-D) - ISAS (Japan) X-ray astronomy satellite, launched into\n    Earth orbit on 2/20/93. Equipped with large-area wide-wavelength (1-20\n    Angstrom) X-ray telescope, X-ray CCD cameras, and imaging gas\n    scintillation proportional counters.\n\n\n    CASSINI - Saturn orbiter and Titan atmosphere probe. Cassini is a joint\n    NASA/ESA project designed to accomplish an exploration of the Saturnian\n    system with its Cassini Saturn Orbiter and Huygens Titan Probe. Cassini\n    is scheduled for launch aboard a Titan IV/Centaur in October of 1997.\n    After gravity assists of Venus, Earth and Jupiter in a VVEJGA\n    trajectory, the spacecraft will arrive at Saturn in June of 2004. Upon\n    arrival, the Cassini spacecraft performs several maneuvers to achieve an\n    orbit around Saturn. Near the end of this initial orbit, the Huygens\n    Probe separates from the Orbiter and descends through the atmosphere of\n    Titan. The Orbiter relays the Probe data to Earth for about 3 hours\n    while the Probe enters and traverses the cloudy atmosphere to the\n    surface. After the completion of the Probe mission, the Orbiter\n    continues touring the Saturnian system for three and a half years. Titan\n    synchronous orbit trajectories will allow about 35 flybys of Titan and\n    targeted flybys of Iapetus, Dione and Enceladus. The objectives of the\n    mission are threefold: conduct detailed studies of Saturn\'s atmosphere,\n    rings and magnetosphere; conduct close-up studies of Saturn\'s\n    satellites, and characterize Titan\'s atmosphere and surface.\n\n    One of the most intriguing aspects of Titan is the possibility that its\n    surface may be covered in part with lakes of liquid hydrocarbons that\n    result from photochemical processes in its upper atmosphere. These\n    hydrocarbons condense to form a global smog layer and eventually rain\n    down onto the surface. The Cassini orbiter will use onboard radar to\n    peer through Titan\'s clouds and determine if there is liquid on the\n    surface. Experiments aboard both the orbiter and the entry probe will\n    investigate the chemical processes that produce this unique atmosphere.\n\n    The Cassini mission is named for Jean Dominique Cassini (1625-1712), the\n    first director of the Paris Observatory, who discovered several of\n    Saturn\'s satellites and the major division in its rings. The Titan\n    atmospheric entry probe is named for the Dutch physicist Christiaan\n    Huygens (1629-1695), who discovered Titan and first described the true\n    nature of Saturn\'s rings.\n\n\t Key Scheduled Dates for the Cassini Mission (VVEJGA Trajectory)\n\t -------------------------------------------------------------\n\t   10/06/97 - Titan IV/Centaur Launch\n\t   04/21/98 - Venus 1 Gravity Assist\n\t   06/20/99 - Venus 2 Gravity Assist\n\t   08/16/99 - Earth Gravity Assist\n\t   12/30/00 - Jupiter Gravity Assist\n\t   06/25/04 - Saturn Arrival\n\t   01/09/05 - Titan Probe Release\n\t   01/30/05 - Titan Probe Entry\n\t   06/25/08 - End of Primary Mission\n\t    (Schedule last updated 7/22/92)\n\n\n    GALILEO - Jupiter orbiter and atmosphere probe, in transit. Has returned\n    the first resolved images of an asteroid, Gaspra, while in transit to\n    Jupiter. Efforts to unfurl the stuck High-Gain Antenna (HGA) have\n    essentially been abandoned. JPL has developed a backup plan using data\n    compression (JPEG-like for images, lossless compression for data from\n    the other instruments) which should allow the mission to achieve\n    approximately 70% of its original objectives.\n\n\t   Galileo Schedule\n\t   ----------------\n\t   10/18/89 - Launch from Space Shuttle\n\t   02/09/90 - Venus Flyby\n\t   10/**/90 - Venus Data Playback\n\t   12/08/90 - 1st Earth Flyby\n\t   05/01/91 - High Gain Antenna Unfurled\n\t   07/91 - 06/92 - 1st Asteroid Belt Passage\n\t   10/29/91 - Asteroid Gaspra Flyby\n\t   12/08/92 - 2nd Earth Flyby\n\t   05/93 - 11/93 - 2nd Asteroid Belt Passage\n\t   08/28/93 - Asteroid Ida Flyby\n\t   07/02/95 - Probe Separation\n\t   07/09/95 - Orbiter Deflection Maneuver\n\t   12/95 - 10/97 - Orbital Tour of Jovian Moons\n\t   12/07/95 - Jupiter/Io Encounter\n\t   07/18/96 - Ganymede\n\t   09/28/96 - Ganymede\n\t   12/12/96 - Callisto\n\t   01/23/97 - Europa\n\t   02/28/97 - Ganymede\n\t   04/22/97 - Europa\n\t   05/31/97 - Europa\n\t   10/05/97 - Jupiter Magnetotail Exploration\n\n\n    HITEN - Japanese (ISAS) lunar probe launched 1/24/90. Has made\n    multiple lunar flybys. Released Hagoromo, a smaller satellite,\n    into lunar orbit. This mission made Japan the third nation to\n    orbit a satellite around the Moon.\n\n\n    MAGELLAN - Venus radar mapping mission. Has mapped almost the entire\n    surface at high resolution. Currently (4/93) collecting a global gravity\n    map.\n\n\n    MARS OBSERVER - Mars orbiter including 1.5 m/pixel resolution camera.\n    Launched 9/25/92 on a Titan III/TOS booster. MO is currently (4/93) in\n    transit to Mars, arriving on 8/24/93. Operations will start 11/93 for\n    one martian year (687 days).\n\n\n    TOPEX/Poseidon - Joint US/French Earth observing satellite, launched\n    8/10/92 on an Ariane 4 booster. The primary objective of the\n    TOPEX/POSEIDON project is to make precise and accurate global\n    observations of the sea level for several years, substantially\n    increasing understanding of global ocean dynamics. The satellite also\n    will increase understanding of how heat is transported in the ocean.\n\n\n    ULYSSES- European Space Agency probe to study the Sun from an orbit over\n    its poles. Launched in late 1990, it carries particles-and-fields\n    experiments (such as magnetometer, ion and electron collectors for\n    various energy ranges, plasma wave radio receivers, etc.) but no camera.\n\n    Since no human-built rocket is hefty enough to send Ulysses far out of\n    the ecliptic plane, it went to Jupiter instead, and stole energy from\n    that planet by sliding over Jupiter\'s north pole in a gravity-assist\n    manuver in February 1992. This bent its path into a solar orbit tilted\n    about 85 degrees to the ecliptic. It will pass over the Sun\'s south pole\n    in the summer of 1993. Its aphelion is 5.2 AU, and, surprisingly, its\n    perihelion is about 1.5 AU-- that\'s right, a solar-studies spacecraft\n    that\'s always further from the Sun than the Earth is!\n\n    While in Jupiter\'s neigborhood, Ulysses studied the magnetic and\n    radiation environment. For a short summary of these results, see\n    *Science*, V. 257, p. 1487-1489 (11 September 1992). For gory technical\n    detail, see the many articles in the same issue.\n\n\n    OTHER SPACE SCIENCE MISSIONS (note: this is based on a posting by Ron\n    Baalke in 11/89, with ISAS/NASDA information contributed by Yoshiro\n    Yamada (yamada@yscvax.ysc.go.jp). I\'m attempting to track changes based\n    on updated shuttle manifests; corrections and updates are welcome.\n\n    1993 Missions\n\to ALEXIS [spring, Pegasus]\n\t    ALEXIS (Array of Low-Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors) is to perform\n\t    a wide-field sky survey in the "soft" (low-energy) X-ray\n\t    spectrum. It will scan the entire sky every six months to search\n\t    for variations in soft-X-ray emission from sources such as white\n\t    dwarfs, cataclysmic variable stars and flare stars. It will also\n\t    search nearby space for such exotic objects as isolated neutron\n\t    stars and gamma-ray bursters. ALEXIS is a project of Los Alamos\n\t    National Laboratory and is primarily a technology development\n\t    mission that uses astrophysical sources to demonstrate the\n\t    technology. Contact project investigator Jeffrey J Bloch\n\t    (jjb@beta.lanl.gov) for more information.\n\n\to Wind [Aug, Delta II rocket]\n\t    Satellite to measure solar wind input to magnetosphere.\n\n\to Space Radar Lab [Sep, STS-60 SRL-01]\n\t    Gather radar images of Earth\'s surface.\n\n\to Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer [Dec, Pegasus rocket]\n\t    Study of Stratospheric ozone.\n\n\to SFU (Space Flyer Unit) [ISAS]\n\t    Conducting space experiments and observations and this can be\n\t    recovered after it conducts the various scientific and\n\t    engineering experiments. SFU is to be launched by ISAS and\n\t    retrieved by the U.S. Space Shuttle on STS-68 in 1994.\n\n    1994\n\to Polar Auroral Plasma Physics [May, Delta II rocket]\n\t    June, measure solar wind and ions and gases surrounding the\n\t    Earth.\n\n\to IML-2 (STS) [NASDA, Jul 1994 IML-02]\n\t    International Microgravity Laboratory.\n\n\to ADEOS [NASDA]\n\t    Advanced Earth Observing Satellite.\n\n\to MUSES-B (Mu Space Engineering Satellite-B) [ISAS]\n\t    Conducting research on the precise mechanism of space structure\n\t    and in-space astronomical observations of electromagnetic waves.\n\n    1995\n\tLUNAR-A [ISAS]\n\t    Elucidating the crust structure and thermal construction of the\n\t    moon\'s interior.\n\n\n    Proposed Missions:\n\to Advanced X-ray Astronomy Facility (AXAF)\n\t    Possible launch from shuttle in 1995, AXAF is a space\n\t    observatory with a high resolution telescope. It would orbit for\n\t    15 years and study the mysteries and fate of the universe.\n\n\to Earth Observing System (EOS)\n\t    Possible launch in 1997, 1 of 6 US orbiting space platforms to\n\t    provide long-term data (15 years) of Earth systems science\n\t    including planetary evolution.\n\n\to Mercury Observer\n\t    Possible 1997 launch.\n\n\to Lunar Observer\n\t    Possible 1997 launch, would be sent into a long-term lunar\n\t    orbit. The Observer, from 60 miles above the moon\'s poles, would\n\t    survey characteristics to provide a global context for the\n\t    results from the Apollo program.\n\n\to Space Infrared Telescope Facility\n\t    Possible launch by shuttle in 1999, this is the 4th element of\n\t    the Great Observatories program. A free-flying observatory with\n\t    a lifetime of 5 to 10 years, it would observe new comets and\n\t    other primitive bodies in the outer solar system, study cosmic\n\t    birth formation of galaxies, stars and planets and distant\n\t    infrared-emitting galaxies\n\n\to Mars Rover Sample Return (MRSR)\n\t    Robotics rover would return samples of Mars\' atmosphere and\n\t    surface to Earch for analysis. Possible launch dates: 1996 for\n\t    imaging orbiter, 2001 for rover.\n\n\to Fire and Ice\n\t    Possible launch in 2001, will use a gravity assist flyby of\n\t    Earth in 2003, and use a final gravity assist from Jupiter in\n\t    2005, where the probe will split into its Fire and Ice\n\t    components: The Fire probe will journey into the Sun, taking\n\t    measurements of our star\'s upper atmosphere until it is\n\t    vaporized by the intense heat. The Ice probe will head out\n\t    towards Pluto, reaching the tiny world for study by 2016.\n\n\nNEXT: FAQ #12/15 - Controversial questions\n',
  'From: blakey@ug.cs.dal.ca (Jason Blakey)\nSubject: FTP sites anyone?\nNntp-Posting-Host: ug.cs.dal.ca\nOrganization: Math, Stats & CS, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada\nLines: 7\n\n    Hello netters:)  Does anyone out there know any FTP sites for projects,\nplans, etc of an electrical nature?  \n\n-Jason\n-- \n ............................................................................ \n                      Jason Blakey -> blakey@ug.cs.dal.ca \n',
  "From: bill@west.msi.com (Bill Poitras)\nSubject: Re: Automated X testing\nReply-To: bill@msi.com\nOrganization: Molecular Simulations Inc.\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nLines: 27\n\nMark D. Collier (mark@trident.datasys.swri.edu) wrote:\n: Does anyone know what is available in terms of automated testing\n: of X/Motif applications. I am thinking of a system which I could\n: program (or which could record events/output) with our verification\n: test procedures and then run/rerun each time we do regression\n: testing. I am interested in a product like this for our UNIX\n: projects and for a separate project which will be using OpenVMS.\n\nA question like this is answered in the FAQ, about sharing X windows.\nOne of the answers is XTrap, a record and playback extenstion to X.  You\ncan find it at export.lcs.mit.edu:/contrib/XTrapV33_X11R5.tar.Z.\n\nDoes anyone know of a program which doesn't require an X extension?  Most\nthe the X servers we have at work have vendor extensions which we can't\nmodify, so XTrap doesn't help up.  There is X conferencing software at\nmit, but I don't know how easy it would be to modify it to do record and\nplayback.\n\nAny help would be appreciated.\n--\n+-------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+\n| Bill Poitras      | Molecular Simulations Inc. | Tel (408)522-9229      |\n| bill@msi.com      | Sunnyvale, CA 94086-3522   | FAX (408)732-0831      |\n+-------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+\n|FTP Mail           |mail ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com | Offers:ftp via email   |\n|                   |Subject:<CR>help<CR>quit    |                        |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
  'From: billd@informix.com (William Daul)\nSubject: Toshiba 3401 E and P CD-ROM\nSummary: need info on what difference is and where to find 3401P or E\nKeywords: toshiba, cd, cd-rom, cd rom\nOrganization: Informix Software, Inc.\nLines: 10\n\nI notice the Toshiba 3401 has 3 versions, B - internal, E - external and P -\nportable.  Can anyone tell me the difference between the portable and the\nexternal version?  Where in the SF Bay Area can I find a model P?\n\nThanks,  --Bill\n-- \n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n William Daul             Advanced Support      INFORMIX SOFTWARE INC.\n 4100 Bohannon Dr.        (415) 926-6488 - wk\n Menlo Park, CA. 94025    uunet!infmx!billd  or  billd@informix.com\n',
  'From: AGRGB@ASUACAD.BITNET\nSubject: Re: CDs priced for immediate sale\nArticle-I.D.: ASUACAD.93096.004253AGRGB\nOrganization: Arizona State University\nLines: 10\n\nHey now,\n\nThe following cds are still available. Offers/trades considered.\n\nGowan - Lost Brotherhood\nKatrina & the Waves - Break of Hearts\nJoe Cocker - Live\nCharles Neville - Diversity\n\nThanks,  Rich\n',
  'From: sjp@hpuerca.atl.hp.com (Steve Phillips)\nSubject: Re: Ford and the automobile\nOrganization: Hewlett-Packard NARC Atlanta\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1.3 PL5\nLines: 14\n\n: Ford and his automobile.  I need information on whether Ford is\n: partially responsible for all of the car accidents and the depletion of\n: the ozone layer.  Also, any other additional information will be greatly\n: appreciated.  Thanks. \n: \nSSSSSoooooooooooo!!!!! Its all HIS fault!! Thank God Louis Chevrolet is \ninnocent! and that guy Diesel, HE otto feel guilty!\n\n\n--\nStephen Phillips\nAtlanta Response Center\nAtlanta, Ga.\nHome of the Braves!\n',
  'From: a137490@lehtori.cc.tut.fi (Aario Sami)\nSubject: Re: Genocide is Caused by Atheism\nOrganization: Tampere University of Technology, Computing Centre\nLines: 37\nDistribution: sfnet\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cc.tut.fi\n\n[deletions...]\n\nIn <1993Apr13.184227.1191@ultb.isc.rit.edu> snm6394@ultb.isc.rit.edu (S.N. Mozumder ) writes:\n\n>I really don\'t think you can imagine what it is like to be infinite.\n\nFirst of all, infinity is a mathematical concept created by humans\nto explain certain things in a certain way. We don\'t know if it actually\napplies to reality, we don\'t know if anything in the world is infinite.\n\n>It wouldn\'t be able to\n>comprehend what reality is like for the programmer, because that would\n>require an infinite memory or whatever because reality is continuous and\n>based on infinietely small units- no units.\n\nYou don\'t know if the universe is actually continuous. Continuum is another\nmathematical concept (based on infinity) used to explain things in a certain\nway.\n\n>Because humans do not know what infinite is.  We call it something\n>beyond numbers.  We call it endless, but we do not know what it is.\n\nI have a pretty good idea of what infinity is. It\'s a man-made concept, and\nlike many man-made concepts, it has evolved through time. Ancient Greeks had\na different understanding of it.\n\n>So, we can call Allah infinitely powerful, knowledgeable, etc.., yet we\n>cannot imagine what Allah actually is, because we just cannot imagine\n>what it is like to be infinite.\n\nPrecicely. We don\'t even know if infinity applies to reality.\n\n-- \nSami Aario         |  "Can you see or measure an atom? Yet you can explode\na137490@cc.tut.fi  |   one. Sunlight is comprised of many atoms."\n-------------------\'  "Your stupid minds! Stupid, stupid!"\nEros in "Plan 9 From Outer Space"     DISCLAIMER: I don\'t agree with Eros.\n',
  'From: sethf@athena.mit.edu (Seth Finkelstein)\nSubject: Re: The source of that announcement\nOrganization: Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology\nLines: 28\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: frumious-bandersnatch.mit.edu\n\nAlso note (from <branstad@tis.com> and <walker@tis.com>):\n\n% whois -h rs.internic.net tis-dom\nTrusted Information Systems, Inc. (TIS-DOM)\n   3060 Washington Road, Route 97\n   Glenwood, MD 21738\n\n   Domain Name: TIS.COM\n\n   Administrative Contact:\n      Walker, Stephen T.  (STW3)  walker@TIS.COM\n      (301) 854-6889\n   Technical Contact, Zone Contact:\n      Dalva, David I.  (DID1)  dave@TIS.COM\n      (301) 854-6889\n\n   Record last updated on 02-Jul-92.\n\n   Domain servers in listed order:\n\n   TIS.COM            \n   LA.TIS.COM         \n\n\tAnd "dockmaster" is an infamous address ...\n\n--\nSeth Finkelstein                                sethf@athena.mit.edu\n"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"\n',
  'From: lwb@cs.utexas.edu (Lance W. Bledsoe)\nSubject: Re: ATF suspects drug lab in compound\nOrganization: CS Dept, University of Texas at Austin\nLines: 24\nNNTP-Posting-Host: im4u.cs.utexas.edu\n\n>In article <1993Mar28.180629.21574@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> rcanders@nyx.cs.du.edu (Mr. Nice Guy) writes:\n>>A Associated Press News story 3/28/93 reports:\n>> \n>>"    In other developments Saturday, David Troy, intelligence chief for\n>>the ATF, confirmed reports that authorities suspected the cult had a\n>>methamphetamine lab.  He said evidence of possible drug activity\n>>surfaced late in the ATF\' investigation of the cult\'s gun dealings.\n\nWow, the scope of the mission of the ATF continues to expand.  Besides\nAlcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, they now seem to be involded in Child\nProtective Services, Drug Enforcement and Tax Evasion.\n\nThey look to be on the road to being the nations *boys in blue*!\nNo Knock in one hand, M-16 in the other.  Zeik-Heil!!!\n\nLance\n\n\n\n-- \n+------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n|  Lance W. Bledsoe        lwb@im4u.cs.utexas.edu        (512) 258-0112  |\n|  "Ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free."         |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n',
  "From: chrisb@seachg.com (Chris Blask)\nSubject: Re: islamic authority over women\nReply-To: chrisb@seachg.com (Chris Blask)\nOrganization: Me, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada\nLines: 78\n\nsnm6394@ultb.isc.rit.edu (S.N. Mozumder ) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr7.163445.1203@wam.umd.edu> west@next02.wam.umd.edu writes:\n>>> >> And belief causes far more horrors.\n>>> >> Crusades, \n>>> >> the emasculation and internment of Native Americans,  \n>>> >> the killing of various tribes in South America.\n>>> >-the Inquisition\n>>> >-the Counter-reformation and the wars that followed\n>>> >-the Salem witch trials\n>>> >-the European witch hunts\n>>> >-the holy wars of the middle east\n>>> >-the colonization/destruction of Africa\n>>> >-the wars between Christianity and Islam (post crusade)\n>>> >-the genocide (biblical) of the Canaanites and Philistines\n>>> >-Aryian invasion of India\n>>> >-the attempted genocide of Jews by Nazi Germany\n>>> >-the current missionary assaults on tribes in Africa\n>>> \n>>> I think all the horrors you mentioned are due to *lack* of people\n>>> following religion.\n.d.\n>By lack of people following religion I also include fanatics- people\n>that don't know what they are following.\n.d.\n>So how do you know that you were right?\n>Why are you trying to shove down my throat that religion causes horrors.\n>It really covers yourself- something false to save yourself.\n>\n>Peace,\n>\n>Bobby Mozumder\n>\nI just thought of another one, in the Bible, so it's definately not because\nof *lack* of religion.  The Book of Esther (which I read the other day for\nother reasons) describes the origin of Pur'im, a Jewish celbration of joy\nand peace.  The long and short of the story is that 75,000 people were\nkilled when people were tripping over all of the peacefull solutions \nlying about (you couldn't swing a sacred cow without slammin into a nice,\npeaceful solution.)  'Course Joshua and the jawbone of an ass spring to\nmind...\n\nI agree with Bobby this far: religion as it is used to kill large numbers\nof people is usually not used in the form or manner that it was originally\nintended for.\n\nThat doesn't reduce the number of deaths directly caused by religion, it is\njust a minor observation of the fact that there is almost nothing pure in\nthe Universe.  The very act of honestly attempting to find true meaning in\nreligious teaching has many times inspired hatred and led to war.  Many\npeople have been led by religious leaders more involved in their own\nstomache-contentsthan in any absolute truth, and have therefore been driven to\nkill by their leaders.\n\nThe point is that there are many things involved in religion that often\nlead to war.  Whether these things are a part of religion, an unpleasant\nside effect or (as Bobby would have it) the result of people switching\nbetween Religion and Atheism spontaneously, the results are the same.  \n\n@Religious groups have long been involved in the majority of the bloodiest\nparts of Man's history.@\n\nAtheists, on the other hand (preen,preen) are typically not an ideological\nsocial caste, nor are they driven to organize and spread their beliefs.\nThe overuse of Nazism and Stalinism just show how true this is:  Two groups\nwith very clear and specific ideologies using religious persecution to\nfurther their means.  Anyone who cannot see the obvious - namely that these\nwere groups founded for reasons *entirely* their own, who used religious\npersecution not because of any belief system but because it made them more\npowerfull - is trying too hard.  Basically, Bobby uses these examples\nbecause there are so few wars that were *not* *specifically* fought over\nreligion that he does not have many choices.\n\nWell, I'm off to Key West where the only flames are heating the bottom of\nlittle silver butter-dishes.\n\n-ciao\n\n-chris blask\n",
  'From: suresh@pa.dec.com (Suresh Balasubramanian)\nSubject: *****Twin Size Mattress/BoxSprng/Frame for SALE $75*****\nOrganization: Digital Equipment Corporation\nLines: 29\nDistribution: ba\nNNTP-Posting-Host: tmax4.pa.dec.com\n\n\n!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-!-*-!-*-!-!-*-!-*!\n\n\tTwin Size - Mattress, Box Spring and Frame for SALE.\n\n\t** Medico-Pedic [type of mattress?]\n\t** Excellent condition\n        ** 2 yrs old\n\t** Well maintained\n\t\n\t-- You come and pick it up, stuff is located in PaloAlto\n\n\tAsking for: $75\n\n\n\tContact:\n\n\t\tSuresh\n\t\t(415)-617-3522 [W]\n\t\t(415)-324-9553 [H]\n\t\tE-Mail: suresh@pa.dec.com\n\n\n!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-*-!-!-*-!-*-!-!-*-!-*!\n-- \n      o o o o o o o . . .   ______________________________ _____=======_||____\n    o      _____           ||Suresh Balasubramanian      | |suresh@pa.dec.com|\n  .][__n_n_|DD[  ====_____  |Digital Equipment Corp.     | | (415) 617-3522  |\n >(________|__|_[_________]_|____________________________|_|_________________|\n',
  'From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: Re: Jews in LATVIA - some documents\nArticle-I.D.: zuma.9304052018\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 407\n\nIn article <C4zvvG.50D@unix.amherst.edu> nwbernst@unix.amherst.edu (Neil Bernstein) writes:\n\n: Pardon me? Here is to an amherst-clown:\n: \n: "Your three chiefs, Dro, Hamazasp and Kulkhandanian are the ringleaders\n:  of the bands which have destroyed Tartar villages and have staged \n:  massacres in Zangezour, Surmali, Etchmiadzin, and Zangibasar. This is\n:  intolerable.\n\n>This is about Armenia.\n\nWere you expecting a different response? Here is another one:\n\nSource: K. S. Papazian, "Patriotism Perverted," Baikar Press, Boston, 1934, \n        (73 pages with Appendix).\n\np. 25 (third paragraph)\n\n"Some real fighters sprang up from among the people, who struck terror\n into the hearts of the Turks."\n\n\n"Within a few months after the war began, these Armenian guerrilla\n forces, operating in close coordination with the Russians, were\n savagely attacking Turkish cities, towns and villages in the east,\n massacring their inhabitants without mercy, while at the same time\n working to sabotage the Ottoman army\'s war effort by destroying roads\n and bridges, raiding caravans, and doing whatever else they could to\n ease Russian occupation. The atrocities committed by the Armenian \n volunteer forces accompanying the Russian army were so severe that the \n Russian commanders themselves were compelled to withdraw them from the \n fighting fronts and sent them to rear guard duties. The memoirs of many\n Russian officers who served in the east at this time are filled with \n accounts of the revolting atrocities committed by these Armenian \n guerrillas, which were savage even by relatively primitive standards of\n war then observed in such areas.[1]"\n\n[1] "Journal de Guerre du Deuxieme d\'Artillerie de Forteresse Russe \n     d\'Erzeroum," 1919, p. 28.\n\n: >honored me by reproducing my text.  Unfortunately, he has still not produced\n: >the "documents" on "Jews in LATVIA."  Instead, he asks for my views on the\n: >"Turkish Genocide."  Well, that debate seems to be going on in a few hundred\n: >other threads.  I\'ll let other people bring the usual charges, try to debunk\n: >Mutlu/Argic/Cosar (a net-wide Terrorism Triangle?) and their spurious evidence.\n: \n: When that does ever happen, look out the window to see if there is a\n: non-fascist x-Soviet Armenian Government in the East. Now, where is\n: your non-existent list of scholars? What a moronian. During the First \n: World War and the ensuing years - 1914-1920, the Armenian Dictatorship \n: through a premeditated and systematic genocide, tried to complete its \n: centuries-old policy of annihilation against the Turks and Kurds by \n: savagely murdering 2.5 million Muslims and deporting the rest from \n: their 1,000 year homeland.\n\n>This paragraph is well-written and interesting, Serdar baby, but it has nothing\n>to do with Jews in LATVIA.  I have not presented a list of scholars.  \n\nHow could you? Because there is none.\n\n>I am not\n>interested in an ex-Soviet (why do you write x-?  It\'s very cute) Armenian\n>Government, non-fascist or otherwise.  You are not responding to what I am\n>writing.  Instead, you are autoposting your own particular brand of bullshit.\n\nLike conversing with a brick wall. And you are not responding to what I \nam writing. By the way, that "bullshit" is justly regarded as the first \ninstance of Genocide in the 20th Century acted upon an entire people.\nFor nearly one thousand years, the Turkish and Kurdish people lived \non their homeland - the last one hundred under the oppressive Soviet \nand Armenian occupation. The persecutions culminated in 1914: The \nArmenian Government planned and carried out a Genocide against its \nMuslim subjects. 2.5 million Turks and Kurds were murdered and the \nremainder driven out of their homeland. After one thousand years, \nTurkish and Kurdish lands were empty of Turks and Kurds. \n\nThe survivors found a safe heaven in Turkiye.\n\nToday, x-Soviet Armenian government rejects the right of Turks and \nKurds to return to their Muslim lands occupied by x-Soviet Armenia.\n\nToday, x-Soviet Armenia covers up the genocide perpetrated by its \npredecessors and is therefore an accessory to this crime against \nhumanity.\n\nx-Soviet Armenia must pay for its crime of genocide against the Muslims \nby admitting to the crime and making reparations to the Turks and Kurds.\n\n>You have now done so four times in a row.  May I legitimately conclude that\n>you are not, indeed, a regular net-user, but an auto-posting computer program?\n>(which, for convenience, I have called MUTLU.EXE.)\n\nYou may assert whatever you wish.\n\n>Here we go with MUTLU.EXE\'s famed list of sources:\n\nDitto.\n\n: The attempt at genocide is justly regarded as the first instance\n: of Genocide in the 20th Century acted upon an entire people.\n: This event is incontrovertibly proven by historians, government\n: and international political leaders, such as U.S. Ambassador Mark \n: Bristol, ...\n\n>(and on and on for 46 lines)\n\nAnd still anxiously awaiting...\n\n: .......so the list goes on and on and on.....\n: \n: >I\'m still trying to find out about those Jews in LATVIA.  Can you post those \n: >documents PLEEEEEEEASE, Mr. Argic?  Puh-leeze could you?  C\'mon, it\'s my\n: >birthday in three weeks... post them for me as a birthday present.\n: \n: Remember, the issue at hand is the cold-blooded genocide of 2.5 million \n: Muslim people by the Armenians between 1914-1920, and the Armenian-Nazi \n: collaboration during World War II. Anything to add?\n\n>No, darling, READ what I post!  Other people are asking you about the Turkish\n>genocide.  I am asking you to produce the documents on Jews in Latvia.  No\n>matter how many times you erase what I post, I will still post the same\n>question.  Post the documents on Jews in Latvia.  Do not autopost the same\n>block of text about the Turkish genocide.  \n\nRemember, the issue at hand is the Armenian-Nazi collaboration during \nWorld War II and the Turkish Genocide. And I still fail to see how\nyou can challenge the following western sources.\n\nSource: John Dewey: "The New Republic," Vol. 40, Nov. 12, 1928, pp. 268-9.\n\n"Happy the minority [Jews] which has had no Christian nation to protect it.\n And one recalls that the Jews took up their abode in \'fanatic\' Turkey\n when they were expelled from Europe, especially Spain, by Saintly Christians,\n and they have lived here for centuries in at least as much tranquility and\n liberty as their fellow Turkish subjects, all being exposed alike to the\n rapacity of their common rulers. To one brought up, as most Americans have \n been, in the Gladstonian and foreign-missionary tradition, the condition of \n the Jews in Turkey is almost a mathematical demonstration that religious\n differences have had an influence in the tragedy of Turkey only as they\n were combined with aspirations for a political separation which every \n nation in the world would have treated as treasonable. One readily \n reaches the conclusion that the Jews in Turkey were fortunate..." \n\nHe also stated that:\n\n"they [Armenians] traitorously turned Turkish cities over to the Russian \n invader; that they boasted of having raised an army of one hundred and\n fifty thousand men to fight a civil war, and that they burned at least\n a hundred Turkish villages and exterminated their population."\n\n: >I want the documents of Jews in Latvia.  I think several other\n: >people on soc.culture.greek are already disputing with you about the Turkish\n: >Genocide.\n: \n: Is this the joke of the month? Who, when, how, where? What a clown...\n\n>No, sweetie, the joke of the month is that you have now posted the same\n>block of text four times, but you still have not produced the documents on\n>Jews in Latvia.  Instead, you post the same text you post in every other\n>message, that same old McCarthy table: (how appropriate it\'s named "McCarthy!")\n\nHow about Prof Shaw, a Jewish scholar?\n\nSource: Stanford J. Shaw, on Armenian collaboration with invading Russian\narmies in 1914, "History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (Volume\nII: Reform, Revolution & Republic: The Rise of Modern Turkey, 1808-1975)."\n(London, Cambridge University Press 1977). pp. 315-316.\n\n"In April 1915 Dashnaks from Russian Armenia organized a revolt in the city \n of Van, whose 33,789 Armenians comprised 42.3 percent of the population, \n closest to an Armenian majority of any city in the Empire...Leaving Erivan \n on April 28, 1915, Armenian volunteers reached Van on May 14 and organized \n and carried out a general slaughter of the local Muslim population during \n the next two days while the small Ottoman garrison had to retreat to the\n southern side of the lake."\n\n"Knowing their numbers would never justify their territorial ambitions,\n Armenians looked to Russia and Europe for the fulfillment of their aims.\n Armenian treachery in this regard culminated at the beginning of the First\n World War with the decision of the revolutionary organizations to refuse\n to serve their state, the Ottoman Empire, and to assist instead other\n invading Russian armies. Their hope was their participation in the Russian\n success would be rewarded with an independent Armenian state carved out of\n Ottoman territories. Armenian political leaders, army officers, and common\n soldiers began deserting in droves."\n\n"With the Russian invasion of eastern Anatolia in 1914 at the beginning of\n World War I, the degree of Armenian collaboration with the Ottoman\'s enemy\n increased drastically. Ottoman supply lines were cut by guerilla attacks,\n Armenian revolutionaries armed Armenian civil populations, who in turn\n massacred the Muslim population of the province of Van in anticipation of\n expected arrival of the invading Russian armies."\n\nSource: Stanford J. Shaw, "History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey,"\n        Vol II. Cambridge University Press, London, 1979, pp. 314-317.\n\n"...Meanwhile, Czar Nicholas II himself came to the Caucasus to make final\n plans for cooperation with the Armenians against the Ottomans, with the \n president of the Armenian National Bureau in Tiflis declaring in response:\n\n \'From all countries Armenians are hurrying to enter the ranks of the \n  glorious Russian Army, with their blood to serve the victory of Russian\n  arms...Let the Russian flag wave freely over the Dardanelles and the\n  Bosporus. Let, with Your will, great Majesty, the peoples remaining\n  under the Turkish yoke receive freedom. Let the Armenian people of Turkey\n  who have suffered for the faith of Christ receive resurrection for a new\n  free life under the protection of Russia.\'[155]\n\nArmenians again flooded into the czarist armies. Preparations were made\nto strike the Ottomans from the rear, and the czar returned to St. Petersburg\nconfident that the day finally had come for him to reach Istanbul."\n\n[155] Horizon, Tiflis, November 30, 1914, quoted by Hovannisian, "Road to\nIndependence," p. 45; FO 2485, 2484/46942, 22083.\n\n"Ottoman morale and military position in the east were seriously hurt, and\n the way was prepared for a new Russian push into eastern Anatolia, to be\n accompanied by an open Armenian revolt against the sultan.[156]"\n\n[156] Hovannisian, "Road to Independence," pp. 45-47; Bayur, III/1, \npp. 349-380; W.E.D. Allen and P. Muratoff, "Caucasian Battlefields,"\nCambridge, 1953, pp. 251-277; Ali Ihsan Sabis, "Harb Hahralaram," 2 vols.,\nAnkara, 1951, II, 41-160; FO 2146 no. 70404; FO 2485; FO 2484, nos.\n46942 and 22083.\n\n"An Armenian state was organized at Van under Russian protection, and it \n appeared that with the Muslim natives dead or driven away, it might be\n able to maintain itself at one of the oldest centers of ancient Armenian\n civilization. An Armenian legion was organized \'to expel the Turks from\n the entire southern shore of the lake in preparation for a concerted\n Russian drive into the Bitlis vilayet.\'[162] Thousands of Armenians from\n Mus and other major centers in the east began to flood into the new \n Armenian state...By mid-July there were as many as 250,000 Armenians\n crowded into the Van area, which before the crisis had housed and fed\n no more than 50,000 people, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.[163]"\n\n[162] Hovannisian, "Road to Independence," p. 56; FOP 2488, nos. 127223 and\n58350.\n\n[163] BVA, Meclis-i Vukela Mazbatalari, debates of August 15-17, 1915; \nBabi-i Ali Evrak Odasi, no. 175, 321, "Van Ihtilali ve Katl-i Ami,"\nZilkade 1333/10 September 1915.\n\n:     Muslim population exterminated by the Armenians:\n\n>(31 lines deleted)\n\nWhy?\n\n: Who gives a thunder about your pseudo-scholar jokes? I\'am arguing about \n: the Armenian-Nazi colaboration during World War II. Any comment?\n\n>Argue it with someone else or do not reply to my posts, Argic my love.  I \n>am not arguing about the Armenian-Nazi collaboration.  I do not give a \n>thunder about it.  I want you to do one of three things:\n>a) admit that you are not a regular user, but a computer autoposting Turkish\n>propaganda, or,\n>b) post the documents on Jews in Latvia, or,\n>c) run away, like the coward without a real address that you are, and do not\n>reply to my posts.\n\nIt could be, perhaps, your head wasn\'t screwed on just right. In 1941, \nwhile the Jews were being assembled for their doom in the Nazi concentration \ncamps, the Armenian volunteers in Germany formed the first Armenian \nbattalion to fight alongside the Nazis. In 1943, this battalion had \ngrown into eight battalions of 20,000-strong under the command of the\nformer guerilla leader Dro (the butcher), who was the former dictator of the\nshort-lived Armenian Dictatorship (1918-1920) and the architect of the \ncold-blooded genocide of 2.5 million Turks and Kurds between 1914-1920.\nAn Armenian National Council was formed by the notorious Dashnak Party \nleaders in Berlin, which was recognized by the Nazis. Encouraged by \nthis, the Armenians summarily formed a provisional government that endorsed \nand espoused fully the principles of the Nazis and declared themselves as the \nmembers of the Aryan super race and full participants to Hitler\'s policy of \nextermination of the Jews.\n\nThis Armenian-Nazi conspiracy against the Jews during WWII was an "encore"\nperformance staged by the Armenians during WWI, when they back-stabbed and\nexterminated 2.5 million Turks by colluding with the invading Russian army.\n\nFurthermore, as McCarthy put it, the Armenian dictatorship was granted\na respite when the Ottomans admitted defeat and signed the Mudros\nArmistice with the Allies (October 30, 1918). The Allies had decided\nto create a Greater Armenia, including the old Russian province\nof Yerevan and adjoining areas, as well as most parts of Anatolia\nclaimed by the Armenian fanatics. Only the area called Cilicia\n(around the Ottoman province of Adana) was to be excluded, as it\nhad already been claimed by the French. The Allies quickly set\nabout attempting to disarm Ottoman soldiers and other Turks, who\ncould be expected to oppose their plans. \n\nOn April 19, 1919 the British Army occupied Kars, gave civilian\nand military power over to the Armenians, then withdrew. The British\nplanned for Kars to be included in the Armenian Dictatorship, even \nthough the Russian pre-war census had shown Kars Province to be over\n60% Muslim. The Turks of Kars were effectively disarmed, but the \nBritish could not disarm the Kurds of the mountains. The fate of\nthe Turks was almost an exact replica of what had occurred earlier\nin Eastern Anatolia. Murder, pillage, genocide and the destruction\nof Turkish homes and entire Turkish villages drove the Turks of\nKars to the mountains or south and west to the safety afforded\nby remaining units of the Ottoman Army. The British had left \nthe scene to the Armenian genocide squads. Therefore, few \nEuropeans were present to observe the genocide. One British\nsoldier, Colonel Rawlinson, who was assigned to supervise the\ndisarmament of Otoman soldiers, saw what was occurring. \n\nRawlinson wired to his superiors, \n\n"in the interest of humanity the Armenians should not be left in\n independent command of the Moslim population, as, their troops \n being without discipline and not being under effective control,\n atrocities were constantly being committed." \n\n>Instead, you post more Armenian nonsense:\n\nCome again?\n\n: "These European Dashnags, with headquarters in Berlin, appealed to...\n>(34 lines deleted)\n\nWhy?\n\n: No wonder you are in such a mess. Here are the Armenian sources on the\n: Turkish Holocaust.\n>(30+ lines deleted) \n\nWhy?\n\n>(list of dead Armenians, 100+ lines, deleted): \n\nObrother. Spell it out, "list of dead Muslims":\n\nSource: Documents: Volume I (1919).\n        "Document No: 64," Archive No: 1/2, Cabin No: 109, Drawer \n        No: 4, File No: 359, Section No: 103(1435), Contents No: 3-20.\n        (To Acting Supreme Command - Socialist Salah Cimcoz, Socialist \n        Nesim Mazelyah)\n\n"Armenian gangs have been murdering and inflicting cruelties on\n innocent people of the region. This verified information, supported\n by clear statements of reliable eyewitnesses, was also confirmed by\n General Odishelidje, Commander of the Russian Caucasian Army.\n\n Armenians are entering every place evacuated by Russians carrying out\n murders, cruelties, rape and all kind of atrocities which cannot be\n expressed in writing, murdering all the women, children, aged people\n who happen to be in the street. These barbarous murders repeated \n every day with new methods continue and the Russian Army has been urged\n to intervene to terminate these atrocities. Public opinion is appalled\n and horrified. Newspapers are describing the happenings as shocking.\n We have decided to inform all our friends urgently about the situation."\n\n        "Document No: 65," Archive No: 4/3671, Cabin No: 163, Drawer \n        No: 5, File No: 2947, Section No: 628, Contents No: 3-1, 3-3.\n        (To Acting Supreme Command - Commander, 3rd Army General)\n\n"The situation in the cities of Erzincan and Erzurum which we have \n recently taken over is given below:\n\n These two beautiful cities of our country which are alike in the\n calamities and destruction which they suffered, have been destroyed,\n as the specially designed and built public and private buildings of\n these cities were deliberately burnt by Armenians apart from the \n destruction suffered during the two-year Russian occupation.\n\n All barracks buildings of Erzincan, the cavalry barracks in Erzurum,\n the Government building and Army Corps Headquarters are among those\n burnt. In short, both cities are burnt, destroyed and trees cut down.\n\n As to the people of these cities:\n\n All people old enough to use weapons rounded up, taken to the Sarikamis\n direction for road building and were slaughtered. The remaining people,\n were subject to cruelties and murder by Armenians following the \n withdrawal of Russians and were partly annihilated the corpses thrown \n into wells, burnt in houses, mutilated by bayonets, their abdomens\n ripped open in slaughterhouses, their lungs and livers torn out, girls\n and women hung up by their hair, after all kinds of devilish acts.\n The few people who were able to survive these cruelties, worse than\n those of the \'Spanish Inquisition,\' are in poverty more dead than alive,\n horrified, some driven insane, about 1500 in Erzincan and 30,000 in\n Erzurum. The people are hungry and in poverty, for whatever they had\n has been taken away from them, their lands left uncultivated.\n\n The people have just been able to exist with some provisions found in\n stores left over from the Russians. The villages round Erzincan and \n Erzurum are in the worst condition. Some villages on the road, have \n been leveled to the ground, leaving no stone, the people completely\n massacred.\n\n Let me submit to your information with deep grief and regret that\n history has never before witnessed cruelties at such dimensions."\n\n:  (a long list)\n:  (a long list)"\n\nAnd still anxiously awaiting...\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           \'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.\'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           \'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.\' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n',
  'From: callison@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (James P. Callison)\nSubject: Re: WARNING.....(please read)...\nNntp-Posting-Host: uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu\nOrganization: Engineering Computer Network, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA\nLines: 32\n\nIn article <1993Apr17.051701.3419@nuscc.nus.sg> matmcinn@nuscc.nus.sg (Matthew MacIntyre at the National University of Senegal) writes:\n>callison@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (James P. Callison) writes:\n>: >> \n>: >I\'m not going to argue the issue of carrying weapons, but I would ask you if \n>: >you would have thought seriously about shooting a kid for setting off your\n>: >alarm?  I can think of worse things in the world.  Glad you got out of there\n>: >before they did anything to give you a reason to fire your gun.\n>: \n>I think people have a right to kill to defend their property. Why not? Be\n>honest: do you really care more about scum than about your  car?\n\nYo! Watch the attributions--I didn\'t say that!\n\nAgain, this isn\'t an appropriate forum for discussions on whether you\nshould shoot someone for property damage/vandalism/theft, but every\nresponsible gun owner realizes that there are limits, and the punishment\nmust fit the crime. I mean, think about it--is a (really) harmless\nprank worth killing over?\n\nAs I said, the situation described (punks setting off alarms and\ntaunting people to come out) could turn very ugly very quickly, and\nit is worth being prepared when your life is potentially on the line.\n\n\t\t\t\tJames\n\nJames P. Callison    Microcomputer Coordinator, U of Oklahoma Law Center \nCallison@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu   /\\    Callison@aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu   \nDISCLAIMER: I\'m not an engineer, but I play one at work...\n\t\tThe forecast calls for Thunder...\'89 T-Bird SC\n   "It\'s a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he has \n\tand all he\'s ever gonna have." \n\t\t\t--Will Munny, "Unforgiven"\n',
  "From: harry@neuron6.jpl.nasa.gov (Harry Langenbacher)\nSubject: Re: Uninterruptible Power Supply\nArticle-I.D.: jato.1993Apr15.225326.22831\nOrganization: JPL Pasadena CA\nLines: 25\nNntp-Posting-Host: neuron6.jpl.nasa.gov\n\nIn article <NURDEN1.25.734866568@elaine.ee.und.ac.za> NURDEN1@elaine.ee.und.ac.za (Dale Nurden) writes:\n>I'm wanting to build a simple UPS for my PC. ... sustain the computer long enough to complete \n>the current task and save, 5 to 10 minutes should be enough....\n>I think, though I don't really need to keep the monitor active (I can try to \n>remember what to do) so maybe I can avoid a DC-AC inverter and just use a \n>battery to directly supply the motherboard and peripherals.\n\nNow there's a good idea ! All you need is 20 amps DC for a few minutes, and\na good (wetware) memory (was I using wp or autocad or ...). I thought of the\nsame idea myself a few days ago. I've got a fairly new car battery that I take\nalong in my 4x4 when I go camping, and it sits around useless when I'm home.\nI wish I could get a batteryless ups to use it with, or use it with a heavy\nduty 5-volt regulator to supply the PC. But I guess you'd need -5v and -12v \n(and +12) too (2 more batteries ?).\n\nAn alternative would be to leave a 40 AMP battery charger hooked up to the battery\nand run a 12vdc to 110vac converter running all the time, and when the power\ngoes out, voi-la ! the 110vac converter keeps on running off the battery ! and\nthen I could take the 110vac converter and my computer on the camping trips !-)\n\n\n-- \nHarry Langenbacher 818-354-9513 harry%neuron6@jpl-mil.jpl.nasa.gov\nFAX 818-393-4540, Concurrent Processing Devices Group, Jet Propulsion\nLaboratory, M/S 302-231, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena CA 91109 USA\n",
  "From: rdb1@cbnewsj.cb.att.com (ronald.j.deblock..jr)\nSubject: Re: Changing oil by self.\nOrganization: AT&T\nDistribution: usa\nKeywords: n\nLines: 19\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.171718.18852@lmpsbbs.comm.mot.com> sheinfel@ssd.comm.mot.com (Aviad Sheinfeld) writes:\n>\n>>\tDo you think I can use a electric drill( change to a suitable\n>>bit ) to turn it out?  If I can succeed, can I re-tighten it not too\n>>tight, is it safe without oil leak?\n>\n>Tighten the bolt to the specified torque in your service manual.  That\n>way it won't leak, strip, break, etc. (hopefully :-) )\n>>\n>>Thank you very much in advance------  Winson\n>\n>Aviad\n\nYou can avoid these problems entirely by installing an oil drain valve in\nplace of the bolt.  I have one on both of my cars.  There have been no\nleaks in 210,000 miles (combined miles on both cars).\n-- \nRon DeBlock  rdb1@homxb.att.com  (that's a number 1 in rdb1, not letter l)\nAT&T Bell Labs   Somerset, NJ  USA\n",
  "From: robert.desonia@hal9k.ann-arbor.mi.us (Robert Desonia) \nSubject: SIMM Speed\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: HAL 9000 BBS, W-NET HQ, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA\nReply-To: robert.desonia@hal9k.ann-arbor.mi.us (Robert Desonia) \nLines: 27\n\nB\nBK>Is it possible to plug in 70ns or 60ns SIMMs into a motherboard saying\nBK>wants 80ns simms? \n\nYou shouldn't have troubles.  I have heard of machines having problems \nwith slower than recommended memory speeds, but never faster.  \n\nBK>Also, is it possible to plug in SIMMs of different\nBK>speeds into the same motherboard?  ie - 2 megs of 70ns and 2 megs of 6\nBK>or something like that?\n\nSure.  I have 4 70ns SIMMs in one bank and 4 60ns SIMMS in the other ( I \nhave a 486 ).  I wouldn't recommend mixing speeds within a bank, just to \nbe on the safe side.\n\n-rdd    \nrdesonia@erim.org\n\n---\n . WinQwk 2.0b#0 . Unregistered Evaluation Copy\n * KMail 2.95d W-NET HQ, hal9k.ann-arbor.mi.us, +1 313 663 4173 or 3959\n                                                      \n----\n| HAL 9000 BBS:  QWK-to-Usenet gateway  | Four 14400 v.32bis dial-ins    |\n| FREE Usenet mail and 200 newsgroups!  | PCBoard 14.5aM * uuPCB * Kmail |\n| Call +1 313 663 4173 or 663 3959      +--------------------------------+\n| Member of EFF, ASP, ASAD  * 1500MB disk * Serving Ann Arbor since 1988 |\n",
  "From: markz@ssc.com (Mark Zenier)\nSubject: Re: Trace size for a 15 Amp supply\nOrganization: SSC, Inc.,  Seattle, WA\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL6]\nLines: 12\n\nR.G. Keen (rg@futserv.austin.ibm.com) wrote:\n: A quick and dirty way to get higher current carrying capacity\n: on PC board traces for one- or few-of-a-kind boards is to\n: strip some #14 Romex house wiring cable to bare copper, form\n: the bare copper to follow the trace, and solder it down.\n\nAnd if it's not quick and dirty, you can get bus bars that\nare stamped out with leads that insert in the PC board.\n\nMark Zenier  markz@ssc.wa.com  markz@ssc.com  \n\n\n",
  'From: pcw@access.digex.com (Peter Wayner)\nSubject: The Old Key Registration Idea...\nOrganization: Express Access Online Communications, Greenbelt, MD USA\nLines: 25\nNNTP-Posting-Host: access.digex.net\n\nOkay, let\'s suppose that the NSA/NIST/Mykotronix Registered\nKey system becomes standard and I\'m able to buy such a system\nfrom my local radio shack. Every phone comes with a built in\nchip and the government has the key to every phone call. \nI go and buy a phone and dutifully register the key. \n\nWhat\'s to prevent me from swapping phones with a friend or \nbuying a used phone at a garage sale? Whooa. The secret registered\nkeys just became unsynchronized. When the government comes \nto listen in, they only receive gobbledly-gook because the \nsecret key registered under my name isn\'t the right one. \n\nThat leads me to conjecture that:\n\n1) The system isn\'t that secure. There are just two master keys\nthat work for all the phones in the country. The part about\nregistering your keys is just bogus. \n\nor \n\n2) The system is vulnerable to simple phone swapping attacks\nlike this. Criminals will quickly figure this out and go to\ntown.\n\nIn either case, I think we need to look at this a bit deeper."\'jbl)mW:wxlD2\n',
  'From: roger@hpscit.sc.hp.com (Roger Mullane)\nSubject: Re: 86 Acura Integra 5-speed\nOrganization: Hewlett-Packard, Santa Clara, CA\nLines: 26\n\nI have a 1986 Acura Integra 5 speed with 95,000 miles on it. It is positively\nthe worst car I have ever owned. I had an 83 Prelude that had 160k miles on\nit when I sold it, and it was still going strong .  This is with religious\nattention to maintenance such as oil changes etc. Both cars were driven in\nexactly the same manner..\n\n  1. It has gone through two clutches (which are underrated.)\n  2. 3 sets of tires (really eats tires in the front even with careful align)\n  3. All struts started leaking about 25-30k miles\n  4. Windshield wiper motor burned up (service note on this one)\n  5. Seek stop working on radio about 20k miles\n  6. Two timing belts.\n  7. Constant error signals from computer.\n\n  8. And finally. A rod bearing went out on the No. 1 piston seriously damaging\n     the crankshaft, contaminating the engine etc. When the overhaul was done\n     last week it required new crankshaft, one new cam shaft (has two) because\n     the camshaft shattered when they tried to mill it. The camshaft took 4\n     weeks to get because it is on national back order. \n\n     Everything on the engine is unique to the 1986 year. They went to a new\n     design in 87. Parts are very expensive.\n\nNo way would I ever buy another Acura. It is highly overrated. .\n\n      \n',
  'From: jfb@cci632.cci.com (John Bruno)\nSubject: MS-Windows access for the blind?\nOrganization: [Computer Consoles, Inc., Rochester, NY\n\nWe are developing an MS-Windows based product that uses a full screen window\nto display ~24 rows of textual data.  Is there any product for Microsoft Windows\nthat will enable blind individuals to access the data efficiently (quickly) ??\n\nPlease email responses and I will post a summary to this group.\n\nThanks for any help\n--- John Bruno\n\n',
  "From: branham@binah.cc.brandeis.edu\nSubject: Windows Locks up with green lines down the Screen\nReply-To: branham@binah.cc.brandeis.edu\nOrganization: Brandeis University\nLines: 18\n\nHi, I am using a dtk 386-20Mhz 13Meg memory to run a variety of\nprograms, and have had problems off and on with lock up,\nbut now I am trying to run an application that wants a lot of memory\nover a period of time (Playmation 24 bit rendered) and it is \nlocking up Everytime.  I have an ATI ultra + w/2Meg which I have\ntried in each of the video modes, I have excluded the region of\nvideo memory from A000-C800 segments from the use of emm386,\nhave tried adjusting the swap partion from large to nonexistant (to\nprevent swapping) and I have REM'd ALL TSR's and utilities in config.syus\nand autoexec, and even tried using the default program manager, disabling\nmy HP dashboard.  even with a minimal system, no swap, no smartdrv,\nno TSR's, no windows utilities and exclusion of video regions it still\nlocks up completely (no mouse control, no response to anything except\n3finger salute, and even that does not stop by the standard windows\nscreen, but simply does a full reset immediately).  Just about out\nof ideas, anyone out there have any????  Thanks\ntom branham\nbranham@binah.cc.brandeis.edu\n",
  'From:  (Rashid)\nSubject: Re: Yet more Rushdie [Re: ISLAMIC LAW]\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nOrganization: NH\nLines: 76\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.131032.15644@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au>,\ndarice@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au (Fred Rice) wrote:\n> \n> It is my understanding that it is generally agreed upon by the ulema\n> [Islamic scholars] that Islamic law applies only in an Islamic country,\n> of which the UK is not.  Furthermore, to take the law into one\'s own\n> hands is a criminal act, as these are matters for the state, not for\n> individuals.  Nevertheless, Khomeini offered a cash prize for people to\n> take the law into their own hands -- something which, to my\n> understanding, is against Islamic law.\n\nYes, this is also my understanding of the majority of Islamic laws.\nHowever, I believe there are also certain legal rulings which, in all\nfive schools of law (4 sunni and 1 jaffari), can be levelled against\nmuslim or non-muslims, both within and outside dar-al-islam. I do\nnot know if apostasy (when accompanied by active, persistent, and\nopen hostility to Islam) falls into this category of the law. I do know\nthat\nhistorically, apostasy has very rarely been punished at all, let alone\nby the death penalty.\n\nMy understanding is that Khomeini\'s ruling was not based on the\nlaw of apostasy (alone). It was well known that Rushdie was an apostate\nlong before he wrote the offending novel and certainly there is no\nprecedent in the Qur\'an, hadith, or in Islamic history for indiscriminantly\nlevelling death penalties for apostasy.\n\nI believe the charge levelled against Rushdie was that of "fasad". This\nruling applies both within and outside the domain of an\nIslamic state and it can be carried out by individuals. The reward was\nnot offered by Khomeini but by individuals within Iran.\n\n\n> Stuff deleted\n> Also, I think you are muddying the issue as you seem to assume that\n> Khomeini\'s fatwa was issued due to the _distribution_ of the book.  My\n> understanding is that Khomeini\'s fatwa was issued in response to the\n> _writing_ and _publishing_ of the book.  If my view is correct, then\n> your viewpoint that Rushdie was sentenced for a "crime in progress" is\n> incorrect.\n> \nI would concur that the thrust of the fatwa (from what I remember) was\nlevelled at the author and all those who assisted in the publication\nof the book. However, the charge of "fasad" can encompass a\nnumber of lesser charges. I remember that when diplomatic relations\nbroke off between Britain and Iran over the fatwa - Iran stressed that\nthe condemnation of the author, and the removal of the book from\ncirculation were two preliminary conditions for resolving the\n"crisis". But you are correct to point out that banning the book was not\nthe main thrust behind the fatwa. Islamic charges such as fasad are\nlevelled at people, not books.\n\nThe Rushdie situation was followed in Iran for several months before the\nissuance of the fatwa. Rushdie went on a media blitz,\npresenting himself as a lone knight guarding the sacred values of\nsecular democracy and mocking the foolish concerns of people\ncrazy enough to actually hold their religious beliefs as sacred. \nFanning the flames and milking the controversy to boost\nhis image and push the book, he was everywhere in the media. Then\nMuslim demonstrators in several countries were killed while\nprotesting against the book. Rushdie appeared momentarily\nconcerned, then climbed back on his media horse to once again\nattack the Muslims and defend his sacred rights. It was at this\npoint that the fatwa on "fasad" was issued.\n\nThe fatwa was levelled at the person of Rushdie - any actions of\nRushdie that feed the situation contribute to the legitimization of\nthe ruling. The book remains in circulation not by some independant\nwill of its own but by the will of the author and the publishers. The fatwa\nagainst the person of Rushdie encompasses his actions as well. The\ncrime was certainly a crime in progress (at many levels) and was being\nplayed out (and played up) in the the full view of the media.\n\nP.S. I\'m not sure about this but I think the charge of "shatim" also\napplies to Rushdie and may be encompassed under the umbrella\nof the "fasad" ruling.\n',
  'From: roby@chopin.udel.edu (Scott W Roby)\nSubject: Re: BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19\nNntp-Posting-Host: chopin.udel.edu\nOrganization: University of Delaware\nLines: 45\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.195636.17742@guinness.idbsu.edu> betz@gozer.idbsu.edu (Andrew Betz) writes:\n>In article <C5sou8.LnB@news.udel.edu> roby@chopin.udel.edu (Scott W Roby) writes:\n>>>Watch from where?  Two miles away?  Far enough away that whatever\n>>>really happenned must be explained through the vengeful filter of\n>>>a humiliated agency that said (quote!) "Enough is enough."\n>>\n>>Please tell me what you think would have happened had the people \n>>come out with their hands up several weeks ago.\n\nNo answer.\n\n>You didn\'t answer the question.  The FBI took people out of\n>camera range.  It is thus possible that they were engaging in\n>questionable activities.\n\nI do not feel like the cameras were out of range.  Cameras watched the first \nconfrontation.  Cameras watched the banners.  Cmaeras watched the final \nconfrontation with tanks.  Cameras watched the fire.  When weren\'t cameras \nable to watch?  When would cameras be unable to watch people coming out with \ntheir hands up?\n\n>As to your question, please tell me what you think would have happened\n>had the ATF goon squad knocked and asked politely several weeks\n>ago (as opposed to playing Rambo with a t.v. crew in tow).\n\nWell, that is what BATF should have done.  Either, Koresh would have gone \npeaceably as he has done in the past, or perhaps it was already too close \nto the apocalypse in his own mind.  It is hard to predict the actions of \na leader who would not release the children when most rational people would.\n\nNow will you answer my question up top?\n\n>\n>Drew\n>--\n>betz@gozer.idbsu.edu\n>*** brought into your terminal from the free state of idaho ***\n>*** when you outlaw rights, only outlaws will have rights   ***\n>*** spook fodder: fema, nsa, clinton, gore, insurrection, nsc,\n>    semtex, neptunium, terrorist, cia, mi5, mi6, kgb, deuterium\n\n\n-- \n\n\n',
  'From: edb@dmssyd.syd.dms.CSIRO.AU (Ed Breen)\nSubject: DICTA-93\nOriginator: edb@friend.syd.dms.CSIRO.AU\nKeywords: Conference\nReply-To: edb@dmssyd.syd.dms.CSIRO.AU (Ed Breen)\nOrganization: CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics, Australia\nLines: 163\n\n\n                Australian Pattern Recognition Society\n\n                         2nd CALL FOR PAPERS\n\n                               DICTA-93\n\n                          2nd Conference on -\n\n         DIGITAL IMAGING COMPUTING: TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS\n\n\nLocation: Macquarie Theatre\n          Macquarie University\n          Sydney\n\nDate: 8-10 December 1993.\n\n\n   DICTA-93 is the second biennial national conference of the\nAustralian Pattern Recognition Society.\n\n   This event will provide an opportunity for any persons with an\ninterest in computer vision, digital image processing/analysis and other\naspects of pattern recognition to become informed about contemporary\ndevelopments in the area, to exchange ideas, to establish contacts and\nto share details of their own work with others.\n\n        The Following invited speakers will provide specialised\npresentations:\n\nProf Gabor T. Herman, University of Pennsylvania on Medical Imaging.\n\nProf. R.M. Hodgson, Massey University New Zealand on Computer Vision.\n\nProf. Dominique Juelin, Centre de Morphologie Mathematique, Paris on\nMathematical Morphology.\n\nProf. John Richards, Aust. Defence Force Academy, Canberra on Remote\nSensing.\n\nDr. Phillip K. Robertson, CSIRO Division of Information Technology,\nCanberra on Interactive Visualisation.\n\n\n   The conference will concentrate on (but is not limited to) the\nfollowing areas of image processing:-\n\n                * Computer Vision and Object Recognition\n                * Motion Analysis\n                * Morphology\n                * Medical Imaging\n                * Fuzzy logic and Neural Networks\n                * Image Coding\n                * Machine Vision and Robotics\n                * Enhancement and Restoration\n                * Enhancement and Restoration\n                * Visualisation\n                * Industrial Applications\n                * Software and Hardware Tools\n\n   Papers are sought for presentation at the conference and publication\nin the conference proceedings. Submission for peer review should consist\nof an extended abstract of 750-1000 words of doubled spaced text, summarizing the\ntechnical aspects of the paper and any results that will be quoted.\nFinal papers should be limited to no more than 8 pages of text and\nillustrations in camera-ready form.\n\n\n   Four (4) copies of the abstract should be sent to:\n\n\n                               DICTA-93\n                          C/- Tony Adriaansen\n                  CSIRO - Division of Wool Technology\n                                PO Box 7\n                             Ryde NSW 2112\n                               Australia\n\n\n\n                            IMPORTANT DATES\n\n                Abstract due            - 25th June 1993\n                Acceptance notified     - 27th August 1993\n                Final paper due         - 15th October 1993\n\n\n\nSOCIAL PROGRAM:\n\nThe conference dinner will be held on the Thursday 9th of December 1993.\nOther social activities are being arranged.\n\nSituated on a beautiful harbour, Sydney has many and varied places of\ninterest. The Opera House and Harbour Bridge are just two of the well\nknown landmarks. Harbour cruises, city tours to the Blue Mountains run\ndaily. We can provide further information on request.\n\n\nACCOMMODATION:\n\nAccommodation within 15 min walking distance is available, ranging from\ncollege style to 5 star Hotel facilities. Information will be supplied\nupon request.\n\n\nCONFERENCE FEES:\n\n                        before 30th Sep.        After 30th Sep.\nAPRS Members              A$220                   A$250\nAPRS Student Members      A$120                   A$150\nOthers                    A$250                   A$280\n\nConference Dinner         A$35\non Dec 9th 1993\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n                ADVANCED REGISTRATION\n\nName:\nOrganisation:\nAddress\n\nPhone:\nFax:\nemail:\n\n                - I am a current Member of APRS.\n\n                - I am not a current member of APRS.\n\n                - Please send me information on accommodation.\n\n\nI enclose a cheque for\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n\nPlease send the above form to\n\nDICTA-93\nC/- Tony Adriaansen\nCSIRO - Division of Wool Technology\nPO Box 7\nRyde NSW 2112\nAustralia\n\nThe cheques should be made payable to DICTA-93.\n\nFor further information contact:\n* Tony Adriaansen (02) 809 9495\n* Athula Ginigie  (02) 330 2393\n* email: dicta93@ee.uts.edu.au\n\nAPRS is a member of IAPP the International Association for Pattern\nRecognition, Inc. An affiliated member of the International Federation\nfor Information Processing.\n\n\n\n\n',
  "From: wil@shell.portal.com (Ville V Walveranta)\nSubject: Re: Fall Comdex '93\nNntp-Posting-Host: jobe\nOrganization: Portal Communications Company\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nLines: 20\n\nDLS128@psuvm.psu.edu wrote:\n: Does anyone out there have any info on the up and coming fall comdex '93? I was\n: asked by one of my peers to get any info that might be available.  Or, could\n: anyone point me in the right direction?  Any help would be appreciated.\n\n\tIt's in Las Vegas (as always) between November 16th and 20th.\n \n\tFor more information contact: The Interface Group\n\t\t\t\t      300 First Avenue\n\t\t\t\t      Needham, MA  02194-2722\n\n\tSorry, no phone number available. Consult directory service\n\tin Massachusetts for the number (617, 508 or 413).\n\n\t-- Willy\n--\n   *    Ville V. Walveranta      Tel./Fax....: (510) 420-0729     ****\n   **   96 Linda Ave., Apt. #5   From Finland: 990-1-510-420-0729  ***\n   ***  Oakland, CA  94611-4838  (FAXes automatically recognized)   **\n   **** USA                      Email.......: wil@shell.portal.com  *\n",
  'From: eliot@lanmola.engr.washington.edu (eliot)\nSubject: Re: MR2 - noisy engine.\nOrganization: clearer than blir\nLines: 20\nNNTP-Posting-Host: lanmola.engr.washington.edu\n\nIn article <1r1vofINN871@usenet.pa.dec.com> tomacj@opco.enet.dec.com (THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO !!!) writes:\n>\tAre there any MR2 owners or motor-head gurus out there, that know why\n>my MR2\'s engine sounds noisy? The MR2\'s engine is noisy at the best of times, \n>but not even a nice nose - it\'s one of those very ugly noises. \n\nassuming yours is a non turbo MR2, the gruffness is characteristic of\na large inline 4 that doesn\'t have balance shafts.  i guess toyota\ndidn\'t care about "little" details like that when they can brag about\nthe mid engine configuration and the flashy styling.\n\nmyself, i automatically cross out any car from consideration (or\nrecommendation) which has an inline 4 larger than 2 liters and no\nbalance shafts..  it is a good rule of thumb to keep in mind if you\never want a halfway decent engine.  \n\nif the noise really bugs you, there is nothing else that you can do\nexcept to sell it and get a V6.\n\n\neliot\n',
  'From: olson@anchor.esd.sgi.com (Dave Olson)\nSubject: Re: How much should I pay for a SCSI cable (with 3 or 4 connectors)?\nOrganization: Silicon Graphics, Inc.  Mountain View, CA\nLines: 21\n\nIn <T83y2B1w164w@hub.parallan.com> danj@hub.parallan.com (Dan Jones) writes:\n| > >Also, I seem to remember a posting saying that the SCSI spec calls for\n| > >1 foot between devices on the cable, but most cables you get (internal)\n| > >don\'t meet the spec.\n| \n| SCSI II Draft Proposal, Rev. 10h, Section 4.2.1: Single-Ended \n| cable, which is in the Cable Requirements Section, has an \n| implementor\'s note: " Stub clustering should be avoided. Stubs \n| should be spaced at least 0.3 meters apart."\n| \n| For the non-technical, stubs are SCSI devices. :-)\n\nHowever, also be aware that Implementor\'s notes are basicly\nrecommendations, they are *NOT* part of the spec.  As others have\nnoted, many vendors (including SGI) violate this.  Indeed, the main\npoint is to reduce impedance changes, and therefore reflections, and\ntherefore \'noise\' on the bus.\n--\nLet no one tell me that silence gives consent,  |   Dave Olson\nbecause whoever is silent dissents.             |   Silicon Graphics, Inc.\n    Maria Isabel Barreno                        |   olson@sgi.com\n',
  'From: ralph@spss.com (Ralph Brendler)\nSubject: Re: Using Microsoft Foundation Classes with Borland C++ 3.1\nOrganization: SPSS, Inc.\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 53\n\nIn article <1qv1rc$fcp@news.cs.tu-berlin.de>, make@cs.tu-berlin.de (M. Kerkhoff) writes:\n> Hi all,\n> \n> has anybody tried to compile CTRLTEST from the MFC/SAMPLES directory,\n> after compiling the MFC-libs with BWC ?\n> \n> Seems to me, that BWC isn\'t able to distinguish pointers to overloaded\n> functions.\n> For example, imagine the following 2 (overloaded) functions:\n> void same_name ( void ) \n> void same_name ( int )\n>  \n> After trying the whole day, I think, with BWC its impossible to take the\n> adress of one of the above two functions and assign it to a properly defined\n> function pointer. \n> Am I right ? Has anybody else had this problem ?\n> \n> \tthanx\n\nI think you may be chasing the wrong problem.  I don\'t think it is the\nfunction overloading at all-- I do that sort of thing all of the time\nin BC++ without a hitch.  The big problems I have encountered in\nporting MFC to BC++ is that fact that MFC _depends_ on a couple of\ninvalid C++ assumptions.\n\nI have never gotten the _entire_ ctrltest app to run under BC++, but\nthe reason is that MS makes some bad assumptions about the order in\nwhich static/global objects are initialized (i.e. some objects are\ngetting accessed before they are initialized).  The problem is in the\nowner-draw menu code somewhere-- if you comment out that section, all\nother pieces of ctrltest work fine.\n\nTwo other major gotchas I have found using MFC under BC++:\n\n- The CFile::OpenFlags enum uses hard-coded numbers for the open mode,\n  rather than the manifest constants defined in fcntrl.h (which differ\n  between MSC and BC).\n\n- All of the MFC collection classes depend on another bad C++\n  assumption-- that a reference to a base object can used be in place\n  of a reference to a derived object (true for pointers, NOT for\n  references).\n\nI am sure there are other problems along the same lines, but I have\nnot encountered them (yet).  I have not seen MFC 2.0 yet, but I hope\nthat some of these will be addressed.  If they are not, all of MS\'s\nhype about portability to other vendor\'s compilers will be just that.\n\n-- \n      If these were my employer\'s opinions, I wouldn\'t be posting them.\n###############################################################################\n  "Whoever said nothing lasts forever was obviously  # R. Brendler\n   NOT a Cubs fan..." - Mike Royko                   # SPSS, Inc. - Chicago IL\n',
  'From: beck@irzr17.inf.tu-dresden.de (Andre Beck)\nSubject: Re: Fonts in POV??\nOrganization: Dept. of Computer Science, TU Dresden, Germany.\nLines: 57\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: Andre_Beck@IRS.Inf.TU-Dresden.DE\nNNTP-Posting-Host: irzr17.inf.tu-dresden.de\nKeywords: fonts, raytrace\n\n\nIn article <1qg9fc$et9@wampyr.cc.uow.edu.au>, g9134255@wampyr.cc.uow.edu.au (Coronado Emmanuel Abad) writes:\n|> \n|> \n|> \tI have seen several ray-traced scenes (from MTV or was it \n|> RayShade??) with stroked fonts appearing as objects in the image.\n|> The fonts/chars had color, depth and even textures associated with\n|> them.  Now I was wondering, is it possible to do the same in POV??\n|> \n\nHi Noel,\n\nI\'ve made some attempts to write a converter that reads Adobe Type 1 fonts,\ntriangulates them, bevelizes them and extrudes them to result in a generic\n3d object which could be used with PoV f.i.\n\nThe problem I\'m currently stuck on is that theres no algorithm which\ntriangulates any arbitrary polygonal shape. Delaunay seems to be limited\nto convex hulls. Constrained delaunay may be okay, but I have no code\nexample of how to do it.\n\nAnother way to do the bartman may be\n\n- TGA2POV\n- A selfmade variation of this, using heightfields.\n\n  Create a b/w picture (BIG) of the text you need, f.i. using a PostScript\n  previewer. Then, use this as a heightfield. If it is white on black,\n  the heightfield is exactly the images white parts (it\'s still open\n  on the backside). To close it, mirror it and compound it with the original.\n\nExample:\n\nobject {\n   union {\n      height_field { gif "abp2.gif" }\n      height_field { gif "abp2.gif" scale <1 -1 1>}\n   }\n   texture {\n      Glass\n   }\n   translate <-0.5 0 -0.5>      //center\n   rotate <-90 0 0>             // rotate upwards\n   scale  <10 5 100>            // scale bigger and thicker\n   translate <0 2 0>            // final placement\n}\n\n\nabp2.gif is a GIF of arbitrary size containing "ABP" black on white in\nTimes-Roman 256 points.\n\n--\n+-o-+--------------------------------------------------------------+-o-+\n| o |                \\\\\\-  Brain Inside -///                       | o |\n| o |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                           | o |\n| o | Andre\' Beck (ABPSoft) mehl: Andre_Beck@IRS.Inf.TU-Dresden.de | o |\n+-o-+--------------------------------------------------------------+-o-+\n',
  'From: hammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu (Valerie S. Hammerl)\nSubject: Re: Goalie Mask Update\nOrganization: UB\nLines: 19\nNntp-Posting-Host: lictor.acsu.buffalo.edu\n\nIn article <93289@hydra.gatech.EDU> gtd597a@prism.gatech.EDU (Hrivnak) writes:\n>\n>\tHere are the results after three days of voting. Remember 3pts for \n>1st, 2 for 2nd, and 1 for 3rd. Also, you can still turn in votes! And.. if\n>the guy isn\'t a regular goalie or he is retired, please include the team! \n>Thanks for your time, and keep on sending in those votes!\n\n> Glenn Healy (NYI), Tommy Soderstron (???), Ray LeBlanc (USA).\n                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nSoderstrom plays with Philly, but he doesn\'t have a moulded mask.\nHe\'s got the helmet and cage variety, in white.  Or at least that\'s\nwhat he wore thirteen hours ago.\n\n-- \nValerie Hammerl\t\t\t"Some days I have to remind him he\'s not \nhammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu\tMario Lemieux."  Herb Brooks on Claude\nacscvjh@ubms.cc.buffalo.edu\tLemieux, top scorer for the Devils, but \nv085pwwpz@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu  known for taking dumb penalties.\n',
  'From: mcole@spock (COLE)\nSubject: 8051 Microcontroller\nOrganization: New Mexico State University\nLines: 3\nNNTP-Posting-Host: spock.nmsu.edu\n\nI would like to experiment with the INTEL 8051 family.  Does anyone out  \nthere know of any good FTP sites that might have compiliers, assemblers,  \netc.?\n',
  "Organization: Penn State University\nFrom: <PCA103@psuvm.psu.edu>\nSubject: ATARI 2600 Processors\nLines: 12\n\nDoes anyone know what processor the Atari 2600 used? What I'm looking for is th\ne pin-outs for the Atari 2600.... the schematics for it it... does anyone have\nany idea where I could find this or any related information? This is very impor\ntant. Also, are the ROM chips that were used fo rthe 2600 games still available\n, or were they propreitary? Please email me with any responces, as this is very\n important.. Thanks a million...\n\nBTW- Anyone who works/has worked for Atari, I could really use your help with i\nnfo on the old 2600, please email me if you are willing to help me.... thatnks\nalot!!\n\n-Peter\n",
  'From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: In Nazi Germany, Armenians were considered to be an Aryan race and...\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 41\n\nIn article <2BAC23FF.25215@news.service.uci.edu> tclock@orion.oac.uci.edu (Tim Clock) writes:\n\n>There was no such letter in the Chronicle on that date, or at any other time.\n\nIs this a figment of your imagination? Here is another one:\n\n\n Source: "Mitteilungsblatt, Berlin, December 1939, Nr. 2 and 5-6"\n\n Yet another historical fact: a fact that for years has been deliberately \n forgotten, concealed, and wiped from memory - the fact of Armenian-Nazi \n collaboration.\n\n A magazine called Mitteilungsblatt der Deutsch-Armenischen Gesselschaft\n is the clearest and most definite proof of this collaboration. The \n magazine was first published in Berlin in 1938 during Nazi rule of Germany\n and continued publication until the end of 1944. Even the name of the\n magazine, which implies a declaration of Armenian-Nazi cooperation,\n is attention-getting.\n\n This magazine, every issue of which proves the collaboration, is historically\n important as documentary evidence. It is a heap of writing that should be\n an admonition to world opinion and to all mankind. \n\n In Nazi Germany, Armenians were considered to be an Aryan race and certain\n political, economic, and social rights were thus granted to them. They \n occupied positions in public service and were partners in Nazi practices.\n The whole world of course knows what awaited those who were not considered \n "Aryan" and what befell them.\n\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           \'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.\'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           \'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.\' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n\n',
  'From: iisakkil@gamma.hut.fi (Mika Iisakkila)\nSubject: Re: what to do with old 256k SIMMs?\nIn-Reply-To: rubin@cis.ohio-state.edu\'s message of 17 Apr 1993 14:05:06 -0400\nNntp-Posting-Host: gamma.hut.fi\nOrganization: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland\n\t<1qpgsiINN31p@diplodocus.cis.ohio-state.edu>\nLines: 15\n\nrubin@cis.ohio-state.edu (Daniel J Rubin) writes:\n>How hard would it be to somehow interface them to some of the popular \n>Motorola microcontrollers.\n\nNot hard, you can do the refreshing and access cycles by software, but\nthis hogs most of the available CPU cycles on a low-end controller.\nI\'ve seen some application note from Philips that used one of their\n8051 derivatives as a printer buffer, with up to 1MB of dynamic ram\nthat was accessed and refreshed with software bit-banging.\n\nAnother alternative would be to use one of those nice DRAM controller\nchips that "create static RAM appearance" and all that, but they may\nbe too expensive to make it worthwhile.\n--\nSegmented Memory Helps Structure Software\n',
  "From: ebosco@us.oracle.com (Eric Bosco)\nSubject: Windows 3.1 keeps crashing: Please HELP\nNntp-Posting-Host: monica.us.oracle.com\nReply-To: ebosco@us.oracle.com\nOrganization: Oracle Corp., Redwood Shores CA\nX-Disclaimer: This message was written by an unauthenticated user\n              at Oracle Corporation.  The opinions expressed are those\n              of the user and not necessarily those of Oracle.\nLines: 41\n\n\nAs the subjects says, Windows 3.1 keeps crashing (givinh me GPF) on me of  \nlate.  It was never a very stable package, but now it seems to crash every  \nday.  The worst part about it is that it does not crash consistently: ie I  \ncan't reproduce crashes, and they are not always GPF's in the same  \napplication. Sometimes I can recover by simply closing the application  \nthat caused an error, but other times, windows acts very strange, and I  \nneed to re-boot.\n\nSome background:  I have a Leading Edge 486sx25 with Phoenix BIOS.  When I  \nfirst got it it had 4Mg of memory.  It ran windows fine (not too many  \nGPF's).  Then, a couple of weekends ago, I installed Lotus 123 for windows  \n(with ATM), a game card and an additional 4  1Mg SIMMS.  The Leading edge  \nmachine is kind of strange, in that it has the IDE controler built into  \nthe motherboard, the CPU is actually on a sparate board that plugs into  \nthe motherboard and the SIMMS it uses are Macintosh SIMMS! Apparently I  \nwas told that the Leading Edge had the parity bit built into the mother  \nboard.  The original 4Mg 80ns SIMMS where of the 2 chip variety from  \nSAMSUNG, and the ones I installed are 8 chip SIMMS. They are recognized  \nfine by the BIOS RAM check. The game card is a generic $20 gamecard.\n\nThe reason why I mention the hardware like this is that sometimes  \nrebooting the machine using the reset button or ctl-alt-del still leaves  \nthe machine kind of flaky, but turning it on and off doesn't. \n\nI haven't tried taking out the RAM or the game card, because as I said  \nthese GPF are not reproducible at will.  I have gone through and entire  \nday using the computer with no problems and then I might get 5 or so GPF's  \nin the sppace of 20 minutes?\n\nWhat can I do.  This situation is most annoying... Are there any good  \ndiagnostic tools for hardware? Do you think that this might be a software  \nproblem (ie EMM386 etc.)? If it helps, i have manage to get GPF's on After  \nDark, quicken, Paint shop pro. A lot of them have been in user.exe or  \ngdi.exe.\n\nAny help is truly appreciated.....\n\n-Eric\n\nebosco@us.oracle.com\n",
  'From: speedy@engr.latech.edu (Speedy Mercer)\nSubject: Re: MOTORCYCLE DETAILING TIP #18\nOrganization: Louisiana Tech University\nLines: 15\nNNTP-Posting-Host: bhm116e-spc.engr.latech.edu\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.164644.7348@hemlock.cray.com> ant@palm21.cray.com (Tony Jones) writes:\n\nA note to users of Plexi-Fairings:\n\nIf the light hits some of these just right, they become a giant magnifing \nglass and will melt a hole in your guage pod!  \n\n ----===== DoD #8177 = Technician(Dr. Speed) .NOT. Student =====----\n\n                          Stolen Taglines...\n              * God is real, unless declared integer. *\n            * I came, I saw, I deleted all your files. *\n         * Black holes are where God is dividing by zero. *\n        * The world will end in 5 minutes. Please log out. *\n       * Earth is 98% full.... please delete anyone you can. *\n',
  "From: coburnn@spot.Colorado.EDU (Nicholas S. Coburn)\nSubject: Re: bikes with big dogs\nNntp-Posting-Host: spot.colorado.edu\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 19\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.234835.1@cua.edu> 84wendel@cua.edu writes:\n>Has anyone ever heard of a rider giving a big dog such as a great dane a ride \n>on the back of his bike.  My dog would love it if I could ever make it work.\n>\tThanks\n>\t\t\t84wendel@cua.edu\n>\n\nOn the back might be tricky, but here in Boulder, there is a guy \nthat can always be seen with his Golden Retriever in the sidecar.\nOf course, the dog is always wearing WWII style goggles (no joke)\n\n\n________________________________________________________________________\nNick Coburn                     DoD#6425                      AMA#679817\n                  '88CBR1000              '89CBR600\n                       coburnn@spot.colorado.edu\n________________________________________________________________________\n\n\n",
  'From: ndallen@r-node.hub.org (Nigel Allen)\nSubject: Reserve officers say demographics ignored in nominations to close naval, marine reserve centers\nOrganization: R-node Public Access Unix - 1 416 249 5366\nLines: 53\n\nHere is a press release from the Reserve Officers Association.\n\n Reserve Officers Say Demographics Ignored in Nominations to\nClose Naval, Marine Reserve Centers\n To: National Desk, Defense Writer\n Contact: Herbert M. Hart of the Reserve Officers Association of\n          the United States, 202-479-2258\n\n   WASHINGTON, April 13 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Reserve Officers\nAssociation of the United States has alerted the Defense Base\nRealignment and Closure Commission that the services failed to give\nsufficient weight to demographics in recommendations made to close\n56 Naval and Marine Corps Reserve centers.\n   In letters to the closure commission and to all 86 members of\nCongress with affected locations in their constituencies, including\nSen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services\nCommittee, ROA charged that the developers of the Navy-Marine list\nignored demographics of the civilian population, particularly prior\nservice personnel.\n   ROA\'s executive director, Maj. Gen. Evan L. Hultman, AUS (Ret.),\nsuggested "concern that the only plausible alternative is that they\nare intentionally attempting to foreclose the Naval Reserve\ncomponents from maintaining even today\'s relatively low level of\nparticipation in their parent service\'s Total Force of the future."\n   He asked the commission "to remove from consideration all\nlocations without sufficient and convincing demographic data to\nwarrant approval of the requested action."\n   "Only a few of the 56 Naval and Marine Corps Reserve\ninstallations on this list are large enough to have a significant\nimpact on the community, if closed," wrote Hultman.  "The major\nissue is the cumulative impact of moving or closing such a large\npercentage of the existing locations."\n   Hultman reminded the commission, "The fact that the vast\nmajority of the Reserve installations on this list do not come\nclose to meeting the minimal requirements for consideration in this\nprocess certainly supports the thesis" that these actions are\nsimply an attempt to foreclose a substantial role for the Navy and\nMarine Corps Reserve.\n   ROA also noted "that at the end of the 1960s, when the number of\nNaval Reservists was approximately the same as today, there were 480\nNaval Reserve facilities.  If the Navy recommendations are\napproved, there will be less than 200 Naval Reserve facilities."\n   Facilities on the list include seven Naval Air Stations ranging\nfrom South Weymouth, Mass., to Alameda, Calif., 28 Naval\nReserve Centers in Macon, Ga., and Parkersburg, W.Va., to\nMissoula and Great Falls. Mont.  Naval/Marine Corps Reserve\nCenters include four in San Francisco, Fort Wayne, Ind.,\nBillings, Mont., and Abilene, Texas.\n   A major Marine Reserve Center on the list is that at El\nToro, Calif., plus six others.\n -30-\n-- \nNigel Allen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada    ndallen@r-node.hub.org\n',
  'From: billh@greed.sbil.co.uk (Bill Hodgson)\nSubject: Re: waiting for a specific event/callback\nReply-To: billh@greed.sbil.co.uk\nOrganization: Salomon Brothers, Ltd.\nLines: 20\nNntp-Posting-Host: greed\n\nIn article 9610@charon.cwi.nl, huub@cwi.nl (Huub Bakker) writes:\n..deleted...\n\nIn plain Motify using a dialog \'in-line\' like this simply isn\'t done. You need\nto set callbacks from the buttons/widgets in your dialog and let the callback routines\ndo the work. In the callbacks you can then carry on the flow of logic. \n\nXView from Sun actually supports this very neatly with a \'Notify\' box, which can\nreturn a status in-line, it does actualy ease coding but goes against the event\ndriven style of an application.\n\nSummary: Redesign required.\n\n\n---\n    _/       _/  _/ _/     "Delta hedging a long option position also\n   _/           _/ _/\t    generates a short gamma exposure and any return\n  _/_/_/_/ _/  _/ _/\t    generated from delta hedging options can be thought\n _/    _/ _/  _/ _/\t    of as compensation for assuming gamma risk"\n_/_/_/_/ _/  _/ _/\t    -- Radioactive investment management... whew!\n',
  "From: cjhs@minster.york.ac.uk\nSubject: Re: free moral agency\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Department of Computer Science, University of York, England\nLines: 11\n\n: Are you saying that their was a physical Adam and Eve, and that all\n: humans are direct decendents of only these two human beings.?  Then who\n: were Cain and Able's wives?  Couldn't be their sisters, because A&E\n: didn't have daughters.  Were they non-humans?\n\nGenesis 5:4\n\nand the days of Adam after he begat Seth were eight hundred years, and\nhe begat sons and daughters:\n\nFelicitations -- Chris Ho-Stuart\n",
  "From: tmc@spartan.ac.BrockU.CA (Tim Ciceran)\nSubject: Re: Hijaak\nOrganization: Brock University, St. Catharines Ontario\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\nLines: 15\n\nHaston, Donald Wayne (haston@utkvx.utk.edu) wrote:\n: Currently, I use a shareware program called Graphics Workshop.\n: What kinds of things will Hijaak do that these shareware programs\n: will not do?\n\nI also use Graphic Workshop and the only differences that I know of are that\nHijaak has screen capture capabilities and acn convert to/from a couple of\nmore file formats (don't know specifically which one).  In the April 13\nissue of PC Magazine they test the twelve best selling image capture/convert\nutilities, including Hijaak.\n\nTMC.\n(tmc@spartan.ac.brocku.ca)\n\n\n",
  "From: tchen@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Tsung-Kun Chen)\nSubject: ** Software forsale (lots) **\nNntp-Posting-Host: magnusug.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\nOrganization: The Ohio State University\n    ****   This is a post for my friend,  You can either call    ****\n    ****    him  J.K Lee  (614)791-0748    or Drop me a mail     ****\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 39\n\n1.  Software publishing SuperBase 4 windows v.1.3           --->$80\n\n2.  OCR System ReadRight v.3.1 for Windows                  --->$65\n\n3.  OCR System ReadRight  v.2.01 for DOS                    --->$65\n\n4.  Unregistered Zortech 32 bit C++ Compiler v.3.1          --->$ 250\n     with Multiscope windows Debugger,\n     WhiteWater Resource Toolkit, Library Source Code\n\n5.  Glockenspiel/ImageSoft Commonview 2 Windows\n     Applications Framework for Borland C++                 --->$70\n\n6.  Spontaneous Assembly Library With Source Code           --->$50\n\n7.  Microsoft Macro Assembly 6.0                            --->$50\n\n8.  Microsoft Windows v.3.1 SDK Documentation               --->$125\n\n9.  Microsoft FoxPro V.2.0                                  --->$75\n\n10.  WordPerfect 5.0 Developer's Toolkit                    --->$20\n\n11.  Kedwell Software DataBoss v.3.5 C Code Generator       --->$100\n\n12.  Kedwell InstallBoss v.2.0 Installation Generator       --->$35\n\n13.  Liant Software C++/Views v.2.1\n       Windows Application Framework with Source Code       --->$195\n\n14.  IBM OS/2 2.0 & Developer's Toolkit                     --->$95\n\n15.  CBTree DOS/Windows Library with Source Code            --->$120\n\n16.  Symantec TimeLine for Windows                          --->$90\n\n17.  TimeSlip TimeSheet Professional for Windows            --->$30\n\n         Many More Software/Books Available,Price Negotiable\n",
  'From: exuptr@exu.ericsson.se (Patrick Taylor, The Sounding Board)\nSubject: Re: How to the disks copy protected.\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nOrganization: Ericsson Network Systems, Inc.\nX-Disclaimer: This article was posted by a user at Ericsson.\n              Any opinions expressed are strictly those of the\n              user and not necessarily those of Ericsson.\nLines: 36\n\nIn article <1993Apr21.131908.29582@uhura.neoucom.edu> wtm@uhura.neoucom.edu (Bill Mayhew) writes:\n>From: wtm@uhura.neoucom.edu (Bill Mayhew)\n>Subject: Re: How to the disks copy protected.\n>Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 13:19:08 GMT\n\n>Write a good manual to go with the software.  The hassle of\n>photocopying the manual is offset by simplicity of purchasing\n>the package for only $15.  Also, consider offering an inexpensive\n>but attractive perc for registered users.  For instance, a coffee\n>mug.  You could produce and mail the incentive for a couple of\n>dollars, so consider pricing the product at $17.95.\n\nOr, _documentation_ for the program ;-).  A lot of shareware out there is \nvery similar in the approach - send in your money, and you get \ndocumentation, and a free upgrade to the latest version.  Perhaps even \nsupport of some small degree.  Whatever you want to offer that is "better" \nthan the circulating version.\n\n>You\'re lucky if only 20% of the instances of your program in use\n>are non-licensed users.\n\nFigure about 50%, as I have seen.\n\n>The best approach is to estimate your loss and accomodate that into\n>your price structure.  Sure it hurts legitimate users, but too bad.\n\nIt doesn\'t really hurt legit users.  Shareware is still much cheaper than \nthe alternatives.\n\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n ---------Visit the SOUNDING BOARD BBS +1 214 596 2915, a Wildcat! BBS-------\n\n ObDis: All opinions are specifically disclaimed. No one is responsible.\n\n    Patrick Taylor, Ericsson Network Systems  THX-1138\n    exuptr@exu.ericsson.se                    "Don\'t let the .se fool you"\n',
  "From: gharriso@hpcc01.corp.hp.com (Graeme Harrison)\nSubject: Re: Goldwing performance\nOrganization: the HP Corporate notes server\nLines: 36\n\n/ hpcc01:rec.motorcycles / Stafford@Vax2.Winona.MSUS.Edu (John Stafford) / 11:06 am  Apr  1, 1993 /\nIn article <1pf2hs$b4d@transfer.stratus.com>, cdodson@beast.cac.stratus.com\n(R. Craig Dodson) wrote:\n \n> From the summary in the back of Motorcyclist, they run the 1/4 in\n> 13.07 at about 100 mph. Interestingly enough, this Winnebago of bikes\n> is faster than any of the Harleys listed. \n\n  It depreciates much faster, too.\n   \n====================================================\nJohn Stafford   Minnesota State University @ Winona\n                    All standard disclaimers apply.\n----------\nThe '84 GL1200A hit the traps at 13.34 according to Cycle magazine. Yeah,\nthey depreciate faster than Harleys for the first couple of years then\nthey bottom out. Got my '86 GL1200I w/ 2275 miles on the odometer for\njust under $5K in May of 1990 and would ask for $4500 now with almost\n16K miles onnit....that's about 50% of what a new GL1500I would cost.\n\nThink the '86 GL1200I originally sold for $6500 brand new, not sure. \nIf that's the case then it depreciated 30.77% over 7 years or a mere\n$2000. Big Fat Hairy Deal! Based on what I know, Harleys tend to\ndepreciate your monies far more than the initial depreciation of\nthe bike itself when it comes to parts and service. All this about\nHarleys holding their value better doesn't always wash away the\nknocks on them...such as being much slower. ;-) \n\nAccording to Peter Egan in the just released Cycle World his FLHS is a\nreal dog when he pillions his 120lb wife. All that money for a dog that\ndoesn't defecate much. =:-]  \n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGraeme Harrison, Hewlett-Packard Co., Communications Components Division,\n350 W Trimble Rd, San Jose, CA 95131 (gharriso@hpcc01.corp.hp.com) DoD#649 \n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n",
  'From: horton@molbio.cbs.umn.edu (Robert Horton)\nSubject: Re: Macs suck! Buy a PC!\nNntp-Posting-Host: molbio.cbs.umn.edu\nOrganization: University of Minnesota\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5\nLines: 3\n\n\nTests suck! Post a real message!\n:^)\n',
  'From: bc744@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Mark Ira Kaufman)\nSubject: Israel does not kill reporters.\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 12\nNNTP-Posting-Host: thor.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\n   Anas Omran has claimed that, "the Israelis used to arrest, and\nsometime to kill some of these neutral reporters."  The assertion\nby Anas Omran is, of course, a total fabrication.  If there is an\nonce of truth iin it, I\'m sure Anas Omran can document such a sad\nand despicable event.  Otherwise we may assume that it is another\npiece of anti-Israel bullshit posted by someone whose family does\nnot know how to teach their children to tell the truth.  If Omran\nwould care to retract this \'error\' I would be glad to retract the\naccusation that he is a liar.  If he can document such a claim, I\nwould again be glad to apologize for calling him a liar.  Failing\nto do either of these would certainly show what a liar he is.\n',
  'From: dtmedin@catbyte.b30.ingr.com (Dave Medin)\nSubject: Re: Oscilloscope triggering\nReply-To: dtmedin@catbyte.b30.ingr.com\nOrganization: Intergraph Corporation, Huntsville AL\nLines: 55\n\nIn article <C4vs0G.5ux@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>, dgj2y@kelvin.seas.Virginia.EDU (David Glen Jacobowitz) writes:\n|> >>Can someone out there explain exactly what the \'trigger\'\n|> >>feature found on oscilloscopes does?\n|> >\n|> \t{ lots og good explanation deleted}\n\n<lots more deleted>\n|> \tIs it just me, or does anybody else out there NOT like digital\n|> scopes. My school has some beauutful 100Mhz HP that are digital with\n|> all the bells and whistles, including soft-keys, which I think are a\n|> loveley touch. ( that is, software keys. ) You don\'t forget that you\n|> are dealing with a computer. Those scopes even with all their\n|> neatness, still make the ickyest looking waves. Lotsa features, but\n|> ugly output. And those are the best digitals I have ever seen. I\'ve\n|> seen a lot of cheaper digitals and they look terrible.\n\nI think the hangup with digital scopes is that you have to know so much\nmore about them and how they work on a scope-by-scope basis, and\nsome of the functions are typically presented, in my opinion,\nin a counter-intuitive fashion (HP has made some strides in their\n54600 series, IMO). Automatic setups are fine for simple,\nrepetitive waveforms, but can give you some crazy results on more\ncomplex events where you need to understand how the scope is\nactually measuring/processing the event. For example, is the scope\nin "equivalent time" or in "real time" sampling mode (equivalent time\nbeing a mode where samples are built-up slowly by adding a delay to\nthe trigger event each sweep)? What was the scope\'s actual sampling\nrate at the time? How is the data being massaged after capture but\nbefore display, etc. One common misconception is the speed of the scope.\n\nIs the HP scope you\'re using really a 100 MHz scope? Or is it a 20 MHz\nsample rate scope (~5 MHz single shot significance) whose front\nend including S/H can support 100 MHz waveforms (important for\nequivalent time sampling)? The 100 MHz input in this case really\nonly helps you when your waveform is repetitive, or on a single\nsample, when you get lucky and hit a transient event during a sample time.\n\nSo, there are a lot more variables in understanding how to get\nuseful information from a digital scope. I prefer an analog scope for\ngeneral use and the digital for events where I need storage for\nlater analysis or comparison, when the event is within the capability\nof the scope. Now, for the price of true 100 MHz digital scopes to\nfall...\n\n-- \n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n       Dave Medin\t\t\tPhone:\t(205) 730-3169 (w)\n    SSD--Networking\t\t\t\t(205) 837-1174 (h)\n    Intergraph Corp.\n       M/S GD3004 \t\tInternet: dtmedin@catbyte.b30.ingr.com\n  Huntsville, AL 35894\t\tUUCP:  ...uunet!ingr!b30!catbyte!dtmedin\n\n   ******* Everywhere You Look (at least around my office) *******\n\n * The opinions expressed here are mine (or those of my machine)\n',
  'From: ravin@eecg.toronto.edu (Govindan Ravindran)\nSubject: decoupling caps - onboard\nOrganization: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto\nLines: 10\n\n(posted for a friend)\nhello there,\n        I would like to know if any one had any experience with having\non-board decoupling capacitors (inside a cmos chip) for the power\nlines. Say I have a lot of space left im my pad limited design.\nany data on the effect of oxide breakdown? any info or pointers\nare appreciated.\n\nrs\n\n',
  'From: bell@hops.larc.nasa.gov (John Bell)\nSubject: Re: Adcom cheap products?\nOrganization: NASA Langley Research Center\nLines: 21\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hops.larc.nasa.gov\n\nIn article <mdonahue.15x9@amiganet.chi.il.us> mdonahue@amiganet.chi.il.us (Mike Donahue) writes:\n>\n>As for Adcoms Mobil, They are going with amps that canb use Balanced Inputs, a\n>VERY nice toy, but I\'m afraid its goig to push their amps beyound resonable\n>price ranges.  especialy because taking advantage of those balanced inputs\n>requires a $120+ RCA to Balanced adapter...\n\nUmm, when I was doing sound reinforcement for a living, I used to get direct boxes (which convert\nunbalanced 1/4" jacks to balanced XLRs) for about $25 each, or a little more for higher\nquality. You\'ll need two for a stereo signal, of course, and a little adapter thingy from \nRadio Sh#$&^t to convert from RCA to 1/4". Total cost should be around $50. You can also buy\ntransformers for quite a bit less and wire them yourself. Total cost there should be under $30.\nYou can get all this stuff from any pro music shop that sells sound reinforcement gear.\nThe benefit? NO noise that you can hear will be generated in the cables going to the component\nwith the balanced inputs, even when you run them in bad places, like next to power lines.\n\n-----\nJohn Bell\nNASA Langley Research Center\nbell@hops.larc.nasa.gov\n\n',
  "From: pallis@server.uwindsor.ca (PALLIS  DIMITRIOS        )\nSubject: Re: Genoa Blitz 24 hits 1600x1200x256 NI !\nLines: 3\n\ni am sorry, but this genoa card does nothing that the ATI ultra plus 2mb\ncan't do, PLUS the ATI costs 330$US street price ....\n\n",
  "From: lorne@sun.com (Lorne R. Johnson - Sun IC Region SE)\nSubject: WARRIORS TICKETS FOR SALE\nOrganization: Sun Microsystems, Inc.\nLines: 22\nDistribution: ca\nReply-To: lorne@sun.com\nNNTP-Posting-Host: normajean.west.sun.com\n\n\n   *****************************\n   * WARRIORS TICKETS FOR SALE *\n   *****************************\n\nI have 2 tickets that I can't use (Last pair this year).\n\nSection 109, Row P, Seats 8 & 9\n\nDAY\tDATE\tOPPONENT\tTIME\t\n---\t----\t--------\t----\t\nWED     4/21    Sacremento     7:30\n\nPrice: $45.00 = MY COST\n\nCall or email if you are interested in these tickets.\n\n\nLorne Johnson\nlorne@sun.com\n(408) 562-6003\n\n",
  'From: cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer)\nSubject: Re: New Study Out On Gay Percentage\nOrganization: Optilink Corporation, Petaluma, CA\nLines: 19\n\nIn article <C5L0v1.JCv@news.cso.uiuc.edu>, dans@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Dan S.) writes:\n> Don\'t forget about the culture.  Sadly, we don\'t (as a society) look upon\n> homosexuality as normal (and as we are all too well aware, there are alot\n> of people who condemn it).  As a result, the gay population is not encouraged\n> to develop "non-promiscuous" relationships.  In fact there are many roadblocks\n> put in the way of such committed relationships.  It is as if the heterosexual\n\nSuch as?  Not being able to get married isn\'t a roadblock to a permanent\nrelationship.  Lack of a marriage certificate doesn\'t force a couple\nto break up.  This is an excuse used by homosexuals because the \nalternative is to ask why they are so much more promiscuous than \nstraights.\n\n> Dan\n\n\n-- \nClayton E. Cramer {uunet,pyramid}!optilink!cramer  My opinions, all mine!\nRelations between people to be by mutual consent, or not at all.\n',
  "From: sukenick@sci.ccny.cuny.edu (SYG)\nSubject: Re: AD conversion\nOrganization: City College of New York - Science Computing Facility\nLines: 33\n\n>> I am working a  data acquisition and analysis program to collect data\n>> from insect sensory organs.\n>> Another alternative is the use of the sound input port.\n>\n>Can you really make due with the non-existent dynamic range of an 8-bit\n>converter, of probably dubious linearity and monotonicity, and perhaps\n>AC-coupled as well?\n\nIt would depend on the requirements of the poster's data, for some\npurposes 1/256 resolution (with or without calibration curve).\n\n\nOtherwise the other possibilities would be:\n\n1) get a digital voltameter with serial output & connect to serial\nport on mac, collect data with some communications program.\n\n2) Buy an A/D chip from Analog devices, Burr-Brown, etc, connect to\na parallel to serial converter, use serial port for acquisition\n(nah. too much soldering and trouble shooting :-)\n\n3) Get a board from National Instruments, Data Translation, Omega,\netal.  The finest solution, but possibly the most costly.\n\n\n\nTo the original poster:  if the signal is too large, why not\nuse a voltage divider? Two resistors, cost very cheap...\n-- \n\n\t\t\t\t\t-george\n\t\t\t\t\tsukenick@sci.ccny.cuny.edu\n\t\t\t\t\t212-650-6028\n",
  "From: keegan-edward@cs.yale.edu (Edward Keegan)\nSubject: DEC MT 486, Adaptec SCSI, 3COMM conflict\nOrganization: Yale University Computer Science Dept., New Haven, CT 06520-2158\nLines: 14\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: thumper.cf.cs.yale.edu\n\n\nI have a DEC NT 486DX33 that has an Adaptec SCSI controller, hard disk\nand cd-rom drive. When I add a 3COMM Ethernet card (3C503) and reboot\nthe system I receive an error message that a boot device cannot be\nfound. Pull the 3COMM card and reboot, everything is fine. I've moved\nthe controller and 3COMM card to various slots, different positions\n(slot before the controller, slot after the controller) with the\nsame result. DEC hasn't responded to the problem yet. Any help would\nbe appreciated.\n-- \nEdward T. Keegan, Facility Director             E-MAIL: keegan@cs.yale.edu\nYale University, Computer Science Department     PHONE: 1-203-432-1254\n51 Prospect Street, Room 009                       FAX: 1-203-432-0593\nNew Haven, CT 06520\n",
  'From: maynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Roger Maynard)\nSubject: Re: Tie Breaker....(Isles and Devils)\nOrganization: Dept. of Computer Science, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON\nLines: 18\n\nIn <lrw509f@rpi.edu> wangr@vccsouth22.its.rpi.edu ( Rex Wang ) writes:\n\n>I might not be great in Math, but tell me how can two teams ahve the same points\n>with different record??? Man...retard!!!!!! Can\'t believe people actually put\n>win as first in a tie breaker......\n\nWell I don\'t see any smileys here.  I am trying to figure out if the poster\nis a dog or a wordprocessor.  Couldn\'t be neither.  Both are smarter than\nthis.\n\n"I might not be great in Math"\n\n\n-- \n\ncordially, as always,                      maynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca \n                                           "So many morons...\nrm                                                   ...and so little time." \n',
  "From: dswartz@osf.org (Dan Swartzendruber)\nSubject: Re: Dopson Pitches First Shutout; Red Sox Win 6-0\nOrganization: Open Software Foundation - Research Institute\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <C5r5vt.941@news.cso.uiuc.edu> cka52397@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (OrioleFan@uiuc) writes:\n>jmann@vineland.pubs.stratus.com (Jim Mann) writes:\n\n[deleted]\n\n>\tSomeone told me this game started at 10:05 cdt.  Is this true??/ Who\n>in their right mind would go to a game on monday at 11AM????\n\nKeep in mind this was in Massachussetts.  Today was Patriots Day, a state\nholiday.  I think it might be a floating holiday, but given that the\nMarathon also happens the same day, most people don't go in.\n\n\n-- \n\n#include <std_disclaimer.h>\n\nDan S.\n",
  'From: jaeger@buphy.bu.edu (Gregg Jaeger)\nSubject: Re: The Inimitable Rushdie\nOrganization: Boston University Physics Department\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <2BCC892B.21864@ics.uci.edu> bvickers@ics.uci.edu (Brett J. Vickers) writes:\n\n>In article <115290@bu.edu> jaeger@buphy.bu.edu (Gregg Jaeger) writes:\n\n>>Well, seeing as you are not muslim the sort of fatwa issued by Khomeini\n>>would not be relevant to you. I can understand your fear of persecution\n>>and I share it even more than you (being muslim), however Rushdie\'s\n>>behavior was not completely excusable.\n\n>Why should a fatwa issued by Khomeini be relevant to anyone who\n>doesn\'t live in Iran?\n\nIssued by Khomeini it shouldn\'t be relevant to anyone. But issued\nby an honest and learned scholar of Islam it would be relevant to\nany muslim as it would be contrary to Islamic law which all muslims\nare required to respect.\n\n>  Who is it that decides whether Rushdie\'s behavior is excusable? \n\nAnyone sufficiently well versed in Islamic law and capable of reasoning,\nif you are talking about a weak sense of "excuse." It depends on what \nsense of "excuse" you have in mind.\n\n\n> And who cares if you think it is inexcusable?\n\nOnly someone who thinks my opinion is important, obviously.\nObviously you don\'t care, nor do I care that you don\'t care.\n\n\nGregg\n',
  "From: sbishop@desire.wright.edu\nSubject: Re: Hismanal, et. al.--side effects\nOrganization:  Wright State University \nLines: 22\n\nIn article <1993Apr21.024103.29880@spdcc.com>, dyer@spdcc.com (Steve Dyer) writes:\n> In article <1993Apr20.212706.820@lrc.edu> kjiv@lrc.edu writes:\n>>Can someone tell me whether or not any of the following medications \n>>has been linked to rapid/excessive weight gain and/or a distorted \n>>sense of taste or smell:  Hismanal; Azmacort (a topical steroid to \n>>prevent asthma); Vancenase.\n> \n> Hismanal (astemizole) is most definitely linked to weight gain.\n> It really is peculiar that some antihistamines have this effect,\n> and even more so an antihistamine like astemizole which purportedly\n> doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier and so tends not to cause\n> drowsiness.\n\nIt also gave me lots of problems with joint and muscle pain.  Seemed to\ntrigger arthritis-like problems.\n\nSue\n\n> \n> -- \n> Steve Dyer\n> dyer@ursa-major.spdcc.com aka {ima,harvard,rayssd,linus,m2c}!spdcc!dyer\n",
  'From: amanda@intercon.com (Amanda Walker)\nSubject: Re: Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]\nOrganization: InterCon Systems Corporation - Herndon, VA  USA\nLines: 21\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: amanda@intercon.com (Amanda Walker)\nNNTP-Posting-Host: chaos.intercon.com\nKeywords: encryption, wiretap, clipper, key-escrow, Mykotronx\nX-Newsreader: InterCon TCP/Connect II 1.1\n\ngtoal@news.ibmpcug.co.uk (Graham Toal) writes:\n> Try reading between the lines David - there are *strong* hints in there \n> that they\'re angling for NREN next,\n\nWhere?  I honestly didn\'t see any...\n\n> and the only conceivable meaning of \n> applying this particular technology to a computer network is that they \n> intend it to be used in exclusion to any other means of encryption. \n\nI disagree, if for no other reason than that there are already other \nstandards in place.  Besides, even if they restrict encryption on the NREN, \nwho cares?  Most of the Internet is commercial anyway.  The NREN is only for \ngeovernment and university research (read the proposals--it\'s a "data \nsuperhighway" for Cray users, not anything having to do with the Internet).\n\n\nAmanda Walker\nInterCon Systems Corporation\n\n\n',
  "From: ethan@cs.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita)\nSubject: Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window\nOrganization: Columbia University Department of Computer Science\nLines: 17\n\n\n\tHi. I'm trying to figure out how to make a window manager\nplace the window where the create window command tells it,\nregardless of what it may think is right. (my application has\nreason to know better)\n\n\tI don't want to set the override-redirect because I do\nwant all the embellishments that the window manager gives, I just\nwant the wm to accept my choice of location.\n\n\tI've tried twm, tvtwm and mwm and they are all\nuncooperative.\n\n\tThanks,\n\t-- Ethan\n\n\n",
  "From: jbreed@doink.b23b.ingr.com (James B. Reed)\nSubject: Re: space news from Feb 15 AW&ST\nNntp-Posting-Host: doink\nReply-To: jbreed@ingr.com\nOrganization: Intergraph Electronics\nLines: 10\n\nIn article <C5ros0.uy@zoo.toronto.edu>, henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) writes:\n|> [Pluto's] atmosphere will start to freeze out around 2010, and after about\n|> 2005 increasing areas of both Pluto and Charon will be in permanent\n|> shadow that will make imaging and geochemical mapping impossible.\n\nWhere does the shadow come from?  There's nothing close enough to block\nsunlight from hitting them.  I wouldn't expect there to be anything block\nour view of them either.  What am I missing?\n\n\tJim\n",
  'From: shd2001@andy.bgsu.edu (Sherlette Dixon)\nSubject: Christianity & Atheism:  an update\nOrganization: BGSU\nLines: 32\n\nFirst, I would like to thank all who sent me their opinions on the matter\nat hand.  All advice was taken to heart, if not directly used.  My friend\nfound out about the matter quite accidently.  After reading some of my\nmail, I quit from the mail reader & went about my business.  I must have\ntrashed my mail improperly, because he got on the same terminal the next\nday & saw my old messages.  He thought they were responses to a post he\nplaced in alt.atheism earlier that week, so he read some of them before\nrealizing that they were for me.  I got a message from him the next day; he\napologized for reading my mail & said that he did not want to appear to be\na snoop.  He said that he would be willing to talk to me about his views &\ndidn\'t mind doing so, especially with a friend.  So we did.  I neither\nchanged his mind nor did he change mine, as that was not the point.  Now he\nknows where I\'m coming from & now I know where he\'s coming from.  And all\nthat I can do is pray for him, as I\'ve always done.\n\nI believe the reason that he & I "click" instead of "bash" heads is because\nI see Christianity as a tool for revolution, & not a tool for maintaining\nthe status quo.  To be quite blunt, I have more of a reason to reject God\nthan he does just by the fact that I am an African-American female. \nChristianity & religion have been used as tools to separate my people from\nthe true knowledge of our history & the wealth of our contributions to the\nworld society.  The "kitchen of heaven" was all we had to look forward to\nduring the slave days, & this mentality & second-class status still exists\ntoday.  I, too, have rejected\nan aspect of Christianity----that of the estabished church.  Too much\nhypocricy exists behind the walls of "God\'s house" beginning with the\nimages of a white Jesus to that of the members:  praise God on Sunday &\nraise hell beginning Monday.  God-willing, I will find a church home where\nI can feel comfortable & at-home, but I don\'t see it happening anytime\nsoon.\n\nSherlette \n',
  'From: leavitt@cs.umd.edu (Mr. Bill)\nSubject: Re: Countersteering_FAQ please post\nOrganization: The Cafe at the Edge of the Universe\nLines: 39\n\nmjs@sys.uea.ac.uk (Mike Sixsmith) writes:\nmjs>No No No No!! All I am saying is that you don\'t even need to tell people\nmjs>the technique of countersteering, cos they will do it intuitively the first\nmjs>time they try to go round a corner.\n\nkarr@cs.cornell.edu (David Karr) writes:\nkarr>Are you sure?  Remember that you *can* get around corners without\nkarr>countersteering.  In fact, my Experienced Rider Course instructors\nkarr>claimed that they could get on behind a new rider and make the bike\nkarr>turn to whichever side they wanted just by shifting their weight\nkarr>around, even when the operator was trying to turn in the opposite\nkarr>direction.  (I admit I\'ve never actually seen this.)\n\nI\'ve experienced this, back when I was young(er) and (more) foolish...\n\nMy first bike used to track extremely true.  Going down the highway,\nI would set the throttle tension screw up enough to hold the gas\nsteady, slide back on the seat and lean against the backrest, riding\nwithout any hands.  If I needed to turn, I\'d shift my weight into the\nturn, and lo and behold, the bike would turn, sans touching the bars!\nGranted, it wouldn\'t turn very fast, but it proves that you can turn\na bike without countersteering, at least not in terms of the input\nto the bar normally associated with countersteering.\n\nAs I\'ve said, I know many people who think all you do is lean, and any\ninput they\'re giving to the bar is totally unconscious.  Whereas that\nmay be sufficient to get you down the road under normal circumstances,\npossibly for years at a stretch, I can\'t think of anybody who\'d argue\nthat this is preferable to properly knowing how to manipulate the bar\nin a turn, regardless of what you want to call it.\n\nExcept maybe for Mr. Sixsmith...  ;^)\n\nMr. Bill\n-- \n+ Bill Leavitt, #224 +   \'82 CBX "White Lightning", \'82 GS850G "Suzibago"   +\n+ leavitt@cs.umd.edu + \'76 CJ360 "Little Honda", \'68 Lone Star "Sick Leave" +\n+  DoD AMA ICOA NIA  + \'69 Impala convertible "The Incredible Hulk", others +\n+ "Hmmm, I thought bore and stroke *was* the technique!" Michael Bain, #757 +\n',
  'From: hades@coos.dartmouth.edu (Brian V. Hughes)\nSubject: Re: Help with SIMM configuration\nReply-To: hades@Dartmouth.Edu\nOrganization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH\nDisclaimer: Personally, I really don\'t care who you think I speak for.\nModerator: Rec.Arts.Comics.Info\nLines: 22\n\nrcs8@po.CWRU.Edu (Robert C. Sprecher) writes:\n\n>Can someone please help me understand the current situation\n>regarding SIMMS?\n\n    Sure. I can give is a shot...\n\n>I have a IIsi which I will probably keep for another 2 years.\n>I would like to add more memory, ie go from 5 MB to 17 MB.\n>I know that I will need 4 x 4MB, 80ns or faster SIMMS.\n>Which SIMMS, 30 pin or 72 pin?\n\n    You need to get the 30-pin simms.\n\n>Would the SIMMS I get today be usable in 2 years with a \n>newer, more powerful system?\n\n    If you mean in a "newer, more powerful" Mac system then the answer\nis no. Apple has stated that all new Macs will use the 72-pin SIMMs and\nno longer use the 30-pin SIMMs.\n\n-Hades\n',
  'From: JEK@cu.nih.gov\nSubject: John 3:16 paraphrased\nLines: 25\n\nAt the end of a recent (Mon 19 Apr 1993) post, Alastair Thomson\noffers the following "paraphrase" of John 3:16:\n\n   "God loved the world so much, that he gave us His Son,\n   to die in our place, so that we may have eternal life."\n\nThe "to die in our place" bothers me, since it inserts into the\nverse a doctrine not found in the original. Moreover, I suspect that\nthe poster intends to affirm, not merely substitution, but forensic\n(or penal) substitution.  I maintain that the Scriptures in speaking\nof the Atonement teach a doctrine of Substitution, but not one of\nForensic Substitution.\n\nThose interested in pursuing the matter are invited to send for my\nessays on Genesis, either 4 thru 7 (on this question) or 1 through 7\n(with lead-in).  The n\'th essay can be obtained by sending to\nLISTSERV@ASUACAD.BITNET or to LISTSERV@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU the\nmessage\n   GET GEN0n RUFF\n\n Yours,\n James Kiefer\n\n "Any theologian worth his salt can put anything he wants to say in\nthe form of a commentary on the Book of Genesis" -- Walter Kaufman.\n',
  'From: whitsebd@nextwork.rose-hulman.edu (Bryan Whitsell)\nSubject: Re: "Accepting Jesus in your heart..."\nReply-To: whitsebd@nextwork.rose-hulman.edu\nOrganization: Computer Science Department at Rose-Hulman\nLines: 20\n\nstuff deleted ...\n\n> Religion (especially Christianity) is nothing more than a DRUG.\n> Some people use drugs as an escape from reality.  Christians inject\n> themselves with jeezus and live with that high. \n \nYour logic is falty.  If Christianity is a DRUG, and once we die we\ndie, then why would you be reluctant to embrase this drug so that\nwhile you are alive you enjoy yourself.\n\nI also question your overall motives for posting this article.  Why\nwould you waste your presious fews seconds on this earth posting your\nopinon to a group that will generally reject it.\n\nIf you die, never having acepting Christ as your savior, I hope you\nhave a fantastic life that it is all you evver dreamed because it is\nal of heaven you will ever know.\n\nIn Christ\'s Love,\nBryan\n',
  'From: joachim@kih.no (joachim lous)\nSubject: Re: TIFF: philosophical significance of 42\nOrganization: Kongsberg Ingeniorhogskole\nLines: 30\nNNTP-Posting-Host: samson.kih.no\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\n\nulrich@galki.toppoint.de wrote:\n\n> According to the TIFF 5.0 Specification, the TIFF "version number"\n> (bytes 2-3) 42 has been chosen for its "deep philosophical \n> significance".\n\n> When I first read this, I rotfl. Finally some philosphy in a technical\n> spec. But still I wondered what makes 42 so significant.\n\n> Last week, I read the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, and rotfl the\n> second time. (After millions of years of calculation, the second-best\n> computer of all time reveals that 42 is the answer to the question\n> about life, the universe and everything)\n\n> Is this actually how they picked the number 42?\n\nYes.\n\n> Does anyone have any  other suggestions where the 42 came from?\n\nI don\'t know where Douglas Adams took it from, but I\'m pretty sure he\'s\nthe one who launched it (in the Guide). Since then it\'s been showing up \nall over the place.\n\n    _______________________________\n   / _ L*   /  _  / .    /      _  /_  "One thing is for sure: The sheep\n  /  _)    /()(/(/)//)) /_ ()(/_) / /  Is NOT a creature of the earth."\n / \\_)~  (/ Joachim@kih.no       / /     \n/_______________________________/ / -The back-masking on \'Haaden II\'\n /_______________________________/  from \'Exposure\' by Robert Fripp.\n',
  'From: strom@Watson.Ibm.Com (Rob Strom)\nSubject: Re: [soc.motss, et al.] "Princeton axes matching funds for Boy Scouts"\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: IBM Research\nLines: 15\n\nIn article <N4HY.93Apr5120934@harder.ccr-p.ida.org>, n4hy@harder.ccr-p.ida.org (Bob McGwier) writes:\n\n|> [1] HOWEVER, I hate economic terrorism and political correctness\n|> worse than I hate this policy.  \n\n\n|> [2] A more effective approach is to stop donating\n|> to ANY organizating that directly or indirectly supports gay rights issues\n|> until they end the boycott on funding of scouts.  \n\nCan somebody reconcile the apparent contradiction between [1] and [2]?\n\n-- \nRob Strom, strom@watson.ibm.com, (914) 784-7641\nIBM Research, 30 Saw Mill River Road, P.O. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY  10598\n',
  "From: gt6511a@prism.gatech.EDU (COCHRANE,JAMES SHAPLEIGH)\nSubject: Re: guns in backcountry? no thanks\nOrganization: Georgia Institute of Technology\nLines: 48\n\nIn article <121415@netnews.upenn.edu> egedi@ahwenasa.cis.upenn.edu (Dania M. Egedi) writes:\n:In article <1993Apr16.222604.18331@CSD-NewsHost.Stanford.EDU>, andy@SAIL.Stanford.EDU (Andy Freeman) writes:\n:|> In article <1993Apr16.174436.22897@midway.uchicago.edu> pkgeragh@gsbphd.uchicago.edu (Kevin Geraghty) writes:\n:|> >wrong about the  whole guns-for-protection mindset, it ignores the\n:|> \n:|> Why?  If you're not a threat, you're not affected at all.\n:|> \n:\n:Aha.  That's the part that makes me nervous too.  Who gets to decide if\n:I am a threat?  Based on appearance?  Would someone feel more threatened\n:\nActions determine whether someone presents a threat... and I don't carry a gun\nso much for people, cause I tend to fade if there are any about, but due to \nseveral encounters with formerly domestic dogs...  these critters ain't scared\nof folks, and can get aggressive.\n\n:on staying at and saw someone sitting there cleaning his gun.  Softly I backed\n:away, and hiked another 5 miles to get *out of there*.  I'll freely admit it here:\n:I'm not afraid of guns; I'm afraid of people that bring them into the backcountry.\n:\nI'd count that as a fear of guns... somebody having the sense to keep their\nweapons maintained isn't as likely to present a threat.  The Army taught me to\nclean any weapons DAILY, since they usually need it, regardless of whether \nthey've been used... You'd be amazed how sweaty a holster can get, or how much\ntrail dust will get in it.  And I guess you'd be scared of me and my former\nExplorer Post... seems the advisors were National Guard Special Forces grunts,\nand considered it heresy to be out in the woods without a weapon... course, \nusually you wouldn't notice 'em... :)  They tended to avoid public scrutiny...\n\n:Of course, that may be the way to solve the solitude problem.  Just carry a gun\n:and display it prominently, and one probably won't see most of the other hikers\n:out there, who will be hiding in the woods.  1/2 :-)\n:\n: - Dania\nMy 9mm goes in a hip holster, mixed in with magazine pouches (hold lotsa stuff \nin them), canteens, knives, compasses, and such...  Not so easy to notice, in \nthe off chance I decide to be visible... I prefer not to be, since walking \nquietly away from active areas increases the number of non-human type critters\nI see...\n\nJames\n\n\n-- \n********************************************************************************\nJames S. Cochrane        *  When in danger, or in doubt, run in * This space \ngt6511a@prism.gatech.edu *  circles, scream and shout.          * for rent\n********************************************************************************\n",
  'From: nittmo@camelot.bradley.edu (Christopher Taylor)\nSubject: When Is Melido Due Back?\nNntp-Posting-Host: camelot.bradley.edu\nOrganization: Bradley University\nDistribution: na\nLines: 6\n\nWhen are the Yankees planning on activating Melido Perez?  His 15 days on\nthe DL are up today, but are they bringing him back this weekend? \n\nThanks for any info.\n \n\n',
  "From: jlevine@rd.hydro.on.ca (Jody Levine)\nSubject: Re: insect impacts\nOrganization: Ontario Hydro - Research Division\nLines: 64\n\nI feel childish.\n\nIn article <1ppvds$92a@seven-up.East.Sun.COM> egreen@East.Sun.COM writes:\n>In article 7290@rd.hydro.on.ca, jlevine@rd.hydro.on.ca (Jody Levine) writes:\n>>>>\n>>>>how _do_ the helmetless do it?\n>>>\n>>>Um, the same way people do it on \n>>>horseback\n>>\n>>not as fast, and they would probably enjoy eating bugs, anyway\n>\n>Every bit as fast as a dirtbike, in the right terrain.  And we eat\n>flies, thank you.\n\nWho mentioned dirtbikes? We're talking highway speeds here. If you go 70mph\non your dirtbike then feel free to contribute.\n\n>>>jeeps\n>>\n>>you're *supposed* to keep the windscreen up\n>\n>then why does it go down?\n\nBecause it wouldn't be a Jeep if it didn't. A friend of mine just bought one\nand it has more warning stickers than those little 4-wheelers (I guess that's\nbecuase it's a big 4 wheeler). Anyway, it's written in about ten places that\nthe windshield should remain up at all times, and it looks like they've made\nit a pain to put it down anyway, from what he says. To be fair, I do admit\nthat it would be a similar matter to drive a windscreenless Jeep on the \nhighway as for bikers. They may participate in this discussion, but they're\nprobably few and far between, so I maintain that this topic is of interest\nprimarily to bikers.\n\n>>>snow skis\n>>\n>>NO BUGS, and most poeple who go fast wear goggles\n>\n>So do most helmetless motorcyclists.\n\nNotice how Ed picked on the more insignificant (the lower case part) of the \ntwo parts of the statement. Besides, around here it is quite rare to see \nbikers wear goggles on the street. It's either full face with shield, or \nopen face with either nothing or aviator sunglasses. My experience of \nbicycling with contact lenses and sunglasses says that non-wraparound \nsunglasses do almost nothing to keep the crap out of ones eyes.\n\n>>The question still stands. How do cruiser riders with no or negligible helmets\n>>stand being on the highway at 75 mph on buggy, summer evenings?\n>\n>helmetless != goggleless\n\nOk, ok, fine, whatever you say, but lets make some attmept to stick to the\npoint. I've been out on the road where I had to stop every half hour to clean\nmy shield there were so many bugs (and my jacket would be a blood-splattered\nmess) and I'd see guys with shorty helmets, NO GOGGLES, long beards and tight\nt-shirts merrily cruising along on bikes with no windscreens. Lets be really\nspecific this time, so that even Ed understands. Does anbody think that \nsplattering bugs with one's face is fun, or are there other reasons to do it?\nImage? Laziness? To make a point about freedom of bug splattering?\n\nI've        bike                      like       | Jody Levine  DoD #275 kV\n     got a       you can        if you      -PF  | Jody.P.Levine@hydro.on.ca\n                         ride it                 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada\n",
  'From: zmed16@trc.amoco.com (Michael)\nSubject: FOR SALE: 4-TRACK RECORDER \nOriginator: zmed16@zircon\nOrganization: Amoco Production Company, Tulsa Research\nLines: 11\n\n\n\nI have a Fostex X-26 4-Track Recorder for sale.  It is in excellent condition\nand includes Dolby Noise Reduction, sub-mixing, 6 inputs and uses normal cassettes.  If you are interested, make me an offer.  Please respond to:\n\n\tzmed16@trc.amoco.com\n\nThanks,\n\nMike\n \n',
  'From: dfitts@carson.u.washington.edu (Douglas Fitts)\nSubject: Re: RA treatment question\nOrganization: University of Washington\nLines: 24\nNNTP-Posting-Host: carson.u.washington.edu\n\neulenbrg@carson.u.washington.edu (Julia Eulenberg) writes:\n\n>I\'m assuming that you mean Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).  I\'ve never heard \n>of the "cold treatment" you mentioned.  I can\'t imagine how it would \n>work, since most of us who have Rh.Arthr./RA seem to have more problems\n>in cold weather than in warm weather.  Would be interested to hear more!\n>Z\n>Z\n\n\nNo, obviously talking about Research Assistants.  I favor a high protein,\nlow fat diet, barely adequate salary on a fixed time schedule, four hours\nof sleep a night, continuous infusion of latte, unpredictable praise \nmixed randomly with anxiety-provoking, everpresent glances with \nlowered eyebrows, unrealistic promises of rapid publication, and \nevery three months a dinner consisting of nothing but microbrewery ale\nand free pretzels.  Actually, mine hails from San Diego, and indeed \nhas more problems in Seattle in cold weather than in warm.\n\nDoug Fitts\ndfitts@u.washington.edu\n\n\n\n',
  'From: steveg@bach.udel.edu (Steven N Gaudino)\nSubject: Dbase IV for sale (price reduced!)\nNntp-Posting-Host: bach.udel.edu\nOrganization: University of Delaware\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 4\n\nDbase IV 1.5 for sale, 3.5 inch disks, all registration included (so you\ncan upgrade to 2.0 if you want), manuals still shrinkwrapped, disks only\nopened to verify they all work.  Asking $175 or best offer.\n\n',
  'From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: Cold-blooded slaughter of Muslim women and children by Armenians.\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 91\n\nIn article <1993Apr17.011112.27439@news.columbia.edu> lasner@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Charles Lasner) writes:\n\n>Hmm.  Maybe I\'ll go rent Midnight Express tonight.  I haven\'t seen that \n>scene in awhile; I have to savor the moment all over again.\n\nWell, does it change the fact that during the period of 1914 to 1920, \nthe fascist x-Soviet Armenian Government ordered, incited, assisted \nand participated in the genocide of 2.5 million Muslim people because \nof race, religion and national origin?\n\nAs in the past in Turkiye, and today in Azerbaijan, for utopic and \nidiotic causes the Armenians brought havoc to their neighbors. A \nshort-sighted and misplaced nationalistic fervor with a wrong agenda \nand anachronistic methods the Armenians continue to become pernicious \nfor the region. As usual, they will be treated accordingly by their \nneighbors. Nagorno-Karabag is a mountainous enclave that lies completely \nwithin Azerbaijan with no border or history whatsoever connected to \nx-Soviet Armenia. Besides the geographical aspect, Nagorno-Karabag is \nthe historic homeland and the \'cradle\' of the artistic and literary \nheritage of Azerbaijan, which renders the Armenian claims preposterous, \neven lunatic. \n\nAnd we still demand:\n\n1. that the x-Soviet Armenian Government, as the heirs of the Armenian \ndictatorship, recognize the Turkish Genocide;\n\n2. that x-Soviet Armenia return the historic homeland to the Turkish and\nKurdish people;\n\n3. that the x-Soviet Armenian Government make material reparations for their\nheinous and unspeakable crime to the victims of the Turkish Genocide;\n\n4. that all world governments officially recognize the Turkish Genocide \nand Turkish territorial rights and refuse to succumb to all Armenian \npolitical pressure.\n\nThe awareness of the Turkish people of the necessity of solidarity in the\nefforts to pursue the Turkish Cause is seen by the victims of the first \ngenocide of the 20th century as a positive step. \n\nNow what would you do? \n\nSource: \'The Sunday Times,\' 1 March 1992 (a British Weekly, written by \n        Thomas Goltz, from Agdam, Azerbaijan.)\n\n    ARMENIAN SOLDIERS MASSACRE HUNDREDS OF FLEEING FAMILIES.\n\n    The spiralling  violence gripping the  outer republics of  the former\nSoviet Union gained new impetus  yesterday with cold-blooded slaughter of\nhundreds of women and children in war-racked Nagorno-Karabakh.\n    Survivors  reported that  Armenian soldiers  shot and  bayoneted more\nthan 450  Azeris, many of  them women and  children, who were  fleeing an\nattack  on their  town. Hundreds,  possibly thousands,  were missing  and\nfeared dead.\n    The attackers  killed most of  the soldiers and  volunteers defending\nthe women  and children.  They then  turned their  guns on  the terrified\nrefugees. The few  survivors later described what  happened:" That\'s when\nthe real  slaughter began," said  Azer Hajiev,  one of three  soldiers to\nsurvive. "The  Armenians just shot and  shot. And then they  came in and\nstarted carving up people with their bayonets and knives."\n    " They were shooting, shooting, shooting", echoed Rasia Aslanova, who\narrived in Agdam with other women and children who made their way through\nArmenian lines. She said her husband, Kayun, and a son-in-law were killed\nin front of her. Her daughter was still missing.\n    One boy who arrived in Agdam had an ear sliced off.\n\n    The survivors  said 2000  others, some of  whom had  fled separately,\nwere still missing in the gruelling terrain; many could perish from their\nwounds or the cold.\n    By late  yesterday, 479 deaths had  been registered at the  morgue in\nAgdam\'s morgue,  and 29 bodies  had been buried  in the cemetery.  Of the\nseven corpses  I saw awaiting  burial, two  were children and  three were\nwomen, one shot through the chest at point blank range.\n    Agdam hospital was  a scene of carnage and terror.  Doctors said they\nhad 140 patients who escaped slaughter, most with bullet injuries or deep\nstab wounds.\n    Nor were they safe in Agdam. On friday night rockets fell on the city\nwhich  has a  population  of 150,000,  destroying  several buildings  and\nkilling one person.\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           \'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.\'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           \'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.\' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n\n',
  "From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer)\nSubject: Re: Moonbase race\nOrganization: U of Toronto Zoology\nLines: 13\n\nIn article <1r6rn3INNn96@mojo.eng.umd.edu> sysmgr@king.eng.umd.edu writes:\n>You'd need to launch HLVs to send up large amounts of stuff.  Do you know \n>of a private Titan pad? \n\nYou'd need to launch HLVs to send up large amounts of stuff *if* you assume\nno new launcher development.  If you assume new launcher development, with\nlower costs as a specific objective, then you probably don't want to\nbuild something HLV-sized anyway.\n\nNobody who is interested in launching things cheaply will buy Titans.  It\ndoesn't take many Titan pricetags to pay for a laser launcher or a large\ngas gun or a development program for a Big Dumb Booster, all of which\nwould have far better cost-effectiveness.\n",
  'From: bcash@crchh410.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Brian Cash)\nSubject: Re: free moral agency\nNntp-Posting-Host: crchh410\nOrganization: BNR, Inc.\nLines: 24\n\nIn article <house.734841689@helios>, house@helios.usq.EDU.AU (ron house) writes:\n|> marshall@csugrad.cs.vt.edu (Kevin Marshall) writes:\n|> \n|> >healta@saturn.wwc.edu (TAMMY R HEALY) writes:\n|> \n|> >>     you might think "oh yeah. then why didn\'t god destroy it in the bud \n|> >>before it got to the point it is now--with millions through the \n|> >>ages suffering along in life?"\n|> >>      the only answer i know is that satan made the claim that his way was \n|> >>better than God\'s.  God is allowing satan the chance to prove that his way \n|> >>is better than God\'s.  we all know what that has brought.     \n|> \n|> >Come on!  God is allowing the wishes of one individual to supercede the\n|> >well-being of billions?  I seriously doubt it.  Having read the Bible\n|> >twice, I never got the impression that God and Satan were working in some\n|> >sort of cooperative arrangement.\n|> \n|> Read the book of Job.\n|> \n\nOh, that was just a bet.\n\n\nBrian /-|-\\  \n',
  "From: jmann@vineland.pubs.stratus.com (Jim Mann)\nSubject: Re: Rickey Henderson\nArticle-I.D.: transfer.1psbdn$lru\nReply-To: jmann@vineland.pubs.stratus.com\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: Stratus Computer Inc, Marlboro MA\nLines: 57\nNNTP-Posting-Host: gondolin.pubs.stratus.com\n\nIn article <1993Apr6.155118.5779@ra.msstate.edu> js1@Isis.MsState.Edu  \n(Jiann-ming Su) writes:\n> In article <ls1d6vINNs65@appserv.Eng.Sun.COM>  \nstr@maredsous.Eng.Sun.COM (Todd Rader) writes:\n> >Stay in school.  You have a lot to learn.\n> \n> Learn what?  I know that 3 million dollars is A LOT of money.  I  \nknow \n> Rickey Henderson doesn't have a career out of baseball.  I know if  \nhe \n> didn't have baseball, he wouldn't be making near the money he is  \nnow.\n> \n\nAnd Michael Jackson, Jack Nicholson, and Bill Cosby wouldn't be \nmaking near as much money if they weren't entertainers. So what's\nyour point?\n\n> I just don't understand how some athlete, who only plays a sport  \nfor a \n> living for millions of dollars, say he is not being paid enough.\n> \n> If nobody will sign him for his asking price, he will be the one  \nhurting.\n> The A's will still win without him.\n\nWill they?  You can't usually take away one of the team's best\nplayers and still expect them to win.  Or do you think the \nPirates will continue to win without Barry Bonds.\n\n> \n> Remeber, many of these athletes have NOTHING if not for their  \nathletic \n> ability.  NOTHING.  They are getting paid MUCH more than most hard  \nworking\n> citizens, and they are complaining of not enough pay.\n\nSo. Again, Jack Nicholson gets paid much more than most hard\nworking citizens (and much more than Rickey Henderson for that\nmatter). \n\n> \n> I don't have a problem with them making millions.  My problem is  \nwhen the\n> say they aren't being paid enough, when they already get 3  \nmillion--also,\n> their numbers get worse.\n\nThe reason the latter often happens is that many of these folks\nstart making the real big salaries late in their career, when they\nare on the decline. (There are exceptions, of course. Dave Parker\nfell apart after making his first million because he put most\nof that million up his nose.)\n\n--\nJim Mann            \nStratus Computer   jmann@vineland.pubs.stratus.com  \n",
  "From: seth@north1.acpub.duke.edu (Seth Wandersman)\nSubject: Oak Driver NEEDED (30d studio)\nReply-To: seth@north1.acpub.duke.edu (Seth Wandersman)\nLines: 8\nNntp-Posting-Host: north1.acpub.duke.edu\n\n\n\tHi, I'm looking for the 3-D studio driver for the\n\tOak card with 1 M of RAM.\n\tThis would be GREATLY (and I mean that) appreciated\n\n\tMaybe I should have just gotten a more well know card.\nthanks\nseth@acpub.duke.edu\n",
  'From: 2a42dubinski@vms.csd.mu.edu\nSubject: RE: Can I Change ""Licensed To"" Data in Windows 3.1?\nOrganization: Marquette University - Computer Services\nLines: 12\nReply-To: 2a42dubinski@vms.csd.mu.edu\nNNTP-Posting-Host: vmsa.csd.mu.edu\n\n\n\tOk, then where is the info for the Licensing kept?  Which file?  In the\norganization box I put my address, and when I moved, I wanted to change it, but\ncouldn\'t find it.  I could find my name, but not the organization.\n\n  ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n  | Robert S. Dubinski |  Aliases include:  Robb, Regal, Sir, Mr., and I |\n  ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n  | Marquette University ||||||||||| Math / Computer Science Double-Major|\n  ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n  | Internet Address: 2A42Dubinski.vms.csd.mu.edu  |\tMilwaukee, WI    |\n  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  \n',
  "From: todd@nickel.laurentian.ca\nSubject: Re: Homosexuality issues in Christiani\nOrganization: Laurentian University\nLines: 27\n\n> Any one who thinks that Homosexuality and Christianity are compatible should \n> \n> ck       \n> out:  \n>         Romans 1:27\n>         I Corinthians 6:9           \n>         I Timothy 1:10\n>         Jude 1:7        \n>         II Peter 2:6-9\n>         Gen. 19\n>         Lev  18:22\n> (to name a few of the verses that pertain to homosexuality)\n> In Christ's Love,\n> Bryan Whitsell\n\nI was waiting for this. I think your question should be rephrased. The many\nverses of the Bible which condem homosexuality (by our beliefs) have been\nshoved down the throats of homosexuals for a long time by (well-meaning?)\nChristians. The question is how do they interpret these verses. Any discussion\nof any issue (this or any other issue) requires a proof of your case as well\nas a disproof of the opposing view. We are already familiar with those verses\nand many have proven to themselves that these condem homosexual behaviour. We\nmust now establish reasons for not believing this to be true based on the\ninterpretation of these scriptures given by someone who has come to grips with\nthem.\n\nTodd...\n",
  "From: ron.roth@rose.com (ron roth)\nSubject: HYPOGLYCEMIA\nX-Gated-By: Usenet <==> RoseMail Gateway (v1.70)\nOrganization: Rose Media Inc, Toronto, Ontario.\nLines: 31\n\n     anello@adcs00.fnal.gov (Anthony Anello) writes:\n\nA(>  Can anyone tell me if a bloodcount of 40 when diagnosed as hypoglycemic is\nA(>  dangerous, i.e. indicates a possible pancreatic problem?  One Dr. says no, the\nA(>  other (not his specialty) says the first is negligent and that another blood\nA(>  test should be done.  Also, what is a good diet (what has worked) for a hypo-\nA(>  glycemic?  TIA.\nA(>  \nA(>  \nA(>  Anthony Anello\nA(>  Fermilab\nA(>  Batavia, Illinois\n\n   Once you have your hypoglycemia CONFIRMED through the proper \n   channels, you might consider ther following:\n\n   1) Chelated Manganese   25-50mg/day.\n   2) Chelated Chromium    400-600mcg/day.\n   3) Increase protein through foods or supplements.\n   4) Avoid supplements/foods high in Potassium, Calcium, Zinc.\n   5) Avoid Vit C supplements in excess of 100mg.\n   6) Avoid honey and foods high in simple sugars.\n   7) Enjoy breads, cereals, grains...\n\n   Discuss the above with your health practitioner for compatibility\n   with your body chemistry and safety.\n\n   --Ron--\n---\n   RoseReader 2.00  P003228: BEER - It's not just for breakfast anymore.\n   RoseMail 2.10 : Usenet: Rose Media - Hamilton (416) 575-5363\n",
  'From: schmke@cco.caltech.edu (Kevin Todd Schmidt)\nSubject: NL OPI through first week+\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 184\nNNTP-Posting-Host: sandman.caltech.edu\n\nHere is the OPI (Offensive Production Index) for all NL players with at\nleast 10 at-bats.\n\nIt is early in the season so there are some high numbers.  Barry Bonds\nfinished last season at 0.795.\n\nI welcome comments and suggestions.\n\nKevin\n\nLeague OPI: 0.410\nLeague BA:  0.252\nLeague SLG: 0.375\nLeague OBA: 0.321\n\nRank Player                 OPI     BA    SLG    OBA\n-----------------------------------------------------\n1    Phi,daulton           1.101  0.333  0.875  0.515\n2    Phi,kruk              1.069  0.429  0.821  0.529\n3    Cub,grace             1.007  0.452  0.742  0.514\n4    Cub,may               0.931  0.389  0.889  0.421\n5    Col,boston            0.888  0.545  0.545  0.545\n6    Pit,bell              0.873  0.429  0.714  0.467\n7    Col,galarraga         0.867  0.458  0.708  0.458\n8    StL,pena              0.833  0.400  0.600  0.516\n9    StL,zeile             0.811  0.440  0.560  0.500\n10   Cin,mitchell          0.810  0.429  0.643  0.467\n11   Mon,lansing           0.792  0.419  0.677  0.438\n12   Pit,slaught           0.754  0.474  0.526  0.474\n13   Mon,vanderwal         0.746  0.389  0.556  0.476\n14   NYM,tfernandez        0.709  0.300  0.400  0.500\n15   SnF,martinez          0.697  0.300  0.400  0.500\n16   Hou,bagwell           0.695  0.367  0.567  0.424\n17   Col,hayes             0.686  0.333  0.667  0.364\n18   Col,eyoung            0.682  0.333  0.500  0.407\n19   Mon,alou              0.675  0.371  0.600  0.389\n20   Cin,milligan          0.659  0.333  0.375  0.515\n21   Phi,dykstra           0.646  0.214  0.571  0.405\n22   SnF,bonds             0.624  0.280  0.680  0.333\n22   Flo,conine            0.624  0.393  0.393  0.469\n24   SnD,plantier          0.603  0.286  0.571  0.375\n25   Hou,gonzalez          0.596  0.296  0.667  0.296\n26   Hou,anthony           0.594  0.320  0.480  0.414\n27   Col,cole              0.579  0.318  0.409  0.400\n28   Atl,sanders           0.576  0.357  0.643  0.357\n29   Mon,berry             0.566  0.273  0.273  0.500\n30   Cub,sosa              0.558  0.303  0.545  0.343\n31   StL,jefferies         0.551  0.269  0.692  0.296\n32   Pit,vanslyke          0.549  0.296  0.444  0.387\n33   *Montreal             0.548  0.312  0.490  0.367\n34   Los,butler            0.545  0.296  0.333  0.457\n35   Mon,grissom           0.542  0.333  0.455  0.371\n36   Pit,king              0.536  0.308  0.346  0.438\n37   SnD,gwynn             0.533  0.280  0.400  0.379\n38   Pit,merced            0.532  0.300  0.400  0.391\n39   NYM,murray            0.521  0.308  0.462  0.357\n40   StL,gilkey            0.514  0.312  0.438  0.353\n41   NYM,bonilla           0.507  0.292  0.417  0.370\n42   SnD,walters           0.501  0.300  0.500  0.333\n43   Cub,wilson            0.497  0.323  0.452  0.344\n44   Flo,weiss             0.492  0.261  0.348  0.433\n45   *Philadelphia         0.487  0.243  0.431  0.348\n46   Atl,justice           0.480  0.207  0.448  0.361\n47   *Pittsburgh           0.479  0.292  0.428  0.351\n48   StL,osmith            0.476  0.310  0.448  0.355\n49   Phi,incaviglia        0.473  0.250  0.500  0.308\n50   Pit,young             0.470  0.286  0.500  0.310\n51   *StLouis              0.467  0.275  0.445  0.344\n52   *Colorado             0.459  0.287  0.426  0.327\n53   NYM,hundley           0.458  0.300  0.450  0.333\n54   NYM,orsulak           0.454  0.357  0.429  0.400\n55   SnF,benjamin          0.440  0.200  0.500  0.273\n56   Atl,gant              0.438  0.214  0.464  0.333\n56   *NYMets               0.438  0.261  0.345  0.356\n58   *Houston              0.436  0.260  0.415  0.318\n59   Mon,pitcher           0.434  0.312  0.375  0.353\n60   Phi,morandini         0.433  0.240  0.360  0.321\n61   Hou,cedeno            0.427  0.280  0.440  0.308\n62   Cin,sabo              0.423  0.226  0.452  0.273\n63   SnF,manwaring         0.413  0.261  0.435  0.292\n64   *SnFrancisco          0.412  0.253  0.396  0.315\n65   Atl,blauser           0.409  0.276  0.310  0.364\n66   SnF,thompson          0.408  0.278  0.389  0.316\n66   Hou,caminiti          0.408  0.259  0.481  0.286\n68   Flo,barberie          0.405  0.267  0.267  0.371\n69   Mon,cordero           0.400  0.276  0.345  0.323\n70   SnD,sheffield         0.397  0.241  0.448  0.267\n71   Los,karros            0.392  0.259  0.296  0.355\n72   SnF,williams          0.391  0.226  0.452  0.250\n72   SnD,mcgriff           0.391  0.192  0.385  0.276\n74   Flo,destrade          0.390  0.267  0.333  0.333\n75   Col,girardi           0.388  0.238  0.381  0.304\n76   Atl,bream             0.386  0.182  0.409  0.250\n77   Mon,wood              0.385  0.200  0.300  0.333\n78   Flo,santiago          0.384  0.200  0.360  0.286\n79   Phi,thompson          0.383  0.227  0.273  0.320\n80   SnF,clayton           0.382  0.345  0.379  0.345\n80   Los,piazza            0.382  0.304  0.391  0.333\n82   SnD,bell              0.378  0.273  0.364  0.304\n83   Los,wallach           0.374  0.200  0.400  0.273\n84   Cin,larkin            0.367  0.281  0.281  0.361\n85   Pit,garcia            0.366  0.273  0.318  0.304\n85   *Cincinnati           0.366  0.256  0.319  0.326\n87   NYM,coleman           0.363  0.259  0.259  0.310\n88   NYM,kent              0.362  0.190  0.286  0.320\n89   StL,whiten            0.361  0.240  0.360  0.321\n90   Cin,roberts           0.359  0.278  0.278  0.333\n90   *Cubs                 0.359  0.236  0.366  0.277\n92   SnF,lewis             0.354  0.227  0.364  0.261\n92   Hou,finley            0.354  0.214  0.250  0.312\n92   Col,clark             0.354  0.250  0.350  0.286\n95   Los,pitcher           0.350  0.286  0.357  0.286\n95   *SnDiego              0.350  0.219  0.357  0.268\n97   Atl,lemke             0.345  0.200  0.240  0.333\n98   *LosAngeles           0.339  0.221  0.275  0.311\n99   SnF,mcgee             0.335  0.267  0.300  0.333\n99   *Atlanta              0.335  0.199  0.308  0.287\n101  Cin,sanders           0.334  0.267  0.333  0.290\n101  Cin,oliver            0.334  0.208  0.208  0.345\n103  SnD,gardner           0.332  0.238  0.333  0.273\n103  Los,reed              0.332  0.276  0.276  0.323\n105  Phi,hollins           0.327  0.226  0.290  0.294\n106  *Florida              0.326  0.226  0.268  0.311\n107  Los,davis             0.325  0.188  0.219  0.278\n108  Atl,pendleton         0.322  0.212  0.273  0.297\n109  SnF,clark             0.316  0.161  0.290  0.257\n110  Los,strawberry        0.314  0.111  0.185  0.314\n110  Hou,biggio            0.314  0.179  0.214  0.303\n112  Phi,bell              0.304  0.182  0.364  0.217\n113  Flo,magadan           0.303  0.182  0.182  0.357\n114  StL,pagnozzi          0.299  0.158  0.316  0.238\n115  Pit,martin            0.295  0.167  0.417  0.167\n115  Col,bichette          0.295  0.222  0.389  0.222\n117  Hou,taubensee         0.294  0.190  0.333  0.227\n118  Mon,bolick            0.292  0.250  0.312  0.250\n119  Flo,pose              0.291  0.258  0.323  0.303\n120  Mon,cianfrocco        0.287  0.188  0.375  0.188\n121  NYM,johnson           0.274  0.136  0.136  0.296\n122  Cin,kelly             0.272  0.250  0.333  0.270\n123  Atl,nixon             0.256  0.185  0.222  0.241\n124  NYM,pitcher           0.255  0.167  0.250  0.231\n125  Pit,pitcher           0.250  0.222  0.278  0.222\n126  Cub,buechle           0.231  0.154  0.192  0.241\n127  StL,lankford          0.225  0.133  0.133  0.316\n128  Atl,olson             0.224  0.150  0.150  0.261\n129  Cub,vizcaino          0.217  0.148  0.259  0.179\n130  Cub,sanchez           0.212  0.188  0.219  0.212\n131  Phi,duncan            0.202  0.214  0.214  0.214\n132  Los,offerman          0.198  0.182  0.182  0.250\n133  SnF,pitcher           0.197  0.176  0.235  0.176\n134  Mon,laker             0.183  0.133  0.267  0.133\n135  Phi,chamberlain       0.180  0.111  0.111  0.200\n136  SnD,pitcher           0.164  0.182  0.182  0.182\n136  Atl,pitcher           0.164  0.182  0.182  0.182\n138  Phi,pitcher           0.159  0.111  0.167  0.158\n139  Cub,maldonado         0.150  0.105  0.158  0.150\n140  Flo,felix             0.148  0.172  0.207  0.172\n141  Cin,espy              0.141  0.100  0.100  0.182\n142  StL,jordan            0.140  0.105  0.211  0.105\n143  Atl,berryhill         0.128  0.091  0.182  0.091\n144  Cub,pitcher           0.126  0.111  0.111  0.158\n145  SnD,shipley           0.122  0.087  0.174  0.087\n146  StL,pitcher           0.106  0.125  0.125  0.125\n147  Hou,pitcher           0.053  0.067  0.067  0.067\n147  Col,benavides         0.053  0.067  0.067  0.067\n147  Cin,pitcher           0.053  0.067  0.067  0.067\n150  Cub,wilkins           0.038  0.000  0.000  0.067\n151  Flo,pitcher           0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000\n151  Col,pitcher           0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000\n\n      0.74*1B + 1.28*2B + 1.64*3B + 2.25*HR + 0.53*BB + 0.34*(SB-2*CS)\nOPI = ----------------------------------------------------------------\n                              AB - H\n\nBA = H / AB\n\nSLG = (H + 2B + 2*3B + 3*HR) / AB\n\nOBA = (H + BB) / (AB + BB)\n-- \nJet Propulsion Laboratory | schmke@cco.caltech.edu\n4800 Oak Grove Dr.        | schmidt@spc5.jpl.nasa.gov\nM/S 525-3684              |\nPasadena, CA  91109       |\n',
  "From: slc@a2.cim.cdc.com (Steve Chesney x4662)\nSubject: Re: More Diamond SS 24X\nReply-To: slc@.cdc.com\nOrganization: Metaphase Technology, Inc.\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <1993Apr23.170922.1911@odetics.com>, dale@odetics.com (Dale Pischke) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr20.195853.16179@samba.oit.unc.edu> dil.admin@mhs.unc.edu (Dave Laudicina) writes:\n>>Has anyone experienced a faint shadow at all resolutions using this\n>>card. Is only in Windows. I have replaced card and am waiting on \n>>latest drivers. Also have experienced General Protection Fault Errors\n>>in WSPDPSF.DRV on Winword Tools Option menu and in WINFAX setup.\n>\n>I had the exact same failure with the 24X and Word for Windows.\n>A quick call to Microsoft indicated it was problem with the\n>24X drivers. You need to call Diamond and get the new drivers,\n>I think version 2.03 fixes the above problem, there may be later\n>versions that I'm unaware of...\n>\n\nVersion 2.03 drivers are current.\n-- \nSteve Chesney                                    slc@catherine.cim.cdc.com     \nMetaphase Technology Inc.                        612-482-4662 (voice)\n4233 North Lexington Avenue                      612-482-4001 (fax)\nArden Hills, MN  55126\n",
  'From: jpolito@sysgem1.encore.com (Jonathan Polito)\nSubject: Re: Stolen  AARGHHHH.....\nOrganization: Encore Computer Corp.\nIn-Reply-To: ericm@microunity.com\'s message of Thu, 15 Apr 1993 00:22:22 GMT\n\t<1993Apr15.002222.23057@microunity.com>\nNntp-Posting-Host: sysgem1.encore.com\nLines: 23\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.002222.23057@microunity.com> ericm@microunity.com (Eric Murray) writes:\n\n   Watch out.  Often when some scumbag steals the cover, that means\n   that they were or are looking to steal the bike.  In my case, I\n   had a faded cover stolen off a bmw R100RS that was stashed in an\n   apartment carport and not visible from the street.  They evidently\n   decided the beemer wasn\'t worth stealing, but did try the next night to\n   steal a Honda Hurricane 600 parked in the next apartment building.\n   A neighbor heard them wheeling it out and called the cops.\n\n\nI know this is just setting myself up, but this is actually one of the\nthings that is really good about BMW bikes.  From all accounts I\'ve\nheard practically no one steals BMWs. Probably it is similar for Moto\nGuzzis and other relative "exotics" since there isn\'t a large demand\nfor parts and the bike would be much easier to track down. It seems\nthat the most stolen bikes are Harleys and 600cc Jap sport bikes. \n\n--\nJonathan E. Polito \t\t    Internet: jpolito@encore.com\nEncore Computer Corp, 901 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, NC  27511  USA\n919-481-3730/voice  \t\t\t\t919-481-3868/FAX\n',
  'Subject: roman.bmp 09/14------------ Part 9 of 14 ------------\nFrom: pwiseman@salmon.usd.edu (Cliff)\nReply-To: pwiseman@salmon.usd.edu (Cliff)\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: University of South Dakota\nLines: 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End of part 9 of 14 --------\n\nKeywords: \n\n\n',
  'From: noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring)\nSubject: Quack-Quack (was Re: Candida(yeast) Bloom, Fact or Fiction)\nOrganization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest)\nLines: 69\n\nIn article rind@enterprise.bih.harvard.edu (David Rind) writes:\n\n>Do you believe that any quacks exist?  How about quack diagnoses?  Is\n>being a "licensed physician" enough to guarantee that someone is not\n>a quack, or is it just that even if a licensed physician is a quack,\n>other people shouldn\'t say so?  Can you give an example of a\n>commonly diagnosed ailment that you think is a quack diagnosis,\n>or have we gotten to the point in civilization where we no longer\n>need to worry about unscrupulous "healers" taking advantage of\n>people.\n\n\nI would say there are also significant numbers of unscrupulous doctors (of\nthe squeaky-clean, traditional crew-cut, talk to the AMA before starting\nany treatment, kind) who recommend treatments that, though "accepted", may\nnot be necessary for the patient at the time.  And all for making a quick\nbuck.  I would not be surprised if the cost of medical services in the U.S. is\nsignificantly inflated by these "quacks of a different color".  In fact, I\'d\nsay these doctors are the most dangerous since they call into question the\ntrue focus of the medical profession.  The AMA and the Boards should focus\non these "quacks" instead of devoting unbelievable energy on \'search-and-\ndestroy-missions\' to pull the licenses of those doctors who are trying non-\ntraditional or not fully accepted treatments for their desperate patients\nthat traditional/accepted medicine cannot help.\n\n\n***************************************************\nNow to make a general comment on many recent posts:\n***************************************************\n\nLately I\'ve seen the word "quack" bandied about recklessly.  When a doctor or\ndoctor-wanna-be has decided to quit discussing any controversial medical\nsubject in a civilized manner, all he/she has to do is say "quack-quack" and\nsomehow they magically expect the readership of this newsgroup to roll over\non their backs and pee-pee on themselves in obedience.  What do they teach\nyou in medical school - how to throw your authority around?\n\nLet me put it another way to make my point clear:  "quack" is a nebulous word\nlacking in any precision.  Its sole use is to obfuscate the issues at hand.\nThe indiscriminate use of this word is a sure sign of incompetency;  and coming\nfrom any medical doctor (or wanna-be), where competency is expected, is real\nscary.\n\nBut what do I know, I\'ve already been diagnosed by the sci.med.gods in this\nnewsgroup as being \'anal retentive\', and \'psychotic\'.  I look forward to more\nnet.diagnoses.  Hey, they\'re free.\n\n\nJon "Quacks \'R Us" Noring\n\n\n(p.s., may I suggest - seriously - that if the doctors and wanna-be-doctors on\nthe net who refuse to have an open mind on alternative treatments and\ntheories, such as the "yeast theory", should create your own moderated group.\nYou can call it sci.med.traditional.moderated or sci.med.AMA-approved, so you\ncan keep anal-retentives like me out of it.)\n\n-- \n\nCharter Member --->>>  INFJ Club.\n\nIf you\'re dying to know what INFJ means, be brave, e-mail me, I\'ll send info.\n=============================================================================\n| Jon Noring          | noring@netcom.com        |                          |\n| JKN International   | IP    :   | FRED\'S GOURMET CHOCOLATE |\n| 1312 Carlton Place  | Phone : (510) 294-8153   | CHIPS - World\'s Best!    |\n| Livermore, CA 94550 | V-Mail: (510) 417-4101   |                          |\n=============================================================================\nWho are you?  Read alt.psychology.personality!  That\'s where the action is.\n',
  'From: jpaparel@cs.ulowell.edu (Joseph Paparella)\nSubject: Re: Is Anyone Using Video For Windows?\nKeywords: Video Windows\nOrganization: UMass-Lowell Computer Science\nDistribution: na\nLines: 4\n\nMy suggestion would be to contact Microsoft about the Video4Windows SDK.\nYou would need to call Developer Services at (800)227-4679 extension 11771\nfrom 6:30am to 5:30pm Pacific time.\n\n',
  'From: jbrown@batman.bmd.trw.com\nSubject: Re: Gulf War and Peace-niks\nLines: 67\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.062328.19776@bmerh85.bnr.ca>, \ndgraham@bmers30.bnr.ca (Douglas Graham) writes:\n\n[...]\n> \n> Wait a minute.  You said *never* play a Chamberlain.  Since the US\n> *is* playing Chamberlain as far as East Timor is concerned, wouldn\'t\n> that lead you to think that your argument is irrelevant and had nothing\n> to do with the Gulf War?  Actually, I rather like your idea.  Perhaps\n> the rest of the world should have bombed (or maybe missiled) Washington\n> when the US invaded Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, Vietnam, Mexico, Hawaii,\n> or any number of other places.\n\nWait a minute, Doug.  I know you are better informed than that.  The US \nhas never invaded Nicaragua (as far as I know).  We liberated Grenada \nfrom the Cubans\tto protect US citizens there and to prevent the completion \nof a strategic air strip.  Panama we invaded, true (twice this century).  \nVietnam?  We were invited in by the government of S. Vietnam.  (I guess \nwe "invaded" Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War, eh?)  Mexico?  We have \ninvaded Mexico 2 or 3 times, once this century, but there were no missiles \nfor anyone to shoot over here at that time.  Hawaii?  We liberated it from \nSpain.\n\nSo if you mean by the word "invaded" some sort of military action where\nwe cross someone\'s border, you are right 5 out of 6.  But normally\n"invaded" carries a connotation of attacking an autonomous nation.\n(If some nation "invades" the U.S. Virgin Islands, would they be\ninvading the Virgin Islands or the U.S.?)  So from this point of\nview, your score falls to 2 out of 6 (Mexico, Panama).\n\n[...]\n> \n> What\'s a "peace-nik"?  Is that somebody who *doesn\'t* masturbate\n> over "Guns\'n\'Ammo" or what?  Is it supposed to be bad to be a peace-nik?\n\nNo, it\'s someone who believes in "peace-at-all-costs".  In other words,\na person who would have supported giving Hitler not only Austria and\nCzechoslakia, but Poland too if it could have averted the War.  And one\nwho would allow Hitler to wipe all *all* Jews, slavs, and political \ndissidents in areas he controlled as long as he left the rest of us alone.\n\n"Is it supposed to be bad to be a peace-nik," you ask?  Well, it depends\non what your values are.  If you value life over liberty, peace over\nfreedom, then I guess not.  But if liberty and freedom mean more to you\nthan life itself; if you\'d rather die fighting for liberty than live\nunder a tyrant\'s heel, then yes, it\'s "bad" to be a peace-nik.\n\nThe problem with most peace-niks it they consider those of us who are\nnot like them to be "bad" and "unconscionable".  I would not have any\nargument or problem with a peace-nik if they held to their ideals and\nstayed out of all conflicts or issues, especially those dealing with \nthe national defense.  But no, they are not willing to allow us to\nlegitimately hold a different point-of-view.  They militate and \nmany times resort to violence all in the name of peace.  (What rank\nhypocrisy!)  All to stop we "warmongers" who are willing to stand up \nand defend our freedoms against tyrants, and who realize that to do\nso requires a strong national defense.\n\nTime to get off the soapbox now.  :)\n\n[...]\n> --\n> Doug Graham         dgraham@bnr.ca         My opinions are my own.\n\nRegards,\n\nJim B.\n',
  "From: jodfishe@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (joseph dale fisher)\nSubject: Re: Deification\nOrganization: Indiana University\nLines: 14\n\nIn article <Apr.> HOLFELTZ@LSTC2VM.stortek.com writes:\n>Aaron Bryce Cardenas writes:\n>After all, what does prophesy mean?  Secondly, what is an Apostle?  Answer:\n>an especial witness--one who is suppose to be a personal witness.  That means\n>to be a true apostle, one must have Christ appear to them.  Now lets see\n>when did the church quit claiming ......?\n\nActually, an apostle is someone who is sent.  If you will, mailmen could\nbe called apostles in that sense.  However, with Jesus, they were\ndesignated and were given power.  Remember that there were many\nthousands of people who witnessed what Jesus did.  That didn't make them\napostles, though.\n\nJoe Fisher\n",
  "From: sysmgr@king.eng.umd.edu (Doug Mohney)\nSubject: Re: Moonbase race\nOrganization: Computer Aided Design Lab, U. of Maryland College Park\nLines: 13\nReply-To: sysmgr@king.eng.umd.edu\nNNTP-Posting-Host: queen.eng.umd.edu\n\nIn article <C5tEIK.7z9@zoo.toronto.edu>, henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) writes:\n\n>Apollo was done the hard way, in a big hurry, from a very limited\n>technology base... and on government contracts.  Just doing it privately,\n>rather than as a government project, cuts costs by a factor of several.\n\nSo how much would it cost as a private venture, assuming you could talk the\nU.S. government into leasing you a couple of pads in Florida? \n\n\n\n    Software engineering? That's like military intelligence, isn't it?\n  -- >                  SYSMGR@CADLAB.ENG.UMD.EDU                        < --\n",
  'From: weston@ucssun1.sdsu.edu (weston t)\nSubject: graphical representation of vector-valued functions\nOrganization: SDSU Computing Services\nLines: 13\nNNTP-Posting-Host: ucssun1.sdsu.edu\n\ngnuplot, etc. make it easy to plot real valued functions of 2 variables\nbut I want to plot functions whose values are 2-vectors. I have been \ndoing this by plotting arrays of arrows (complete with arrowheads) but\nbefore going further, I thought I would ask whether someone has already\ndone the work. Any pointers??\n\nthanx in advance\n\n\nTom Weston                    | USENET: weston@ucssun1.sdsu.edu\nDepartment of Philosophy      | (619) 594-6218 (office)\nSan Diego State Univ.         | (619) 575-7477 (home)\nSan Diego, CA 92182-0303      | \n',
  "From: chico@ccsun.unicamp.br (Francisco da Fonseca Rodrigues)\nSubject: New planet/Kuiper object found?\nX-Added: Forwarded by Space Digest\nOrganization: [via International Space University]\nOriginal-Sender: isu@VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU\nDistribution: sci\nLines: 28\n\n\n\tTonigth a TV journal here in Brasil announced that an object,\nbeyond Pluto's orbit, was found by an observatory at Hawaii. They\nnamed the object Karla.\n\n\tThe program said the object wasn't a gaseous giant planet, and\nshould be composed by rocks and ices.\n\n\tCan someone confirm these information? Could this object be a\nnew planet or a Kuiper object?\n\n\tThanks in advance.\n\n\tFrancisco.\n\n-----------------------=====================================----the stars,----\n|    ._,               | Francisco da Fonseca Rodrigues    |       o   o     |\n|  ,_| |._/\\           |                                   |     o         o |\n|  |       |o/^^~-._   | COTUCA-Colegio Tecnico da UNICAMP |   o             |\n|/-'    BRASIL      | ~|                                   |  o      o o     |\n|\\__/|_            /'  | Depto de Processamento de Dados   |  o    o  o  o   |\n|      \\__  Cps   | .  |                                   |   o  o  o    o  |\n|        |   * __/'    | InterNet : chico@ccsun.unicamp.br |     o o      o  |\n|        >   /'        |            cotuca@ccvax.unicamp.br|             o   |\n|      /'   /'         | Fone/Fax : 55-0192-32-9519        | o         o     |\n|     ~~^\\/'           | Campinas - SP - Brasil            |    o   o        |\n-----------------------=====================================----like dust.----\n\n",
  'From: ayr1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Amir Y Rosenblatt)\nSubject: Re: Legality of the jewish purchase\nNntp-Posting-Host: cunixa.cc.columbia.edu\nReply-To: ayr1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Amir Y Rosenblatt)\nOrganization: Columbia University\nLines: 96\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.214951.19180@bnr.ca> zbib@bnr.ca writes:\n>\n>(Amir Y Rosenblatt) writes\n>   > Sam Zbib Writes\n>   >>No one in his right mind would sell his freedom and dignity.\n>   >>Palestinians are no exception. Perhaps you heard about\n>   >>anti-trust in the business world.\n>   >>\n>   >>Since we are debating the legality of a commercial\n>   >>transaction, we must use the laws governing the guidelines\n>   >>and ethics of such transactions. Basic ANTI-TRUST law says\n>   >>that, while you can purchase IBM stocks for the purpose of\n>   >>investing, you can not acquire a large number of those\n>   >>shares with the intent or controlling IBM. You can do so\n>   >>only if you make your intentions CLEAR apriori . Clearly,\n>   >>the Jews who purchased properties from palastenians had some\n>   >>designs, they were not buying a dwelling or a real estate.\n>   >They were establishing a bridgehead for the European Jews.\n>   >>\n>   >>The palastenians sold their properties to the Jews in the\n>   >>old tradition of arab hospitality. Being a multi-ethnic /\n>   >>multi-religious society, accepting the jews as neighbours\n>   >>was no different, just another religion. Plus they paid fair\n>   >>market value, etc... They did not know they were victims of\n>   >>an international conspiracy. (I\'m not a conspiracy theorist\n>   >>myself, but this one is hard to dismiss).\n>   >>\n>\n>>Right now, I\'m just going to address this point.\n>>When the Jewish National Fund bought most of its land,\n>>It didn\'t buy it from the Palestinians themselves, because,\n>>for the most part, they were tenant farmers (fallahin),\n>>living on land owned by wealthy Arabs in Syria and Lebanon.\n>>The JNF offered a premium deal, so the owners took advantage of\n>>it.   It\'s called commerce.  The owners, however, made no \n>>provisions for those who had worked for them, basically shafting \n>>them by selling the land right out from under them.\n>>They are to blame, not the Jews.\n>>\n>>\n>\n>Amir: \n>Why would you categorize the sale of land as shafting? was\n>it because it was sold to Jews? was it fair to assume that the \n>fallahin would be mistreated by the jews? is this the norm of \n>any commerce (read shafting) between arabs and  jews? \n\nIt was shafting on the part of the Arab land owners for doing it \nwithout notifying their tenant farmers and for not being responsible \nenough to make provisions for them, but rather just leaving\nthem to their fate.\n>\n>Your claim that the Lebanese/Syrian Landlords sold Palestine\n>(if true, even partially) omits the fact that the mandate\n>treaty put Lebanon and Syria under French rule, while\n>Palestine under british.  Obiviously, any such landlord\n>would have found himself a foreigner in Palestine and would\n>be motivated to sell, regardless of the price.\n\nThe point is that the land was sold legally, often at prices\nabove its actual value.  It was legal, and good business for\nthe sellers, though it left the Palestinians who worked the land\nin a poor situation.  \n>\n>It is interesting though that you acknowledge that the\n>palestinians were shafted. Do many Israelis or Jews share\n>your opinion ?  Do you  absolve the purchaser from\n>any ethical commitments just because it wasn\'t written down? \n\nI don\'t know if others share this opinion.  It is mine,\nand I\'m sure there are some who agree and some who don\'t\nThe way I see it, the fallahin were caught in circumstances \nbeyond their control, in that since they didn\'t own the land,\nthey didn\'t have a say. Of course, now for the sake of the "greater \nArab unity" the Arabs are angry that the land was sold to the Jews\n(an act that is illegal in Jordan), but when it happened, it was just \nbusiness.   \n>\n>All told, I did not see an answer in your response. The\n>question was whether the intent behind the purchase was\n>aimed at controlling the public assets (land,\n>infra-structure etc...). IMHO the Palestinians have grounds\n>to contest the legality of the purchase, say in world court.\n>\n>Sam \n>\n>       My opinions are my own and no one else\'s\n\nThe purpose of buying the land was to provide space and jobs for \nJewish immigrants.  In any case, no matter what the purpose, \nthe sales were legal, so I really don\'t see any grounds for \ncontesting them.\n\nAmir\n\n\n',
  'From: leech@cs.unc.edu (Jon Leech)\nSubject: Space FAQ 09/15 - Mission Schedules\nSupersedes: <schedule_730956538@cs.unc.edu>\nOrganization: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill\nLines: 177\nDistribution: world\nExpires: 6 May 1993 19:59:07 GMT\nNNTP-Posting-Host: mahler.cs.unc.edu\nKeywords: Frequently Asked Questions\n\nArchive-name: space/schedule\nLast-modified: $Date: 93/04/01 14:39:23 $\n\nSPACE SHUTTLE ANSWERS, LAUNCH SCHEDULES, TV COVERAGE\n\n    SHUTTLE LAUNCHINGS AND LANDINGS; SCHEDULES AND HOW TO SEE THEM\n\n    Shuttle operations are discussed in the Usenet group sci.space.shuttle,\n    and Ken Hollis (gandalf@pro-electric.cts.com) posts a compressed version\n    of the shuttle manifest (launch dates and other information)\n    periodically there. The manifest is also available from the Ames SPACE\n    archive in SPACE/FAQ/manifest. The portion of his manifest formerly\n    included in this FAQ has been removed; please refer to his posting or\n    the archived copy. For the most up to date information on upcoming\n    missions, call (407) 867-INFO (867-4636) at Kennedy Space Center.\n\n    Official NASA shuttle status reports are posted to sci.space.news\n    frequently.\n\n\n    WHY DOES THE SHUTTLE ROLL JUST AFTER LIFTOFF?\n\n    The following answer and translation are provided by Ken Jenks\n    (kjenks@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov).\n\n    The "Ascent Guidance and Flight Control Training Manual," ASC G&C 2102,\n    says:\n\n\t"During the vertical rise phase, the launch pad attitude is\n\tcommanded until an I-loaded V(rel) sufficient to assure launch tower\n\tclearance is achieved. Then, the tilt maneuver (roll program)\n\torients the vehicle to a heads down attitude required to generate a\n\tnegative q-alpha, which in turn alleviates structural loading. Other\n\tadvantages with this attitude are performance gain, decreased abort\n\tmaneuver complexity, improved S-band look angles, and crew view of\n\tthe horizon. The tilt maneuver is also required to start gaining\n\tdownrange velocity to achieve the main engine cutoff (MECO) target\n\tin second stage."\n\n    This really is a good answer, but it\'s couched in NASA jargon. I\'ll try\n    to interpret.\n\n    1)\tWe wait until the Shuttle clears the tower before rolling.\n\n    2)\tThen, we roll the Shuttle around so that the angle of attack\n\tbetween the wind caused by passage through the atmosphere (the\n\t"relative wind") and the chord of the wings (the imaginary line\n\tbetween the leading edge and the trailing edge) is a slightly\n\tnegative angle ("a negative q-alpha").\tThis causes a little bit of\n\t"downward" force (toward the belly of the Orbiter, or the +Z\n\tdirection) and this force "alleviates structural loading."\n\tWe have to be careful about those wings -- they\'re about the\n\tmost "delicate" part of the vehicle.\n\n    3)\tThe new attitude (after the roll) also allows us to carry more\n\tmass to orbit, or to achieve a higher orbit with the same mass, or\n\tto change the orbit to a higher or lower inclination than would be\n\tthe case if we didn\'t roll ("performance gain").\n\n    4)\tThe new attitude allows the crew to fly a less complicated\n\tflight path if they had to execute one of the more dangerous abort\n\tmaneuvers, the Return To Launch Site ("decreased abort maneuver\n\tcomplexity").\n\n    5)\tThe new attitude improves the ability for ground-based radio\n\tantennae to have a good line-of-sight signal with the S-band radio\n\tantennae on the Orbiter ("improved S-band look angles").\n\n    6)\tThe new attitude allows the crew to see the horizon, which is a\n\thelpful (but not mandatory) part of piloting any flying machine.\n\n    7)\tThe new attitude orients the Shuttle so that the body is\n\tmore nearly parallel with the ground, and the nose to the east\n\t(usually).  This allows the thrust from the engines to add velocity\n\tin the correct direction to eventually achieve orbit.  Remember:\n\tvelocity is a vector quantity made of both speed and direction.\n\tThe Shuttle has to have a large horizontal component to its\n\tvelocity and a very small vertical component to attain orbit.\n\n    This all begs the question, "Why isn\'t the launch pad oriented to give\n    this nice attitude to begin with?  Why does the Shuttle need to roll to\n    achieve that attitude?"  The answer is that the pads were leftovers\n    from the Apollo days.  The Shuttle straddles two flame trenches -- one\n    for the Solid Rocket Motor exhaust, one for the Space Shuttle Main\n    Engine exhaust.  (You can see the effects of this on any daytime\n    launch.  The SRM exhaust is dirty gray garbage, and the SSME exhaust is\n    fluffy white steam.  Watch for the difference between the "top"\n    [Orbiter side] and the "bottom" [External Tank side] of the stack.) The\n    access tower and other support and service structure are all oriented\n    basically the same way they were for the Saturn V\'s.  (A side note: the\n    Saturn V\'s also had a roll program.  Don\'t ask me why -- I\'m a Shuttle\n    guy.)\n\n    I checked with a buddy in Ascent Dynamics.\tHe added that the "roll\n    maneuver" is really a maneuver in all three axes: roll, pitch and yaw.\n    The roll component of that maneuver is performed for the reasons\n    stated.  The pitch component controls loading on the wings by keeping\n    the angle of attack (q-alpha) within a tight tolerance.  The yaw\n    component is used to determine the orbital inclination.  The total\n    maneuver is really expressed as a "quaternion," a grad-level-math\n    concept for combining all three rotation matrices in one four-element\n    array.\n\n\n    HOW TO RECEIVE THE NASA TV CHANNEL, NASA SELECT\n\n    NASA SELECT is broadcast by satellite. If you have access to a satellite\n    dish, you can find SELECT on Satcom F2R, Transponder 13, C-Band, 72\n    degrees West Longitude, Audio 6.8, Frequency 3960 MHz. F2R is stationed\n    over the Atlantic, and is increasingly difficult to receive from\n    California and points west. During events of special interest (e.g.\n    shuttle missions), SELECT is sometimes broadcast on a second satellite\n    for these viewers.\n\n    If you can\'t get a satellite feed, some cable operators carry SELECT.\n    It\'s worth asking if yours doesn\'t.\n\n    The SELECT schedule is found in the NASA Headline News which is\n    frequently posted to sci.space.news. Generally it carries press\n    conferences, briefings by NASA officials, and live coverage of shuttle\n    missions and planetary encounters. SELECT has recently begun carrying\n    much more secondary material (associated with SPACELINK) when missions\n    are not being covered.\n\n\n    AMATEUR RADIO FREQUENCIES FOR SHUTTLE MISSIONS\n\n    The following are believed to rebroadcast space shuttle mission audio:\n\n\tW6FXN  - Los Angeles\n\tK6MF   - Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California\n\tWA3NAN - Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, Maryland.\n\tW5RRR  - Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, Texas\n\tW6VIO  - Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, California.\n\tW1AW Voice Bulletins\n\n\tStation    VHF\t   10m\t   15m\t   20m\t  40m\t 80m\n\t------\t ------  ------  ------  ------  -----\t-----\n\tW6FXN\t 145.46\n\tK6MF\t 145.585\t\t\t 7.165\t3.840\n\tWA3NAN\t 147.45  28.650  21.395  14.295  7.185\t3.860\n\tW5RRR\t 146.64  28.400  21.350  14.280  7.227\t3.850\n\tW6VIO\t 224.04\t\t 21.340  14.270\n\tW6VIO\t 224.04\t\t 21.280  14.282  7.165\t3.840\n\tW1AW\t\t 28.590  21.390  14.290  7.290\t3.990\n\n    W5RRR transmits mission audio on 146.64, a special event station on the\n    other frequencies supplying Keplerian Elements and mission information.\n\n    W1AW also transmits on 147.555, 18.160. No mission audio but they\n    transmit voice bulletins at 0245 and 0545 UTC.\n\n    Frequencies in the 10-20m bands require USB and frequencies in the 40\n    and 80m bands LSB. Use FM for the VHF frequencies.\n\n    [This item was most recently updated courtesy of Gary Morris\n    (g@telesoft.com, KK6YB, N5QWC)]\n\n\n    SOLID ROCKET BOOSTER FUEL COMPOSITION\n\n    Reference: "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual" Volume 8B - Solid Rocket\n    Booster Systems, NASA Document JSC-12770\n\n    Propellant Composition (percent)\n\n    Ammonium perchlorate (oxidizer)\t\t\t69.6\n    Aluminum\t\t\t\t\t\t16\n    Iron Oxide (burn rate catalyst)\t\t\t0.4\n    Polybutadiene-acrilic acid-acrylonitrile (a rubber) 12.04\n    Epoxy curing agent\t\t\t\t\t1.96\n\n    End reference\n\n    Comment: The aluminum, rubber, and epoxy all burn with the oxidizer.\n\nNEXT: FAQ #10/15 - Historical planetary probes\n',
  'From: kssimon@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (kenneth steven simon)\nSubject: Re: New Duo Dock info.\nSummary: You don\'t know the products \nNntp-Posting-Host: silver.ucs.indiana.edu\nOrganization: Indiana University\nLines: 27\n\n aw@camcon.co.uk (Alain Waha) writes:\n\n   >> nazario@pop.cis.yale.edu (Edgardo Nazario) writes:\n   >>The info I am about to give is not a rumour, it\'s the truth. The new\n   >>macintosh coming in the second quarter, will have a cpu of their own. \n\n ]Excuse me but... have not all Macs got a CPU!!!\n\n ]Alain\n\nAlain:\nGet your facts straight before you post something like this.  The Duo\nDock does not have a CPU of its own.  It is a docking station with \nports connecting various components, including the portable PowerBook\nwith its own CPU.  I guess these rumored new Duo Docks have a built-in\nCPU to perform functions of their own.  Interesting!  If they\'re not\ncompatible with the current Duo models, I think you\'ll be hearing a\nlot more "screwed by Apple" complaints.  Imagine a company obsoleting\n(ooh, a new verb!) a virtually brand new computer... sheesh...\n  \n Ken\n\n-- \n-----------------------------------------------------------------\nKenneth Simon               Dept of Sociology, Indiana University\nInternet: KSSIMON@INDIANA.EDU              Bitnet: KSSIMON@IUBACS \n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  "From: st890123@pip.cc.brandeis.edu (Joe Dropkin)\nSubject: Re: Apple announce 3 new performas (versions of the 400)\nReply-To: st890123@pip.cc.brandeis.edu\nOrganization: Brandeis University\nLines: 12\n\nIn article <1993Apr12.151718.8485@desire.wright.edu>, demon@desire.wright.edu (Not a Boomer) writes:\n>\tApple announced that it will start selling three new vesions of its\n>Performa 400.  The new machines will have built-in modems and bundled software.\n>\n>\tThe new models will be the 405, 430 and 450.\n>\n>\tPrices are not set by Apple, but by the retailer.  The prices of the\n>new machines are expected to range from $1300-$1900.\n\nWhat kind of post is this?  If you have something substantial to tell the world,\nthen at least give us details!  So what if they are coming out with new Macs,\nthey always do that... what's new about these models?  Etc...\n",
  'From: (Eric Youngblood)\nSubject: Re: Old Corvettes / Low insurance?\nReply-To: Peon w/o Email (Eric Youngblood)\nNntp-Posting-Host: crchh435\nOrganization: BNR, Inc.\nLines: 47\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.011805.28485@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu>, swr2@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu (SCOTT WARREN ROSANDER) writes:\n|> In article <C5Csux.Fn1@news.cso.uiuc.edu>, gdhg8823@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (George Hei\n|> nz) writes:\n|> >After too many years of school I\'m finally graduating and getting a real\n|> >job.  Of course I am trying to make plans of how to spend all this extra\n|> >money.  Right now I have an 89 accord, a good car, but not real sporty &\n|> >I was thinking of selling it in about two years and dropping around\n|> >$20k on a sports car of some kind.  After thinking about it, I may have a\n|> >better idea -- I\'ll keep the Accord until it drops and buy the car I\'ve\n|> >always wanted -- a Corvette Stingray. My reasoning is that $8000 (accord)+\n|> >$8000 (corvette) =$16000 is less than what I would spend anyway.\n|> >\n|> >Basically, I\'m thinking of a late 70\'s, early 80\'s for around $7-$10k.\n|> >My question is, what are good years to consider (for reliability, looks,\n|> >horsepower -- in that order, believe it or not, horsepower is not a main\n|> >concern, if I want to go fast, I get on my motorcycle) and what are\n|> >good prices?\n|> >\n|> >Also, what would insurance look like?  I\'m male, single, 23 (I might\n|> >wait until I\'m 25 to get the car = lower insurance). Would the fact that\n|> >I mainly drive the other car lower it?  Is there some type of "classic\n|> >car" or "rarely driven" insurance class for driving it under 10k miles\n|> >per year?\n|> >\n|>     My dad has a 66 vette and its on what you say \'classic insurance\'.\n|>     Basically what that means is that it has restricted amount of driving\n|>     time, which basically means it cant be used as an every day car and would\n|>     probably suit your needs for limited mileage.\n|> -- \n\n\nIn addition to restricted mileage, many classic insurance carriers also require\nthat the vehicle be garaged when not in use.\n\n$0.02\n\nEricy\n\n\n      *---------------------------------+---------------------------*\n      | Eric Youngblood                                             |\n      | Bell-Northern Research    _                                 |\n      | Richardson, Texas 75082 _| ~-                               |\n      |                         \\,  _}                              |\n      |                           \\(    +---------------------------|\n      |                                 |   Peon w/o Email privs    |\n      *---------------------------------+---------------------------*\n',
  'From: brian@lpl.arizona.edu (Brian Ceccarelli 602/621-9615)\nSubject: Re: Is it good that Jesus died?\nOrganization: Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Tucson AZ.\nLines: 69\n\nJim Burhill writes:\n\n>Would you consider the word of an eye-witness (Peter) to testify to the\n>events surrounding Jesus\' life?\n\n>No.  There are two problems here:\n\nBrian Kendig writes:\n\n>(1) Peter died two millenia ago.  The original letters he wrote have\n>long since decayed into dust.  If he were alive today and I could\n\nDo you question the existence of Alexander the Great, Tilgrath Pilisar III,\nNero, Caligula, Josephus, Cyrus the Great, Artexerxes?   Their documents\nhave decayed to dust too.  Brian, why another excuse? \n\n>(2) Even if Peter did witness the miracles of Jesus two millenia ago,\n>that doesn\'t mean that your deity is what the Bible says it is (God\n>might just be Satan, trying to convince everyone that he\'s a nice\n>guy), or even that your deity is still alive and active in the world\n>today.\n\nPeter wrote a bit of the Bible.  What Peter says about God is what\nthe Bible says.   \n\n\nConsider the Bible a court recording.  Over the period of thousands of\nyears, various people come up and testify of their experience with the\nliving God.  Up comes Abraham the wealthy rancher.  Up comes Moses,\nonce the high official of Egypt.  Up comes Elijah, a priest.  Up comes\nDavid, a mere shepherd who became King.  Up comes the pagan King \nNebuchanezzar.  Up comes the pagan King of Persia, Cyrus.  Up comes\nNehemiah, cupbearer to the King of Persia.  Then Matthew, an IRS agent\ntakes the stand.  Up comes Luke, an M.D.  Then Paul a Jew who use\nto kill Christians for fun.  Up comes John, a 17 year old boy.  Up\ncomes Peter, a fishermen.  Up comes James, the brother of Jesus himself.\nUp comes hundreds of others.  You hear testimony from fishermen, IRS\nagents, priests, Kings.  The court hearing lasts thousands of years\nwith people coming up and testifying about the God who calls himself\n"I am." \n\nWhile you are listening to all this stuff, you realize that\nKing David could have never known John, Solomon could have never known\nMatthew, Nehemiah could have never known Peter.  You realize that all these\npeople are independent witnesses, and so, you rule out collaboration.  Yet\nall of the witnesses tell of the same God.   Each testifier tells\nof his own experiences with the living God.  Each experience is\ndifferent, but each experience has enough cross-over to unmistakenly\nreveal that each one of these people is talking about the very same God.\nWhat Daniel did not know about God, the 3rd Highest Official of\nBabylon, God revealed to John 600 years later--but with a different\nperspective.  No two testimonies are identical.  Each testimony\ndares to venture off what is already known.  Yet each witness\'s\ntestimony, even though different from those prior, consistently\ndescribes harmoniously fitting facets of the character of the same God.  \n\nNow.  As we stare gazing at the computer, you got this seeming fanatic\non the other end of the net, saying, I know this God  "I am".  He has\nrevealed himself to me too.  He also calls himself Jesus (John 8:58).\nPlease believe me.  I am telling the truth.  It is wonderful to know him.\n\nAre you going to just pass off all this testimony as fictiousness? \nAre you going to call three thousand years worth of testimony from\nshepherds to IRS agents to royal officials to kings to computer\nprogrammers, fiction?  With a scoff of your keyboard, with near\ncomplete ignorance of the testimonies, are you going to say that\nthat is all complete hooey?   Would that not be the most audacious\ndisplay of arrogance?  Do you actually think you know better than\nKing Solomon, King David, or even Abraham Lincolnr?\n',
  'From: thester@nyx.cs.du.edu (Uncle Fester)\nSubject: Re: CView answers\nX-Disclaimer: Nyx is a public access Unix system run by the University\n\tof Denver for the Denver community.  The University has neither\n\tcontrol over nor responsibility for the opinions of users.\nOrganization: Nyx, Public Access Unix at U. of Denver Math/CS dept.\nLines: 36\n\nIn article <5103@moscom.com> mz@moscom.com (Matthew Zenkar) writes:\n>Cyberspace Buddha (cb@wixer.bga.com) wrote:\n>: renew@blade.stack.urc.tue.nl (Rene Walter) writes:\n>: >over where it places its temp files: it just places them in its\n>: >"current directory".\n>\n>: I have to beg to differ on this point, as the batch file I use\n>: to launch cview cd\'s to the dir where cview resides and then\n>: invokes it.  every time I crash cview, the 0-byte temp file\n>: is found in the root dir of the drive cview is on.\n>\n>I posted this as well before the cview "expert".  Apparently, he thought\nhe\n>knew better.\n>\n>Matthew Zenkar\n>mz@moscom.com\n\n\n     Are we talking about ColorView for DOS here?  \n     I have version 2.0 and it writes the temp files to its own\n     current directory.\n     What later versions do, I admit that I don\'t know.\n     Assuming your "expert" referenced above is talking about\n     the version that I have, then I\'d say he is correct.\n     Is the ColorView for unix what is being discussed?\n     Just mixed up, confused, befuddled, but genuinely and\n     entirely curious....\n\n     Uncle Fester\n\n--\n           :     What God Wants      :  God wants gigolos          :\n           :        God gets         :  God wants giraffes         :\n           :     God help us all     :  God wants politics         :\n           : *thester@nyx.cs.du.edu* :  God wants a good laugh     :\n',
  'From: morgan@socs.uts.edu.au\nSubject: re: technology\nReply-To: morgan@socs.uts.edu.au\nOrganization: University of Technology Sydney\nLines: 39\n\nIn article <Apr.> cathye@cs.uq.oz.au writes:\n>I am fairly new to this group. \n>I was wondering about people\'s opinions on \n>ethical uses of the net, and of technology in general.\n\nthe classic references in this area are Jacques Ellul for a\nliberal/evangelical perspective and Os Guiness for a straight\nevangelical view.  If you want to look at non-christian sources\ntry Alvin Toffler as the perennial optimist.  His views while\nblatently non christian explore where technology may be going.\n\n>For example, there are some chain letters going\n>around which claim to have been written by a Christian missionary, but\n>which present a misleading image of the Christian religion. \n\nThis is regardless of technology.  Be careful to separate the issues of\nrelated to speed and dispersion of technology (how far the letter\nwent and how quickly it got there) and the message being passed in the\ntechnology (something that seems to be totally wrong.)\n\n>How can we help to make best use of computer technology ?\n\nWhen lecturing in this area I challenge my (non-christan/atheistic) class\nabout the impact technology has on life, quality of life and the rights\nthat they consider important.  Depending on how you work out your\nfaith will determine your response to the use of technology.  For example\nfriends of mine are considering IVF due to a life threatening situation the\nwife is going through; when it is over they will have the baby. (God\nwilling).  In this case the technology is available and my friends have to\ndecide what to do.  In all cases though you must decide if the technology\nis against God\'s revealed word.\n\nRegards\n David\n--\nDavid Morgan| University of Technology Sydney | morgan@socs.uts.edu.au _--_|\\\n            | Po Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007    | Ph: + 61 2 330 1864   /      \\\n            | 15-73 Broadway Sydney           | Fax: +61 2 330 1807   \\_.--._/\n"I paid good money to get my opinions; you get them for free"                v\n',
  'From: hasan@McRCIM.McGill.EDU \nSubject: Re: Water on the brain (was Re: Israeli Expansion-lust)\nOriginator: hasan@lightning.mcrcim.mcgill.edu\nNntp-Posting-Host: lightning.mcrcim.mcgill.edu\nOrganization: McGill Research Centre for  Intelligent Machines\nLines: 15\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.055341.6075@nysernet.org>, astein@nysernet.org (Alan Stein) writes:\n|> I guess Hasan finally revealed the source of his claim that Israel\n|> diverted water from Lebanon--his imagination.\n|> -- \n|> Alan H. Stein                     astein@israel.nysernet.org\nMr. water-head,\ni never said that israel diverted lebanese rivers, in fact i said that\nisrael went into southern lebanon to  make sure that no \nwater is being used on the lebanese\nside, so that all water would run into Jordan river where there\nisrael will use it  !#$%^%&&*-head.\n\nHasan \n',
  'From: fcrary@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (Frank Crary)\nSubject: Re: Gun Control (was Re: We\'re Mad as Hell at the TV News)\nNntp-Posting-Host: ucsu.colorado.edu\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 24\n\nIn article <C518B1.AMF@magpie.linknet.com> manes@magpie.linknet.com (Steve Manes) writes:\n>: >: > Last year the US suffered almost 10,000 wrongful or accidental\n>: >: > deaths by handguns alone (FBI statistics).  In the same year, the UK\n>: >: > suffered 35 such deaths (Scotland Yard statistics).  The population\n>: >: > of the UK is about 1/5 that of the US (10,000 / (35 * 5)).  Weighted\n>: >: > for population, the US has 57x as many handgun-related deaths as the\n>: >: > UK.  And, no, the Brits don\'t make up for this by murdering 57x as\n>: >: > many people with baseball bats.\n\n>: If you examine the figures, they do. Stabbing is favourite, closely\n>: followed by striking, punching, kicking. Many more people are burnt to\n>: death in Britain as are shot to death. Take at look and you\'ll see for\n>: yourself. \n\n>It means that very few people are shot to death in Great Britain.\n\nAnd I\'m sure that is a great comfort to the widows and children of\nthose stabbed, beaten and burned to death. The real question is,\n"Did the crime rate in England go down, after they enacted \ngun control laws?" If you look at the rates before and after their\nfirst such law in 1920, you will see no effect.\n\n                                          Frank Crary\n                                          CU Boulder\n',
  "From: tittle@ics.uci.edu (Cindy Tittle Moore)\nSubject: Re: Canon BJ200 (BubbleJet) and HP DeskJet 500...\nKeywords: printer\nArticle-I.D.: ics.2BD73621.3894\nReply-To: tittle@ics.uci.edu (Cindy Tittle Moore)\nOrganization: ICS Dept., UC Irvine\nLines: 22\nNntp-Posting-Host: alexandre-dumas.ics.uci.edu\n\nI edited a few newsgroup from that line (don't like to crosspost THAT\nmuch).  I can't compare the two, but I recently got an HP DeskJet 500.\n\nI'm very pleased with the output (remember that I'm used to imagens,\nlaser and postscript printers at school -- looks very good.  You have\nto be careful to let it dry before touching it, as it will smudge.\n\nThe deskjet is SLOW.  This is in comparison to the other printers I\nmentioned.  I have no idea how the bubblejet compares.\n\nThe interface between Win3.1 and the printer is just dandy, I've not\nhad any problems with it.\n\nHope that helps some.\n\n--Cindy\n\n--\nCindy Tittle Moore\n\nInternet: tittle@ics.uci.edu       | BITNET: cltittle@uci.bitnet\nUUCP:     ...!ucbvax!ucivax!tittle | Usnail: PO Box 4188, Irvine CA, 92716\n",
  'From: noye@midway.uchicago.edu (vera shanti noyes)\nSubject: Re: Satan kicked out of heaven: Biblical?\nReply-To: noye@midway.uchicago.edu\nOrganization: University of Chicago\nLines: 42\n\nIn article <May.> easteee@wkuvx1.bitnet writes:\n>Hello all,\n>     I have a question about Satan.  I was taught a long time ago\n>that Satan was really an angel of God and was kicked out of heaven\n>because he challenged God\'s authority.  The problem is, I cannot\n>find this in the Bible.  Is it in the Bible?  If not, where did it\n>originate?\n\ni did a workshop on this for an episcopalian student gathering a\ncouple months ago because i wanted to know the answer too.  as far as\ni could tell, although that story was never specifically _told_ in the\nbible, many references are made to it, primarily in the new testament.\nin the old testament there is actually an entirely different view of\nsatan as a (excuse the pun) "devil\'s advocate" for yahweh.  see the\nbook of job.  getting back to the fallen angel story, there are _no_\nreferences to "lucifer" in the bible except for a mistranslation of\n"the morning star" in the king james version (isaiah 14:12), which\nprobably referred to a babylonian monarch much in the same was as "the\nsun king" referred to louis xiv.  \n\nall in all, i don\'t know where the story _came from_; it may have been\nrolling around for a long time, or milton (_paradise lost_) may have\ninvented it.  sorry for the sketchiness of the rest of this, but i am\nin a hurry and need to eat lunch!  feel free to email me about the\nother stuff i found out....  (although a lot of it is just the result\nof a bible concordance program called "quickverse" -- it\'s really\nlousy, by the way -- don\'t buy it.) \n\n>Wondering,\n>Eddie\n>______ __   ___  ___           o  __   ___  |    Western  Kentucky    |\n>  /   /__) /__  /__  /     )  /  /__) /__   |       University        |\n> /   /  \\ (___ (___ (__/__/  /  /  \\ (___   |  EASTEEE@WKUVX1.BITNET  |\n\nhope this helped!\nvera\n______\nje cherche une ame, qui\t\t\tof course i don\'t agree with  \npourra m\'aider\t\t\t\tmylene farmer\'s religious views;\nje suis\t\t\t\t\ti just think they\'re interesting.\nd\'une generation desenchantee\t\t(vera noyes)\n    - mylene farmer\t\t\tnoye@midway.uchicago.edu\n',
  'From: cjkuo@symantec.com (Jimmy Kuo)\nSubject: Re: cubs & expos roster questions\nOrganization: Symantec/Peter Norton Group\nLines: 5\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\n\nalird@Msu.oscs.montana.edu writes:\n>>Today (4/14) Cubs activated P Mike Harkey from DL, whom did they move to \n>>make room for Harkey?\n\nShawn Boskie.\n',
  'From: rgc3679@bcstec.ca.boeing.com (Robert G. Carpenter)\nSubject: Re: Can Microwaves Be Used To Collect XYZ Coordinates\nOrganization: Boeing\nLines: 6\n\nWhere can you get info (brochures...) on Differential GPS Systems and where to \nbuy them?\n\nBobC\n\n\n',
  'From: bakerjn@sage.cc.purdue.edu (John Baker)\nSubject: OAKLEYS for sale (Bulls vs. Blazers too!)\nKeywords: Good Deal!\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: Purdue University\nLines: 10\n\nI have a pair of Oakleys that cost about $100 new a year ago.  I hardly ever\nwore them because they just don\'t look right on me.  They are orange and\nblue and are the "blade" kind (Terminator style).  I am willing to sell these\nfor $40 to the first response I get. \nI also have a Bulls vs. Blazers game for the SNES that is in perfect\ncondition.  I am selling it for $35.  It includes the instruction manual.\n\n\n                                John\n                                bakerjn@sage.cc.purdue.edu\n',
  'From: mcdowell@iies.ecn.purdue.edu (James M McDowell)\nSubject: Texas Ranger Ticket Info\nOrganization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network\nLines: 4\n\nWould someone please give me the address for Texas Ranger\nticket orders. Thanks very much.\n\nJim\n',
  'Subject: HELP!! How to get refund from Visual Images?\nFrom: koutd@hirama.hiram.edu (DOUGLAS KOU)\nOrganization: Hiram College\nNntp-Posting-Host: hirama.hiram.edu\nLines: 28\n\nI participated a promotion by a company called Visual Images. \nThey sent me a award certificate three months ago and asked \nme to buy their promotion package in order to receive the major\naward. They mislabled my address and I did not receive my package\nuntil one month ago. I was mad and angry about how it took them\nso long to get my package. So I wrote them a letter and requested\nfor a refund. They never return my letter. I was lucky enough to\nfind out their telephone number through operator and received the\npackage. I immediately returned the package and wrote them another\nletter to ask for refund. The package was returned because they\naddress they put on the package was incorrect. I attempted to \ncall them and learnd that they have changed their telephone number.\nIt took me at least 10 phone calls to find out their new number,\nbut they refused to take any responsibility. I spoke to their\nmanager and she said she would call me back, but she has not call\nyet. But I was able to get their address from their front desk.\nShould I just go ahead and send the package? Or should I waite until\nthey call me back?\n\nI know there are several people on the net has experience with the\nsame company. I would like to know how they got their money back.\nIf you have similar experience, please advise me.\n\nThanks in advance,\n\nDouglas Kou\nHiram College\n\n',
  'Organization: Central Michigan University\nFrom: <3MWIEU4@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU>\nSubject: DAK shorwave radio\nLines: 3\n\n     Digitally-tuned shorwave radio with alarm clock and 5 presets per band.\n       Has AM, FM, SW1, and SW2 bands.   Asking $25 + shppg.\n         Reply for more details.    Thanks      Pete 3mwieu4@cmuvm.cmich.edu\n',
  "From: cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer)\nSubject: Re: New Study Out On Gay Percentage\nOrganization: Optilink Corporation, Petaluma, CA\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.164638.27218@galileo.cc.rochester.edu>, as010b@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Tree of Schnopia) writes:\n> In <15378@optilink.COM> cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer) writes:\n# #The article also contains numbers on the number of sexual partners.\n# #The median number of sexual partners for all men 20-39 was 7.3.\n# #Compared to the table I have already posted from Masters, Johnson,\n# #and Kolodny showing male homosexual partners, it is apparent that\n# #homosexual men are dramatically more promiscuous than the general\n# #male population.  It's a shame that we don't have a breakdown for\n# #straight men vs. gay/bi men -- that would show even more dramatically\n# #how much more promiscuous gay/bi men are.\n# \n# Possibly because gay/bi men are less likely to get married?\n\nMarriage isn't a requirement for a couple staying together.\n\n# What was the purpose of this post?  If it was to show a mindless obsession\n# with statistics, an incredibly flawed system of reasoning, and a repellent\n# hatemonger agenda, then the purpose was accomplished with panache.\n# \n# (a) Get a clue.  (b) Get a life.  (c) Get out of my face.  I'm not in yours.\n# \n# ----bi    Andrew D. Simchik\t\t\t\t\tSCHNOPIA!\n\nYes you are.  When you and the rest of the homosexual community\npass laws to impose your moral codes on me, by requiring me to\nhire, rent to, or otherwise associate with a homosexual against\nmy will, yes, you are in my face.  Until homosexuals stop trying\nto impose their morals on me, I will be in your face about this.\n-- \nClayton E. Cramer {uunet,pyramid}!optilink!cramer  My opinions, all mine!\nRelations between people to be by mutual consent, or not at all.\n",
  'From: bryanw@rahul.net (Bryan Woodworth)\nSubject: Re: CView answers\nNntp-Posting-Host: bolero\nOrganization: a2i network\nLines: 14\n\nIn <1993Apr16.114158.2246@whiting.mcs.com> sean@whiting.mcs.com (Sean Gum) writes:\n\n>A stupid question, but what will CView run on and where can I get it? I\n>am still in need of a GIF viewer for Linux. (Without X-Windows.)\n>Thanks!\n> \n\nHo boy. There is no way in HELL you are going to be able to view GIFs or do\nany other graphics in Linux without X windows!  I love Linux because it is\nso easy to learn..  You want text?  Okay.   Use Linux. You want text AND\ngraphics?  Use Linux with X windows.  Simple.  Painless.  REQUIRED to have\nX Windows if you want graphics!  This includes fancy word processors like\ndoc, image viewers like xv, etc.\n\n',
  'From: kozloce@wkuvx1.bitnet\nSubject: Re: Good for hockey/Bad for hockey\nOrganization: Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY\nLines: 25\n\nIn article <Rs2J2B8w164w@cellar.org>, darling@cellar.org (Thomas Darling) writes:\n> jmd@cbnewsm.cb.att.com (joseph.m.dakes) writes:\n> \n>> In article <1ppdccINNbe1@dev-null.phys.psu.edu>, stimpy@dev-null.phys.psu.edu\n>> > In article <C4wxnF.Bx1@constellation.ecn.uoknor.edu> mfoster@alliant.backbo\n>> > >I prefer the Miami Colons myself.  Headline: FLAMES BLOW OUT COLONS, 9-1\n>> > \n>> > Would Kevin Dineen play for the Miami Colons???\n>> \n>> As a Flyers fan, I resent you making Kevin Dineen the butt of your\n>> jokes:-)!\n> \n> Aw, just take a moment to digest it and I\'m sure you\'ll see the humour...\n> \n> ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^\\\\\\^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^\n> Thomas A. Darling \\\\\\ The Cellar BBS & Public Access System: 215.539.3043\n> darling@cellar.org \\\\\\ GEnie: T.DARLING \\\\ FactHQ "Truth Thru Technology"\n> v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~\\\\\\~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v\n\n\nIf anybody is having problems following the thread be sure to ask the\norigonal poster to rectify your misunderstanding.\n\nKOZ\nLETS GO CAPS!!!\n',
  'From: kimd@rs6401.ecs.rpi.edu (Daniel Chungwan Kim)\nSubject: WANTED: Super 8mm Projector with SOUNDS\nKeywords: wanted\nNntp-Posting-Host: rs6401.ecs.rpi.edu\nLines: 11\n\n\n\n\tI am looking for Super 8mm Projector with SOUNDS.\nIf anybody out there has one for sale, semd email with \nthe name of brand, condition of projector, and price for\nsale to kimd@rpi.edu\n(IT MUST HAVE SOUND CAPABILITY)\n\ndanny\nkimd@rpi.edu\n\n',
  'Subject: Re: NHLPA poll (partial stats/results)\nFrom: caldwell8102@mtroyal.ab.ca\nOrganization: Mount Royal College, Calgary, Alberta\nLines: 10\n\nIn article <ofnmaO_00iV1A6kYd2@andrew.cmu.edu> Young-Soo Che <yc25+@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:\n>All these people who send in their polls should take a closer look at\n>NJD, they are a very deep team, with two very capable goalies, and\n>excellent forwards and defensemen.  Shooter in Richer, an all around do\n>it all in Todd, chef Stasny-master of a thousand dishes, power play\n\nKevin Todd is an Oiler and has been one for months. How closely do you follow\nthe Devils, anyway? Jeez....\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAlan\n',
  'From: bshaw@spdc.ti.com (Bob Shaw)\nSubject: SUMMARY  xon and X11R5\nNntp-Posting-Host: bobasun\nOrganization: TI Semiconductor Process and Design Center\nLines: 15\n\n\nHi folks\nThanks to the ones that replied, however, my problem turned out\nto be very simple.\n\nIn my .Xresources I had a space after XTerm*font:   10x20.\nRemoving this and xrdb fixed my problem.\n\nAlso, same symptom, was that some of my users did not have the\nproper capitals for XTerm*font.\n\nThanks again\n\nBob\n\n',
  'From: ramirez@IASTATE.EDU (Richard G Ramirez)\nSubject: Re: SUMMARY: Borland/Microsoft Database C Libraries\nReply-To: ramirez@IASTATE.EDU (Richard G Ramirez)\nOrganization: Iowa State University\nLines: 4\n\nCould you post a description of ObjectBase, your chosen\nproduct.\n\nThanks\n',
  'From: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nSubject: Re: tuberculosis\nReply-To: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <1993Mar25.020646.852@news.columbia.edu> jhl14@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Jonathan H. Lin) writes:\n>I was wondering what steps are being taken to prevent the spread of\n>multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.  I\'ve heard that some places are\n>thinking of incarcerating those with the disease.  Doesn\'t this violate\n>the civil rights of these individuals?  Are there any legal precedents\n>for such action?\n>\n\nWho knows in this legal climate, but there is tremendous legal precendent\nfor forcibly quarantining TB patients in sanitariums.  100 yrs ago\nit was done all the time.  It has been done sporadically all along\nin patients who won\'t take their medicine.  If you have TB you\nmay find yourself under surveilence of the Public Health Department\nand you may find they have the legal power to insist you make your\nclinic visits.\n-- \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGordon Banks  N3JXP      | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and\ngeb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu   |  it is shameful to surrender it too soon." \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  "From: iisakkil@lk-hp-22.hut.fi (Mika Iisakkila)\nSubject: Re: DX3/99\nIn-Reply-To: robert.desonia@hal9k.ann-arbor.mi.us's message of 5 Apr 93 23:53:00 GMT\nNntp-Posting-Host: lk-hp-22.hut.fi\nOrganization: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland\nLines: 16\n\nrobert.desonia@hal9k.ann-arbor.mi.us (Robert Desonia)  writes:\n>I heard the rumor as well, but the story differed.  Intel was not coming \n>out with the tripling clock 486, a clone from IBM was.\n\nNo rumour, IBM's clock tripling chip was seen in some trade show last\nfall (COMDEX or something, I wasn't there). All you people who are\ndrooling after this chip do realize that it has no FPU, just like\n486SX, that Evil Marketing Ploy(tm) from Intel, don't you? It has 16K\nof internal cache, which probably is where the saved silicon real\nestate went. Because of some contract, IBM is not allowed to sell its\n486 chips to third parties, so these chips are unlikely to become\navailable in any non-IBM machines. Of course, nothing prevents other\ncompanies from implementing a DX3/99, but nobody hasn't even come out\nwith a real 486DX (FPU and all) clone yet (although AMD soon will).\n--\nSegmented Memory Helps Structure Software\n",
  'From: steph@pegasus.cs.uiuc.edu (Dale Stephenson)\nSubject: Re: Giants\' GM Quinn *is* a genius!\nArticle-I.D.: pegasus.steph.734129736\nOrganization: University of Illinois, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Urbana, IL\nLines: 17\n\nIn <18979@autodesk.COM> trs@Autodesk.COM (Tom Schroeder) writes:\n\n>nlu@Xenon.Stanford.EDU (Nelson Lu) writes:\n\n>> During the same time span, the Braves developed John Smoltz, Tom Glavine,\n>> Steve Avery, David Justice, Ron Gant, and Jeff Blauser, among others.\n>> \n>  Avery, I believe, came from the Phillies.  Jeff Blauser?!?\n\nAvery was the #2 overall pick by the Braves, behind Mark Lewis (I think) in\n1988.  John Smoltz came over to the Braves from the Tigers, but was developed\nby the Braves.  Jeff Blauser isn\'t a bad player.\n-- \nDale J. Stephenson |*| (steph@cs.uiuc.edu) |*| Baseball fanatic\n\n  "It is considered good to look wise, especially when not \n   overburdened with information" -- J. Golden Kimball\n',
  "From: Mark W. Dubin\nSubject: Re: ringing ears\nOriginator: dubin@spot.Colorado.EDU\nKeywords: ringing ears, sleep, depression\nNntp-Posting-Host: spot.colorado.edu\nReply-To: dubin@spot.colorado.edu\nOrganization: Univ. of Colorado-Boulder\nLines: 31\n\njfare@53iss6.Waterloo.NCR.COM (Jim Fare) writes:\n\n>A friend of mine has a trouble with her ears ringing. [etc.]\n\n\nA.  Folks, do we have an FAQ on tinnitus yet?\n\nB.  As a lo-o-o-ong time sufferer of tinnitus and as a neuroscientist\nwho has looked over the literature carefully I believe the following\nare reasonable conclusions:\n\n1. Millions of people suffer from chronic tinnitus.\n2. The cause it not understood.\n3. There is no accepted treatment that cures it.\n4. Some experimental treatments may have helped some people a bit, but\nthere have be no reports--even anecdotal--of massive good results with\nany of these experimental drugs.\n5. Some people with chronic loud tinnitus use noise blocking to get to sleep.\n6. Sudden onset loud tinnitus can be caused by injuries and sometimes\nabates or goes away after a few months.\n7. Aspirin is well known to exacerbate tinnitus in some people.\n8. There is a national association of tinnitus sufferers in the US.\n9. One usually gets used to it.  Especially when concentrating on\nsomething else the tinnitus becomes unnoticed.\n10.  Stress and lack of sleep make tinnitus more annoying, sometimes.\n11.  I'm sure those of us who have it wish there was a cure, but there\nis not.\n\nMark dubin\nthe ol' professor\n\n",
  "From: patter@dasher.cc.bellcore.com (patterson,george r)\nSubject: Re: Power, signal surges in home...\nOrganization: Bellcore, Livingston, NJ\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.232804.24632@mprgate.mpr.ca> vanderby@mprgate.mpr.ca (David Vanderbyl) writes:\n>kludge@grissom.larc.nasa.gov (Scott Dorsey) writes:\n>\n>>My car, unfortunately, has so much computer junk under the hood that it's\n>>astonishingly sensitive to RFI.  \n>\n>Hmmmmm... this has possibilities:\n>If the police are in pursuit of a vehicle, maybe they can bombard it with\n>high energy RFI.  :-)\n\nRight. So all the cops will be buying antique muscle cars for chase cars;\notherwise the *police* cars will die too!\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n                    | To get the attention of a large animal, be it an\n                    | elephant or a bureaucracy, it helps to know what\nGeorge Patterson -  | part of it feels pain. Be very sure, though, that\n                    | you want its full attention.\n                    |                            Kelvin Throop\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
  'From: paulson@tab00.larc.nasa.gov (Sharon Paulson)\nSubject: Re: food-related seizures?\nOrganization: NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA, USA\nLines: 52\n\t<1993Apr17.184305.18758@spdcc.com>\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cmb00.larc.nasa.gov\nIn-reply-to: dyer@spdcc.com\'s message of Sat, 17 Apr 1993 18:43:05 GMT\n\nIn article <1993Apr17.184305.18758@spdcc.com> dyer@spdcc.com (Steve Dyer) writes:\n\n   Newsgroups: sci.med\n   Path: news.larc.nasa.gov!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!think.com!hsdndev!spdcc!dyer\n   From: dyer@spdcc.com (Steve Dyer)\n   Organization: S.P. Dyer Computer Consulting, Cambridge MA\n   References: <20996.3049.uupcb@factory.com> <79727@cup.portal.com>\n   Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1993 18:43:05 GMT\n   Lines: 18\n\n   In article <79727@cup.portal.com> mmm@cup.portal.com (Mark Robert Thorson) writes:\n   >I remember hearing a few years back about a new therapy for hyperactivity\n   >which involved aggressively eliminating artificial coloring and flavoring\n   >from the diet.  The theory -- which was backed up by interesting anecdotal\n   >results -- is that certain people are just way more sensitive to these\n   >chemicals than other people.  I don\'t remember any connection being made\n   >with seizures, but it certainly couldn\'t hurt to try an all-natural diet.\n\n   Yeah, the "Feingold Diet" is a load of crap.  Children diagnosed with ADD\n   who are placed on this diet show no improvement in their intellectual and\n   social skills, which in fact continue to decline.  Of course, the parents\n   who are enthusiastic about this approach lap it up at the expense of their\n   children\'s development.  So much for the value of "interesting anecdotal\n   results".  People will believe anything if they want to.\n\n   -- \n   Steve Dyer\n   dyer@ursa-major.spdcc.com aka {ima,harvard,rayssd,linus,m2c}!spdcc!dyer\n\n\nThanks for all the interest in this problem of mine. I don\'t think it\nis a reaction to sugar or junk food per se since Kathryn has never shown\nany signs of hyperactivity or changes in behavior in response to food.\nShe has always been very calm and dare I say, a neat, smart kid.\n\nThe fact that this happened while eating two sugar coated cereals made\nby Kellog\'s makes me think she might be having an allergic reaction to\nsomething in the coating or the cereals.  Of the four of us in our\nimmediate family, Kathryn shows the least signs of the hay fever, running\nnose, itchy eyes, etc. but we have a lot of allergies in our family history\nincluding some weird food allergies - nuts, mushrooms. \n\nAnyway, our next trip is to an endocrinologist to check out the body\nchemistry.  But so far, no more sugar coated cereals and no more seizures\neither.  Every day that goes by without one makes me heave a sigh of\nrelief.  Thanks again.\n\n--\nSharon Paulson                      s.s.paulson@larc.nasa.gov\nNASA Langley Research Center\nBldg. 1192D, Mailstop 156           Work: (804) 864-2241\nHampton, Virginia.  23681           Home: (804) 596-2362\n',
  'From: mjs@sys.uea.ac.uk (Mike Sixsmith)\nSubject: Re: Countersteering_FAQ please post\nOrganization: University of East Anglia\nLines: 78\n\negreen@east.sun.com (Ed Green - Pixel Cruncher) writes:\n\n>In article 735207403@zen.sys.uea.ac.uk, mjs@sys.uea.ac.uk (Mike Sixsmith) writes:\n>>egreen@east.sun.com (Ed Green - Pixel Cruncher) writes:\n>>\n\n>1.  All of us that argue about gyroscopes, etc., throughly understand\n>the technique of countersteering.\n\nIncluding all the ones who think that they countersteer all the way\nthrough a corner??\n\n>The underlying physics are a\n>different matter, and need not be taught to beginners. \n\nAgreed!\n\n>Countersteering\n>(the technique), should be taught, for only with understanding of the\n>technique can one develop maximally effective emergency avoidance\n>manuvers.\n\nThis is really the only thing we disagree on. Maybe we should agree to\ndisagree?? I still think  that telling newbies to steer left to turn\nto the right is unnecessarily confusing, when they\'ll do it anyway if they\njust get on the bike and ride the damn thing.\n\n\n>2. *I* know exactly what\'s happening.  It\'s those *other* gits that\n>haven\'t a clue!  :^)\n\n\nMe too!!\n\n:-)\n\n\n>>Understanding the physics of traction is fine - but I cannot see how\n>>detailed theory like that has any place in a motorcyle training course.\n>>All you need to know is that maximum traction is obtained with the tyre\n>>*just* beginning to slide against the road.\n\n>Then we are in violent disagreement.  While what you state is true, it\n>is insufficient to form a traction management policy.  Available\n>traction increases with applied normal force, ie, traction available to\n>the front wheel increases as weight shifts under braking forces, and\n>correspondingly decreases at the rear.  Thus, a *technique* of applying\n>both brakes, and easing off the rear and increasing pressure on the\n>front, can best be learned with an understanding of weight shift and\n>available traction.\n\nJeez, Ed, when you started talking about traction management policies I\nthought you were making some weird reference to looking after railway\nlocomotives...\n\nThe official line here (though I do have my doubts about it) is that the\nfront brake is applied first, followed by the rear brake, the idea being\nthat you avoid locking up the rear after weight transfer takes place. In\npractice I suspect most people do what you describe.\n\n>Saying, "brake until the tire just begins to slide" is next to useless\n>advice to a newbie.  He has to go out and slide the tire to find out\n>where that is!  It also gives him zero information from which to\n>develop a braking technique that changes as the braking and\n>corresponding weight shift develop.\n\nIf you don\'t slide the tyre, you have no way of knowing whether you\'ve\nachieved maximum braking or not. I\'m not suggesting that you should always\naim to brake as hard as you possibly can - but if you want to find the\nlimits of the machine, you have to go beyond them. \n\nIn any case, for maximum braking, if (as I suggested) you aim to keep\nboth wheels just on the point of sliding, then you\'ll be doing\nexactly as *you* suggest!!\n\n\n\n\n',
  "From: guykuo@carson.u.washington.edu (Guy Kuo)\nSubject: Quadra 700 Memory Install FAQ\nOrganization: University of Washington\nLines: 69\nNNTP-Posting-Host: carson.u.washington.edu\nSummary: Instructions for Quadra 700 memory installation\nKeywords: memory,quadra,700,install\n\nThis is turning into a FAQ\n\n\nHere is how to violate your Quadra 700 warranty and install your own\nmemory.\n\n1)  Insert usual disclaimer here\n \n2)  Remove the top lid of the machine. You will see the floppy disk and\n    hard drive mounted in a plastic tower. Follow the usual anti-static\n    precautions and of course make sure the machine is OFF when you do\n    this. Unplug the wall and monitor power supply cords from the back\n\tof the mac.\n \n3)  Remove the power supply by pulling the plastic interlocking tab on the\n    tower forward and simultaneously pulling the power supply straight up.\n    The tab is a piece of plastic from the left posterior aspect of the\n    tower which extends downward to hook on to the power supply. You may\n    also feel a horseshoe shaped piece at the right portion of the power\n    supply. Leave that alone. The plastic tab from the tower is all you\n    need release.\n \n4)  Look at the rear of the tower assembly. You will see the flat ribbon\n    SCSI connector to the hard drive, a power cable and a flat ribbon cable\n    leading to the floppy drive. Disconnect all these from the motherboard.\n    The hard drive power cable connector has a tab which must be squeezed\n    to release it.\n                                            \n5)  Unplug the drive activity LED from its clear plastic mount\n\n6)  Look down the posterior, cylindrical section of the plastic tower. A\n    phillips head screw is at the base. Remove it, taking care not to drop\n    it into the case. A bit of gummy glue on your screwdriver is helpful\n    here.\n\n7)  Remove the tower assembly by pulling medially the plastic tab on the\n    right side of the tower. This tab prevents the tower from sliding\n\tposteriorly. Slide the entire tower assembly 1 cm posteriorly then\n\tlift the tower assembly straight up and out of the case.\n\n8)  Congratulations, you have now gained access to your machine's SIMM\n    slots.\n\n9)  The six big slots are for VRAM. One usually must install all six to\n    gain useful video modes. All SIMMS (RAM or VRAM)  installed with their\n\tchips facing the front of the motherboard.\n\t\n    The four smaller sockets in front are for RAM SIMMS. Install SIMMS in\n\tsets of four into these sockets. Be sure you seat the SIMMS squarely\n\tand firmly into a fully upright position.\n\t\n10) Reinstall the tower assembly by first placing the right wall of the\n    tower against the right wall of the case with the tower assembly about\n\t1 cm posterior of its intended position. Lower the tower assembly into\n\tplace while maintaining contact with the right wall of the case.\n    Once fully down, slide the tower assembly anteriorly until it clicks\n    into place.\n\t\n11) Reconnect the motherboard ends of the cables. DONT'T FORGET THE FLOPPY\n    DRIVE CABLE.\n\n12) Replace the phillips head screw\n\n13) Drop the power supply straight down into place until it clicks in.\n\n14) Plug the hard drive activity light back into its clear plastic mount\n\nGuy Kuo <guykuo@u.washington.edu>\n\n",
  "From: rosa@ghost.dsi.unimi.it (massimo rossi)\nSubject: ide &scsi controller\nOrganization: Computer Science Dep. - Milan University\nLines: 16\n\nhi folks\ni have 2 hd first is an seagate 130mb\nthe second a cdc 340mb (with a future domain no ram)\ni'd like to change my 2 controller ide & scsi and buy\na new one with ram (at least 1mb) that could controll \nall of them\nany companies?\nhow many $?\nand is it possible via hw or via sw select how divide\nthe ram cache for 2 hd? (for example using dos that is \nabout all on one hd i'd like to reserve ram cache just to it)\n\nthanks to all\nwrite at   rosa@ghost.sm.dsi.unimi.it\n\n\n",
  'From: steven@advtech.uswest.com ( Steve Novak)\nSubject: Re: Old Predictions to laugh at...\nArticle-I.D.: advtech.1993Apr15.203546.14540\nOrganization: U S WEST Advanced Technologies\nLines: 25\nNntp-Posting-Host: jaynes.advtech.uswest.com\n\n> = (Edward [Ted] Fischer) writes:\n>> = (Robert C Hite) writes:\n\n>>DEAD WRONG!  Last time I checked, Jim Fregosi was still managing the\n>>Phillies, and doing quite a fine job thank you...best record in\n>>baseball at 8-1\n\n>Look, asshole, I got him confused with somebody else.  I didn\'t flame\n>you, and I would appreciate it if you extended me the same courtesy.\n\nWhat _is_ your problem?  Hite\'s post wasn\'t a flame.  It was a\ncorrection of *your* error.\n\nYOUR reply was a flame.  \n\n>No, I don\'t know everything in the world.  Does that surprise you?\n\nNot in the least.  \n\n\n-- \n+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\n| Steve Novak |    |"Ban the Bomb!"  "Ban the POPE!!"| \n+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\nsteven@advtech.USWest.Com\n',
  'From: johnsh@rpi.edu (Hugh Johnson)\nSubject: Re: QuickTime movie available\nArticle-I.D.: mustang.johnsh-060493161931\nOrganization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute\nLines: 31\nNntp-Posting-Host: mustang.stu.rpi.edu\n\nIn article <johnsh-040493161915@mustang.stu.rpi.edu>, I wrote:\n> \n> I\'ve used the recently-released Macintosh application MPEG to QuickTime to\n> convert the excellent MPEG "canyon.mpg" into a QuickTime movie.  While\n> anyone who would want this movie is perfectly able to convert it\n> themselves, I thought I\'d let the net know that I\'d be glad to mail copies\n> of mine out.  The movie conversion took close to SIX HOURS on my poor\n> little IIcx; in other words, unless you\'ve got a Quadra, you might not want\n> to tie up your machine in converting this file.\n> \n> The movie is a fast fly-through of a fractal-generated canyon landscape. \n> The movie is 58 seconds long, and uses the compact video compressor (i.e.,\n> QuickTime v1.5).  The movie looks okay on 8-bit displays, and looks\n> absolutely awesome on 16- and 24-bit displays.\n> \n> I\'d be happy to mail this movie to the first 20 or so people who ask for\n> it.  The only caveat is you need to be able to receive a nine-megabyte mail\n> message (the movie was stuff-it\'ed down to seven megs, but binhex ruined\n> that party).  If more then 20 people want this movie, then it\'s just more\n> evidence that the net needs a dedicated QuickTime FTP archive site.  C\'mon,\n> someone\'s gotta have a spare 1.2GB drive out there...\n\nOkay, I\'ve received a whole lot of requests for the movie, so for\nsimplicity\'s sake I can\'t mail out any more than I\'ve already received (as\nof 16:30 EDT, Tuesday).  Maybe it\'ll pop up on a site sooner or later.\n\n==============================================================================\nHugh Johnson (johnsh@rpi.edu)    | \nRensselaer Polytechnic Institute |            Welcome to Macintosh.\nTroy, New York, USA              |\n==============================================================================\n',
  "From: garyg@warren.mentorg.com (Gary Gendel)\nSubject: Re: Need to find out number to a phone lin\nOrganization: Mentor Graphics Corp. -- IC Group\nLines: 32\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: garyg@warren.mentorg.com\nNNTP-Posting-Host: garyg.warren.mentorg.com\n\nIn article 1qub4mINN7r3@rave.larc.nasa.gov, kludge@grissom.larc.nasa.gov (Scott Dorsey) writes:\n>In article <20756.2bd16dea@ecs.umass.edu> alee@ecs.umass.edu writes:\n>>\n>>Greetings!\n>>      \n>>        Situation:  I have a phone jack mounted on a wall.  I don't\n>>                    know the number of the line.  And I don't want\n>>                    to call up the operator to place a trace on it.\n>>\n>>        Question:   Is there a certain device out there that I can\n>>                    use to find out the number to the line?\n>\n>\n>Call a friend long distance, collect.  Ask to speak with yourself.  When\n>the operator asks for you, you won't be there, so ask the operator to leave\n>your number.  She'll read it out in the clear.\n>--scott\n\nEven easier, my area supports 311.  Dial this and a recording recites your number.\nPhone techs use it to verify an installed line.\n---\n\t\t\tGary Gendel\nVice President:\t\t\t\tCurrent consulting assignment:\nGenashor Corp\t\t\t\tMentor Graphics Corporation\n9 Piney Woods Drive\t\t\t15 Independence Boulevard\nBelle Mead, NJ 08502\t\t\tWarren, NJ 07059\n\nphone:\t(908) 281-0164\t\t\tphone:\t(908) 604-0883\nfax:\t(908) 281-9607\t\t\temail:\tgaryg@warren.mentorg.com\n\n\n\n",
  'From: kssimon@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (kenneth steven simon)\nSubject: Re: HELP: Need modem info for Duo 210\nSummary: very hard to get a modem \nNntp-Posting-Host: silver.ucs.indiana.edu\nOrganization: Indiana University\nLines: 34\n\n  jdsiegel@garnet.berkeley.edu (Joel Siegel) writes:\n\n  jmilhoan@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (JT) writes:\n\n  >Hi... what alternatives to the Express modem do Duo owners have (if\n  >they want to go at least 9600 baud)?\n\n  >Every place in town says they are back ordered, and part of the reason\n  >I want a laptop mac is so I can use it as a remote terminal from\n  >wherever I am, but I really would hate to have to wait 2 months to get\n  >a modem in or have to settle with 2400 baud.\n\nIf Apple didn\'t put out such a good product -- I\'d gladly take my\nbusiness to -- to -- the 8-bit Ataris.  I think the\nsituation with the Express modem is inexusable for any business.\nI\'ve had mine on order since January.  Apple finally called me last\nweek -- to tell me that I should have it "by the second week of May."\nIn the meantime, I\'ve been stuck with my Duo210 without the\nconnectability I needed it for.  I\'m sure there are plenty of people\nwho can bite back at me, citing all sorts of reasons why Apple is\nright or at least justified, but I\'m just a crabby consumer and\nwhen I order a "Duo210 with modem" that\'s the product I expect.\n\nOh, well.  It\'s not like it\'s limited to the computer biz.  Remember\nwhen the Miata came out?  What about those Cabbage Patch Dolls?  Well,\nI want my toy!  ;)\n\n\n\n-- \n-----------------------------------------------------------------\nKenneth Simon               Dept of Sociology, Indiana University\nInternet: KSSIMON@INDIANA.EDU              Bitnet: KSSIMON@IUBACS \n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  "From: ebosco@us.oracle.com (Eric Bosco)\nSubject: Re: How do I quickly switch between Windows screen resolutions?\nNntp-Posting-Host: monica.us.oracle.com\nReply-To: ebosco@us.oracle.com\nOrganization: Oracle Corp., Redwood Shores CA\nDistribution: na\nX-Disclaimer: This message was written by an unauthenticated user\n              at Oracle Corporation.  The opinions expressed are those\n              of the user and not necessarily those of Oracle.\nLines: 27\n\nIn article <C5qLr8.DJL@cbnewsl.cb.att.com> slg@slgsun.att.com (The  \nIdealistic Cynic) writes:\n>  \n> Can someone out there tell me how to switch Window's screen resolution\n> quickly and easily?  I know that I can go back into install to do it,\n> but what I'd really like is to have is the ability to just change a\n> couple of startup or configuration files and have the resolution\n> changed.  I already have both video drivers that I need on my system,\n> so that isn't a problem.\n>  \n> Thanks,\n>  \n> Sean.\n>  \n> ---\n> Sean L. Gilley\n> sean.l.gilley@att.com  <-- USE THIS ADDRESS, ALL OTHERS BOUNCE!\n> 614 236 5031 (h), 614 860 5743 (w)\n>  \nThere is a shareware program called v-switch.zip. I don't remember if it  \nis on wuarchive.wustl.edu or on ftp.cica.indiana.edu.  \n\nIt is easy to use and does the job with no problem.\n\n-Eric\n\nebosco@us.oracle.com\n",
  'Reply-To: donoghue@donoghue.win.net (Kevin Donoghue)\nFrom: donoghue@donoghue.win.net (Kevin Donoghue)\nSubject: Off Line Mail\nLines: 13\n\nI am looking for a program called VBREADER. It is an off line mail\nreader for Windows using QWK mail packets. Or if anyone knows of\nany good QWK mail readers please let me know.\n \n                                        Thanks\n                                         \n                                             Kevin \n\n_______________________________________________________________________\nKevin C. Donoghue                Internet: donoghue@donoghue.win.net\nDonoghue International           "Few love to hear the sins they love to act"\n2437 Grand Ave. Suite 273                -- William Shakespear  \nVentura CA 93003                  \n',
  'From: butzerd@maumee.eng.ohio-state.edu (Dane C. Butzer)\nSubject: How large are commercial keys?\nOrganization: The Ohio State University Dept of Electrical Engineering\nLines: 13\n\nWhat are the typical sizes for keys for commercial secret key algorithms?\nI know DES is 56 bits ("tripple DES" is 112 bits) and IDEA is 128 bits.  Is\nthere anything made in the US that has 128 bit keys?  Anything anywhere\nthat has larger keys?  I\'ve heard that RC2 can be scaled to arbitrarily\nlarge keys, but is this actually implemented anywhere?\n\nFinally, can anyone even concieve of a time/place where 128 bit keys aren\'t\nsufficient?  (I certainly can\'t - even at a trillion keys a second, it\nwould take about 10 billion years to search just one billionth of that keys\nspace.)\n\nThanks,\nDane\n',
  'From: spp@zabriskie.berkeley.edu (Steve Pope)\nSubject: Re: Is MSG sensitivity superstition?\nOrganization: U.C. Berkeley -- ERL\nLines: 17\nNNTP-Posting-Host: zion.berkeley.edu\n\nBetty Harvey writes,\n\n> I am not a researcher or a medical person but it amazes me that \n> when they can\'t find a scientific or a known fact they automatically \n> assume that the reaction is psychological.  It is mind boggling.\n\nThis, simply stated, is a result of the bankrupt ethics in\nthe healthcare and scientific medicine industries.\n\nAmerica is fed up with the massive waste and fraud that is costing\nus 15% of our GNP to support these industries, while delivering \nmarginal health care to the community.\n\nUnfortunately, the "Clinton Plan", in whatever form it\ntakes, will probably cost us an even greater sum.  Bleah.\n\nSteve\n',
  'From: lreiter@jade.tufts.edu (Lowell B. Reiter)\nSubject: Re: Duo 230 crashes aftersleep (looks like Apple bug!)\nLines: 23\nOrganization: Tufts University - Medford, MA\n\nMysstem crashes aftwer sleepp.  I use 1.0.1 enabler. I use appletalk and \nfilesharing. I have and ExpressModem.\n\n--Lowell\n--\n***********************************************************************\n* Lowell Reiter\t\t\t  "I need a Vacation... Now!!! "      *\n* Tufts University                                                    *\n* Internet Account: lreiter@jade.tufts.edu                            *\n***********************************************************************\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n',
  "Subject: XV under MS-DOS ?!?\nFrom: NO E-MAIL ADDRESS@eicn.etna.ch\nOrganization: EICN, Switzerland\nLines: 24\n\nHi ... Recently I found XV for MS-DOS in a subdirectory of GNU-CC (GNUISH). I \nuse frequently XV on a Sun Spark Station 1 and I never had problems, but when I\nstart it on my computer with -h option, it display the help menu and when I\nstart it with a GIF-File my Hard disk turns 2 or 3 seconds and the prompt come\nback.\n\nMy computer is a little 386/25 with copro, 4 Mega rams, Tseng 4000 (1M) running\nMS-DOS 5.0 with HIMEM.SYS and no EMM386.SYS. I had the GO32.EXE too... but no\ndriver who run with it.\n\nDo somenone know the solution to run XV ??? any help would be apprecied..\n\t\t\n\tThanx in advance !!!! \n             \n-- \n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n*\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    *\n*  Pascal PERRET     \t\t|\tperret@eicn.etna.ch         *\n*  Ecole d'ingénieur ETS\t|\t(Not Available at this time)*\n*  2400 Le LOCLE\t\t|\t\t\t\t    *\n*  Suisse \t\t\t\t\t\t\t    *\n*\t\t     !!!! Enjoy COMPUTER !!!!\t\t\t    *\n*\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    *\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
  'From: wagner@mala.bc.ca (TOM WAGNER, Wizzard of old Audio/Visual Equipment........Nanaimo Campus)\nSubject: Re: Suggestions  on Audio relays ???\nOrganization: Malaspina College\nLines: 63\n\nIn article <C5r60r.4ID@megatest.com>, alung@megatest.com (Aaron Lung) writes:\n> In article <C5qsBF.IEK@ms.uky.edu> billq@ms.uky.edu (Billy Quinn) writes:\n>>I built a little project using the radio shack 5vdc relays to switch\n>>audio.  I got pretty bad \'clicks\' when the thing switched.  I was doing\n>>most of the common things one is supposed to do when using relays and\n>>nothing seemed to get rid of the clicks.\n>>\n>>\n>>My question is:\n>>\n>>\tIs there a good relay/relay circuit that I can use for switching\n>>audio, so that there will be *NO* noise of any kind on the audio lines.\n>>\n>>\n>>I will appreciate any advice or references to advice.  Also, exact part\n>>numbers/company names etc. for the relays will help!\n> \n> Are you switching high level signals or low level signals like pre-amp\n> out level signals?  Also, are the clicks you mentioning the big\n> clack that happens when it switches or are you refering to contact\n> bounce?  How are you driving the relays?  TTL gate output?  Switching\n> transistor?  How are the relays connected to what you are driving?\n> \n> Need more specifics to answer your question!! :-)\n\nAs a general rule, no relay will cleanly switch audio if you try to tranfer\nthe circuit with the contacts.  The noise you hear is due to the momentary\nopening and closing of the path.\n\nThe noiseless way of transfering audio is to ground the circuit.  In high\nimpedance audio circuits a resistive "T" is constructed close to characteristic\nimpedance of the circuit.  Grounding the imputs (connected to the T) transfers\nthe audio.\n\nIn low impedance circuits transformers are usually used, and the inputs are\nshorted out or grounded.  Secondaries are paralleled at the characteristic\nimpedance.\n\nSometimes if it is necessary to actually switch audio, a second contact is used\nto momentarily short the circuit output for the duration of the switching time.\n\nTelephone relays are handy, because contacts can be adjusted to "Make before\nbreak and Vica Versa" but I haven\'t seen any of these for years.\n\nNowadys switching is done electronically with OP amps, etc.\n\nA novel circuit I used to build was a primitive "optical isolator".. It consists\nof a resistive photocell and a lamp, all packaged in a tube.  When the lamp is\noff the cell is high resistance.  Turn the lamp on and the resistance lowers\npassing the audio.  Once again this device in a "T" switches the audio.  Varying\nthe lamp resistance give a remote volume control.  Use 2 variable resisters and\nyou have a mixer!\n\nLots of luck!\n-- \n73, Tom\n================================================================================\nTom Wagner, Audio Visual Technician.  Malaspina College Nanaimo British Columbia\n(604)753-3245, Loc 2230  Fax:755-8742  Callsign:VE7GDA Weapon:.45 Kentucky Rifle\nSnail mail to:  Site Q4, C2.   RR#4, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, V9R 5X9  \n\nI do not recyle.....   I keep everything!       (All standard disclaimers apply)\n================================================================================\n',
  'From: bcash@crchh410.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Brian Cash)\nSubject: Re: Ancient islamic rituals\nNntp-Posting-Host: crchh410\nOrganization: BNR, Inc.\nLines: 38\n\nIn article <1993Apr3.081052.11292@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au>, darice@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au (Fred Rice) writes:\n|> There has been some discussion on the pros and cons about sex outside of\n|> marriage.\n  ...\n|> \n|> Where is the evidence for my opinions?  At the moment, there are just\n|> generalities I can cite.  For example, I read that in the 20th century,\n|> the percentage of youth (and people in general) who suffer from\n|> depression has been steadily climbing in Western societies (probably\n|> what I was reading referred particularly to the USA).  Similarly, one\n|> can detect a trend towards greater occurrence of sex outside of marriage\n|> in this century in Western societies -- particularly with the "sexual\n|> revolution" of the 60\'s, but even before that I think (otherwise the\n|> "sexual revolution" of the 60\'s would not have been possible),\n|> particularly with the gradual weakening of Christianity and consequently\n|> Christian moral teachings against sex outside of marriage.  I propose\n|> that these two trends -- greater level of general depression in society\n|> (and other psychological problems) and greater sexual promiscuity -- are\n|> linked, with the latter being a prime cause of the former.  I cannot\n|> provide any evidence beyond this at this stage, but the whole thesis\n|> seems very reasonable to me and I request that people ponder upon it.\n|> \n|>  Fred Rice <-- a Muslim, giving his point of view.\n|>  darice@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au   \n\nI think this is a big leap sex->depression.  One example is myself,\nwhere no sex->depression :)  But, seriously 1) promiscuity is on a decline,\ndepression is not and 2) it might be more reasonable to say \ndepression->promiscuity.  I think depression is more likely to come\nfrom emotional problems (relationships, family, job, friends) and\npromiscuity is used as an escape.\nSince I see marriage as a civil and religious bond rather than an\nemotional bond, I don\'t see a problem with sex before (not outside of)\nmarriage so long as you have the same commitment and devotion as\nwhat is expected from a married couple.  Of course, this is just \nmy opinion.\n\nBrian /-|-\\\n',
  'From: cdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares)\nSubject: Re: Rewording the Second Amendment (ideas)\nOrganization: Stratus Computer, Inc.\nLines: 40\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: rocket.sw.stratus.com\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.083057.16899@ousrvr.oulu.fi>, dfo@vttoulu.tko.vtt.fi (Foxvog Douglas) writes:\n> In article <1qv87v$4j3@transfer.stratus.com> cdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares) writes:\n> >In article <C5n3GI.F8F@ulowell.ulowell.edu>, jrutledg@cs.ulowell.edu (John Lawrence Rutledge) writes:\n\n> >> The massive destructive power of many modern weapons, makes the\n> >> cost of an accidental or crimial usage of these weapons to great.\n> >> The weapons of mass destruction need to be in the control of\n> >> the government only.  Individual access would result in the\n> >> needless deaths of millions.  This makes the right of the people\n> >> to keep and bear many modern weapons non-existant.\n\n> >Thanks for stating where you\'re coming from.  Needless to say, I\n> >disagree on every count.\n\n> You believe that individuals should have the right to own weapons of\n> mass destruction?  I find it hard to believe that you would support a \n> neighbor\'s right to keep nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and nerve\n> gas on his/her property.  \n\n> If we cannot even agree on keeping weapons of mass destruction out of\n> the hands of individuals, can there be any hope for us?\n\nI don\'t sign any blank checks.\n\nWhen Doug Foxvog says "weapons of mass destruction," he means CBW and\nnukes.  When Sarah Brady says "weapons of mass destruction" she means\nStreet Sweeper shotguns and semi-automatic SKS rifles.  When John\nLawrence Rutledge says "weapons of mass destruction," and then immediately\nfollows it with:\n\n> The US has thousands of people killed each year by handguns,\n> this number can easily be reduced by putting reasonable restrictions\n> on them.\n\n...what does Rutledge mean by the term?\n-- \n\ncdt@rocket.sw.stratus.com   --If you believe that I speak for my company,\nOR cdt@vos.stratus.com        write today for my special Investors\' Packet...\n\n',
  'From: hughes@jupiter.ral.rpi.edu (Declan Hughes)\nSubject: Manual for Eprom Blower (Logical Devices Prompro-8) Wanted\nNntp-Posting-Host: jupiter.ral.rpi.edu\nOrganization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 7\n\n\n  I have an eprom blower made by Logical Devices and the\n model name is Prompro-8, but I have lost the manual. Does anyone\n have a spare manual that they would like to sell ?\n\n   Declan Hughes\n   hughes@ral.rpi.edu\n',
  'Subject: Re: "Proper gun control?" What is proper gun cont\nFrom: kim39@scws8.harvard.edu (John Kim)\nOrganization: Harvard University Science Center\nNntp-Posting-Host: scws8.harvard.edu\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <C5JGz5.34J@SSD.intel.com> hays@ssd.intel.com (Kirk Hays) writes:\n>I\'d like to point out that I was in error - "Terminator" began posting only \n>six months before he purchased his first firearm, according to private email\n>from him.\n>I can\'t produce an archived posting of his earlier than January 1992,\n>and he purchased his first firearm in March 1992.\n>I guess it only seemed like years.\n>Kirk Hays - NRA Life, seventh generation.\n\nI first read and consulted rec.guns in the summer of 1991.  I\njust purchased my first firearm in early March of this year.\n\n NOt for lack of desire for a firearm, you understand.  I could \nhave purchased a rifle or shotgun but didn\'t want one.\n-Case Kim\n\n\n',
  'From: mwbg9715@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Mark Wayne Blunier)\nSubject: Re: 5W30, 10W40, or 20W50\nOrganization: University of Illinois at Urbana\nLines: 12\n\nzowie@daedalus.stanford.edu (Craig "Powderkeg" DeForest) writes:\n\n>If you\'re planning on making long drives, the 20W50 is probably fine\n>(esp. in the summer) in your 10W40 car.  But if you\'re making short drives,\n>stick to the 10W40.\n\nSeveral years ago GM was having trouble with the rings sticking on the\n5.7 diesel.  They traced a cause to the use of 10W-40 oil.  They would\nnot honor warranty work if 10W-40 was used (if my memory serves me).\n5-30, 10-30 or 20 50 was OK\'d though.\n\nMark B.\n',
  'From: clamen+@CS.CMU.EDU (Stewart Clamen)\nSubject: Re: Binyamin Netanyahu on CNN tonight.\nIn-Reply-To: mkaye@world.std.com\'s message of Thu, 15 Apr 1993 13:56:58 GMT\nOriginator: clamen@BYRON.SP.CS.CMU.EDU\nNntp-Posting-Host: byron.sp.cs.cmu.edu\nReply-To: clamen+@CS.CMU.EDU\nOrganization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University\nLines: 15\n\n\nIn article <C5J2qz.MnE@world.std.com> mkaye@world.std.com (Martin Kaye) writes:\n\n   Great interview with Benjamin Netanyahu on CNN - Larry King Live (4/15/93)\n   This guy is knows what he is talking about. He is truely charismatic,\n   articulate, intelligent, and demonstrates real leadership qualities. \n\nI agree, but I wish I liked his politics.\n\n--\nStewart M. Clamen\t\t\tInternet:    clamen@cs.cmu.edu\nSchool of Computer Science\t\tUUCP: \t     uunet!"clamen@cs.cmu.edu"\nCarnegie Mellon University\t\tPhone: \t     +1 412 268 2145\n5000 Forbes Avenue\t\t\tFax:\t     +1 412 681 5739\nPittsburgh, PA 15213-3891, USA\n',
  'From: johnsd2@rpi.edu (Dan Johnson)\nSubject: Re: intolerance - eternal life - etc\nReply-To: johnsd2@rpi.edu\nOrganization: not Sun Microsystems\nLines: 186\n\nI apologize if this article is slightly confusing, and late. The origonal\ndraft didn\'t make it through the moderators quote-screens. So I did\nviolence to it, but if you remember the article I am responding\nto it should still make sence.\n\nIn article 1850@geneva.rutgers.edu, jsledd@ssdc.sas.upenn.edu (James Sledd) writes:\n>Hi Xian Netters,  God bless you\n\nWhat, no hello for heathan netters?\n\nI feel all left out now. :(\n\n[deletia- table of content, intro, homosexuality]\n\n>\n>INCREDIBLY CHOPPED UP POST\n\n[deletia- incorrect attributions]\n\nUh, you have your attributions wrong, you were responding\nto my article, so Dan Johnson should be the 1st one.\n\n>In article 28388@athos.rutgers.edu, jayne@mmalt.guild.org \n>(Jayne Kulikauskas) writes:\n\n[deletia- no free gifts speil nuked by moderator fiat.]\n\n>I find that I am dissatisfied with the little purposes that we can\n>manufacture for ourselves.  Little in the cosmic sense.\n\nAh, in the _cosmic_ sence.. but who lives in the cosmic sence?\nNot me! Cosmicly, we don\'t even exist for all practical purposes.\nI can hardly use the Cosmic Sence Of Stuff as a guide to life.\nIt would just say: "don\'t bother."\n\nLuckily for mortals, there are many sences of scale you can talk\nabout. In a human sence, you can have big purposes.\n\n>  Even the\n>greatest of the great pharos are long gone, the pyramids historical\n>oddities being worn down by the wind, eventually to be turned into dust.\n\nBut the influence of Aristotle, Confucious, Alexander, Ceasar and\ncountless others is still with us, although their works have perished.\n\nBut they have changed to course of history, and while humanity exists,\ntheir deeds cannot be said to have come to nothing, even if they\nare utterly forgotten.\n\n>Mankind itself will one day perish.\n\nOne day, surely. (well, unless you believe in the Second Coming, which\nI do not)\n\nBut in that time we can make a difference.\n\n> Without some interconnectedness\n>that transcends the physical, without God, it is all pointless in the\n>end.\n\nIn the end. But it must be the end; until then, there is all the\npoint you can muster. And when that end comes, there will be nobody\nto ask, "Gee, I don\'t think James Sledd\'s deeds are gonna make\nmuch of a difference, ulitmately, ya know?".\n\nBut they will have already have made a difference, great or small,\nbefore the end.\n\nWhy must your ends be eternal to be worthwhile?\n\n>  Most people are able to live with that, and for them little\n>purposes (success, money, power, effecting change, helping others)\n>suffice.\n\nLittle is in the eye of the beholder, of course.\n\n>  I suppose they never  think about the cosmic scale, or are at\n>least able to put it out of their minds.\n\nI don\'t doubt it. But I have thought about the cosmic scale. And\nit does not seem to mean much to us, here, today.\n\n>To me, it is comforting to know that reality is an illusion.\n\nI would not find this comforting. But perhaps it is merely my\ndefinitions. Here\'s what I think the relevant terms are:\n\n"Reality"\tThat which is real.\n"Illusion"\tThat which is not real, but seems to be.\n"Real"\t\tObjectively Existing\n\nFor "reality" to be an "illusion" would mean, then:\n\nThat which is real is not real, but seems to be.\n\nOr:\n\nThat which objectively exists, does not objectively exist, but\ndoes seem to objectively exist.\n\nFrom which we can conclude, that unless you want to get a\ncontradiction, that no things objectively exist.\n\nBut I have a problem with this because I would like to say\nthat *I* objectively exist, if nothing else. Cogito Ergo Sum\nand all that.\n\nPerhaps you do not mean all that, but rather mean:\n"Objective Reality is Unreachable by humans."\n\nWhich is not so bad, and so far as I know is true.\n\n>  That the\n>true reality underneath the the physical is spirit.\n\nHave on. If reality is an illusion, isn\'t True Reality an illusion\ntoo? And if True Reality is spirit, doens\'t that make Spirit an Illusion\nas well?\n\nIf I am not distinctly confused, this is getting positively Buddhist.\n\n>  That this world is a school of sorts, where we learn\n>and grow, and our souls mature.\n\nThat is one hell of a statement, although perhaps true.\n\nDo you mean to imply that it was *intended* to be so? If so,\nplease show that this is true. If not, please explain how this\ncan give a purpose to anything.\n\n> That gives a purpose to my little purposes,\n\nHow does it do that?\n\nWouldn\'t the world=school w/ intent idea make the world a preparation for\nsome *greater* purpose, rather than a purpose in itself.\n\n> and takes some of the pressure off.\n\nWhat pressure?\n\n>  It\'s not so necessary to make this life a success in human terms\n>if you\'re really just here to learn.\n\nIt is not necessary to be a success in human terms, unless your\ngoals either include doing so or require doing so before they\nthemselves can be achived.\n\nIndeed, many people have set goals for themselves that\ndo not include success in human terms as _I_ understand it. Check\nout yer Buddhist monk type guy. Out for nirvana, which is not\nat all the same thing.\n\n>  It\'s more important to progress,\n>grow, persist, to learn to love yourself and others and to express your\n>love, especially when it\'s dificult to do so.  Honest effort is rewarded\n>by God, he knows our limitations.\n\nWhy is learning to love a goal? What happens if you fail in this\ngoal? To you? To God? To the mysterious Purpose?\n\n\n[deletia- question about immortailty and my answer deleted because it was\n mostly quote.]\n\n>TWO SERIOUS QUESTIONS/INVITATIONS TO DISCUSSION\n>1. What is the nature of eternal life?\n>2. How can we as mortals locked into space time conceive of it?\n>\n>Possible answer for #2: The best we can do is Metaphor/Analogy\n>Question 2A  What is the best metaphor?\n\nI\'ll have a crack at that.\n\n(1) The nature of eternal life is neatly described by its name: It is\nthe concept of life without death, life without end.\n\n(2) No. We can put together word to describe it, but we cannot imagine it.\n\n(2a) No metaphor is adequate next to eternity; if it were we could not\nunderstand it either. (or so I suspect)\n---\n\t\t\t- Dan Johnson\nAnd God said "Jeeze, this is dull"... and it *WAS* dull. Genesis 0:0\n\nThese opinions probably show what I know.\n',
  "From: djb@silverton.berkeley.edu (D. J. Bernstein)\nSubject: Re: Clipper chip -- technical details\nOrganization: IR\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.052005.20665@ulysses.att.com> smb@research.att.com (Steven Bellovin) writes:\n> Nothing was said about where K_P comes from.\n\nOh? Hellman said ``each user will get to choose his or her own key.''\nThat's the key which I called K_P, the session key. According to\nHellman, if Alice and Bob are communicating with the Clipper Chip,\nthen Alice chooses ``her own key'' and Bob chooses ``his own key.''\nThis is incompatible with the suggestion that when Alice and Bob are\ntalking, they use a _common_ K_P, chosen by classical or public-key\napproaches.\n\nThe protocol/key-management description published so far is either\nincomplete or incorrect. It leaves me with no idea of how the system\nwould actually _work_. I hope the CPSR FOIA request succeeds so that\nwe get full details.\n\n---Dan\n",
  'From: baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke)\nSubject: Re: Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.\nOrganization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory\nLines: 15\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41    \n\nIn article <1993Apr20.204335.157595@zeus.calpoly.edu>, jgreen@trumpet.calpoly.edu (James Thomas Green) writes...\n>Why do spacecraft have to be shut off after funding cuts.  For\n>example, Why couldn\'t Magellan just be told to go into a "safe"\n>mode and stay bobbing about Venus in a low-power-use mode and if\n>maybe in a few years if funding gets restored after the economy\n>gets better (hopefully), it could be turned on again.  \n\nIt can be, but the problem is a political one, not a technical one. \n     ___    _____     ___\n    /_ /|  /____/ \\  /_ /|     Ron Baalke         | baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov\n    | | | |  __ \\ /| | | |     Jet Propulsion Lab |\n ___| | | | |__) |/  | | |__   M/S 525-3684 Telos | The aweto from New Zealand\n/___| | | |  ___/    | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA 91109 | is part caterpillar and\n|_____|/  |_|/       |_____|/                     | part vegetable.\n\n',
  "From: eialbur@sgies9.sdrc.com (Ron Albury)\nSubject: Re: Procomm Plus for windows problems....\nOrganization: SDRC\nLines: 14\n\nYou have a lot more problems keeping up with hardware interrupts in Windows than\nin DOS - regardless of what communication software you are using.\n\nTry the following:\n   1) Turn off disk write cache for the disk you are downloading to.  The\n       cache will save up so much that when it grabs control of the machine\n       it takes too long to write to disk and you loose characters.\n\n   2) Use a different UART for your serial line.  The old UART's (8250 or 16450)\n       can only buffer one character internally.  The new UART's (16550) can\n       buffer 16, which should be plenty for most situations.  You can run\n       \\windows\\msd.exe to find out what UART is on the machine.\n\nRon\n",
  "From: abbott@priory.enet.dec.com (Robert Abbott)\nSubject: Re: water in trunk of 89 Probe??\nNntp-Posting-Host: priory\nOrganization: TP Performance\nLines: 18\n\n\nIn article <1r1crn$27g@transfer.stratus.com>, tszeto@sneezy.ts.stratus.com (Tommy Szeto) writes...\n>Water gradually builds up in the trunk of my friend's 89 Ford Probe.  Every\n>once in a while we would have to remove the spare and scoop out the water\n>under the plywood/carpet cover on the trunk.  I would guess this usually happens\n>after a good thunder storm.  A few Qs:\n> \n>1) Is this a common problem?\n>2) Where are the drain holes located for the hatch?\n> \n\nI had the same problem in my '90 MX-6. Luckily I had it fixed\nunder warranty. I think they replaced a tail light gasket.\nCheck with a dealer, it's a known problem.\n\n------------------------\nRobert K. Abbott\nabbott@tps.enet.dec.com          \n",
  'From: seth@cbnewsh.cb.att.com (peter.r.clark..jr)\nSubject: Re: Flyers [Re: This year\'s biggest and worst (opinion)...]\nOrganization: AT&T\nDistribution: na\nKeywords: NHL, awards\nLines: 80\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.165617.3215@cbnewsm.cb.att.com>, jmd@cbnewsm.cb.att.com (joseph.m.dakes) writes:\n> In article <1993Apr13.144030.28994@cbnewsh.cb.att.com>, seth@cbnewsh.cb.att.com (peter.r.clark..jr) writes:\n> \n> >So Roussel was giving up almost another goal a game while facing a proportional\n> >number of shots for the number of minutes he played, and while I have\'t\n> >actually checked I believe that he faced a lower quality of opponent.\n> \n> Make that less than half a goal a game.  The lower quality of opponet\n> argument is immaterial as neither Roussel nor Soderstrom had any say in\n> the matter.  That was Dineen\'s decision.\n\nSo in other words, if Roussel shuts out the Sharks and Soderstrom shuts out\nthe Penguins, that\'s immaterial because it was the coaches decision? Come on,\nJoe, think about what you\'re saying! Who they played is VERY significant.\nWhy they played them is what\'s irrelevent. A low GAA against good teams\nis better than a low GAA against bad teams in the context of comparing two\ngoaltenders. A low GAA is better then a higher GAA. A low GAA against good\nteams is much, much better than a higher GAA against bad teams in the context\nof comparing two goaltenders.\n\n> > The fact of the matter is that, despite last nights shutout, he doesn\'t\n> > have what it takes. Last night was due to an inept Ranger team much more\n> > than Roussel\'s skill. A 3 on 1 and they don\'t get a shot away? A 2 on none\n> > and one guy just passes and stops, the other guy shoots into Roussel\'s pad?\n> \n> C\'mon, Pete?  So the Rangers were inept.  A shutout is a shutout.  During\n> both of Soderstrom\'s masterpieces against Toronto, Mike Emerich was quoted\n> as saying he didn\'t think the Leafs had much offensive firepower past their\n> first line.  Does that make Soderstrom\'s shutouts less impressive because of\n> Toronto\'s lack of offense?\n\nYES IT DOES! Absolutely. **In the context of comparing two goaltenders**.\nOf course, at the end of the season 2 points is 2 points no matter how you\nget them. And on the score sheets shutouts are shutouts. But if you\'re a\ncoach deciding between two goalies, or a GM looking to make a trade, you\nhave got to look deeper than the stat sheets. I didn\'t see the second Toronto\ngame, but the first one was a defensive masterpiece. There was nothing in\nthat game to judge Tommy Soderstrom on because he wasn\'t tested. The same\nfor Roussel in the Ranger game. Two real scoring chances, one he made a\ngreat play, the other he was saved by a mistake from the other player. If\nyou were judging Roussel on that game alone, you have very little to go by.\n\nBut if you were to look at the 0-0 tie against the Habs, you saw a goalie\nstand on his head to get that shutout. THAT was a #1 goalie in action. Roussel\ndoesn\'t have a game like that in him.\n\n> Well if you look back to November when Roussel was the #1 goalie (Soderstrom\n> was being treated for his heart ailment).  The Flyers finished November at\n> 6-3-1 and were 9-10-4 overall.  And there\'s no way of knowing where the Flyers\n> would have finished if Soderstom wasn\'t wearing the oragne \'n black.  I\'m glad\n> we don\'t have to find out anytime soon either because he is one hell of a\n> player.  I would take him over Roussel right now, but I still think Dom has\n> what it takes to be the #1 guy.  He outperformed Hextall enough during the\n> \'91-92 season to make Flyers management think that way too.\n\nDon\'t be so sure of that. FLYERS management never says bad thing about\nRoussel, but they don\'t say too much on the good side either. I\'ve seen\nat least two interviews where every time Farwell was asked how happy he was\nto have two good goaltenders, it was Tommy this, Tommy that, and oh, yeah,\nDom has played well too.\n\n> By the way, what was the final card on Monday night?  Team picture by any\n> chance?\n\nFLYERS in the NHL Hall of Fame. Kinda dull, really. They handed out a\nteam picture to everybody who walked in from Pizza Hut, but it was the\nsame picture they sold in the programs in mid-season. Had names like Benning,\nKasper...\n\n> And how did the Flyers choose the fans who received "the shirts off our\n> backs?"  Winning Recchi\'s jersey after breaking the club\'s single season\n> point record would have been nice.  But knowing your luck you would have\n> won Roussel\'s:-)!\n\nMostly random seat locations, some were given out by having certain\nautographs on the team photos. I don\'t like that method since I\'ve seen\nguards help out people get things like Lindros pictures, surely if they\ngot their hands on an autographed picture they\'d hold \'em for their buddies.\n\npete clark\n',
  'From: mccall@mksol.dseg.ti.com (fred j mccall 575-3539)\nSubject: Re: nuclear waste\nOrganization: Texas Instruments Inc\nLines: 78\n\nIn <1993Apr2.150038.2521@cs.rochester.edu> dietz@cs.rochester.edu (Paul Dietz) writes:\n\n>In article <1993Apr1.204657.29451@mksol.dseg.ti.com> mccall@mksol.dseg.ti.com (fred j mccall 575-3539) writes:\n\n>>>This system would produce enough energy to drive the accelerator,\n>>>perhaps with some left over.  A very high power (100\'s of MW CW or\n>>>quasi CW), very sharp proton beam would be required, but this appears\n>>>achievable using a linear accelerator.  The biggest question mark\n>>>would be the lead target chemistry and the on-line processing of all\n>>>the elements being incinerated.\n>>\n>>Paul, quite frankly I\'ll believe that this is really going to work on\n>>the typical trash one needs to process when I see them put a couple\n>>tons in one end and get (relatively) clean material out the other end,\n>>plus be able to run it off its own residual power.  Sounds almost like\n>>perpetual motion, doesn\'t it?\n\n>Fred, the honest thing to do would be to admit your criticism on\n>scientific grounds was invalid, rather than pretend you were actually\n>talking about engineering feasibility.  Given you postings, I can\'t\n>say I am surprised, though.\n\nWell, pardon me for trying to continue the discussion rather than just\ntugging my forelock in dismay at having not considered actually trying\nto recover the energy from this process (which is at least trying to\ngo the \'right\' way on the energy curve).  Now, where *did* I put those\nsackcloth and ashes?\n\n[I was not and am not \'pretending\' anything; I am *so* pleased you are\nnot surprised, though.]\n\n>No, it is nothing like perpetual motion.  \n\nNote that I didn\'t say it was perpetual motion, or even that it\nsounded like perpetual motion; the phrase was "sounds almost like\nperpetual motion", which I, at least, consider a somewhat different\npropposition than the one you elect to criticize.  Perhaps I should\nbeg your pardon for being *too* precise in my use of language?\n\n>The physics is well\n>understood; the energy comes from fission of actinides in subcritical\n>assemblies.  Folks have talked about spallation reactors since the\n>1950s.  Pulsed spallation neutron sources are in use today as research\n>tools.  Accelerator design has been improving, particularly with\n>superconducting accelerating cavities, which helps feasibility.  Los\n>Alamos has expertise in high current accelerators (LAMPF), so I\n>believe they know what they are talking about.\n\nI will believe that this process comes even close to approaching\ntechnological and economic feasibility (given the mixed nature of the\ntrash that will have to be run through it as opposed to the costs of\nseparating things first and having a different \'run\' for each\nactinide) when I see them dump a few tons in one end and pull\n(relatively) clean material out the other.  Once the costs,\ntechnological risks, etc., are taken into account I still class this\none with the idea of throwing waste into the sun.  Sure, it\'s possible\nand the physics are well understood, but is it really a reasonable\napproach? \n\nAnd I still wonder at what sort of \'burning\' rate you could get with\nsomething like this, as opposed to what kind of energy you would\nreally recover as opposed to what it would cost to build and power\nwith and without the energy recovery.  Are we talking ounces, pounds,\nor tons (grams, kilograms, or metric tons, for you SI fans) of\nmaterial and are we talking days, weeks, months, or years (days,\nweeks, months or years, for you SI fans -- hmmm, still using a\nnon-decimated time scale, I see  ;-))?\n\n>The real reason why accelerator breeders or incinerators are not being\n>built is that there isn\'t any reason to do so.  Natural uranium is\n>still too cheap, and geological disposal of actinides looks\n>technically reasonable.\n\n-- \n"Insisting on perfect safety is for people who don\'t have the balls to live\n in the real world."   -- Mary Shafer, NASA Ames Dryden\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nFred.McCall@dseg.ti.com - I don\'t speak for others and they don\'t speak for me.\n',
  'From: aa888@freenet.carleton.ca (Mark Baker)\nSubject: Re: The arrogance of Christians\nReply-To: aa888@freenet.carleton.ca (Mark Baker)\nOrganization: The National Capital Freenet\nLines: 106\n\nTo what follows, our moderator has already answered the charge of \narrogance more ably that I could have done so, so I will confine\nmyself to answering the charge of illogic.\n \nIn a previous article, Eugene.Bigelow@ebay.sun.com (Geno) says:\n\n>>If I don\'t think my belief is right and everyone else\'s belief is wrong,\n>>then I don\'t have a belief. This is simply what belief means.\n>\n>Unfortunatly, this seems to be how Christians are taught to think when\n>it comes to their religion. \n\nThis is how everyone in the western intellectual tradition is, or was,\ntaught to think. It is the fundamental premis "A is not not-A". If a thing\nis true then its converse is necessarilly false. Without this basic \nasumption theology and science as we know them are alike impossible. We\nshould distinguish the strong and weak meanings of the word "believe",\nhowever. The weak sense means I am not sure. "I believe Tom went to \nthe library." (but he could have gone to the track). The strong sense\nmeans I am so certain that I use it as a basis of thought. "I believe \nthat nature operates according to certain fundamental laws." (despite \nthe fact that nature *appears* capricious and unpredictable). Christian\nbelief is of the strong kind. (Though Christians may well hold beliefs\nof the weak kind on any number of theological and ecclesiological \ntopics.)\n \n>Some take it to the extreme and say that\n>their religion is the ONLY one and if you don\'t accept their teachings\n>then you won\'t be "saved". \n\nNote that these are two separate ideas. Most hold the first view, but the \nmajority do not hold the second. Is is again a matter of pure logic that\nif Christanity is true, then Hinduism (for example) must necessarilly be\nfalse, insofar as it contradicts or is incompatible with, Christaianity. \n(And, as a matter of *logic*, vice versa.)\n \n>It takes quite a bit of arrogance to claim\n>to know what God thinks/wants. \n\nIt is arrogant to claim to know what *anyone* thinks or wants, unless \nthey have told you. Christians believe God has told us what he thinks\nand wants.\n\n>Especially when it\'s based upon your\n>interpretation of a book. \n\nMost Christians do not base their belief on the Bible, but on the living\ntradition of the Church established by Christ and guided constantly\nby the Holy Spirit. The Bible is simply the written core of that tradition.\n\n>The logic in the above statement is faulty\n>in that it assumes two people with differing beliefs can\'t both be\n>correct. \n\nIf depends what you mean by differing. If I believe Tom is six feet\ntall and you believe he weighs 200 pounds, our beliefs differ, but we \nmay both be right. If I believe Tom is six feet tall and you beleive\nthat he is four foot nine, one of us, at least, must be wrong.\n \n>It\'s all about perception. No two people are exactly alike.\n>No two people perceive everything in the same way. I believe that\n>there is one truth. Call it God\'s truth, a universal truth, or call it\n>what you will. I don\'t believe God presents this truth. I think it is\n>just there and it\'s up to you to look for and see it, through prayer,\n>meditation, inspir- ation, dreams or whatever. Just because people may\n>perceive this truth differently, it doesn\'t mean one is wrong and the\n>other is right. \n\nThus you believe that there is a single truth but that no human being \ncan find it. You assert that anyone who believe that we can find \nabsolute truth is mistaken. In short, you believe that anyone who\ndoes not share your belief on this point is wrong. QED.\n\n>As an example, take the question, "Is the glass half\n>empty or half full"? You can have two different answers which are\n>contradictory and yet both are correct. So, for your belief to be\n>true, does not require everyone else\'s belief to be wrong.\n\nHere I begin to suspect that your real difficulty is not with the\nknowability of truth, but simply with language. Saying that the glass \nis half empty is not a contradiction of the statement that it is half\nfull: it is the same fact expressed in different words. (The whole\npoint of this phrase is to illustrate the different ways the pessimist\nand the optimist express the *same* fact.)\n \nIt is, of course, quite true that different people may express the \nsame belief in different words. It is also true that they may fail\nto understand each other\'s words as expressions of the same belief\nand may argue bitterly and believe that they are miles apart. Great\nscisms have occurred in just this way, and much ecumenical work has\nbeen done simply in resolving differences in language which conceal\nagreement in belief. This does not mean, in any sense, that all beliefs\nare equally valid. Since some of the beliefs people hold contradict\nsome other beliefs that other people hold, after all obfuscations\nof language and culture in the expression of those beliefs have\nbeen stripped away, some of the beliefs that some people hold must,\n**necessarilly** be false, and it is neither arrogant nor illogical\nto say so. If I believe X and you believe Y we may both be correct, \nbut if Y is equivalent to not-X then one of us is wrong and as long\nas we hold our respective beliefs, we must each regard the other \nas in error.\n-- \n==============================================================================\nMark Baker                  | "The task ... is not to cut down jungles, but \naa888@Freenet.carleton.ca   | to irrigate deserts." -- C. S. Lewis\n==============================================================================\n',
  "From: cerna@ntep.tmg.nec.co.JP (Alexander Cerna (SV))\nSubject: transparent widgets--how?\nOrganization: The Internet\nLines: 8\nNNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu\nTo: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu\nCc: cerna@ntep.tmg.nec.co.jp\n\nI need to write an application which does annotation notes\non existing documents.  The annotation could be done several\ntimes by different people.  The idea is something like having\nseveral acetate transparencies stacked on top of each other\nso that the user can see through all of them.  I've seen\nsomething like this being done by the oclock client.\nCould someone please tell me how to do it in Xt?\nThank you very much.\n",
  "From: manes@magpie.linknet.com (Steve Manes)\nSubject: Re: Gun Control (was Re: We're Mad as Hell at the TV News)\nOrganization: Manes and Associates, NYC\nDistribution: na\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\nLines: 39\n\nSteve Kao (k@hprnd.rose.hp.com) wrote:\n: Frank Crary posted:\n: : Sure, but the difference in per-capita crime rates predates the\n: : gun control laws: The homicide rate in England was a tenth that\n: : of America, back when anyone in England could buy a gun without\n: : any paperwork at all.\n\n: Steve Manes asks:\n: > Got a citation for this?\n\n: Colin Greenwood from Scotland Yard did a study that showed that gun\n: control has had no effect on crime or murder rates in the UK.  His book,\n: _Firearms_Controls_, has been published in London by Keegan Paul (name\n: may be misspelled).\n\nOthers dispute that, like Richard Hofstadter, <America As A Gun Culture>,\nand Newton and Zimring's <Firearms and Violence in American Life>.  But,\nagain, statistics between too dissimilar cultures are difficult to\nquantify.\n\nI don't know how anyone can state that gun control could have NO\neffect on homicide rates.  There were over 250 >accidental< handgun\nhomicides in America in 1990, most with licensed weapons.  More\nAmerican children accidentally shot other children last year (15)\nthan all the handgun homicides in Great Britain.  (Source: National\nSafety Council.  Please... no dictionary arguments about RATES vs\nTOTAL NUMBERS, okay?  They're offered for emphasis, not comparison).\n\nIf Mr. Greenwood believes that Brits are much too sober and\ncoordinated to make such mistakes I'd like to introduce him to my\nfriend, Amanda from Brighton.  I used to have some pretty nice\ncrystal in my place until she moved in.  I've gotten used to the\nsnide comments from guests about the clown motif on my rubber\nwine glasses.\n\n-- \nStephen Manes\t\t\t\t\t   manes@magpie.linknet.com\nManes and Associates\t\t\t\t   New York, NY, USA  =o&>o\n\n",
  'From: duck@nuustak.csir.co.za (Paul Ducklin)\nSubject: Re: Do we need the clipper for cheap security?\nOrganization: CSIR, South AFrica\nLines: 27\nNNTP-Posting-Host: nuustak.csir.co.za\nX-Disclaimer: None of the opions expressed herein are the official\nX-Disclaimer: opinions of the CSIR or any of its subsidiaries.\nX-Disclaimer: **  So don\'t freak out at _us_ about anything  **\n\n\ngtoal@gtoal.com (Graham Toal) writes:\n\n>Can someone tell me if hardware compression is or is not needed to run\n>digital speech down 14.4K?  I think it is; I\'ve heard it\'s not.  Lets\n>say 8 bit samples.  Would *raw* data at the corresponding sampling rate\n>be usable?  If not, how fancy does the compression need to be?\n\nIt\'s all easy with a DSP. The Olivetti Quaderno, for example [*great* 1kg\nsubnotebook/palmtop PC -- sorry for the plug, folks, but Olivetti don\'t\nseem to be doing a good job marketing it themselves :-)] includes sound\ndigitisation hardware; they provide vocoders for their DSP which produce\nvarous bit-rates. There\'s one which gives pretty acceptable voice\nquality at 13Kbit/sec, just right for a V.32bis modem.\n\nTheir DSP can play and record at the same time, too -- so you wouldn\'t\nneed to play "two-way-radio". You can also download code to the DSP\nsubunit, though you\'d need a software development kit for the DSP in \nquestion [dunno which it is...] if you wanted to produce your own \nvocoder for, say, V.32 speeds.\n\nPaul\n\n    /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n    \\  Paul Ducklin                         duck@nuustak.csir.co.za  /\n    /  CSIR Computer Virus Lab + Box 395 + Pretoria + 0001 S Africa  \\\n    \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n',
  'From: rick@howtek.MV.COM (Rick Roy)\nSubject: 8*24 card questions\nOrganization: Howtek, Inc.\nReply-To: rick@howtek.MV.COM (Rick Roy)\nX-Mailer: uAccess - Macintosh Release: 1.6v2\nLines: 31\n\nI\'m considering buying one of these to offload the internal video\nin my IIci and to get 24 bit color capability on my 13" monitor. What\'s\nthe deal on them?\n\n1) Do they come with varying amounts of RAM? If so, what is the max\nand min? How much do I need for 640 x 480 x 24 bits?\n\n2) What bit depths are supported? One, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24?\n\n3) Are all these cards accelerated or just some? Is it true that\nmodern accelerated video cards are (at least in general) faster? What\nbit depths are accelerated, all or just 24 bit? I\'ve heard that some\napplications actually run *slower* with this card if they write directly\nto the screen (or something like that). Is this a frequent problem?\nHow much slower is it?\n\n4) Didn\'t I read (when System 7 first came out) that the card was\nincompatible? If so, how was this corrected (Finder patch, some INIT,\nor other)? Has it been kept compatible with 7.1? Are there many other\napps that it is incompatible with (games or important (i.e., non-\nMicrosloth) apps, for example)?\n\n5) If you have a strong opinion on it\'s value for someone in my position,\nlet me know what you think a reasonable price is to pay for it.\n\nThanks a lot for you input.\nRick\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\nRick Roy       Usenet: rick@howtek.MV.com       America Online: QED\nDisclaimer: My employer\'s views are orthogonal to these.\nThe early bird got worms.\n',
  'From: annick@cortex.physiol.su.oz.au (Annick Ansselin)\nSubject: Re: Is MSG sensitivity superstition?\nNntp-Posting-Host: cortex.physiol.su.oz.au\nOrganization: Department of Physiology, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia\nLines: 29\n\nIn <C5nFDG.8En@sdf.lonestar.org> marco@sdf.lonestar.org (Steve Giammarco) writes:\n\n>>\n>>And to add further fuel to the flame war, I read about 20 years ago that\n>>the "natural" MSG - extracted from the sources you mention above - does not\n>>cause the reported aftereffects; it\'s only that nasty "artificial" MSG -\n>>extracted from coal tar or whatever - that causes Chinese Restaurant\n>>Syndrome.  I find this pretty hard to believe; has anyone else heard it?\n\nMSG is mono sodium glutamate, a fairly straight forward compound. If it is\npure, the source should not be a problem. Your comment suggests that \nimpurities may be the cause.\nMy experience of MSG effects (as part of a double blind study) was that the\npure stuff caused me some rather severe effects.\n\n>I was under the (possibly incorrect) assumption that most of the MSG on\n>our foods was made from processing sugar beets. Is this not true? Are \n>there other sources of MSG?\n\nSoya bean, fermented cheeses, mushrooms all contain MSG. \n\n>I am one of those folx who react, sometimes strongly, to MSG. However,\n>I also react strongly to sodium chloride (table salt) in excess. Each\n>causes different symptoms except for the common one of rapid heartbeat\n>and an uncomfortable feeling of pressure in my chest, upper left quadrant.\n\nThe symptoms I had were numbness of jaw muscles in the first instance\nfollowed by the arms then the legs, headache, lethargy and unable to keep\nawake. I think it may well affect people differently.\n',
  "From: finnegan@invader.navo.navy.mil (Kenneth Finnegan)\nSubject: Re: 5W30, 10W40, or 20W50\nArticle-I.D.: cs.1993Apr6.130550.13550\nReply-To: finnegan@navo.navy.mil\nOrganization: Grumman Data Systems\nLines: 9\nNntp-Posting-Host-[nntpd-8755]: invader.navo.navy.mil\n\nAs an additional data point, I have run Castrol 20W50 exclusively\nin the following cars: 75 Rabbit, 78 Scirocco, 76 Rabbit, 78 Bus,\n70 Beetle, 76 Bus, 86 Jetta GLI.  I've never had an oil-related\nproblem.\n\nDisclaimer:  It gets mighty hot down here.\n\nKenneth\nfinnegan@navo.navy.mil\n",
  "Subject: Re: Mac OS on a 486!!! \nFrom: Keith Whitehead <sir@office.acme.gen.nz>\nX-Mailer: rnMac Buggy, I mean Beta, Test Version\nLines: 45\n\n\nIn article <C508BJ.6E2@imag.fr>, you write:\n> \n> hillman (hillman@plk.af.mil) wrote:\n> : deathbird+@CMU.EDU (Donpaul C. Stephens)\n> : \n> : kind of slated wouldn't you say?)  Who is going to throw all that to \nthe \n> : side and get the Mac OS for 486???\n\nNot Quite the point to be considdered here!\nFact: If/When Apple release system 7 (or what ever is current at the time \nof release) then you will see shortly afterwards Apple no longer producing \nHardware...Look at Next with their NextStep486 to see what happens.\nWho is going to pay Apples Prices when they can get the same thing cheaper \nelse where! (Heck we can get a Sun Workstation cheaper than a Quadra, and \ninfact we have a number of times!!!, it ALL comes down to $$$$)\n\n> : If Apple released this before windows 3.0 was released I'd be behind \nthem,\n> : they missed the boat.  So why is Apple continued development.  Will it\n> : support the P5 to its fullest capabilities?  Run faster than Windows?  \nIt\n> : must do something significantly better than Windows and OS2 to warrent\n> : being released.\n\n\nNo the continued develeopment is because there is becomming less and less \nprofit in Hardware, So the Next Step (no pun intended...well sort of), is \nto make the money in software (look at Microsoft if you think it can't \nhappen!), after all you can sell multiple pieces of software to ONE \nhardware platform.\n\nAs you also said Windows is a nightmare for programmers, so will the \ntemptation to sell system 7 to a couple of MILLION dos users be too much \nfor Apple! (50 million copies @ $100 is SERIOUS money!).\n\n--\n\n\n==========================================================================\n:  Sir@office.acme.gen.nz                                                :\n:                                                                        :\n: Be thankfull that we dont get all the government we pay for!           :\n==========================================================================\n",
  'From: jchen@wind.bellcore.com (Jason Chen)\nSubject: Re: Glutamate\nNntp-Posting-Host: wind.bellcore.com\nOrganization: Bellcore\nLines: 13\n\nIn article <1qrsr6$d59@access.digex.net> kfl@access.digex.com (Keith F. Lynch) writes:\n>In article <lso15qINNkpr@news.bbn.com> sher@bbn.com (Lawrence D. Sher) writes:\n>> From the N.E.J.Med.  editorial:  "The dicarboxylic amino acid glutamate\n>> is not only an essential amino acid ...\n>\n>Glutamate is not an essential amino acid.  People can survive quite well\n>without ever eating any.\n\nThere is no contradiction here. It is essential in the sense that your\nbody needs it. It is non-essential in the sense that your body can\nproduce enough of it without supplement.\n\nJason Chen\n',
  'From: arf@genesis.MCS.COM (Jack Schmidling)\nSubject: Re: The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: A Costly and Dangerous Mistake\nOrganization: MCSNet Contributor, Chicago, IL\nLines: 19\nNNTP-Posting-Host: localhost.mcs.com\n\nIn article <C5ut1s.3xA@bony1.bony.com> jake@bony1.bony.com (Jake Livni) writes:\n>through private contributions on Federal land".  Your hate-mongering\n>article is devoid of current and historical fact, intellectual content\n>and social value.  Down the toilet it goes.....\n>\n\nAnd we all know what an unbiased source the NYT is when it comes to things\nconcerning Israel.\n\nNeither the Times nor the trained seals who have responded thus far seem to\nrecognize the statement that these "private funds" were all tax exmpt.  In\notherwords, American taxpayers put up at least 30% of the money.  And\nfinalyy, how does "Federal land" mitigate the offensiveness of this alien\nmonument dedicated to perpetuating pitty and the continual flow of tax money\nto a foreign entity?\n\nThat "Federal land" and tax money could have been used to commerate\nAmericans or better yet, to house homeless Americans.\n\n',
  'From: andreasa@dhhalden.no (ANDREAS ARFF)\nSubject: Re: Newsgroup Split\nLines: 41\nNntp-Posting-Host: pc137\nOrganization: Ostfold College\n\nIn article <NERONE.93Apr20085951@sylvester.cc.utexas.edu> nerone@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Michael Nerone) writes:\n>From: nerone@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Michael Nerone)\n>Subject: Re: Newsgroup Split\n>Date: 20 Apr 93 08:59:51\n>In article <1quvdoINN3e7@srvr1.engin.umich.edu>, tdawson@engin.umich.edu (Chris Herringshaw) writes:\n>\n>  CH> Concerning the proposed newsgroup split, I personally am not in\n>  CH> favor of doing this.  I learn an awful lot about all aspects of\n>  CH> graphics by reading this group, from code to hardware to\n>  CH> algorithms.  I just think making 5 different groups out of this\n>  CH> is a wate, and will only result in a few posts a week per group.\n>  CH> I kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for\n>  CH> discussing all aspects of graphics.  Anyone else feel this way?\n>  CH> Just curious.\n>\n>I must agree.  There is a dizzying number of c.s.amiga.* newsgroups\n>already.  In addition, there are very few issues which fall cleanly\n>into one of these categories.\n>\n>Also, it is readily observable that the current spectrum of amiga\n>groups is already plagued with mega-crossposting; thus the group-split\n>would not, in all likelihood, bring about a more structured\n>environment.\n>\n>--\n>   /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\n>  /    Michael Nerone   \\"I shall do so with my customary lack of tact; and\\\n> /   Internet Address:   \\since you have asked for this, you will be obliged\\\n>/nerone@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu\\to pardon it."-Sagredo, fictional char of Galileo.\\\n\n\nMaybe I should point out that we are not talking about c.s.amiga.*.\nOnly comp.graphics.\n\nArff\n"Also for the not religous confessor, there is a mystery of higher values,\nwho\'s birth mankind - to the last - builds upon. They are indisputible. And \noften disregarded. Seldom you hear them beeing prized, as seldom as you hear \na seeing man prizeing what he sees." Per Lagerkvist, The Fist \n(Free translation from Swedish)\n              --Andreas Arff  andreasa@dhhalden.no--\n',
  'From: wquinnan@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (Malcusco)\nSubject: Re: The arrogance of Christians\nOrganization: University of California, San Diego\nLines: 60\n\nIn article <Apr.> dleonar@andy.bgsu.edu (Pixie) writes:\n>In article <Apr.>,\n>\n>\t\t\t\t\tPardon me, a humble atheist, but exactly what is the difference\n>between holding a revealed truth with blind faith as its basis (i.e.\n>regardless of any evidence that you may find to the contrary) as an\n>absolute truth, fully expecting people to believe you and arrogance?\n>     They sound like one and the same to me.\n\n>                                       Pixie\n>\n>\n>     p.s.  If you do sincerely believe that a god exists, why do you follow\n>it blindly?  \n\n\tWhy do we follow God so blindly?  Have you ever asked a\nphysically blind person why he or she follows a seeing eye dog?\nThe answer is quite simple--the dog can see, and the blind person\ncannot.\n\n\tI acknowledge, as a Christian, that I am blind.  I see,\nbut I see  illusions as well as reality.  (Watched TV lately?)\nI hear, but I hear lies as well as truth.  (Listen to your \nradio or read a newspaper.)  Remember, all that tastes well is\nnot healthy.  So, I rely one the one who can see, hear, and\ntaste everything, and knows what is real, and what is not.\nThat is God.\n\n\tOf course, you may ask, if I cannot trust my own senses,\nhow do I know whether what I see and hear about God is truth or\na lie.  That is why we need faith to be saved.  We must force\nourselves to believe that God knows the truth, and loves us\nenough to share it with us, even when it defies what we think\nwe know.  Why would He have created us if He did not love us \nenough to help us through this world?\n\n\tI also do trust my experiences to some extent.  When\nI do things that defy the seeming logic of my experience, \nbecause it is what my Father commands me to do, and I see\nthe results in the long term, I find that He has led me\nin the proper direction, even though it did not feel right\nat the time.  This is where our works as Christians are\nimportant:  As exercises of the body make the body strong,\nexcercises of faith make the faith strong.  \n\n\tAs for you, no one can "convert" you.  You must\nchoose to follow God of your own will, if you are ever to\nfollow Him.  All we as Christians wish to do is share with\nyou the love we have received from God.  If you reject that,\nwe have to accept your decision, although we always keep\nthe offer open to you.  If you really want to find out\nwhy we believe what we believe, I can only suggest you try\npraying for faith, reading the Bible, and asking Christians\nabout their experiences personally.  Then you may grow to\nunderstand why we believe what we do, in defiance of the\nlogic of this world.\n\n\tMay the Lord bring peace to you, \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tMalcusco         \n',
  "From: francesca_M._Benson@fourd.com\nSubject: Serdar\nOrganization: 4th Dimension BBS\nLines: 7\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cs.utexas.edu\n\nWhat an anal retentive you are wimp.\n\n********************************************************************\nSystem: fourd.com                                Phone: 617-494-0565\nCute quote:  Being a computer means never having to say you're sorry\n********************************************************************\n\n",
  "From: bill_paxton@fourd.com\nSubject: Ajerk\nOrganization: 4th Dimension BBS\nLines: 7\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cs.utexas.edu\n\nYou a good case for rights to abortion.\n\n********************************************************************\nSystem: fourd.com                                Phone: 617-494-0565\nCute quote:  Being a computer means never having to say you're sorry\n********************************************************************\n\n",
  'Organization: University of Maine System\nFrom: <IO21087@MAINE.MAINE.EDU>\nSubject: Grateful Dead?\nLines: 15\n\nBeing a baseball fan and a fan of the above mentioned band I was\nwondering if anyone could clue me in on whether the Dead (or members\nof) sang the national anthem at todays Giant opener?\n\nI would imagine that it is a bit too early for anyone to know, but\nan answer would be greatly appreciated.\n\n\n             Curious,\n                   Robert\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nROBERT MARGESSON                                   UMAINE HOCKEY\n156 PARK ST. C5                                     BLACK BEARS\nORONO, ME 04473                                   1993 NCAA CHAMPS\n(207)866-7342                                         42-1-2\n',
  'From: syck5280@miller.cs.uwm.edu (Steven B Syck)\nSubject: WI and IL firearms law Questions\nOrganization: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee\nLines: 39\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\n\n\n\nA couple of questions for you firearms law experts out there:  \n\nQuestion #1\n\nAccording to the NRA/ILA state firearms lawbook, in Wisconsin it is\n\'unlawful for any person except a peace officer to go armed* with a \n"concealed and dangerous weapon."  There is no statutory provision for\nobtaining a lixense or permit to carry a concealed weapon.\'\n\n*  Jury instructions indicate that \'to go armed\' one must have a firearm\non one\'s person or within his immediate control and available for use.\n\n\n\nDoes this mean that open carry is allowed?  If so, just how \'open\' does it\nhave to be?  Would an in the pants holster be considered concealing?  What\nif one had their jacket on and it partially covered the weapon?  Also,\nis there any way to be allowed to carry concealed, or is it just not allowed,\nperiod? \n\nQuestion #2\n\nAs I understand it, in Evanston, IL, they have a ordinance banning handguns.\nIs there any way to get around this provision?  What would the penalty if\nyou were found out be?  What if you used said handgun in a defensive shooting\nin your apartment there?  How would the city law apply to your impending \ntrial for the shooting?\nAlso, what is IL state law concerning short barreled weapons?  Short barreled\nshotgun is what I would be interested in if a handgun were not available, \neither that or a shortened 9mm carbine (ie Colt, Marlin).  \nOne more thing, what is the chance of getting a CCW permit in IL without being\nrich or famous or related to the mayor?\n\nPlease send replies via E-Mail, as things seem to be piling up around t.p.g\na little faster than I can handle.  Thanks again \n-------   Steve Syck        syck5280@miller.cs.uwm.edu        --------\n\n',
  'From: ohayon@jcpltyo.JCPL.CO.JP (Tsiel Ohayon)\nSubject: Re: The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: A Costly and Dangerous Mistake\nOrganization: James Capel Pacific Limited, Tokyo Japan\nLines: 33\n\nIn article <C5ut1s.3xA@bony1.bony.com> jake@bony1.bony.com (Jake Livni) writes:\n   In article <1r3n8d$4m5@techbook.techbook.com> Dan Gannon writes:\n\n[DG] THE U.S. HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM: A COSTLY AND DANGEROUS MISTAKE\n[DG] by Theodore J. O\'Keefe\n[DG] HARD BY THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT, within clear view of the Jefferson\n[DG] Memorial, an easy stroll down the Mall to the majestic Lincoln Memorial,\n[DG] has arisen, on some of the most hallowed territory of the United States of\n[DG] America, a costly and dangerous mistake.  On ground where no monument yet\n[DG] marks countless sacrifices and unheralded achievements of Americans of all\n[DG] races and creeds in the building and defense of this nation, sits today a\n[DG] massive and costly edifice, devoted above all to a contentious and false\n[DG] version of the ordeal in Europe during World War II, of non-American\n[DG] members of a minority, sectarian group.  Now, in the deceptive guise of\n[DG] tolerance, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum begins a propaganda\n[DG] campaign, financed through the unwitting largess of the American taxpayer,\n[DG] in the interests of Israel and its adherents in America.\n\n[JAKE] After reading the first paragraph, a quick scan confirmed my first\n[JAKE] impression: this is a bunch of revisionist and anti-semitic hogwash.\n\nJake, I\'m really disappointed in you. It took you a whole paragraph\nto see that it was "bunch of revisionist and anti-semitic hogwash". :-)\n\nThe article title "THE U.S. HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM: A COSTLY AND \nDANGEROUS MISTAKE" should have been enough! :-)\n\nTsiel\n-- \n----8<--------------------------------------------------------------->8------\nTsiel:ohayon@jcpl.co.jp\t   | If you do not receive this E-mail, please let me\nEmployer may not have same | know as soon as possible, if possible.\nopinions, if any !         | Two percent of zero is almost nothing.\n',
  "From: dgraham@bmers30.bnr.ca (Douglas Graham)\nSubject: Re: Jews can't hide from keith@cco.\nOrganization: Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada\nLines: 40\n\nIn article <1pqdor$9s2@fido.asd.sgi.com> livesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr3.071823.13253@bmerh85.bnr.ca>, dgraham@bmers30.bnr.ca (Douglas Graham) writes:\n>The poster casually trashed two thousand years of Jewish history, and \n>Ken replied that there had previously been people like him in Germany.\n\nI think the problem here is that I pretty much ignored the part\nabout the Jews sightseeing for 2000 years, thinking instead that\nthe important part of what the original poster said was the bit\nabout killing Palestinians.  In retrospect, I can see how the\nsightseeing thing would be offensive to many.  I originally saw\nit just as poetic license, but it's understandable that others\nmight see it differently.  I still think that Ken came on a bit\nstrong though.  I also think that your advice to Masud Khan:\n\n  #Before you argue with someone like Mr Arromdee, it's a good idea to\n  #do a little homework, or at least think.\n\nwas unnecessary.\n\n>That's right.   There have been.    There have also been people who\n>were formally Nazis.   But the Nazi party would have gone nowhere\n>without the active and tacit support of the ordinary man in the\n>street who behaved as though casual anti-semitism was perfectly\n>acceptable.\n>\n>Now what exactly don't you understand about what I wrote, and why\n>don't you see what it has to do with the matter at hand?\n\nThroughout all your articles in this thread there is the tacit\nassumption that the original poster was exhibiting casual\nanti-semitism.  If I agreed with that, then maybe your speech\non why this is bad might have been relevant.  But I think you're\nreading a lot into one flip sentence.  While probably not\ntrue in this case, too often the charge of anti-semitism gets\nthrown around in order to stifle legitimate criticism of the\nstate of Israel.\n\nAnyway, I'd rather be somewhere else, so I'm outta this thread.\n--\nDoug Graham         dgraham@bnr.ca         My opinions are my own.\n",
  'From: fcrary@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (Frank Crary)\nSubject: Re: Gun Control (was Re: We\'re Mad as Hell at the TV News)\nNntp-Posting-Host: ucsu.colorado.edu\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 63\n\nIn article <C4tr3M.Eqw@magpie.linknet.com> manes@magpie.linknet.com (Steve Manes) writes:\n>On the other hand, we can draw lessons from neighbors who are more\n>culturally similar, namely the Canadians...\n\nI don\'t think such a Canada is any more "culturally similar" to\nthe United States than England. In terms of laws regarding individual\nrights, restrictions on police searches, etc... (all closely\nrelated to crime) Canadian laws parallel England\'s and differ\ngreatly from those of the United States.\n  \n>...In fact, an exhaustive,\n>seven-year study has already been done of the respective crime rates\n>of Vancouver, British Columbia and Seattle, Washington... cities\n>with roughly the same population, urban economy, geography\n>and crime but with decidedly different approaches to gun control.\n\nActually, they do not have "roughly the same... urban economy", \nand extremely different ethnic composition.\n\n>Over the seven-year study, 388 homicides occurred in Seattle\n>(11.3 per 100,000) vs. 204 homicides in Vancouver (6.9 per 100,000).\n>After adjustment for differences in age and sex among the populations,\n>the relative risk of being a victim of homicide in Seattle, as\n>compared to Vancouver, was found to be 1.63.\n\nHowever, if you account for economic and ethnic differences,\nthe difference disappears completely: Seattle\'s minorities are\npredominatly poor, while Vancouver\'s are middle or upper class.\nThe rates for whites in both cities were found to be identicle,\nwhile the rate for poor, Seattle minorities was almost three\ntimes as great as for the well-to-do minorities of Vancouver.\nThe pattern seems to be one of poverty and race relations, not\none of gun control.\n\n>The authors of the report also investigated "legally justifiable"\n>homicides (self-defense).  Only 32 such homicides occurred during\n>the seven-year study, 11 of which were committed by police.  Only\n>21 cases of civilians acting in self-defense occurrred...\n\nThat is a gross distortion: "Self-defense" does not mean killing\nthe attacker. There were 21 cases of civilians killing their \nattacker in self-defence. But such cases represent less that\n0.5% of the crimes prevented by armed self-defence; for every\ncase you cite, there were over 200 other cases of self-defence\nwhere the crime was prevented but the attacker was not killed.\n(0.5%, by the way, is the most conservative possible figure,\nbased on the National Crime Survey\'s estimate of 80,000\ncrimes prevented by armed self-defence each year. Most other \nstudies on the subject put the figure at 500,000 to 600,000.\nThose figures would imply less than 0.08% of sucessful self-defences\ninvolve killing the attacker.) \n\nSo, more correctly, there over 4000 (possibly as many as 25,000) \ncases of civilians acting in self-defence, only 21 of which resulted\nin the death of the attacker. This is a significant factor, in\ncomparison to the 592 homicides. If memory serves, homicides\nmake up approximately 1% of the violent crimes the study\nconsidered, so the fair comparison would be 40 - 250 homicides\nprevented and 592 homicides. Clearly, the study can not be\nclose to accurate, since it ignored these cases of self-defence.\n\n                                                Frank Crary\n                                                CU Boulder\n',
  'From: wbg@festival.ed.ac.uk (W Geake)\nSubject: EC BHP limit vetoed\nLines: 12\n\nAccording to BBC Radio this morning, UK, Denmark, Portugal & a few\nothers have vetoed a proposal to limit EC-sold bikes to 100 BHP.  The\nreason is that such a limit is not supported by accident statistics - a\nrare example of governmental wisdom.  The limit has a five year\nmoratorium on it, and "specialist" manufacturers will be exempt anyway. \nAny suspicion that this is a crafty trick to restrict that end of the\nmarket in Europe to Triumph, Norton (who? :-)), BMW, Cagiva & Ducati is\nthe sort of dangerous rubbish which stalls GATT talks.\n\nYou heard it here first.\n\nBill @ Univ Edinburgh, replete with 12 hp and a healthy blue exhaust.\n',
  "From: billc@col.hp.com (Bill Claussen)\nSubject: RE:  alt.psychoactives\nOrganization: HP Colorado Springs Division\nLines: 35\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hpcspe17.col.hp.com\n\nFYI...I just posted this on alt.psychoactives as a response to\nwhat the group is for......\n\n\nA note to the users of alt.psychoactives....\n\nThis group was originally a takeoff from sci.med.  The reason for\nthe formation of this group was to discuss prescription psychoactive\ndrugs....such as antidepressents(tri-cyclics, Prozac, Lithium,etc),\nantipsychotics(Melleral(sp?), etc), OCD drugs(Anafranil, etc), and\nso on and so forth.  It didn't take long for this group to degenerate\ninto a psudo alt.drugs atmosphere.  That's to bad, for most of the\nserious folks that wanted to start this group in the first place have\nleft and gone back to sci.med, where you have to cypher through\nhundreds of unrelated articles to find psychoactive data.\n\nIt was also to discuss real-life experiences and side effects of\nthe above mentioned.\n\nOh well, I had unsubscribed to this group for some time, and I decided\nto check it today to see if anything had changed....nope....same old\nnine or ten crap articles that this group was never intended for.\n\nI think it is very hard to have a meaningfull group without it\nbeing moderated...too bad.\n\nOh well, obviously, no one really cares.\n\nBill Claussen\n\n\nWould anyone be interested in starting a similar moderated group?\n\nBill Claussen\n\n",
  'From: ccastco@prism.gatech.EDU (Constantinos Malamas)\nSubject: Re: ?? DOS font size in windows??\nOrganization: Georgia Institute of Technology\nLines: 25\n\nIn article <1993Apr18.024128.9119@ncsu.edu> ssa@unity.ncsu.edu (S. Alavi) writes:\n>\t(normal 8514/A font, not small).  In the 386 enhanced mode\n>\tthe DOS window font is too small for my 14" monitor. Is there a \n>\tway to spacify the font size for the DOS window? You\'ll have to \n>\texcuse me if there is a trivial answer, since I am fairly new to\n>\tMS Windows world.\n>\tThanks.\n>\t======  S. Alavi    [ssa@unity.ncsu.edu]  (919)467-7909 (H)  ========\n\t\n\tFirst of all, without wanting to sound nagging and bossy, yes it is\na trivial answer and that\'s perfectly fine ( otherwise how is one supposed\nto move up to the complicated and challenging questions, we net readers so\nmuch enjoy :) ?), and the massive crossposting of your article was not\n justified...\nPlease refer to appropriate newsgroups next time (by the way c.o.msw.misc is\nOK :) ). Now as far as your problem is concerned: try playing around with\nthe settings in the \'Fonts..." dialog box under the window control menu (that\nlittle square at the top left corner of the window..). \n\n\n-- \nCostas Malamas ____________________________________________________________\nGeorgia Institute of Technology \nOIT UA -- Opinions expressed are not necessarily OIT\'s... \nInternet: ccastco@prism.gatech.edu\n',
  "From: nsmca@aurora.alaska.edu\nSubject: Re: Portable Small Ground Station?dir\nArticle-I.D.: aurora.1993Apr5.185700.1\nOrganization: University of Alaska Fairbanks\nLines: 21\nNntp-Posting-Host: acad3.alaska.edu\n\nIn article <C4zGAM.2nJ@zoo.toronto.edu>, henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) writes:\n> In article <1993Apr2.214705.1@aurora.alaska.edu> nsmca@aurora.alaska.edu writes:\n>>How difficult would it be to set up your own ground station?\n> \n> Ground station for *what*?  At one extreme, some of the amateur-radio\n> satellites have sometimes been reachable with hand-held radios.  At the\n> other, nothing you can do in your back yard will let you listen in on\n> Galileo.  Please be more specific.\n> -- \n> All work is one man's work.             | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology\n>                     - Kipling           |  henry@zoo.toronto.edu  utzoo!henry\n\n\nSPECIFIC:\nBasically to be able to do the things the big dadies can do.. Monitor, and\ncontrol if need be the Shuttle...\n\nSuch as the one in Australia and such....\n\n==\nMichael Adams, nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu -- I'm not high, just jacked\n",
  "From: stamber@rainbow.ecn.purdue.edu (Kevin L. Stamber)\nSubject: Re: How difficult is it to get Penguin tickets?\nOrganization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network\nLines: 27\n\nIn article <1993Apr18.201811.28965@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>, dmoney@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Dean R Money) writes:\n> The subject line says it all.  Is it terribly difficult to get tickets\n> to Penguins games, especially now that they are in the playoffs?  Would\n> it be easy to find scalpers outside of the Igloo selling tickets?\n> \n> Dean Money\n> dmoney@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\n\n     Here is my traditional experience with tickets, playoffs and otherwise,\nat the Civic Arena.\n\n     Scalping is illegal but nonetheless present outside the Arena.  Best \nstrategy, given that you don't mind missing the Anthem (which is OK if B.E.\nTaylor decides to come back ever again :) ) is to wait until 7:40 or 7:45,\nwhen the game is rolling; the scalpers are at this point desperate to sell\nand will reduce to near or at face value to get rid of their tickets.\n\n     Playoffs are a little different in that good seats will go early on; \nwhat's left at 7:45 may be nosebleed material (D, E sections).\n\nOthers can add on their opinions as well.\n\nKevin L. Stamber\nPurdue University\nPENGUINS 6 DEVILS 3 -- Pens lead series 1 game to none\n\n\n",
  "From: rhc52134@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Richard)\nSubject: Re: does dos6 defragment??\nArticle-I.D.: news.C51H9M.46p\nOrganization: University of Illinois at Urbana\nLines: 12\n\nGeoffrey S. Elbo writes:\n\n>Yes, and it is the fastest defrag I've ever watched.  It did a 170MB \n>hard disk in 20 minutes.\n\n\tI found the MS defrag looks very much like Norton Speedisk.\nIs it just a strip-down version of the later?\n\n\tI have both Norton Speedisk and Backup, so I was wondering \nif I need to install MS Backup?\n\nRichard\n",
  'From: servis@author.ecn.purdue.edu (Brian K Servis)\nSubject: Re: How Redirect PRINT MANAGER To FILE?\nOrganization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network\nLines: 33\n\nu7911093@cc.nctu.edu.tw ("By SWH ) writes:\n\n>Who can tell me which program (PD or ShareWare) can redirect windows 3.1\'s\n>output of printer manager to file? \n\n>\tI want to capture HP Laser Jet III\'s print output.\n\n> \tThough PostScript can setup print to file,but HP can\'t.\n\n>\tI use DOS\'s redirect program,but they can\'t work in windows.\n\n>\t\tThankx for any help...\n>--\n> Internet Address: u7911093@cc.nctu.edu.tw\n\n>    English Name: Erik Wang\n>    Chinese Name: Wang Jyh-Shyang\n\n> National Chiao-Tung University,Taiwan,R.O.C.\n\nTry setting up another HPIII printer but when choosing what port to connect it\nto choose FILE instead of like :LPT1.  This will prompt you for a file name\neverytime you print with that "HPIII on FILE" printer. Good Luck.\n\n\nBrian Servis\n===========================================================================\n||  servis@author.ecn.purdue.edu   ||         "It Happened This Way"     ||\n===================================|| actual quotes from insurance claims||\n||  What I say may not be what I   ||                                    ||\n||  think. What I say may not be   ||  "The pedestrian had no idea which ||\n||  what Purdue thinks.            ||   way to go, so I ran him over."   ||\n===========================================================================\n',
  'From: cmk@athena.mit.edu (Charles M Kozierok)\nSubject: Re: Yankees win home opener\nOrganization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology\nLines: 14\nDistribution: usa\nNNTP-Posting-Host: marinara.mit.edu\n\nIn article <93105.124117RVESTERM@vma.cc.nd.edu> <RVESTERM@vma.cc.nd.edu> writes:\n} In article <1993Apr14.175545.3528@alleg.edu>, millits@yankee.org (Sam\n} Millitello) says:\n} \n} i\'m telling you, sam, three l\'s.  call up mom and ask.\n} \n} bob vesterman.\n} \nyeah, and in case even that isn\'t enough to prompt boy genius\n"Sam" to pick up a paper and see how "his" name is spelled,\nhere\'s another hint: the single "L" comes between the two "I"s...\n\n-*-\ncharles\n',
  'From: jgreen@trumpet.calpoly.edu (James Thomas Green)\nSubject: Proton/Centaur?\nOrganization: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo\nLines: 9\n\nHas anyone looked into the possiblity of a Proton/Centaur combo?\nWhat would be the benefits and problems with such a combo (other\nthan the obvious instability in the XSSR now)?\n\n\n/~~~(-: James T. Green :-)~~~~(-: jgreen@oboe.calpoly.edu :-)~~~\\ \n| "I know you believe you understand what it is that you        |   \n| think I said.  But I am not sure that you realize that        |\n| what I said is not what I meant."                             |\n',
  'From: shapiro-david@yale.edu (David Shapiro)\nSubject: Re: TIGERS\nOrganization: What, me organized?\nLines: 8\nDistribution: na\nNNTP-Posting-Host: minerva.cis.yale.edu\nIn-reply-to: Ryan Kearns\'s message of Wed, 14 Apr 1993 10:09:21 EDT\n\n\nWoof woof!\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDavid Shapiro\t\t\t| "People can call it a monkey, but I felt like\nshapiro-david@yale.edu\t\t| I had a piano on my back all winter long....\nshapiro@minerva.cis.yale.edu\t| The piano is off my back.  Maybe a trombone\n\t\t\t\t| will be next."  -- Stan Belinda\n',
  "From: bryan@src.sbs.utah.edu\nSubject: Okidata 2410 printer driver\nOrganization: University of Utah Computer Center\nLines: 16\n\n\nI have an Okidata 2410 printer for which I would like to have a printer driver.\nHas anyone seen such a thing?  There is not one on the Microsoft BBS.\nI can print to it from Windows but I have no fonts available and with\nParadox for Windows I can't print labels on it unless there is a proper printer\ndefined.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nBryan K. Ward\nSurvey Research Center\nUniversity of Utah\n\ni-mail: bryan@src.sbs.utah.edu\n\n",
  'From: Deon.Strydom@f7.n7104.z5.fidonet.org (Deon Strydom)\nSubject: Re: Prophetic Warning to New York City\nLines: 32\n\n--> Note:\nReply to a message in soc.religion.christian.\n\nEVENSON THOMAS RANDALL wrote in a message to All:\n\n> Which brings me around to asking an open question.  Is the\n> Bible a closed book of Scripture?  Is it okay for us to go\n> around saying "God told me this" and "Jesus told me that"? \n\n> Also interesting to note is that some so called prophecies\n> are nothing new but rather an inspired translation of\n> scripture.  Is it right to call that prophecy?  Misleading? \n\nHi, You might want to read Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur.  In it\nhe discussed exactly this queation, amongst others.  In my own words,\nVERY simplified, his position is basically that one must decide, what\nis the most important - experience or Scripture?  People tend to say\nScripture, without living according to that.  Their own\nfeeling/prophecy/etc tends to be put across without testing in the\nlight of Scripture.\n\nThere\'s a lot more than this, really worthwhile to read whether you\'re\nCharismatic or not.\n\nGroetnis (=cheers)\n Deon\n\n--- timEd/B8\n--  \nINTERNET: Deon.Strydom@f7.n7104.z5.fidonet.org\nvia:  THE CATALYST BBS in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.\n       (catpe.alt.za)   +27-41-34-1122 HST or +27-41-34-2859, V32bis & HST.\n',
  "From: lmh@juliet.caltech.edu (Henling, Lawrence M.)\nSubject: Re: catholic church poland\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology\nLines: 10\n\nIn article <Apr.>, s0612596@let.rug.nl (M.M. Zwart) writes...\n>I'm writing a paper on the role of the catholic church in Poland after 1989. \n>church concerning the abortion-law, religious education at schools,\n\n There was an article on clari.news.religion in the last few days about a\nPolish tribunal decision. It said that crucifixes and religious classes in\npublic schools were okay; and that children who did not want to take religion\nclass could not be forced to take an ethics class as a substitute.\n\n larry henling  lmh@shakes.caltech.edu\n",
  'From: aris@psssun (Aris Gerakis)\nSubject: Pixel disappear on Powerbook 140 screen\nOrganization: Michigan State University\nLines: 10\nNNTP-Posting-Host: psssun.pss.msu.edu\nKeywords: Powerbook, 140, pixel, screen\n\nSome pixels on my PB 140 display disappear intermittently.  They are not in\na particular place but random.  If anybody has suggestions I would appreciate\ne-mailings.  Thanks.\n\n\n--\naris@psssun.pss.msu.edu          #############              (beware of the 3 s)\n                                 |  /\\   /\\  |            \n                                [|   o   o   |]\n______________________nnnnn______|_____U_____|______nnnnn______________________\n',
  'From: d2cheng@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca (Dominic Cheng)\nSubject: Centris 610 Impression\nOrganization: University of Waterloo\nLines: 15\n\nI have been playing with my Centris 610 for almost a week now.  I must say\nthis machine is really fast!  The hardware turn-on feature is annoying, but\nI got PowerKey from Sophisicated Circuits and it works like a charm.\n\nHowever, I still have a few complaints:\n- when I restart the machine every time, the screen image (the desktop\n  pattern) jerks up and down for a few times.\n- the Quantum 170 drive is noisy\n\nOverall, I highly recommend it:  it is fast, affordable and looks great!\n\n--\n\nDominic Cheng (d2cheng@descartes.uwaterloo.ca)\nComputer Science, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada\n',
  'From: rboudrie@chpc.org (Rob Boudrie)\nSubject: Re: White House Public Encryption Management Fact Sheet\nOrganization: Center For High Perf. Computing of WPI; Marlboro Ma\nDistribution: na\nLines: 10\n\n\n>security of the key-escrow system.  In making this decision, I do\n>not intend to prevent the private sector from developing, or the\n>government from approving, other microcircuits or algorithms that\n>are equally effective in assuring both privacy and a secure key-\n>escrow system.\n\nYeah, but does he intend to prevent the private sector from\ndeveloping other applications that are equally effective in \nassuring privacy, but do not have a key escrow system?\n',
  "From: gtoal@gtoal.com (Graham Toal)\nSubject: Re: Do we need the clipper for cheap security?\nLines: 21\n\n: From: pmetzger@snark.shearson.com (Perry E. Metzger)\n\n: Indeed, were it not for the government doing everything possible to\n: stop them, Qualcomm would have designed strong encryption right in to\n: the CDMA cellular phone system they are pioneering. Were it not for\n: the NSA and company, cheap encryption systems would be everywhere. As\n: it is, they try every trick in the book to stop it. Had it not been\n: for them, I'm sure cheap secure phones would be out right now.\n\nIn the UK, it's impossible to get approval to attach any crypto device\nto the phone network.  (Anything that plugs in to our BT phone sockets\nmust be approved - for some reason crypto devices just never are...)\n\nI was wondering some time ago how big a market there was for good old-\nfashion acoustic coupler technology to build a secure phone :-) ... is\nit possible to mask out all the real voice well enough so that none of\nit strays into the mouthpiece?  Perhaps a well-sealed coupler attachment\nthat was as well blocked as possible, then a white noise generator on\nthe outside to muffle any real speech?\n\nG\n",
  'From: bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de (Vesselin Bontchev)\nSubject: Re: WH proposal from Police point of view\nReply-To: bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de\nOrganization: Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg\nLines: 30\n\nstrnlght@netcom.com (David Sternlight) writes:\n\n> dwight tuinstra posts a very interesting message in which he comments on the\n> effects of the Clipper chip on state and local police. Actually, reading\n> between the lines, it could be a very good thing for civil liberties in one\n> respect, since it will at least prevent cowboy cops and cowboy state and\n> local agancies from reading your traffic if they tap it illegally.\n\nInstead of reading between the lines, try to think a little bit. OK,\nif that\'s way too difficult to you, here are some hints.\n\nIndeed, the new proposal imposes some additional burocratic burden on\nthe local police, if they badly want to tape the magic cookie recipie\nthat your mom is telling you on the phone. So, guess what they will\ndo? Propose that the new technology is removed? Or implement some\n"facilitations"? Of course, you won\'t want to wait until they get the\napproval from two different agencies to decrypt the conversation\nbetween two child molesters, because meanwhile those two child\nmolesters might be conspiring about molesting your child, right? So,\nthere should be some way for them to get access to those keys\n-quickly-, right? Like, they could have a copy of the database, and\nworry about a warrant later...\n\nRegards,\nVesselin\n-- \nVesselin Vladimirov Bontchev          Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg\nTel.:+49-40-54715-224, Fax: +49-40-54715-226      Fachbereich Informatik - AGN\n< PGP 2.2 public key available on request. > Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30, rm. 107 C\ne-mail: bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de    D-2000 Hamburg 54, Germany\n',
  'From: turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin)\nSubject: Re: Placebo effects\nOrganization: CS Dept, University of Texas at Austin\nLines: 39\nNNTP-Posting-Host: im4u.cs.utexas.edu\nSummary: Yes, researcher bias is a great problem.\n\n-*-----\nIn article <735157066.AA00449@calcom.socal.com> Daniel.Prince@f129.n102.z1.calcom.socal.com (Daniel Prince) writes:\n> Is there an effect where the doctor believes so strongly in a \n> medicine that he/she sees improvement where the is none or sees \n> more improvement than there is?  If so, what is this effect \n> called?  Is there a reverse of the above effect where the doctor \n> doesn\'t believe in a medicine and then sees less improvement than \n> there is?  What would this effect be called?  Have these effects \n> ever been studied?  How common are these effects?  Thank you in \n> advance for all replies. \n\nThese effects are a very real concern in conducting studies of new\ntreatments.  Researchers try to limit this kind of effect by \nperforming studies that are "blind" in various ways.  Some of these\nare:\n\n  o  The subjects of the study do not know whether they receive a \n     placebo or the test treatment, i.e., whether they are in the\n     control group or the test group.\n\n  o  Those administering the treatment do not know which subjects \n     receive a placebo or the test treatment.\n\n  o  Those evaluating individual results do not know which subjects\n     receive a placebo or the test treatment.\n\nObviously, at the point at which the data is analyzed, one has to \ndifferentiate the test group from the control group.  But the analysis\nis quasi-public: the researcher describes it and presents the data on\nwhich it is based so that others can verify it.  \n\nIt is worth noting that in biological studies where the subjects are\nanimals, such as mice, there were many cases of skewed results because\nthose who performed the study did not "blind" themselves.  It is not\nconsidered so important to make mice more ignorant than they already\nare, though it is important that in all respects except the one tested,\nthe control and test groups are treated alike.\n\nRussell\n',
  'From: I3150101@dbstu1.rz.tu-bs.de (Benedikt Rosenau)\nSubject: Re: Gospel Dating\nOrganization: Technical University Braunschweig, Germany\nLines: 93\n\nIn article <65974@mimsy.umd.edu>\nmangoe@cs.umd.edu (Charley Wingate) writes:\n \n>>Well, John has a quite different, not necessarily more elaborated theology.\n>>There is some evidence that he must have known Luke, and that the content\n>>of Q was known to him, but not in a \'canonized\' form.\n>\n>This is a new argument to me.  Could you elaborate a little?\n>\n \nThe argument goes as follows: Q-oid quotes appear in John, but not in\nthe almost codified way they were in Matthew or Luke. However, they are\nconsidered to be similar enough to point to knowledge of Q as such, and\nnot an entirely different source.\n \n \n>>Assuming that he knew Luke would obviously put him after Luke, and would\n>>give evidence for the latter assumption.\n>\n>I don\'t think this follows.  If you take the most traditional attributions,\n>then Luke might have known John, but John is an elder figure in either case.\n>We\'re talking spans of time here which are well within the range of\n>lifetimes.\n \nWe are talking date of texts here, not the age of the authors. The usual\nexplanation for the time order of Mark, Matthew and Luke does not consider\ntheir respective ages. It says Matthew has read the text of Mark, and Luke\nthat of Matthew (and probably that of Mark).\n \nAs it is assumed that John knew the content of Luke\'s text. The evidence\nfor that is not overwhelming, admittedly.\n \n \n>>>(1)  Earlier manuscripts of John have been discovered.\n>\n>>Interesting, where and which? How are they dated? How old are they?\n>\n>Unfortunately, I haven\'t got the info at hand.  It was (I think) in the late\n>\'70s or early \'80s, and it was possibly as old as CE 200.\n>\n \nWhen they are from about 200, why do they shed doubt on the order on\nputting John after the rest of the three?\n \n \n>>I don\'t see your point, it is exactly what James Felder said.  They had no\n>>first hand knowledge of the events, and it obvious that at least two of them\n>>used older texts as the base of their account.  And even the association of\n>>Luke to Paul or Mark to Peter are not generally accepted.\n>\n>Well, a genuine letter of Peter would be close enough, wouldn\'t it?\n>\n \nSure, an original together with Id card of sender and receiver would be\nfine. So what\'s that supposed to say? Am I missing something?\n \n \n>And I don\'t think a "one step removed" source is that bad.  If Luke and Mark\n>and Matthew learned their stories directly from diciples, then I really\n>cannot believe in the sort of "big transformation from Jesus to gospel" that\n>some people posit.  In news reports, one generally gets no better\n>information than this.\n>\n>And if John IS a diciple, then there\'s nothing more to be said.\n>\n \nThat John was a disciple is not generally accepted. The style and language\ntogether with the theology are usually used as counterargument.\n \nThe argument that John was a disciple relies on the claim in the gospel\nof John itself. Is there any other evidence for it?\n \nOne step and one generation removed is bad even in our times. Compare that\nto reports of similar events in our century in almost illiterate societies.\nNot even to speak off that believers are not necessarily the best sources.\n \n \n>>It is also obvious that Mark has been edited. How old are the oldest\n>>manuscripts? To my knowledge (which can be antiquated) the oldest is\n>>quite after any of these estimates, and it is not even complete.\n>\n>The only clear "editing" is problem of the ending, and it\'s basically a\n>hopeless mess.  The oldest versions give a strong sense of incompleteness,\n>to the point where the shortest versions seem to break off in midsentence.\n>The most obvious solution is that at some point part of the text was lost.\n>The material from verse 9 on is pretty clearly later and seems to represent\n>a synopsys of the end of Luke.\n>\nIn other words, one does not know what the original of Mark did look like\nand arguments based on Mark are pretty weak.\n \nBut how is that connected to a redating of John?\n   Benedikt\n',
  "From: jiml@strauss.FtCollinsCO.NCR.COM (Jim L)\nSubject: Need Sharp 6220, T2000 parts, information\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: NCR Microelectronics Products Division (an AT&T Company)\nLines: 23\n\nI'm looking for a Sharp 6220 or TI Travelmate 2000 for parts.  Mine has\na bad RAM chip on the motherboard and I want to see what I can get for\nparts before sending it off to Sharp for repairs.  If you have one,\ndrop me a line.\n\nAlso, I'm trying to set one up for a friend who needs to read his old\n5 1/4 inch diskettes.  Anyone have the pinout of the diskette expansion\nconnector on the back of the 3.5 inch floppy box? \n\nIf you respond, please include a phone number. I can't always get through \nwith email.\n \nAs always, \n\nThanks,\n\nJim Lewczyk\n\n-- \nMailer address is buggy!  Reply to: jiml@strauss.FtCollinsCO.NCR.com\n\nJames Lewczyk                                   1-303-223-5100 x9267\nNCR-MPD Fort Collins, CO             jim.lewczyk@FtCollinsCO.NCR.COM\n",
  "From: gemmellj@merrimack.edu\nSubject: e-mail to the hill ??\nOrganization: Merrimack College, No. Andover, MA, USA\nLines: 4\n\nNow, that Clinton can get e-mail, i'm wondering if Congress is also\ngoing on line.. If so, does anyone have the address to reach them??\nI'm also looking for Bill's e-mail address.\nplease e-mail me, i am not a regualar reader of this newsgrouop.\n",
  'From: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nSubject: Re: sudden numbness in arm\nReply-To: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 48\n\nIn article <C5u5LG.C3G@gpu.utcc.utoronto.ca> molnar@Bisco.CAnet.CA (Tom Molnar) writes:\n>I experienced a sudden numbness in my left arm this morning.  Just after\n>I completed my 4th set of deep squats.  Today was my weight training\n>day and I was just beginning my routine.  All of a sudden at the end of\n>the 4th set my arm felt like it had gone to sleep.  It was cold, turned pale,\n>and lost 60% of its strength.  The weight I used for squats wasn\'t that\n>heavy, I was working hard but not at 100% effort.  I waited for a few \n>minutes, trying to shake the arm back to life and then continued with\n>chest exercises (flyes) with lighter dumbells than I normally use.  But\n>I dropped the left dumbell during the first set, and experienced continued\n>arm weakness into the second.  So I quit training and decided not to do my\n>usual hour on the ski machine either.  I\'ll take it easy for the rest of\n>the day.\n>\n>My arm is *still* somewhat numb and significantly weaker than normal --\n>my hand still tingles a bit down to the thumb. Color has returned to normal\n>and it is no longer cold. \n>\n>Horrid thoughts of chunks of plaque blocking a major artery course through\n>my brain.  I\'m 34, vegetarian, and pretty fit from my daily exercise\n>regimen.  So that can\'t be it.  Could a pinched nerve from the bar\n>cause these symptoms (I hope)?\n\nIt likely has nothing to do with "chunks of plaque" but it sounds like\nyou may have a neurovascular compromise to your arm and you need medical\nattention *before* doing any more weight lifting.  \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-- \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGordon Banks  N3JXP      | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and\ngeb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu   |  it is shameful to surrender it too soon." \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  "From: I3150101@dbstu1.rz.tu-bs.de (Benedikt Rosenau)\nSubject: Re: Who Says the Apostles Were Tortured?\nOrganization: Technical University Braunschweig, Germany\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <1qiu97INNpq6@srvr1.engin.umich.edu>\ningles@engin.umich.edu (Ray Ingles) writes:\n \n>\n> As evidence for the Resurrection, it is often claimed that the Disciples\n>were tortured to death for their beliefs and still did not renounce\n>their claim that Jesus had come back from the dead.\n> Now, I skimmed Acts and such, and I found a reference to this happening\n>to Stephen, but no others. Where does this apparently very widely held\n>belief come from? Is there any evidence outside the Bible? Is there any\n>evidence *in* the Bible? I sure haven't found any...\n>\n \nEarly authors and legends. The most important sources can be found in the\nMartyriologia of the Catholic Church. Makes the Grimms look like exact\nscience.\n   Benedikt\n",
  'From: kennejs@a.cs.okstate.edu (KENNEDY JAMES SCOT)\nSubject: Drug Use Up At Younger Age\nOrganization: Oklahoma State University, Computer Science, Stillwater\nKeywords: youths drugs LSD inhalants\nLines: 62\n\n\nThe article that follows was taken from the Wednesday, April 14,\n1993 issue of USA Today ("Drug Use Up At Younger Age" by Mike\nSnider, p. 1A).\n\n    Drug use is on the rise among kids as young as eighth graders -\n    usually 13 - and they\'re using more LSD and inhalants like glue\n    and air fresheners, says a new survey.\n\n    The annual National High School Senior Survey on Drug Abuse finds\n    "statistically significant increases" in eighth-graders\' use of\n    many drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, crack, LSD and inhalants.\n\n    "We may be in danger of losing some ... hard-won ground (in reducing\n    drug use) as a new, more naive generation of youngsters enters\n    adolescence," says Lloyd Johnston, University of Michigan, chief\n    researcher on the study sponsored by the Department of Health and\n    Human Services.\n\n    But drug use among high school seniors is continuing a decade-long\n    decline.\n\n    The study of 50,000 students shows the percentage who tried the\n    following in the 30 days before they were polled:\n\n        * 8th-graders  - alcohol 26%; cigarettes 16%; marijuana 4%;\n                         cocaine 0.7%.\n\n        * 10th-graders - alcohol 40%; cigarettes 22%; marijuana 8%;\n                         cocaine 0.7%.\n\n        * 12th-graders - alcohol 51%; cigarettes 28%; marijuana 12%;\n                         cocaine 1.3%.\n\n    Among 12th-graders, use of marijuana, cocaine and inhalants\n    declined over the year before.  Not so with LSD.\n\n    * 2% of eighth-graders have tried LSD in the last year, up 24%\n    over 1991. \n\n    * Use of LSD among seniors is at its highest point since 1982; 6%\n    tried it in the last year.\n\n    Reducing drug use among students "requires a different kind of\n    strategy" that Health Secretary Donna Shalala says will be part\n    of an overall illness prevention plan.\n\n    The survey shows drugs are easier to get and fewer eighth-graders\n    disapprove of them.\n\n    "It\'s scary," Shalala says.  "Dealers are focusing on younger, more\n    vulnerable kids."\n\n\nScott Kennedy,  Brewer and Patriot\n\nBefore:  "David Koresh is a cheap thug who interprets\n          the Bible through the barrel of a gun..."  --ATF spokesman\nAfter:   "[The ATF] is a cheap thug who interprets\n          [the Constitution] through the barrel of a gun..."  --Me\n\n\n',
  'From: ccdarg@dct.ac.uk (Alan Greig)\nSubject: Re: ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!\nOrganization: Dundee Institute of Technology\nLines: 32\n\nIn article <1993Apr21.053035.29591@mcs.kent.edu>, mhamilto@Nimitz.mcs.kent.edu (The Lawnmowerman) writes:\n> In article <1r1j1l$4t@transfer.stratus.com>, cdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares) writes:\n>> In article <1993Apr20.143255.12711@mcs.kent.edu>, mhamilto@Nimitz.mcs.kent.edu (The Lawnmowerman) writes:\n>> \n>> Oh, then, I guess that shooting THOSE kind of babies is all right.\n>> \n>> You sick bastard.\n>> -- \n>> \n>> cdt@rocket.sw.stratus.com   --If you believe that I speak for my company,\n>> OR cdt@vos.stratus.com        write today for my special Investors\' Packet...\n>> \n> \n> Why thanks for your reply to my post.  By the way, I never, never ever said \n> that it was right to shoot "THOSE kind" of babies.  However it was the Branch\n> Davidian people in there that insisted on staying there with their "savior" \n> (yeah right budy boy) because he had brain-washed them into believing that \n> what ever he says is the truth, even if means that they are to give up their\n> lives for <<<<HIS>>>> cause.  Therefore it is Davids fault and not the ATF\'s\n> who gave them 50 to 51 days to get out, this was 50 days to many for me and\n\nFor goodness sake if they had fired a cruise missile at the compound more\npeople would have come out alive. It was obvious to anyone with the remotest\ncontact with reality that such an outcome was likely (not just possible)\nhowever the fire started. As, Mr Lawnmower, you seem to have already entered\nyour own little virtual reality I guess you can\'t be expected to understand\nthings in the real universe.\n-- \nAlan Greig                            Janet: A.Greig@uk.ac.dct\nDundee Institute of Technology\t   Internet: A.Greig@dct.ac.uk\nTel: (0382) 308810                 (Int +44 382 308810)\n         ** Never underestimate the power of human stupidity **\n',
  "From: dmsilev@athena.mit.edu (Daniel M Silevitch)\nSubject: Re: Utility for updating Win.ini and system.ini\nOrganization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology\nLines: 28\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: w20-575-72.mit.edu\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.180234.18192@oz.plymouth.edu>, oddjob@oz.plymouth.edu (Andrew C. Stoffel) writes:\n|> In article <1993Apr20.151912.18590@midway.uchicago.edu> am37@midway.uchicago.edu writes:\n|> \n|> >Unless I am completely misunderstanding you, try using either Notepad or\n|> >sysedit.exe (found in your system subdirectory) to edit you .ini files.\n|> You can add sysedit (& regedit) to a program group... they are Windows\n|> programs. \n|> >The sysedit.exe program is cool because it automatically opens you win.ini,\n|> >system.ini, autoexec.bat and config.sys files to be edited.\n|> \n|> Is it possible to get it to load other *.ini files ????\n|> \n\nNo. When the program is run, it loads 4 configuration files; autoexec.bat,\nconfig.sys, win.ini, and system.ini. There is no Open entry on the File\nmenu. You can only edit these four files. If you need to edit some other\nprogram's .ini file, use Notepad or some other ASCII editor.\n\nI wonder whether Microsoft intended for sysedit to be used, or if it was\njust a holdover from the testing period and they forgot to take it out. The\nreason I think this is because there is absolutely no mention in the manuals\nabout this program, and there is no online help for it (just an About entry\nunder the File menu). The program looks like something that was intended for\ninternal use only. It's kind of a shame, though. It would have made a nice\nmulti-file replacement for Notepad.\n\nDaniel Silevitch                           dmsilev@athena.mit.edu\nMassachusetts Institute of Technology\n",
  'From: dpeterik@iastate.edu (Dan Peterik)\nSubject: Re: Brewer Notes\nOrganization: Iowa State University, Ames IA\nLines: 26\n\nIn <30MAR93.02086551.0010@MUSIC.LIB.MATC.EDU> PFAN <PFAN@MUSIC.LIB.MATC.EDU> writes:\n\n>For those of you who know who Bernie Brewer is, he\'s back.  The\n>team mascot, if you will, was given his walking papers a few years\n>ago, but the fans voted him back last season and he will be perched\n>in the his familiar home in the outfield and will again slide down\n>into a barrel of beer when home runs are hit.\n\nThat is great to hear I just may have to take a raod trip to Milwakee this year and see that again.  Last time I saw Bernie Brewer was at the age of 10 and I am now 21 thanks for this post.\n\n>One final note, Bill Spiers is leading the Brewers with 13 RBI\'s in\n>exhibition play.  Looks like he\'s bouncing back nicely from back\n>problems.\n\nGood to Bill is getting better form the limited coverage we get here in Iowa\nI know that this will be a great season for the BREW CREW!!\n\n\n>/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n>| Pete Fanning, Computer Operator  | "Leadership is ACTION |\n>| Office of Information Technology |  ...NOT Position"     |\n>| Milwaukee Area Technical College |     -- D. H. McGannon |\n>|**********************************************************|\n>| Email: pfan@music.lib.matc.edu (Internet)                |\n>|  -or-  Pete.Fanning@f71.n154.z1.fidonet.org              |\n>\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n',
  'From: steve-b@access.digex.com (Steve Brinich)\nSubject: S1, S2\nOrganization: Express Access Online Communications, Greenbelt, MD USA\nLines: 13\nNNTP-Posting-Host: access.digex.net\n\n > Second question: Why!?!? Why is such a strange procedure used, and not\n >a real RNG ? This turns those S1,S2 in a kind of bottleneck for system-\n >security.\n\n  The only theory that makes any sense is that S1 and S2 are either the\nsame for all chips, or vary among very few possibilities, so that anyone\ntrying to break the encryption by brute force need only plow through the\npossible serial numbers (2^30, about one billion), multiplied by the number\nof different S1, S2 combinations.\n\n\n\n\n',
  "From: cabanrf@wkuvx1.bitnet\nSubject: Re: My Belated Predictions (NL)\nOrganization: Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY\nLines: 56\n\nIn article <mssC4zyo8.JsC@netcom.com>, mss@netcom.com (Mark Singer) writes:\n> In article <Apr.> gajarsky@pilot.njin.net (Bob Gajarsky - Hobokenite) writes:\n>>i've said the braves would improve by injury as well.  here's how.\n>>\n>>javier lopez is a better catcher than greg olson.\n>>ryan klasko is a better firstbaseman than bream.\n>> chipper jones is a better shortstop than anyone the braves\n>> put out there.\n>>\n>>mel nieves is better than nixon/sanders.\n>>\n>>that's how. it FORCES them to play the young guys.\n>>\n>>- bob gaj\n> \n> I continue to be amazed at these comments.  While Lopez might *some\n> day* be a better catcher than Olson, I find it totally amazing for\n> you to suggest that this 22 year-old with three seasons of professional\n> baseball is *now* better than Olson, a five-year MLB veteran who is\n> noted for his ability to call a game, and who has a better-than-average\n> arm.  Oh, perhaps you are talking about hitting.  Well, sure, Lopez\n> *might* hit better.  Perhaps he *probably* will.\n> \n> But has there ever in the history of baseball been a 22-year-old (or\n> younger) *rookie* catcher who compared favorably among all league\n> catchers in terms of defense and brought a .247 bat?  Wasn't it \n\nYes, Ivan Rodriguez, last year.  Batted .260 and threw out 51% of the\nbaserunners.  Not too shabby for a rookie from AA.  20 years old last\nyear.\n\n> Sandy Alomar who was supposed to be that good in his rookie year?\n> Not.  Wasn't it Benito Santiago who was supposed to be that good\n> in his rookie year?  Not.\n> \n> I can continue this thread with the others mentioned, but you get\n> the point.  You and others seem to be so quick to dismiss the \n> seasoned veterans in favor of the hot *young* rookies.  Perhaps -\n> just perhaps - the management team of the pennant-winning Braves\n> knows something more than you do.  And perhaps what they know is\n> that very, very few 21- and 22-year old rookies come up to the majors\n> and make an impact. \n> \n> \n> --\tThe Beastmaster\n> \n> \n>  \n> -- \n> Mark Singer    \n> mss@netcom.com\n-- \nRoy F. Cabaniss......................*Wait till Tommy meets the Lord and\nWestern Kentucky University..........*finds out that He's wearing pinstripes.\nAll opinions contained herein........*Gaylord Perry (talking about Lasorda)\nAre all mine own, and that's the sin.*Baseball, what a way to spend a day!!\n",
  'From: ivan@IRO.UMontreal.CA (Catalin Ivan)\nSubject: IDE/ESDI coexistence\nSummary: How to make IDE and ESDI controllers live together???\nKeywords: HD, controller, IDE, ESDI, disks\nOrganization: Universite de Montreal\nLines: 57\n\nHello all,\n\nYou, the Net, are my last resort, or I\'ll just change my job :-)\nThis might be a FAQ (e.g. mixing controllers) but haven\'t seen any.\n\nSys: 486/33, AMI BIOS, and your run-of-the mill multi-I/O card with\nserials/paral/floppies and \n\t- IDE controller "clone" Gw2760-EX\n\t\tthere are no jumpers affecting the HD or ctrller :-( \n\t- Quantum ProDrive LPS (3" 105M type 47: 755cyl, 16hds, 17spt).\n\nPb: I want to bring in this (2nd hand, neat price):\n\t- Maxtor XT-B380E (~330M, <15ms, BIOS type 1, ctrller manages\n\t\tthe real geom: 1630cyl, 8hds, 52spt)\n\t- Western Digital WD1007V-SE1 ESDI ctrller: no floppies.\n\t\t(jumpers set IRQ 14/15, hw port addr 1F0/170,\n\t\tand BIOS addr CC00/C800, and other floppy/format stuff)\n\nGoal: have the WD ESDI as a secondary/controller and have both disks \nsimultaneously working. Being able to boot from the ESDI too would be \na nice bonus but is not expected.\n\nUltimate goal: have room for Linux et al.\nEx of scheme I have in mind: boot from IDE (HD or floppy) and mount\nthe ESDI as root. Not booting from ESDI, or even from HD, is acceptable.\n\nI have tried numerous (all!!) combinations to no avail. They work alone,\nor can coexist witout hang-ups but can\'t access the ESDI or the IDE, \ndepending on setup/jumpers.\n\nUseful suggestions might be:\n- How do I tell the BIOS setup about two ctrllers (I guess the 2nd HD\nis expected to hang off the same ctrller as the 1st).\n- Do I need some driver to make it work?\n- --- " --- some new BIOS/chip for any of these cards?\n- do I have to buy another controller to make them HDs happy? IDE\nis cheaper; ESDI is hard to find and rather costly. I\'m not \nrich or I wouldnt\' try to scavenge around, so soft slns are preferred.\n- adapters of some sort; I can hold a soldering iron, and can change\na chip or put a jumper!\n\nAlso useful:\n- BBS or Hot-line of Western Digital.\n- ftp archives with relevant info.\n- expert stores in Toronto, Ontario area (that would be a miracle! haven\'t\nseen any really knowledgeable ppl in a while)\n- any hints into inner workings of the system ... \n- anything else that helped you in similar situations (prayers :-) )\n\nDirect or posted replies are ok.\n\tMany thanks,\n\t\t\tCat.\n--\n////// /// // / /  /  /   /   /    /     /      /      /        / \nCatalin Ivan - email: ivan@Iro.UMontreal.CA - tel:(416) 324.8704\n         Human-Computer   INTERACTION   Humain-Machine \nUniversite de Montreal - Informatique et Recherche Operationelle\n',
  'From: I3150101@dbstu1.rz.tu-bs.de (Benedikt Rosenau)\nSubject: Re: An Anecdote about Islam\nOrganization: Technical University Braunschweig, Germany\nLines: 74\n\nIn article <114140@bu.edu>\njaeger@buphy.bu.edu (Gregg Jaeger) writes:\n \n>>>>> In cases of prostitution\n>>>>>both the man and the prostitute would be punished in public, quite\n>>>>>severely.\n \n(Deletion)\n \n>\n>>No Gregg, you cannot say A is lenient and A punishes severely in public.\n>>Unless, of course, it is one of the exceptions implied by "almost all\n>>matters".\n>\n>That depends on the statistics and who is punished in public. If some\n>power (for example, nothing Islamic about it) allows men to rape women\n>five times before blowing the rapist\'s head off in public then I\'d call\n>that leniency, wouldn\'t you?\n>\n \nYou have given that example. It is not lenient. End of argument.\n \nAnd chopping off the hands or heads of people is not lenient either. It\nrather appears that you are internalized the claims about the legal system\nwithout checking if they suit the description.\n \nAnd wasn\'t the argument that it takes five men to rape a woman according\nto Islamic law?\n \n \n>>While I don\'t approve of it, I think both the prostitute and the customer\n>>have the right to do what they do. In other words, punishing them is a\n>>violation of their rights. And to punish them severely in public is just\n>>another pointer to the hysteria connected with sexuality in so many\n>>religions.\n>\n>Believe what you like.\n>\n \nNo, I even believe what I don\'t like. Can you give better answers than that?\nHave you got any evidence for your probably opposite claims?\n \n \n>>In this case, I don\'t see why I should accept the complex ridden views\n>>of an oriental goatherd.\n>\n>Ah, yes, I forget that the West is historically so much without sexual\n>neurosis :)\n>\n>"Oriental goatherd", _really_ intellectual.\n>\n \nA fact, if memory serves. And most will see the connection between the\nprimitive machism in the Orient and in Islam.\n \n>>If people agree on having sex it is fine. And I would assume that a\n>>god would have a clue of what the detrimental effects of supressing it\n>>are.\n>\n>Huh? Ever heard of AIDs? (Of course you\'ll probably go on to say that\n>God must be evil because he allows the disease to exist, bla bla).\n>\n \nAs usually you miss the point. Aids is  neither spread only through sex\nnor necessarily spread by having sex. Futher, the point is, a very important\npoint, the urge for sex is stronger than the fear of AIDS. It is even\nstronger than the religious attempts to channel or to forbid sex. The\nconsequences of suppressing sex are worse than the consequences of Aids.\nPlease note that the idea that everybody would end up with AIDS when sex\nis not controlled is completely counterfactual.\n \n \nAnd since you have brought up the point, is your god evil or not?\n   Benedikt\n',
  "From: dunnjj@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (DUNN  JONATHAN JAMES)\nSubject: Re: ABOLISH SELECTIVE SERVICE\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 42\n\nmuellerm@vuse.vanderbilt.edu (Marc Mueller) writes:\n\n>Considering that Clinton received a draft notice and got out of it (he admits it) the political feasibility of him abolishing it is not something he would\n>be inclined to risk any extra exposure on.\n\nAs a libertarian (with a small l) who voted for Clinton, I think that he\nshould abolish the Selective Service and the draft.  If his conscience\nforbade him to go to war in Vietnam, it should forbid him to perpetuate\nthis system of government-sanctioned slavery.\n\n>Agreed. Congress took money from NASA and FHA to fund the second Seawolf.\n>The shipyards are still building Los Angeles Class submarines and there\n>is a lack of ASW foes to contend with. The Navy is considering reducing\n>the number of attack subs to 40 (Navy Times) and that would entail\n>getting rid of or mothballing some of the current Los Angeles class.\n>Politically, General Dynamics is in Connecticut and we will get\n>Seawolf subs whether we need them or not.\n\nIf our government would pay attention to SERIOUS domestic issues (the ECONOMY)\nand choose to stay out of other people's wars (Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia),\nwe would not be in this fix.  An anyway, couldn't the jobs be replaced by\nimproving our domestic situation?  (I'm not for continued deficit spending,\nbut if Clinton and Congress want to spend, I'd rather they improve the \ninfrastructure than fight other people's wars.)\n\n>In addition, more bases need to be closed. Probably Long Beach Naval Station\n>and others. The Navy is talking about three main bases on each coast being \n>required to home port a total fleet of 320 ships.\n>The question is whether Les Aspin and Clinton will be able to face down\n>a pork happy Congress.\n\nA novel idea:  Getting away from naval bases, what about refurbishing\ndecommissioned Air Force bases as airports?  This would be SO much cheaper\nthan building them from the ground up (Denver's new airport is one of the \nmost appalling examples of pork-barreling and cronyism I have seen in\nmy lifetime).  Even if no more airports are needed, I'm sure Bill Gates\nor Ross Perot would LOVE to have their own private airfields, and the\nmoney from their purchases could be applied to the public debt.\n\n>Jon Dunn<\n\n* All E-mail flames will be deleted without reading *\n",
  'From: celeste%express@freedom.msfc.nasa.gov (Celeste)\nSubject: Re: male/female mystery [ Re: Dumbest automotive concepts of all time ]\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nOrganization: AEGIS\nLines: 56\n\nIn article <1pima2INN180@gap.caltech.edu>, wen-king@cs.caltech.edu\n(Wen-King Su) wrote:\n> \n> In article <1993Apr1.191826.28921@iscnvx.lmsc.lockheed.com> sharen@iscnvx.lmsc.lockheed.com (Sharen A. Rund) writes:\n> \n> <apparently you\'re not a woman - my husband hates the auto door locks\n> >features, but forgets that besides families with children, a woman\n> <feels safer in a car that locks easily (in addition to watching around\n> >& checking out if anyone\'s near me when I get to my car - never park\n> <in a secluded spot, etc - have my keys ready to open the door so I\'m\n> >not fumbling in my purse looking for them ....\n> \n> This has me thinking.  Is there a biological reason why women can\'t put\n> their keys in their pants pockets like men do?  I have two pockets on the\n> back of each of my pants.  I put my keys in one and wallent in another.\n> Many of the pockets even have a botton on them so I can close them securely.\n> Everything is that much simpler for me.  Why can\'t women do the same?\n> Is is biological (ie, not enough room for a bigger bottom plus keys and\n> a wallet) or is it the way they are raised by the parents? \n\nWomen\'s pants rarely have pockets and most, when they do, are too\nshallow to use!\n\nI is very important for a woman to have her keys in her hand when\nshe goes from building to a car. It is protect herself from\nwould be assilants by broadcasting that this is someone who\nas a definite place of safty (ie a locked car!).\n\nPuting keys and walet looks ugly! It breaks the lines and makes\nyou rear look wide as a cows!\n\n Also, to have the habits that\nwork for any clothing situation, the pruse functions no mater\nwhat you are wearing! (even nude or a bikni)\n\nA women\'s suit coat is lucky to have 2 pockets (2 on the outside,\nnone on the inside). I have men\'s coats that have as much as 6\npockets! This is definitally not fair!!!\n\nAs one that wears both men\'s and women\'s clothes, I can tell you,\nwomen\'s clothes have few if any funtional pockets!\n\nWhen dressed as a man, I put my wallet on my inside coat pocket and\nmy keys in a coat outside pocket. It is much more covenent\nthan the pants pockets and looks better.\n\nHaving a car that unlocks quickly and locks back fast is\nparamout to a woman\'s safty. Men don\'t see this as a problem.\nA woman is aware of this every time she goes out! (i.e.\nImage some red necks yelling at you "We are going to FUCK YOU!"\nand the out weight you by 20 lbs and have 3 inches in hight\non you!)\n\nIf you want to find out why a women does something, LIVE AS ONE!\n\nCeleste\n',
  "From: Mamatha Devineni Ratnam <mr47+@andrew.cmu.edu>\nSubject: Re: Zane!!Rescue us from Simmons!!\nOrganization: Post Office, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA\nLines: 17\nNNTP-Posting-Host: po4.andrew.cmu.edu\n\nIn my last message, I wrote:\n****************************************************\n12) Management: BIG BIG ZERO. Sauer has yet to make a forceful agreement\nin favor of revenue sharing.\n******************************************************\n\n\nI meant argument instead of agreement.\nAlso, I think I should add a coouple of Ted's positive achievements\n- Smiley trade was good for the pirates. but I think Ted could have gotten\nsomeone better than Neagle. Cummings seems to be pretty good.\n- The Cole trade was excellent. BUt Simmons has botched it up now.\n-This year's draft seems to have gone well for the PIrates. BUt then they\nlost 2 high picks in the Bonds fiasco.\n\nOH well, I should give up trying to prove that Simmons is not a total\nidiot.\n",
  'From: nsmca@aurora.alaska.edu\nSubject: Moon Colony Prize Race! $6 billion total?\nLines: 26\nNntp-Posting-Host: acad3.alaska.edu\nOrganization: University of Alaska Fairbanks\n\nI think if there is to be a prize and such.. There should be "classes"\nsuch as the following:\n\nLarge Corp.\nSmall Corp/Company (based on reported earnings?)\nLarge Government (GNP and such)\nSmall Governemtn (or political clout or GNP?)\nLarge Organization (Planetary Society? and such?)\nSmall Organization (Alot of small orgs..)\n\nThe organization things would probably have to be non-profit or liek ??\n\nOf course this means the prize might go up. Larger get more or ??\nBasically make the prize (total purse) $6 billion, divided amngst the class\nwinners..\nMore fair?\n\nThere would have to be a seperate organization set up to monitor the events,\numpire and such and watch for safety violations (or maybe not, if peopel want\nto risk thier own lives let them do it?).\n\nAny other ideas??\n==\nMichael Adams, nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu -- I\'m not high, just jacked\n\n\n',
  'From: k_mullin@oz.plymouth.edu (Mully)\nSubject: Request for AL stats....\nReply-To: k_mullin@oz.plymouth.edu (Mully)\nOrganization: Plymouth State College - Plymouth, N.H.\nLines: 4\n\n  Anyone have the AL individual stats or where i can find them?\n\n\tK-->\n\n',
  "From: golchowy@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Gerald Olchowy)\nSubject: Re: WC 93: Results, April 18\nOrganization: University of Toronto Chemistry Department\nLines: 43\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.211406.22528@iscnvx.lmsc.lockheed.com> spiegel@sgi413.msd.lmsc.lockheed.com (Mark Spiegel) writes:\n>\tAccording to the SJ Murky News the Team USA roster is (names and\n>\tteams played for in 1992-93 listed):\n>\n>\t\tGoalies\n>\t\t-------\n........\n>\t\tForwards\n>\t\t--------\n>\tTony Amonte\tNew York Rangers\n>\tTed Drury\tHarvard Univ\n>\tRob Gaudreau\tSan Jose' Sharks\n>\tCraig Johnson\tUniv of Minnesota\n>\tJeff Lazaro\tOttawa Senators\n>\tMike Modano\tMinnesota North Stars\n>\tEd Olczyk\tNew York Rangers\n>\tDerek Plante\tUniv of Minnesota-Duluth\n>\tShion Podein\tEdmonton Oilers\n>\tDavid Sacco\tBoston University\n>\tDarren Turcotte New York Rangers\n>\tDoug Weight\tEdmonton Oilers\n>\n\nIt looks like the Edmonton Oilers just decided to take a European\nvacation this spring...\n\nRanford, Tugnutt, Benning, Manson, Smith, Buchberger, and Corson\nare playing for Canada.\n\nPodein and Weight are playing for the US.\n\nIs Kravchuk playing for the Russians...I know he had nagging\ninjuries late in the season.\n\nPodein is an interesting case...because he was eligible to\nplay in Cape Breton in the AHL playoffs like Kovalev, Zubov,\nand Andersson...obviously Sather and Pocklington are not\nthe total scrooges everyone makes them out to be...certainly\nin this case they've massively outclassed Paramount and the\nNew York Rangers.\n\nGerald\n\n",
  "From: bc744@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Mark Ira Kaufman)\nSubject: Brad Hernlem vs. principle\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 50\nNNTP-Posting-Host: thor.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\n     In his neverending effort to make sure that we do not forget         \n     what a moron he is, Brad Hernlem has asked why Israel rarely\n     abides by UN Security Council resolutions.  Perhaps the list\n     below might answer the question.  \n\n\n     Incident                           Security Council Response\n     ------------------------------------------------------------                                              \n  1. Hindu-Moslem clash in INdia, over 2,000 killed, 1990    NONE\n  2. Gassing to death of over 8,000 Kurds by                 NONE\n     Iraqi Air Force, 1988-89    \n  3. Saudi security forces slaughter                         NONE\n     400 pilgrims in Mecca, 1987      \n  4. Killing by Algerian army of 500 demonstrators, 1988     NONE\n  5. Intrafada (Arabs killing Arabs) -- over 300 killed      NONE\n  6. 30,000 civilians slaughtered by government              NONE\n     troops in Hama, Syria, 1982                                \n  7. Killing of 5,000 Palestinians by Jordanian troops,      NONE\n     thousands expelled, Sept., 1970                                \n  8. 87 Moslems killed in Egypt, 1981                        NONE  \n  9. 77 killed in Egyption bread riots, 1977                 NONE\n 10. 30 border and rocket attacks against Israel by          NONE\n     the PLO in 1989 alone                     \n 11. Munich, 1972: 11 Israeli athletes slaughtered           NONE\n 12. Ma'alot, 1974: children killed in PLO attack            NONE\n 13. Israel Coastal bus attack: 34 dead, 82 wounded          NONE\n 14. Syria kills 23,000 Palestinians, 1976                   NONE\n 15. Lebanon: over 150,000 dead since 1975                   NONE\n 16. Yemen: 13,000 killed in two weeks, 1986                 NONE\n 17. Sudan: Tens of thousands of Black slaves,               NONE\n     Civil War toll, 1 million killed, 3 million refugees        \n 18. Tienenman Square massacre 1989                          NONE\n 19. Rumania, 3,000 killed, 1989                             NONE\n 20. Pan Am 103 disaster carried out by the P.L.O            NONE\n 21. Northern Ireland                                        NONE\n 22. Cambodia                                                NONE\n 23. Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan                        NONE\n 24. American riots at Attica, Watts, Newark, Kent State     NONE\n 25. 1981: Israel destroys Iraqi reractor, Israel         CONDEMNED\n 26. 1990: Israeli police protect Israeli worshipers      CONDEMNED\n     against Arab mob, 18 anti-Jewish rioters killed                     \n 27. Syrian soldiers slaughter Christian soldiers            NONE\n     after they surrender, 1990                                       \n \n     It appears that Brad Hernlem and the United Nations Security\n     Council have something in common.  They both seem unfettered \n     by the demands of acting on principle.\n\n \n",
  'From: Wayne.Orwig@AtlantaGA.NCR.COM  (Wayne Orwig)\nSubject: Re: Shaft-drives and Wheelies\nLines: 21\nNntp-Posting-Host: worwig.atlantaga.ncr.com\nOrganization: NCR Corporation\nX-Newsreader: FTPNuz (DOS) v1.0\n\nIn Article <1r16ja$dpa@news.ysu.edu> "ak296@yfn.ysu.edu (John R. Daker)" says:\n> \n> In a previous article, xlyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu () says:\n> \n> Mike Terry asks:\n> \n> >Is it possible to do a "wheelie" on a motorcycle with shaft-drive?\n> >\n> No Mike.  It is imposible due to the shaft effect.  The centripital effects\n> of the rotating shaft counteract any tendency for the front wheel to lift\n> off the ground.\n> -- \n> DoD #650<----------------------------------------------------------->DarkMan\nWell my last two motorcycles have been shaft driven and they will wheelie.\nThe rear gear does climb the ring gear and lift the rear which gives an\nodd feel, but it still wheelies.\n',
  'Subject: Re: Trouble compiling X11R5 on SunOS_4.1.3\nFrom: nemo@aguirre.dia.fi.upm.es (Francisco J. Ballesteros)\nOrganization: Computer Science, CLIP lab, UPM Madrid, Spain.\nNntp-Posting-Host: aguirre.dia.fi.upm.es\nIn-reply-to: dmm@head-cfa.harvard.edu\'s message of 2 Apr 93 21:24:05 GMT\nLines: 21\n\nIn article <1993Apr2.212405.5213@head-cfa.harvard.edu> dmm@head-cfa.harvard.edu (David Meleedy) writes:\n\n>   \t   I\'ve been trying to compile X11R5 patchlevel 23 on a Sun Sparc\n>      IPX using SunOS_4.1.3, and gcc 2.3.3.\n>   \n>   \t   The problem occurs during the initial "make World".  When\n>      it gets up to compiling the standard X clients, it can\'t seem to find\n>      some of the libraries.  Right now we highly suspect the program "ld"\n>      which was updated for 4_1_3.\n>   \n\n    Yip, we had the same problem; the only fix we found was to link static\nsome of the clients, ( btw, we used cc). :-(.\n\n--\n/+=========================================++================================+\\\n||Francisco J. Ballesteros [a.k.a. Nemo]   ||  email: nemo@clip.dia.fi.upm.es||\n||org:  Computer Science, CLIP lab.        ||  phone: +34 1 336-7448         ||\n||      Campus Montegancedo s.n. U.P.M.    ||  ___         ___               ||\n||      Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain. ||  \\\\   \\\\   o \\\\_)  \\   _ \\__   ||\n\\+=========================================++== \\\\__ \\\\__\\\\ \\\\ == \\_(_\\_\\_) =+/\n',
  'From: gtj@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Glenn T Jayaputera)\nSubject: Need Info on high quality video card\nOrganization: RMIT Department of Computer Science\nLines: 10\n\nHi...I need some info on video card.  I am looking a video card that can\ndeliver a high quality picture.  I need the card to display images (well\nfor advertising company btw), so it must be rich with colors and the speed\nmust be fast too.\n\nI am just wondering if somebody can advise me what to buy for such\napplication, and possible the address of the vendor.\n\nthanks in advance\nGlenn Jayaputera\n',
  "From: msk9@po.CWRU.Edu (Mahesh S. Khot)\nSubject: Quattro Pro File Format\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)\nLines: 12\nReply-To: msk9@po.CWRU.Edu (Mahesh S. Khot)\nNNTP-Posting-Host: thor.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\n\n\nWe are trying to write a program which can read files created by quattro\npro 3.0 and above.  Would anyone know where to find information regarding\nthe format in which Quattro Pro stores its files.\n\nThanks in Advance\nMahesh\n-- \nfamous dummies =  Madam Tussade's Wax Museum. \nStill at Case msk9@po.cwru.edu\n",
  'From: jim.zisfein@factory.com (Jim Zisfein) \nSubject: Re: Could this be a migraine?\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Invention Factory\'s BBS - New York City, NY - 212-274-8298v.32bis\nReply-To: jim.zisfein@factory.com (Jim Zisfein) \nLines: 31\n\nGB> From: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nGB> >(I am excepting migraine, which is arguably neurologic).\nGB> I hope you meant "inarguably".\n\nGiven the choice, I would rather argue <g>.\n\nNo arguments about migranous aura; in fact, current best evidence is\nthat aura is intrinsicially neuronal (a la spreading depression of\nLeao) rather than vascular (something causing vasoconstriction and\nsecondary neuronal ischemia).\n\nMigraine without aura, however, is a fuzzier issue.  There do not\nseem to be objectively measurable changes in brain function.  The\nCopenhagen mafia (Lauritzen, Olesen, et al) have done local CBF\nstudies on migraine without aura, and (unlike migraine with aura,\nbut like tension-type) they found no changes in LCBF.\n\nFrom one (absurd) perspective, *all* pain is neurologic, because in\nthe absence of a nervous system, there would not be pain.  From\nanother (tautologic) perspective, any disease is in the domain of\nthe specialty that treats it.  Neurologists treat headache,\ntherefore (at least in the USA) headache is neurologic.\n\nWhether neurologic or not, nobody would disagree that disabling\nheadaches are common.  Perhaps my fee-for-service neurologic\ncolleagues, scrounging for cases, want all the headache patients\nthey can get.  Working on a salary, however, I would rather not fill\nmy office with patients holding their heads in pain.\n---\n . SLMR 2.1 . E-mail: jim.zisfein@factory.com (Jim Zisfein)\n                                                                       \n',
  "From: berger@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu (David Berger)\nSubject: 101 Keyboard wanted.\nOrganization: Brandeis University\nLines: 7\n\nI'm looking to buy a 100% working keyboard for a 286 system (preferably \na 101 layout.)  I'm looking to spend about $20.\n\n\n-- \n\n\t\t\t\t\tDavid\n",
  'From: jimf@centerline.com (Jim Frost)\nSubject: Re: Dumbest automotive concepts of all time\nArticle-I.D.: armory.1prve9$1aa\nOrganization: CenterLine Software, Inc.\nLines: 14\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\n\ndunnjj@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (DUNN  JONATHAN JAMES) writes:\n>ak296@yfn.ysu.edu (John R. Daker) writes:\n>>Cup holders (driving is an importantant enough undertaking)\n\n>This is a good idea - so you can carry your (non-alcoholic) drinks without\n>spilling or having someone hold on to them.\n\nI agree.  Six hour long stretches behind the wheel really make me\nthirsty, especially for something with caffeine.  I consider it a\nfailing of my car that it has no cup holder nor anywhere to put a cup\nholder.\n\njim frost\njimf@centerline.com\n',
  'From: dingebre@imp.sim.es.com (David Ingebretsen)\nSubject: Re: images of earth\nOrganization: Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp., Salt Lake City, UT\nLines: 20\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: dingebre@imp.sim.es.com (David Ingebretsen)\nNNTP-Posting-Host: imp.sim.es.com\n\nI downloaded an image of the earth re-constructed from elevation data taken\nat 1/2 degree increments. The author (not me) wrote some c-code (included)\nthat read in the data file and generated b&w and pseudo color images. They\nwork very well and are not incumbered by copyright. They are at an aminet\nsite near you called earth.lha in the amiga/pix/misc area...\n\nI refer you to the included docs for the details on how the author (sorry, I\nforget his name) created these images. The raw data is not included.\n\n-- \n\tDavid\n\n\tDavid M. Ingebretsen\n\tEvans & Sutherland Computer Corp.\n\tdingebre@thunder.sim.es.com\n\n\tDisclaimer: The content of this message in no way reflects the\n\t            opinions of my employer, nor are my actions\n\t\t    encouraged, supported, or acknowledged by my\n\t\t    employer.\n',
  "From: smb@research.att.com (Steven Bellovin)\nSubject: Re: Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine\nOrganization: AT&T Bell Laboratories\nLines: 16\n\nIn article <7020.Apr2207.05.3993@silverton.berkeley.edu>, djb@silverton.berkeley.edu (D. J. Bernstein) writes:\n> In article <1993Apr21.132318.16981@ulysses.att.com> smb@research.att.com (Steven Bellovin) writes:\n> > And key size is one of the things that can be\n> > verified externally.\n> \n> Gee. Say they feed the 80-bit key through Snefru-8 and take the first 60\n> bits of the result, then use those 60 bits as the real key. How do you\n> figure out that each key is one of 2^20 ``equal'' keys? You can try a\n> birthday attack, but if the key can be changed only once a second then\n> you will need several lifetimes to get reliable statistics.\n\nYou're right, and I retract the suggestion.  Still, I wonder.  That\nthere are only 60 bits of key information should, in principle, be\ndetectable.  Maybe some variant of the tests Rivest et al. did to\ndemonstrate that DES was probably not a group?  It should make an\ninteresting paper -- a black-box analysis of a cryptosystem.\n",
  'From: gcohen@mailer.acns.fsu.edu (Gregory Cohen)\nSubject: Re: Photo shop scanner?\nOrganization: Florida State University\nLines: 37\n\nIn article <C5LGII.EuJ@ncube.com> root@ncube.com (Operator) writes:\n>From: root@ncube.com (Operator)\n>Subject: Photo shop scanner?\n>Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 20:49:30 GMT\n>I have a Macc IIci and a Color scanner.\n>I scanned a picture at 600 dpi. When I try to print\n>it on my HP500 color printer, after 10 minutes of\n>making noise, the mac hangs. I would need to reboot it.\n>What does this mean? Do I need to buy more memory? I have\n>5.0 MB now. I also have about 50 MB of disk free, and the\n>scanned picture is about 12 MB.\n>\n>---\n>\n>\n>\n>                     ^~\n>                     @ *  *\n>  Captain Zod...    _|/_ /\n>  zod@ncube.com    |-|-|/\n>                  0 /| 0\n>                   / |\n>           \\=======&==\\===\n>           \\===========&===\n>\n>\n>\n\nhave you tried printing the data file (TIFF) from another application such \nas freehand or PageMaker?  I have found that Photoshop has occasional \nproblems printing files that I can print through other applications.\n\n-GReg\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n| gcohen@mailer.cc.fsu.edu         | Infinite Illusions Juggling Supplies    |\n| "Beware of the Fnord or it will  | 1-800-54TORCH Call or write for a       |\n|  eat you"                        | catalog.                                |\n',
  'From: cmwolf@mtu.edu (Engineer by Day - Asleep by Night)\nSubject: Re: Answers to many electronics Questions\nOrganization: Michigan Technological University\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nLines: 19\n\nBill Willis (willisw@willisw.ENG.CLEMSON.edu) wrote:\n: I have notice a lot of electronics questions by people who are obviously not \n: "tuned-in" to electronics.  Many of them have rather simple answers, and \n: many of them require a circuit diagram.\n\n: Rather than muck up the network, why don\'t you write to me, send a self-\n: addressed, stamped envelop, and I\'ll answer your questions, if I can.\n\n: W. L. Willis, P. E.\n: 114 Fern Circle\n: Clemson, SC 29631\n\nBecause the network is quicker, easier, and free (at least to me).\n\n-- \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nChristopher Wolf             Electrical Engineer                cmwolf@mtu.edu\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n         Remember, even if you win the Rat Race - You\'re still a rat.\n',
  "From: gtoal@gtoal.com (Graham Toal)\nSubject: Re: Do we need the clipper for cheap security?\nLines: 24\n\n\tgtoal@gtoal.com (Graham Toal) writes:\n\t>\n\t>In the UK, it's impossible to get approval to attach any crypto device\n\t>to the phone network.  (Anything that plugs in to our BT phone sockets\n\t>must be approved - for some reason crypto devices just never are...)\n\t>\n\n\tWhats the difference between a V.32bis modem and a V.32bis modem?\n\n\tI'm not being entirely silly here: what I'm pointing out is that the\n\tmodems that they have already approved for data transmission will work\n\tjust fine to transmit scrambled vocoded voice.\n\nAbsolutely.  I just meant that no secure *dedicated* crypto device has\never been given approval.  Guerrilla underground devices should be well\npossible with today's high-speed modems (not that I can think of many v32bis\nmodems that are approved either mind you - just the overpriced Couriers)\n\nCan someone tell me if hardware compression is or is not needed to run\ndigital speech down 14.4K?  I think it is; I've heard it's not.  Lets\nsay 8 bit samples.  Would *raw* data at the corresponding sampling rate\nbe usable?  If not, how fancy does the compression need to be?\n\nG\n",
  'From: tammy@uclink.berkeley.edu (Tammy Chen)\nSubject: Toolwork: MPC Encyclopedia on CD-ROM\nOrganization: University of California, Berkeley\nLines: 14\nNNTP-Posting-Host: uclink.berkeley.edu\n\nI have the following program on CD ROM forsale:\n\n\n\tToolwork MPC Encyclopedia on CD-ROM\n\t- Multimedia\n\t- Brand new\n\t  - Shrink-wrapped\n\n\nAsking : $50 / obo\n\nSend reply to : sam@ocf.berkeley.edu\n\nThank you\n',
  'Nntp-Posting-Host:\nFrom: wimvh@liris.tew.kuleuven.ac.be (Wim Van Holder)\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: K.U.Leuven - Applied Economic Sciences Department\nSubject: WINQVTNET with NDIS on Token Ring ?\nLines: 13\n\nIs it possible to use WinQVT/Net on a machine that uses NDIS to connect to a\nToken Ring ? I tried it with older versions (< 3.2) but got an invalid packet\nclass error or something the like...\n\nRegards,\n\nWim Van Holder\nKatholieke Universiteit Leuven          Tel: ++32 (0)16/28.57.16\nDepartement T.E.W.                      FAX: ++32 (0)16/28.57.99\nDekenstraat 2\nB-3000 Leuven                           E-mail: wimvh@liris.tew.kuleuven.ac.be\nBELGIUM                                         fdbaq03@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be\n\n',
  "From: pyron@skndiv.dseg.ti.com (Dillon Pyron)\nSubject: Re: Shuttle oxygen (was Budget Astronaut)\nLines: 24\nNntp-Posting-Host: skndiv.dseg.ti.com\nReply-To: pyron@skndiv.dseg.ti.com\nOrganization: TI/DSEG VAX Support\n\n\nIn article <1qn044$gq5@access.digex.net>, prb@access.digex.com (Pat) writes:\n>I thought that under emergency conditions,  the STS  can\n>put down at any good size Airport.  IF it could take a C-5 or a\n>747, then it can take an orbiter.   You just need a VOR/TAC\n>\n>I don't know if they need ILS.\n\nDFW was designed with the STS in mind (which really mean very little).  Much of\ntheir early PR material had scenes with a shuttle landing and two or three\nothers pulled up to gates.  I guess they were trying to stress how advanced the\nairport was.\n\nFor Dallas types:  Imagine the fit Grapevine and Irving would be having if the\nshuttle WAS landing at DFW. (For the rest, they are currently having some power\nstruggles between the airport and surrounding cities).\n--\nDillon Pyron                      | The opinions expressed are those of the\nTI/DSEG Lewisville VAX Support    | sender unless otherwise stated.\n(214)462-3556 (when I'm here)     |\n(214)492-4656 (when I'm home)     |Texans: Vote NO on Robin Hood.  We need\npyron@skndiv.dseg.ti.com          |solutions, not gestures.\nPADI DM-54909                     |\n\n",
  'From: jrogoff@scott.skidmore.edu (jay rogoff)\nSubject: Box score abbrev woes\nOrganization: Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs NY\nLines: 7\n\nCan anybody figure out why some box score abbreviations make\nabsolutely no sense?  (At least in the local Gannett rag that finds its way\nto my door.)  I must have stared at "Cleman" in the Mets\' box for a\ngood 30 seconds this morning wondering who the hell it was.  Wouldn\'t\nit make more sense to use "Colemn"?\n\nJay\n',
  'From: fineman@stein2.u.washington.edu (Twixt your toes)\nSubject: Anyone know use "rayshade" out there?\nOrganization: University of Washington\nLines: 12\nNNTP-Posting-Host: stein2.u.washington.edu\nKeywords: rayshade, uw.\n\nI\'m using "rayshade" on the u.w. computers here, and i\'d like input\nfrom other users, and perhaps swap some ideas.  I could post\nuuencoded .gifs here, or .ray code, if anyone\'s interested.  I\'m having\ntrouble coming up with colors that are metallic (i.e. brass, steel)\nfrom the RGB values.\n\nIf you\'re on the u.w. machines, check out "~fineman/rle.files/*.rle" on \nstein.u.washington.edu for some of what i\'ve got.  \n\ndan\n\n\n',
  "From: ab220@Freenet.carleton.ca (Michel Dozois)\nSubject: Re: PowerBook Batteries\nReply-To: ab220@Freenet.carleton.ca (Michel Dozois)\nOrganization: The National Capital Freenet\nLines: 20\n\n\nIn a previous article, gil@cc.gatech.edu (Gil Neiger) says:\n\n>I have a few questions about PowerBook batteries, specifically,\n>the NiCad batteries I have for my PB170.\n>\n>2.  Can the PowerBook run without any battery if the charger is\n>plugged in?\n\nNo problems.\n-- \nMichel Dozois - Gloucester, Ontario, Canada - ab220@freenet.carleton.ca\n\t- Membre du Club de cerf-volant de l'Outaouais {OVKC} \n\t\t- Membre du National Capital Macintosh Club {NCMC}\n\t\t\t- Membre du Jungle BBS {un babillard Macintosh}\n",
  "From: rita@eff.org (Rita Marie Rouvalis)\nSubject: Re: **Sorry folks** (read this)\nOriginator: rita@eff.org\nNntp-Posting-Host: eff.org\nOrganization: Enormes_Rebajas_Online\nDistribution: na\nLines: 15\n\nIn article <1993Apr22.014646.28445@ucsu.Colorado.EDU> andersom@spot.Colorado.EDU (Marc Anderson) writes:\n\n>I just found out from my source that this article was a joke.  Heh heh..  \n>It seemed pretty damn convincing to me from the start -- I just didn't\n>notice the smiley at the end of the article, and there were a few other\n>hints which I should of caught.\n\n\tPeople took this article seriously?  I mean, I know it's the\nNet and all, but the prankster didn't even have Clinton's sound-bites\nright.\n\n\n-- \nRita Rouvalis\nrita@village.com\n",
  'From: db7n+@andrew.cmu.edu (D. Andrew Byler)\nSubject: Re: Question about Virgin Mary\nOrganization: Freshman, Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA\nLines: 22\n\nD. Andrew Kille writes:\n\n>Just an observation- although the bodily assumption has no basis in\n>the Bible, Carl Jung declared it to be one of the most important\n>pronouncements\n>of the church in recent years, in that it implied the inclusion of the \n>feminine into the Godhead.\n\nWhich means he has absolutely no idea about what the Assumption is.\n\nHowever greatly we extoll Mary, it is quite obvious that she is in no\nway God or even part of God or equal to God.  The Assumption of our\nBlessed Mother, meant that because of her close identification with the\nredemptive work of Christ, she was Assumed (note that she did not\nASCEND) body and soul into Heaven, and is thus one of the few, along\nwith Elijah, Enoch, Moses (maybe????) who are already perfected in\nHeaven.  Obviously, the Virgin Mary is far superior in glorification to\nany of the previously mentioned personages.\n\nJung should stick to Psychology rather than getting into Theology.\n\nAndy Byler\n',
  'From: miner@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu\nSubject: Re: Ancient Books\nOrganization: University of Kansas Academic Computing Services\nLines: 43\n\nIn article <Apr.>, mayne@ds3.scri.fsu.edu (Bill Mayne) writes:\n> In article <Apr.> miner@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu writes:\n>>[Any former atheists converted by argument?}\n>>This is an excellent question and I\'ll be anxious to see if there are\n>>any such cases.  I doubt it.  In the medieval period (esp. 10th-cent.\n>>when Aquinas flourished) argument was a useful tool because everyone\n>>"knew the rules."  Today, when you can\'t count on people knowing even\n>>the basics of logic or seeing through rhetoric, a good argument is\n>>often indistinguishable from a poor one.\n> \n> The last sentence is ironic, since so many readers of\n> soc.religion.christian seem to not be embarrassed by apologists such as\n> Josh McDowell and C.S. Lewis.\n\nI haven\'t followed whatever discussion there may have been on these\npeople, but I feel that C. S. Lewis is an excellent apologist and I\nsee no reason for embarrassment.  If you think that errors and flawed\narguments are a reason for dismissing a thinker, you must dismiss\nnearly every thinker from Descartes to Kant; any philosophy course\nwill introduce you to their weaknesses.  \n \n  The above also expresses a rather odd sense\n> of history. What makes you think the masses in Aquinas\' day, who were\n> mostly illiterate, knew any more about rhetoric and logic than most people\n> today? If writings from the period seem elevated consider that only the\n> cream of the crop, so to speak, could read and write. If everyone in\n> the medieval period "knew the rules" it was a matter of uncritically\n> accepting what they were told.\n\nI said nothing about "the masses."  However comparing "the masses" in\nour day and in Aquinas\' day really *is* odd.  Read Ortega y Gasset on\nthis.\n\nI\'m talking about the familiar experience of arguing all night and\nwinning on logic and evidence, only to discover your opponent to be\nunaware, even intuitively, of things like entailment (let alone\npragmatics).  (I am assuming that both parties are college graduates\nor better...)  Myself, I don\'t bother any more.\n\nKen\n-- \nminer@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu | Nobody can explain everything to everybody.\nopinions are my own      | G. K. Chesterton\n',
  'From: root@zmax.com (The Big Cheese)\nSubject: Laptop Cards\nOrganization: Z/Max Computer Solutions, Inc.\nLines: 17\n\nLaptop Connectivity Cards\n-------------------------\n\nPart #T2RN\nDesc: 3270 Remote Emulation Card for Toshiba Laptop Computer\n\nPart #T324M\nDesc: Easytalk 2400 bd dedicated internal modem with MNP level 5 for\n      Toshiba T1200 & T1600\n\nPart #T2LL\nDesc: Easytalk internal ethernet card for toshiba laptop expansion slot.\n\nPart #T232\nDesc: Easytalk 3270 Terminal emulation for toshiba laptop expansion slot\n\nIf interested in all or individual parts send email to rotella@zmax.com\n',
  'From: dyoung@media.mit.edu (David Young)\nSubject: Q: Colormaps with dialog shells\nOrganization: MIT Media Laboratory\nLines: 17\n\n\nI have an applicationShell which uses a colormap created with\nXCreateColormap() and uses all of the colors available for my 8-bit\ndisplay.  When I move the cursor over the window I get the "Technicolor\nEffect" - which is fine.  Basically, my program works.\n\nMy problem/question is: When I popup a dialogShell to prompt the user for\nsome input I want the XmNdialogStyle to be set to\nXmDIALOG_PRIMARY_APPLICATION_MODAL.  The result is that if my cursor is\nover the dialogShell I get my colormap, but if the cursor is over the\napplicationShell (or any window other than the dialogShell) I get the\ndefault colormap.  But I\'d like it so that if my cursor is over _any_\nwindow of my application, I get my colormap.\n\nAny suggestions?  Thanks,\n\ndavid,\n',
  'From: gp2011@andy.bgsu.edu (George Pavlic)\nSubject: Matt Militzok please read!\nOrganization: Bowling Green State University B.G., Oh.\nLines: 6\n\n\nSorry to everyone for wasting space.  Matt, the other day you posted that\nyou were doing a mailing list of playoff stats.  I lost your address. \nPlease put me on that list.  Thanks.\n\nGeorge \n',
  "From: rogerc@discovery.uk.sun.com (Roger Collier)\nSubject: Re: Camping question?\nOrganization: Sun Microsystems (UK) Ltd\nLines: 26\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: rogerc@discovery.uk.sun.com\nNNTP-Posting-Host: discovery.uk.sun.com\n\nIn article 10823@bnr.ca,  npet@bnr.ca (Nick Pettefar) writes:\n\n>\n>Back in my youth (ahem) the wiffy and moi purchased a gadget which heated up\n>water from a 12V source.  It was for car use but we thought we'd try it on my\n>RD350B.  It worked OK apart from one slight problem: we had to keep the revs \n>above 7000.  Any lower and the motor would die from lack of electron movement.\n\nOn my LC (RZ to any ex-colonists) I replaced the bolt at the bottom of the barrel\nwith a tap. When I wanted a coffee I could just rev the engine until boiling\nand pour out a cup of hot water.\nI used ethylene glycol as antifreeze rather than methanol as it tastes sweeter.\n\n(-:\n\n         #################################\n   _     #     Roger.Collier@Uk.Sun.COM  #\no_/_\\_o  #                               #\n (O_O)   #     Sun Microsystems,         #\n  \\H/    #     Coventry, England.        #\n   U     #     (44) 203 692255           #\n         #     DoD#226        GSXR1100L  #\n         #################################\n           Keeper of the GSXR1100 list.\n\n\n",
  'From: jenski@cae.wisc.edu (Anders Jenski)\nSubject: Quadra 950/900 case source wanted\nOrganization: U of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering\nLines: 12\n\nHello all,\n\nIf anyone knows of a place to get the case to hold the power supply and\nmotherboard of a Quadra 950 please let me know.  I have tried some mail\norder places and some local stores.  Both groups would prefer that I part\nwith over $1000 to get just the case.  In my eyes this seems about $600-$700\nto much.  Any comments?  I currently own the guts of a 950.\n\nPlease email me or post to this group w/ info,\n\nThanks in advance,\nAndy\n',
  'From: cescript@mtu.edu (Charles Scripter)\nSubject: Re: Raid justification was: Blast them next time\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: Michigan Tech\nLines: 52\nNntp-Posting-Host: physerver.phy.mtu.edu\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\n\nOn Wed, 21 Apr 1993 03:52:11 GMT, Peter Cash (cash@convex.com) wrote:\n\n> I just got through listening to the 10 o\'clock news on Channel 4 here in\n> Dallas. They trotted out a list of justifications produced by the ATF after\n> "months of investigation" for their raid. \n\nCNN just claimed he bought 104 "semi-automatic assault rifles".  And\nthey say Koresh wasn\'t god-like...  He managed to buy or build a\ncollection of fully-automatic semi-automatic rifles...  Quite a feat,\nI would say.  ;-)\n\nThey\'re still making charges of "sexual abuse" and such, or course.\nNobody seems to have noticed that the Treasury department has nothing\nto do with sex crimes.  Or maybe the feds have recently instituted a\nTAX on sex crimes...  Yeah, that\'s why the BATF was there, looking for\nunregistered *guns* ("this is my weapon, this is my gun, this is for\nfighting, this is for...").\n\n> I couldn\'t believe the junk on this list! For example, the BDs were accused\n> of stockpiling a bunch of "9mm and .223 ammunition that can be used in M15\n> and M16 assault rifles". Imagine that--they had ammunition!\n\nI also heard that they\'re claiming to be cautious because of Koresh\'s\n"heated ammunition stockpile".  I seem to recall that smokeless powder\ntends to decompose at even moderate temperatures.  I would be rather\nsurprised, after a fire of that nature, if *any* of his "stockpile" is\nunexploded, or unburned.\n\n> They also had\n> aluminum dust! (Yeah, it\'s a component of thermite, but so far I haven\'t\n> heard that it\'s illegal to take a grinder to the aluminum lawn\n> furniture...)\n\nI seem to recall that aluminum powder is a common component of\nfireworks...  The folks on rec.pyro could probably tell you.\n\n> The only thing on the list that could conceivably have been\n> illegal was an M-79 grenade launcher. (Anybody know about this?)\n\nI think *anything* is legal if you have the proper license.  If he had\na "curios and relics" permit, I believe he could legally own\nhandgrenades to go with his launcher.\n\n--\nCharles Scripter   *   cescript@phy.mtu.edu\nDept of Physics, Michigan Tech, Houghton, MI 49931\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n"...when all government... in little as in great things, shall be\ndrawn to Washington as the centre of all power, it will render\npowerless the checks provided of one government on another and will\nbecome as venal and oppressive as the government from which we\nseparated."   Thomas Jefferson, 1821\n',
  'From: ifaz706@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu (Noam Tractinsky)\nSubject: Re: Ten questions about Israel\nLines: 66\nNntp-Posting-Host: taupe.cc.utexas.edu\nOrganization: University of Texas @ Austin\nLines: 66\n\nIn article <1483500349@igc.apc.org>, cpr@igc.apc.org (Center for Policy Research) writes:\n> \n> From: Center for Policy Research <cpr>\n> Subject: Ten questions about Israel\n> \n> \n> Ten questions to Israelis\n> -------------------------\n> \n> I would be thankful if any of you who live in Israel could help to\n> provide\n>  accurate answers to the following specific questions. These are\n> indeed provocative questions but they are asked time and again by\n> people around me.                                      \n> \n> 1.      Is it true that the Israeli authorities don\'t recognize\n> Israeli nationality ? And that ID cards, which Israeli citizens\n> must carry at all times, identify people as Jews or Arabs, not as\n> Israelis ?\n\n\n\tThat\'s true. Israeli ID cards do not identify people\n\tas Israelies. Smart huh?\n\n\n> 3.      Is it true that Israeli stocks nuclear weapons ? If so,\n> could you provide any evidence ?\n\n\tYes. There\'s one warhead in my parent\'s backyard in\n\tBeer Sheva (that\'s only some 20 miles from Dimona,\n\tyou know). Evidence? I saw it!\n\n \n> 4.      Is it true that in Israeli prisons there are a number of\n> individuals which were tried in secret and for which their\n> identities, the date of their trial and their imprisonment are\n> state secrets ?\n\n\tYes. But unfortunately I can\'t give you more details.\n\tThat\'s _secret_, you see.\n\n\n\t\t\t[...]\n\n> \n> Thanks,\n> \n> Elias Davidsson Iceland email:   elias@ismennt.is\n\n\n\tYou\'re welcome. Now, let me ask you a few questions, if you\n\tdon\'t mind:\n\n\t1. Is it true that the Center for Policy Research is a \n\t   one-man enterprise?\n\n\t2. Is it true that your questions are not being asked\n\t   bona fide?\n\n\t3. Is it true that your statement above, "These are indeed \n\t   provocative questions but they are asked time and again by\n\t   people around me" is not true?\n\n\nNoam\n\n',
  "From: brucek@Ingres.COM (Bruce Kleinman)\nSubject: Re: When did Dodgers move from NY to LA?\nArticle-I.D.: pony.1993Apr6.195730.20277\nOrganization: Ingres Corporation, A subsidiary of The ASK Group, Inc.\nLines: 6\n\nIn article <1993Apr5.160030.2328@ncar.ucar.edu> tparker@music.scd.ucar.edu (Tom Parker) writes:\n>I have a bet with my buddy on when the Dodgers moved from NY to LA.  Does\n>anyone know what year they moved?\n>\n\nThe Dodgers' first year in LA was 1958.\n",
  "From: bgardner@bambam.es.com (Blaine Gardner)\nSubject: Re: Why I won't be getting my Low Rider this year\nKeywords: congratz\nArticle-I.D.: dsd.1993Apr6.044018.23281\nOrganization: Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation\nLines: 23\nNntp-Posting-Host: bambam\n\nIn article <1993Apr5.182851.23410@cbnewsj.cb.att.com> car377@cbnewsj.cb.att.com (charles.a.rogers) writes:\n>In article <1993Mar30.214419.923@pb2esac.uucp>, prahren@pb2esac.uucp (Peter Ahrens) writes:\n \n>> That would be low drag bars and way rad rearsets for the FJ, so that the \n>> ergonomic constraints would have contraceptive consequences?\n>\n>Ouch. :-)   This brings to mind one of the recommendations in the\n>Hurt Study.   Because the rear of the gas tank is in close proximity\n>to highly prized and easily damaged anatomy, Hurt et al recommended\n>that manufacturers build the tank so as to reduce the, er, step function\n>provided when the rider's body slides off of the seat and onto the\n>gas tank in the unfortunate event that the bike stops suddenly and the \n>rider doesn't.  I think it's really inspiring how the manufacturers\n>have taken this advice to heart in their design of bikes like the \n>CBR900RR and the GTS1000A.\n\nI dunno, on my old GS1000E the tank-seat junction was nice and smooth.\nBut if you were to travel all the way forward, you'd collect the top\ntriple-clamp in a sensitive area. I'd hate to have to make the choice,\nbut I think I'd prefer the FJ's gas tank. :-)\n-- \nBlaine Gardner @ Evans & Sutherland\nbgardner@dsd.es.com\n",
  'From: filipows@spk.hp.com (Dennis Filipowski)\nSubject: ? Octopus\nOrganization: Hewlett-Packard\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1.4 PL6]\nLines: 4\n\n   During the Detroit game Mon night there were octopus thrown on\n   the ice what is the meaning or symbolism here?  They used to\n   throw fish on the ice here in Spokane afew years ago. I never \n   knew where this came from.\n',
  "From: ayr1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Amir Y Rosenblatt)\nSubject: Re: Legality of the Jewish Purchase (was Re: Israeli Expansion-lust)\nNntp-Posting-Host: cunixa.cc.columbia.edu\nReply-To: ayr1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Amir Y Rosenblatt)\nOrganization: Columbia University\nLines: 69\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.225910.16670@bnr.ca> zbib@bnr.ca writes:\n>Adam Shostack writes: \n>> Sam Zbib writes\n>   >>I'm surprised that you don't consider the acquisition of land by\n>   >>the Jews from arabs, for the purpose of establishing an exclusive\n>   >>state, as a hostile action leading to war.\n>\n>>\tIt was for the purpose of establishing a state, not an\n>> exclusive state.  If the state was to be exclusive, it would not have\n>> 400 000 arab citizens.\n>\n>Could you please tell me what was the ethnic composition of \n>Israel right after it was formed. \n>\n>\n>> \tAnd no, I do not consider the purchase of land a hostile\n>> action.  When someone wants to buy land, and someone else is willing\n>> to sell it, at a mutually agreeable price, then that is commerce.  It\n>> is not a hostile action leading to war.\n>\n>No one in his right mind would sell his freedom and dignity.\n>Palestinians are no exception. Perhaps you heard about\n>anti-trust in the business world.\n>\n>Since we are debating the legality of a commercial\n>transaction, we must use the laws governing the guidelines\n>and ethics of such transactions. Basic ANTI-TRUST law says\n>that, while you can purchase IBM stocks for the purpose of\n>investing, you can not acquire a large number of those\n>shares with the intent or controlling IBM. You can do so\n>only if you make your intentions CLEAR apriori . Clearly,\n>the Jews who purchased properties from palastenians had some\n>designs, they were not buying a dwelling or a real estate.\n>They were establishing a bridgehead for the European Jews.\n>\n>The palastenians sold their properties to the Jews in the\n>old tradition of arab hospitality. Being a multi-ethnic /\n>multi-religious society, accepting the jews as neighbours\n>was no different, just another religion. Plus they paid fair\n>market value, etc... They did not know they were victims of\n>an international conspiracy. (I'm not a conspiracy theorist\n>myself, but this one is hard to dismiss).\n>\n\nRight now, I'm just going to address this point.\nWhen the Jewish National Fund bought most of its land,\nIt didn't buy it from the Palestinians themselves, because,\nfor the most part, they were tenant farmers (fallahin),\nliving on land owned by wealthy Arabs in Syria and Lebanon.\nThe JNF offered a premium deal, so the owners took advantage of\nit.   It's called commerce.  The owners, however, made no \nprovisions for those who had worked for them, basically shafting \nthem by selling the land right out from under them.\nThey are to blame, not the Jews.\n\n>\n>> Adam Shostack \t\t\t\t       adam@das.harvard.edu\n>\n>-- \n>Sam Zbib                                         Bell-Northern Research\n>------------------------------------------------------------------------\n>Bitnet/Internet: zbib@bnr.ca                    VOICE:  (613) 763-5889\n>                                                FAX:    (613) 763-2626\n>Surface Mail: Stop 162, P.O.Box 3511, Station C, Ottawa, Canada, K1Y 4H7\n>------------------------------------------------------------------------\n>       My opinions are my own and no one else's\n\n\nAmir\n",
  'From: jae2001@andy.bgsu.edu (Jason Ehas)\nSubject: Re: Giveaways\nOrganization: Home of 1984 NCAA hockey champs\nLines: 43\n\nIn article <1qi44l$kqr@access.digex.net>, steveg@cadkey.com (Steve\nGallichio) wrote:\n> \n> \n> John P. Curcio (jpc@philabs.philips.com) responded to my drivel:\n> \n> >steveg@cadkey.com (Steve Gallichio) writes:\n> > \n> >>I still am surprised that no one has tried giving away the goodies at the end\n> >>of the game. The two problems with that, of course, are that you would want\n> >>to make sure the first people in the building would be assured of getting\n> >>them (probably redeemable vouchers), and that the building managers want to\n> >>avoid at all costs delaying people as they leave the building, if, for\n> >>instance, the goodies are given to people as they exit.\n> >\n> >I went to the New Jersey Devils/Carvel Ice Cream Puck Night (tm) last year to\n> >see the beloved Bruins play.  The pucks were given out at the end of the game.\n> >I could just imagine what would have happened late in the third if the Bruins\n> >were winning....\n> \n> It figures, after I posted the first article, I found out that the Whalers are\n> going to be using coupons for the the giveaway on Friday Night. I believe that\n> is is the "Some Big Corporation (Probably a Bank) Flying Disk Night." I think\n> that we could all see the potential for danger here...\n> \n> >|> All in all, I have seen a whole bunch of giveaways land on the ice, and it\n> >|> never ceases to amuse me. I\'m just thankful for the players that no one has\n> >|> yet to sponsor \'Lead Pipe Night\' at any arenas...\n> >\n> >That\'s probably because they couldn\'t find anyone to sponser it... Maybe USS\n> >could sponser the Pittsburgh Penguins/US Steel Steel Rod Night-- close enough?\n> \n> Naah, it\'d probably bounce off of Jay Caufield.\n> \n> -SG\n\nI was at a Cincinnati Cyclones game a year ago when the local country\nstation sponsored a kazoo giveaway.  After a particularly bad call by the\nunderexperienced ECHL ref, it was Kazoostorm time down on the ice.  I\nthought this was a pathetic display by the fans, but they were rightfully\nunhappy.\n\nJason\n',
  'From: holland@CS.ColoState.EDU (douglas craig holland)\nSubject: Re: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption\nDistribution: na\nNntp-Posting-Host: beethoven.cs.colostate.edu\nOrganization: Colorado State University, Computer Science Department\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.130132.12650@afterlife.ncsc.mil> rlward1@afterlife.ncsc.mil (Robert Ward) writes:\n>In article <bontchev.734981805@fbihh> bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de writes:\n>>and since the US constitutions guarantees the right to every American\n>>to bear arms, why is not every American entitled, as a matter of\n>\n>Have you read the applicable part of the Constitution and interpreted it IN \n>CONTEXT?  If not, please do so before posting this misinterpretation again.\n>It refers to the right of the people to organize a militia, not for individuals\n>to carry handguns, grenades, and assault rifles.  \n\nRead the Constitution yourself.  The Second Amendment says the right to bear\narms shall not be infringed, so a well regulated militia may be more easily\nformed.  I have an interpretation of the Second that shows there are no \nqualifications to the right to keep and bear arms.  If you want, I can E-mail\nit to you.  By the way, gun talk belongs in talk.politics.guns.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDoug Holland\n\n',
  'From: xlyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu\nSubject: Shaft-drives and Wheelies\nDistribution: rec\nOrganization: Cornell University\nLines: 4\n\nIs it possible to do a "wheelie" on a motorcycle with shaft-drive?\n\nMike Terry\n\'82 Virago\n',
  'From: nabil@cae.wisc.edu (Nabil Ayoub)\nSubject: Re: Monophysites and Mike Walker\nOrganization: U of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering\nLines: 127\n\nHello src readers,\n\nAgain the misconception that Copts among other Oriental Orthodox\nChurches believe in Monophysitism pops up again. We had a discussion\nabout it a while ago. \n\nIn article <May.> db7n+@andrew.cmu.edu (D. Andrew Byler) writes:\n>\n>The proper term for what Mike expresses is Monophysitism.  This was a\n>heresy that was condemned in the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD.  It\n>grew up in reaction to Nestorianism, which held that the Son and Jesus\n>are two different people who happened to be united in the same body\n>temporarily.  Monophysitism is held by the Copts of Egypt and Ethipoia\n>and by the Jacobites of Syria and the Armenian Orthodox. \n\nThen OFM comments :\n\n>\n>\n>[These issues get mighty subtle.  When you see people saying different\n>things it\'s often hard to tell whether they really mean seriously\n>different things, or whether they are using different terminology.  I\n>don\'t think there\'s any question that there is a problem with\n>Nestorius, and I would agree that the saying Christ had a human form\n>without a real human nature or will is heretical.  But I\'d like to be\n>a bit wary about the Copts, Armenians, etc.  Recent discussions\n>suggest that their monophysite position may not be as far from\n>orthodoxy as many had thought. \n\nWith my appreciation to the moderator, I believe that further elaboration\nis needed. This is an excerpt from an article featured in the first issue\nof the Copt-Net Newsletter :\n\nUnder the authority of the Eastern Roman Empire of Constantinople (as opposed\nto the western empire of Rome), the Patriarchs and Popes of Alexandria played\nleading roles in  Christian theology.  They were  invited everywhere to speak\nabout the Christian faith. St. Cyril, Pope of Alexandria, was the head of the\nEcumenical Council which was held in Ephesus in the year 430 A.D. It was said\nthat the bishops of the Church of Alexandria did nothing but spend  all their\ntime in meetings. This leading role, however, did not fare well when politics\nstarted to intermingle with  Church affairs.  It all started when the Emperor\nMarcianus interfered with matters of faith in the Church. The response of St.\nDioscorus, the Pope of Alexandria who was later  exiled, to this interference\nwas clear: "You have nothing to do with the Church."  These political motives\nbecame even more  apparent in Chalcedon  in 451, when the Coptic  Church  was\nunfairly  accused of following  the  teachings of  Eutyches, who believed  in\nmonophysitism. This  doctrine maintains that the  Lord Jesus Christ  has only\none nature, the divine, not two natures, the human as well as the divine.\n\nThe Coptic  Church   has never  believed  in  monophysitism  the way   it was\nportrayed in the Council of Chalcedon!  In  that Council, monophysitism meant\nbelieving in one  nature.  Copts   believe that the Lord   is perfect in  His\ndivinity,  and He   is perfect in  His humanity,  but  His  divinity  and His\nhumanity were united in one nature called "the nature of the incarnate word",\nwhich was reiterated by St. Cyril of Alexandria.  Copts, thus, believe in two\nnatures "human" and   "divine"  that are   united in   one "without mingling,\nwithout confusion, and without alteration" (from the  declaration of faith at\nthe end of the Coptic divine liturgy).  These  two  natures "did not separate\nfor a moment or the twinkling of an eye" (also from  the declaration of faith\nat the end of the Coptic divine liturgy).\n\nThe  Coptic Church was  misunderstood in the 5th century  at the  Council  of\nChalcedon.  Perhaps the Council  understood   the Church correctly, but  they\nwanted to exile the  Church,   to  isolate it  and to  abolish the  Egyptian,\nindependent Pope. Despite  all of this,  the Coptic Church  has remained very\nstrict  and steadfast in its faith.   Whether it was   a  conspiracy from the\nWestern Churches to exile the Coptic Church  as a  punishment for its refusal\nto be politically influenced, or whether Pope Dioscurus  didn\'t  quite go the\nextra  mile to  make the  point that  Copts  are not  monophysite, the Coptic\nChurch has always felt a mandate  to reconcile "semantic" differences between\nall  Christian  Churches.   This is   aptly  expressed by the  current  117th\nsuccessor  of  St. Mark, Pope Shenouda III:  "To the  Coptic Church, faith is\nmore  important  than  anything, and   others  must know that  semantics  and\nterminology are of  little importance to us."  Throughout this  century,  the\nCoptic Church has played  an important role  in the ecumenical  movement. The\nCoptic Church is one of the founders of the World Council of Churches. It has\nremained a member of that  council  since 1948 A.D.   The Coptic Church is  a\nmember  of the all  African Council of Churches  (AACC)  and the  Middle East\nCouncil of  Churches (MECC).  The Church    plays an  important role   in the\nChristian   movement   by   conducting dialogues   aiming  at  resolving  the\ntheological differences with the  Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Presbyterian, and\nEvangelical Churches.\n\n[...]\n\nAs a final note, the Oriental Orthodox and Eastren Orthodox did sign\na common statement of Christology, in which the heresey of Monophysitism\nwas condemned. So the Coptic Orthodox Church does not believe in\nMonophysitism.\n\nPeace,\n\nNabil\n\n          .-------------------------------------------------------------.\n         /  Nabil Ayoub                        ____/   __  /    ____/  /\n        /  Engine Research Center             /       /   /    /      /\n       /  Dept. of Mechanical Engineering    ___/    __  /    /      /\n      /  University of Wisconsin-Madison    /       /   |    /      /\n     /  Email:ayoub@erctitan.me.wisc.edu  _____/ __/   _|  _____/  /\n    \'-------------------------------------------------------------\'\n\n[As I mentioned in a brief apology, the comment quoted above from me\nis confused.  I appear to say that Nestorius was monophysite.  As\nAndrew Byler correctly stated it, the Nestorians and monophysites were\nactually opposite parties.  The point I was making, which Nabil\nexplains in some detail, is that some groups that have been considered\nheretical probably aren\'t.\n\nChalcedon was a compromise between two groups, the Alexandrians and\nAntiochenes.  It adopted language that was intended to be acceptable\nto moderates in both camps, while ruling out the extremes.  I agree\nthat there were extremes that were heretical.  However in the course\nof the complex politics of the time, it appears that some people got\nrejected who didn\'t intend heresy, but simply used language that was\nnot understood or even was mispresented.  And some seem not to have\njointed in the compromise for reasons other than doctrine.  There are\ngroups descended from both of the supposedly heretical camps.  This\nposting discussed the descendants of the Alexandrians.  There are also\na remaining Nestorians.  Like some of the current so-called\nmonophysites, there is reason to believe that the current so-called\nNestorians are not heretical either.  They sheltered Nestorius from\nwhat they saw as unfair treatment, but claim they did not adopt his\nheresies, and in fact seem to follow more moderate representatives of\nthe Antiochene tradition.\n\n--clh]\n',
  "From: gomer+@pitt.edu (Richard J Coyle)\nSubject: Re: How difficult is it to get Penguin tickets?\nOrganization: University of Pittsburgh\nLines: 14\n\nIn article <1993Apr18.201811.28965@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> dmoney@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Dean R Money) writes:\n>The subject line says it all.  Is it terribly difficult to get tickets\n>to Penguins games, especially now that they are in the playoffs?  Would\n>it be easy to find scalpers outside of the Igloo selling tickets?\n\nThere are ALWAYS scalpers with tickets outside the Arena.  You might have\nto pay a few bucks extra, but you can always find them.  Look on the\nstreet under the message board, or out on the street in front of the Hyatt,\nor even around Gate 1.  The later you buy them, the less money you'll pay,\nand during the regular season you could usually find some for near face\nvalue or below if you wait until game time.  Might be better to pick them\nup earlier now, though.\n\nrick\n",
  "From: Michael.Ameres@f204.n2603.z1.fidonet.org (Michael Ameres)\nSubject: x86 ~= 680x0 ??  (How do they compare?)\nOrganization: FidoNet node 1:2603/204 - Not Even Odd, Forest Hills NY\nLines: 26\n\nI believe it goes or will go:\n680060\npowerPC\nPentium\n680040\n486\n680030\n386\n680020\n286=680000\n\nIn a resent article in one of the macMags I think a 50mHz 030 accelerator was\n slightly slower than a 25mHz 040 accel. But, this is using a system designed\n for the 030. So, It stands to reason that a system designed for an 040 ie\n quadra) would do better. So overall I'd figure 040 = 030 * 2.5 or so.\n    Along the same lines the new POwerPC stuff is supposed to run the system\n at the level of a fast quadra, but system 8 or whatever will allow 3 times the\n speed of a 040 in the powerPC based systems. and wait for the 680060. I think\n it laps the pentium.\n\npro-life pro-women\n\n\n--  \n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=\n Michael Ameres - Internet: Michael.Ameres@f204.n2603.z1.fidonet.org\n",
  "From: mabbot@stellenbos.csir.co.za (Mike Abbot)\nSubject: High level language compilers for uControllers ?\nArticle-I.D.: stellenb.mabbot.30.0\nOrganization: CSIR\nLines: 15\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\nX-Disclaimer: None of the opions expressed herein are the official\nX-Disclaimer: opinions of the CSIR or any of its subsidiaries.\nX-Disclaimer: **  So don't freak out at _us_ about anything  **\n\nHowdy chaps\n\nHas anybody got any pointers to good C, Pascal, etc compilers for \nmicrocontrollers, shareware or otherwise ?\n\nMy specific need is for 8051 C, but if the responses are many and varied I \nwill post a summary.\n\nCheers\nMike\n\n\nMike Abbott\tmabbot@stellenbos.csir.co.za\nCape Town\tmabbot@fred.csir.co.za\nSouth Africa\n",
  'From: timmbake@mcl.ucsb.edu (Bake Timmons)\nSubject: Re: Amusing atheists and agnostics\nLines: 32\n\n\nMaddi Hausmann chirps:\n\n>timmbake@mcl.ucsb.edu (Bake Timmons) writes: >\n\n>>First of all, you seem to be a reasonable guy.  Why not try to be more >honest\n>>and include my sentence afterwards that\n\n>Honest, it just ended like that, I swear!\n\nThat\'s nice.\n\n>Hmmmm...I recognize the warning signs...alternating polite and\n>rude...coming into newsgroup with huge chip on shoulder...calls\n>people names and then makes nice...whirrr...click...whirrr\n\nYou forgot the third equality...whirrr...click...whirrr...see below...\n\n>Whirr click whirr...Frank O\'Dwyer might also be contained\n>in that shell...pop stack to determine...whirr...click..whirr\n\n>"Killfile" Keith Allen Schneider = Frank "Closet Theist" O\'Dwyer = ...\n\n= Maddi "The Mad Sound-O-Geek" Hausmann\n\n...whirrr...click...whirrr\n\n--\nBake Timmons, III\n\n-- "...there\'s nothing higher, stronger, more wholesome and more useful in life\nthan some good memory..." -- Alyosha in Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky)\n',
  "From: singg@alf.uib.no (Kurt George Gjerde)\nSubject: Re: Drawing Lines (inverse/xor)\nOrganization: University of Bergen, Norway\nLines: 36\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.191531.15865@news.media.mit.edu>, dyoung@media.mit.edu (David Young) writes:\n\n  :\n  :\n\n|>    XSetFunction( myDisplay, gc, GXxor);\n|>    XSetForeground( myDisplay, gc, drawIndex);\n|> \n|> Then to draw I do:\n|> \n|>    XDrawLine( myDisplay, XtWindow( drawingArea1), gc, x1, y1, x2, y2);\n|>    XFlush( myDisplay);\n|> \n|> And when I'm all done, to return things to normal I do:\n|> \n|>    XSetFunction( myDisplay, gc, GXcopy);\n|> \n|> \n|> What I'd like to happen is for the lines I draw to be the inverse of\n|> whatever I'm drawing over.  Instead what happens is I get white lines.  If\n|> the lines are over a white background - nothing shows up.  If the lines are\n|> over a black area - nothing shows up!  It's very strange.  But the GXxor\n|> function seems right - since if I do a rubber-banding box, it erases and\n|> redraws itself correctly (ie. not disturbing the underlying image).\n|> \n|> Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong?\n|> \n|> david\n\n\n   Try change the GXxor to GXequiv.  I have to do this for programs that\n   are to run on NCD terminals (on Sun terminals I have to change it\n   back to GXxor)...\n\n\nKurt.\n",
  'From: dashley@wyvern.wyvern.com (Doug Ashley)\nSubject: Re: SE rom\nOrganization: wyvern.com\nLines: 31\n\nseanmcd@ac.dal.ca writes:\n\n>In article <wgwC5pDL4.43y@netcom.com>, wgw@netcom.com (William G. Wright) writes:\n>> \n>> \tAnyway, I was hoping someone knowledgeable\n>> about Mac internals could set me straight: is it simply\n>> impossible for a mac SE to print grayscale, or could\n>> someone armed with enough info and a little pro-\n>> gramming experience cook something up that would\n>> supplement the ROM\'s capabilities?\n \t\n>To use the grayscale features, I believe you need a Mac equipped\n>with colour quickdraw. I was told this somewhere or other, but it\'s\n>not mentioned in "Apple Facts" (guide for apple sellers), in the\n>press release or in the technical specs.\n\n>Sean \n\nI think you will find that the Mac SE can PRINT grayscale images, loaded\nwith the proper software. However, the Mac SE cannot DISPLAY grayscale on\nits screen or any attached video because that ability is not in the ROM.\n\nSo, while you might be able to PRINT grayscale, you\'d have a hard time\nSEEING the grayscale image you want to print.\n\nDoug\n-- \nThis Signature Under Construction\n-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\nWyvern Technologies | Tidewater\'s Premier Online Information System\n                    | (804) 627-1818, login guest, password guest to register\n',
  'From: healta@saturn.wwc.edu (Tammy R Healy)\nSubject: Re: who are we to judge, Bobby?\nLines: 31\nOrganization: Walla Walla College\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <kmr4.1572.734847158@po.CWRU.edu> kmr4@po.CWRU.edu (Keith M. Ryan) writes:\n>From: kmr4@po.CWRU.edu (Keith M. Ryan)\n>Subject: Re: who are we to judge, Bobby?\n>Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1993 04:12:38 GMT\n>\n>(S.N. Mozumder ) writes:\n>>(TAMMY R HEALY) writes:\n>>>I would like to take the liberty to quote from a Christian writer named \n>>>Ellen G. White.  I hope that what she said will help you to edit your \n>>>remarks in this group in the future.\n>>>\n>>>"Do not set yourself as a standard.  Do not make your opinions, your views \n>>>of duty, your interpretations of scripture, a criterion for others and in \n>>>your heart condemn them if they do not come up to your ideal."\n>>>                         Thoughts Fromthe Mount of Blessing p. 124\n>>\n>>Point?\n>\n>\tPoint: you have taken it upon yourself to judge others; when only \n>God is the true judge.\n>\n>---\n>\n>   Only when the Sun starts to orbit the Earth will I accept the Bible. \n>        \n>\nI agree totally with you!  Amen!  You stated it better and in less world \nthan I did.\n\nTammy\n\n',
  "From: cutter@gloster.via.mind.org (cutter)\nSubject: Re: NC vs Hunt (Marine Gay Bashing in Wilmington NC) verdict\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Gordian Knot, Gloster,GA\nLines: 23\n\njon@atlas.MITRE.org (J. E. Shum) writes:\n> \n> In article <C5G1su.K27@wolves.Durham.NC.US>, wolfe@wolves.Durham.NC.US (G. Wo\n> > A sad day for civil rights.  But typical of NC (unfortunately.)\n> \n> If it is typical for the principle of reasonable doubt to be upheld in\n> North Carolina, then I would count that in the state's favor. \n> \nReasonable doubt dates back to Human Rights. We are now in the time of\nCivil Rights. Civil Rights are issued by the State with whatever strings\nattached they choose as the Grantor of said rights. And if that means that \nverdicts are determined by the needs of the state rather than by guilt or \ninnocence in a traditional sense, so be it. Being subjective rather than \nobjective may make it harder to anticipate what is right, and you may be \nsacrificed for being wrong inadvertantly once in a while, but that really is a \nsmall price to pay for the common good don't you think?\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\ncutter@gloster.via.mind.org (chris)     All jobs are easy \n                                     to the person who\n                                     doesn't have to do them.\n                                               Holt's law\n",
  'From: eshneken@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu (Edward A Shnekendorf)\nSubject: Happy Birthday Israel!\nOrganization: University of Illinois at Urbana\nLines: 2\n\nIsrael - Happy 45th Birthday!\n\n',
  'From: ncmoore2@netnews.jhuapl.edu (Nathan Moore)\nSubject: Re: Bernoulli Drives/Disks...\nOrganization: JHU/Applied Physics Laboratory\nLines: 22\n\nnilayp@violet.berkeley.edu (Nilay Patel) writes:\n\n>I am looking for Bernoulli removable tapes for the 20/20 drive..\n\n>Don\'t laugh ... I am serious...\n\n>If you have any 20 MB tapes lying around that you would like to get rid of,\n>please mail me ... \n\n>-- Nilay Patel\n>nilayp@violet.berkeley.edu\n\nYou do mean disks, don\'t you, not tapes?  You forgot to say whether you\nwere looking for the old 8" or the newer 5.25".\n\nSorry, just use them at work and don\'t think they would appreciate it.\n\n-- \nNathan C. Moore\nThe Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory\nncmoore2@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu      CIS: 70702,1576\nPlease note above address for email replies.\n',
  'From: robie@umbc.edu (Mr. William Robie)\nSubject: IBM PC Convertible Parts 4-Sale\nOrganization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County Campus\nLines: 26\nNNTP-Posting-Host: umbc4.umbc.edu\nX-Auth-User: robie\n\nI have some used, but working, parts available for the original IBM\nlaptop - the PC Convertible.  If you have one of these things, and\nstill are using it, you may have found out that IBM wants OUTRAGEOUS\nprices for parts.  I built up a supply of enough parts to keep mine\ngoing for a few years, and will be willing to part with the rest.\n\nBasically, I have all the standard parts EXCEPT:\n\nMotherboard\nBattery\nPower Supply\n\nI\'ve got a few of the accessories, too - just ask.\n\nThese are in very limited supply, however.  I\'ve basically just cannibalized\na couple of old machines.\n\nIf you are interested, please e-mail me.\n\nNote: For those who want to convince themselves that they are somehow\nsuperior because they have newer and better machines, or who want to\ninform me that these are "worthless junk," save your effort.  I\'ll\njust delete the note.  Those of us who bought these machines when they first\ncame out still find them useful for word processing, etc..  I\'m saving\nmine as a future antique.\n\n',
  "From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: Keith Schneider - Stealth Poster?\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 19\nNNTP-Posting-Host: lloyd.caltech.edu\n\nmam@mouse.cmhnet.org (Mike McAngus) writes:\n\n>Let me see if I understand what you are saying.  In order to talk \n>knowledgeably about religion, Atheists must first have been so immersed \n>in a religion that only the rare individual could have left.  \n\nNo, you don't understand.  I said that I don't think people can discuss\nthe subjective merits of religion objectively.  This should be obvious.\nPeople here have said that everyone would be better off without religion,\nbut this almost certainly isn't true.\n\n>>But really, are you threatened by the motto, or by the people that use it?\n>The motto is a tool.  Let's try to take away the tool.\n\nBut, guns and axes are tools, both of which have been used for murder.\nShould both be taken away?  That is to say, I don't think motto misuse\nwarrants its removal.  At least not in this case.\n\nkeith\n",
  "From: susan_soric@upubs.uchicago.edu (Susan Soric)\nSubject: Wanted: Moltmann's God in Creation\nOrganization: Not important\nLines: 15\n\nI'm greatly in need of Jurgen\nMoltmann's book God in Creation:\nAn Ecological Doctrine of Creation.\n\nIf you have a copy you're willing to\npart with, I'd love to hear from you\nsoon.  You may call me at 312-702-\n8367 or e-mail me.\n\nThanks.\n\n==========================================================================================\nSusan Soric\nIndependent agent\nsusan_soric@upubs.uchicago.edu\n",
  "From: ch981@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tony Alicea)\nSubject: Re: OTO, the Ancient Order of Oriental Templars\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)\nLines: 11\nReply-To: ch981@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tony Alicea)\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hela.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\nIn a previous article, shades@sorinc.cutler.com (Darrin A. Hyrup) says:\n\n>They [Thelema Lodge] don't have an internet address, but they do have a CIS\n>address which can be reached via uucp/internet.  It is 72105,1351 so I guess\n>that would be '72105.1351@cis.com' or something like that.\n>\n\t\t......@compuserve.com\n\nTony\n\n",
  'From: vince@sscl.uwo.ca\nSubject: Re: Early BBDDD Returns?\nOrganization: Social Science Computing Laboratory\nNntp-Posting-Host: vaxi.sscl.uwo.ca\nLines: 11\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.073051.9160@news.cs.brandeis.edu>, st902415@pip.cc.brandeis.edu (Adam Levin) writes:\n> Just curious if anyone has started to standout early in the season in the\n> BB DDD this year. ...\n> \n> A concerned fan of the BB DDD,\n\nI am hoping to produce the first update of the BB DDD this week;\nplease send info about the most significant (longest, most critical,\netc.) home run that you have seen yet this season.\n\nVince.\n',
  "From: kv07@IASTATE.EDU (Warren Vonroeschlaub)\nSubject: Re: Albert Sabin\nReply-To: kv07@IASTATE.EDU (Warren Vonroeschlaub)\nOrganization: Ministry of Silly Walks\nLines: 30\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.225657.17804@rambo.atlanta.dg.com>, wpr@atlanta.dg.com\n(Bill Rawlins) writes:\n>       Since you have referred to the Messiah, I assume you are referring\n>        to the New Testament.  Please detail your complaints or e-mail if\n>        you don't want to post.  First-century Greek is well-known and\n>        well-understood.  Have you considered Josephus, the Jewish Historian,\n>        who also wrote of Jesus?  In addition, the four gospel accounts\n>        are very much in harmony.  \n\n  Bill, I find it rather remarkable that you managed to zero in on what is\nprobably the weakest evidence.\n\n  What is probably the most convincing is the anti-Christian literature put out\nby the Jewish councils in the second century.  There are enormous quantities of\ndetailed arguments against Christianity, many of the arguments still being used\ntoday.  Despite volumes of tracts attacking Christianity, not one denies the\nexistance of Jesus, only of his activities.\n\n  I find this considerably more compelling than Josephus or the harmony of the\ngospels (especially considering that Matthew and Luke probably used Mark as a\nsource).\n\n |  __L__\n-|-  ___  Warren Kurt vonRoeschlaub\n |  | o | kv07@iastate.edu\n |/ `---' Iowa State University\n/|   ___  Math Department\n |  |___| 400 Carver Hall\n |  |___| Ames, IA  50011\n J  _____\n",
  'From: mike@hopper.Virginia.EDU (Michael Chapman)\nSubject: Compiling help\nOrganization: ITC/UVA Community Access UNIX/Internet Project\nLines: 12\n\nI\'d like to compile X11r5 on a Sony NWS-1750 running NEWS 4.1c.  The\nX distribution has support for this config, and the release notes say\nit has been tested on the machine.  BUT, also in the release notes,\nnothing from Sony is listed under the supported servers.  What am I\nsupposed to use for my r5 X server then?  How can the OS be supported,\nbut not the hardware? Is there something in the r4 binaries that can\nbe used as the r5 server? These may seem like silly questions, but\nI\'m *really* confused.\n-- \nmike@hopper.acs.virginia.edu \n\n"I will NOT raise taxes on the middle class." -Unknown\n',
  "From: naomi@rock.concert.net (Naomi T Courter)\nSubject: Endometriosis\nOrganization: CONCERT-CONNECT -- Public Access UNIX\nLines: 15\n\n\ncan anyone give me more information regarding endometriosis?   i heard\nit's a very common disease among women and if anyone can provide names\nof a specialist/surgeon in  the north carolina research triangle  park\narea (raleigh/durham/chapel  hill) who is familiar with the condition,\ni would really appreciate it.\n\nthanks. \n\n--Naomi\n-- \nNaomi L.T. Courter\nNetwork Services Specialist\nMCNC - Center for Communications\nCONCERT Network \n",
  "From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer)\nSubject: Re: HST Servicing Mission Scheduled for 11 Days\nOrganization: U of Toronto Zoology\nLines: 35\n\nIn article <1rd1g0$ckb@access.digex.net> prb@access.digex.com (Pat) writes:\n>How will said re-boost be done?\n>Grapple, HST,  stow it in Cargo bay,  do OMS burn to high altitude,  \n>unstow  HST,   repair  gyros,  costar install,  fix solar arrays,\n>then return to earth?\n\nActually, the reboost will probably be done last, so that there is a fuel\nreserve during the EVAs (in case they have to chase down an adrift\nastronaut or something like that).  But yes, you've got the idea -- the\nreboost is done by taking the whole shuttle up.\n\n>My guess is  why  bother with  usingthe shuttle to reboost?\n>why not  grapple,  do all said fixes,   bolt a small  liquid  fueled\n>thruster module  to  HST,   then let it make the re-boost...\n\nSomebody has to build that thruster module; it's not an off-the-shelf\nitem.  Nor is it a trivial piece of hardware, since it has to include\nattitude control (HST's own is not strong enough to compensate for things\nlike thruster imbalance), guidance (there is no provision to feed gyro\ndata from HST's own gyros to an external device), and separation (you\ndon't want it left attached afterward, if only to avoid possible\ncontamination after the telescope lid is opened again).  You also get\nto worry about whether the lid is going to open after the reboost is\ndone and HST is inaccessible to the shuttle (the lid stays closed for\nthe duration of all of this to prevent mirror contamination from\nthrusters and the like).\n\nThe original plan was to use the Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle to do the\nreboost.  The OMV was planned to be a sort of small space tug, well\nsuited to precisely this sort of job.  Unfortunately, it was costing\na lot to develop and the list of definitely-known applications was\nrelatively short, so it got cancelled.\n-- \nSVR4 resembles a high-speed collision   | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology\nbetween SVR3 and SunOS.    - Dick Dunn  |  henry@zoo.toronto.edu  utzoo!henry\n",
  'From: Derek_Juntunen@abcd.houghton.mi.us (Derek Juntunen)\nSubject: Who will be #1 pick in NHL draft?\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Amiga BitSwap Central Dispatch\nLines: 8\n\nI recently bought a pack of prospect hockey cards which had various\nplayers that were coming into the NHL. I got this particular card of\na Russian named Viktor Kozlov. It says "many scouts believe he will\nbe the #1 pick in 1993". Another guy is quoted as saying "He\'s as \ngood as Mario Lemieux". Anyone know who this guy is?????\n\n-- Via DLG Pro v0.995\n\n',
  "From: lemons@cadsys.enet.dec.com\nSubject: Xremote into X11R6?\nReply-To: lemons@cadsys.enet.dec.com ()\nOrganization: Digital Equipment Corporation\nLines: 12\nX-Newsreader: mxrn 6.18\n\n\nHi!\n\nI remember reading (or hallucinating) that NCD's PC-Xremote functionality had \nbeen given, by NCD, to MIT for inclusion in X11R6.  Is this true?  If so,\n(set mode/cheap) can I just wait for X11R6 to get compressed serial line\nX server support?\n\nThanks!\n\nTerry Lemons\nDigital Equipment Corporation\n",
  'From: throopw%sheol@concert.net\nSubject: Re: Clipper considered harmful\nLines: 59\n\n: From: shirriff@sprite.berkeley.edu (Ken Shirriff)\n: Message-ID: <1r24us$oeh@agate.berkeley.edu>\n: It seems likely to me that that a large subset of encrypted communications\n: would be archived to tape so they could be read if sometime in the future\n: probable cause arises and a warrant is obtained.\n\nI think it is unlikely that data like this could be used in court.\nCurrently LEAs can install wiretaps on large numbers of phones, record\ncalls without listening to them, and then post-facto obtain warrants\nand listen to calls after probable cause is established.  But this\nstrategy wouldn\'t get the stuff admitted in court.  (At least, not\nin the near term.)\n\nIn other words, near as I can tell, the thing that makes such evidence\ninadmissable is the interception without a warrant, not the attempt to\ninterpret what was intercepted without a warrant.  I\'d be surprised\nthat archiving data without consent would be interpreted as anything\nbut analogous to a wiretap by the courts.\n\nNote that that doesn\'t mean I think it won\'t be done if technically\nfeasible.  Just as I\'m sure many wiretaps are done now without\nwarrants, just to fish for avenues to investigate.  So in the future,\nstart surveilance, start archiving data, trump up some probable cause,\ndecrypt post-facto after the warrant is in hand, and the investigation\ngets a boost from data that, sadly, won\'t ever be presented to a jury.\n\nWhile I\'m posting...  for an interesting cautionary tale projecting this\narchiving scenario to extremes, read "Lacey and his Friends", a\ncollection of sf stories by David Drake.  The US starts down the\nslippery slope by archiving *everyghing*.  But don\'t worry folks, it\'s\nstored in a secure repository where nobody but LEAs with warrants can\nget to it.  And by the way, we\'ll be installing cameras on all major\nstreets.  Hey, this is nothing new, we already have cameras in banks and\nteller machines, don\'t we?\n\nAnd then we\'ll pass laws requiring cameras covering *all* public\nplaces.  Then in some private places.  Then we\'ll make it a crime ever\nto be out of range of a camera, except in legally licensed privacy\ncubicles.  Only alone.  And with a thorough body search before and\nafter.  But, see, there\'s still a right to privacy.  We haven\'t\ncurtailed any rights, not really.  And just think how much easier it\'d\nbe to solve crimes in such a situation: just obtain a warrant, put on a\nVR helmet and take a walk down memory lane.\n\nAnd hey, nobody\'ll be tracking *you* or *me*, no need to be self-conscious.\n\nAfter all, if you\'re not doing anything illegal...\n\nFunny, though.  While speeding and the radar detector industry became\npretty much a thing of the past, somehow all this didn\'t elminate all\ncrime in the story.  And somehow, politicians got exemptions on grounds\nof national security, and rich corporations got exemptions for their\nexecs on grounds of industrial espionage and the preservation of\ncompetition.  And not everybody was exactly happy with the system.  \nI can\'t imagine why.\n\n--\nWayne Throop   throopw%sheol@concert.net\n               throop%aurgate@concert.net\n',
  "From: tripper@cbnewsk.cb.att.com (andrew.r.tripp)\nSubject: Airline Tickets -- O'Hare->Tuscon\nOrganization: AT&T\nDistribution: usa\nKeywords: Tickets - O'Hare->Tucson Round Tripp\nLines: 29\n\n\tTwo Round-Trip Tickets\n\tO'Hare --> Tuscon\n\tAmerican Airlines\n\tGood thru November\n  No Reasonable Offer Refused, But lets start at\n  $750 for both (Paid $925)\n\n\tHopefully someone can use these as I\nhave no use for them, and don't know a  way \nto get my moneys worth without going to\nTuscon again!  `\n\n\tE-Mail only at this time\n\n\t tripper@cbnewsk.cb.att.com\n\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n            Now why would AT&T or Butler Services \n        have anything to do with my warped ramblings?!\n\nCrabby-Old-Fart Mechanical/PCB Designer w/buku CAD background,\n       & still working on BSCS is looking for work! \n         Wants to take a shot at ASIC/IC Layout!!\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n      A.R.Tripp - a.k.a. tripper@cbnewsk.cb.att.com\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n",
  "From: pnelson@minnow.rutgers.edu (warmonger)\nSubject: South Jersey Condo\nKeywords: forsale condo jersey\nArticle-I.D.: minnow.Apr.\nOrganization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.\nLines: 37\n\n\nI have recently graduated and am looking to move into a bigger house,\nleaving me with a condo to sell...  It was originally listed at\n59,000, but is now listed at $54,900.  The following is a list of\nfeatures.\n\nMaster Bedroom \t14x11\nBedroom\t\t11x10\nLiving Room\t16x13\nDining Room\t10x9\nKitchen\t\t9x11 w/ extra cabinets\n1 Full / Modern Bathroom\nFull wtw carpeting /new/ excluding bath, Oil hot water heating\n/converting to gas this summer/, central air, condo fee $183/mo\nINCLUDING heat; hot water; landscaping; pool; tennis courts.  \n\nIn addition: washer, dryer /both in condo/, refrigerator, dishwasher,\n2 ceiling fans, all window treatments /I don't understand why I can't\ncall them curtains.../, and a mantle!\n\nLarge storage room in private basement, plenty of undesignated\nparking.\n\nIf you'd like to free me for the bliss of regular homeownership,\nplease call Kathleen Sullivan at the Rohrer&Sayers Real Estate Agency:\n609-546-0004.  She'll arrange for a showing off.\n\nNow for that disclaimer caca:  Subject to errors, changes, ommissions,\nwithdrawls, and sales without notice.\n\nThis posting is not to benefit or at the request of any commercial\nagency.  I simply want out.  Flames can be sent to /dev/null\n\nThanks,\npnelson@clam.rutgers.edu\nPaul G. Nelson\nSystems Hardware Integration Technician\n",
  'From: joachim@kih.no (joachim lous)\nSubject: Re: XV for MS-DOS !!!\nOrganization: Kongsberg Ingeniorhogskole\nLines: 20\nNNTP-Posting-Host: samson.kih.no\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\n\nNOE-MAILADDRESS@eicn.etna.ch wrote:\n> I\'m sorry for...\n\n>     1)  The late of the answer but I couldn\'t find xv221 for msdos \'cause \n> \tI forgot the address...but I\'ve retrieve it..\n\n>     2)  Posting this answer here in comp.graphics \'cause I can\'t use e-mail,\n>    ^^^  not yet....\n\n>    2) My bad english \'cause I\'m a Swiss and my language is french....\n    ^^^\nIf french is your language, try counting in french in stead, maybe\nit will work better.... :-)\n\n    _______________________________\n   / _ L*   /  _  / .    /      _  /_  "One thing is for sure: The sheep\n  /  _)    /()(/(/)//)) /_ ()(/_) / /  Is NOT a creature of the earth."\n / \\_)~  (/ Joachim@kih.no       / /     \n/_______________________________/ / -The back-masking on \'Haaden II\'\n /_______________________________/  from \'Exposure\' by Robert Fripp.\n',
  'From: kxgst1@pitt.edu (Kenneth Gilbert)\nSubject: Re: Can\'t Breathe\nArticle-I.D.: blue.7936\nLines: 23\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\n\nDavid Nye (nyeda@cnsvax.uwec.edu) wrote:\n: [reply to ron.roth@rose.com (ron roth)]\n:  \n: >While you\'re right that the S vertebrae are attached to each other,\n: >the sacrum, to my knowledge, *can* be adjusted either directly, or\n: >by applying pressure on the pubic bone...\n:  \n: Ron, you\'re an endless source of misinformation!  There ARE no sacral\n: vertebrae.  There is a bone called the sacrum at the end of the spine.\n: It is a single, solid bone except in a few patients who have a\n: lumbarized S1 as a normal variant.  How do you adjust a solid bone,\n: break it?  No, don\'t tell me, I don\'t want to know.\n:  \nOh come now, surely you know he only meant to measure the flow of\nelectromagnetic energy about the sacrum and then adjust these flows\nwith a crystal of chromium applied to the right great toe.  Don\'t\nyou know anything?\n\n--\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n=  Kenneth Gilbert              __|__        University of Pittsburgh   =\n=  General Internal Medicine      |      "...dammit, not a programmer!  =\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n',
  'From: cab@col.hp.com (Chris Best)\nSubject: Re: Is MSG sensitivity superstition?\nOrganization: your service\nLines: 20\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hpctdkz.col.hp.com\n\n\nJason Chen writes:\n> Now here is a new one: vomiting. My guess is that MSG becomes the number one\n> suspect of any problem. In this case. it might be just food poisoning. But\n> if you heard things about MSG, you may think it must be it.\n\n----------\n\nYeah, it might, if you only read the part you quoted.  You somehow left \nout the part about "we all ate the same thing."  Changes things a bit, eh?\n\nYou complain that people blame MSG automatically, since it\'s an unknown and\ntherefore must be the cause.  It is equally (if not more) unreasonable to\ndefend it, automatically assuming that it CAN\'T be the culprit.\n\nPepper makes me sneeze.  If it doesn\'t affect you the same way, fine.\nJust don\'t tell me I\'m wrong for saying so.\n\nThese people aren\'t condemning Chinese food, Mr. Chen - just one of its \n(optional) ingredients.  Try not to take it so personally.\n',
  'From: walsh@optilink.COM (Mark Walsh)\nSubject: Re: Age of Consent == Child Molestation\nOrganization: Optilink Corporation, Petaluma, CA\nLines: 20\n\nFrom article <C4zLJ8.Bun@queernet.org>, by rogerk@queernet.org (Roger B.A. Klorese):\n> In article <15148@optilink.COM> walsh@optilink.COM (Mark Walsh) writes:\n\n#>NAMBLA\'s presence in the SF Gay Pride Parade says quite a bit.\n#>It says that either the parade organizers want to show support\n#>for NAMBLA, or they themselves have a fundamental misunderstanding\n#>of their rights and responsibilities.  I would really, really like\n#>to believe the latter, but I would need some help to do so.\n\n> There are dozens of examples of the latter; NAMBLA is an especially\n> glaring one, but hardly the only one.\n\nPerhaps, though the exclusion of the Gay Perotistas in the\nSF Gay Pride Parade would make me think that they had some\nclue in this regard.  Dozens of examples?  I don\'t know...\n-- \nMark Walsh (walsh@optilink) -- UUCP: uunet!optilink!walsh\nAmateur Radio: KM6XU@WX3K -- AOL: BigCookie@aol.com -- USCF: L10861\n"What, me worry?" - William M. Gaines, 1922-1992\n"I\'m gonna crush you!" - Andre the Giant, 1946-1993\n',
  "From: pgf5@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Peter Garfiel Freeman)\nSubject: Re: Deriving Pleasure from Death\nNntp-Posting-Host: cunixa.cc.columbia.edu\nReply-To: pgf5@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Peter Garfiel Freeman)\nOrganization: Columbia University\nLines: 22\n\n\nWith regards to my condemnation of Marc's ridiculous attacks on the\nAmerican Department of Justice, and further attacks on Jews, to\nanyone who took offense to my calling Marc stupid, I\napologize for pointing out the obvious.  It was a waste of the\nNet's time.  I hope, though, that most American citizens have\nthe basic knowlege of the structure of American government to\nunderstand the relationship between the Justice Department\nas a part of the Executive Branch, and the Courts, which\nare of the Judicial Branch.  \nMarc's ignorance of basic civic knowlege underscores his\ninability to comprehend and interpret foreign affairs.  \n\n\nPeace,\nPete\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  "From: hfeldman@infoserv.com (Howard MITCHell Feldman)\nSubject: Re: Need longer filenames\nOrganization: Mind's Eye, Inc.\nLines: 18\nX-Mailer: TMail version 1.13\n\nIn <1993Apr19.211044.28763@guinness.idbsu.edu>, lhighley@gozer.idbsu.edu (Larry Paul Highley)  wrote:\n> \n> \n> Is there a utility out there that will let me use filenames longer than\n> the standard 8.3 format.  If so please email me.\n\nplease e-mail me too,\n\nthanks\n\n...howard\nhfeldman@infoserv.com\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n\nHoward Feldman\nMind's Eye, Inc.\n",
  "From: luriem@alleg.edu The Liberalizer (Michael Lurie)\nSubject: Re: YANKKES 1 GAME CLOSER\nArticle-I.D.: alleg.1993Apr6.210350.2865\nOrganization: Allegheny College\nLines: 29\n\nIn article <002251w.5.734117130@axe.acadiau.ca> 002251w@axe.acadiau.ca  \n(JASON WALTER WORKS) writes:\n>     The N.Y.Yankees, are now one game closer to the A.L.East pennant.   \nThey \n> clobbered Cleveland, 9-1, on a fine pitching performance by Key, and two \n> homeruns by Tartabull(first M.L.baseball to go out this season), and a  \nthree \n> run homer by Nokes.  For all of you who didn't pick Boggs in your pools, \n> tough break, he had a couple hits, and drove in a couple runs(with many  \nmore \n> to follow).  The Yanks beat an up and coming team of youngsters in the \n> Indians.  The Yankees only need to win 95 more games to get the  \ndivision.\n>  GO YANKS., Mattingly for g.glove, and MVP, and Abbot for Cy Young.\n> \n>                                              ---> jason.\n\nJason, I am going to a yankee game wed night at cleveland stadium. I am so  \nhappy.\n\n\nBut Cleveland is a very bad team who lost severalrs. They were an up and  \ncoming team, now they are just a sad excuse for a better average.\n\n\n\nABBOT WILL NOT WIN THE CY.!!!!!! MELIDO PEREZ WILL. as bold a prediction  \nas they come., Well herOT be in last place by the end of the season. Mike  \nlurie Speaks, and the world listens.\n",
  'From: cs89mcd@brunel.ac.uk (Michael C Davis)\nSubject: Love Europe\nOrganization: Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK\nLines: 4\n\nAre any readers of s.r.c. going to the Love Europe congress in Germany this\nJuly?\n-- \nMichael Davis (cs89mcd@brunel.ac.uk)\n',
  "From: saz@hook.corp.mot.com (Scott Zabolotzky)\nSubject: .GIF to .BMP\nOrganization: Motorola, Inc.\nDistribution: usa\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nLines: 12\n\n\nDoes anybody have any idea where I could find a program that can\nconvert a .GIF image into a .BMP image suitable for a Windows \nwallpaper (i.e. 256 colors).  Hopefully there's something out there\nI can get from an ftp site somewhere...\n\nThanks in advance...\n\nScott\n\n\n\n",
  'From: joe@rider.cactus.org (Joe Senner)\nSubject: Re: Shaft-drives and Wheelies\nReply-To: joe@rider.cactus.org\nDistribution: rec\nOrganization: NOT\nLines: 9\n\nxlyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (From: xlyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu) writes:\n]Is it possible to do a "wheelie" on a motorcycle with shaft-drive?\n\nyes.\n\n-- \nJoe Senner                                                joe@rider.cactus.org\nAustin Area Ride Mailing List                            ride@rider.cactus.org\nTexas SplatterFest Mailing List                          fest@rider.cactus.org\n',
  'Subject: Cubs mailing list\nFrom: andrew@dark.side.of.the.moon.uoknor.edu (Chihuahua Charlie)\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: OU - Academic User Services\nNntp-Posting-Host: loopback.uoknor.edu\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41    Lines: 14\nLines: 14\n\n\n\tIs there anyone out there running a Chicago National\n\tLeague Ballclub list?  If so, please send me information\n\ton it to...\n\t\t\tandrew@aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu\n\n\tThanks!\n\n|\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/|\n|O|  _    |  Chihuahua Charlie              |  OU is not responsible   |O|\n|O| | |   |  Academic User Services         |  for anything anywhere,  |O|\n|O| ||||  |  The University of Oklahoma     |  except for that one     |O|\n|O|  |_|  |  andrew@aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu |  incident where 200...   |O|\n|O|____________________________________________________________________|O|\n',
  'From: charles@trintex.uucp (Charles Emmons)\nSubject: Version control for MAC and PC LAN\nOrganization: Prodigy Services Co.\nLines: 28\n\nWe have a LAN where we are doing development on product for multiple platforms. \nFor the moment we are only working on MAC and DOS/Windows. The department has   \nalways used sneaker net to transport files to the MAC, since it requires a      \nfilter to strip out the <LF> characters.                                        \n\nUntil recently no one concidered using any version control to mediate, and as   \na result, the 5 programmers spent a great deal of time merging files together   \nat the end of each week so that a new system could be build. We are now trying  \nto streamline this process, but are hampered by the lack of software that will  \nallow us to share files across PC and MAC platforms.                            \n\nI understand that PVCS used to do this, but that they no longer support the MAC \nproduct (anyone know why ??  Polytron ?).                                       \n\nI have seen people ask about development in multiple platforms, so I assume that\nours is not a new problem.  Who has had to deal with it ?  What solutions have  \nyou come up with?                                                               \n\nthanks in advance for any and all suggestions via posting or EMAIL. If there are\nenough EMAIL responses then I will post a synopsis of the knowledge.            \n\n-Charles Emmons                                                                 \n\n-- \n Charles Emmons        | charles@trintex.uucp         | These opinions are\n Prodigy Services Co.  | charles%trintex@uunet.uu.net | mine alone, unless\n White Plains NY 10601 | Voice 914-993-8856           | you would like to\n PRODIGY ID - KJRD82A  | FAX   914-993-8659           | share them.\n',
  'From: blowfish@leo.unm.edu (rON.)\nSubject: Re: 666, THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST, VIEWER DISCR\nOrganization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque\nLines: 7\nNNTP-Posting-Host: leo.unm.edu\n\nIn article <1pr3d3$doh@cat.cis.Brown.EDU> ST002649@brownvm.brown.edu (Alex Gottschalk) writes:\n>>>Well, I *WILL* do the math, and I get:  (6^6)^6=2,189,739,336\n>>>This mean anything to anyone?  :^)\n>5*1=5 thus fitting in neatly with something else.\n\nOf course, 2+1+8+9+7+3+9+3+3+6 = 51, which, quite obviously is 23+23+5...\nr.\n',
  "From: prb@access.digex.com (Pat)\nSubject: Re: Abyss: breathing fluids\nArticle-I.D.: access.1psghn$s7r\nOrganization: Express Access Online Communications USA\nLines: 19\nNNTP-Posting-Host: access.digex.net\n\nIn article <C4t3K3.498@cck.coventry.ac.uk> enf021@cck.coventry.ac.uk (Achurist) writes:\n|\n|I believe the reason is that the lung diaphram gets too tired to pump\n|the liquid in and out and simply stops breathing after 2-3 minutes.\n|So if your in the vehicle ready to go they better not put you on \n|hold, or else!! That's about it. Remember a liquid is several more times\n|as dense as a gas by its very nature. ~10 I think, depending on the gas\n|and liquid comparision of course!\n\n\nCould you use some sort of mechanical chest compression as an aid.\nSorta like the portable Iron Lung?   Put some sort of flex tubing\naround the 'aquanauts' chest.  Cyclically compress it  and it will\npush enough on the chest wall to support breathing?????\n\nYou'd have to trust your breather,  but in space, you have to trust\nyour suit anyway.\n\npat\n",
  "From: wilie.wilson@analog.com ( willie wilson )\nSubject: Experiences of DESQview/X? \nReply-To: willie.wilson@analog.com\nOrganization: Analog Devices B.V., Limerick, IRELAND\nLines: 19\n\nI need to have PCs and SPARCstations run the same application ( namely\nMicroSoft Project ). The original system ran on the PC. Now it needs to\nbe expanded to allow UNIX users to work with the application. The\ncurrent proposal is to use DESQview/X as a display server for the\napplication.\n\nI would like to know your experiences with using DESQview/X to run an\napplication on a PC and displaying on a SPARCstation. I've heard that\nthe network traffic is slow.\n\nReplies only by e-mail please.\n\nThanks, in advance.\n---\n               ,__o\n             _-\\_<,\n...Willie   (*)/'(*)\nwillie.wilson@analog.com\n\n",
  "From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer)\nSubject: Re: Moonbase race, NASA resources, why?\nOrganization: U of Toronto Zoology\nLines: 33\n\nIn article <1993Apr21.210712.1@aurora.alaska.edu> nsmca@aurora.alaska.edu writes:\n>> So how much would it cost as a private venture, assuming you could talk the\n>> U.S. government into leasing you a couple of pads in Florida? \n>\n>Why must it be a US Government Space Launch Pad? Directly I mean...\n\nIn fact, you probably want to avoid US Government anything for such a\nproject.  The pricetag is invariably too high, either in money or in\nhassles.\n\nThe important thing to realize here is that the big cost of getting to\nthe Moon is getting into low Earth orbit.  Everything else is practically\ndown in the noise.  The only part of getting to the Moon that poses any\nnew problems, beyond what you face in low orbit, is the last 10km --\nthe actual landing -- and that is not immensely difficult.  Of course,\nyou *can* spend sagadollars (saga- is the metric prefix for beelyuns\nand beelyuns) on things other than the launches, but you don't have to.\n\nThe major component of any realistic plan to go to the Moon cheaply (for\nmore than a brief visit, at least) is low-cost transport to Earth orbit.\nFor what it costs to launch one Shuttle or two Titan IVs, you can develop\na new launch system that will be considerably cheaper.  (Delta Clipper\nmight be a bit more expensive than this, perhaps, but there are less\nambitious ways of bringing costs down quite a bit.)  Any plan for doing\nsustained lunar exploration using existing launch systems is wasting\nmoney in a big way.\n\nGiven this, questions like whose launch facilities you use are *not* a\nminor detail; they are very important to the cost of the launches, which\ndominates the cost of the project.\n-- \nAll work is one man's work.             | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology\n                    - Kipling           |  henry@zoo.toronto.edu  utzoo!henry\n",
  'From: mprc@troi.cc.rochester.edu (M. Price)\nSubject: Re: phone number of wycliffe translators UK\nOrganization: University of Rochester - Rochester, New York\nLines: 38\n\nIn <Apr.> mserv@mozart.cc.iup.edu (Mail Server) writes:\n[">"= Mark, ">>"= mp]\n\n>>  I\'m concerned about a recent posting about WBT/SIL.  I thought they\'d\n>>pretty much been denounced as a right-wing organization involved in\n>>ideological manipulation and cultural interference\n\n>Good heavens, you mean my good friend Wes Collins, who took his wife and two \n>small children into the jungles of Guatemala, despite dangers from primitive \n>conditions and armed guerillas, so that the indigenous people groups their \n>could have the Bible in their native languages--the young man who led Bible \n>studies in our church, who daily demonstrated and declared his deep abiding \n>faith in the Lord of Love--you mean he really was a sneaky imperialistic *SPY*\n\n    I am sorry you find these charges amusing, Mark. I understand your\nfrustration though--it can be kind of scary to find your assumptions\nchallenged. Some of the specific cultural interference to which I refer\nincludes linguistic manipulation, for instance, their Tzotzil-Spanish\ndictionary removed both Spanish and Tzotzil words for concepts which are\nthreatening to the ruling ideology, e.g., class, conquer, exploitation,\nrepression, revolution, and described words which can express\nideological concepts in examples like "Boss--the boss is good. He treats\nus well and pays us a good wage." As some of my students would say,\n"NOT!"  \n     Your tone implies that you are unlikely to believe me--indeed, why\nshould you? If you are interested enough to do some further research\nthough, and you sound as if you are, here are some references for you.\n \nStoll, David. _Fishers of Men or Founders of Empire? The Wycliffe Bible\nTranslators in Latin America_.\n_Sectas y Religiosidad en America Latina_.\n_Los Angeles Times_, Dec. 11. 1977.\n_Latin America Press_, May 19, 1983.\n_Washington Times_, June 22, 1984.\n\n     Happy hunting.\n\n                                                                   mp\n',
  "From: gaf5@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu (Gail A. Fullman)\nSubject: Re: PHILLIES SIGN MARK DAVIS\nOrganization: Lehigh University\nLines: 19\n\n\n>> Does that mean they have to pay his salary?  Didn't they wait\n>> for him to clear waivers?  If not, why not?\n>>\nDavis will be paid by three clubs this year, I think the Phils are\nresponsbible for about $600,000 or so.  They didn't wait for him to clear\nwaivers as three other clubs were also very interested in him.  A gamble?\nYes.\n\n>> Oh, it will?  As a Royals fan, I am skeptical.  They say he pitched well\n>> in winter ball.  He also pitched well at Omaha while with KC.  He just\n>> didn't pitch well (or even acceptably) when in the majors.  (I don't have\n>> his Atlanta stats, but he must not have impressed them very much either.)\n>\n>What about the year when he got 40+ saves in San Diego, did he pitch well\n>then?  Ok, I know he was awful the next year when he went to KC but still...\n>\nWon the CY Young, too, for that year.\n-- \n",
  'From: phil@howtek.MV.COM (Phil Hunt)\nSubject: Re: com ports /modem/ mouse conflict -REALLY?\nOrganization: Howtek, Inc.\nReply-To: phil@howtek.MV.COM (Phil Hunt)\nX-Mailer: uAccess - Macintosh Release: 1.6v2\nLines: 43\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr11.120848.493@wnbbs.nbg.sub.org> (comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware,alt.msdos.programmer,comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc,uw.pc.general,uw.pc.ibm,misc.forsale.computers.d,comp.dcom.modems,), oli@wnbbs.nbg.sub.org (Oliver Duesel) writes:\n] Hi there,\n] \n] yuri@windy.Berkeley.EDU (Yuri Yulaev) writes:\n] \n] : \tI have 1s/1p/1g  I/O card in my 386/40 PC. \n] : When I plug in wang modem at com4,it works. If I change\n] : it to com1- it doesn\'t. \n] : Program "chkport" gives diagnostics like "possible com /irq\n] : conflict at com1" (with mouse driver in memory).\n] \n] Since your IO-card only has one serial port - this should default to COM1 ? \n] Under MS-DOS, you can\'t share IRQ\'s - so you\'ll have to set either your modem\n] or your mouse to COM2 ... using different adresses and IRQ\'s.\n] When you set two \'devices\' onto the same IRQ - like COM1 and COM3 (or 2 and 4)\n] - the \'latter\' one will always win, i.e. if you have your mouse on COM1 and\n] start using your modem on COM3, your modem should work - but your mouse will\n] stop doing so, until reboot.\n] \n] It should be no problem, setting your modem to COM2 ? (you didn\'t write \n] anything about other peripherals ...)\n] \n] I hope, it helped a bit ....\t\t\t\t\tBy(t)e, Oli.\n] \n] \n\nHi,\n\nI\'m kind of new at the pc stuff.  My machine has 4 serial ports.  Com 1 and3\nand 2 &4 share same IRQs.  You mean I can\'t plug a mouse into Com1 and a modem\ninto com3 and expect both to work?\n\nIf Answer is NO, should I change IRQ\'s for com ports to be different?  And,\ndoes it really matter which IRQ I set the ports too?\n\nPhil\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\nPhil Hunt                          "Wherever you go, there you are!"\nHowtek, Inc.\t\t                   \n\nInternet: phil@howtek.MV.COM   uucp: {decvax|harvard}!mv!howtek!phil\n',
  "From: julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas)\nSubject: Re: Top Ten Reasons Not to Aid Russians\nNntp-Posting-Host: eddie.jpl.nasa.gov\nOrganization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA\nLines: 12\n\nIn article <C50FnH.Cvo@news.udel.edu> roby@chopin.udel.edu (Scott W Roby) writes:\n>  [With a tip of the hat to David Letterman for making the Top Ten format \n>   so popular]\n>\n>Top Ten Reasons that Conservatives don't want to aid Russia:\n\n<looking around>  Who?  Where?\nDon't look at me.  I want to send aid to Russia.  Many other\nconservatives do as well.  \n\nJulie\nDISCLAIMER:  All opinions here belong to my cat and no one else\n",
  'From: ARowatt@massey.ac.nz (A.J. Rowatt)\nSubject: Page flipping in VGA 320x200x256 mode.\nOrganization: Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand\nX-Reader: NETNEWS/PC Version 2c\nLines: 12\n\nHelp!\nHow do you write to the second bank/page of memory when in VGA\n320x200x256 colour mode?. ie: to perform page flipping animation\nand buffering of the screen.\n     I have tried using the Map Mask Registers, but this does not\nperform the required task (Although it does do something).\n\nNote: It *must* be able to work on a standard VGA (ie: not\nnecessarily a SVGA card).\n\nMany thanx in advance...\nAndrew\n',
  'From: spp@zabriskie.berkeley.edu (Steve Pope)\nSubject: Re: MOW BODYCOUNT\nOrganization: U.C. Berkeley -- ERL\nLines: 17\nNNTP-Posting-Host: zion.berkeley.edu\n\n> Any thoughts on who is going to count all of the gorgeous bodies at \n> the MOW?  The press?  The White House Staff?  The most Junior \n> Senator?  The King of the motss/bi?  \n\n> Just curious as to whose bias we are going to see when the numbers \n> get brought out.\n\nProbably, law enforcement people (Park Service Police and D.C. cops),\nwho will use aerial photographs and extrapolate based on the\ndensity of the crowd in small regions.\n\nThese sort of techniques derive from Army Intelligence and CIA\nmethods of estimating troop strength, and tend to be\nmethodologically skewed to always come up with inflated numbers,\nso as to justify bigger budgets.\n\nSteve\n',
  "From: kozloce@wkuvx1.bitnet\nSubject: Re: Atlanta Hockey Hell!!DIR\nOrganization: Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY\nLines: 18\n\n> Someone give SportChannel a call (or maybe Ted Turner).\n> Wasn't USA network covering the playoffs years ago?\n> \n> Jim G.\n\nOh to be back in the good old days when I lived in Florida (Florida for\nPetes sake!!) and could watch hockey every night as ESPN and USA alternated\ncoverage nights. Oh well I guess it would be too simple for the home office\nto look back into their past to solve a problem in the present...\n\nOf course I shouldn't complain. At least I'm getting to watch the playoffs\nfor a change. (Hooray!!) Now if the ESPN schedulers will realise there are\nother teams except Pittsberg in the Patrick. (Sounds like a Dr Suess Book\n=)\n\nKOZ\n\nLETS GO CAPS!!\n",
  "From: stgprao@st.unocal.COM (Richard Ottolini)\nSubject: Re: Krillean Photography\nOrganization: Unocal Corporation\nLines: 20\n\nLiving things maintain small electric fields to (1) enhance certain\nchemical reactions, (2) promote communication of states with in a cell,\n(3) communicate between cells (of which the nervous system is a specialized\nexample), and perhaps other uses.  These electric fields change with location\nand time in a large organism.  Special photographic techniques such as applying\nexternal fields in Kirillian photography interact with these fields or the resistances\ncaused by these fields to make interesting pictures. Perhaps such pictures will\nbe diagonistic of disease problems in organisms when better understood. Perhaps not.\n\nStudying the overall electric activity of biological systems is several hundred\nyears old, but not a popular activity.  Perhaps, except in the case of a few\ntissues like nerves and the electric senses of fishes, it is hard to reduce the\ninvestigation into small pieces that can be clearly analyzed.  There are some\nhints that manipulating electric fields is a useful therapy such as speeding\nthe healing of broken bones, but not understood why.\n\nBioelectricity has a long association with mysticism. Ideas such as Frankenstein\nreanimation go back to the most early electrical experiments on tissue such as\nwhen Volta invented the battery.  I personally don't care to revert to supernatural\ncause to explain things we don't yet understand.\n",
  'From: bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig)\nSubject: Re: *** The list of Biblical contradictions\nOrganization: Starfleet Headquarters: San Francisco\nLines: 24\n\nhudson@athena.cs.uga.edu (Paul Hudson Jr) writes:\n>bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig) writes:\n>\n>>Specifically: when I bring up the fact that Genesis contains two\n>>contradictory creation stories, I usually get blank stares or flat\n>>denials.  I\'ve never had a fundamentalist acknowledge that there are\n>>indeed two different accounts of creation.\n>\n>That is because two creation stories is one of the worst examples of \n>a difficulty with the Bible.  "were formed" can also be translated "had been\n>formed" in chapter two without any problems.  So the text does not demand\n>that there are two creation stories.  \n\nReally?  I don\'t get it... Genesis first says that God created the\nearth, then the animals, then humans; then it turns around and says\nthat humans were created before animals!  How can you escape this\ncontradiction?\n\n-- \n_/_/_/  Brian Kendig                             Je ne suis fait comme aucun\n/_/_/  bskendig@netcom.com                de ceux que j\'ai vus; j\'ose croire\n_/_/                            n\'etre fait comme aucun de ceux qui existent.\n  /  The meaning of life     Si je ne vaux pas mieux, au moins je suis autre.\n /    is that it ends.                                           -- Rousseau\n',
  "From: jmc@SAIL.Stanford.EDU (John McCarthy)\nSubject: Re: New Environmental Group Launches.\nIn-Reply-To: eoneill@nyx.cs.du.edu's message of Sun, 4 Apr 93 23:02:33 GMT\nReply-To: jmc@cs.Stanford.EDU\nOrganization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University\nLines: 17\n\n\n*Teddy O'Neill-Creature with furry Hobbit feet from Bath UK*,\na sentimental fool, posts:\n \n     With the force of a world-wide youth movement, it ought to\n     be possible to establish a coordinated global program to\n     accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the\n     internal combustion engine over, say, a twenty year period.\n\nEvidently there are no open questions, either scientific or about\nhow people prefer to live.\n\n--\nJohn McCarthy, Computer Science Department, Stanford, CA 94305\n*\nHe who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense.\n\n",
  'From: mwhaefne@infonode.ingr.com (Mark W. Haefner)\nSubject: Re: "Accepting Jesus in your heart..."\nOrganization: Intergraph Corporation, Huntsville, AL.\nLines: 10\n\n>\n>> Religion (especially Christianity) is nothing more than a DRUG.\n>> Some people use drugs as an escape from reality.  Christians inject\n>> themselves with jeezus and live with that high. \n\n\nWhy would you say "especially Christianity"?\n\n\nMark\n',
  'From: dpassage@soda.berkeley.edu (David G. Paschich)\nSubject: Re: HBP? BB? BIG-CAT?\nOrganization: Organization?  Who cares?  You just gotta say "Go Bears!"\nLines: 14\nDistribution: na\n\t<1qv9psINNsj6@lynx.unm.edu> <C5r7tv.36s@odin.corp.sgi.com>\nNNTP-Posting-Host: soda.berkeley.edu\nIn-reply-to: kubey@sgi.com\'s message of Mon, 19 Apr 1993 23:27:29 GMT\n\nIn article <C5r7tv.36s@odin.corp.sgi.com> kubey@sgi.com (Ken Kubey) writes:\n\n   I suppose a foul ball machine (like Brett Butler) is pretty valuable,\n   but I\'d rather watch (and root for) the lower OBP guys who can\n   actually hit the ball.\n\nAnd I\'d rather watch (and root for) a team that scores lots of runs\nand wins games.\n\nOf course, I\'m rooting for the Rockies and Andres anyway.  But that\'s\nfor irrational hometown reaons.  I also root for Frank Thomas. :)\n\nDavid Paschich\n\n',
  'From: wallacen@CS.ColoState.EDU (nathan wallace)\nSubject:  Level 5\nReply-To: wallacen@CS.ColoState.EDU\nNntp-Posting-Host: sor.cs.colostate.edu\nOrganization: Colorado State University -=- Computer Science Dept.\nLines: 15\n\nAccording to a Software engineering professor here, what was actually rated\nlevel five was an ibm unit which produced part of the software for the shuttle,\nby not means all of it. \n\nInteresting note: 90% of the software development groups surveyed were at\nlevel 1. The ibm shuttle groups was the *only* one at level 5!\n\n---\nC/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/\nC/    Nathan F. Wallace                   C/C/           "Reality Is"         C/\nC/    e-mail: wallacen@cs.colostate.edu   C/C/    ancient Alphaean proverb    C/\nC/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/\n \n\n\n',
  "From: leapman@austin.ibm.com (Scott Leapman)\nSubject: Re: Half-page hand scanners?\nOriginator: leapman@junior.austin.ibm.com\nReply-To: $LOGIN@austin.ibm.com\nOrganization: IBM Austin\nLines: 8\n\n\nI have a Lightening Scan Pro 256 hand scanner.  It came with scanning/editing\nsoftware, OCR software, and some plug-in modules for Photoshop et al.  The\nscanner was a tad on the pricey side ($480), but the scans are incredibly\naccurate, in 256 level, 300 dpi grayscale.  It also has dithered and line art\nsettings when grayscale isn't desired.  Great scanning software, easy to use.  I\nfrequently write letters to my neices, and spontaneouly include a scanned image\nin the note.  Hope this helps!\n",
  "From: gpb@gpb-mac (greg berryman )\nSubject: Re: Memory upgrades\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nReply-To: gpb@gpb-mac.sps.mot.com\nOrganization: Memories at Motorola\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL4\nLines: 33\n\njacob@plasma2.ssl.berkeley.edu (nga throgaw shaygiy) writes:\n: \n: Excuse me if this is a frequent question, I checked in\n: several FAQs but couldn't really find anything.\n\nYou are excused... the answer varies from Mac to Mac so it would be\na complex answer in the FAQ.\n: \n: I have a IIsi with the standard 5 meg memory and I want\n: (need) to add additional memory.  But I'm on a budget.\n: I really don't need more than 10 meg max, so what is\n: the best (performance wise) and most economical way\n: to do this?  Someone told me that I should only use\n: SIMMs of the same amount of memory, that is 4 1 meg,\n: 4 2 meg, etc.  What if I just wanted to buy just 1 4 meg\n: and use the rest of what I already have?  The manual\n: hasn't been very helpful with this.\n: \nThe si uses a 32 bit wide data bus and therefore you must use 4 8-bit\nwide simms.  Sorry, but no short cuts here.\n\n: Thanks.\n\nYou're quite welcome.\n: \nGreg.\n\n--\nMy words, not Motorola's.   * ______ *    EQUAL rights NOT special rights     \ngpb@gpb-mac.sps.mot.com     * \\ BI / * I will NOT ride in the back of the bus.\nGreg Berryman (512)928-6014 *  \\  /  *         SILENCE = DEATH\nMotorola Austin, Texas, USA *   \\/   *     First, be true to yourself.\nGLB mailing list ---> glblist@gpb-mac.sps.mot.com   (Motorola only)\n",
  "From: bcash@crchh410.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Brian Cash)\nSubject: Re: A visit from the Jehovah's Witnesses\nNntp-Posting-Host: crchh410\nOrganization: BNR, Inc.\nLines: 51\n\nIn article <1993Apr2.115300.803@batman.bmd.trw.com>, jbrown@batman.bmd.trw.com writes:\n|> In article <C4twso.8M2@HQ.Ileaf.COM>, mukesh@HQ.Ileaf.COM (Mukesh Prasad) writes:\n|> > In article <1993Apr1.142854.794@batman.bmd.trw.com> jbrown@batman.bmd.trw.com writes:\n|> >> In article <1p8v1aINN9e9@matt.ksu.ksu.edu>, strat@matt.ksu.ksu.edu (Steve Davis) writes:\n|> >> > bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig) writes:\n|> >> > \n|> >> >>- The Earth is evil because Satan rules over it.\n|> >> > \n|> >> > This is a new one to me.  I guess it's been a while since a Witness\n|> >> > bothered with me.  Are they implying that Satan is omniscient?  You\n|> >> > might try tricking them into saying that Satan is 'all-knowing' and\n|> >> > then use that statement to show them how their beliefs are\n|> >> > self-contradictary.  \n|> >> \n|> >> No, Satan is not omniscient, but he does hold dominion over the earth\n|> >> according to Christian theology (note, not to be confused with JW's\n|> >> theology). \n|> >> \n|> > \n|> > What are the standard theologies on who/what created Satan,\n|> > and why?\n|> > \n|> \n|> Orthodox Christian theology states that God created Lucifer (Satan)\n|> along with the other angels, presumably because He wanted beings to\n|> celebrate (glorify) existence and life (and thereby, God) along with\n|> Him.  Actually the whys and wherefores of God's motivations for \n|> creating the angels are not a big issue within Christian theology.\n|> \n|> But God created Lucifer with a perfect nature and gave him along with\n|> the other angels free moral will.  Lucifer was a high angel (perhaps\n|> the highest) with great authority.  It seems that his greatness caused\n|> him to begin to take pride in himself and desire to be equal to or\n|> greater than God.  He forgot his place as a created being.  He exalted\n|> himself above God, and thereby evil and sin entered creation.\n\nActually, the story goes that Lucifer refused to bow before MAN as \nGod commanded him to.  Lucifer was devoted to God.\n\nOh yeah, there is nothing in Genesis that says the snake was anything\nmore than a snake (well, a talking one...had legs at the time, too).\n\nI don't think pointing out contradictions in STORIES is the best way\nto show the error in theology:  if they think a supernatural entity\nkicked the first humans out of paradise because they bit into a\nfruit that gave them special powers...well, they might not respond\nwell to reason and logic.  :^)\n\nBrian /-|-\\\n\n\n",
  "From: neale@ee.rochester.edu (Reg Neale)\nSubject: Pioneer Laser player\nOrganization: Univ of Rochester, College of Engineering and Applied Science\nLines: 5\n\nI'm trying to figure out how to operate a Pioneer Laserdisc LD-1000 that I bought at a surplus store. It is reputedly from some kind of computerised viewing\nand/or ordering system. THere is what may be an HPIB connector on the back. When\nI power it up, the front panel power light comes on, but no activity, and the\ndoor doesn't open. Anyone have any experience with this unit or any ideas on how\nto obtain documentation?\n",
  'From: VEAL@utkvm1.utk.edu (David Veal)\nSubject: Re: National Sales Tax, The Movie\nLines: 66\nOrganization: University of Tennessee Division of Continuing Education\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.164750.21913@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca> golchowy@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Gerald Olchowy) writes:\n\n>In article <9304151442.AA05233@inet-gw-2.pa.dec.com> blh@uiboise.idbsu.edu (Broward L. Horne) writes:\n>>      Well, it seems the "National Sales Tax" has gotten its very\n>\n>>      own CNN news LOGO!\n>>\n>>      Cool.  That means we\'ll be seeing it often.\n>>\n>>      Man, I sure am GLAD that I quit working ( or taking this \n>>      seriously ) in 1990.  If I kept busting my ass, watching \n>>      time go by, being frustrated, I\'d be pretty DAMN MAD by \n>>      now.\n>>      \n>>      I just wish I had the e-mail address of total gumby who\n>>      was saying that " Clinton didn\'t propose a NST ".\n>>\n>\n>Actually, Jerry Brown essentially did...and Clinton, in his demagogue\n>persona, condemned Brown for it in the crucial NY primary last year.\n>\n>However....\n>\n>Why don\'t the Republicans get their act together, and say they\n>will support a broad-based VAT that would have to be visible\n>(the VAT in Canada is visible unlike the invisible VATS they\n>have in Europe)\n>and suggest a rate sufficient to halve income and corporate\n>and capital gains tax rates and at a rate sufficient to give\n>the Clintons enough revenue for their health care reform, \n\n       The Republicans are, in general, fighting any tax increase.\nThere is also worry that a VAT would be far too easy to increase\nincrementally.\n\n       (BTW, what is different between Canada\'s tax and most of\nEurope\'s that makes it "visible?")\n\n>and\n>force an agreement with the Democrats that the top income tax\n>rate would then be frozen for the forseeable future and could\n>be increased only via a national referendum.\n\n       This would require a constitutional amendment, and Congress\nenjoys raising taxes too much to restrict themselves like that.\n(Besides, with the 2/3 majority necessary to pull that off you\'d \nhave a difficult time "forcing" anything like that.)\n\n>Why not make use of the Clintons to do something worthwhile...\n>shift the tax burden from investment to consumption, and get\n>health care reform, and a frozen low top marginal tax rate\n>all in one fell swoop.\n\n       Primarily because it\'s a practical impossibility to "freeze"\ntax rates.\n\n       However, this is something that bothers me.  We\'re always talking\nabout "consumer confidence" and "consumer spending" as gauges for the\neconomy.  If they really are important, wouldn\'t shifting taxes to\nconsumption provide a disincentive to spend money?\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDavid Veal Univ. of Tenn. Div. of Cont. Education Info. Services Group\nPA146008@utkvm1.utk.edu - "I still remember the way you laughed, the day\nyour pushed me down the elevator shaft;  I\'m beginning to think you don\'t\nlove me anymore." - "Weird Al"\n',
  "From: cook@varmit.mdc.com (Layne Cook)\nSubject: Lindbergh and the moon (was:Why not give $1G)\nOrganization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM\nLines: 19\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: cook@varmit.mdc.com (Layne Cook)\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cook.mdc.com\n\nAll of this talk about a COMMERCIAL space race (i.e. $1G to the first 1-year \nmoon base) is intriguing. Similar prizes have influenced aerospace \ndevelopment before. The $25k Orteig prize helped Lindbergh sell his Spirit of \nSaint Louis venture to his financial backers.\n\nIf memory serves, the $25k prize would not have been enough to totally \nreimburse some of the more expensive transatlantic projects (such as \nFokker's, Nungesser and other multi-engine projects). However Lindbergh \nultimately kept his total costs below that amount.\n\nBut I strongly suspect that his Saint Louis backers had the foresight to \nrealize that much more was at stake than $25,000.\n\nCould it work with the moon? Who are the far-sighted financial backers of \ntoday?\n\nLayne Cook\ncook@apt.mdc.com                                             \nMcDonnell Douglas Space Systems Co.\n",
  "From: DPierce@world.std.com (Richard D Pierce)\nSubject: Re: Some Recent Observations by Hubble\nKeywords: HST, Pluto, Uranus\nOrganization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA\nLines: 13\n\nIn article <15APR199316461058@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov> baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke) writes:\n>Here are some recent observations taken by the Hubble Space Telescope:\n>\n>     o Observations were made using the High Speed Photometer of the Planet\n>       Uranus during an occultation by a faint star in Capricornus.\n                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nWow! I knew Uranus is a long way off, but I didn't think it was THAT far away!\n\n-- \n|                Dick Pierce                |\n|    Loudspeaker and Software Consulting    |\n| 17 Sartelle Street   Pepperell, MA  01463 |\n|       (508) 433-9183 (Voice and FAX)      |\n",
  'From: jake@bony1.bony.com (Jake Livni)\nSubject: Re: Investment in Yehuda and Shomron\nOrganization: The Department of Redundancy Department\nLines: 12\n\nIn article <1993Apr18.183148.4802@das.harvard.edu> adam@endor.uucp (Adam Shostack) writes:\n\n>\tI think "house Jews," a reference to a person of Jewish\n>ancestry who issues statements for a company or organization that\n>condemn Judaism is perfectly sufficeint.\n\nI believe that CPR is himself such a "house Jew".\n\n-- \nJake Livni  jake@bony1.bony.com           Ten years from now, George Bush will\nAmerican-Occupied New York                   have replaced Jimmy Carter as the\nMy opinions only - employer has no opinions.    standard of a failed President.\n',
  "From: aldridge@netcom.com (Jacquelin Aldridge)\nSubject: Re: Teenage acne\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nLines: 57\n\npchurch@swell.actrix.gen.nz (Pat Churchill) writes:\n\n\n>My 14-y-o son has the usual teenage spotty chin and greasy nose.  I\n>bought him Clearasil face wash and ointment.  I think that is probably\n>enough, along with the usual good diet.  However, he is on at me to\n>get some product called Dalacin T, which used to be a\n>doctor's-prescription only treatment but is not available over the\n>chemist's counter.  I have asked a couple of pharmacists who say\n>either his acne is not severe enough for Dalacin T, or that Clearasil\n>is OK.  I had the odd spots as a teenager, nothing serious.  His\n>father was the same, so I don't figure his acne is going to escalate\n>into something disfiguring.  But I know kids are senstitive about\n>their appearance.  I am wary because a neighbour's son had this wierd\n>malady that was eventually put down to an overdose of vitamin A from\n>acne treatment.  I want to help - but with appropriate treatment.\n\n>My son also has some scaliness around the hairline on his scalp.  Sort\n>of teenage cradle cap.  Any pointers/advice on this?  We have tried a\n>couple of anti dandruff shampoos and some of these are inclined to\n>make the condition worse, not better.\n\n>Shall I bury the kid till he's 21 :)\n\n:) No...I was one of the lucky ones. Very little acne as a teenager. I\ndidn't have any luck with clearasil. Even though my skin gets oily it\nreally only gets miserable pimples when it's dry. \n\nFrequent lukewarm water rinses on the face might help. Getting the scalp\nthing under control might help (that could be as simple as submerging under\nthe bathwater till it's softened and washing it out). Taking a one a day\nvitamin/mineral might help. I've heard iodine causes trouble and that it  \nis used in fast food restaurants to sterilize equipment which might be\nwhere the belief that greasy foods cause acne came from. I notice grease \non my face, not immediately removed will cause acne (even from eating\nmeat).\n\nKeeping hair rinse, mousse, dip, and spray off the face will help. Warm\nwater bath soaks or cloths on the face to soften the oil in the pores will\nhelp prevent blackheads. Body oil is hydrophilic, loves water and it\nsoftens and washes off when it has a chance. That's why hair goes limp with\noilyness. \n\nBecoming convinced that the best thing to do with\na whitehead is leave it alone will save him days of pimple misery. Any\nprying of black or whiteheads can cause infections, the red spots of\npimples. Usually a whitehead will break naturally in a day and there won't\nbe an infection afterwards.\n\nTell him that it's normal to have some pimples but the cosmetic industry\nmakes it's money off of selling people on the idea that they are an\nincredible defect to be hidden at any cost (even that of causing more pimples). \n\n\n-Jackie-\n\n\n",
  'From: db7n+@andrew.cmu.edu (D. Andrew Byler)\nSubject: The Nicene Creed (was Re: MAJOR VIEWS OF THE TRINITY)\nOrganization: Freshman, Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA\nLines: 152\n\nMichael Bushnell writes;\n\n>The so-called Creed of Athanasius, however, has always been a Western\n>creed, and has always had the filioque.  The Orthodox have said that\n>they accept all that it says, with the exception of the filioque, but\n>it is not "in use."\n\nWhich is exactly what I pointed out.  (Though I was wrong about your use\nof the Creed, the 1913 Catholic Encylcopedia in which I read about it\nsaid the Orthodox do use the Creed minus the filioque.  Apparently that\nhas changed.)  The Athanasian Creed has always had the Filioque, the\nNicene - Constantinopolitan did not.\n\tOf course the Orthodox did not delete the Filioque from the Nicene\nCreed (it wasn\'t there to begin with), but they certainly did from the\nAthanasian Creed, which did have it from the beginning.\n\tI might point out that the whole problem started over the difference in\nways of explaining the generation of the Blessed Trinity, the East\nemphasizing the idea of the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father\nthrough the Son, and the West using proceeding from the Father and the\nSon.  In fact, some, such as Tertullian, used both formulations (see\nbelow)\n\n\t"Following, therefore, the form of these examples, I profess that I do\ncall God and His Word, - the Father and and His Son, - two.  For the\nroot and the stem are two things, but conjoined; the fountain and the\nriver are two kinds, but indivisible; the sun and the ray are two forms,\nbut coherent ones.  Anything which proceeds from another must\nnecessarily be a second to that from which it proceeds; but it is not on\nthat account separated from it.  Where there is second, however, there\nare two; and where ther is third, there are three.  The Spirit, then, is\nthird from God and the Son, just as the third from the root is the fruit\nof the stem, and third from the fountain is the stream from the river,\nand thrid from the sun is the apex of the ray."\n\t-Tertullian, Against Praxeas, 8, 5 (about 213 AD)\n\nand\n\n\t"I believe that the Spirit proceeds not otherwise than from the Father\nthrough the Son"\n\t-Tertullian, Against Praxeas, 4, 1 (about 213 AD)\n\nAnd as St. Thomas showed in his Summa Theologica Part 1, Question 36,\nArticles 2 and 3, there is no contradiction between the two methods of\ngeneration, and in fact, the two methods of reckoning the procession\nemphasize what St. Augustine, among others taught, that the Holy Spirit\nproceeds from the Father and the Son, but He proceeds from the Father in\na more preeminent way.\n\n\t"For whatever the Son has, He has from the Father, certainly He has it\nfrom the Father that the Holy Spirit proceeds from Him ... For the\nFather alone is not from another, for which reason He alone is called\nunbegotten, not, indeed, in the Scriptures, but in the practice of\ntheologians, and of those who employ such terms as they are able in a\nmatter so great.  The Son, however, is born of the Father; and the Holy\nSpirit proceeds principally from the Father, and since the Father gives\nto the Son all that He has without any interval of time, the Holy Spirit\nproceeds jointly from both Father and Son.  He would be called Son of\nthe Father and of the Son if, which is abhorent to everyone of sound\nmind, they had both begotten Him.  The Spirit was not begotten by each,\nhowever, but proceeds from each and both."\n\t-St. Augustine of Hippo, The Trinity, 15, 26, 47 (400 to 416 AD)\n\nSo, in a sense, all of the formulations are correct (to the West at\nleast), because the Holy Spirit proceeds from both Father and Son, but\nin proceeding from the Son, the orgin of that procession is the\nprocession from the Father, so the Holy Spirit is proceeding from the\nFather through the Son, but as all that the Son has is from the Father,\nthe Holy Spirit can be said to proceed from the Father, without any\nmention of the Son being necessary.\n\tIn any case, I am happy to know that I follow in the beliefs of Pope\nSt. Leo I, St. Fulgence of Ruspe, St. Cyril of Alexandria, Pope St.\nDamsus I, St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Epiphanius of Salamis, St. Ambrose\nof Milan, St. Hilary of Poitiers, Tertullian, and others among the\nFathers, who all have very quotable quotes supporting the Catholic\nposition, which I enunciated above.\n\tAs for the issue of the adoption of another Creed being forbidden, I\nwill point out that the Holy Fathers of Ephesus and Chalcedon both spoke\nof the Creed of Nicea in their statement forbidding anyone "to produce,\nwrite, or compose a confession of faith other than the one defined by\nthe Fathers of Nicea."  That Creed is a different Creed than that of\nConstantinople, which is commonly called the Nicene Creed.  Not of\ncourse in that they were condemning the adoption of the\nConstantinopolitan Creed, which is but an enlargement upon the Creed of\nNicea, but that they were condemning the impious opinions of Nestorious,\nwho had adopted a radically different Creed from the one used by the\nChurch, which among other things denied the procession of the Holy\nSpirit form the Son.  Thus, the additions of the Constantinopolitan\nCreed were not thought to be in violation of this, and as the Council\nChalcedon also affirmed the doctrine of the procession of the Holy\nSpirit from the Son, which Nestorius denied, they could hardly have been\nagainst explaining in a fuller way the Creed, for they themselves\napproved of previous additions to it.  And if the further explanations\nof the Creed made in Constantinople were not denigrating of the work\ndone by the Holy Fathers of Nicea or in any way heretical, it follows\nthat the Council of Toledo was fully able to add what was not disputed\nby the faithful to the Creed so as to combat the impieties of the Arians\nin Spain, because the filioque was not in dispute in the Church until\nmany years later under Photius and others.  And that the filioque was\nnot disputed, I provide more quotes below.\n\n\t"Since the Holy Spirit when he is in us effects our being conformed to\nGod, and he actually proceeds from the Father and Son, it is abundantly\nclear that He is of the divine essence, in it in essence and proceeding\nfrom it."\n\t-St. Cyril of Alexandria, The Treasury of the Holy and Consubstantial\nTrinity, Thesis 34, (423-425 AD)\n\n\t"The Holy Spirit is not of the Father only, or of the Son only, but he\nis the Spirit of the Father and the Son.  For it is written: `If anyone\nloves the world, the Spirit of the Father is not in him\'; and again it\nis written: `If anyone, however, does not have the Spirit of Christ, he\nis none of His.\'  When the Father and the Son are named in this way, the\nHoly Spirit is understood, of whom the Son himself says in the Gospel,\nthat the Holy Spirit `proceeds from the Father,\' and that `He shall\nreceive of mine and shall announce it to you.\'"\n\t-Pope St. Damasus I, The Decree of Damasus, 1 (382 AD)\n\n\t"The only-begotten Holy Spirit has neither the name of the Son nor the\nappelation of Father, but is called Holy Spirit, and is not foreign to\nthe Father.  For the Only-begotten Himself calls Him: `the Spirit of the\nFather,\' and says of Him the `He proceeds from the Father,\' and `will\nreceive of mine,\' so that He is reckoned as not being foreign to the\nSon, but is of their same substance, of the same Godhead; He is Spirit\ndivine, ... of God, and He is God.  For he is Spirit of God, Spirit of\nthe Father, and Spirit of the Son, not by some kind of synthesis, like\nsoul and body in us, but in the midst of Father and Son of the Father\nand of the Son, a third by appelation....\n\t"The Father always existed and the Son always existed, and the Spirit\nbreathes from the Father and the Son; and neither is the Son created nor\nis the Spirit created."\n\t-St. Epiphanius of Salamis (which is on Cyprus), The Man Well-Anchored,\n8 and 75 (374 AD)\n\n\t"Concerning the Holy Spirit, I ought not to remain silent, nor yet is\nit necessary to speak.  Still, on account of those who do not know Him,\nit is not possible for me to be silent.  However it is necessary to\nspeak of Him who must be acknowledged, who is from the Father and the\nSon, His Sources."\n\t-St. Hilary of Poitiers, The Trintiy, 2, 29 (356 to 359 AD)\n\n\tThus, as I have pointed out before, Gaul, Spain, Italy, Africa, Egypt,\nPalastine, and the lands of the Greeks, all of Christnedom at that time,\nall have Fathers who can be cited to show that they confess the doctrine\nexpressed by the filioque.  I suggest to those of the Orthodox Church\nthat they come up with some of the Fathers, besides St. John of Damascus\nwho all will admit denied the filioque, to support their views.  It is\nnot enough to bring up the "proceeds from the Father" line of the Creed\nor the Gospel of John, for that says what we believe also.  But it does\nnot say the Holy Spirit does not proceed from the Son, only that He does\nproceed from the Father.\n\nAndy Byler\n',
  'From: tmcconne@sedona.intel.com (Tom McConnell~)\nSubject: Re: Motif vs. [Athena, etc.]\nOrganization: Intel Corporation\nLines: 44\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: thunder.intel.com\nOriginator: tmcconne@sedona\n\n\nIn article <C5K6ny.AzJ@kirk.bu.oz.au>, bambi@kirk.bu.oz.au (David J. Hughes) writes:\n> berry@durian.citr.uq.oz.au (Andrew Berry) writes:\n>\n> Ports of Motif to both 386BSD and Linux are available for a fee of about\n> $100.  This is cost recovery for the person who bought the rights to\n> redistribute.  The activity in both the BSD and Linux news groups\n> pertaining to Motif has been high.\n> \n> \n> >I just wonder if this will also cause a divergence between commercial\n> >and non-commercial software (ie. you will only get free software using\n> >Athena or OpenLook widget sets, and only get commercial software using\n> >the Motif widget sets).  \n> \n> \n> I can\'t see why.  If just about every workstation will come with Motif\n> by default and you can buy it for under $100 for the "free" UNIX\n> platforms, I can\'t see this causing major problems.\n\n  Let me add another of my concerns: Yes, I can buy a port of Motif for "cheap",\nbut I cannot get the source for "cheap", hence I am limited to using whatever X\nlibraries the Motif port was compiled against (at least with older versions of\nMotif. I have been told that Motif 1.2 can be used with any X, but I have not\nseen it myself).\n\n  Currently, I have X11R5 running on eight different unix platforms, of which\nonly three came with Motif. On those three, I am unable to use the X11R5\nlibraries to build Motif clients, because I get link errors between the\nvendor-supplied port of Motif and my X11R5. I anticipate having this same\nproblem when X11R6 becomes available.\n\n  The result is that I cannot build Motif clients that rely on X11R5, since I do\nnot have Motif compiled under X11R5. True, I could buy another port of Motif,\nbut that sort of ruins the whole idea of "free", doesn\'t it?\n\n    Cheers,\n\n    Tom McConnell\n-- \n Tom McConnell          |     Internet: tmcconne@sedona.intel.com\n Intel, Corp. C3-91     |     Phone: (602)-554-8229\n 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. | The opinions expressed are my own. No one in \n Chandler, AZ  85226    | their right mind would claim them.\n',
  "From: lau@aerospace.aero.org (David Lau)\nSubject: Re: Accelerating the MacPlus...;)\nNntp-Posting-Host: michigan.aero.org\nOrganization: The Aerospace Corporation; El Segundo, CA\nLines: 17\n\n  Also, if someone would recommend another\n> accelerator for the MacPlus, I'd like to hear about it.\n> \n> Thanks for any time and effort you expend on this!\n> \n> Karl\n\nTry looking at the Brainstorm Accelerator for the Plus.  I believe it is\nthe best solution because of the performance and price.  Why spend $800\nupgrading a computer that is only worth $300 ????\n  The brainstorm accelerator is around $225.  It speeds up the internal\nclock speed to 16MHz.  That may not seem like much but it also speeds up\nSCSI transfers.  I think that feature is unique to brainstorm.\nCheck it out.\n\nDavid Lau\nlau@aerospace.aero.org\n",
  'From: riggs@descartes.etl.army.mil (Bill Riggs)\nSubject: Re: hard times investments was: (no subject given)\nOrganization: LNK Corporation, Riverdale, MD\nLines: 50\nNntp-Posting-Host: descartes.tec.army.mil\n\nIn article <1pkvcl$nu0@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> an030@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Broward Horne) writes:\n>\n>In a previous article, riggs@descartes.etl.army.mil (Bill Riggs) says:\n>\n>>so much land, and in the long run, we have a zero sum game going. Someone,\n>>somewhere, is going to make a killing from nosediving real estate\n>>markets. The worst thing to do is panic. The best thing you can do is\n>>to ride out deflation to the end. It hurts, but you\'re better off \n>>than if you sell short and donate to someone else\'s inheritance.\n>\n>\n>      Sad.  Paradigm Shift is coming, chum.\n>     Ride the WAVE!\n\n\tI don\'t believe in the "Wave Theory".\n\n>\n>     " There\'s only so much land ".   Oh, God, is this Mike Zimmer\'s\n>    replacement?!\n\n\tMy mother-in-law, who grew up in Germany, doesn\'t believe in \nmoney at all. She started out as a real estate developer, and now raises\nhorses. She keeps telling me that inflation is coming back, and to lock\nin my fixed rate mortgage as low as possible.\n\n>\n>     Here, let me spell it out for you.\n>\n>     Can you spell TWO TRILLION DOLLAR BANK BAILOUT?\n\n\tMaybe you\'d like to invest in some foreign currency.\n\n\tWhich one would you guess to come out on top ?\n\n\t(Sigh - speculators never learn.)\n\n\n\nBill R.\n\n--\n\n"The only proposals in the Senate that I         "My opinions do not represent\nhave seen fit to mention are particularly        those of my employer or\npraiseworthy or particularly scandalous ones.    any government agency."\nIt seems to me that the historian\'s foremost     - Bill Riggs\nduty is to ensure that virtue is remembered,\nand to deter evil words and deeds with the\nfear of posterity\'s damnation."\n- Tacitus, _Annals_ III. 65\n',
  'Subject: Re: Principle_of_the_Breathalyzer\nFrom: srgxnbs@grace.cri.nz\nOrganization: Industrial Research Ltd., New Zealand.\nNNTP-Posting-Host: grv.grace.cri.nz\nLines: 3\n\nIn NZ apparently things like aftershave are also giving positive\nreadings\n\n',
  'From: cs1442aq@news.uta.edu (cs1442aq)\nSubject: Ryam out for 2-5 weeks!!\nOrganization: University of Texas at Arlington\nLines: 4\n\nNolan Ryan has torn cartlidge inhis right knee.  Is having surgery and\nis expected to miss 2-5 weeks.  \n-- \n\n',
  "From: sandy47@cats.ucsc.edu ()\nSubject: Wargames/magazines Forsale\nOrganization: University of California; Santa Cruz\nLines: 107\nDistribution: usa\nNNTP-Posting-Host: si.ucsc.edu\n\n\nDiscounts!  Please take\t$2.00 off each item over $10.00\n                        $1.00 off each item over $ 5.00\n\nHere is the list of magazines, including asking price:\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nStrategy & Tactics Magazine (All include unpunched games):\n===========================\n\nNEW (52 & 79-90 As mailed with games and all inclusions.)\n\nIssue:\tTitle:\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAsking:\n\n52\tOil War - American Intervention in The Persian Gulf\t35.00\n\n79\tBerlin '85 - The Enemy at the Gates\t\t\t20.00\n81\tTito - Partisan Army Yugoslavia, 1941-45\t\t20.00\n83\tKaiser's Battle - German Offensive March, 1918\t\t20.00\n84\tOperation Grenade - Rhineland Feb 23-Mar 5, 1945\t20.00\n89\tSicily - The Race to Messina Jul 10-Aug 17, 1943\t20.00\n90\tThe Battle of Monmouth - Colonies take Offensive 1778\t20.00\n\n----------End of an Era ---------------------------------------------\n\nNEW (113-127 As mailed with games and all inclusions in envelope.)\n\nIssue:\tTitle:\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAsking:\n\n113\tThe Battle of Abensberg (Magazine only)\t\t\t15.00\t\n115     Kanev - Russian Paratroops\t\t\t\t15.00\n116\tManchu - The Taiping Rebellion\t\t\t\t15.00\n117\tNorth German Plain - Modern Germany\t\t\t15.00\n118\tThe Tigers Are Burning - Camp. in the Ukraine '43-44\t15.00\n120\tNicararagua\t\t\t\t\t\t15.00\n122\tPegasus Bridge - The Beginning of D-Day\t\t\t15.00\n123\tCampaigns in the Valley\t\t\t\t\t15.00\n124\tFortress Stalingrad - Russian Winter Offensive '42-43\t15.00\n125\tThe Far Seas - German Cruiser Operations WWII\t\t15.00\n126\tBeirut 1982 - Arab Stalingrad\t\t\t\t15.00\n127\tRush for Glory - War with Mexico 1846-47\t\t15.00\n\n\nThe AH General Magazine:  (Many other articles included in each issue)\n=======================\n\nIssue\tTitle\t\t\t\tAsking  Vol. #\n\n7-80    Crescendo of Doom               8.00  \t17/2\n11-80\tFortress Europa\t\t\t8.00  \t17/4\n1-81\tCircus Maximus\t\t\t8.00  \t17/5\n3-81\tStalingra\t\t\t8.00  \t17/6\n5-81\tBismark, Squad Leader Clinic \t8.00  \t18/1\n\n\nCampaign Magazine: (Many other articles included in each issue)\n=================\n\nIssue\tTitle\t\t\t\tAsking\n\n97\tCrescendo of Doom\t\t 8.00\n101\tCross of Iron\t\t\t 8.00\n102\tCounterstroke at Inchon\t\t 8.00\n104\tSquad Leader Variant\t\t 8.00\n106\tGDW's 1941\t\t\t 8.00\n108     Battle for Leyte Gulf\t         8.00\n\nAll magazine prices include postage.  ALL ISSUES ARE IN NEW OR LIKE-NEW \nCONDITION.\n \n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nGames and Books:\n===============\n\nYaquinto Publications, Inc.:\n===========================\n\nAttack of the Mutants - Introductory Game\t\t\t$ 5.00\n(Unpunched, new.)\n\n---\n\nThe Complete Book of Wargames (out of print)\t\t\t$30.00\n--------------------------------------------\nAuthor:  Jon Freeman\n(Part 1 Introduction 75 pages - \n\tincluding Ch. 4 Kassala: An Introductory Wargame)\n(Complete information on over 150 wargames as of 1980)\n[hardcover, 285 pages, large format]\n\n---\n\nShipping extra on books and games.\n\nPrefer money orders for payment, I'll allow personal checks to clear before\nshipping.  \n\n\t\t\t\t\tLarry\n\n\nLarry McElhiney\n1385 7th Avenue #10\nSanta Cruz, CA 95062\n\n(408)426-5858 x 358 (w)\n(408)475-8027       (h)\n",
  "From: bob@black.ox.ac.uk (Bob Douglas)\nSubject: Re: Sphere from 4 points?\nOrganization: Oxford University Computing Service, 13 Banbury Rd, Oxford, U\nLines: 94\nOriginator: bob@black\n\nIn article <2406@hcrlgw92.crl.hitachi.co.jp> steve@hcrlgw (Steven Collins) writes:\n>In article <1qkgbuINNs9n@shelley.u.washington.edu> bolson@carson.u.washington.edu (Edward Bolson) writes:\n>>Boy, this will be embarassing if it is trivial or an FAQ:\n>>\n>>Given 4 points (non coplanar), how does one find the sphere, that is,\n>>center and radius, exactly fitting those points?  I know how to do it\n>>for a circle (from 3 points), but do not immediately see a \n>>straightforward way to do it in 3-D.  I have checked some\n>>geometry books, Graphics Gems, and Farin, but am still at a loss?\n>>Please have mercy on me and provide the solution?  \n>\n>Wouldn't this require a hyper-sphere.  In 3-space, 4 points over specifies\n>a sphere as far as I can see.  Unless that is you can prove that a point\n>exists in 3-space that is equi-distant from the 4 points, and this may not\n>necessarily happen.\n>\n>Correct me if I'm wrong (which I quite possibly am!)\n>\n>steve\n\nSorry!! :-)\n\nCall the four points A, B, C and D. Any three of them must be\nnon-collinear (otherwise all three could not lie on the surface\nof a sphere) and all four must not be coplaner (otherwise either\nthey cannot all lie on a sphere or they define an infinity of them).\n\nA, B and C define a circle. The perpendicular bisectors of AB, BC\nand CA  meet in a point (P, say) which is the centre of this circle.\nThis circle must lie on the surface of the desired sphere.\n\nConsider the normal to the plane ABC passing through P. All points\non this normal are equidistant from A, B and C and its circle (in\nfact it is a diameter of the desired sphere). Take the plane\ncontaining this normal and D (if D lies on the normal any\nplane containing the normal will do); this plane is at right angles\nto the ABC one.\n\nLet E be the point (there are normally two of them) on the circumference\nof the ABC circle which lies in this plane. We need a point Q on the\nnormal such that EQ = DQ. But the intersection of the perpendicular\nbisector of ED and the normal is such a point (and it exists since D is\nnot in the plane ABC, and so ED is not at right angles to the normal).\n\n\nAlgorithm:\n\nIs the sphere well defined?\n    (1) Check that A and B are not coincident (=> failure).\n    (2) Find the line AB and check that C does not lie on it (=> failure).\n    (3) Find the plane ABC and check that D does not lie in it (=> failure).\nYes. Find its centre.\n    (1) Find the perpendicular bisectors of AB and AC.\n    (2) Find their point of intersection (P).\n    (3) Find the normal to the plane ABC passing through P (line N).\n    (4) Find the plane containing N and D; find the point E on the\n\tABC circle in this plane (if D lies on N, take E as A).\n    (4) Find the perpendicular bisector of ED (line L)\n    (5) Find the point of intersection of N and L (Q).\nQ is the centre of the desired sphere\n\n\nPictures:\n\n(1) In the plane ABC\n\n\t\t\tA\n\n\n                                P\n                 \n                B                               C\n\n(2) At right-angles to ABC, in the plane containing N and D\n\n\t\t\tE\n\n\n                                                          D\n\n    line N\n    --------------------P-------------Q---------------------------\n\n\nNumerically:\n\nIf ED << EP then Q will be very close to P (relative to the radius\nof the ABC circle) and subject to error. It's best to choose D so\nthat the least of AD, BD and CD is larger than for any other choice.\n-- \nBob Douglas              Computing Services, University of Oxford\nInternet:                bob@oxford.ac.uk\nAddress:                 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK\nTelephone:               +44-865-273211\n",
  "From: rvenkate@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu (Ravikuma Venkateswar)\nSubject: Re: x86 ~= 680x0 ?? (How do they compare?)\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: University of Illinois at Urbana\nLines: 28\n\nskok@itwds1.energietechnik.uni-stuttgart.de (Holger Skok) writes:\n\n>In article <C5nq9C.LLp@news.cso.uiuc.edu> rvenkate@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu (Ravikuma Venkateswar) writes:\n>[... stuff deleted]\n>>\n>>Besides, for 0 wait state performance, you'd need a cache anyway. I mean,\n>>who uses a processor that runs at the speed of 80ns SIMMs? Note that this\n>>memory speed corresponds to a clock speed of 12.5 MHz.\n>>\n>[more stuff deleted...]\n\n>How do you calculate that figure? I'd assume even in personal computers\n>the board designers would use bank switching to (optimistically) \n>quadruple the access speed  or am I missing something here?\n\nThe previous article referred to the fact that you could only use 20ns SIMMs in\na 50MHz machine, but that you could use 80ns SIMMs in slower machines. I just\npointed out that if you could only use 20ns SIMMs in a 50MHz machine, you can't\nuse 80ns SIMMs in anything faster than a 12.5 MHz machine. Bank switching and\ncaches were not considered in either example (although both would help memory\naccess).\n\n>HSK\n-- \nRavikumar Venkateswar\nrvenkate@uiuc.edu\n\nA pun is a no' blessed form of whit.\n",
  'Organization: University of Maine System\nFrom: Merv <IO10702@MAINE.MAINE.EDU>\nSubject: EGA/VGA Monitor&Card wanted\nLines: 9\n\nAs it says in the subject, I am looking for a decent EGA or VGA monitor/card\ncombo that is in working condition.\nThe only thing is that it must be an 8-bit card.\n\nE-Mail all offers to:\nIO10702@MAINE.MAINE.EDU\n\nThanks.\n-Merv\n',
  'From: cjackson@adobe.com (Curtis Jackson)\nSubject: Re: Live Free, but Quietly, or Die\nArticle-I.D.: adobe.1993Apr6.194913.29264\nOrganization: Adobe Systems Incorporated, Mountain View\nLines: 15\n\nIn article <C52nnt.J3I@dartvax.dartmouth.edu> Russell.P.Hughes@dartmouth.edu (Russell P. Hughes) writes:\n}start her up and rev to about 3000 rpm....I FAIL cuz I register 120 DB,\n}and the max allowed is 110! If I fail with these pipes, there are gonna\n\nNext time make the numbers more believable -- this is poor flamebait.\n120 DB is getting close to the sound of a jumbo jet engine at takeoff\nrevs from some small number of yards away. It is certainly right\naround the pain threshold for humans. No way in hell the state permits\n110 DB if they have any standard at all.\n\n-- \nCurtis Jackson\t   cjackson@mv.us.adobe.com\t\'91 Hawk GT\t\'81 Maxim 650\nDoD#0721 KotB  \'91 Black Lab mix "Studley Doright"  \'92 Collie/Golden "George"\n"There is no justification for taking away individuals\' freedom\n in the guise of public safety." -- Thomas Jefferson\n',
  'From: bil@okcforum.osrhe.edu (Bill Conner)\nSubject: Re: Americans and Evolution\nNntp-Posting-Host: okcforum.osrhe.edu\nOrganization: Okcforum Unix Users Group\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\nLines: 30\n\nRobert Singleton (bobs@thnext.mit.edu) wrote:\n\n: > Sure it isn\'t mutually exclusive, but it lends weight to (i.e. increases\n: > notional running estimates of the posterior probability of) the \n: > atheist\'s pitch in the partition, and thus necessarily reduces the same \n: > quantity in the theist\'s pitch. This is because the `divine component\' \n: > falls prey to Ockham\'s Razor, the phenomenon being satisfactorily \n:                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n: > explained without it, and there being no independent evidence of any \n:   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n: > such component. More detail in the next post.\n: > \n\nOccam\'s Razor is not a law of nature, it is way of analyzing an\nargument, even so, it interesting how often it\'s cited here and to\nwhat end. \nIt seems odd that religion is simultaneously condemned as being\nprimitive, simple-minded and unscientific, anti-intellectual and\nchildish, and yet again condemned as being too complex (Occam\'s\nrazor), the scientific explanation of things being much more\nstraightforeward and, apparently, simpler. Which is it to be - which\nis the "non-essential", and how do you know?\nConsidering that even scientists don\'t fully comprehend science due to\nits complexity and diversity. Maybe William of Occam has performed a\nlobotomy, kept the frontal lobe and thrown everything else away ...\n\nThis is all very confusing, I\'m sure one of you will straighten me out\ntough.\n\nBill\n',
  "From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: As today marks the 78th anniversary of the Turkish Genocide...\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 65\n\nIn article <48299@sdcc12.ucsd.edu> ma170saj@sdcc14.ucsd.edu (System Operator) writes:\n\n>or, as we have painfully witnessed in Azerbaijan, would like to see \n>it happen again...\n\nIs this the joke of the month? \n\n1. Your fascist grandparents exterminated 2.5 million Muslim people\nbetween 1914 and 1920.\n\n2. Your Nazi parents fully participated in the extermination of the\nEuropean Jewry during WWII.\n\n3. Your criminal cousins have been slaughtering Muslim women, children\nand elderly people in fascist x-Soviet Armenia and Karabag for the last \nfour years.\n\nThe entire population of x-Soviet Armenia now, as a result of the \nGenocide of 2.5 million Muslim people, are Armenians. \n\nFor nearly one thousand years, the Turkish and Kurdish people \nlived on their homeland - the last one hundred under the \noppressive Soviet and Armenian occupation. The persecutions\nculminated in 1914: The Armenian Government planned and carried \nout a Genocide against its Muslim subjects. 2.5 million Turks \nand Kurds were murdered and the remainder driven out of their \nhomeland. After one thousand years, Turkish and Kurdish lands \nwere empty of Turks and Kurds. \n\nThe survivors found a safe heaven in Turkiye.\n\nToday, x-Soviet Armenian government rejects the right of Turks and \nKurds to return to their Muslim lands occupied by x-Soviet Armenia.\n\nToday, x-Soviet Armenian government covers up the genocide perpetrated \nby its predecessors and is therefore an accessory to this crime against \nhumanity.\n\nx-Soviet Armenian government must pay for their crime of genocide \nagainst the Muslims by admitting to the crime and making reparations \nto the Turks and Kurds.\n\nTurks and Kurds demand the right to return to their lands, to determine \ntheir own future as a nation in their own homeland.\n\nDuring the 78th Anniversary, we come once again reiterate the\nunity of the Muslim People, the timelessness of the Turkish\nand Kurdish Demands and the desire to pursue the struggle\nfor that restitution - a struggle that unites all Turks and Kurds.\n\nToday, we appeal to all Turkish and Kurdish people in the United \nStates and Canada to participate en masse in the Commemorative \nEvents, be they cultural, political or religious.\n\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n\n",
  "From: sreck@rebox.in-berlin.de (Stefan Reck)\nSubject: Re: Adaptec ACB-2322: what is it?\nDistribution: world               \nOrganization: REBOX's Host, Berlin, Germany\nLines: 14\nX-Newsreader: NWREADER [version 3.02]\n\nwright@lims01.lerc.nasa.gov (Ted Wright) writes:\n>\n> An Adaptec ACB-2322 rev B disk controller has come into my hands with\n> no documentation. Is this an ESDI controller? MFM? RLL? Something else?\n> The BIOS on it is dated 1987, if that is any help.\n\nI think it is an ESDI controller if you need the doco i can help you.\n\n  Stefan\n\n--\nStefan Reck  |  INET : sreck@rebox.in-berlin.de\nBerlin       |---------------------------------------------------------------\nGermany      |                     that's all\n",
  "From: g.coulter@daresbury.ac.uk (G. Coulter)\nSubject: SHADOW Optical Raytracing Package?\nReply-To: g.coulter@daresbury.ac.uk\nOrganization: SERC Daresbury Laboratory, UK\nLines: 17\nNNTP-Posting-Host: dlsg.dl.ac.uk\n\nHi Everyone ::\n\nI am  looking for  some software  called SHADOW as \nfar as  I know  its a   simple  raytracer  used in\nthe  visualization  of  synchrotron   beam  lines.\nNow we have  an  old  version of the  program here\n,but unfortunately we don't have any documentation\nif anyone knows  where I  can  get  some  docs, or\nmaybe  a  newer  version  of  the program or  even \nanother  program that does the same sort of  thing\nI would love to hear from you.\n\nPS I think SHADOW was written by a F Cerrina?\n\nAnyone any ideas?\n\nThanks -Gary- SERC Daresbury Lab.\n",
  'From: cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer)\nSubject: Re: The Evidence\nOrganization: Optilink Corporation, Petaluma, CA\nLines: 28\n\nIn article <115298@bu.edu>, kane@buast7.bu.edu (Hot Young Star) writes:\n> BK:\n# ##So tell me---what\'s immoral about homosexuality?\n# \n# CC:\n# #The promiscuity and fetishism that characterizes it.\n# \n# Hmmm.\n# \n# I\'ve told you more than once that I\'ve been monogamous for almost 4 years\n# now, and that I really don\'t get into fetishes.\n\nThen you are nearly the only homosexual who is.  I don\'t believe you.\nYou\'ve changed your story before.\n\n# Yet you maintain my homosexual activity is still immoral.\n# \n# Care to elaborate?\n# \n# For that matter, explain why fetishes are immoral?\n# \n# kane@{buast7,astro}.bu.edu (Hot Young Star) Astronomy Dept, Boston University,\n\nThe fact that your fetish is more important than who you are making\nlove to.  (Actually, in your case, "having sex with.")\n-- \nClayton E. Cramer {uunet,pyramid}!optilink!cramer  My opinions, all mine!\nRelations between people to be by mutual consent, or not at all.\n',
  'From: joan@koala.berkeley.edu ()\nSubject: Re: guns in backcountry? no thanks\nOrganization: U.C. Berkeley\nLines: 40\nNNTP-Posting-Host: koala.berkeley.edu\n\nIn article <C5Lrpq.50o@idacom.hp.com> guy@idacom.hp.com (Guy M. Trotter) writes:\n>\n>Hi,\n>\n>In Canada, any gun that enters a National Park must be sealed (I think it\'s a\n>small metal tag that\'s placed over the trigger).  The net result of this is\n>that you _can\'t_ use a gun to protect yourself from bears (or psychos) in the\n>National Parks.  Instead, one has to be sensitive to the dangers and annoyances\n>of hiking in bear country, and take the appropriate precautions.\n>\n>I think this policy makes the users of the National Parks feel a little closer\n>to Nature, that they are a part of Nature and, as such, have to deal with\n>nature on it\'s own terms.\n>\n>Guy\n\nHello,\n\n\tI understand this philosophy.  The bears are a national\ntreasure, the area is their sanctuary and people who enter it\ndo so at their own risk.  It is better that that rare human be\nkilled by a bear than that bears be provoked or shot by unbear-savvy\nvisitors.  The bears aren\'t having a population explosion, humans\nare so it is better that a human be killed than endanger the bears.\nI don\'t agree with this philosopy, but I understand it.\n\n\tThe psychos are a bit different.  They are not a national\ntreasure but I suppose the decision has been made that to "allow"\nprovision for defense against them would also "allow" provision\nfor defense against bears.  Again, I suppose it has been decided\nthat it is better for the rare human to be killed by a psycho than\nto take a chance on threatening the bears.\n\n\tPersonally, I wouldn\'t go into an area where I would be\n"managed" so as to reduce my safety ..... but ... come to think\nof it I guess I live in a managed wilderness myself :-)\n\nJoan V  \n\n\n',
  'From: donb@igor.tamri.com (Don Baldwin)\nSubject: Re: Good Neighbor Political Hypocrisy Test\nOrganization: TOSHIBA America MRI, South San Francisco, CA\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <16BB1B92B.DAK988S@vma.smsu.edu.Ext> DAK988S@vma.smsu.edu writes:\n>You think that you all have it bad....here at good ol\' Southwest Missouri\n>State U., we have 2 parties running for student body president.  There\'s the\n>token sorority/fraternity faces, and then there\'s the president and vice\n>president of NORML.  They campaigned by handing out condoms and listing\n>their qualifications as,"I listen really well."  It makes me sick to have\n>a party established on many of the things that are ruining this country like\n>they are.  I think I\'ll run next year.:(\n\nWell, a student body president can\'t exactly campaign on the stand\nthat he\'s "tough on crime".  Their job is to listen to what people want\nand fund things that make sense.\n\nCondoms and marijuana aren\'t exactly the worst things to have available\neither...\n\n   don\n',
  'From: davide@dcs.qmw.ac.uk (Dave Edmondson)\nSubject: Re: Happy Easter!\nOrganization: Computer Science Dept, QMW, University of London\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nLines: 37\n\nNick Pettefar (npet@bnr.ca) wrote:\n: kevinh, on the Tue, 20 Apr 1993 13:23:01 GMT wibbled:\n\nJonathan Quist bemoaned:\n\n: : |> Yes, it\'s a minor blasphemy that U.S. companies would ?? on the likes \nof A.M.,\n: : |> Jaguar, or (sob) Lotus.  It\'s outright sacrilege for RR to have \nnon-British\n: : |> ownership.  It\'s a fundamental thing\n\nLotus looks set for a management buyout. GM weren\'t happy that the Elan was \nlate and too pricey.  If they can write off the Elan development costs the may \nbe able to sell them for a sensible price.\n\n\n: : I think there is a legal clause in the RR name, regardless of who owns it\n: : it must be a British company/owner - i.e. BA can sell the company but not\n: : the name.\n\n: : kevinh@hasler.ascom.ch\n\n: I don\'t believe that BA have anything to do with RR.  It\'s a seperate\n: company from the RR Aero-Engine company. \n\nIt\'s Vickers who own Rolls Royce cars. \n\nAnd yes Kevin it is posts, Morgan use a sliding pillar front suspension.\n\nOb Bike (at long bleeding last): When will that Pettefar bloke get a mail \naddress so we can bung him on the Ogri list?\n\ndave\n--\nDavid Edmondson                 davide@dcs.qmw.ac.uk\nQueen Mary & Westfield College  DoD#0777 Guzzi Le Mans 1000\n"This means the end of the horse-drawn Zeppelin."\n',
  'From: paulson@tab00.larc.nasa.gov (Sharon Paulson)\nSubject: Re: food-related seizures?\nOrganization: NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA, USA\nLines: 48\n\t<C5uq9B.LrJ@toads.pgh.pa.us> <C5x3L0.3r8@athena.cs.uga.edu>\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cmb00.larc.nasa.gov\nIn-reply-to: mcovingt@aisun3.ai.uga.edu\'s message of Fri, 23 Apr 1993 03:41:24 GMT\n\nIn article <C5x3L0.3r8@athena.cs.uga.edu> mcovingt@aisun3.ai.uga.edu (Michael Covington) writes:\n\n   Newsgroups: sci.med\n   Path: news.larc.nasa.gov!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!sdd.hp.com!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!emory!athena!aisun3.ai.uga.edu!mcovingt\n   From: mcovingt@aisun3.ai.uga.edu (Michael Covington)\n   Sender: usenet@athena.cs.uga.edu\n   Nntp-Posting-Host: aisun3.ai.uga.edu\n   Organization: AI Programs, University of Georgia, Athens\n   References: <PAULSON.93Apr19081647@cmb00.larc.nasa.gov> <116305@bu.edu> <C5uq9B.LrJ@toads.pgh.pa.us>\n   Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 03:41:24 GMT\n   Lines: 27\n\n   In article <C5uq9B.LrJ@toads.pgh.pa.us> geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks) writes:\n   >In article <116305@bu.edu> dozonoff@bu.edu (david ozonoff) writes:\n   >>\n   >>Many of these cereals are corn-based. After your post I looked in the\n   >>literature and located two articles that implicated corn (contains\n   >>tryptophan) and seizures. The idea is that corn in the diet might\n   >>potentiate an already existing or latent seizure disorder, not cause it.\n   >>Check to see if the two Kellog cereals are corn based. I\'d be interested.\n   >\n   >Years ago when I was an intern, an obese young woman was brought into\n   >the ER comatose after having been reported to have grand mal seizures\n   >why attending a "corn festival".  We pumped her stomach and obtained\n   >what seemed like a couple of liters of corn, much of it intact kernals.  \n   >After a few hours she woke up and was fine.  I was tempted to sign her out as\n   >"acute corn intoxication."\n   >----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n   >Gordon Banks  N3JXP      | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and\n\n   How about contaminants on the corn, e.g. aflatoxin???\n\n\n\n   -- \n   :-  Michael A. Covington, Associate Research Scientist        :    *****\n   :-  Artificial Intelligence Programs      mcovingt@ai.uga.edu :  *********\n   :-  The University of Georgia              phone 706 542-0358 :   *  *  *\n   :-  Athens, Georgia 30602-7415 U.S.A.     amateur radio N4TMI :  ** *** **  <><\n\nWhat is aflatoxin?\n\nSharon\n--\nSharon Paulson                      s.s.paulson@larc.nasa.gov\nNASA Langley Research Center\nBldg. 1192D, Mailstop 156           Work: (804) 864-2241\nHampton, Virginia.  23681           Home: (804) 596-2362\n',
  "From: betts@netcom.com (Jonathan Betts)\nSubject: Where to find CHEAP LCD displays?\nOrganization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest)\nLines: 32\n\nSci.E(E) netters:\n\nI am setting out to build and market a small electronic device that \nrequires an LCD display.  All of the analog electronics are working \nfine, I have ordered a PIC ICE (not vice versa) since the PICs are so \ncheap and low-power, but I am having a devil of a time finding any \nLCD displays in the 6-8 digit range that are priced as low as I need.  I \nam looking for somthing in the range of $1 in quantities of about \n1000-10,000.\n\nMainstream distributors like Almac cannot help me without a part \nnumber, or when they do look around for something in their line \nthey find a $15 8-digit LCD.  Even Digikey's cheapest offering is $5 in \nquantity.\n\nI know LCD displays like this must exist because I see whole \ncalculators for sale for $4.99, meaning the retailer probably buys it \nfor $3.50 and the wholesaler probably gets it for $2.50 or so.  This \n$2.50 includes assembly labor, packaging, sales, transportation, \nimport duties, the case and keyboard, the PC Board, the processor \nchip, the solar cell --- and the LCD.  The LCD can't cost much.\n\nIf anyone could put me in touch with some manufacturers and/or \ndistributors that handle such things I would be much obliged.\n\n-Joe Betts\nbetts@netcom.com\n\n\nP.S.  I have tried tearing apart several cheap consumer devices that \nhave LCDs only to find that the LCDs are unlabelled.  Has anyone else \nhad better luck with this strategy?\n",
  'From: johnsd2@rpi.edu (Dan Johnson)\nSubject: Re: Atheists and Hell\nReply-To: johnsd2@rpi.edu\nOrganization: not Sun Microsystems\nLines: 38\n\nIn article 29279@athos.rutgers.edu, atterlep@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Cardinal Ximenez) writes:\n\n>  I have seen two common threads running through postings by atheists on the \n>newsgroup, and I think that they can be used to explain each other.  \n>Unfortunately I don\'t have direct quotes handy...\n\n>1) Atheists believe that when they die, they die forever.\n\n>2) A god who would condemn those who fail to believe in him to eternal death\n>   is unfair.\n\n>  I don\'t see what the problem is!  To Christians, Hell is, by definition, \n>eternal death--exactly what atheists are expecting when they die.\n\nThis is the problem. This is not hell, this is permanent death. It is\nindeed what atheists (generally) expect and it is neither fair nor\nunfair, it just is. You might as well argue about whether being made\nmostly of carbon and water is "fair".\n\nHowever, the atheists who claim that Hell is unfair are talking about\nthe fire and brimstone place of endless suffering, which necessarily\nincludes eternal existance (life, I dunno, but some sort of continuation);\nnot at all the same thing.\n\nGranted, you clearly feel that hell=death, but this is not a univeral\nsentiment as near as I can tell.\n\nIf *your* idea of God "condemns" heathens to ordinary death, I have no\nproblem with that. I do have a problem with the gods that hide from humans\nand torture the unbelievers eternally for not guessing right.\n\n[deletia- Hell, and Literalness.]\n\n---\n\t\t\t- Dan Johnson\nAnd God said "Jeeze, this is dull"... and it *WAS* dull. Genesis 0:0\n\nThese opinions probably show what I know.\n',
  'From: asphaug@lpl.arizona.edu (Erik Asphaug x2773)\nSubject: FOR SALE: 550 ZEPHYR\nSummary: Tucson Area, moving to Bay Area\nOrganization: Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Tucson AZ.\nLines: 24\n\nHi boys and girls.  I just bought a Beemer R80GS and realized abruptly that \nI am a grad student.  I first sold my truck yesterday but I need to sell my \nZephyr too.\n\nIf I can sell it this month, great ... insurance and tags both run out in\na couple of weeks.  Otherwise I\'ll tag and insure it and see what happens.\n\nIt\'s a very sweet bike.  6100 miles, almost all highway (AZ-WY-CO last summer,\nplus some great rides between here and the Border.  Purchased new exactly\none year ago (Apr \'92), it\'s a \'90 model.  It has a good fairing and a\nluggage rack.  Red; very clean.  Perfect maintenance, no bullshit.   I\'ll spare\nany further details other than to say (1) I want to keep it, and (2) somebody\n5\'7" +/- 5" will fit it like a charm.  Not a bike for big people, but not a\nsmall bike.  Standard, upright positioning and good-looking.  Smooth power,\ngreat brakes, good Karma.\n\n\t\t\t\t- Erik\n\n/-----b-o-d-y---i-s---t-h-e---b-i-k-e----------------------------\\\n|                                                                |\n|     DoD# 88888           asphaug@hindmost.lpl.arizona.edu      |\n| \'90 Kawi 550 Zephyr               (Erik Asphaug)               |\n| \'86 BMW R80GS                                                  |\n\\-----------------------s-o-u-l---i-s---t-h-e---r-i-d-e-r--------/\n',
  'From: mark@ocsmd.ocs.com (Mark Wilson)\nSubject: WANTED: The Nine-Mile Walk\nOrganization: Online Computer Systems, Inc.\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5\nDistribution: misc.forsale\nLines: 31\n\n[ Article crossposted from rec.arts.books ]\n[ Author was Mark Wilson ]\n[ Posted on Wed, 21 Apr 1993 11:55:55 GMT ]\n\nI am looking for the following book, which I have\nonly seen as a paperback (I lent my copy to someone,\nand forgetfulness has made that pronoun PERMANENTLY\nindeterminate!).  I am looking for one OR two copies!\n\nTitle: The Nine-Mile Walk and Other Stories\n        (unsure about the hyphen and the exact subtitle)\nAuthor: Harry Kemelman (author of all the "Rabbi" mysteries)\n\nIt\'s a collection of short mystery stories.  Please email\nmark@ocsmd.ocs.com OR call the 800 number given below.\nThanks!\n\n- Mark\n--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nMark Wilson, Online Computer Systems.  1-800-922-9204 or 1-301-601-2215\n(Try email address mark@ocsmd.ocs.com....)\nThis file .disclaims everything signed with my .signature, I .mean it!\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nMark Wilson, Online Computer Systems.  1-800-922-9204 or 1-301-601-2215\n(Try email address mark@ocsmd.ocs.com....)\nThis file .disclaims everything signed with my .signature, I .mean it!\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  "From: mathew@mantis.co.uk (mathew)\nSubject: Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is\nOrganization: Mantis Consultants, Cambridge. UK.\nLines: 19\nX-Newsreader: rusnews v1.01\n\nfrank@D012S658.uucp (Frank O'Dwyer) writes:\n> I am not a Christian, however I suspect that all flavours of \n> Christianity hold that (a) objective morality exists and (b) their\n> particular interpretation of scripture/revelation/TV is a goodly glimpse\n> of it.  That they may all disagree about (b) says nothing about the truth \n> or falsehood of (a).\n\nActually, they generally claim that (b) their particular interpretation of\nscripture/revelation *is* this objective morality.  That there are two\nconflicting versions of this objective morality does tell us something about\n(a).  It tells us at least one fake objective morality exists.\n\nThe next logical step is to deduce that any given religion's objective\nmorality could be the fake one.  So caveat emptor.\n\n\nmathew\n-- \nAtheism: Anti-virus software for the mind.\n",
  "From: jdnicoll@prism.ccs.uwo.ca (James Davis Nicoll)\nSubject: Re: New planet/Kuiper object found?\nOrganization: University of Western Ontario, London\nDistribution: sci\nNntp-Posting-Host: prism.engrg.uwo.ca\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <STEINLY.93Apr23130246@topaz.ucsc.edu> steinly@topaz.ucsc.edu (Steinn Sigurdsson) writes:\n>In article <1r9de3INNjkv@gap.caltech.edu> jafoust@cco.caltech.edu (Jeff Foust) writes:\n>\n>   In a recent article jdnicoll@prism.ccs.uwo.ca (James Davis Nicoll) writes:\n>   >\tIf the  new  Kuiper belt object *is*  called 'Karla', the next\n>   >one  should be called 'Smiley'.\n>\n>   Unless I'm imaging things, (always a possibility =) 1992 QB1, the Kuiper Belt\n>   object discovered last year, is known as Smiley.\n>\n>As it happens the _second_ one is Karla. The first one was\n>Smiley. All subject to the vagaries of the IAU of course,\n>but I think they might let this one slide...\n\n\tGee, I feel so ignorant now...\n\n\tResearch, then post.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJames Nicoll\n\n",
  "From: dpb@sdchemw2.ucsd.edu (Doug P. Book)\nSubject: Re: Stereo sound problem (?) on mac games\nOrganization: UC San Diego Chemistry\nLines: 13\nNNTP-Posting-Host: sdchemw2.ucsd.edu\n\n\nThanks, Steve, for your helpful and informative comments on Mac stereo\nsound.\n\nToo bad some developers aren't addressing the problem.\n\nThis did make my trusty old Mac II superior to the Quadra I replaced\nit with in one way though!  :)\n\n\nThanks,\n\nDoug\n",
  "From: dingman+@cs.cmu.edu (Christopher Dingman)\nSubject: Re: Buying a high speed v.everything modem\nNntp-Posting-Host: pie9.mach.cs.cmu.edu\nOrganization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon\nLines: 38\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.001127.4928@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu> behr@math.ilstu.edu (Eric Behr) writes:\n>\n>The AT&T Dataport earns nearly unanimous praises for reliability. They are\n>backordered at the moment, probably because of the special $299 price in\n>effect until May. Its fax capabilities are worse than that of the other two\n>modems. WARNING: AT&T ads say that the modem comes with a Mac kit (cables &\n>all), and has lifetime warranty. This applies *only* when you order\n>directly from Paradyne! I called ElekTek (one of the distributors), and\n>they wanted to charge me $16 for cable, and gave only 1 year warranty...\n>\n\nHmm, I don't know where this information concerning the cable and the\nwarranty came from but I ordered mine from Logos Communications, near\nCleveland, and inside was a Mac cable (with the correct pin connections :-))\nand a lifetime warranty.  The whole package was assembled at AT&T Paradyne,\nand every piece (the serial cable, the telephone cable, etc.) had AT&T \npart numbers on them, except the QuickLink software package and the \nCompuServe intro kit.\n\n>-- \n>Eric Behr, Illinois State University, Mathematics Department\n>behr@math.ilstu.edu   or   behr@ilstu.bitnet  (please avoid!)\n\nIf anyone's interested, Logos number is (800) 837-7777.  I ordered mine\nlast Wednesday and got my modem on Friday, though it's not to far from\nCleveland to Pittsburgh.. :-)  On the down side they only ship UPS COD.\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t- Chris\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n|  Christopher P. Dingman                                                  |\n|  Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept.                  dingman@ece.cmu.edu |\n|  Carnegie Mellon University                          (412) 268-7119      |\n|  5000 Forbes Ave                                                         |\n|  Pittsburgh, PA  15213                                                   |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n",
  "From: pgf5@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Peter Garfiel Freeman)\nSubject: Re: Enough Freeman Bashing!  Was: no-Free man propaganda machine: Freemanwith blood greetings from Israel\nNntp-Posting-Host: cunixb.cc.columbia.edu\nReply-To: pgf5@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Peter Garfiel Freeman)\nOrganization: Columbia University\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <C5I6JG.BM1@eis.calstate.edu> mafifi@eis.calstate.edu (Marc A Afifi) writes:\n>pgf5@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Peter Garfiel Freeman) writes:\n>\n>\n>Peter,\n>\n>I believe this is your most succinct post to date. Since you have nothing\n>to say, you say nothing! It's brilliant. Did you think of this all by\n>yourself?\n>\n>-marc \n>--\n\nHey tough guy, read the topic.  That's the message.  Get a brain.  Go to \na real school.\n\n\n\n",
  'From: carlj@mugwump (Carl Johnson)\nSubject: xterm and default text cursor color\nReply-To: carlj@cyclone.bt.co.uk\nOrganization: British Telecom Research Labs\nLines: 17\nNNTP-Posting-Host: mugwump.muppet.bt.co.uk\n\nWhat I want to be able to do is to set the cursor\ncolor to the same as the forground color that is set\nfor that xterm.\n\nFrom the man page.....\n\n-cr color\n This option specifies the color to use for text cur-\n sor.   The  default  is  to  use the same foreground  <---\n color that is used for text.  <---\n\nHowever this doesnt seem to be the case, it appears to default to black\nor to whatever XTerm*cursorColor is set to.\n\nFeel free to point me at the relevant FM or whatever,\nCheers,\nC\n',
  'From: Don_Alder@mindlink.bc.ca (Don Alder)\nSubject: Bware of JayHayes/Deleware\nOrganization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada\nLines: 10\n\nHad a deal with Jay Hayes from Deleware and was ripped off do not deal with\nthis guy and if you know him go to his door with a bat! He lives in Deleware\nand I will post his full address later as well as his phone number in case\nany on e else wants to call and leave nasty messages. He will not return\nemail and he will not return my phone calls I left a message iwth hgis\nroomate to call collect and hes not man enough. He still maintains net\nprivilages, can we somehow get this turkey off the net.\n\nDA\n\n',
  'From: grape@suned1.Nswses.Navy.MIL (Mike Grapevine)\nSubject: subscribe\nOrganization: The Internet\nLines: 1\nTo: expert@expo.lcs.mit.edu\n\n\tsubscribe grape@nswses.navy.mil\n',
  'From: km@cs.pitt.edu (Ken Mitchum)\nSubject: Re: Immotile Cilia Syndrome\nArticle-I.D.: pitt.19423\nReply-To: km@cs.pitt.edu (Ken Mitchum)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <1993Mar26.213522.26224@ncsu.edu> andrea@unity.ncsu.edu (Andrea M Free-Kwiatkowski) writes:\n>I would like to know if there is any new information out there about the\n>subject or any new studies being conducted.  I am confident in my\n>pediatrician and her communication with the people in Chapel Hill, but\n>since this is a life-long disorder and genetically transferred I would\n>like keep current.  I do realize that since this is a relatively new\n>disorder (first documented in 1974 in a fertility clinic in Scandanavia)\n>and is therefore "controversial".\n\nI do not know a lot about this, except from seeing one patient with\n"Kartagener\'s syndrome", which is a form of immotile cilia syndrome\nin which there is situs inversus, bronchiectasis, and chronic\ninfections. "Situs inversus" means that organs are on the wrong\nside of the body, and can be complete or partial. It is interesting\nmedically because the normal location of organs is caused in part\nby the "normal" rotation associated with ciliary motion, so that in\nabsence of this, laterality can be "random." People with situs\ninversus are quite popular at medical schools, because of their\nrarity, and the fact that most doctors get a bit upset when they\ncan\'t find the patient\'s heart sounds (because they\'re on the wrong\nside). \n\nAccording to Harrison\'s, immotile cilia syndrom is an autosomal\nrecessive, which should imply that on average one child in four\nin a family would be affected. But there may be much more current\ninformation on this, and as usual in medicine, we may be talking\nabout more than one conditiion. I would suggest that you ask your\npediatrician about contacting a medical geneticics specialist, of\nwhich there is probably one at NCSU.\n\n-km\n',
  "From: hsieh@ipld04.hac.com (Julia Hsieh)\nSubject: How to reach Micron\nDistribution: na\nLines: 15\n\n\nDoes anyone know how to reach Micron?  I am interested in getting some\nspecifics about what types of monitors work with their Micron Xceed\ncard for the se/30.  either e-mail or phone number would be prefered.\nOr if you have the answers to my questions, i'd appreciate a reply.\n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n-- \n----------------------------------------------------------------\njulia hsieh              My opinions are not intended to reflect\nhsieh@ipld01.hac.com     those of Hughes Aircraft Company.\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n",
  "From: hooper@ccs.QueensU.CA (Andy Hooper)\nSubject: Re: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption\nOrganization: Queen's University, Kingston\nDistribution: na\nLines: 3\n\nIsn't Clipper a trademark of Fairchild Semiconductor?\n\nAndy Hooper\n",
  'From: ferguson@cs.rochester.edu (George Ferguson)\nSubject: Re: ABC coverage\nReply-To: ferguson@cs.rochester.edu (George Ferguson)\nOrganization: University of Rochester Hockey Science Dept.\nDistribution: usa\n\n\nIn article <9454@blue.cis.pitt.edu> ccohen@pitt.edu (Caleb N Cohen) writes:\n>   Boy - everyone has been ripping on ESPN\'s hockey coverage (or is it just\n>Pittsburgher\'s who are thrilled with Lange & Steigy?)  For all of you\n>who are unaware -> ESPN bought the air time from ABC and did all the \n>production, advertising sales, commentating, etc -> and even \n>reaped any $ made...\n\nIn the interests of saving badnwidth during this "heated" time of the\nyear (viz. the early flurry of "retard" comments coming from a certain\nstate whose name starts with P and ends with A), why don\'t you tell us\nsomething we don\'t already know?\n\nGeorge\n-- \nGeorge Ferguson                 ARPA: ferguson@cs.rochester.edu\nDept. of Computer Science       UUCP: rutgers!rochester!ferguson\nUniversity of Rochester         VOX:  (716) 275-2527\nRochester  NY  14627-0226       FAX:  (716) 461-2018\n',
  "From: davidj@rahul.net (David Josephson)\nSubject: Re: MICROPHONE PRE-AMP/LOW NOISE/PHANTOM POWERED\nNntp-Posting-Host: bolero\nOrganization: a2i network\nLines: 26\n\nIn <C5JJJ2.1tF@cmcl2.nyu.edu> ali@cns.nyu.edu (Alan Macaluso) writes:\n\n>I'm looking to build a microphone preamp that has very good low-noise characteristics,  large clean gain, and incorportates phantom power (20-48 volts (dc)) for a PZM microphone.  I'm leaning towards a good, low-cost (??) instrumentation amplifier to maintain the balanced input from the microphone, for its good CMRR, internal compensation, and because i can use a minimal # of parts.  \n\n>Does anyone out there have any experience, suggestions, advice, etc...that they'd like to pass on, I'd greatly appreciate it.\n\n\n>---\n>A l a n  M a c a l u s o\t\t \tPURPLE MOON GIANTS\n>ali@cns.nyu.edu  \t\t\t\t158 E. 7th. St. #B5\n>(212) 998-7837\t\t\t\t\tNYC  10009\n>\t\t\t\t\t\t(212) 982-6630\n\n>\t\t\n\n\nWithout doing anything really tricky, the best I've seen is the\nBurr-Brown INA103. Their databook shows a good application of this\nchip as a phantom power mic pre.\n\n>\t        \n-- \n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nJosephson Engineering, San Jose California      MICROPHONES\nTel/ 408-238-6062  Fax/ 408-238-6022            INSTRUMENTATION\nemail:david@josephson.com  ftp info from: rahul.net /pub/davidj/\n",
  "From: mulvey@blurt.oswego.edu (Allen Mulvey, SUNY, Oswego, NY)\nSubject: Re: Memory Slot Problem\nOrganization: SUNY College at Oswego, Oswego, NY\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <1qiijs$t27@bigboote.WPI.EDU>, ralf@wpi.WPI.EDU (Ralph Valentino) writes:\n> I finally decided to upgrade my 486-33 EISA's memory from 8 Meg to 16\n> Meg - two months after the parts warranty ran out on the (Anigma)\n> motherboard - two months too late.  It seems there's a problem with\n> one or both of the two 1M/2Mx36bit sim slots in bank B.  On boot I get\n> a pattern test failure at address 0xa00000 and the system deconfigures\n> the top 6 Meg.  The sims are good, I tried rotating all of them into\n> bank A.  On one of the configurations, however, the pattern test\n... deletions...\n> failed at 0x800000.  In all tests, the pattern that appeared was the\n same as the pattern if no sim was in place.  This leads me to believe\n> the one or two of the connector address pins are at fault and, with a\n> lot of luck, might be patchable.\n\n> \n> -Ralph\n> ===============\n> Ralph Valentino   (ralf@chpc.org)  (ralf@wpi.wpi.edu)\n> Hardware Engineer,  Worcester  Polytechnic  Institute\n> Center for High Performance Computing, Marlborough MA\n\nMany motherboards have jumpers to enable/disable the memory banks.  Did you \ncheck that out?\n\n\t\t\tAllen mulvey\n\t\t\tmulvey@blurt.oswego.edu\n",
  "From: smckinty@sunicnc.France.Sun.COM (Steve McKinty - SunConnect ICNC)\nSubject: Re: What do Nuclear Site's Cooling Towers do?\nOrganization: SunConnect\nLines: 26\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hardy.france.sun.com\nKeywords: Nuclear\n\nIn article <1qlg9o$d7q@sequoia.ccsd.uts.EDU.AU>, swalker@uts.EDU.AU (-s87271077-s.walker-man-50-) writes:\n> \n> \n> I really don't know where to post this question so I figured that\n> this board would be most appropriate.\n> I was wondering about those massive concrete cylinders that\n> are ever present at nuclear poer sites. They look like cylinders\n> that have been pinched in the middle. Does anybody know what the\n> actual purpose of those things are?. I hear that they're called\n> 'Cooling Towers' but what the heck do they cool?\n\nWater. Nuclear stations don't generate electricity directly from the\nreactor, they use the reactor to generate heat. The heat is then used to\nheat water just as in a conventional oil or coal station, and the\nresultant steam drives the turbines.\n\nThe cooling towers are used to cool the steam and recondense it into water\nto continue the cycle\n\nSteve\n\n-- \nSteve McKinty\nSun Microsystems ICNC\n38240 Meylan, France\nemail: smckinty@france.sun.com\t   BIX: smckinty\n",
  'From: balsamo@stargl.enet.dec.com (Antonio L. Balsamo (Save the wails))\nSubject: Re: Advise needed in buying Automobile\nReply-To: balsamo@stargl.enet.dec.com (Antonio L. Balsamo (Save the wails))\nOrganization: Digital Equipment Corporation\nLines: 20\n\n\nFrom: thwang@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Tommy Hwang)\nSubject: Advise needed in buying Automobile\n\n   >I am in search of a dependable automobile to purchase.  Below\n   >are its requirements:\n   >\t5. V6 or above\n\n       Most of the cars you mentioned are below (smaller than) V6 engine.\n\n   Tony\n--\n\n                  +--------------------------------------+\n                  |   Name: Antonio L. Balsamo           |\n                  |Company: Digital Equipment Corp.      |\n                  |         Shrewsbury, Mass.            |\n                  | Work #: (508) 841-2039               |\n                  | E-mail: balsamo@stargl.enet.dec.com  |\n                  +--------------------------------------+\n',
  "From: riel@unixg.ubc.ca (William Riel)\nSubject: Re: Travesty at the Joe Louis\nOrganization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada\nLines: 12\nNNTP-Posting-Host: unixg.ubc.ca\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.005512.3382@mtroyal.ab.ca> caldwell8102@mtroyal.ab.ca writes:\n>(Detroit, April 19)\n>\n>In a development that shocked most knowledgable observers, the Detroit Redwings\n>scored no less than six goals against the best goaltender in the world en\n>route to a 6-3 win over the best team in the NHL, the Toronto Maple Leafs. \n\nNot only that, but if I'm not mistaken Detroit scored 4 goals on their first\nfive shots on net...looks like Toronto's cream cheese run continues (or is\nthat swiss cheese? after watching Potvin I'm leaning towards the latter)\n\nBill   \n",
  'From: N.R.Ellis@newcastle.ac.uk (Nigel R. Ellis)\nSubject: Keyboard map for UK type 5 keyboard under X11/R5?\nNntp-Posting-Host: ws-ai3.dur.ac.uk\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\nReply-To: N.R.Ellis@durham.ac.uk\nOrganization: Computer Science, University of Durham, Durham, UK. DH1 3LE\nLines: 16\n\nHi,\n\ndoes anyone have a keyboard map for a Sun UK type 5 keyboard for use under\nX11/R5 ?\n\nThanks,\n\nNigel.\n\n--\n============================================================================\n| Nigel R Ellis, Artificial Intelligence Group, | N.R.Ellis@durham.ac.uk   |\n| Computer Science, University of Durham,       | Phne: +44.91.374.2549    |\n| Durham. England DH1 3LE                       | Fax : +44.91.374.3741    |\n============================================================================\n\n',
  'From: kevin@rotag.mi.org (Kevin Darcy)\nSubject: Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is \nOrganization: Who, me???\nLines: 15\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.010329.23133@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> kcochran@nyx.cs.du.edu (Keith "Justified And Ancient" Cochran) writes:\n>[Followups set out of talk.abortion...]\n>\n>In article <C5Fuo2.FF8@news.cso.uiuc.edu> cobb@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu (Mike Cobb) writes:\n>>Am I reading this thread wrong or is this just another bemoaning of the fact\n>>that Christianity has a code of objective morality?\n>\n>Please define this "objective morality".\n>\n>While you\'re at it, please state the theory of creationism.\n\nStill searching for an irrelevant issue in which to mire a pro-lifer, I see.\nSlimy tactic.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t- Kevin\n',
  "From: edb9140@tamsun.tamu.edu (E.B.)\nSubject: POV problems with tga outputs\nOrganization: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX\nLines: 9\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: tamsun.tamu.edu\n\nI can't fiqure this out.  I have properly compiled pov on a unix machine\nrunning SunOS 4.1.3  The problem is that when I run the sample .pov files and\nuse the EXACT same parameters when compiling different .tga outputs.  Some\nof the .tga's are okay, and other's are unrecognizable by any software.\n\nHelp!\ned\nedb9140@tamsun.tamu.edu\n\n",
  "From: mjp@austin.ibm.com  (Michael Phelps)\nSubject: Re: Non-lethal alternatives to handguns?\nOriginator: mjp@bwa.kgn.ibm.com\nReply-To: mjp@vnet.ibm.com (Michael J. Phelps)\nOrganization: IBM Kingston NY\nKeywords: handgun mace pepper-spray taser tasp phaser\nLines: 27\n\n\nholland@CS.ColoState.EDU (douglas craig holland) writes:\n|> What about guns with non-lethal bullets, like rubber or plastic bullets.\n|> Would those work very well in stopping an attack?\n|> \n|> \t\t\t\t\t\tDoug Holland\n\n Any projectile traveling at or near typical bullet speeds is potentially\nlethal.  Even blanks [which have no projectile] can cause death if the\nmuzzle is in close proximity to the victim.  I have heard of rubber or\nplastic bullets being used effectively during riot situations [where the\nintent is crowd control, rather than close range self defense]; i've also\nseen reports of deaths caused by them [the British in Northern Ireland].\n Use of a firearm for self defense is appropriate and lawful only in the\ngravest of situations; at that point, i consider deadly [lethal] force to \nbe a proper reaction [and so does the law].  \n Furthermore, use of less effective [but still potentially lethal] force\nhas its own set of problems.  It may well take more applications of the\nless effective force to stop the incident; this places all parties at some\nrisk; the victim because the attack has not stopped, and the assailent \nsince the aggregate damage done by the multiple applications may well be\nmore deadly.\n\n-- \nMichael Phelps, (external) mjp@vnet.ibm.com ..\n                (internal) mjp@bwa.kgn.ibm.com .. mjp at kgnvmy         \n (and last but not least a disclaimer)  These opinions are mine..       \n",
  'From: tonyd@ssc60.sbwk.nj.us (Tony DeBari)\nSubject: Re: FileManager: strange sizes in summary line\nOrganization: Lost In Space\nLines: 32\n\nIn <1993Apr21.143250.14692@bmers145.bnr.ca> masika@bnr.ca (Nicholas Masika) writes:\n>I have just noticed my FileManager doing something strange recently.\n>Usually, the line at the bottom of the FileManager (the status bar, I\n>guess) displays the total disk space and the total number of bytes for\n>the current selection.  If I select a whole bunch of files, I will get\n>an exact byte count.\n\n>Recently, I notice it incorrectly displays this count; it\'s truncating!\n>If I select a file that is, say, 532 bytes, it correctly displays \'532 bytes\'.\n>If I select select a file that is 23,482 bytes, it displays \'23 bytes\', \n>not 23 Kbytes, just 23 bytes!  If I select 893,352 it will report only\n>893 bytes in the selection.  If I select over a Meg worth of files, say\n>3,356,345 it reports 3 bytes!  It\'s as if it\'s got a problem with displaying\n>more than 3 characters!\n\n>My system: 486DX/33, 8M memory, Stacker 3.0, DOS 5, Win 3.1.  I\'ve run\n>the latest virus scanners (scan102, f-prot) and they didn\'t report anything.\n>Could I have unknowingly altered something that controls the formatting\n>of the status bar in the FileManger?\n\nIt sounds like something/one may have set the 1000\'s separator to "." in\nContol Panel (under International).  This makes 23,482 look like 23.482\nand File Manager is chopping off what it thinks is the decimal part of\nthe file size. 3,356,345 becomes 3.356.345, and again, File Manager is\nconfused by the decimal points where there should be commas, chopping\noff everything to the right of the first period.\n\n-- \nTony DeBari          FQDN: tonyd@ssc60.sbwk.nj.us     CI$: 73117,452\n                     UUCP: ...!uunet!ssc60!tonyd      *P*: GHRW14B\n\na.k.a. Skip Bowler, captain of USENET Fantasy Bowling League Team 9.\n',
  "From: geoff@ficus.cs.ucla.edu (Geoffrey Kuenning)\nSubject: Re: Once tapped, your code is no good any more.\nNntp-Posting-Host: ogmore.cs.ucla.edu\nOrganization: UCLA, Computer Science Department\nDistribution: na\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <2073@rwing.UUCP> pat@rwing.UUCP (Pat Myrto) writes:\n\n> fishing expeditions without the target's knowlege.  Don't give up the\n> right to be safe from that - that should be non-negotiable, and Clinton\n> and Co. know it (which is probably why they quietly developed this thing,\n> figuring if they get it this far, they can ram it on through).\n\nIt always amazes me how quick people are to blame whatever\nadministration is current for things they couldn't possibly have\ninitiated.  This chip had to take *years* to develop, yet already\nwe're claiming that the Clinton administration sneaked it in on us.\nBullshit.  The *Bush* administration and the career Gestapo were\nresponsible for this horror, and the careerists presented it to the\nnew presidency as a fait accompli.  That doesn't excuse Clinton and\nGore from criticism for being so stupid as to go for it, but let's lay\nthe body at the proper door to start with.\n-- \n\tGeoff Kuenning\tgeoff@maui.cs.ucla.edu\tgeoff@ITcorp.com\n",
  'From: markz@ssc.com (Mark Zenier)\nSubject: Re: MC SBI mixer\nArticle-I.D.: ssc.1993Apr21.183146.19241\nOrganization: SSC, Inc.,  Seattle, WA\nLines: 17\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL6]\n\nMark J. Musone (musone@acsu.buffalo.edu) wrote:\n: HI, I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me on twwo related\n: subjects. I am currently learning about AM/FM receivers and recieving\n: circuits. \n: \n: P.S. any REALLY GOOD BOOKS on AM/FM theory ALONG WITH DETAILED\n: ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS would help a lot.\n: I have seen a lot of theory books with no circuits and a lot of\n: circuit books with no theory, but one without the other does not help.\n\nA pretty serious book that still seems readable is\n\nCommunication Receivers, Principes and Design\nby Rohde and Bucher.\n\n\nMark Zenier  markz@ssc.wa.com  markz@ssc.com  \n',
  "From: manu@oas.olivetti.com (Manu Das)\nSubject: Wanted sample source for editing controls\nOrganization: Olivetti ATC; Cupertino CA, USA\nLines: 18\nDistribution: usa\nNNTP-Posting-Host: todi.oas.olivetti.com\n\n\nHi Everyone,\n\nI would like to get an example program(source code) to get started with a simple\neditor (similar to windows dialog editor, but lot simplified) . Can someone\npoint me to a source such as a programming windows book, or example program\ncomes with Windows SDK (from Microsoft or Borland). I would greatly appreciate\nit.\n\nAll I want to do is to be able to place a edit control or combobox or a listbox\non a window and be able to drag and resize.\n\nIf anyone has written similar program and don't mind sharing code or ideas, \nI would appreciate it very much.\n\nThnx in advance, Manu Das\n\nPlease send me directly at manu@oas.olivetti.com\n",
  'From: keys@starchild.ncsl.nist.gov (Lawrence B. Keys)\nSubject: Re: WARNING.....(please read)...\nOrganization: National Institute of Standards & Technology\nLines: 44\n\nIn article <1qk7t5$dg@armory.centerline.com> jimf@centerline.com (Jim Frost) writes:\n>ejv2j@Virginia.EDU ("Erik Velapoldi") writes:\n>>What the hell is happening to this great country of ours?  I\n>>can see boyhood pranks of peeing off of bridges and such, but\n>>20 pound rocks??!  Has our society really stooped this low??\n>\n>You make it sound like this behavior is new.  It isn\'t.  A lot of\n>pedestrian bridges have fencing that curls up over the sidewalk to\n>make this kind of think a lot harder to do.\n>\n>I don\'t understand the mentality myself, but then again I couldn\'t\n>figure out MOVE! (I\'m glad they bombed \'em) or the Waco Wackos either.\n            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nI know that this isn\'t the group for it, but since you brought it up,\ndoes anyone have any idea why they haven\'t "bombed" the Waco cult?    \n\nJust curious.\n\n\n>\n>(Newsgroup list trimmed significantly)\n>\n>jim frost\n>jimf@centerline.com\n\n                                                  .  \n                                                 /                \nLarry                            __/    _______/_                 \nkeys@csmes.ncsl.nist.gov       /                  \\               \n                          _____     __     _____    \\------- ===\n            ----------- / ____/   /  /   /__  __/              \\\n         /     ___    /  / ___   /  /      / /    ____          |\n        |    /      \\/ /__ /  | /  /__  __/ /__ /       \\      / \n        /___         \\_______/ /_____/ /______/            ====OO\n            \\       /                           \\       /         \n                -            1990 2.0 16v           -\n\n\n       ---------------- FAHRVERGNUGEN FOREVER! --------------------            \n            The fact that I need to explain it to you indicates\n            that you probably wouldn\'t understand anyway!\n       ------------------------------------------------------------\n\n',
  'From: fish@daacdev1.stx.com (John Vanderpool)\nSubject: anybody have patched version of xroach for tvtwm???\nOrganization: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD USA\nLines: 19\n\ni read about the code you can put in to most applications so that\nthe virtual desktop stuff in tvtwm doesn\'t confuse them (or is the\napplication confusing the virtual-ness? [chicken & the egg?]\n\nbut wanted to see if it has been applied to a version of xroach\n\ni never could quite get ssetroot to work either? any suggestions.\nluckily xv -root -quit does the trick for the most part\n\nalso, i\'ld be quite interested in hearing more about the icon region\nfor each virtual window under tvtwm that i read a thread on last week\nhere\n\tthanx,\n\t\tfish\n--\nJohn R. Vanderpool     INTERNET: fish@eosdata.gsfc.nasa.gov\nNASA/GSFC/HSTX         VOX: 301-513-1683                \n"So you run, and you run, to catch up with the sun, but it\'s sinking,\n racing around to come up behind you again." -rw/dg\n',
  "From: karenb@westford.ccur.com (Karen Bircsak)\nSubject: lost in (TekHVC color) space\nArticle-I.D.: westford.1993Apr6.160748.3794\nOrganization: Concurrent Computer Corp.  Westford, MA\nLines: 33\n\n(please respond via email!)\n\nHas anybody actually seen the Tek color space stuff working?  I'm not\nhaving any luck with either the xtici editor from export.lcs.mit.edu or with\nO'Reilly's ftp-able example xcms from ftp.uu.net.\n\nThe O'Reilly example fails for almost every set of inputs because\nXcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV returns a smaller value than XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV does\n(which makes no sense to me).\n\nThe xtici editor fails in XcmsStoreColors, apparently because the\nmathematical manipulations of the color specs results in invalid values.  So\nyou can't actually edit any colors.\n\nWe have X11 R5 patch level 22; 8-bit pseudoColor visual.  I've poked around \nin the xcms code in Xlib, but without some understanding of the theory I have \nno idea what's going wrong.  Can somebody confirm if either of the \nabove-mentioned programs work on their systems, or let me know if they fail \nfor you too?  Please include what hardware/software/patch levels you have.\n\nAny hints?\n\nPlease respond with email as I don't regularly read this group.\n\nThanks,\nKaren\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nKaren Bircsak\nConcurrent Computer Corporation\n\nkarenb@westford.ccur.com\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
  'From: harmons@.WV.TEK.COM (Harmon Sommer)\nSubject: Re: Countersteering_FAQ please post\nLines: 15\n\nSender: \nReply-To: harmons@gyro.WV.TEK.COM (Harmon Sommer)\nDistribution: \nOrganization: /usr/ens/etc/organization\nKeywords: \n\n\n>Hey Ed, how do you explain the fact that you pull on a horse\'s reins\n>left to go left?  :-)  Or am I confusing two threads here?\n\nUnless they have been taught to "neck rein". Then the left rein is brought\nto bear on the left side of horse\'s neck to go right.\n\nEquestrian counter steering?\n',
  "From: cwikla@morrison.wri.com (John Cwikla)\nSubject: Pixmaps and colormaps sent through selections...\nSummary: Selections and Pixmaps/Colormaps\nKeywords: Selections\nNntp-Posting-Host: morrison.wri.com\nOrganization: Wolfram Research, Inc.\nLines: 18\n\n\n\tI want to be able to send a Pixmap from one client to the next.\nAlong with this I want to send the Colormap and foreground and\nbackground pixel values.  So far not a problem, I can do\nthis with no problem.\n\n  However, once I have the Pixmap id and the Colormap id, how\ndo I go about telling the server that the second (receiving)\nclient now wants to have associations with the two id's?\n\n\tTIA,\n\n\tJohn\n--\no  John L. Cwikla                       o                            o\no  X Programmer                         o  X was never the first     o\no  Wolfram Research, Inc.               o   letter of the alphabet   o\no  cwikla@wri.com  (217) 398-0700       o                            o\n",
  'From: davpa@ida.liu.se (David Partain)\nSubject: Candida Albicans: what is it?\nOriginator: davpa@obel11\nOrganization: Department of Computer Science, University of Linkoping\nLines: 11\n\n\nSomeone I know has recently been diagnosed as having Candida Albicans, \na disease about which I can find no information.  Apparently it has something\nto do with the body\'s production of yeast while at the same time being highly\nallergic to yeast.  Can anyone out there tell me any more about it?\n\nThanks.\n-- \nDavid Partain                   |  davpa@ida.liu.se\nIDA, University of Link\\"oping  |  work phone:  +46 (013) 28 26 08\nS-581 83 Link\\"oping, Sweden    |  telefax:     +46 (013) 28 26 66\n',
  'From: jkellett@netcom.com (Joe Kellett)\nSubject: Re: sex education\nOrganization: Netcom\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <Apr.> bruce@liv.ac.uk (Bruce Stephens) writes:\n>I\'d be fascinated to see such evidence, please send me your article!\n>On the negative side however, I suspect that any such simplistic link\n>    abstinence-education => decreased pregnancy,\n>    contraceptive-education => increased pregnancy\n>is false.  The US, which I\'d guess has one of the largest proportion of \n>"non-liberal" sex education in the western world also has one of the highest\n>teenage pregnancy rates.  (Please correct me if my guess is wrong.)\n\nI\'ve sent the article.  In terms of the group discussion, I wanted to point\nout that "non-liberal education" (head in the sand) is not the same as\n"abstinence education".\n\nWe had "non-liberal education" regarding drugs when I was a kid in the 60\'s,\nwhich didn\'t do us a lot of good.  But "abstinence education" regarding\ndrugs has proven effective, I think.\n\n-- \nJoe Kellett\njkellett@netcom.com\n',
  'From: todd@nickel.laurentian.ca\nSubject: Re: When are two people married in God\'s eyes?y\nOrganization: Laurentian University\nLines: 48\n\nIn article <Apr.>, marka@hcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com (Mark Ashley) writes:\n\n> Those with Bibles on hand can give the exact chapter & verse...\n> At the time Jesus told Peter that he was the "rock", He said\n> whatever you hold true on earth is held true in heaven, and \n> whatever you don\'t hold true won\'t be true in heaven.\n> \n> Therefore, with respect to marriage, the ceremony has to be\n> done by an RC priest. No big parties required. Just the priest,\n> the couple and witnesses. "Divorce" is not allowed. But anullments\n> are granted upon approval by either the bishop or the Pope \n> (not sure if the Pope delegates this function).\n> \nMaybe I\'m a little tired but I can\'t seem to follow the logic here. If \nwhatever is held true on earth is held true in heaven how is it that a priest\n(RC only apparently) is required. \n\nIn fact if I read the next verse correctly (Matthew 18:19) I understand that\nfor a marriage to take place only two are required to agree on earth touching\none thing and it shall be done.\n\nTodd\n\n\n> -- \n> -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n> Mark Ashley                        |DISCLAIMER: My opinions. Not Harris\'\n> marka@gcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com      |\n> The Lost Los Angelino              |\n\n[Unfortunately I haven\'t been able to find any completely precise\nstatements about what is needed.  (As usual, the current edition of\nthe Catholic Encyclopedia is frustratingly vague.)  I do know that the\npriest is viewed as a witness, and thus in some sense would not be\nrequired.  However part of the purpose of formal marriage is to avoid\nany ambiguity about who has and has not taken on the commitment.  The\ncommunity provides support to marriage, and in cases of problems are\ninvolved in helping to make sure that the people carry out as much of\ntheir commitment as possible.  Thus marriage must be a public\ncommitment.  The presence of a priest is required for a regular\nmarriage.  Where I\'m not clear is exactly where the boundaries are in\nexceptional cases ("valid but irregular").  Ne Temere (1907) says that\nno marriage involving a Catholic is valid without a priest (according\nto the Oxford Dictionary of the Church), and they imply that the new\ncanon law retains this, but I\'d rather see a more recent and\nauthoritative source.  Note that while a Catholic priest is required\nfor Catholics, the Catholic church does recognize marriage between\nbaptized non-Catholics as valid without a priest.  --clh]\n',
  'From: fpa1@Ra.MsState.Edu (Fletcher P Adams)\nSubject: Pork ( C-17 & C-5 was (Re: ABOLISH SELECTIVE SERVICE )\nOanization: Mississippi State University\nNntp-Posting-Host: ra.msstate.edu\nOrganization: Mississippi State University\nLines: 30\n\nmuellerm@vuse.vanderbilt.edu (Marc Mueller) writes:\n>fpa1@Trumpet.CC.MsState.Edu (Fletcher P Adams) writes:\n>>>\n>>>Eliminate the C-17 transport. \n>>\n>>Wrong.  We need its capability.  Sure it has its problems, ........\n>\n>If you read Aviation Week, the C-5 line can be reopened and the C-5s\n>would be delivered a year earlier and cost a billion less for the \n>program. Politically, though, the C-17 is popular pork.\n\nI do read Av Week and don\'t remember this.  Could you supply the date\nof the magazine?  As for C-17 vs. C-5 , the C-17 can\'t carry as much\nbut has more capability ( read : can land at smaller airfields of which\nthere are more of ) than the C-5.  Now is the C-17 pork?  It depends\non whether your job relies on it or not.  :)  In California right now,\nI would say that it is not pork since due to peace dividend so many \npeople are out of work. \n\n>The question is whether Les Aspin and Clinton will be able to face down\n>a pork happy Congress.\n>\n>-- Marc Mueller\n\nHuh?  Shouldn\'t that read "The question is whether a social-pork happy\nLes Aspin and Clinton will be able to face down a jobs-pork happy\nCongress."\n\nfpa\n\n',
  'From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: <Political Atheists?\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 9\nNNTP-Posting-Host: lloyd.caltech.edu\n\nkmr4@po.CWRU.edu (Keith M. Ryan) writes:\n\n>>But chimps are almost human...\n>Does this mean that Chimps have a moral will?\n\nWell, chimps must have some system.  They live in social groups\nas we do, so they must have some "laws" dictating undesired behavior.\n\nkeith\n',
  "From: mniederb@pws2.itr.ch (Niederberger Markus)\nSubject: Characterization of opamps\nOrganization: Interkantonales Technikum Rapperswil (ITR) Switzerland\nLines: 23\n\nHi,\n\nRight now I should do some characterization of opamps. Because I don't  \nhave\nspecial equipment for this task, I have to do this job with relativly  \nsimple\nequipments (Frequency sweeper, DSO, etc.). \nDoes anyone know good test circuitry for characterization of opamps? \nEspecially for measuring open-loop gain, phase margin, PSSR, CMMR and so  \non.\nAre there any books or application notes on this subject available?\n\nPlease reply vi e-mail or nn.\n\nThanks\nMark\n\n__________________________________________________________________________ \n_____\nMark Niederberger\nE-mail: mniederb@itr.ch\n__________________________________________________________________________ \n_____\n",
  'From: Doug_Akerman@abcd.houghton.mi.us (Doug Akerman)\nSubject: commodoree\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Amiga BitSwap Central Dispatch\nLines: 15\n\nI have a wonderful Commodore 128 for sale!!!!\n          Also included:\n                   1571 disk drive\n                   color moniter\n                   power supply (great shape)\n                   software\n                   joysticks\n                   2 300 baud modems (old, but useable)\n\n\ncontact doug  (906) 487-0369 or (815) 623-6447\n\n\n-- Via DLG Pro v0.995\n\n',
  "From: verity@jack.sns.com (Steve Verity)\nSubject: Need help with video detection circuit\nOrganization: Systems'n'Software\nLines: 55\n\n\n\nI am trying to build a circuit that detects the presence of video (Vs.\na blank screen) by monitoring the R,G, and B outputs of a graphics\ncard.  It should be able to detect the presence of a single pixel at\n65 MHz, which would mean detecting a 15 NS pulse.  It should also be\nable to tell the difference between a blank screen (about 300 mv)\nand a dim screen (say, around 310 mv).  Oh yes, it also needs to be\ncheap.  \n\nMy first circuit was a dismal failure.  I used 3 compariators; each\ncompariator had the + input going to one of the guns, the - input\nwent to a reference created by a voltage divider(a potentiometer).\n\nThe first problem was that the compariator was way too slow.. I\nneeded to get several pixels in a row before it would fire the\ncompariators, so I could have a whole screen full of text, but my\ncircuit would not detect it.   \n\nThe second problem is that there was more noise on the reference then\nthe smallest difference between a blank screen and a dim screen.  In\nfact the difference between completely black and completely white is\nonly 650 mv.  I am wondering if I am going to have to amplify the\nvideo signals to make this work.  \n\nThere are faster compariators, but they are expensive, and require \nsplit supplies.   I would need to replace my .49 quad compariator\nwith three 1.89 compariators, and create a whole new power supply\ncircuit.  \n\nAt this point, I think what I need is some sort of transistor\ncircuit.  Transistors are fast and cheap and should do the trick...\n\nUnfortunately, I am way out of my league when It comes to designing\ntransistor circuits, so I am appealing to the net for help.  Any\nideas, tips, circuits, pointers, references, etc. would be greatly\nappreciated.  \n\nOh yes, I only sample the output of this thing every second or so, so\nI don't need a fast response time at all, however, I haven't found a\nway to take advantage of that fact.\n\nThanks a lot for any help anybody might be able to give. Of course,\nyou will have my undying gratitude.\n\n\nSteve Verity\n\n\n\n\n-- \n..........>.........>........>......>...>...>..>..>..>..>.>.>.>>>>>>>>+ .   \nSteve Verity                  +   +             ...Maxed on MIDI        + .\n                                    +      verity@jack.sns.com      + ..   +\n",
  'From: zxxst+@pitt.edu (Zhihua Xie)\nSubject: Re: Duo 230 crashes aftersleep (looks like Apple bug!)\nOrganization: University of Pittsburgh\nLines: 2\n\nthis is a test\n \n',
  'From: alee@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu (Alec Lee)\nSubject: Scan Rate vs. Font Size\nSummary: Which is more important?\nOrganization: University of Denver, Dept. of Math & Comp. Sci.\nLines: 10\n\nThis past winter I found myself spending a ridiculous amout of time in front\nof my computer.  Since my eyes were going berserk, I decided to shell out\nsome serious money to upgrade from a 14" to a 17" monitor.  I\'m running\n800x600 at 72 Hz.  My eyes are very grateful.  However, I find myself using\na smaller font with less eye strain.  Has anyone else had this kind of \nexperience?  I thought that small fonts were the culprit but it seems that\nflicker was my real problem.  Any comments?\n\nAlec Lee\nalee@cs.du.edu\n',
  "From: limagen@hpwala.wal.hp.com\nSubject: CAN'T WRITE TO 720 FLOPPY\nOrganization: Hewlett-Packard Waltham Division\nReply-To: limagen@hpwala.wal.hp.com ()\nKeywords: WRITE-720\nLines: 10\n\nOK all you experts!\nNeed answer quick.386 machine ,1.44 floppy ; unable to write to a formated\n720 disk.Machine claims that disk is write protected,but it is not.\n\nNote: It 'll read 720's with no problem.\n\nPlease e_mail or post.\n\n\n\n",
  "From: ljuca+@CS.CMU.EDU (Ljubomir Perkovic)\nSubject: Draining battery\nNntp-Posting-Host: gs20.sp.cs.cmu.edu\nOrganization: Carnegie Mellon University\nLines: 12\n\nI have a problem with the battery on my '83 Honda CB650 NightHawk.\nEvery week or so it is dead and I have to recharge it. I ride the bike \nevery day, the battery is new and the charging system was checked \nthoroughly and it seems fine. My suspicion is that it is draining\nsomewhere. \n\nDo you have any idea about what is causing this problem?\nPlease help since my mechanic and me are clueless!...\n\nLjubomir\n\n\n",
  "From: games@max.u.washington.edu\nSubject: SSTO Senatorial (aide) breifing recollections.\nArticle-I.D.: max.1993Apr6.125512.1\nDistribution: world\nLines: 78\nNNTP-Posting-Host: max.u.washington.edu\n\nThe following are my thoughts on a meeting that I, Hugh Kelso, and Bob Lilly\nhad with an aide of Sen. Patty Murrays.  We were there to discuss SSTO, and\ncommercial space.  This is how it went...\n\n\n\nAfter receiving a packet containing a presentation on the benifits of SSTO,\nI called and tried to schedule a meeting with our local Senator (D) Patty\nMurray, Washington State.  I started asking for an hour, and when I heard\nthe gasp on the end of the phone, I quickly backed off to 1/2 an hour.\nLater in that conversation, I learned that a standard appointment is 15 minutes.\n\nWe got the standard bozo treatment.  That is, we were called back by an aide,\nwho scheduled a meeting with us, in order to determine that we were not\nbozos, and to familiarize himself with the material, and to screen it, to \nmake sure that it was appropriate to take the senators time with that material.\n\nWell, I got allocated 1/2 hour with Sen. Murrays aide, and we ended up talking\nto him for 45 minutes, with us ending the meeting, and him still listening.\nWe covered a lot of ground, and only a little tiny bit was DCX specific.  \nMost of it was a single stage reusable vehicle primer.  There was another\nwoman there who took copius quantities of notes on EVERY topic that\nwe brought up.\n\nBut, with Murray being new, we wanted to entrench ourselves as non-corporate\naligned (I.E. not speaking for boeing) local citizens interentested in space.\nSo, we spent a lot of time covering the benifits of lower cost access to\nLEO.  Solar power satellites are a big focus here, so we hit them as becoming \nfeasible with lower cost access, and we hit the environmental stand on that.\nWe hit the tourism angle, and I left a copy of the patric Collins Tourism\npaper, with side notes being that everyone who goes into space, and sees the\natmosphere becomes more of an environmentalist, esp. after SEEING the smog\nover L.A.  We hit on the benifits of studying bone decalcification (which is \nmore pronounced in space, and said that that had POTENTIAL to lead to \nunderstanding of, and MAYBE a cure for osteoporosis.  We hit the education \nwhereby kids get enthused by space, but as they get older and find out that\nthey havent a hop in hell of actually getting there, they go on to other\nfields, with low cost to orbit, the chances they might get there someday \nwould provide greater incentive to hit the harder classes needed.\n\nWe hit a little of the get nasa out of the operational launch vehicle business\nangle.  We hit the lower cost of satellite launches, gps navigation, personal\ncommunicators, tellecommunications, new services, etc...  Jobs provided\nin those sectors.\n\nJobs provided building the thing, balance of trade improvement, etc..\nWe mentioned that skypix would benifit from lower launch costs.\n\nWe left the paper on what technologies needed to be invested in in order\nto make this even easier to do.  And he asked questions on this point.\n\nWe ended by telling her that we wanted her to be aware that efforts are\nproceeding in this area, and that we want to make sure that the\nresults from these efforts are not lost (much like condor, or majellan),\nand most importantly, we asked that she help fund further efforts along\nthe lines of lowering the cost to LEO.\n\nIn the middle we also gave a little speal about the Lunar Resource Data \nPurchase act, and the guy filed it separately, he was VERY interested in it.\nHe asked some questions about it, and seemed like he wanted to jump on it,\nand contact some of the people involved with it, so something may actually\nhappen immediatly there.\n\nThe last two things we did were to make sure that they knew that we\nknew a lot of people in the space arena here in town, and that they\ncould feel free to call us any time with questions, and if we didn't know\nthe answers, that we would see to it that they questions got to people who\nreally did know the answers.\n\nThen finally, we asked for an appointment with the senator herself.  He\nsaid that we would get on the list, and he also said that knowing her, this\nwould be something that she would be very interested in, although they\ndo have a time problem getting her scheduled, since she is only in the\nstate 1 week out of 6 these days.\n\nAll in all we felt like we did a pretty good job.\n\n\t\t\tJohn.\n",
  "From: bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de (Vesselin Bontchev)\nSubject: Re: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption\nReply-To: bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de\nOrganization: Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg\nLines: 19\n\nmathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk> writes:\n\n> bena@dec05.cs.monash.edu.au (Ben Aveling) writes:\n> > Don't forget, you are in the country that wouldn't let the Russians\n> > buy Apple II's because of security concerns.\n\n> That's nothing.  They wouldn't let the British buy Inmos Transputer systems\n> because of security concerns.  And we designed the damn things!\n\nFunny, we had plenty of them in Bulgaria, regardless of the embargo...\n:-) So much for export controls...\n\nRegards,\nVesselin\n-- \nVesselin Vladimirov Bontchev          Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg\nTel.:+49-40-54715-224, Fax: +49-40-54715-226      Fachbereich Informatik - AGN\n< PGP 2.2 public key available on request. > Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30, rm. 107 C\ne-mail: bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de    D-2000 Hamburg 54, Germany\n",
  'From: greg@puck.webo.dg.com ()\nSubject: Re: RKBA on NYC radio station\nReply-To: greg@puck.webo.dg.com\nOrganization: NSDD-X.500, Data General Corp.\nLines: 31\n\n|> Actually, the real reason that Stern was getting a bigger rating share was that\n|> he was new in D.C., not because of the quality (if you can call it that) of \n|> his show. After the Fine was issued he started to get better ratings because \n|> of the curious individuals who wanted to see how bad he actually was. Since\n|> he came to D.C. he has had a greater turn over of listeners than the "Grease"\n|> has. In other words, more people get sick of him sooner than they do of the\n|> "Grease". After all, saying vagina or penis on the air is hilarious at first, \n|> the second time it is still a little funny, but when you do it all the time, \n|> and at the same time, think you are the greatest man on the planet (and tell\n|> everyone so) than you are going to get old really quick. \n|> Give it up Mark you are WRONG.\n|> \nExcuse me, but if you really new what the show was about, you\'d know that he\ndoesn\'t just say vagina and penis and that is how he get\'s his ratings. He\nalso addresss real issues as well as being outrageous. I don\'t hear any of these\nother idiots doing a funny show and getting into some serious topics at the\nsame time, he get\'s people to think and entertains them at the same time, \nso try listening to his show a little closer before you tell them that they are\nWRONG, and by the way, if he is such a flash in the pan, why do his ratings sustain\nso well? Hmm?\n\n\n\n\n-- \n-----------------------------------------------\nGreg W. Lazar             greg@puck.webo.dg.com\n\nJ-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS\n-----------------------------------------------\n\n',
  "From: ls8139@albnyvms.bitnet (larry silverberg)\nSubject: podiatry School info?\nReply-To: ls8139@albnyvms.bitnet\nOrganization: University of Albany, SUNY\nLines: 21\n\nHello,\n\nI am planning on attending Podiatry School next year.\n\nI have narrowed my choices to the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric\nMedicine, in Philadelphia, or the California College of Podiatric\nMedicine in San Francisco.  \n\nIf anyone has any information or oppinions about these two schools, please\ntell me.  I am having a hard time deciding which one to attend, and must\nmake a decision very soon.  \n\nthank you, Larry\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nLive From New York, It's SATURDAY NIGHT...\n\nTonight's special guest:\nLawrence Silverberg from The State University of New York @ Albany\naka:ls8139@gemini.Albany.edu\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n",
  'From:  (Rashid)\nSubject: Re: The Inimitable Rushdie (Re: An Anecdote about Islam\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nOrganization: NH\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.121134.12187@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au>,\ndarice@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au (Fred Rice) wrote:\n> \n> >In article <C5C7Cn.5GB@ra.nrl.navy.mil> khan@itd.itd.nrl.navy.mil (Umar Khan) writes:\nStuff deleted\n> >>What we should be demanding, is for Khomeini and his ilk to publicly\n> >>come clean and to show their proof that Islamic Law punishes\n> >>apostacy with death or that it tolerates any similar form of\n> >>coversion of freedom of conscience.\n\nAll five schools of law (to the best of my knowledge) support the\ndeath sentence for apostasy WHEN it is accompanied by open, persistent,\nand aggravated hostility to Islam. Otherwise\nI agree, there is no legal support for punishment of disbelief.\nThe Qur\'an makes it clear that belief is a matter of conscience. Public\nor private disavowal of Islam or conversion to another faith is not\npunishable (there are some jurists who have gone against this\ntrend and insisted that apostasy is punishable (even by death) - but\nhistorically they are the exception.\n\nCursing and Insulting the Prophets falls under the category of "Shatim".\n\n> \n> I just borrowed a book from the library on Khomeini\'s fatwa etc.\n>Lots of stuff deleted<\n> \n> And, according to the above analysis, it looks like Khomeini\'s offering\n> of a reward for Rushdie\'s death in fact constitutes a criminal act\n> according to Islamic law.\n\nPlease see my post under "Re: Yet more Rushdie (ISLAMIC LAW)".\n',
  'From: lli+@cs.cmu.edu (Lori Iannamico)\nSubject: Re: Goalie masks\nNntp-Posting-Host: lli.mach.cs.cmu.edu\nOrganization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon\nLines: 21\n\n\nTom Barrasso wore a great mask, one time, last season.  He unveiled it\nat a game in Boston.  \n\nIt was all black, with Pgh city scenes on it.  The "Golden Triangle"\n(Pgh\'s downtown area where the 3 rivers meet) graced the top, along\nwith a steel mill on one side and the Civic Arena (I think) on the \nother.   On the back of the helmet was the old Pens\' logo (the really\nfat little penguin with the blue scarf) the current (at the time) Pens\nlogo, and a space for the "new" (now current) logo.\n\nTommy had designed the mask, and his mother (an artist) painted it\nfor him.  \n\nBut while wearing the mask, the Pens got thumped by the Bruins.  The\nvery next game, Tommy was back to the old paint job.  A great mask\ndone in by a goalie\'s superstition.\n\nLori\n\n\n',
  'From: tomh@metrics.com (Tom Haapanen)\nSubject: Hercules Graphite?\nOrganization: Software Metrics Inc.\nLines: 11\n\n\nHas anyone used a Hercules Graphite adapter?  It looks good on paper, and\nSteve Gibson gave it a very good review in Infoworld.  I\'d love to get a\nreal-world impression, though -- how is the speed?  Drivers?  Support?\n\n(Looking for something to replace this ATI Ultra+ with...)\n\n-- \n[ /tom haapanen -- tomh@metrics.com -- software metrics inc -- waterloo, ont ]\n[       "stick your index fingers into both corners of your mouth.  now pull ]\n[          up.  that\'s how the corrado makes you feel."  -- car, january \'93 ]\n',
  "From: win@athen.sto.mchp.sni.de (Andrea Winkler)\nSubject: X and Security / X Technical Conference\nOrganization: SNI AG Muenchen, STO XS \nLines: 31\n\n\nI had no possibility to join the\n\n               7th annual X Technical Conference \n               January 18-20 1993\n               Boston, MA\n\nNevertheless, I'm interested in information about the tutorials,\nexspecially about \n\n               Tutorial ID:  A-SECURITY\n               Title: A Survey of X and Security\n\n               Tutorial ID:  F-ADMIN\n               Title: X and the Administrator\n\nDoes anybody know, where I can get information (paper/mail) about these ?\n\nHas anybody information about  Kerberos  (escpecially in connection with \nX Display Manager xdm)?\n\nThanks,\n\nAndrea Winkler     (Siemens Nixdorf Muenchen, Germany)\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------  \nS I E M E N S  Andrea Winkler        Internet: Andrea.Winkler@sto.mchp.sni.de\n-------------  SNI STO XS 322        Otto-Hahn-Ring 6    D-8000 Munich 83     \nN I X D O R F  Phone:(089)636-41449  FAX: (089)636-42833\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------  \n",
  'From: tcsteven@iaserv.b1.ingr.com (Todd Stevens)\nSubject: Rebuilding the Temple (was Re: Anybody out there?)\nOrganization: ingr\nLines: 14\n\nChuck Petch writes:\n\n>Now it appears that nothing stands in the way of rebuilding and resuming\n>sacrifices, as the Scriptures indicate will happen in the last days.\n>Although the Israeli government will give the permission to start, I think\n>it is the hand of God holding the project until He is ready to let it\n>happen. Brothers and sisters, the time is at hand. Our redemption is\n>drawing near. Look up!\n\nHow is a scriptural Levitical priesthood resumed?  Are there any Jews who \ncan legitimately prove their Levite bloodline?\n\nTodd Stevens\ntcsteven@iaserv.b1.ingr.com\n',
  "From: hammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu (Valerie S. Hammerl)\nSubject: Re: NHL Team Captains\nOrganization: UB\nLines: 48\nNntp-Posting-Host: autarch.acsu.buffalo.edu\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.130822.603@exu.ericsson.se> lmcdapi@noah.ericsson.se writes:\n>In article K00WBM850Z5v@andrew.cmu.edu, am2x+@andrew.cmu.edu (Anna Matyas) writes:\n>>\n>>Michael Collingridge writes:\n>>\n>>>And, while we are on the subject, has a captain ever been traded, \n>>>resigned, or been striped of his title during the season? Any other \n>>>team captain trivia would be appreciated.\n>>\n>>Wasn't Ron Francis captain of the Whalers when he was traded to\n>>Pittsburgh?\n>>\n>>Mom.\n>\n>Chris Chelios was Montreal's co-captain with Guy Carbonneau when he\n>was traded to Chicago for Denis Savard, and Peter Stastny was captain \n>of the Quebec Nordiques when he was traded to New-Jersey. Also Mark \n>Messier was captain of the Edmonton Oilers when he was traded to New\n>York. How about Dale Hawerchuk with Winnipeg when he was traded to\n>Buffalo, was he captain too ? I think so. I should not forget Wayne \n>(you know who) when he was traded to L.A. he was captain. Didn't they \n>strip Wendel Clark of his captaincy in Toronto ?\n>\n\nBuffalo seems to have started a tradition of trading its captains.\n\nPat LaFontaine was awarded the Captaincy when Mike Ramsey was forced\nto give it up (Ramsey's now a Penguin).  Ramsey inherited it from Mike\nFoligno (who's now a leaf).  He in turn had inherited it from Lindy\nRuff, who went I forget where.  Ruff had it from Perreault, who\nretired, so I guess that's where the streak started.  Or did it?\nAfter all, Danny Gare was captain before him, and he went to Detroit.\nJim Scoenfeld, Gerry Meehan, and Floyd Smith are the others, in\nreverse order, last to first.  I was a bit young at the time, so I'm\nnot sure of the fate of Schoenfeld, but he ultimately went to Detroit\nand Boston.  Meehan went to Vancouver, Atlanta and Washington.  Smith\nseems to have hung up his skates after Buffalo, but I don't know if\nthe captaincy was removed before or after that, or how many games he\nplayed for Buffalo.  This is actually getting fascinating.  :-)\n\nCaptaincy in Buffalo is a sure sign you're to be traded, almost,\nunless you're a franchise player.\n\n-- \nValerie Hammerl\t\t\tBirtday -(n)- An event when friends get \nhammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu\ttogether, set your dessert on fire, then\nacscvjh@ubms.cc.buffalo.edu\tlaugh and sing while you frantically try \nv085pwwpz@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu  to blow it out.  \n",
  'From: cbc5b@virginia.edu (Charles Campbell)\nSubject: Re: Was Jesus Black?\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nLines: 21\n\n\n\tJesus was born a Jew.  We have biblical accounts of\nboth his mother\'s ancestry and his father\'s, both tracing back\nto David.  It seems reasonable to assume, therefore, that Jesus\nwas Semitic.\n\tAs an interesting aside, Jesus\' being semitic makes him\nneither "white" nor "black," and in some sense underscores the\npoint made earlier that his color was not important, it was his\nmessage, his grace, and his divinity that we should concentrate\non.\n\tFinally, I would direct anyone interested in African\ninvolvement in the church to the account of the conversion of\nthe Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter 9 (I think it\'s chapter\n9).  This is one of the earliest conversions, and the eunuch,\ntreasurer to the queen of the Ethiopians, was definitely\nAfrican.  Because "Ethiopia" at that time indicated a region\njust south of Egypt, many also speculate that this man was not\nonly the first African Christian, but the first black Christian\nas well.  \nGod bless,\nCharles Campbell\n',
  'From: loss@fs7.ECE.CMU.EDU (Doug Loss)\nSubject: Re: Death and Taxes (was Why not give $1 billion to...\nOrganization: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon\nLines: 55\n\nIn article <1993Apr23.000021.1@aurora.alaska.edu> nsmca@aurora.alaska.edu writes:\n>In article <1993Apr22.162501.747@indyvax.iupui.edu>, tffreeba@indyvax.iupui.edu writes:\n>> [...]  Somebody pointed out, quite correctly, that such rights are\n>> not anybody\'s to grant (although I imagine it would be a fait accompli\n>> situation for the winner.)  So how about this?  Give the winning group\n>> (I can\'t see one company or corp doing it) a 10, 20, or 50 year\n>> moratorium on taxes.\n>> \n>> Tom Freebairn \n>\n>\n>Who says there is no mineral rights to be given? Who says? The UN or the US\n>Government? \n\nTom\'s right about this.  It\'s only a grantable right if the granter has\nthe will and the ability to stop anyone from taking it away from you.\nNever mind the legal status.\n\n>Major question is if you decide to mine the moon or Mars, who will stop you?\n>The UN can\'t other than legal tom foolerie.. Can the truly inforce it?\n\nNick\'s right about this.  It\'s always easier to obtain forgiveness than\npermission.  Not many people remember that Britain\'s King George III\nexpressly forbid his american subjects to cross the alleghany/appalachian\nmountains.  Said subjects basically said, "Stop us if you can."  He\ncouldn\'t.\n\n>If you go to the moon as declare that you are now a soverign nation, who will\n>stop you from doing it. Maybe not acknowledge you? \n\nThat\'s how the USA started.  Of course, that\'s also how the Bolivarian\nRepublic started (ca. 1800-1820) in central america.  It didn\'t have\nquite the staying power of the USA.  I\'m sure there are more examples of\ngoing far away and then ignoring authority, but none jump to mind right\nnow.\n\n>What can happen is to find a nation which is acknowledged, and offer your\n>services as a space miner and then go mine the asteroids/mars/moon or what\n>ever.. As long as yur sponsor does not get in trouble..\n\nOr do as some whaling nations do: define whatever activities you want to\ncarry out as "scientific research" which just coincidentally requires\nthe recovery of megatonnes of minerals (or whatever), then go at it.\n\n>Basically find a country who wants to go into space, but can\'t for soem reason\n>or another, but who will give you a "home".. Such as Saudia Arabia or\n>whatever..\n\nLute Keyser had just this sort of arrangement with Libya (I think) in\nthe late \'70\'s for his commercial space launch project (one of the very\nearliest).  It was killed by Soviet propaganda about NATO cruise\nmissiles in Africa, which made Libya renege on the arrangement.\n\n\nDoug Loss\n',
  'From: jemurray@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (John E Murray)\nSubject: quality of Catholic liturgy\nOrganization: The Ohio State University\nLines: 20\n\nI appreciated the follow-ups and replies to my earlier query.  One reply, which\nI have lost, suggested several parishes in New York that have good Masses, one \nof which was Corpus Christi in downtown Manhattan.  By coincidence, last week\'s\n_America_, the national Jesuit magazine, carried an interview with Fr. Myles \nBourke, Corpus Christi\'s pastor emeritus.  Fr. Bourke also directed the NT \ntranslation in the New American Bible.  He noted "...certain practices have \nbeen introduced into the Mass in such a manner that an atmosphere of banality, \nand sometimes of hilarity, has trivialized the liturgy."  I note that at my \nparents\' parish on Easter, helium filled balloons were distributed at the \noffertory, apparently to aid in understanding the word "risen".  This was not a \nkiddie mass, either, but the well-attended 11:00 Mass.\n\nI wanted to note the generous spirit behind the replies.  This newsgroup as a\nwhole offers generally moderate (perhaps because it\'s moderated) conversation\non topics that often lead people to extreme behavior (including myself).\nSometimes people do go over the top, but the remarkable thing is how that is\nthe exception, I think.  Benefits of the doubt are generally granted.  It seems\nso...Christian?\n\nJohn Murray\n',
  'From: mliggett@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (matthew liggett)\nSubject: Re: Opel owners?\nNntp-Posting-Host: silver.ucs.indiana.edu\nOrganization: Indiana University\nLines: 62\n\nIn <C5t3B2.DG@news.cso.uiuc.edu> cka52397@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (OrioleFan@uiuc) writes:\n\n>boyle@cactus.org (Craig Boyle) writes:\n\n>>In article <C5sxI4.J9B@news.cso.uiuc.edu> cka52397@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (OrioleFan@uiuc) writes:\n>>>gibbonsa@fraser.sfu.ca (Darren Gibbons) writes:\n>>>>I\'m looking for information on Opel cars.  Now you ask, which model?\n>>>>Well, the sad truth is, I\'m not entirely sure, but it\'s a two-seater,\n>>>>with roll-over headlights, hard top, and really sporty looking.  My\n>>>>friend has one sitting in his yard in really nice condition,\n>>>>body-wise, but he transmission has seized up on him, so it hasn\'t run\n>>>>for a while.  Does anyone have any info on these cars?  The engine\n>>>>compartment looks really tight to work on, but it is in fine shape and\n>>>>I am quite interested in it.\n>>>>Thanks!\n>>>>Darren Gibbons\n>>>>gibbonsa@sfu.ca\n>>>\t\n>>>\tThis would be the manta, would it not???  Sold through Buick dealers in the mid \'70\'s as the price leader????\n\n>>Sounds a lot more like an Opel GT to me. I\'d guess that this is on the same\n>>chassis as the Kadett, rather than the bigger Manta - but I could easily\n>>be wrong.  I think the later Kadett\'s were sold here as Buick Opels.\n\n>>Craig\n\n>\tI think the Manta is the European name for the "GT."  I\'m pretty sure\n>that the only Kadett\'s sold here were/are the Pontiac LeMans.  I think the\n>GT is just an early \'70s to mid \'70s Manta.  \n>-- \n>Chintan Amin <The University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign> mail: llama@uiuc.edu\n>*******SIG UNDER CONSTRUCTION HARD HAT AREA********\n\nBzzt.\nThe manta was a two-door sedan in the US.\nIt had a 1900 engine.\nWas sometimes referred to as an Opel 1900.\nManta\'s are also ve hot and fun cars too.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-- \n/-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-\\\n| |\\/|  __   -=> mliggett@silver.ucs.indiana.edu <=- (mliggett@iugold.bitnet  |\n* |  |/\\||   \'junk\' collector, toys R us kid, antiauthoritarian, and fan of   *\n| frogs, iguanas, and other herps.\t\t\t\t\t      |\n',
  'From: behanna@syl.nj.nec.com (Chris BeHanna)\nSubject: Re: Cobra Locks\nOrganization: NEC Systems Laboratory, Inc.\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 55\n\nIn article <1r1b3rINNale@cronkite.Central.Sun.COM> doc@webrider.central.sun.com writes:\n>I was posting to Alt.locksmithing about the best methods for securing \n>a motorcycle.  I got several responses referring to the Cobra Lock\n>(described below).  Has anyone come across a store carrying this lock\n>in the Chicago area?\n\n\tIt is available through some dealerships, who in turn have to back\norder it from the manufacturer directly.  Each one is made to order, at least\nif you get a nonstandard length (standard is 5\', I believe).\n\n>Any other feedback from someone who has used this?\n\n\tSee below\n\n>In article 1r1534INNraj@shelley.u.washington.edu, basiji@stein.u.washington.edu (David Basiji) writes:\n>> \n>> Incidentally, the best lock I\'ve found for bikes is the Cobra Lock.\n>> It\'s a cable which is shrouded by an articulated, hardened steel sleeve.\n>> The lock itself is cylindrical and the locking pawl engages the joints\n>> at the articulation points so the chain can be adjusted (like handcuffs).\n>> You can\'t get any leverage on the lock to break it open and the cylinder\n>> is well-protected.  I wouldn\'t want to cut one of these without a torch\n>> and/or a vice and heavy duty cutting wheel.\n\n\tI have a 6\' long CobraLinks lock that I used to use for my Harley (she\ndoesn\'t get out much anymore, so I don\'t use the lock that often anymore).  It\nis made of 3/4" articulated steel shells covering seven strands of steel cable.\nIt is probably enough to stop all the joyriders, but, unfortunately,\nprofessionals can open it rather easily:\n\n\t1) Freeze a link.\n\n\t2) Break frozen link with your favorite method (hammers work well).\n\n\t3) Snip through the steel cables (which, I have on authority, are\n\t\tfrightfully thin) with a set of boltcutters.\n\n\tFor the same money, you can get a Kryptonite cable lock, which is\nanywhere from 1/2" to 7/8" thick steel cable (looks like steel rope), shielded\nin a flexible covering to protect your bike\'s finish, and has a barrel-type\nlocking mechanism.  I don\'t know if it\'s adjustable, but my source says it\'s\nmore difficult to pick than most locks, and the cable tends to squish flat\nin bolt-cutter jaws rather than shear (5/8" model).\n\n\tAll bets are off if the thief has a die grinder with a cutoff wheel.\nEven the most durable locks tested yield to this tool in less than one minute.\n\n\tFYI, I\'ll be getting a Krypto cable next paycheck.\n\nLater,\n-- \nChris BeHanna\tDoD# 114          1983 H-D FXWG Wide Glide - Jubilee\'s Red Lady\nbehanna@syl.nj.nec.com\t          1975 CB360T - Baby Bike\nDisclaimer:  Now why would NEC\t  1991 ZX-11 - needs a name\nagree with any of this anyway?    I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.\n',
  'From: pmetzger@snark.shearson.com (Perry E. Metzger)\nSubject: The Escrow Database.\nOrganization: Partnership for an America Free Drug\nLines: 77\n\nHere is a disturbing thought.\n\nNow, we no longer live in the days of big filing cabinets. We live in\nthe electronic age. I asked myself, how big could the escrow database\nget? How hard might it be to steal the whole thing, particularly were\nI an NSA official operating with the tacit permission of the escrow\nhouses? (We can pretend that such will not happen, but thats naive.)\n\nWell, lets see. Ten bytes of each escrow half. Lets asume ten bytes of\nserial number -- in fact, I believe the serial number is smaller, but\nthis is an order of magnitude calculation. We assume 250*10^6 as the\npopulation, and that each person has a key. I get five gigabytes for\neach of the two escrow databases. Fits conveniently on a single very\nvaluable Exabyte tape. This can only get easier with time, but who\ncares -- I can already hold all the clipper keys in the country in my\npocket on two 8mm tapes.\n\nAdmittely, they will think of safeguards. They won\'t put the whole\ndatabase on one disk, prehaps. Maybe they will throw stumbling blocks\nin the way. This changes nothing -- they keys will be needed every day\nby hundreds if not thousands of law enforcement types, so convenience\nwill dictate that the system permit quick electronic retrieval. At\nsome point, with or without collusion by the agencies, those exabyte\ntapes are going to get cut. Dorothy Denning and David Sternlight will\ndoubtless claim this can\'t happen -- but we know that "can\'t" is a\nprayer, not a word that in this instance connotes realism.\n\nWith two exabyte tapes in your pocket, you would hold the keys for\nevery person\'s conversations in the country in your hands. Yeah, you\nneed the "master key" two -- but thats just ten bytes of information\nthat have to be stored an awful lot of places.\n\nCome to think of it, even if the NSA getting a copy of the database\nisn\'t a threat to you because unlike me you have no contraversial\npolitical views, consider foreign intelligence services. You know, the\nones that David Sternlight wants to protect us from because of the\nevil industrial espionage that they do. The French apparently do have\na big spying operation in friendly countries to get industrial\nsecrets, so he isn\'t being completely irrational here (although why\nour companies couldn\'t use cryptosystems without back doors is left\nunexplained by those that point out this threat.) \n\nPresumably, foreign intelligence services can get moles into the NSA\nand other agencies. We have proof by example of this: its happened\nmany times. Presumably, someday they will get their hands on some\nfraction of the keys. You can\'t avoid that sort of thing.\n\nDon\'t pretend that no one unauthorized will ever get their hands on\nthe escrow databases.\n\nWe crypto types are all taught something very important at the\nbeginning of intro to cryptography -- security must depend on the\neasily changed key that you pick to run your system, and not on a\nsecret. The escrow databases aren\'t the sorts of secrets that our\nteachers told us about, but they are the sort of big secrets they\nwould lump into this category. Imagine trying to replace 100 million\nClipper chips.\n\nI cannot believe that the NSA or whomever it is thats doing this\ndoesn\'t realize all this already. They are too smart. There are too\nmany of them who have made their bones in the real world. I suspect\nthat they know precisely what they are doing -- and that what they are\ndoing is giving us the appearance of safety so that they can continue\nto surveil in spite of the growth of strong cryptography. I suspect\nthat they realize that they can\'t put things off forever, but they can\ntry to delay things as long as possible.\n\nWho knows. Maybe even some of the higher ups, the inevitable\nbureaucratic types that rise in any organization, really do believe\nthat this scheme might give people some security, even as their\nsubordinates in Fort Meade wring their hands over the foolishness of\nit all.\n\n--\nPerry Metzger\t\tpmetzger@shearson.com\n--\nLaissez faire, laissez passer. Le monde va de lui meme.\n',
  "From: jodfishe@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (joseph dale fisher)\nSubject: Re: Ancient Books\nOrganization: Indiana University\nLines: 8\n\nOf course, I'd still recommend that Michael read _True and Reasonable_\nby Douglas Jacoby.\n\nJoe Fisher\n\nOh, and Michael, I wait to see any dents in any armor and my faith\nhasn't wavered since the day I became a disciple.  You may want to try\nit sometime.  It's life-changing!\n",
  'Organization: University of Notre Dame - Office of Univ. Computing\nFrom: <RVESTERM@vma.cc.nd.edu>\nSubject: Re: Jewish Baseball Players?\n <1qkkodINN5f5@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu> <C5L9vC.3r6@world.std.com>\nLines: 10\n\nIn article <C5L9vC.3r6@world.std.com>, Eastgate@world.std.com (Mark Bernstein)\nsays:\n>\n>(Which reminds me: do they still serve Kosher hot dogs at the new Comiskey?)\n>\n\nyup.  with onions, of all things.\n\nbob vesterman.\n\n',
  "From: bsardis@netcom.com (Barry Sardis)\nSubject: Re: Date is stuck\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nLines: 39\n\njamesc@netcom.com (James Chuang) writes:\n\n\n>When you leave your radio on at night, it may not be doing anything useful.\n>But computers can do something useful even when YOU are not in front of it.\n>Just because MS-DOS and WINDOZE does not know how to schedule tasks does\n>not mean that all computers hould be shut down every night.\n\n>I bet starting up NT every morning means a good coffee break....  \n>jamesc\n\n\n>-- \n>=========================================\n>If someone asks if you are a God, you say... YES!\n\nIn addition to startup time, I leave things running because my PC doubles as \na fax machine. \n\nHowever, this is off the original subject. I didn't get the replies on BIOS, \nCMOS, and DOS clock/date logic. All I know is that I've been running this way \nfor many months and it is only recently, the last month, that I have noticed \nthe intermittent clock problem. As I stated, it is not always the date that \ndoesn't roll forward, sometimes I notice that the clock is several minutes \nbehind where it ought to be. \n\nWhen unattended, the following are generally running minimized in Win 3.1:\n\nClock, WinFax Pro 3.0, Print Manager, MS-Word 1.1, File Manager, Program \nManager\n\nA random screen saver is generally running too.\n\n\n-- \nBarry Sardis\t\t| Home:   (408) 448-1589\n1241 Laurie Avenue\t| Office: (408) 448-7404\nSan Jose, CA 95125\t| Fax:    (408) 448-7404\nEmail: bsardis@netcom.COM or 70105.1210@compuserve.COM\n",
  'From: klinger@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Jorg Klinger)\nSubject: Re: Riceburner Respect\nNntp-Posting-Host: ccu.umanitoba.ca\nOrganization: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada\nLines: 28\n\nIn <1993Apr15.192558.3314@icomsim.com> mmanning@icomsim.com (Michael Manning) writes:\n\n>In article <oXZ12B1w164w@cellar.org> craig@cellar.org (Saint Craig)  \n>writes:\n>> shz@mare.att.com (Keeper of the \'Tude) writes:\n>> \n\n>Most people wave or return my wave when I\'m on my Harley.\n>Other Harley riders seldom wave back to me when I\'m on my\n>duck. Squids don\'t wave, or return waves ever, even to each\n>other, from what I can tell.\n\n\n  When we take a hand off the bars we fall down!\n\n__\n   Jorg Klinger            |       GSXR1100        | If you only new who\n   Arch. & Eng. Services   |"Lost Horizons"  CR500 | I think I am. \n   UManitoba, Man. Ca.     |"The Embalmer"   IT175 |           - anonymous\n\n                                --Squidonk--       \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n',
  'From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer)\nSubject: Re: Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.\nOrganization: U of Toronto Zoology\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.204335.157595@zeus.calpoly.edu> jgreen@trumpet.calpoly.edu (James Thomas Green) writes:\n>Why do spacecraft have to be shut off after funding cuts.  For\n>example, Why couldn\'t Magellan just be told to go into a "safe"\n>mode and stay bobbing about Venus in a low-power-use mode and if\n>maybe in a few years if funding gets restored after the economy\n>gets better (hopefully), it could be turned on again.  \n\nOne consideration to remember is that if you don\'t turn it off now,\nyou may not be able to later.  This isn\'t a case of reaching over and\nflipping a switch; much of the spacecraft has to be working correctly\nto execute a "turn off" command successfully.  Spacecraft do malfunction\nin their old age.  The big concern is not radio clutter from idle\nspacecraft, but radio clutter from malfunctioning spacecraft that can\nno longer be turned off.\n-- \nAll work is one man\'s work.             | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology\n                    - Kipling           |  henry@zoo.toronto.edu  utzoo!henry\n',
  "From: shaig@Think.COM (Shai Guday)\nSubject: Basil, opinions? (Re: Water on the brain)\nOrganization: Thinking Machines Corporation, Cambridge MA, USA\nLines: 40\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: composer.think.com\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.204930.9517@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu>, hasan@McRCIM.McGill.EDU  writes:\n|> \n|> In article <1993Apr15.055341.6075@nysernet.org>, astein@nysernet.org (Alan Stein) writes:\n|> |> I guess Hasan finally revealed the source of his claim that Israel\n|> |> diverted water from Lebanon--his imagination.\n|> |> -- \n|> |> Alan H. Stein                     astein@israel.nysernet.org\n|> Mr. water-head,\n|> i never said that israel diverted lebanese rivers, in fact i said that\n|> israel went into southern lebanon to  make sure that no \n|> water is being used on the lebanese\n|> side, so that all water would run into Jordan river where there\n|> israel will use it  !#$%^%&&*-head.\n\nOf course posting some hard evidence or facts is much more\ndifficult.  You have not bothered to substantiate this in\nany way.  Basil, do you know of any evidence that would support\nthis?\n\nI can just imagine a news report from ancient times, if Hasan\nhad been writing it.\n\nNewsflash:\nCairo AP (Ancient Press).  Israel today denied Egypt acces to the Red\nSea.  In a typical display of Israelite agressiveness, the leader of\nthe Israelite slave revolt, former prince Moses, parted the Red Sea.\nThe action is estimated to have caused irreparable damage to the environment.\nEgyptian authorities have said that thousands of fisherman have been\ndenied their livelihood by the parted waters.  Pharaoh's brave charioteers\nwere successful in their glorious attempt to cause the waters of the\nRed Sea to return to their normal state.  Unfortunately they suffered\nheavy casualties while doing so.\n\n|> Hasan \n\n-- \nShai Guday              | Stealth bombers,\nOS Software Engineer    |\nThinking Machines Corp. |\tthe winged ninjas of the skies.\nCambridge, MA           |\n",
  "From: caronni@nessie.cs.id.ethz.ch (Germano Caronni)\nSubject: Re: Fifth Amendment and Passwords\nOrganization: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH\nLines: 28\n\nIn article <1qv83m$5i2@geraldo.cc.utexas.edu> mccoy@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Jim McCoy) writes:\n>\tI set up a bbs that uses public-key encryption and encryption of\n>\tfiles on disk.  The general setup is designed so that when users \n>\tconnect they send a private key encrypted using the system public\n>\tkey and the user's public-private keypair is used to wrap the\n>\tone-time session keys used for encrypting the files on disk.  The\n>\tresult of this is that even if I reveal the system private key it\n>\tis impossible for anyone to gain access to the files stored on the\n>\tmachine.  What is possible is for someone to use the revealed\n>\tsystem private key to entice users into revealing thier personal\n>\tprivate keys during the authentication sequence.\n>\n>Any answers or general musings on the subject would be appreciated...\n>\n\nJust a question. \nAs a provider of a public BBS service - aren't you bound by law to gurantee\nintelligble access to the data of the users on the BBS, if police comes\nwith sufficent authorisation ? I guessed this would be  a basic condition\nfor such systems. (I did run a bbs some time ago, but that was in Switzerland)\n\nFriendly greetings,\n\tGermano Caronni\n-- \nInstruments register only through things they're designed to register.\nSpace still contains infinite unknowns.\n                                                              PGP-Key-ID:341027\nGermano Caronni caronni@nessie.cs.id.ethz.ch   FD560CCF586F3DA747EA3C94DD01720F\n",
  'From: hahn@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (David James Hahn)\nSubject: Re: RE: HELP ME INJECT...\nArticle-I.D.: uwm.1r82eeINNc81\nReply-To: hahn@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\nOrganization: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee\nLines: 39\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\nOriginator: hahn@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\n\nFrom article <1993Apr22.233001.13436@vax.oxford.ac.uk>, by krishnas@vax.oxford.ac.uk:\n> The best way of self injection is to use the right size needle\n> and choose the correct spot. For Streptomycin, usually given intra\n> muscularly, use a thin needle (23/24 guage) and select a spot on\n> the upper, outer thigh (no major nerves or blood vessels there). \n> Clean the area with antiseptic before injection, and after. Make\n> sure to inject deeply (a different kind of pain is felt when the\n> needle enters the muscle - contrasted to the \'prick\' when it \n> pierces the skin).\n> \n> PS: Try to go to a doctor. Self-treatment and self-injection should\n> be avoided as far as possible.\n>  \nThe areas that are least likely to hurt are where you have a little \nfat.  I inject on my legs and gut, and prefer the gut.  I can stick\nit in at a 90 degree angle, and barely feel it.  I\'m not fat, just\nhave a little gut.  My legs however, are muscular, and I have to pinch\nto get anything, and then I inject at about a 45 degree angle,and it\nstill hurts.  The rate of absorbtion differs for subcutaneous and  \nmuscular injections however--so if it\'s a daily thing it would be\nbest not to switch places every day to keep consistencey.  Although\nsome suggest switch legs or sides of the stomach for each shot, to prevent \nirritation.  When you clean the spot off with an alcohol prep, \nwait for it to dry somewhat, or you may get the alcohol in the\npuncture, and of course, that doesn\'t feel good.  A way to prevent\nirratation is to mark the spot that you injected.  A good way to\ndo this is use a little round bandage and put it over the \nspot.  This helps prevent you from injecting in the same spot,\nand spacing the sites out accuartely (about 1 1/2 " apart.)\n\nThis is from experience, so I hope it\'ll help you.  (I have\ndiabetes and have to take an injection every morning.)\n\n\t\t\tLater,\n\t\t\t\tDavid\n-- \nDavid Hahn\nUniversity of Wisconsin : Milwaukee \nhahn@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\n',
  'From: strait@cheetah.csl.uiuc.edu (Jeffrey C. Strait)\nSubject: Re: NRA address?\nOrganization: The University of Illinois\nLines: 15\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cheetah.csl.uiuc.edu\nKeywords: NRA Waco RKBA\n\nIn article <7307@pdxgate.UUCP>, barker@rigel.cs.pdx.edu (James Barker) writes:\n> Could someone email me a USNail address for the NRA? I\'d like to write them\n> a letter encouraging them to see to it VERY EMPHATICALLY that the 2nd\n> amendment is restored to the form that the founding fathers intended.\n\nNational Rifle Association\n1600 Rhode Island Ave. NW\nWashington, DC 20036-3268\n1-800-368-5714 (membership)\n\n-- \n| Jeff Strait                       | strait@uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu        |\n| University of Illinois            | PHONE: (217) 333-6444            |\n| "If you ladies leave this island, if you survive basic recruit       |\n| training, you will be a weapon, a minister of death praying for war" |\n',
  "From: jyork@iastate.edu (Justin York)\nSubject: Clipper Chip - How would it work?\nOrganization: Iowa State University, Ames IA\nLines: 18\n\n\nWith all the talk about this Clipper chip, I have developed one question...\n\n\t\t\tHOW DOES IT WORK???\n\nIf you use this, then how does it get decrypted on the other end? Does the\nother party (receiving the phone call/mail/etc) have to know some code to \nundo it? Do I use a different method for calling one party than I would for \nanother?. If the other party can decrypt it, doesn't that mean that someone\nelse could also? I assume that if everyone has a different key, the only use\nwould be storing secure data for later retrieval by the same key. This seems\nlike a fundamental question to me, but I have very little experience with\ncryptosystems, other than DES. If someone could give me an explanation as\nto how it would be used (remember that I have had little experience with\nthis sort of thing) it would be very much appreciated. \n\n\t\t\t\t\tJustin York\n\t\t\t\t\tjyork@iastate.edu\n",
  'From: jodfishe@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (joseph dale fisher)\nSubject: Re: Eternity of Hell (was Re: Hell)\nOrganization: Indiana University\nLines: 98\n\nIn article <Apr.> dlecoint@garnet.acns.fsu.edu (Darius_Lecointe) writes:\n[insert deletion of unnecessary quote]\n\n>Why is it that we have this notion that God takes some sort of pleasure\n>from punishing people?  The purpose of hell is to destroy the devil and\n>his angels.\n\nFirst of all, God does not take any sort of pleasure from punishing\npeople.  He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy and compassion on\nwhom he will have compassion (Ex 33:19).  However, if he enjoyed\npunishing people and sending them to hell, then why would he send Jesus\nto "seek and save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10)?\n\n>\n>To the earlier poster who tried to support the eternal hell theory with\n>the fact that the fallen angels were not destroyed, remember the Bible\n>teaches that God has reserved them until the day of judgement.  Their\n>judgement is soon to come.\n>\n>Let me suggest this.  Maybe those who believe in the eternal hell theory\n>should provide all the biblical evidence they can find for it.  Stay away\n>from human theories, and only take into account references in the bible.\n>\nYou asked for it.\n\n2 Peter 2:4-ff talks about how those who are ungodly are punished.\nMatthew 25:31-46 is also very clear that those who do not righteous in\nGod\'s eyes will be sent to hell for eternity.\n2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 states that those who cause trouble for the\ndisciples "will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out\nfrom the presence of the Lord".\n2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 talks about those who refuse to love the truth\nbeing condemned.\nRevelation 21:6-8 talks about the difference between those who overcomes\nand those who do not.  Those who do not, listed in verse 8, will be in\nthe "fiery lake of burning sulfur".\nRevelation 14:9-12 gives the indication that those who follow the beast\n"will be tormented with burning sulfur" and there being "no rest day or\nnight" for them because of it.\nPsalm 9:17:  "The wicked return to the grave, all the nations that\nforget God."\n\nI think those should be sufficient to prove the point.\n\n>Darius\n\nJoe Fisher\n\n[In the following I\'m mostly playing "devil\'s advocate".  I\'m not\nadvocating either position.  My concern is that people understand that\nit\'s possible to see these passages in different ways.  It\'s possible\nto see eternal destruction as just that -- destruction.  Rev often\nuses the term "second death".  The most obvious understanding of that\nwould seem to be final extinction.  The problem is that the NT speaks\nboth of eternal punishment and of second death.  I.e. it uses terms\nthat can be understood either way.  My concern here is not to convince\nyou of one view or the other, but to help people understand that\nthere\'s a wide enough variety of images that it\'s possible to\nunderstand them either way.  As Tom Albrecht commented, the primary\npoint is to do our best to keep people out of the eternal fire,\nwhatever the details.  (To make things more interesting, Luke 20:35\nimplies that the damned don\'t get resurrected at all.  Presumably\nthey just stay dead. -- yes I\'m aware that it\'s possible to \nunderstand this passage in a non-literal way.)\n\n2 Peter 2:4-ff is talking about angels, and talks about holding them\nin hell until the final judgement.  This isn\'t eternal punishement.\n\nMatthew 25:31-46 talks about sending the cursed into eternal fire\nprepared for the devil and his angels.  The fact that the fire is\neternal doesn\'t mean that people will last in its flames forever.\nParticularly interesting is the comment about the fire having been\nprepared for the devil and his angels.  Rev 20 and 21 talk about the\neternal fire as well.  They say that the beast and the false prophet\nwill be tormented forever in it.  When talking about people being\nthrown into it (20:13-14), it is referred to as "the second death".\nThis sounds more like extinction than eternal torment.  Is is possible\nthat the fire has different effects on supernatural entities such as\nthe devil, and humans?\n\n2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 similarly, what is "everlasting destruction"?\nThis is not necessarily eternal torment.  This one can clearly be\nunderstood either way, but I think it\'s at least possible to think\nthat everlasting is being used to contrast the kind of destruction\nthat can occur in this life with the final destruction that occurs in\neternity.\n\n2 Thessalonians 2:8 again talks about destruction.\nRevelation 21:6-8: see comment above\nRevelation 14:9-12 is probably the best of the quotes.  Even there,\nit doesn\'t explicitly say that the people suffer forever.  It says\nthat the smoke (and presumably the fire) is eternal, and that \nthere is no respite from it.  But it doesn\'t say that the people\nare tormented forever.\n\nPsalm 9:17:  I don\'t see that it says anything relevant to this issue.\n\n--clh]\n',
  'From: klinger@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Jorg Klinger)\nSubject: Re: uh, der, whassa deltabox?\nNntp-Posting-Host: ccu.umanitoba.ca\nOrganization: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada\nLines: 24\n\nIn <ramarren-150493134758@kops.apple.com> ramarren@apple.com (Godfrey DiGiorgi) writes:\n\n>>Can someone tell me what a deltabox frame is, and what relation that has,\n>>if any, to the frame on my Hawk GT?  That way, next time some guy comes up\n>>to me in some parking lot and sez "hey, dude, nice bike, is that a deltabox\n>>frame on there?" I can say something besides "duh, er, huh?"\n\n\n  I beleive it\'s called the "Dentabox" frame. \n\nNothing some putty and paint won\'t fix.\n\n__\n   Jorg Klinger            |       GSXR1100        | If you only new who\n   Arch. & Eng. Services   |"Lost Horizons"  CR500 | I think I am. \n   UManitoba, Man. Ca.     |"The Embalmer"   IT175 |           - anonymous\n\n                                --Squidonk--       \n\n\n\n\n\n\n',
  "From: jayne@mmalt.guild.org (Jayne Kulikauskas)\nSubject: Re: technology\nOrganization: Kulikauskas home\nLines: 28\n\nmcovingt@aisun3.ai.uga.edu (Michael Covington) writes:\n\n> ...the computer is not a fantasyland where one's responsibilities\n> disappear.  The people on the net are real; slander and deception carried\n> out by net are just as wrong as they would be if carried out on paper\n> or face to face.\n\nWell said, Michael!\n\nThe Catholic traditon has a list of behaviours called the Spiritual \nWorks of Mercy:\n\nadmonish the sinner\ninstruct the ignorant\ncounsel the doubtful\ncomfort the sorrowful\nbear wrongs patiently\nforgive all injury\npray for the living and the dead (yes, I know there is some controversy \n                           on this and I don't want to argue about it.)\n\nThese are all things that have a direct application to usenet.  People \nask questions and express doubts.  Some are in need of comfort or \nprayers.  Imagine what would happen to flame wars if we bore wrongs \npatiently and forgave injuries.   I would add that it is probably more \nappropriate to do any admonishing by private email than publicly.\n\nJayne Kulikauskas/ jayne@mmalt.guild.org\n",
  "From: mtrost@convex.com (Matthew Trost)\nSubject: Re: The best of times, the worst of times\nNntp-Posting-Host: eugene.convex.com\nOrganization: CONVEX Computer Corporation, Richardson, Tx., USA\nX-Disclaimer: This message was written by a user at CONVEX Computer\n              Corp. The opinions expressed are those of the user and\n              not necessarily those of CONVEX.\nLines: 17\n\nIn <1993Apr20.161357.20354@ttinews.tti.com> paulb@harley.tti.com (Paul Blumstein) writes:\n\n>(note: this is not about the L.A. or NY Times)\n\n\n>Turned out to be a screw unscrewed inside my Mikuni HS40 \n>carb.  I keep hearing that one should keep all of the screws\n>tight on a bike, but I never thought that I had to do that\n>on the screws inside of a carb.  At least it was roadside\n>fixable and I was on my way in hardly any time.\n\nYou better check all the screws in that carb before you suck\none into a jug and munge a piston, or valve. I've seen it\nhappen before.\n\nMatthew\n\n",
  'From: marshatt@feserve.cc.purdue.edu (Zauberer)\nSubject: Re: WARNING.....(please read)...\nOrganization: Purdue University\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 5\n\n sorry about that last post, my server neglected to send the message:\n\n Can we please keep this group to AUTOMOTIVE topics. Thank you.\n\n\n',
  'From: qazi@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Aamir Hafeez Qazi)\nSubject: Re: Difference between Lexus 300 series?\nArticle-I.D.: uwm.1pr5f8INN4om\nReply-To: qazi@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\nOrganization: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee\nLines: 18\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\nOriginator: qazi@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\n\nFrom article <1993Apr5.200048.23421@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>, by lorenzo@rintintin.Colorado.EDU (Eric Lorenzo):\n> \tWhat is the difference between the LS300, ES300 and GS300?  Seems\n> Lexus can\'t stop popping out new models.\n\n--Let me put it like this.  The only similarity between the three models\n  is the "300", or 3-liter engine displacement.  Actually, the SC300 (the\n  coupe) and the GS300 (the funky-looking new sedan) share the same 3.0\n  liter inline-six, and the ES300 (popular small sedan) uses 3.0 V6 shared\n  with the Camry.  The SC300 is a luxury/sports coupe, the GS300 is the new\n  luxury sedan, and the ES300 is the base executive sedan.  All three look\n  completely different.\n\n--Aamir Qazi\n-- \n\nAamir Qazi\nqazi@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\n--Why should I care?  I\'d rather watch drying paint.\n',
  'Subject: Re: FORSALE: Men Without Hats- Folk of the 80\'s Part III vinyl\nFrom: andrew@tigress.equinox.gen.nz (andrew king)\nReply-To: Andrew@tigress.equinox.gen.nz\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Wibble\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nLines: 14\n\nGrinning Evil Death (mute@bigwpi.WPI.EDU) wrote:\n\n: Men Without Hats - "Folk of the 80\'s (Part III)" - vinyl\n\nAnyone out there who is willing to part with their copy of\n\nMen without Hats, "Pop goes the world!" album on vinyl...or perhaps CD...\n\nplease contact me, we wish to purchase it!\n\n\n|o| Andrew@tigress.equinox.gen.nz  )()                            |o|\n| |\t\t\t\t  |U  |\\   It\'s late (again)...   | |\n|o|\t\t\t\t  |___|/ Tea and Lemmings please! |o|\n',
  "From: ferdinan@oeinck.waterland.wlink.nl (Ferdinand Oeinck)\nSubject: detecting double points in bezier curves\nOrganization: My own node in Groningen, NL.\nLines: 6\n\nI'm looking for any information on detecting and/or calculating a double\npoint and/or cusp in a bezier curve.\n\nAn algorithm, literature reference or mail about this is very appreciated,\n\nFerdinand.\n",
  'From: egreen@east.sun.com (Ed Green - Pixel Cruncher)\nSubject: Re: Live Free, but Quietly, or Die\nOrganization: Sun Microsystems, RTP, NC\nLines: 30\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: egreen@east.sun.com\nNNTP-Posting-Host: laser.east.sun.com\n\nIn article 5049@cvbnetPrime.COM, tjohnson@tazmanian.prime.com (Tod Johnson (617) 275-1800 x2317) writes:\n>\n>I was able to avoid an accident by revving my engine and having my\n>*stock* Harley pipes make enough noise to draw someones attention.\n>\n>Sure there are horns but my hand is already on the throttle. Should we\n>get into how many feet a bike going 55mph goes in .30 seconds; or\n>how long it would take me to push my horn button??\n\nIf we do, I think you\'d loose.  Sure, you\'re hand\'s already on the\nthrottle.  And your thumb is already near the horn button.  Pushing the\nhorn button is one simple move.  Revving the throttle requires either\nengaging the clutch, or accelerating.  The first is a more complex\nmanuver than a simple horn button push, and the second ain\'t too bright\nwhen there is a potential hazard ahead.  Besides, the unique sound of a\nhorn is more effective in attracting the attention of BDI cagers than\nis the sound of an engine, which is what they expect to hear (you are\non the road!).\n\nAs is usually the case, a single anecdote hardly constitutes sound\nsafety procedure.\n\nThe answer is 161.33 feet.\n\n---\nEd Green, former Ninjaite |I was drinking last night with a biker,\n  Ed.Green@East.Sun.COM   |and I showed him a picture of you.  I said,\nDoD #0111  (919)460-8302  |"Go on, get to know her, you\'ll like her!"\n (The Grateful Dead) -->  |It seemed like the least I could do...\n\n',
  'From: Wingert@vnet.IBM.COM (Bret Wingert)\nSubject: Re: Level 5?\nOrganization: IBM, Federal Systems Co. Software Services\n              IBM, Federal Systems Co. Software Services\nDisclaimer: This posting represents the poster\'s views, not those of IBM\nNews-Software: UReply 3.1\nLines: 91\n\nIn <C5uBn5.tz@zoo.toronto.edu> Henry Spencer writes:\n>In article <1993Apr21.134436.26140@mksol.dseg.ti.com> mccall@mksol.dseg.ti.com (fred j mccall 575-3539) writes:\n>>>>(given that I\'ve heard the Shuttle software rated as Level 5 ...\n>>>Level 5?  Out of how many? ...\n>>\n>>... Also keep in mind that it was\n>>*not* achieved through the use of sophisticated tools, but rather\n>>through a \'brute force and ignorance\' attack on the problem during the\n>>Challenger standdown - they simply threw hundreds of people at it and\n>>did the whole process by hand...\n>\n>I think this is a little inaccurate, based on Feynman\'s account of the\n>software-development process *before* the standdown.  Fred is basically\n>correct:  no sophisticated tools, just a lot of effort and painstaking\n>care.  But they got this one right *before* Challenger; Feynman cited\n>the software people as exemplary compared to the engine people.  (He\n>also noted that the software people were starting to feel management\n>pressure to cut corners, but hadn\'t had to give in to it much yet.)\n>\n>Among other things, the software people worked very hard to get things\n>right for the major pre-flight simulations, and considered a failure\n>during those simulations to be nearly as bad as an in-flight failure.\n>As a result, the number of major-simulation failures could be counted\n>on one hand, and the number of in-flight failures was zero.\n>\n>As Fred mentioned elsewhere, this applies only to the flight software.\n>Software that runs experiments is typically mostly put together by the\n>experimenters, and gets nowhere near the same level of Tender Loving Care.\n>(None of the experimenters could afford it.)\n>--\n>All work is one man\'s work.             | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology\n>                    - Kipling           |  henry@zoo.toronto.edu  utzoo!henry\n>\nNews-Software: UReply 3.1\nX-X-From: Wingert@VNET.IBM.com (Bret Wingert)\n            <C5uBn5.tz@zoo.toronto.edu>\n\nIn <C5uBn5.tz@zoo.toronto.edu> Henry Spencer writes:\n>In article <1993Apr21.134436.26140@mksol.dseg.ti.com> mccall@mksol.dseg.ti.com (fred j mccall 575-3539) writes:\n>>>>(given that I\'ve heard the Shuttle software rated as Level 5 ...\n>>>Level 5?  Out of how many? ...\n>>\n>>... Also keep in mind that it was\n>>*not* achieved through the use of sophisticated tools, but rather\n>>through a \'brute force and ignorance\' attack on the problem during the\n>>Challenger standdown - they simply threw hundreds of people at it and\n>>did the whole process by hand...\n>\n>I think this is a little inaccurate, based on Feynman\'s account of the\n>software-development process *before* the standdown.  Fred is basically\n>correct:  no sophisticated tools, just a lot of effort and painstaking\n>care.  But they got this one right *before* Challenger; Feynman cited\n>the software people as exemplary compared to the engine people.  (He\n>also noted that the software people were starting to feel management\n>pressure to cut corners, but hadn\'t had to give in to it much yet.)\n>\n>As Fred mentioned elsewhere, this applies only to the flight software.\n>Software that runs experiments is typically mostly put together by the\n>experimenters, and gets nowhere near the same level of Tender Loving Care.\n ========================================================================\nA couple of points on this thread.\n\n1. We have been using our processes since way before Challenger.  Challenger\n   in and of it self did not uncover flaws.\n\n2. What Mr. Spencer says is by and large true.  We have a process that is\n   not dependent on "sophisticated tools"  (CASE tools?).  However, tools\n   cannot fix a bad process.  Also, tool support for HAL/S (the Shuttle\n   Language) is somewhat limited.\n\n3. The Onboard Flight Software project was rated "Level 5" by a NASA team.\n   This group generates 20-40 KSLOCs of verified code per year for NASA.\n\n4. Feel free to call me if you or your organization is interested in more info\n   on our software development process.\n\nBret Wingert\n\n\n(713)-282-7534\nFAX: (713)-282-8077\n\n\nBret Wingert\n\n\n(713)-282-7534\nFAX: (713)-282-8077\n\n\n',
  'From: vbv@r2d2.eeap.cwru.edu (Virgilio (Dean) B. Velasco Jr.)\nSubject: Re: The arrogance of Christians\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve Univ. Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 32\n\nIn article <Apr.> dleonar@andy.bgsu.edu (Pixie) writes:\n>Pardon me, a humble atheist, but exactly what is the difference\n>between holding a revealed truth with blind faith as its basis (i.e.\n>regardless of any evidence that you may find to the contrary) as an\n>absolute truth, fully expecting people to believe you and arrogance?\n>\n>     They sound like one and the same to me.\n>\n>     I see no wisdom whatsoever in your words\n\nI\'m not surprised that you see no wisdom in them.  That is because your\npremises are wrong from the word "Go".  You claim that Christianity is\nbased on blind faith, but this simply is not so.  Just look at the\ncurrent thread on the evidence for Jesus\' resurrection for evidence\nthat Jesus was real and that he triumphed over death.\n\nFurthermore, you say that Christians hold to their beliefs "regardless of\nany evidence that you may find to the contrary."  Without any evidence\nto support your claim, this statement is little more than an ad hominem \nargument.\n\nMind you, I don\'t mean this as a personal attack.  I\'m merely pointing out\nthe intellectual dishonesty behind condemning Christianity in this fashion.\nIt would make much more sense if you could prove that all Christians do \nbase their belief on empty nothings, and that they do ignore all evidence to \nthe contrary.  Only then can you expect your attack to make sense.\n \n-- \nVirgilio "Dean" Velasco Jr, Department of Electrical Eng\'g and Applied Physics \n\t CWRU graduate student, roboticist-in-training and Q wannabee\n    "Bullwinkle, that man\'s intimidating a referee!"   |    My boss is a \n   "Not very well.  He doesn\'t look like one at all!"  |  Jewish carpenter.\n',
  'From: jake@bony1.bony.com (Jake Livni)\nSubject: Re: Israeli Terrorism\nOrganization: The Department of Redundancy Department\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <1rambk$cee@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> cl056@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Hamaza H. Salah) writes:\n\n>ab4z@Virginia.EDU ("Andi Beyer") writes:\n\n[Andi\'s posting deleted...]\n\nHamaza\'s only comment is:\n\n>Well said Mr. Beyer :)\n\nAndi, when you get the full-fledged support of Hamaza Salah, you know\nyou\'re on the wrong track.\n\n-- \nJake Livni  jake@bony1.bony.com           Ten years from now, George Bush will\nAmerican-Occupied New York                   have replaced Jimmy Carter as the\nMy opinions only - employer has no opinions.    standard of a failed President.\n',
  'From: jorge@erex.East.Sun.COM (Jorge Lach - Sun BOS Hardware)\nSubject: Typewriter w/computer interface\nOrganization: Sun Microsystems Inc. - BDC\nLines: 17\nDistribution: usa\nReply-To: jorge@erex.East.Sun.COM\nNNTP-Posting-Host: erex.east.sun.com\n\nI have the following item for sale:\n\nElectronic Typewriter: Panasonic KT-32, with 22K memory, small LCD display. I\'m\n\tselling it bundled with a Panasonic computer interface (RPK105) for this\n\ttypewriter. You can connect it to any PC parallel port (sorry, no\n\tcable). It works perfect, even in Windows (TTY printer). It\'s\n\tgreat if you need to send letter with "typewriter look". In\n\tstand-alone mode it has 3 pitches, and several "effects" like\n\tunderline, bold, overstrike. Built-in dictionary and character/word/\n\tline correction. Asking $150 for both the typewriter and the\n\tinterface\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nJorge Lach\t\t\tSun Microsystems Computer Corporation\nJorge.Lach@East.Sun.Com\t\tEast Coast Division, Chelmsford, MA\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n',
  'From: willis@oracle.SCG.HAC.COM (Stan Willis)\nSubject: Kings playoff notes: Stauber, TV ratings, etc.\nReply-To: willis@empire.dnet.hac.com (Stan Willis)\nOrganization: none\nLines: 112\n\n1992-93 Los Angeles Kings notes.\n--------------------------------\nPlayoffs:\n---------\n*Stauber disturbed by third-man theme\nby Rick Sadowski, Daily News\n\nBarry Melrose\'s decision to stick Robb Stauber in the stands rather than in the\ncrease or even on the bench for the Stanley Cup playoffs does not sit well with\nthe rookie goaltender.\n\n"I want to be a part of the team at the most crucial time of the year, the most\nfun time of the year, and I\'m not,"  Stauber said with some emotion Monday.  "I\nthink I have worked hard enough for that."\n\nStauber said he accepts Melrose\'s choice of Kelly Hrudey as the teams top goalie\nin their playoff series with the Calgary Flames. Hrudey made 21 saves in Sundays\n6-3 opening victory.\n\nBut Stauber clearly is upset with his sudden status as the No. 3 man behind Rick\nKnickle.  Stauber had a 4-1-2 record and 2.98 goals-against average down the\nstretch in the regular season and nearly wrestled the No. 1 job from Hrudey.\n\nKnickle?  He won 2 of 3 decisions but had a bloated 5.26 average, twice was \nyanked from games (once for stomach cramps) and hasn\'t played since March 29.\n\nYet, when the series resumes Wednesday, Knickle will serve as Hrudey\'s backup\nagain and Stauber will have to satisfy his playoff hunger by munching on Olympic\nSaddledome popcorn.\n\n"If I\'m supposedly close to being the starter or could have been the starter...I\ndropped too. 3.  What happened to No. 2?"  Stauber wondered.  "Not that I\'d be\nhappy with No. 2, but I feel I should at least be a part of this team in the\nplayoffs."\n\nPerhaps Stauber eventually will get his chance, but Melrose apparently is not\nconvinced the 25-year old is capable of handling playoff pressure.\n\nWhile insisting he is the Kings\' "goalie of the future," Melrose said Stauber\nflubbed all four of the big games he was asked to win this season.  They were,\naccording to Melrose: a 7-2 loss to San Jose on Dec. 26; An 8-3 loss to the New\nYork Rangers on Jan. 23; a 6-6 tie with Detroit on Feb. 11; an 8-6 loss to \nVancouver on Thursday.\n\n"Four times this season Robb could have emerged as the elite goalie, he could\nhave taken it away from Kelly Hrudey, and he didn\'t do it," Melrose said.  "An\nelite goaltender has to carry the ball when you give it to him.  The mark of a\ngreat goalie is that he isn\'t satisfied to be a backup."\n\n"I\'m not blaming Robb for the losses, but if you\'re going to be No. 1, you\'ve\ngot to be able to walk your talk.  You\'ve got to be able to play when everything\nis on the line.  Robb Stauber has a great deal of ability, but maybe I expect\nmore from him than he does."\n\nOuch.  That remark stung Stauber.  He began the season 9-0-1, struggled when the\nteam hit a mid-season slump, didn\'t play for a month after Knickle was signed\noff the San Diego Gulls roster, then came on at the end.\n\n"I expect more from myself than anybody, including Barry Melrose," said Stauber,\na three-year star at the University of Minnesota who left school in 1989, only \nto have his development hampered by a string of serious injuries.\n\n"What I\'ve been through the last four years - two knee operations, a herniated\ndisk in my back, shoulder surgery - what more can I go through?  I obviously do\nexpect a lot from myself, otherwise I wouldn\'t be here."\n\n"Anybody who would disagree with that doesn\'t know me.  I\'m not saying Barry \ndoesn\'t know me, but don\'t say I\'ve been without expectations.  If anything, I\'m\na perfectionist."\n\nStauber acknowledged he played poorly in the four games Melrose mentioned. "But \neven though I didn\'t play well, I get knocked down from maybe on to three? It\'s \na bit of a jump," he said.  "You\'re almost No. 1, or if you play a good game \nyou\'re No. 1 and if you don\'t you\'re No. 3?  Why does Jack Nicklaus shoot a 67 \nand then a 75?  Can you explain that?  That\'s what barry wanted me to explain \nto him, why I didn\'t come through when he counted on me.  I don\'t know. What I \ndo know is, it\'s a sport.  I\'ll be there."\n\nMelrose\'s "goalie of the future" statement doesn\'t mean much to Stauber. "Before\nyou know it, I\'ll be 30 and there will be no future," he said.\n\n------\n\n*Game 1 of the Kings @ Flames playoff series drew a 4.2 Nielsen rating on ABC \nChannel 7 here in LA.  The Kings averaged a 2.1 Nielsen rating in the 10 regular\nseason games aired on Channel 5.\n\nAround the NHL:\n---------------\n*San Jose fired Coach George Kingston, who lead the team to a 11-71-2 mark in \ntheir 2nd NHL season.  Kingston was 28-129-7 over the past 2 years with the\nSharks.\n\n------\n\n*Former Islander executive Bill Torrey was named as President of the expansion\nFlorida Panthers.  Bobby Clarke was named as the clubs General Manager.\n\n*Last nights games:\n-------------------\nWIN  2 @ VAN  4 (VAN leads 1-0)\nTOR  3 @ DET  6 (DET leads 1-0)\n\n===============================================================================\nStan Willis (willis@empire.dnet.hac.com)\nnet contact: L.A. Kings\n\n >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n      talk with the L.A. Kings Mailing List ...... kings@cs.stanford.edu\n      to subscribe or unsubscribe: ....... kings-request@cs.stanford.edu\n <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n===============================================================================\n',
  "From: au021@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Roland Behunin)\nSubject: Does anybody have the schedule for games Sunday 25 Apr 93\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 31\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hela.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\nHello Hockey fans.\nBonjour tout le monde!\n\nWell, in Salt Lake City this past Sunday, the local ABC station decided not\nto televise the hockey games.  La directrous de programme est la tete de merde!\nAnyway, I have a satellite dish, and a few of my friends from hockey have invited themselves over to watch the games this coming Sunday (25 Apr), and I can\nnot find correct game times.  For the Calgary at LA game I have times showing\neverything from 11:00 AM MDT, to 5:00 PM MDT.\n\nI am not even sure what games are going to be played this coming Sunday, now\nthat ABC has mucked up the schedule.  I think I should be able to\npull in\nthree games (11:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 5:30 pm MDT) off the dish, but I am\nnot sure.\n\nIF anybody has a schedule, pleas emial it to me.  As you can see, I have to\ntelent to get rec.sport.hockey, and it is sometimes difficult to get a link.\n\nThanks in advance\nMerci d'avance\n\nP.S.  Anglais ou francais d'accord.\n\n\nRoland Behunin\n\nbehunin@oodis01.af.mil\nbehunin@oodis01.hill.af.mil\n-- \nRoland\n",
  'From: mtjensen@nbivax.nbi.dk\nSubject: Re: This year\'s biggest and worst (opinion)...\nReply-To: mtjensen\nOrganization: Niels Bohr Institute and Nordita, Copenhagen\nLines: 56\n\nIn article <C4zCII.Ftn@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca>, smale@healthy.uwaterloo.ca (Bryan Smale) writes:\n> \n> I was thinking about who on each of the teams were the MVPs, biggest\n> surprises, and biggest disappointments this year. Now, these are just\n> my observations and are admittedly lacking because I have not had an\n> opportunity to see all the teams the same amount. Anyway....\n>   \n> MVP = most valuable player to his team both in terms of points and\n>       in terms of leadership ("can\'t win without him")\n>   \n> Biggest surprise = the player who rose above expectation -- the player\n>       that may have raised the level of his game to a new height, even\n>       if that new level doesn\'t necessarily warrant an allstar berth\n>       (includes those players who at the outset of the season, may not\n>       even have been in the team\'s plans).\n>    \n> Biggest disappointment = the player from whom we expected more (e.g., I\n>       picked Denis Savard in Montreal because with the new emphasis on\n>       offence brought by Demers, shouldn\'t Savard have done better?)\n>    \n> -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n>   \n>                         Team           Biggest       Biggest\n> Team:                   MVP:          Surprise:    Disappointment:\n> -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n> Boston Bruins           Oates          D.Sweeney     Wesley\n> Buffalo Sabres          Lafontaine     Mogilny       Audette (jinx?)\n> Calgary Flames          Roberts        Reichel       Petit\n> Chicago Blackhawks      Roenick        Ruuttu        Goulet\n> Detroit Red Wings       Yzerman        Chaisson      Kozlov\n> Edmonton Oilers         Manson         Buchberger    Mellanby\n> Hartford Whalers        Sanderson      Cassells      Corriveau\n> Los Angeles Kings       Robitaille     Donnelly      Hrudey\n> Minnesota North Stars   Modano      Tinordi(not expected back)  Broten\n> Montreal Canadiens      Muller         Lebeau        Savard\n> New Jersey Devils       Stevens        Semak         MacLean\n> New York Islanders      Turgeon        King(finally) Marois\n> New York Rangers        Messier        Kovalev       Bourque\n> Ottawa Senators         MacIver        Baker         Jelinek\n> Philadelphia Flyers     Lindros/Recchi Fedyk/Galley  Eklund\n> Pittsburgh Penguins     Lemieux        Tocchet(even for him)  Jagr\n> Quebec Nordiques        Sakic/Ricci    Kovalenko     Pearson\n> San Jose Sharks         Kisio          Gaudreau      Maley\n> St Louis Blues          Shanahan       C.Joseph      Ron Sutter\n> Tampa Bay Lightening    Bradley        Bradley       Creighton/Kasper\n> Toronto Maple Leafs     Gilmour        Potvin        Ellett/Anderson\n> Vancouver Canucks       Bure           Nedved(finally)    Momesso\n> Washington Capitals     Hatcher        Bondra/Cote   Elynuik\n> Winnipeg Jets           Selanne        Selanne       Druce\n> ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n>   \n> As I mentioned up top, these are my *impressions* from where I sit. I\n> would welcome any opinions from those fans nearer their teams (in other\n> words, *anywhere* away from a Toronto newspaper!)\n>    \n> Bryan\n',
  'From: matthew@phantom.gatech.edu (Matthew DeLuca)\nSubject: Re: nuclear waste\nOrganization: The Dorsai Grey Captains\nLines: 15\nNNTP-Posting-Host: oit.gatech.edu\n\nIn article <844@rins.ryukoku.ac.jp> will@rins.ryukoku.ac.jp (William Reiken) writes:\n\n>\tOk, so how about the creation of oil producing bacteria?  I figure\n>that if you can make them to eat it up then you can make them to shit it.\n>Any comments?\n\nSure.  Why keep using oil?  A hydrogen/electric economy would likely be\ncleaner and more efficient in the long run.  The laws of supply and demand\nshould get the transition underway before we reach a critical stage of\nshortage.\n-- \nMatthew DeLuca\nGeorgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332\nuucp:\t  ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!matthew\nInternet: matthew@phantom.gatech.edu\n',
  'From: adam@endor.uucp (Adam Shostack)\nSubject: Sea?  What sea? We said rivers!\nOrganization: Aiken Computation Lab, Harvard University\nLines: 27\n\nIn article <1993Apr25.171003.10694@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu> ahmeda@McRCIM.McGill.EDU (Ahmed Abu-Abed) writes:\n\n>I am sick and tired of this \'DRIVING THE JEWS INTO THE SEA\' sentance\n>attributed to Islamic movements and the PLO; it simply can\'t be proven\n>as part of their plan!\n\n\tOk, I\'ll admit it.  I can\'t find a quote with my meager online\nresources.  but i did find this little gem:\n\n\t``When the Arabs set off their volcano, there will only be Arabs in\n\tthis part of the world.  Our people will continue to fuel the torch\n\tof the revolution with rivers of blood until the whole of the\n\toccupied homeland is liberated...\'\'\n\t--- Yasser Arafat, AP, 3/12/79\n\n\tSo, Ahmed is right.  There was nothing about driving Jews into\nthe sea, just a bit of "ethnic cleansing," and a river of blood.\n\n\tIs this an improvement?\n\nAdam\n\n\nAdam Shostack \t\t\t\t       adam@das.harvard.edu\n\n"If we had a budget big enough for drugs and sexual favors, we sure\nwouldn\'t waste them on members of Congress..."   -John Perry Barlow\n',
  'From: topcat!tom@tredysvr.tredydev.unisys.com (Tom Albrecht)\nSubject: Re: old vs. new testament\nOrganization: Applied Presuppositionalism, Ltd.\nLines: 39\n\nREXLEX@fnal.fnal.gov writes:\n\n>We can jillustrate this by pointing to the way God administers His judgment. \n>In the OT, sins were not forgiven, but rather covered up.  In the age of the\n>Church not only are sins forgiven (taken away), but the power of SIN is put to\n>death.  ...\n\nMy, this distinction seems quite arbitrary.\n\n  Blessed is the man whose iniquities are forgiven, whose sin is covered.\n  (Ps. 32:1).\n\nand quoted by the apostle Paul:\n\n  Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God\n  imputeth righteousness without works,\n  Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins\n  are covered.\n  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.  (Rom. 4:6-8)\n\nThe biblical perspective seems to be that foregiveness and covering are\nparallel/equivalent concepts in both testaments.  The dispensational\ndistinction is unwarranted.\n\n>        During the millenium, we read that sins are dealt with immediately\n>under the present (ie that Christ is present on earth) rulership of Christ.\n\nI\'m sure Rex has Scripture to back this up.  You\'re suggesting Jesus is\ngoing to travel around dealing with individual violations of His law -- for\nmillions perhaps billions of people.  Such activity for Moses the lawgiver\nwas considered unwise (cf. Ex. 18:13ff).  It makes for interesting\nspeculation, though.\n\nI\'ll leave comments on the so-called "bema seat" vs. "throne" judgments to\nsomeone else.  This also seems like more unnecessary divisions ala\ndispensationalism.\n\n--\nTom Albrecht\n',
  'From: tas@pegasus.com (Len Howard)\nSubject: Re: Can sin "block" our prayers?\nOrganization: Pegasus,  Honolulu\nLines: 24\n\nIn article <Apr.> jayne@mmalt.guild.org (Jayne Kulikauskas) writes:\n>mike@boulder.snsc.unr.edu (Mike McCormick) writes:\n>\n>> Not honoring our wives can cause our prayers to be hindered:\n>>         prayers may not be hindered.  I Peter 3:7\n>\n>One interpretation I\'ve heard of this verse is that it refers to the sin \n>of physically abusing one\'s wife.  The husband is usually physically \n>stronger than his wife but is not permitted to use this to dominate her.  \n>He must honor her as his sister in Christ.  This would therefore be an \n>example of a specific sin that blocks prayer.\n>Jayne Kulikauskas/ jayne@mmalt.guild.org\n\nI would be a bit more specific in looking at this verse in regard to\n\'blocking\' prayer.  I have trouble thinking that God would allow\nanything to block our access to him in prayer, especially if we have\nsinned and are praying for forgivenenss.\n    I can see, however, how our prayer life might be hindered by our\nsin, if we are concentrating on what is causing the sin or what has\nhappened, we may not be thinking about prayer, thus our prayers are\n\'hindered\' by our own actions.\n    But I don\'t think anything can \'block\' the transmission, or\nreception of prayer to God.\nShalom,                                      Len Howard\n',
  'From: keithh@bnr.ca (Keith Hanlan)\nSubject: Re: GGRRRrrr!! Cages double-parking motorcycles pisses me off!\nNntp-Posting-Host: bcarh10f\nOrganization: Bell-Northern Research Ltd., Ottawa\nLines: 8\n\nIn article <lsp0mgINNud@cash.cs.utexas.edu> mcguire@cs.utexas.edu (Tommy Marcus McGuire) writes:\n>However, this has nothing to do with motorcycling, unless you consider\n>the VW a bike.\nHowever, this has nothing to do with motorcycling, unless you consider\nthe Amazona a bike.\n\nKeith Hanlan  KeithH@bnr.ca  Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada 613-765-4645\n\n',
  "From: demers@cs.ucsd.edu (David DeMers)\nSubject: Scoring runs. Was Re: Notes on Jays vs. Indians Series\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: CSE Dept., UC San Diego\nLines: 23\nNntp-Posting-Host: beowulf.ucsd.edu\n\n\nIn article <8966@blue.cis.pitt.edu>, dtate+@pitt.edu (David M. Tate) writes:\n\n|> Uh, right.  You also forgot that you can't get an RBI (barring a HR) with\n|> nobody on base.  What fraction of all runs come on solo HR?\n\nActually, for the Padres this year so far it's 23%.  They are 5th in\nthe league in HRs, and ALL have been solo shots.\n\nPythagorean projection puts them at .360 winning percentage\nor 58-104.  Need some pitching help, fast!\n\nGood news, though, is that Hurst has been throwing curveballs\nw/o any pain.  Threw 80 pitches yesterday.  Should be back\nin a couple of weeks.  Maybe we can trade him to the Yankees\nfor Militello.\n\nDave\n-- \nDave DeMers\t\t\t \t        demers@cs.ucsd.edu\nComputer Science & Engineering\t0114\t\tdemers%cs@ucsd.bitnet\nUC San Diego\t\t\t\t\t...!ucsd!cs!demers\nLa Jolla, CA 92093-0114\t(619) 534-0688, or -8187, FAX: (619) 534-7029\n",
  "From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: <Political Atheists?\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 20\nNNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu\n\nlivesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes:\n\n>Perhaps the chimps that failed to evolve cooperative behaviour\n>died out, and we are left with the ones that did evolve such\n>behaviour, entirely by chance.\n\nThat's the entire point!\n\n>Are you going to proclaim a natural morality every time an\n>organism evolves cooperative behaviour?\n\nYes!\n\nNatural morality is a morality that developed naturally.\n\n>What about the natural morality of bee dance?\n\nHuh?\n\nkeith\n",
  'From: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nSubject: Re: amitriptyline\nReply-To: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 14\n\nIn article <1993Mar27.010702.8176@julian.uwo.ca> roberts@gaul.csd.uwo.ca (Eric Roberts) writes:\n>Could someone please tell me, what effect an overdose (900-1000mg) of\n>amitriptyline would have?\n\nProbably would not be fatal in an adult at that dose, but could kill\na child.  Patient would be very somnolent, with dilated pupils, low\nblood pressure.  Possibly cardiac arrhythmias.  \n\n\n-- \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGordon Banks  N3JXP      | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and\ngeb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu   |  it is shameful to surrender it too soon." \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  "From: gballent@hudson.UVic.CA (Greg  Ballentine)\nSubject: Re: Wings will win\nNntp-Posting-Host: hudson.uvic.ca\nReply-To: gballent@hudson.UVic.CA\nOrganization: University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada\nLines: 25\n\n\nIn article 735249453@vela.acs.oakland.edu, ragraca@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Randy A. Graca) writes:\n\n>I also think that they will have a hard time with Pittsburgh if they\n>face them in the finals (which is what all the Detroit sportswriters \n>are predicting).  Although I think Bryan Murray is probably the best GM\n>I have ever seen in hockey\n\nHow do you figure that??  When Bryan Murray took over the Wings they were\na pretty good team that was contending for the Stanley Cup but looked\nunlikely to win it.  Now they are a pretty good team that is contending for\nthe Stanley Cup but looks unlikely to win it.  A truly great GM would\nhave been able to make the moves to push the team to the upper echelon\nof the NHL and maybe win the Stanley Cup.  A good GM (like Murray) can\nmaintain the team's success but can't push them to the next level.\n\nIn the history of hockey there have been several better GM's than Murray-\nway too many to name.  Murray isn't even the best GM in the league today.\nHe fails in comparison to Sinden, Sather, Savard, Caron, Fletcher and\nQuinn in my estimation.\n\nI can't imagine how Bryan Murray can be the best GM anyone has ever seen\nin hockey- unless they have seen VERY few GM's.\n\nGregmeister\n",
  "From: buhrow@moria.nfbcal.org (Brian Buhrow)\nSubject: NEED HELP FINDING DIP SWITCH SETTINGS AND JUMPER SETTINGS FOR 386SX MOTHERBOARD\nKeywords: JUMPER SETTINGS DIP-SWITCH SETTINGS, HELP, COMPUTER 386SX\nOrganization: National Federation of the Blind of California\nLines: 14\n\n\nHello net.  I have a 386sx motherboard with the Phoenix BIOS, an on-board\nIDE controller port, and two on-board serial ports.  Unfortunately, I don't\nhave a manual for this beast and I would like to be able to disable the IDE\ncontroller in order to use the MFM controller I have.\nThe board says it is made in Korea and it uses the Chips Chipset.  If\nanyone can give me a clue as to how to go about configuring the board so as\nnot to use the IDE controller, or how to go about finding out how to do it,\ntheir help would be greatly appreciated.  \n\tThank you in advance for your assistance.\nPlease mail buhrow@nfbcal.org with your responses as my news feed is rather\ntenuous.\nThank you very much!\n-Brian <buhrow@nfbcal.org>\n",
  'From: hallam@dscomsa.desy.de (Phill Hallam-Baker)\nSubject: Re: re: fillibuster\nLines: 55\nReply-To: hallam@zeus02.desy.de\nOrganization: DESYDeutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, Experiment ZEUS bei HERA\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr12.002302.5262@martha.utcc.utk.edu>, PA146008@utkvm1.utk.edu (David Veal) writes:\n\n|>>Come to that under the original plan there wasn\'t meant to be anything\n|>>much for the federal government to do except keep the British out.\n|>\n|>       That\'s also untrue, but at least we\'re wandering a little closer\n|>toward reality.  That the Articles of Confederation fell apart is enough\n|>proof it was there for just a tad bit more.\n\nWell yes and no. The Federalist papers are propaganda and it is therefore\ndifficult to determine precisely what Maddison etc were up to from them. They\ncertainly emphasised a limited role for the federal government but this\nwas not necessarily their true position.\n\n|>>And like the house of lords which it is copied from it was given pretty\n|>>wide powers. Unfortunately they started to use them and thus the gridlock\n|>>set in.\n|>\n|>       I wasn\'t aware the House of Lords had "wide powers."  I was under the\n|>impression is was pretty powerless compared to the House of Commons, and\n|>certainly didn\'t have almost equal their powers.  (The Senate is restricted\n|>only that it may not introduce bills relating to raising revenue.)\n\nThe Senate was less powerful than the House of Lords in the period in question.\nThe stripping of the powers of the House of Lords did not occur until 1914\nand David Llloyd George\'s budget. Even despite this the House of Lords has\nconsiderable power even today and is far from a rubber stamping body. \n\n\n|>       My reading of the Constitution and other writings gives me absolutely\n|>no reason to believe the Senate wasn\'t intended to make use of their \n|>law-making powers.  In fact, grid-lock appears to have been designed\n|>into the system, with the Senate being a more deliberative body to act\n|>as a check on the more-often elected House.\n\nThe system is meant to be slow to react, the problem is that it ended up\na bit too slow.\n\n\n|>       On what basis do you suggest that the Senate was supposed to be\n|>some sort of rubber-stamp for the House?  You\'ll note that while the\n|>President\'s veto may be over-ridden, the House can\'t do anything about\n|>a "veto" by the Senate.\n\nThe Presiden\'t veto was meant to be entirely separate. Until Bush abused it\nin a quite extraordinary manner it was used more in accord with the intent\nof being a check on unreasonable legislation. The veto was clearly regarded \nas a completely last gasp measure its use was meant to be restricted to\npreventing the legislature interfering with the actions of the executive.\n\nthe Senate is not meant to be exactly a rubber stamp body, it is meant as\na check on unrestrained legislation. That is the extra measure built into\nthe constitution in favour of the status quo, 60% of the representatives\nof the states is not a reasonable restriction. \n',
  'From: wes1574@zeus.tamu.edu (Bill Scrivener)\nSubject: In need of help....\nOrganization: Texas A&M University, Academic Computing Services\nLines: 22\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: zeus.tamu.edu\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41    \n\nOk, I have a problem that I thought you guys/gals might know about....\n\nI\'m running a 286dx-25 with a 85mb hdd.  I also have windows 3.1, but\nhardly any dos application will run out it.  Also, when I do a "mem"\ncommand, it says that I have used up 58kb out of 640kb of conventional\nmemory, zero from upper level memory, and all 385kb of my ems memory.\nAnd to top it off, I can\'t load any device drivers into upper memory.\nDo I just need more memory?  Also, why would it use up ems memory instead\nof upper memory?\n\nPlease reply by e-mail only to :  wes1574@tamvenus.tamu.edu\n\n\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\nBill Scrivener                    |    "It\'s not the first time that you\nTexas A&M University              |     sleep with a woman that matters,\nCollege Station, Texas            |     but the first time\nemail: wes1574@tamvenus.tamu.edu  |     you wake up with her."\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n',
  'From: harley-request@thinkage.on.ca (Harley Mailing List Digest)\nSubject: Harley-Davidson Mailing List -- an Email taste sensation!\nSummary: a sort of bi-monthly not really automated announcement\nOriginator: hogreq@hog.thinkage.on.ca\nKeywords: digests, lists, harley-davidson, hogaholics\nSupersedes: <93mar09-hog-announce@hog.thinkage.on.ca>\nOrganization: Thinkage Ltd.\nExpires: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 11:00:00 GMT\nLines: 36\n\n  Anyone interesting in a mailing list for Harley-Davidson bikes, lifestyle,\npolitics, H.O.G. and whatever over 310 members from 14 countries make it,\nmay subscribe by sending a request to:\n\n              harley-request@thinkage.on.ca\n          or  uunet.ca!thinkage!harley-request\n\n***\n* Your request to join should have a signature or something giving your full\n* Email address.  Do not RELY on the header "From:" field being useful to me.\n*\n* This is not an automated "listserv" facility. Do not expect instant\n* gratification.\n***\n\nThe list is a digest format scheduled for twice a day.\n\nMembers of the harley list may obtain back-issues and subject-index\n    listings, pictures, etc. via an Email archive server. \nServer access is restricted to list subscribers only.\nFTP access "real soon".\n\nOther motorcycle related lists i\'ve heard of (not run by me),\n   these addresses may or may not be current:\n\n  2-stroke:     2strokes-request@microunity.com\n  Dirt:         dirt-request@zygot.ati.com\n  European:     listserv@frigg.isc-br.com\n  Racing:       race-request@formula1.corp.sun.com\n                digest-request@formula1.corp.sun.com\n  Short Riding: short-request@smarmy.sun.com\n  Wet Leather:  listserv@frigg.isc-br.com\n\n---\nIt climbs the hills like a Matchless \'cause my Honda\'s built really light...\n                                    -Brian Wilson (Honda Honda)\n',
  'From: margoli@watson.ibm.com (Larry Margolis)\nSubject: Re: Abortion\nNews-Software: IBM OS/2 PM RN (NR/2) v0.17i by O. Vishnepolsky and R. Rogers\nLines: 22\nReply-To: margoli@watson.IBM.com (Larry Margolis)\nDisclaimer: This posting represents the poster\'s views, not necessarily those of IBM.\nNntp-Posting-Host: netslip63.watson.ibm.com\nOrganization: The Village Waterbed\n\nIn <18275.459.uupcb@ozonehole.com> anthony.landreneau@ozonehole.com (Anthony Landreneau)  writes:\n>To: margoli@watson.ibm.com (Larry Margolis)\n>From: anthony.landreneau@ozonehole.com\n>\n>LM>>  >>The rape has passed, there is nothing that will ever take that away.\n>LM>>\n>LM>>LM>True.  But forcing her to remain pregnant continues the violation of\n>LM>>LM>her body for another 9 months.  I see this as being unbelievably cruel.\n>LM>>\n>LM>>Life is not a "violation".\n>\n>LM>But forcing someone to harbor that life in their body *is* a violation.\n>\n>Letting a mother force a child from her body, in order to end that\n>childs life is the ultimate violation.\n\nI happen to take the violation of a person much more seriously than the\n"violation" of a mindless clump of cells smaller than my thumb.\n\nYour mileage may vary.\n--\nLarry Margolis, MARGOLI@YKTVMV (Bitnet), margoli@watson.IBM.com (Internet)\n',
  'From: feszcm@warren1c.its.rpi.edu (Michael Jaroslaw Feszczyszyn)\nSubject: Re: Fenway Gif\nNntp-Posting-Host: warren1c.its.rpi.edu\nReply-To: feszcm@rpi.edu\nOrganization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.\nLines: 12\n\nIn article <C5JB3D.9nt@umassd.edu>, acsddc@smucs1.umassd.edu writes:\n|> I was wondering if anyone had any kind of Fenway Park gif.\n|> I would appreciate it if someone could send me one.\n|> Thanks in advance.\n|> \n|> -Dan\n\nMe too! And any Yankee Stadium gifs as well, please.\n\nThanx in advance,\n\nMike Feszczyszyn\n',
  'From: afung@athena.mit.edu (Archon Fung)\nSubject: wrong RAM in Duo?\nOrganization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology\nLines: 9\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: thobbes.mit.edu\n\nA few posts back, somebody mentioned that the Duo might crash if it has\nthe wrong kind (non-self refreshing) of RAM in it.  My Duo crashes\nsometimes after sleep, and I am wondering if there is any software which\nwill tell me whether or not I have the right kind of RAM installed.  I\nhad thought that the problem was the battery connection.\n\nThanks in Advance,\n\nArchon Fung\n',
  'From: hays@ssd.intel.com (Kirk Hays)\nSubject: Re: Gov\'t break-ins (Re: 60 minutes)\nNntp-Posting-Host: taos\nOrganization: Intel Supercomputer Systems Division\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <1993Apr5.155733.114@pasadena-dc.bofa.com>, franceschi@pasadena-dc.bofa.com writes:\n|> On a Los Angeles radio station last weekend, the lawyers for the\n|> family of the MURDERED rancher said that the Los Angeles Sheriff\'s\n|> Department had an assessment done of the rancher\'s property before\n|> the raid.\n\nThe briefing documents for the raid had a notation on them about a\nsimilar local property which had sold for $800,000 prior to the\nraid, if recent TV coverage can be believed.\n\n|> This strongly implies that the sheriff\'s department wanted the property;\n|> any drugs (which were not found) were only an excuse.\n\nThe Ventura County DA came to the same conclusion in the report he\nreleased, which lambasted the Sheriff\'s Office.\n\nToo bad the old man was nearly blind, and didn\'t take a few\ngoose-stepping Drug Warriors (TM) with him.\n\n-- \nKirk Hays - NRA Life, seventh generation.\n"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to\ndo nothing."  -- Edmund Burke (1729-1797)\n',
  'From: mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk>\nSubject: Alt.Atheism FAQ: Constructing a Logical Argument\nSummary: Includes a list of logical fallacies\nKeywords: FAQ, atheism, argument, fallacies, logic\nExpires: Thu, 20 May 1993 10:52:14 GMT\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Mantis Consultants, Cambridge. UK.\nSupersedes: <19930322114724@mantis.co.uk>\nLines: 632\n\nArchive-name: atheism/logic\nAlt-atheism-archive-name: logic\nLast-modified: 5 April 1993\nVersion: 1.4\n\n                       Constructing a Logical Argument\n\nAlthough there is much argument on Usenet, the general quality of argument\nfound is poor.  This article attempts to provide a gentle introduction to\nlogic, in the hope of improving the general level of debate.\n\nLogic is the science of reasoning, proof, thinking, or inference [Concise\nOED].  Logic allows us to analyze a piece of reasoning and determine whether\nit is correct or not (valid or invalid).  Of course, one does not need to\nstudy logic in order to reason correctly; nevertheless, a little basic\nknowledge of logic is often helpful when constructing or analyzing an\nargument.\n\nNote that no claim is being made here about whether logic is universally\napplicable.  The matter is very much open for debate.  This document merely\nexplains how to use logic, given that you have already decided that logic is\nthe right tool for the job.\n\nPropositions (or statements) are the building blocks of a logical argument. A\nproposition is a statement which is either true or false; for example, "It is\nraining" or "Today is Tuesday".  Propositions may be either asserted (said to\nbe true) or denied (said to be false).  Note that this is a technical meaning\nof "deny", not the everyday meaning.\n\nThe proposition is the meaning of the statement, not the particular\narrangement of words used to express it.  So "God exists" and "There exists a\nGod" both express the same proposition.\n\nAn argument is, to quote the Monty Python sketch, "a connected series of\nstatements to establish a definite proposition".  An argument consists of\nthree stages.\n\nFirst of all, the propositions which are necessary for the argument to\ncontinue are stated.  These are called the premises of the argument.  They\nare the evidence or reasons for accepting the argument and its conclusions. \n\nPremises (or assertions) are often indicated by phrases such as "because",\n"since", "obviously" and so on.  (The phrase "obviously" is often viewed with\nsuspicion, as it can be used to intimidate others into accepting suspicious\npremises.  If something doesn\'t seem obvious to you, don\'t be afraid to\nquestion it.  You can always say "Oh, yes, you\'re right, it is obvious" when\nyou\'ve heard the explanation.)\n\nNext, the premises are used to derive further propositions by a process known\nas inference.  In inference, one proposition is arrived at on the basis of\none or more other propositions already accepted.  There are various forms of\nvalid inference.\n\nThe propositions arrived at by inference may then be used in further\ninference.  Inference is often denoted by phrases such as "implies that" or\n"therefore".\n\nFinally, we arrive at the conclusion of the argument -- the proposition which\nis affirmed on the basis of the premises and inference.  Conclusions are often\nindicated by phrases such as "therefore", "it follows that", "we conclude"\nand so on.  The conclusion is often stated as the final stage of inference.\n\nFor example:\n\nEvery event has a cause (premise)\nThe universe has a beginning (premise)\nAll beginnings involve an event (premise)\nThis implies that the beginning of the universe involved an event (inference)\nTherefore the universe has a cause (inference and conclusion)\n\nNote that the conclusion of one argument might be a premise in another\nargument.  A proposition can only be called a premise or a conclusion with\nrespect to a particular argument; the terms do not make sense in isolation.\n\nSometimes an argument will not follow the order given above; for example,\nthe conclusions might be stated first and the premises stated \nafterwards in support of the conclusion.  This is perfectly valid, if \nsometimes a little confusing.\n\nRecognizing an argument is much harder than recognizing premises or\nconclusions.  Many people shower their writing with assertions without ever\nproducing anything which one might reasonably describe as an argument.  Some\nstatements look like arguments, but are not.  For example:\n\n"If the Bible is accurate, Jesus must either have been insane, an evil liar,\n or the Son of God."\n\nThis is not an argument, it is a conditional statement.  It does not assert\nthe premises which are necessary to support what appears to be its \nconclusion.  (It also suffers from a number of other logical flaws, but we\'ll\ncome to those later.)\n\nAnother example:\n\n"God created you; therefore do your duty to God."\n\nThe phrase "do your duty to God" is not a proposition, since it is neither\ntrue nor false.  Therefore it is not a conclusion, and the sentence is not an\nargument.\n\nFinally, causality is important.  Consider a statement of the form "A because\nB".  If we\'re interested in establishing A and B is offered as evidence, the\nstatement is an argument.  If we\'re trying to establish the truth of B, then\nit is not an argument, it is an explanation.\n\nFor example:\n\n"There must be something wrong with the engine of my car, because it will not\n start." -- This is an argument.\n\n"My car will not start because there is something wrong with the engine."\n -- This is an explanation.\n\nThere are two traditional types of argument, deductive and inductive.  A\ndeductive argument is one which provides conclusive proof of its conclusions\n-- that is, an argument where if the premises are true, the conclusion must\nalso be true.  A deductive argument is either valid or invalid.  A valid\nargument is defined as one where if the premises are true, then the\nconclusion is true.\n\nAn inductive argument is one where the premises provide some evidence for the\ntruth of the conclusion.  Inductive arguments are not valid or invalid;\nhowever, we can talk about whether they are better or worse than other\narguments, and about how probable their premises are.\n\nThere are forms of argument in ordinary language which are neither deductive\nnor inductive.  However, we will concentrate for the moment on deductive\narguments, as they are often viewed as the most rigorous and convincing.\n\nIt is important to note that the fact that a deductive argument is valid does\nnot imply that its conclusion holds.  This is because of the slightly \ncounter-intuitive nature of implication, which we must now consider more\ncarefully.\n\nObviously a valid argument can consist of true propositions.  However, an\nargument may be entirely valid even if it contains only false propositions. \nFor example:\n\n   All insects have wings (premise)\n   Woodlice are insects (premise)\n   Therefore woodlice have wings (conclusion)\n\nHere, the conclusion is not true because the argument\'s premises are false. \nIf the argument\'s premises were true, however, the conclusion would be true. \nThe argument is thus entirely valid.\n\nMore subtly, we can reach a true conclusion from one or more false premises,\nas in:\n\n   All fish live in the sea (premise)\n   Dolphins are fish (premise)\n   Therefore dolphins live in the sea (conclusion)\n\nHowever, the one thing we cannot do is reach a false conclusion through valid\ninference from true premises.  We can therefore draw up a "truth table" for\nimplication.\n\nThe symbol "=>" denotes implication; "A" is the premise, "B" the conclusion. \n"T" and "F" represent true and false respectively.\n\nPremise Conclusion Inference\n   A        B        A=>B\n----------------------------\n   F        F         T      If the premises are false and the inference\n   F        T         T      valid, the conclusion can be true or false.\n\n   T        F         F      If the premises are true and the conclusion\n                             false, the inference must be invalid.\n\n   T        T         T      If the premises are true and the inference valid,\n                             the conclusion must be true.\n\nA sound argument is a valid argument whose premises are true.  A sound \nargument therefore arrives at a true conclusion.  Be careful not to confuse\nvalid arguments with sound arguments.\n\nTo delve further into the structure of logical arguments would require\nlengthy discussion of linguistics and philosophy.  It is simpler and probably\nmore useful to summarize the major pitfalls to be avoided when constructing\nan argument.  These pitfalls are known as fallacies.\n\nIn everyday English the term "fallacy" is used to refer to mistaken beliefs\nas well as to the faulty reasoning that leads to those beliefs.  This is fair\nenough, but in logic the term is generally used to refer to a form of\ntechnically incorrect argument, especially if the argument appears valid or\nconvincing.\n\nSo for the purposes of this discussion, we define a fallacy as a logical\nargument which appears to be correct, but which can be seen to be incorrect\nwhen examined more closely.  By studying fallacies we aim to avoid being\nmisled by them.  The following list of fallacies is not intended to be\nexhaustive.\n\nARGUMENTUM AD BACULUM (APPEAL TO FORCE)\n\nThe Appeal to Force is committed when the arguer resorts to force or the\nthreat of force in order to try and push the acceptance of a conclusion.  It\nis often used by politicians, and can be summarized as "might makes right". \nThe force threatened need not be a direct threat from the arguer.\n\nFor example:\n"... Thus there is ample proof of the truth of the Bible.  All those who\nrefuse to accept that truth will burn in Hell."\n\nARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM\n\nArgumentum ad hominem is literally "argument directed at the man".\n\nThe Abusive variety of Argumentum ad Hominem occurs when, instead of trying\nto disprove the truth of an assertion, the arguer attacks the person or\npeople making the assertion.  This is invalid because the truth of an\nassertion does not depend upon the goodness of those asserting it.\n\nFor example:\n"Atheism is an evil philosophy.  It is practised by Communists and murderers."\n\nSometimes in a court of law doubt is cast upon the testimony of a witness by \nshowing, for example, that he is a known perjurer.  This is a valid way of\nreducing the credibility of the testimony given by the witness, and not\nargumentum ad hominem; however, it does not demonstrate that the witness\'s\ntestimony is false.  To conclude otherwise is to fall victim of the\nArgumentum ad Ignorantiam (see elsewhere in this list).\n\nThe circumstantial form of Argumentum ad Hominem is committed when a person\nargues that his opponent ought to accept the truth of an assertion because of\nthe opponent\'s particular circumstances.\n\nFor example:\n"It is perfectly acceptable to kill animals for food.  How can you argue\notherwise when you\'re quite happy to wear leather shoes?"\n\nThis is an abusive charge of inconsistency, used as an excuse for dismissing\nthe opponent\'s argument.\n\nThis fallacy can also be used as a means of rejecting a conclusion.  For \nexample:\n\n"Of course you would argue that positive discrimination is a bad thing. \nYou\'re white."\n\nThis particular form of Argumentum ad Hominem, when one alleges that one\'s\nadversary is rationalizing a conclusion formed from selfish interests, is\nalso known as "poisoning the well".\n\nARGUMENTUM AD IGNORANTIUM\n\nArgumentum ad ignorantium means "argument from ignorance".  This fallacy\noccurs whenever it is argued that something must be true simply because it\nhas not been proved false.  Or, equivalently, when it is argued that\nsomething must be false because it has not been proved true.  (Note that this\nis not the same as assuming that something is false until it has been proved\ntrue, a basic scientific principle.)\n\nExamples:\n"Of course the Bible is true.  Nobody can prove otherwise."\n\n"Of course telepathy and other psychic phenomena do not exist.  Nobody has\nshown any proof that they are real."\n\nNote that this fallacy does not apply in a court of law, where one is\ngenerally assumed innocent until proven guilty.\n\nAlso, in scientific investigation if it is known that an event would produce\ncertain evidence of its having occurred, the absence of such evidence can \nvalidly be used to infer that the event did not occur.  For example:\n\n"A flood as described in the Bible would require an enormous volume of water\nto be present on the earth.  The earth does not have a tenth as much water,\neven if we count that which is frozen into ice at the poles.  Therefore no\nsuch flood occurred."\n\nIn science, we can validly assume from lack of evidence that something has\nnot occurred.  We cannot conclude with certainty that it has not occurred,\nhowever.\n\nARGUMENTUM AD MISERICORDIAM\n\nThis is the Appeal to Pity, also known as Special Pleading.  The fallacy is \ncommitted when the arguer appeals to pity for the sake of getting a \nconclusion accepted.  For example:\n\n"I did not murder my mother and father with an axe.  Please don\'t find me\nguilty; I\'m suffering enough through being an orphan."\n\nARGUMENTUM AD POPULUM\n\nThis is known as Appealing to the Gallery, or Appealing to the People.  To\ncommit this fallacy is to attempt to win acceptance of an assertion by\nappealing to a large group of people.  This form of fallacy is often\ncharacterized by emotive language.  For example:\n\n"Pornography must be banned.  It is violence against women."\n\n"The Bible must be true.  Millions of people know that it is.  Are you trying\nto tell them that they are all mistaken fools?"\n\nARGUMENTUM AD NUMERAM\n\nThis fallacy is closely related to the argumentum ad populum.  It consists of\nasserting that the more people who support or believe a proposition, the more\nlikely it is that that proposition is correct.\n\nARGUMENTUM AD VERECUNDIAM\n\nThe Appeal to Authority uses the admiration of the famous to try and win\nsupport for an assertion.  For example:\n\n"Isaac Newton was a genius and he believed in God."\n\nThis line of argument is not always completely bogus; for example, reference\nto an admitted authority in a particular field may be relevant to a\ndiscussion of that subject.  For example, we can distinguish quite clearly\nbetween:\n\n"Stephen Hawking has concluded that black holes give off radiation"\nand\n"John Searle has concluded that it is impossible to build an intelligent\n computer"\n\nHawking is a physicist, and so we can reasonably expect his opinions on black\nhole radiation to be informed.  Searle is a linguist, so it is questionable \nwhether he is well-qualified to speak on the subject of machine intelligence.\n\nTHE FALLACY OF ACCIDENT\n\nThe Fallacy of Accident is committed when a general rule is applied to a\nparticular case whose "accidental" circumstances mean that the rule is\ninapplicable.  It is the error made when one goes from the general to the\nspecific.  For example:\n\n"Christians generally dislike atheists.  You are a Christian, so you must\ndislike atheists."\n\nThis fallacy is often committed by moralists and legalists who try to decide\nevery moral and legal question by mechanically applying general rules.\n\nCONVERSE ACCIDENT / HASTY GENERALIZATION\n\nThis fallacy is the reverse of the fallacy of accident.  It occurs when one\nforms a general rule by examining only a few specific cases which are not\nrepresentative of all possible cases.\n\nFor example:\n"Jim Bakker was an insincere Christian.  Therefore all Christians are\ninsincere."\n\nSWEEPING GENERALIZATION / DICTO SIMPLICITER\n\nA sweeping generalization occurs when a general rule is applied to a\nparticular situation in which the features of that particular situation\nrender the rule inapplicable.  A sweeping generalization is the opposite of a\nhasty generalization.\n\nNON CAUSA PRO CAUSA / POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC\n\nThese are known as False Cause fallacies.\n\nThe fallacy of Non Causa Pro Causa occurs when one identifies something as the\ncause of an event but it has not actually been shown to be the cause.  For \nexample:\n\n"I took an aspirin and prayed to God, and my headache disappeared.  So God\ncured me of the headache."\n\nThe fallacy of Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc occurs when something is assumed to\nbe the cause of an event merely because it happened before the event.  For \nexample:\n\n"The Soviet Union collapsed after taking up atheism.  Therefore we must avoid\natheism for the same reasons."\n\nCUM HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC\n\nThis fallacy is similar to post hoc ergo propter hoc.  It asserts that\nbecause two events occur together, they must be causally related, and leaves\nno room for other factors that may be the cause(s) of the events.\n\nPETITIO PRINCIPII\n\nThis fallacy occurs when the premises are at least as questionable as the\nconclusion reached.\n\nCIRCULUS IN DEMONSTRANDO\n\nThis fallacy occurs when one assumes as a premise the conclusion which one\nwishes to reach.  Often, the proposition will be rephrased so that the\nfallacy appears to be a valid argument.  For example:\n\n"Homosexuals must not be allowed to hold government office.  Hence any\ngovernment official who is revealed to be a homosexual will lose his job. \nTherefore homosexuals will do anything to hide their secret, and will be open\nto blackmail.  Therefore homosexuals cannot be allowed to hold government\noffice."\n\nNote that the argument is entirely circular; the premise is the same as the \nconclusion.  An argument like the above has actually been cited as the reason\nfor the British Secret Services\' official ban on homosexual employees. \nAnother example is the classic:\n\n"We know that God exists because the Bible tells us so.  And we know that the\nBible is true because it is the word of God."\n\nCOMPLEX QUESTION / FALLACY OF INTERROGATION\n\nThis is the Fallacy of Presupposition.  One example is the classic loaded \nquestion:\n\n"Have you stopped beating your wife?"\n\nThe question presupposes a definite answer to another question which has not\neven been asked.  This trick is often used by lawyers in cross-examination,\nwhen they ask questions like:\n\n"Where did you hide the money you stole?"\n\nSimilarly, politicians often ask loaded questions such as:\n\n"How long will this EC interference in our affairs be allowed to continue?"\nor\n"Does the Chancellor plan two more years of ruinous privatization?"\n\nIGNORATIO ELENCHI\n\nThe fallacy of Irrelevant Conclusion consists of claiming that an argument \nsupports a particular conclusion when it is actually logically nothing to do\nwith that conclusion.\n\nFor example, a Christian may begin by saying that he will argue that the\nteachings of Christianity are undoubtably true.  If he then argues at length\nthat Christianity is of great help to many people, no matter how well he\nargues he will not have shown that Christian teachings are true.\n\nSadly, such fallacious arguments are often successful because they arouse\nemotions which cause others to view the supposed conclusion in a more\nfavourable light.\n\nEQUIVOCATION\n\nEquivocation occurs when a key word is used with two or more different\nmeanings in the same argument.  For example:\n\n"What could be more affordable than free software?  But to make sure that it\nremains free, that users can do what they like with it, we must place a\nlicense on it to make sure that will always be freely redistributable."\n\nAMPHIBOLY\n\nAmphiboly occurs when the premises used in an argument are ambiguous because\nof careless or ungrammatical phrasing.\n\nACCENT\n\nAccent is another form of fallacy through shifting meaning.  In this case,\nthe meaning is changed by altering which parts of a statement are\nemphasized.  For example, consider:\n\n"We should not speak ILL of our friends"\nand\n"We should not speak ill of our FRIENDS"\n\nFALLACIES OF COMPOSITION\n\nOne fallacy of composition is to conclude that a property shared by the parts\nof something must apply to the whole.  For example:\n\n"The bicycle is made entirely of low mass components, and is therefore very \nlightweight."\n\nThe other fallacy of composition is to conclude that a property of a number\nof individual items is shared by a collection of those items.  For example:\n\n"A car uses less petrol and causes less pollution than a bus.  Therefore cars\nare less environmentally damaging than buses."\n\nFALLACY OF DIVISION\n\nThe fallacy of division is the opposite of the fallacy of composition.  Like\nits opposite, it exists in two varieties.  The first is to assume that a\nproperty of some thing must apply to its parts.  For example:\n\n"You are studying at a rich college.  Therefore you must be rich."\n\nThe other is to assume that a property of a collection of items is shared by\neach item.  For example:\n\n"Ants can destroy a tree.  Therefore this ant can destroy a tree."\n\nTHE SLIPPERY SLOPE ARGUMENT\n\nThis argument states that should one event occur, so will other harmful\nevents.  There is no proof made that the harmful events are caused by the\nfirst event.\n\nFor example:\n"If we legalize marijuana, then we would have to legalize crack and heroin\nand we\'ll have a nation full of drug-addicts on welfare.  Therefore we cannot\nlegalize marijuana."\n\n"A IS BASED ON B" FALLACIES / "IS A TYPE OF" FALLACIES\n\nThese fallacies occur when one attempts to argue that things are in some way\nsimilar without actually specifying in what way they are similar.\n\nExamples:\n"Isn\'t history based upon faith?  If so, then isn\'t the Bible also a form of\nhistory?"\n\n"Islam is based on faith, Christianity is based on faith, so isn\'t Islam a\nform of Christianity?"\n\n"Cats are a form of animal based on carbon chemistry, dogs are a form of\nanimal based on carbon chemistry, so aren\'t dogs a form of cat?"\n\nAFFIRMATION OF THE CONSEQUENT\n\nThis fallacy is an argument of the form "A implies B, B is true, therefore A\nis true".  To understand why it is a fallacy, examine the truth table for\nimplication given earlier.\n\nDENIAL OF THE ANTECEDENT\n\nThis fallacy is an argument of the form "A implies B, A is false, therefore B\nis false".  Again, the truth table for implication makes it clear why this is\na fallacy.\n\nNote that this fallacy is different from Non Causa Pro Causa; the latter has\nthe form "A implies B, A is false, therefore B is false", where A does NOT in\nfact imply B at all.  Here, the problem is not that the implication is\ninvalid; rather it is that the falseness of A does not allow us to deduce\nanything about B.\n\nCONVERTING A CONDITIONAL\n\nThis fallacy is an argument of the form "If A then B, therefore if B then A".\n\nARGUMENTUM AD ANTIQUITAM\n\nThis is the fallacy of asserting that something is right or good simply\nbecause it is old, or because "that\'s the way it\'s always been."\n\nARGUMENTUM AD NOVITAM\n\nThis is the opposite of the argumentum ad antiquitam; it is the fallacy of\nasserting that something is more correct simply because it is new or newer\nthan something else.\n\nARGUMENTUM AD CRUMENAM\n\nThe fallacy of believing that money is a criterion of correctness; that those\nwith more money are more likely to be right.\n\nARGUMENTUM AD LAZARUM\n\nThe fallacy of assuming that because someone is poor he or she is sounder or\nmore virtuous than one who is wealthier.  This fallacy is the opposite of the\nargumentum ad crumenam.\n\nARGUMENTUM AD NAUSEAM\n\nThis is the incorrect belief that an assertion is more likely to be true the\nmore often it is heard.  An "argumentum ad nauseum" is one that employs\nconstant repetition in asserting something.\n\nBIFURCATION\n\nAlso referred to as the "black and white" fallacy, bifurcation occurs when\none presents a situation as having only two alternatives, where in fact other\nalternatives exist or can exist.\n\nPLURIUM INTERROGATIONUM / MANY QUESTIONS\n\nThis fallacy occurs when a questioner demands a simple answer to a complex\nquestion.\n\nNON SEQUITUR\n\nA non-sequitur is an argument where the conclusion is drawn from premises\nwhich are not logically connected with it.\n\nRED HERRING\n\nThis fallacy is committed when irrelevant material is introduced to the issue\nbeing discussed, so that everyone\'s attention is diverted away from the\npoints being made, towards a different conclusion.\n\nREIFICATION / HYPOSTATIZATION\n\nReification occurs when an abstract concept is treated as a concrete thing.\n\nSHIFTING THE BURDEN OF PROOF\n\nThe burden of proof is always on the person making an assertion or\nproposition.  Shifting the burden of proof, a special case of argumentum ad\nignorantium, is the fallacy of putting the burden of proof on the person who\ndenies or questions the assertion being made.  The source of the fallacy is\nthe assumption that something is true unless proven otherwise.\n\nSTRAW MAN\n\nThe straw man fallacy is to misrepresent someone else\'s position so that it\ncan be attacked more easily, then to knock down that misrepresented position,\nthen to conclude that the original position has been demolished.  It is a\nfallacy because it fails to deal with the actual arguments that have been\nmade.\n\nTHE EXTENDED ANALOGY\n\nThe fallacy of the Extended Analogy often occurs when some suggested general\nrule is being argued over.  The fallacy is to assume that mentioning two \ndifferent situations, in an argument about a general rule, constitutes a \nclaim that those situations are analogous to each other.\n\nThis fallacy is best explained using a real example from a debate about \nanti-cryptography legislation:\n\n"I believe it is always wrong to oppose the law by breaking it."\n\n"Such a position is odious: it implies that you would not have supported\n Martin Luther King."\n\n"Are you saying that cryptography legislation is as important as the\n struggle for Black liberation?  How dare you!"\n\nTU QUOQUE\n\nThis is the famous "you too" fallacy.  It occurs when an action is argued to\nbe acceptable because the other party has performed it.  For instance:\n\n"You\'re just being randomly abusive."\n"So?  You\'ve been abusive too."\n\nÿ\n',
  'From: Kurt Godden <godden@gmr.com>\nSubject: GM May Build Toyota-badged Car\nOrganization: GM R&D\nLines: 13\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: ksg.cs.gmr.com\nX-UserAgent: Nuntius v1.1.1d16\nX-XXMessage-ID: <A7F46B03C301085E@ksg.cs.gmr.com>\nX-XXDate: Fri, 16 Apr 93 13:54:11 GMT\n\nThis appeared today in the \n\nThe Japan Economic Journal reported GM plans to build a Toyota-badged car\nin the US for sale in Japan.  Bruce MacDonald, VP of GM Corporate\nCommunications, yesterday confirmed that GM President and CEO Jack Smith\nhad a meeting recently with Tatsuro Toyoda, President of Toyota.  \nthis meeting the two discussed business opportunities to increase GM\nexports to Japan, including further component sales as well as completed\nvehicle sales,\nparts sales, the two presidents agreed conceptually to pursue an\narrangement whereby GM would build a Toyota-badged, right-hand drive\nvehicle in the US for sale by Toyota in Japan.  A working group has been\nformed to finalize model specifications, exact timing and other details.\n',
  "From: shite@sinkhole.unf.edu (Stephen Hite)\nSubject: Re: Searching for xgolf\nOrganization: University of North Florida, Jacksonville\nLines: 4\n\n   The xgolf program was an April Fool's joke <sigh>.\n\nSteve Hite\nshite@sinkhole.unf.edu\n",
  'From: maynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Roger Maynard)\nSubject: Re: Leaf slump over\nOrganization: Dept. of Computer Science, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON\nLines: 79\n\nIn <1993Apr13.190225.29001@newshub.ists.ca> dchhabra@stpl.ists.ca (Deepak Chhabra) writes:\n\n\n>On March 21, 1993 Roger Maynard wrote (in reply to an article by Graham\n>Hudson):\n\n>>You don\'t think he is performing "under pressure" now?  The major\n>>differences  between playoff hockey and normal hockey is 1. play-\n>>ing every other night which is physically exhausting and 2.   You\n>>play  the  same  team  in a consecutive string of games.  Is this\n>>what you mean by pressure?  Have you even thought about what  you\n>>mean  by pressure, or are your thoughts, like most of the rest of\n>>this drivel, simply half-baked?\n\n>This was <1993Mar21.223936.6192@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca>, for anybody who\n>would like to check.\n\n>He went on (in another article) to say [paraphrased]\n\n>>"Playoff hockey" is just an expression used by announcers to convince\n>>simple-minded folks like yourself that what you are seeing is a better\n>>product than a regular-season game.\n\n>*NOW*, however, in article <1993Apr12.013939.23016@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca> \n>(Roger Maynard) writes:\n\n>>With a 4-2 win over a tough Whaler squad the Leafs showed all doubters\n>>what playoff hockey is all about.  \n> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n>So, Roger, what exactly *is* playoff hockey all about?  Or is it a convenient\n>phrase to use in certain circumstances only?\n\n>You see, when you spout off with flame bait too many times, sooner or later\n>it catches up with you....\n\nNice try Deepak, but "tough Whaler squad" should have clued you in to the\nfact that my Leaf woofing was tongue-in-cheek.\n\nIf playoff hockey is any more intense than the regular season variety then\nit is because the teams are facing each other at least 4 consecutive times\nin 7 days and hockey being the contact sport that it is, some things will\nbe carried over that might dissipate during the regular season.  But that is\nonly for some of the players.  Many of the rest, who have been playing with\ninjuries, who miss their families, or who, like Grant Fuhr, would really\nrather be playing golf, don\'t really give a damn.  Of course I can\'t say this\nfor sure, but I believe that this is fairly typical of human nature and I\ndon\'t think that hockey players are above having what I consider typically\nhuman attitudes.  \n\nWith the recent salary escalations the key players are actually losing \nmoney by participating in the playoffs.  The ones who regard the playoff\n"take" as some kind of a bonanza are fringe players who are unlikely\nto consistently be a force in the playoffs.  Now I know some of you are\ngoing to come back with "winning spirit" and all of that crap but these\nplayers are professionals after all.  While they may love to play the \ngame that love is entirely incidental to their purpose, which is, to make\na decent living. \n\nOf course, the coach is a professional as well, and part of what he is \nbeing paid to do is motivate the players.  So, if the coach does his\njob well enough the players may respond with a winning effort.\n\nThe second season, is after all, merely an exhibition.  The true Champions\nof the league are the division winners, the teams that come out on top \nafter the long struggle of the season.  The Stanley cup playoffs merely\naccord victory to the team that has remained healthy and "hot".  The \nemphasis on the playoffs, with their "sudden death" appeal has been promoted\nby the media and the owners with profit purely in mind.  Even if Pittsburgh\nloses the playoffs, we all know that they were really the best team in the\nleague over the year.  They proved it.\n\ncordially, as always,\n\nrm\n\n-- \nRoger Maynard \nmaynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca \n',
  'From: bil@okcforum.osrhe.edu (Bill Conner)\nSubject: Re: Not the Omni!\nNntp-Posting-Host: okcforum.osrhe.edu\nOrganization: Okcforum Unix Users Group\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL6]\nLines: 18\n\nCharley Wingate (mangoe@cs.umd.edu) wrote:\n: \n: >> Please enlighten me.  How is omnipotence contradictory?\n: \n: >By definition, all that can occur in the universe is governed by the rules\n: >of nature. Thus god cannot break them. Anything that god does must be allowed\n: >in the rules somewhere. Therefore, omnipotence CANNOT exist! It contradicts\n: >the rules of nature.\n: \n: Obviously, an omnipotent god can change the rules.\n\nWhen you say, "By definition", what exactly is being defined;\ncertainly not omnipotence. You seem to be saying that the "rules of\nnature" are pre-existant somehow, that they not only define nature but\nactually cause it. If that\'s what you mean I\'d like to hear your\nfurther thoughts on the question.\n\nBill\n',
  'From: a137490@lehtori.cc.tut.fi (Aario Sami)\nSubject: Re: note to Bobby M.\nOrganization: Tampere University of Technology, Computing Centre\nLines: 14\nDistribution: sfnet\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cc.tut.fi\n\nIn <1993Apr10.191100.16094@ultb.isc.rit.edu> snm6394@ultb.isc.rit.edu (S.N. Mozumder ) writes:\n\n>Insults about the atheistic genocide was totally unintentional.  Under\n>atheism, anything can happen, good or bad, including genocide.\n\nAnd you know why this is? Because you\'ve conveniently _defined_ a theist as\nsomeone who can do no wrong, and you\'ve _defined_ people who do wrong as\natheists. The above statement is circular (not to mention bigoting), and,\nas such, has no value.\n-- \nSami Aario         |  "Can you see or measure an atom? Yet you can explode\na137490@cc.tut.fi  |   one. Sunlight is comprised of many atoms."\n-------------------\'  "Your stupid minds! Stupid, stupid!"\nEros in "Plan 9 From Outer Space"     DISCLAIMER: I don\'t agree with Eros.\n',
  'From: egb7390@ucs.usl.edu (Boutte Erika G)\nSubject: M. contagiosem\nOrganization: The Wild Wacky World of Dolly Parton Clones in Zero Gravity \nLines: 16\n\n\nI was wondering if anyone had any information about Molluscous contagiosem.\nI acquired it, and fortunately got rid of it, but the question still lingers\nin my mind: Where did it come from?  The little bit of info that I have \nreceived about it in the past states that it can be transmitted sexually, but\nalso occurs in small children on the hands, feet and genitalia.\n\nAny information will be greatly appreciated.\n\n\n\n"I grow old, I grow old;\nI shall wear my trousers rolled."\n\n               -T. S. Eliot\n\n',
  'From: mitchell@nodecg.ncc.telecomwa.oz.au (Clive Mitchell)\nSubject: Dataproducts LZR1260 not printing correctly\nOrganization: Regional Network Systems Group, Perth\nLines: 951\n\n---------- cut here ---------- part 01/01\nbegin 644 1260wn31.exe\nM35KO 1D    & -$,__\\@ P $     ?#_\'@     !0V]P>7)I9VAT(#$Y.#DM\nM,3DY,"!02U=!4D4@26YC+B!!;&P@4FEG:\'1S(%)E<V5R=F5D+@T*        \nM        _"Z,#F\\$H0( C,N!PP (.\\-R RT !BT@ /J\\  *.T/LM00"C<02.\nMP.B9 *%[!*-Y!*%]!*-W!(S BQY_!+Y_!.AM "ZC<P2[Y &^F +H8 !0OGL$\nMO^$!I:6+\'GL$BQ9]!(OK@>7_#XK?BOJQ!-/KB]73ZD(KPH[ B\\N&Z0,V?P2,\nMV@/1CMJ+S8ON,__1Z1//\\Z6%VW04_LR.P/[.CMJY  @S_XOU\\Z5+Z^B.V#/ \nM4,O1ZXO+T>O1Z]\'K0RO#CL S__.EPS/V,]LSTC/_BHPP NA- (J70@*+ZB:(\nM3@ FB)X  0/H@?T  7+O0_[-=>2*C#D"Z"H A]^*EX("B^I#0R:(C@ ")HB>\nM  ,#Z(\']  %R[DO^S77AA_M&@_X)<JW#BNF1L032["0/D;@! -/@PQ(3%%5V\nM]\\?X>"(3-#4F)W@8%@ "!@X> 1$)&3D%)14U#2UM\'5T]?0-#(V,34S-S"TLK\nM:QM;.WL\'1R=G%U?7-[=W]P^/3\\\\OKV_O\'Y]?WS^_?_\\  @$%#0,+&P<7-R]O\nM\'Y]?WS^_?_\\/Z&L +HX>VP&++@  3;X* "Z+/M<!@\\<0._5S%3/ K)%!K8O7\nM ]".PJV3)@$_XOGKYRZAUP&.P 40 (L> @ #V/J.TXLF! #[ P8( "ZCUP&A\nM!@ NH]4!C,".V#/ B]B+R(O0B^B+\\(OX+O\\NU0$N@S[? 0!U$"Z!/N$!  -W\nM!RZ++N$!ZP.]  ,N*2[A 2Z#\'M\\! 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  'From: sgc1@cbnewsm.cb.att.com (scott.g.crawford)\nSubject: Selling Riding Lawn Mower\nOrganization: AT&T\nDistribution: nj\nSummary: Riding Lawn Mower for Sale\nLines: 26\n\n\n\n\t1987 ARIENS RIDING LAWN MOWER\n\n\tThis mower is in perfect condition and\n\tcontains the following features:\n\n\t- Electric Start\n\t- 26 inch cut\n\t- Double Rear Baggers\n\t- New Battery\n\t- New Engine (one year old)\n\t- Inflatable Tires (gives nice ride)\n\t- Cushioned Seat (gives nice ride)\n\n\tI am moving into a house that has a\n\tsmall area of grass to cut and does not\n\trequire such large mower. The engine was\n\treplaced, not rebuilt, last year due to\n\tsome faulty work done by a lawn mower\n\trepair shop.\n\n\tPRICE:  $600.00\n\tPHONE: 908-582-7028 (Leave Message)\n\n\n',
  'From: bjorndahl@augustana.ab.ca\nSubject: Re: document of .RTF\nOrganization: Augustana University College, Camrose, Alberta\nLines: 10\n\nIn article <1993Mar30.113436.7339@worak.kaist.ac.kr>, tjyu@eve.kaist.ac.kr (Yu TaiJung) writes:\n> Does anybody have document of .RTF file or know where I can get it?\n> \n> Thanks in advance. :)\n\nI got one from Microsoft tech support.\n\n-- \nSterling G. Bjorndahl, bjorndahl@Augustana.AB.CA or bjorndahl@camrose.uucp\nAugustana University College, Camrose, Alberta, Canada      (403) 679-1100\n',
  "From: x89olarte1@gw.wmich.edu\nSubject: My computer gets locked!! HELP!!!!!!\nOrganization: Western Michigan University\nLines: 17\n\n\nA weird thing has happened to my computer lately,\nit gets locked (stops doing anything) at any instance\nwithout any reason whatsover. I might be using \nEdit and gets locked, or i might be at the prompt\nat the same occurs. It happens almost once every 3 times\ni connect the computer, Does Anyone have the slight idea\nwhat's wrong with it?\n\n(If i try to use CTRL-ALT-DEL after that, no response. I have\nto turn it off and back on again)\n\nThanks. Any help will be really appreciated.\n\nE-mail if possible as sometimes i can't access this service.\n\nEnrique\n",
  'From: bks2@cbnewsi.cb.att.com (bryan.k.strouse)\nSubject: NHL PLAYOFF RESULTS FOR GAMES PLAYED 4-19-93\nOrganization: AT&T\nKeywords: Division semis game one\nLines: 77\n\n\n\nNHL PLAYOFF RESULTS FOR 4/19/93.\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n                  CONFERENCE SEMI-FINALS        BEST OF SEVEN\n      PATRICK              ADAMS              NORRIS              SMYTHE\n \n NJ                  BUF   (leads 1-0)   STL   (leads 1-0)   WIN               \n PIT   (leads 1-0)   BOS                 CHI                 VAN   (leads 1-0)\n\n NYI                 MON                 TOR                 LA    (leads 1-0) \n WAS   (leads 1-0)   QUE   (leads 1-0)   DET   (leads 1-0)   CAL              \n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nToronto Maple Leafs                       1   1   1   -   3\nDetroit Red Wings    (leads series 1-0)   1   4   1   -   6\n\n1st period: DET, Yzerman 1 - (Gallant, Ciccarelli) 4:48\n\t    TOR, Cullen 1 - (Clark, Gill) 10:44\n\n2nd period: DET, Sheppard 1 - (Probert, Coffey) (pp) 5:04\n\t    DET, Burr 1 - (Racine) (sh) 6;42\n\t    DET, Chiasson 1 - (Coffey) (pp) 11:00\n\t    DET, Howe 1 - (Yzerman, Drake) 14;46\n\t    TOR, Gilmour 1 - (Borschevsky, Ellett) (pp) 19:59\n\n3rd period: DET, Racine 1 - (Primeau, Drake) 5:10\n\t    TOR, Lefebvre 1 - (Cullen, Pearson) 7:45\n\nPowerplay Opportunities-Maple Leafs 1 of 5\n\t\t\tRed Wings   2 of 6\n\nShots on Goal-\tMaple Leafs   5   9   9  -  23\n\t\tRed Wings    13   8  12  -  33\n\nToronto Maple Leafs--Potvin (0-1) (33 shots - 27 saves)\nDetroit Red Wings--Cheveldae (1-0) (23 shots - 20 saves)\n\nATT-19,875\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWinnipeg Jets                           1   0   1   -   2\nVancouver Canucks  (leads series 1-0)   2   0   2   -   4\n\n1st period: VAN, Adams 1 - (Linden, Bure) (pp) 1:23\n\t    VAN, Craven 1 - (Bure, Murzyn) 9:56\n\t    WIN, Steen 1 - (Shannon, Housley) (pp) 17:53\n\n2nd period: NONE\n\n3rd period: WIN, King 1 - (Barnes) 3:43\n\t    VAN, Linden 1 - (Courtnall, McLean) 12:16\n\t    VAN, Ronning 1 - (Courtnall) 18:31\n\nPowerplay Opportunities-Jets    1 of 3\n\t\t\tCanucks 1 of 6\n\nShots on Goal-\tJets      7   5  10  -  22\n\t\tCanucks   9  12  12  -  33\n\nWinnipeg Jets--Essensa (0-1) (33 shots - 29 saves)\nVancouver Canucks--McLean (1-0) (22 shots - 20 saves)\n\nATT-15,918\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\\|||||/\n-SPIKE-\n\n\n\n',
  "From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: Re: Minority Abuses in Greece.\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 201\n\nIn article <C60B63.G2M@panix.com> mpoly@panix.com (Michael S. Polymenakos) writes:\n\n> Well, ZUMABOT claims just the opposite: That Greeks are not allowing\n>Turks to exit the country. Now, explain this: The number of Turks in\n>Thrace has steadily risen from 50,000 in 23 to 80,000, while the Greeks of\n\nDr. Goebels thought that a lie repeated enough times could finally \nbe believed. I have been observing that 'Poly' has been practicing \nGoebels' rule quite loyally. 'Poly's audience is mostly made of Greeks \nwho are not allowed to listen to Turkish news. However, in today's \ninformed world Greek propagandists can only fool themselves. For \ninstance, those who lived in 1974 will remember the TV news they \nwatched and the newspapers they read and the younger generation can \nread the American newspapers of July and August 1974 to find out what \nreally happened. \n\nThere are in Turkiye the Greek Hospital, The Greek Girls' Lycee \nAlumni Association, the Principo Islands Greek Benevolent Society, \nthe Greek Medical Foundation, the Principo Greek Orphanage Foundation, \nthe Yovakimion Greek Girls' Lycee Foundation, and the Fener Greek \nMen's Lycee Foundation.  \n\nAs for Greece, the longstanding use of the adjective 'Turkish' \nin titles and on signboards is prohibited. The Greek courts \nhave ordered the closure of the Turkish Teachers' Association, \nthe Komotini Turkish Youth Association and the Ksanti \nTurkish Association on grounds that there are no Turks\nin Western Thrace. Such community associations had been \nactive until 1984. But they were first told to remove\nthe word 'Turkish' on their buildings and on their official\npapers and then eventually close down. This is also the \nfinal verdict (November 4, 1987) of the Greek High Court.\n\nIn the city of Komotini, a former Greek Parliamentarian of Turkish\nparentage, was sentenced recently to 18 months of imprisonment\nwith no right to appeal, just for saying outloud that he was\nof Turkish descent. This duly-elected ethnic Turkish official\nwas also deprived of his political rights for a period of three \nyears. Each one of these barbaric acts seems to be none other than \na vehicle, used by the Greek governments, to cover-up their inferiority \ncomplex they display, vis-a-vis, the people of Turkiye. \n\nThe Agreement on the Exchange of Minorities uses the term 'Turks,' \nwhich demonstrates what is actually meant by the previous reference \nto 'Muslims.' The fact that the Greek governments also mention the \nexistence of a few thousand non-Turkish Muslims does not change the \nessential reality that there lives in Western Thrace a much bigger \nTurkish minority. The 'Pomaks' are also a Muslim people, whom all the \nthree nations (Bulgarians, Turks, and Greeks) consider as part of \nthemselves. Do you know how the Muslim Turkish minority was organized \naccording to the agreements? Poor 'Poly.'\n\nIt also proves that the Turkish people are trapped in Greece \nand the Greek people are free to settle anywhere in the world.\nThe Greek authorities deny even the existence of a Turkish\nminority. They pursue the same denial in connection with \nthe Macedonians of Greece. Talk about oppression. In addition,\nin 1980 the 'democratic' Greek Parliament passed Law No. 1091,\nvirtually taking over the administration of the vakiflar and\nother charitable trusts. They have ceased to be self-supporting\nreligious and cultural entities. Talk about fascism. The Greek \ngovernments are attempting to appoint the muftus, irrespective\nof the will of the Turkish minority, as state official. Although\nthe Orthodox Church has full authority in similar matters in\nGreece, the Muslim Turkish minority will have no say in electing\nits religious leaders. Talk about democracy.\n\nThe government of Greece has recently destroyed an Islamic \nconvention in Komotini. Such destruction, which reflects an \nattitude against the Muslim Turkish cultural heritage, is a \nviolation of the Lausanne Convention as well as the 'so-called' \nGreek Constitution, which is supposed to guarantee the protection \nof historical monuments. \n\nThe government of Greece, on the other hand, is building new \nchurches in remote villages as a complementary step toward \nHellenizing the region.\n\nAnd you pondered. Sidiropoulos, the president of the Macedonian Human \nRights Committee, became the latest victim of a tactic long used by \nthe Greeks to silence critics of policies of forced assimilation \nof the Macedonian minority. A forestry official by occupation, \nSidiropoulos has been sent to 'internal exile' on the island of \nKefalonia, hundreds of kilometers away from his native Florina. \nHis employer, the Florina City Council, asked him to depart in \n24 hours. The Greek authorities are trying to punish him for his \ninvolvement in Copenhagen. He returned to Florina by his own choice \nand remains without a job. \n\nHelsinki Watch, a well-known Human Rights group, had been investigating \nthe plight of the Turkish Minority in Greece. In August 1990, their \nfindings were published in a report titled \n\n 'Destroying Ethnic Identity: Turks of Greece.'\n\nThe report confirmed gross violations of the Human Rights of the \nTurkish minority by the Greek authorities. It says for instance, \nthe Greek government recently destroyed an Islamic convent in \nKomotini. Such destruction, which reflects an attitude against \nthe Muslim Turkish cultural heritage, is a violation of the \nLausanne Convention. \n\nThe Turkish cemeteries in the village of Vafeika and in Pinarlik\nwere attacked, and tombstones were broken. The cemetery in\nKarotas was razed by bulldozers.\n\nShall I go on? Why not? The people of Turkiye are not going \nto take human rights lessons from the Greek Government. The \ndiscussion of human rights violations in Greece does not \nstop at the Greek frontier. In several following articles \nI shall dwell on and expose the Greek treatment of Turks\nin Western Thrace and the Aegean Macedonians.\n\nIt has been reported that the Greek Cypriot administration \nhas an intense desire for arms and that Greece has made \nplans to supply it with the tanks and armored vehicles it \nhas to destroy in accordance with the agreement reached on \nconventional arms reductions in Europe. Meanwhile, Greek \nand Greek Cypriot officials are reported to have planned \nto take ostentatious measures aimed at camouflaging the \ntransfer of these tanks and armored vehicles to southern \nCyprus, a process that will conflict with the spirit of \nthe agreement on conventional arms reduction in Europe.\n\nAn acceptable method may certainly be found when there\nis a will. But we know of various kinds of violent\nbehaviors ranging from physical attacks to the burning\nof buildings. The rugs at the Amfia village mosque were \ndragged out to the front of the building and burnt there. \nShots were fired on the mosque in the village of Aryana.\n\nNow wait, there is more.\n\n  'Greek Atrocities in the Vilayet of Smyrna (May to July 1919), Inedited\n  Documents and Evidence of English and French Officers,' Published by\n  The Permanent Bureau of the Turkish Congress at Lausanne, Lausanne,\n  Imprimerie Petter, Giesser & Held, Caroline, 5 (1919).\n\n  pages 82-83:\n\n<< 1. The train going from Denizli to Smyrna was stopped at Ephesus\n   and the 90 Turkish travellers, men and women who were in it ordered\n   to descend. And there in the open street, under the eyes of their\n   husbands, fathers and brothers, the women without distinction of age\n   were violated, and then all the travellers were massacred. Amongst\n   the latter the Lieutenant Salih Effendi, a native of Tripoli, and a\n   captain whose name is not known, and to whom the Hellenic authorities\n   had given safe conduct, were killed with specially atrocious tortures.\n\n   2. Before the battle, the wife of the lawyer Enver Bey coming from\n   her garden was maltreated by Greek soldiers, she was even stript\n   of her garments and her servant Assie was violated.\n\n   3. The two tax gatherers Mustapha and Ali Effendi were killed in the\n   following manner: Their arms were bound behind their backs with wire\n   and their heads were battered and burst open with blows from the butt\n   end of a gun.\n\n   4. During the firing of the town, eleven children, six little girls\n   and five boys, fleeing from the flames, were stopped by Greek soldiers\n   in the Ramazan Pacha quarter, and thrown into a burning Jewish house\n   near bridge, where they were burnt alive. This fact is confirmed on oath\n   by the retired commandant Hussein Hussni Effendi who saw it.\n\n   5. The clock-maker Ahmed Effendi and his son Sadi were arrested and\n   dragged out of their shop. The son had his eyes put out and was then\n   killed in the court of the Greek Church, but Ahmed Effendi has been\n   no more heard of.\n\n   6. At the market, during the fire, two unknown people were wounded\n   by bayonets, then bound together, thrown into the fire and burnt alive.\n\n   The Greeks killed also many Jews. These are the names of some:\n\n  Moussa Malki, shoemaker          killed\n  Bohor Levy, tailor               killed\n  Bohor Israel, cobbler            killed\n  Isaac Calvo, shoemaker           killed\n  David Aroguete                   killed\n  Moussa Lerosse                   killed\n  Gioia Katan                      killed\n  Meryem Malki                     killed\n  Soultan Gharib                   killed\n  Isaac Sabah                      wounded\n  Moche Fahmi                      wounded\n  David Sabah                      wounded\n  Moise Bensignor                  killed\n  Sarah Bendi                      killed\n  Jacob Jaffe                      wounded\n  Aslan Halegna                    wounded....>>\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n\n",
  'From: kfl@access.digex.com (Keith F. Lynch)\nSubject: Glutamate\nOrganization: Express Access Public Access UNIX, Greenbelt, Maryland USA\nLines: 10\nNNTP-Posting-Host: access.digex.net\n\nIn article <lso15qINNkpr@news.bbn.com> sher@bbn.com (Lawrence D. Sher) writes:\n> From the N.E.J.Med.  editorial:  "The dicarboxylic amino acid glutamate\n> is not only an essential amino acid ...\n\nGlutamate is not an essential amino acid.  People can survive quite well\nwithout ever eating any.\n-- \nKeith Lynch, kfl@access.digex.com\n\nf p=2,3:2 s q=1 x "f f=3:2 q:f*f>p!\'q  s q=p#f" w:q p,?$x\\8+1*8\n',
  "From: cdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares)\nSubject: Re: Blast them next time\nOrganization: Stratus Computer, Inc.\nLines: 22\nDistribution: usa\nNNTP-Posting-Host: rocket.sw.stratus.com\n\nIn article <1r19l9$7dv@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>, oldham@ces.cwru.edu (Daniel Oldham) writes:\n\n> The BATF needs more people, better weapons and more armored\n> transports. When they meet hostile fire they should be able to use\n> more force instead of retreating to a stand off. If you are going to\n> do a job then do it right. The BATF is there to protect us and they\n> must have the proper equipment and people to do the job.\n\nThe BATF is there to collect taxes, not to protect your sorry ass or mine.\n\n> With the WoD and the increased crime in the streets the BATF is needed\n> more now then ever. If they blast away a few good fokes then that is\n> the price we all have to pay for law and order in this country. \n\nAll flame-bait, of course.  If you really want to be flame bait, send me\nyour address and I'll tell the BATF about those automatic weapons you\nhave stockpiled.  You'll be warm in no time.\n-- \n\ncdt@rocket.sw.stratus.com   --If you believe that I speak for my company,\nOR cdt@vos.stratus.com        write today for my special Investors' Packet...\n\n",
  'From: un034214@wvnvms.wvnet.edu\nSubject: M-MOTION VIDEO CARD: YUV to RGB ?\nOrganization: West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing\nLines: 21\n\nI am trying to convert an m-motion (IBM) video file format YUV to RGB \ndata...\n\nTHE Y portion is a byte from 0-255\nTHE V is a byte -127-127\nTHe color is U and V\nand the intensity is Y\n\nDOes anyone have any ideas for algorhtyms or programs ?\n\nCan someone tell me where to get info on the U and V of a television signal ?\n\nIF you need more info reply at the e-mail address...\nBasically what I am doing is converting a digital NTSC format to RGB (VGA)\nfor displaying captured video pictures.\n\nThanks.\n\n\nTHE U is a byte -127-127\n\n',
  'From: rj3s@Virginia.EDU ("Get thee to a nunnery.....")\nSubject: Re: Israel\'s Expansion II\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nLines: 67\n\nwaldo@cybernet.cse.fau.edu  writes:\n> ab4z@Virginia.EDU ("Andi Beyer") writes:\n> \n> > waldo@cybernet.cse.fau.edu  writes:\n> > > ab4z@Virginia.EDU ("Andi Beyer") writes:\n> > > \n> > > > First of all I never said the Holocaust. I said before the\n> > > > Holocaust. I\'m not ignorant of the Holocaust and know more\n> > > > about Nazi Germany than most people (maybe including you). \n> > > \n> > > Uh Oh!  The first sign of an argument without merit--the stating of one\'s \n> > > "qualifications" in an area.  If you know something about Nazi Germany, \n> > > show it.  If you don\'t, shut up.  Simple as that.\n> > > \n> > > > \tI don\'t think the suffering of some Jews during WWII\n> > > > justifies the crimes commited by the Israeli government. Any\n> > > > attempt to call Civil liberterians like myself anti-semetic is\n> > > > not appreciated.\n> > > \n> > > ALL Jews suffered during WWII, not just our beloved who perished or were \n> > > tortured.  We ALL suffered.  Second, the name-calling was directed against\n> > > YOU, not civil-libertarians in general.  Your name-dropping of a fancy\n> > > sounding political term is yet another attempt to "cite qualifications" \n> > > in order to obfuscate your glaring unpreparedness for this argument.  Go \n> > > back to the minors, junior.\n> > \tAll humans suffered emotionally, some Jews and many\n> > others suffered physically. It is sad that people like you are\n> > so blinded by emotions that they can\'t see the facts. Thanks\n> > for calling me names, it only assures me of what kind of\n> > ignorant people I am dealing with. I included your letter since\n> > I thought it demonstrated my point more than anything I could\n> > write. \n> \n> -----\n> When you\'re willing to actually support something you say with fact or \n> argument rather than covering up your own inadequacies with feigned \n> offense, let me know.  Otherwise, back to your own league, son.\n  I have never seen such immaturity among semitophiles.  This\nAndi Beyer character shows no signs of anti semitism, yet\nbecause he deviates from the norm of accepted opinion, you\nattack him.  Why did not anyone venture to answer Andi\'s\nquestion in an intelligent and unoffending manner?  The only\nones guilty here of not backing up there viewpoints with fact\nare the Israelophiles.  Now will we please start having some\nINTELLIGENT conversation?  You all are an insult to you race!\n{assuming you are also semitic}\n\tNow I have a comment concerning Israeli terrorism\nduring the 1930\'s and 1940\'s.  The Hirgun, and other branch -\noff militant groups, did fight the British do get them out of\nPalestine.  Yet I fail to see how this Israeli form of\nterrorism was better than the terrorism practiced now by the\nArabs.  These Jewish terrorist groups killed innocent British\nsoldiers, but not only thta also killed many Jews who were in\nfavor of a compromise with the Palestinians.  In addition, they\nmassacred an entire Palestinian village in 1948, contributing\nto the exodus of the frightened Palestinians who feared their\nvery lives.\n\tI mention this not because I\'m anti semitic [I\'m part\nJewish] but because this self righteousness on the part of the\nIsraelites pisses me off so.  I\'m not as critical of the\nPalestinians because they were indeed screwed over by the\nJews.  It \'s a damn shame that the Palestinians had to pay for\nGerman and European anti semitism.\n\n\t\t\t\tPissed off at Immature,\n                          Closeminded, Self righteous\n\t\t\t\tSemites\n',
  'From: kilman2y@fiu.edu (Yevgeny (Gene) Kilman)\nSubject: Re: USAToday ad ("family values")\nOrganization: Florida International University, Miami\nLines: 15\n\nIn article <C4rzz2.47J@unix.portal.com> danb@shell.portal.com (Dan E Babcock) writes:\n>There was a funny ad in USAToday from "American Family Association".\n>I\'ll post a few choice parts for your enjoyment (all emphases is in\n>the ad; I\'m not adding anything). All the typos are mine. :)\n\n[Dan\'s article deleted]\n\nI found the same add in our local Sunday newspaper.\nThe add was placed in the ..... cartoon section!\nThe perfect place for it ! :-)\n\nY.K.\n\n\n\n',
  'From: tclock@orion.oac.uci.edu (Tim Clock)\nSubject: Re: ISLAM BORDERS vs Israeli borders\nNntp-Posting-Host: orion.oac.uci.edu\nOrganization: University of California, Irvine\nLines: 56\n\nIn article <C50wJJ.J4r@newsflash.concordia.ca> ilyess@ECE.Concordia.CA (Ilyess Bdira) writes:\n>In article <4805@bimacs.BITNET> ehrlich@bimacs.BITNET (Gideon Ehrlich) writes:\n>>\n>>What are the borders the Islamic world dreams about ??\n>\n>The Islamic world dreams of being the whole planet, but not by kicking\n>the current inhabitant out, we rather deam of the day everybody converts.\n>If Jews had the same dream, I would not feel threatened a bit.\n\nThere certainly are muslims who *do not* believe that their dream of \na global Islamic community should be achieved through force. There are, \nhowever, others (and, they are often far more visible/vocal than the \nformer) who *do* accept the establishment of global Islam through force. \nI  would *not* feel threatened by those only accepting or pursuing \n"Islamicization" through peaceful means, nor by Jews advocating the same\napproach. Those advocating force as a means of expanding their side\'s\npower are certainly a threat.\n\nTo Palestinians, Israel is doing just that; maintaining its dominance\nof those *outside* its own "group". If I am told that "I am not one of\nyou" but you then impose your control on me, damn right you are a threat.\nIf I am a member of a non-muslim minority *inside* the Islamic\nworld and *actively did not* accept my "minority" status, I *would also \ncertainly* see Islam\'s domination as having been acheived, and maintained, \nthrough the powerful coercive force all majorities wield over minorities\nwithin their ranks.\n>>\n>>Islamic readers, I am waiting to your honest answer.\n>\n>I want also a honest answer from Zionists for the following questions:\n\nI am not a zionist, but do feel that *both* Jewish and Palestinian\nnationalist desires need, at this juncture, to be accepted in some way.\n>\n>1)why do jews who don\'t even believe in God (as is the case with many\n>of the founders of secular zionism) have a right in Palestine more\n>than the inhabitants of Palestine, just because God gave you the land?\n>\t\t\t\t\t\t***\nFor the same reason that some muslims believe it is proper and righteous\nfor Islam to be spread by force upon those who DO NOT WANT THAT. \n\n>2)Why do most of them speak of the west bank as theirs while most of\n>the inhabitants are not Jews and do not want to be part of Israel?\n\n[I refer to the "most" you also refer to] \nBecause they are scared, and feel very threatened, as well feeling that \nthis area *is* to some degree part of their belief/religion/heritage/\nidentity/etc.\n\nI too strongly object to those that justify Israeli "rule" \nof those who DO NOT WANT THAT. The "occupied territories" are not\nIsrael\'s to control, to keep, or to dominate.\n>\nTim\n\n\n',
  'From: Jeff.Cook@FtCollinsCO.NCR.COM (Jeff Cook)\nSubject: Re: Vandalizing the sky.\nOrganization: none\nLines: 51\nIn-reply-to: enzo@research.canon.oz.au\'s message of 20 Apr 93 22:36:55 GMT\n\nIn article <C5t05K.DB6@research.canon.oz.au> enzo@research.canon.oz.au (Enzo Liguori) writes:\n\n>Now, Space Marketing\n>is working with University of Colorado and Livermore engineers on\n>a plan to place a mile-long inflatable billboard in low-earth\n>orbit.  NASA would provide contractual launch services. However,\n>since NASA bases its charge on seriously flawed cost estimates\n>(WN 26 Mar 93) the taxpayers would bear most of the expense. This\n>may look like environmental vandalism, but Mike Lawson, CEO of\n>Space Marketing, told us yesterday that the real purpose of the\n>project is to help the environment! The platform will carry ozone\n>monitors he explained--advertising is just to help defray costs.\n\nHow could this possibly be "environmental vandalism" when there is no\n"environment" to vandalize up there?\n\nSince the advertising "is just to help defray costs", it\'s certainly no\nsurprise that "the taxpayers would bear most of the expense".  Sounds\nlike a good idea to me, since the taxpayers would bear _all_ of the\nexpense if they didn\'t do the advertising.\n\n>What do you think of this revolting and hideous attempt to vandalize\n>the night sky?\n\nGreat idea, they should have done it long ago.\n\n>What about light pollution in observations? (I read somewhere else that\n>it might even be visible during the day, leave alone at night).\n\nI can\'t believe that a mile-long billboard would have any significant\neffect on the overall sky brightness.  Venus is visible during the day,\nbut nobody complains about that.  Besides, it\'s in LEO, so it would only\nbe visible during twilight when the sky is already bright, and even if\nit would have some miniscule impact, it would be only for a short time\nas it goes zipping across the sky.\n\n>Are protesting groups being organized in the States?\n\nNo doubt.  People are always looking for something to protest about, so\nit would be no surprise.\n\n>Really, really depressed.\n\nWell, look on the, er, bright side.  Imagine the looks on the faces of\npeople in primitive tribes out in the middle of nowhere as they look up\nand see a can of Budweiser flying across the sky... :-D\n\n--\n\nJeff Cook                                  Jeff.Cook@FtCollinsCO.NCR.com\n\n',
  'Subject: Re: Western Digital HD info needed\nFrom: oharad@wanda.waiariki.ac.nz\nDistribution: world\nLines: 28\n\n\nIn article <9304172194@jester.GUN.de>, michael@jester.GUN.de (Michael Gerhards) writes:\n> Holly       KS (cs3sd3ae@maccs.mcmaster.ca) wrote:\n>> My Western Digital also has three sets of pins on the back. I am using it with\n>> another hard drive as well and the settings for the jumpers were written right \n>> on the circuit board of the WD drive......MA SL ??\n> \n> The ??-jumper is used, if the other drive a conner cp3xxx. \n> \n> no jumper set: drive is alone\n> MA: drive is master\n> SL: drive is slave\n\nyo,yo,yo .\nthe western digital hd will hve it marked either s,m,a\nput jumper on the s "its printed on the circuitry underkneth it.\n\nhope i helped i had the same problem.\nbye..\nlater daze.\noharad@wanda.waiariki.ac.nz\n\n\n> \n> Michael\n> --\n> *  michael@jester.gun.de  *   Michael Gerhards   *   Preussenstrasse 59  *\n>                           *  Germany 4040 Neuss  *  Voice: 49 2131 82238 *\n',
  'From: hades@coos.dartmouth.edu (Brian V. Hughes)\nSubject: Re: Installing RAM in a Quadra 800\nReply-To: hades@Dartmouth.Edu\nOrganization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH\nDisclaimer: Personally, I really don\'t care who you think I speak for.\nModerator: Rec.Arts.Comics.Info\nLines: 55\n\ntruesdel@ics.uci.edu (Scott Truesdell) writes:\n\n>This is an aside to Brian Hughes\'s (please, let\'s lose the cute phony names\n>everybody) posting about adding memory to a Quadra 800.\n\n    What phony names? My name is clearly visible in the headers, and I\nsing the post with my account name. If you have a problem with that,\nthen you will have to get over it. I\'ve used this account name for over\n10 years and the people who have been reading newsgroups for the last 7\ngenerally recognize "Hades" as my account name. I have no intention of\nchanging the way I post.\n\n>I installed a couple of 16MB SIMMs in my Quadra and was somewhat dismayed\n>by the general complexity of the operation compared to, for example, the\n>wonderfully designed LC III. It irritates me when Apple refuses to tell how\n>to do it in the User\'s Manual so you have to guess at how to disassemble\n>the devise in question (it\'s the same for adding memory to LaserWriter\n>Pro\'s).\n\n    It isn\'t Apple\'s responsibility to tell its customers how to fool\naround with it\'s hardware. That is what Apple Service Techs get paid to\ndo. I personally like the design of the Q800, and applaud Apple for\ncoming up with a good way to make use of the front space for all of\nthose drive bays. I like it a lot better than the 900/950 design, except\nfor those people who need Drive Arrays. I do, however, agree with you\nabout the LW Pro design.\n\n>The operation isn\'t very complicated if even a minimal amount of help were\n>offered but Apple leaves you working blind.\n\n    Again, its\'s not Apple\'s place to make it easy for non-certified\nservice people to fool around with Apple hardware, even if they did buy\nit. Of course you are free to do what you want to your Mac, just don\'t\nget upset when your Apple Service Rep tells you that your warranty is no\nlonger valid.\n\n>After the memory was installed I was distraught that the top of the SIMMs\n>came into contact with the plastic case frame. Mine actually contacted the\n>framework with quite a lot of pressure -- enough so that the assembly of\n>the board back to the proper position was rather difficult and required\n>some force. I could have filed a little excess material off the top of the\n>SIMM boards but chose to let it stand as is. I have not had problems with\n>RAM yet so I will consider the problem annoying but not catastrophic.\n\n    This sounds like the kind of problem I had when I installed 4MB\nSIMMs into an LC, back before low-profile 4MB SIMMs were readily\navailable. The standard 4MB SIMMs would contact the top of the case and\nmake it a bit difficult to close the LC, but it did close and work just\nfine. One of the nice things about Logic-Boards is that they are\ngenerally quite flexible and can withstand a fair amount of pressure.\n\n-Hades\n\n\n\n',
  'From: goudswaa@fraser.sfu.ca (Peter Goudswaard)\nSubject: What is REGLOAD.EXE?\nKeywords: regload\nOrganization: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada\nLines: 15\n\nPerusing through my Windows 3.1 directory, I came across a file\ncalled REGLOAD.EXE.  I assume this is part of the registration\ndatabase, but neither my Windows manual, Win Resource Kit, nor\nPC Mag\'s description of files in the Windows directory had a\nreference to it.  At least not one that I could find.  Does\nREGEDIT.EXE use it?  Or am I way off base?\n\n-- \n Peter Goudswaard                  _________                     _________\n goudswaa@sfu.ca (preferred)      |         |      __/^\\__      |         |\n pgoudswa@cln.etc.bc.ca           |         |      \\     /      |         |\n pgoudswa@cue.bc.ca               |         |   _/\\_\\   /_/\\_   |         |\n                                  |         |   >           <   |         |\n "There\'s no gift like the present"         |    >_________<    |         |\n    - Goudswaard\'s observation    |_________|         |         |_________|\n',
  'From: cdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares)\nSubject: Re: [long]: Gun Hearings Day in Massachusetts (April 7)\nOrganization: Stratus Computer, Inc.\nLines: 263\nDistribution: usa\nNNTP-Posting-Host: rocket.sw.stratus.com\n\n[This is a co-authored report from two of us who were there.]\n\nGun Owners Action League, our state rifle association, started the day\nwith a rally in the secluded courtyard behind the statehouse at 9:30.\nIt was looking sparse (about 40 people) until the speaker began,\nwhereupon about 120 more people followed the loudspeakers from\nwherever they had been lost, and filled out the area something proud.\n\nMike Yacino of GOAL spoke.  One of his best throwaway lines was to\nremind us that all of us holders of carry permits there had been\nchecked and certified clear of all crimes by the state; while the\npeople in the Statehouse behind us only had to be certified clean of\n"election fraud" to hold their jobs.\n\nNancy Snow and Amos Hamburger were busy handing out ID buttons and\nsheets describing all the bills to be presented at the hearings, and\ntelling people where to find their own representatives (and in too\nmany cases, who they were).\n\nMike warned us that the committee was going to suspend its rules and\ndiscuss a bill that hadn\'t made it onto the official list.  It seems a\ndelegation of students from Simon\'s Rock of Bard College (alma mater\nof Wayne Lo, who shot up the place with an SKS late last year) was\nbeing bussed in to testify for a bill to ban all sales of firearms or\nammo to anyone who is not a state resident.\n\nThe hearings were originally scheduled in the (large) Gardner\nAuditorium at 10:30, but that had been pre-empted by the Governor\'s\nhearings on the Framingham Eight (women in prison for killing abusive\nhusbands, and seeking release).  So we had until 1:30 to buttonhole\nour representatives, after which we would be squashed into an\ninadequate hearing room.\n\nOne of my representatives\' staffers was somewhat offensively smarmy.\nHe said, "Oh, it must be gun hearings day again!  The gun lobby is\nalways so organized every year."  I got a little pissed, and replied,\n"I\'m not from the gun lobby -- I\'m from your district."\n\nAt 12:30, your second reporter arrived in time to notice a\ndemonstration going on in front of the statehouse (where the\npro-gunners weren\'t).  Randy Price from the TV News was there, in his\nmirror reflective shades, talking to one of the anti-gun types, and\nseveral Simon\'s Rock anti-gun "close-the-loophole" protestors.\n(Earlier, Randy had covered the GOAL rally.)\n\nThe room we had been assigned seated about 50.  Remember, there were\nabout 160 gun owners there, plus another 20-30 students and teachers\nfrom Bard.  One of us had already reserved a seat; the other never got\ncloser than the atrium outside -- and there was a crowd behind HIM.  A\ncop took up station at the entrance and prevented the rest of the\ncrowd from coming in.  Soon after the debate started, a loudspeaker\nwas set up outside in the hall for the benefit of everyone else.\n\nEveryone who was there (inside and outside) got to sign up on a sheet\nsaying what their position was on which bills.  Most of us signed up\nto "support GOAL\'s position" on "all bills."\n\nFirst, because of their time constraints, public officials got to\ntestify.  And first up was the bill that nobody had seen (the students\nhad some curfew, I guess).  \n\nCurrently, Massachusetts law allows a non-resident to purchase long\nguns or ammo from a local dealer provided he complies with the laws of\nhis own state.  Previously, the law was similar, but applied only to\nnon-residents from states adjoining Massachusetts.  The Simon\'s Rock\nfolks called the current law a "loophole" and wanted it closed.\n\nTwo of their reps spoke about Wayne Lo and his "SKS assault rifle."\nThe second one, Hodgekiss, a co-sponsor, had done his homework so well\nthat he kept confusing Montana (Wayne Lo\'s home state) with Missouri,\nand became belligerent when about five gun owners in the gallery\ncorrected him after his second muff.  Carr, from Gloucester, claimed\nthat the new bill would put the law back the way it was, but he was\nlying: the new bill allows purchases by non-residents of adjoining\nstates ONLY if they have licensing in their own state "as strong as"\nthat in Massachusetts.  Since none of them do, that\'s that.\n\nSome of the things these two said were really offensive.  "In some of\nthese other states, anyone can buy a gun as long as he\'s breathing!"\n(Oooooo!)  "We have some very, very good gun laws in Massachusetts; if\nonly the other states would adopt the same type of laws, we wouldn\'t\nbe having this situation -- but they won\'t."  (Naughty, naughty!)\n\nNext up was Boston city councilman Albert "Dapper" O\'Neill.  He was\nthere to testify pro-gun, but in some ways he was a liability.  He\'s\nreasonably elderly and tends to wander and repeat himself, plus he\'s\nalmost a caricature of a law-n-order politician.  He badmouthed the\nACLU, said violent criminals should be executed, and that if he were\njudge, he\'d give arrestees their "last rights" (pun intended) on the\nspot (at which many of the gun owners applauded, which bothered me.)\nHe said that all the proposed gun restrictions were a step in the\nright direction -- for the criminals.  He said this FOUR times :-(\n\nTwo of the bills under consideration would allow police to rescind a\nCCW or FID, and confiscate all your guns, if someone had filed a\nrestraining order against you.  (Note that the filing of a restraining\norder requires no warrant, no hearing, no evidence, and no conviction\n-- just an accusation.)  Senator Barrett of Reading testified in favor\nof it, and patronized the pro-gunners there several times by saying,\n"I\'m sure all the gun owners here will agree with me that we have to\nget these weapons out of the hands of people that our courts have\nconvicted."  I haven\'t seen such a disgustingly disingenuous\nperformance since Nixon whined that he wasn\'t a crook.\n\nBarrett also spoke in favor of the bill making the FID card renewable\nevery five years, instead of permanent as it is now.  The stated\npurpose is to remove FID cards from those who have become ineligible.\n"Revenue has nothing to do with it."  (Yeah, right.)  Apparently, some\ncongressmen think we\'re stupid enough to swallow the argument that\nit\'s preferable to process 1.6 million renewals every cycle in the\nvague hope of catching a recent felon than to simply take the goddamn\ncard away from a criminal at conviction time.  As usual, hassle the\nlaw-abiding instead of the crook.\n\nThe two co-chairs of the committee were Rep. Caron and Sen. Jujuga.\nJujuga didn\'t say much (he was a co-sponsor of both "restraining\norder" bills) but Caron struck me as a sharp guy that wouldn\'t let any\nbad logic or lies on the part of either side to go unchallenged.  (He \nwas a co-sponsor of one of the "restraining order" bills as well.)  One\nof the younger reps on the committee (forgot his name) was\nvociferously pro-gun, somewhat embarrassingly so.  His heart was in\nthe right place, but his arguments seemed to be confined to, "every\nyear it\'s the same damn thing, you come in here with this crap..."\nIt\'s nice to have a friend on the committee, but he could have been\nmore effective.\n\nAt about 3:00, it was clear that the hall-jam couldn\'t continue.\nSomeone came out of another meeting hall and yelled at the cop because\nthe loudspeaker was disturbing their meeting, so the loudspeaker was\ndisconnected.  So they found a bigger hall upstairs.  One of us had\nto leave to catch his charter bus, and so missed the "public"\ntestimony; the other got a seat this time.\n\nCaron began by talking about how he got his FID 16 years ago, left the\nstate, and then returned without notifying them of his address change.\nHe complained that the state record system was not up-to-date and that\nhis PD back in his city of birth still thought he lived there.  Great\nquote: "If you purchase a gun today, it will not get into the state\ncomputer system until 1999."  (This was also an argument he used\nagainst the renewable FID card.)\n\nTestimony was heard from several "battered women," one of whom had\nbeen attacked by some guy in his 20\'s who had an FID card because he\ngot it when he was 15 or thereabouts.  They used a lot of emotion and\nsaid how they were scared of these men.  A staffer of Attorney General\nHarshbarger testified in favor of this anti-gun bill, saying how\n50,000 restraining orders were granted last year, and how these women\nneeded to be protected.  Caron noted that a restraining order was\ngranted for 10 days, and then a hearing was held to determine whether\nthe order would be extended to a year.  He asked whether she would be\nsatisfied if the FID were revoked at the time of this hearing rather\nthan after the initial issuance of the FID.  She gave some long\nrambling circumlocution in response.\n\nThen testimony against the bill was heard.  Mike Yacino (who looks\nsomething like Einstein) got up and made the point that restraining\norders were issued on too little evidence, that judges like to issue\nrestraining orders just to let things cool off no matter who they\nthink is right (man or woman), and that the hearings for restraining\norders are lightning sessions with little time to consider facts.\nAtty. Karen McNutt spoke with him a few times during his testimony.\n\nOther pro-gunners got up to testify.  One said he had had to file a\nrestraining order against a tenant to clear her out, and that she\ncountered by filing one against him!  He noted that this would have\nallowed the state to confiscate his guns if the new bill became law.\nOne of the junior reps noted that "this is America" and we have to be\ncertain that individual rights are respected.  Senator Jujuga\nreiterated this, saying that "people who abuse smaller people can go\nto Hell as far as I care, but we have to be careful about equating\nconviction with a restraining order."  (Point and match, Senator.)\n\nAnother pro-gunner got up and testified that he didn\'t know his\ncitizenship "expired every 5 years," and that a driver\'s license was a\nprivilege, not a right like the right to keep and bear arms.\n\nA third got up and said the problem was with the criminal justice\nsystem, and argued in favor of a death penalty bill and public\nhangings.  Senator Jujuga said he had himself tried to get a death\npenalty bill passed, and joking responded that he, too, favored public\nhangings.  The speaker then responded, "I\'ll make you a deal.  You get\nme the rope, and I\'ll tie the noose."\n\nNext came public testimony on the Simon\'s Rock bill.  A teacher\ntestified that she had been the teacher of Wayne Lo, and that "he\nwouldn\'t have been able to shoot people inside a building while he was\noutside" without his evil gun.  She said that the "loophole" should be\nclosed to prevent something like this from "ever happening again".\n\nFour or five other kids testified in favor of this bill, one of\nspilling tears for the good legislators.  One of the students actually\nshot by Wayne Lo was also there.  Many of them had T shirts on,\nsaying, "As long as one person can buy a gun in anger, none of us are\nsafe -- support gun control."  The committee was reluctant to grill or\ncorrect the kids, except for Caron, who corrected one student who had\nclaimed that anyone could apply for an FID.  "Only residents can get\nFID\'s," he said.  (How much do you want to bet that this kid had no\nidea he had been conned into testifying for a bill that would cut\nout-of-staters completely off?)\n\nYacino and McNutt spoke again, this time noting that the bill as\nwritten would affect both ammo AND ALL guns possessed by\nout-of-staters.  Karen also noted that hunters in CT, NH, and VT could\nbe put away for a year if they wandered across the MA boundary\nsomewhere in the woods and got challenged by game wardens.  Yacino\nunderscored the fact that Lo COULD have gotten an FID as a resident\nstudent -- and, hell, even an CCW, as he had NO criminal or mental\nrecord.\n\nOne junior rep was upset that it would take MA residents longer to buy\na gun than out-of-staters, and thought it was "elitist".  Another\n(Caron?) said that we need the protection of preventing non-residents\nfrom buying without an FID because only two other states in the union\nhad "FID-type" cards, so complying with all the laws of one\'s home\nstate was "not enough."  One pro-gun speaker replied that this\nresembled a mother watching her son in a marching band and exclaiming,\n"Everyone\'s out of step but Johnny!"\n\nAll the Bard College people were filing out as the pro-gun testimony\nfor this bill was made, and thus only pro-gunners were around when the\nother bills came under consideration.  The main bills remaining (and\nGOAL\'s position) were:\n\no  H.4375 and four others: Notify police chiefs so they can pull \n   licenses when a holder is convicted (strongly supported)\n\no  H.1732: Require trigger locks on all handguns sold (opposed)\n\no  H.962: Require trigger locks on all loaded firearms (strongly\n   opposed)\n\no  H.1350: Allow every municipality to enact their own gun laws \n   (opposed)\n\no  H.1731: Fund bullet-proof vests for municipal police (supported)\n\no  S.1097: State Constitutional Amendment for the RKBA (supported)\n\no  Several on police discretion in the issuance of FID cards (opposed)\n\no  Several altering non-resident license conditions (supported)\n\no  H.1135: Ban damn near all guns everywhere in the state (guess!)\n\nSome of these took only 30 seconds to consider, as the remaining\npro-gunners raised hands in unison either for or against them.\n\nMike Yacino noted that, besides the danger in screwing with a trigger\nlock on a loaded gun, that bill would make it illegal for a licensee\nto carry his concealed handgun unless it were locked.\n\nCaron blew right through H.1350 when he saw that we opposed it.\nAgain, he brought up the state\'s archaic records capability and said,\n"This would create hundreds of different licensing systems."\n\nThe session ran late -- since it was the last scheduled hearing, it\ncould not be adjourned until everyone who wanted to had testified.  It\nended at about 6:30.\n-- \n\ncdt@rocket.sw.stratus.com   --If you believe that I speak for my company,\nOR cdt@vos.stratus.com        write today for my special Investors\' Packet...\n\n',
  'From: wongda@eecg.toronto.edu (Daniel Y.H. Wong)\nSubject: LOOKING FOR THE LATEST ACTIX DRIVERS FOR WINDOWS\nOrganization: Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada\nDistribution: comp\nLines: 14\n\nHi, anyone have the latest drivers for the Actix Graphics Accelerator Card? \n(32 plus) The one I have (version 1.21) seem to have a lot of problems. \nI believe the latest version is 1.3 and would someone please \nupload it to some ftp site so that I can download it. \n\nThanks \n\n\n-- \n\n\nDaniel Y.H. Wong\t\t\t\t\tUofT:(416)978-1659\nwongda@picton.eecg.toronto.edu\t\t\t\tElectrical Engineering\n--\n',
  'From: ez027993@dale.ucdavis.edu (Gary The Burgermeister Huckabay)\nSubject: Call for Votes - DTBL MVP and CY.  Please vote!\nArticle-I.D.: ucdavis.C52s31.49q\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: Harold Brooks Hot & Sour Soup Club, Ltd.\nLines: 79\n\nThe regular season of the 1992-93 Davis Tabletop Baseball League has\njust come to an end.  To help us with next year\'s league, I would\nappreciate it if you would take a couple of minutes and vote for\nour league MVP and CY winners.  These awards, and players\' standings\nin them, will inflate their salaries for next year\'s league.\n \nPlease vote for 5 in each category, in order.  For example...\n \n1.  Barry Bonds\n2.  Frank Thomas\n3.  Biff Pocoroba\n4.  Shooty Babitt\n5.  "Lips" Lundy.\n \nPlease do NOT vote for pitchers in MVP voting for this league.  Each team\nin the league gets one candidate for MVP, and one for CY.  Defensive\nposition is listed where applicable, along with an abbreviation of\ntheir performance there (E=Excellent, V=Very Good, A=Average, \nP=Poor, B=Very Poor) Thanks... please reply by April 10.\nFor the record - the season was 144 games long.  Thanks for your help.\n \nMVP Candidates\n \nName       G  AB  H   2B 3B HR  R  RBI BB  K   SB  CS  IBB  BA/OBP/SLG DEF\nGriffey   124 338 99  27 0  16 44  64  39  50  0   0   16  293/362/515 8-P\nEMartinez 139 562 176 55 3  14 85  87  44  77  14  5   6   313/359/496 5-A\nSandberg  137 559 163 35 6  20 100 102 64  67  4   1   2   292/360/483 4-V\nVentura   144 562 161 32 0  9  83  59  80  61  0   1   3   286/374/391 5-E\nMcGriff   148 533 150 25 1  33 89  98  102 132 0   3   20  281/398/518 3-P\nMcGwire   138 487 134 31 1  34 108 104 128 100 0   3   38  275/425/552 3-E\nRAlomar   127 515 159 23 8  5  85  34  70  67  54 11   1   309/389/414 4-P\nDykstra   144 582 157 27 1  3  94  60  65  67  89 20   3   270/339/335 8-A\nButler    137 534 158 13 13 1  82  50  83  69  13 19   0   296/386/375 8-B\nDeer      119 425 103 26 1  33 66  75  44  141 1   3   2   242/311/541 9-V\nBonds     145 465 143 39 4  33 128 101 187 62  23  5   68  308/502/622 7-E\nHrbek     129 423 112 21 0  12 62  52  80  77  1   0   2   265/380/400 3-P\nJGonzalez 135 543 121 17 1  38 59  85  28  146 0   0   2   223/259/468 8-B\n \nSome players missed time due to injuries, others were sat down at the end\nto avoid the possibility of injury.  There are better players than those \non this list, but each team gets one and only one candidate.  Some players\nplayed more than 144 games due to being traded to teams with more games\nleft in the same time span.  Now, on to the pitchers...\n \nName       ERA  G   W L  S   IP    H  BB   K   HR   GS  CG  ShO  WP\nDMartinez  3.01 30 15 8  0  209.1 173 76  124  12   30   2   0   2\nDibble     0.80 37 0  2  25 33.2  21  8    46  1    0    0   0   0\nRijo       3.40 26 13 7  0  177.1 175 56  133  12   26   5   1   5\nMussina    2.92 29 15 7  0  206.2 167 46  119  15   29   3   1   2\nBenes      3.24 28 14 9  0  194.1 172 53  127  13   28   4   1   1\nKHill      2.93 27 16 7  0  196.2 144 64  166  20   26   8   3   1\nSmoltz     3.62 28 11 11 0  186.1 177 66  158  9    28   6   1   7\nCone       3.46 28 14 7  0  197.2 152 103 193  10   28   7   1   5\nDrabek     2.79 29 13 10 0  206.2 166 55  131  16   29   4   0   2\nTewksbury  3.28 25 12 8  0  172.2 168 36  64   8    25   4   2   1\nClemens    2.94 31 16 11 0  223.1 198 71  178  13   31   17! 2   1\nTomlin     2.48 28 12 5  0  196.0 172 42  97   8    27   1   0   2\nFarr       0.81 38 4  1  17 55.1  28  25  38   1    0    0   0   0\n \nThere you have it.  Curt Schilling threw a perfect game during the year,\nand Ken Hill threw a no-hitter.  Rob Dibble had pitched 32 scoreless\ninnings to start the year, only to choke in the last two games to cost\nthe Perot\'s Giant Sucking Sounds a playoff spot.  \n \nIf you want stats of more players, they are available by request.  Please\ntake the time to reply if you can.  Thanks.\n \n \n\n-- \n*     Gary Huckabay      * Kevin Kerr: The Al Feldstein of the mid-90\'s! *\n* "A living argument for * If there\'s anything we love more than a huge  *\n*  existence of parallel * .sig, it\'s someone quoting 100 lines to add   *\n*       universes."      * 3 or 4 new ones.  And consecutive posts, too. *\n-- \n\t\t\t\t  \'\'\'\n                                 (o o)\n/----------------------------oOO--(_)--OOo------------------------------------\\\n|    David Zavatson     |Mein Schatz, es ist soweit.  Unsere Liebe ist vorbei.|\n',
  "From: trb3@Ra.MsState.Edu (Tony R. Boutwell)\nSubject: HOT NEW 3D Software\nKeywords: Imagine,3d\nNntp-Posting-Host: ra.msstate.edu\nOrganization: Mississippi State University\nLines: 20\n\nThere is a new product for the (IBM'ers) out there... it is called\nIMAGINE and it just started shipping yesterday... I can personally attest that it will blow the doors off of 3D-Studio.  It is made by IMPUlSE, and is in its\n3rd version....(1st) for the IBM.... it can do morphing, your standard key-framming animation, it is a raytracer (reflections & shadows), and can do/apply special FX to objects... (like ripple, explode, bounce) things of that nature.  Also it has algorithmic texture maps....and your standard brushmapping also...\n\nyou can have animated brushmaps...(ie. live video mapped on the objs)...\nalso animated backdrops (ie. live video backgrounds)\nalso animted reflections maps....\n\nyou get the idea.... it will run for about 500$ retail (I think)...\n\ndont let the low price fool you.... this product can do it all when it\ncomes to 3D-animation and Renderering...!\n\nalso....does anyone here know how to get in the Imagine mailing list??\nplease e-mail me if you do or post up here....\n\noh...the number for IMPULSE is --->1 800 328 0184\n\ntrb3@ra.msstate.edu\n\n",
  'From: rcs8@po.CWRU.Edu (Robert C. Sprecher)\nSubject: PC Syquest on a Mac??\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 13\nNNTP-Posting-Host: thor.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\nIs it possible, ie via creative cable splicing or whatever, to\nhook a Syquest 44MB removable drive to a Mac?\n\nIs there any difference with the guts of the drive or is it\njust cable differences?\n\nThanks.\n\nRob\n-- \nRob Sprecher\nrcs8@po.cwru.edu\n',
  "From: russ@pmafire.inel.gov (Russ Brown)\nSubject: Re: Altitude adjustment\nOrganization: WINCO\nLines: 22\n\nIn article <4159@mdavcr.mda.ca> vida@mdavcr.mda.ca (Vida Morkunas) writes:\n>I live at sea-level, and am called-upon to travel to high-altitude cities\n>quite frequently, on business.  The cities in question are at 7000 to 9000\n>feet of altitude.  One of them especially is very polluted...\n\nMexico City, Bogota, La Paz?\n>\n>Often I feel faint the first two or three days.  I feel lightheaded, and\n>my heart seems to pound a lot more than at sea-level.  Also, it is very\n>dry in these cities, so I will tend to drink a lot of water, and keep\n>away from dehydrating drinks, such as those containing caffeine or alcohol.\n>\n\n>Thing is, I still have symptoms.  How can I ensure that my short trips there\n>(no, I don't usually have a week to acclimatize) are as comfortable as possible?\n>Is there something else that I could do?\n\nGo three days early.  Preliminary acclimatization takes 3-4 days.  It\ntakes weeks or months for full acclimatization.  Could you be\nexperiencing some jet lag, too?\n\n\n",
  "From: zklf0b@wwnv28.hou.amoco.com (Fergason)\nSubject: Re: what to do with old 256k SIMMs?\nOrganization: Amoco Production\nLines: 21\n\nIn article <1ql7ug$i50@sunb.ocs.mq.edu.au> johnh@macadam.mpce.mq.edu.au (John Haddy) writes:\n>In article <120466@netnews.upenn.edu>, jhaines@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Jason Haines) writes:\n>|> \n>|> \tI was wondering if people had any good uses for old\n>|> 256k SIMMs.  I have a bunch of them for the Apple Mac\n>|> and I know lots of other people do to.  I have tried to\n>|> sell them but have gotten NO interest.\n>|> \n>|> \tSo, if you have an inovative use (or want to buy\n>|> some SIMMs  8-) ), I would be very interested in hearing\n>|> about it.\n>\n>The most practical use I've seen for them is as key ring ornaments :-)\n>\n>JohnH\n\nI used a bunch as weights, when building a model airplane.  Hung them\non the stringers, across the stringer, or whatever.  Worked pretty well.\n\nKelly\n\n",
  'From: wyatt@chem.nrl.navy.mil (JRW)\nSubject: Re: Shopping for a new [NEC?] monitor\nLines: 39\nOrganization: NRL\n\nIn article <1qjfa0INN6g5@titan.ucs.umass.edu> dtodd@titan.ucs.umass.edu (David M. Todd) writes:\n>From: dtodd@titan.ucs.umass.edu (David M. Todd)\n>Subject: Re: Shopping for a new [NEC?] monitor\n>Date: 15 Apr 1993 07:01:20 -0400\n>In article <1qhppp$gha@darwin.sura.net> wbarnes@sura.net (Bill Barnes) writes:\n>>Basically I\'m looking for a 15" SVGA (1024x768) non-interlaced\n>>monitor.  The NEC 4FG is the one most of the computer mags use as\n>>their standard, and from what I\'ve seen and heard it looks pretty\n>>good, but it\'s a bit expensive (700 bucks is the best deal I\'ve seen).\n>>So I thought perhaps I might find something as good for less.  Any\n>>recommendations?  I also thought about the NEC 3FGx, which has the\n>>same specs as the 4FG except for the scan frequency, which is more\n>>limited; anybody have any comments on this one?  Would it work with\n>\n>I believe that NEC is replacing the 4FG and 3FGx with 4FGe and 3FGe\n>models, reportedly being released at the end of this month.  I\'m\n>waiting for a 4FGe, the main difference being a 3 year warranty and\n>higher refresh rates at the higher resolutions.  It sounded from a PC\n>Magazine note that the 3FGe was being boosted in a number of ways.\n>Call the NEC 800 number and have them send you info.\n>\n>\n>|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David M. Todd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|\n>|Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 USA|\n>|Phone: 413/545-0158 ___ <David.Todd@Psych.UMass.EDU> ____  Fax: 413/545-0996|\n>\n>\n>\n>\nI have been using a NEC 3FGx for several months now.  Several others here \nalso have this monitor.  We have had no problems.  Personally I would spend \nextra money for this monitor and sacrifice other features on a PC such as 33 \nMHz viz 50 Mhz.  Based on the comments of others you might want to view the \n3FGX vs the 4 series on a PC running windows at 1024x768.  The refresh rate \nappears ok for me, but you might feel differently.  Finally speaking of \nspending money, with the size of today\'s files, etc, a tape backup is \ncertainly worth $200-$300.  Recently I set up a friend\'s PC 50Mhz and VESA \nlocal bus.  The redraw time for a graphics program was only a factor of 2 \nfaster which I doubt warrants the extra cost.\n',
  "From: cab@col.hp.com (Chris Best)\nSubject: Re: Police radar....Just how does it work??\nOrganization: your service\nLines: 7\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hpctdkz.col.hp.com\n\nI've seen several references to split- or separate-beam radars, which I\nclaimed didn't exist.  Gotta eat some crow here - I wasn't aware of them.\nAll I really knew was that it can be done with one beam.\n\nI believe the rest of what I said is accurate, though.\n\nMmmmmmm....crow.... (oops-wrong group)\n",
  'From: kilroy@gboro.rowan.edu (Dr Nancy\'s Sweetie)\nSubject: Certainty and Arrogance\nOrganization: Rowan College of New Jersey\nLines: 114\n\nDean Velasco quoted a letter from James M Stowell, president of\nMoody Bible Institute:\n\n>  The other day, I was at the dry cleaner and the radio was playing.\n>  It caught my attention because a talk show guest was criticizing\n>  evangelical Christians, saying we believe in absolutes and think we\n>  are the only ones who know what the absolutes are.\n\n>  We affirm the absolutes of Scripture, not because we are arrogant\n>  moralists, but because we believe in God who is truth, who has revealed\n>  His truth in His Word, and therefore we hold as precious the strategic\n>  importance of those absolutes."\n\nThere has been a lot of discussion, but so far nobody seems to have hit on\nexactly what the criticism of "arrogance" is aimed at.\n\nThe arrogance being attacked is that we "think we are the only ones who know\nwhat the absolutes are".  In short, many evangelicals claim that they are\ninfallible on the matter of religious texts.\n\nIn particular, the problem is one of epistemology.  As a shorthand, you can\nthink of epistemology as "how do you know?"  That question, it turns out, is\na very troubling one.\n\nThe problem with `absolute certainty\' is that, at the bottom, at least some of\nthe thinking goes on inside your own head.  Unless you can be certain that\neverything which happens in your head is infallible, the reasoning you did to\ndiscover a source of truth is in question.\n\nAnd that means you do NOT have absolute justification for your source of\nauthority -- which means you do NOT have absolute certainty.\n\n\nLet\'s take the specific example of Biblical Inerrancy, and a fictional\nInerrantist named Zeke.  (The following arguments applies to the idea of\nPapal Infallibility, too.)\n\nZeke has, we presume, spent some time studying the Bible, and history, and\nseveral other topics.  He has concluded, based on all these studies (and\npossibly some religious experiences) that the Bible is a source of Absolute\nTruth.\n\nHe may be correct; but even if he is, he cannot be certain that he is correct.\nHis conclusion depends on how well he studied history -- he may have made\nmistakes, and the references he used may have contained mistakes.  His\nconclusion depends on how well he studied the Bible -- he may have made\nmistakes.  His conclusion depends on his own reasoning -- and he may have made\nmistakes.  (Noticing a common thread yet?  8-)\n\nEverything about his study of the world that he did -- everything that\nhappened in his own head -- is limited by his own thinking.  No matter what\nhe does to try and cover his mistakes, he can never be certain of his own\ninfallibility.  As long as ANY PART of the belief is based on his own\nreasoning, that belief cannot be considered "absolutely certain".\n\nZeke believes that he has found a source of absolute truth -- but that belief\nis only as good as the quality of the search he made for it.  Unless he can\nsay that his own reasoning is flawless, his conclusions are in doubt.\n\nAny belief that you hold about absolute sources of truth depends in part on\nyour own thinking -- there is no way out of the loop.  Only an infallible\nthinker can have absolute certainty in all his beliefs.\n\n\nThis is easy to demonstrate.  Let\'s go back to our shorthand method of doing\nepistemology: "how do you know?"  Imagine a hypothetical discussion:\n\n A: The Bible is a source of absolute truth.\n\n B: How do you know?\n\n A: I studied history and the Bible and religious writings and church\n    teachings and came to this conclusion.\n\n B: How do you know you studied history correctly?\n\n A: Well, I double-checked everything.\n\n B: How do you know you double-checked correctly?\n\n A: Well, I compared my answers with some smart people and we agreed.\n\n B: Just because some smart guy believes something that doesn\'t mean it is\n    true.  How do you know THEY studied it correctly?\n\n A: ...\n\nAnd, as you see, B will eventually get A to the point where he has to say "I\ncan\'t prove that there are no mistakes" -- and as long as you may have made a\nmistake, then you cannot be ABSOLUTELY certain.\n\nThere is no way out of the loop.\n\n\nThis is where the "arrogance of Christians" arises: many people believe\nthat their own personal research can give them absolute certainty about the\ndoctrines of Christianity -- they are implicitly claiming that they are\ninfallible, and that there is no possibility of mistake.\n\nClaiming that you CANNOT have made a mistake, and that your thinking has led\nyou to a flawless conclusion, is pretty arrogant.\n\n *\n\nPeople who want to see this argument explained in great detail should try to\nfind _The Infallibility of the Church_, by George Salmon.  He is attacking\nthe idea that the Pope can be knowably infallible (and he does so very well),\nbut the general argument applies equally well to the idea that the Bible is\nknowably Inerrant.\n\n\nDarren F Provine / kilroy@gboro.rowan.edu\n"At the core of all well-founded belief, lies belief that is unfounded."\n                                                    -- Ludwig Wittgenstein\n',
  'From: db7n+@andrew.cmu.edu (D. Andrew Byler)\nSubject: Re: Revelations - BABYLON?\nOrganization: Freshman, Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA\nLines: 27\n\nHal Heydt writes:\n\n>That was only the fall of the *Western* Empire.  The *Eastern* Empire\n>continued for another 1000 years--and a key element in it\'s fall was\n>the *Christian* sack of Constantinople.\n\nNote that I said the fall of Rome, not of the Empire.  The Roman Empire\nlasted until 1453, with its transfered capital in Constantinople.  The\nmain reason for it\'s fall was not so much the sack of Constantinople by\nthe men of the 4th Crusade (who were not Christians - they had been\nexcommunicated down to the last man after attacking the Christian city\nof Zara in Croatia), but rather the disastorous defeat in the battle of\nMazinkert.  After the Turks breached the frontier, it was only a matter\nof time before the Empire fell, the inability of the Empire to hold onto\nthe rim of Anatolia, with the Ottomans and Rum Seljuks in the middle\nshould be quite obvious to any student of history.  The sack of\nConstantinople only hastened the inevitable along.  For if the Greeks\nhad wanted to save their empire, why would they not cooperate with the\nCrusaders when they came to do battle with the Saracens in the 1st-3rd\nCrusades?  Because of their obstinacy over cooperating with people they\nconsidered heretics, even though those "heretics" were fighting for the\ncause of the Empire and Christendom in doing battle with the Turkish\nhordes in Anatolia, Edessa, Lebanon, Palastine, and Syria, the some\nhordes who were to later sack Constantinople, and overrun a third of\nEurope (the Balkans, Hungary, the Ukraine, the Caucasus, etc.)\n\nAndy Byler\n',
  'From: set@matt.ksu.ksu.edu (ViSioNary Gfx)\nSubject: ATTENTION SUPER NINTENDO AND GENESIS PLAYERS READ THIS\nOrganization: Kansas State University\nLines: 56\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: matt.ksu.ksu.edu\n\n\n\nIM pleased to announce a new revolutionary device that allows you to\ncopy super nintendo and genesis games to floppy disk.  Then later\nplay from floppy disk with out the cart.  This is a independent system\nthat interfaces with your SNES or Genesis.\n\nOTHER FEATURES\n\n*Store multiple copies of cart. save game to disk (up to 32 saves to disk)\n\n*Save your position in SNES games that don\'t norally have a save feature\n\n*Switch your SNES into slow motion mode\n\n*Use codes to get unlimited lives and other "cheats" in many games.\n\nThe Multi-Game Hunter is capable of copying both SNES and Genesis game \ncarts to standard IBM PC formated floppy disks. The games can them be played directly from the floppy disk. NOTE:IT does not require a PC\n\nFull color on-screen icons and menus make operation for the MGH so simple\nthat even a child could operate it.  Options can be selected simply by choosing the selection with the game controller and pressin a button.\n\nAdd a Game saver adapter to your system for more game playing power.  The\nGame saver allows you to save your position to disk in almost any SNES game!\nReload your saved position any time.  Enable it\'s slow-motion feature for those really tough games.\n\nFor more control over game play, We have the Game finger software.  The\ngame finger software can give you unlimited lives or warp you to new levels in\nyour favorite SNES games.  Bring back to life those really frustrating games.\n\nAlso if you know how to program 6518 6502 ASM code you can create your own\nSNES demos or games.\n\nMGH includes\n\nBase unit,disk drive (high density 3.5 drive), 16megabit RAM, 256 SRAM,\nall adapters and comes ready to hook up to your gameing system.\n\nONly thing not included is the power supply which you can pick up at\nradio shack.\n\nAll for only $500\n\nDISCLAMER\n\nthe customer assumes all responsibility for the use and or misuse of this \nproduct.  We in no way encourage nor condone the use of this product for\nsoftware piracy.  This device is intended soley for making legal backup\ncopies.  Neither Nintendo or Sega has giving official endorsement of the \nproducts described herein.\n\nEmail me for more info or to make a purchase\n.\n\n\n',
  'From: al@qiclab.scn.rain.com (Alan Peterman)\nSubject: Re: "ELECTRONIC" ODOMETER\nOrganization: SCN Research/Qic Laboratories of Tigard, Oregon.\nLines: 24\n\nIn article <C5Fp8B.2Co@megatest.com> alung@megatest.com (Aaron Lung) writes:\n>If I\'m not mistaken, altering the odometer is *illegal*.  Furthermore,\n>I surmise it\'ll be tough to alter BMW\'s odometer if you got at it.\n>Some of the newer BMW\'s have electronic odometers making it even\n>more tamperproof.\n\nOn the cars mentioned - 3 series from the late 80\'s the "electronic"\nodometer is really a mechanical drum type odometer, that is driven\nby pulses from a speed sensor on the rear axle.  These pulses are \nconverted into mechanical pulses that turn the odometer - and speedometer.\nNo way changing or erasing an eprom is going to change the mileage\nreading.  It also means the odometer is just as easy (or hard) to\nchange as any other mechanical odometer.\n\nOn the other hand it is a bit easier to disconnect the speed sensor\nand run the car with no speedometer or odometer reading...a simple\nswitch will do the job.  It also will disable the speed limiter,\nwhich will enable the car to reach it\'s full speed.  ;-)\n\n\n-- \nAlan L. Peterman                                 (503)-684-1984 hm & work\n                       al@qiclab.scn.rain.com\nIt\'s odd how as I get older, the days are longer, but the years are shorter!\n',
  'From: lance@hartmann.austin.ibm.com (Lance Hartmann)\nSubject: Re: Diamond Stealth 24 & Windows problems!!!\nSummary: Users complain of service from Diamond.\nReply-To: lance%hartmann.austin.ibm.com@ibmpa.awdpa.ibm.com\nOrganization: IBM, Austin\nKeywords: diamond video s3 windows\nLines: 43\n\nIn article <1pifisINNhsr@dns1.NMSU.Edu> jdiers@dante.nmsu.edu (DIERS) writes:\n>\n>I own a Stealth 24 card from diamond.  When using the 640X480x16.7mil win 3.1\n>driver the card and driver work but are not very fast.  ALL of the other\n>windows drivers have a number of bugs.  Shadows remain when windows are\n>erased and text boxes are often unreadable.  All attempts to get help from\n>Diamond have failed.  I have called the Tech support and never been able\n>to get past the hold line (a toll call) in a reasonable time (ie 10min).\n>Leaving voice mail has not helped either.  The BBS is a joke! It always\n>has too many people on to download anything.  You cannot even get a file\n>listing (it considers that a download!).  I have faxed the tech support group.\n>All this with no reponse.\n>\n>The bottom line is if you are looking for a fast card and want to use it\n>for windows, DO NOT get a Diamond product.  Try another vendor, I wish I had.\n\nWhile others here may have had better experiences, I, too, share the\nsentiments posted above.  Though I have the original Stealth/VRAM,\nit is only "relatively" recent that the Windows drivers for this card\nhave evolved to a point of decent performance.  Note that there are\nSTILL a couple of modes I cannot use (ie. will not) due to shadowing,\nmis-drawn check boxes, etc.  I believe the version I have is 2.01.\nIf there\'s a more recent release, I\'d appreciate if someone would\ndrop me a note to let me know -- I haven\'t been able to get on their\nBBS lately to check again.  Naturally, Diamond doesn\'t even bother\nnotifying me of fixes/releases.\n\nDiamond was helpful when I finally reached the "right" person in curing\nsome of my Windows\' problems due to an address conflict.  The conflicting\naddresses (2E0, 2E8) were OMITTED in at least my version of the\nDiamond/VRAM manual.  I hope it has been corrected by now.  The tech rep\nexplained that ALL S3-based boards use these addresses.  I have not\nconfirmed the validity of that statement.\n\nWhen I upgrade my motherboard in the near future (hopefully with some\nform of local bus), I\'ll seek a video solution from someone other than\nDiamond.\n\nLance Hartmann (lance%hartmann.austin.ibm.com@ibmpa.awdpa.ibm.com)\n               Yes, that IS a \'%\' (percent sign) in my network address.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nAll statements, comments, opinions, etc. herein reflect those of the author\nand shall NOT be misconstrued as those of IBM or anyone else for that matter.\n',
  'From: davet@interceptor.cds.tek.com (Dave Tharp CDS)\nSubject: Re: Rejetting carbs..\nKeywords: air pump\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: Tektronix - Colorado Data Systems, Englewood, CO\nLines: 58\n\nIn article <jburney.734756216@hydra.nodc.noaa.gov> jburney@hydra.nodc.noaa.gov (Jeff Burney) writes:\n>\n>If we are only talking about 4-stroke (I think I can understand exhaust\n>pulse affect in a 2-stroke), the intake valve is closed on the\n>exhaust stroke and the gas is pushed out by the cyclinder.  I guess\n>there is some gas compression that may affect the amount pushed out\n>but the limiting factor seems to be the header pipe and not the \n>canister.  Meaning: would gases "so far" down the line (the canister)\n>really have an effect on the exhaust stroke?  Do the gases really \n>compress that much?\n\n    For discussion purposes, I will ignore dynamic effects like pulses\nin the exhaust pipe, and try to paint a useful mental picture.\n\n1.  Unless an engine is supercharged, the pressure available to force\nair into the intake tract is _atmospheric_.  At the time the intake\nvalve is opened, the pressure differential available to move air is only\nthe difference between the combustion chamber pressure (left over after\nthe exhaust stroke) and atmospheric.  As the piston decends on the\nintake stroke, combustion chamber pressure is decreased, allowing\natmospheric pressure to move more air into the intake tract.  At no time\ndoes the pressure ever become "negative", or even approach a good\nvacuum.\n\n2.  At the time of the exhaust valve closing, the pressure in the\ncombustion chamber is essentially the pressure of the exhaust system up\nto the first major flow restriction (the muffler).  Note that the volume\nof gas that must flow through the exhaust is much larger than the volume\nthat must flow through the intake, because of the temperature\ndifference and the products of combustion.\n\n3.  In the last 6-8 years, the Japanese manufacturers have started\npaying attention to exhaust and intake tuning, in pursuit of almighty\nhorsepower.  At this point in time, on high-performance bikes,\nsubstitution of an aftermarket free-flow air filter will have almost\nzero affect on performance, because the stock intake system flows very\nwell anyway.  Substitution of an aftermarket exhaust system will make\nvery little difference, unless (in general) the new exhaust system is\n_much_ louder than the stocker.\n\n4.  On older bikes,  exhaust back-pressure was the dominating factor.\nIf free-flowing air filters were substituted, very little difference\nwas noted, unless a free-flowing exhaust system was installed as well.\n\n5.  In general, an engine can be visualized as an air pump.  At any\ngiven RPM, anything that will cause the engine to pump more air, be it\non the intake or exhaust side, will cause it to produce more horsepower.\nPumping more air will require recalibration (rejetting) of the carburetor.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n| Dave Tharp                      | DoD #0751   | "You can\'t wear out       |\n| davet@interceptor.CDS.TEK.COM   | MRA #151    |   an Indian Scout,        |\n| \'88 K75S  \'48 Indian Chief      | AHRMA #751  |  Or its brother the Chief.|\n| \'75 R90S(#151) \'72 TR-2B(#751)  | AMA #524737 |  They\'re built like rocks |\n| \'65 R50/2/Velorex  \'57 NSU Max  |             |   to take the knocks,     |\n|       1936 BMW R12              | (Compulsive | It\'s the Harleys that     |\n| My employer has no idea.        |   Joiner)   |   give you grief."        |\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  'From: david@terminus.ericsson.se (David Bold)\nSubject: Re: Question for those with popular morality\nReply-To: david@terminus.ericsson.se\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Camtec Electronics (Ericsson), Leicester, England\nLines: 50\nNntp-Posting-Host: bangkok\n\nPaul Hudson Jr (hudson@athena.cs.uga.edu) writes:\n\n>I was not directly going to come up with a moral argument for the  existence\n>of God.  Rather, I was trying to show the absurdity of atheistic materialist\n>relatavists trying to embrace some common moral system as though it were\n>absolute.  Man knows in his heart that there is right and wrong.  We have\n>all inherited this knowledge.  \n\nNo matter how "absurd" it is to suggest that a common moral system created by\nmankind is absolute, it is not contrary to reason to suggest that a common\nmoral system created by mankind is sensible. In fact, for the Bible to be of\nany use to mankind as a moral code, it must be interpreted by mankind and a\nworkable moral system created for everyday use.\n\nThe Jewish Talmud is the result of centuries of Biblical scholars analysing\nevery word of the Torah to understand the morality behind it. The Children of\nIsrael were given a very strict set of Moral, Civil, Judicial and Ceremonial\nLaws to follow and yet this was clearly not enough to cover every instance\nof moral dilemma in their Society. For a Christian, the situation is no better.\n\nIt seems to me that the only code of morality that we have from the Judeo-\nChristian God is that which is contained in the Bible (which we can see from\nthe diverse opinions in the Christian newsgroups is not clear). There may well\nbe an absolute morality defined by the Judeo-Christian God for mankind to\nfollow but it seems that we only have a subset simply because the concept was\nwritten down by man.\n\nThis leads to the problem of defining morality for our society. If we take the\ndivine Morality then we have a code of practice which may be interpreted in many\ndifferent ways (as an example, consider the immolation of heretics in the\nfifteenth century and the interpretation of the Bible which allows a man to do\nthat to another man under the precept to administer Justice). If we take an\nagnostic Morality then we have a code of practice that can be modified to suit\nsociety (with all the danger that this implies). Alternatively, we could take\nthe basis of the Judeo-Christian morality and interpret/extend this to create\nand justify a code of morality which suits the society we live in and enables\nthe people to live Righteously (as many Christian and Non-Christian philosophers\nhave done).\n\nWhatever the driving force behind the definition of morality for our society, I\nthink the important aspect is the result.\n\nDavid.\n\n---\nOn religion:\n\n"Oh, where is the sea?", the fishes cried,\nAs they swam its clearness through.\n\n',
  "From: ezzie@lucs2.lancs.ac.uk (One of those daze...)\nSubject: Borland turbo C libraries for S3 graphics card\nOrganization: Lancaster University Computer Society\nLines: 5\n\nI've recently got hold of a PC with an S3 card in it, and I'd like to do some\nC programming with it, are there any libraries out there that will let me\naccess the high resolution modes available via Borland Turbo C?\n\n\tAndy\n",
  'From: swh@capella.cup.hp.com (Steve Harrold)\nSubject: Re: Need Info on Diamond Viper Video Card\nOrganization: Hewlett Packard, Cupertino\nLines: 46\n\nExperiences with Diamond Viper VLB video card\n\nSeveral problems:\n\n1) The ad specified 16.7 million colors at 640x480 resolution with 1MB\n   of VRAM, which is what I have. This color depth is NOT SUPPORTED\n   with video BIOS version 1.00 and drivers version 1.01. A max of 65K\n   colors are supported at 640x800 and 800x600 resolutions with 1MB\n   VRAM.\n\n2) With the 65K color choice I notice two minor irritations:\n\n   a) Under NDW, when an entry in a list is highlighted (such as in an\n      Open menu) and then is deselected, a faint vertical line often\n      remains where the left edge of the highlighted rectangle used to\n      be.\n\n   b) With Word for Windows, when you use shading in a table, the\n      display shows the INVERSE of the shading; for example, if you\n      shade the cell as 10%, the display is 90% (the printout is OK).\n\n3) The big killer bug is using the Borland C++ Integrated Development\n   Environment. The problem occurs when you click on the Turbo Debugger\n   icon (or use the Debugger option in the Run command), and the\n   debugger application goes to VGA character mode (as it is designed\n   to do). The screen goes haywire, and is largely unreadable. The\n   Turbo Debugger display is all garbled.\n\n   Through trial and error, I have found that when the disrupted screen\n   is displayed you should do [Alt-Spacebar] followed by the letter\n   "R". This instructs Turbo Debugger to refresh the screen, and it\n   does this satisfactorily. I wish I didn\'t have to do this.\n\n   The bug is more than with the Diamond drivers. The same disruptive\n   behavior happens with the standard VGA driver that comes with\n   Windows. There must be something in the video card that mishandles\n   the VGA mode.\n   \n   The problem is not my monitor. The same bug shows up when I use\n   another monitor in place of my usual one.\n\nI still like this video card, and am hoping its problems will be\nremedied (they do offer a 5 year warranty).\n\n---\nswh, 20apr93\n',
  'From: dlo@druwa.ATT.COM (OlsonDL)\nSubject: Re: The \'pill\' for Deer = No Hunting\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.182610.2330@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu>, jrm@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu writes:\n} \tThe vast majority get through life without ever having to\n} \town, use or display a firearm.\n} ...\n} \n}       Given society\n} \tas we now experience it - it seems safer to get rid of\n} \tas many guns as possible.\n\nConsidering that the uses include self defense, hunting, target shooting\nand collecting, I don\'t buy the notion that the vast majority of people\ndon\'t "own, use or display a firearm".\n\nBut let\'s say your contention is true.  What\'s the point of "get[ting]\nrid of as many guns as possible", if they weren\'t being used anyway?\n--\nDavid Olson            dlo@drutx.att.com\n"Well, I did say we\'ll put it out and we\'ll put it out when we can.\n But I don\'t know what we can put out or when we can put it out."\n -- George Stephanopolous.\n',
  'From: enzo@research.canon.oz.au (Enzo Liguori)\nSubject: Vandalizing the sky.\nOrganization: Canon Information Systems Research Australia\nLines: 38\n\nFrom the article "What\'s New" Apr-16-93 in sci.physics.research:\n\n........\nWHAT\'S NEW (in my opinion), Friday, 16 April 1993  Washington, DC\n\n1. SPACE BILLBOARDS! IS THIS ONE THE "SPINOFFS" WE WERE PROMISED?\nIn 1950, science fiction writer Robert Heinlein published "The\nMan Who Sold the Moon," which involved a dispute over the sale of\nrights to the Moon for use as billboard. NASA has taken the firsteps toward this\n hideous vision of the future.  Observers were\nstartled this spring when a NASA launch vehicle arrived at the\npad with "SCHWARZENEGGER" painted in huge block letters on the\nside of the booster rockets.  Space Marketing Inc. had arranged\nfor the ad to promote Arnold\'s latest movie. Now, Space Marketing\nis working with University of Colorado and Livermore engineers on\na plan to place a mile-long inflatable billboard in low-earth\norbit.  NASA would provide contractual launch services. However,\nsince NASA bases its charge on seriously flawed cost estimates\n(WN 26 Mar 93) the taxpayers would bear most of the expense. This\nmay look like environmental vandalism, but Mike Lawson, CEO of\nSpace Marketing, told us yesterday that the real purpose of the\nproject is to help the environment! The platform will carry ozone\nmonitors he explained--advertising is just to help defray costs.\n..........\n\nWhat do you think of this revolting and hideous attempt to vandalize\nthe night sky? It is not even April 1 anymore.\nWhat about light pollution in observations? (I read somewhere else that\nit might even be visible during the day, leave alone at night).\nIs NASA really supporting this junk?\nAre protesting groups being organized in the States?\nReally, really depressed.\n\n             Enzo\n-- \nVincenzo Liguori                             | enzo@research.canon.oz.au\nCanon Information Systems Research Australia | Phone +61 2 805 2983\nPO Box 313 NORTH RYDE NSW 2113               | Fax   +61 2 805 2929\n',
  'From: khalsa@spartanSanDiego.NCR.com (G.K. Khalsa)\nSubject: Re: Options that would be great to have...\nReply-To: g.k.khalsa@sandiego.ncr.com\nOrganization: NCR Engineering and Manufacturing, San Diego, CA\nLines: 36\n\nIn article <93Apr16.185510.36600@acs.ucalgary.ca>, parr@acs.ucalgary.ca\n(Charles Parr) writes:\n> \n> \n> \n> A list of options that would be useful. They can be existing\n> options on a car, or things you\'d like to have...\n> \n> 1) Tripmeter, great little gadget. Lets you keep rough track of\n>    mileage, makes a good second guesser for your gas gauge...\n> \n> 2) Full size spare\n> \n> 3) Built in mountings and power systems for radar detectors.\n> \n> 4) a fitting that allows you to generate household current with\n> the engine running, and plug ins in the trunk, engine compartment\n> and cabin.\n> \n> Feel free to add on...\n\nOK...\n\n5) How about a fuel gauge that *really* told you how much fuel was\n   left.  Like, "can I make it to where the gas is $1.14 or should\n   I get gouged right here at $1.35?"  Accurate to the tenth of a\n   gallon would be great.\n\n...............................................................\n|                    |   On Contract To:                      |\n|     GK Khalsa      |      NCR Engineering and Manufacturing |\n|....................|      16550 W. Bernardo Dr.             |\n|  (619) 485-2460    |      San Diego, CA 92127               |\n!....................!........................................!\n!.................g.k.khalsa@sandiego.ncr.com.................!\n\n',
  "From: bill@thd.tv.tek.com (William K. McFadden)\nSubject: Re: Cable TVI interference\nKeywords: catv cable television tvi\nArticle-I.D.: tvnews.1993Apr15.193218.13070\nOrganization: Tektronix TV Products\nLines: 15\n\nIn article <VL812B2w165w@inqmind.bison.mb.ca> jim@inqmind.bison.mb.ca (jim jaworski) writes:\n>What happens when DVC (Digital Videon Compression) is introduced next \n>year and instead of just receiving squiggly lines on 2 or 3 channels \n>we'll be receiving sqigglies on, let's see 3*10 = 30 channels eventually.\n\nSince the digital transmission schemes include error correction and\nconcealment, the performance remains about the same down to a very low\ncarrier-to-noise ratio, below which it degrades very quickly.  Hence,\ndigitally compressed TV is supposed to be less susceptible to interference\nthan amplitude modulated TV.\n\n-- \nBill McFadden    Tektronix, Inc.  P.O. Box 500  MS 58-639  Beaverton, OR  97077\nbill@tv.tv.tek.com, ...!tektronix!tv.tv.tek.com!bill      Phone: (503) 627-6920\nHow can I prove I am not crazy to people who are?\n",
  'From: melons@vnet.IBM.COM (Mike Magil)\nSubject: Re: Israel does not kill reporters.\nLines: 26\n\n>\n>   Anas Omran has claimed that, "the Israelis used to arrest, and\n>sometime to kill some of these neutral reporters."  The assertion\n>by Anas Omran is, of course, a total fabrication.  If there is an\n>once of truth iin it, I\'m sure Anas Omran can document such a sad\n>and despicable event.  Otherwise we may assume that it is another\n>piece of anti-Israel bullshit posted by someone whose family does\n>not know how to teach their children to tell the truth.  If Omran\n>would care to retract this \'error\' I would be glad to retract the\n>accusation that he is a liar.  If he can document such a claim, I\n>would again be glad to apologize for calling him a liar.  Failing\n>to do either of these would certainly show what a liar he is.\n\nWhy retract your accusation that he\'s a liar?  If Omran retracts his "verbal\ndiarrohea" doesn\'t that only prove the liar he *really* is?  A retraction\nwould be pointless!  Giving this guy the opportunity to "save face" after\nuttering such bullshit would just encourage him to do it again!  I must say\nthat your style is very impressive, Mark.  Keep it up!\n\n- Mike\n\n---\n       MI     KE   MIK    EMIK   EMI  K        "Opinions expressed above\n       M I   K E  M   I  K        E   M         are my own and not that\n       M  I K  E  MIKEM  I  KEM   I   K         of \'Big Blue\'"\n       M   I   K  E   M   IKE M  IKE  MIKE\n',
  "From: jml@norman.vi.ri.cmu.edu\nSubject: Re: Radar Jammers And Stealth Cars\nNntp-Posting-Host: westend.vi.ri.cmu.edu\nReply-To: jml@visus.com\nOrganization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 6\n\nEric H. Taylor writes\n> ... If you are determined\n> to go faster, get an airplane. They dont have speed limits.\n\nJust don't make a habit of buzzing your local airport at >200 knots\n(250 knots if you're flying a jet).  :-)\n",
  'From: jed@pollux.usc.edu (Jonathan DeMarrais)\nSubject: Crypto Conference\nOrganization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA\nLines: 11\nDistribution: usa\nNNTP-Posting-Host: pollux.usc.edu\n\nI need to know the following information about the upcoming\nCrypto Conference; The address to submit articles, and the\nnumber of copies needed.  Thanks,\n\t\t\t\tJonathan DeMarrais \n\t\t\t\tjed@pollux.usc.edu\n\n-- \n--- Jay      jed@pollux.usc.edu          (University of Southern California)\n\nWhat a depressingly stupid machine.\n                                     Marvin\n',
  "From: herzog@dogwalk.Eng.Sun.COM (Brian Herzog - SunSoft Product Engineering)\nSubject: Re: Xsun not running on SPARCclassic\nOrganization: Sun\nLines: 18\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: dogwalk\n\nIn article <1r3th9INNdtp@tom.rz.uni-passau.de> rank@winf.uni-passau.de (Christian Rank) writes:\n>I've installed X11R5 with patches for Solaris 2.1 on our SPARCstation LX /\n>SPARCclassic pool. On the LX, X11R5 runs fine, but on the classics,\n>after giving the command startx, Xsun prints the following messages:\n>\tWARNING: cg3_mmap: can't map dummy space!\n>\tMapping cg3c: No such device or address\n>and exits.\n>\n>Does anybody know how to fix this problem?\n\nI'm just guessing here, but I'd guess that X11R5 expects the CG3 to have\n1152x900 resolution, and the version of the CG3 in the SPARCclassic is \n1024x768.\n\n-- \n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDisclaimer: I do not represent SunSoft, Inc., Sun Microsystems, Inc., etc., etc.\nBrian Herzog, SunSoft          herzog@Eng.Sun.COM             ...!sun!eng!herzog\n",
  'From: brian@meaddata.com (Brian Curran)\nSubject: Re: I\'ve found the secret!\nOrganization: Mead Data Central, Dayton OH\nLines: 19\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: taurus.meaddata.com\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.161730.9903@cs.cornell.edu>, tedward@cs.cornell.edu (Edward [Ted] Fischer) writes:\n|> \n|> Why are the Red Sox in first place?  Eight games into the season, they\n|> already have two wins each from Clemens and Viola.  Clemens starts\n|> again tonight, on three days rest.\n\nHuh?  Clemens pitched last on Saturday, giving him his usual four days\nrest.  \n\n|> What\'s up?  Are the Sox going with a four-man rotation?  Is this why\n|> Hesketh was used in relief last night?\n-- \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nBrian Curran                 Mead Data Central              brian@meaddata.com \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n            "I didn\'t think I should\'ve been asked to catch\n                 when the temperature was below my age."\n               - Carlton Fisk, Chicago White Sox catcher, \n              on playing during a 40-degree April ball game\n',
  'From: sweda@css.itd.umich.edu (Sean Sweda)\nSubject: Royals final run total...\nOrganization: University of Michigan - ITD Consulting and Support\nLines: 22\nNNTP-Posting-Host: stimpy.css.itd.umich.edu\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\n\n\nI\'ve been saying this for quite some time, but being absent from the\nnet for a while I figured I\'d stick my neck out a bit...\n\nThe Royals will set the record for fewest runs scored by an AL\nteam since the inception of the DH rule.  (p.s. any ideas what this is?)\n\nThey will fall easily short of 600 runs, that\'s for damn sure.  I can\'t\nbelieve these media fools picking them to win the division (like our\nTom Gage of the Detroit News claiming Herk Robinson is some kind of\ngenius for the trades/aquisitions he\'s made)\n\nc-ya\n\nSean\n\n\n--\nSean Sweda                                      sweda@css.itd.umich.edu\nCSS/ITD Consultant\t\t\t   President, Bob Sura Fan Club\nGM/Manager Motor City Marauders\nInternet Baseball League\t\t\t\t   "play ball!"\t\n',
  'From: heath@athena.cs.uga.edu (Terrance Heath)\nSubject: Nature of God (Re: Environmentalism and paganism)\nOrganization: University of Georgia, Athens\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <Apr.> mcovingt@aisun3.ai.uga.edu (Michael Covington) writes:\n>I would like to see Christians devote a bit less effort to _bashing_\n>paganism and more to figuring out how to present the Gospel to pagans.\n>\n>Christ is the answer; the pagans have a lot of the right questions.\n>Unlike materialists, who deny the need for any spirituality.\n>\n>\n\n\tOne of the things I find intersting about pagan beliefs is\ntheir belief in a feminine deity as well as a masculine deity. Being\nbrought up in a Christian household, I often wondered if there was God\nthe Father, where was the mother? Everyone I know who has a father\nusually as a mother. It just seemed rather unbalanced to me. \n\tFortunately, my own personal theology, which will probably not\nfall into line with a lot others, recognized God as a being both\nwithout gender and posessing qualities of both genders, as being both\na masculine and feminine force. It provides a sense of balance I find\nsorely lacking in most theologies, a lack which I think is responsible\nfor a lot of the unbalanced ways in which we see the world and treat\neach other.\n-- \nTerrance Heath\t\t\t\theath@athena.cs.uga.edu\n******************************************************************\nYOUR COMFORT IS MY SILENCE!!!!! ACT-UP! FIGHT BACK! TALK BACK!\n******************************************************************\n',
  'From: khettry@r1w2.pub.utk.edu (23064RFL)\nSubject: Testing !!\nOrganization: University of Tennessee Computing Center\nDistribution: utk\nLines: 6\n\n\tJust Testing !!!\n\tNo flames please !\n\nBye\n\n\n',
  "From: mycal@NetAcsys.com (Mycal)\nSubject: ATARI 2600 Processors \nDistribution: world\nOrganization: ACSYS, Inc.\nLines: 19\n\n\nFor all people that are interested in every aspect of the 2600 try the\nzine:\n\n2600 connection\n$1 cash to :\nTimothy Duarte\nPO Box N, 664\nWestport, MA 02790\n\nfor sample\n\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPGP key on request.       mycal@netacsys.com\n                                                              \\ //\nMycal's way of skiing moguls:                                 // \\\nturn, turn, turn, air, survive, survive, survive...     No Risk, No Rush\n",
  'From: leech@cs.unc.edu (Jon Leech)\nSubject: Space FAQ 14/15 - How to Become an Astronaut\nKeywords: Frequently Asked Questions\nArticle-I.D.: cs.astronaut_733694515\nExpires: 6 May 1993 20:01:55 GMT\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill\nLines: 313\nSupersedes: <astronaut_730956661@cs.unc.edu>\nNNTP-Posting-Host: mahler.cs.unc.edu\n\nArchive-name: space/astronaut\nLast-modified: $Date: 93/04/01 14:39:02 $\n\nHOW TO BECOME AN ASTRONAUT\n\n    First the short form, authored by Henry Spencer, then an official NASA\n    announcement.\n\n    Q. How do I become an astronaut?\n\n    A. We will assume you mean a NASA astronaut, since it\'s probably\n    impossible for a non-Russian to get into the cosmonaut corps (paying\n    passengers are not professional cosmonauts), and the other nations have\n    so few astronauts (and fly even fewer) that you\'re better off hoping to\n    win a lottery. Becoming a shuttle pilot requires lots of fast-jet\n    experience, which means a military flying career; forget that unless you\n    want to do it anyway. So you want to become a shuttle "mission\n    specialist".\n\n    If you aren\'t a US citizen, become one; that is a must.  After that,\n    the crucial thing to remember is that the demand for such jobs vastly\n    exceeds the supply.  NASA\'s problem is not finding qualified people,\n    but thinning the lineup down to manageable length.\tIt is not enough\n    to be qualified; you must avoid being *dis*qualified for any reason,\n    many of them in principle quite irrelevant to the job.\n\n    Get a Ph.D.  Specialize in something that involves getting your hands\n    dirty with equipment, not just paper and pencil.  Forget computer\n    programming entirely; it will be done from the ground for the fore-\n    seeable future.  Degree(s) in one field plus work experience in\n    another seems to be a frequent winner.\n\n    Be in good physical condition, with good eyesight.\t(DO NOT get a\n    radial keratomy or similar hack to improve your vision; nobody knows\n    what sudden pressure changes would do to RKed eyes, and long-term\n    effects are poorly understood.  For that matter, avoid any other\n    significant medical unknowns.)  If you can pass a jet-pilot physical,\n    you should be okay; if you can\'t, your chances are poor.\n\n    Practise public speaking, and be conservative and conformist in\n    appearance and actions; you\'ve got a tough selling job ahead, trying\n    to convince a cautious, conservative selection committee that you\n    are better than hundreds of other applicants.  (And, also, that you\n    will be a credit to NASA after you are hired:  public relations is\n    a significant part of the job, and NASA\'s image is very prim and\n    proper.)  The image you want is squeaky-clean workaholic yuppie.\n    Remember also that you will need a security clearance at some point,\n    and Security considers everybody guilty until proven innocent.\n    Keep your nose clean.\n\n    Get a pilot\'s license and make flying your number one hobby;\n    experienced pilots are known to be favored even for non-pilot jobs.\n\n    Work for NASA; of 45 astronauts selected between 1984 and 1988,\n    43 were military or NASA employees, and the remaining two were\n    a NASA consultant and Mae Jemison (the first black female astronaut).\n    If you apply from outside NASA and miss, but they offer you a job\n    at NASA, ***TAKE IT***; sometimes in the past this has meant "you\n    do look interesting but we want to know you a bit better first".\n\n    Think space:  they want highly motivated people, so lose no chance\n    to demonstrate motivation.\n\n    Keep trying.  Many astronauts didn\'t make it the first time.\n\n\n\n\n    NASA\n    National Aeronautics and Space Administration\n    Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center\n    Houston, Texas\n\n    Announcement for Mission Specialist and Pilot Astronaut Candidates\n    ==================================================================\n\n    Astronaut Candidate Program\n    ---------------------------\n\n    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has a need for\n    Pilot Astronaut Candidates and Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidates\n    to support the Space Shuttle Program. NASA is now accepting on a\n    continuous basis and plans to select astronaut candidates as needed.\n\n    Persons from both the civilian sector and the military services will be\n    considered.\n\n    All positions are located at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in\n    Houston, Texas, and will involved a 1-year training and evaluation\n    program.\n\n    Space Shuttle Program Description\n    ---------------------------------\n\n    The numerous successful flights of the Space Shuttle have demonstrated\n    that operation and experimental investigations in space are becoming\n    routine. The Space Shuttle Orbiter is launched into, and maneuvers in\n    the Earth orbit performing missions lastling up to 30 days. It then\n    returns to earth and is ready for another flight with payloads and\n    flight crew.\n\n    The Orbiter performs a variety of orbital missions including deployment\n    and retrieval of satellites, service of existing satellites, operation\n    of specialized laboratories (astronomy, earth sciences, materials\n    processing, manufacturing), and other operations. These missions will\n    eventually include the development and servicing of a permanent space\n    station. The Orbiter also provides a staging capability for using higher\n    orbits than can be achieved by the Orbiter itself. Users of the Space\n    Shuttle\'s capabilities are both domestic and foreign and include\n    government agencies and private industries.\n\n    The crew normally consists of five people - the commander, the pilot,\n    and three mission specialists. On occasion additional crew members are\n    assigned. The commander, pilot, and mission specialists are NASA\n    astronauts.\n\n    Pilot Astronaut\n\n    Pilot astronauts server as both Space Shuttle commanders and pilots.\n    During flight the commander has onboard responsibility for the vehicle,\n    crew, mission success and safety in flight. The pilot assists the\n    commander in controlling and operating the vehicle. In addition, the\n    pilot may assist in the deployment and retrieval of satellites utilizing\n    the remote manipulator system, in extra-vehicular activities, and other\n    payload operations.\n\n    Mission Specialist Astronaut\n\n    Mission specialist astronauts, working with the commander and pilot,\n    have overall responsibility for the coordination of Shuttle operations\n    in the areas of crew activity planning, consumables usage, and\n    experiment and payload operations. Mission specialists are required to\n    have a detailed knowledge of Shuttle systems, as well as detailed\n    knowledge of the operational characteristics, mission requirements and\n    objectives, and supporting systems and equipment for each of the\n    experiments to be conducted on their assigned missions. Mission\n    specialists will perform extra-vehicular activities, payload handling\n    using the remote manipulator system, and perform or assist in specific\n    experimental operations.\n\n    Astronaut Candidate Program\n    ===========================\n\n    Basic Qualification Requirements\n    --------------------------------\n\n    Applicants MUST meet the following minimum requirements prior to\n    submitting an application.\n\n    Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidate:\n\n    1. Bachelor\'s degree from an accredited institution in engineering,\n    biological science, physical science or mathematics. Degree must be\n    followed by at least three years of related progressively responsible,\n    professional experience. An advanced degree is desirable and may be\n    substituted for part or all of the experience requirement (master\'s\n    degree = 1 year, doctoral degree = 3 years). Quality of academic\n    preparation is important.\n\n    2. Ability to pass a NASA class II space physical, which is similar to a\n    civilian or military class II flight physical and includes the following\n    specific standards:\n\n\t Distant visual acuity:\n\t      20/150 or better uncorrected,\n\t      correctable to 20/20, each eye.\n\n\t Blood pressure:\n\t      140/90 measured in sitting position.\n\n    3. Height between 58.5 and 76 inches.\n\n    Pilot Astronaut Candidate:\n\n    1. Bachelor\'s degree from an accredited institution in engineering,\n    biological science, physical science or mathematics. Degree must be\n    followed by at least three years of related progressively responsible,\n    professional experience. An advanced degree is desirable. Quality of\n    academic preparation is important.\n\n    2. At least 1000 hours pilot-in-command time in jet aircraft. Flight\n    test experience highly desirable.\n\n    3. Ability to pass a NASA Class I space physical which is similar to a\n    military or civilian Class I flight physical and includes the following\n    specific standards:\n\n\t Distant visual acuity:\n\t      20/50 or better uncorrected\n\t      correctable to 20/20, each eye.\n\n\t Blood pressure:\n\t      140/90 measured in sitting position.\n\n    4. Height between 64 and 76 inches.\n\n    Citizenship Requirements\n\n    Applications for the Astronaut Candidate Program must be citizens of\n    the United States.\n\n    Note on Academic Requirements\n\n    Applicants for the Astronaut Candidate Program must meet the basic\n    education requirements for NASA engineering and scientific positions --\n    specifically: successful completion of standard professional curriculum\n    in an accredited college or university leading to at least a bachelor\'s\n    degree with major study in an appropriate field of engineering,\n    biological science, physical science, or mathematics.\n\n      The following degree fields, while related to engineering and the\n    sciences, are not considered qualifying:\n      - Degrees in technology (Engineering Technology, Aviation Technology,\n\tMedical Technology, etc.)\n      - Degrees in Psychology (except for Clinical Psychology, Physiological\n\tPsychology, or Experimental Psychology which are qualifying).\n      - Degrees in Nursing.\n      - Degrees in social sciences (Geography, Anthropology, Archaeology, etc.)\n      - Degrees in Aviation, Aviation Management or similar fields.\n\n    Application Procedures\n    ----------------------\n\n    Civilian\n\n    The application package may be obtained by writing to:\n\n\tNASA Johnson Space Center\n\tAstronaut Selection Office\n\tATTN: AHX\n\tHouston, TX 77058\n\n    Civilian applications will be accepted on a continuous basis. When NASA\n    decides to select additional astronaut candidates, consideration will be\n    given only to those applications on hand on the date of decision is\n    made. Applications received after that date will be retained and\n    considered for the next selection. Applicants will be notified annually\n    of the opportunity to update their applications and to indicate\n    continued interest in being considered for the program. Those applicants\n    who do not update their applications annually will be dropped from\n    consideration, and their applications will not be retained. After the\n    preliminary screening of applications, additional information may be\n    requested for some applicants, and person listed on the application as\n    supervisors and references may be contacted.\n\n    Active Duty Military\n\n    Active duty military personnel must submit applications to their\n    respective military service and not directly to NASA. Application\n    procedures will be disseminated by each service.\n\n    Selection\n    ---------\n\n    Personal interviews and thorough medical evaluations will be required\n    for both civilian and military applicants under final consideration.\n    Once final selections have been made, all applicants who were considered\n    will be notified of the outcome of the process.\n\n    Selection rosters established through this process may be used for the\n    selection of additional candidates during a one year period following\n    their establishment.\n\n    General Program Requirements\n\n    Selected applicants will be designated Astronaut Candidates and will be\n    assigned to the Astronaut Office at the Johnson Space Center, Houston,\n    Texas. The astronaut candidates will undergo a 1 year training and\n    evaluation period during which time they will be assigned technical or\n    scientific responsibilities allowing them to contribute substantially to\n    ongoing programs. They will also participate in the basic astronaut\n    training program which is designed to develop the knowledge and skills\n    required for formal mission training upon selection for a flight. Pilot\n    astronaut candidates will maintain proficiency in NASA aircraft during\n    their candidate period.\n\n    Applicants should be aware that selection as an astronaut candidate does\n    not insure selection as an astronaut. Final selection as an astronaut\n    will depend on satisfactory completion of the 1 year training and\n    evaluation period. Civilian candidates who successfully complete the\n    training and evaluation and are selected as astronauts will become\n    permanent Federal employees and will be expected to remain with NASA for\n    a period of at least five years. Civilian candidates who are not\n    selected as astronauts may be placed in other positions within NASA\n    depending upon Agency requirements and manpower constraints at that\n    time. Successful military candidates will be detailed to NASA for a\n    specified tour of duty.\n\n    NASA has an affirmative action program goal of having qualified\n    minorities and women among those qualified as astronaut candidates.\n    Therefore, qualified minorities and women are encouraged to apply.\n\n    Pay and Benefits\n    ----------------\n\n    Civilians\n\n    Salaries for civilian astronaut candidates are based on the Federal\n    Governments General Schedule pay scales for grades GS-11 through GS-14,\n    and are set in accordance with each individuals academic achievements\n    and experience.\n\n    Other benefits include vacation and sick leave, a retirement plan, and\n    participation in group health and life insurance plans.\n\n    Military\n\n    Selected military personnel will be detailed to the Johnson Space Center\n    but will remain in an active duty status for pay, benefits, leave, and\n    other similar military matters.\n\n\nNEXT: FAQ #15/15 - Orbital and Planetary Launch Services\n',
  'From: lynch@hpcc01.corp.hp.com (Howard Lynch)\nSubject: Re: PHILLIES SIGN MARK DAVIS\nOrganization: the HP Corporate notes server\nLines: 8\n\nI had heard the rumors about LA, Cin, Hou, and SD all being\ninterested in Mark Davis, so it doesn\'t surprise me that a\nteam had to give up something and cash to actually get him.\n\nLynch "MOB"\n\nps.  anyone else draft this guy?  i really did and got a \n     loud cry of "when will you ever give up on this guy" :-)\n',
  "From: tomacj@opco.enet.dec.com (THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO !!!)\nSubject: MR2 - noisy engine.\nOrganization: Digital Equipment Corporation\nLines: 19\nNNTP-Posting-Host: OPCO\n\n\nG'day people,\n\t\n\tAre there any MR2 owners or motor-head gurus out there, that know why\nmy MR2's engine sounds noisy? The MR2's engine is noisy at the best of times, \nbut not even a nice nose - it's one of those very ugly noises. \n\tI do an oil change every 2-3 months, and for about 2 months the engine\nnoise sounds relatively quiet during driving and idling. At around the 3 month\nmark, after an oil change (I've been tracking this very thoroughly for months\nnow) it starts to get that very disgusting noise, not so much during driving,\nbut more so during idling. \n\tWhat's its problem? \n\tAlso.. I don't know if it's just me, but if noticed a little\nperformance drop. It just hasn't got the acceleration it used to. \n\n\tAny help/tips would be appreciated!!\n\n\nWorried.\n",
  'From: der@anomaly.sbs.com (Admiral David E. Ryan)\nSubject: 144mhz/440mhz amps, 2mtr HT for sale\nOrganization: Small Business Systems, Incorporated, Smithfield, RI 02917\nLines: 18\n\nI have the following equipment for sale:\n\n1. Kenwood TH-28A 2mtr HT\t\t\t$250.00\n\n2. RF Concepts 2mtr Amp (45in->170out)\t\t$275.00\n\n3. Hamtronics Class C Continuous Duty\n\t440mhz 10watt-in ~40watt-out amp\t$250.00\n\nAll prices include shipping/insurance.\n\nFor additional information, contact me at the address below.\n\nDave\n-- \n| Admiral David E. Ryan        \t     |\n| der@anomaly.sbs.com                | \n| ...!uunet!rayssd!anomaly!der       |\n',
  "From: wdsst3@cislabs.pitt.edu (William D Sands)\nSubject: request for video in Pittsburgh area\nKeywords: Sunday afternoon\nOrganization: University of Pittsburgh\nLines: 11\n\n\n\tThere was apparently a 30 minute special here on the Penguins' \nseason on ABC (WTAE - channel 4), immediately preceding the opening \ngame against the Devils on Sunday.  I only turned it on in time to \nwatch the credits.  If anyone taped it and is willing to let me borrow \nit to dub it, I would appreciate it.  I would be willing to come pick \nit up, and I'll return it the next day and buy you a beer.  Please \nrespond via e-mail.  Thanks a lot.\n\tOh yeah.  Was it any good?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t-Billy\n\n",
  "From: ytwu@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Yih-Tyng Wu)\nSubject: Help! How to test SIMMs?\nNntp-Posting-Host: top.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\nOrganization: The Ohio State University\nLines: 10\n\n\nHello,\n  I just got some SIMMs,  at least one of which does not work. I don't know if \nthere is a software that can test SIMMs thoroughly or I could just rely on the \nRAM test performed by my computer during the start up. When I installed a dead \nSIMM into an LC or  an LC II, there would be a strange music and no display on \nthe screen. Why? I need your help! Thanks in advance\n\nYih-Tyng\nytwu@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\n",
  'From: mussack@austin.ibm.com (Christopher Mussack)\nSubject: Re: Christian\'s need for Christianity\nLines: 44\n\nIn article <Apr.>, lmh@juliet.caltech.edu (Henling, Lawrence M.) writes:\n> In article <Apr.<, mussack@austin.ibm.com writes...\n> << < For example: why does the universe exist at all?  \n> \n> <Whether there is a "why" or not we have to find it. This is Pascal\'s(?) wager.\n> <If there is no why and we spend our lives searching, then we have merely\n> <wasted our lives, which were meaningless anyway. If there is a why and we\n> ..\n>  I find this view of Christianity to be quite disheartening and sad.\n> The idea that life only has meaning or importance if there is a Creator\n> does not seem like much of a basis for belief.\n\nPlease forgive all the inclusions. I suppose they are neccessary to follow\nthe argument.\n\nMy point is that "if life has meaning or importance then we should try\nto find that meaning or importance" which is almost a tautology. (I hope\nI\'m not being too patronizing.) One term for that meaning is "Creator",\nthough that is not obvious from my above argument.\n\n>  And the logic is also appalling: "God must exist because I want Him to."\n\n(It\'s more like "I think, therefore I am, therefore God is.")\n\n>  I have heard this line of "reasoning" before and wonder how prevalent\n> it is. Certainly in modern society many people are convinced life is\n> hopeless (or so the pollsters and newscasts state), but I don\'t see\n> where this is a good reason to become religious. If you want \'meaning\'\n> why not just join a cult, such as in Waco? The leaders will give you\n> the security blanket you desire.\n\nUnfortunately the term "religious" is ambiguous to me in this context.\nI could say that searching for meaning in life is by definition being\nreligious. I could say cult followers by definition have given up on \nthe search.\n\nIf you want "meaning" why not search for the truth?\n\nSo far, my understanding of Christianity is congruent with my understanding\nof truth. There have been many before me who have come to conclusions \nthat are worded in ways that make sense to me. By no means does that imply\nthat I understand everything. \n\nChris Mussack\n',
  'From: mccool@dgp.toronto.edu (Michael McCool)\nSubject: Apr 20 Toronto Siggraph Event\nOrganization: University of Toronto Dynamic Graphics Project\nDistribution: na\nLines: 48\n\n\nToronto Siggraph \n================\n\nWhat: ``Chance\'s Art\'\': 2D Graphics and Animation on the Indigo.\n\nBy:    Ken Evans, Imagicians Artware, Inc. \n\nWhen:  Tuesday 20 April 1993 7:00pm-9:00pm \n\nWhere: The McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology\n       University of Toronto\n       39A Queen\'s Park Crescent\n       Toronto\n\nWho:   Members and non-members alike \n       (non-members encouraged to become members...)\n\nAbstract:\n\nImagicians Artware, Inc. is entering into early beta site testing on Silicon \nGraphics workstations of a new 2D abstract artwork and animation package called \nChance\'s Art.  The package will be described and demonstrated, and some of the \ntechnical issues will be discussed.  Marketing plans will be outlined.  The \ntalk will also present some of the technical and business problems increasingly \nconfronting small startup software companies today, and some of the \nopportunities this situation presents.\n\nTime after the event will be allocated for hands-on demonstrations to \ninterested parties.  Silicon Graphics is graciously providing an Indigo for \nthis event.  Myck Kupka will also be demonstrating his computerized interactive \nreflective stereoscope, which is installed upstairs in the McLuhan Centre, so \nfeel free to drop by for a demonstration before or after the event. BTW, be \nsure to sing "Happy Birthday, Myck"...\n\nThe names of nominees for our Siggraph executive offices will be announced at \nthis meeting.  Nominations will still be open until the election at our \nMay 18th event; call Myck Kupka at 465-0943 or fax to 465-0729.  \n\nDirections: The McLuhan Coachhouse is on the east side of Queen\'s Park \nCrescent, just NORTH of Wellesley, SOUTH of St. Joseph St., BEHIND (EAST of) \n39 Queen\'s Park Crescent, which is the centre for Mediaeval Studies.  \n\nFor information on Toronto Siggraph membership, contact Michael McCool via:\n\tInternet: mccool@dgp.utoronto.ca; \n\tVoice: 652-8072/978-6619/978-6027; \n\tFax: 653-1654\n\n',
  'From: glang@slee01.srl.ford.com (Gordon Lang)\nSubject: Flame Therapy\nArticle-I.D.: fmsrl7.1pqdfrINN88e\nOrganization: Ford Motor Company Research Laboratory\nLines: 5\nNNTP-Posting-Host: slee01.srl.ford.com\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5\n\nI think it would be a great idea to have a new group created:\n\ncomp.sys.ibm.pc.flame.therapy\n\nanybody agree?\n',
  'From: kkopp@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (koppenhoefer kyle cramm)\nSubject: Re: Kyle K. on Rodney King\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: University of Illinois at Urbana\nLines: 54\n\nthf2@kimbark.uchicago.edu (Ted Frank) writes:\n\n>In article <C5nH58.Hp4@news.cso.uiuc.edu> kkopp@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (koppenhoefer kyle cramm) writes:\n>>thf2@kimbark.uchicago.edu (Ted Frank) writes:\n>>>In article <C5Lp0y.FDK@news.cso.uiuc.edu> kkopp@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (koppenhoefer kyle cramm) writes:\n>>>>How about the fact that you have a bunch of cops putting their lives on\n>>>>the line day in and day out who are afraid as hell of a large black guy that\n>>>                                                               ^^^^^\n>>>>took a large amount of punishment and refused submit?  \n>>\n>>>I\'m curious why you think that particular adjective is important.\n>>\n>>I\'m curious why you took a beign statement and cross-posted it to several\n>>different news groups, including something along the lines of \n>>alt.discrimination.  \n\n>Exsqueeze me?  I saw *your* original post in alt.discrimination.\n>Your post was cross-posted to three groups.  My followup was cross-posted\n>to two of those three (omitting soc.motss).\n\n>Now, instead of engaging in meta-discussion off the topic, could you answer \n>the question posed?  If your statement is so "beign"(!?), you should have no\n>trouble politely responding to a polite query.\n\n       Well, I don\'t think your query was exactly polite, but I will TRY to\ngive you a polite responce.  Something atypical of the net, but here it goes.\n\n       Black is a descriptive adjective that describes Mr. King.  From many\nof the newspaper, radio, and tv news reports I have seen, this adjective      \nis commonly in front of his name.  I have NEVER seen anyone complain about\nthe use of this adjective when used in a benign manner.  I did not say that\nMr. King was a no good black!  I do not know Mr. King and would not make this\nascertian without some evidence to this effect.  I used it PURELY as a \ndescriptive adjective in the same manner than many ( most ) news people have\nused it in the past.\n\n\n      The entire second trial was about race, Ted.  I don\'t feel compelled to\ndiscuss Mr. King\'s racial background, but had Mr. King been white there would\nnot have been a second trial.  You probably are saying that the beating would\nnot have occurred if he were white, but that is an extremely difficult call\nto make.  It is possible the case, but not definately.  \n\n      I still think your actions are crap, Ted.  They are far more divisive than\nme using the adjective \'black\' in a non-derogenory manner.  Would you have\nbeen happier if I had used \'African-american\' ?  If so, then you really are\nlost in the world of PC.  You have already been instrumental in getting one\npersons net access revoked, and I wonder if you have sent a copy of my \nmessage to my sys admin with a plea that I am not worthy of posting.\n\n     The way you went about this \'polite\' inquiry makes me believe it was \nanything but.\n \n\n',
  'From: davewood@bruno.cs.colorado.edu (David Rex Wood)\nSubject: Creating application contexts multiple times???\nNntp-Posting-Host: bruno.cs.colorado.edu\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 94\n\nThe subject does not describe the problem I am having very well.  Please read\non...\n\nI am trying to write a function which creates an XtAppContext and a Widget,\ndisplays the widget for a while, then destroys everything and returns.  The\nproblem is that multiple calls to this function cause a variety of problems\nincluding (depending on which calls I make to get rid of things):\n\n- Core Dump\n- BadPixmap X Error\n- Widget not unmapped\n\n\nHere is a simple (C++) program I wrote to show the problem:\n\n#include <X11/Xlib.h>\n#include <Xm/Xm.h>\n#include <Xm/PushB.h>\n\nvoid bla()\n{\n        XtAppContext app;\n        Display *dis = XOpenDisplay("");\n        int junk = 0;\n\n        Widget top=XtAppInitialize (&app, "test", NULL, 0, &junk, NULL,\n                NULL, NULL, 0);\n\n        Widget box = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("blaaa", xmPushButtonWidgetClass,\n                        top,\n                        XmNheight, 50,\n                        XmNwidth, 50,\n                        NULL);\n\n        XtRealizeWidget(top);\n        //Same as XtAppMainLoop but with only 10 XEvents\n        for (int i=0;i<=10;i++)\n        {\n                XEvent event;\n                XtAppNextEvent(app, &event);\n                XtDispatchEvent(&event);\n        }\n\n// WHAT SHOULD I PUT HERE???\n        XtUnrealizeWidget(top);\n        XtDestroyWidget(top);\n        XtDestroyApplicationContext(app);\n        XCloseDisplay(dis);\n// ???\n}\n\nmain()\n{\n        for (int i=0;i<=20;i++)\n                bla();\n}\n\nNote that I rewrote XtAppMainLoop so that at a given time (in this example,\nafter 10 XEvents) the function will exit and return to the main program.\nWith this example, I get the following error on about (this is NOT consistent)\nthe 5th call to bla():\n\nX Error of failed request:  BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)\n  Major opcode of failed request:  55 (X_CreateGC)\n  Resource id in failed request:  0xe0000d\n  Serial number of failed request:  71\n  Current serial number in output stream:  86\n\nIf I take out the XtUnrealizeWidget(top); line, it just dumps core on the\nseconds call.\n\nFurthermore, every time I call XtAppInitialize() (other than the 1st time), I\nget:\n\nWarning: Initializing Resource Lists twice\nWarning: Initializing Translation manager twice.\n\n\nSo finally, my question is this:\n\nWhat needs to be done in order to be able to call a function which creates\nan XtAppContext and widgets multiple times?\n\nAny help would be greatly appreciated.\n\nPLEASE respond via email as I dont usually have time to read this group.\n\nThanks very much.\n\n-davewood\n-- \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDavid Rex Wood -- davewood@cs.colorado.edu -- University of Colorado at Boulder\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  'From: nstramer@supergas.dazixco.ingr.com (Naftaly Stramer)\nSubject: Re: Israel\'s Expansion\nNntp-Posting-Host: supergas\nReply-To: nstramer@dazixco.ingr.com\nOrganization: Intergraph Electronics\nLines: 34\n\n\nIn article <18APR93.15729846.0076@VM1.MCGILL.CA>, B8HA000 <B8HA@MUSICB.MCGILL.CA> writes:\n>Just a couple of questions for the pro-Israeli lobby out there:\n>\n>1) Is Israel\'s occupation of Southern Lebanon temporary?  For Mr.\n>Stein:  I am working on a proof for you that Israel is diverting\n>water to the Jordan River (away from Lebanese territory).\n\nYes. As long as the goverment over there can force some authority and prevent\nterrorists attack against Israel. \n\n>\n>2) Is Israel\'s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan\n>temporary?  If so (for those of you who support it), why were so\n>many settlers moved into the territories?  If it is not temporary,\n>let\'s hear it.\n\nSinai had several big cities that were avcuated when isreal gave it back to\nEgypth, but for a peace agreement. So it is my opinin that the settlers will not\nbe an obstacle for withdrawal as long it is combined with a real peace agreement\nwith the Arabs and the Palastinians.\n\n>\n>Steve\n>\n\n\nNaftaly\n\n---\nNaftaly Stramer \t\t\t | Intergraph Electronics\nInternet: nstramer@dazixco.ingr.com      | 6101 Lookout Road, Suite A    \nVoice: (303)581-2370  FAX: (303)581-9972 | Boulder, CO 80301\n"Quality is everybody\'s job, and it\'s everybody\'s job to watch all that they can."\n',
  'From: piatt@gdc.COM (Gary Piatt)\nSubject: Re: Employment (was Re: Why not concentrate on child molesters?\nOrganization: General DataComm Ind. Inc., Middlebury, CT 06762\nLines: 51\nNntp-Posting-Host: esun228\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\n\nDov Bai-MSI Visitor (bai@msiadmin.cit.cornell.edu) wrote:\n: In article <C5FG7t.6At@exnet.co.uk> sys1@exnet.co.uk (Xavier Gallagher) writes:\n\n: >True, man did not invent the need for food, shelter, warmth and the ilk,\n: >but man did invent the property laws and the laws of trespass.   \n: But how do you think property is generated ? Does it grow automatically\n: on trees when we wish so, or someone has to produce it ?\n\nSome say it was generated by God or Goddess; some say it was the result of\nthe coalescence of billions of tons of interstellar debris.  In either case,\nthe property of which Xavier speaks has been around for millions of years.\n\n\n:     It all follows from the fact that Mother Nature does not\n: provide us automatically with our needs,\n\nOh?  When did She *stop*?  Mother Nature has been automatically providing\nus with her bounty ever since we crawled out of the primordial ooze.  It\nis not "produced": it produces itself, year after year.  Last night, for\nexample, I saw four deer crossing the road (pretty sight, too); in an\nearlier time, one of them would have been dinner.\n\n: There are 2 ways to go with produced things: the first is to \n: _trade_ it with the the person(s) who produced it. \n: The other one is to take it with a gun from the person who produced\n: it. The first way is the civilized method, the second is how savages\n: arrange their affairs.\n\nThe American Indians had no concept of ownership of property, and often\nfreely gave of their supplies to neighboring tribes, trading food and\nclothing for weapons or services.  The Native Hawaiians, like their\nPolynesian ancestors, also could not conceive of that idea, and shared\nmany things with the other Islanders.  In fact, "hi\'ipoi", the Hawaiian\nword for "cherish" means "sharing food".  The Great Mahele, in which\nthe Islands were divided up more-or-less evenly between the rich and\nthe poor, was a white man\'s idea.  In Africa, villagers will often\nshare tools, crops, and clothing with other members of their own village\nand neighboring villages.  Every anthropologist who has ever been to\nAfrica has at least one tale of the difficulties arising from the so-\ncalled "theft" of the scientists possessions -- two concepts of which,\nuntil the visitors came along, the natives had no understanding.\n\nThese are the people we call "savages".\n\nOn the other hand, car-jackings and muggings are up from last year.\n\nDov, before you make further comment on this thread, I think it would\nbehoove you to study *all* of the facts.\n\n\n-garison\n',
  "From: enf021@cck.coventry.ac.uk (Achurist)\nSubject: Re: Abyss: breathing fluids\nNntp-Posting-Host: cc_sysk\nOrganization: Coventry University\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <93089.204431GRV101@psuvm.psu.edu> Callec Dradja <GRV101@psuvm.psu.edu> writes:\n>I am a bit nervous about posting this beacause it is begining to\n>stray fron the topic of space but then again that doesn't seem to\n>stop alot of other people. :-)\n>\n>With all of this talk about breathing at high pressures, I began\n>to think about the movie Abyss. If you remember, in that movie one\n>of the characters dove to great depths by wearing a suit that used\n>a fluid that carries oxegen as opposed to some sort of gas. Now I\n>have heard that mice can breath this fluid but for some reason, humans\n>are unable to. Does anyone know more details about this?\n>\n>Gregson Vaux\n>\n\nI believe the reason is that the lung diaphram gets too tired to pump\nthe liquid in and out and simply stops breathing after 2-3 minutes.\nSo if your in the vehicle ready to go they better not put you on \nhold, or else!! That's about it. Remember a liquid is several more times\nas dense as a gas by its very nature. ~10 I think, depending on the gas\nand liquid comparision of course!\n\nAcurist\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  "From: slagle@lmsc.lockheed.com (Mark Slagle)\nSubject: Re: NRA Fucks Up Bigtime\nReply-To: slagle@lmsc.lockheed.com\nIn-reply-to: doctor1@cbnewse.cb.att.com's message of Mon, 5 Apr 1993 04:24:50 GMT\nOrganization: You wouldn't ask this if you'd seen my desk.\n\t<SLAGLE.93Mar29232337@sgi417.msd.lmsc.lockheed.com>\n\t<1993Apr5.042450.2071@cbnewse.cb.att.com>\nLines: 27\n\nIn article <1993Apr5.042450.2071@cbnewse.cb.att.com>, doctor1@cbnewse.cb.att.com (patrick.b.hailey) writes:\n\n> In article <SLAGLE.93Mar29232337@sgi417.msd.lmsc.lockheed.com> slagle@lmsc.lockheed.com writes:\n\n>>In article <xw1twyl@dixie.com>, jgd@dixie.com (John De Armond) writes:\n\n>>> No, actually I'm a lot more familiar with the libbers than I\n>>> care to be.  I'm a bit hesitant to continue this thread because\n>>> it brings back horrible memories of my first encounter with the\n>>> libbers in the LaRouche branch.  I made the mistake of buying a\n\n>>Any connection between Lyndon LaRouche and the Libertarian Party\n>>is a pure product of your own fertile imagination.  \n\n> Naw, perhaps he reads Time magazine.\n\nIt's a fair stretch of anyone's imagination to expect them to\nattach any credibility to anything written in Time magazine in\nthe past twenty years, I'd imagine.  The Enquirer at least gets\nthe names attached to the right body parts.\n\n=Mark\n--\n----\nMark E. Slagle                                 PO Box 61059\nslagle@lmsc.lockheed.com                       Sunnyvale, CA   94088\n408-756-0895                                   USA\n",
  "From: neuhaus@bloch.informatik.uni-kl.de (Stephan Neuhaus (HiWi Mattern))\nSubject: Re: PGP 2.2: general comments\nNntp-Posting-Host: bloch.informatik.uni-kl.de\nOrganization: University of Kaiserslautern, Germany\nLines: 39\n\nneuhaus@vier.informatik.uni-kl.de (Stephan Neuhaus (HiWi Mattern)) writes:\n\n>[Lots of stuff.]\n\nI hate to follow up to my own posting, but I should perhaps clarify\nsome things so I won't get flamed.\n\nFirst of all, when I'm talking about ``factoring the modulus'' or a\n``breakthrough in factoring'', what I really mean is a breakthrough in\nthe cryptanalysis of RSA.  I know that factoring and breaking RSA are\nnot proven to be equivalent; it's just so damn convenient not to\nrepeat this every time.\n\nI also have to admit that I don't really know if the ``non-group''\nproperty of a cipher is essential only for key chaining.  I have\nthought about it a little while, but I can't find a way that a\ncryptanalyst could exploit a group structure.  That, of course, means\nnothing at all.\n\nThen I wrote,\n\n>Please note that as long as it is much harder to factor a RSA modulus\n>than it is to generate it, the increase in computer speed alone will\n>keep key lengths and modulus factoring in lock-step, i.e., people will\n>simply start using longer moduli and still be safe.\n\nWhat I meant was that as long as the only advantage of the\ncryptanalyst is a faster computer, then we will probably have RSA for\na long time to come, because even if 1024-bit moduli somehow could be\nbroken with fast computers (not with a new algorithm), then people\nwould simply use longer moduli.  Both users and cryptanalysts benefit\nfrom better technology in the same way.\n\nHope this keeps the flames away...  Have fun.\n\n-- \nStephan <neuhaus@informatik.uni-kl.de>\nsig closed for inventory.  Please leave your pickaxe outside.\nPGP 2.2 public key available on request.  Note the expiration date.\n",
  'From: earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US (Greg Earle)\nSubject: Re: Colormaps and Window Managers\nOrganization: Personal Usenet site, Tujunga, CA USA\nLines: 27\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: isolar.tujunga.ca.us\nKeywords: twm  tvtwm  InstallWindowColormaps\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.155255.27034@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu> mouse@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu (der Mouse) writes:\n>In article <C5DuHC.71p.1@cs.cmu.edu>, das+@cs.cmu.edu (David Simon) writes:\n>\n>>Can some one please explain to me why the following piece of code\n>>causes twm (or tvtwm) to dump core [...]\n>\n>>In particular, I am interested in knowing whether this behavior is\n>>caused by a bug in my reasoning, or if it is a bug in twm.\n>\n>If *anything* a client does causes twm to dump core, it\'s a bug in twm.\n>Window managers should never *ever* crash.\n\nWould if only it were true ...\n\nIf only MIT would fix the !@&$^*@ twm "InstallWindowColormaps()" crash bug\nonce and for all, then I could say that I\'ve (almost) unable to crash either\n"twm" or "tvtwm", which would be a remarkable feat - and most desirable to\nboot.  I mean, this bug has only been reported, oh, a zillion times by now ...\n\nNow *servers*, on the other hand ... (want to crash an OpenWindows 3.0 "xnews"\nserver at will?  Just do an \'xbiff -xrm "XBiff*shapeWindow: on"\'.  Blammo.)\n\n-- \n\t- Greg Earle\n\t  Phone: (818) 353-8695\t\tFAX: (818) 353-1877\n\t  Internet: earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US\n\t  UUCP: isolar!earle@elroy.JPL.NASA.GOV a.k.a. ...!elroy!isolar!earle\n',
  "From: korenek@nmti.com (gary korenek)\nSubject: Re: HINT 486 VLB/ISA/EISA motherboard\nKeywords: 486, motherboard\nOrganization: Network Management Technology Inc.\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <C5ovwv.LMo@news.iastate.edu> schauf@iastate.edu (Brian J Schaufenbuel) writes:\n>I am looking at buying some Companion brand VLB/ISA/EISA motherboards with\n>HINT chipsets.  Has anybody had any experience with this board (good or bad)?\n>Any information would be helpful!\n>thanks\n>Brian J Schaufenbuel\n\n\nI believe that any VL/EISA/ISA motherboard that uses the HINT chipset\nis limited to 24-bit EISA DMA (where 'real' EISA DMA is 32-bit).  The\nHINT EISA DMA has the 16 mb ram addressing limitation of ISA.  For this\nreason I would pass.  I own one of these (HAWK VL/EISA/ISA) and am look-\ning to replace it for exactly this reason.\n\nPlease double-check me on this.  In other words, call the motherboard\nmanufacturer and ask them if the motherboard supports true 32-bit EISA\nDMA.\n\nOther than this limitation, the motherboard works quite well (I am using\nmine with DOS 5, Windows 3.1, and UNIX S5R3.2).  Also with Adaptec 1742a\nEISA SCSI host adapter.\n\n-- \nGary Korenek   (korenek@nmti.com)\nNetwork Management Technology Incorporated\nSugar Land, Texas       (713) 274-5357\n",
  'From: alaa@peewee.unx.dec.com (Alaa Zeineldine)\nSubject: Re: THE HAMAS WAY of DEATH\nOrganization: Digital Equipment Corp.\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL3\nLines: 28\n\nnstramer@supergas.dazixco.ingr.com (Naftaly Stramer) writes:\n: \n:                      THE HAMAS WAY of DEATH\n:  \n:      (Following is a transcript of a recruitment and training\n: videotape made last summer by the Qassam Battalions, the military\n\nAs opposed to Israel\'s many ways of death. Using bombers and artillery\nagainst Lebanese towns and villages. Using fire arms and lethal\nvariants of tear gas and *rubber coated* bullets against stone\nthrowers. Using tanks and anti-tank missiles against homes after a 5\nminute evacuation warning.  Using Shin Bit\'s "reasonable" physical\npressure in interrogation. And more. Not counting of course past \npractices such as the bombardment of Beirut in 1982, the bombing of the \nEgyptian school of Bahr-El-Bakar and the Abu-Za\'bal factory in 1978,\nthe downing of the Libyan airliner full of Egyptian passengers near\nthe same time. Overseeing the Maronite massacre in Sabra and Shatilla.\nThat is of course besides numerous massacres by Irgun and other gangs\nduring the British mandate period.\n\nIronically the same Op-Ed page in the NYT times from which the Naftaly\ncopied this article was running another article next to it by A.M.\nRosenthall blaming Bosnian Muslims for their own genocide by effectively\nsaying that it is stupid to seek independence if independence will bring\nyour people slaughter. But what else would one expect from Mr. Rosenthall\nwho never wasted a chance to bash Arabs or Muslims.\n\nAlaa Zeineldine\n',
  "From: qazi@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Aamir Hafeez Qazi)\nSubject: Re: How is Cizeta V16T doing?\nOrganization: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee\nLines: 20\nReply-To: qazi@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\nOriginator: qazi@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\n\n> cs173sbw@sdcc5.ucsd.edu (cs173sbw) writes:\n> \n>>Does anyone know what happpened to the venerable V16T!?  Has Claudio\n>>done any enhancement to it?  Are there any pictures of this beast I\n>>can ftp down somewhere?\n>>THanks\n>>p.s.  Better, seen any RC model of this beauty? :)\n\n--AutoWeek had an article about the car within the past six weeks.\n  It was the issue with the Diablo VT AWD on the cover.  Naturally, I\n  don't remember the date of the issue offhand, but I can check it if\n  anyone is interested.  \n\n--Aamir Qazi\n\n-- \n\nAamir Qazi\nqazi@csd4.csd.uwm.edu\n--Why should I care?  I'd rather watch drying paint.\n",
  'From: spl@dim.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont)\nSubject: Re: Finding equally spaced points on a sphere.\nOrganization: University of Calif., San Diego/Microscopy and Imaging Resource\nLines: 326\nNNTP-Posting-Host: dim.ucsd.edu\n\nIn article <4615trd@rpi.edu> deweeset@ptolemy2.rdrc.rpi.edu (Thomas E. DeWeese) writes:\n>  Hello, I know that this has been discussed before.  But at the time\n>I didn\'t need to teselate a sphere.  So if any kind soul has the code\n>or the alg, that was finally decided upon as the best (as I recall it\n>was a nice, iterative subdivision meathod), I would be very \n>appreciative.\n\nHere is one by Andrew "Graphics Gems" Glassner that I got from a\ncollegue of mine.  I think I fiddled with it a little bit to make it\ndeal with whatever bizarre problem I was working on at the time but it\nis known to work.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspl\n\t\t\t       - - - -\n/* spheres\n    ASG     9 Feb 85\n    spl Thu Mar  8 17:17:40 EST 1990\n*/\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <math.h>\n\n#define PI 3.141592654\n\nstruct Point_struct {\n        double x, y, z;\n};\n\nstatic double radius;\nstatic double xorg;\nstatic double yorg;\nstatic double zorg;\n\ndo_sphere( r, freq, x, y, z )\n\n  double r;\n  int freq;\n  double x;\n  double y;\n  double z;\n\n  {\n\n    int pole;\n    double northy, southy, poley;\n    double rtheta, rtheta2, ntheta, ntheta2, magicangle;\n    double theta, thetastart, thisy, den, t;\n    struct Point_node *pnp;\n    struct Point_struct p1, p2, p3, p4, n1, n2, n3, n4, pt;\n\n    radius = r;\n    xorg = x;\n    yorg = y;\n    zorg = z;\n\n/* north pole */\n\n    magicangle = 30.0*PI/180.0;\n    northy = radius*sin(magicangle);\n    southy = -radius*sin(magicangle);\n    for (pole=0; pole<2; pole++) {\n\n      if (pole==0) {\n\n        poley=radius;   \n        thisy=northy; \n        thetastart=0.0; \n\n      }\n      else { \n\n        poley= -radius; \n        thisy=southy; \n        thetastart=36.0; \n\n      }\n      for ( theta = thetastart; theta < 360.0; theta += 60.0 ) {\n\n        rtheta = theta*PI/180.0;\n        rtheta2 = (theta+60.0)*PI/180.0;\n        p1.x = 0.0;  \n        p1.y = poley;  \n        p1.z = 0.0;  \n        p2.x = radius*cos(rtheta);\n        p2.y = thisy;\n        p2.z = radius*sin(rtheta);\n        p3.x = radius*cos(rtheta2);\n        p3.y = thisy;\n        p3.z = radius*sin(rtheta2);\n\n        if (pole==0) {\n\n/* make ring go the other way so normals are right */\n\n          pt.x = p3.x;  \n          pt.y = p3.y;  \n          pt.z = p3.z;  \n          p3.x = p2.x;  \n          p3.y = p2.y;  \n          p3.z = p2.z;  \n          p2.x = pt.x;  \n          p2.y = pt.y;  \n          p2.z = pt.z;  \n\n        }\n\n        den = (p1.x*p1.x)+(p1.y*p1.y)+(p1.z*p1.z);  \n        den = sqrt(den);\n\n        if (den != 0.0) {\n\n          t = radius / den; \n          p1.x *= t;  \n          p1.y *= t;  \n          p1.z *= t;\n\n        }\n\n        den = (p2.x*p2.x)+(p2.y*p2.y)+(p2.z*p2.z);  \n        den = sqrt(den);\n\n        if (den != 0.0) {\n\n          t = radius / den; \n          p2.x *= t;  \n          p2.y *= t;  \n          p2.z *= t;\n\n        }\n\n        den = (p3.x*p3.x)+(p3.y*p3.y)+(p3.z*p3.z);  \n        den = sqrt(den);\n\n        if (den != 0.0) {\n\n          t = radius / den; \n          p3.x *= t;  \n          p3.y *= t;  \n          p3.z *= t;\n\n        }\n\n        subdivide_tri(&p1,&p2,&p3,freq);\n\n      }\n\n    }\n\n/* now the body */\n\n    for (theta=0.0; theta<360.0; theta += 60.0) {\n\n      rtheta = theta*PI/180.0;  \n      rtheta2 = (theta+60.0)*PI/180.0;\n      ntheta = (theta+36.0)*PI/180.0; \n      ntheta2 = (theta+96.0)*PI/180.0;\n      p1.x = radius*cos(rtheta);   \n      p1.y = northy;  \n      p1.z = radius*sin(rtheta);\n      p2.x = radius*cos(rtheta2);  \n      p2.y = northy;  \n      p2.z = radius*sin(rtheta2);\n      p3.x = radius*cos(ntheta);   \n      p3.y = southy;  \n      p3.z = radius*sin(ntheta);\n      p4.x = radius*cos(ntheta2);  \n      p4.y = southy;  \n      p4.z = radius*sin(ntheta2);\n\n      den = (p1.x*p1.x)+(p1.y*p1.y)+(p1.z*p1.z);  \n      den = sqrt(den);\n\n      if (den != 0.0) {\n\n        t = radius / den; \n        p1.x *= t;  \n        p1.y *= t;  \n        p1.z *= t;\n\n      }\n\n      den = (p2.x*p2.x)+(p2.y*p2.y)+(p2.z*p2.z);  \n      den = sqrt(den);\n\n      if (den != 0.0) {\n\n        t = radius / den; \n        p2.x *= t;  \n        p2.y *= t;  \n        p2.z *= t;\n\n      }\n      den = (p3.x*p3.x)+(p3.y*p3.y)+(p3.z*p3.z);  \n      den = sqrt(den);\n      if (den != 0.0) {\n\n        t = radius / den; \n        p3.x *= t;  \n        p3.y *= t;  \n        p3.z *= t;\n\n      }\n      den = (p4.x*p4.x)+(p4.y*p4.y)+(p4.z*p4.z);  \n      den = sqrt(den);\n      if (den != 0.0) {\n\n        t = radius / den; \n        p4.x *= t;  \n        p4.y *= t;  \n        p4.z *= t;\n\n      }\n\n      subdivide_tri(&p1,&p2,&p3,freq);\n      subdivide_tri(&p3,&p2,&p4,freq);\n\n    }\n\n    return;\n\n  }\n\n#define norm_pt(v) { register double r = sqrt( ( ( v )->x * ( v )->x ) + \\\n                                               ( ( v )->y * ( v )->y ) + \\\n                                               ( ( v )->z * ( v )->z ) ); \\\n                     ( v )->x /= r; \\\n                     ( v )->y /= r; \\\n                     ( v )->z /= r; \\\n                    }\n\nsubdivide_tri(p1,p2,p3,a)\n\n  struct Point_struct *p1, *p2, *p3;\n  int a;\n\n  {\n\n    struct Point_struct n1, n2, n3;\n    struct Point_struct p12, p13, p23;\n    double den, t;\n\n    if (a>0) {\n\n      p12.x = (p1->x+p2->x)/2.0;\n      p12.y = (p1->y+p2->y)/2.0;\n      p12.z = (p1->z+p2->z)/2.0;\n      den = (p12.x*p12.x)+(p12.y*p12.y)+(p12.z*p12.z);  \n      den = sqrt(den);\n      if (den != 0.0) {\n\n        t = radius / den;\n        p12.x *= t;  \n        p12.y *= t;  \n        p12.z *= t;\n\n      }\n      p13.x = (p1->x+p3->x)/2.0;\n      p13.y = (p1->y+p3->y)/2.0;\n      p13.z = (p1->z+p3->z)/2.0;\n      den = (p13.x*p13.x)+(p13.y*p13.y)+(p13.z*p13.z); \n      den = sqrt(den);\n      if (den != 0.0) {\n\n        t = radius / den;\n        p13.x *= t;  \n        p13.y *= t;  \n        p13.z *= t;\n\n      }\n      p23.x = (p2->x+p3->x)/2.0;\n      p23.y = (p2->y+p3->y)/2.0;\n      p23.z = (p2->z+p3->z)/2.0;\n      den = (p23.x*p23.x)+(p23.y*p23.y)+(p23.z*p23.z);  \n      den = sqrt(den);\n      if (den != 0.0) {\n\n        t = radius / den;\n        p23.x *= t;  \n        p23.y *= t;  \n        p23.z *= t;\n\n      }\n      subdivide_tri(p1,  &p12,&p13,a-1);\n      subdivide_tri(&p12, p2, &p23,a-1);\n      subdivide_tri(&p13,&p23, p3, a-1);\n      subdivide_tri(&p12,&p23,&p13,a-1);\n\n    } else {\n\n      n1.x = p1->x;  \n      n1.y = p1->y;  \n      n1.z = p1->z;  \n      norm_pt(&n1);\n      n2.x = p2->x;  \n      n2.y = p2->y;  \n      n2.z = p2->z;  \n      norm_pt(&n2);\n      n3.x = p3->x;  \n      n3.y = p3->y;  \n      n3.z = p3->z;  \n      norm_pt(&n3);\n\n/* nothing special about this poly */\n\n      printf( "%f %f %f  %f %f %f\\n", p1->x + xorg,\n                                      p1->y + yorg,\n                                      p1->z + zorg,\n                                      n1.x, n1.y, n1.z );\n      printf( "%f %f %f  %f %f %f\\n", p2->x + xorg,\n                                      p2->y + yorg,\n                                      p2->z + zorg,\n                                      n2.x, n2.y, n2.z );\n      printf( "%f %f %f  %f %f %f\\n", p3->x + xorg,\n                                      p3->y + yorg,\n                                      p3->z + zorg,\n                                      n3.x, n3.y, n3.z );\n\n    }\n\n    return;\n\n  }\n-- \nSteve Lamont, SciViGuy -- (619) 534-7968 -- spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu\nSan Diego Microscopy and Imaging Resource/UC San Diego/La Jolla, CA 92093-0608\n"My other car is a car, too."\n                 - Bumper strip seen on I-805\n',
  'From: conditt@tsd.arlut.utexas.edu (Paul Conditt)\nSubject: Re: christians and aids\nOrganization: Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin\nLines: 98\n\nIn article <Apr.> marka@travis.csd.harris.com (Mark Ashley) writes:\n>In article <Apr.> kevin@pictel.pictel.com (Kevin Davis) writes:\n>>Many Christians believe in abstinence, but in a moment will be overcome\n>>by desire.  We all compromise and rationalize poor choices (sin).  Last\n>>week I was guilty of anger, jealousy, and whole mess of other stuff,\n>>yet I am forgiven and not condemned to suffer with AIDs.  To even\n>>suggest that AIDS is "deserved" is ludicrous.\n>\n>Some rules are made because at some point man is too stupid\n>to know better. Yet, eventually man learns. But only after\n>getting a lesson from experience.\n\nYes, it\'s important to realize that all actions have consequences,\nand that "rules" were made for our own good.  But to suggest that a\n*disease* is a *punishment* for certain types of sin I think is \ntaking things much too far.  If we got some kind of mouth disease\nfor lying, would any of us have mouths left?  What if we developed\nblindness every time we lusted after someone or something?  I dare\nsay all of us would be walking into walls.\n>\n>I wonder if AIDS would be a problem now if people didn\'t get\n>involved in deviant sexual behaviour. Certainly, people who\n>received tainted blood are not to blame. But it just goes\n>to show that all mankind is affected by the actions of a few.\n\nYes, sin can have terrible consequences, but we need to be *real*\ncareful when saying that the consequences are a *punishment* for \nsin.  The Jews of Jesus\'s time believed that all sickness was the\nresult of a sin.  Then Jesus healed a blind man and said that man was\nblind to show the glory of God, not because of sin.  If AIDS, or any\nother STD is a *punishment" for sexual sin, what do we do with \ndiseases like cancer, or multiple sclerosis, which are just as\ndebilitating and terrible as AIDS, yet are not usually linked to a\nspecific behavior or lifestyle?\n>\n>In addition, IMHO forgiveness is not the end of things.\n>There is still the matter of atonement. Is it AIDS ?\n>I don\'t know.\n\nAtonement is *extremely* important, but I think you\'ve missed the mark\nabout as far as you can by suggesting that AIDS is an atonement for sin.\nThe atonement for sin is JESUS CHRIST - period.  This is the central\nmessage of the Gospel.  A perfect sacrifice was required for our sins,\nand was made in the Lamb of God.  His sacrifice atoned for *all* of\nour sins, past present and future.  God does not require pennance for\nour sins, nor does he require us to come up with our own atonement.  He\nhas graciously already done that for us.  To suggest that AIDS or \nsome other consequence is an atonement for sins is literally spitting\non the sacrifice that Jesus made.\n\nIn case you couldn\'t tell, I get *extremely* angry and upset when\nI see things like this.  Instead of rationalizing our own fears and\nphobias, we need to be reaching out to people with AIDS and other\nsocially unacceptable diseases.  Whether they got the disease through\ntheir own actions or not is irrelevant.  They still need Jesus Christ,\nno more and no less than we do.  I\'ve said this before, but I think\nit\'s a good analogy.  People with AIDS are modern-day lepers.  Jesus\nhealed many lepers.  He can also heal people with AIDS, maybe not on\nthis earth, but in an ultimate sense.  My next-door neighbor has AIDS.\nShe has recently come to have a much deeper and more committed \nrelationship with God.  Her theology isn\'t what I would want it to be,\nbut God\'s grace covers her.  The amazing thing is that she is gaining\nweight (she\'s had the disease for over 2 years) and her health is\nexcellent apart from occassional skin rashes and such.  She attributes\nher improvement in her health to God\'s intervention in her life.  Who\nare we to suggest that her disease is some kind of punishment?  It\nseems to me that God is being glorified through her disease.\n\nPaul Overstreet, the country singer, has a good song title that I \nthink applies to all of us - But for the Grace of God, There Go I\n(or something like that).\n\nMay we all experience and accept God\'s grace.\n>\n>-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n>Mark Ashley                        |DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed\n>marka@gcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com      |here are my own; they do not\n>..!uunet!gcx1!marka               |reflect the opinion or policies\n>The Lost Los Angelino              |of Harris Corporation.\n>-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n===============================================================================\nPaul Conditt\t\tInternet: conditt@titan.tsd.arlut.utexas.edu\nApplied Research\tPhone:\t  (512) 835-3422   FAX: (512) 835-3416/3259\n  Laboratories\t\tFedex:\t  10000 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas 78758-4423\nUniversity of Texas\tPostal:\t  P.O. Box 8029, Austin, Texas 78713-8029\nAustin, Texas <----- the most wonderful place in Texas to live\n\n\n  TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT              \n  TTT   TTT   TTT                 \n        TTT                    \n   TTTTTTTTTTTTT                  Texas Tech Lady Raiders\n   TT   TTT   TT                   1992-93 SWC Champions\n        TTT                    1992-93 NCAA National Champions\n        TTT\n      TTTTTTT\n',
  'From: rich@delphi.bsd.uchicago.edu (Rich Long)\nSubject: Icom 02AT for sale\nReply-To: rich@delphi.bsd.uchicago.edu\nOrganization: University of Chicago Computing Organizations\nLines: 35\n\n\nI am looking to sell my ICOM IC-02AT and extras.  I have the  \nfollowing:\nCM-12 Battery\nHS-10 Headset\nHS-10SA VOX unit\nCigarette Adapter\nLeather Case\nBC-25V Wall Charger\nIC-BP3 Battery\t\tAlso have one that needs a new cell (i think,  \nits been a while)\n\nIt is in good condition, has a scratch on the front that is not  \nvisible when in the leather case.\n\nIf you are interested, make me an offer.\n\n--rich\n\n\n-- NewsGrazer, a NeXTstep(tm) news reader, posting --\nM>UQR=&8P7&%N<VE[7&9O;G1T8FQ<9C!<9G-W:7-S($AE;\'9E=&EC83M]"EQM\nM87)G;#$R,`I<;6%R9W(Q,C`*7\'!A<F1<=\'@U,S-<=\'@Q,#8W7\'1X,38P,5QT\nM>#(Q,S5<=\'@R-C8X7\'1X,S(P,EQT>#,W,S9<=\'@T,C<P7\'1X-#@P,UQT>#4S\nM,S=<9C!<8C!<:3!<=6QN;VYE7&9S,C1<9F,P7&-F,"!<"DD@86T@;&]O:VEN\nM9R!T;R!S96QL(&UY($E#3TT@24,M,#)!5"!A;F0@97AT<F%S+B`@22!H879E\nM(\'1H92!F;VQL;W=I;F<Z7`I#32TQ,B!"871T97)Y7`I(4RTQ,"!(96%D<V5T\nM7`I(4RTQ,%-!(%9/6"!U;FET7`I#:6=A<F5T=&4@061A<\'1E<EP*3&5A=&AE\nM<B!#87-E7`I"0RTR-58@5V%L;"!#:&%R9V5R7`I)0RU"4#,@0F%T=&5R>0D)\nM06QS;R!H879E(&]N92!T:&%T(&YE961S(&$@;F5W(&-E;&P@*&D@=&AI;FLL\nM(&ET<R!B965N(&$@=VAI;&4I7`I<"DET(&ES(&EN(&=O;V0@8V]N9&ET:6]N\nM+"!H87,@82!S8W)A=&-H(&]N(\'1H92!F<F]N="!T:&%T(&ES(&YO="!V:7-I\nM8FQE(\'=H96X@:6X@=&AE(&QE871H97(@8V%S92Y<"EP*268@>6]U(&%R92!I\nK;G1E<F5S=&5D+"!M86ME(&UE(&%N(&]F9F5R+EP*7`HM+7)I8VA<"@I]"B!I\n`\n',
  'From: censwm@cend3c7.caledonia.hw.ac.uk (Stuart W Munn)\nSubject: Macintosh Lisa Dot Matrix Parallel Printer\nOrganization: Dept of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland\nLines: 15\n\nI have got a dot matrix printer that came with a Lisa (I think) I wish to attach it to a PC, but have no manual. I have been told that it is some sort of C.Itoh printer in disguise. Can anyone help with manuals or info about codes to send to select fonts, italics etc. I want to write a printer driver for Protext.\n\nThanks in advance\n\nStuart\n\n=========================================================================\nStuart Munn\t\tDOD# 0717\nHeriot-Watt University                  "The sky is BLACK . . .\nEdinburgh                                therefore GOD, he is a St Mirren\nScotland, EH14 4AS                       supporter!!!"\n031 451-3265\n031 451-3261 FAX                         God may have a Harley . . .\nE-Mail censwm@UK.AC.HW.CLUST (JANET)     But the Pope rides a Guzzi! \n=========================================================================\n',
  'From: stgprao@st.unocal.COM (Richard Ottolini)\nSubject: Re: images of earth\nOrganization: Unocal Corporation\nLines: 16\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.144533.6779@cs.ruu.nl> clldomps@cs.ruu.nl (Louis van Dompselaar) writes:\n>In <C5q0HK.KoD@hawnews.watson.ibm.com> ricky@watson.ibm.com (Rick Turner) writes:\n>\n>>Look in the /pub/SPACE directory on ames.arc.nasa.gov - there are a number\n>>of earth images there. You may have to hunt around the subdirectories as\n>>things tend to be filed under the mission (ie, "APOLLO") rather than under\t\n>>the image subject.\t\n>>\n>For those of you who don\'t need 24 bit, I got a 32 colour Amiga IFF\n>of a cloudless Earth (scanned). Looks okay when mapped on a sphere.\n>E-mail me and I\'ll send it you...\n\nBeware.  There is only one such *copyrighted* image and the company\nthat generated is known to protect that copyright.  That image took\nhundreds of man-hours to build from the source satellite images,\nso it is unlikely that competing images will appear soon.\n',
  "From: ggg@kepler.unh.edu (Gregory G Greene)\nSubject: Re: IDE vs SCSI\nOrganization: University of New Hampshire  -  Durham, NH\nLines: 12\nNNTP-Posting-Host: kepler.unh.edu\n\n'>First off, with all these huge software packages and files that\n'>they produce, IDE may no longer be sufficient for me (510 Mb limit).\n\n\tMicropolis seems to have broken this limit.  They have IDE 560meg\n   and 1050meg HD's available.  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGreg Greene\n                                                        ggg@kepler.unh.edu\n\n\n'>Mark Ashley                        |DISCLAIMER: My opinions. Not Harris'\n'>marka@gcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com      |\n'>The Lost Los Angelino              |\n",
  'From: dbd@urartu.sdpa.org (David Davidian)\nSubject: Accounts of Anti-Armenian Human Right Violations in Azerbaijan #010\nSummary: Prelude to Current Events in Nagorno-Karabakh\nOrganization: S.D.P.A. Center for Regional Studies\nLines: 170\n\n     Accounts of Anti-Armenian Human Right Violations in Azerbaijan #010\n                 Prelude to Current Events in Nagorno-Karabakh\n\n        +-------------------------------------------------------+\n        |                                                       |\n        | On the way the driver says, "In fact there aren\'t any |\n        | Armenians left. \'They burned them all, beat them all, |\n        | and stabbed them."                                    |\n        |\t\t\t\t\t\t\t|\n        +-------------------------------------------------------+\n\nDEPOSITION OF VANYA BAGRATOVICH BAZIAN\n\n   Born 1940\n   Foreman\n   Baku Spetsmontazh Administration (UMSMR-1)\n\n   Resident at Building 36/7, Apartment 9\n   Block 14\n   Sumgait [Azerbaijan]\n\n\nDuring the first days of the events, the 27th and the 28th [of February], I\nwas away on a business trip. On the 10th I had got my crew, done the paper-\nwork, and left for the Zhdanov District. That\'s in Azerbaijan, near the\nNagorno Karabagh region.\n\nAfter the 14th, rumors started to the effect that in Karabagh, specifically\nin Stepanakert, an uprising had taken place. They said "uprising" in\nAzerbaijani, but I don\'t think it was really an uprising, just a \ndemonstration. After that the unrest started. Several Armenians living in the \nZhdanov District were injured. How were they injured? They were beaten, even \nwomen; it was said that they were at the demonstrations, but they live here, \nand went from here to Karabagh to demonstrate. After that I felt uneasy. There\nwere some conversations about Armenians among the local population: the\nArmenians had done this, the Armenians had done that. Right there at the site.\nI was attacked a couple of times by kids. Well true, the guys from my crew \nwouldn\'t let them come at me with cables and knives. After that I felt really \nbad. I didn\'t know where to go. I up and called home. And my children tell me,\n"There\'s unrest everywhere, be careful." Well I had a project going on. I told\nthe Second Secretary of the District Party Committee what had been going on \nand said I wanted to take my crew off the site. They wouldn\'t allow it, they \nsaid, "Nothing\'s going to happen to you, we\'ve entrusted the matter to the \npolice, we\'ve warned everyone in the district, nothing will happen to you." \nWell, in fact they did especially detail us a policeman to look after me, he \nknows all the local people and would protect me if something happened. This\nman didn\'t leave me alone for five minutes: he was at work the whole time and \nafterward he spent the night with us, too.\n\nI sense some disquiet and call home; my wife also tells me, "The situation is\nvery tense, be careful."\n\nWe finished the job at the site, and I left for Sumgait first thing on the\nmorning of the 29th. When we left the guys warned me, they told me that I\nshouldn\'t tell anyone on the way that I was an Armenian. I took someone else\'s\nbusiness travel documents, in the name of Zardali, and hid my own. I hid it \nand my passport in my socks. We set out for Baku. Our guys were on the bus, \nthey sat behind, and I sat up front. In Baku they had come to me and said that\nthey had to collect all of our travel documents just in case. As it turns out \nthey knew what was happening in Sumgait.\n\nI arrive at the bus station and there they tell me that the city of Sumgait is\nclosed, there is no way to get there. That the city is closed off and the \nbuses aren\'t running. Buses normally leave Baku for Sumgait almost every two\nminutes. And suddenly--no buses. Well, we tried to get there via private\ndrivers. One man, an Azerbaijani, said, "Let\'s go find some other way to get\nthere." They found a light transport vehicle and arranged for the driver to\ntake us to Sumgait.\n\nHe took us there. But the others had said, "I wouldn\'t go if you gave me a\nthousand rubles." "Why?" "Because they\'re burning the city and killing the\nArmenians. There isn\'t an Armenian left." Well I got hold of myself so I could\nstill stand up. So we squared it away, the four of us got in the car, and we \nset off for Sumgait. On the way the driver says, "In fact there aren\'t any\nArmenians left. \'They burned them all, beat them all, and stabbed them." Well \nI was silent. The whole way--20-odd miles--I was silent. The driver asks me, \n"How old are you, old man?" He wants to know: if I\'m being that quiet, not \nsaying anything, maybe it means I\'m an Armenian. "How old are you?" he asks \nme. I say, "I\'m 47." "I\'m 47 too, but I call you \'old man\'." I say, "It \ndepends on God, each person\'s life in this world is different." I look much\nolder than my years, that\'s why he called me old man. Well after that he was\nsilent, too.\n\nWe\'re approaching the city, I look and see tanks all around, and a cordon.\nBefore we get to the Kavkaz store the driver starts to wave his hand. Well, he\nwas waving his hand, we all start waving our hands. I\'m sitting there with\nthem, I start waving my hand, too. I realized that this was a sign that meant\nthere were no Armenians with us.\n\nI look at the city--there is a crowd of people walking down the middle of the \nstreet, you know, and there\'s no traffic. Well probably I was scared. They\nstopped our car. People were standing on the sidewalks. They have armature \nshafts, and stones . . . And they stopped us . . .\n\nAlong the way the driver tells us how they know who\'s an Armenian and who\'s \nnot. The Armenians usually . . . For example, I\'m an Armenian, but I speak \ntheir language very well. Well Armenians usually pronounce the Azeri word for \n"nut," or "little nut," as "pundukh," but "fundukh" is actually correct. The \npronunciations are different. Anyone who says "pundukh," even if they\'re not \nArmenian, they immediately take out and start to slash. Another one says, \n"There was a car there, with five people inside it," he says. "They started \nhitting the side of it with an axe and lit it on fire. And they didn\'t let the\npeople out," he says, "they wouldn\'t let them get out of the car." I only saw \nthe car, but the driver says that he saw everything. Well he often drives from\nBaku to Sumgait and back . . .\n\nWhen they stop us we all get out of the car. I look and there\'s a short guy,\nhis eyes are gleaming, he has an armature shaft in one hand and a stone in\nthe other and asks the guys what nationality they are one by one. "We\'re\nAzerbaijani,\' they tell him, \'no Armenians here." He did come up to me when \nwe were pulling our things out and says, "Maybe you\'re an Armenian, old man?" \nBut in Azerbaijani I say, "You should be ashamed of yourself!" And . . . he \nleft. Turned and left. That was all that happened. What was I to do? I had \nto . . . the city was on fire, but I had to steal my children out of my own \nhome.\n\nThey stopped us at the entrance to Mir Street, that\'s where the Kavkaz store \nand three large, 12-story buildings are. That\'s the beginning of down-town. I \nsaw that burned automobile there, completely burned, only metal remained. I \ncouldn\'t figure out if it was a Zhiguli or a Zaporozhets. Later I was told it \nwas a Zhiguli. And the people in there were completely incinerated. Nothing \nremained of them, not even any traces. That driver had told me about it, and I\nsaw the car myself. The car was there. The skeleton, a metallic carcass. About\n30 to 40 yards from the Kavkaz store.\n\nI see a military transport, an armored personnel carrier. The hatches are\nclosed. And people are throwing armature shafts and pieces of iron at it, the\ncrowd is. And I hear shots, not automatic fire, it\'s true, but pistol shots.\nSeveral shots. There were Azerbaijanis crowded around that personnel carrier. \nSomeone in the crowd was shooting. Apparently they either wanted to kill the \nsoldiers or get a machine gun or something. At that point there was only one \narmored personnel carrier. And all the tanks were outside the city, cordoning \noff Sumgait.\n\nI walked on. I see two Azerbaijanis going home from the plant. I can tell by \ntheir gait that they\'re not bandits, they\'re just people, walking home. I\njoined them so in case something happened, in case someone came up to us\nand asked questions, either of us would be in a position to answer, you see.\nBut I avoided the large groups because I\'m a local and might be quickly \nrecognized. I tried to keep at a distance, and walked where there were fewer\npeople. Well so I walked into Microdistrict 2, which is across from our block.\nI can\'t get into our block, but I walked where there were fewer people, so as \nto get around. Well there I see a tall guy and 25 to 30 people are walking \nbehind him. And he\'s shouting into a megaphone: "Comrades, the Armenian-\nAzerbaijani war has begun!"\n\nThe police have megaphones like that. So they\'re talking and walking around \nthe second microdistrict. I see that they\'re coming my way, and turn off \nbehind a building. I noticed that they walked around the outside buildings, \nand inside the microdistricts there were about 5 or 6 people standing on every\ncorner, and at the middles of the buildings, and at the edges. What they were \ndoing I can\'t say, because I couldn\'t get up close to them, I was afraid. But \nthe most important thing was to get away from there, to get home, and at least\nfind out if my children were alive or not . . .\n\n   April 20, 1988\n   Yerevan\n\n\t\t     - - - reference - - -\n\n[1] _The Sumgait Tragedy; Pogroms against Armenians in Soviet Azerbaijan,\n    Volume I, Eyewitness Accounts_, edited by Samuel Shahmuradian, forward by\n    Yelena Bonner, 1990, published by Aristide D. Caratzas, NY, pages 158-160\n\n\n-- \nDavid Davidian dbd@urartu.sdpa.org   | "How do we explain Turkish troops on\nS.D.P.A. Center for Regional Studies |  the Armenian border, when we can\'t \nP.O. Box 382761                      |  even explain 1915?" \nCambridge, MA 02238                  |              Turkish MP, March 1992 \n',
  'From: kwyatt@ccscola.columbiasc.ncr.com (Kershner Wyatt)\nSubject: Re: quality of Catholic liturgy\nOrganization: NCR Corp, E&M-Columbia, Columbia, SC\nLines: 79\n\nIn article <Apr.> creps@lateran.ucs.indiana.edu (Stephen A. Creps) writes:\n>In article <Apr.> jemurray@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (John E Murray) writes:\n>\n>   On Palm Sunday at our parish, we were "invited" to take the role of\n>Jesus in the Passion.  I declined to participate.  Last year at the\n>liturgy meeting I pointed out how we crucify Christ by our sins, so\n>therefore it is appropriate that we retain the role of the crowd, but\n>to no avail.\n>\n>>musicians, readers, and so on.  New things are introduced in the course of the\n>>liturgy and since no one knows what\'s happening, the new things have to be\n>>explained, and pretty soon instead of _doing_ a lot of the Mass we\'re just\n>>sitting there listening (or spacing out, in my case) to how the Mass is about\n>>to be done.  In my mind, I lay the blame on liturgy committees made up of lay\n>>people to be aware of the Lord\'s presence.\n\nAs a former Catholic and now as a very active Lutheran - it is some of the\n"innovations" of the Mass which made me leave the Catholic Church and return\nto the more traditional Catholic Chuch - the Lutherans.\n\nI spent many years as a Lector reading the Passion parts as appropriate in\nthe Catholic Church and I found it very meaningful.  Our Lutheran parish just\ninstituted the "Tenebrae" service for Good Friday and I was the lector for \na paraphrased Passion which was exceptional.  I heard and learned things\nthat I have previously overlooked in the Gospels - yet those "facts" were\nalways there.  As a matter of interest, the pastor and I were talking about\nthe differences between the RC and Lutheran Church during Holy Week over\nbreakfast Easter Sunday.\n>\n>   As a member of a liturgy committee, I can tell you that the problem\n>is certain people dominating, who want to try out all kinds of\n>innovations.  The priests don\'t seem even to _want_ to make any\n>decisions of their own in many cases.  I guess it\'s easier to "try\n>something new" than it is to refuse to allow it.\n\nMy wife is the member of the liturgy committee in the family (called music\nand worship at our church).  Our pastor does have control of this committee\nbut listens very carefully to the committee\'s suggestions.  It needs a strong\nhand to lead and guide, to keep the intent and the message clear and strong\nas it should be through Lent and the rest of the liturgical year.  Additional\nreason for my leaving the Catholic faith - lack of any selfless spiritual\nguidance by priests in my parishes.  AKA "wishy-washy".\n \nAs you may gather from my comments, I feel that it is very important, ir-\nregardless of denominational guidelines, to have a service/Mass which promotes\nthe true reason that we are gathered there.  I am quite comfortable in a\ntraditional Mass, with receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, the Sacrament\nof PENANCE (not Reconciliation), Stations of the Cross, so on and so forth.\nThe reason other types of Masses and parishes exist is because these feelings\nare not shared by everyone.\n\nI want more people to attend church and to find the Lord, but I don\'t want \nthem attending a show.  It\'s not.  My church works hard to have a meaningful\nservice during Lent on Wednesdays, but follow traditional Lutheran Book of\nWorship guidelines.  Where things are changed or omitted during Lent (such\nas the Hymn of Praise) it is noted so that we are aware of the reasons that it\nis Not there.\n\nQuite frankly, it is very hard for a non-Catholic to go to a Mass and "fit in".\nMy dear wife never could (former Methodist).  And Holy Week Masses and Vigils\nwould intimidate the daylights out of a non-Catholic.  Those Catholics who\nhave beared with me this far understand what I mean.\n\nPlease keep in mind why we are there - to gather together in worship.  Not\nto worry about how something is done or not done.  If there is something\nwrong that you feel needs addressing, by all means talk to your priest or\npastor.  I have only ever met one who wouldn\'t listen.  They are there to \nprovide spiritual guidance and to help.  Use them.  My differences with\nthe Catholic Church are much more fundamental - but my decision to change\nfaiths was done with prayer, intervention, and sessions with priests and\nministers.\n\nIn Christ,\nKershner\n-- \nKershner Wyatt\nkwyatt@ccscola.ColumbiaSC.ncr.com\n\nMy opinions are my own and aren\'t necessarily my employer\'s.\n',
  'From: jlevine@rd.hydro.on.ca (Jody Levine)\nSubject: Re: Wanted: Advice for New Cylist\nOrganization: Ontario Hydro - Research Division\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <C5r7Ey.7Mq@srgenprp.sr.hp.com> blaisec@sr.hp.com (Blaise Cirelli) writes:\n>\n>I\'m thinking of buying a motorcycle. Whenever I tell people\n>this I usually get an answer like "Why do you want to do that\n>My brother, sister, cousin knows somebody who had a motorcycle\n>and now they are brain dead as a result of an accident?"\n>\n>So the question I have is "HOW DANGEROUS IS RIDING"?            \n\nIt\'s exactly as dangerous as it looks. You\'re hard to see and have little\nprotection. Keeping out of trouble means knowing your limits, keeping your\nmachine in good shape and being able to predict and make up for every stupid\nmove that drivers make out there. We deal with it because it\'s fun, but\nstaying alive takes a conscious effort.\n\nI\'ve        bike                      like       | Jody Levine  DoD #275 kV\n     got a       you can        if you      -PF  | Jody.P.Levine@hydro.on.ca\n                         ride it                 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada\n',
  "From: ckincy@cs.umr.edu (Charles Kincy)\nSubject: Re: How many homosexuals are there?\nNntp-Posting-Host: next4.cs.umr.edu\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: University of Missouri - Rolla, Rolla, MO\nLines: 13\n\nIn article <Apr.> kaldis@romulus.rutgers.edu (Theodore A. Kaldis) writes:\n>Perhaps 1%, but most likely not more than 2%.  A new study\n>(discrediting Kinsey) says so.\n\nWow, does this mean 2 out of 5 homosexuals will be at the March\non Washington?  How *very* interesting.\n\ncpk\n-- \nIt's been 80 days.  Do you know where your wallet is?\n\nSlick Willy's already got his hand in my pocket.  I'm just afraid\nof what he might grab hold of.\n",
  "From: ednclark@kraken.itc.gu.edu.au (Jeffrey Clark)\nSubject: Re: Ancient islamic rituals\nNntp-Posting-Host: kraken.itc.gu.edu.au\nOrganization: ITC, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia\nLines: 27\n\ncfaehl@vesta.unm.edu (Chris Faehl) writes:\n\n>Why is it more reasonable than the trend towards obesity and the trend towards\n>depression? You can't just pick your two favorite trends, notice a correlation \n>in them, and make a sweeping statement of generality. I mean, you CAN, and \n>people HAVE, but that does not mean that it is a valid or reasonable thesis. \n>At best it's a gross oversimplification of the push-pull factors people \n>experience.  \n\nI agree, I reckon it's television and the increase in fundamentalism.. You\nthink its the increase in pre-marital sex... others thinks its because\npsychologists have taken over the criminal justice system and let violent\ncriminals con them into letting them out into the streets... others think\nit's the increase in designer drugs... others think it's a communist plot.\nBasically the social interactions of all the changing factors in our society\nare far too complicated for us to control. We just have to hold on to the\npanic handles and hope that we are heading for a soft landing. But one\nthings for sure, depression and the destruction of the nuclear family is not\ndue solely to sex out of marriage.\n\nJeff.\n\n>> \n>>  Fred Rice <-- a Muslim, giving his point of view.\n>>  darice@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au \n\n>cfaehl@vesta.unm.edu  \n",
  'From: tthiel@cs.uiuc.edu (Terry Thiel)\nSubject: Re: Desktop rebuild and Datadesk keyboard?\nOrganization: University of Illinois, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Urbana, IL\nLines: 15\n\nsmith@pell.anu.edu.au (Michael Smith) writes:\n>Similarly, I have trained myself to hold down the RIGHT-HAND pair of\n>command-option for desktop rebuilds.\n\nI tried the right set and it didn\'t work.  I\'m on the phone to their\ntech support right now and the guys doesn\'t know what a desktop\nrebuild is!!!  He\'s got me holding for someone else...............\nAnd holding, and holding, and holding.\n\nOk they finally got back to me and said basically "it should work".\nWell it doens\'t and they don\'t know why.  Guess it will go back to\nMacConnection and I\'ll buy something else.  I\'ve got better things\nto do than play musical keyboards.\n-Terry\n\n',
  "From: agr00@ccc.amdahl.com (Anthony G Rose)\nSubject: Re: Davidians and compassion\nReply-To: agr00@JUTS.ccc.amdahl.com (Anthony G Rose)\nOrganization: Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale CA\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <sandvik-190493200420@sandvik-kent.apple.com> sandvik@newton.apple.com (Kent Sandvik) writes:\n>So we have this highly Christian religious order that put fire\n>on their house, killing most of the people inside.\n>\n>I'm not that annoyed about the adults, they knew supposedly what\n>they were doing, and it's their own actions.\n>\n>What I mostly are angry about is the fact that the people inside,\n>including mothers, let the children suffer and die during awful\n>conditions.\n>\n>If this is considered religious following to the end, I'm proud\n>that I don't follow such fanatical and non-compassionate religions.\n>\n>You might want to die for whatever purpose, but please spare\n>the innocent young ones that has nothing to do with this all.\n>\n>I have a hard time just now understanding that Christianity\n>knows about the word compassion. Christians, do you think \n>the actions today would produce a good picture of your \n>religion?\n>\n>\n>Kent\n>\n>---\n>sandvik@newton.apple.com. ALink: KSAND -- Private activities on the net.\n\n\nSurely you are not equating David Koresh with Christianity? The two are\nnot comparable.\n",
  'From: bradd@rigel.cs.pdx.edu (Brad A Davis)\nSubject: For Sale: 386/25MHz motherboard (or system) with 8 megabytes\nSummary: 386DX/25 system w/8Mb for $475; motherboard alone for $325\nArticle-I.D.: pdxgate.7251\nDistribution: or\nOrganization: Portland State University, Computer Science Dept.\nLines: 30\n\nI recently upgraded to a 486 and have found out I don\'t really have a need\nfor my old 386.  I\'d prefer to sell just the motherboard and keep the case\netc, so I\'ll offer the motherboard and case separately and let you decide.\n\nI\'m asking $325 for the motherboard, which has:\n    25Mhz 386 DX (not SX)\n    8 megabytes of 32-bit, 70ns memory\n    AMI BIOS\n    based on C&T NEAT chipset\n    \t(this means the motherboard and bus circuitry timings are\n\tprogrammable - the BIOS\' advanced configuration menus let you\n\tselect system, DMA, bus clock, wait states, command delays, etc.)\n    "baby AT" sized - fits in mini-tower, full-sized or most any other case\n(Includes User\'s Guide and a copy of the BIOS reference manual)\n\nFor $150 more you could have the rest of the system too:\n    full-size AT case with 200(?) watt power supply\n    2 serial, 1 parallel, 1 game ports\n    20Mb hard disk\n    1.2Mb floppy disk\n    keyboard\n    video card (choice of VGA or ???)\n\nIf you\'re interested, please give me a call.  The system is set up at my house\nin Aloha, and you\'re welcome to come test drive it.\n\nRandom drivel from the keyboard of:       +---+\n  Brad Davis, NCD Inc, Beaverton OR       |   | Network Computing Devices\n  bradd@pcx.ncd.com  (503) 642-9927       |NCD| PC-XDivision\n             (office)(503) 671-8431       +---+\n',
  'From: 18084TM@msu.edu (Tom)\nSubject: Moonbase race\nX-Added: Forwarded by Space Digest\nOrganization: [via International Space University]\nOriginal-Sender: isu@VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU\nDistribution: sci\nLines: 26\n\nFrom: Gene Wright <gene@theporch.raider.net>\n\n>With the continuin talk about the "End of the Space Age" and complaints\n>by government over the large cost, why not try something I read about\n>that might just work.\n\n>Announce that a reward of $1 billion would go to the first corporation\n>who successfully keeps at least 1 person alive on the moon for a year.\n>Then you\'d see some of the inexpensive but not popular technologies begin\n>to be developed. THere\'d be a different kind of space race then!\n\nI\'ll say!  Imagine that there were a couple groups up there, maybe landing\na few weeks apart.  The year-mark starts coming on for the first group.\nIsn\'t a billion pretty good incentive to take a shot at a potential\nwinner?  "Yeah, that\'s a shame that Team A\'s life support gave out\nso close to the deadline.  Thanks for the billion."\n\nOn the other hand, if Apollo cost ~25billion, for a few days or weeks\nin space, in 1970 dollars, then won\'t the reward have to be a lot more\nthan only 1 billion to get any takers?\n\n-Tommy Mac\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTom McWilliams 517-355-2178 wk   \\\\ As the radius of vision increases,\n18084tm@ibm.cl.msu.edu 336-9591 hm \\\\ the circumference of mystery grows.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  'From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: Morality? (was Re: <Political Atheists?)\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 24\nNNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu\n\nlivesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes:\n\n>I don\'t expect the lion to know, or not know anything of the kind.\n>In fact, I don\'t have any evidence that lions ever consider such \n>issues.\n>And that, of course, is why I don\'t think you can assign moral\n>significance to the instinctive behaviour of lions.\n\nWhat I\'ve been saying is that moral behavior is likely the null behavior.\nThat is, it doesn\'t take much work to be moral, but it certainly does to\nbe immoral (in some cases).  Also, I\'ve said that morality is a remnant\nof evolution.  Our moral system is based on concepts well practiced in\nthe animal kingdom.\n\n>>So you are basically saying that you think a "moral" is an undefinable\n>>term, and that "moral systems" don\'t exist?  If we can\'t agree on a\n>>definition of these terms, then how can we hope to discuss them?\n>No, it\'s perfectly clear that I am saying that I know what a moral\n>is in *my* system, but that I can\'t speak for other people.\n\nBut, this doesn\'t get us anywhere.  Your particular beliefs are irrelevant\nunless you can share them or discuss them...\n\nkeith\n',
  "From: bgardner@pebbles.es.com (Blaine Gardner)\nSubject: Re: Ducati 400 opinions wanted\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nOrganization: Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation\nLines: 29\n\nIn article <1qmnga$s9q@news.ysu.edu> ak954@yfn.ysu.edu (Albion H. Bowers) writes:\n>In a previous article, bgardner@pebbles.es.com (Blaine Gardner) says:\n\n>>I guess I'm out of touch, but what exactly is the Ducati 400? A v-twin\n>>desmo, or is it that half-a-v-twin with the balance weight where the 2nd\n>>cylinder would go? A 12 second 1/4 for a 400 isn't bad at all.\n>\n>Sorry, I should have been more specific.  The 750 SS ran the quater in\n>12.10 @ 108.17.  The last small V-twin Duc we got in the US (and the 400 is\n>a Pantah based V-twin) was the 500SL Pantah, and it ran a creditable 13.0 @\n>103.  Modern carbs and what not should put the 400 in the high 12s at 105.\n>\n>BTW, FZR 400s ran mid 12s, and the latest crop of Japanese 400s will out\n>run that.  It's hard to remember, but but a new GOOF2 will clobber an old\n>KZ1000 handily, both in top end and roll-on.  Technology stands still for\n>no-one...\n\nNot too hard to remember, I bought a GS1000 new in '78. :-) It was\n3rd place in the '78 speed wars (behind the CBX & XS Eleven) with a\n11.8 @ 113 1/4 mile, and 75 horses. That wouldn't even make a good 600\nthese days. Then again, I paid $2800 for it, so technology isn't the\nonly thing that's changed. Of course I'd still rather ride the old GS\nacross three states than any of the 600's.\n\nI guess it's an indication of how much things have changed that a 12\nsecond 400 didn't seem too far out of line.\n-- \nBlaine Gardner @ Evans & Sutherland\nbgardner@dsd.es.com\n",
  'From: ricktait@bnr.co.uk (Rick Tait)\nSubject: Re: What the clipper nay-sayers sound like to me.\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nOrganization: Network Management Systems, Bell Northern Research.\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nDistribution: na\nLines: 45\n\nNathaniel Sammons (ns111310@LANCE.ColoState.Edu) wrote on Mon, 19 Apr 1993 02:36:36 GMT: \n> If the gov establishes a cryptography standard that has to be used by\n> everyone, and everyone\'s personal key is divided into two segments\n> and stored at two separate, albeit easy to find places, and that key is\n> only 80 bits to begin with, we are screwed (pardon the allusion to the \n> affore-mentioned article)!\n\n> The gov, I believe, as do many others probably already have the cracking chips\n> for this Clipper Chip made.  Hell, they probably based the encoder on the \n> chip that cracks it, that way it\'s easier to break the code, but since it is a \n> classified algorythm, no one knows that they can crack it so easily.\n\nAgreed. No agency such as the NSA (or whoever) would approve the public \nrelease of a crypto-system, if they didn\'t already have the technical\nmeans or the know-how to decrypt everything at their whim. Surely the whole\npoint of all this madness is to make Joe Public think that his/her\ncommunications will be kept safe, while James Bond at the NSA can, if need\nbe, have full, decrypted access to someone\'s communications? That\'ll be\nquite a heist, if they can pull it off. \n\n\nI thought that the US Government were going to release the algorithm to a\npanel of "carefully chosen experts", who would then "study it deeply, and\nreport their findings"? Exactly who will these people be? Academics? Or\nGovernment-sponsored researchers? Tiny-toons?\n\n> I, for one, and quite scared of this kind of thing, and plan to support \n> organizations (and even disorganizations) who are fighting against this\n> Clipper Chip in any way that I can.\n\nI can only hope that the same sort of thing doesn\'t start filtering over\ninto the ears of the UK Government, and if the European Parliament gets\nwind of it, well, we can kiss goodbye to any form of Democracy in Europe \nat all.\n\n> I do not want the government to be able to have access, even with a search\n> warrant, to my keys... and I don\'t want those keys to be only 80 bits long\n> to begin with!\n\nHallelujah! :-)\n--\nRick M. Tait                                Bell Northern Research Europe\nTel: +44-81-945-3352, Fax: +44-81-945-3352     Network Management Systems\n<PGP 2.2 public key available on request>       New Southgate, London. UK\nemail: ricktait@bnr.co.uk  || rt@cix.compulink.co.uk  ||  ricktait@bnr.ca\n',
  'Subject: NHL Summary parse results for games played Sun, April 4, 1993\nFrom: c5ff@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca (COOK  Charlie)\nOrganization: University of New Brunswick\nLines: 210\n\nNY Rangers                       3 1 0--4\nWashington                       0 0 0--0\nFirst period\n     1, NY Rangers, Graves 33 (Turcotte, Lowe) 9:13.\n     2, NY Rangers, Gartner 44 (Messier) 11:21.\n     3, NY Rangers, Olczyk 21 (Messier, Amonte) 14:57.\nSecond period\n     4, NY Rangers, Beukeboom 2 (unassisted) 3:30.\nThird period\n     No scoring.\n\nNY Rangers: 4    Power play: 4-0\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nAmonte             0    1    1\nBeukeboom          1    0    1\nGartner            1    0    1\nGraves             1    0    1\nLowe               0    1    1\nMessier            0    2    2\nOlczyk             1    0    1\nTurcotte           0    1    1\n\nWashington: 0    Power play: 3-0\nNo scoring\n\n-----------------------------------------\nBoston                           0 2 1--3\nBuffalo                          0 0 0--0\nFirst period\n     No scoring.\nSecond period\n     1, Boston, Leach 24 (Wesley, Oates) pp, 1:03.\n     2, Boston, Oates 44 (Douris, Poulin) 9:00.\nThird period\n     3, Boston, Douris 4 (Bourque) sh, 0:55.\n\nBoston: 3    Power play: 5-1   Special goals:  pp: 1  sh: 1  Total: 2\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBourque            0    1    1\nDouris             1    1    2\nLeach              1    0    1\nOates              1    1    2\nPoulin             0    1    1\nWesley             0    1    1\n\nBuffalo: 0    Power play: 6-0\nNo scoring\n\n-----------------------------------------\nPittsburgh                       1 3 1--5\nNew Jersey                       0 1 1--2\nFirst period\n     1, Pittsburgh, Francis 23 (Lemieux, Tocchet) pp, 13:25.\nSecond period\n     2, Pittsburgh, Murphy 21 (Francis, Mullen) sh, 0:38.\n     3, Pittsburgh, Francis 24 (Tocchet, Lemieux) pp, 7:14.\n     4, Pittsburgh, Jagr 33 (Tocchet, Francis) pp, 15:22.\n     5, New Jersey, Zelepukin 17 (Driver, Lemieux) pp, 19:07.\nThird period\n     6, New Jersey, MacLean 23 (Nicholls, Stevens) 6:45.\n     7, Pittsburgh, Lemieux 62 (Jagr) en, 19:51.\n\nPittsburgh: 5    Power play: 9-3   Special goals:  pp: 3  sh: 1  en: 1  Total: 5\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nFrancis            2    2    4\nJagr               1    1    2\nLemieux            1    2    3\nMullen             0    1    1\nMurphy             1    0    1\nTocchet            0    3    3\n\nNew Jersey: 2    Power play: 9-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nDriver             0    1    1\nLemieux            0    1    1\nMacLean            1    0    1\nNicholls           0    1    1\nStevens            0    1    1\nZelepukin          1    0    1\n\n-----------------------------------------\nToronto                          0 0 0--0\nPhiladelphia                     2 1 1--4\nFirst period\n     1, Philadelphia, Dineen 31 (Beranek, Hawgood) 8:10.\n     2, Philadelphia, McGill 3 (Lindros, Recchi) 19:55.\nSecond period\n     3, Philadelphia, Lindros 38 (Recchi, Galley) 7:55.\nThird period\n     4, Philadelphia, Dineen 32 (Hawgood, Galley) pp, 18:39.\n\nPhiladelphia: 4    Power play: 4-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBeranek            0    1    1\nDineen             2    0    2\nGalley             0    2    2\nHawgood            0    2    2\nLindros            1    1    2\nMcGill             1    0    1\nRecchi             0    2    2\n\nToronto: 0    Power play: 6-0\nNo scoring\n\n-----------------------------------------\nVancouver                        0 2 1--3\nOttawa                           0 0 0--0\nFirst period\n     No scoring.\nSecond period\n     1, Vancouver, Plavsic 6 (Craven) 13:05.\n     2, Vancouver, Momesso 17 (Nedved, Plavsic) pp, 15:52.\nThird period\n     3, Vancouver, Bure 57 (unassisted) 13:27.\n\nVancouver: 3    Power play: 4-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBure               1    0    1\nCraven             0    1    1\nMomesso            1    0    1\nNedved             0    1    1\nPlavsic            1    1    2\n\nOttawa: 0    Power play: 5-0\nNo scoring\n\n-----------------------------------------\nSt. Louis                        2 0 2--4\nChicago                          4 0 1--5\nFirst period\n     1, Chicago, Sutter 18 (Murphy, Chelios) pp, 1:08.\n     2, St. Louis, Janney 20 (Shanahan, J.Brown) pp, 6:49.\n     3, Chicago, Roenick 44 (Chelios, Smith) pp, 8:20.\n     4, Chicago, Roenick 45 (Sutter, Chelios) pp, 13:14.\n     5, Chicago, Graham 19 (Gilbert, Ruuttu) 13:42.\n     6, St. Louis, Janney 21 (Shanahan, Crossman) 19:38.\nSecond period\n     No scoring.\nThird period\n     7, Chicago, Murphy 5 (Chelios, Belfour) 0:20.\n     8, St. Louis, Miller 21 (Hull, Janney) pp, 7:04.\n     9, St. Louis, Janney 22 (Miller, Shanahan) 19:32.\n\nChicago: 5    Power play: 8-3\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBelfour            0    1    1\nChelios            0    4    4\nGilbert            0    1    1\nGraham             1    0    1\nMurphy             1    1    2\nRoenick            2    0    2\nRuuttu             0    1    1\nSmith              0    1    1\nSutter             1    1    2\n\nSt. Louis: 4    Power play: 4-2\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBrown J            0    1    1\nCrossman           0    1    1\nHull               0    1    1\nJanney             3    1    4\nMiller             1    1    2\nShanahan           0    3    3\n\n-----------------------------------------\nCalgary                          1 2 1--4\nSan Jose                         1 0 2--3\nFirst period\n     1, Calgary, Otto 19 (Yawney, Ashton) pp, 5:29.\n     2, San Jose, Odgers 10 (Pederson, Wilkinson) 18:33.\nSecond period\n     3, Calgary, Nieuwendyk 34 (Johansson, Reese) 2:03.\n     4, Calgary, Reichel 35 (Skrudland, Berube) 12:22.\nThird period\n     5, Calgary, Ashton 7 (Otto, Fleury) 1:30.\n     6, San Jose, Pederson 9 (Odgers, Evason) 2:24.\n     7, San Jose, Odgers 11 (Gaudreau, Evason) pp, 19:30.\n\nCalgary: 4    Power play: 5-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nAshton             1    1    2\nBerube             0    1    1\nFleury             0    1    1\nJohansson          0    1    1\nNieuwendyk         1    0    1\nOtto               1    1    2\nReese              0    1    1\nReichel            1    0    1\nSkrudland          0    1    1\nYawney             0    1    1\n\nSan Jose: 3    Power play: 5-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nEvason             0    2    2\nGaudreau           0    1    1\nOdgers             2    1    3\nPederson           1    1    2\nWilkinson          0    1    1\n\n-----------------------------------------\n',
  "From: schaefer@imag.imag.fr (Arno Schaefer)\nSubject: Re: CView answers\nNntp-Posting-Host: silene\nOrganization: Institut Imag, Grenoble, France\nLines: 32\n\nIn article <C5LErr.1J3@rahul.net>, bryanw@rahul.net (Bryan Woodworth) writes:\n|> In <1993Apr16.114158.2246@whiting.mcs.com> sean@whiting.mcs.com (Sean Gum) writes:\n|> \n|> >A stupid question, but what will CView run on and where can I get it? I\n|> >am still in need of a GIF viewer for Linux. (Without X-Windows.)\n|> >Thanks!\n|> > \n|> \n|> Ho boy. There is no way in HELL you are going to be able to view GIFs or do\n|> any other graphics in Linux without X windows!  I love Linux because it is\n|> so easy to learn..  You want text?  Okay.   Use Linux. You want text AND\n|> graphics?  Use Linux with X windows.  Simple.  Painless.  REQUIRED to have\n|> X Windows if you want graphics!  This includes fancy word processors like\n|> doc, image viewers like xv, etc.\n|> \n\nSorry, Bryan, this is not quite correct. Remember the VGALIB package that comes\nwith Linux/SLS? It will switch to VGA 320x200x256 mode *without* Xwindows.\nSo at least it is *possible* to write a GIF viewer under Linux. However I don't\nthink that there exists a similar SVGA package, and viewing GIFs in 320x200 is\nnot very nice.\n\nBest Regards,\n\nArno\n\n-- \n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nArno Schaefer\t\t\t\tENSIMAG, 2e Annee\nEmail: schaefer@silene.imag.fr\nTel.: (33) 76 51 79 95\t\t\t:-)\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
  "From: ten0772@eafs000.ca.boeing.com (Timothy E. Neto)\nSubject: Re: X-server multi screen\nOrganization: be41t\nLines: 37\n\nrainer@sun3.eeam.elin.co.at (Rainer Hochreiter) writes:\n\n>Hi Xperts, some simple questions for you:\n\n>I've seen a lot of different terms, which seem to mean the same thing.\n>Who can give an exact definition what these terms mean:\n\n>\t-) multi-screen\n>\t-) multi-headed\n>\t-) multi-display\n>\t-) X-Server zaphod mode\n\n>Is there a limit how many screens/displays a single server can handle\n>(in an articel a read something about an upper limit of 12) ?\n\n>How is the capability called, if I want to move the cursor from one\n>screen/display to another.\n\n>Any hints welcome.\n\n>Thanks, rainer.\n>-- \n>Rainer Hochreiter                | Telephone: +43 (1) 89100 / 3961\n>ELIN-Energieanwendung GesmbH     | Telefax  : +43 (1) 89100 / 3387\n>Penzingerstr. 76                 |\n>A-1141 Wien, Austria/Europe      | E-mail   : rainer@elin.co.at\n\nAs to how many clients may be display on a server, I believe the limit\nwould be how much memory is available to your server or allocated by the\nserver.\n\n\n-- \nIndecision is the key to | Timothy E. Neto  (206) 655-5190              1   000\nflexibility, & you can't | Of B & T's Gadget & Widget Works             1  0. .0\nE-Mail God.              | Flight Systems Lab, Boeing Comm. Aircraft    1  0 _ 0\nMy ideas not Boeing's    | Internet: ten0772@aw401.fsl.ca.boeing.com    1   000\n",
  "From: tedward@cs.cornell.edu (Edward [Ted] Fischer)\nSubject: Re: Pleasant Yankee Surprises\nOrganization: Cornell Univ. CS Dept, Ithaca NY 14853\nLines: 22\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.200629.7200@alleg.edu> luriem@alleg.edu(Michael Lurie) The Liberalizer writes:\n>\n>     Actually, I kind of liked the Abott trade. We did trade the rookie of  \n>the year, SNOW, but with Don mattingly at first for another 8 years, Why  \n>bother.\n\nI'd be willing to make two wagers:\n1) Snow doesn't win ROY.\n2) Mattingly is out of baseball within five years.\n\nI'm skeptical of the first, because I don't think Snow is that good a\nplayer, and he is on a losing team.\n\nI'm skeptical of the second because of his back.  Mattingly is 32 this\nyear, and how many players play until they are 40?  Not too many, and\nmost of them didn't have chronic back problems when they were 32.\n\nCould be wrong on either or both, but I think that's the smart way to\nbet...\n\nCheers,\n-Valentine\n",
  'From: chloupek@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu\nSubject: Re: NC vs Hunt (Marine Gay Bashing in Wilmington NC) verdict\nOrganization: The Ohio State University, Department of Physics\nLines: 57\n\nIn article <1qp5juINNgu5@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>, wdstarr@athena.mit.edu (William December Starr) writes:\n> In article <1993Apr14.135948.3024@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu>, \n> tfarrell@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu (Thomas Farrell) said:\n> \n>> A good case? A F**KING GOOD CASE? The defense lawyer asked the victim\n>> questions like "what kind of sexual perversions do you participate\n>> in?"  and you think he made a good case?????\n> \n> Speaking as someone who\'s only about six weeks and a $6,900 tuition bill\n> away from becoming an unemployed slob with a law degree, I\'d really like\n> to see a transcript of this trial.  I\'d especially like to know what\n> happened immediately after the defense attorney asked that question\n> (assuming that the reports that he did so are accurate... I\'m not\n> accusing Tom Farrell of making anything up, but this _is_ the sort of\n> case that spawns garbled misquotes, false rumors and urban legends like\n> tribbles).  It\'d be nice to think that the prosecutor objected\n> (irrelevant, prejudicial, inflammatory... take your pick) and that the\n> judge upheld the objection.\n>\nI did hear this question asked during a radio news update of the case.  (They\nwere talking about the ongoing trial and had some audio clips).  Immediately\nafter the defense attorney asked the question, there was an "Objection!" heard\nin the background.  The clip ended at that point so I don\'t know if the\nobjection was upheld.  I can\'t imagine NC is *that* bad. \n\n>> The arresting officer said the bastards told him they did it on\n>> purpose and hoped the victim would die, and you think the defense made\n>> a good case????? No wonder we\'re losing!  We\'re aparently not trying\n>> to win!\n> \n> Again, I\'d like to see the transcript... I\'d read the latter bit of that\n> in the news media (the arresting officer testifying that one of the\n> defendants calmly asked him about the condition of the "homo" and said\n> that he hoped he\'d die) but this is the first I\'ve heard of the officer\n> testifying that one of the defendants actually said that he did anything\n> at all, let alone that he did it on purpose.\n>\nThis I didn\'t hear as an audio clip but heard it reported a number of times on\nnews stories both during and after the trial.  Now the "we did it on purpose"\nthing is stretching, I think it was something more like--he had it coming.  If\nsomebody else remebers better than I on this second point, feel free to\nclarify.  \n        \nFrank\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFrank R. Chloupek \nCHLOUPEK@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu \nDepartment of Physics -- *The* Ohio State University\n(Not just any Ohio State University) \n\n"There is only one hard-and-fast rule about the place to have a party:  \nsomebody else\'s place."\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t--P.J. O\'Rourke\n\n\n',
  'Subject: LCD Overhead Projectors\nFrom: jan@camhpp12.mdcbbs.com (Jan Vandenbrande)\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: M&E (Division of EDS), Cypress CA\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nLines: 13\n\nI am looking for one of those color LCD screens you\nplace on an overhead projector and control the presentation\nwith a Mac.\n\nCan you recommend me a particular brand?\nWhat price are we talking about?\n\nThanks, \n-- \nJan Vandenbrande\njan@ug.eds.com\t\t\t(New address)\njan@lipari.usc.edu\t\t(school address, forwards)\nUUCP: {uunet, uupsi}!ug!jan\n',
  'From: csd25@keele.ac.uk (C.M. Yearsley)\nSubject: Re: Can I Change "Licensed To" Data in Windows 3.1?\nLines: 13\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: seq1.cc.keele.ac.uk\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL6]\n\n: write over the "Licensed to:", but you can\'t change the name underneth it.  I\n: think if you wish to change this you would have to be a pirate, and we\'re not\n: going to promote that here.\n: \n\nNot so! My computer was supplied with my name in an \'interesting\'\nmix of upper and lower case, and my workplace mis-typed. I\'m\ngetting fed up with being \'CMyearslEY\' at \'KEEL UNVERSITY\'!\nIt took me 20 (!) phone calls to the supplier to get the computer\nworking at all. I really can\'t face tackling them again....\n\n\nChris\n',
  "From: bobsarv@microsoft.com (Bob Sarver)\nSubject: Re: Question for those with popular morality \nOrganization: Microsoft Corp.\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 103\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr02.025636.23256@microsoft.com> bobsarv@microsoft.com (Bob Sarver) writes:\n>/Why would it be immoral to hurt someone else?  \n>\n/(me)\n>Because you wouldn't want it to happen to you.\n\n/(hudson)\n/Why does that make something immoral?\n\n\n\nBecause you are not being consistent.  Moral systems must be consistent.\n\nA person who thinks they can inflict pain on others, but doesn't want it \ninflicted upon themselves, has a double standard.  And double standards are\na violation of *any* moral system.\n\n\n\n\n\n(me)\n>Morality defines how we interact with other people; the rules that we\n>use to guide our daily affairs.  Our conduct towards our fellow man.  By\n>realizing that we don't like pain, we can also realize that other people\n>don't like it, either.  \n\n/(hudson)\n/Of course we don't like pain.  I don't like brussel sprouts.  Are brussel\n/sprouts immoral?\n\nPain isn't immoral, stupid.  Pain itself is just a physiological\nreaction.  \n\nWhat >>is<< immoral is subjecting unwilling individuals to pain.\n\nOr brussel sprouts, for that matter.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(hudson)\n>/Is it immoral to produce these same chemical reactions in a test tube?\n>\n(me)\n>It isn't the chemical reaction that is wrong, bozo.  It's making the human\n>being UNDERGO THE EFFECTS of the chemical reaction.  Sorry; your cute\n>little analogy didn't survive for very long under scrutiny.\n\n/(hudson)\n/Why would it be wrong to make humans undergo the effects of the reactions\n/if humans are composed only of matter?  \n\nWhat humans are composed of isn't the qualifying criteria of whether or\nnot something would be wrong.  \n\n\n\n\n/(hudson)\n/Is it wrong to make matter undergo chemical reactions?\n\nYes, if it is sentient matter.\n\n\n\n/(me)\n/>Nature is not a sentient force; there is no choice involved.  Therefore,\n/>no question of morality.\n\n\n/(hudson)\n/I actually heard a geologist entertain the notion that matter had a will.\n/There is some sentient force out there.  \n\nFine.  I have also heard that the government is encoding the DNA for \na new race of superhumans in ordinary drinking water.  \n\nWhat's your point?\n\n\n\n/(hudson)\n/If humans are made only of matter, then choices are also chemical reactions,\n/so why is choice an important issue.\n\nAnd if that is the case, then god is only an idea contained in the minds\nof people (formed of matter) and on printed pages (also formed of matter)\nand does not really exist.  \n\nI can do the argumentem ad absurdium just as well as you can, but it \nwon't prove any points for you or me.  Got anything relevant you want to \ntalk about, or are you just playing cute little games?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  'From: bu008@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Brandon D. Ray)\nSubject: Re: Statement of Sarah Brady Regarding Texas State Carrying Concealed Legislation\nArticle-I.D.: usenet.1psstg$bbe\nReply-To: bu008@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Brandon D. Ray)\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 83\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hela.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\nIn a previous article, nigel.allen@canrem.com ("nigel allen") says:\n\n>\n>Here is a press release from Handgun Control Inc.\n>\n> Statement of Sarah Brady Regarding Texas State Carrying Concealed\n>Legislation\n> To: State Desk\n> Contact: Susan Whitmore of Handgun Control Inc., 202-898-0792\n>\n>   WASHINGTON, March 25 -- Following is a statement of Sarah \n>Brady regarding Texas state carrying concealed legislation:\n>\n>   "A handful of lawmakers in Austin today have told the public that\n>their safety is of less importance than the interests of the National\n>Rifle Association.  This action comes as local, state and federal law\n>enforcement officials continue their stand-off with a religious cult\n>that has highlighted the need for tougher gun laws, not weaker ones\n>like the carry concealed bill.\n\n   "A handful of anti-gun zealots are telling the public that their\nright to self-defense is of less importance than the interests of\nHandgun Control, Inc.  This action comes as local, state and federal law\nenforcement officials continue their assault on the Branch Davidian\ncompound--an assault which has already resulted in the death of one\ntwo year old child at the hands of federal agents.  This has highlighted\nthe need for citizens to be able to defend themselves and their children\nagainst the excesses of their own government."\n\n>   "Any suggestion by proponents that this bill will help to reduce\n>crime is a distortion of the facts, at best.  This so-called\n>crime-fighting law has resulted in a 16 percent increase in violent\n>crime in the state of Florida, and I have never heard law enforcement\n>officials bragging that more guns on the streets is the way to reduce\n>crime.\n\n  "Any suggestion by opponents that this bill will increase crime is a \ndistortion of the facts, at best.  The aggressive outreach by officials\nin central Florida to train and arm women has led to a dramatic drop in\nthe level of assault and rape in that area.  Of course, this program is\na rare gem, as many law enforcement officials apparently believe that an\nunarmed citizenry will be easier to control, and thus favor tighter \nrestrictions."\n\n>   "The vote today is an insult to the law enforcement officials who\n>are putting their lives on the line every day to end the standoff in\n>Waco.  The entire country now knows just how easy it is for an\n>individual bent on destruction to amass an arsenal of weapons.  Texas\n>lawmakers who voted for this concealed handgun bill have shown total\n>disregard for those law officials on the front lines, and the\n>families of those who have fallen.\n\n   "The vote today is a tribute to the good sense of the public at large\nwho are putting their lives on the line every day as they go about their\nlawful affairs.  The entire country knows how vulnerable the average \ncitizen is, both to attacks from criminals and from armed assault by our\nown police.  Texas lawmakers who voted for this concealed handgun bill have\nshown total understanding for those innocent, law-abiding citizens on the\nfront lines, and the families of those who have fallen."\n\n>   "I urge the House of Representatives to listen to the 70 percent\n>of Texans that oppose this measure, and reject this ill-conceived\n>legislation."\n\n   "I urge the House of Representatives to pay attention to the needs\nof their constituents, and not be stampeded by ill-conceived arguments\nfrom ideological fanatics."\n\n> -30-\n>-- \n> Nigel Allen, Toronto, Ontario     nigel.allen@canrem.com\n>--\n>Canada Remote Systems - Toronto, Ontario\n>416-629-7000/629-7044\n>\nAin\'t propaganda fun?\n\n-- \n******************************************************************************\nThe opinions expressed by the author are insightful, intelligent and very\ncarefully thought out.  It is therefore unlikely that they are shared by the\nUniversity of Iowa or Case Western Reserve University.\n',
  "From: mutrh@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (Todd R. Haverstock)\nSubject: Re: Dumbest automotive concepts of all time\nOrganization: Educational Computing Network\nLines: 10\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: uxa.ecn.bgu.edu\n\n>Well, you young fellers won't remember, but we used to have side vent\n>front windows until some damn bean counter scrapped them. These were\n>separate triangular windows at the leading edge of the front doors\n>that pivoted outward at the rear edge. Worked like a charm.\n \nYeah, I loved the vent windows on my 82 Escort (hell, the only thing I liked\nabout the car).  One of the things I'd like to see brought back.  Does\nanyone know if they're an option on the new Escorts?\n\nTRH\n",
  'Subject: Re: Organized Lobbying for Cryptography\nFrom: kubo@zariski.harvard.edu (Tal Kubo)\nDistribution: inet\nOrganization: Dept. of Math, Harvard Univ.\nNntp-Posting-Host: zariski.harvard.edu\nLines: 27\n\nIn article <C5uprt.GMq@dcs.ed.ac.uk> pdc@dcs.ed.ac.uk (Paul Crowley) writes:\n>\n>>Perhaps these encryption-only types would defend the digitized porn if it\n>>was posted encrypted?\n>\n>>These issues are not as seperable as you maintain.\n>\n>In fact, since effective encryption makes censorship impossible, they\n>are almost the same issue and they certainly fall into the brief of the\n>EFF.\n\n\nIt also falls within the purview of the ACLU, but that doesn\'t mean\nthe ACLU (or the EFF) would be the most effective instrument to \n"win the hearts and minds" in favor of access to cryptography. \n\nIt\'s precisely slogans like "cryptography makes censorship impossible"\nwhich stand to torpedo any attempt to generate a broad consensus in favor\nof encryption.  It is not true, and in the context of a public debate it\nwould be a dangerous red herring.  Advocates of strong crypto had better\nprepare themselves to answer such charges in pragmatic terms that laypeople\nand politicians can sympathize with. The usual mumblings about\nConstitutional amendments are not enough.\n\n\n\nTal  kubo@math.harvard.edu\n',
  'From: weidlich@arb-phys.uni-dortmund.de (Weidlich)\nSubject: Searching for a phonetic font\nOrganization: Institut f. Arbeitsphysiologie a.d. Uni Dortmund\nLines: 13\n\nI\'m searching for a phonetic TrueType font for Windows 3.1. If \nanybody knows one, please mail me!\n\nThanks.\n\ndw \n\n\n##################################################################\nDipl.-Inform. Dietmar Weidlich    # IfADo, Ardeystr. 67          #\nweidlich@arb-phys.uni-dortmund.de # D-4600 Dortmund 50           #\nPhone ++49 231 1084-250           # >> Dr. B.: "Koennten Sie das #\nFax   ++49 231 1084-401           #      MAL EBEN erledigen?" << #\n',
  'From: madhaus@netcom.com (Maddi Hausmann)\nSubject: Re: Amusing atheists and agnostics\nOrganization: Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things\nLines: 40\n\ntimmbake@mcl.ucsb.edu (Bake Timmons) writes: >\n\n>OK, you have disproved one thing, but you failed to "nail" me.\n>\n>See, nowhere in my post did I claim that something _must_ be believed in.  Here\n>are the three possibilities:\n>\n>\t1) God exists. \n>\t2) God does not exist.\n>\t3) I don\'t know.\n>\n>My attack was on strong atheism, (2).  Since I am (3), I guess by what you said\n>below that makes me a weak atheist.\n  [snip]\n>First of all, you seem to be a reasonable guy.  Why not try to be more honest\n>and include my sentence afterwards that \n\nHonest, it just ended like that, I swear!  \n\nHmmmm...I recognize the warning signs...alternating polite and\nrude...coming into newsgroup with huge chip on shoulder...calls\npeople names and then makes nice...whirrr...click...whirrr\n\n"Clam" Bake Timmons = Bill "Shit Stirrer Connor"\n\nQ.E.D.\n\nWhirr click whirr...Frank O\'Dwyer might also be contained\nin that shell...pop stack to determine...whirr...click..whirr\n\n"Killfile" Keith Allen Schneider = Frank "Closet Theist" O\'Dwyer =\n\nthe mind reels.  Maybe they\'re all Bobby Mozumder.\n\n-- \nMaddi Hausmann                       madhaus@netcom.com\nCentigram Communications Corp        San Jose California  408/428-3553\n\nKids, please don\'t try this at home.  Remember, I post professionally.\n\n',
  'From: cak3@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu (CHAD ANDREW KAUFFMAN)\nSubject: Car alarm info. (UNGO BOX)\nOrganization: Lehigh University\nLines: 12\n\n\n\n\n    I want to get a car alarm and I am thinking about getting an Ungo Box.\n    Does anyone out there have any knowledge or experience with any of\n    these alarms?  How about price ranges for the different models?\n    Are these good car alarms?  Please email me any responces.\n\n                cak3@ns3.lehigh.edu\n\n                                        Chad\n                                                Chad\n',
  'Subject: Re: Pgp, PEM, and RFC\'s (Was: Cryptography Patents)\nFrom: a_rubin@dsg4.dse.beckman.com (Arthur Rubin)\nOrganization: Beckman Instruments, Inc.\nNntp-Posting-Host: dsg4.dse.beckman.com\nLines: 22\n\nIn <C5LJ0t.K52@blaze.cs.jhu.edu> eifrig@beanworld.cs.jhu.edu (Jonathan Eifrig) writes:\n\n>FACT:  It is unlawful to distribute code implementing RSA without a license\n>to do so from PKP, whether or not one is charging for it.  Furthermore,\n>any use of RSA, other than for research purposes allowed under US patent\n>law, is similarly unlawful.  Therefore, the "average citizen" cannot use\n>RSA to encrypt message traffic in the US without a license from PKP.\n\nWRONG:  I don\'t think even PKP claims this one.  It is not unlawful to\ndistribute code implementing RSA.  It appears to be unlawful to use it, so\nI agree with your last sentence.\n\n>FACT:  There are no restrictions (yet!) on the use of cryptography under\n>US law, although this is beginning to look like it will change.  The only\n>impediments to widespread use of RSA cryptography in the US are PKP\'s\n>patents.\n\nYes, that\'s correct.\n--\nArthur L. Rubin: a_rubin@dsg4.dse.beckman.com (work) Beckman Instruments/Brea\n216-5888@mcimail.com 70707.453@compuserve.com arthur@pnet01.cts.com (personal)\nMy opinions are my own, and do not represent those of my employer.\n',
  "From: tedebear@leland.Stanford.EDU (Theodore Chen)\nSubject: Re: Are BMW's worth the price?                      \nOrganization: DSG, Stanford University, CA 94305, USA\nLines: 19\n\nIn article <1993Apr5.135153.11132@wdl.loral.com> gwm@spl1.spl.loral.com (Gary W. Mahan) writes:\n>Road and Track (2/88) BMW325is     0-60 7.5s, 1/4 mile 15.7s\n>               (Road Test \n>                Annual 1993)       0-60 8.3s, 1/4 mile 16.2s\n>\n>\n>Those are the numbers I was quoting, I have driven the older model but not the\n>newer.\n\n\nsure sounds like they got a ringer.  the 325is i drove was definitely\nfaster than that.  if you want to quote numbers, my AW AutoFile shows\n0-60 in 7.4, 1/4 mile in 15.9.  it quotes Car and Driver's figures\nof 6.9 and 15.3.  oh, BTW, these numbers are for the 325i.\n\ni don't know how the addition of variable valve timing for 1993 affects it.\nbut don't take my word for it.  go drive it.\n\n-teddy\n",
  "From: debrown@hubcap.clemson.edu (David E. Brown)\nSubject: Re: Drivers for Stealth 24\nOrganization: Clemson University\nLines: 16\n\nDoug Ward writes:\n\n>I recently purchased a Diamond Stealth 24 Video card and received\n>the wrong drivers.  Does anyone know where I can ftp the proper\n>drivers?  The dstlth file at cica does not work with\n>this video card.  Please respond to doug@sun.sws.uiuc.edu\n\n>Thank you\n>Doug Ward\n\nIf you want to get them and get them now (also the most up to date) use\nthe BBS at 1-408-439-9096.  They may take an hour to download so do it\nwhen rates are low.  Yeah, I know it costs but locking up your system\ngets old quick.  Maybe someone has them on the net.  I've got the\nStealth drivers.\n\t\t\t\t\tDavid\n",
  'From: gifford@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Barbara Gifford)\nSubject: The Mystery in the Paradox\nReply-To: gifford@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Barbara Gifford)\nOrganization: Carderock Division, NSWC, Bethesda, MD\nLines: 9\n\nI have been looking for a book that specifically addresses\nthe mystery of God in the paradox.  I have read some that touch\non the subject in a chapter but would like a more detailed read.\n\nIs anyone aware of any books that deal with this subject.\n\nPlease e-mail me.  Thanks.\n\nBarbara\n',
  'From: kthompso@donald.WichitaKS.NCR.COM (Ken Thompson)\nSubject: Re: Cable TVI interference\nKeywords: catv cable television tvi\nOrganization: NCR Corporation Wichita, KS\nLines: 14\n\nvictor@inqmind.bison.mb.ca (Victor Laking) writes:\n\n)Do you know what frequencies chanels 17 to 19 use and what is usually \n)allocated to those frequencies for broadcast outside of cable?\n\n17 is air comm.\n18 is amateur\n19 is business and public service\n\n-- \nKen Thompson    N0ITL  \nNCR Corp.  Peripheral Products Division   Disk Array Development\n3718 N. Rock Road  Wichita KS 67226   (316)636-8783\nKen.Thompson@wichitaks.ncr.com \n',
  "From: tomcat@leland.Stanford.EDU (tom spearman)\nSubject: ATTENTION:  ALL NEO-GEO OWNERS READ THIS!\nKeywords: neo-geo\nOrganization: DSG, Stanford University, CA 94305, USA\nLines: 25\n\nHello Neo-Geo owners (and non-owners who couldn't resist the title;)),\n\nI was wondering if any of you out there want to trade or sell games.  I\nmean, buying them from the stores can get kinda expensive.  $184.99 is\na little too much to be spending on each game.  But ahh, the quality...\nNow I can get them for about $100, but that's still a lot.\n\nRight now, I have:\n\nCrossed Swords\nMagician Lord\nBaseball Stars 2\nFatal Fury\nNam-1975\n\nI am interested in buying more titles.  If any of you have any interesting\ntrade ideas, please let me know.\n\n\nThanks\n\nTom\ntomcat@leland.stanford.edu\n\n\n",
  "From: sorlin@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Steven J Orlin)\nSubject: Re: Changing oil by self.\nNntp-Posting-Host: magnusug.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\nOrganization: The Ohio State University\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 22\n\n\nIn article <C5LMtr.Mo7@mentor.cc.purdue.edu> marshatt@feserve.cc.purdue.edu (Za\nuberer) writes:\n>>>In article <1qgi8eINNhs5@skeena.ucs.ubc.ca>, yiklam@unixg.ubc.ca (Yik Chong\nLam) writes:\n>>>|> Hello,\n>>>|>     Does anyone know how to take out the bolt under the engine\n>>>|> compartment?  Should I turn clockwise or counter?  I tried any kind\n>>>|> of lubricants, WD-40,etc, but I still failed!\n>>>|>     Do you think I can use a electric drill( change to a suitable\n>>>|> bit ) to turn it out?  If I can succeed, can I re-tighten it not too\n>>>|> tight, is it safe without oil leak?\n>>>|> Thank you very much in advance------  Winson\n\nDon't worry about leaks.  Don't worry about which way to turn the damn thing.\nTake a good claw hammer and pry it straight out.  Now, you'll notice, after\nall the oil pours out, that there are no theads where there used to be.\n\nThats why 'heli coils' were invented.  Yes, buy a few of these gems, and\nrethread the hole a little larger each time you change the oil.\nWhen the hole gets too big for any heli coil you can buy, its time to trade in\nthe car...\n",
  'From: bob@kc2wz.bubble.org (Bob Billson)\nSubject: Re: subliminal message flashing on TV\nOrganization: Color Computer 3: Tandy\'s \'game\' machine\nLines: 13\n\nkennehra@logic.camp.clarkson.edu (Rich"TheMan"Kennehan) says:\n>Hi.  I was doing research on subliminal suggestion for a psychology\n>paper, and I read that one researcher flashed hidden messages on the\n>TV screen at 1/200ths of a second.  Is that possible?  I thought the\n\nTake a look over in alt.folklore.urban.  There is a thread about subliminal\nmessages on TV.  The fact that subliminal messages don\'t work aside, an image\ncan\'t be flashed on a TV screen fast enough to not be noticed.\n-- \n  Bob Billson, KC2WZ                          | internet: bob@kc2wz.bubble.org\n  $nail:  21 Bates Way,  Westfield, NJ 07090  | uucp:     ...!uunet!kc2wz!bob\n\n               "Friends don\'t let friends run DOS" -- Microware\n',
  "From: d12751@tanus.oz.au (Jason Bordujenko)\nSubject: DAC Circuit\nOrganization: Pro-Net Australia\nLines: 54\n\nG'day All,\n\nI was looking to build a Parallel Port Digital to Analogue Converter the other\nday and came across this schematic which I promptly threw together on a piece\nof VeroBoard:\n\n\n     P2----22k----+\n     P3----48k----|\n     P4----100k---|\n     P5----200k---|\n     P6----400k---|\n     P7----800k---|    10uf electrolytic\n     P8----1M6----|  +\n     P9----3M2----+---||--+----------\n                          |            +\n            47nF ceramic  -   \n                          -\n                          |            -\n     P25------------------+----------\n\n\n(Please excuse the obvious limits of the Lower ASCII char set :=)\n\nI have it all constructed here and sitting inside a nice little grey ABS box.\n\nUnfortunately I can't get it to work... I have a little demo here by the name\nof Cronologia (Which the schematic came from) and all I can get it to pump\nout of the box is data type hash/static with a small amount of music signal\nbehind it - it's even worse than the speaker inside the machine.\n\nDoes anybody out in net.colourful.computer.world have any ideas/suggestions/\nbetter designs/improvements/wastepaper bin... etc?\n\nMany thanks for a reply via this conference or email.\n\n  //\n\\X/  Regards, Jason.\n---\n\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Jason Bordujenko                                    Computer Department |\n| InterNet/UseNet: d12751@tanus.oz.au           Townsville Grammar School |\n| FidoNet Node   : 3:640/702 (Grammar BBS)               45 Paxton Street |\n| Data Phone No. : +61 77 72 6052 (Int.)       Townsville Queensland 4810 |\n|                : (077) 72 6052 (Aust.)                        Australia |\n| Facsimilie     : +61 77 72 2340 (Int.)                                  |\n|                : (077) 72 2340 (Aust.)                                  |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n|                           God made him simple,                          |\n|                           science made him god                          |\n|                                                                         |\n|                    -Stephen King's `The LawnMower Man'                  |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
  'From: qq43@liverpool.ac.uk (Chris Wooff)\nSubject: Tidying up after removing an OLE server\nKeywords: OLE, SPSS\nNntp-Posting-Host: chad3-22.liv.ac.uk\nOrganization: The University of Liverpool\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nLines: 16\n\nA while ago I installed SPSS for Windows as part of an evaluation. Once\nthe evaluation was complete I duly deleted the software from my PC.\n\nUnfortunately there is still a "ghost" of SPSS left: when I run\nsomething like "Write" and go to embed an object then "SPSS Chart"\nappears on the list of objects I\'m offered. I looked around all\nthe obvious "INI" files without success. The next thing I tried\nwas looking for the string "SPSS Chart" in every file in the \nWindows directory. It turned up in a file called REQ.DAT (or\nREG.DAT). Unfortunately the file was binary and so I didn\'t feel\ninclined to edit it.\n\nI\'d welcome a solution for removing SPSS from the list of OLE servers.\n\nChris Wooff\n(C.Wooff@liverpool.ac.uk)\n',
  'From: rschnapp@metaflow.com (Russ Schnapp)\nSubject: Re: Once tapped, your code is no good any more.\nNntp-Posting-Host: habu\nOrganization: Metaflow Technologies Inc.\nLines: 19\n\nIt might be nice to:\n\n1. cut out the ad hominem attacks on Prof. Denning, Mr. Sternlight,\netc.  If you have something objective to say about their views, go\nahead and say it (subject to point 2.).  Personal attacks reflect more\non the attacker more than on the attackee.  Throw light, not heat!\n\n2. restrict the discussion to appropriate newsgroups. I submit that\ncomp.org.acm and comp.org.ieee are not appropriate for this\ndiscussion.  You have now made subscribers to these newsgroups aware of\nthe issue.  If they want to know more or participate in the discussion,\nthey can easily join sci.crypt, comp.security.misc, alt.security, or\ncomp.org.eff.talk.\n-- \n\n...Russ Schnapp\nEmail: netcom!metaflow!rschnapp or rschnapp@Metaflow.com or rschnapp@BIX.com\nMetaflow Technologies   Voice: 619/452-6608x230;  FAX: 619/452-0401\nLa Jolla, California    Unless otw specified, I`m speaking only for myself!\n',
  "From: wtm@uhura.neoucom.edu (Bill Mayhew)\nSubject: Re: Dayton Hamfest\nOrganization: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 33\n\nYes,\n\nTake Interstate I-70 to the route 48 exit.  Go south on 48 about\n2-1/2 miles.  Trun right on Shiloh Springs Road.  The hamvention is\nat the Harrah arena, which is about 1 mile west and on the north\nside of the Road.  Parking at the arena is limited.  Lodging is\nprobably entirely booked-up within a 40 mile radius.  Good luck.\n\n                |                |\n                48               I75\n                |                |\n----------I70----------....---------\n                |                |\n                |                |\n          X     |                |\n(mall)  --------|                |\n   S. Springs   |\n\nIt is possible to park at the mall to the west.  There are shuttle\nbusses running between the arena and the mall.\n\nIf possible, get a Montgomery County, OH map from your local AAA\noffice.  It should be free if you are an AAA member.\n\nIf you don't already have definite plans, now is not a particularly\ngood time to start to think about going to the hamvention.\n\n\n\n-- \nBill Mayhew      NEOUCOM Computer Services Department\nRootstown, OH  44272-9995  USA    phone: 216-325-2511\nwtm@uhura.neoucom.edu (    146.580: N8WED\n",
  'From: Amruth Laxman <al26+@andrew.cmu.edu>\nSubject: Surviving Large Accelerations?\nOrganization: Junior, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA\nLines: 16\nNNTP-Posting-Host: po5.andrew.cmu.edu\n\nHi,\n    I was reading through "The Spaceflight Handbook" and somewhere in\nthere the author discusses solar sails and the forces acting on them\nwhen and if they try to gain an initial acceleration by passing close to\nthe sun in a hyperbolic orbit. The magnitude of such accelerations he\nestimated to be on the order of 700g. He also says that this is may not\nbe a big problem for manned craft because humans (and this was published\nin 1986) have already withstood accelerations of 45g. All this is very\nlong-winded but here\'s my question finally - Are 45g accelerations in\nfact humanly tolerable? - with the aid of any mechanical devices of\ncourse. If these are possible, what is used to absorb the acceleration?\nCan this be extended to larger accelerations?\n\nThanks is advance...\n-Amruth Laxman\n\n',
  'From: amit@aryeh.uchicago.edu (Yali Amit)\nSubject: Problems with Open Windows\nOrganization: Dept. of Statistics\nLines: 22\n\n\n\n\n\n After having OpenWindows \n(Version 3 for SunOS 4.1) or Xwindows\nrunning continuously on my machine for 3-4 days,\nthe following message appears  when trying to open\na new window, or to run any program that needs to open windows.\n\nXView error: Cannot open connection to window server: :0.0 (Server\npackage)\n\nI would greatly appreciate any suggestions to solve this problem.\n\nYali Amit\nDepartment of Statistics\nUniversity of Chicago \nChicago IL 60615\n\n\n\n',
  'Subject: Re: ALT.SEX.STORIES under Literary Critical Analy\nFrom: NUNNALLY@acs.harding.edu (John Nunnally)\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Harding University, Searcy, AR\nNntp-Posting-Host: acs.harding.edu\nX-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.24In-Reply-To: sandvik@newton.apple.com\'s message of Sun, 18 Apr 1993 00:06:17 GMTLines: 28\nLines: 28\n\nIn <sandvik-170493170457@sandvik-kent.apple.com> sandvik@newton.apple.com writes:\n\n> In article <1qevbh$h7v@agate.berkeley.edu>, dzkriz@ocf.berkeley.edu (Dennis\n> Kriz) wrote:\n> > I\'m going to try to do something here, that perhaps many would\n> > not have thought even possible.  I want to begin the process of\n> > initiating a literary critical study of the pornography posted on\n> > alt.sex.stories, to identify the major themes and motifs present\n> > in the stories posted there -- opening up then the possibility of\n> > an objective moral evaluation of the material present there.  \n> \n> Dennis, I\'m astounded. I didn\'t know you were interested to even\n> study such filth as alt.sex.stories provide...\n> \n> Cheers,\n> Kent\n> ---\n> sandvik@newton.apple.com. ALink: KSAND -- Private activities on the net.\n\n"Finally, brethern, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is\nright, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute,\nif there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your\nmind dwell on these things."  Phil. 4:8.\n\nMore cheers,\nJohn\nNunnally@acs.Harding.edu\n\n',
  "From: lundby@rtsg.mot.com (Walter F. Lundby)\nSubject: Re: Is MSG sensitivity superstition?\nNntp-Posting-Host: accord2\nOrganization: Motorola Inc., Cellular Infrastructure Group\nLines: 48\n\n\n>>Is there such a thing as MSG (monosodium glutamate) sensitivity?\n>>Superstition. Anybody here have experience to the contrary?\n>>\n \nAs a person who is very sensitive to msg and whose wife and kids are\ntoo, I WANT TO KNOW WHY THE FOOD INDUSTRY WANTS TO PUT MSG IN FOOD!!!\n\nSomebody in the industry GIVE ME SOME REASONS WHY!  \n\nIS IT AN INDUSTRIAL BYPRODUCT THAT NEEDS GETTING GET RID OF?\n\nIS IT TO COVER UP THE FACT THAT THE RECIPES ARE NOT VERY GOOD OR THE FOOD IS POOR QUALITY?\n\nDO SOME OF YOU GET A SADISTIC PLEASURE OUT OF MAKING SOME OF US SICK?\n\nDO THE TASTE TESTERS HAVE SOME DEFECT IN THEIR FLAVOR SENSORS (MOUTH etc...)\n  THAT MSG CORRECTS?\n\nI REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!\n\nALSO ... Nitrosiamines (sp) and sulfites...   Why them?  There are\n safer ways to preserve food, wines, and beers!\n\nI think \n1) outlaw the use of these substances without warning labels as\nlarge as those on cig. packages.\n2) Require 30% of comparable products on the market to be free of these\nsubstances and state that they are free of MSG, DYES, NITROSIAMINES and SULFITES on the package.\n3) While at it outlaw yellow dye #5.  For that matter why dye food?  \n4) Take the dyes and flavorings out of vitamins.  (In my OSCO only Stress\nTabs (tm) didn't have yellow dye #5)  { My doctor says Yellow Dye #5 is\nresponsible for 1/2 of all nasal polyps !!! }\n\nKEEP FOOD FOOD!  QUIT PUTTING IN JUNK!\n\nJUST MY TWO CENTS WORTH.\n\nSig:  A person tired of getting sick from this junk!\n\n-- \nWalter Lundby\n\n\n\n-- \nWalter Lundby\n\n",
  "From: darndt@nic.gac.edu (David Arndt)\nSubject: Johnny Hart's (B.C. comic strip) mailing address?\nOrganization: Gustavus Adolphus College\nLines: 17\n\nSubject pretty much says it all - I'm looking for Johnny Hart's (creator\nof the B.C. comic stip) mailing address.\n\nFor those of you who haven't seen them, take a look at his strips for Good\nFriday and Easter Sunday.  Remarkable witness!\n\nIf anyone can help me get in touch with him, I'd really appreciate it! \nI've contacted the paper that carries his strip and -- they'll get back to\nme with it!\n\nThanks for your help,\n\nDave Arndt\nSt. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church\nSt. Peter, MN 56082\n\ndarndt@nic.gac.edu\n",
  'From: shellgate!llo@uu4.psi.com (Larry L. Overacker)\nSubject: Re: The arrogance of Christians\nOrganization: Shell Oil\nLines: 109\n\nIn article <Apr.> caralv@caralv.auto-trol.com (Carol Alvin) writes:\n>vbv@r2d2.eeap.cwru.edu (Virgilio (Dean) B. Velasco Jr.) writes:\n>>In article <Apr.> caralv@caralv.auto-trol.com (Carol Alvin) writes:\n>> > ...\n>> >\n>> >Are all truths also absolutes?\n>> >Is all of scripture truths (and therefore absolutes)?\n>> >\n>> The answer to both questions is yes.\n>\n>Perhaps we have different definitions of absolute then.  To me,\n>an absolute is something that is constant across time, culture,\n>situations, etc.  True in every instance possible.  Do you agree\n>with this definition?  I think you do:\n>\n>> Similarly, all truth is absolute.  Indeed, a non-absolute truth is a \n>> contradiction in terms.  When is something absolute?  When it is always\n>> true.  Obviously, if a "truth" is not always "true" then we have a\n>> contradiction in terms.  \n\nI agree with Carol here.  Determining absolutes is, practically speaking, a\nwaste of time.  And we easily forget that relative truth is, in fact relative.\n\nFor example, I recently was asking some children the question "What temperature\ndoes water boil at?"  I got the answer 212 degrees consistently.  I asked\nif they knew what scale, and was told "It\'s just 212 degrees.  Any scale.\nThat\'s what all thermometers say."  Well, that\'s sincere, and may be\ntrue in the experience of the speaker, but it is simply wrong.  IT is NOT\nan absolute truth.  Similarly, Scripture is full of Truth, which we should\nnurture and cherish, but trying to determine which parts are Absolute Truth\nand which parts are the manifestations of that in the context of the time\nand culture in which the text was penned is missing the point.  Then religion\neasily becomes an intellectual head-trip, devoid of the living experience of \nthe indwelling Trinity and becomes dead scholasticism, IMO.\n \n[example of head-covering in Church deleted]\n\nThis was a good example.  There may be an Absolute Truth behind the\nwriting, but the simplest understanding of the passage is that the\ninstructions apply to the Corinthians, and not necessarily elsewhere.\nThe instructions may reflect Absolute Truth in the context of first\ncentury culture and the particular climate at Corinth, which was having\na LOT of trouble with order. Is it Absolute Truth to me?  No.  And I \nsee no compelling, or even reasonable, reason that it should be.\n \n>Evangelicals are clearly not taking this particular part of scripture \n>to be absolute truth.  (And there are plenty of other examples.)\n>Can you reconcile this?\n\nEven the most die-hard literalists do not take all of the Bible literally.\nI\'ve yet to meet anyone who takes the verse "blessed is he who takes your\nbabies and smashes their heads against the rocks" literally.  The Bible\nwas not printed or handed to us by God with color codings to tell us\nwhat parts should be interpreted which way. \n \n>> Many people claim that there are no absolutes in the world.  Such a\n>> statement is terribly self-contradictory.  Let me put it to you this\n>> way.  If there are no absolutes, shouldn\'t we conclude that the statement,\n>> "There are no absolutes" is not absolutely true?  Obviously, we have a\n>> contradiction here.\n>\n>I don\'t claim that there are *no* absolutes.  I think there are very\n>few, though, and determining absolutes is difficult.\n\nI agree.  Very few.  And even if we knew them, personally, we may not be \nable to express that in a way that still conveys Absolute Truth to another.\nThe presence of absence of Absolutes may not make any difference, since I\nknow I can never fully apprehend an Absolute if it walks up and greets me.\n>\n>> >There is hardly consensus, even in evangelical \n>> >Christianity (not to mention the rest of Christianity) regarding \n>> >Biblical interpretation.\n>> \n>> So?  People sometimes disagree about what is true. This does not negate \n>> the fact, however, that there are still absolutes in the universe.  \n\nI can\'t prove the existence of absolutes.  I can only rely upon MY experience.\nI also trust God\'s revelation that WE cannot fully comprehend the infinite.\nTherefore we can\'t comprehend the Absolutes.  So I don\'t need them.  \nI can never know the essence of God, only the energies by and through which\nGod is manifested to God\'s creation.  So the reality can be that there ARE\nabsolutes, but it is of no practical importance.  It\'s like claiming that the\noriginal scriptural autographs were perfect, but copies may not be.  Swell.\nWho cares?  It doesn\'t affect me in any practical useful way.  I might as \nwell believe that God has made a lot of electric blue chickens, and that they\nlive on Mars.  Maybe God did.  So what? Is that going to have ANY effect on \nhow I deal with my neighbor, or God?  Whether or not I go to this or that\ncafeteria for lunch?  No.  \n\nThis attitude leads many non-Christians to believe that ALL Christians\nare arrogant idiots incapable of critical reasoning.  Christianity is true,\nwonderful and sensible.  It appeals to Reason, since Reason is an inner\nreflection of the Logos of God.  Explanations that violate that simply\nappear to be insecure authoritarian responses to a complex world.\n\nNOTE:  I\'m NOT claiming there is no place for authority. That\'d be silly.\n       There IS a world of difference between authoritative and authoritarian.\n       Authoritative is en expression of authority that respects others.\n       Authoritarian is en expression of authority that fails to do that,\n       and is generally agressive.  Good parents (like God) are authoritative.\n       Many Christians are simply authoritarian, and, not surprisingly, few \n       adults respond to this treatment.\n\nLarry Overacker (llo@shell.com)\n-- \n-------\nLawrence Overacker\nShell Oil Company, Information Center    Houston, TX            (713) 245-2965\nllo@shell.com\n',
  "From: halat@pooh.bears (Jim Halat)\nSubject: Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is\nReply-To: halat@pooh.bears (Jim Halat)\nLines: 45\n\nIn article <1r3qab$o1v@horus.ap.mchp.sni.de>, frank@D012S658.uucp (Frank O'Dwyer) writes:\n>In article <930421.102525.9Y9.rusnews.w165w@mantis.co.uk> mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk> writes:\n>#frank@D012S658.uucp (Frank O'Dwyer) writes:\n>#> In article <930420.100544.6n0.rusnews.w165w@mantis.co.uk> mathew\n>#> <mathew@mantis.co.uk> writes:\n>#> #This is complete nonsense.  Relativism means saying that there is no absolut\n>#> #standard of morality; it does NOT mean saying that all standards of morality\n>#> #are equally good.\n>#> \n>#> Presumably this means that some moral systems are better than others?\n>#> How so?  How do you manage this without an objective frame of reference?\n>#\n\nEither Frank O'Dwyer or mathew said:\n\n[...stiff deleted...]\n\n>#Which goes faster, a bullet or a snail?  How come you can answer that when\n>#Einstein proved that there isn't an objective frame of reference?\n\n[...stiff deleted...]\n\nSpeed is a quantifiable measure resulting from a set of methods that\nwill result in the same value measured no matter the reference.  A \nbullet with zero velocity sitting on a table on a train moving 60mph\nwill be moving at a speed of\n\n        (a) 0mph to someone on the train.\n        (b) 60mph to someone stationary next to the train.\n\nThe reference frame makes the speed relative.  But what's interesting\nhere is that every person on the train will see a stationary bullet.\nEvery person off, a bullet moving 60mph.  \n\nI know of no train where all the people on it, every time it is\nfilled, will see a moral problem in exactly the same way.\n\n-- \n jim halat         halat@bear.com     \nbear-stearns       --whatever doesn't kill you will only serve to annoy you--\n   nyc             i speak only for myself\n\n\n\n\n",
  'From: ctd2t@Virginia.EDU ("Chris Dong")\nSubject: WANTED:MEMPHIS SUBLET\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nLines: 6\n\n\nNon-smoking, normal law student needs furnished place to live in Memphis\nthis summer.  I\'ll be working at a firm downtown and will have\nto pass the bar character examination, so you don\'t have to worry about \nyour stuff being broken or stolen.  Call Chris at (804)979-2519\nor leave e-mail.\n',
  "From: elef@smarmy.Eng.Sun.COM (elaine 'beano' leffler)\nSubject: Re: Kawi Zephyr? (was Re: Vision vs GpZ 550)\nKeywords: Zephyr stock forks BAD.  Mushy.  Dive.\nArticle-I.D.: jethro.1psrdn$g3r\nReply-To: elef@smarmy.Eng.Sun.COM\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: SunConnect\nLines: 11\nNNTP-Posting-Host: smarmy.eng.sun.com\n\nIn article 3126@organpipe.uug.arizona.edu, asphaug@lpl.arizona.edu (Erik Asphaug x2773) writes:\n>By the way Bob, er Dave (sorry!), I had read a review that said the 550\n>engine was pretty much identical to the GPz, but that the suspension\n>and frame is more modern. \n\nthe fancy piggyback shocks on the 550 (and the 750, i think.  i don't\nknow about the zr1100) are very nice, 3-way adjustability.  the forks\nare crappy, they dive like MAD.  i had progressive springs installed\nand it made a huge difference.  cheap fix, MUCH improvement.\n\nelef\n",
  'From: brown@venus.iucf.indiana.edu (Robert J. Brown)\nSubject: Re: Shaft-drives and Wheelies\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.3-4   \nNntp-Posting-Host: venus.iucf.indiana.edu\nReply-To: brown@venus.iucf.indiana.edu\nOrganization: IUCF\nDistribution: rec\nLines: 29\n\nIn article <Stafford-200493103434@stafford.winona.msus.edu>, Stafford@Vax2.Winona.MSUS.Edu (John Stafford) writes...\n>>>>>> On 19 Apr 93 21:48:42 GMT, xlyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu said:\n>>  Is it possible to do a "wheelie" on a motorcycle with shaft-drive?\n> \n>\tYes, but the _rear_ wheel comes off the ground, not the front.\n> See, it just HOPS into the air!  Figure.\n>John Stafford \n\n  Sure you can do wheelies with a shaft drive bike. I had a BMW R100RS\nthat was a wheelie monster! Of course it didn\'t have the initial power\nburst to just twist it into the air - I had to pop the clutch. I also\nhad to replace front fork seals a few times as well. The fairing is a \nbit heavy to be slamming down onto those little stantion tubes all the\ntime. But let me give you fair warning: I trashed the ring/pinion gear\nin the final drive of my K75 (I assume) doing wheelies. And this was \nNO cheap fix either!! There is some kind of "slip" device in the shaft\nto prevent IT from breaking. Unfortunately, it didn\'t save the gears!\n\n  On the topic of wheelies, the other day I saw a kid on a big Hurricane\ndo a "stoppy"(?), or rear wheelie. Man, he had the rear end on this bike \nup about 2 feet off the ground at a traffic light. I don\'t recommend these\nactivities anymore (now that I\'m an "old guy" with kids of my own) but\nit looked damn impressive!!\n\n  If you can\'t keep both tires on the ground, at least have \'em pointed\nin that direction! :-)\n\nCheers, \nB**2\n',
  'From: rgooch@rp.CSIRO.AU (Richard Gooch)\nSubject: Re: X11R5 and Open Look\nOrganization: CSIRO Division of Radiophysics/Australia Telescope National Facility\nLines: 16\n\nIn article <1993Apr12.155820.82@aedc-vax.af.mil>, bonds@aedc-vax.af.mil writes:\n> I am reposting this because I am not sure my first post ever made it out.\n> I have built and installed X11R5 on my SPARCstation 2.  My aim is to run\n> the MIT X server but retain the OpenLook Window Manager.  I am sure this\n> is not uncommon, but I just want to make sure that I change and/or delete\n> everything that I need to.  For instance, I can start xdm in rc.local, but\n> how do I get rid of Xnews?\n> \n\n  The OpenLook window manager source is available on the MIT contrib tapes\n  or from  export.lcs.mit.edu  .I would suggest building this too, rather than\n  using the version from OpenWindows. It is  olwm  v3.\n\n\t\t\t\tRegards,\n\n\t\t\t\t\tRichard Gooch....\n',
  'From: moy@cae.wisc.edu (Howard Moy)\nSubject: Madison WI summer sublet\nOrganization: U of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering\nDistribution: uwix\nLines: 35\n\n\n\n\nDowntown FURNISHED Summer Sublet\n\n     May 15 thru Aug 15\n     Great location at:\n     215 N. Frances St.\n          & Johnson St. (Across Witte)\n          Near Nitty Gritty & Near Howard Johnson\n          Near State Street & Near South East Dorms\n          Near University Square & Near SERF\n     Two bedroom\n          Your own spacious room\n               (the larger!)\n          Laundry available\n          Parking available\n          Bathroom\n          Kitchen\n          Large Closet\n          Dual Desks\n          Just pay for electricity (~$7/month)\n\n     Asking $500 for whole summer!\n\n     Send inquiries to:\n               Howard\n               608-255-6379\n               moy@cae.wisc.edu\n\n-- \n-Howard\n_________________________________________________________\n!                    Howard Moy\t\t\t\t!\n!                  (608) 255-6379\t\t\t!\n',
  'From: vlasis@cybernet.cse.fau.edu (vlasis theodore)\nSubject: Re: WARNING.....(please read)...\nOrganization: Cybernet BBS, Boca Raton, Florida\nLines: 61\n\ntobias@convex.com (Allen Tobias) writes:\n\n> In article <1993Apr15.024246.8076@Virginia.EDU> ejv2j@Virginia.EDU ("Erik Vel\n> >This happened about a year ago on the Washington DC Beltway.\n> >Snot nosed drunken kids decided it would be really cool to\n> >throw huge rocks down on cars from an overpass.  Four or five\n> >cars were hit.  There were several serious injuries, and sadly\n> >a small girl sitting in the front seat of one of them was struck \n> >in the head by one of the larger rocks.  I don\'t recall if she \n> >made it, but I think she was comatose for a month or so and \n> >doctors weren\'t holding out hope that she\'d live.\n> >\n> >What the hell is happening to this great country of ours?  I\n> >can see boyhood pranks of peeing off of bridges and such, but\n> >20 pound rocks??!  Has our society really stooped this low??\n> >\n> >Erik velapold\n> \n> Society, as we have known it, it coming apart at the seams! The basic reason\n> is that human life has been devalued to the point were killing someone is\n> "No Big Deal". Kid\'s see hundreds on murderous acts on TV, we can abort \n> children on demand, and kill the sick and old at will. So why be surprised\n> when some kids drop 20 lbs rocks and kill people. They don\'t care because the\n> message they hear is "Life is Cheap"!\n> \n> AT\n\nWell people fortunatly or unfortunatly ,\nonly the US is experiencing the devaluation of human life (among \ndeveloped nations).\n\nI am an American but I was raised in Europe, where the worst thing that \ncan happen to somebody is get his car broken into, or have his pocket\npicked by Slaves or Russian refugees.\n\nOf cource there will be some nutcases, but thats extremely rare.\n\nI.e. in Greece you can walk through any neighborhood at any time during\nthe night without even worrying.\n\nIn Germany , you can walk the sidewalks at 4.00 am and not even look \nbehind your back, at the sanitation crews that clean the streets to a \nsparkling cleen.\n\nWhoever of you have been there you know what I am saying.\n\nI dont have any easy answers but if we as a nation do some selfcritisism\nwe might get somewhere.\n\nOf course these postings sould be in soc.culture.US but if we reduce\ncrime here it \'ll mean less car insurance rates ,thus we could spend\nmore money on modifing our cars. (Now my posting is rec.autos.tech \nrevelant).\n\nVlasis  Theodore\n\n___________________\nSoftware Engineer\nIDB Mobile Communications.\n\nSig under development ...\n',
  'From: stamber@rainbow.ecn.purdue.edu (Kevin L. Stamber)\nSubject: LIST OF TEE TIMES AT METROPOLITAN TORONTO GOLF COURSES FOR MONDAY\nOrganization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network\nLines: 6\n\n;^)\n\nKevin L. Stamber\nPurdue University\n...and Phil Kirzyc (The Kielbasa Kid) will roam the Arena for interviews.\n\n',
  "From: hildjj@jupiter.fuentez.COM (Joe Hildebrand)\nSubject: Re: question regarding overlaying of graphics\nOrganization: The Internet\nLines: 30\nTo: venkatg@grace.cs.orst.edu (Gopal Venkatraman)\nCc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu\n\n\n> Let's say I have two rectangles on the canvas(see above) \n> one intersecting the other...\n> Now, I would like to delete one of the rectangles.\n> The way I do it is to create another GC wherein I use the\n> GXxor logical function and simply redraw the rectangle using the\nnewly\n> created graphics context thus deleting it for all apparent purposes.\n> A problem with this approach is that at the points of intersection\nthe pixel \n> locations belonging to the other rectangle also become white, which\nis \n> something that should be avoided.\n\nYou could set up a bitmap with a mask in it.  Clear the\nbitmap, draw the rectangle to be deleted with GXor.  Draw the one\nthat is to stay with GXclear.  Then GXxor the entire pixmap with\nthe screen.  \n\nNote that this is a pretty effective way of animation, if you ever\nneed to do that (replace the GXclear with a GXxor).\n\n----------\nJoe Hildebrand\nhildjj@fuentez.com\nSoftware Engineer\nFuentez Systems Concepts\n(703)273-1447\n\nStandard disclaimers apply\n",
  'From: lee@tosspot.sv.com (Lee Reynolds)\nSubject: CGA card/monitor wanted\nOrganization: Ludus Associates, Incorporated.\nLines: 4\n\nAnd again......\n               title says it all. WHY?\n\n                      Lee (lee@tosspot.sv.com)\n',
  'From: nate@psygate.psych.indiana.edu (Nathan Engle)\nSubject: Re: ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH - UPDATE\nNntp-Posting-Host: mushroom.psych.indiana.edu\nOrganization: Psych Department, Indiana University\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 28\n\n<34AEJ7D@CMUVM.BITNET> writes:\n>Ah yes, I see a few liberal weenies have come out of the woodwork\n>to defend the burning of the children.\n\n    Actually all the liberals I\'ve seen have deplored the burning of \nchildren. I would far preferred that the Davidians had not set the \nfire that burned themselves and their children to death, but I don\'t \nbelieve that the responsibility for the fire (or the almost complete \nabsense of attempts to escape the blaze) can be placed at the door of \nthe Federal authorities.\n\n>Probably drooled all over themselves while watching the TV coverage.\n\n    Not so. My wife got me a convenient plastic "drip pan" for Christmas...\n\n>Probably had a few like that in Nazi Germany, as well.\n\n    Yeah, those Nazis. You know how we liberals just love those Nazis.\n\n>Oh yeah, ATF/FBI now claims, according the the media, that there are\n>a few survivors. The number seems to vary minute by minute.\n\n    Yeah, as information trickles in... funny how that works...\n\n--\nNathan Engle                        Software Juggler\nPsychology Department               Indiana University\nnate@psygate.psych.indiana.edu      nengle@silver.ucs.indiana.edu\n',
  "From: rjf@lzsc.lincroftnj.ncr.com (51351[efw]-Robert Feddeler(MT4799)T343)\nSubject: Re: centrifuge\nOrganization: AT&T Middletown N.J. U.S.A.\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 16\n\nMr. Blue (car@access.digex.com) wrote:\n: Could somebody explain to me what a centrifuge is and what it is\n: used for? I vaguely remembre it being something that spins test tubes\n: around really fast but I cant remember why youd want to do that?\n\n\nPurely recreational.  They get bored sitting in that\nrack all the time.\n\n\n\n--\nbob.\t\t\t\t\t   | I only smile when I lie,\nYou can learn more in a bar\t\t   | And I'll tell you why...\n\tthan you can in a lawyer's office. |\nWere these more than just my opinions, they would have cost a bit more.\n",
  "From: pyeatt@Texaco.com (Larry D. Pyeatt)\nSubject: Re: Mix GL with X (Xlib,Xt,mwm)\nNntp-Posting-Host:\nOrganization: Texaco\nLines: 36\n\nIn article <9304191540.AA09727@sparc1.jade.com>, graham@sparc1.ottawa.jade.COM (Jay Graham) writes:\n|> \n|> I am developing an X (Xt,Xm) application that will include a graphics window\n|> of some sort with moving symbols among other things.  A pure X application\n|> could be implemented with Motif widgets, one of which would be an \n|> XmDrawingArea for drawing with Xlib.  But I would like to take advantage of\n|> the Graphics Library (GL) available on our IBM RS/6000 (SGI's GL i believe).\n|> \n|> Is it possible to mix X and GL in one application program?\n|> Can I use GL subroutines in an XmDrawingArea or in an X window opened by me\n|> with XOpenWindow?\n\nThere is a widget already defined for GL.  It is the GlxMDraw (motif) or\nGlxDraw (athena) widget.  It is similar to a XmDrawingArea, except that it\nallows you to use GL calls to render into the window.  Look at glxlink,\nglxunlink, glxgetconfig, and glxwinset in the man pages.\n\n|> I have never used GL before, but the doc on GL winopen() says that the first\n|> time winopen() is called it opens a connection to the server.   Also, most of\n|> the GL calls do not require a Display or GC, unlike most X calls.  From this\n|> initial information it appears that X and GL cannot be mixed easily.   Is this\n|> true?\n\nThe GlxMDraw widget works pretty well.  OpenGL will be an improvement.\n\n|> Does PEX (graPHIGS?) have the same functionality of GL?\n\nI think GL is a little easier to use and a little more powerful, but\nthat's just an opinion.  Mileage may vary.\n\n\n-- \nLarry D. Pyeatt                 The views expressed here are not\nInternet : pyeatt@texaco.com    those of my employer or of anyone\nVoice    : (713) 975-4056       that I know of with the possible\n                                exception of myself.\n",
  'From: rosen@kranz.enet.dec.com (Jim Rosenkranz)\nSubject: Re: Metal powder,steel,iron.\nReply-To: rosen@kranz.enet.dec.com (Jim Rosenkranz)\nOrganization: Digital Equipment Corp.\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <79557@cup.portal.com>, mmm@cup.portal.com (Mark Robert Thorson) writes:\n|>Xref: nntpd2.cxo.dec.com misc.invest:40997 misc.forsale:88577\n|>Path: nntpd2.cxo.dec.com!pa.dec.com!e2big.mko.dec.com!uvo.dec.com!news.crl.dec.com!deccrl!caen!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sdd.hp.com!portal!cup.portal.com!mmm\n|>From: mmm@cup.portal.com (Mark Robert Thorson)\n|>Newsgroups: misc.invest,misc.forsale\n|>Subject: Re: Metal powder,steel,iron.\n|>Message-ID: <79557@cup.portal.com>\n|>Date: Thu, 15 Apr 93 08:53:51 PDT\n|>Organization: The Portal System (TM)\n|>References:  <ACpDgohaWA@commed.msk.su>\n|>Lines: 4\n|>\n|>I just love these posts from the ex-Soviet Union.  Among the cars, dinette\n|>sets, video cameras, etc. every now and then an ad pops up for bee venom,\n|>RED OXIDE OF MERCURY, cobalt (100 tons minimum order), etc.  Don\'t they\n|>have garage sales in Russia?   :-)\n|>\n\nIt really doesn\'t strike me as very funny. It is rather indicative of what\na crisis their economy is in. I imagine they are in desparate need of\nmarkets to sustain industries and people which are nolonger under central\ncontrol of the government.\n--\nJim Rosenkranz\trosen@kranz.enet.dec.com\n\n"Never try to teach a pig to sing: it can\'t be done, and it annoys the pig."\n',
  'From: brian@lpl.arizona.edu (Brian Ceccarelli 602/621-9615)\nSubject: Re: 14 Apr 93   God\'s Promise in 1 John 1: 7\nOrganization: Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Tucson AZ.\nLines: 16\n\nIn article <bskendigC5I9yH.ICp@netcom.com> bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig) writes:\n\n>If you can explain to me why the death of Jesus was a *good* thing,\n>then I would be very glad to hear it, and you might even convert me.\n>Be warned, however, that I\'ve heard all the most common arguments\n>before, and they just don\'t convince me.\n\nBe warned, it is not my job to convert you.  That is the job of\nthe Holy Spirit.  And I, frankly, make a lousy one.  I am only\nhere to testify.  Your conversion is between you and God.  I am\n"out of the loop".  If you decide to follow Jesus, of which I\nindeed would be estatic, then all the glory be to God.\n\n-------------\nBrian Ceccarelli\nbrian@gamma1.lpl.arizona.edu\n',
  "From: Dale_Adams@gateway.qm.apple.com (Dale Adams)\nSubject: Re: HELP INSTALL RAM ON CENTRIS 610\nOrganization: Apple Computer Inc.\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <C5115s.5Fy@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> \njht9e@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Jason Harvey Titus) writes:\n>         I had asked everyone about problems installing a 4 meg\n> simm and an 8 meg simm in my Centris 610, but the folks at the\n> local Apple store called the folks in Cupertino and found that\n> you can't have simms of different speeds in one machine, even\n> if they are both fast enough - ie - My 80 ns 8 meg and 60ns 4\n> meg simms were incompatibable...  Just thought people might\n> want to know.....\n\nThere's absolutely no reason why differences in the DRAM access time \n_alone_ would cause an incompatibility.  There would have to be another \ndifference between the SIMMs for there to be a problem.  I've often used \nmemory of different speeds with no problems whatsoever.  As long as it's\nas fast (or faster) than the minimum requirement you should be fine.\n\nJust out of curiosity, did you actually try this and see a problem, or \nwere you told it wouldn't work and so never tried it?  Also out of \ncuriosity, do you know exactly who in Cupertino you dealer talked to (as \nI'd like to find out what they're basing this recommendation on).\n\n- Dale Adams\n  Apple Computer, Inc.\n",
  "From: aas7@po.CWRU.Edu (Andrew A. Spencer)\nSubject: Re: It's a rush... (was Re: Too fast)\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)\nLines: 34\nReply-To: aas7@po.CWRU.Edu (Andrew A. Spencer)\nNNTP-Posting-Host: slc5.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\nIn a previous article, gwm@spl1.spl.loral.com (Gary W. Mahan) says:\n\n>>Why should a good driver be terrified at 130mph? The only thing I fear\n>>going at 130 are drivers, who switch to the left lane without using\n>>either rear-view-mirror or flashers. Doing 130 to 150 ain't a rush\n>>for me, but it's fun and I get where I want to go much faster.\n>\n>In defense of the drivers, who are in the right lane.  Here in the states, people simply do not expect when they are driving to be overtaken at a speed differential of 50+mph.  I don't think this is because they are stupid (of course, there are exceptions), they are just programmed because of the 55mph limit. Do you (in the states) when you look in the rear-view ALWAYS calculate future  positions of cars based on a 50+ speed differential.  \n>Dont get me wrong, I love to drive in the left lane fast but when I overtake\n>cars who are on the right, I slow down a tad bit. If I were to rely on the judgement of the other car, to recognize the speed differential, I would be the stupid one.  \n\njust to satiate my curiosity, why would this make you the stupid one?  It seems\nto me, everybody SHOULD be aware enough of what is going on.  You do not need\nto calculate the future position.  You need to look at your mirrors a little\nmore.  If you glance around, you will be able to tell how much faster than you\nthe car is going.  Maybe not precisely, but well enough to know if you should\nlet him around before you try to pass.  I know what you are talking about,\nabout the other driver being startled, because i myself have been startled\nby drivers cruising by at around 90-100mph when i'm doin 55-65.  The problem,\nthough, as i saw it, was not their fault for barreling around me, but my fault\nfor not paying the attention to my task-at-hand that i should have been.\nOddly enough, since the 2nd time(happened 2x in around 4 mo. when i'd had my\nliscence for around 6 mo), i haven't been startled..and i've been passed by\ncars doing roughly twice the speed of my car.  Another odd occurance is the\nfact that this only seems to happen on LONG trips...and if i drive along with\nthem, it doesn't happen at all :-) even on the long trips! :-)  (adrenaline\nwill do that to you...i've had bad cop experiences with speeding, so anything\nover the limit is adrenalizing for me...scared i'll get caught :-)  Maybe\nthey should raise the limit, so we can pay better attention.....\n\njust curious, and my .otwo\n\nDREW\n",
  "From: tapscott@adoc.xerox.com (Peter Tapscott)\nSubject: For Sale: Harvard Graphics for Windows\nKeywords: Harvard Graphics, sale\nOrganization: Xerox PARC\nDistribution: us\nLines: 17\n\n\nFor Sale:\n\tBrand new, shrinkwrapped\n\n\tHARVARD GRAPHICS FOR WINDOWS\n\n\tList Price: $500\n\tCheapest pince in Computer Shopper (mail order): $315\n\tMy Price: $250\n\nThis is really a slick package, but I won it in a bike race so I\ncan't return it for credit. My dilemma is your fire sale.\n\n-- \n** Peter Tapscott, Xerox - Palo Alto Research Center\n** Internet: tapscott.adoc@xerox.com    XNS Net: Tapscott:PARC:Xerox\n** 415 813-6885\n",
  'From: ching@fledgling.WPI.EDU (Jay Heminger)\nSubject: Re: TIGER STADIUM GIF?\nOrganization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute\nLines: 9\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: fledgling.wpi.edu\nOriginator: ching@fledgling.WPI.EDU\n\n\n\nI hate to be rude, but screw the seating chart, post the stadium instead.\n\n-- \n------------------------THE LOGISTICIAN REIGNS SUPREME!!!----------------------\n|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      |\n|   GO BLUE!!!   GO TIGERS!!!   GO PISTONS!!!   GO LIONS!!!   GO RED WINGS!!! |\n-------------------------------ching@wpi.wpi.edu-------------------------------\n',
  'From: sun075!Gerry.Palo@uunet.uu.net (Gerry Palo)\nSubject: Re: Christianity and repeated lives\nLines: 84\n\nIn article <May.> JEK@cu.nih.gov writes:\n>Gerry Palo writes:\n>\n> > ...there is nothing in Christianity that precludes the idea of\n> > repeated lives on earth.\n>\n>The Apostle Paul (Romans 9:11) points out that God chose Jacob\n>rather than Esau to be the ancestor of the Covenant People and\n>ultimately of the Messiah, and that He made this choice while the\n>two boys were still in their mother\'s womb, and therefore could not\n>possibly have done anything good or evil to deserve their appointed\n>destinies. If we admit the possibility that they had lived previous\n>lives, and that (in accordance with the Asiatic idea of "karma")\n>their present lives are a reward or punishment for past behaviour,\n>this makes nonsense of Paul\'s whole point.\n>\n\nThe existence of repeated earth lives and destiny (karma) does not\nmean that everything that happens is predetermined by past deeds.\nThere is an oriental view of it that tends in that direction, but I\ndid not subscribe to that view.  God may choose one individual over\nanother as the fit instrument for his plans, but that does not\npreclude that the development of that individual into what he is in\nthis earthly life is not the result of a longer course of development.\n\nI do not, and Rudolf Steiner did not, subscribe to the oriental view\nof an inexorable, mechanistic karma determining everything that\nbefalls one.  This is a kind of shriveled caricature of a much greater\nlaw in the context of which the deed of Christ on Golgotha and the\nultimate salvation and freedom of the human being as a working of\nChrist can be seen as the master theme and, indeed, a new impulse that\nwas completely free of karma.  Christ incarnated only once in the\nflesh, and in that he had no debt of karma or sin.  The oriental\nconcepts of reincarnation and karma, which are even more trivialized\nand mechanized in some new age teachings, incorrectly assume Jesus\nChrist to have been the reincarnation of a master.  avatar, etc.\nTheir teaching of reincarnation and karma also has no concept the\ncontinuing individuality from one life to the next (e.g. Buddhism).\nMore important, they have no concept of the resurrection of the body,\nthe ultimate continuity of the whole human being -- to ultimate\nresurrection and judgement on the Last Day.\n\nThere is another biblical passage that also has a bearing. It is the\ntenth chapter of John, devoted almost entirely to the man born blind.\nClearly here, Jesus tells the disciples that it was not his past karma\nor that of his parents that led to his blindness, but rather that a\nnew impulse is to be revealed through him.  But note that he does not\nrefute the disciples\' question.  In fact, they ask it as a matter of\ncourse, the question being stated as if it were self evident that only\none of two possibilities existed - it was either the sins of the man\nhimself, obviously not in this incarnation, or the sins of his\nparents.  The fact that they even asked about the first possibility at\nall indicates an awareness of the idea on their part and the form of\nChrist\'s answer indicates that he did not disagree with it.\n\nThere is also Matthew 11:14, where Jesus says straight out about John\nthe Baptist,\n\n   "If you care to accept it, he himself is Elias, who was to come."\n\nThis also emphasizes that the Gospels do not have a positive teaching\neither way about reincarnation -- or, in fact, about what happens to\nthe human being at all between death and the Last Day.  Even Jesus did\nnot push this teaching on people who were not ready to embrace it ("If\nyou care to accept it").  So I took care to point out, not that the\nBible teaches reincarnation but that it does not deny it either, and\nthat much in both scripture and fundamental Christian doctrine becomes\nunderstandable if reincarnation is understood in the right way.  I\npointedly used "repeated earth lives" to distinguish a little from the\noriental doctrines usually associated with the word "reincarnation".\nThe phrase is Rudolf Steiner\'s (wiederholte Erdenleben).  He noted too\nthat the idea needed to arise as a new insight in the west, completely\nfree from eastern tradition.  It did in the eighteenth and nineteenth\ncenturies, the most important expression of it being Lessing\'s "The\nEducation of the Human Race".\n\nTo return to your original point, Paul\'s statement about Jacob and\nEsau does not contradict the idea of repeated earth lives and karma.\nAnd both of these principles receive their fulfillment in the\nincarnation, death, and resurrection, ascension and return of Jesus\nChrist, in my view.\n\nRegards, \nGerry Palo (73237.2006@compuserve.com)\n',
  "From: npm@netcom.com (Nancy P. Milligan)\nSubject: Re: Need advice with doctor-patient relationship problem\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nLines: 15\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\n\nI'd dump him.  Rude is rude and it seems he enjoys belittling and\nhumiliating you.  But don't just dump him, write to him and tell\nhim why you are firing him.  If you can, think about sending a copy\nof your letter to whoever is in charge of the clinic where he works, \nif applicable, or maybe even to the AMA.  Don't be vindictive in\nyour letter, be truthful but VERY firm.\n\nBut don't be a victim and just put up with it.  Take control!  It'll\nmake you feel great!\n\nNancy M.\n-- \nNancy P. Milligan\t\t\t\t\tnpm@netcom.com\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnpm@dale.cts.com\n",
  "From: ciarlett@mizar.usc.edu (Joni Ciarletta)\nSubject: Master Cylinder\nOrganization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA\nLines: 10\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: mizar.usc.edu\n\n\nThanks to everyone who responded to my Honda Accord break question.\nIt does seem that the master cylinder is bad. I will have my\nmechanic double check and be sure it isn't something simpler\nand cheaper first, but from your responses it sounds like it\nis very likely to be the master cylinder.\n\nThanks everyone!!\n\nJoni\n",
  'From: ka2czu@cbnewsh.att.com\nSubject: Christians in the Martial Arts\nOrganization: AT&T\nLines: 39\n\nGreetings and Salutations!\n\nI would like to get in touch with people who\n(a) consider themselves Christians (you define it), and\n(b) are in the Martial Arts\n\nSome topics for discussion:\n\t- your particular martial art\n\t- your view of the relationship between\n\t\tChristianity and your art\n\t- your view of the relationship between\n\t\t*your* Christianity and your art\n\t- why should a Christian participate in MA\n\t- why shouldn\'t a Christian participate in MA\n\t- Biblical views of MA; pro or con.\n\nFor example, I heard from one fellow:\n\t"...I tried the Karate for Christ thing and it wasn\'t for me..."\n\t- why or why not?\n\nAs an aside, I am involved (in *NO* official way) with an\norganization called the Christian Black Belt Association and\nI would also like to distribute info regarding upcoming events\nto *those who are interested*.  No, you won\'t be put on any\n"mailing list" nor will your name be "sold".\n\nHowever, if you ARE intested in an email list, let me know.\n\nI am interested in email replies ONLY as this is cross-posted \nto groups I don\'t normally read.  If anyone wants a summary\nor, of course, on-going discussion, then let me know.\n\n\nShalom,\nRobert Switzer\nka2czu@cbnewsh.att.com\n-- \nBell Labs, 200 Laurel Ave., 2b-334, Middletown, NJ 07748-4801 USA (908)957-2923\n...-.-    Amateur Radio Operator           KA2CZU   Robert Switzer\n',
  'From: dsc@gemini.gsfc.nasa.gov (Doug S. Caprette)\nSubject: CS chemical agent\nOrganization: CDP VLBI\nLines: 10\n\n\n\nCan anyone provide information on CS chemical agent--the tear gas used recently\nin WACO.  Just what is it chemically, and what are its effects on the body?\n\ndsc@gemini.gsfc.nasa.gov  \n |  Regards,         |   Hughes STX                |    Code 926.9 GSFC        |\n |  Doug Caprette    |   Lanham, Maryland          |    Greenbelt, MD  20771   |\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"A path is laid one stone at a time" -- The Giant\n',
  "From: pes@hutcs.cs.hut.fi (Pekka Siltanen)\nSubject: Re: detecting double points in bezier curves\nNntp-Posting-Host: hutcs.cs.hut.fi\nOrganization: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.234409.18303@kpc.com> jbulf@balsa.Berkeley.EDU (Jeff Bulf) writes:\n>In article <ia522B1w165w@oeinck.waterland.wlink.nl>, ferdinan@oeinck.waterland.wlink.nl (Ferdinand Oeinck) writes:\n>|> I'm looking for any information on detecting and/or calculating a double\n>|> point and/or cusp in a bezier curve.\n>|> \n>|> An algorithm, literature reference or mail about this is very appreciated,\n>\n>There was a very useful article in one of the 1989 issues of\n>Transactions On Graphics. I believe Maureen Stone was one of\n>the authors. Sorry not to be more specific. I don't have the\n>reference here with me.\n\n\nStone, DeRose: Geometric characterization of parametric cubic curves.\nACM Trans. Graphics 8 (3) (1989) 147 - 163.\n\n\nManocha, Canny: Detecting cusps and inflection points in curves.\nComputer aided geometric design 9 (1992) 1-24.\n\nPekka Siltanen\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  'From: dwestner@cardhu.mcs.dundee.ac.uk (Dominik Westner)\nSubject: need a viewer for gl files\nOrganization: Maths & C.S. Dept., Dundee University, Scotland, UK\nLines: 10\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cardhu.mcs.dundee.ac.uk\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\n\nHi, \n\nthe subject says it all. Is there a PD viewer for gl files (for X)?\n\nThanks\n\n\nDominik\n\n\n',
  'From: DAK988S@vma.smsu.edu\nSubject: Re: Good Neighbor Political Hypocrisy Test\nOrganization: SouthWest Mo State Univ\nLines: 32\nNNTP-Posting-Host: vma.smsu.edu\nX-Newsreader: NNR/VM S_1.3.2\n\n>>In article <1993Apr15.021021.7538@gordian.com> mike@gordian.com (Michael A. Thomas) writes:\n>>>In article <C5HuH1.241@news.iastate.edu>, jrbeach@iastate.edu (Jeffry R Beach) writes:\n>>>> Think about it -- shouldn\'t all drugs then be legalized, it would lower\n>>>> the cost and definitely make them safer to use.\n>>>\n>>>  Yes.\n>>>\n>>>> I don\'t think we want to start using these criterion to determine\n>>>> legality.\n>>>\n>>>  Why not?\n>>\n>>Where do they get these people?!  I really don\'t want to waste time in\n>>here to do battle about the legalization of drugs.  If you really want to, we\n>>can get into it and prove just how idiotic that idea is!\n \nYou think that you all have it bad....here at good ol\' Southwest Missouri\nState U., we have 2 parties running for student body president.  There\'s the\ntoken sorority/fraternity faces, and then there\'s the president and vice\npresident of NORML.  They campaigned by handing out condoms and listing\ntheir qualifications as,"I listen really well."  It makes me sick to have\na party established on many of the things that are ruining this country like\nthey are.  I think I\'ll run next year.:(\n \n      Darin J Keener, dak988s@vma.smsu.edu\n      PC-the idea that catering to splinter groups is the way to go.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n',
  'From: rscharfy@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Ryan C Scharfy)\nSubject: Re: New Study Out On Gay Percentage\nNntp-Posting-Host: magnusug.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\nOrganization: The Ohio State University\nLines: 75\n\nIn article <C5K5LC.CyF@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> lfoard@hopper.Virginia.EDU (La\nwrence C. Foard) writes:\n>In article <15378@optilink.com> cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer) writes:\n>>\n>>\n>>From the Santa Rosa (Cal.) Press-Democrat, April 15, 1993, p. B2:\n>>\n>>    Male sex survey: Gay activity low\n>>\n>>    A new natonal study on male sexual behavior, the most thorough\n>>    examination of American men\'s sexual practices published since\n>>    the Kinsey report more than four decades ago, shows about 2\n>>    percent of the men surveyed had engaged in homosexual sex and\n>>    1 percent considered themselves exclusively homosexual.\n>>\n>>    The figures on homosexuality in the study released Wednesday\n>>    by the Alan Guttmacher Institute are significantly lower than\n>>    the 10 percent figure that has been part of the conventional\n>>    wisdom since it was published in the Kinsey report.\n>\n>1) So what?\n\nSo there are less gays, then the gays claim.\n>\n>2) It will be interesting to see the reaction when 2.5million queers\n>   gather in Washington DC. After all if there are only 6million of\n>   us then this is an event unprecidented in history...\n>\n\nDream on.  Abortion and African-American Civil rights rallies don\'t even bring\nin half of that.\n\n>>The article also contains numbers on the number of sexual partners.\n>>The median number of sexual partners for all men 20-39 was 7.3.\n>\n>Don\'t forget that 25% had 20 or more partners....\n>\n\nI was wondering why I wasn\'t getting laid.\n\n>>Compared to the table I have already posted from Masters, Johnson,\n>>and Kolodny showing male homosexual partners, it is apparent that\n>>homosexual men are dramatically more promiscuous than the general\n>>male population.\n>\n>And what did this study show for number of sexual contacts for those\n>who said they where homosexual? Or is that number to inconvient for\n>you....\n>\n\nIf it\'s more, then who cares?\n\n>>It\'s a shame that we don\'t have a breakdown for\n>>straight men vs. gay/bi men -- that would show even more dramatically\n>>how much more promiscuous gay/bi men are.\n>\n>Fuck off\n>\n\nActually, I bet you more gay/bi men are as not as promiscuous as gay men, \nbecause more of them could have the "option" of living a straight life, and \nwith social pressures, probably would at least try.\n\n>--\n>------          Join the Pythagorean Reform Church!               .\n>\\    /        Repent of your evil irrational numbers             . .\n> \\  /   and bean eating ways. Accept 10 into your heart!        . . .\n>  \\/   Call the Pythagorean Reform Church BBS at 508-793-9568  . . . .\n>\n\nDid you know that is is a fact that homosexuality was comparatively high in \nHitler\'s storm troopers (SA) before he came to power.  I wonder if they got to \nput the triangles on themselves......\n\nRyan\n',
  'From: brian@lpl.arizona.edu (Brian Ceccarelli 602/621-9615)\nSubject: Re: 14 Apr 93   God\'s Promise in 1 John 1: 7\nOrganization: Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Tucson AZ.\nLines: 66\n\nBrian Kendig writes:\n\n>  Lev 17:11: For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given\n>  it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is\n>  the blood that makes atonement for the soul.\n>\n>The Old Testament was very big on the "eye for an eye" business.  It\n>makes sense that Leviticus would support physical injury to "repay"\n>moral wrongdoing.\n\nBrian K., guess what?  You missed the point.  On a scale from cold to\nhot, you are at 0 degrees Kelvin.\n\n>I know about sanctification.  I\'ve been taught all about it in Sunday\n>school, catechism class, and theology classes.  But even after all\n>that, I still can\'t accept it.  Maybe I\'m still not understanding it,\n>or maybe I\'m just understanding it all too well.\n\nThen as you understand it, what is it?\n\n>From the bottom of my heart I know that the punishment of an innocent\n>man is wrong.\n\nYes.  I agree with that.  But what does that have to do with Jesus?\nPunishment you say?  Jesus did not regard his death as punishment. \n\n>I\'ve tried repeatedly over the course of several years\n>to accept it, but I just can\'t. \n\nGood.  I wouldn\'t either--not the way you understand it.  \n\n>If you can explain to me why the death of Jesus was a *good* thing,\n>then I would be very glad to hear it, and you might even convert me.\n>Be warned, however, that I\'ve heard all the most common arguments\n>before, and they just don\'t convince me.\n\nAsk Jesus himself.  He himself said why in John 12:23-32.  It\nisn\'t a mystery to anyone and there certainly is no need for\na persuasive argument.   Read Jesus\'s own reply to your\nquestion.\n\nJesus gives more reasons in John 16:7.  But one obvious reason\nwhy Jesus died, (and as with everything else, it has nothing do with\nhis punishment) was that he could rise to life again--so that\nwe would "stop doubting and believe" (John 21:27).  The fact\nthat Jesus rose from the dead is my hope that I too will rise\nfrom the dead.  It is an obvious point.  Do not overlook it.\nWithout this obvious point, I would have no hope\nand my faith would be vanity.\n\nWhy did Jesus suffer in his death?  Again, ask Jesus.  Jesus\nsays why in John 15:18-25.   That\'s no mystery either.  "The\nworld hates him without reason."  It is a direct proclamation\nof how far we humans botch things up and thus, how much we\nneed a Saviour.\n\nAnd why can\'t you, Brian K., accept this?  How can you?  "The\nworld cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows\nhim."  (John 14:17).   The animosity and the lack of knowledge\nthat comes out in your twistings of Robert\'s daily verses is\nvery convincing testimony of the truth of John 14:17 and 16:25.\nI pray and hope that I do blurt out such animosity and lack of\nknowledge. I am not perfect either.  But regardless of that, I thank\nGod that Jesus revealed himself to me, without whom I\'d also be\nbumbling about blindly though arrogantly slandering the very\nPerson who created me and who loves me.\n',
  'From: tclock@orion.oac.uci.edu (Tim Clock)\nSubject: Re: was:Go Hezbollah!\nNntp-Posting-Host: orion.oac.uci.edu\nOrganization: University of California, Irvine\nLines: 159\n\n>In article <1993Apr16.130037.18830@ncsu.edu>, hernlem@chess.ncsu.edu \n (Brad Hernlem) writes:\n>|> \n>|> In article <2BCE0918.6105@news.service.uci.edu>, tclock@orion.oac.uci.edu \n    (Tim Clock) writes:\n>|> \n>|> Are you suggesting that, when guerillas use the population for cover, \n>|> Israel should totally back down? So...the easiest way to get away with \n>|> attacking another is to use an innocent as a shield and hope that the \n>|> other respects innocent lives?\n\n> Tell me Tim, what are these guerillas doing wrong? Assuming that they are \n> using civilians for cover, \n\n"Assuming"? Also: come on, Brad. If we are going to get anywhere in \nthis (or any) discussion, it doesn\'t help to bring up elements I never \naddressed, *nor commented on in any way*. I made no comment on who is \n"right" or who is "wrong", only that civilians ARE being used as cover \nand that, having been placed "in between" the Israelis and the guerillas,\nthey *will* be injured as both parties continue their fight.\n \n\t[The *purpose* of an army\'s use of military uniforms \n\tis *to set its members apart* from the civilians so that \n\tcivilians will not be thought of by the other side as\n\t"combatants". So, what do you think is the "meaning behind", \n\tthe intention and the effect when an "army" purposely \n\t*does not were uniforms but goes out of its way to *look \n\tlike civilians\'? *They are judging that the benefit they will \n\treceive from this "cover" is more important that the harm\n\tthat will come to civilians.*\n\nThis is a comment on the Israeli experience and is saying\nthat the guerillas *do* have some responsibility in putting civilians\nin "the middle" of this fight. By putting on uniforms and living apart\nfrom civilians (barracks, etc.), the guerillas would significantly lower\nthe risk to civilians.\n\n\tBut if the guerillas do this aren\'t *they* putting themselves\n\tat greater risk? Absolutely, they ask themselves "why set \n\tourselves apart (by wearing uniforms) when there is a ready-made \n\tcover for us (civilians)? That makes sense from their point of \n\tview, BUT when this cover is used, the guerillas should accept \n\tsome of the responsibility for subsequent harm to civilians.\n\n> If the buffer zone is to prevent attacks on Israel, is it not working? Why\n> is it further neccessary for Israeli guns to pound Lebanese villages? Why \n> not just kill those who try to infiltrate the buffer zone? You see, there \n> is more to the shelling of the villages.... it is called RETALIATION... \n> "GETTING BACK"..."GETTING EVEN". It doesn\'t make sense to shell the \n> villages. The least it shows is a reckless disregard by the Israeli \n> government for the lives of civilians.\n\nI agree with you here. I have always thought that Israel\'s bombing\nsortees and bombing policy is stupid, thoughtless, inhumane AND\nineffective. BUT, there is no reason that Israel should passive wait \nuntil attackers chose to act; there is every reason to believe that\n"taking the fight *to* the enemy" will do more to stop attacks. \n\nAs I said previously, Israel spent several decades "sitting passively"\non its side of a border and only acting to stop these attacks *after*\nthe attackers had entered Israeli territory. It didn\'t work very well.\nThe "host" Arab state did little/nothing to try and stop these attacks \nfrom its side of the border with Israel so the number of attacks\nwere considerably higher, as was their physical and psychological impact \non the civilians caught in their path.  \n>\n>|> What?So the whole bit about attacks on Israel from neighboring Arab states \n>|> can start all over again? While I also hope for this to happen, it will\n>|> only occur WHEN Arab states show that they are *prepared* to take on the \n>|> responsibility and the duty to stop guerilla attacks on Israel from their \n>|> soil. They have to Prove it (or provide some "guaratees"), there is no way\n>|> Israel is going to accept their "word"- not with their past attitude of \n>|> tolerance towards "anti-Israel guerillas in-residence".\n>|> \n> If Israel is not willing to accept the "word" of others then, IMHO, it has\n> no business wasting others\' time coming to the peace talks. \n\nThis is just another "selectively applied" statement.\n \nThe reason for this drawn-out impasse between Ababs/Palestinians and Israelis\nis that NEITHER side is willing to accept the Word of the other. By your\ncriteria *everyone* should stay away from the negotiations.\n\nThat is precisely why the Palestinians (in their recent PISGA proposal for \nthe "interim" period after negotiations and leading up to full autonomy) are\ndemanding conditions that essentially define "autonomy" already. They DO\nNOT trust that Israel will "follow through" the entire process and allow\nPalestinians to reach full autonomy. \n\nDo you understand and accept this viewpoint by the Palestinians? \nIf you do, then why should Israel\'s view of Arabs/Palestinians \nbe any different? Why should they trust the Arab/Palestinians\' words?\nSince they don\'t, they are VERY reluctant to give up "tangible assets \n(land, control of areas) in exchange for "words". For this reason,\nthey are also concerned about the sorts of "guarantees" they will have \nthat the Arabs WILL follow through on their part of any agreement reached.\n>\n>But don\'t you see that the same statement can be made both ways?\n>If Lebanon was interested in peace then it should accept the word\n>of Israel that the attacks were the cause for war and disarming the\n>Hizbollah will remove the cause for its continued occupancy.  \n\nAbsolutely, so are the Arabs/Palestinians asking FIRST for the\nIsraelis "word" in relation to any agreement? NO, what is being\ndemanded FIRST is LAND. When the issue is LAND, and one party\nfinally gets HOLD of this "land", what the "other party" does\nis totally irrelevent. If I NOW have possession of this land,\nyour words have absolutely no power; whether Israel chooses to\nkeeps its word does NOT get the land back.\n\n>Afterall, Israel has already staged two parts of the withdrawal from \n>areas it occupied in Lebanon during SLG.\n>\n> Tim, you are ignoring the fact that the Palestinians in Lebanon have been\n> disarmed. Hezbollah remains the only independent militia. Hezbollah does\n> not attack Israel except at a few times such as when the IDF burned up\n> Sheikh Mosavi, his wife, and young son. \n\nWhile the "major armaments" (those allowing people to wage "civil wars")\nhave been removed, the weapons needed to cross-border attacks still\nremain to some extent. Rocket attacks still continue, and "commando"\nraids only require a few easily concealed weapons and a refined disregard\nfor human life (yours of that of others). Such attacks also continue.\n\n> Of course, if Israel would withdraw from Lebanon\n> and stop assassinating people and shelling villages they wouldn\'t\n> make the Lebanese so mad as to do that.\n\nBat guano. The situation you call for existed in the 1970s and attacks\nwere commonplace.\n\n>Furthermore, with Hezbollah subsequently disarmed, it would not be possible.\n\nThere is NO WAY these groups can be effectively "disarmed" UNLESS the state\nis as authoritarian is Syria\'s. The only other way is for Lebanon to take\nit upon itself to constantly patrol the entire border with Israel, essentially\nmirroring Israel\'s border secirity on its side. It HAS TO PROVE TO ISREAL that\nit is this committed to protecting Israel from attack from Lebanese territory.\n>\n>|> Once Syria leaves who is to say that Lebanon will be able to retain \n>|> control? If Syria stays thay may be even more dangerous for Israel.\n>|> \n> Tim, when is the last time that you recall any trouble on the Syrian border?\n> Not lately, eh?\n\nThat\'s what I said, ok? But, doesn\'t that mean that Syria has to "take over"\nLebanon? I don\'t think Israel or Lebanon would like that.\n> \nWhat both "sides" need is to receive something "tangible". The Arabs/\nPalestinians are looking for "land" and demanding that they receive it\nprior to giving anything to Israel. Israel has two problems: 1) if it\ngives up real *land* it IS exposing itself to a changed geostrategic\nsituation (and that change doesn\'t help Israel\'s position), and 2) WHEN\nit gives up this land IT NEEDS to receive something in return to\ncompensate for the increased risks\n\nTim\n\n\n',
  "From: patrickd@wpi.WPI.EDU (Lazer)\nSubject: 68040 Specs.\nOrganization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute\nLines: 18\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: wpi.wpi.edu\n\nI'd appreciate it greatly if someone could E-mail me the following:\n(if you only know one, that's fine)\n1) Specs for the 68040 (esp. how it compares to the Pentium)\n2) Specs for the 68060 with estimated cost, release date, etc...\n\nI'm interested in speeds, systems it can run (Windows NT, RISC, or whatever),\ncosts, bus info, register info.  All the technical info.\n\nI am hoping that the 68040 can win yet another battle against the intel people.\n \n:)  Thanks for any info you can give.\n\nThanks.\n-- \n-Lazer (Patrick Delahanty)    |WARNING!: MST3K & Star Trek fan, Macintosh user,\nInterNet: patrickd@wpi.wpi.edu|          and Co-sysop of L/A Blues BBS!\n          lazer@lablues.UUCP  | Call L/A Blues BBS (207-777-3465 or 777-7782)\n    * MACINTOSH USER *        | for Macintosh & MS-DOS files & *FREE USENET*!\n",
  "From: bebmza@sru001.chvpkh.chevron.com (Beverly M. Zalan)\nSubject: Re: Frequent nosebleeds\nReply-To: bebmza@sru001.chvpkh.chevron.com (Beverly M. Zalan)\nOrganization: chevron\nLines: 24\nX-Newsreader: InterCon TCP/Connect II 1.1\n\nIn article <1993Apr17.195202.28921@freenet.carleton.ca>, \nab961@Freenet.carleton.ca (Robert Allison) writes:\n\n> \n> \n> I have between 15 and 25 nosebleeds each week, as a result of a genetic \n> predisposition to weak capillary walls (Osler-Weber-Rendu). \n> Fortunately, each nosebleed is of short duration. \n> \n> Does anyone know of any method to reduce this frequency? My younger \n> brothers each tried a skin transplant (thigh to nose lining), but their \n> nosebleeds soon returned. I've seen a reference to an herb called Rutin \n> that is supposed to help, and I'd like to hear of experiences with it, \n> or other techniques. \n> -- \n\n\nMy 6 year son is so plagued.  Lots of vaseline up his nose each night seems \nto keep it under control.  But let him get bopped there, and he'll recur for \ndays!  Also allergies, colds, dry air all seem to contribute.  But again, the \nvaseline, or A&D ointment, or neosporin all seem to keep them from recurring.\n\n\nBev Zalan\n",
  'From: jaeger@buphy.bu.edu (Gregg Jaeger)\nSubject: Re: An Anecdote about Islam\nOrganization: Boston University Physics Department\nLines: 117\n\nIn article <16BB112949.I3150101@dbstu1.rz.tu-bs.de> I3150101@dbstu1.rz.tu-bs.de (Benedikt Rosenau) writes:\n>In article <115287@bu.edu> jaeger@buphy.bu.edu (Gregg Jaeger) writes:\n\n \n>>>>>A brutal system filtered through "leniency" is not lenient.\n\n\n>>>>Huh?\n\n\n>>>How do you rate public floggings or floggings at all? Chopping off the\n>>>hands, heads, or other body  parts? What about stoning?\n\n\n>>I don\'t have a problem with floggings, particularly, when the offenders\n>>have been given a chance to change their behavior before floggings are\n>>given. I do have a problem with maiming in general, by whatever means.\n>>In my opinion no-one who has not maimed another should be maimed. In\n>>the case of rape the victim _is_ maimed, physically and emotionally,\n>>so I wouldn\'t have a problem with maiming rapists. Obviously I wouldn\'t\n>>have a problem with maiming murderers either.\n\n\n>May I ask if you had the same opinion before you became a Muslim?\n\n\n\nSure. Yes, I did. You see I don\'t think that rape and murder should\nbe dealt with lightly. You, being so interested in leniency for\nleniency\'s sake, apparently think that people should simply be\ntold the "did a _bad_ thing."\n\n\n>And what about the simple chance of misjudgements?\n\nMisjudgments should be avoided as much as possible.\nI suspect that it\'s pretty unlikely that, given my requirement\nof repeated offenses, that misjudgments are very likely.\n\n \n>>>>>>"Orient" is not a place having a single character. Your ignorance\n>>>>>>exposes itself nicely here.\n\n\n>>>>>Read carefully, I have not said all the Orient shows primitive machism.\n\n\n>>>>Well then, why not use more specific words than "Orient"? Probably\n>>>>because in your mind there is no need to (it\'s all the same).\n\n\n>>>Because it contains sufficient information. While more detail is possible,\n>>>it is not necessary.\n\n\n>>And Europe shows civilized bullshit. This is bullshit. Time to put out\n>>or shut up. You\'ve substantiated nothing and are blabbering on like\n>>"Islamists" who talk about the West as the "Great Satan." You\'re both\n>>guilty of stupidities.\n\n\n>I just love to compare such lines to the common plea of your fellow believers\n>not to call each others names. In this case, to substantiate it: The Quran\n>allows that one beATs one\'s wife into submission. \n\n\nReally? Care to give chapter and verse? We could discuss it.\n\n\n>Primitive Machism refers to\n>that. (I have misspelt that before, my fault).\n \n\nAgain, not all of the Orient follows the Qur\'an. So you\'ll have to do\nbetter than that.\n\n\nSorry, you haven\'t "put out" enough.\n\n \n>>>Islam expresses extramarital sex. Extramarital sex is a subset of sex. It is\n>>>suppressedin Islam. That marial sexis  allowed or encouraged in Islam, as\n>>>it is in many branches of Christianity, too, misses the point.\n\n>>>Read the part about the urge for sex again. Religions that run around telling\n>>>people how to have sex are not my piece of cake for two reasons: Suppressing\n>>>a strong urge needs  strong measures, and it is not their business anyway.\n\n>>Believe what you wish. I thought you were trying to make an argument.\n>>All I am reading are opinions.\n \n>It is an argument. That you doubt the validity of the premises does not change\n>it. If you want to criticize it, do so. Time for you to put up or shut up.\n\n\n\nThis is an argument for why _you_ don\'t like religions that suppress\nsex. A such it\'s an irrelevant argument.\n\nIf you\'d like to generalize it to an objective statement then \nfine. My response is then: you have given no reason for your statement\nthat sex is not the business of religion (one of your "arguments").\n\nThe urge for sex in adolescents is not so strong that any overly strong\nmeasures are required to suppress it. If the urge to have sex is so\nstrong in an adult then that adult can make a commensurate effort to\nfind a marriage partner.\n\n\n\nGregg\n\n\n\n\n\n\n',
  'From: bil@okcforum.osrhe.edu (Bill Conner)\nSubject: Re: some thoughts.\nNntp-Posting-Host: okcforum.osrhe.edu\nOrganization: Okcforum Unix Users Group\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\nLines: 18\n\nKent Sandvik (sandvik@newton.apple.com) wrote:\n: In article <11838@vice.ICO.TEK.COM>, bobbe@vice.ICO.TEK.COM (Robert\n: Beauchaine) wrote:\n: >   Someone spank me if I\'m wrong, but didn\'t Lord, Liar, or Lunatic\n: >   originate with C.S. Lewis?  Who\'s this Campollo fellow anyway?\n\n: I do think so, and isn\'t there a clear connection with the "I do\n: believe, because it is absurd" notion by one of the original\n: Christians (Origen?).\n\nThere is a similar statement attributed to Anselm, "I believe so that\nI may understand". In both cases reason is somewhat less exalted than\nanyone posting here could accept, which means that neither statement\ncan be properly analysed in this venue.\n\nBill\n\n\n',
  'From: parys@ccsua.ctstateu.edu\nSubject: Re: A Message for you Mr. President: How do you know what happened?\nKeywords: Success\nLines: 140\nNntp-Posting-Host: ccsua.ctstateu.edu\nOrganization: Yale University, Department of Computer Science, New Haven, CT\n\nI told some friends of mine two weeks ago that Koresh was dead.  The FBI and\nthe BATF could not let a man like that live.  He was a testimonial to their\nstupidity and lies.    \n\nNow before everyone gets crazy with me, let me say that Koresh was crazy as \na bed bug, but out government was crazier...and they lied to us.\n\nThey told us compound had been under survaillance for quite some time.  Yet, \nwhoever was watching the place failed to see that Koresh went jogging and into\ntown on a regular basis.  Everyone in the area claimed to have seen him and \nwondered why they didn\'t pick him up then.  There are two possible answers.\nFirst, they didn\'t see him.  What kind of survaillance is that?  Second, they\ndidn\'t care.  They wanted a confrontation.  They wanted publicity and they got\nit.\n\nAfter the first battle, they told us that they did not know he knew they were\ncoming.  They also said it would have been foolish to go in knowing that.\nWell, we know now that they intercepted the informants call and went in anyway.\n\nDid they explore all of the possibilities for ending the seige?  According to\nthem they did, but according to the Hartford Courant, the woman that raised\nKoresh (His Grandmother) was not allowed to go in and see him.                 \n The FBI agent who she spoke with was Bob Ricks and according to the paper he\nsaid:\n\n"A lot of people think if you just talk to them logically they will come out.\nHis grandmother raised Vernon Howell; (Koresh\'s Real name)  she didn\'t raise\nDavid Koresh."\n\nSomeone who raises you and loves you does not speak to you strickly on a\nlogical level.  There is also an emotional level on which they can reach you.\n\nHere\'s another one.  All during this operation the FBI has been claiming that\nthey feared a mass suicide and that is one of the reasons that something must\nbe done.  Now they claim they never thought he would do it?\n\nI knew they were going to do something when they started talking about how\nmuch money this was costing.  That was the start of the "Justification" part\npart of the plan.  That\'s when I knew it would come soon.\n\nBut, back to the plan.  It is considered "Cruel and Unusal Punishment" to\nexecute criminals in the minds of many people, but look at what\'s acceptable.\n\nThey knew the parents (adults) had gas masks.  They did not know, or were not\nsure, if the children had them.  So the plan was to pour the gas into the \ncompound.  The mothers, seeing what the gas was doing to their children were\nsupposed to run out and that would only leave the men to deal with.\n\nI spent two years in the army and like everyother veteran I went through CBR\n(Chemical, Biological Radiological) warfare training.  Part of that training\nis going into a room filled with the same stuff that the children were\nsubjected to.  To make the stuff really interesting the gas also has a chemical \nagent that irritates the skin.  You think its on fire.\n\nI have no doubts the children would become hysterical.  Its not the kind of\nthing you never want to do again.  This was the plan, the final solution.\n\nWe waited 444 days for our hostages to come home from Iran.  We gave these\npeople 51 days.  \n\nI stated on several occasions that there was absolutely nothing in this whole\nthing that the government could point to as a success.  Well, FBI agent Ricks\nchanged my mind.  Again a newclip from the Hartford Courant:\n\n"And while expressing regret at the loss of life, he suggested that the\noperation had been at least a modified success because not a single federal\nshot had been fired and not a single federal agent had been hurt."\n\nIt took 17 dead children to get us that new definition of success.\n\nOne more thought.  The government claimed that they believed he had automatic\nweapons on the premises. \n                                                      \n        HE HAD A LICENSE FOR THE 50 CALIBER MACHINE GUN!\n\nTHEY KNEW DAMN WELL HE HAD ONE. THEY ALSO KNEW HE HAD IT LEGALLY!\n\nStill, without the element of surprise they sent in agents to get him.\nFor all of this my President takes full responsibility.  What a guy!\nI hope he gets it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn article <exuptr.1431.0@exu.ericsson.se>, exuptr@exu.ericsson.se (Patrick Taylor, The Sounding Board) writes:\n> In article <11974@prijat.cs.uofs.edu> bill@triangle.cs.uofs.edu (Bill Gunshannon) writes:\n> \n>>Before you go absolving the BATF & FBI of all blame in this incident, you should\n>>probably be aware of two important facts.\n>>1.  There is no such thing as non-toxic tear gas.  Tear gas is non-breathable\n>>    remaining in it\'s presence will cause nausea and vomiting, followed eventually\n>>    by siezures and death.  Did the FBI know the physical health of all the people\n>>    they exposed??  Any potential heart problems among the B-D\'s??\n> \n> No doubt it is dangerous stuff when concentrated.\n> \n>>2.  Have you ever seen a tear gas canister??  Tear gas is produced by burning a\n>>    chemical in the can.  The fumes produced are tear gas.  The canister has a \n>>    warning printed on the side of it.  "Contact with flamable material can result\n>>    in fire."  Now, how many of these canisters did they throw inside a building \n>>    they admited was a fire-trap??\n> \n> None.  They used non-incindiary methods, which means they produced the gas \n> outside the building and pumped it in via the tanks.\n> \n> ---\n>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n>  ---------Visit the SOUNDING BOARD BBS +1 214 596 2915, a Wildcat! BBS-------\n> \n>  ObDis: All opinions are specifically disclaimed. No one is responsible.\n> \n>     Patrick Taylor, Ericsson Network Systems  THX-1138\n>     exuptr@exu.ericsson.se                    "Don\'t let the .se fool you"\n',
  'From: ata@hfsi.hfsi.com ( John Ata)\nSubject: Re: DID HE REALLY RISE???\nReply-To: <news@opl.com>\nOrganization: HFSI\nLines: 51\n\nIn article <Apr.> parkin@Eng.Sun.COM writes:\n\n>desperately wanted the Jewish people to accept him as the Messiah.  If\n>the crucification was the will of God how could Jesus pray that this\n>cup pass from him.  Was this out of weakness.  NEVER.  Many men and\n>women have given their lives for their country or other noble causes.\n>Is Jesus less than these.  No he is not.  He knew the crucification\n>was NOT the will of GOD.  God\'s will was that the Jewish people accept\n>Jesus as the Messiah and that the kingdom of Heaven be established on\n>the earth with Jesus as it\'s head. (Just like the Jewish people\n>expected). If this had happened 2000 years ago can you imagine what\n\t.\n\t.\n\t.\n\nWhy do you assume that Jesus\'s plea to His Father "to let this cup\npass from Him", was merely a plea to escape death?  When I look at\nJesus in the garden, I see a Man-God, who all His life had had the\npresense of His Father with Him.  As a result, He knew every\ndetail about His death long before the Agony in the Garden.  But\nas that hour approached, He felt abandoned by His Father, His\npresense diminishing with each passing minute.  In addition, it\nwas brought more and more to Jesus\'s attention (the betrayal of\nJudas was probably a big impact) that His suffering would be to no\navail for many people, especially those who would reject Him, not\nonly then but in the future.  I truly believe that the majority of\nJesus\'s suffering was mental and spiritual, while the physical\nportion was only the tip of the iceburg.\n\nBTW, we know from John\'s account that Jesus *shunned* becomming an earthly\nking.  From John:\n\nJOH 6:14    After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they\n            began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the\n            world."\nJOH 6:15    Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by\n            force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.\n\nThis does not seem like a man who would regret not becoming an\nearthly king.  No, Jesus knew His mission was to redeem all (Jew &\nGentile) people and establish His kingdom in the hearts of those\nwho would believe.  This was utterly mistaken, much to Jesus\'s\ndismay, as an aspiration to some earthly kingdom.  But He knew\nwhat His Father\'s will was and followed it obediently even in the\ndarkness of His Passion.\n\n-- \nJohn G. Ata - Technical Consultant | Internet:  ata@hfsi.com\nHFS, Inc.\t\t  VA20     |     UUCP:  uunet!hfsi!ata\n7900 Westpark Drive\t MS:601\t   |    Voice:\t(703) 827-6810\nMcLean, VA  22102\t           |      FAX:\t(703) 827-3729\n',
  "From: ekalenda@netcom.com (Edward J Kalenda)\nSubject: Re: overlapped window without a title bar\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 18\n\nFrom article <1rc07h$ern@olivea.ATC.Olivetti.Com>, by manu@oas.olivetti.com (Manu Das):\n> \n> I have a overlapped window(say V) which has few child windows (a,b,c, etc)\n> The window shows up with all it's children fine. Now, I create another \n> child(t) with a WS_THICKFRAME style and placed on top of one or more of\n> it's siblings. Style WS_THICKFRAME is used so that I can resize it. How do\n> I make sure that the child 't' will always be at the top of it's siblings.\n> I used SetWindowPos() and BringWindowToTop() without success. What's happening\n> is that while I am resizing 't' it shows up but as soon as I let go, it goes\n> behild it's siblings.\n\nThe window is probobly on top but the lower windows are drawing over it.\nTry using WS_CLIPSIBLING to keep the lower siblings from drawing on the\ntop sibling's space.\n-- \n\nEd\nekalenda@netcom.COM\n",
  'From: edhall@rand.org (Ed Hall)\nSubject: Re: Building a UV flashlight\nOrganization: RAND\nLines: 26\nNntp-Posting-Host: ives.rand.org\n\nIn article <C5r6Lz.n25@panix.com> jhawk@panix.com (John Hawkinson) writes:\n>One other thing: a friend of mine mentioned something about near-UV\n>light being cheaper to get at than actual UV light. Does anyone\n>know what he was referring to?\n\nI don\'t want to get into a semantic argument, but contrary to some other\npostings "near UV light" /is/ "actual UV light."  The "near" means that\nit is close to the visible spectrum (i.e. of relatively long wavelength),\nnot that it is "nearly UV."  (I\'m sure you can figure out now just what\n"far UV" is.)\n\nRegular incandenscent flashlight bulbs emit tiny amounts of UV in the\nnear end of the spectrum, such that a filter can be used to remove the\nvisible light and thus create a weak UV source.  Stronger sources are\ngoing to require gas (probably mercury vapor) discharge tubes (such as\nfluorescent tubes with UV phosphor).  Be careful, though; strong UV\nsources can cause physiological damage, especially to the eyes.  The\nshorter wavelengths are the most dangerous.\n\nIt wouldn\'t project a beam like a flashlight, but replacing the tubes\nin a portable fluorescent lantern with UV tubes would be a relatively\ncheap way to create a portable source.  It would be bright enough to\nbe useful, but not dangerously so.\n\n\t\t-Ed Hall\n\t\tedhall@rand.org\n',
  "From: warped@cs.montana.edu (Doug Dolven)\nSubject: Mel Hall\nOrganization: CS\nLines: 9\n\n\nHas anyone heard anything about Mel Hall this season?  I'd heard he wasn't\nwith the Yankees any more.  What happened to him?\n\n\t\t\t\tDoug Dolven\n-- \nDoug Dolven\nwarped@cs.montana.edu\ngdd7548@trex.oscs.montana.edu\n",
  'From: pbenson@ecst.csuchico.edu (Paul A. Benson)\nSubject: CD-ROM Indexes available\nOrganization: California State University, Chico\nLines: 6\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cscihp.ecst.csuchico.edu\n\nThe file and contents listings for:\n\nKnowledge Media Resource Library: Graphics 1\nKnowledge Media Resource Library: Audio 1\n\nare now available for anonymous FTP from cdrom.com\n',
  "From: jmilhoan@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (JT)\nSubject: *** NeXTstation 8/105 For Sale ***\nArticle-I.D.: magnus.1993Apr6.013611.3796\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: The Ohio State University\nLines: 32\nNntp-Posting-Host: bottom.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\n\n\n        NeXTstation 25MHz 68040 8/105\n                     Moto 56001 DSP \n        Megapixel (perfect - no dimming or shaking)\n\n        keyboard/mouse (of course :)\n\n        2.1 installed\n        2.1 docs\n            Network and System Administration\n            User's Reference\n            Applications\n\n        The NeXT Book, by Bruce Webster (New Copy)\n\n        Black NeXTconnection modem cable\n        30 HD disks (10 still in unwrapped box, others for backing up\n            apps)\n\nI NEED to sell this pronto to get a car (my engine locked up)!\nMachine runs great... only used in my house.  Has been covered when\nnot in use on the days I wasn't around.\n\n$2,300 INCLUDING Federal Express Second Day Air, OR best offer, COD to\nyour doorstep (within continental US)!!  I need to sell this NOW, so\nif you don't agree with the price, make an offer, but within reason.\n;)\n\nThanks,\nJT\n\n(please no letters asking me to donate for a tax break)\n",
  'From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: <Political Atheists?\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 191\nNNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu\n\nlivesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes:\n\n>Much though it might be fun to debate capital punishment itself,\n>this is probably the wrong group for it.  The only relevance here\n>is that you don\'t seem to be able to tell us what capital punishment\n>actually is, and when it is murder.  That is, when you tell us murder\n>is wrong, you are using a term you have not yet defined.\n\nWell, I\'ve said that when an innocent person has been executed, this is\nobjectively a murder.  However, who is at blame is another question.\nIt seems that the entire society that sanctions any sorts of executions--\nrealizing the risks--is to blame.\n\n>There is a *probability* of \n>killing an innocent person by shooting at random into the air, and \n>there is a *probability* of killing an innocent person when the\n>state administers a system of capital punishment.  So when you do\n>either, you know that they actions you are taking will sooner or \n>later result in the killing of an innocent person.\n\nYes, but there is also a probablity that you will kill someone doing\nany raondom activity.  Presumably, you had not isolated yourself totally\nfrom the rest of society because of this.\n\n>>And, driving will kill people, as will airlines, but people continue to do\n>>both.\n>Driving and flying are not punishments inflicted on unwilling\n>prisoners by Courts.  They are risks that we take upon ourselves\n>willingly.\n\nAnd I argue that our law system is a similar risk.  Perhaps an innocent\nperson will be punished someday, but we work to prevent this.  In fact,\nmany criminals go free as a result of our trying to prevent punishment\nof innocents.\n\n>If our own driving kills someone else, then sure, there is a moral\n>issue.  I know at least one person who was involved in a fatal\n>accident, and they felt vey guilty afterwards.\n\nBut, such accidents are to be totally expected, given the numner of vehicals\non the road.  Again, the blame is on society.\n\n>>No I\'m not.  This is what you said.  You were saying that if there were such\n>>a false witness that resulted in an innocent person being convicted and killed\n>>, it would still be the fault of the state, since it did the actual killing.\n>No, I just commented that the state does the killing.  It does not\n>depend on there being false witnesses.  How could it?  The state\n>does the killing even in the case of sincere mistakes\n\nYes, but the state is not at fault in such a case.  The state can only do\nso much to prevent false witnesses.\n\n>>It is possible.  So, what are you trying to say, that capital punishment\n>>is always murder because of the possibilty of human error invalidating\n>>the system?\n>I\'m saying capital punishment is murder, period.  Not because of\n>this that and the other, but because it involves taking human life.\n>That\'s *my* definition of murder.  I make no appeals to dictionaries\n>or to "objective" morals.\n\nOkay, so this is what you call murder.  But, the question is whether or not\nall such "murders" are wrong.  Are you saying that all taking of human life\nis wrong, no matter what the circumstances?\n\n>If we, as a society, decide to murder someone, then we should say\n>that, and lists our reasons for doing so, and live with the moral\n>consequences.  We should not play word games and pretend that\n>murder isn\'t murder.  And that\'s *my* opinion about how society\n>ought to be run.\n\nBut, this is basically how it works.  Society accepts the risk that an\ninnocent person will be murdered by execution.  And, every member of\nsociety shares this blame.  And, most people\'s definitions of murder\ninclude some sort of malicious intent, which is not involved in an\nexecution, is it?\n\n>>But, we were trying to discuss an objective moral system, or at least its\n>>possibilty.  What ramifications does your personal system have on an\n>>objective one?\n>No, we were not discussing an objective moral system.  I was showing\n>you that you didn\'t have one, because, for one thing, you were incapable\n>of defining the terms in it, for example, "murder".\n\nMurder violates the golden rule.  Executions do not, because by allowing\nit at all, society implicitly accepts the consequences no matter who the\ninnocent victim is.\n\n>>We\'re not talking about reading minds, we are just talking about knowing the\n>>truth.  Yes, we can never be absolutely certain that we have the truth, but\n>>the court systems work on a principle of knowing the "truth" "beyond a\n>>reasonable doubt."  \n>Sorry, but you simply are not quoting yourself accurately.  Here\n>is what you said:\n>\t"And, since we are looking totally objectively at this case,\n>\tthen we know what people are thinking when they are voting to\n>\texecute the person or not.  If the intent is malicious and \n>\tunfair, then the execution would be murder."\n>What you are doing now is to slide into another claim, which is\n>quite different.  The jury being *persuaded* beyond a serious\n>doubt is not the same as us knowing what is in their minds beyond\n>a serious doubt.\n\nReading the minds of the jury would certainly tell whether or not a conviction\nwas moral or not.  But, in an objective system, only the absolute truth\nmatters, and the jury system is one method to approximate such a truth.  That\nis, twelve members must be convinced of a truth.\n\n>Moreover, a jury which comes from a sufficiently prejudiced background\n>may allow itself to be persuaded beyond a serious doubt on evidence\n>that you and I would laugh at.\n\nBut then, if we read the minds of these people, we would know that the\nconviction was unfair.\n\n>>But, would it be perfectly fair if we could read minds?  If we assume that\n>>it would be fair if we knew the absolute truth, why is it so much less\n>>fair, in your opinion, if we only have a good approximation of the absolute\n>>truth?\n>It\'s not a question of fairness.  Your claim, which I have quoted\n>above is a claim about whether we can *know* it was fair, so as to\n>be able to distinguish capital punishnment from murder.\n\nYes, while we could objectively determine the difference (if we knew all\npossible information), we can\'t always determine the difference in our\nflawed system.  I think that our system is almost as good as possible,\nbut it still isn\'t objectively perfect.  You see, it doesn\'t matter if\nwe *know* it is fair or not.  Objectively, it is either fair or it is not.\n\n>Now there\'s a huge difference.  If we can read minds, we can know,\n>and if we cannot read minds, we can know nothing.  The difference\n>is not in degree of fairness, but in what we can know.\n\nBut what we know has no effect on an objective system.\n\n>>I think it is possible to produce a fairly objective system, if we are\n>>clear on which goals it is supposed to promote.\n>I\'m not going to waste my time trying to devise a system that I am\n>pretty sure does not exist.\n\nWhy are you so sure?\n\n>I simply want people to confront reality.  *My* reality, remember.\n\nWhy is *your* reality important?\n\n>In this case, the reality is that, "ideal theories\' apart, we can\n>never know, even after the fact, about the fairness of the justice\n>system.  For every innocent person released from Death Row, there\n>may have been a dozen innocent people executed, or a hundred, or\n>none at all.  We simply don\'t know.\n\nBut, we can assume that the system is fairly decent, at least most likely.\nAnd, you realize that the correctness of our system says nothing about a\ntotally ideal and objective system.\n\n>Now what are we going to do?  On the one hand, we can pretend\n>that we have an \'ideal\' theory, and that we can know things we can\n>never know, and the Justie System is fair, and that we can wave a \n>magic wand and make certain types of killing not murder, and go \n>on our way.\n\nWell, we can have an ideal system, but the working system can not be ideal.\nWe can only hope to create a system that is as close an approximation to\nthe ideal system as possible.\n\n>On the other hand, we can recognize that all Justice has a small\n>- we hope - probability of punishing the innocent, and that in the\n>end we do bear moral responsibility even for the probabilistic\n>consequences of the systems we set up, and then say, "Well, here\n>we go, murdering again."  Maybe some of us will even say "Gee, I\n>wonder if all this is strictly necessary?"\n\nYes, we all bear the responsibility.  Most people seem willing to do this.\n\n>I think that the second is preferable in that if requires people\n>to face the moral consequences of what we do as a society, instead\n>of sheltering ourselves from them by magic ceremonies and word \n>games.\n\nWe must realize the consequences of all our actions.  Why do you keep\nseparating the justice system from the pack?\n\n>And lest I forget, I also don\'t think we have an objective moral\n>system, and I believe I only have to take that idea seriously\n>when someone presents evidence of it.\n\nI don\'t think our country has an objective system, but I think such an\nobjective system can exist, in theory.  Without omniscience, an objective\nsystem is not possible in practice.\n\nkeith\n',
  'From: bear@kestrel.fsl.noaa.gov (Bear Giles)\nSubject: Re: Fifth Amendment and Passwords\nOrganization: Forecast Systems Labs, NOAA, Boulder, CO USA\nLines: 29\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.000359.20098@bernina.ethz.ch> caronni@nessie.cs.id.ethz.ch (Germano Caronni) writes:\n>\n>Just a question. \n>As a provider of a public BBS service - aren\'t you bound by law to gurantee\n>intelligble access to the data of the users on the BBS, if police comes\n>with sufficent authorisation ? I guessed this would be  a basic condition\n>for such systems. (I did run a bbs some time ago, but that was in Switzerland)\n\nThat sounds like an old _Dragnet_ episode.\n\n  "Joe and I went to the apartment of Prime Suspect.  Nobody answered the\n  door, but his landlord gave us permission to search the apartment."\n\nPerhaps that worked in California in the 60\'s, but as I understand the\nlaw landlords do _not_ have authority to grant permission to search space\nrented by a third party, provided the lease is not in default, etc.\n(I\'m not even sure if they can provide the master key, when shown a search\nwarrant, since the _subject_ of the search is supposed to be notified).\n\nAt this point the question becomes: did the user "rent" the disk space\nher encrypted file occupies?  If she did, it _should_ fall under the same\nbody of case law that applies to apartments, storage lockers, etc.  (As\nto whether any court would recognize this fact....)  If she did not (i.e.,\nno compensation exchanged), I don\'t know how it would be treated -- there\ndoesn\'t seem to be a non-cyberspace equivalent.\n\n-- \nBear Giles\nbear@fsl.noaa.gov\n',
  "From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: X-Soviet Armenia denies the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide.\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 61\n\nIn article <C5LxEw.9p0@panix.com> mpoly@panix.com (Michael S. Polymenakos) writes:\n\n> Maybe with the availability of anon servers some people are beginning to\n>speak out? \n\nI sure hope so. Because, the unspeakable crimes of the Armenians must \nbe righted. Armenian invaders burned and sacked the fatherland of \nUrartus, massacred and exterminated its population and presented to \nthe world all those left from the Urartus, as the Armenian civilization.\n\nAll reliable Western historians describe how Armenians ruthlessly\nexterminated 2.5 million Muslim women, children and elderly people of \nEastern Anatolia and how they collaborated with the enemies of the \nOttoman Empire between 1914-1920.\n\nIt is unfortunately a truth that Armenians are known as collaborators\nof the Nazis during World War II and that, even today, criminal/Nazi\nmembers of the ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism Triangle preach and instigate\nracism, hatred, violence and terrorism among peoples. \n\nAnd x-Soviet Armenia continues its anti-Turkish policy in the following \nways:\n\n1. x-Soviet Armenia denies the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide\nin order to shift international public opinion away from its political\nresponsibility.\n\n2. x-Soviet Armenia, employing ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism and Revisionism \nTriangle and criminal/Nazi Armenians, attempts to call into question the \nveracity of the Turkish Genocide.\n\n3. x-Soviet Armenia has also implemented state-sponsored terrorism through\nthe ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism and Revisionism Triangle in an attempt to \nsilence the Turkish people's vehement demands and protests.\n\n4. Using all its human, financial, and governmental resources, x-Soviet\nArmenia and its tools in the United States attempt to silence through\nterrorism, bribery and other subversive methods, non-Turkish supporters\nof the Turkish cause, be they political, governmental and humanitarian.\n\nUsing all the aforementioned methods, the x-Soviet Armenian government \nis attempting to neutralize the international diplomatic community from\nmaking the Turkish Case a contemporary issue.\n\nYet despite the efforts of the x-Soviet Armenian government and its terrorist\nand revisionist organizations, in the last decades, thanks to the struggle \nof those whose closest ones were systematically exterminated by the Armenians,\nthe international wall of silence on this issue has begun to collapse, and \nconsequently a number of governments and organizations have become \nsupportive of the recognition of the Turkish Genocide.\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n\n",
  'From: boyle@cactus.org (Craig Boyle)\nSubject: Re: New break pads & exhausts after 96K km (60K mi) on \'90 Maxima?\nOrganization: Capital Area Central Texas UNIX Society, Austin, Tx\nLines: 78\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.000601.14223@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu> rkim@eecg.toronto.edu (Ryan Kim) writes:\n>\n>Hi, maybe someone can help me here...\n>I am looking to buy this 1990 Nissan Maxima GXE for CDN$14000 right now.\n\nSo its an automatic? Don\'t know if US spec=CDN spec. for Maximas.\n\n>The car has 96000 km (or about 60000 miles) on it.\n>A typical mileage for 1990 cars seem to be about 70000 km (or about 43K mi).\n>The seller just informed me that when he brought the car in for certification\n>he was told that the front break pads and the exhausts had to be replaced\n>to meet the legal standards.  (He said he will replace the components before\n>selling the car to me.)\n>\n>Being copmletely ignorant to the technical stuff on cars, I don\'t know\n>what this could mean...\n>Is 96K km about the time typical for replacing the above mentioned items?\n>Or is this an indication that the car was abused?\n\nIf it is the first set of brake pads on front, then this is fine. My car\neats a set every 15k miles or so. The fact that he is replacing the\nmuffler too is also ok.\n\n>Would other things break down or have to be replaced soon?\n\nThe mileage is fairly low - but typical fwd stuff is CV joints. Check\nthe maintenance records with the manufacturers requirements for valve\nadjustments, timing belt changes and so on.\n\nThe 60k mile service is often expensive, so make sure he has done everything.\n\n\n>The seller told me that he used the car on the highway a lot, but,\n>I don\'t know how to verify this...  I\'ve seen the paint chipped away\n>in tiny dots in the front edge of the hood, though.\n>\nWell, this is one of the commonly cited methods for identifying a\ncar with highway miles. \nMight check the gas pedal wear too. Ask him how many sets of tires he\nhas been through. A highway car might have squeezed by on 2 sets,\na hard driven car 6-10 sets.\n\n\n>Although the Maxima is an excellent car and the car is very clean and\n>well kept, it\'s currently out of warranty\n>(a similarly priced \'90 Accord with 70K km will have 2 years or 30K km\n>worth of warranty left) and I don\'t want to worry about paying for\n>any repair bills...\n\nWell, the Maxima should be pretty reliable - but if its out of warranty\nyou should get it checked out by someone knowledgeable first. Stuff\nfor Japanese cars can be expensive.\n\n>But, I also need a car for 5 people...  \n>\n>When will the new Maxima come out, by the way?\n\n1995 model year, I believe. \n>\n>I would very much appreciate your input in this.\n>Please reply by e-mail (preferred) or post in this newsgroup.\n\nCraig\n>Thanks!\n>\n>Ryan\n>\n>\n>\n>========\n>Ryan Kim\n>University of Toronto, EECG, Computer Graphics    rkim@eecg.toronto.edu\n>"Do not weave between traffic cones at road works."\n>                                    - from the new British Highway Code\n>                                           (Toronto Star April 3, 1993)\n>\n\n\n',
  'From: joshuaf@yang.earlham.edu\nSubject: Re: TIFF -> Anything?!\nOrganization: Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana\nLines: 15\n\nIn article <1993Apr23.033843.26854@spartan.ac.BrockU.CA>, tmc@spartan.ac.BrockU.CA (Tim Ciceran) writes:\n> There is a program called Graphic Workshop you can FTP from\n> wuarchive.  The file is in the msdos/graphics directory and\n> is called "grfwk61t.zip."  This program should od everthing\n> you need.\n> \n> -- \n> \n> TMC\n> (tmc@spartan.ac.BrockU.ca)\n\n\nTHANKS!  It did work, and it is just what I needed thanks...\n\nJoshuaf\n',
  "From: ccgwt@trentu.ca (Grant Totten)\nSubject: MS-Windows graphics viewer?\nKeywords: ms windows jpeg gif tiff \nLines: 31\nReply-To: ccgwt@trentu.ca (Grant Totten)\nOrganization: Trent University\n\n\nHowdy all,\n\n\tI was wondering if people could e-mail me their opinions on\nthe various graphics viewers available for MS-Windows 3.x...  I'm\nworking on a project to set up our scanner and write documentation on\nhow to use it and it would be nice to have a snazzy image viewer \nto look at (and maybe even edit?) the image you just scanned.\n\nThe file formats I'm looking for:\n\nGIF\nJPEG\nTIFF\nPCX\nwhatever other 'major' file formats there are.\n\nThanks a lot for your help\n\nGrant\n\n--\nGrant Totten, Programmer/Analyst, Trent University, Peterborough Ontario\nGTotten@TrentU.CA            Phone: (705) 748-1653   FAX: (705) 748-1246\n========================================================================\nIn the days of old,\nWhen Knights were bold,\n\tAnd women were too cautious;\nOh, those gallant days,\nWhen women were women,\n\tAnd men were really obnoxious ...\n",
  "From: wlsmith@valve.heart.rri.uwo.ca (Wayne Smith)\nSubject: Re: Recommendations for a Local BUS (Cached) IDE Controller\nOrganization: The John P. Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario\nDistribution: usa\nNntp-Posting-Host: valve.heart.rri.uwo.ca\nLines: 33\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.074836.6819@sol.ctr.columbia.edu> penev@venezia.rockefeller.edu writes:\n>| I would like to hear the net.wisdom and net.opinions on IDE Controllers.\n>| I would liek to get a IDE controller card for my VLB DX2 66 Motherboard.\n>| What are good options for this (preferably under $200). It MUST also work\n>| under OS/2 and be compatible with Stacker (and other Disk Compression S/W).\n\n>I have a Maxtor 212MB on an ISA IDE controller, although my machine is\n>DX2/66 VLB. I has the save transfer rate of 0.647 MB/s regardless of\n>the variations of the ISA bus speed. I tested it with speed between\n>5.5MHz and 8.33MHz. Not _any_ difference. The problem is not the\n>interface between the controller and the memory.\n>\n>My advice: Buy 4Megs of RAM, save $70 and enjoy performance.\n\nComputer: 286-25 mhz\nBus: ISA (12.5 mhz)\nDrive: Maxtor 7213A (213 mb)\n\n                                    config.sys / autoexec.bat\n\n                     MS DOS 5             no           WIN 3.1\n                     smartdrv.sys        cache         smartdrv.exe\n\nCORE (V 2.7)         6950 k/sec          1390 k/sec     1395 k/sec\nNorton SI (V 5.0)     730 k/sec           980 k/sec      982 k/sec\n\nI'd still like to here from people with VLB-IDE.\nI still want to know what VLB bus speed is used with IDE drives.\nI still want to know if some (most ?) IDE drives can handle bus speeds > 8 mhz.\n\nPS: A friend with a 286-20 and a new Maxtor 7245 (245 meg IDE) drive gets\nbetween 800 - 1000 k/sec (can't remember exactly).  I think the bus is running\nat 8 mhz in this case.  \n",
  'From: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nSubject: Re: My New Diet --> IT WORKS GREAT !!!!\nReply-To: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 35\n\nIn article <1993Apr22.001642.9186@omen.UUCP> caf@omen.UUCP (Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX) writes:\n\n>>>>Can you provide a reference to substantiate that gaining back\n>>>>the lost weight does not constitute "weight rebound" until it\n>>>>exceeds the starting weight?  Or is this oral tradition that\n>>>>is shared only among you obesity researchers?\n>>>\n>>>Annals of NY Acad. Sci. 1987\n>>>\n>>Hmmm. These don\'t look like references to me. Is passive-aggressive\n>>behavior associated with weight rebound? :-)\n>\n>I purposefully left off the page numbers to encourage the reader to\n>study the volumes mentioned, and benefit therefrom.\n>\n\nGood story, Chuck, but it won\'t wash.  I have read the NY Acad Sci\none (and have it).  This AM I couldn\'t find any reference to\n"weight rebound".  I\'m not saying it isn\'t there, but since you\ncited it, it is your responsibility to show me where it is in there.\nThere is no index.  I suspect you overstepped your knowledge base,\nas usual.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-- \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGordon Banks  N3JXP      | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and\ngeb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu   |  it is shameful to surrender it too soon." \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  'From: rjh@allegra.att.com (Robert Holt)\nSubject: Re: ALL-TIME BEST PLAYERS\nOrganization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ\nLines: 78\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.162313.154828@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu> jsr2@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu (JOHN STEPHEN RANDOLPH) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr13.115313.17986@bsu-ucs>, 00mbstultz@leo.bsuvc.bsu.edu writes\n>:\n>>I\'ve recently been working on project to determine the greatest\n>>players at their respective postions.  My sources are Total Baseball,\n>>James\' Historical Abstract, The Ballplayers (biography), word of\n>>mouth, and my own (biased) opinions...\n>>\n>>Feel free to comment, suggest, flame (whatever)...but I tried\n>>to be as objective as possible, using statistical data not inlcuded\n>>for time/convience\'s sake.  (I judged on Rel. BA, Adj OPS, Total Average,\n>>fielding range/runs, total player rating (Total Baseball), stolen bases\n>>(for curiosity\'s sake), TPR/150 g, and years played/MVP.\n>>\n>>3B\n>> 1) Mike Schmidt\n>> 2) Ed Matthews\nOne "t" in "Eddie Mathews"!\n>> 3) George Brett\n>> 4) Wade Boggs\n>> 5) Ron Santo\n>> 6) Brooks Robinson\n>> 7) Frank Baker\n>> 8) Darrell Evans\n>> 9) Pie Traynor\n>>10) Ray Dandridge\n>>\n>How can Brooks be # 6?  I think he would at least be ahead of Ron Santo.\n>\nBecause a small advantage in fielding ability comes nowhere near\nmaking up for the large difference in hitting.  Their average\nseasons, using their combined average 656 (AB + BB) per 162 games:\n\n         Years  AB  H  R  2B 3B HR RBI TB  BB  AVG  OBP  SLG  OPS\nSanto    14.10 577 160 81 26  5 24  94 268 79 .277 .366 .464 .830\nRobinson 17.55 607 162 70 27  4 15  77 243 49 .267 .325 .401 .726\n\nFielding, we have, per 162 games at third,\n\n         Years   P    A   DP   E   PCT\nSanto    13.15  149  348  30  24  .954\nRobinson 17.72  152  350  35  15  .971\n\nEven if Robinson\'s extra 3 putouts, 2 assists, and 5 DPs are taken to mean\nhe was responsible for 10 more outs in the field, that doesn\'t make up\nfor the extra 28 outs he made at the plate, not to mention the fewer\ntotal bases.  The difference of .104 in OPS should be decreased by about\n.025 to account for Wrigley, but a .079 difference is still considerable.\nThe Thorn & Palmer ratings are\n\n           Adjusted      Adjusted    Stolen   Fielding  Total\n           Production  Batting Runs Base Runs   Runs    Rating\nSanto         123          284        -14       137      41.7\nRobinson      105           52         -5       151      19.8 (26.3)\nUsual disclaimers about T&P\'s FR apply, but they really shouldn\'t be\nway off the mark in this comparison.  At least it\'s better than fielding\npercentage: Carney Lansford has a .966 , 10th best all-time, but -225 FR,\ndead last of all time.  Also, since this total rating compares players\nto league average instead of replacement level, Robinson should be\nawarded an extra 6.5 or so for playing 653 more games.  He had a great\ncareer, but I would prefer Santo\'s plus 4 years of a replacement level 3Bman.\n\nBut I would knock Traynor off the list and replace him by Stan Hack.\nThat\'s a similar story, Hack\'s far better hitting outweighs Traynor\'s\nsuperior fielding.  Graig Nettles and Buddy Bell would also be better\nchoices (IMHO of course, though some recent net discussion supports\nthis point of view.)\n>\n>>CF\n>> 7) Andre Dawson\n\nShouldn\'t that be right field?\n\n-- \n+-----------------------+\n|  Bob Holt             |\n|  rjh@allegra.att.com  |\n+-----------------------+\n',
  'From: steph@cs.uiuc.edu (Dale Stephenson)\nSubject: Defensive Averages 1988-1992, Third Base\nSummary: career defensive averages at third\nOrganization: University of Illinois, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Urbana, IL\nLines: 68\n\nCompiled from the last five Defensive Average reports, here are the career\nDAs for the individual players in the reports.  Stats are courtesy of\nSherri Nichols.  Players are listed in descending order.\n\nThird Basemen\n-------------\n\nName                 1988  1989  1990  1991  1992   88-92\nMitchell, Kevin      .690  ----  ----  ----  ----   0.690\nGonzales, Rene       .685  ----  ----  ----  ----   0.685\nLeius, Scott         ----  ----  ----  .653  .680   0.672\nPendleton, Terry     .692  .685  .631  .689  .634   0.667\nVentura, Robin       ----  ----  .641  .647  .677   0.657\nWallach, Tim         .728  .674  .600  .630  .665   0.657\nGruber, Kelly        .717  .657  .580  .630  .664   0.650\nPagliarulo, Mike     .631  ----  .575  .744  ----   0.649\nHarris, Lance        ----  ----  .642  .652  ----   0.648\nHowell, Jack         .656  .666  .609  ----  ----   0.647\nWilliams, Matt       ----  ----  .633  .653  .656   0.647\nCaminiti, Ken        ----  .675  .630  .653  .596   0.642\nSabo, Chris          .751  .626  .616  .613  .575   0.642\nGaetti, Gary         .616  .638  .655  .632  ----   0.637\nBuechele, Steve      .647  .616  .647  .681  .599   0.635\nSalazar, Luis        ----  .617  .643  .637  ----   0.632\nPecota, Bill         ----  ----  ----  .629  ----   0.629\nSchmidt, Mike        .628  ----  ----  ----  ----   0.628\nRiles, Ernie         ----  .627  ----  ----  ----   0.627\nBoggs, Wade          .643  .659  .550  .653  .634   0.626\nMartinez, Egdar      ----  ----  .621  .645  .599   0.624\nMolitor, Paul        .633  .617  ----  ----  ----   0.624\nPhillips, Tony       ----  ----  .623  ----  ----   0.623\n*NL Average*         .643  .625  .602  .623  .603   0.619\nBrookens, Tom        .616  ----  ----  ----  ----   0.616\nKing, Jeff           ----  ----  .616  ----  ----   0.616\nSeitzer, Kevin       .654  .583  .593  ----  .635   0.616\n*AL Average*         .641  .612  .604  .620  .602   0.615\nJacoby, Brook        .624  .621  .600  ----  .597   0.613\nHansen, Dave         ----  ----  ----  ----  .611   0.611\nLaw, Vance           .635  .576  ----  ----  ----   0.611\nMagadan, Dave        ----  ----  ----  ----  .609   0.609\nJefferies, Greg      ----  ----  ----  ----  .606   0.606\nSharperson, Mike     ----  ----  .606  ----  ----   0.606\nZeile, Todd          ----  ----  ----  .614  .593   0.605\nBaerga, Carlos       ----  ----  ----  .604  ----   0.604\nHayes, Chris         ----  .601  .622  .606  .574   0.602\nLivingstone, Scott   ----  ----  ----  ----  .597   0.597\nHamilton, J.         .611  .584  ----  ----  ----   0.595\nKelly, Pat           ----  ----  ----  .595  ----   0.595\nLyons, Steve         .590  ----  ----  ----  ----   0.590\nOberkfell, Ken       .590  ----  ----  ----  ----   0.590\nJohnson, Howard      .628  .549  .611  .573  ----   0.588\nBell, Buddy          .587  ----  ----  ----  ----   0.587\nLansford, Carney     .620  .578  .594  ----  .550   0.587\nPresley, Jim         .643  .595  .530  ----  ----   0.584\nSchu, Rick           ----  .584  ----  ----  ----   0.584\nWorthington, Cal     ----  .583  .575  ----  ----   0.580\nHollins, Dave        ----  ----  ----  ----  .577   0.577\nSheffield, Gary      ----  ----  .584  ----  .567   0.575\nBlauser, Jeff        ----  .573  ----  ----  ----   0.573\nFryman, Travis       ----  ----  ----  .571  ----   0.571\nGantner, Jim         ----  ----  ----  .570  ----   0.570\nGomez, Lee           ----  ----  ----  .551  .542   0.546\nPalmer, Dean         ----  ----  ----  ----  .520   0.520\n-- \nDale J. Stephenson |*| (steph@cs.uiuc.edu) |*| Grad Student At Large\n\n  "It is considered good to look wise, especially when not \n   overburdened with information" -- J. Golden Kimball\n',
  "From: davewood@bruno.cs.colorado.edu (David Rex Wood)\nSubject: Rockies need some relief\nNntp-Posting-Host: bruno.cs.colorado.edu\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 13\n\nOnce again, the Rockies bullpen fell apart.  Andy Ashby pitched six (somewhat\nshaky) innings giving up just one run.  Then game the dreaded relief.  Three\npicthers combined to give up 3 runs (one each I believe) in the 7th inning\nand blew the save opportunity.  (Final was 4-2 vs Expos).\n\nDespite their problems in the pen, I think the Rockies are a team that wont\nbe taken lightly.  Going into today's game, the had the league's leading\nhitter and RBI man (Galarraga), two of the leaders in stolen bases (Young\nand Cole) and increasingly strong starting pitching.\n-- \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDavid Rex Wood -- davewood@cs.colorado.edu -- University of Colorado at Boulder\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
  'From: mccoy@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov (Daniel McCoy)\nSubject: Re: Title for XTerm\nReply-To: mccoy@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov\nOrganization: I-NET Inc.\nLines: 52\n\nIn article 1r3fe2INN10d@fbi-news.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE, markhof@ls12r.informatik.uni-dortmund.de (Ingolf Markhof) writes:\n|>In article <1quh74$r71@irz401.inf.tu-dresden.de>, beck@irzr17.inf.tu-dresden.de (Andre Beck) writes:\n|>|> \n|>|> In article <C5oL74.3B1@aeon.in-berlin.de>, thomas@aeon.in-berlin.de (Thomas Wolfram) writes:\n|>|> |> >Hey guys!\n|>|> |> >I work on many stations and would like this name and current logname\n|>|> |> >to be in a title of Xterm when it\'s open and a machine name only\n|>|> |> >when it\'s closed. In other words, I want $HOST and $LOGNAME to appear\n|>|> |> >as a title of opened XTerm and $HOST when XTerm is closed.\n|>|> |> >How can I do it?\n|>|> |> Almost all window managers (twm, mwm, olwm and their derivates) support\n|>|> |> escape sequences for it. For your purpose put following into your\n|>|> |> .login (if you\'re using csh or tcsh), for sh you have to modify it.\n|>|> |> \n|>|> |> if ( "$term" == "xterm" ) then\n|>|> |> \techo "^[]2;${LOGNAME}@${HOST}^G^[]1;${HOST}^G"\n|>|> |> endif\n|>|> 1) This is NOT a feature of the Window Manager but of xterm.\n|>|> 2) This sequences are NOT ANSI compatible, are they ?\n|>|>    Does anyone know IF there are compatible sequences for this and what they\n|>|>    are ? I would think they are DCS (device control sequence) introduced,\n|>|>    but may be a CSI sequence exists, too ?\n|>|>    This MUST work on a dxterm (VT and ANSI compatible), it may not work\n|>|>    on xterms.\n|>It works on xterms. At least I have no problem with it. - Back to the original\n|>question:\n|>\n|>I usually start new xterms by selecting the proper menu entry in my desktop\n|>menu. Here is a sample command:\n|>\n|>\txterm -sl 999 -n ls12i -title ls12i -e rlogin ls12i &\n|>\n|>The -n and -title options give the text for window and icon. As I use the\n|>tcsh (a wonderful extension of the csh), I can do the following:\n|>\n|>I have an\n|>\n|>\talias precmd echo -n \'^[]2\\;${HOST}:$cwd^G\'\n|>\n|>in my ~/.tcshrc. This is a special alias for tvtwm. It is executed each time\n|>before printing the prompt. So, I have the current host name and the current\n|>directory path in the title bar of my xterms.\n\nHave you gotten an answer yet?  Using your variables, this is what I would do:\n\txterm -T "$HOST - $LOGNAME" -n "$HOST"\n\n---\nDaniel J. McCoy           |=> SPACE  <=|                   I-NET, Inc.\nNASA Mail Code PT4        |=> IS     <=|             TEL: 713-483-0950\nNASA/Johnson Space Center |=> OUR    <=|             FAX: 713-244-5698\nHouston, Texas 77058      |=> FUTURE <=| mccoy@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov\n\n',
  "From: mwilson@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM (Mark Wilson)\nSubject: Re: Why Is Tax Evasion Not Considered Unpatriotic?\nOrganization: NCR Engineering and Manufacturing Atlanta -- Atlanta, GA\nLines: 37\n\nIn <1993Apr2.125134.3780@hemlock.cray.com> rja@mahogany126.cray.com (Ben's dad) writes:\n\n|In article <C4tAuw.Mrz@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM>, mwilson@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM (Mark Wilson) writes:\n|> In article <1pasrg$ife@s1.gov> lip@s1.gov (Loren I. Petrich) writes:\n|> \n|> |\tThe title is self-explanatory; Isaac Asimov once pointed out\n|> |that curious fact.\n|> \n|> Are you saying that it should be considered unpatriotic if you do not give\n|> everything you own to the state.\n\n|Are you saying that it should be considered unpatriotic if you do not give\n|your *life* in battle for the state?  The PC (Patrioticly Correct) certainly\n|think so.\n\n|>                                   I thought that kind of system collapsed\n|> when the Soviet Union did.\n\n|No, the pentagon is still standing and collecting names for the draft.\n\n|> If that's not what you meant. At what point does paying more taxes cease\n|> being patriotic?\n\n|Your money or your life.  Which is more important?\n\nNice dodge. I give it a 9.2.\n\nNow to answer your questions. I do not believe that there should be a\ndraft. The armed services should be voluntary. Can you say the same\nabout taxes.\n\nI've answered your question. Would you now answer mine.\n-- \nMob rule isn't any prettier merely because the mob calls itself a government\nIt ain't charity if you are using someone else's money.\nWilson's theory of relativity: If you go back far enough, we're all related.\nMark.Wilson@AtlantaGA.NCR.com\n",
  "From: cubbie@garnet.berkeley.edu (                               )\nSubject: Re: Cubs behind Marlins? How?\nArticle-I.D.: agate.1pt592$f9a\nOrganization: University of California, Berkeley\nLines: 12\nNNTP-Posting-Host: garnet.berkeley.edu\n\n\ngajarsky@pilot.njin.net writes:\n\nmorgan and guzman will have era's 1 run higher than last year, and\n the cubs will be idiots and not pitch harkey as much as hibbard.\n castillo won't be good (i think he's a stud pitcher)\n\n       This season so far, Morgan and Guzman helped to lead the Cubs\n       at top in ERA, even better than THE rotation at Atlanta.\n       Cubs ERA at 0.056 while Braves at 0.059. We know it is early\n       in the season, we Cubs fans have learned how to enjoy the\n       short triumph while it is still there.\n",
  'From: steveh@thor.isc-br.com (Steve Hendricks)\nSubject: Re: Limiting Govt (was Re: Employment (was Re: Why not concentrate...)\nSummary: More on limiting libertarians\nOrganization: Free the Barbers, Inc.\nLines: 100\nNntp-Posting-Host: thor.isc-br.com\n\nIn article <18APR199320091677@venus.tamu.edu> gmw0622@venus.tamu.edu (Mr. Grinch) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr18.174237.11229@isc-br.isc-br.com>, steveh@thor.isc-br.com (Steve Hendricks) writes...\n>> \n>\n>Okay,  let me try to explain this.\n>\n>When one votes for such a creature as a Senator or,  worse yet,  a President,\n>one votes not for specific policies but for a general package which must cover\n>all issues for 4 or 6 years.  As such,  one\'s influence is highly diluted.\n>I might add that,  even if one were free to vote on individual regulations,\n>the vast amount of time required for considering a particular regulation,\n>combined with the very small chance of one\'s vote making a difference,  would\n>make it unreasonable to expect the voter to make an intelligent decision\n>with respect to specific regulations.     \n\nI\'m afraid that I\'ve lost the thread here.  I didn\'t suggest that all \ngovernment regulations be subject to referenda.  So I don\'t follow the \ncomments above.\n\n>> \n>> \n>:Sorry, but it strikes me that it is the only "feasible" approach.  What is\n>:not feasible is a wholesale attack on all government regulation and \n>:licensing that treats cutting hair and practicing medicine as equivalent\n>:tasks.\n>\n>I\'m not sure what you mean by "feasible" in this case.  Do you mean that\n>[] are impossible in priciple,  or merely that it would be undesirable in\n>fact?\n\nI mean that an ideology that treats all government regulation as equally\nundesirable and seeks to abolish all regulations is unlikely to draw\nsupport among more than a miniscule portion of the electorate.\n\nFurthermore, I am suggesting that such a plan is not feasible in an\nindustrial society because the weight of litigation and/or misery it\nwould produce would effectively crush productive effort.\n>\n>\n>:Actually, the only areas of public spending above that strike me as \n>:generating substantial support among libertarians are police and defense.\n>:(It is an interesting aside that as committed as libertarians claim to\n>:be to a principle of non-coercion, the only areas of public spending\n>:that they frequently support involve hiring people with guns....hmmm...)\n>\n>You say this as if it were surprising,  yet in fact a necessary consequence\n>of libertarian philosophy.  All non-coersive functions should be dealt \n>with privately,  therefore it follows that the only functions remaining to\n>the state are the coersive ones.\n\nNo, I\'m not surprised.  I just think it\'s interesting that on one hand\nlibertarians assume a limited government can be decreed, yet on the other\nposit an entire government made up of people who carry guns.  (I realize\nthat many libertarians assume that such a government will be \ncounterbalanced by a fully armed citizenry, but it is worth noting that\nwidespread civilian ownership of guns does not necessarily prevent the\nestablishment of totalitarian government, e.g. Iraq.)\n>\n>> \n>:Perhaps you have.  May I suggest that you consider that revolutionaries\n>:frequently generate support by acting as protectors of "geezers," \n>:mothers and children.  Governments that ignore such people on the grounds\n>:that "we don\'t have much to fear" from them do so at their own peril.\n>\n>Much more likely it\'s drunken teenagers.  The groups in questionare more \n>likely to be worse off during and after a revolution than before.  \n>In the unlikely\n>event that you missed my earlier sarcasm,  let me say this directly:\n>The idea that such programs as Social Security or AFDC should be considered\n>"defense" (an idea which has been advanced in ths and other newsgroups) is\n>so absurd a lie as to be unworthy of consideration.  Do you seriously\n>dispute this?\n\nYup, sure do.  But since I also support the constitutional requirement\nthat the government provide for the general welfare (Article I section 8),\nI\'m willing to justify such programs on that basis.\n>\n>\n>\tI don\'t want to seem patronizing,  but you still seem to be laboring\n>under the delusion that under a socialized economic system it is reasonably\n>intelligent and honest persons (like yourself) who make the decisions.\n>I feel any third party added to a transaction is every bit as likely to be\n>ignorant or corrupt as the buyer or seller.  I don\'t expect you to agree\n>with me,  but you explain why you feel I\'m wrong?\n\nWell, in the first place, I don\'t support a "socialized economic system."\nI think within limits that capitalism is a fine idea.  But it is not\nthe case that "any third party...is...as likely to be ignorant or corrupt\nas the buyer or seller."  There are multitudes of examples where such a\nstatement is demonstrably false.  Regulation of stock market transactions\nthat provide a reasonable basis for buyers to avoid fraud is only one\nexample.\n\njsh\n\n>Mr. Grinch\n--\nSteve Hendricks                        |  DOMAIN:  steveh@thor.ISC-BR.COM   \n"One thing about data, it sure does cut|  UUCP:    ...!uunet!isc-br!thor!steveh\n the bulls**t." - R. Hofferbert        |  Ma Bell: 509 838-8826\n',
  'From: crichar@eskimo.com (Craig S. Richardson)\nSubject: Re: Notes on Jays vs. Indians Series\nArticle-I.D.: eskimo.C5JCK0.DEA\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: Eskimo North (206) 367-3837 {eskimo.com}\nLines: 35\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.123803.4618@webo.dg.com> lyford@dagny.webo.dg.com (Lyford Beverage) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr13.202037.9485@cs.cornell.edu>, tedward@cs.cornell.edu (Edward [Ted] Fischer) writes:\n>|> In article <rudyC5Fr3q.1CL@netcom.com> rudy@netcom.com (Rudy Wade) writes:\n>|> >In article <C5FMxD.2pM@cs.dal.ca> niguma@ug.cs.dal.ca (Gord Niguma) writes:\n>|> >>. He probably didn\'t even have as good a season as\n>|> >>Alomar last year.\n>|> >  \n[snip]\n>|> Uh, yes.  Baerga has a lot of flash, but Alomar was the better hitter\n>|> last year.\n>|> \n[stats deleted - we\'ve all seen them by now]\n>This is fascinating.  You say that Alomar was the better hitter last \n>year, and immediately follow that up with numbers showing that Baerga\n>had a better year.  The only category that I see which shows an advantage\n>for Alomar is OBP.\n\nI nominate this last bit for "Anti-Stathead Quote of the Week".\n\nAlomar only has a 50 point advantage in the most important offensive\ncategory, while Baerga, who studied in the Joe Carter School of Out-Burning,\nhas more impressive mediot stats, largely due to opportunities rather\nthan quality.\n\nThe lines are fairly close in value, but edge to Alomar.\n\nNow Baerga ain\'t chopped liver, but Alomar is still the man to beat among\nAL second basemen...\n\n--Craig\n-- \nCraig S. Richardson (crichar@eskimo.com - formerly eskimo.celestial.com))\nGM - Pullman Sleepers (OBFBL)           GM - Seattle Rainiers (IFL)   \nGM/Manager - Tacoma Black Adders (IBL)  GM - New Jack City Highlanders (KL)\nTacoma Black Adders - A Growing, Excited Team! - "The Future Begins Tomorrow"\n',
  'From: gt0463b@prism.gatech.EDU (Michael Davis Smith)\nSubject: REAL ESTATE SALE\nArticle-I.D.: hydra.91506\nOrganization: Georgia Institute of Technology\nLines: 71\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n                            RESIDENTIAL LOT FOR SALE\n\n\n\n\n\n               I have a nice residential lot available.  It is approx-\n          imately 1/2 acre in size.  It is located in the development\n          called Belvedere Plantation in Pender County, eastern North\n          Carolina, north of Wilmington.  The lot is near the Intra-\n          Coastal Waterway.  Golf and tennis are located on the\n          development property.  Belvedere Plantation also has a mar-\n          ina facility on the ICW.  This lot is nearby to all of the\n          facilities mentioned.\n\n\n\n               I own the lot outright but it does not look like I will\n          get back to the area anytime soon.  I would like to sell it\n          for that reason.  Make an offer.\n\n\n\n               If interested please send E-mail.\n          gt0463b@prism.gatech.edu.  - Mike Smith\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-- \nMichael Davis Smith\nGeorgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332\nuucp:\t  ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt0463b\nInternet: gt0463b@prism.gatech.edu\n',
  "From: donb@netcom.com (Don Baldwin)\nSubject: Re: Guns GONE. Good Riddance !\nOrganization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest)\nLines: 41\n\nIn article <1993Apr18.000152.2339@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu> jrm@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu \nwrites:\n>Of those who vote, your cause is considered an abomination. No matter\n>how hard you try, public opinion is set against the RKBA. \n\nNope.  Here in Northern California, a newspaper recently did a survey,\nasking if people favored stricter gun controls.  A full 40% said no.\nHere, in one of the most Liberal (it wasn't always a swear word :( areas\nof the country, nearly half the people don't want additional controls, let\nalone revocation of RKBA...\n\n>This is the end. By the finish of the Clinton administration, your\n>RKBA will be null and void. Tough titty.\n\nMisguided dolt though he may be (though, I still maintain, less dangerous\nthan Bush), Clinton does not publicly support revoking the second amendment.\n\n>Surrender your arms. Soon enough, officers will be around to collect\n>them. Resistance is useless. They will overwhelm you - one at a time.\n>Your neighbors will not help you. They will consider you more if an\n>immediate threat than the abstract 'criminal'. \n\nWell, I'll help MY neighbors...\n\n>Too fucking bad. You have gone the way of the KKK. Violent solutions\n>are passe'. Avoid situations which encourage criminals. Then you will\n>be as safe as possible. Such as it is ...\n\nViolent solutions are passe'?  I take it you propose disarming the police,\nthen?\n\nPlease don't mention RKBA in the same breath as the KKK.  RKBA is about\nbeing able to defend yourself and others, not about killing the innocent.\nActually, your mention of the KKK is rather funny, considering that the\nfirst gun control law in the US were created specifically to disarm black\npeople...\n\n    don\n\n\n\n",
  'From: Center for Policy Research <cpr@igc.apc.org>\nSubject: Assistance to Palest.people\nNf-ID: #N:cdp:1483500359:000:3036\nNf-From: cdp.UUCP!cpr    Apr 24 15:00:00 1993\nLines: 78\n\n\nFrom: Center for Policy Research <cpr>\nSubject: Assistance to Palest.people\n\n\nU.N. General Assembly Resolution 46/201 of 20 December 1991\n\nASSISTANCE TO THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE\n---------------------------------------------\nThe General Assembly\n\nRecalling its resolution 45/183 of 21 December 1990\n\nTaking into account the intifadah of the Palestinian people in the\noccupied Palestinian territory against the Israeli occupation,\nincluding Israeli economic and social policies and practices,\n\nRejecting Israeli restrictions on external economic and social\nassistance to the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian\nterritory,\n\nConcerned about the economic losses of the Palestinian people as a\nresult of the Gulf crisis,\n\nAware of the increasing need to provide economic and social\nassistance to the Palestinian people,\n\nAffirming that the Palestinian people cannot develop their\nnational economy as long as the Israeli occupation persists,\n\n1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on assistance\nto the Palestinian people;\n\n2. Expresses its appreciation to the States, United Nations bodies\nand intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that have\nprovided assistance to the Palestinian people,\n\n3. Requests the international community, the United Nations system\nand intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to\nsustain and increase their assistance to the Palestinian people,\nin close cooperation with the Palestine Liberation Organization\n(PLO), taking in account the economic losses of the Palestinian\npeople as a result of the Gulf crisis;\n\n4. Calls for treatment on a transit basis of Palestinian exports\nand imports passing through neighbouring ports and points of exit\nand entry;\n\n5. Also calls for the granting of trade concessions and concrete\npreferential measures for Palestinian exports on the basis of\nPalestinian certificates of origin;\n\n6. Further calls for the immediate lifting of Israeli restrictions\nand obstacles hindering the implementation of assistance projects\nby the United Nations Development Programme, other United Nations\nbodies and others providing economic and social assistance to the\nPalestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory;\n\n7. Reiterates its call for the implementation of development\nprojects in the occupied Palestinian territory, including the\nprojects mentioned in its resolution 39/223 of 18 December 1984;\n\n8. Calls for facilitation of the establishment of Palestinian\ndevelopment banks in the occupied Palestinian territory, with a\nview to promoting investment, production, employment and income\ntherein;\n\n9. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General\nThe General Assembly at its 47th session, through the Economic and Social\nCouncil, on the progress made in the implementation of the present\nresolution.\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nIn favour 137 countries (Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,\nJapan, Africa, South America, Central America and Asia) Against:\nUnited States and Israel Abstaining: None\n\n\n',
  'From: sp@odin.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Svein Pedersen)\nSubject: Utility for updating Win.ini and system.ini\nOrganization: University of Tromsoe, Norway\nLines: 6\n\nI nead a utility for updating (deleting, adding, changing) *.ini files for Windows. \n\nDo I find it on any FTP host?\n\nSvein\n\n',
  'From: pp@cbnewsl.cb.att.com (peter.peng)\nSubject: 1990 Integra LS for sale\nOrganization: AT&T Bell Laboratories\nDistribution: nj\nKeywords: for sale integra\nLines: 15\n\n\n\n********* 1990 Integra LS for Sale *********\n\n5 speed, sunroof, rear spoiler, new tires\n59.7K miles\n\n$ 7950 or best offer.\n\ncall 908-949-0878\n     908-938-4101\n\nemail att!hotsoup!peng\n\n*********************************************\n',
  "From: ndd@sunbar.mc.duke.edu (Ned Danieley)\nSubject: compiling clients on a Sun IPX\nOrganization: Basic Arrhythmia Laboratory, Duke Univ. Med. Center, Durham, N.C.\nLines: 19\nNntp-Posting-Host: bal1.mc.duke.edu\nOriginator: ndd@bal1\n\nI'm trying to set up an IPX for another group. I copied all the\nX stuff that I compiled on my 4/280 (which runs SunOS 4.1.1) using\ngcc 2.1, and most things run just fine. however, I did find a\ncouple of bugs, and when I try to recompile those clients on the IPX\n(which runs 4.1.3), I get\n\nld: Undefined symbol\n   _XShapeQueryExtension\n   _XShapeCombineMask\n\nI know that I can include libXext and get rid of those messages,\nbut I can't figure out why I get them on the IPX and not on the\n4/280. any ideas?\n\n-- \nNed Danieley (ndd@sunbar.mc.duke.edu)\nBasic Arrhythmia Laboratory\nBox 3140, Duke University Medical Center\nDurham, NC  27710   (919) 660-5111 or 660-5100\n",
  'From: umeister@hardy.u.washington.edu (Starfleet Command)\nSubject: 256 Color Drivers\nArticle-I.D.: shelley.1r2p1pINNp6\nReply-To: umeister@u.washington.edu\nDistribution: pnw\nOrganization: University of Washington, Seattle\nLines: 5\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hardy.u.washington.edu\n\nI would appreciate the driver name from CICA which functions as a 256\ncolor driver for a Quadtel video card. The type of chip or chipset used\nwould suffice as well.\n\n                                          umeister@u.washington.edu\n',
  "From: jslam@cbnewsl.cb.att.com (joseph.lam)\nSubject: Re: Request for Islanders e-mail list\nArticle-I.D.: cbnewsl.1993Apr5.183014.16567\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: AT&T\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <1993Apr3.014237.20959@sifon.cc.mcgill.ca> bui@ee470.ee.mcgill.ca (BUI/DON/MR) writes:\n>In article <16b5xvf@rpi.edu> wangr@rpi.edu writes:\n>>>If anyone out there is keeping an Islanders e-mail list, could you\n>>>please add me to it? Thanks in advance.\n>>\n>>>Ercu\n>>\t\n>>\tCan u add me onto the list too....Thanks...\n>>\n>>Rex\n>\n>Count me IN !!!!\n>\n>Go Isles!\n>\n>\t\t\t\t\t\t-Don\n>\n>bui@ee470.ee.mcgill.ca\n>\n\nPlease count me in also...\n\nJust can't tell you how excited I was when the Islanders beat the Rangers\nin overtime on last Friday!!!\n\nGo Isles!\n",
  'From: Mike Diack <mike-d@staff.tc.umn.edu>\nSubject: 16 bit serial converters\nX-Xxdate: Tue, 20 Apr 93 06:56:45 GMT\nNntp-Posting-Host: dialup-slip-1-34.gw.umn.edu\nOrganization: persian cat & carpet co.\nX-Useragent: Nuntius v1.1.1d7\nLines: 2\n\nSomeone was looking for these a few weeks ago - check out comp.dsp\nMike.\n',
  "From: reedr@cgsvax.claremont.edu\nSubject: Q the Lost Gospel\nOrganization: The Claremont Graduate School\nLines: 5\n\nJust finished reading Burton Mack's new book, _The Lost Gospel, Q and Christian\nOrigins_.  I thought it was totally cool.  Anyone else read it and want to \ntalk?\n\nRandy\n",
  "From: nataraja@rtsg.mot.com (Kumaravel Natarajan)\nSubject: Re: water in trunk of 89 Probe??\nNntp-Posting-Host: opal12\nOrganization: Motorola Inc., Cellular Infrastructure Group\nLines: 39\n\njlong@emcnext2.tamu.edu (James Long) writes:\n\n>In article <1r1crn$27g@transfer.stratus.com> tszeto@sneezy.ts.stratus.com  \n>(Tommy Szeto) writes:\n>> Water gradually builds up in the trunk of my friend's 89 Ford Probe.  Every\n>> once in a while we would have to remove the spare and scoop out the water\n>> under the plywood/carpet cover on the trunk.  I would guess this usually  \n>happens\n>> after a good thunder storm.  A few Qs:\n>> \n>> 1) Is this a common problem?\n>> 2) Where are the drain holes located for the hatch?\n\n>I noticed this is my '89 probe also, when recently cleaning out the back.  I  \n>think the water is coming *up* through some rubber stoppered holes beneath the  \n>spare.  Mine looked slightly worn, and there was no water or water damage above  \n>the level of the spare area. \n\n>This has taken a low priority since I just found out (while rotating my tires)  \n>that I have a torn CV boot - ugh!!\n\nI've got an 89 GT.  It has the smoked taillight assembly.  I think this is where\nthe water is getting in.  When I first got it (had it for a month), one of the rear\ntaillights fogged up with moisture.  I took it in to the dealer and they replaced\nthe entire assembly.  It happened to the other one about 3 months later.  This time\nI happened to look in the spare tire well and noticed water standing in there.  The\ndealer was more reluctant this time to replace it.  But I convinced them to\nfix it.  (They must have had to deal with a number of other probes with the same\nproblem.)  I haven't noticed water in the taillamps (or the trunk) for the last 2.5\nyears, but just last month, the taillamp just fogged up again.  I'm going to try\nto take it back to get them to fix it again.  I'm real tempted to drill some vent\nand drain holes in the tops and bottoms of the assembly and forget about it.  This is\ngetting very annoying. (Almost every other `89 GT I've seen has had this problem.)\n\nVel\n-- \n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Vel Natarajan  nataraja@rtsg.mot.com  Motorola Cellular, Arlington Hts IL  --\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
  "From: grogers@slacvx.slac.stanford.edu (Greg Rogers)\nSubject: Hey, What about teh Cannucks?\nReply-To: grogers@slacvx.slac.stanford.edu (Greg Rogers)\nOrganization: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center\nLines: 13\n\nHi all,\n\nDue to living in the Bay Area, I as unable to see Vancouver's victory over\nthe Jets last night.  I know the score, but that rarely describes the game.\nCould someone please post a brief sonapsis (sp?) of waht happened.  How well\ndid each team play?  Were the cannucks deserving of the victory?\n\nAlso, could some kind soul please email me the end of season, individual\nplayer stats?\n\nGreg\n\n-- Vancouver for the cup (in a virtual reality)--\n",
  "From: halat@pooh.bears (Jim Halat)\nSubject: Islam is caused by believing (was Re: Genocide is Caused by Theism)\nReply-To: halat@pooh.bears (Jim Halat)\nLines: 40\n\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr13.173100.29861@ultb.isc.rit.edu> snm6394@ultb.isc.rit.edu (S.N. Mozumder ) writes:\n\n>>I'm only saying that anything can happen under atheism.  Being a\n>>beleiver, a knowledgeable one in religion, only good can happen.\n\nThis is becoming a tiresome statement.  Coming from you it is \na definition, not an assertion:\n\n   Islam is good.  Belief in Islam is good.  Therefore, being a \n   believer in Islam can produce only good...because Islam is\n   good. Blah blah blah.\n\nThat's about as circular as it gets, and equally meaningless.  To\nsay that something produces only good because it is only good that \nit produces is nothing more than an unapplied definition.  And\nall you're application is saying that it's true if you really \nbelieve it's true.  That's silly.\n\nConversely, you say off-handedly that _anything_ can happen under\natheism.  Again, just an offshoot of believe-it-and-it-becomes-true-\ndon't-believe-it-and-it-doesn't.  \n\nLike other religions I'm aquainted with, Islam teaches exclusion and\ncaste, and suggests harsh penalties for _behaviors_ that have no\nlogical call for punishment (certain limits on speech and sex, for\nexample).  To me this is not good.  I see much pain and suffering\nwithout any justification, except for the _waving of the hand_ of\nsome inaccessible god.\n\nBy the by, you toss around the word knowledgable a bit carelessly.\nFor what is a _knowledgeable believer_ except a contradiction of\nterms.  I infer that you mean believer in terms of having faith.\nAnd If you need knowledge to believe then faith has nothing\nto do with it, does it?\n\n-jim halat\n   \n\n",
  'From: wally@Auspex.COM (Wally Bass)\nSubject: Re: Date is stuck\nOrganization: Auspex Systems, Santa Clara\nLines: 35\nNntp-Posting-Host: alpha1-e5.auspex.com\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.055039.29715@oec4.orbital.dialix.oz.au>\n    oecjtb@oec4.orbital.dialix.oz.au (John Bongiovanni) writes:\n  [stuff deleted]\n>Did I once hear that in order for the date to advance, something, like a \n>clock, *has* to make a Get Date system call? Apparently, the clock\n>hardware interrupt and BIOS don\'t do this (date advance) automatically. The\n>Get Date call notices that a "midnight reset" flag has been set, and then\n>then advances the date.\n>\n>Anybody with more info?\n\nThere are two \'problems\':\n(1) the BIOS TOD routine which updates the BIOS clock uses only 1 bit\n    for day increment, so a second wrapping of the clock past midnight\n    will get lost if no one calls the BIOS to read the clock in the\n    meantime, and\n(2) the BIOS resets the day wrap indicator on the first \'get date\'\n    call from ANYBODY (after the wrap indicator has been set). So\n    unless the first BIOS \'get date\' call after midnight is done by\n    the DOS \'kernel\' (which is the only part of DOS which knows how to\n    increment the date, the day wrap indication is normally lost.\nMy guess is that Kevin\'s \'menu\' system uses BIOS calls to read the\nclock (in order to display the time), and is hence the entity which\ncauses the day wrap indication to get lost. Even if the \'menu\' system\n\'notices\' the day \'wrap\' (which I think is indicated by a non-zero\nvalue in AL), there really isn\'t any particularly good way to tell DOS\nabout it, so that DOS can update the day. The menu system \'should\' use\nDOS calls to get the time, which would cause the DOS \'kernel\' to do\nthe BIOS call, and the wrap indicator would hence be processed\nproperly.  Possibly, though, the \'menu\' system can\'t easily use DOS\ncalls for time, because DOS is not reentrant, and perhaps time\nincrementing ofters occur while the \'menu\' system is \'inside\' some\nother DOS call.\n\nWally Bass\n',
  "From: kludge@grissom.larc.nasa.gov (Scott Dorsey)\nSubject: Re: what to do with old 256k SIMMs?\nOrganization: NASA Langley Research Center and Reptile Farm\nLines: 12\nNNTP-Posting-Host: grissom.larc.nasa.gov\n\nIn article <C5JCH1.FrC@ulowell.ulowell.edu> wex@cs.ulowell.edu writes:\n>In article <1993Apr15.100452.16793@csx.cciw.ca>, u009@csx.cciw.ca (G. Stewart Beal) writes:\n>|> >\tI was wondering if people had any good uses for old\n>|> >256k SIMMs.  I have a bunch of them for the Apple Mac\n>|> >and I know lots of other people do to.  I have tried to\n>|> >sell them but have gotten NO interest.\n>\n>We use them as Christmas tree decorations, the cat doesn't eat these.\n\nYes, but they don't look appropriate.  I much prefer used 833 tubes on\nmy tree.\n--scott\n",
  "From: oz@ursa.sis.yorku.ca (Ozan S. Yigit)\nSubject: Re: Turkish Government Agents on UseNet Lie Through Their Teeth! \nIn-Reply-To: dbd@urartu.sdpa.org's message of Thu, 15 Apr 1993 20: 45:12 GMT\nOrganization: York U. Student Information Systems Project\nLines: 15\n\nDavidian-babble:\n\n>The Turkish government feels it can funnel a heightened state of ultra-\n>nationalism existing in Turkey today onto UseNet and convince people via its \n>revisionist, myopic, and incidental view of themselves and their place in the \n>world. \n\nTurkish government on usenet? How long are you going to keep repeating\nthis utterly idiotic [and increasingly saddening] drivel?\n\noz\n---\n   life of a people is a sea, and those that look at it from the shore  \n   cannot know its depths.\t\t\t     -Armenian proverb \n\n",
  "From: mwilson@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM (Mark Wilson)\nSubject: Just what is in the Jobs/Pork bill?\nOrganization: NCR Engineering and Manufacturing Atlanta -- Atlanta, GA\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 26\n\nThis was in Wed. WSJ.\n\n[start]\nThe white house, seeking to mount public pressure on GOP senators, bombarded\nnews outlets in some senator's home states with news releases warning that\ncertain projects may not be funded if the $16billion stimulus bill isn't\npassed.\n\nNone of the projects mentioned are actually in the bill, rather they are\npart of a wish list that may be funded from the $2.56 billion in\nCommunity Development Block Grants.\n\n...\n\n[end]\n\nI could have sworn I heard a bunch of Clintonites going on and on, raving\nabout how dishonest it was that the Rebublicans were taking items from this\nwish list in order to ridicule this bill. Now that Clinton is using that\nsame list in order to garner support for the bill, are you guys going to\ndo the honarable thing and say that Clinton is being dishonest.\n-- \nMob rule isn't any prettier merely because the mob calls itself a government\nIt ain't charity if you are using someone else's money.\nWilson's theory of relativity: If you go back far enough, we're all related.\nMark.Wilson@AtlantaGA.NCR.com\n",
  'From: news@cbnewsk.att.com\nSubject: Re: anger\nOrganization: AT&T Bell Labs\nLines: 31\n\n>Paul Conditt writes:\n>>In case you couldn\'t tell, I get *extremely* angry and upset when\n>>I see things like this.  Instead of rationalizing our own fears and\n>>phobias, we need to be reaching out to people with AIDS and other\n>>socially unacceptable diseases.  Whether they got the disease through\n>>their own actions or not is irrelevant.  They still need Jesus...\n\nAaron Bryce Cardenas) writes:\n>The first issue you bring up is your anger.  It is "obvious"ly wrong to\n>be angry (Gal 5:19-20) for any reason, especially *extremely* angry\n>which is on par with hatred.  Jesus has every reason to be angry at us\n>for putting him on the cross with our sin, yet his prayer was "forgive\n>them Father, they know not what they do."  ...\n\nI don\'t know why it is so obvious.  We are not speaking of acts of the \nflesh.  We are just speaking of emotions.  Emotions are not of themselves\nmoral or immoral, good or bad.  Emotions just are.  The first step is\nnot to label his emotion as good or bad or to numb ourselves so that\nwe hide our true feelings, it is to accept ourselves as we are, as God\naccepts us.  It seems that Paul\'s anger he has accepted and channeled\nit to a plea to all of us to refrain from passing judgement on those\nafflicted with a disease and to reach out to others.  Give in?  Calling\nhis arguments foolish, belittling them to only quarrels, avoiding action\nbecause of fear to give others a bad feeling, he\'s not forgiving?\n\nRe-think it, Aaron.  Don\'t be quick to judge.  He has forgiven those with\nAIDS, he has dealt with and taken responsibility for his feelings and made\nappropriate choices for action on such feelings.  He has not given in to\nhis anger.\n\nJoe Moore\n',
  ' cs.utexas.edu!uunet!olivea!sgigate!sgiblab!adagio.panasonic.com!nntp-server.caltech.edu!keith\nSubject: Re: <Political Atheists?\nFrom: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\n <930401.112329.0u1.rusnews.w165w@mantis.co.uk> <11710@vice.ICO.TEK.COM>\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nNNTP-Posting-Host: lloyd.caltech.edu\nLines: 17\n\nbobbe@vice.ICO.TEK.COM (Robert Beauchaine) writes:\n\n>  And in the US, even that argument doesn\'t stand.  It costs far\n>  more to execute a criminal in this country than it does to feed,\n>  clothe, and shelter them for the remainder of their natural life.\n>  Some people believe this is a fault of our judicial system.  I\n>  find it to be one of it\'s greatest virtues.\n\nI assume that you are talking about the appeals processes, etc.?\nWell, it should be noted that people who are imprisoned for life\nwill also tend to appeal (though not quite as much in the "final\nhours."\n\nAnyway, economics is not a very good reason to either favor or oppose\nthe punishment.\n\nkeith\n',
  'From: rj3s@Virginia.EDU ("Get thee to a nunnery.....")\nSubject: Re: Israeli Terrorism\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nLines: 32\n\neshneken@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu  writes:\n> ab4z@Virginia.EDU ("Andi Beyer") writes:\n> \n> >I think the Israeli press might be a tad bit biased in\n> >reporting the events. I doubt the Propaganda machine of Goering\n> >reported accurately on what was happening in Germany. It is\n> >interesting that you are basing the truth on Israeli propaganda.\n> \n> If you consider Israeli reporting of events in Israel to be propoganda, then \n> consider the Washington Post\'s handling of American events to be propoganda\n> too.  What makes the Israeli press inherently biased in your opinion?  I\n> wouldn\'t compare it to Nazi propoganda either.  Unless you want to provide\n> some evidence of Israeli inaccuracies or parallels to Nazism, I suggest you \n> keep your mouth shut.  I\'m sick and tired of all you anti-semites comparing\n> Israel to the Nazis (and yes, in my opinion, if you compare Israel to the Nazis\n> you are an anti-semite because you know damn well it isn\'t true and you are\n> just trying to discredit Israel).\n> \n> Ed.\n> \nYou know ed,...  You\'re right!  Andi shouldn\'t be comparing\nIsrael to the Nazis.  The Israelis are much worse than the\nNazis ever were anyway.  The Nazis did a lot of good for\nGermany, and they would have succeeded if it weren\'t for the\ndamn Jews.  The Holocaust never happened anyway.  Ample\nevidence given by George Schafer at Harvard, Dept. of History,\nand even by Randolph Higgins at NYU, have shown that the\nHolocaust was just a semitic conspiracy created to obtain\nsympathy to piush for the creation of Israel.\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n',
  "Subject: CHRISTIAN DEVIL REVEALED!\nFrom: pharvey@quack.kfu.com (Paul Harvey)\nOrganization: The Duck Pond public unix: +1 408 249 9630, log in as 'guest'.\nLines: 56\n\n>For a while I was puzzled by the the concept of Adam and Eve coming to\n>know good and evil.  This is how I resolved it.  Within God's universe\n>each action evokes an equal and opposite reaction.  There can be no good\n>without evil as an opposite.  So the issue is not what you do but to whom\n>you give your allegiance.  That is why, even in this sinful state, when we\n>perform an evil act while we are submitted to God He does not place that\n>sinful act to our account (Rom 4:8) In the same vein you can perform all \n>the good deeds in the book, if your life is not under God's control you are \n>still sinning (see Rom 14:23).\n\nNow, take a good look at at, an tell me man, there is no Christian\nDevil? There is, is real, is a virus, a meme, infecting and possessing\nthe good people and keep 'em from becoming human beings with emphasis on\nthe being! Is not a matter of good people an evil people, is all good\npeople see, but some good people vexed of the Christian Devil. An it\ncan't be burn out or lynch out or rape out. Only wise up let I rise up.\nChristian Devil is real man, how else can you explain five hundred years\nof history, even more? Can only be explained by Christians invoke\nChristian Devil.\n\nyou keep on knocking but you can't come in, i got to understand you've\nbeen living in sin, but walk right in and sit right down, i'll keep\non loving you, i'll play the clown, but bend down low, let i tell you\nwhat i know yah\n\ni've been 'buked brothers and i've been stoned, woe, woe, woe, now i'm\nhung by a tree in the the ganging on a few, woe, woe, woe, it doesn't\nmatter who the man is who lives the life he loves, it doesn't matter\nwhat the man does or the honest life he loves, i want somewhere, i want\nsomewhere, hallelujah, hallelujah, somewhere to lay my head, woe is me\n\nonly ska beat in 'eaven man\n\nstiff necked fools, you think you're cool, to deny me for simplicity, yes\nyou have gone, for so long with your love for vanity now, yes you have\ngot the wrong interpretation mixed up with vain imagination, so take jah\nsun and jah moon and jah rain and jah stars, and forever yes erase your\nfantasy, yeah, the lips of the righteous teach many, but fools die for\nwant of wisdom, the rich man's wealth is in his city, the righteous\nwealth is in his holy place, so take jah sun and jah moon and jah rain\nand jah stars, and forever yes erase your fantasy, destruction of the\npoor is in their poverty, destruction of the soul is vanity, yeah, but i\ndon't want to rule ya, i don't want to fool ya, i don't want to school\nya, things you, you might never know about, yes you have got the wrong\ninterpretation mixed up with vain, vain imagination, stiff necked fools,\nyou think you're cool, to deny me for, oh simplicity\n\nlove to see, when yah move in the rhythm, love to see when you're\ndancing from within, it gives great joy to feel such sweet togetherness,\neveryone's doing and they're doing their best, it remind i of the days\nin jericho, when we trodden down jericho wall, these are the days when\nwe'll trod true babylon, gonna trod until babylon fall\n\nthen I saw the angel with the seven seals saying, babylon throne going down\n\nwe weeping and we wailing tonight\n",
  'From: chen@protostar.harvard.edu\nSubject: re: BBBBIG problem with W4W print file. Help!!!!\nOrganization: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics \nDistribution: world \nLines: 34\n\n\nIn article <1993Mar31.014237.28478@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca> dwoo@unb.ca writes:\n>To all the W4W experts:\n>\n>I have a file that is three pages long with 10 to 12 1-line equations\n>plus a 5"by 2" diagram. The size of this file is about 81KB before\n>unlinking all the embedded objects and 30KB after unlinking all the\n>embedded objects. Well, when I print it (since I don\'t have a laser\n>printer, I have to send it to a print file), W4W gives me back a\n>BBBBBBIG file that is well over 6MB long.  I just fail to see how a 81K\n>file can be boosted to a 6MB file. Obviously, I will not able to carry\n>this 6MB+ file to the public printer unless I find myself a network\n>card, a cable etc.\n>\n>Could anyone please enlighten me with a solution? (I already try to\n>print a page at a time, it still won\'t fit into a HD floppy)\n>\n>Thanx a mil.\n>\n>\n>\n>*****************************************************************\n>*  Dennis Woo              Department of Mechanical Engineering *\n>*  E-mail: dwoo@unb.ca     University of New Brunswick          *\n>*  Tel: (506) 453-4513                                          *\n>*****************************************************************\t\n> \n>\nI once had this problem.  All I did was to copy the whole doc to a new file.  The problem \nwas gone.  Hope this helps.\n\nHua\n\n\n',
  'From: tcmay@netcom.com (Timothy C. May)\nSubject: "Clipper" an Infringement on Intergraph\'s Name?\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5\nLines: 28\n\nBesides being an infringement on our civil liberties (not the subject\nin this post), the name "Clipper Chip" seems very confusable with the\n"Clipper" chip of Intergraph.\n\nOriginally designed by a team at Fairchild Semiconductor, Clipper was\na 32-bit RISC microprocessor. It is still used in some workstations,\nnotably those from Intergraph, the supplier of CAD tools. Intergraph\nacquired the Clipper product line when Fairchild was sold to National\nSemiconductor several years back.\n\nWhen I first saw "Clipper Chip" in the announcement, I immediately\nthought the article was referring to the Clipper chip I know.\n\nThis seems to be grounds for Intergraph to sue, but then I\'m not a\nlawyer. I\'d say I\'m a cryptologist, but I don\'t want to incriminate\nmyself under the laws of the new regime.\n\n-Tim May\n\n\n-- \n..........................................................................\nTimothy C. May         | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,  \ntcmay@netcom.com       | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero\n408-688-5409           | knowledge, reputations, information markets, \nW.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA  | black markets, collapse of governments.\nHigher Power: 2^756839 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.\n\n',
  'From: et@teal.csn.org (Eric H. Taylor)\nSubject: Re: HELP_WITH_TRACKING_DEVICE\nSummary: underground and underwater wireless methods\nKeywords: Rogers, Tesla, Hertz, underground, underwater, wireless, radio\nNntp-Posting-Host: teal.csn.org\nOrganization: 4-L Laboratories\nExpires: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 06:00:00 GMT\nLines: 36\n\nIn article <00969FBA.E640FF10@AESOP.RUTGERS.EDU> mcdonald@AESOP.RUTGERS.EDU writes:\n>[...]\n>There are a variety of water-proof housings I could use but the real meat\n>of the problem is the electronics...hence this posting.  What kind of\n>transmission would be reliable underwater, in murky or even night-time\n>conditions?  I\'m not sure if sound is feasible given the distortion under-\n>water...obviously direction would have to be accurate but range could be\n>relatively short (I imagine 2 or 3  hundred yards would be more than enough)\n>\n>Jim McDonald\n\nRefer to patents by JAMES HARRIS ROGERS:\n958,829; 1,220,005; 1,322,622; 1,349,103; 1,315,862; 1,349,104;\n1,303,729; 1,303,730; 1,316,188\n\nHe details methods of underground and underwater wireless communications.\nFor a review, refer to _Electrical_Experimenter_, March 1919 and June 1919.\n\nRogers\' methods were used extensively during the World War, and was\nunclassified after the war. Supposedly, the government rethought this\nsoon after, and Rogers was convieniently forgotten.\n\nThe bottom line is that all antennas that are grounded send HALF of\ntheir signal THRU the ground. The half that travels thru space is\nquickly dissapated (by the square of the distance), but that which\ntravels thru the ground does not disapate at all. Furthermore,\nthe published data showed that when noise drowned out regular\nreception, the underground antennas would recieve virtually noise-free.\n\nIF you find this hard to believe, then refer to the work of the\nman who INVENTED wireless: Tesla. Tesla confirmed that Rogers\' methods\nwere correct, while Hertzian wave theory was completely "abberant".\n\n----\n ET   "Tesla was 100 years ahead of his time. Perhaps now his time comes."\n----\n',
  'From: ipser@solomon.technet.sg (Ed Ipser)\nSubject: Re: Supply Side Economic Policy (was Re: David Stockman )\nNntp-Posting-Host: solomon.technet.sg\nOrganization: TECHNET, Singapore\nDistribution: na\nLines: 29\n\nIn article <Ufk_Gqu00WBKE7cX5V@andrew.cmu.edu> Ashish Arora <ashish+@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:\n>Excerpts from netnews.sci.econ: 5-Apr-93 Re: Supply Side Economic Po..\n>by Not a Boomer@desire.wrig \n>[...]\n>\n>>    The deficits declined from 84-9, reaching a low of 2.9% of GNP before  \n>> the tax and spending hike of 1990 reversed the trend.\n>>  \n>> Brett\n>Is this true ?  Some more details would be appreciated.\n\nYes, sadly, this is true. The primary reason, and the essence of the\ndetails that you are seeking, is that the Grahm-Rudman budget controls\nwere working.  In fact, they were working so well that unless the feds\ndid something, they were going to have to start cutting pork. So Bush\nand the Democrats got together in a Budget Summit and replaced\nGrahm-Rudman with the now historic Grand Compromise in which Bush\n"consented" to raise taxes in exchange for certain caps on spending\nincreases.\n\nAs it turned out, the taxes killed the Reagan expansion and the caps\non spending increases were dispelled by Clinton in his first act as\nPresident (so that he could create his own new plan with more tax\nincreases).\n\nThe result is that Clinton now HOPES to reduce the deficit to a level \nABOVE where it was when Reagan left office.\n\nChew on that awhile.\n',
  'From: sschaff@roc.slac.stanford.edu (Stephen F. Schaffner)\nSubject: Re: Ancient Books\nOrganization: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <Apr.>, \nwhheydt@pbhya.pacbell.com (Wilson Heydt) writes:\n\n|> As for the dating of the oldest extant texts of the NT....  How would\n|> you feel about the US Civil War in a couple of thousand years if the\n|> only extant text was written about *now*?  Now adjust for a largely\n|> illiterate population, and one in which every copy of a manuscript is\n|> done by hand....\n\nConsiderably better than I feel about, say, the Punic Wars, or the \nPeloponnesian War (spelling optional), or almost any other event in \nclassical history.  How close to the events do you think the oldest \nextent manuscripts are in those cases?\n\n-- \nSteve Schaffner        sschaff@unixhub.slac.stanford.edu\n\tThe opinions expressed may be mine, and may not be those of SLAC, \nStanford University, or the DOE.\n',
  'From: tmc@spartan.ac.BrockU.CA (Tim Ciceran)\nSubject: Re: TIFF -> Anything?!\nOrganization: Brock University, St. Catharines Ontario\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\nLines: 10\n\nThere is a program called Graphic Workshop you can FTP from\nwuarchive.  The file is in the msdos/graphics directory and\nis called "grfwk61t.zip."  This program should od everthing\nyou need.\n\n-- \n\nTMC\n(tmc@spartan.ac.BrockU.ca)\n\n',
  "From: dunnjj@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (DUNN  JONATHAN JAMES)\nSubject: Re: Dumbest automotive concepts of all time\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 24\n\nak296@yfn.ysu.edu (John R. Daker) writes:\n\n\n>Cup holders (driving is an importantant enough undertaking)\n\nThis is a good idea - so you can carry your (non-alcoholic) drinks without\nspilling or having someone hold on to them.\n\n>Cellular phones and mobile fax machines (see above)\n\nFax machines, yes.  Cellular phones:  Why not get a hands-free model?\n\n>Fake convertible roofs and vinyl roofs.\n\nSeemingly unique to American luxury cars.  The Big Three haven't yet realized\nthat the 1970s are over.\n\n>Any gold trim.\n\nI agree.  Just another display of Yuppie excess.\n\n>Jon Dunn<\n\n\n",
  'From: ed@cwis.unomaha.edu (Ed Stastny)\nSubject: The OTIS Project (FTP sites for original art and images)\nKeywords: Mr.Owl, how many licks...\nOrganization: University of Nebraska at Omaha\nLines: 227\n\n\n\t-------------------------------------\n\t+ ............The OTIS Project \'93  +      \n\t+ "The Operative Term Is STIMULATE" + \n\t-------------------------------------\n\t---this file last updated..4-21-93---\n\n\nWHAT IS OTIS?\n\nOTIS is here for the purpose of distributing original artwork\nand photographs over the network for public perusal, scrutiny,    \nand distribution.  Digital immortality.\n\nThe basic idea behind "digital immortality" is that computer networks   \nare here to stay and that anything interesting you deposit on them\nwill be around near-forever.  The GIFs and JPGs of today will be the\nartifacts of a digital future.  Perhaps they\'ll be put in different\nformats, perhaps only surviving on backup tapes....but they\'ll be\nthere...and someone will dig them up.  \n \nIf that doesn\'t interest you... OTIS also offers a forum for critique\nand exhibition of your works....a virtual art gallery that never closes\nand exists in an information dimension where your submissions will hang\nas wallpaper on thousands of glowing monitors.  Suddenly, life is \nbreathed into your work...and by merit of it\'s stimulus, it will \ntravel the globe on pulses of light and electrons.\n \nSpectators are welcome also, feel free to browse the gallery and \nlet the artists know what you think of their efforts.  Keep your own\ncopies of the images to look at when you\'ve got the gumption...\nthat\'s what they\'re here for.\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWHERE?             \n\nOTIS currently (as of 4/21/93) has two FTP sites.  \n \n \t141.214.4.135 (projects/otis), the UWI site\n\t\t\n\tsunsite.unc.edu (/pub/multimedia/pictures/OTIS), the SUNsite \n\t(you can also GOPHER to this site for OTIS as well)\n\nMerely "anonymous FTP" to either site on Internet and change to the\nappropriate directory.  Don\'t forget to get busy and use the "bin"\ncommand to make sure you\'re in binary.\n\nOTIS has also been spreading to some dial-up BBS systems around North\nAmerica....the following systems have a substancial supply of\nOTIStuff...\n\tUnderground Cafe (Omaha) (402.339.0179) 2 lines\n\tCyberDen (SanFran?) (415.472.5527)  Usenet Waffle-iron\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n \nHOW DO YOU CONTRIBUTE?\n              \nWhat happens is...you draw a pretty picture or take a lovely   \nphoto, get it scanned into an image file, then either FTP-put\nit in the CONTRIB/Incoming directory or use UUENCODE to send it to me\n(email addresses at eof) in email.  After the image is received,\nit will be put into the correct directory.  Computer originated works\nare also welcome.\n\nOTIS\' directories house two types of image files, GIF and JPG.  \nGIF and JPG files require, oddly enough, a GIF or JPG viewer to \nsee.  These viewers are available for all types of computers at \nmost large FTP sites around Internet.  JPG viewers are a bit\ntougher to find.  If you can\'t find one, but do have a GIF viewer,  \nyou can obtain a JPG-to-GIF conversion program which will change    \nJPG files to a standard GIF format. \n\nOTIS also accepts animation files.      \n\nWhen you submit image files, please send me email at the same time\nstating information about what you uploaded and whether it is to be\nused (in publications or other projects) or if it is merely for people\nto view.  Also, include some biographical information on yourself, we\'ll\nbe having info-files on each contributing artist and their works.  You \ncan also just upload a text-file of info about yourself (instead of \nemailing).\n\nIf you have pictures, but no scanner, there is hope.  Merely send\ncopies to:\n\nThe OTIS Project\nc/o Ed Stastny\nPO BX 241113\nOmaha, NE 68124-1113\n\nI will either scan them myself or get them to someone who will  \nscan them.  Include an ample SASE if you want your stuff back.  \nAlso include information on each image, preferably a 1-3 line \ndescription of the image that we can include in the infofile in the\ndirectory where it\'s finally put.  If you have preferences as to what\nthe images are to be named, include those as well.  \n \nConversely, if you have a scanner and would like to help out, please\ncontact me and we\'ll arrange things.\n\nIf you want to submit your works by disk, peachy.  Merely send a 3.5"\ndisk to the above address (Omaha) and a SASE if you want your disk back.\nThis is good for people who don\'t have direct access to encoders or FTP,\nbut do have access to a scanner.  We accept disks in either Mac or IBM\ncompatible format.  If possible, please submit image files as GIF or\nJPG.  If you can\'t...we can convert from most formats...we\'d just rather\nnot have to.\n\nAt senders request, we can also fill disks with as much OTIS as they\ncan stand.  Even if you don\'t have stuff to contribute, you can send\na blank disk and an SASE (or $2.50 for disk, postage and packing) to \nget a slab-o-OTIS.\n\nAs of 04/21/93, we\'re at about 18 megabytes of files, and growing.  \nEmail me for current archive size and directory.\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nDISTRIBUTION?\n\nThe images distributed by the OTIS project may be distributed freely   \non the condition that the original filename is kept and that it is\nnot altered in any way (save to convert from one image format to\nanother).  In fact, we encourage files to be distributed to local \nbulletin boards and such.  If you could, please transport the\nappropriate text files along with the images.  \n \nIt would also be nice if you\'d send me a note when you did post images\nfrom OTIS to your local bbs.  I just want to keep track of them so\nparticipants can have some idea how widespread their stuff is.\n\nIt\'s the purpose of OTIS to get these images spread out as much as\npossible.  If you have the time, please upload a few to your favorite\nBBS system....or even just post this "info-file" there.  It would be\nkeen of you.\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nUSE?\n\nIf you want to use any of the works you find on the OTIS directory,\nyou\'ll have to check to see if permission has been granted and the \nstipulations of the permission (such as free copy of publication, or\nfull address credit).  You will either find this in the ".rm" file for    \nthe image or series of images...or in the "Artists" directory under the \nArtists name.  If permission isn\'t explicitly given, then you\'ll have \nto contact the artist to ask for it.  If no info is available, email\nme (ed@cwis.unomaha.edu), and I\'ll get in contact with the artist for \nyou, or give you their contact information.\n \nWhen you DO use permitted work, it\'s always courteous to let the artist\nknow about it, perhaps even send them a free copy or some such\ncompensation for their files.\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nNAMING IMAGES?\n\nPlease keep the names of your files in "dos" format.  That means, keep\nthe filename (before .jpg or .gif) to eight characters or less.  The way\nI usually do it is to use the initials of the artist, plus a three or\nfour digit "code" for the series of images, plus the series number.\nThus, Leonardo DeVinci\'s fifth mechanical drawing would be something\nlike:\n \n\tldmek5.gif     OR    ldmek5.jpg    OR    ldmech5.gif   ETC\n\nKeeping the names under 8 characters assures that the filename will\nremain intact on all systems.  \n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\nCREATING IMAGE FILES?\n\nWhen creating image files, be sure to at least include your name\nsomewhere on or below the picture.  This gives people a reference in\ncase they\'d like to contact you.  You may also want to include a title,\naddress or other information you\'d like people to know.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nHMMM?!\n\nThat\'s about it for now.  More "guidelines" will be added as needed.\nYour input is expected.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nDISCLAIMER:  The OTIS Project has no connection to the Church of OTIS  \n \t     (a sumerian deity) or it\'s followers, be they pope, priest,\n\t     or ezine administrator.  We do take sacrifices and donations\n\t     however.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nDISCLAIMER:  The OTIS Project is here for the distribution of original \n \t     image files.  The files will go to the public at large.  \n\t     It\'s possible, as with any form of mass-media, that someone\n\t     could unscrupulously use your images for financial gain.  \n    \t     Unless you\'ve given permission for that, it\'s illegal.  OTIS\n\t     takes no responsibility for this.  In simple terms, all rights\n\t     revert to the author/artist.  To leave an image on OTIS is to \n\t     give permission for it to be viewed, copied and distributed \n\t     electronically.  If you don\'t want your images distributed     \n\t     all-over, don\'t upload them.  To leave an image on OTIS is\n\t     NOT giving permission to have it used in any publication or\n\t     broadcast that incurs profit (this includes, but is not \n\t     limited to, magazines, newsletters, clip-art software,        \n\t     screen-printed clothing, etc).  You must give specific\n\t     permission for this sort of usage.  \n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRemember, the operative term is "stimulate".  If you know of people\nthat\'d be interested in this sort of thing...get them involved...kick\'m\nin the booty....offer them free food...whatever...\n\n....e  (ed@cwis.unomaha.edu)\n       (ed@sunsite.unc.edu)\n\n--\nEd Stastny           | OTIS Project, END PROCESS, SOUND News and Arts \nPO BX 241113\t     | FTP: sunsite.unc.edu (/pub/multimedia/pictures/OTIS)\nOmaha, NE 68124-1113 | (projects/otis)\n---------------------- EMail: ed@cwis.unomaha.edu, ed@sunsite.unc.edu\n',
  'From: n8643084@henson.cc.wwu.edu (owings matthew)\nSubject: Re: Riceburner Respect\nArticle-I.D.: henson.1993Apr15.200429.21424\nOrganization: Western Washington University\n \n  The 250 ninja and XL 250 got ridden all winter long.  I always wave.  I\nLines: 13\n\nam amazed at the number of Harley riders who ARE waving even to a lowly\nbaby ninja.  Let\'s keep up the good attitudes.  Brock Yates said in this\nmonths Car and Driver he is ready for a war (against those who would rather\nwe all rode busses).  We bikers should be too.\n\nIt\'s a freedom that we all wanna know\nand it\'s an obsession to some\nto keep the world in your rearview mirror\nwhile you try to run down the sun\n\n"Wheels" by Rhestless Heart\nMarty O.\n87 250 ninja\n73 XL 250 Motosport\n',
  'From: wcs@anchor.ho.att.com (Bill Stewart +1-908-949-0705)\nSubject: Re: THE CLIPPER CHIP: A TECHNICAL SUMMARY\nOrganization: Brought to you by the numbers 2, 3, and 7\nIn-Reply-To: denning@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu\'s message of 19 Apr 93 18:23:27 -0400\nNntp-Posting-Host: rainier.ho.att.com\nLines: 62\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.182327.3420@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu> denning@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu writes:\n\t[Prof. Denning\'s description of SkipJack mostly omitted]\n\n\tCHIP STRUCTURE\n\tThe Clipper Chip contains a classified 64-bit block encryption\n\talgorithm called "Skipjack."  The algorithm uses 80 bit keys (compared\n\twith 56 for the DES) and has 32 rounds of scrambling (compared with 16\n\tfor the DES).  It supports all 4 DES modes of operation.  Throughput is\n\t16 Mbits a second. [...]\n\n\tF, an 80-bit family key that is common to all chips\n\tN, a 30-bit serial number\n\tU, an 80-bit secret key that unlocks all messages encrypted\n\t\t with the chip\n\tThe key K and message stream M (i.e., digitized voice) are then\n\tfed into the Clipper Chip to produce two values:\n\n  \t   E[M; K], the encrypted message stream, and \n\t   E[E[K; U] + N; F], a law enforcement block.  \n\nThree questions:\n1) It looks like each 64 bits of input gives you 4*64 bits of output:\n\t\tE[M;K] = 64 bits\n\t\tE[K;U] = E[ 80 bits ] = 128 bits\n\t\tE[ E[K;U], N ; F ] = E[ 128 + 30 bits ] = 192 bits\n   Do you really need to transmit all 256 bits each time,\n   or do you only transmit the 192 bits of wiretap block at the beginning?   \n   All 256 would be really obnoxious for bandwidth-limited applications\n   like cellular phones (or even regular phones over \n\n2) how do the 4 DES modes interact with the two-part output?\n   Do the various feedback modes only apply to the message block,\n   or also to the wiretap block?  Or, if the wiretap block is only\n   transmitted at the beginning, does it get incorporated into\n   everything through feedback modes, but not during ECB mode?\n\n3) Does the Clipper Chip check the wiretap block itself?\n   Does the block have to be present at all?\n   Since the receiving chip doesn\'t know the transmitter\'s U,\n   it presumably can\'t check the validity of E[K;U], so it\'s \n   limited to checking the *form* of the wiretap block,\n   and maybe checking the serial number for reasonableness\n   (unless there\'s some sort of back-door structure that lets\n   it recognize a valid E[K;U].)\n   \n   In that case, can you replace the wiretap block with a DIFFERENT\n   wiretap block, presumably an old valid one to avoid attracting attention?\n   (The chip won\'t do it, so you postprocess the output.)\n   Regular people can do one with their own serial number and a dummy key;\n   paranoid people can use someone else\'s serial number.\n\n   On the other hand, if I could think of that solution so easily,\n   presumably the NSA could too - have they done something to block it,\n   like use message encryption that\'s really E[M; K,U,N] ?\n\n\n\tThanks!\n--\n#\t\t\t\tPray for peace;      Bill\n# Bill Stewart 1-908-949-0705 wcs@anchor.att.com AT&T Bell Labs 4M312 Holmdel NJ\n#\t              No, I\'m *from* New Jersey, I only *work* in cyberspace....\n# White House Commect Line 1-202-456-1111  fax 1-202-456-2461\n',
  "From: sdr@llnl.gov (Dakota)\nSubject: Re: HELP for Kidney Stones ..............\nOrganization: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, NCD\nLines: 30\nNNTP-Posting-Host: eet1477-10780-t1477r1104.llnl.gov\n\nIn article <1993Apr21.143910.5826@wvnvms.wvnet.edu> \npk115050@wvnvms.wvnet.edu writes:\n> My girlfriend is in pain from kidney stones. She says that because she \nhas no\n> medical insurance, she cannot get them removed.\n> \n> My question: Is there any way she can treat them herself, or at least \nmitigate\n> their effects? Any help is deeply appreciated. (Advice, referral to \nliterature,\n> etc...)\n> \n> Thank you,\n> \n> Dave Carvell\n> pk115050@wvnvms.wvnet.edu\n\nFirst, let me offer you my condolences.  I've had kidney stones 4 times \nand I know the pain she is going through.  First, it is best that she see \na doctor.  However, every time I had kidney stones, I saw my doctor and the\nonly thing they did was to prescribe some pain killers and medication for a\nurinary tract infection.  The pain killers did nothing for me...kidney stones\nare extremely painful.  My stones were judged passable, so we just waited it\nout.  However the last one took 10 days to pass...not fun.  Anyway, if she\nabsolutely won't see a doctor, I suggest drinking lots of fluids and perhaps\nan over the counter sleeping pill.  But, I do highly suggest seeing a doctor.\nKidney stones are not something to fool around with.  She should be x-rayed \nto make sure there is not a serious problem.\n\nSteve\n",
  'From: arp0150@ritvax.isc.rit.edu (PIEMAN)\nSubject: MacPlus Home brew Acceler question??\nNntp-Posting-Host: vaxb.isc.rit.edu\nReply-To: arp0150@ritvax.isc.rit.edu\nOrganization: Rochester Institute of Technology\nLines: 16\n\nha... all this talk about changing the clock speed of the q700 makes me ask??\n if i replaced the 8mhz 68000 in my plus with a 16mhz 68000 with a 16mhz\nclock occilater of its own( not shared by the rest of the mac... just the new\n16mhz68000)  would my mac work..... and if it would work.. would you think there\nwhere be any problems with sound, vidio,scsi........\n\nit seems like a simple solution to keepa dead slow mechine a\nlive a little longer..\n   Oh if this would not work any idears on how to make it work???\n\t\tthanks\n\t\t\n\t\t alex\n\nARP0150@ritvax.isc.rit.edu\n\n\n',
  'From: cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer)\nSubject: Re: Professors Whining About Pay\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: Optilink Corporation, Petaluma, CA\nLines: 53\n\nIn article <1qf2kqINNrkd@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov>, fogarty@sir-c.jpl.nasa.gov (Tim Fogarty) writes:\n> In article <15320@optilink.COM>, cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer) writes:\n> |>In article <1q4k3bINNe6k@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov>, fogarty@sir-c.jpl.nasa.gov (Tim Fogarty) writes:\n> |>> In article <15307@optilink.COM>, cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer) writes:\n# |## |#2. Professors get summers off; industry employees don\'t.\n# |## \n# |## What professor gets the summer off ?  The primary purpose of a professor\n# |## at a university is to publish.  Teaching is secondary.  The summer\n# |## is when professors are able to do the research required for their\n# |## papers.\n# |#\n# |#I\'m told by my advisor that only at some universities is publishing\n# |#the primary emphasis; many professors in the Cal State University\n# |#system don\'t publish at all.  Those that prefer teaching are under\n# |#no pressure to publish.\n# |#\n# \n# When discussing and issue, it helps that all participants use the same\n# definitions, although this rarely occurs on Usenet.\n# \n# When I use the term "university", I think of an organization that has\n# a Bachelors, Masters, and PhD program.  I believe that Cal State schools\n# do not.  I call them colleges.  UC schools are universities.  At a univeristy\n# the number one goal is to publish.\n\nCal State University system offers bachlors and masters degrees.  The\nPh.D. is not offered, because of opposition from UC.\n\n# At the Cal State schools, do the professors you speak of have PhDs?  At\n\nNearly all the professors have PhDs.  I haven\'t had a professor who didn\'t,\nthough my wife has had a couple of professors with just an M.A.  A friend\nhad an instructor who didn\'t have a degree at all, but because he had\nbeen Minister of Culture for the Black Panthers, he was teaching anyway.\nHe had a bad habit of usually not showing up to teach the class, and\nfinally quit in disgust at the racism of a university that expected him\nto show up to teach.\n\n# a university you have professors with PhDs and then Teaching Assistants (TAs).\n# TAs were the slave labor, graduate students who got their tuition paid, and\n# a few hundred a month for living expenses in exchange for doing all the grunt\n# work.  The professors taught the lectures, with 100 to 500 students per class,\n# then the TAs taught the labs, with 20 to 30 per class.\n# \n# Tim Fogarty (FOGARTY@SIR-C.JPL.NASA.GOV)\n\nAt Sonoma State University, typical class size is 20 to 30 per class.\nTeaching is definitely more the goal, and sometimes, it actually happens.\nThe best professors at Sonoma State U. are equivalent to the best \nprofessors I had at UCLA and USC.\n-- \nClayton E. Cramer {uunet,pyramid}!optilink!cramer  My opinions, all mine!\nRelations between people to be by mutual consent, or not at all.\n',
  "From: dyoung@media.mit.edu (David Young)\nSubject: Drawing Lines (inverse/xor)\nOrganization: MIT Media Laboratory\nLines: 40\n\nI'm trying to write some code that lets me draw lines and do rubber-band\nboxes in Motif/X.  I'm running on an 8-bit display for which I've created a\ncolormap and am using almost all of the colors.  I want to draw the lines\nin a drawing area widget -- a widget in which I'm displaying a bitmap using\nXPutImage().  If doesn't matter if the lines I draw interactively stay\naround when the window is refreshed.\n\nCurrently, to draw interactively, I begin with:\n\n   /* drawIndex is an colortable index I reserve for the Foreground */\n   /* my_default_bg_color is the color index for the background of my image */\n   palette_colors[drawIndex].red =   palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].red;\n   palette_colors[drawIndex].green = palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].green;\n   palette_colors[drawIndex].blue =  palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].blue;\n   XStoreColors( myDisplay, my_cmap, &palette_colors[DrawIndex], 1);\n   XFlush( myDisplay);\n\n   XSetFunction( myDisplay, gc, GXxor);\n   XSetForeground( myDisplay, gc, drawIndex);\n\nThen to draw I do:\n\n   XDrawLine( myDisplay, XtWindow( drawingArea1), gc, x1, y1, x2, y2);\n   XFlush( myDisplay);\n\nAnd when I'm all done, to return things to normal I do:\n\n   XSetFunction( myDisplay, gc, GXcopy);\n\n\nWhat I'd like to happen is for the lines I draw to be the inverse of\nwhatever I'm drawing over.  Instead what happens is I get white lines.  If\nthe lines are over a white background - nothing shows up.  If the lines are\nover a black area - nothing shows up!  It's very strange.  But the GXxor\nfunction seems right - since if I do a rubber-banding box, it erases and\nredraws itself correctly (ie. not disturbing the underlying image).\n\nAny suggestions what I'm doing wrong?\n\ndavid\n",
  'From: ejalbert@husc3.harvard.edu\nSubject: Re: Monophysites and Mike Walker\nOrganization: Harvard University Science Center\nLines: 113\n\nIn article <May.>, db7n+@andrew.cmu.edu (D. Andrew Byler) writes:\n>>\t\t- Mike Walker \n>> \n>>[If you are using the standard formula of fully God and fully human,\n>>that I\'m not sure why you object to saying that Jesus was human.  I\n>>think the usual analysis would be that sin is not part of the basic\n>>definition of humanity.  It\'s a consequence of the fall.  Jesus is\n>>human, but not a fallen human.  --clh]\n> \nI differ with our moderator on this.  I thought the whole idea of God coming\ndown to earth to live as one of us "subject to sin and death" (as one of\nthe consecration prayers in the Book of Common Prayer (1979) puts it) was\nthat Jesus was tempted, but did not succumb.  If sin is not part of the\nbasic definition of humanity, then Jesus "fully human" (Nicea) would not\nbe "subject to sin", but then the Resurrection loses some of its meaning,\nbecause we encounter our humanity most powerfully when we sin.  To distinguish\nbetween "human" and "fallen human" makes Jesus less like one of us at the\ntime we need him most.\n\n> [These issues get mighty subtle.  When you see people saying different\n> things it\'s often hard to tell whether they really mean seriously\n> different things, or whether they are using different terminology.  I\n> don\'t think there\'s any question that there is a problem with\n> Nestorius, and I would agree that the saying Christ had a human form\n> without a real human nature or will is heretical.  But I\'d like to be\n> a bit wary about the Copts, Armenians, etc.  Recent discussions\n> suggest that their monophysite position may not be as far from\n> orthodoxy as many had thought.  Nestorius was an extreme\n> representative of one of the two major schools of thought.  More\n> moderate representatives were regarded as orthodox, e.g. Theodore of\n> Mopsuestia.  My impression is that the modern monophysite groups\n> inherit the entire tradition, not just Nestorius\' version, and that\n> some of them may have a sufficient balanced position to be regarded as\n> orthodox.  --clh]\n\nFirst, the Monophysites inherited none of Nestorius\'s version -- they \nwere on the opposite end of the spectrum from him.  Second, the historical\nrecord suggests that the positions attributed to Nestorius were not as\nextreme as his (successful) opponents (who wrote the conventional history)\nclaimed.  Mainly Nestorius opposed the term Theotokos for Mary, arguing\n(I think correctly) that a human could not be called Mother of God.  I mean,\nin the Athanasian Creed we talk about the Son "uncreate" -- surely even \nArians would concede that Jesus existed long before Mary.  Anyway, Nestorius\'s\nopponents claimed that by saying Mary was not Theotokos, that he claimed\nthat she only gave birth to the human nature of Jesus, which would require\ntwo seperate and distinct natures.  The argument fails though, because\nMary simply gave birth to Jesus, who preexisted her either divinely,\nif you accept "Nestorianism" as commonly defined, or both natures intertwined,\na la Chalcedon.\n\nSecond, I am not sure that "Nestorianism" is not a better alternative than\nthe orthodox view.  After all, I find it hard to believe that pre-Incarnation\nthat Jesus\'s human nature was in heaven; likewise post-Ascension.  I think\nrather that God came to earth and took our nature upon him.  It was a seperate\nnature, capable of being tempted as in Gethsemane (since I believe the divine\nnature could never be tempted) but in its moments of weakness the divine nature\nprevailed.\n\nComments on the above warmly appreciated.\n\nJason Albert\n\n[There may be differences in what we mean by "subject to sin".  The\noriginal complaint was from someone who didn\'t see how we could call\nJesus fully human, because he didn\'t sin.  I completely agree that\nJesus was subject to temptation.  I simply object to the idea that by\nnot succumbing, he is thereby not fully human.  I believe that you do\nnot have to sin in order to be human.\n\nI again apologize for confusing Nestorianism and monophysitism.  I\nagree with you, and have said elsewhere, that there\'s reason to think\nthat not everyone who is associated with heretical positions was in\nfact heretical.  There are scholars who maintain that Nestorius was\nnot Nestorian.  I have to confess that the first time I read some of\nthe correspondence between Nestorius and his opponents, I thought he\ngot the better of them.\n\nHowever, most scholars do believe that the work that eventually led to\nChalcedon was an advance, and that Nestorius was at the very least\n"rash and dogmatic" (as the editor of "The Christological Controversy"\nrefers to him) in rejecting all approaches other than his own.  As\nregular Usenet readers know, narrowness can be just as much an\nimpediment as being wrong.  Furthermore, he did say some things that I\nthink are problematical.  He responds to a rather mild letter from\nCyril with a flame worthy of Usenet.  In it he says "To attribute also\nto [the Logos], in the name of [the incarnation] the characteristics\nof the flesh that has been conjoined with him ... is, my brother,\neither the work of a mind which truly errs in the fashion of the\nGreeks or that of a mind diseased with the insane heresy of Arius and\nApollinaris and the others.  Those who are thus carried away with the\nidea of this association are bound, because of it, to make the divine\nLogos have a part in being fed with milk and participate to some\ndegree in growh and stand in need of angelic assistance because of his\nfearfulness ...  These things are taken falsely when they are put off\non the deity and they become the occasion of just condemnation for us\nwho perpetrate the falsehood."\n\nIt\'s all well and good to maintain a proper distinction between\nhumanity and divinity.  But the whole concept of incarnation is based\non exactly the idea that the divine Logos does in fact have "to some\ndegree" a part in being born, growing up, and dying.  Of course it\nmust be understood that there\'s a certain indirectness in the Logos\'\nparticipation in these things.  But there must be some sort of\nidentification between the divine and human, or we don\'t have an\nincarnation at all.  Nestorius seemed to think in black and white\nterms, and missed the sorts of nuances one needs to deal with this\narea.\n\nYou say "I find it hard to believe that pre-Incarnation that Jesus\'s\nhuman nature was in heaven."  I don\'t think that\'s required by\northodox doctrine.  It\'s the divine Logos that is eternal.\n\n--clh]\n',
  "From: detroch@imec.be (Stefan De Troch)\nSubject: virtual mwm ? \nNntp-Posting-Host: nemesis\nReply-To: detroch@imec.be\nOrganization: IMEC, Kapeldreef 75  3001 Leuven  Belgium\nLines: 12\n\n\n-- \nHi netland,\n\nI thought that I once read about the existance of a virtual mwm like vtwm.\nOn the usual ftp sites (gatakeeper.dec.com, export.lcs.mit.edu) I can't find\nany trace of this program. Could anybody give me a hint where to find this\nprogram or confirm/deny the existance of this program.\n\nRegards,\n\n  Stefan\n",
  "From: weber@sipi.usc.edu (Allan G. Weber)\nSubject: Need help with Mitsubishi P78U image printer\nOrganization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA\nLines: 26\nDistribution: na\nNNTP-Posting-Host: sipi.usc.edu\n\nOur group recently bought a Mitsubishi P78U video printer and I could use some\nhelp with it.  We bought this thing because it (1) has a parallel data input in\naddition to the usual video signal inputs and (2) claimed to print 256 gray\nlevel images.  However, the manual that came with it only describes how to\nformat the parallel data to print 1 and 4 bit/pixel images.  After some initial\nproblems with the parallel interface I now have this thing running from a\nparallel port of an Hewlett-Packard workstation and I can print 1 and 4\nbit/pixel images just fine.  I called the Mitsubishi people and asked about the\n256 level claim and they said that was only available when used with the video\nsignal inputs.  This was not mentioned in the sales literature.  However they\ndid say the P78U can do 6 bit/pixel (64 level) images in parallel mode, but\nthey didn't have any information about how to program it to do so, and they\nwould call Japan, etc.\n\nFrankly, I find it hard to believe that if this thing can do 8 bit/pixel images\nfrom the video source, it can't store 8 bits/pixel in the memory.  It's not\nlike memory is that expensive any more.  If anybody has any information on\ngetting 6 bit/pixel (or even 8 bit/pixel) images out of this thing, I would\ngreatly appreciate your sending it to me.\n\nThanks.\n\nAllan Weber\nSignal & Image Processing Institute\nUniversity of Southern California\nweber@sipi.usc.edu\n",
  "From: kludge@grissom.larc.nasa.gov (Scott Dorsey)\nSubject: Re: Need to find out number to a phone line\nOrganization: NASA Langley Research Center and Reptile Farm\nLines: 16\nNNTP-Posting-Host: grissom.larc.nasa.gov\n\nIn article <20756.2bd16dea@ecs.umass.edu> alee@ecs.umass.edu writes:\n>\n>Greetings!\n>      \n>        Situation:  I have a phone jack mounted on a wall.  I don't\n>                    know the number of the line.  And I don't want\n>                    to call up the operator to place a trace on it.\n>\n>        Question:   Is there a certain device out there that I can\n>                    use to find out the number to the line?\n\n\nCall a friend long distance, collect.  Ask to speak with yourself.  When\nthe operator asks for you, you won't be there, so ask the operator to leave\nyour number.  She'll read it out in the clear.\n--scott\n",
  "From: markus@octavia.anu.edu.au (Markus Buchhorn)\nSubject: HDF readers/viewers\nOrganization: Australian National University, Canberra\nLines: 33\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\nOriginator: markus@octavia\n\n\n\nG'day all,\n\nCan anybody point me at a utility which will read/convert/crop/whatnot/\ndisplay HDF image files ? I've had a look at the HDF stuff under NCSA \nand it must take an award for odd directory structure, strange storage\napproaches and minimalist documentation :-)\n\nPart of the problem is that I want to look at large (5MB+) HDF files and\ncrop out a section. Ideally I would like a hdftoppm type of utility, from\nwhich I can then use the PBMplus stuff quite merrily. I can convert the cropped\npart into another format for viewing/animation.\n\nOtherwise, can someone please explain how to set up the NCSA Visualisation S/W\nfor HDF (3.2.r5 or 3.3beta) and do the above cropping/etc. This is for\nSuns with SunOS 4.1.2.\n\nAny help GREATLY appreciated. Ta muchly !\n\nCheers,\n\tMarkus\n\n-- \nMarkus Buchhorn, Parallel Computing Research Facility\nemail = markus@octavia.anu.edu.au\nAustralian National University, Canberra, 0200 , Australia.\n[International = +61 6, Australia = 06] [Phone = 2492930, Fax = 2490747]\n-- \nMarkus Buchhorn, Parallel Computing Research Facility\nemail = markus@octavia.anu.edu.au\nAustralian National University, Canberra, 0200 , Australia.\n[International = +61 6, Australia = 06] [Phone = 2492930, Fax = 2490747]\n",
  'Subject: Re: Once tapped, your code is no good any more.\nFrom: a_rubin@dsg4.dse.beckman.com (Arthur Rubin)\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: Beckman Instruments, Inc.\nNntp-Posting-Host: dsg4.dse.beckman.com\nLines: 33\n\nIn <strnlghtC5uIJ4.76t@netcom.com> strnlght@netcom.com (David Sternlight) writes:\n\n>In article <ELEE9SF.93Apr21095141@menudo.menudo.UH.EDU>\n>elee9sf@menudo.menudo.UH.EDU (Karl Barrus) writes:\n\n>>\n>>Would you trust a black-box from the NSA versus an "open system" from\n>>elsewhere?\n\n>Absolutely, if I were assured by someone I trusted that the black box was\n>more secure. I have nothing to conceal from the government, but I would like\n>to be sure that any Russian, Japanese, French, or other competitors for my\n>services can\'t read my traffic. I\'d like to be sure that competitive bid\n>information was safe from commercial competitors and foreign governments\n>which would aid them.\n\n>I believe the NSA has identical motivations with respect to my activities.\n>The President and many other senior government officials have made it very\n>clear that they share these motivations. Thus I\'d trust them on the\n>"coincidence of interests" argument as well as on a basic trust in their\n>professionalism and a high confidence in their skills.\n\n>David\n>-- \n>David Sternlight         Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of\n>                         our information, errors and omissions excepted.  \n\nNothing but errors and omissions here!\n\n--\nArthur L. Rubin: a_rubin@dsg4.dse.beckman.com (work) Beckman Instruments/Brea\n216-5888@mcimail.com 70707.453@compuserve.com arthur@pnet01.cts.com (personal)\nMy opinions are my own, and do not represent those of my employer.\n',
  'From: tomk@skywalker.bocaraton.ibm.com (Thomas Chun-Hong Kok)\nSubject: Re: Hypercard for UNIX\nOrganization: IBM Austin\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <1993Apr23.114028.17633@bernina.ethz.ch>, queloz@bernina.ethz.ch (Ronald Queloz) writes:\n> Hi netlanders,\n> \n> Does anybody know if there is something like Macintosh Hypercard for any UNIX \n> platform?\n> \n> \n> Thanks in advance\n> \n> \n> Ron.\n\n-- \n\nTry MetaCard - a HyperCard-like programming environment on X.\n\n\nChun Hong\n',
  'From: cobra@ravel.udel.edu (KING COBRA)\nSubject: Re: NHLPA poll (partial stats/results)\nNntp-Posting-Host: ravel.udel.edu\nOrganization: University of Delaware\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <ofnmaO_00iV1A6kYd2@andrew.cmu.edu> Young-Soo Che <yc25+@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:\n>All these people who send in their polls should take a closer look at\n>NJD, they are a very deep team, with two very capable goalies, and\n>excellent forwards and defensemen.  Shooter in Richer, an all around do\n>it all in Todd, chef Stasny-master of a thousand dishes, power play\n>captain-Stevens.  Take a look at the numbers, or play with them and see\n>for yourselves.\n\n  Yup. I agree with ya. I think Devils can beat Red Wings easily. SO I think\n  all those who send in their votes should try all these diffrent teams\n  before voting. I think Islanders and Quebec are much better then I had\n  expected.\n\n  COBRA\n\n\n\n*******************************************************************************\n**   ___  ____  ____  ____  ____  **                                         **\n**  /    /   / /___/ /___/ /___/  **   Sex is not the answer, sex is the     **\n** /___ /___/ /___/ / \\_  /   /   **   question. Yes is the answer.          **\n**                                **                                         **\n** E-mail: cobra@chopin.udel.edu  **                                         **\n**                                **                                         **\n*******************************************************************************\n\n',
  'From: aa888@freenet.carleton.ca (Mark Baker)\nSubject: Re: The arrogance of Christians\nReply-To: aa888@freenet.carleton.ca (Mark Baker)\nOrganization: The National Capital Freenet\nLines: 22\n\nIn a previous article, mhsu@lonestar.utsa.edu (Melinda . Hsu) says:\n\n>\n>Well the argument usually stops right there.  In the end,\n>aren\'t we all just kids, groping for the truth?  If so, do we have\n>the authority to declare all other beliefs besides our own as\n>false?\n>\n\nIf I don\'t think my belief is right and everyone else\'s belief is wrong,\nthen I don\'t have a belief. This is simply what belief means. Where does\nthe authority for a belief come from? Nowhere, for a belief is itself\nauthoratative. If I produce authority for a belief, where will I find\nauthority for my belief in the legitimacy of the authority. In short, \nthe mind has to start somewhere. (By the way, the majority of Christians,\ni.e. Catholics, believe in the authority of the Church, and derive the\nauthority of the Bible from its acceptance by the Church.)\n-- \n==============================================================================\nMark Baker                  | "The task ... is not to cut down jungles, but \naa888@Freenet.carleton.ca   | to irrigate deserts." -- C. S. Lewis\n==============================================================================\n',
  'From: MANDTBACKA@FINABO.ABO.FI (Mats Andtbacka)\nSubject: Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is\nOrganization: Unorganized Usenet Postings UnInc.\nLines: 51\nIn-Reply-To: cobb@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu\'s message of Fri, 16 Apr 1993 15:32:04 GMT\nX-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.24\n\nIn <C5L1tG.K5q@news.cso.uiuc.edu> cobb@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu writes:\n\n> If some society came up with a good reason for why rape and murder are ok I \n> would be consistent with my position and hold that it was still wrong.  My \n> basis of morality is not on societal norms, or on current legalities.  My\n> basis is, surprise surprise, on both the Bible and on inherent moral\n> abhorrences,\n\n      AH! But what, exactly, is "inherently abhorrent" and WHY is it so?\nWhat you\'re saying is, in effect, "I think some things are repulsive,\nand I know a whole bunch of other people who agree with me, so they\nshould be deemed absolutely immoral now and forever, period".\n\n      Which in and of itself is nice enough; to some extent I agree with\nyou. But I do _not_ agree that things are \'inherently\' or \'absolutely\'\nimmoral; they are labeled \'immoral\' each for its own good reason, and if\nthe reason can even theoretically change, then so can the label.\n\n[...]\n> Yes, that\'s vague, and the only way I know off the top of my head to\n> defend it is to say that all humans are similarly made. Yes, that falls\n> into the trap of creation,\n\n      No it doesn\'t. Humans are to some extent similar, because we all\nbelong to the same species; that that species has evolved is another\nstory altogether. To a certain extent evolution can even lend credence\nto moral absolutism (of a flavour).\n\n[...]\n> My arguments are that it is better to exhibit trust, goodness, \n> love, respect, courage, and honesty in any society rather than deceipt,\n> hatred, disrespect, "cowardness", and dishonesty.\n\n      You\'re saying morality is what\'ll keep society alive and kicking.\nIt is, I think, up to a point; but societies are not all alike, and\nneither are their moralities.\n\n> No, I haven\'t been everywhere and \n> seen everyone, but, according to my thesis, I don\'t have to, since I hold that\n> we were all created similarly.\n\n      Similar != identical.\n\n> If that makes an unfalsifiable thesis, just say\n> so, and I\'ll both work out what I can and punt to fellow theists.\n\n      No, it\'s falsifiable through finding someoe who was "created\ndifferent", whatever that might be in the "real" world.\n\n-- \n  Disclaimer?   "It\'s great to be young and insane!"\n',
  'From: pauls@trsvax.tandy.com\nSubject: Re: Need Info on DSP project\nNf-ID: #R:ee.ualberta.ca:735344986:trsvax:288200082:000:164\nNf-From: trsvax.tandy.com!pauls    Apr 21 09:31:00 1993\nLines: 6\n\n\nMotorola has a good app note on a 10 band equalizer using a 56000 DSP. It\ncould be easily ported to an Ariel board, or even a Turtle Beach 56K\ndevelopment system.\n\n\n',
  'From: atterlep@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Cardinal Ximenez)\nSubject: Re: The arrogance of Christians\nOrganization: National Association for the Disorganized\nLines: 35\n\nmhsu@lonestar.utsa.edu (Melinda . Hsu   ) writes:\n\n>I\'d like to share my thoughts on this topic of "arrogance of\n>Christians" and look forward to any responses.  In my\n>encounters with Christians, I find myself dismayed by their\n>belief that their faith is total truth.  According to them,\n>their beliefs come from the Bible and the bible is the word of\n>God and God is truth - thus they know the truth.  This stance\n>makes it difficult to discuss other faiths with them and my own\n>hesitations about Christianity because they see no other way.\n>Their way is the \'truth.\'\n\n>But I see their faith arising from a willful choice to believe\n>a particular way.  That choice is part faith and part reason,\n>but it seems to me a choice.\n\n  >[I\'m sort of mystified about how a Christian might respond to this.]\n\n  I\'ll start with a parable.\n \n  A Christian woman hires a carpenter to build her a birdhouse.  When he comes\nover, they begin talking about religion.  "So you believe that you understand\nGod?" he asks.  "Yes, I do," she replies.  "Then have him build you the \nbirdhouse."\n\n  I don\'t think that Melinda is complaining about the basis of Christian \nbelief.  However, there is a tendency among Christians to say, "I have all the \nanswers because God gave them to me."  This is simply not the case.\n  I believe that the Bible is inerrant.  However, our HUMAN interpretations of\nthe Bible are necessarily in error, because we are human and imperfect.  We\nhave to remember that we ALL make mistakes in faith, and that because we are\nhuman we have an imperfect understanding of the mind and will of God.  To\nclaim, as so many people do, that the existence of the Bible allows us to\ndetermine the answers to all questions is to claim that we humans can fully\nunderstand God\'s will.  This is hubris.\n',
  'From: atterlep@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Cardinal Ximenez)\nSubject: Re: Ancient Books\nOrganization: National Association for the Disorganized\nLines: 20\n\ncobb@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu (Mike Cobb) writes:\n\n>If I talk with an atheist and tell him the New Testament is an historically \n>reliable document, what reasons would I give him?\n\n  I have found that this isn\'t a very effective argument.  Most atheists are\nperfectly willing to acknowledge the existence and ministry of Jesus--but are\nquite capable of rationalizing the miracles and the resurrection into \nmisunderstandings, hoaxes, or simple fabrications.  They can always make an\nanalogy with the _Iliad_, a book that tells the story of the historical Trojan\nWar, but also talks about gods and goddesses and their conversations.\n  I don\'t think it\'s possible to convince atheists of the validity of \nChristianity through argument.  We have to help foster faith and an\nunderstanding of God.  I could be wrong--are there any former atheists here who\nwere led to Christianity by argument?\n\nAlan Terlep\t\t\t\t    "Incestuous vituperousness"\nOakland University, Rochester, MI\t\t\t\natterlep@vela.acs.oakland.edu\t\t\t\t   --Melissa Eggertsen\nRushing in where angels fear to tread.\t\t\n',
  'From: joel@math.toronto.edu (Joel Chan)\nSubject: Game Score Report\nOrganization: Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto\nLines: 12\n\nJust out of curiosity, what happened to the weekly AL and NL Game\nScore Reports?  I used to enjoy reading them throughout the summer\nfor the last two years.\n\nInquisitively yours,\n\nJoel\n-- \nJoel Chan <joel@math.toronto.edu>, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Toronto\nToronto Blue Jays -- 1992 World Series Champs!\n"History: Those who ignore it are condemned to repeat it.  Math, too."\n\t\t\t\t\t- From the comic strip "Betty"\n',
  "From: psyrobtw@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (Robert Weiss)\nSubject: 17 Apr 93   God's Promise in Luke 11:28\nOrganization: University at Buffalo\nLines: 8\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41\nNntp-Posting-Host: ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu\n\n\n\tBut he said,\n\tYea rather,\n\tblessed are they\n\tthat hear the word of God,\n\tand keep it.\n\n\tLuke 11:28\n",
  "From: andyh@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu (Andrew J. Huang)\nSubject: Re: Quick question\nKeywords: Removing panels.\nOrganization: Brandeis University\nLines: 12\n\nIn article <1993Apr5.211457.12789@ole.cdac.com> ssave@ole.cdac.com (The Devil Reincarnate) writes:\n> How do you take off the driver side door panel from the inside\n>on an '87 Honda Prelude?  The speaker went scratchy, and I want\n>to access its pins.\n>\n\nThere is something going on here.  It seems that once a month, the VW\ngroup must have get a specific detailed question about Hondas.  I\nwould like to ask that next month we get one about Hyundai instead of\nHonda.  Thank you.\n\n-andy\n",
  'From: jonas-y@isy.liu.se (Jonas Yngvesson)\nSubject: Re: Point within a polygon\nKeywords: point, polygon\nOrganization: Dept of EE, University of Linkoping\nLines: 129\n\nscrowe@hemel.bull.co.uk (Simon Crowe) writes:\n\n>I am looking for an algorithm to determine if a given point is bound by a \n>polygon. Does anyone have any such code or a reference to book containing\n>information on the subject ?\n\nWell, it\'s been a while since this was discussed so i take the liberty of\nreprinting (without permission, so sue me) Eric Haines reprint of the very\ninteresting discussion of this topic...\n\n                /Jonas\n\n                         O /         \\ O\n------------------------- X snip snip X ------------------------------\n                         O \\         / O\n\n"Give a man a fish, and he\'ll eat one day.\nGive a man a fishing rod, and he\'ll laze around fishing and never do anything."\n\nWith that in mind, I reprint (without permission, so sue me) relevant\ninformation posted some years ago on this very problem.  Note the early use of\nPostScript technology, predating many of this year\'s papers listed in the\nApril 1st SIGGRAPH Program Announcement posted here a few days ago.\n\n-- Eric\n\n\nIntersection Between a Line and a Polygon (UNDECIDABLE??),\n\tby Dave Baraff, Tom Duff\n\n\tFrom: deb@charisma.graphics.cornell.edu\n\tNewsgroups: comp.graphics\n\tKeywords: P, NP, Jordan curve separation, Ursyhon Metrization Theorem\n\tOrganization: Program of Computer Graphics\n\nIn article [...] ncsmith@ndsuvax.UUCP (Timothy Lyle Smith) writes:\n>\n>  I need to find a formula/algorithm to determine if a line intersects\n>  a polygon.  I would prefer a method that would do this in as little\n>  time as possible.  I need this for use in a forward raytracing\n>  program.\n\nI think that this is a very difficult problem.  To start with, lines and\npolygons are semi-algebraic sets which both contain uncountable number of\npoints.  Here are a few off-the-cuff ideas.\n\nFirst, we need to check if the line and the polygon are separated.  Now, the\nJordan curve separation theorem says that the polygon divides the plane into\nexactly two open (and thus non-compact) regions.  Thus, the line lies\ncompletely inside the polygon, the line lies completely outside the polygon,\nor possibly (but this will rarely happen) the line intersects the polyon.\n\nNow, the phrasing of this question says "if a line intersects a polygon", so\nthis is a decision problem.  One possibility (the decision model approach) is\nto reduce the question to some other (well known) problem Q, and then try to\nsolve Q.  An answer to Q gives an answer to the original decision problem.\n\nIn recent years, many geometric problems have been successfully modeled in a\nnew language called PostScript.  (See "PostScript Language", by Adobe Systems\nIncorporated, ISBN # 0-201-10179-3, co. 1985).\n\nSo, given a line L and a polygon P, we can write a PostScript program that\ndraws the line L and the polygon P, and then "outputs" the answer.  By\n"output", we mean the program executes a command called "showpage", which\nactually prints a page of paper containing the line and the polygon.  A quick\nexamination of the paper provides an answer to the reduced problem Q, and thus\nthe original problem.\n\nThere are two small problems with this approach. \n\n\t(1) There is an infinite number of ways to encode L and P into the\n\treduced problem Q.  So, we will be forced to invoke the Axiom of\n\tChoice (or equivalently, Zorn\'s Lemma).  But the use of the Axiom of\n\tChoice is not regarded in a very serious light these days.\n\n\t(2) More importantly, the question arises as to whether or not the\n\tPostScript program Q will actually output a piece of paper; or in\n\tother words, will it halt?\n\n\tNow, PostScript is expressive enough to encode everything that a\n\tTuring Machine might do; thus the halting problem (for PostScript) is\n\tundecidable.  It is quite possible that the original problem will turn\n\tout to be undecidable.\n\n\nI won\'t even begin to go into other difficulties, such as aliasing, finite\nprecision and running out of ink, paper or both.\n\nA couple of references might be:\n\n1. Principia Mathematica.  Newton, I.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,\n   England.  (Sorry, I don\'t have an ISBN# for this).\n\n2. An Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.  Hopcroft, J\n   and Ulman, J.\n\n3. The C Programming Language. Kernighan, B and Ritchie, D.\n\n4. A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens, C.\n\n--------\n\nFrom: td@alice.UUCP (Tom Duff)\nSummary: Overkill.\nOrganization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill NJ\n\nThe situation is not nearly as bleak as Baraff suggests (he should know\nbetter, he\'s hung around The Labs for long enough).  By the well known\nDobbin-Dullman reduction (see J. Dullman & D. Dobbin, J. Comp. Obfusc.\n37,ii:  pp. 33-947, lemma 17(a)) line-polygon intersection can be reduced to\nHamiltonian Circuit, without(!) the use of Grobner bases, so LPI (to coin an\nacronym) is probably only NP-complete.  Besides, Turing-completeness will no\nlonger be a problem once our Cray-3 is delivered, since it will be able to\ncomplete an infinite loop in 4 milliseconds (with scatter-gather.)\n\n--------\n\nFrom: deb@svax.cs.cornell.edu (David Baraff)\n\nWell, sure its no worse than NP-complete, but that\'s ONLY if you restrict\nyourself to the case where the line satisfies a Lipschitz condition on its\nsecond derivative.  (I think there\'s an \'89 SIGGRAPH paper from Caltech that\ndeals with this).\n\n--\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n J o n a s   Y n g v e s s o n          email: jonas-y@isy.liu.se\nDept. of Electrical Engineering\t        voice:  +46-(0)13-282162          \nUniversity of Linkoping, Sweden         fax  :  +46-(0)13-139282\n',
  'From: mjones@watson.ibm.com (Mike Jones)\nSubject: Re: Jack Morris\nReply-To: mjones@donald.aix.kingston.ibm.com\nDisclaimer: This posting represents the poster\'s views, not necessarily those of IBM.\nNntp-Posting-Host: fenway.aix.kingston.ibm.com\nOrganization: IBM AIX/ESA Development, Kingston NY\nLines: 57\n\nmaynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Roger Maynard) writes:\n>It sure does.  And it all depends on the definition that you use for "better".\n>Yours is based on what could have been and mine is based on what really\n>happened.\n\nWell, actually, most of ours is based on what really happened and yours is\nbased on some fantasy of how it happened. But that\'s OK, I understand you\nhave a hockey background. Stats like "plus/minus" make RBI look good.\n\n>>Is it Viola\'s fault that Boston had no offense?  Is it *because* of Morris that\n>>the Blue Jays had such a strong offense?  Don\'t tell me that Morris has this\n>>magical ability to cause the offensive players to score more runs.\n>This is the perfect example of your problem.  You are isolating Viola\'s\n>contribution from the rest of the team\'s efforts.  You can only do\n>this if you can say for sure what the team would have done without \n>Viola.  Only then can you compare.  But you cannot know how the team\n>would have done without Viola.  Your analysis is fallacious.\n\nOK, how about a straigh answer, then. Here\'s a very simele question to which\nI\'m sure a fair number of us are very interesed in the answer to. Please\nanswer yes or no, Roger:\n Can a pitcher cause the offensive players on his team to score more runs?\nAL only, please.\n\nFor anyone else following along, it is a well-known and demonstrable fact\nthat a team\'s win-loss record is closely related to the number of runs the\nteam scores and the number the team allows. It\'s not a definite,\nhard-and-fast function, but there is definitely a correlation. In fact, as a\nrule of thumb, if teams A and B both score X runs and team A allows Y runs,\nfor every 10 runs fewer than Y that team B allows, it will win another game.\nSo, for instance, if we look at the 1991 Toronto Blue Jays, we find that\nthey scored 780 runs and allowed 682, of which Morris allowed 114. All other\nthings being equal, if Frank Viola, with his 3.44 ERA had replaced Jack\nMorris for the 240.2 innings Morris threw (plausible, since Viola threw 238\nfor Boston), the "Red Jays" would have allowed about 15 fewer runs, or\nenough for 1-2 more wins. Now, that doesn\'t take into account that Viola\npitched half his innings in Fenway, which is a harder park to pitch in\n(particularly for a lefthander) than Skydome. So, um, Roger. Unless you\nreally do believe that a pitcher can somehow affect the number of runs\nhis team scores, could you enlighten us to the fallacy in this\nanalysis? Clearly, it would be foolhardy to claim that Viola would\nnecessarily have put up a 3.44 if he had been on the Jay last year, but\nthat is not the claim. We look at what the actual performances were and\nevaluate Viola\'s as better than Morris\' in the sense that "had Morris\nperformed as Viola did, his team would have been better off."\n\n>It takes an open mind to really truly understand what is happening out\n>here in the real world guys.\n\nThis is true, but not so open that your brain falls out.\n\n Mike Jones | AIX High-End Development | mjones@donald.aix.kingston.ibm.com\n\nComputer...if you don\'t open that exit hatch this moment I shall zap straight\noff to your major data banks and reprogram you with a very large ax. Got\nthat?\n\t- Zaphod Beeblebrox\n',
  'From: steveh@thor.isc-br.com (Steve Hendricks)\nSubject: Re: Limiting Govt (was Re: Employment (was Re: Why not concentrate...)\nSummary: More on failed governments\nOrganization: Failed Libertarian Opportunities, Inc.\nLines: 24\nNntp-Posting-Host: thor.isc-br.com\n\nIn article <18APR199314034390@venus.tamu.edu> gmw0622@venus.tamu.edu (Mr. Grinch) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr18.172531.10946@isc-br.isc-br.com>, steveh@thor.isc-br.com (Steve Hendricks) writes...\n>> \n>:It would seem that a society with a "failed" government would be an ideal\n>:setting for libertarian ideals to be implemented.  Now why do you suppose\n>:that never seems to occur?...\n>\n>\n>I fail to see why you should feel this way in the first place.  Constant\n>combat isn\'t particularly conducive to intellectual theorizing.  Also,\n>they tend to get invaded before they can come to anything like a stable\n>society anyway. \n\nAnd the reason that the Soviet Union couldn\'t achieve the ideal of pure\ncommunism was the hostility of surrounding capitalist nations...Uh huh.\nSomehow, this all sounds familiar.  Once again, utopian dreams are \nconfronted by the real world...\n\n>\n>Mr. Grinch\n--\nSteve Hendricks                        |  DOMAIN:  steveh@thor.ISC-BR.COM   \n"One thing about data, it sure does cut|  UUCP:    ...!uunet!isc-br!thor!steveh\n the bulls**t." - R. Hofferbert        |  Ma Bell: 509 838-8826\n',
  'From: gene@jackatak.raider.net (Gene Wright)\nSubject: mac portable ram problems; coprocessor not installed?\nOrganization: Jack\'s Amazing CockRoach Capitalist Ventures\nLines: 18\n\nI just recently bought a 4 MB ram card for my original mac portable \n(backlit) and have since had some bizarre crashes. It happens when I put \nthe machine to sleep and wake the machine up. sometimes it will just \nfreeze the cursor and lock the machine up forcing me to push the reset \nswitch. Other times it will give me the usual bomb box with the error \nmessage of "Co processor not installed". \n\nI know one solution is NOT to put the machine to sleep, but does anyone \nhave any ideas on what could be causing this or better yet what might fix \nit? The memory card is Psuedostatic ram and goes into the PDS Slot. That \nprobably figures into the problem. the manufacturer is King Memory (Not \nkingston) from irvine, CA. They say the problem is in my machine. \n\nAny Ideas? -- Gene Wright.\n\n--\n     gene@jackatak.raider.net (Gene Wright)\n------------jackatak.raider.net   (615) 377-5980 ------------\n',
  'From: mussack@austin.ibm.com (Chris Mussack)\nSubject: Re: Atheist\'s views on Christianity (was: Re: "Accepting Jeesus in your heart...") - soc.religion.christian #16242\nReply-To: mussack@austin.ibm.com\nLines: 38\n\nIn article <Apr.>, trajan@cwis.unomaha.edu (Stephen McIntyre) writes:\n> norris@athena.mit.edu  writes:\n> > For example: why does the universe exist at all?  \n> \n> Must there be a "why" to this?  I ask because of what you also\n>      assume about God-- namely, that He just exists, with no "why"\n>      to His existence.  So the question is reversed, "Why can\'t\n>      we assume the universe just exists as you assume God to\n>      "just exist"?  Why must there be a "why" to the universe?"\n\nWhether there is a "why" or not we have to find it. This is Pascal\'s(?) wager.\nIf there is no why and we spend our lives searching, then we have merely\nwasted our lives, which were meaningless anyway. If there is a why and we\ndon\'t search for it, then we have wasted our potentially meaningful lives.\nSuppose the universe is 5 billion years old, and suppose it lasts another\n5 billion years. Suppose I live to be 100. That is nothing, that is so small\nthat it is scary. So by searching for the "why" along with my friends here\non earth if nothing else we aren\'t so scared.\n\nWhat if you woke up at a party, with no memory, and everyone was discussing\nwho the host might be? There might not be a host, you say. I say let\'s go\nfind him, the party\'s going to be over sometime, maybe he\'ll let us stay.\n\nBecause we recognize our own mortality we have to find the "why".\n\n> ...\n> Well, then, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Judaism,\n>      Zoerasterism, Shintoism, and Islam should fit this bit of logic\n>      quite nicely... :-)  All have depth, all have enduring values,\n>      thus all must be true...\n\nThis is a good point. But more of a good point for studying religion\nthan ignoring it. Some Christians disagree with me, but it is worthwhile\nto study different religions and philosophies and glean the truth from\nthem. To quote (of course out of context) "Test everything and keep what is\ntrue."\n\nChris Mussack\n',
  "From: rja@mahogany126.cray.com (Russ Anderson)\nSubject: Re: Gore throws out the first ball. And media coverage of it\nOriginator: rja@mahogany126\nLines: 37\nNntp-Posting-Host: mahogany126\nOrganization: The 1991 World Champion Minnesota Twins!\nDistribution: usa\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.093957.1213@hsh.com>, paul@hsh.com (Paul Havemann) writes:\n> In article <1993Apr13.122543.1682@hemlock.cray.com>, rja@mahogany126.cray.com (Russ Anderson) writes:\n> > \n> > In article <C5E2JA.849@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM>, mwilson@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM (Mark Wilson) writes:\n> >> This past Thursday VP GOre threw out the first ball at the home opener for\n> >> the Atlanta Braves. According to the news reports he was quite loudly booed.\n> >> (No, Dr. Norman, these were not your typical beer swilling red-necks.)\n> >> \n> >> Personally I wouldn't have paid any more attention to the incident except\n> >> that the evening news when describing the event, went on to comment that\n> >> being booed was nothing unusual since it was normal for audiences to\n> >> boo at this point since the celebrity was delaying the start of the game.\n> >> \n> >> What a bunch of crock. I have never heard of any incident in which the\n> >> thrower of the ceremonial ball has been booed before.\n> > \n> > Dan Quayle got roundly booed in Milwaulkee last year.  (I was listening \n> > on the radio).  This was the game that Quayle told the Brewers players that\n> > he would like to see them play the Orioles in the ALCS.\n> \n> It's come to this, has it?  Defending Al Gore by comparing him to Dan Quayle?\n\nWho compared Quayle to Gore?  Mark said he had never heard of any incident\nin which the thrower of the ceremonial ball had been booed before.  I mentioned\nanother incident.  (And if the media had a liberal bias, I'm sure he would\nhave heard of the Quayle incident.)\n\nIf I was to compare Quayle to anyone, it most likely would be Elmer Fudd.\n\n> I'd say that about says it all... back to the pit with ye, back to alt.fan.\n> dan-quayle!  Begone!\n\n-- \nRuss Anderson    |  Disclaimer: Any statements are my own and do not reflect\n------------------              upon my employer or anyone else.  (c) 1993\nEX-Twins' Jack Morris, 10 innings pitched, 0 runs (World Series MVP!)\n",
  'From: aldridge@netcom.com (Jacquelin Aldridge)\nSubject: Re: Good Grief! (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?)\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nLines: 121\n\ndyer@spdcc.com (Steve Dyer) writes:\n\n>In article <noringC5snsx.KMo@netcom.com> noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring) writes:\n>>>There is no convincing evidence that such a disease exists.\n>>There\'s a lot of evidence, it just hasn\'t been adequately gathered and\n>>published in a way that will convince the die-hard melancholic skeptics\n>>who quiver everytime the word \'anecdote\' or \'empirical\' is used.\n\n>Snort.  Ah, there go my sinuses again.\n\n>>For example, Dr. Ivker, who wrote the book "Sinus Survival", always gives,\n\n>Oh, wow.  A classic textbook.  Hey, they laughed at Einstein, too!\n\n>>before any other treatment, a systemic anti-fungal (such as Nizoral) to his\n>>new patients IF they\'ve been on braod-spectrum anti-biotics 4 or more times\n>>in the last two years.  He\'s kept a record of the results, and for over \n>>2000 patients found that over 90% of his patients get significant relief\n>>of allergic/sinus symptoms.  Of course, this is only the beginning for his\n>>program.\n\n>Yeah, I\'ll bet.  Tomorrow, the world.\n\n>Listen, uncontrolled studies like this are worthless.\n\n>>In my case, as I reported a few weeks ago, I was developing the classic\n>>symptoms outlined in \'The Yeast Connection\' (I agree it is a poorly \n>>written book):  e.g., extreme sensitivity to plastics, vapors, etc. which\n>>I never had before (started in November).  Within one week of full dosage\n>>of Sporanox, the sensitivity to chemicals has fully disappeared - I can\n>>now sit on my couch at home without dying after two minutes.  I\'m also\n>>*greatly* improved in other areas as well.\n\n>I\'m sure you are.  You sound like the typical hysteric/hypochondriac who\n>responds to "miracle cures."\n\n>>Of course, I have allergy symptoms, etc.  I am especially allergic to\n>>molds, yeasts, etc.  It doesn\'t take a rocket scientist to figure out that\n>>if one has excessive colonization of yeast in the body, and you have a\n>>natural allergy to yeasts, that a threshold would be reached where you\n>>would have perceptible symptoms.\n\n>Yeah, "it makes sense to me", so of course it should be taken seriously.\n>Snort.\n\n>>Also, yeast do produce toxins of various\n>>sorts, and again, you don\'t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that\n>>such toxins can cause problems in some people.\n\n>Yeah, "it sounds reasonable to me".\n\n>>Of course, the $60,000\n>>question is whether a person who is immune compromised (as tests showed I was\n>>from over 5 years of antibiotics, nutritionally-deficiencies because of the\n>>stress of infections and allergies, etc.),\n\n>Oh, really?  _What_ tests?  Immune-compromised, my ass.\n>More like credulous malingerer.  This is a psychiatric syndrome.\n\n>>can develop excessive yeast\n>>colonization somewhere in the body.  It is a tough question to answer since\n>>testing for excessive yeast colonization is not easy.  One almost has to\n>>take an empirical approach to diagnosis.  Fortunately, Sporanox is relatively\n>>safe unlike past anti-fungals (still have to be careful, however) so there\'s\n>>no reason any longer to withhold Sporanox treatment for empirical reasons.\n\n>You know, it\'s a shame that a drug like itraconazole is being misused\n>in this way.  It\'s ridiculously expensive, and potentially toxic.\n>The trouble is that it isn\'t toxic enough, so it gets abused by quacks.\n\n>>BTW, some would say to try Nystatin.  Unfortunately, most yeast grows hyphae\n>>too deep into tissue for Nystatin to have any permanent affect.  You\'ll find\n>>a lot of people who are on Nystatin all the time.\n\n>The only good thing about nystatin is that it\'s (relatively) cheap\n>and when taken orally, non-toxic.  But oral nystatin is without any\n>systemic effect, so unless it were given IV, it would be without\n>any effect on your sinuses.  I wish these quacks would first use\n>IV nystatin or amphotericin B on people like you.  That would solve\n>the "yeast" problem once and for all.\n\n>>In summary, I appreciate all of the attempts by those who desire to keep\n>>medicine on the right road.  But methinks that some who hold too firmly\n>>to the party line are academics who haven\'t been in the trenches long enough\n>>actually treating patients.  If anybody, doctors included, said to me to my\n>>face that there is no evidence of the \'yeast connection\', I cannot guarantee\n>>their safety.  For their incompetence, ripping off their lips is justified as\n>>far as I am concerned.\n\n>Perhaps a little Haldol would go a long way towards ameliorating\n>your symptoms.\n\n>Are you paying for this treatment out of your own pocket?  I\'d hate\n>to think my insurance premiums are going towards this.\n\n>Steve Dyer\n\nDyer, you\'re rude. Medicine is not a totallly scientific endevour. It\'s\noften practiced in a disorganized manner. Most early treatment of\nnon-life threatening illness is done on a guess, hazarded after anecdotal\nevidence given by the patient. It\'s an educated guess, by a trained person,\nbut it\'s still no more than a guess.\nIt\'s cheaper and simpler to medicate first and only deal further with those\npeople who don\'t respond.\n\nThere are diseases that haven\'t been described yet and the root cause of many\ndiseases now described aren\'t known. (Read a book on gastroenterology\nsometime if you want to see a lot of them.) After scientific methods have\nrun out then it\'s the patient\'s freedom of choice to try any experimental\nmethod they choose. And it\'s well recognized by many doctors that medicine\ndoesn\'t have all the answers.\n\nThis person said that they had relief by taking the medicine. Maybe it\'s a\nmiracle cure, maybe it\'s valid. How do you know?  \n\nYou might argue with the reasoning, the conclusions. But your disparaging\nattack is unwarranted. Why don\'t you present an convincing argument for you\nr beliefs, instead of wasting our time in an ad hominem attack.\n\n-Jackie-\n \n',
  'From: boyle@bbsls23.bnr (Ian Boyle)\nSubject: Re: What is " Volvo " ?\nOrganization: BNR Europe Ltd.\nLines: 20\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: boyle@bbsls23.bnr\nNNTP-Posting-Host: bbsls23.bnr.co.uk\n\n> And all of these cars are driven fairly hard. None of them are at the head of\n> a line of cars going 30 MPH....the first two spend a lot of their operating\n> life with the speedometer pegged...and the only reason the 84 doesn\'t is it has\n> a 120 MPH speedo...\n> What I want to know is....have all you people who hate Volvos been traumatized\n> by someone in a 745 Turbo wagon blowing you away on the road, or what?\n\n740 Turbo in UK was good for 124mph. Useful for blowing away VW Beetles, though I\nbelieve the Beetle corners better. \n\nI can say without any doubt that I have never been blown away by any Volvo, ever.\nI\'ve been blocked into a few car parks though by shit-head Volvo owners who \'only thought they\'d be a few minutes\'. This does not happen with the owners of any other makes of car.\n\nNot sure how long the small shit-box Volvos last - too damn long. The worst car I ever drove was a hired 340. In power, handling and ride it was reminiscent of something\nfrom the 50s, without the character. The 340 only ceased production a couple of years back. I\'ve only been a passenger in the big Volvos, but that was enough. I ought to go\nfor a test drive because they offer some neat gifts.\n\n\n\n\n',
  'From: betz@gozer.idbsu.edu (Andrew Betz)\nSubject: Randy Weaver trial update: Day 5.\nNntp-Posting-Host: gozer\nOrganization: SigSauer Fan Club \nLines: 94\n\nNote: These trial updates are summarized from reports in the\n_Idaho Statesman_ and the local NBC affiliate television\nstation, KTVB Channel 7.\n\nRandy Weaver/Kevin Harris trial update: Day 5.\n\nMonday, April 19, 1993 was the fifth day of the trial.\n\nSynopsis: Government informant Kenneth Fadeley testified that\nRandy Weaver sold him two shotguns in violation of the National\nFirearms Act of 1934.  U.S. District Court Judge Edward Lodge\nasks jurors not to hear accounts of the Waco fire because\nof possible influences on the Weaver/Harris case.\n\nThe testimony of FBI Special Agent Greg Rampton apparently\nended without further incident, as it was mentioned neither\nby KTVB nor the _Idaho Statesman_.\n\nThe day was highlighted by the testimony of Kenneth Fadeley,\nwho had been posing as an outlaw biker and illegal guns person\nnamed Gus Magiosono.  Fadeley testified that he was acting as\nan informant for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms\nin his dealings with Randy Weaver.\n\nFadeley began by stating that he had met Weaver in 1987 at an\nAryan Nations summer conference in Hayden Lake, Idaho.  The two\nthen met again October 11, 1989 (note the huge separation in\ntime) at a restaurant in Sandpoint, Idaho, to begin a weapons\ntransaction.  He stated that Weaver had said, "He felt like he\n(Weaver) was being prepared to do something dangerous for the\nWhite cause."\n\nThe two later met October 24, 1989 behind the restaurant and\nlater went to a city park to make the sale.  During this second\nmeeting, Fadeley was wearing a small recording device to\ntape the conversation.  Weaver allegedly showed him an H&R 12-\ngauge shotgun with a 13-inch barrel and an overall length of\n19.25 inches.  He additionally showed a Remington 12-gauge\nshotgun with a 12.75-inch barrel and an overall length of\n24.5 inches (NFA requires minimums of 18 inches for barrel\nlength and an overall length of 26 inches).  On tape, Weaver\nis reported to have said that he could perform better work once\nhis machine shop is set up.  The two then discuss the possibility\nof future sales.  Fadeley then counts out three hundred dollars\nfor the two guns and promises the balance of one-hundred fifty\ndollars when they next meet.  (Note that the ATF could have\nsimply arrested him here.  Why did they wait until January 1991 -\nover a year later - to arrest him?  This is not explained).\n\nThe next meeting took place on Nov 30, 1989.  Fadeley stated that\nhis "source" had only come up with one hundred dollars instead\nof the one-hundred fifty he\'d promised.  At this point, Weaver\nsuspected he was dealing with an informant, "I had a guy in\nSpokane tell me you were bad."  Fadeley managed to convince\nWeaver otherwise.\n\nThe _Idaho Statesman_ states explicitly that three tapes were\nmade of conversations with Randy Weaver.  Thus, each of these\nmeetings must have been recorded.  However, the _Statesman_ also\nreported that a tape of a telephone conversation involving Vicki\nWeaver (Randy Weaver\'s wife) was played to the court.  There must\nhave also been phone taps.\n\nThese tapes were played to the court via both headphones and\nloudspeakers under the objections of Gerry Spence, Weaver\'s\nattorney.  Spence said to a KTVB reporter that he wanted to\nmake sure that the government proved its case, "...if it has a\ncase at all..." according to the rules.\n\nRandy Weaver tore off his headphones and wept when he heard his\nwife\'s voice on the tape.\n\nU.S. District Court Judge Edward Lodge asked jurors not to hear\naccounts of the Waco fire because of possible influences on the\nWeaver/Harris case.  Exactly how such information could affect\nthis trial is not explained.\n\nOther notes: Sunday evening there was a report on KTVB concerning\nKevin Harris.  Unnamed agents within the FBI admit that they are\nsurprised that Kevin Harris is still alive.  First, they were\nsurprised that he survived the initial gunshot wound(s) sustained\nin the initial firefight at the Y-junction.  Later, when Randy\nWeaver was struck by sniper fire the sniper had reported that\nHarris had been struck (not Weaver).  Finally, there was a report\nthat the FBI agent who killed Vicki Weaver believed he was aiming\nat Kevin Harris instead.  (This is what was reported).  Critics\nare charging that the FBI was blatantly trying to eliminate the\nonly non-government witness to the deaths of Samuel Weaver and\nDeputy Marshal William Degan.  Some local people believe that\nHarris\'s survival is simply due to divine intervention.\n\nTuesday, April 20, 1993 will be the sixth day of the trial. \nKenneth Fadeley\'s testimony is scheduled to continue. \n\n',
  'From: pla@sktb.demon.co.uk ("Paul L. Allen")\nSubject: Re: Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]\nReply-To: pla@sktb.demon.co.uk\nOrganization: Chaos\nLines: 76\nX-Newsreader: Archimedes ReadNews\n\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n\nIn article <PMETZGER.93Apr18141006@snark.shearson.com> pmetzger@snark.shearson.com (Perry E. Metzger) writes:\n\n> In article <1qnupd$jpm@news.intercon.com> amanda@intercon.com (Amanda Walker) writes:\n> \n>    From: amanda@intercon.com (Amanda Walker)\n> \n>    jhesse@netcom.com (John Hesse) writes:\n>    > Oh great. Wonderful news. Nobody can listen in--except the feds. \n> \n>    Hey, it\'s better than the status quo.\n> \n>    I am far less worried about "the feds" tapping my phone than high school \n>    scanner surfers who get their kicks out of eavesdropping on cellular and \n>    cordless phone calls.\n> \n> I\'m a political dissident. I\'m scared shitless of the feds listening\n> in on my calls. My opinions are the sort that would get me\n> "disappeared" in a slightly less free society -- and who knows what\n> sort of society we will be in in five or ten years? I have friends who\n> have had their phones tapped -- none of this is theoretical to me.\n> \n> As for "its better than the status quo", well, first of all, you can\n> get a cryptophone from companies like Cylink today -- and they work\n> well. In addition, a number of groups are now working on building\n> software to turn any PC into a privacy enhanced phone right now -- and\n> they are all working in overdrive mode.\n> \n>    And yes, I\'d rather just see all crypto restrictions lifted, but this is at \n>    least an incrememental improvement for certain applications...\n> \n> There ARE no crypto restrictions... yet. You can use anything you want\n> RIGHT NOW. The point is to maintain that right.\n\nThe point you all seem to have missed was covered when the UK cellphone\nscrambling system was discussed.  Incidentally, my MP has responded to\nmy questions on that issue, and it appears that the UK and other `approved\'\ncountries will get the secure A5 encryption, and `dodgy\' countries will\nget A5X.  Existing mobile equipment will drop to clear mode when used with\nA5X systems, but newer equipment will use A5/A5X/clear depending on the\ncapabilities of the base station.\n\nThe cops/feds do *not* need to be able to get hold of your private key to\nlisten in to cellular conversations.  Encryption is not end-to-end, but \ncellphone to base-station - it *has* to be this way so that cellular users\nand fixed installations can talk to each other.  For cellular to cellular\ncalls, the transmission is decrypted at the base-station, passed to another\nbase-station and re-encrypted.  The cops/feds can listen to the unscrambled\ncall *provided* they get a warrant to tap into the cellular provider\'s\nequipment.  The only reason for wanting a crackable system is so they can\nlisten without having to obtain a warrant.\n\nBut, maybe the Clipper system is secure, and they really do need a warrant\nto get the key out of escrow before they can listen in using a scanner (see\nabove - they don\'t *have* to go down this route anyway).  I have my doubts,\nbut even if true once they have the key they will *never* again need a\nwarrant to tap into that particular phone whenever they want.  `Well, Judge,\nit appears he wasn\'t a drug-dealer after all, so naturally we\'ll stop\nlistening in\'...\n\nYou have every reason to be scared shitless.  Take a look at the records\nof McCarthy, Hoover (J. Edgar, not the cleaner - though they both excelled at\nsucking) and Nixon.\n\n- --Paul\n\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: 2.2\n\niQCVAgUBK9IAl2v14aSAK9PNAQEvxgQAoXrviAggvpVRDLWzCHbNQo6yHuNuj8my\ncvPx2zVkhHjzkfs5lUW6z63rRwejvHxegV79EX4xzsssWVUzbLvyQUkGS08SZ2Eq\nbLSuij9aFXalv5gJ4jB/hU40qvU6I7gKKrVgtLxEYpkvXFd+tFC4n9HovumvNRUc\nve5ZY8988pY=\n=NOcG\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n\n',
  "From: cs902043@ariel.yorku.ca (SHAWN LUDDINGTON)\nSubject: Re: Jack Morris\nOrganization: York University, Toronto, Canada\nLines: 40\n\nIn article <1993Apr18.032345.5178@cs.cornell.edu> tedward@cs.cornell.edu (Edward [Ted] Fischer) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr18.030412.1210@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> gspira@nyx.cs.du.edu (Greg Spira) writes:\n>>Howard_Wong@mindlink.bc.ca (Howard Wong) writes:\n>>\n>>>Has Jack lost a bit of his edge? What is the worst start Jack Morris has had?\n>>\n>>Uh, Jack lost his edge about 5 years ago, and has had only one above\n>>average year in the last 5.\n>\n>Again goes to prove that it is better to be good than lucky.  You can\n>count on good tomorrow.  Lucky seems to be prone to bad starts (and a\n>bad finish last year :-).\n>\n>(Yes, I am enjoying every last run he gives up.  Who was it who said\n>Morris was a better signing than Viola?)\n>\n>Cheers,\n>-Valentine\n\nHey Valentine, I don't see Boston with any world series rings on their\nfingers.  Damn, Morris now has three and probably the Hall of Fame in his \nfuture.  Therefore, I would have to say Toronto easily made the best \nsigning.  And don't tell me Boston will win this year.  They won't \neven be in the top 4 in the division, more like 6th.\n\nShawn\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  'From: cbrasted@physics.adelaide.edu.au (Charles Brasted)\nSubject: Re: some thoughts.\nOrganization: The University of Adelaide\nLines: 123\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: adelphi.itd.adelaide.edu.au\nKeywords: Dan Bissell\n\nbissda@saturn.wwc.edu (DAN LAWRENCE BISSELL) writes:\n\n>\tFirst I want to start right out and say that I\'m a Christian.  It \n>makes sense to be one.  Have any of you read Tony Campollo\'s book- liar, \n>lunatic, or the real thing?  (I might be a little off on the title, but he \n>writes the book.  Anyway he was part of an effort to destroy Christianity, \n>in the process he became a Christian himself.\n\nI assume you are posting to encourage comments - how much history has\nTony Campello read?  Not much it seems. \n\n>\tThe arguements he uses I am summing up.  The book is about whether \n>Jesus was God or not.  I know many of you don\'t believe, but listen to a \n>different perspective for we all have something to gain by listening to what \n>others have to say.  \n\nIt is good to hear that there are a few reasonable Christians about.\nIf only those christian "scientists" would take note.\n\n(In Australia there is a very strong movement, a bunch of christian \nscientists who believe that every single event in the bible is exactly\ntrue, and that there is a rational explanation for it all that can be justified\nby using the laws of physics.  For example, there are a few chaps who are \ntrying to prove that the age of the universe is 6000 years old, and that the\nerror in conventional calculations is the result of the fact that the speed \nlight has been rapidly decaying over the years, and this has not been \naccounted for. :-] )\n\n>\tThe book says that Jesus was either a liar, or he was crazy ( a \n>modern day Koresh) or he was actually who he said he was.\n\nOr (of course), that he never existed, and the bible was a story, and was never \nintended to become a manifesto for a billion people.  Did Tony follow that one\nup?\n\n>\tSome reasons why he wouldn\'t be a liar are as follows.  Who would \n>die for a lie?  Wouldn\'t people be able to tell if he was a liar?  People \n>gathered around him and kept doing it, many gathered from hearing or seeing \n>someone who was or had been healed.  \n\nMillions of people have "died for a lie".  This  point is difficult to \nsubstantiate since it is not well defined (a great many religious arguments\nwork in that way), but consider the many Aztec warriors who sacrificed \nthemselves to their gods in the belief that this act would bring them victory\nof the Spanish invaders.  The list is endless.  The Aztecs lost, BTW.\n\n>Call me a fool, but I believe he did heal people.\n  \nThat is perfectly reasonable, but it is not grounds for me (or anyone)\nto become a christian.  More to the point, it does not add weight to\nthe claim that Jesus was the "real thing".\n\n\n>\tNiether was he a lunatic.  Would more than an entire nation be drawn \n>to someone who was crazy.  Very doubtful, in fact rediculous.  For example \n>anyone who is drawn to David Koresh is obviously a fool, logical people see \n>this right away.\n\nHave you ever seen a documentary about the rise of Nazi Germany?  More to the\npoint, did Tony mention this?  One could hardly call Werner Heisenberg and his\nmany colleagues  fools, or  illogical men, their support of Hitler was based \n(I presume) upon an emotional issue rather than a rational agreement with \nhis principles.  Obviously my argument is invalid if Tony thought that Hitler\nwas sane....\n\n \n\n>\tTherefore since he wasn\'t a liar or a lunatic, he must have been the \n>real thing.  \n\nHmmm.... I don\'t think his arguments warrant the use of a "Therefore..."\n\n>\tSome other things to note.  He fulfilled loads of prophecies in \n>the psalms, Isaiah and elsewhere in 24 hrs alone.  This in his betrayal \n>and Crucifixion.  I don\'t have my Bible with me at this moment, next time I \n>write I will use it.\n\nThis is (unfortunately) what alot of religious discussions I have had with\npeople result in - quoting the bible.  The only reasonable way I think\npeople can look at the bible is to treat the stories as some sort of\nmetaphorical representation of the messages that the authors were trying to\npresent.  If someone tries to interpret parts of the bible literally, he or\nshe will end up in all sorts of shit.   \n\nTony\'s argument would be perfectly reasonable for people who believe\nthe events described in the bible took place, but to convince someone, \nwho thinks the bible is total fiction, that Jesus is real by quoting the\nbook is totally pointless.  For example, in mathematics you cannot say "a is\nequal to b because a is equal to b".\n\n  \n\n>\tI don\'t think most people understand what a Christian is.  \n\nThat would possibly explain why there have so many people being killed \nin religious wars, and why there are hundreds of different versions all\nclaiming to be correct.  \n\nIt \n>is certainly not what I see a lot in churches.  Rather I think it \n>should be a way of life, and a total sacrafice of everything for God\'s \n>sake.  He loved us enough to die and save us so we should do the \n>same.  Hey we can\'t do it, God himself inspires us to turn our lives \n>over to him.  That\'s tuff and most people don\'t want to do it, to be a \n>real Christian would be something for the strong to persevere at.  But \n>just like weight lifting or guitar playing, drums, whatever it takes \n>time.  We don\'t rush it in one day, Christianity is your whole life.  \n>It is not going to church once a week, or helping poor people once in \n>a while.  We box everything into time units.  Such as work at this \n>time, sports, Tv, social life.  God is above these boxes and should be \n>carried with us into all these boxes that we have created for \n>ourselves.  \t  \n\nI think if you posted this part to alt.religion you would get more flames\nthan here :-).  I have never really understood why the emotional sentiments\nof a stranger should be of interest to other people. \n\nSomeone famous said that there two evils in life, polititians and churchs, one\nrules by fear of the living, the other by fear of the dead.  If I am pressed I\ncould probably find the exact quotation.\n\nCheers,\nCharles.\n',
  'From: toml@blade.Boulder.ParcPlace.COM (Tom LaStrange)\nSubject: Re: Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window\nReply-To: toml@boulder.ParcPlace.COM\nOrganization: ParcPlace Boulder\nLines: 40\n\nIn article <BADING.93Apr21134939@athene.cs.tu-berlin.de>, bading@cs.tu-berlin.de (Tobias \'Doping\' Bading) writes:\n|> \n|> try this after XCreateWindow:\n|> -----------------------------\n|> \n|> #include <X11/Xutil.h>\n|> \n|> Display display;\n|> Window window;\n|> \n|> {\n|>   XSizeHints *xsizehints = XAllocSizeHints ();\n|>   xsizehints->flags = USPosition | USSize;\t/* or = PPosition | PSize */\n|>   xsizehints->x = 42;\n|>   xsizehints->y = 42;\n|>   xsizehints->width = 100;\n|>   xsizehints->height = 100;\n|>   XSetWMNormalHints (display, window, xsizehints);\n|>   XFree (xsizehints);\n|> }\n|> \n|> These hints tell the window manager that the position and size of the window\n|> are specified by the users and that the window manager should accept these\n|> values. If you use xsizehints->flags = PPosition | PSize, this tells the window\n|> manager that the values are prefered values of the program, not the user.\n|> I don\'t know a window manager that doesn\'t place the window like you prefer if\n|> you specify the position and size like above.\n\n\nYou are right but PLEASE DON\'T DO THIS.  It makes my brain hurt.\nUSPosition and USSize should ONLY be set if the USER specified the\nposition and size.\n\nYou say: "Tom, don\'t blow a gasket, what\'s the harm?"\n\nSome window managers do very different things (besides positioning the window)\nwhen they see USPosition rather than PPosition.\n\n--\nTom LaStrange        toml@boulder.ParcPlace.COM\n',
  "From: seth@cbnewsh.cb.att.com (peter.r.clark..jr)\nSubject: Re: Thumbs up to ESPN\nOrganization: AT&T\nDistribution: na\nKeywords: ESPN, Detroit, Toronto, Hockey Coverage\nLines: 16\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.032017.5783@wuecl.wustl.edu>, jca2@cec1.wustl.edu (Joseph Charles Achkar) writes:\n> \n>  It was nice to see ESPN show game 1 between the Wings and Leafs since\n> the Cubs and Astros got rained out. Instead of showing another baseball\n> game, they decided on the Stanley Cup Playoffs. A classy move by ESPN.\n\nWhat, did you leave the room each of the 100 or so times they said that\nthere WERE NO OTHER NIGHT BASEBALL GAMES? Every break they took back at\nthe studio mentioned it, followed by 'so...we're gonna show you hockey\ninstead.' My wife and I are hoping for rain at every baseball game they\nhave a feed for tommorrow night...\n\nPoint is, be glad they showed hockey, but if baseball was available\nanywhere else you can bet you would've watched baseball last night.\n\npete clark\n",
  "From: mlf@unl.edu (mary flaglelee)\nSubject: Wanted:Singer Featherweight 221\nOrganization: University of Nebraska--Lincoln\t\nLines: 7\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: unlinfo.unl.edu\nKeywords: Singer sewing machine\n\nI'm looking for a Singer Featherweight 221 sewing machine (old, black \nsewing machine in black case).\n\nPlease contact:\n\nMary Flagle-Lee\nmlf@unlinfo.unl.edu\n",
  "From: pilon@aix02.ecs.rpi.edu (T.J. Pilon)\nSubject: Re: My IIcx won't turn on...\nNntp-Posting-Host: aix02.ecs.rpi.edu\nLines: 7\n\nI've changed the battery in the thing (shortly after the problem first\nhappened) and I've noticed an inordinate number of Bus errors lately...\n\n\n\t\t\tT.J. Pilon\n\t\t\tpilon@rpi.edu\n\n",
  'From: vek@allegra.att.com (Van Kelly)\nSubject: Re: Prayer in Jesus\' Name\nOrganization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, USA\nLines: 39\n\nAccording to what I have read on Biblical idioms, speaking "in X\'s\nname" is a standard Aramaic/Hebrew legal idiom for what we today\nwould call Power of Attorney.  A person from Jesus\' culture authorized\nto conduct business "in John\'s name" had full authority over John\'s\nfinancial affairs, but was held under a solemn fiduciary obligation to\nwork only for John\'s benefit and consonant with John\'s wishes.  It was\nnot required for the steward to preface each business transaction with\n"in John\'s name"; it was sufficient to have valid power of attorney\nand be operating in good faith. (Note the overlap here between legal\nand religious definitions of "faith".)\n\nWith this cultural background, praying "in Jesus\' name" does not\nmandate a particular verbal formula; rather it requires that the\npetitioner be operating faithfully and consciously within an analogous\n"fiduciary" relationship with Jesus and for the purposes of His\nKingdom.  The message of "praying in Jesus\' name" is thus closely\naligned with the parable of the talents and other passages about God\'s\ndelegation of Kingdom business to his stewards, both resources and\nresponsibilities.  This idea of praying "in Jesus\' name" is not only\npresent but prominent in the Lord\'s Prayer, although the verbal\nforumula is absent.\n\nThe act of praying the words "In Jesus\' Name" may be beneficial if\nthey cause us to clarify the relationship of our requests to the\nadvancement of God\'s Kingdom.  For that reason, I\'m not quite ready\nto say that the praying the formula is without meaning.\n\nPrayers to God for other purposes (desperation, anger, thanksgiving,\netc.) don\'t seem to be in this category at all, whether uttered by\nChristian or non-Christian, whether B.C. or A.D. (that\'s B.C.E. or\nC.E. for you P.C. :-).  I don\'t see anything in Christ\'s words to\ncontradict the idea that God deals with all prayers according to His\nomniscience and grace.\n\nVan Kelly\nvek@research.att.com\n\n\nThe above opinions are my own, and not those of AT&T.\n',
  "From: habs@panix.com (Harry Shapiro)\nSubject: Re: The [secret] source of that announcement\nOrganization: PANIX Public Access Unix, NYC\nLines: 65\n\nIn <1r1om5$c5m@slab.mtholyoke.edu> jbotz@mtholyoke.edu (Jurgen Botz)\nwrites:\n\n>Even more interesting: the SMTP server at csrc.ncsl.nist.gov no longer\n>recognizes the 'expn' and 'vrfy' commands...\n\n>   telnet csrc.ncsl.nist.gov smtp\n>   Trying\n>   Connected to csrc.ncsl.nist.gov.\n>   Escape character is '^]'.\n>   220 first.org sendmail 4.1/NIST ready at Tue, 20 Apr 93 17:01:34 EDT\n>   expn clipper\n>   500 Command unrecognized\n\n>Seems like sombody didn't like your snooping around, Marc.\n\nThen it is a good thing we already have this:\n\nThe csspub mailing list: csspab@mail-gw.ncsl.nist.gov, and address on\nthe clipper mailing list, seems to contain basically the members of\nthe NIST security board.\n\nIn addition to the names already posted, their true names are as\nfollows:\n\nburrows@ecf = James Burrows a director of NIST's National Computer\nSystems Laboratory\n\nmcnulty@ecf = F. Lynn McNulty an associate director for computer\nsecurity at the National Institute of Standards and Technology's\nComputer Systems Laboratory\n\nGangemi@dockmaster.ncsc.mil = Gaetano Gangemi is director of the\nsecure systems program at Wang Laboratories Inc. He wrote: Computer\nSecurity Basics by Deborah Russell and G. T.  Gangemi, Sr. -1991,\nO'Reilly and Associates\n\nslambert@cgin.cto.citicorp.com = Sandra Lambert is vice-president of\ninformation security at Citibank, N.A.\n\nlipner@mitre.org = Lipner is Mitre Corp.'s director of information\nsystems.\n\ngallagher@dockmaster.ncsc.mil = Patrick Gallagher, director of the\nNational Security Agency's National Computer Security Center and a\nsecurity board member\n\nwalker@tis.com = Stephen Walker a computer security expert and\npresident of Trusted Information Systems, Inc. in Glenwood, Md\n\nwillis@rand.org = Willis H.  Ware a the Rand Corp.  executive who\nchairs the security board.\n\nwhitehurst@vnet.ibm.com = William Whitehurst is a security board\nmember and director of IBM Corp.'s data security programs.\n\n-- \nHarry Shapiro  \t\t\t\t      habs@panix.com\nList Administrator of the Extropy Institute Mailing List\nPrivate Communication for the Extropian Community since 1991\n\n-- \nHarry Shapiro  \t\t\t\t      habs@panix.com\nList Administrator of the Extropy Institute Mailing List\nPrivate Communication for the Extropian Community since 1991\n",
  'From: neal@cmptrc.lonestar.org (Neal Howard)\nSubject: Do Splitfires Help Spagthorpe Diesels ?\nKeywords: Using Splitfire plugs for performance.\nDistribution: rec.motorcycles\nOrganization: CompuTrac Inc., Richardson TX\nLines: 34\n\nIn article <C5JF22.DJr@news.cso.uiuc.edu> wcd82671@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (daniel warren c) writes:\n>Earlier, I was reading on the net about using Splitfire plugs.  One\n>guy was thinking about it and almost everybody shot him to hell.  Well,\n>I saw one think that someone said about "Show me a team that used Split-\n>fires...."  Well, here\'s some additional insight and some theories\n>about splitfire plugs and how they boost us as oppossed to cages.\n>\n>Splitfires were originally made to burn fuel more efficiently and\n>increased power for the 4x4 cages.  Well, for these guys, splitfires\n>\n>Now I don\'t know about all of this (and I\'m trying to catch up with\n>somebody about it now), but Splitfires should help twins more than\n\nSplitfires work mainly by providing a more-or-less unshrouded spark to the\ncombustion chamber. If an engine\'s cylinder head design can benefit from this,\nthen the splitfires will yield a slight performance increase, most noticeably\nin lower rpm range torque. Splitfires didn\'t do diddly-squat for my 1992 GMC\npickup (4.3l V6) but do give a noticeable performance boost in my 1991 Harley\nSportster 1200 and my best friend\'s 1986 Sportster 883. Folks I know who\'ve\ntried them in 1340 Evo motors can\'t tell any performance boost over plain\nplugs (which is interesting since the XLH and big twin EVO combustion chambers\nare pretty much the same shape, just different sizes). Two of my friends who\nhave shovelhead Harleys swear by the splitfires but if I had a shovelhead,\nI\'d dual-plug it instead since they respond well enough to dual plugs to make\nthe machine work and extra ignition system worth the expense (plus they look\nreally cool with a spark plug on each side of each head)\n-- \n=============================================================================\nNeal Howard   \'91 XLH-1200      DoD #686      CompuTrac, Inc (Richardson, TX)\n\t      doh #0000001200   |355o33|      neal@cmptrc.lonestar.org\n\t      Std disclaimer: My opinions are mine, not CompuTrac\'s.\n         "Let us learn to dream, gentlemen, and then perhaps\n          we shall learn the truth." -- August Kekule\' (1890)\n=============================================================================\n',
  'From: nyikos@math.scarolina.edu (Peter Nyikos)\nSubject: Re: Spreading Christianity (Re: Christian Extremist Kills Doctor)\nOrganization: USC  Department of Computer Science\nLines: 146\n\nMost of the key issues in the 284 line post to which I am following up are\ndealt with in the following post I made on talk.abortion yesterday,\nmodified to correct the next to last paragraph.\n\nMessage-ID: <nyikos.734890344@milo.math.scarolina.edu>\n\nReferences: <nyikos.734360987@milo.math.scarolina.edu> <nyikos.734640769@milo.math.scarolina.edu> <1993Apr13.122356.3612@cbnewsj.cb.att.com>\n\nIn <1993Apr13.122356.3612@cbnewsj.cb.att.com> decay@cbnewsj.cb.att.com (dean.kaflowitz) writes:\n\n>In article <nyikos.734640769@milo.math.scarolina.edu>, nyikos@math.scarolina.edu (Peter Nyikos) writes:\n>> In <CS132073.93Apr9160836@cslab1g.cs.brown.edu> cs132073@cs.brown.edu (John Bates) writes:\n>> \n>> >In article <nyikos.734360987@milo.math.scarolina.edu> nyikos@math.scarolina.edu (Peter Nyikos) writes:\n>> > perhaps out\n>> >of dedication to your convictions. I never, *never*, thought that you\n>> >would be consciously intellectually dishonest, though.\n>> \n>> I am not.  Can you show me anything that would lead you to think \n>> otherwise?\n\n>See the "Spreading Christianity" thread, in which he says I\n>ignore certain statements that I specifically acknowledged and\n\nDean did not.  He called them "the Great Commission" but this is NOT\ndescriptive of Jesus\'s words in Matt. 10:15.\n\nMatt. 10:14, Jerusalem Bible translation:\n\n\t"And if anyone does not welcome you or listen to what you have\n\tto say, as you walk out of the house or town shake the dust\n\tfrom your feet."\n\nMatt. 10:15:\n\n \t"I tell you solemnly, on the day of Judgment it will not \n \tgo as hard with the land of Sodom and Gomorrah as with \n \tthat town."\n\nIn the post to which Dean is referring above, I said:\n\n"> The above is a good description of Kaflowitz, who keeps harping on\n > shaking the dust off the feet but ignoring what Christ said next."\n   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                ^^^^\n\nThe highlighted words refer to Matt 10:14 and 10:15 respectively.\n\nAnd Dean countered:\n\n"Actually, this comment of your\'s is a perfect example of what an\nintellectually dishonest little sparrowfart you are, since I\nspecifically acknowledged the Great Commission and the entreaty\nto spread the word.  In fact, it is the combination of the two\nstatements I was addressing, and not just the one, and for you to\ncharacterize that as "ignoring" the instruction to spread the\nword is a good example of what a dishonest little fellow you are."\n\nOf course, Matt 10:15 [quoted above] makes no mention of "instruction\nto spread the word."\n\nAll these quotes btw are from:\n\nMessage-ID: <1993Apr13.121624.3400@cbnewsj.cb.att.com>\n\n>in which, at the end, he claims I did not answer a question\n>which I answered, and which he deleted (to get the chronology\n>right, he deleted the answer and then said I didn\'t answer).\n\nAnd I claim it correctly, because my question went:\n\n"Do you, too, measure\nthe goodness of a post by its entertainment value, and care not\na whit for such mundane things as truth and falsehood?"\n\nand the closest Dean came to an answer was:\n\n"Peter, Peter, Peter.  You\'re just so stupid, pretentious, dull,\nand generally unworthy of the value you place on yourself that\nthe sport is all there is."\n\nOf course, this does NOT answer my question, which has to do with posts\nin GENERAL and not my posts in particular.  Surely even Dean knows this,\nyet he brazenly asserts otherwise, reinforcing his claim with an insult:\n\n"So I now restore the answer to your question\nthat you deleted.  If you\'re still unable to figure it out, ask\na nice kid at the local junior high to help you.  It really\ndoesn\'t take much sophistication to understand."\n\nOn top of which, I doubt that the "answer" is at all representative\nof Dean\'s true frame of mind.  The insults you have seen quoted thus\nfar are but a small sample of the stream that oozes out of Dean\'s \nmind throughout the 284-line post from which these quotes were taken.\nOne wonders whether Dean\'s mind is so warped as to find sport in all\nthis.\n\nHe even dredges up a falsified account of\nevents that transpired earlier on another thread:\n\n"You made an ass of yourself by claiming that it\n\t\t\t\t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nwas in the tradition of Lent to make public announcements of\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nthe "sins" of other individuals."\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nFalse.  I said it was the tradition to recall and atone for one\'s sins.\nThat I made public announcements of the "sins" of others\n--"sins", BTW, that were a matter of public record, documented in\nthe posts of others-- is a different matter.\n\nMany of the individuals involved are so nearly amoral that\nthey do not see as sins what morally upright people see as sins, so\nI pointed some of them out.  And I expressly set up a whole thread,\nYOUR TURN, to let people point out MY sins to me.\n\nDean again:\n\n"You made an ass of yourself\nby saying that my statement of the tradition of tzedukkah was\nsomehow an attempt to "paint Jews as plaster saints," thereby\nrevealing your inability to understand the discussion as well\nas showing your dislike for people saying positive things\nabout Jews, and now you show your intellectual dishonesty by\nrepeatedly ignoring the simple argument being made, and then\nclaiming I am ignoring the very argument I acknowledge."\n\nActually, what happened was that Dean made it seem like ANY Jew\nwho gave alms or did other acts of charity in public was a hypocrite\naccording to Jewish customs.  In doing so, he was caricaturing\nJewish customs as being almost impossibly demanding, as well as\nimplicitly slandering all Jews who make public their acts of charity.\n\nI went very easily on Dean for this, giving him the benefit of\nthe doubt in a post following my initial crack about "plaster saints", \nsuggesting that he had been merely careless in his wording.\n\nIn an astonishing act of ingratitude, Dean now serves up an incredibly\ndistorted picture of what took place between us, and using it as\nthe basis of one insult after another.\n\nPeter Nyikos\n\n\n\n\n',
  "From: matt@centerline.com (Matt Landau)\nSubject: Looking for updated XView textedit source (w/d-n-d support)\nArticle-I.D.: armory.1ri2o2$3hm\nOrganization: CenterLine Software, Inc.\nLines: 28\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\n\nThe XView version 3 source distribution included in the contrib section \nof X11R5 included the source to the textedit program.  I'd like to take \nthe sources and modify them to add support for a ToolTalk-like message \nserver, and maybe for ToolTalk while I'm at it, since the Sun-supplied\ntextedit binary doesn't seem to speak tooltalk.\n\nHowever, the sources in the R5 contrib area seem to be for an older\nversion of textedit than the version shipped with OpenWindows 3.  For\nexample, the OWN 3.0 textedit includes drag and drop support and a \ndropsite in the main control area, while the source in contrib/xview\nknows nothing about drag and drop.\n\nThe textedit.c included in the xview sources says it's version 15.50,\ndated 5/22/90, while doing a 'what textedit' on the OWN 3.0 binary says:\n\n        textedit.c 2.62 91/09/14 Copyr 1990 Sun Micro\n        dragdrop.c 1.26 91/09/14 Copyr 1990 Sun Micro\n        tooltalk.c 2.16 91/09/14 Copyr 1990 Sun Micro\n        ds_relname.c    1.7 91/09/14 Copyr 1990 Sun Micro\n\nSo, does anyone know if the 9/14/91 sources to textedit are available?\nI'd really like to work from the latest source if possible.\n\nPlease reply by email, and I'll post a summary if there's enough \ninterest.\n--\n Matt Landau\t\t\tWaiting for a flash of enlightenment\n matt@centerline.com\t\t\t  in all this blood and thunder\n",
  'From: kshin@stein.u.washington.edu (Kevin Shin)\nSubject: thinning algorithm\nOrganization: University of Washington, Seattle\nLines: 10\nNNTP-Posting-Host: stein.u.washington.edu\n\nHi, netters\n\nI am looking for source code that can reads the ascii file\nor bitmap file and produced the thinned image.\nFor example, to preprocess the character image I want to\napply thinning algorithm.\n\nthanks\nkevin\n.\n',
  'From: brentw@netcom.com (Brent C. Williams)\nSubject: Re: Colorado Jumbo 250 for Gateway 2000?\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nLines: 59\n\npd@world.std.com (Peter F Davis) writes:\n\n>I\'ve just installed a new Colorado Jumbo 250 tape backup unit from\n>Gateway, and I have a couple of complaints with it.  I don\'t know how\n>common or serious these problems may be.  I would appreciate some\n>feedback from others who have used this system.  (BTW, This is on a\n>4DX2-66V tower system.)\n\n\tI have a similar configuration: Colorado 250mb on 66 DX/2 tower.\n\n>The problems are:\n\n>    o\tFirstly, Gateway shipped me only 120 Mb tapes, even though the\n>\tdrive is a 250 Mb unit.  When I called to complain, they only\n>\tsaid:  "That\'s all we carry," and "With compression, you can\n>\tfit 250 Mb on one tape."  Maybe so, but then why did I pay\n>\textra for the large capacity tape drive?\n\n\tYou got suckered in the same way I did.  Silly me, believing\n\tthat the "250" logo on the front meant actual carrying capacity.\n\tThe people who do this sort of thing for a living call it \n\t"marketing."  Lawyers who prosecute it call it "fraud."\n\tPerhaps we can have a bunch of other duped buyers march on \n\ttheir corporate headquarters.\n\n>    o\tI have about 230 Mb of data on my C: drive.  I choose the\n>\tspace-optimizing compression scheme and started a full backup.\n>\tThe software estimated it would take about 22 minutes.  It\n>\ttook 4 1/2 hours.  Does this sound about right?\n\n\tThis is a bit long.  My system takes about 45 minutes to do \n\tthe same thing.  Usually 4.5 hours, particularly if the tape \n\tis grinding away the whole time means that your block size for \n\tthe write is too small.  Is there any way to change the block \n\tsize or write buffer size so it\'s bigger?\n\n>    o\tDuring the backup, about a dozen files came up with "access\n>\tdenied" errors.  Most of these were in C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\n>\t(COMM.DRV, KEYBOARD.DRV, SHELL.DLL, etc.), but also\n>\tC:\\WINDOWS\\PROGMAN.EXE and a couple of files in the C:\\TAPE\n>\tdirectory.  Anyone else had this happen?\n\n\tThis is because the files are opened by DOS.  The files in the \n\tTAPE directory are likely the executable file or the configuration\n\tfile for the tape system.  I would recommend running the backup\n\tfrom DOS so it will make a complete backup of the TAPE directory.\n\n>Thanks for any and all feedback on this system.  I\'d also appreciate\n>hearing of good sources for blank tape cartridges, preferably 250 Mb\n>size.\n\n\tThe 250mb cartridges won\'t do you any good since the drive\n\twon\'t write 250mb of physical data on the tape.  \n\n>Thanks.\n>-pd\n\n-- \n-brent williams (brentw@netcom.com) san jose, california\n',
  'From: louray@seas.gwu.edu (Michael Panayiotakis)\nSubject: Re: More Cool BMP files??\nOrganization: George Washington University\nLines: 15\n\n> \n>I downloaded the CompuServe GIF of the month.  A raytraced image of\n>a golf ball next to a hole.  Very nice, 640x480x256 bitmap, easily\n>converted to a Windows BMP.  If anyone wants, I could upload a copy\n>on Cica...\n>\n\nPlease do...and let us know specifics.  (lest I\'m the only one on this).\n\nMickey\n-- \npe-|| ||  MICHAEL PANAYIOTAKIS: louray@seas.gwu.edu \nace|| ||                                   ...!uunet!seas.gwu.edu!louray\n|||| \\/|  *how do make a ms-windows .grp file reflect a HD directory??*\n\\\\\\\\   |  "well I ain\'t always right, but I\'ve never been wrong.."(gd)\n',
  'From: livesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey)\nSubject: Re: Morality? (was Re: <Political Atheists?)\nOrganization: sgi\nLines: 93\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: solntze.wpd.sgi.com\n\nIn article <1qlettINN8oi@gap.caltech.edu>, keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider) writes:\n|> livesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes:\n|> \n|> >>>Explain to me\n|> >>>how instinctive acts can be moral acts, and I am happy to listen.\n|> >>For example, if it were instinctive not to murder...\n|> >\n|> >Then not murdering would have no moral significance, since there\n|> >would be nothing voluntary about it.\n|> \n|> See, there you go again, saying that a moral act is only significant\n|> if it is "voluntary."  Why do you think this?\n\nIf you force me to do something, am I morally responsible for it?\n\n|> \n|> And anyway, humans have the ability to disregard some of their instincts.\n\nWell, make up your mind.    Is it to be "instinctive not to murder"\nor not?\n\n|> \n|> >>So, only intelligent beings can be moral, even if the bahavior of other\n|> >>beings mimics theirs?\n|> >\n|> >You are starting to get the point.  Mimicry is not necessarily the \n|> >same as the action being imitated.  A Parrot saying "Pretty Polly" \n|> >isn\'t necessarily commenting on the pulchritude of Polly.\n|> \n|> You are attaching too many things to the term "moral," I think.\n|> Let\'s try this:  is it "good" that animals of the same species\n|> don\'t kill each other.  Or, do you think this is right? \n\nIt\'s not even correct.    Animals of the same species do kill\none another.\n\n|> \n|> Or do you think that animals are machines, and that nothing they do\n|> is either right nor wrong?\n\nSigh.   I wonder how many times we have been round this loop.\n\nI think that instinctive bahaviour has no moral significance.\nI am quite prepared to believe that higher animals, such as\nprimates, have the beginnings of a moral sense, since they seem\nto exhibit self-awareness.\n\n|> \n|> \n|> >>Animals of the same species could kill each other arbitarily, but \n|> >>they don\'t.\n|> >\n|> >They do.  I and other posters have given you many examples of exactly\n|> >this, but you seem to have a very short memory.\n|> \n|> Those weren\'t arbitrary killings.  They were slayings related to some \n|> sort of mating ritual or whatnot.\n\nSo what?     Are you trying to say that some killing in animals\nhas a moral significance and some does not?   Is this your\nnatural morality>\n\n\n|> \n|> >>Are you trying to say that this isn\'t an act of morality because\n|> >>most animals aren\'t intelligent enough to think like we do?\n|> >\n|> >I\'m saying:\n|> >\t"There must be the possibility that the organism - it\'s not \n|> >\tjust people we are talking about - can consider alternatives."\n|> >\n|> >It\'s right there in the posting you are replying to.\n|> \n|> Yes it was, but I still don\'t understand your distinctions.  What\n|> do you mean by "consider?"  Can a small child be moral?  How about\n|> a gorilla?  A dolphin?  A platypus?  Where is the line drawn?  Does\n|> the being need to be self aware?\n\nAre you blind?   What do you think that this sentence means?\n\n\t"There must be the possibility that the organism - it\'s not \n\tjust people we are talking about - can consider alternatives."\n\nWhat would that imply?\n\n|> \n|> What *do* you call the mechanism which seems to prevent animals of\n|> the same species from (arbitrarily) killing each other?  Don\'t\n|> you find the fact that they don\'t at all significant?\n\nI find the fact that they do to be significant. \n\njon.\n',
  'From: max@hilbert.cyprs.rain.com (Max Webb)\nSubject: Re: A question that has bee bothering me.\nOrganization: Cypress Semi, Beaverton OR\nLines: 47\n\nIn article <Apr.> wquinnan@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (Malcusco) writes:\n>In article <Apr.> atterlep@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Cardinal Ximenez) writes:\n>\tMy problem with Science is that often it allows us to\n>assume we know what is best for ourselves.  God endowed us\n>with the ability to produce life through sexual relations,\n\nYou assume this because you believe in a designing creator,\nand you observe our ability to procreate...\n\n>for example, but He did not make that availible to everyone.\n>Does that mean that if Science can over-ride God\'s decision\n>through alterations, that God wills for us to have the power\n>to decide who should and should not be able to have \n>children?\n\n.... But then you observe our ability to modify fertility\nthrough intelligence & experiment, and draw no similar conclusions\nabout God designing us for scientific inquiry & the use of the\ntechnology that it produces.  How is it that one ability is "obviously\nfrom God", and the other not?\n\n>\tI cannot draw a solid line regarding where I\n>would approve of Scientific study, and where I would not,\n>but I will say this:  Before one experiments with the\n>universe to find out all its secrets, one should ask\n>why they want this knowledge.\n\nI want to know the truth, and hold the Truth as the most\nbasic of all ethical values, because correct moral judgement\nrelies on knowing the truth, not vice versa. Moralities that\nassert that assent to a belief is a moral choice, and not\ncompelled by evidence inevitably cut off the limb they sit upon.\nFalsification of evidence, conscious and unconscious, follows\ncorrupting both the intellect and the heart.\n\n>I will say that each person should pray for guidance\n>when trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe, and\n>should cease their unravelling if they have reason to \n>believe their search is displeasing to God.\n>\n>\t\t\t---Malcusco\n\nIf there is a God, he has nothing to fear from truth.\nAs to imaginary gods and there followers: Be afraid. Be very\nafraid.\n\n\tMax\n',
  'From: ma170saj@sdcc14.ucsd.edu (System Operator)\nSubject: A Moment Of Silence\nOrganization: University of California, San Diego\nLines: 14\nNntp-Posting-Host: sdcc14.ucsd.edu\n\n\n    April 24th is approaching, and Armenians around the world\nare getting ready to remember the massacres of their family members\nby the Turkish government between 1915 and 1920.  \n    At least 1.5 Million Armenians perished during that period,\nand it is important to note that those who deny that this event\never took place, either supported the policy of 1915 to exterminate\nthe Armenians, or, as we have painfully witnessed in Azerbaijan,\nwould like to see it happen again...\n    Thank you for taking the time to read this post.\n\n    -Helgge\n\n\n',
  'From: david@stat.com (David Dodell)\nSubject: HICN610 Medical Newsletter Part 1/4\nReply-To: david@stat.com (David Dodell)\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Stat Gateway Service, WB7TPY\nLines: 708\n\n\n------------- cut here -----------------\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\n              +------------------------------------------------+\n              !                                                !\n              !              Health Info-Com Network           !\n              !                Medical Newsletter              !\n              +------------------------------------------------+\n                         Editor: David Dodell, D.M.D.\n    10250 North 92nd Street, Suite 210, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258-4599 USA\n                          Telephone +1 (602) 860-1121\n                              FAX +1 (602) 451-1165\n\nCompilation Copyright 1993 by David Dodell,  D.M.D.  All  rights  Reserved.  \nLicense  is  hereby  granted  to republish on electronic media for which no \nfees are charged,  so long as the text of this copyright notice and license \nare attached intact to any and all republished portion or portions.  \n\nThe Health Info-Com Network Newsletter is  distributed  biweekly.  Articles \non  a medical nature are welcomed.  If you have an article,  please contact \nthe editor for information on how to submit it.  If you are  interested  in \njoining the automated distribution system, please contact the editor.  \n\nE-Mail Address:\n                                    Editor:  \n                          Internet: david@stat.com\n                              FidoNet = 1:114/15\n                           Bitnet = ATW1H@ASUACAD \nLISTSERV = MEDNEWS@ASUACAD.BITNET (or internet: mednews@asuvm.inre.asu.edu) \n                         anonymous ftp = vm1.nodak.edu\n               Notification List = hicn-notify-request@stat.com\n                 FAX Delivery = Contact Editor for information\n\n\n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n\n                       T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S\n\n\n1.  Comments & News from the Editor\n     OCR / Scanner News ...................................................  1\n\n2.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - MMWR\n     [16 April 1993] Emerging Infectious Diseases .........................  3\n     Outbreak of E. coli Infections from Hamburgers .......................  5\n     Use of Smokeless Tobacoo Among Adults ................................ 10\n     Gonorrhea ............................................................ 14\n     Impact of Adult Safety-Belt Use on Children less than 11 years Age ... 17\n     Publication of CDC Surveillance Summaries ............................ 21\n\n3.  Clinical Research News\n     High Tech Assisted Reproductive Technologies ......................... 24\n\n4.  Articles\n     Low Levels Airborne Particles Linked to Serious Asthma Attacks ....... 29\n     NIH Consensus Development Conference on Melanoma ..................... 31\n     National Cancer Insitute Designated Cancer Centers ................... 32\n\n5.  General Announcments\n     UCI Medical Education Software Repository ............................ 40\n\n6.  AIDS News Summaries\n     AIDS Daily Summary April 12 to April 15, 1993 ........................ 41\n\n7.  AIDS/HIV Articles\n     First HIV Vaccine Trial Begins in HIV-Infected Children .............. 47\n     New Evidence that the HIV Can Cause Disease Independently ............ 50\n     Clinical Consultation Telephone Service for AIDS ..................... 52\n\n\n\n\n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                            Page    i\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\n\n\n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n                        Comments & News from the Editor\n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n\nI would like to continue to thank everyone who has sent in a donation for the \nMednews OCR/Scanner Fund.  We have reached our goal!  A Hewlett Packard\nScanjet IIp was purchased this week.\n\nThank you to the following individuals whose contributions I just received:\n\nJohn Sorenson\nCarol Sigelman\nCarla Moore\nBarbara Moose\nJudith Schrier\n\nAgain, thank you to all who gave!\n\nI have been using Wordscan Plus for the past couple of weeks and would like to \nreview the product.  Wordscan Plus is a product of Calera Recognition Systems.  \nIt runs under Windows 3.1 and supports that Accufont Technology of the Hewlett \nPackard Scanners.  \n\nWhen initially bringing up the software, it lets you select several options; \n(1) text / graphics (2) input source ie scanner, fax file, disk file (3) \nautomatic versus manual decomposition of the scanned image. \n\nI like manual decomposition since the software then lets me select which \nparts of the document I would like scanned, and in what order.\n\nOnce an image is scanned, you can bring up the Pop-Up image verification.  The \nsoftware gives you two "errors" at this point.  Blue which are words that were \nconverted reliability, but do not match anything in the built-in dictionary.  \nYellow shade, which are words that Wordscan Plus doesn\'t think it converted \ncorrectly at all.  I have found that the software should give itself more \ncredit.  It is usually correct, instead of wrong.  If a word is shaded blue, \nyou can add it to your personal dictionary.  The only problem is the personal \ndictionary will only handle about 200 words.  I find this to be very limited, \nconsidering how many medical terms are not in a normal dictionary. \n\nAfter a document is converted, you can save it in a multitude of word \nprocessor formats.  Also any images that were captured can be stored in a \nseperate TIFF or PCX file format.\n\nI was extremely impressed on the percent accuracy for fax files.  I use \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  1\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\nan Intel Satisfaxtion card, which stores incoming faxs in a PCX/DCX format.  \nWhile most of my faxes were received in "standard" mode (200x100 dpi), the \naccuracy of Wordscan Plus was excellent. \n\nOverall, a very impressive product.  The only fault I could find is the \nlimitations of the size of the user dictionary.  200 specialized words is just \ntoo small. \n\nIf anyone has any specific questions, please do not hesitate to send me email.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  2\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\n\n\n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n               Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - MMWR\n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n\n                         Emerging Infectious Diseases\n                         ============================\n                   SOURCE: MMWR 42(14)   DATE: Apr 16, 1993\n\n                                 Introduction\n\n     Despite predictions earlier this century that infectious diseases would \nsoon be eliminated as a public health problem (1), infectious diseases remain \nthe major cause of death worldwide and a leading cause of illness and death in \nthe United States. Since the early 1970s, the U.S. public health system has \nbeen challenged by a myriad of newly identified pathogens and syndromes (e.g., \nEscherichia coli O157:H7, hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus, \nLegionnaires disease, Lyme disease, and toxic shock syndrome). The incidences \nof many diseases widely presumed to be under control, such as cholera, \nmalaria, and tuberculosis (TB), have increased in many areas. Furthermore, \ncontrol and prevention of infectious diseases are undermined by drug \nresistance in conditions such as gonorrhea, malaria, pneumococcal disease, \nsalmonellosis, shigellosis, TB, and staphylococcal infections (2). Emerging \ninfections place a disproportionate burden on immunocompromised persons, those \nin institutional settings (e.g., hospitals and child day care centers), and \nminority and underserved populations. The substantial economic burden of \nemerging infections on the U.S. health-care system could be reduced by more \neffective surveillance systems and targeted control and prevention programs \n(3). \n     This issue of MMWR introduces a new series, "Emerging Infectious \nDiseases." Future articles will address these diseases, as well as \nsurveillance, control, and prevention efforts by health-care providers and \npublic health officials. This first article updates the ongoing investigation \nof an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 in the western United States (4). \n\nReferences\n\n1. Burnet M. Natural history of infectious disease. Cambridge, England: \nCambridge University Press, 1963. \n\n2. Kunin CM. Resistance to antimicrobial drugs -- a worldwide calamity. Ann \nIntern Med 1993;118:557-61. \n\n3. Lederberg J, Shope RE, Oaks SC Jr, eds. Emerging infections: microbial \nthreats to health in the United States. Washington, DC: National Academy \nPress, 1992. \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  3\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\n\n4. CDC. Preliminary report: foodborne outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 \ninfections from hamburgers --western United States, 1993. MMWR 1993;42:85-6.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  4\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\n            Update: Multistate Outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7\n             Infections from Hamburgers -- Western United States,\n                                   1992-1993\n            =======================================================\n                   SOURCE: MMWR 42(14)   DATE: Apr 16, 1993\n\n     From November 15, 1992, through February 28, 1993, more than 500 \nlaboratory-confirmed infections with E. coli O157:H7 and four associated \ndeaths occurred in four states -- Washington, Idaho, California, and Nevada. \nThis report summarizes the findings from an ongoing investigation (1) that \nidentified a multistate outbreak resulting from consumption of hamburgers from \none restaurant chain. Washington \n     On January 13, 1993, a physician reported to the Washington Department of \nHealth a cluster of children with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and an \nincrease in emergency room visits for bloody diarrhea. During January 16-17, a \ncase-control study comparing 16 of the first cases of bloody diarrhea or \npostdiarrheal HUS identified with age- and neighborhood-matched controls \nimplicated eating at chain A restaurants during the week before symptom onset \n(matched odds ratio OR=undefined; lower confidence limit=3.5). On January \n18, a multistate recall of unused hamburger patties from chain A restaurants \nwas initiated. \n     As a result of publicity and case-finding efforts, during January-\nFebruary 1993, 602 patients with bloody diarrhea or HUS were reported to the \nstate health department. A total of 477 persons had illnesses meeting the case \ndefinition of culture-confirmed E. coli O157:H7 infection or postdiarrheal HUS \n(Figure 1). Of the 477 persons, 52 (11%) had close contact with a person with \nconfirmed E. coli O157:H7 infection during the week preceding onset of \nsymptoms. Of the remaining 425 persons, 372 (88%) reported eating in a chain A \nrestaurant during the 9 days preceding onset of symptoms. Of the 338 patients \nwho recalled what they ate in a chain A restaurant, 312 (92%) reported eating \na regular-sized hamburger patty. Onsets of illness peaked from January 17 \nthrough January 20. Of the 477 casepatients, 144 (30%) were hospitalized; 30 \ndeveloped HUS, and three died. The median age of patients was 7.5 years \n(range: 0-74 years). Idaho \n     Following the outbreak report from Washington, the Division of Health, \nIdaho Department of Health and Welfare, identified 14 persons with culture-\nconfirmed E. coli O157:H7 infection, with illness onset dates from December \n11, 1992, through February 16, 1993 (Figure 2A). Four persons were \nhospitalized; one developed HUS. During the week preceding illness onset, 13 \n(93%) had eaten at a chain A restaurant. California \n     In late December, the San Diego County Department of Health Services was \nnotified of a child with E. coli O157:H7 infection who subsequently died. \nActive surveillance and record review then identified eight other persons with \nE. coli O157:H7 infections or HUS from mid-November through mid-January 1993. \nFour of the nine reportedly had recently eaten at a chain A restaurant and \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  5\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\nfour at a chain B restaurant in San Diego. After the Washington outbreak was \nreported, reviews of medical records at five hospitals revealed an overall 27% \nincrease in visits or admissions for diarrhea during December 1992 and January \n1993 compared with the same period 1 year earlier. A case was defined as \npostdiarrheal HUS, bloody diarrhea that was culture negative or not cultured, \nor any diarrheal illness in which stool culture yielded E. coli O157:H7, with \nonset from November 15, 1992, through January 31, 1993. \n     Illnesses of 34 patients met the case definition (Figure 2B). The \noutbreak strain was identified in stool specimens of six patients. Fourteen \npersons were hospitalized, seven developed HUS, and one child died. The median \nage of case-patients was 10 years (range: 1-58 years). A case-control study of \nthe first 25 case-patients identified and age- and sex-matched community \ncontrols implicated eating at a chain A restaurant in San Diego (matched \nOR=13; 95% confidence interval CI=1.7-99). A study comparing case-patients \nwho ate at chain A restaurants with well meal companions implicated regular-\nsized hamburger patties (matched OR=undefined; lower confidence limit=1.3). \nChain B was not statistically associated with illness. Nevada \n     On January 22, after receiving a report of a child with HUS who had eaten \nat a local chain A restaurant, the Clark County (Las Vegas) Health District \nissued a press release requesting that persons with recent bloody diarrhea \ncontact the health department. A case was defined as postdiarrheal HUS, bloody \ndiarrhea that was culture negative or not cultured, or any diarrheal illness \nwith a stool culture yielding the Washington strain of E. coli O157:H7, with \nonset from December 1, 1992, through February 7, 1993. Because local \nlaboratories were not using sorbitol MacConkey (SMAC) medium to screen stools \nfor E. coli O157:H7, this organism was not identified in any patient. After \nSMAC medium was distributed, the outbreak strain was detected in the stool of \none patient 38 days after illness onset. \n     Of 58 persons whose illnesses met the case definition (Figure 2C), nine \nwere hospitalized; three developed HUS. The median age was 30.5 years (range: \n0-83 years). Analysis of the first 21 patients identified and age- and sex-\nmatched community controls implicated eating at a chain A restaurant during \nthe week preceding illness onset (matched OR=undefined; lower confidence \nlimit=4.9). A case-control study using well meal companions of case-patients \nalso implicated eating hamburgers at chain A (matched OR=6.0; 95% CI=0.7-\n49.8). Other Investigation Findings \n     During the outbreak, chain A restaurants in Washington linked with cases \nprimarily were serving regular-sized hamburger patties produced on November \n19, 1992; some of the same meat was used in "jumbo" patties produced on \nNovember 20, 1992. The outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 was isolated from 11 \nlots of patties produced on those two dates; these lots had been distributed \nto restaurants in all states where illness occurred. Approximately 272,672 \n(20%) of the implicated patties were recovered by the recall. \n     A meat traceback by a CDC team identified five slaughter plants in the \nUnited States and one in Canada as the likely sources of carcasses used in the \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  6\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\ncontaminated lots of meat and identified potential control points for reducing \nthe likelihood of contamination. The animals slaughtered in domestic slaughter \nplants were traced to farms and auctions in six western states. No one \nslaughter plant or farm was identified as the source. \n     Further investigation of cases related to secondary transmission in \nfamilies and child day care settings is ongoing. \n\nReported by: M Davis, DVM, C Osaki, MSPH, Seattle-King County Dept of Public \nHealth; D Gordon, MS, MW Hinds, MD, Snohomish Health District, Everett; K \nMottram, C Winegar, MPH, Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept; ED Avner, MD, PI \nTarr, MD, Dept of Pediatrics, D Jardine, MD, Depts of Anesthesiology and \nPediatrics, Univ of Washington School of Medicine and Children\'s Hospital and \nMedical Center, Seattle; M Goldoft, MD, B Bartleson, MPH; J Lewis, JM \nKobayashi, MD, State Epidemiologist, Washington Dept of Health. G Billman, MD, \nJ Bradley, MD, Children\'s Hospital, San Diego; S Hunt, P Tanner, RES, M \nGinsberg, MD, San Diego County Dept of Health Svcs; L Barrett, DVM, SB Werner, \nMD, GW Rutherford, III, MD, State Epidemiologist, California Dept of Health \nSvcs. RW Jue, Central District Health Dept, Boise; H Root, Southwest District \nHealth Dept, Caldwell; D Brothers, MA, RL Chehey, MS, RH Hudson, PhD, Div of \nHealth, Idaho State Public Health Laboratory, FR Dixon, MD, State \nEpidemiologist, Div of Health, Idaho Dept of Health and Welfare. DJ Maxson, \nEnvironmental Epidemiology Program, L Empey, PA, O Ravenholt, MD, VH Ueckart, \nDVM, Clark County Health District, Las Vegas; A DiSalvo, MD, Nevada State \nPublic Health Laboratory; DS Kwalick, MD, R Salcido, MPH, D Brus, DVM, State \nEpidemiologist, Div of Health, Nevada State Dept of Human Resources. Center \nfor Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration. Food \nSafety Inspection Svc, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Svc, US Dept of \nAgriculture. Div of Field Epidemiology, Epidemiology Program Office; Enteric \nDiseases Br, Div of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Center for \nInfectious Diseases, CDC. \n\nEditorial Note: E. coli O157:H7 is a pathogenic gram-negative bacterium first \nidentified as a cause of illness in 1982 during an outbreak of severe bloody \ndiarrhea traced to contaminated hamburgers (2). This pathogen has since \nemerged as an important cause of both bloody diarrhea and HUS, the most common \ncause of acute renal failure in children. Outbreak investigations have linked \nmost cases with the consumption of undercooked ground beef, although other \nfood vehicles, including roast beef, raw milk, and apple cider, also have been \nimplicated (3). Preliminary data from a CDC 2-year, nationwide, multicenter \nstudy revealed that when stools were routinely cultured for E. coli O157:H7 \nthat organism was isolated more frequently than Shigella in four of 10 \nparticipating hospitals and was isolated from 7.8% of all bloody stools, a \nhigher rate than for any other pathogen. \n     Infection with E. coli O157:H7 often is not recognized because most \nclinical laboratories do not routinely culture stools for this organism on \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  7\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\nSMAC medium, and many clinicians are unaware of the spectrum of illnesses \nassociated with infection (4). The usual clinical manifestations are diarrhea \n(often bloody) and abdominal cramps; fever is infrequent. Younger age groups \nand the elderly are at highest risk for clinical manifestations and \ncomplications. Illness usually resolves after 6-8 days, but 2%-7% of patients \ndevelop HUS, which is characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, \nrenal failure, and a death rate of 3%-5%. \n     This report illustrates the difficulties in recognizing community \noutbreaks of E. coli O157:H7 in the absence of routine surveillance. Despite \nthe magnitude of this outbreak, the problem may not have been recognized in \nthree states if the epidemiologic link had not been established in Washington \n(1). Clinical laboratories should routinely culture stool specimens from \npersons with bloody diarrhea or HUS for E. coli O157:H7 using SMAC agar (5). \nWhen infections with E. coli O157:H7 are identified, they should be reported \nto local health departments for further evaluation and, if necessary, public \nhealth action to prevent further cases. \n     E. coli O157:H7 lives in the intestines of healthy cattle, and can \ncontaminate meat during slaughter. CDC is collaborating with the U.S. \nDepartment of Agriculture\'s Food Safety Inspection Service to identify \ncritical control points in processing as a component of a program to reduce \nthe likelihood of pathogens such as E. coli O157:H7 entering the meat supply. \nBecause slaughtering practices can result in contamination of raw meat with \npathogens, and because the process of grinding beef may transfer pathogens \nfrom the surface of the meat to the interior, ground beef is likely to be \ninternally contaminated. The optimal food protection practice is to cook \nground beef thoroughly until the interior is no longer pink, and the juices \nare clear. In this outbreak, undercooking of hamburger patties likely played \nan important role. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued interim \nrecommendations to increase the internal temperature for cooked hamburgers to \n155 F (86.1 C) (FDA, personal communication, 1993). \n     Regulatory actions stimulated by the outbreak described in this report \nand the recovery of thousands of contaminated patties before they could be \nconsumed emphasize the value of rapid public health investigations of \noutbreaks. The public health impact and increasing frequency of isolation of \nthis pathogen underscore the need for improved surveillance for infections \ncaused by E. coli O157:H7 and for HUS to better define the epidemiology of E. \ncoli O157:H7. \n\nReferences\n\n1. CDC. Preliminary report: foodborne outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 \ninfections from hamburgers --western United States, 1993. MMWR 1993;42:85-6. \n\n2. Riley LW, Remis RS, Helgerson SD, et al. Hemorrhagic colitis associated \nwith a rare Escherichia coli serotype. N Engl J Med 1983;308:681-5. \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  8\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\n\n3. Griffin PM, Tauxe RV. The epidemiology of infections caused by Escherichia \ncoli O157:H7, other enterohemorrhagic E. coli, and the associated hemolytic \nuremic syndrome. Epidemiol Rev 1991;13:60-98. \n\n4. Griffin PM, Ostroff SM, Tauxe RV, et al. Illnesses associated with \nEscherichia coli O157:H7 infections: a broad clinical spectrum. Ann Intern Med \n1988;109:705-12. \n\n5. March SB, Ratnam S. Latex agglutination test\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page  9\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\n            Use of Smokeless Tobacco Among Adults -- United States,\n                                     1991\n            =======================================================\n                   SOURCE: MMWR 42(14)   DATE: Apr 16, 1993\n\n     Consumption of moist snuff and other smokeless tobacco products in the \nUnited States almost tripled from 1972 through 1991 (1). Long-term use of \nsmokeless tobacco is associated with nicotine addiction and increased risk of \noral cancer (2) -- the incidence of which could increase if young persons who \ncurrently use smokeless tobacco continue to use these products frequently (1). \nTo monitor trends in the prevalence of use of smokeless tobacco products, \nCDC\'s 1991 National Health Interview Survey-Health Promotion and Disease \nPrevention supplement (NHIS-HPDP) collected information on snuff and chewing \ntobacco use and smoking from a representative sample of the U.S. civilian, \nnoninstitutionalized population aged greater than or equal to 18 years. This \nreport summarizes findings from this survey. \n     The 1991 NHIS-HPDP supplement asked "Have you used snuff at least 20 \ntimes in your entire life?" and "Do you use snuff now?" Similar questions were \nasked about chewing tobacco use and cigarette smoking. Current users of \nsmokeless tobacco were defined as those who reported snuff or chewing tobacco \nuse at least 20 times and who reported using snuff or chewing tobacco at the \ntime of the interview; former users were defined as those who reported having \nused snuff or chewing tobacco at least 20 times and not using either at the \ntime of the interview. Ever users of smokeless tobacco included current and \nformer users. Current smokers were defined as those who reported smoking at \nleast 100 cigarettes and who were currently smoking and former smokers as \nthose who reported having smoked at least 100 cigarettes and who were not \nsmoking now. Ever smokers included current and former smokers. Data on \nsmokeless tobacco use were available for 43,732 persons aged greater than or \nequal to 18 years and were adjusted for nonresponse and weighted to provide \nnational estimates. Confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated by using \nstandard errors generated by the Software for Survey Data Analysis (SUDAAN) \n(3). \n     In 1991, an estimated 5.3 million (2.9%) U.S. adults were current users \nof smokeless tobacco, including 4.8 million (5.6%) men and 533,000 (0.6%) \nwomen. For all categories of comparison, the prevalence of smokeless tobacco \nuse was substantially higher among men. For men, the prevalence of use was \nhighest among those aged 18-24 years (Table 1); for women, the prevalence was \nhighest among those aged greater than or equal to 75 years. The prevalence of \nsmokeless tobacco use among men was highest among American Indians/Alaskan \nNatives and whites; the prevalence among women was highest among American \nIndians/Alaskan Natives and blacks. Among both men and women, prevalence of \nsmokeless tobacco use declined with increasing education. Prevalence was \nsubstantially higher among residents of the southern United States and in \nrural areas. Although the prevalence of smokeless tobacco use was higher among \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page 10\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\nmen and women below the poverty level, * this difference was significant only \nfor women (p less than 0.05) (Table 1). \n     Among men, the prevalence of current use of snuff was highest among those \naged 18-44 years but varied considerably by age; the prevalence of use of \nchewing tobacco was more evenly distributed by age group (Table 2). Although \nwomen rarely used smokeless tobacco, the prevalence of snuff use was highest \namong those aged greater than or equal to 75 years. \n     An estimated 7.9 million (4.4% 95% CI=4.1-4.6) adults reported being \nformer smokeless tobacco users. Among ever users, the proportion who were \nformer smokeless tobacco users was 59.9% (95% CI=57.7-62.1). Among persons \naged 18-24 years, the proportion of former users was lower among snuff users \n(56.2% 95% CI=49.4-63.0) than among chewing tobacco users (70.4% 95% \nCI=64.2-76.6). Among persons aged 45-64 years, the proportion of former users \nwas similar for snuff (68.9% 95% CI=63.1-74.7) and chewing tobacco (73.5% \n95% CI=68.9-78.1). \n     Among current users of smokeless tobacco, 22.9% (95% CI=19.9-26.0) \ncurrently smoked, 33.3% (95% CI=30.0-36.5) formerly smoked, and 43.8% (95% \nCI=39.9-47.7) never smoked. In comparison, among current smokers, 2.6% (95% \nCI=2.3-3.0) were current users of smokeless tobacco. \n     Daily use of smokeless tobacco was more common among snuff users (67.3% \n95% CI=63.2-71.4) than among chewing tobacco users (45.1% 95% CI=40.6-\n49.6). \n\nReported by: Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease \nPrevention and Health Promotion; Div of Health Interview Statistics, National \nCenter for Health Statistics, CDC. \n\nEditorial Note: The findings in this report indicate that the use of smokeless \ntobacco was highest among young males. Adolescent and young adult males, in \nparticular, are the target of marketing strategies by tobacco companies that \nlink smokeless tobacco with athletic performance and virility. Use of oral \nsnuff has risen markedly among professional baseball players, encouraging this \nbehavior among adolescent and young adult males and increasing their risk for \nnicotine addiction, oral cancer, and other mouth disorders (4). \n     Differences in the prevalence of smokeless tobacco use among \nracial/ethnic groups may be influenced by differences in educational levels \nand socioeconomic status as well as social and cultural phenomena that require \nfurther explanation. For example, targeted marketing practices may play a role \nin maintaining or increasing prevalence among some groups, and affecting the \ndifferential initiation of smokeless tobacco use by young persons (5,6). \n     In this report, one concern is that nearly one fourth of current \nsmokeless tobacco users also smoke cigarettes. In the 1991 NHIS-HPDP, the \nprevalence of cigarette smoking was higher among former smokeless tobacco \nusers than among current and never smokeless tobacco users. In a previous \nstudy among college students, 18% of current smokeless tobacco users smoked \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page 11\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\noccasionally (7). In addition, approximately 7% of adults who formerly smoked \nreported substituting other tobacco products for cigarettes in an effort to \nstop smoking (8). Health-care providers should recognize the potential health \nimplications of concurrent smokeless tobacco and cigarette use. \n     The national health objectives for the year 2000 have established special \npopulation target groups for the reduction of the prevalence of smokeless \ntobacco use, including males aged 12-24 years (to no more than 4% by the year \n2000 objective 3.9) and American Indian/Alaskan Native youth (to no more \nthan 10% by the year 2000 objective 3.9a) (9). Strategies to lower the \nprevalence of smokeless tobacco use include continued monitoring of smokeless \ntobacco use, integrating smoking and smokeless tobacco-control efforts, \nenforcing laws that restrict minors\' access to tobacco, making excise taxes \ncommensurate with those on cigarettes, encouraging health-care providers to \nroutinely provide cessation advice and follow-up, providing school-based \nprevention and cessation interventions, and adopting policies that prohibit \ntobacco use on school property and at school-sponsored events (5). \n\nReferences\n\n1. Office of Evaluations and Inspections. Spit tobacco and youth. Washington, \nDC: US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector \nGeneral, 1992; DHHS publication no. (OEI-06)92-00500. \n\n2. National Institutes of Health. The health consequences of using smokeless \ntobacco: a report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General. Bethesda, \nMaryland: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, \n1986; DHHS publication no. (NIH)86-2874. \n\n3. Shah BV. Software for Survey Data Analysis (SUDAAN) version 5.30 Software \ndocumentation. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: Research Triangle \nInstitute, 1989. \n\n4. Connolly GN, Orleans CT, Blum A. Snuffing tobacco out of sport. Am J Public \nHealth 1992;82:351-3. \n\n5. National Cancer Institute. Smokeless tobacco or health: an international \nperspective. Bethesda, Maryland: US Department of Health and Human Services, \nPublic Health Service, National Institutes of Health, 1992; DHHS publication \nno. (NIH)92-3461. \n\n6. Foreyt JP, Jackson AS, Squires WG, Hartung GH, Murray TD, Gotto AM. \nPsychological profile of college students who use smokeless tobacco. Addict \nBehav 1993;18:107-16. \n\n7. Glover ED, Laflin M, Edwards SW. Age of initiation and switching patterns \n\nHICNet Medical Newsletter                                              Page 12\nVolume  6, Number 10                                           April 20, 1993\n\nbetween smokeless tobacco and cigarettes among college students in the United \nStates. Am J Public Health 1989;79:207-8. \n\n8. CDC. Tobacco use in 1986: methods and tabulations from Adult Use of Tobacco \nSurvey. Rockville, Maryland: US Department of Health and Human Services, \nPublic Health Service, CDC, 1990; DHHS publication no. (OM)90-2004. \n\n9. Public Health Service. Healthy people 2000: national health promotion and \ndisease prevention objectives. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and \nHuman Services, Public Health Service, 1991; DHHS publication no. (PHS)91-\n50213.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n--------- end of part 1 ------------\n\n---\n      Internet: david@stat.com                  FAX: +1 (602) 451-1165\n      Bitnet: ATW1H@ASUACAD                     FidoNet=> 1:114/15\n                Amateur Packet ax25: wb7tpy@wb7tpy.az.usa.na\n',
  'From: brian@lpl.arizona.edu (Brian Ceccarelli 602/621-9615)\nSubject: To Rob Lanphier\nOrganization: Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Tucson AZ.\nLines: 82\n\nDear Rob,\n\n>When I read Brian K.\'s postings, I find someone who is honestly seeking\n>the truth.  When I read your response here, I see condescension.  When you\n>reply to a post, reply to the post you quote.  This statement undermines\n>any good points you might have had (it was enough to make me stop reading).\n\nSometimes I do come across condesending, and I am sorry I come across that\nway at times.  Thank you for the reproach, I really do appreciate it.  I\'ll\ntry to get better.\n\nRob, at the same time, I have also learned that some people respond to the gentle\napproach while others respond only at a harsh rebuke.  Brian K., so far,\nonly responds to the latter.  And I am glad he responds at all.   In both\ncases of approach,  my intention is to be loving.  I am making no excuse\nfor myself if I am coming across condesending.  I apologize for that.\n\nRob, sometimes Brian K. comes across as honest. I know this.  But Brian K. \nvasillates back and forth.  One post looks honest; the next is\nan excuse.  Now he wants me to explain the universe in 50 words or less.  \nI think Brian Kendig is really trying but he is too comfortable with\nhis set of excuses.  \n\nI just want Brian K. to be honest with himself.  If he really wants\nto know, he will ask questions and stop asserting irrelevant excuses\nwhich have nothing to do with my God.   I wish Brian would read the\nBible for himself and come to his own decisions without being\nsidetracked with the temptation to mock God.\n\nFrom my perspective Rob, when I look at Brian Kendig, I see a man\nstanding out in the middle of a highway.  Off into the distance I \nsee a Mack truck heading right for him, but Brian K. is faced away\nfrom the oncoming truck.  He doesn\'t see it.   Here\'s is how I see\nthe dialog:\n\n\nMe:  "Brian K, please step aside before you get run over." \n\nBK:  "There is no truck."\n\nMe:  "Turn around at look."\n\nBK:  "No."\n\nMe:  "Look!  You will be healthier if you do take a look at\n     the oncoming truck."\n\nBK:  "No. Explain to me why trucks exist."\n\nMe:  "Turn around or you will run over."\n\nBK:  "No. I won\'t because I like hiking and tomorrow is Tuesday."\n\nMe:  "You blind fool!  Why do you choose ignorance? You have nothing\n      to lose if you look.  But if do not look, you will certainly lose your life."\n      I do not want to see you squashed all over the road.\n\nBK:  "It is my life to lose.  I rather not look.\n      Besides, a truck running over me will not harm me."\n      And by the way, I really have an open mind."\n\n\nSo is my motivation to belittle Brian, or to love Brian the best I know how?   \n\nI do not wish to single Brian Kendig out.  Because millions if not\nbillions of people fall into the same category.  Perhaps all people\nfall have fallen into this category at one time in their lives.  I have.\nI can now see the truck behind Brian.\n\nMy hope is that Brian will look and will see the ramifications of the\ntruck coming towards him.  My hope is that Brian will want to step out\nof the way.  My fear, though,  is that Brian will instead choose to glue himself\nto the middle of the highway, where he will certainly get run over.  But if\nhe so chooses, he so chooses, and there is nothing I can do beyond that\nto change his mind.   For it is his choice.   But at this very moment,\nBrian hasn\'t gotten even that far.  He is still at the point where he\ndoes not want to look.  Sure he moves his eyeball to appease me, but his\nhead will not turn around to see the entire picture.  So far he is\nsatisfied with his glimpse of the mountains off in the distance. \n\nThank you again Rob for your reproach.  I really do appreciate it.  (My\nwife tells me the same thing at times.)   :-)   I will try to do better.\n',
  "From: mmadsen@bonnie.ics.uci.edu (Matt Madsen)\nSubject: SE/30 acc & graphics card?\nNntp-Posting-Host: bonnie.ics.uci.edu\nReply-To: mmadsen@ics.uci.edu (Matt Madsen)\nOrganization: Univ. of Calif., Irvine, Info. & Computer Sci. Dept.\nLines: 9\n\nAre there any graphics cards for the SE/30 that also have, say, an 040\naccelerator?  There seem to be plenty of accelerator/graphics cards for\nthe _SE_, but none (that I've seen) for the SE/30.\n\nThanks\n\nMatt Madsen\nmmadsen@ics.uci.edu\n\n",
  "From: rdetweil@boi.hp.com (Richard Detweiler)\nSubject: Re: ESPN and Expansion\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: Hewlett Packard\nLines: 33\n\nIn article <C5109u.7C0@ucdavis.edu> itlm013@dale.ucdavis.edu (Donnie Trump) writes:\n>I was watching Peter Gammons on ESPN last night, and he's got me a little\n>confused.\n>\n>While talking about expansion, he started mentioning people who might benefit\n>from the fringe players they'll be facing: McGriff hitting 50 home runs,\n>Sheffield getting 150 rbi's, and Glavine winning 25 games.  This was,\n>of course, all in reference to what happened the *other* times that baseball\n>has expanded (early 60's, late 60's, late 70's).\n>\n>What really confused me, though, was the mention of *AL* players who would\n>do well next year.  Specifically, Roger Clemens winning 25 games, and the\n>likes of McGwire and Gonzalez hitting 50 home runs.\n>\n>My question is:  How in the hell will the Rockies/Marlins help the AL?  The\n>last time I looked, there wasn't a lot of talent jumping leagues.  Did I\n>miss something?\n>\n>Dennis Cleary\n>dfcleary@ucdavis.edu\n>\n\nI wondered the same thing.  When he first mentioned it, I thought he was\njust making a mistake but then he said it over and over.  And then in the\nexamples from other years, he gave stats for players from both leagues even\nwhen only one league expanded.\n\nSo (since stats *NEVER* lie :-) ), I guess there is an effect on both leagues\nbecause the expansion draft takes talent from both leagues equally making \nevery team in both leagues dilute their major league talent by calling up\nplayers that, normally, they would not have had there not been expansion.\n\nMake sense?\n",
  "From: wrat@unisql.UUCP (wharfie)\nSubject: Re: SHO clutch question (grinding noise?)\nOrganization: UniSQL, Inc., Austin, Texas, USA\nLines: 9\n\nIn article <C5H6F8.LDu@news.rich.bnr.ca> jcyuhn@crchh574.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (James Yuhn) writes:\n>   That's not the clutch you're hearing, its the gearbox. Early SHOs have\n>   a lot of what is referred to as 'gear rollover' noise. You can generally\n\n\tI have one of the first SHOs built, and _mine_ doesn't make\nthis noise.\n\n\n\n",
  "From: na4@vax5.cit.cornell.edu\nSubject: KREME\nDistribution: rec\nOrganization: Cornell University\nLines: 8\n\nHi folks!\t\t\n\nRecently saw one post about KREME being a *bad idea*, but that was only\t\none man's opinion.  \t\n\nAny one else have any experience with the stuff?\t\n\n\n",
  'From: feldman@urbana.mcd.mot.com (Mike Feldman)\nSubject: Re: OK to set 54 lbs on top of Centris 610???\nKeywords: Centris\nNntp-Posting-Host: charm.urbana.mcd.mot.com\nOrganization: Motorola Computer Group, Urbana Design Center\nLines: 32\n\nIn article <C5HvJx.DJ7@news.cso.uiuc.edu> dlbg1912@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu\n\t(David L. Berk) writes:\n> I recently purchased a Centris 610 and a Mirror Technologies 19 inch\n> Mono monitor.  I\'m wondering if it is OK to set the monitor on top\n> of the CPU.  The monitor weighs 54 lbs.\n>\n> I\'ve called Apple.  The person I spoke with was not sure but was\n> going to find out and call me back in a couple of days.  That was\n> over a week ago....\n>\n> If anybody knows, please respond via email as I don\'t always have time\n> to read this group.  Thanks.\n>\n> David Berk\n> d-berk@uiuc.edu\n\nYea, thanks to lots of good information in this newsgroup, I was prepared\nfor lots of details (even shipping time ... got my C610 8/230/CD in 5 weeks).\nI guess my biggest disappointment is the lack of detail in the written\nspecs and documentation.  The case load spec is an example -- the setup\nsection says Apple 14" and 16" monitors can go on top, but 21" and other\nbig ones can\'t.  Why couldn\'t they publish a maximum load?\n\nNow if I can figure out if there\'s any hope using the "partition" button\non the hard disk setup utility (do I dare just try it and see what happens?),\nthen maybe I can divide up the wealth among the family members a bit more\nsecurly.  The "getting more information" section of the manual suggested\ntrying other avenues before calling Apple, but didn\'t mention the net.\n-- \nMike Feldman, Motorola Computer Group,     (217) 384-8538, FAX (217) 384-8550\n1101 East University Avenue\t   Pager in IL (800) 302-7738, (217) 351-0009\nUrbana, IL 61801-2009 (mcdphx|uiucuxc)!udc!feldman feldman@urbana.mcd.mot.com\n',
  "From: bjones@TrentU.CA (NAME)\nSubject: Re: WARNING.....(please read)...\nReply-To: bjones@TrentU.CA\nOrganization: Trent University, Peterborough\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.091938.6821@hasler.ascom.ch>, kevinh@hslrswi.hasler.ascom.ch (kevinh) writes:\n>\n>In article <C5H7qz.KyA@boi.hp.com>, wesf@boi.hp.com (Wes Fujii) writes:\n>|> Brian LaRose (larose@austin.cs.utk.edu) wrote:\n>|> \n>|> : I never saw the guy.  The police said they thought the motive was to\n>|> : hit the car, have us STOP to check out the damage, and then JUMP US,\n>|> : and take the truck.  \n>|> : \n>|> : PLEASE BE AWARE OF FOLKS.  AND FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, PLEASE DON'T STOP!!!!\n>|> \n>|> Sad.  This sort of thing is on the rise across the country.  South Florida\n>|> is getting a lot of national TV coverage on the subject where vacationers\n>|> are being attacked (and some killed) in schemes similar to this.\n>\n>Make that worldwide coverage. I know numerous people who were planning\n>holidays to the Florida, and have now chosen another (non-US)\n>destination. You expect this sort of thing, perhaps, in third world\n>countries - but not the US!\n\n>In response to this and other articles that have been written on this \nsubject, I would like to say that it is not just a US problem.  In southern \nOntario last summer there were several instances along the 401 where people \n(mainly truckers) were shot at from overpasses.  There are many sick people \nout there and it makes you wonder what the worlds coming to.\n>kevinh@hasler.ascom.ch\n",
  "From: almo@packmind.EBay.Sun.COM (Alan Monday-WWCS Business Mgt. Group)\nSubject: Re: Solar Sail Data\nOrganization: Sun Microsystems, Inc.\nLines: 14\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: almo@packmind.EBay.Sun.COM\nNNTP-Posting-Host: packmind.ebay.sun.com\n\nHey!? What happened to the solar sail race that was supposed to be\nfor Columbus+500?\n\nIn article 29848@news.duc.auburn.edu, snydefj@eng.auburn.edu (Frank J. Snyder) writes:\n>\n>I am looking for any information concerning projects involving Solar\n> Sails. I understand that the JPL did an extensive study on the subject\n> back in the late 70's but I am having trouble gathering such information.\n>\n>Are there any groups out there currently involved in such a project ?\n\n\n\n\n",
  'From: REXLEX@fnal.fnal.gov\nSubject: Re: Certainty and Arrogance\nOrganization: FNAL/AD/Net\nLines: 70\n\nIn article <Apr.>\nkilroy@gboro.rowan.edu (Dr Nancy\'s Sweetie) writes:\n>\n>There is no way out of the loop.\n\nOh contrer mon captitan!  There is a way.  Certainly it is not by human reason.\n Certainly it is not by human experience. (and yet it is both!)  To paraphrase\nSartre, the particular is absurd unless it has an infinite reference point.  It\nis only because of God\'s own revelation that we can be absolute about a thing. \nYour logic comes to fruition in relativism.  \n>\n>"At the core of all well-founded belief, lies belief that is unfounded."\n>                                                    -- Ludwig Wittgenstein\n\nAh, now it is clear.  Ludwig was a desciple of Russell. Ludwig\'s fame is often\nexplained by the fact that he spawned not one but two significant movements in\ncontemporary philosophy. Both revolve around Tractatus Logico-Philosphicus\n(\'21) and Philosophical Investigation (\'53).  Many of Witt\'s comments and\nimplicit conclusions suggest ways of going beyond the explicit critique of\nlanguage he offers.  According to some of the implicit suggestions of Witt\'s\nthought, ordinary language is an invaluable resource, offering a necessary\nframework for the conduct of daily life.  However, though its formal features\nremain the same, its content does not and it is always capable of being\ntranscended as our experience changes and our understanding is deepened, giving\nus a clearer picture of what we are and what we wish to say.  On Witt\'s own\naccount, there is a dynamic fluidity of language.   It is for this reason that\nany critique of language must move from talking about the limits of language to\ntalking about its boundaries, where a boundary is understood not as a wall but\na threshold.\n  vonWrights\'s comment that Witt\'s "sentences have a content that often lies\ndeep beneath the surface of language."  On the surface, Witt talks of the\ninsuperable position of ordinary language and the necessity of bringing\nourselves to accept it without question.  At the same time, we are faced with\nWitt\'s own creative uses of language and his concern for bringing about changes\nin our traditional modes of understanding.  Philosophy, then, through more\nperspicacious speech, seeks to effect this unity rather than assuming that it\nis already functioning. Yes?  The most brilliant of scientists are unable to\noffer a foundation for human speech so long as they reject Christianity! In his\nTractatus we have the well nigh perfect exhibition of the nature of the impasse\nof the scientific ideal of exhaustive logical analysis of Reality by man. \nPerfect language does not exist for fallen man, therefore we must get on about\nour buisness of relating Truth via ordinary language.\n\n  This is why John\'s Gospel is so dear to most Christians.  It is so simple in\nit conveyance of the revealation of God, yet so full of unlieing depth of\nunderstanding.  He viewed Christ from the OT concept of "as a man thinketh, so\nhe is."  John looked at the outward as only an indicator of what was inside,\nthat is the consciousness of Christ.  And so must we.  Words are only vehicals\nof truth.  He is truth.  The scriptures are plain in their expounding that\nthere is a Truth and that it is knowable.  THere are absolutes, and they too\nare knowable.  However, they are only knowable when He reveals them to the\nindividual.  There is, and we shouldn\'t shy from this, a mysticism to\nChristianity.  Paul in ROm 8 says there are 3 men in the world.  There is the\none who does not have the Spirit and therefore can not know the things of the\nSpirit (the Spirit of Truth) and there is the one who has the Spirit and has\nthe capacity to know of the Truth, but there  is the third.  THe one who not\nonly has the Spirit, but that the Spirit has him! Who can know the deep things\nof God and reveal them to us other than the Spirit.  And it is only the deep\nthings of GOd that are absolute and true.\n   There is such a thing as true truth and it is real, it can be experienced\nand it is verifiable.  I disagree with Dr Nancy\'s Sweetie\'s conclusion because\nif it is taken to fruition it leads to relativism which leads to dispair.  \n\n"I would know the words which He would answer me, and understand what He would\nsay unto me."  Job 23ff\n\n--Rex\n\nsuggested, easy reading about epistimology:  "He is there and He is not Silent"\n by Francis Schaeffer.\n',
  'From: wdstarr@athena.mit.edu (William December Starr)\nSubject: Re: Debating special "hate crimes" laws\nOrganization: Northeastern Law, Class of \'93\nLines: 61\nNNTP-Posting-Host: nw12-326-1.mit.edu\nIn-reply-to: thf2@midway.uchicago.edu\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr4.235546.6450@midway.uchicago.edu>, \nthf2@midway.uchicago.edu said:\n\n> > This sort [of] separate treatment by the law has no place in an\n> > equal society; the solution to the fact that some classes are more\n> > vulnerable to attack or discrimination is to do what has always\n> > been done in response to imbalances in criminal activity and\n> > citizen protection: to allocate _law enforcement_ resources to\n> > more efficiently and effectively deal with the problems, not to\n> > rewrite the _law_ itself.  [wdstarr]\n>\n> So how do you feel about increased penalties for killing a policeman?\n> A federal employee?  Or to use both Scalia\'s and Stevens\'s example,\n> increased penalties for threatening the president?  (I\'m assuming\n> that, like all good people, you oppose the marital exemption for rape,\n> so I won\'t bring that up.)\n\nIn order of your questions, I oppose it, I oppose it, I oppose it and\n(Huh?  Wha?  Where did _that_ topic come from and what\'s it got to do\nwith the discussion at hand? :-)\n\nWhen I was discussing the concept of different criminal laws for crimes\nagainst different classes of people (and yes, I do consider laws which\nallow/mandate enhanced penalties following conviction based upon the\nconvict\'s attitudes towards the class membership of the victim to fit\ninto that category), the category of classes I had in mind was that of\nthe standard civil rights discussion -- classes based upon race, gender,\nethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.  Having you ask about\nclasses based upon one\'s _profession_ rather than one\'s personal\ncharacteristics caught me off guard, and I had to think out the question\nfrom scratch.\n\nWhat I finally decided was that the law should not recognize such\nclasses because to do so would be to formally and officially declare\nsome people to be of more worth than others, and that would be anathema\nto the underlying American concept of equal treatment under the law.\n\nLast year, when a federal crime bill was under consideration which would\nhave expanded the federal death penalty to an additional fifty-plus\ncrimes, including the murder of various federal officers hitherto not\nprotected by that "aura of deterrence," critics pointed out the\nabsurdity of having laws which made the death penalty available for the\nmurder of a federal postal inspector but not for ther murder of a\ncivilian teacher, when the latter [arguably] provided a much more\nvalueable service and therefore would be the greater loss to society.\nThis was an emotionally compelling argument, but even the proponents of\nthat viewpoint appeared to tacitly assume that the state should judge\nsome lives as being more valuable than others on the basis of their\n"contribution to society."  I view that doctrine as being both (a)\npersonally repugnant and (b) repugnant to the Equal Protection clause of\nthe 14th Amendment.\n\nAccordingly, I believe that there should be no laws which give any\nprofession-based class of people special protection (via the mechanism\nof supplying stronger statutory deterrence of crimes against members of\nthat class), not even police officers, federal officers or high-ranking\nmembers of the Executive Branch of the federal government.\n\n-- William December Starr <wdstarr@athena.mit.edu>\n\n',
  "From: halat@pooh.bears (Jim Halat)\nSubject: Re: A silly question on x-tianity\nReply-To: halat@pooh.bears (Jim Halat)\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.175557.20296@daffy.cs.wisc.edu>, mccullou@snake2.cs.wisc.edu (Mark McCullough) writes:\n\n>Sorry to insult your homestate, but coming from where I do, Wisconsin\n>is _very_ backwards.  I was never able to understand that people actually\n>held such bigoted and backwards views until I came here.\n\nI have never been to Wisconsin, though I have been to\nneighbor Minnesota. Being a child of the Middle Atlantic (NY, NJ, PA)\nI found that there were few states in the provences that stood\nout in this youngster's mind: California, Texas, and Florida to \nname the most obvious three.  However, both Minnesota and Wisconsin\nstuck out, solely on the basis of their politics.  Both have \nalways translated to extremely liberal and progressive states.\nAnd my recent trip to Minnestoa last summer served to support that\nstate's reputation.  My guess is that Wisconsin is probably the\nsame.  At least that was the impression the people of Minnesota left\nwith me about their neighbors.\n\nThe only question in my head about Wisconsin, though, is \nwhether or not there is a cause-effect relationship between\ncheese and serial killers :)\n\n-jim halat\n",
  "From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer)\nSubject: Re: japanese moon landing?\nOrganization: U of Toronto Zoology\nLines: 14\n\nIn article <C5Kys1.C6r@panix.com> dannyb@panix.com (Daniel Burstein) writes:\n>A short story in the newspaper a few days ago made some sort of mention\n>about how the Japanese, using what sounded like a gravity assist, had just\n>managed to crash (or crash-land) a package on the moon.\n\nTheir Hiten engineering-test mission spent a while in a highly eccentric\nEarth orbit doing lunar flybys, and then was inserted into lunar orbit\nusing some very tricky gravity-assist-like maneuvering.  This meant that\nit would crash on the Moon eventually, since there is no such thing as\na stable lunar orbit (as far as anyone knows), and I believe I recall\nhearing recently that it was about to happen.\n-- \nAll work is one man's work.             | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology\n                    - Kipling           |  henry@zoo.toronto.edu  utzoo!henry\n",
  "From: etxmst@sta.ericsson.se (Markus Strobl 98121)\nSubject: Re: Photo radar (was Re: rec.autos: Frequently\nNntp-Posting-Host: st83.ericsson.se\nReply-To: etxmst@sta.ericsson.se\nOrganization: Ericsson Telecom AB\nLines: 50\n\nIn article 2211@viewlogic.com, brad@buck.viewlogic.com (Bradford Kellogg) writes:\n>\n>In article <1993Mar20.050303.8401@cabot.balltown.cma.COM>, welty@cabot.balltown.cma.COM (richard welty) writes:\n>\n>|> Q:  What is Ka band radar?  Where is it used?  Should a radar detector be\n>|>     able to handle it? \n>|> \n>|> A:  Ka band has recently been made available by the FCC for use in the US\n>|>     in so-called photo-radar installations.  In these installations, a\n>|>     low-powered beam is aimed across the road at a 45 degree angle to the\n>|>     direction of traffic, and a picture is taken of vehicles which the\n>|>     radar unit determines to have been in violation of the speed limit.\n>|>     Tickets are mailed to the owner of the vehicle.  Because of the low\n>|>     power and the 45 degree angle, many people believe that a radar\n>|>     detector cannot give reasonable warning of a Ka band radar unit,\n>|>     although some manufacturers of radar detectors have added such\n>|>     capability anyway.  The number of locales where photo-radar is in use\n>|>     is limited, and some question the legality of such units.  Best advice:\n>|>     learn what photo radar units look like, and keep track of where they\n>|>     are used (or else, don't speed.)\n>\n>Photo radar and mailed tickets make no sense at all. Speeding is a moving \n>violation, committed by the operator, not the owner. The owner may be a \n>rental agency, a dealer, a private party, or a government agency. As long\n>as the owner has no reason to expect the operator will be driving illegally\n>or unsafely, the owner cannot be held responsible for what the operator does.\n>The car may even have been driven without the owner's knowledge or consent. \n>I can't believe a mailed ticket, where the driver is not identified, would \n>stand up in court. This is obviously a lazy, cynical, boneheaded, fascist \n>way to extort revenue, and has nothing to do with public safety.\n>\n>- BK\n>\n\n\nWe had those f*****g photo-radar things here in Sweden a while ago.\nThere was a lot of fuzz about them, and a lot of sabotage too (a spray-can\nwith touch-up paint can do a lot of good...).\n\nEventually they had to drop the idea as there were a lot of court-cases\nwhere the owner of the car could prove he didn't drive it at the time\nof speeding.\n\nI especially recall a case where it eventually proved to be a car-thief that\nhad stolen a car and made false plates. He, ofcourse, chose a license number\nof a identical car, so the photo seemed correct...\n\nIn conclosion: Photo-radar sucks, every way you look at it!\n\n/ Markus \n",
  'From: koc@rize.ECE.ORST.EDU (Cetin Kaya Koc)\nSubject: Re: Seventh Century A.D. Armenian Math Problems\nOrganization: College of Engineering, Oregon State University\nLines: 32\nNNTP-Posting-Host: rize.ece.orst.edu\n\n> Problem 1\n> \n> My father told me the following story. During the famous wars between the \n> Armenians and the Persians, prince Zaurak Kamsarakan performed extraordinary \n> heroic deeds. Three times in a single month he attacked the Persian troops. \n> The first time, he struck down half of the Persian army. The second time, \n> pursuing the Persians, he slaughtered one fourth of the soldiers. The third \n> time, he destroyed one eleventh of the Persian army. The Persians who were \n> still alive, numbering two hundred eighty, fled to Nakhichevan. And so, from \n> this remainder, find how many Persian soldiers there were before the  \nmassacre.\n> \n\nAnswer: a(1-1/2-1/4-1/11)=280 -> a = 1760\n\nCorollary: Armenians strike, slaughter, destroy, and massacre. After all,\n           they are not as innocent as the asala network claims.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n',
  "From: chrism@col.hp.com (Chris Magnuson)\nSubject: FORSALE: RADIUS Precision Color 24x Video Card\nOrganization: HP Colorado Springs Division\nLines: 22\nNNTP-Posting-Host: hpcsrc13.col.hp.com\n\n  I have a Radius Precision Color 24x video card for the Mac that fits in a \nNuBus slot.  The card has 3 Mb of VRAM on it, which means that 24-bit color \nis possible on the card!  The card supports just about any monitor scan\nrate you can think of (I used it at 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768, but it\ncan go higher).  You can switch resolutions and depth on the fly with a\nsoftware control panel.\n\n  This is the ACCELERATED version of the card, which means all QuickDraw \ncalls are not executed by the CPU but taken over by the video card, freeing\nup the mac processor for other tasks. \n\n  The cheapest I could find this card for when I called around last night\nwas $1738 at Mac's Place.  I will sell it for $1250 + shipping.  It is just\nover a year old and never been any problem.  It comes with software and the\noriginal manuals.\n\n  Hurry!\n\nChris Magnuson\nchrism@col.hp.com\nHewlett-Packard Company\n(719) 590-2963\n",
  'From: dtate+@pitt.edu (David M. Tate)\nSubject: Re: Young Catchers\nArticle-I.D.: blue.8007\nOrganization: Department of Industrial Engineering\nLines: 81\n\nmss@netcom.com (Mark Singer) said:\n>In article <7975@blue.cis.pitt.edu> genetic+@pitt.edu (David M. Tate) writes:\n>>mss@netcom.com (Mark Singer) said:\n>>>\n>>>We know that very, very few players at this age make much of an impact\n>>>in the bigs, especially when they haven\'t even played AAA ball.  \n>>\n>>Yes.  But this is *irrelevant*.  You\'re talking about averages, when we\n>>have lots of information about THIS PLAYER IN PARTICULAR to base our\n>>decisions on.\n>\n>Do you really have *that* much information on him?  Really?\n\nI don\'t personally, but Clay just posted it.  Yes, we do.  \n\nUnfortunately, it shows that Lopez wasn\'t as good an example as Nieves would\nhave been, since his last year numbers were out of line with the previous\nyears (which I didn\'t have access to).\n\nThe point remains, though; knowing a guy\'s minor league history is as good\nas knowing his major league history, if you know how to read it.\n\n>>Why isn\'t Lopez likely to hit that well?  He hit that well last year (after\n>>adjusting his stats for park and league and such); he hit better (on an\n>>absolute scale) than Olson or Berryhill did.  By a lot.\n>\n>I don\'t know.  You tell me.  What percentage of players reach or \n>exceed their MLE\'s *in their rookie season*?  We\'re talking about\n>1993, you know.\n\nThe MLE is not a *projection*, it\'s an *equivalence*.  It\'s a "this is how\nwell he hit *last* year, in major league terms" rating.  So, in essence, he\nhas *already* reached it.  I would guess (Bob?  Clay?) that essentially half\nof all players surpass their previous MLEs in their rookie seasons.  Maybe\nmore than half, since all of these players are young and improving.\n\n>If that were your purpose, maybe.  Offerman spent 1992 getting \n>acclimated, if you will.  The Dodgers as a team paid a big price\n>that season.  \n\nDid they?  Offerman may have been the difference between 4th or 5th place\nand last place, but no more.\n\n>Perhaps they will reap the benefits down the road.\n>Do you really think they would have done what they did if they\n>were competing for a pennant?\n\nSure; they didn\'t have anyone better.  I suppose they might have gutted the\nfarm system to acquire Jay Bell or Spike Owen or somebody if they were really\nin contention. \n\n>>The point was not that 17 AB is a significant sample, but rather that he\n>>hadn\'t done anything in spring training to cause even a blockhead manager\n>>to question whether his minor league numbers were for real, or to send him\n>>down "until he gets warmed up".\n>\n>For a stat-head, I\'m amazed that you put any credence in spring\n>training.  \n\nIf you\'d read what I wrote, you\'d be less amazed.  Nowhere do I claim to put\nany credence in spring training.  Quite the contrary; I said that Lopez hadn\'t\ndone anything that even the bozos who *do* put credence in spring training\ncould interpret as "failure".  Just because I think spring training numbers\nare meaningless doesn\'t mean that Bobby Cox does; it\'s just a case of ruling\nout one possible explanation for sending Lopez down.\n\n>>>The kid *will* improve playing at AAA, \n>>\n>>Just like Keith Mitchell did?\n>\n>Wait a minute.  I missed something here.  \n\nKeith Mitchell did very very well at AA, AAA, and the majors over a season,\nthen did very, very poorly for a year in AAA.\n\n\n-- \n  David M. Tate   |  (i do not know what it is about you that closes\n  posing as:      |  and opens; only something in me understands\n   e e (can       |  the pocket of your glove is deeper than Pete Rose\'s)\n     dy) cummings |  nobody, not even Tim Raines, has such soft hands\n',
  "From: smithr@teecs.UUCP (Robert Smith)\nSubject: Re: Conductive Plastic, what happened?\nOrganization: Litton Systems, Toronto ONT\nLines: 7\n\nIf you're thinking of reactive polymers they're making ESD safe\ncontau\x08iners out of it. As far as being conductive goes anything with\na resistance less than 10 to the fouth\x08\x08rth power ohms per cubic measure\nis classed as conductive per MIL-STD-1686 for ESD protection. My $0.02\n($0.016 US).\n\nBob.\n",
  "From: klee@synoptics.com (Ken Lee)\nSubject: Re: transparent widgets--how?\nReply-To: klee@synoptics.com\nOrganization: SynOptics Communications, Santa Clara CA\nLines: 17\nNntp-Posting-Host: bugsbunny.synoptics.com\n\nIn article AA16720@ntep2.ntep.tmg.nec.co.jp, cerna@ntep.tmg.nec.co.JP (Alexander Cerna (SV)) writes:\n>I need to write an application which does annotation notes\n>on existing documents.  The annotation could be done several\n>times by different people.  The idea is something like having\n>several acetate transparencies stacked on top of each other\n>so that the user can see through all of them.  I've seen\n>something like this being done by the oclock client.\n>Could someone please tell me how to do it in Xt?\n>Thank you very much.\n\nThe oclock widget was written using the SHAPE extension.\nYou can do the same in your widgets.  Few current widgets\nsupport SHAPE, so you'll have to subclass them to add that\nfunctionality.\n\n---\nKen Lee, klee@synoptics.com\n",
  'Subject: WIN/DOS Misc. Software\nFrom: michael.leonard@exchange.wyvern.com (Michael Leonard)\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: EXCHANGE BBS *21 Nodes*  Tidewaters "Window to the World" 14.4bis (804)552-1010\nLines: 75\n\n                  Help me make money for a new modem\n                         $180.00 takes it ALL\n\n              ***** SHIPPING NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE *****\n\n  *   All original documentation & disks are include.\n      Some software unregistered, others will have letter for transfer\n      of ownership.\n\n  *   Will sell software seperately, purchase must be greater than\n      $30.00.\n\n  *   Purchases over $60.00 get choice of two (2) software selections\n      with "*" footnote\n\n  W - Windows 3.x version\n  D - DOS version\n  R - Registered (letter of transfer)\n  U - Unregistered\n  * - Special offer\n\nMS Windows 3.0\nMS Windows 3.0 Resource Kit (bound ed.). . . . . . . . . . $ 15.00 WR\n\nNorton Desktop for Windows 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 15.00 WR\n\nMS Excel 4.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 70.00 WR\n   Gateway 2000 version (all docs & disks MS)\n   This is the real thing, it only shipped\n   with my computer!!\n\nMicroCourier 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 15.00 WU\n   Communucations software\n\nMS Entertainment Pack I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10.00*WR\n\nMicroProse\'s Gunship 2000 (VGA only). . . . . . . . . . . .$ 20.00 DU\n\nLinks 386-PRO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25.00 DR\n   Includes Bountiful Golf Course\n\nWing Commander II\n(Vengeance of the Kilrathi!). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 20.00 DR\n\nF-15 Strike Eagle II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 10.00*DR\n\nRisk (EGA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$  8.00*DU\n\nEasyFlow 6.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 35.00 DU\n   Brand new - Never used\n\nQuicken 4.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15.00 DR\n\nFranklin Language Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 10.00*DR\n    Not a spell checker, but a dictionary\n    TSR that pops up for any DOS app.\n    Each word has direct link to the thesaurus\n\nIBM DOS 4.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 10.00*DR\n\n                                            TOTAL. . . . . $313.00\n                                          - DISCOUNT. . . .$133.00\n                                                           -------\n                                            YOUR COST. . . $180.00\n\n\n\n\n\nCall Michael @ (804) 486-7018 any day between 10a & 10p est. or leave\nE-mail.  Thanks!\n\n                                                                                                                    \n---\nþ VbReader V1.4 þ*** BUSH Presidency ABORTED - RECOVERY Hopeful!!! ***\n',
  'From: betz@gozer.idbsu.edu (Andrew Betz)\nSubject: Randy Weaver trial update: Day 4.\nNntp-Posting-Host: gozer\nOrganization: SigSauer Fan Club \nLines: 87\n\nNote: These trial updates are summarized from reports in the\n_Idaho Statesman_ and the local NBC affiliate television\nstation, KTVB Channel 7.\n\nRandy Weaver/Kevin Harris trial update: Day 4.\n\nFriday, April 16, 1993 was the fourth day of the trial.\n\nSynopsis: Defense attorney Gerry Spence cross-examined agent\nCooper under repeated objections from prosecutor Ronald\nHowen.  Spence moved for a mistrial but was denied.\n\nThe day was marked by a caustic cross-examination of Deputy\nMarshal Larry Cooper by defense attorney Gerry Spence.  Although\nSpence has not explicitly stated so, one angle of his stategy\nmust involve destroying the credibility of agent Cooper.  Cooper is\nthe government\'s only eyewitness to the death of agent Degan.\nSpence attacked Cooper\'s credibility by pointing out discrepancies\nbetween Cooper\'s statements last September and those made in court.\nCooper conceded that, "You have all these things compressed into\na few seconds...It\'s difficult to remember what went on first."\n\nCooper acknowledged that he carried a "9mm Colt Commando submachine\ngun with a silenced barrel." [I thought a Colt Commando was a revolver!]\nCooper continued by stating that the federal agents had no specific\nplans to use the weapon when they started to kill Weaver\'s dog.\n\nWhen Spence asked how seven cartridges could be fired by Degan\'s\nM-16 rifle when Degan was apparently dead, Cooper could not say for\nsure that Degan did not return fire before going down.\n\nSpence continued by asking with how many agents (and to what extent)\nhad Cooper discussed last August\'s events, Cooper responded, "If\nyou\'re implying that we got our story together, you\'re wrong,\ncounselor."  Spence continued to advance the defense\'s version of\nthe events: Namely, that a marshal had started the shooting by\nkilling the Weaver\'s dog.  Cooper disagreed.\n\nAssistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Howen repeatedly objected to Spence\'s\nvirulent cross-examination of agent Cooper, arguing that the questions\nwere repetitive and Spence was wasting time.  Howen also complained \nthat Spence was improperly using a cross-examination to advance the\ndefense\'s version of the events.  U.S. District Judge Edward Lodge\nsustained many of the objections; however, both lawyers persisted\nuntil Judge Lodge had the jury leave the room and proceded to\nadmonish both attorneys.  "I\'m not going to play games with either\ncounsel.  This has been a personality problem from day 1, so start\nacting like professionals."\n\nSpence told the judge that, "When all the evidence is in, we\'ll see\nthat ... his [agent Larry Cooper] testimony is not credible, that\nhe was panicked and cannot remember the sequence of events." \nSpence continued, "We\'re going to find...that there is a very unlikely\nsimilarity - almost as if it had come out of a cookie cutter - between\nthe testimony of Mr. Cooper and the other witnesses."\n\nSpence then moved for a mistrial on the grounds that Howen\'s repeated\nobjections would prevent a fair trial, "We can\'t have a fair trial if the\njury believes I\'m some sort of charlatan, if the jury believes I\'m\nbending the rules or engaging in some delaying tactic or that I\'m\nviolating court orders."\n\nJudge Lodge called the notion that his repeated sustainings of Howen\'s\nobjections had somehow prejudiced the jury was "preposterous" and\ndenied the motion for a mistrial.  Lodge did tell Howen to restrict\nhis comments when objecting.\n\nThe trial resumed with the prosecution calling FBI Special Agent Greg\nRampton.  The prosecution\'s purpose was simply to introduce five\nweapons found in the cabin as evidence: However, the defense seized\non the opportunity to further address Cooper\'s credibility.\n\nDefense attorney Ellison Matthews (Harris\' other attorney) questioned\nRampton about the dog.  Rampton stated that there were no specific\nplans to kill the Weaver\'s dog without being detected.  Matthews then\nhad Rampton read  a Septtember 15, 1992 transcript in which Rampton\nhad said that Cooper had said that the purpose of the silenced weapon\nwas to kill the dog without being detected, if the dog chased them.\nRampton then acknowledged that he believed that Cooper had said that,\nbut he could not remember when.  He then stated that, "I did not conduct\nthe primary interview with Deputy Cooper, but I have had conversations\nwith him since the interview was conducted."\n\nMonday, April 19, 1993 will begin the fifth day of the trial.  Scheduled\nis the continued cross-examination of FBI agent Greg Rampton.\n\n\n',
  'From: daz1@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu (DEMOSTHENIS A. ZEPPOS)\nSubject: Re: Integra GSR\nArticle-I.D.: ns1.1993Apr5.234729.100387\nOrganization: Lehigh University\nLines: 67\n\nIn article <3mwF2B1w165w@njcc.wisdom.bubble.org>, jonc@njcc.wisdom.bubble.org (J\non Cochran) writes:\n>> >     I\'d like to add the Beretta GTZ as a car which will kick GS-R butt\n>> >anyday, and it\'s a lot cheaper to boot\n>>\n>> I will take this one with a definate grain of salt.  Performance data shows a\n>>\n>> If this poster has some proof(other than "my friend blew one away last week"\n>\n>\n>     Want proof?  Here is some data on acceleration and handling from\n>Motor Trend (apr \'93).\n>\n>          Integra GS-R     Beretta GTZ\n>\n>0-60         7.7             7.7\n>1/4 mile     16.0/88.1       16.1/87.8\n>L acc (g\'s)  .84             .86\n>Slalom       63.7            68.4\n>***WRONG***\nWhy don\'t you look again at Motor Trend\'s, slalom times, they are 67.9, right\nalong with the Integra, and the car does that with small 14 inch tires that\nare all -weather XGTV4, not to mention that the Integra rides alot better than\na Beretta.\nYour acceleartion times also vary, magazine to magazine\nRoad & Track and Car& Driver have the GS-R at 6.8 to 8.0 for Road and Track.\nAlso Quarter mile times vary from 15.4 to 16.1\nYou can\'t tell exactly by the numbers.  Furthermore, the Integra will\ndefinately outrun the Beretta on the high end.  Car & Driver and Road & track\nhave the GS-R doing 136 to 141 mph, and it gets there fast.\n\n\n>     So, the Beretta can out handle the Integra and it can certainly keep\n>up with it in acceleration.  And the Beretta probably has a higher top\n>speed due to the horsepower advantage (160/117 (hp/torque) for the\n>Integra vs. 180/160 for the Beretta).\n***You always believe those exact numbers, why don\'t you drive a GS-R, and see\nfor your self, while the GS-R has a low 117 torqye, its high gearing over a 8000\nrpm make up for the difference (still wouldn\'t call it a torque moster though!)\n\n>     The biggest advantage would have to be the price.  The Integra costs\n>$19,111 (as tested Motor Trend), the GTZ costs $16,134 (as tested).  The\n>GTZ also has standard nicities and Airbag and Antilock brakes.  An airbag\n>is not available on the Integra and lower models do not have ABS.\n>Considering you save almost $3,000 dollars for the Beretta, and the Quad4\n>is a reliable engine, it doesn\'t make sense to get the Integra as a\n>performance coupe, which is what people have been trying to make it out\n>to be.\n>\n\nQuad 4 reliable, yeah, what\'s your definition of reliable- if that\'s reliable,\nthen its safe to say that integra engines in general are near perfect\n (not to mention, a hell of alot smoother and quieter - balance shafts.The Acura has the engine\n   wins the reliablity contest hands down. You can rev that car all day, everyday,\nand you\'ll never blow a hose, or crack the block, or anything else. (I speak\nfrom expierence!)\nI\'m not saying the Quad 4 is a bad engine, but don\'t highlight reliability when you\ncomparing it to a Acura Engine.  AND while the Integra costs alot more, it is a\nbetter investment since it will hold its value considerably much better.  And\ndoes a nice job at being a sporty car and practical at the same time.\n\nNOTE: this isn\'t a flame on the GTZ, or other GM Quad 4 products.  THe Berreta\nis a nice car, and puts out respectable performance and a very reasonable\nprice not to mention, it has an Airbag.  But to start quoting figures from one\nsource, isn\'t too reliable.  Read other sources, and drive both cars.  While I\nhaven\'t driven a GTZ, I have driven GTs, and Grand Ams with Quad 4 engines,\n(so they are similair.)\n',
  'From: goudswaa@fraser.sfu.ca (Peter Goudswaard)\nSubject: Re: More Diamond SS 24X\nOrganization: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada\nLines: 23\n\ndil.admin@mhs.unc.edu (Dave Laudicina) writes:\n\n>Has anyone experienced a faint shadow at all resolutions using this\n>card. Is only in Windows. I have replaced card and am waiting on \n>latest drivers. Also have experienced General Protection Fault Errors\n>in WSPDPSF.DRV on Winword Tools Option menu and in WINFAX setup.\n>I had a ATI Ultra but was getting Genral Protection Fault errors\n>in an SPSS application. These card manufactures must have terrible\n>quality control to let products on the market with so many bugs.\n>What a hassle. Running on Gateway 2000 DX2/50.\n>Thx Dave L\n\nMight the problem not be with the video monitor instead?  Many of our\nmonitors, as they age, develop shadows on white and bright colors.\n\n-- \n Peter Goudswaard                  _________                     _________\n goudswaa@sfu.ca (preferred)      |         |      __/^\\__      |         |\n pgoudswa@cln.etc.bc.ca           |         |      \\     /      |         |\n pgoudswa@cue.bc.ca               |         |   _/\\_\\   /_/\\_   |         |\n                                  |         |   >           <   |         |\n "There\'s no gift like the present"         |    >_________<    |         |\n    - Goudswaard\'s observation    |_________|         |         |_________|\n',
  "From: raible@nas.nasa.gov (Eric Raible)\nSubject: Re: Need advice for riding with someone on pillion\nIn-Reply-To: rwert@well.sf.ca.us's message of 21 Apr 93 01:07:56 GMT\nOrganization: Applied Research Office, NASA Ames Research Center\nReply-To: raible@nas.nasa.gov\nDistribution: na\nLines: 22\n\n\nIn article <C5t759.DsC@well.sf.ca.us> rwert@well.sf.ca.us (Bob Wert) writes:\n\n   I need some advice on having someone ride pillion with me on my 750 Ninja.\n   This will be the the first time I've taken anyone for an extended ride\n   (read: farther than around the block  :-).  We'll be riding some twisty, \n   fairly bumpy roads (the Mines Road-Mt.Hamilton Loop for you SF Bay Areans).\n\nI'd say this is a very bad idea - you should start out with something\nmuch mellower so that neither one of you get in over your head.\nThat particular road requires full concentration - not the sort of\nthing you want to take a passenger on for the first time.\n\nOnce you both decide that you like riding together, and want to do\nsomething longer and more challenging, *then* go for a hard core road\nlike Mines-Mt. Hamilton.\n\nIn any case, it's *your* (moral) responsibility to make sure that she\nhas proper gear that fits - especially if you're going sport\nriding.\n\n- Eric\n",
  'From: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nSubject: Re: HELP for Kidney Stones ..............\nReply-To: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <1993Apr21.143910.5826@wvnvms.wvnet.edu> pk115050@wvnvms.wvnet.edu writes:\n>My girlfriend is in pain from kidney stones. She says that because she has no\n>medical insurance, she cannot get them removed.\n>\n>My question: Is there any way she can treat them herself, or at least mitigate\n>their effects? Any help is deeply appreciated. (Advice, referral to literature,\n\nMorphine or demerol is about the only effective way of stopping pain\nthat severe.  Obviously, she\'ll need a prescription to get such drugs.\nCan\'t she go to the county hospital or something?\n\n\n-- \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGordon Banks  N3JXP      | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and\ngeb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu   |  it is shameful to surrender it too soon." \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  "From: pmy@vivaldi.acc.virginia.edu (Pete Yadlowsky)\nSubject: Re: Who's next?  Mormons and Jews?\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nLines: 14\n\nJohn Berryhill, Ph.D. writes\n\n>I don't know who's next, but I hope it's people who pick their noses\n>while driving.  \n\numm, please don't lump us all together. It's those blatant,\nfundamentalist pickers that give the rest of us a bad name. Some of\nus try very hard to be discreet and stay alert.\n\n--\nPeter M. Yadlowsky              |  Wake! The sky is light!\nAcademic Computing Center       | Let us to the Net again...\nUniversity of Virginia          |    Companion keyboard.\npmy@Virginia.EDU                |                      - after Basho\n",
  "From: N020BA@tamvm1.tamu.edu\nSubject: Help! Need 3-D graphics code/package for DOS!!!\nOrganization: Texas A&M University\nLines: 7\nNNTP-Posting-Host: tamvm1.tamu.edu\n\n    Help!! I need code/package/whatever to take 3-D data and turn it into\na wireframe surface with hidden lines removed. I'm using a DOS machine, and\nthe code can be in ANSI C or C++, ANSI Fortran or Basic. The data I'm using\nforms a rectangular grid.\n   Please post your replies to the net so that others may benefit. IMHO, this\nis a general interest question.\n   Thank you!!!!!!\n",
  'From: thf2@kimbark.uchicago.edu (Ted Frank)\nSubject: Re: Sandberg, Runs, RBIs (was: Re: Notes on Jays vs. Indians Series)\nReply-To: thf2@midway.uchicago.edu\nOrganization: University of Chicago\nDistribution: na\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <C5JqBy.M7A@news.rich.bnr.ca> bratt@crchh7a9.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (John Bratt) writes:\n>RBIs and Runs scored are the two most important offensive statistics.  You\n>can talk about OBP and SLG% all you want, but the fact remains:\n>\n>\tThe team that scores more runs wins the game!\n>\t---------------------------------------------\n>\n>Flame Away\n\nSo what does that have to do with RBI\'s?  The team with the most RBI\'s\ndoesn\'t necessarily win the game.\n\nYes, runs are the most important statistice -- for a *team*.  (So why does\nevery newspaper rank team offense by batting average?)\n\nBut for an individual player, runs and RBIs are context-dependent, and tell\nus very little about the player himself, and more about his teammates and\nposition in the batting order.\n-- \nted frank                 | \nthf2@kimbark.uchicago.edu |         I\'m sorry, the card says "Moops."\nthe u of c law school     | \nstandard disclaimers      | \n',
  'From: tdawson@engin.umich.edu (Chris Herringshaw)\nSubject: Newsgroup Split\nOrganization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor\nLines: 11\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: po.engin.umich.edu\n\nConcerning the proposed newsgroup split, I personally am not in favor of\ndoing this.  I learn an awful lot about all aspects of graphics by reading\nthis group, from code to hardware to algorithms.  I just think making 5\ndifferent groups out of this is a wate, and will only result in a few posts\na week per group.  I kind of like the convenience of having one big forum\nfor discussing all aspects of graphics.  Anyone else feel this way?\nJust curious.\n\n\nDaemon\n\n',
  'From: donyee@athena.mit.edu (Donald Yee)\nSubject: S3 86c805 w/2MB = 1024x768x32k colors = Orchid Pipe Dream?\nOrganization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology\nLines: 36\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: pesto.mit.edu\n\nHi\n\tI have an Orchid Fahrenheit VLB with 2MB of DRAM.  It is an S3\n86c805 based card.  I had a problem for a while after installing my\nsecond meg of DRAM for the video, and thanks to Orchid, I got a fix\nfrom their tech support (it was jumper settings not given in the\nordinary manual.  I assume it would come with memory ordered from\nthem, so I guess I should be glad they didn\'t just say "Buy the memory\nfrom us" or something like that.)\n\n\tThe one thing that I was puzzled by was why there was not a\n1024x768x32k color mode on the thing, either in full screen or\nenlarged desktop mode.  My ATI Ultra Plus can handle that, given 2MB\nof memory.  All the 2MB buys you on the Fahrenheit is 1280x1024x256.\nJust ONE more mode.  GEEZ.  Had I known, I wouldn\'t have bothered.  I\nasked them why, and all I got was "Your point is well taken, but\nOrchid\'s software developers are busy with other projects."\n\n\tSo, to get to the point, finally, ARE there any s3 86c805\ndrivers out there that can handle high res hicolor modes?  I\'d love to\nget another card, but perhaps it will have to wait until the next\ngeneration of cards comes out, since this card came bundled with my\nsystem and it\'s not so easy to exchange these things unless they\'re\nbroken.\n\n\tIf you want these modes, steer away from Orchids s3 86c805\ncards (ie. VLB or VA/VLB), at least until their developers are "less\nbusy".  If the magazines are to believed, I\'ve only seen one s3 86c805\nproduct thus far which can handle 1024x768x32k color (Genoa?),\nalthough evenn that might be a misprint.\n\n\tPlease, if there are generic or semi-generic drivers out\nthere, let me know where I can get them.  800x600x32k is OK, but I\ncoulda gotten that with my ATI VGA Wonder XL.\n\nThanks.\ndonyee@athena.mit.edu\n',
  'Organization: University of Notre Dame - Office of Univ. Computing\nFrom: <RVESTERM@vma.cc.nd.edu>\nSubject: Re: Bosox win again! (the team record is 9-3)\n <1993Apr18.233404.16702@ncar.ucar.edu>\nLines: 12\n\nIn article <1993Apr18.233404.16702@ncar.ucar.edu>, amj@rsf.atd.ucar.edu (Anthony\nMichael Jivoin) says:\n>\n>With the "HAWK", the Red Sox definitely have a chance for the\n>east this year. He brings class, work ethic and leadership to\n>the park each day.\n>\n\ntoo bad he doesn\'t bring the ability to hit, pitch, field or run.\n\nbob vesterman.\n\n',
  'From: Robert Andrew Ryan <rr2b+@andrew.cmu.edu>\nSubject: Re: Monthly Question about XCopyArea() and Expose Events\nOrganization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA\nLines: 19\nNNTP-Posting-Host: po5.andrew.cmu.edu\nIn-Reply-To: <BUZZ.93Apr19125438@lion.bear.com>\n\nExcerpts from netnews.comp.windows.x: 19-Apr-93 Monthly Question about\nXCop.. Buzz Moschetti@bear.com (1055) \n\n> A button widget, when pressed, will cause a new item to be drawn in the\n> Window.  This action clearly should not call XCopyArea() \n> (or equiv) directly; instead, it should register the existence of the\n> new item in a memory structure and let the same expose event handler\n> that handles "regular" expose events (e.g. window manager-driven\n> exposures) take care of rendering the new image. \n\nHmmm.... Clearly?  Depends on your programming model.  It is not at all\nforbidden to draw outside the context of an expose event.  Certainly any\ninternal data structures should be maintained such that the visual\nappearance would be maintained properly whenever an expose event happens\nto be generated.  This doesn\'t preclude drawing immediately after\nupdating the datastructures though... \n\n-Rob \n \n',
  'From: littaum@atlantis.CSOS.ORST.EDU (Mike Littau)\nSubject: Final Public Dragon Magazine Update (Last chance for public bids)\nKeywords: Dragon Magazine Auction Bid\nArticle-I.D.: leela.1qs7o4$c2r\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: CS Dept. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.\nLines: 170\nNNTP-Posting-Host: atlantis.csos.orst.edu\n\nThis is the final public update to my dragon magazine auction.  If there\nare no new bids then the current bids stand (like that\'s gonna  happen.  :) ).\nAfter this, any updates will be by E-mail *ONLY*.  The entire auction \nwill end as soon as the bids stop coming in.  So if you want to get in\non  this, be sure to bid now.  All bids must be made in *AT LEAST*\n25 cent increments.  Buyer will pay shipping.  (Unless you have any\nparticular fancy, it will be US mail 4th class special, with lots of\npadding).  \nAll dragons are bagged.  The condition of them vary quite a bit, \nso I\'ve come up with my own condition system.  Some dragons may be missing \nitems like the inserts.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.\n*\nCondition ratings - Usually this is just an evaluation of the cover, as\nmost of the material inside is in great shape.\nExcellent - IE-"As you find them in the store"\nVery Good - Still in great condition, but can tell it\'s been boughten\nGood      - On down the line\nVery Fair/fair - indicates lots of use (But still "decent")\nPoor      -  Indicates the material inside may be damaged (usually by\nscissors).  \nA * by the condition indicates that something from the magazine is \nmissing (usually the insert)\nI\'ll post another public update sometime this weekend (which will be the\nfinal public posting, after which the auction will be by e-mail until\nthe bidding stops)\n*\nAgain if you have any questions, ask away.\n*\narrow      $2.50 056 - Fair     *- Top secret module missing - Bard tunes - \nreal maps\nTN.DE7     $3.0  073 - Good      - Forest of Doom module (detached but \nincluded) - inner planes\nykchev     $1.75 074 - Good     *- Combat computer missing - 4 dragons \nTN.DE7     $1.50 078 - Good/VG   - Monsters - aquatic AD&D module (detached \nbut included) - Language lesson\ngeoffrey   $1.50 079 - Good/VG   - top secret module (detached but \nincluded) - magic resistance\nmayla      $2.50 081 - Fair      - High level AD&D module (detached but \nincluded) - poison - material spell components\nUCCXKVB    $2.00 082 - Very Fair*- Baton races game insert missing - spell \nresearch\nTN.DE7     $1.50 083 - Good/VG   - Babba Yagga\'s Hut module (detached but \nincluded) - unarmed combat\ngeoffrey   $1.50 084 - Fair     *- Cover missing - Twofold talisman module\nsquidly    $1.75 085 - Good      - Twofold Talisman module - Clerics\nsquidly    $1.75 087 - Good      - Top secret module - Wildernes\ngeoffrey   $1.50 088 - Good     *- Elefant Hunt insert missing - Falling \ndamage - MARVEL-Phile\ngeoffrey   $1.50 089 - Good     *- Creature catalog missing - Shields - sci fi\nTN.DE7     $1.5  094 - Good      - Ranger changes - Creature catalog II \n(detached but included)\ngeoffrey   $1.50 095 - Fair     *- Cover missing - Into the Forgotten Realms \nmodule, detached but included\nykcheu     $2.75 098 - Fair      - 9th anniversary - Dragons - mutant manual\nUCCXKVB    $1.75 099 - Poor     *- Cover Missing - Treasure trove II, some \npictures cut out\nthedm      $2.50 100 - Good     *- poster missing - city beyond the gate \nmodule (detached but included) - "raised dragon" texture on cover\ngeoffrey   $1.50 101 - Fair     *- Cover missing - creature catalog III \n(detached but included)\ngeoffrey   $1.50 102 - Fair     *- Cover missing - Valley of earth mother \nmiddle level module (detached but included)\ngeoffrey   $1.50 103 - Fair     *- Cover loosly attached - Unearth arcana \nupdate missing - Future of AD&D - Centaur papers\ngeoffrey   $1.50 103 - Fair     *- Unearth arcana update missing \ngeoffrey   $1.50 104 - Fair/VF   - Marvel module - thieves - cover detached \nbut included                                                                 \ngeoffrey   $1.50 105 - Fair      - AD&D module - invisibility - cover & back \ncover detached but included      \nUCCXKVB    $2.00 106 - Fair      - Cover 1/2 on - variations of paladins - \nmore skills 4 rangers\nykcheu     $2.75 106 - Good/VG   - Variations of paladins - more skills for \nrangers    \narrow      $2.50 107 - Fair     *- Cover missing - Dragons of glory \nsupplement/questionaire\ngeoffrey   $1.50 108 - Good      - Mutant manual II - environmental \neffects - cover taped reinforced\nthedm      $2.00 108 - Very Good - Mutant manual II - environmental effects \nykcheu     $2.25 109 - Good      - Customizing D&D classes - Agent 13 poster\ngeoffrey   $1.50 109 - Very Fair - Customizing D&D classes - Agent 13 poster \nmissing\ngeoffrey   $1.50 110 - Very Good - House on the frozen lands module -10th anniv\nsquidly    $1.75 110 - Very Good - House on the frozen lands module -10th anniv\ngeoffrey   $1.50 111 - Good      - Murder Mystery AD&D module\nykcheu     $2.50 112 - Very Good - Ultimate Article Index - Mesozoic monsters\nmayla      $2.50 114 - Very Fair - Elven Cavalier - remorhaz - Witch NPC class\nykcheu     $1.75 115 - Good      - Theives - harpies & snakes\nsquidly    $1.75 116 - Good/VG   - 3-D ship cardboard insert - wild \nanimals - dr who\nUCCXKVB    $2.50 117 - Good/VG   - Dice odds - creative campaigns - sage \nadvice - bazaar\ngeoffrey   $1.50 118 - Good      - Tournaments/Competitions - Nibar\'s keep game\nUCCXKVB    $2.00 120 - VG/EX     - April fool\'s issue\nUCCXKVB    $2.00 121 - Excellent - Oriental adventures - cardboard castle \ninsert\ngeoffrey   $1.50 122 - Excellent - 11th aniversary - African beasts - druids\nUCCXKVB    $2.50 123 - Very Good - Magic and wizardry\nthedm      $2.25 123 - Very Good - Magic and wizardry\narrow      $2.5  124 - Excellent - Aerial adventures - 2nd edition ?aire\nUCCXKVB    $2.25 124 - Excellent - Aerial adventures - 2nd edition ?aire\ngeoffrey   $1.50 125 - Very Good - Clay-O-Rama! - Chivalry - quasi elementals\ngeoffrey   $1.50 125 - VG/EX     - Clay-O-Rama! - Chivalry - Quasi-elementals\nUCCXKVB    $2.50 126 - VG/EX     - Undead\nUCCXKVB    $2.00 127 - Very Good - Fighters\n2FVPMANTEL $3.00 128 - Good      - King\'s Table insert game\n2FVPMANTEL $3.00 129 - Excellent - Demi-humans\nUCCXKVB    $2.50 130 - VG/EX     - The arcane arts\nTFPAYN01   $2.50 131 - Excellent - Deepearth\narrow      $1.5  131 - VG/EX     - Deepearth\nUCCXKVB    $2.0  132 - Very Good - ORCWARS! board game missing\narrow      $1.5  133 - Very Good - Berserkers & Spies-Roman gods -marvel index\ngeoffrey   $1.50 133 - Very Good - Berserkers & Spies-Roman gods -marvel index\n2FVPMANTEL $3.00 134 - VG/EX     - 12 anniversary - Dragons \ntbh1       $2    135 - Very Good - Archers - Space sage advice\nUCCXKVB    $2.0  135 - Very Good - Archers - Space Sage advice\ntbh1       $4.0  136 - Very Good - Cities & Urban adventures\ntbh1       $3    137 - Excellent - Wilderness\narrow      $1.5  138 - Very Good - Horror (Haloween)\nUCCXKVB    $3.25 139 - Very Good - Pages from the Mages\nUCCXKVB    $3.5  140 - Excellent - Clerics & Healers\ntbh1       $3    141 - Good      - Humanoids\ntbh1       $2    142 - Very Good - AD&D 2nd edition preview\nUCCXKVB    $3.25 143 - Very Good - DM\'s issue\nUCCXKVB    $2.00 145 - Very Good*- Poster missing - castles\nthedm      $2.5  146 - Very Good*- Poster missing - 13 anninversary - Dragons\ntbh1       $3.00 147 - Excellent - MAGUS! board game - magic\ntbh1       $3.5  148 - Excellent - Fighting - Deck of Many things insert\nTN.DE7     $2.0  149 - Excellent - (No particular feature)\nTN.DE7     $2.00 150 - Excellent - Horror (Halloween issue)\nTN.DE7     $2.00 151 - Excellent - Oriental Adventures/Eastern \nTN.DE7     $2.00 152 - Good     *- Underdark - Poster missing is inside-\nslight crumple on cover, only noticable under inspection\nTN.DE7     $2.0  153 - Very Good - Gods\nTN.DE7     $1.75 154 - Good/VG   - Poster - Dragonlance story - War\nTN.DE7     $2.00 155 - Excellent - Faeries - DUNGEON module\nTN.DE7     $1.75 157 - Very Good - Buck Rogers\nthedm      $2.00 158 - Very Good - 14th anniversary - Dragons\nUCCXKVB    $2.00 159 - Excellent - Spelljammer - Poster missing\nkohlmaas   $2.00 160 - Good/VG  *- Urban adventures - AD&D trading card \ninsert missing\nUCCXKVB    $2.25 161 - Very Good - DM issue\nTN.DE7     $1.75 162 - Good      - Haloween - Poster missing\nthedm      $2.0  163 - Excellent - Monsterous compendum insert - Magic\nTN.DE7     $2.0  164 - Very Good - Oriental Adventures\nTN.DE7     $1.75 165 - VG/EX     - Sea/Undersea\nTN.DE7     $1.75 166 - Excellent*- Sci Fi (other games) - Dino wars insert \nmissing\nTN.DE7     $1.75 167 - Excellent - Nature/Wilderness\nUCCXKVB    $2.5  169 - Very Good - Slight crease of back cover - Misc \nitems featured\nthedm      $2.5  170 - Good      - Slight crease in cover - Dragon kings game \ninsert - Dragons - 15th anniversary issue\nUCCXKVB    $2.00 171 - Excellent*- Missing poster & trading cards (ARGH!)\nCfrye      $2.75 172 - Excellent - Underdark\nhachiman   $2    173 - Excellent - Dark Sun\nintravai   $2    174 - Excellent - Horror\nintravai   $3.00 175 - Excellent - World building - Campaign help\nTN.DE7     $2.00 176 - Excellent - Elves - Giant poster inside\nTN.DE7     $1.5  177 - Very Good - Calender poster - DM help (gunpowder too)\nintravai   $3.0  178 - Excellent - Fighters & the Fighter class\nTN.DE7     $2.50 179 - Excellent - GENCON form - Magic items featured\nTN.DE7     $2.50 181 - Excellent - Calendar Poster - Mages/Sorcerors\nTN.DE7     $2.50 182 - Excellent - 16 anniversary issue - Dragons\nTN.DE7     $2.50 184 - Excellent - Non Player Character enhancement\nTN.DE7     $1.75 185 - Excellent - Dark Sun Campaign Monsters - Dark Sun\ngeoffrey   $1.50 186 - Excellent - Haloween - Horror\nTN.DE7     $1.75 187 - Excellent - Wilderness - Outdoors\n\nIf you notice any errors, please let me know (other than slight name \nmisspellings, if it\'s close to your name, that\'s you. :)  )\n',
  'From: alvin@spot.Colorado.EDU (Kenneth Alvin)\nSubject: Re: Certainty and Arrogance\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 48\n\nResponding to the moderator:\n\n>In article <Apr.> alvin@spot.Colorado.EDU (Kenneth Alvin) writes:\n>>\n>>Choosing what to believe and rely on are important areas of personal \n>>sovereignty.  What bothers me is when others suggest that, in these \n>>matters of faith, their specific beliefs are not only true to them \n>>but are absolute and should be binding on others.  It follows from this\n>>that God must give everyone the same revelation of truth, and thus \n>>anyone who comes to a different conclusion is intentionally choosing\n>>the wrong path.  This is the arrogance I see; a lack of respect for the\n>>honest conclusions of others on matters which are between them and God.\n>\n>[It is certainly reasonable to ask for some humility about our own\n>ability to know the truth.  There are also different paths in some\n>areas of practice.  But I\'d like to see more clarification about what\n>you mean when you reject the idea of saying "their specific beliefs\n>are not only true to them but are absolute and should be binding on\n>others."  If something is true, it is true for everyone, assuming that\n>the belief is something about God, history, etc....\n\nYes, I agree.  What I\'m trying to point out is that, in matters of faith\n(i.e. tenets which are not logically persuasive), one may be convinced\nof the truth of certain things through, for instance, personal\nrevelation.  And its certainly fine to share that revelation or those\nbeliefs with others.  And I don\'t think that its arrogant, persay, to\naccepts matters of pure faith as truth for oneself.  Where I think the\nconflict arises is in assuming that, where disagreements on beliefs\narise, all others *must* have been given the same truth, and that God \nmust reveal His truth to everyone in such a way that all would \nhonestly agree.  I think this can lead to the conclusion that anyone \nwho disagrees with you are being sinful or dishonest; that they are \nrejecting something they *know* to be truth because it is inconvenient \nfor them, or because they wish to spurn God.\n\nI would say that this is equivalent to assuming that *all* truths one \nholds are universal and absolute.  And the problem I see with this is \nthat it negates the individuality of humans and their relationships with\nGod.  This does not mean there is no absolute truth; just that some areas\nof doctrinal disagreement may be areas where God has not established or \nrevealed that truth.  \n\n-- \ncomments, criticism welcome...\n-Ken\nalvin@ucsu.colorado.edu\n\n[I agree with you.  --clh]\n',
  'From: lpzsml@unicorn.nott.ac.uk (Steve Lang)\nSubject: Re: Objective Values \'v\' Scientific Accuracy (was Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is)\nOrganization: Nottingham University\nLines: 38\n\nIn article <C5J718.Jzv@dcs.ed.ac.uk>, tk@dcs.ed.ac.uk (Tommy Kelly) wrote:\n> In article <1qjahh$mrs@horus.ap.mchp.sni.de> frank@D012S658.uucp (Frank O\'Dwyer) writes:\n> \n> >Science ("the real world") has its basis in values, not the other way round, \n> >as you would wish it.  \n> \n> You must be using \'values\' to mean something different from the way I\n> see it used normally.\n> \n> And you are certainly using \'Science\' like that if you equate it to\n> "the real world".\n> \n> Science is the recognition of patterns in our perceptions of the Universe\n> and the making of qualitative and quantitative predictions concerning\n> those perceptions.\n\nScience is the process of modeling the real world based on commonly agreed\ninterpretations of our observations (perceptions).\n\n> It has nothing to do with values as far as I can see.\n> Values are ... well they are what I value.\n> They are what I would have rather than not have - what I would experience\n> rather than not, and so on.\n\nValues can also refer to meaning.  For example in computer science the\nvalue of 1 is TRUE, and 0 is FALSE.  Science is based on commonly agreed\nvalues (interpretation of observations), although science can result in a\nreinterpretation of these values.\n\n> Objective values are a set of values which the proposer believes are\n> applicable to everyone.\n\nThe values underlaying science are not objective since they have never been\nfully agreed, and the change with time.  The values of Newtonian physic are\ncertainly different to those of Quantum Mechanics.\n\nSteve Lang\nSLANG->SLING->SLINK->SLICK->SLACK->SHACK->SHANK->THANK->THINK->THICK\n',
  'From: pmhudepo@cs.vu.nl (Hudepohl PMJ)\nSubject: Re: Searching for a phonetic font\nOrganization: Fac. Wiskunde & Informatica, VU, Amsterdam\nLines: 23\n\nweidlich@arb-phys.uni-dortmund.de (Weidlich) writes:\n: I\'m searching for a phonetic TrueType font for Windows 3.1. If \n: anybody knows one, please mail me!\n: \n: Thanks.\n: \n: dw \n: \n: \n: ##################################################################\n: Dipl.-Inform. Dietmar Weidlich    # IfADo, Ardeystr. 67          #\n: weidlich@arb-phys.uni-dortmund.de # D-4600 Dortmund 50           #\n: Phone ++49 231 1084-250           # >> Dr. B.: "Koennten Sie das #\n: Fax   ++49 231 1084-401           #      MAL EBEN erledigen?" << #\n\nYes, I\'m looking for phonetic font(s) too! So if you know one,\nplease mail me too!\n\nThanks in advance\nPatrick Hudepohl\nVU Amsterdam\nThe Netherlands\n\n',
  'From: dbd@urartu.sdpa.org (David Davidian)\nSubject: THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY SOLD 400 TONES OF ARMENIAN BONES IN 1924. \nKeywords: April 24, 1993, 78th Anniversary of the Turkish Genocide of Armenians\nOrganization: S.D.P.A. Center for Regional Studies\nLines: 68\n\n\t\t\tYarn of Cargo of Human Bones [1]\n\t\n\t\tCopyright, 1924, by the New York Times Company\n\t\t\tSpecial Cable to The New York Times\n\n   PARIS, Dec 22, -- Marseilles is excited by a weird story of the arrival in\nthat port of a ship flying the British flag and named Zan carrying a\nmysterious cargo of 400 tons of human bones consigned to manufacturers there.\nThe bones are said to have been loaded at Mudania on the Sea of Marmora and\nto be the remains of the victims of massacres in Asia Minor. In view of the\nrumors circulating it is expected that an inquiry will be instigated.\n\n\t\t\t- - - Reference - - -\n\n[1] _New York Times_, December 23, 1924, page 3, column 2 (bottom)\n\n\t\t\t- - - - - - - - - - - -\n\nOn the 78th Commemorative Anniversary of the Turkish genocide of the Armenians,\nwe remember those whose only crime was to be Armenian in the shadow of an \nemerging Turkish proto-fascist state. In their names we demand justice.\n\nIn April 1915, the Turkish government began a systematically executed \nde-population of the eastern Anatolian homeland of the Armenians through a \ngenocidal extermination. This genocide was to insure that Turks exclusively\nruled over the geographic area today called the Republic of Turkey. The \nresult: 1.5 million murdered, 30 billion dollars of Armenian property stolen\nand plundered. This genocide ended nearly 3,000 years of Armenian civilization\non those lands. Today, the Turkish government continues to scrape clean any\nvestige of a prior Armenian existence on those lands. Today\'s Turkish\ngovernmental policy is to re-write the history of the era, to manufacture\ndistortion and generate excuses for their genocide of the Armenian people. In \nthe face of refutation ad nauseam, the Turkish Historical Society and cronies \nshamelessly continue to deny that any such genocide occurred. This policy \nmerely demonstrates that in the modern era, genocide is an effective state \npolicy when it remains un-redressed and un-punished. A crime unpunished is a \ncrime encouraged. Adolf Hitler took this cue less than 25 years after the \nsuccessful genocide of the Armenians.\n\nTurkey claims there was no systematic deportation of Armenians, yet...\nArmenians were removed from every city, town, and village in the whole of \nTurkey! Armenians who resisted deportation and massacre are referred to as \n"rebels".\n\nTurkey claims there was no genocide of the Armenians, yet...Turkish population\nfigures today show zero Armenians in eastern Turkey, the Armenian homeland.\n\nTurkey claims Armenians were always a small minority, yet...Turkey claims \nArmenians were a "threat".\n\nIn a final insult to the victims, the Republic of Turkey sold the bones of \napproximately 100,000 murdered Armenians for profit to Europe.\n\nToday, the Turkish government is enjoying the fruits of that genocide. The\nsuccess of this genocide is hangs over the heads of Turkey\'s Kurdish\npopulation.\n\nThe Armenians demand recognition, reparation, return of Armenian land and\nproperty lost as a result of this genocide.\n\nARMENIANS DEMAND JUSTICE                              ERMENILER ADALET ISTIYOR\n\n\n-- \nDavid Davidian dbd@urartu.sdpa.org   | "Armenia has not learned a lesson in\nS.D.P.A. Center for Regional Studies |  Anatolia and has forgotten the \nP.O. Box 382761                      |  punishment inflicted on it."  4/14/93\nCambridge, MA 02238                  |   -- Late Turkish President Turgut Ozal \n',
  'From: mathew@mantis.co.uk (mathew)\nSubject: Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is oxymoronic?\nOrganization: Mantis Consultants, Cambridge. UK.\nLines: 32\nX-Newsreader: rusnews v1.01\n\nforgach@noao.edu (Suzanne Forgach) writes:\n> From article <1qcq3f$r05@fido.asd.sgi.com>, by livesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com \n> (Jon Livesey):\n> > If there is a Western ethic against infanticide, why\n> > are so many children dying all over the world?\n> \n> The majority of the world isn\'t "Western".\n\nSuperficially a good answer, but it isn\'t that simple.  An awful lot of the\nstarvation and poverty in the world is directly caused by the economic\npolicies of the Western countries, as well as by the diet of the typical\nWesterner.  For instance, some third-world countries with terrible\nmalnutrition problems export all the soya they can produce -- so that it can\nbe fed to cattle in the US, to make tender juicy steaks and burgers.  They\nhave to do this to get money to pay the interest on the crippling bank loans\nwe encouraged them to take out.  Fund-raising for Ethiopia is a truly bizarre\nidea; instead, we ought to stop bleeding them for every penny they\'ve got.\n\nPerhaps it\'s more accurate to say that there\'s a Western ethic against\nWestern infanticide.  All the evidence suggests that so long as the children\nare dying in the Third World, we couldn\'t give a shit.  And that goes for the\nsupposed "Pro-Life" movement, too.  They could save far more lives by\nfighting against Third World debt than they will by fighting against\nabortion.  Hell, if they\'re only interested in fetuses, they could save more\nof those by fighting for human rights in China.\n\nAnd besides, Suzanne\'s answer implies that non-Western countries lack this\nethic against infanticide.  Apart from China, with its policy of mandatory\nforced abortion in Tibet, I don\'t believe this to be the case.\n\n\nmathew\n',
  "From: mikey@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Strider)\nSubject: Re: ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!\nOrganization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX\nLines: 24\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: louie.cc.utexas.edu\n\ncdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares) writes:\n:mfrhein@wpi.WPI.EDU (Michael Frederick Rhein) writes:\n:\n:> As someone else has pointed out, why would the stove be in use on a warm day\n:> in Texas. \n:\n:Do YOU eat all your food cold?\n\nThank you for pointing out the obvious to people who so clearly missed it.\nI can't stand it when people's first reaction is to defend the aggressor.\n\nMr. Tavares, you have a unique and thoughtful way of getting to the heart\nof the matter, and I thank you for putting it to good use.\n\nMike Ruff\n\n\n-- \n- This above all, to thine own      S T R I D E R      mikey@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu\n-     self be true.  --Polonius     *  * *****    **  *  * **** ***** *** *   *\nThose who would sacrifice essential *  *   *     *  * *  * *      *    *  **  *\n   liberties for a little temporary *  *   *     **** *  * ****   *    *  * * *\n   safety deserve neither liberty   *  *   *     *  * *  *    *   *    *  *  **\n   nor safety.  --B. Franklin       ****   *     *  * **** ****   *   *** *   *\n",
  "From: oz@ursa.sis.yorku.ca (Ozan S. Yigit)\nSubject: Re: List of large integer arithmetic packages\nIn-Reply-To: mrr@scss3.cl.msu.edu's message of 20 Apr 1993 16: 47:03 GMT\nOrganization: York U. Student Information Systems Project\nLines: 18\n\nMark Riordan writes:\n\n\t[a list of large-integer arithmetic packages elided]\n\nI thought I would note that except Lenstra's packages, none of the\nlarge-integer packages are in the public domain. As an alternative,\na straightforward *PD* implementation of Knuth's algorithms may be\nfound as a part of Uof Arizona's ICON distribution.\n\noz\n---\nWith diligence, it is possible to make | electric: oz@sis.yorku.ca\nanything run slowly.        --Tom Duff | ph:[416] 736 2100 x 33976\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n",
  'From: roby@chopin.udel.edu (Scott W Roby)\nSubject: Re: Blast them next time\nNntp-Posting-Host: chopin.udel.edu\nOrganization: University of Delaware\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 9\n\nIn article <1r19l9$7dv@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> oldham@ces.cwru.edu (Daniel Oldham) writes:\n\n   [flame-bait, pure and simple]\n\n\n\n-- \n\n\n',
  'From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: <Political Atheists?\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 13\nNNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu\n\nlivesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes:\n\n>>Well, chimps must have some system.  They live in social groups\n>>as we do, so they must have some "laws" dictating undesired behavior.\n>So, why "must" they have such laws?\n\nThe quotation marks should enclose "laws," not "must."\n\nIf there were no such rules, even instinctive ones or unwritten ones,\netc., then surely some sort of random chance would lead a chimp society\ninto chaos.\n\nkeith\n',
  'From: rscharfy@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Ryan C Scharfy)\nSubject: Re: If Drugs Should Be Legalized, How?  (was Good Neighbor...)\nNntp-Posting-Host: magnusug.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\nOrganization: The Ohio State University\nLines: 22\n\nIn article <1qpakjINNiq2@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> wdstarr@athena.mit.edu (Wil\nliam December Starr) writes:\n>\n>In article <1993Apr16.171354.3127@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>,\n>rscharfy@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Ryan C Scharfy) said:\n>\n>> However, legalizing it and just sticking some drugs in gas stations to\n>> be bought like cigarettes is just plain silly.  Plus, I have never\n>> heard of a recommended dosage for drugs like crack, ecstasy, chrystal\n>> meth and LSD.  The 60 Minute Report said it worked with "cocaine"\n>> cigarettes, pot and heroin.\n>\n>Or, the government could adopt the radical and probably unAmerican idea\n>that citizens are free to live their lives as they wish, and simply\n>decriminalize cocaine, marijuana, heroin, LSD, etc.  Please explain why\n>the idea of allowing recreational drugs to be "bought like cigarettes"\n>is "just plain silly."  After all, it works just fine for nicotine...\n>\n\nYeah, Cancer is pretty cool, isn\'t it.\n\nRyan\n',
  "From: jkjec@westminster.ac.uk (Shazad Barlas)\nSubject: NEED HELP ON SCARING PLEASE\nOrganization: University of Westminster\nDistribution: sci.med\nLines: 18\n\nHi...\n\nI need information on scaring. Particularly as a result of grazing the skin\nI really wanted to know of \n\n\t1. would a scar occur as a result of grazing\n\t2. if yes, then would it disappear?\n\t3. how long does a graze take to heal?\n\t4. will hair grow on it once it has healed?\n\t5. what is 'scar tissue'?\n\t6. should antiseptic cream be applied to it regularly?\n\t7. is it better to keep it exposed and let fresh air at it?\n\nPlease help - any info - no matter how small will be appreciated greatly. \n\nBUT PLEASE E-MAIL ME DIRECTLY because I dont read this newsgroup often (this\nis my first time).  \n  \t\t\t\t\t\t....Shaz....\n",
  "From: Craig.Landgraf@f88.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Craig Landgraf)\nSubject: NEW CD-DISK'S\nLines: 26\n\n                           For CD-Disk USERS\n                         ----------------------\n                       This is NOT a COMMERCIAL AD!\n\n                        I have alot of NEW CD-Disks\n          If You have a CDROM and are interested in purchasing\n      some of these disks Please download the list mentioned below:\n\n                    CD NIGHT OWL'S V8.0 $35.00\n\n               Download the File---->  CDROMCAT.ZIP\n\n                 or the Freq the MAGIC NAME of---->    CATALOG\n       -----------------------------------------------------------\n         Craig landgraf  Buckwheats Pleasure Dome 713-855-1701\n         INTERnet/USENET: landgraf@p2.f88.n106.z1.fidonet.org\n       -----------------------------------------------------------\n   PODNET 93:9008/5 FIDONET 1:106/88.1 ITCNET  85:841/803 KINKNET 69:1700/3\n                             SGANET 30:301/0\n                        BBS Number (713) 855-1701\n\nP.S. If you send me Email with Your Home Address I will mail you a list\nto your house.......The list is 12 pages long...this is if you do not\nhave a Computer that you can call and get the List faster.....\n\n\n",
  'From: callison@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (James P. Callison)\nSubject: Re: Spark Plug question?\nDistribution: na\nNntp-Posting-Host: uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu\nOrganization: Engineering Computer Network, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA\nLines: 21\n\nIn article <mgolden.733994052@cwis> mgolden@cwis.unomaha.edu (Brian Golden) writes:\n>  The nice thing about REAL platinum plugs is that you don\'t have to change\n>them very often at all.  (I think like 50,000 miles!!)  They might cost $10\n>each, but they would save for themselves in the long run.\n\nMy T-Bird SC\'s manual says to replace the platinum plugs every 60,000mi.\nWal-Mart has Autolite platinum plugs for $2.00 each. Are these "real"\nplatinum plugs? (I had Bosch platinums in my \'80 Fiesta and my dad\nhad \'em in his \'84 Bronco--note the keyword "had." They didn\'t last\nvery long (much less than 50,000mi) before they had to be replaced.\nI agree that they weren\'t the greatest.)\n\n\t\t\t\tJames\n\nJames P. Callison    Microcomputer Coordinator, U of Oklahoma Law Center \nCallison@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu   /\\    Callison@aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu   \nDISCLAIMER: I\'m not an engineer, but I play one at work...\n\t\tThe forecast calls for Thunder...\'89 T-Bird SC\n   "It\'s a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he has \n\tand all he\'s ever gonna have." \n\t\t\t--Will Munny, "Unforgiven"\n',
  'From: wirehead@cheshire.oxy.edu (David J. Harr)\nSubject: Any Nanao 750i compatible Mac video cards?\nSummary: I can get ehe monitor, but can I drive it?\nKeywords: 21" monitor, 24 bit video, Macintosh\nOrganization: The programmers who say NEE!\nLines: 15\n\nDoes anyone know if a Nanao 750i is compatible with any\npopular Mac video cards? I have an oppurtunity to get a brand\nnew one, cheap, and I am very tempted, but it will be a waste\nof time if I can\'t drive it using a standard video card.\n\nWhile I\'m on the subject, what\'s everybody\'s reccomendations for\na 21" color monitor. I\'ve heard good things about the NEC 6FG, and\nof course, there is always the reliable old Macintosh 21" display,\nbut what are YOUR experiences.\n\nDavid J Harr\nCyberpunk Software.\n\n"My definition of happiness is being famous for your financial\nability to indulge in every form of excess." -- Calvin\n',
  "From: tfarrell@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu (Thomas Farrell)\nSubject: Re: NC vs Hunt (Marine Gay Bashing in Wilmington NC) verdict\nArticle-I.D.: lynx.1993Apr15.222023.1521\nOrganization: Northeastern University, Boston, MA. 02115, USA\nLines: 10\n\nIn article <C5HFr2.CpA@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM> mwilson@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM (Mark Wilson) writes:\n>\n>So you feel that the defendents should have been convicted regardless of the\n>evidence. Now that would truely be a sad day for civil rights.\n\nI don't know about everybody else, but to me, they should have been\nconvicted BECAUSE of the evidence, which in my mind was quite\nsufficient.\n\n\t\t\tTom\n",
  'From: darice@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au (Fred Rice)\nSubject: Re: Ancient islamic rituals\nOrganization: Monash University, Melb., Australia.\nLines: 29\n\nIn <ednclark.734054731@kraken> ednclark@kraken.itc.gu.edu.au (Jeffrey Clark) writes:\n\n>cfaehl@vesta.unm.edu (Chris Faehl) writes:\n\n>>Why is it more reasonable than the trend towards obesity and the trend towards\n>>depression? You can\'t just pick your two favorite trends, notice a correlation \n>>in them, and make a sweeping statement of generality. I mean, you CAN, and \n>>people HAVE, but that does not mean that it is a valid or reasonable thesis. \n>>At best it\'s a gross oversimplification of the push-pull factors people \n>>experience.  \n\n[...]\n>Basically the social interactions of all the changing factors in our society\n>are far too complicated for us to control. We just have to hold on to the\n>panic handles and hope that we are heading for a soft landing. But one\n>things for sure, depression and the destruction of the nuclear family is not\n>due solely to sex out of marriage.\n\nNote that I _never_ said that depression and the destruction of the\nnuclear family is due _solely_ to extra-marital sex.  I specifically\nsaid that it was "a prime cause" of this, not "the prime cause" or "the\nonly cause" of this -- I recognize that there are probably other factors\ntoo, but I think that extra-marital sex and subsequent destabilization\nof the family is probably a significant factor to the rise in\npsychological problems, including depression, in the West in the 20th\ncentury.\n\n Fred Rice\n darice@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au   \n',
  'From: wingo%cspara.decnet@Fedex.Msfc.Nasa.Gov\nSubject: Re: NASA "Wraps"\nOrganization: University of Houston\nLines: 86\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: judy.uh.edu\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41    \n\nIn article <1993Apr10.145502.28866@iti.org>, aws@iti.org (Allen W. Sherzer) writes...\n>In article <9APR199318394890@judy.uh.edu> wingo%cspara.decnet@Fedex.Msfc.Nasa.Gov writes:\n> \n>>>BTW, universities do the same thing. They however, have a wrap of\n>>>10% to 15% (again, this is over and above any overhead charge).\n> \n>>Wrong Allen. The max overhead charge is ALL of the charge. There is no\n>>seperately budgeted overhead in any shape size form or fashion. \n> \n>A professor at the University of Virginia told me their wrap was about\n>15%. The subcontracts I have let out and worked on for other universities\n>are about the same. My employer (a non-profit research institute) does\n>the same. This is generally reffered to as the fee.\n> \n\nI don\'t care who told you this it is not generally true. I see EVERY single\nline item on a contract and I have to sign it. There is no such thing as\nwrap at this university. I also asked around here. Ther is no wrap at \nMarquette, University of Wisconsin Madison, Utah State, Weber State or\nEmbry Riddle U. I am not saying that it doees not happen but in every instance\nthat I have been able to track down it does not. Also the president of our\nUniversity who was Provost at University of West Virgina said that it did\nnot happen there either and that this figure must be included in the overhead\nto be a legitimate charge.\n\n>>How do \n>>I know? I write proposals and have won contracts and I know to the dime\n>>what the charges are. At UAH for example the overhead is 36.6%.\n> \n>Sounds like they are adding it to their overhead rate. Go ask your\n>costing people how much fee they add to a project.\n>\n\nI did they never heard of it but suggest that, like our president did, that\nany percentage number like this is included in the overhead.\n\n>>If you have some numbers Allen then show them else quit barking. \n> \n>I did Dennis; read the article. To repeat: an internal estimate done by\n>the Reston costing department says Freedom can be built for about $1.8B\n>a year and operated for $1B per year *IF* all the money where spent on\n>Freedom. Since we spend about half a billion $$ more per year it looks\n>like roughly 25% of the money is wasted. Now if you think I\'m making\n>this up, you can confirm it in the anonymous editorial published a few\n>weeks ago in Space News.\n>\n\nNo Allen you did not. You merely repeated allegations made by an Employee\nof the Overhead capital of NASA. Nothing that Reston does could not be dont\nbetter or cheaper at the Other NASA centers  where the work is going on.\nKinda funny isn\'t it that someone who talks about a problem like this is\nat a place where everything is overhead.\n\n>This Dennis, is why NASA has so many problems: you can\'t accept that\n>anything is wrong unless you can blame it on Congress. Oh, sure, you\'ll\n>say NASA has problems but do you believe it? Remember the WP 02\n>overrun? You insisted it was all congresses fault when NASA management\n>knew about the overrun for almost a year yet refused to act. Do you\n>still blame Congress for the overrun?\n>\n\nWhy did the Space News artice point out that it was the congressionally\ndemanded change that caused the problems? Methinks that you are being \nselective with the facts again.\n\n>>By your own numbers Allen, at a cost of 500 million per flight the\n>>service cost of flying shuttle to SSF is 2 billion for four flights, so how\n>>did you get your one billion number?\n> \n>I have no idea what your trying to say here Dennis.\n> \n>  Allen\n>-- \n\nIf it takes four flights a year to resupply the station and you have a cost\nof 500 million a flight then you pay 2 billion a year. You stated that your\n"friend" at Reston said that with the current station they could resupply it\nfor a billion a year "if the wrap were gone". This merely points out a \nblatent contridiction in your numbers that understandably you fail to see.\n\nDennis, University of Alabama in Huntsville.\n\nSorry gang but I have a deadline for a satellite so someone else is going\nto have to do Allen\'s math for him for a while. I will have little chance to\ndo so.\n\n',
  'From: kurt@oddjob.uchicago.edu (Kurt Henriksen)\nSubject: BRAKE ROTORS...CROSS DRILLING...312 702 8323\nOrganization: University of Chicago, Astronomy and Astrophysics\nDistribution: na\nLines: 1\n\n\n',
  'From: rcfec@westminster.ac.uk (James Holland)\nSubject: Re: Help\nOrganization: University of Westminster\nLines: 41\n\nIn article <Apr.> lmvec@westminster.ac.uk (William Hargreaves) writes:\n>Hi everyone, \n>\t   I\'m a commited Christian that is battling with a problem.  I know\n>that romans talks about how we are saved by our faith not our deeds, yet\n>hebrews and james say that faith without deeds is useless, saying\' You fools,\n>do you still think that just believing is enough?\'\n\nsome deleted\n\n>Now I am of the opinion that you a saved through faith alone (not what you do)\n>as taught in Romans, but how can I square up in my mind the teachings of James\n>in conjunction with the lukewarm Christian being \'spat-out\'\n>\n>Can anyone help me, this really bothers me.\n\nDear Will,\n\nI\'ve never replied on this thing before so I hope it gets thru ok.\nI had a few thoughts!:\n\n"Faith on its own, if not accompanied by action is dead" - James 2:17\n\nFaith is both belief and action.\nIf I say that I am a great swimmer but I never go swimming, am I really a\nswimmer? and will people believe that I am?\nLikewise if I say I\'m a Christian but I never talk to God, am I really a\nChristian? My faith is demonstrated by my action. The fact that we talk to\nGod proves we have faith. Satan believes in God but does not follow Him!\n\nIn a similar vein, I have recently been challenged by 1John2:3-6\nv3 says "We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands"\nI find this verse quite encouraging as it could imply that \'if we have\ncome to know Him, then we\'ll obey His commands\' cos He lives within us and\nwe cannot help but obey what He says.\nI tend to feel that as we daily submit ourself to God He will keep changing\nus into the likeness of Jesus and His fruit and works will be automatically\nproduced in our lives.\n\nHope this helps.\n\nJames Holland (rcfec@westminster.ac.uk)\n',
  'From: ifarqhar@laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au (Ian Farquhar)\nSubject: Re: Screw the people, crypto is for hard-core hackers & spooks only\nOrganization: Macquarie University, Sydney Australia\nLines: 46\nNNTP-Posting-Host: laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au\n\nIn article <1r0ausINNi01@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> jfc@athena.mit.edu (John F Carr) writes:\n>The chip and algorithm are classified.  If you reverse engineer it and\n>tell people, you are likely to go to jail.\n\nI don\'t find this a credible argument, for two reasons.  One you have\nsupplied below: unless I care about entering the USA at any time in the\nfuture (eg. the Taiwanese backyard cloners - who BTW have been known to\ndecap custom silicon and reproduce it on daughterboards when pirating\nhigh-profit arcade machines and the like - who wouldn\'t care less), I am not \ngoing to care much about US confidentiality, am I?  Only people like the\nreal me, who does care about travelling to various countries for business\nreasons, will sit up and follow laws like this, but I would contend that\nwe\'re not the main threat.\n\nI also have grave doubts whether an algorythm widely distributed in silicon\ncould possibly be called "classified."  It\'s like handing out military\nsecrets to the whole world in envelopes marked "don\'t open me."  I can\nimagine several credible defences which could be employed if it came to\na trial.  One would be the stupidity of the government\'s actions.\n\n>Perhaps some foreign governments or corporations could help us out by\n>cracking the system outside the USA.  The US government could probably\n>stop importation of clone hardware, but a software implementation\n>should be practical.\n\nAmusing thought: could they have employed an algorythm which is infeasable\nfor a fast software implementation, but which is easy in custom hardware?\nIn DES, the extensive use of permutation tables (trivial in hardware: you\njust swap bus lines), but relatively slow in software have had a big effect\non the speed difference between hardware and software implementations of\nthat cipher (indeed, I suspect that Lucifer\'s designers were well aware that\nit would be, and approved.)  Certain algorythms (usually parallel search\nalgorythms) can be very slow in software, yet can fly in custom hardware.\nI have no proof of their employment in Clipper -- it is pure conjecture.  \nHowever, as a software implementation of this cipher is something that its \ndesigners would have been trying to avoid at all costs, then the inclusion \nof such techniques seems credible.\n\nHmmm... I also wonder what Intergraph thinks about the use of the name\n"Clipper" for this device. :)\n\n--\nIan Farquhar                      Phone : + 61 2 805-9400\nOffice of Computing Services      Fax   : + 61 2 805-7433\nMacquarie University  NSW  2109   Also  : + 61 2 805-7420\nAustralia                         EMail : ifarqhar@laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au.\n',
  "From: kschang@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu (Kuo-Sheng (Kasey) Chang)\nSubject: Re: Canon BJ200 (BubbleJet) and HP DeskJet 500...\nOrganization: San Francisco State University\nLines: 29\n\nIn article <C64n5K.L45@vcd.hp.com> robertt@vcd.hp.com (Bob Taylor) writes:\n>Justin Whitton (ma90jjw%isis@ajax.rsre.mod.uk) wrote:\n>: In article <C60EKI.Kvp@vcd.hp.com> edmoore@vcd.hp.com (Ed Moore) writes:\n>: \n>:    thomas.d.fellrath.1@nd.edu@nd.edu wrote:\n>: \n>:    I think the ink now used in the DeskJet family is water-fast. \n>: \n>: I've had pictures ruined by a few drops of rain. These were colour pictures\n>: from a DeskJet 500C. Mind you, it could have been acid rain:-)\n>\n>The black ink is waterfast, but the color isn't\n>\n>: \n>: I use a BJ10ex. Ink dries fast, but it really doesn't like getting wet.\n>: \n>: --\n>: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\\\n>: |Justin Whitton at ma90jjw%hermes@uk.mod.relay |Where no man has gone before..|\n>: |after August mail ma90jjw@brunel.ac.uk.       \\------------------------------|\n>: |Disclaimer: My opinions count for nothing, except when the office is empty.  |\n>: |I'm a student => intelligence = 0.                                           |\n>: \\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/\n>\n>Bob Taylor\n>HP Vancouver\n>\n\n\n",
  'From: imj1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Imad M Jureidini)\nSubject: Re: Problems with Toshiba 3401 CDROM\nNntp-Posting-Host: cunixa.cc.columbia.edu\nReply-To: imj1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Imad M Jureidini)\nOrganization: Columbia University\nLines: 22\n\nIn article <1r25nt$oa5@ratatosk.uninett.no> hktth@nho.hydro.com writes:\n>In article <1993Apr20.191255.10115@news.columbia.edu>, imj1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Imad M Jureidini) writes:\n>|> Hi!\n>|> \tI recently purchased the Toshiba 3401 CDROM.  I own an Adaptec 1542B\n>|> SCSI card, and I have so far failed to get the CDROM to work under DOS.  It\n>\n>One of the ASPI-drivers (I think it\'s the ASPICD) supports a /NORST\n>paramter, which means to not reset the SCSI bus when it loads. This\n>fixed the problem a friend of mine was having with his adaptec+tosh \n>3401.\n>\n>Regards,\n>\n>  -Terje\nIt worked!!!\nThank you very much!\n\n\n*******************************************************************************\n* imj1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu\t\t\t    Imad "Hexabyte" Jureidini *\n*     The Ultimate Knight, Grand Priest of the Secrets of the Undefined.      *\n*******************************************************************************\n',
  'From: mussack@austin.ibm.com (Christopher Mussack)\nSubject: Re: Sin\nOrganization: IBM Austin\nLines: 29\n\nIn article <Apr.>, jadaley@cwis.unomaha.edu (Jill Anne Daley) writes:\n> What exactly is a definition of sin and what are some examples. How does a\n> person know when they are committing sin?\n> \n\nAnything that does not bring me closer to God is a sin. \n(If you think this is too strict, just consider how ambiguous it is.)\n\nThis implies that staying the same is a sin. A Christian should\nnever be satisfied. It does not imply that\nhaving fun is a sin. It does not imply that sleeping is a sin.\nIt does imply that I sin every day.\n\nA perhaps simpler definition:\nAnything that is counter to the two Great Commandments: \nlove God, love your neighbor, is a sin.\nAnything I do that is not from love is a sin.\n\nThe same action can be a sin sometimes and not a sin sometimes.\n\nI could yell at my kids as discipline, all the time loving them,\nconsidering only to teach them proper behavior, or I could yell at my\nkids out of anger or selfishness.\n\nI could post an excellent article because I am interested in sharing\nmy opinions and getting feedback and learning, or I could post an\narticle because I want everyone to realize how wise I am.\n\nChris Mussack\n',
  'From: steinly@topaz.ucsc.edu (Steinn Sigurdsson)\nSubject: Re: Gamma Ray Bursters.  WHere  are they.\nOrganization: Lick Observatory/UCO\nLines: 56\nNNTP-Posting-Host: topaz.ucsc.edu\nIn-reply-to: prb@access.digex.com\'s message of 23 Apr 1993 23:58:19 -0400\n\nIn article <1radsr$att@access.digex.net> prb@access.digex.com (Pat) writes:\n\n     What  evidence  indicates that Gamma Ray bursters are very far away?\n\nTheir distribution is very isotropic and the intensity distribution,\ncrudely speaking, indicates we\'re seeing an edge to the distribution.\n\n   Given the enormous  power,  i was just wondering,  what if they are\n   quantum  black holes or something  like that  fairly close by?\n\n   Why would they have to be at  galactic ranges?   \n\nNow, in the good old days before GRO data, it was thought the\ngamma bursters were neutron stars in the galaxy, it was expected that\nGRO would confirm this by either showing they were a local population\n(within a few hundred light years) or that they were in the galactic\nhalo. (Mechanism was not known but several plausible ones existed)\n(also to be fair it was noted that the _brightest_ burster was\nprobably in the LMC, suggesting theorists might be wrong back then...)\n\tAs the Sun is not at the center of the galaxy a halo\npopulation should show anisotropy (a local disk population is\nruled out completely at this stage) - to avoid the anisotropy you\nhave to push the halo out, the energy then gets large, the mechanism\nof getting NS out that far becomes questionable, and we should start\nto see for example the Andromeda\'s bursters.\n\tThe data is consistent with either a Oort cloud distribution\n(but only just) - but no one can think of a plausible source with\nthe right spectrum. Or, it can be a cosmological distances (hence\nisotropy) and the edge is "the edge of the Universe" ;-)\nIf at cosmological distances you need very high energy (to detect)\nand a very compact source (for spectrum), ergo a neutron star\ncolliding with another neutron star or black hole. Even then getting\nthe spectrum is very hard, but conceivable.\n\n\tIf we know anything about physics at that level,\nthe bursters are not due to quantum black holes or cosmic\nstrings, wrong spectrum for one thing.\n\nThe situation is further complicated by recent claims that\nthere are two classes of sources ;-)  [in the colliding NS\nthey\'d actually probably fit relatively easily into the\nNS-NS and NS-BH collision scenarios respectively]\n\n   my own pet theory is that it\'s  Flying saucers  entering\n   hyperspace :-)\n\n   but the reason i am asking is that most everyone assumes  that they\n   are  colliding nuetron stars  or  spinning black holes,  i just wondered\n   if any mechanism could exist  and place them  closer in.\n\nIf you can think of one, remember to invite me to Stockholm...\n\n*  Steinn Sigurdsson   \t\t\tLick Observatory      \t*\n*  steinly@lick.ucsc.edu\t\t"standard disclaimer"  \t*\n*  The laws of gravity are very,very strict\t\t\t*\n*  And you\'re just bending them for your own benefit - B.B. 1988*\n',
  "From: ab245@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Sam Latonia)\nSubject: Re: Date is stuck\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 7\nNNTP-Posting-Host: slc10.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\nI can't imagine why someone would leave their computer on all of\nthe time to start with. Its like leaving your lights tv, radio\nand everything in the house on all of the time to me.....Nuts\n-- \nGosh..I think I just installed a virus..It was called MS DOS6...\nDon't copy that floppy..BURN IT...I just love Windows...CRASH...\n",
  'From: sunshine@cco.caltech.edu (Tom Renner)\nSubject: Apple IIgs\nArticle-I.D.: gap.1qkm6lINNrc6\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 29\nNNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu\n\nI have a basic Apple IIgs system that I need to sell.  Everything comes with\noriginal boxes and documentation, and is in excellent condition.  Make an\noffer; I\'ll consider anything:\n\nApple IIgs 1 meg\n3.5" drive\n13" AppleColor RGB monitor\nkeyboard/mouse/mousepad/dustcovers/1200 baud Applemodem/random other worthless\n    stuff.\n\nHere\'s a list of the games/apps:\n\n   Games:\t\t\t\t   Applications:\n\nBattleChess\t\t\t\tSystem Disk\nDefender of the Crown\t\t\tSystem Tools IIGS\nArkanoid II\t\t\t\tWordPerfect\nBubble Ghost\t\t\t\tAppleworks\nShadowgate\t\t\t\tWriter\'s Choice elite\nBalance of Power\t\t\tDraw Plus\nMarble Madness\t\t\t\tCopy II Plus\nZany Golf\t\t\t\tProTERM communications software\nChessmaster 2100\n\nIf interested, contact:\n\nsunshine@cco.caltech.edu\n\n*******************************************************************************\n',
  'From: dlecoint@garnet.acns.fsu.edu (Darius_Lecointe)\nSubject: Re: Sabbath Admissions 5of5\nOrganization: Florida State University\nLines: 13\n\n> [Again, in the normal Protestant interpretation, Sunday is not a law,\n> and worshipping on another day is not a sin.  Churches are free to\n> decide on the day they will meet, just as they are free to decide on\n> the hour.  It would not be a sin to worship on some other day, but if\n> you belong to a church that worships on Sunday and you show up on\n> Monday, you will probably worship alone...  --clh]\n\nI totally agree with that sentiment.  But why do you have to go further\nand advocate violating what God has set up?  That is the question which\nyou have not answered from Scripture.  You can worship on every day, as\nlong as you work.  But God says the Sabbath is all mine.\n\nDarius\n',
  'From: rjwade@rainbow.ecn.purdue.edu (Robert J. Wade)\nSubject: Re: \'93 Grand Am (4 cyl)\nOrganization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network\nLines: 16\n\nIn article <HOLCOMB.93Apr19073907@wgermany.ctron.com> holcomb@ctron.com (Edgar W. Ii Holcomb) writes:\n>In article <Apr.> wilmott@remus.rutgers.edu (ray wilmott) writes:\n>\n>   Hi all. A while back I was asking for info about a few different\n>   models, the Grand Am being one of them. Response was generally\n>   favorable; one thing often repeated was "go for the V6 for some\n>   real power". Point well taken, but...does anybody have any input\n>   on the 4 cylinders (both the standard OHC, and the "Quad 4")?\n>Ray,\n>\n>The High-Output Quad 4 delivers 175 hp (185 for the WF41 Quad 4), whereas\n>the 3.1L V6 offered in the Grand Am delivers 140 hp.  I own a Beretta GTZ\n\nooppss...the v6 in the grand am is the 3.3. litre, not the 3.1.  the 3.3 is\na downsized version of buicks 3.8 litre v6.  the 3.1 v6 goes in the beretta \nand corsica.\n',
  'From: tk@dcs.ed.ac.uk (Tommy Kelly)\nSubject: Objective Values \'v\' Scientific Accuracy (was Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is)\nReply-To: tk@dcs.ed.ac.uk (Tommy Kelly)\nOrganization: Laboratory for the Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh U\nLines: 54\n\nFrank, I tried to mail this but it bounced.  It is fast moving out\nof t.a scope, but I didn\'t know if t.a was the only group of the three\nthat you subscribed to.\nApologies to regular t.a folks.\n\nIn article <1qjahh$mrs@horus.ap.mchp.sni.de> frank@D012S658.uucp (Frank O\'Dwyer) writes:\n\n>Science ("the real world") has its basis in values, not the other way round, \n>as you would wish it.  \n\nYou must be using \'values\' to mean something different from the way I\nsee it used normally.\n\nAnd you are certainly using \'Science\' like that if you equate it to\n"the real world".\n\nScience is the recognition of patterns in our perceptions of the Universe\nand the making of qualitative and quantitative predictions concerning\nthose perceptions.\n\nIt has nothing to do with values as far as I can see.\nValues are ... well they are what I value.\nThey are what I would have rather than not have - what I would experience\nrather than not, and so on.\n\nObjective values are a set of values which the proposer believes are\napplicable to everyone.\n\n>If there is no such thing as objective value, then science can not \n>objectively be said to be more useful than a kick in the head.\n\nI don\'t agree.\nScience is useful insofar as it the predictions mentioned above are\naccurate.  That is insofar as what I think *will be* the effect on\nmy perceptions of a time lapse (with or without my input to the Universe)\nversus what my perceptions actually turn out to be.\n\nBut values are about whether I like (in the loosest sense of the word) the \nperceptions :-)\n\n>Simple theories with accurate predictions could not objectively be said\n>to be more useful than a set of tarot cards.  \n\nI don\'t see why.\n\'Usefulness\' in science is synonomous with \'accuracy\' - period.\nTarot predictions are not useful because they are not accurate - or\ncan\'t be shown to be accurate.\nScience is useful because it is apparently accurate.\n\nValues - objective or otherwise - are beside the point.\n\nNo?\n\ntommy\n',
  'From: dbm0000@tm0006.lerc.nasa.gov (David B. Mckissock)\nSubject: Blue Ribbon Panel Members Named\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41    \nNntp-Posting-Host: tm0006.lerc.nasa.gov\nOrganization: NASA Lewis Research Center / Cleveland, Ohio\nLines: 71\n\nThe following press release was distributed April 1 by\nNASA Headquarters.\n\nSpace Station Redesign Advisory Members Named\n\nAlong with Dr. Charles M. Vest, recently named by Vice President\nAlbert Gore to head the advisory committee on the redesign of the\nSpace Station, NASA has announced the names of representatives\nfrom government and industry and academic experts from across the\ncountry to participate in an independent review of the redesign\noptions being developed by NASA.\n\n"I am extremely honored to have been selected to lead this\nimportant review panel. America\'s future in science and\ntechnology and as a world leader in space demands our utmost\nattention and care," said Vest. "We have assembled a diverse\npanel of experts that, I believe, will bring the appropriate\nmeasures of insight, integrity and objectivity to this critical\ntask."\n\nThe advisory committee is charged with independently assessing\nvarious redesign options of the space station presented by NASA\'s\nredesign team, and proposing recommendations to improve\nefficiency and effectiveness of the space station program. Space\nstation international partners also are being asked to \nparticipate and will be named at a later date. The advisory\ncommittee will submit its recommendations in June.\n\nAdvisory committee members named today include:\n\nDr. Charles Vest              Dr. Bobby Alford\nPresident, MIT                Executive VP & Dean of Medicine\n                              Baylor College of Medicine\n\nMr. Jay Chabrow               Dr. Paul Chu\nPresident, JMR Associates     Director, Texas Center for\n                              Superconductivity\n                              University of Houston\n\nDr. Ed Crawley                Dr. John Fabian\nProf of Aero & Astro          President & CEO\nMIT                           ANSER\n\nMaj. Gen. James Fain          Dr. Edward Fort\nDeputy Chief of Staff for     Chancellor\nRequirements; Headquarters    North Carolina AT&T\nUSAF Materials Command        State University\n\nDr. Mary Good                 Mr. Frederick Hauck\nSenior VP of Technology       President, International Technical\nAllied Signal, Inc.           Underwriters\n\nDr. Lou Lanzerotti            Mr. William Lilly\nChair, Space Sciences         National Academy of Public\nBoard, National Research      Administration\nCouncil\n\nMr. Duane McRuer              Dr. Brad Parkinson\nPresident Systems Technology  Prof of Astro & Aero\n                              Stanford University\n\nDr. Robert Seamans            Dr. Lee Silver\nFormer NASA Deputy Admin.     W.M. Keck Foundation Professor\n                              for Resource Geology\n                              California Institute of\n                              Technology\n\nDr. Albert "Bud" Wheelon\nRetired CEO\nHughes Aircraft\n\n',
  "From: lingeke2@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Ken Linger)\nSubject: 32 Bit System Zone\nOrganization: Purdue University\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nLines: 32\n\nA week or so ago, I posted about a problem with my SE/30:  I have 20 megs\nor true RAM, yet if I set my extensions to use a large amount of memory\n(total of all extensions) then my system will crash before the finder\ncomes up.  What I meant was having a large amount of fonts load, or\nsounds, or huge disk caches with a control panel other than Apple's\nmemory control panel.  Apple's cache is at 64K, mode 32 is on, and\nso is 32 bit addressing.  All extensions work by themselves or with the\nothers until I increase the memory used by some of them (with methods\nmentioned above).\n\nWell, here's my latest followup...  I ran NOWs System Profile and got\nthis information:\n\n%%% Memory info %%%\n\nPhysical RAM size: 20480K.\nLogical RAM size: 20480K.\nSize of Low Memory Area: 8K.\nVirtual Memory: Inactive.\nAddressing mode: 32bit mode in use.\n32 bit System zone: Absent.\nParity RAM: Not capable.\nGrowable System Heap: True.\nTemporary memory support: Present.\nTempory Memory Support: Real and tracked.\n\nNote that 32 bit System zone is absent.  Could this be the problem?\nHow can I turn this on?  Any ideas?\n\nCan anyone help?\n\nKen\n",
  'From: ray@engr.LaTech.edu (Bill Ray)\nSubject: Re: Acutane, Fibromyalgia Syndrome and CFS\nOrganization: Louisiana Tech University\nLines: 8\nNNTP-Posting-Host: ee02.engr.latech.edu\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\n\nDaniel Prince (Daniel.Prince@f129.n102.z1.calcom.socal.com) wrote:\n\n: ... I think they should rename Waco TX to Wacko TX!\n\nI know it is just a joke, but please remember: the people of Waco\ndid not ask David Koresh to be a lunatic there, he just happened.\nWaco is a lovely town.  I would think someone living in the home\nof flakes and nut would be more sensitive :-)\n',
  'From: kerney@ecn.purdue.edu (John Kerney)\nSubject: Re: FLYERS notes 4/17\nKeywords: FLYERS/Whalers summary\nOrganization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network\nLines: 17\n\n\n\nCould someone post the Flyers record with and without Eric Lindros in\nthe lineup\n\n\nI have a guy that is trying to compare the Quebec/Flyers trade to the \n\nDallas/Minnesota trade in the NFL(Hershel Walker)\n\nI just need the stat to back up my point that Eric will be one of the next\n\ngreat players\n\nthanks\n\njohn\n',
  "From: Sven Guckes <guckes@math.fu-berlin.de>\nSubject: Re: When is Apple going to ship CD300i's?\nOriginator: guckes@medusa\nX-Mail-Reader: Elm 2.4 PL21\nOrganization: Free University of Berlin, Germany\nX-News-Reader: NN 6.4.13 #13\nLines: 18\n\nsunnyt@coding.bchs.uh.edu writes:\n\n>The CD300 (external) is already shipping and has been shipping for\n>quite awhile now.\n>Demand for the units are high, so they are pretty rare.\n\nHm, I've got my CD drive since 921230.\n\n>I've also heard rumors that they are bundled with a couple of CD's,  \n>but I can't confirm it.\n\nIndeed, CDs are bundled with it.\nYou usually get nine CDs with demos of applications, games, photos, etc.\n\nI have compiled a list of these and posted it to alt.cdrom.\nI will post an updated version of this list RSN.\n\nSven :)\n",
  'From: jgd@dixie.com (John De Armond)\nSubject: FBI Murders (was Re: ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN )\nOrganization: Dixie Communications Public Access.  The Mouth of the South.\nLines: 87\n\njmd@cube.handheld.com (Jim De Arras) writes:\n\n>I have believed all along that they could not let them live, the \n>embarrassment  to the BATF and the FBI would\'ve been too severe.\n\n>Remember, this was a suspicion of tax-evasion warrant.  There were no  \n>witnesses, except the FBI.  All information filtered through the FBI.  All \n>they had to do was allow one remote controlled pool camera be installed \n>near the  building, and the press could\'ve done their job, and would\'ve \n>been able to back the FBI\'s story with close up video, while incurring no \n>risk to the press.  Unless they did not want the public to see something.  \n>The complete lack of any  other source of information other than the \n>FBI really causes me concern. \n\n>Sick to my stomach, and getting sicker from all the Government apologists\n\nWell put, Jim.  I am as concerned about the media\'s complicity in this\ngrowing coverup.  Can you imagine the media outrage, the lawsuits, the\ninvestigations that would emit if the government kept the media away from\nany other story?  Particularly if a Republican administration had been\nbehind it.  What\'s going on here?\n\nLet\'s look beyond the initial blunder and examine what happened next.\nI\'m a student of human phychology, particularly in the area of psy-ops\nbecause I\'ve found some of the techniques to be useful in business\nnegotiations.  That puts me firmly in the amateur ranks.  This AMATEUR\nknows that the first thing to do when sizing up the opponent is to do a\npsychological profile on him.  You can bet your ass the FBI had\nprofessionally done profiles on Koresh.  Koresh\'s behavior was\nemminently predictable.  It is typical of people who move away from\ncivilization to be willing to fight to the death to preserve their\nisolation.  It would also be typical, given Koresh\'s religious\norientation, for such an individual to interpret a government assault as\nthe apocalypse.  Suicide is as an acceptable alternative to being\nconsumed in the apocalypse.\n\nIMHO, the FBI knew all this and decided after 50 days of concentrated\npsy-ops to initiate that apocalypse.  I believe they chose a course of\naction designed specifically to push Koresh over the edge while publicly\nappearing to be acting reasonably.  They KNEW that Koresh considered the\ntanks to be the Chariots of Fire mentioned in the Book of Revelations.\nThey KNEW that sending tanks, oops, combat engineering vehicles,\nobstensibly to perform "gas insertions" (love that NewSpeak) WOULD push\nhim over the edge.\n\nLook at some supporting evidence.  Koresh\'s attorney mentioned on TV\nearlier today (4/20) that one of Koresh\'s major concern was the biblical\nrole of the tanks stationed around the compound.  The FBI (through Reno\non Larry King last night and at the news conference this morning)\nclaimed to have listening devices in the compound.  If that was true\nthey KNEW their actions were driving him to the brink.  They KNEW they\nwere pushing the Davidians toward mass suicide.  Any rational and\nreasonable agency NOT interested in killing those people would, at\nthe first sign of preparations for suicide, have pulled completely back and\nwould have gotten rid of all the armor.  Instead they continued with the\n"gas insertion" right up to the point where flames appeared.  The image\nthat will remain etched in my mind is that of the tank strutting back\nand forth in front of the burning compound, gloating over the kill.\n\nLet\'s step back and assess how this thing could have been ended without\nbloodshed.  This technique would have required a law enforcement agency\ninterested in constitutionally enforcing the law and in the preservation\nof life instead of achieving a military victory and of vengence.\n\nThe way to have nabbed Koresh was simply to have announced a pull back,\nabandoned the assault, torn down the concertina wire and removed the\narmor, maintained covert surveillance of the compound and then exploited\nhis ego to flush him out.  Exploiting his ego would have been simple.  A\nsimple invite or two from the tabloid talk shows to come on TV and tell\nhow he whipped the US government would have been something he could not\nhave resisted.  He could have then been nabbed when he left the\ncompound.  Simple, clean and safe but because it would have required the\nFBI to execute a tactical retreat and would have deprived them of the\nrevenge they sought, it was totally out of the question.  Not without\nall that testesterone floating around.  After all Jannet Reno had to\nshow the world how big her balls are.\n\nYesterday was a sad, sad day for the American system.  I am sick to my \nvery soul.\n\nJohn\n-- \nJohn De Armond, WD4OQC               |Interested in high performance mobility?  \nPerformance Engineering Magazine(TM) | Interested in high tech and computers? \nMarietta, Ga                         | Send ur snail-mail address to \njgd@dixie.com                        | perform@dixie.com for a free sample mag\nLee Harvey Oswald: Where are ya when we need ya?\n',
  'From: dyer@spdcc.com (Steve Dyer)\nSubject: Re: Good Grief!  (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?)\nOrganization: S.P. Dyer Computer Consulting, Cambridge MA\n\nIn article <noringC5snsx.KMo@netcom.com> noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring) writes:\n>>There is no convincing evidence that such a disease exists.\n>There\'s a lot of evidence, it just hasn\'t been adequately gathered and\n>published in a way that will convince the die-hard melancholic skeptics\n>who quiver everytime the word \'anecdote\' or \'empirical\' is used.\n\nSnort.  Ah, there go my sinuses again.\n\n>For example, Dr. Ivker, who wrote the book "Sinus Survival", always gives,\n\nOh, wow.  A classic textbook.  Hey, they laughed at Einstein, too!\n\n>before any other treatment, a systemic anti-fungal (such as Nizoral) to his\n>new patients IF they\'ve been on braod-spectrum anti-biotics 4 or more times\n>in the last two years.  He\'s kept a record of the results, and for over \n>2000 patients found that over 90% of his patients get significant relief\n>of allergic/sinus symptoms.  Of course, this is only the beginning for his\n>program.\n\nYeah, I\'ll bet.  Tomorrow, the world.\n\nListen, uncontrolled studies like this are worthless.\n\n>In my case, as I reported a few weeks ago, I was developing the classic\n>symptoms outlined in \'The Yeast Connection\' (I agree it is a poorly \n>written book):  e.g., extreme sensitivity to plastics, vapors, etc. which\n>I never had before (started in November).  Within one week of full dosage\n>of Sporanox, the sensitivity to chemicals has fully disappeared - I can\n>now sit on my couch at home without dying after two minutes.  I\'m also\n>*greatly* improved in other areas as well.\n\nI\'m sure you are.  You sound like the typical hysteric/hypochondriac who\nresponds to "miracle cures."\n\n>Of course, I have allergy symptoms, etc.  I am especially allergic to\n>molds, yeasts, etc.  It doesn\'t take a rocket scientist to figure out that\n>if one has excessive colonization of yeast in the body, and you have a\n>natural allergy to yeasts, that a threshold would be reached where you\n>would have perceptible symptoms.\n\nYeah, "it makes sense to me", so of course it should be taken seriously.\nSnort.\n\n>Also, yeast do produce toxins of various\n>sorts, and again, you don\'t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that\n>such toxins can cause problems in some people.\n\nYeah, "it sounds reasonable to me".\n\n>Of course, the $60,000\n>question is whether a person who is immune compromised (as tests showed I was\n>from over 5 years of antibiotics, nutritionally-deficiencies because of the\n>stress of infections and allergies, etc.),\n\nOh, really?  _What_ tests?  Immune-compromised, my ass.\nMore like credulous malingerer.  This is a psychiatric syndrome.\n\n>can develop excessive yeast\n>colonization somewhere in the body.  It is a tough question to answer since\n>testing for excessive yeast colonization is not easy.  One almost has to\n>take an empirical approach to diagnosis.  Fortunately, Sporanox is relatively\n>safe unlike past anti-fungals (still have to be careful, however) so there\'s\n>no reason any longer to withhold Sporanox treatment for empirical reasons.\n\nYou know, it\'s a shame that a drug like itraconazole is being misused\nin this way.  It\'s ridiculously expensive, and potentially toxic.\nThe trouble is that it isn\'t toxic enough, so it gets abused by quacks.\n\n>BTW, some would say to try Nystatin.  Unfortunately, most yeast grows hyphae\n>too deep into tissue for Nystatin to have any permanent affect.  You\'ll find\n>a lot of people who are on Nystatin all the time.\n\nThe only good thing about nystatin is that it\'s (relatively) cheap\nand when taken orally, non-toxic.  But oral nystatin is without any\nsystemic effect, so unless it were given IV, it would be without\nany effect on your sinuses.  I wish these quacks would first use\nIV nystatin or amphotericin B on people like you.  That would solve\nthe "yeast" problem once and for all.\n\n>In summary, I appreciate all of the attempts by those who desire to keep\n>medicine on the right road.  But methinks that some who hold too firmly\n>to the party line are academics who haven\'t been in the trenches long enough\n>actually treating patients.  If anybody, doctors included, said to me to my\n>face that there is no evidence of the \'yeast connection\', I cannot guarantee\n>their safety.  For their incompetence, ripping off their lips is justified as\n>far as I am concerned.\n\nPerhaps a little Haldol would go a long way towards ameliorating\nyour symptoms.\n\nAre you paying for this treatment out of your own pocket?  I\'d hate\nto think my insurance premiums are going towards this.\n\n-- \nSteve Dyer\ndyer@ursa-major.spdcc.com aka {ima,harvard,rayssd,linus,m2c}!spdcc!dyer\n',
  "From: gt6511a@prism.gatech.EDU (COCHRANE,JAMES SHAPLEIGH)\nSubject: Re: Change of name ??\nOrganization: Georgia Institute of Technology\nLines: 35\n\nIn article <CMM.> thomasp@ifi.uio.no (Thomas Parsli) writes:\n:\n:\n:\t1. Make a new Newsgroup called talk.politics.guns.PARANOID or \n:\ttalk.politics.guns.THEY'R.HERE.TO.TAKE.ME.AWAY\n:\n:\t2. Move all postings about waco and burn to (guess where)..\n:\n:\t3. Stop posting #### on this newsgroup\n;\n:\tWe are all SO glad you're trying to save us from the evil \n:\tgoverment, but would you mail this #### in regular mail to\n:\tlet's say 1000 people ????\n:\t\n:\n:                        Thomas Parsli\nAnd everybody who talked about the evil arising in Europe was labeled \nreactionary in the late 1930's... after all, we could negotiate with Hitler and\ntrust him to keep his end of the bargain... at least that's what Stalin and\nChamberlin thought... I guess they forgot to teach you about your country being\noverrun by the Germans in WWII, 'eh Thomas?  And I'm sorry you consider outrage\nat government excesses to be ####... Everytime the Israelis conduct a mass \noperation against a terrorist group that is actively killing their citizens and\nsoldiers, the world gets indignant, but it's ok for the US to assault it's own\ncitizens who were a religous minority and accused of sexual deviation and \nhoarding weapons... I find it real ironic this happened the same day Al Gore\narrived in Poland to recognize the sacrifices made in the Warsaw Ghetto where\nthe same 'justifications' were raised for an armed assault by black-clad troops\nwith armor support...  \n\n-- \n********************************************************************************\nJames S. Cochrane        *  When in danger, or in doubt, run in * This space \ngt6511a@prism.gatech.edu *  circles, scream and shout.          * for rent\n********************************************************************************\n",
  'From: tomh@metrics.com (Tom Haapanen)\nSubject: RFD: comp.os.ms-windows.nt.{misc,setup}\nOrganization: Software Metrics Inc.\nLines: 76\nNNTP-Posting-Host: rodan.uu.net\n\nThis is the official Request for Discussion (RFD) for the creation of two\nnew newsgroups for Microsoft Windows NT.  This is a second RFD, replacing\nthe one originally posted in January \'93 (and never taken to a vote).  The\nproposed groups are described below:\n\nNAME: \t comp.os.ms-windows.nt.setup\nSTATUS:  Unmoderated.\nPURPOSE: Discussions about setting up and installing Windows NT, and about\n\t system and peripheral compatability issues for Windows NT.\n\nNAME:\t comp.os.ms-windows.nt.misc\nSTATUS:\t Unmoderated.\nPURPOSE: Miscellaneous non-programming discussions about using Windows NT,\n\t including issues such as security, networking features, console\n\t mode and Windows 3.1 (Win16) compatability.\n\nRATIONALE:\n\tMicrosoft NT is the newest member of the Microsoft Windows family\n\tof operating systems (or operating environments for those who wish\n\tto argue about the meaning of an "OS").  The family ranges from\n\tModular Windows through Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups to\n\tWindows NT at the high end.  To date, Microsoft has shipped over\n\t50,000 beta copies and pre-release SDKs of Windows NT -- the\n\tactual release is slated for May/June \'93.\n\n\tWhile Windows NT has an entirely new design internally, it shares\n\tan application programming interface with the other members of the\n\tWindows family; its Win32 API includes the Win16 API used in Win-\n\tdows 3.1, and the Win32s API subset (Win32 less threads, networking\n\tand security) can be used to create 32-bit applications for\n\tWindows 3.1.\n\n\tThe user interface is also practically identical to that of Windows\n\t3.1, with the addition of logins and a few other features.  It uses\n\tProgram Manager, File Manager and other applets, and generally pre-\n\tsents an identical appearance to the user.  Many of the announced\n\tWindows NT applications are ports of existing Windows 3.1 apps, and\n\tNT also runs existing 3.1 applications.\n\n\tThus, it appears logical that Windows NT should share the following\n\tgroups with the other members of the Windows family:\n\t\tcomp.os.ms-windows.apps\n\t\tcomp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools\n\t\tcomp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc\n\t\tcomp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32\n\t\n\tThe following groups are also clearly applicable to Windows NT as\n\twell as Windows 3.1:\n\t\tcomp.os.ms-windows.announce\n\t\tcomp.os.ms-windows.advocacy\n\t\n\tIn conclusion, the only clear argument for the separation of the\n\tWindows 3.1 and Windows NT hierarchies is different internal\n\tstructures of Windows 3.1 and Windows NT.  And yet operating\n\tsystems such as OS/2, Macintosh OS, Xenix and Coherent all have\n\tundergone major rewrites without having been split into separate\n\tnewsgroup hierarchies.\n\n\tFurther, Windows 3.1 is due for a major rewrite itself in 1994 --\n\twhen the fully 32-bit, protected-mode and with-DOS-built-in next-\n\tgeneration Windows, "Chicago", debuts next year, surely it should\n\tremain in the same hierarchy.  And what, then, would be the jus-\n\ttification for separating Windows NT from other Windows versions?\n\n\nDISCUSSION PERIOD:\n\tThe discussion period will run from 27 April, 1992 to 18 May, 1993.  \n\nVOTING:\n\tThe CFV (Call for Votes) will be issued around 19 May, 1993, based on\n\tthe feedback received during the discussion period.  No votes will\n\tbe accepted prior to the CFV.\n-- \n[ /tom haapanen -- tomh@metrics.com -- software metrics inc -- waterloo, ont ]\n[       "stick your index fingers into both corners of your mouth.  now pull ]\n[          up.  that\'s how the corrado makes you feel."  -- car, january \'93 ]\n',
  'From: npet@bnr.ca (Nick Pettefar)\nSubject: Re: BMW battery\nNntp-Posting-Host: bmdhh299\nOrganization: BNR Europe Ltd, Maidenhead, UK\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]\nLines: 31\n\nKeith Hanlan, on the Wed, 14 Apr 1993 19:20:14 GMT wibbled:\n: In article <1993Apr14.181352.6246@ra.msstate.edu> vech@Ra.MsState.Edu (Craig A. Vechorik) writes:\n: >If I remember correctly, the reason that BMW\'s come with those expensive,\n: >and relatively worthless, short lived Varda batteries, is \'cause BMW owns\n: >a controling interest in that battery Manufacturer.                 \n\n: What\'s wrong with the BMW battery? I\'ve never had problems and I know\n: numerous people that are still using the original battery in there\n: 8-10 year old beemers.\n\n\nKay, my \'86 K100RS still has her original battery in.  She\'s OK\n--\n\nNick (the Sufficiently Well Charged Biker)   DoD 1069   Concise Oxford\n\nM\'Lud.\n\n  ___\t___   ___   ___\n {"_"} {"_"} {"_"} {"_"}\t  Nick Pettefar, Contractor@Large.\n  \' `\t` \'   \' `   ` \'\t\t  Currently incarcerated at BNR,\n  ___\t___   ___   ___\t\t  Maidenhead, The United Kingdom.\n |"_"| |"_"| |"_"| |"_"|\t  npet@bnr.ca  \'86 BMW K100RS "Kay"\n  ` \'\t\' `   ` \'   \' `\t\t  Pres. PBWASOH(UK),  BS 0002\n\t    .\n   _ _\t\t_  __ .\n  / ~ ~~\\   |  / ~~  \\\n |_______|    [_______|\n\t   _:_\n\t  |___|\n\n',
  'From: dewinter@prl.philips.nl (Rob de Winter)\nSubject: WANTED: Symantec address\nOriginator: dewinter@prl.philips.nl\nOrganization: Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands\nLines: 5\n\n-- \n*** Nothing beats skiing, if you want to have real fun during holidays. ***\n***       Rob de Winter  Philips Research, IST/IT, Building WL-1        ***\n***       P.O. Box 80000, 5600 JA  Eindhoven. The Netherlands           ***\n***       Tel: +31 40 743621  E-mail: dewinter@prl.philips.nl           ***\n',
  'From: breedsa@wkuvx1.bitnet\nSubject: Tempest and Cyclone info. NEEDED\nOrganization: Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY\nLines: 8\n\nIf anyone has any information about the upcoming new computers\n(Cyclone and Tempest), I am in need of some info. Anything would be\ngreatly appreciated.\n\nThanks,\n\n-Shawn\nbreedsa@wkuvx1.bitnet\n',
  'From: skcgoh@tartarus.uwa.edu.au (Shaw Goh)\nSubject: Re: Non-turbo speed\nOrganization: The University of Western Australia\nLines: 17\nNNTP-Posting-Host: tartarus.uwa.edu.au\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5\n\nNic Percival (x5336) (nmp@mfltd.co.uk) wrote:\n: \n: Just taken delivery of a 66MHz 486 DX2 machine, and very nice it is too.\n: One query - the landmark speed when turbo is on is 230 or something MHz\n: - thats not the problem. The problem is the speed when turbo is off. Its\n: 7 MHz. The equivalent in car terms is having a nice Porsche with a button\n: that turns it into a skateboard.\n: \n: Does anyone have a clue as to what determines the relative performance of\n: turbo vs non-turbo?? I would like to set it to give a landmark speed of\n: about 30 or 40 MHz with turbo off.\n: \n: Cheers,\n: \n\nIt should be halved that of turbo (ie 33Mhz).\n\n',
  'From: zia@castle.ed.ac.uk (Zia Manji)\nSubject: HELP: PowerBook 160 and Caere Typist Plus Graphics Hand Scanner\nArticle-I.D.: castle.33950\nOrganization: Edinburgh University\nLines: 43\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cs.utexas.edu\n\n\n\t|\n\t||  edited and forwarded by the csm.announce moderator;\n\t||  please respond to the originator by email ALSO; what he\n\t||  needs, besides a cable that works, is a phone-number and\n\t||  AppleLink address for Caere - and a smile and a pat on the\n\t||  back... :-)\n\t|\n\nPlease, I beg you. If you know anything about the Caere Typist Plus\nGraphics Hand Scanner, Please read and solve my problem. I will be\ntruely grateful for the rest of my life!\n\nThe problem is that My Caere Typist Plus Graphics Hand Scanner will not\nconnect to my PowerBook 160. The Cable on the Scanner will not fit into\nthe SCSI port on the PowerBook.\n\nI then got a cable assembled to adapt the original cable to fit the SCSI\nport. This, however, turned the computer into SCSI mode and treated it\nas a hard disk.\n\nI have asked an engineer in London to assembled a new cable. The idiot,\nout of sheer laziness has taken 14 weeks and has yet to solve the\nproblem. \n\nI am aware that Caere Co. in the US have a solution.\n\nDo you know of a cable that will solve this problem. Please help me if\nyou know the solution. I will be forever grateful to you.\n\nMy e-mail address is:\n\n\t\t\tzia@uk.ac.ed.castle\n\n\t|\n\t||  "wrong side of the road" syndrom;\t\t:-))\n\t||\n\t||  for us, that\'s  zia@castle.ed.ac.uk\n\t|\n\nThanking you in advance,\n\nZia.\n',
  "From: howland@noc2.arc.nasa.gov (Curt Howland)\nSubject: Re: Auction: Diana's bra\nOrganization: NASA Science Internet Project Office\nLines: 13\n\nIn article <1993Apr2.163531.12974@adobe.com>, \ncjackson@adobe.com (Curtis Jackson) writes:\n\n|> Next thing you know I'll see bikes with Geeky stickers parked\n|> outside the local white wine, quiche, and fern bar.\n\nHey! I LIKE quiche, even if I did have to look \nat your note to spell it (assumed) correctly.\n\nReally, you <*sniff*> tough guys are all the same...\n\n(MOMMY! Curtis is making fun of ferns again!!!!)\n\n",
  'From: dcd@se.houston.geoquest.slb.com (Dan Day)\nSubject: Re: WARNING.....(please read)...\nNntp-Posting-Host: mudd.se.houston.geoquest.slb.com\nOrganization: GeoQuest System, Inc. Houston\nLines: 13\n\nIn article <1qke5b$mc4@spool.mu.edu> jason@studsys.mscs.mu.edu (Jason Hanson) writes:\n>>From article <1993Apr15.024246.8076@Virginia.EDU>, by ejv2j@Virginia.EDU ("Erik Velapoldi"):\n>>> This happened about a year ago on the Washington DC Beltway.\n>>> Snot nosed drunken kids decided it would be really cool to\n>>> throw huge rocks down on cars from an overpass.  Four or five\n>>> cars were hit.  There were several serious injuries, and sadly\n>\n>About a year ago, some kids tossed a rock off an overpass on I-94 near Eau\n>Claire, Wisconsin and it killed the driver below.  (I believe he was a\n>schoolteacher from Minnesota.)\n\nHere in Houston a couple years ago a young pregnant woman was killed\nin a similar manner.\n',
  'From: tcmay@netcom.com (Timothy C. May)\nSubject: Re: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5\nDistribution: na\nLines: 26\n\nTed Dunning (ted@nmsu.edu) wrote:\n: \n: nobody seems to have noticed that the clipper chip *must* have been\n: under development for considerably longer than the 3 months that\n: clinton has been president.  this is not something that choosing\n: choosing bush over clinton would have changed in the slightest; it has\n: been in the works for some time.\n\nActually, many of us have noted this. We have noted that the program\nstarted at least 4 years ago, that the contracts with VLSI Technology\nand Microtoxin were let at least 14 months ago, that production of the\nchips is well underway, and so forth.\n\nNobody I know has claimed Clinton intitiated the program. But he chose\nto go ahead with it.\n\n\n-Tim May\n-- \n..........................................................................\nTimothy C. May         | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,  \ntcmay@netcom.com       | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero\n408-688-5409           | knowledge, reputations, information markets, \nW.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA  | black markets, collapse of governments.\nHigher Power: 2^756839 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.\n\n',
  'From: adam@endor.uucp (Adam Shostack)\nSubject: Re: Fundamentalism - again.\nOrganization: Aiken Computation Lab, Harvard University\nLines: 19\n\nIn article <khan0095.734814178@nova> khan0095@nova.gmi.edu (Mohammad Razi Khan) writes:\n>One of my biggest complaints about using the word "fundamentalist"\n>is that (at least in the U.S.A.) people speak of muslime\n>fundamentalists                                  ^^^^^^^muslim\n>but nobody defines what a jewish or christan fundamentalist is.\n>I wonder what an equal definition would be..\n>any takers..\n\n\tThe American press routinely uses the word fundamentalist to\nrefer to both Christians and Jews.  Christian fundementalists are\noften refered to in the context of anti-abortion protests.  The\nAmerican media also uses fundamentalist to refer to Jews who live in\nJudea, Samaria or Gaza, and to any Jew who follows the torah.\n\nAdam\nAdam Shostack \t\t\t\t       adam@das.harvard.edu\n\n"If we had a budget big enough for drugs and sexual favors, we sure\nwouldn\'t waste them on members of Congress..."   -John Perry Barlow\n',
  'From: fields@cis.ohio-state.edu (jonathan david fields)\nSubject: Misc Stuff for Sale\nOrganization: The Ohio State University Dept. of Computer and Info. Science\nLines: 38\nDistribution: usa\nNNTP-Posting-Host: frigate.cis.ohio-state.edu\n\nMisc. Items for sale:\n\n\nMount Plate:  Sony Model CPM-203P, mounting plate for Sony portable CD players\nfor Portable: plugs into car lighter, snaps onto the bottom of any Sony\nCD Player:    Portable CD player, perfect condition. Will also throw in a \n\t      cassette adapter in SO SO condition.\n\t      Paid $45...............Asking $30.\n\nCar Speakers:\tSherwood 5 1/4" two way car speakers, in car for 7 months,\n5 1/4 inch:\texcellent condition, Paid $65............Asking $40.\n\n4 inch:\t    Factory Speakers from Toyota excellent condition Asking $20.\n\n\nNintendo:   Nintendo Game Boy, Light Boy, Tetris, Super Mario Land,  \nGameboy:    NFL Football, Castlevania Adventure, Hyper Lode Runner, 4 years\n+ games:    old\tall in working condition, Asking $70.\nAccessories:\n\n\nWhole Internet:\tThe Whole Internet: User\'s Guide and Catalog by ED Krol,\nbook:\t\tguide to using the internet, where to fing information and \n\t\tresources.   Paid $30..........Asking $20.\n\nMicroSoft:    Never Used, came with my computer, Asking $30.\nVisual Basic:\n\nMicroSoft: \t   Came with my computer, never used, Asking $100.\nWord for Windows:\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\tThanks,\n\n\t\t\t\t\tJonathan D. Fields\n\t\t\t\t\tfields@cis.ohio-state.edu\n\n\n',
  "From: richk@grebyn.com (Richard Krehbiel)\nSubject: Re: IDE vs SCSI\nIn-Reply-To: marka@hcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com's message of 16 Apr 1993 07:30:17 -0400\nLines: 12\nOrganization: Grebyn Timesharing, Inc.\n\t<1qm5c9$6on@hcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com>\n\nIn article <1qm5c9$6on@hcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com> marka@hcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com (Mark Ashley) writes:\n\n>   First off, with all these huge software packages and files that\n>   they produce, IDE may no longer be sufficient for me (510 Mb limit).\n\nI've seen a listing of a Seagate 1G IDE hard drive.\n\n>   Second, (rumor is) Microsoft recognizes the the importance of SCSI\n>   and will support it soon. I'm just not sure if it's on DOS, Win, or NT.\n\nWindows NT already supports SCSI, a variety of adapters, for disk,\ntape, and CD-ROM.  So does OS/2 2.0.\n-- \nRichard Krehbiel                                 richk@grebyn.com\nOS/2 2.0 will do for me until AmigaDOS for the 386 comes along...\n",
  'From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: 2.5 million Muslims perished of butchery at the hands of Armenians.\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 92\n\nIn article <1993Apr25.015551.23259@husc3.harvard.edu> verbit@brauer.harvard.edu (Mikhail S. Verbitsky) writes:\n\n>\tActually, Jarmo is a permanent resident of my killfile\n\nAnyone care to speculate on this? I\'ll let the rest of the net judge\nthis on its own merits. Between 1914 and 1920, 2.5 million Turks perished \nof butchery at the hands of Armenians. The genocide involved not only \nthe killing of innocents but their forcible deportation from the Russian \nArmenia. They were persecuted, banished, and slaughtered while much of \nOttoman Army was engaged in World War I. The Genocide Treaty defines \ngenocide as acting with a \n\n  \'specific intent to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a \n   national, ethnic, racial or religious group.\' \n\nHistory shows that the x-Soviet Armenian Government intended to eradicate \nthe Muslim population. 2.5 million Turks and Kurds were exterminated by the \nArmenians. International diplomats in Ottoman Empire at the time - including \nU.S. Ambassador Bristol - denounced the x-Soviet Armenian Government\'s policy \nas a massacre of the Kurds, Turks, and Tartars. The blood-thirsty leaders of \nthe x-Soviet Armenian Government at the time personally involved in the \nextermination of the Muslims. The Turkish genocide museums in Turkiye honor \nthose who died during the Turkish massacres perpetrated by the Armenians. \n\nThe eyewitness accounts and the historical documents established,\nbeyond any doubt, that the massacres against the Muslim people\nduring the war were planned and premeditated. The aim of the policy\nwas clearly the extermination of all Turks in x-Soviet Armenian \nterritories.\n\nThe Muslims of Van, Bitlis, Mus, Erzurum and Erzincan districts and\ntheir wives and children have been taken to the mountains and killed.\nThe massacres in Trabzon, Tercan, Yozgat and Adana were organized and\nperpetrated by the blood-thirsty leaders of the x-Soviet Armenian \nGovernment.\n\nThe principal organizers of the slaughter of innocent Muslims were\nDro, Antranik, Armen Garo, Hamarosp, Daro Pastirmadjian, Keri,\nKarakin, Haig Pajise-liantz and Silikian.\n\nSource: "Bristol Papers", General Correspondence: Container #32 - Bristol\n         to Bradley Letter of September 14, 1920.\n\n"I have it from absolute first-hand information that the Armenians in \n the Caucasus attacked Tartar (Turkish) villages that are utterly \n defenseless and bombarded these villages with artillery and they murder\n the inhabitants, pillage the village and often burn the village."\n\n\nSources: (The Ottoman State, the Ministry of War), "Islam Ahalinin \nDucar Olduklari Mezalim Hakkinda Vesaike Mustenid Malumat," (Istanbul, 1918). \nThe French version: "Documents Relatifs aux Atrocites Commises par les Armeniens\nsur la Population Musulmane," (Istanbul, 1919). In the Latin script: H. K.\nTurkozu, ed., "Osmanli ve Sovyet Belgeleriyle Ermeni Mezalimi," (Ankara,\n1982). In addition: Z. Basar, ed., "Ermenilerden Gorduklerimiz," (Ankara,\n1974) and, edited by the same author, "Ermeniler Hakkinda Makaleler -\nDerlemeler," (Ankara, 1978). "Askeri Tarih Belgeleri ...," Vol. 32, 83\n(December 1983), document numbered 1881.\n"Askeri Tarih Belgeleri ....," Vol. 31, 81 (December 1982), document\n numbered 1869.\n\n"Those who were capable of fighting were taken away at the very beginning\n with the excuse of forced labor in road construction, they were taken\n in the direction of Sarikamis and annihilated. When the Russian army\n withdrew, a part of the remaining people was destroyed in Armenian\n massacres and cruelties: they were thrown into wells, they were locked\n in houses and burned down, they were killed with bayonets and swords, in places\n selected as butchering spots, their bellies were torn open, their lungs\n were pulled out, and girls and women were hanged by their hair after\n being subjected to every conceivable abominable act. A very small part \n of the people who were spared these abominations far worse than the\n cruelty of the inquisition resembled living dead and were suffering\n from temporary insanity because of the dire poverty they had lived\n in and because of the frightful experiences they had been subjected to.\n Including women and children, such persons discovered so far do not\n exceed one thousand five hundred in Erzincan and thirty thousand in\n Erzurum. All the fields in Erzincan and Erzurum are untilled, everything\n that the people had has been taken away from them, and we found them\n in a destitute situation. At the present time, the people are subsisting\n on some food they obtained, impelled by starvation, from Russian storages\n left behind after their occupation of this area."\n \nSerdar Argic\n\n                           \'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.\'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           \'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.\' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n\n',
  'From: madhaus@netcom.com (Maddi Hausmann)\nSubject: Re: some thoughts.\nKeywords: Dan Bissell\nOrganization: Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things\nLines: 28\n\n1.  Did you read the FAQs?\n\n2.  If NO, Read the FAQs.\n\n3.  IF YES, you wouldn\'t have posted such drivel.  The "Lord, Liar\n    or Lunatic" argument is a false trilemma.  Even if you disprove\n    Liar and Lunatic (which you haven\'t), you have not eliminated\n    the other possibilities, such as Mistaken, Misdirected, or\n    Misunderstood.  You have arbitrarily set up three and only\n    three possibilities without considering others.\n\n4.  Read a good book on rhetoric and critical thinking.  If\n    you think the "Lord, Liar, or Lunatic" discussion is an\n    example of a good argument, you are in need of learning.\n\n5.  Read the FAQs again, especially "Constructing a Logical\n    Argument."\n\nIgnore these instructions at your peril.  Disobeying them\nleaves you open for righteous flaming.\n\n\n-- \nMaddi Hausmann                       madhaus@netcom.com\nCentigram Communications Corp        San Jose California  408/428-3553\n\nKids, please don\'t try this at home.  Remember, I post professionally.\n\n',
  'From: mike@hopper.Virginia.EDU (Michael Chapman)\nSubject: Re: Looking for a filemanager under X11R5\nOrganization: ITC/UVA Community Access UNIX/Internet Project\nLines: 12\n\nIn article <1993Apr21.130259.3773@atlastele.com> brians@atlastele.com (Brian Sheets) writes:\n>Does anyone have a file manager that runs under UNIX/X11R5??\n>\n\nxdtm is working looking at, as is ftptool.  There really isn\'t anything of\nany quality that I\'ve seen though, and I\'m seriously considering writing one\non my own.\n\n-- \nmike@hopper.acs.virginia.edu \n\n"I will NOT raise taxes on the middle class." -Unknown\n',
  'From: wtm@uhura.neoucom.edu (Bill Mayhew)\nSubject: Re: help: How to reduce the RPMs of a Boxer fan ?\nOrganization: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine\nDistribution: na\nLines: 18\n\nYes, you increase the RPM slip of a "boxer" type fan by installing\na capacitor in series with the fan\'s power supply.  The air flow of\nsmall 3.5 inch fans can be reduced by about 50% by using a 1 to 4\nuF capacitor.  Use a good grade nonpolarized unit with working\nvoltage rating around 250 volts.  Note that some impriical study is\nusually required to experimentally determine the best size\ncapacitor for a given application.\n\nFor DC powered applications, try the Radio Shack 12 volt box fan.\nIt can run and start reliably from as low as about 4.5 VDC.  It is\nexceptionally quiet, but at admittedly low flow.  I wish I knew who\nmade the fans for Radio Shack.\n\n\n-- \nBill Mayhew      NEOUCOM Computer Services Department\nRootstown, OH  44272-9995  USA    phone: 216-325-2511\nwtm@uhura.neoucom.edu (    146.580: N8WED\n',
  'From: ken@sugra.uucp (Kenneth Ng)\nSubject: Re: Identifying / Securing Files\nOrganization: Private Computer, Totowa, NJ\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <2bb29f4c@mash.boulder.co.us: rmashlan%mash@csn.org (Robert Mashlan) writes:\n:tarnold@vnet.IBM.COM (Todd W. Arnold) said in article <19930322.101356.617@almaden.ibm.com>:\n:>It\'s OK as long as you trust the end-user to stay out of your application\n:>program - or as long as it runs in a system where the user can\'t get to it.\n:>Otherwise, you can\'t stop him from finding the "load a module" code in your\n:>program, and simply bypassing the check for a valid module.  The devious user\n:>can either modify the object code before running the program, or he can run\n:>the program under a debugger and change the instructions in memory.\n:There is a way to foil debuggers, by clearing the single step \n:interrupt, on which a debugger depends, every few instructions in \n:the sensitive areas of the code.\n\nThis assumes the person is using the hardware debug instruction of an X86\ntype processor.  It can be negated by NOP\'ing the clear debug instruction,\nor by running the code on a machine simulator, like one I wrote as a senior\nproject in college.  It can bypass and trace practically anything one could\nwrite in software.  Kind of like being on a Star Trek Holideck :-).\n\n-- \nKenneth Ng\nPlease reply to ken@eies2.njit.edu for now.\n"All this might be an elaborate simulation running in a little device sitting\non someone\'s table" -- J.L. Picard: ST:TNG\n',
  "From: luis.nobrega@filebank.cts.com (Luis Nobrega) \nSubject: PC PAINTBRUSH IV+\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: The File Bank BBS - Fallbrook, CA  619-728-4318\nReply-To: luis.nobrega@filebank.cts.com (Luis Nobrega) \nLines: 11\n\nI am trying to configure Zsoft's PC Paintbrush IV+ for use with my\nLogitech Scanman 32 (hand scanner), but I can't get Paintbrush to\nacknowledge the scanner. Is there anybody out there using Paintbrush\nwith a scanner, if so, can you help me out?\n                                Thanks Luis Nobrega\n                                                                                      \n----\n*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\n| The File Bank BBS - 619-728-4318 - PCBoard v.14.5a/E10 - USR HST & DS    |\n| 8 nodes / RIME / Internet / Largest Clipper file collection in the world |\n*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\n",
  'From: gurakl@aix.rpi.edu (Laura J. Gurak)\nSubject: XT clone for sale\nArticle-I.D.: rpi.+zt5m5_\nOrganization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY\nLines: 35\nNntp-Posting-Host: aix.rpi.edu\n\nFOR SALE:\n \nIBM-compatible XT personal computer (DOS)\nBrand:  Acer\nAge:    4.5 years\nSpecs:  640K RAM\n        20 meg hard drive\n        5 -1/4 floppy drive\n        Color monitor\n        2400 baud USRobotics internal modem\n \nBundled with loads of software: word processing, \ncommunications, spreadsheet, games.\n \nA good computer that successfully got me through \nall of my BA, MS, and half of my PhD (I decided to \nswitch to a Mac for my dissertation). Perfect for \nhigh school student, college student, or person who \nneeds basic word processing, spreadsheet, and/or \ndatabase capabilities.\n \nBest offer.\n \n \nReply to\nLaura Gurak\nuserglub@mts.rpi.edu\n \n \n\n-- \n*****************************************************************************\nLaura J. Gurak/PhD candidate/Dept. Language, Literature, and Communication\nRensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180/gurakl@rpi.edu\nrhetorics of science & technology/social aspects of computing/rhet. criticism\n',
  'From: rscharfy@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Ryan C Scharfy)\nSubject: Re: If Drugs Should Be Legalized, How?\nNntp-Posting-Host: top.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu\nOrganization: The Ohio State University\nLines: 32\n\nIn article <1qrohrINNipe@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> wdstarr@athena.mit.edu (Wil\nliam December Starr) writes:\n>\n>In article <1993Apr18.003848.21571@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>,\n>rscharfy@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Ryan C Scharfy) said:\n>\n>>>> However, legalizing it and just sticking some drugs in gas stations to\n>>>> be bought like cigarettes is just plain silly.  [Ryan C Scharfy]\n>>>\n>>> Or, the government could adopt the radical and probably unAmerican\n>>> idea that citizens are free to live their lives as they wish, and\n>>> simply decriminalize cocaine, marijuana, heroin, LSD, etc.  Please\n>>> explain why the idea of allowing recreational drugs to be "bought like\n>>> cigarettes" is "just plain silly."  After all, it works just fine for\n>>> nicotine...  [wdstarr]\n>>\n>> Yeah, Cancer is pretty cool, isn\'t it.\n>\n>Ryan, please explain how the "coolness" or lack thereof of cancer is\n>relevant to a discussion of the legalization of currently illegal\n>recreational drugs.  For that matter, please explain how it\'s even\n>relevant to a discussion of currently _legal_ recreational drugs such as\n>tobacco. [wdstarr]\n\nYou said it worked so well with tobacco.  I was being fascisious(I can\'t spell \nworth a damn)\n\nLook, this is getting ridiculous, first, I think tobacco should be legal.  \nAnybody who can\'t see the difference between tobacco and marijuana has got to \nbe high.\n\nRyan\n',
  'From: jac2y@Virginia.EDU ("Jonathan A. Cook <jac2y>")\nSubject: Stuff for sale- music\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nLines: 19\n\nCDs ($9 ea inc shipping)\n---\nJesus Jones, DOUBT\nResidents, HEAVEN?\nREM, DOCUMENT\nNymphs, SAD AND DAMNED single\n\nTapes\n-----\nRobert Plant, all solo stuff\nLed Zeppelin IV\n\nTshirts\n-------\nRobert Plant, Manic Nirvana tour\nLed Zeppelin, Symbols/Swansong black\nBob Dylan, 1990 tour tie-dye\n\nAll offers accepted.  Mail to jac2y@virginia.edu\n',
  'Subject: Snooper..any opinions\nFrom: Keith Whitehead <sir@office.acme.gen.nz>\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Apple Source BBS\nX-Mailer: rnMac Buggy, I mean Beta, Test Version\nLines: 16\n\n\nHas anyone use Snooper or MacEKG or any other similar diagnostic \nsoftware.Any comparisons/reviews on these products would be very much \nappreciated.\n\nThanks in advance for your help\n\nCheers\n--\n\n\n==========================================================================\n:  Sir@office.acme.gen.nz                                                :\n:                                                                        :\n: Be thankfull that we dont get all the government we pay for!           :\n==========================================================================\n',
  'From: bgrubb@dante.nmsu.edu (GRUBB)\nSubject: Re: IDE vs SCSI\nOrganization: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM\nLines: 9\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: dante.nmsu.edu\n\nIn PC Magazine April 27, 1993:29 "Although SCSI is twice as fasst as ESDI,\n20% faster than IDE, and support up to 7 devices its acceptance ...has\nlong been stalled by incompatability problems and installation headaches."\nnote what it does NOT site as a factor: PRICE.\nint eh same article the PC would will get plug and play SCSI {from the\narticle it seems you get plug and play SCSI-1 only since SCSI-2 in FULL\nimplimentation has TEN NOT 7 devices.}\nSCSI-1 intergration is sited as another part of the MicroSoft Plug and play\nprogram.\n',
  "From: baden@inqmind.bison.mb.ca (Baden de Bari)\nSubject: *]] MOSFET help...\nOrganization: The Inquiring Mind BBS  1 204 488-1607\nLines: 28\n\n \n        Since I'm not all too keen on this area of hooking them up, I'm \nasking for help.  I know better than to hook a 12v, 1a stepper line to \none, unless it can take it; however what about if I've got a 24-60v \nstepper.  What sort of curent limmiting circuitry would be involved (a \nsmall schematic would probably be helpfull).  \n        Also, I've looked into the TIPC2701N by TI, and I was wondering \nif I should use the same suggested (by you replying to this message) \ncurrent limiting circuitry on each of the 7 mosfets in the package as \nthat illustrated in the schematic (which you the replyer would hopefully \nhelp me with).\n \n                                ... hmm... different request... \n \n                Thanks.\n\n \n  _________________________________________________\n  Inspiration  |   ___                             |\n  comes to     |  \\   o  baden@sys6626.bison.mb.ca |\n  those who    | (  ^  ) baden@inqmind.bison.mb.ca |\n  seek the     |   /-\\      =] Baden de Bari [=    |\n  unknown.     |                                   |\n  ------------------------------------------------- \n \n\nbaden@inqmind.bison.mb.ca\nThe Inquiring Mind BBS, Winnipeg, Manitoba  204 488-1607\n",
  'From: sasghm@theseus.unx.sas.com (Gary Merrill)\nSubject: Re: Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)\nOriginator: sasghm@theseus.unx.sas.com\nNntp-Posting-Host: theseus.unx.sas.com\nOrganization: SAS Institute Inc.\nLines: 15\n\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.163923.25120@microsoft.com>, tomca@microsoft.com (Tom B. Carey) writes:\n|> OK, just for grins:\n|> - Kekule hypothesized a resonant structure for the aromatic benzene\n|> ring after waking from a dream in which a snake was swallowing his tail.\n|> - Archimedes formalized the principle of buoyancy while meditating in\n|> his bath.\n\nWell, certainly in Archimedes case the description "while observing the\nphenomena in his bath" seems more accurate than "while meditating in\nhis bath" -- it was, after all, a rather buoyancy intense environment.\n-- \nGary H. Merrill  [Principal Systems Developer, C Compiler Development]\nSAS Institute Inc. / SAS Campus Dr. / Cary, NC  27513 / (919) 677-8000\nsasghm@theseus.unx.sas.com ... !mcnc!sas!sasghm\n',
  'From: nsmca@aurora.alaska.edu\nSubject: Re: Death and Taxes (was Why not give $1 billion to...\nArticle-I.D.: aurora.1993Apr23.000021.1\nOrganization: University of Alaska Fairbanks\nLines: 55\nNntp-Posting-Host: acad3.alaska.edu\n\nIn article <1993Apr22.162501.747@indyvax.iupui.edu>, tffreeba@indyvax.iupui.edu writes:\n> In my first posting on this subject I threw out an idea of how to fund\n> such a contest without delving to deep into the budget.  I mentioned\n> granting mineral rights to the winner (my actual wording was, "mining\n> rights.)  Somebody pointed out, quite correctly, that such rights are\n> not anybody\'s to grant (although I imagine it would be a fait accompli\n> situation for the winner.)  So how about this?  Give the winning group\n> (I can\'t see one company or corp doing it) a 10, 20, or 50 year\n> moratorium on taxes.\n> \n> Tom Freebairn \n\n\nWho says there is no mineral rights to be given? Who says? The UN or the US\nGovernment? \nMajor question is if you decide to mine the moon or Mars, who will stop you?\nThe UN can\'t other than legal tom foolerie.. Can the truly inforce it?\n\nIf you go to the moon as declare that you are now a soverign nation, who will\nstop you from doing it. Maybe not acknowledge you? \n\nWhy can\'t a small company or corp or organization go an explore the great\nbeyond of space? what right does earth have to say what is legal and what is\nnot.. Maybe I am a few years ahead on this.. It is liek the old Catholic Church \nstating which was Portugals and what was Spains, and along came the Reformation\nand made it all null and void.. \n\nWhat can happen is to find a nation which is acknowledged, and offer your\nservices as a space miner and then go mine the asteroids/mars/moon or what\never.. As long as yur sponsor does not get in trouble..\nBasically find a country who wants to go into space, but can\'t for soem reason\nor another, but who will give you a "home".. Such as Saudia Arabia or\nwhatever..\nThere are nations in the World who are not part of the UN, got to them and\noffer your services and such.. I know that sound crazy, but. is it..\nAlso once you have the means to mine the moon (or whatever) then just do it.\nThe UN if done right can be made to be so busy with something else, they will\nnot care.. \nIf your worried about the US, do the same thing..\n\nWhy be limited by the short sighted people of earth.. After all they have many\nother things to worry about that if someone is mining the Moon or MArs or what\never..\nBasically what I am saying is where is that drive of yeasteryears to go a\nlittle bit farther out, to do jus ta  little bit more, and to tell the crown to\npiss off.. If my ancestors thought the way many today think, Id have been born\nin Central Europe just north of the Black Sea..\n\nI just read a good book, "Tower of the Gods" Interesting..\n\n==\nMichael Adams, nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu -- I\'m not high, just jacked\n\n\n \n',
  'From: sbrogii@copernicus.Tymnet.COM (Scott Brogley)\nSubject: dodge wagon for sale\nSummary: 1964 Dodge Dart V8 wagon $300/negotiable\nKeywords: 1964 Dodge Dart wagon 273ci v8 sale 300 $ for california cal CAL Bay Area bay area Cal\nArticle-I.D.: tymix.3647\nOrganization: 2M&I\nLines: 20\nNntp-Posting-Host: copernicus\n\nTo: Dodge Dart collectors\n\nI have a 1964 Dodge (25th anniversary) Dart 273ci V8 wagon to turn into cash.\nMy asking price is $300.00 although we can negotiate.  The car currently\nresides in Union City, California.  Thats on the east side of the San Francisco\nBay Area in the state of California of the United states of America on the\ncontinent of North America of the planet Earth, third planetary body out from\nSol, a mid range yellowish star in the Western Spiral Arm of the Milkyway\nGalaxy.\n\ntoowhit: north of Silicon Valley\n\nif interested pleas contact Scott by the following means:\n        internet                sbrogii@tymnet.com\n        home answering machine  510.489.6165\n        business voice mail     408.922.6547\n        loud yell & wave money out the window\n                        ^(not recommended in downtown urban environment)\n\nps. I also have a `72 BMW r60/5 for sale, $700.00.\n',
  'From: landis@stsci.edu (Robert Landis,S202,,)\nSubject: Re: Soviet Space Book\nReply-To: landis@stsci.edu\nOrganization: Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD\nLines: 9\n\nWhat in blazes is going on with Wayne Matson and gang\ndown in Alabama?  I also heard an unconfirmed rumor that\nAerospace Ambassadors have disappeared.  Can anyone else\nconfirm??\n\n++Rob Landis\n   STScI, Baltimore, MD\n\n\n',
  'From: dpw@sei.cmu.edu (David Wood)\nSubject: Request for Support\nOrganization: Software Engineering Institute\nLines: 35\n\n\n\nI have a request for those who would like to see Charley Wingate\nrespond to the "Charley Challenges" (and judging from my e-mail, there\nappear to be quite a few of you.)  \n\nIt is clear that Mr. Wingate intends to continue to post tangential or\nunrelated articles while ingoring the Challenges themselves.  Between\nthe last two re-postings of the Challenges, I noted perhaps a dozen or\nmore posts by Mr. Wingate, none of which answered a single Challenge.  \n\nIt seems unmistakable to me that Mr. Wingate hopes that the questions\nwill just go away, and he is doing his level best to change the\nsubject.  Given that this seems a rather common net.theist tactic, I\nwould like to suggest that we impress upon him our desire for answers,\nin the following manner:\n\n1. Ignore any future articles by Mr. Wingate that do not address the\nChallenges, until he answers them or explictly announces that he\nrefuses to do so.\n\n--or--\n\n2. If you must respond to one of his articles, include within it\nsomething similar to the following:\n\n    "Please answer the questions posed to you in the Charley Challenges."\n\nReally, I\'m not looking to humiliate anyone here, I just want some\nhonest answers.  You wouldn\'t think that honesty would be too much to\nask from a devout Christian, would you?  \n\nNevermind, that was a rhetorical question.\n\n--Dave Wood\n',
  "From: king@reasoning.com (Dick King)\nSubject: How to interview a doctor\nNntp-Posting-Host: drums.reasoning.com\nOrganization: Reasoning Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA\nLines: 11\n\n\nMy insurance company encourages annual physicals, and at my age [42] i'm\nthinking that BIannual physicals, at least, might be a good idea.  Therefore,\ni'm shopping for a GP.  Might as well get a good one.\n\nCould the Assembled Net Wisdom suggest things i should look for, or point me to\nthe FAQ archive if on this topic if there is one?  \n\nPlease EMail; i suspect that this topic is real Net Clutter bait.\n\n-dk\n",
  "From: azw@aber.ac.uk (Andy Woodward)\nSubject: re: Countersteering_FAQ please post\nOrganization: University College of Wales, Aberystwyth\nLines: 10\nNntp-Posting-Host:\n\n\nIn article <C4zKCL.FGC@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> Eric@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (93CBR900RR) writes:\n>Would someone please post the countersteering FAQ...i am having this awful\n>time debating with someone on why i push the right handle of my motorcycle \n>foward when i am turning left...and i can't explain (well at least) why this \n>happens...please help...post the faq...i need to convert him.\n>\n>\t\t\t\teric\n\nHmm, If I did this, would I be able to take the outriggers off?\n",
  'From: tombaker@world.std.com (Tom A Baker)\nSubject: Re: Shuttle Launch Question\nOrganization: Me, at The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA\nDistribution: sci\nLines: 29\n\nIn article <15APR199320340428@stdvax> abdkw@stdvax (David Ward) writes:\n>In article <C5JLwx.4H9.1@cs.cmu.edu>, ETRAT@ttacs1.ttu.edu (Pack Rat) writes...\n>>There has been something bothering me while watching\n>>NASA Select for a while.  Well, I should\'nt say\n>>bothering, maybe wondering would be better.  When\n>>they are going to launch they say (sorry but I forget\n>>exactly who is saying what, OTC to PLT I think)\n>>"Clear caution & warning memory.  Verify no unexpected\n>>errors. ...".  I am wondering what an "expected error" might\n>>be.  Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but\n>\n>\n>In pure speculation, I would guess cautions based on hazardous\n>pre-launch ops would qualify.  Something like "Caution:  SRBs\n>have just been armed."  \n\nAlso in pure speculation:\n\nParity errors in memory or previously known conditions that were waivered.\n   "Yes that is an error, but we already knew about it"\n\nAny problem where they decided a backup would handle it.\n\nAny problem in an area that was not criticality 1,2,3..., that is, any\n   problem in a system they decided they could do without.\n\nI\'d be curious as to what the real meaning of the quote is.\n\ntom\n',
  'From: davidk@welch.jhu.edu (David "Go-Go" Kitaguchi)\nSubject: Re: A Little Too Satanic\nNntp-Posting-Host: uss1.welch.jhu.edu\nReply-To: davidk@welch.jhu.edu\nOrganization: Welch Medical Library\nLines: 21\n\nIn article 65934@mimsy.umd.edu, mangoe@cs.umd.edu (Charley Wingate) writes:\n:PNanci Ann Miller writes:\n:P\n:P>My favorite reply to the "you are being too literal-minded" complaint is\n:P>that if the bible is really inspired by God and if it is really THAT\n:P>important to him, then he would make damn certain all the translators and\n:P>scribes and people interpreting and copying it were getting it right,\n:P>literally.  If not, then why should I put ANY merit at all in something\n:P>that has been corrupted over and over and over by man even if it was\n:P>originally inspired by God?\n:P\n:PThe "corrupted over and over" theory is pretty weak.  Comparison of the\n:Pcurrent hebrew text with old versions and translations shows that the text\n:Phas in fact changed very little over a space of some two millennia.  This\n:Pshouldn\'t be all that suprising; people who believe in a text in this manner\n:Pare likely to makes some pains to make good copies.\n\nWell corrupted the first time is good enough.  Seeing that the bible was constructed\n400 years after Jesus\'s death, in the text of merchants (ie-owe this and owe that) I wonder how anyone can take the literal word seriously.  Obviously it was not intended for such nonsense, otherwise the authors of the bible would not need to plagerize (sp)\noff of the Asians for most of the contents that can be interperated to make sense.\n\n',
  'From: crypt-comments@math.ncsu.edu\nSubject: Cryptography FAQ 09/10 - Other Miscellany\nOrganization: The Crypt Cabal\nLines: 174\nExpires: 22 May 1993 04:00:07 GMT\nReply-To: crypt-comments@math.ncsu.edu\nNNTP-Posting-Host: pad-thai.aktis.com\nSummary: Part 9 of 10 of the sci.crypt FAQ, Other Miscellany.\n National Security agency. US export restrictions. TEMPEST \n electromagnetic interference monitoring.  Beale ciphers, a hoax?\n American Cryptographic Association.  RSA public-key patents.\nX-Last-Updated: 1993/04/16\n\nArchive-name: cryptography-faq/part09\nLast-modified: 1993/4/15\n\n\nFAQ for sci.crypt, part 9: Other Miscellany\n\nThis is the ninth of ten parts of the sci.crypt FAQ. The parts are\nmostly independent, but you should read the first part before the rest.\nWe don\'t have the time to send out missing parts by mail, so don\'t ask.\nNotes such as ``[KAH67]\'\' refer to the reference list in the last part.\n\nThe sections of this FAQ are available via anonymous FTP to rtfm.mit.edu \nas /pub/usenet/news.answers/cryptography-faq/part[xx].  The Cryptography \nFAQ is posted to the newsgroups sci.crypt, sci.answers, and news.answers \nevery 21 days.\n\n\nContents:\n\n* What is the National Security Agency (NSA)?\n* What are the US export regulations?\n* What is TEMPEST?\n* What are the Beale Ciphers, and are they a hoax?\n* What is the American Cryptogram Association, and how do I get in touch?\n* Is RSA patented?\n* What about the Voynich manuscript?\n\n\n* What is the National Security Agency (NSA)?\n\n  The NSA is the official security body of the U.S. government. It\n  was given its charter by President Truman in the late 40\'s, and\n  has continued research in cryptology till the present. The NSA is\n  known to be the largest employer of mathematicians in the world,\n  and is also the largest purchaser of computer hardware in the\n  world. Governments in general have always been prime employers of\n  cryptologists. The NSA probably possesses cryptographic expertise many\n  years ahead of the public state of the art, and can undoubtedly break\n  many of the systems used in practice; but for reasons of national\n  security almost all information about the NSA is classified.\n\n  Bamford\'s book [BAMFD] gives a history of the people and operations of\n  the NSA. The following quote from Massey [MAS88] highlights the\n  difference between public and private research in cryptography:\n\n  ``... if one regards cryptology as the prerogative of government,\n  one accepts that most cryptologic research will be conducted\n  behind closed doors. Without doubt, the number of workers engaged\n  today in such secret research in cryptology far exceeds that of\n  those engaged in open research in cryptology. For only about 10\n  years has there in fact been widespread open research in\n  cryptology. There have been, and will continue to be, conflicts\n  between these two research communities. Open research is common\n  quest for knowledge that depends for its vitality on the open\n  exchange of ideas via conference presentations and publications in\n  scholarly journals. But can a government agency, charged with\n  responsibilities of breaking the ciphers of other nations,\n  countenance the publication of a cipher that it cannot break? Can\n  a researcher in good conscience publish such a cipher that might\n  undermine the effectiveness of his own government\'s code-breakers?\n  One might argue that publication of a provably-secure cipher would\n  force all governments to behave like Stimson\'s `gentlemen\', but one\n  must be aware that open research in cryptography is fraught with\n  political and ethical considerations of a severity than in most\n  scientific fields. The wonder is not that some conflicts have\n  occurred between government agencies and open researchers in\n  cryptology, but rather that these conflicts (at least those of which\n  we are aware) have been so few and so mild.\'\'\n\n* What are the US export regulations?\n\n  In a nutshell, there are two government agencies which control\n  export of encryption software. One is the Bureau of Export\n  Administration (BXA) in the Department of Commerce, authorized by\n  the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Another is the Office\n  of Defense Trade Controls (DTC) in the State Department, authorized\n  by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). As a rule\n  of thumb, BXA (which works with COCOM) has less stringent\n  requirements, but DTC (which takes orders from NSA) wants to see\n  everything first and can refuse to transfer jurisdiction to BXA.\n\n  The newsgroup misc.legal.computing carries many interesting\n  discussions on the laws surrounding cryptographic export, what\n  people think about those laws, and many other complex issues which\n  go beyond the scope of technical groups like sci.crypt. Make sure to\n  consult your lawyer before doing anything which will get you thrown in\n  jail; if you are lucky, your lawyer might know a lawyer who has at\n  least heard of the ITAR.\n\n* What is TEMPEST?\n\n  TEMPEST is a standard for electromagnetic shielding for computer\n  equipment. It was created in response to the discovery that\n  information can be read from computer radiation (e.g., from a CRT) at\n  quite a distance and with little effort.\n\n  Needless to say, encryption doesn\'t do much good if the cleartext\n  is available this way.\n\n* What are the Beale Ciphers, and are they a hoax?\n\n  (Thanks to Jim Gillogly for this information and John King for\n  corrections.)\n\n  The story in a pamphlet by J. B. Ward (1885) goes: Thomas\n  Jefferson Beale and a party of adventurers accumulated a huge mass\n  of treasure and buried it in Bedford County, Virginia, leaving\n  three ciphers with an innkeeper; the ciphers describe the\n  location, contents, and intended beneficiaries of the treasure.\n  Ward gives a decryption of the second cipher (contents) called B2;\n  it was encrypted as a book cipher using the initial letters of the\n  Declaration of Independence (DOI) as key. B1 and B3 are unsolved;\n  many documents have been tried as the key to B1.\n\n  Aficionados can join a group that attempts to solve B1 by various\n  means with an eye toward splitting the treasure:\n\n  The Beale Cypher Association\n  P.O. Box 975\n  Beaver Falls, PA 15010\n\n  You can get the ciphers from the rec.puzzles FAQL by including the\n  line:\n\n  send index\n\n  in a message to netlib@peregrine.com and following the directions.\n  (There are apparently several different versions of the cipher\n  floating around. The correct version is based on the 1885 pamphlet,\n  says John King <kingj@hpcc01.corp.hp.com>.)\n\n  Some believe the story is a hoax. Kruh [KRU88] gives a long list of\n  problems with the story. Gillogly [GIL80] decrypted B1 with the DOI\n  and found some unexpected strings, including ABFDEFGHIIJKLMMNOHPP.\n  Hammer (president of the Beale Cypher Association) agrees that this\n  string couldn\'t appear by chance, but feels there must be an\n  explanation; Gwyn (sci.crypt expert) is unimpressed with this\n  string.\n\n* What is the American Cryptogram Association, and how do I get in touch?\n\n  The ACA is an organization devoted to cryptography, with an emphasis\n  on cryptanalysis of systems that can be attacked either with\n  pencil-and-paper or computers. Its organ ``The Cryptogram\'\' includes\n  articles and challenge ciphers. Among the more than 50 cipher types in\n  English and other languages are simple substitution, Playfair,\n  Vigenere, bifid, Bazeries, grille, homophonic, and cryptarithm.\n\n  Dues are $15 for one year (6 issues); more outside of North America;\n  less for students under 18 and seniors. Subscriptions should be sent\n  to ACA Treasurer, 18789 West Hickory St., Mundelein, IL 60060.\n\n* Is RSA patented?\n\n  Yes. The patent number is 4,405,829, filed 12/14/77, granted 9/20/83.\n  For further discussion of this patent, whether it should have been\n  granted, algorithm patents in general, and related legal and moral\n  issues, see comp.patents and misc.legal.computing. For information\n  about the League for Programming Freedom see [FTPPF]. Note that one of\n  the original purposes of comp.patents was to collect questions such as\n  ``should RSA be patented?\'\', which often flooded sci.crypt and other\n  technical newsgroups, into a more appropriate forum.\n\n* What about the Voynich manuscript?\n\n  nelson@reed.edu (Nelson Minar) says there is a mailing list on the\n  subject.  the address to write to subscribe to the VMS mailing list\n  is: <voynich-request@rand.org>\n\n  the ftp archive is: rand.org:/pub/voynich\n\n  There\'s all sorts of information about the manuscript itself, of\n  course. A good bibliography can be found on the ftp site. Kahn\'s\n  "The Codebreakers" gives a good introduction.\n',
  "From: jbourgui@ucs.indiana.edu (Opso Lopso)\nSubject: need help getting saddle bags!!  \nNntp-Posting-Host: jh224-695078.ucs.indiana.edu\nOrganization: Indiana University\nLines: 15\n\nhey... I'm pretty new to the wonderful world of motorcycles... I just\nbought\na used 81 Kaw KZ650 CSR from a friend.... I was just wondering what kind of\n\nsaddle bags I could get for it (since I know nothing about them)  are there\nbags for the gas tank?  how much would some cost, and how much do they\nhold?\nthanks for your advice!!!  I may be new to riding, but I love it\nalready!!!!\n:)\n\n\n-----\njbourgui@ucs.indiana.edu\n(DoD #55,555)\n",
  "Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago, academic Computer Center\nFrom: Jason Kratz <U28037@uicvm.uic.edu>\nSubject: Re: My Gun is like my American Express Card\nDistribution: usa\n <1qm7qoINNqnv@clem.handheld.com> <1993Apr17.235338.2819@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <1993Apr17.235338.2819@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>, fcrary@ucsu.Colorado.EDU\n(Frank Crary) says:\n>\n>>>>...I have never seen anyone else practice marksmanship by\n>>>> taking their gun out of their coat as fast as possible and start shooting.\n>\n>>>That is the recommended way to practice with a CCW, too.  Aim alone is no   d\n>goo\n>>>for defense, if you can't get the gun rapidly.\n>\n>>Very true but the way it was being done was just a little unusual.  It looked\n>>to me like they were practicing to shoot someone...\n\nThe point that I forgot to bring up here (and this has nothing to do with being\na gang member or not) is that it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon in this\narea (or in the state of illinois for that matter).  This is not to say that\npeople in Illinois don't carry concealed weapons illegaly but practicing like\nthat when there are other people around wasn't too bright of an idea.\n\n>\n>There isn't necessarily a conflict between practicing with a concealed\n>weapon for self-defence and practicing to shoot someone. Armed\n>self-defence does occasionally involve shooting an attacker.\n>\n>                                              Frank Crary\n>                                              CU Boulder\n\nI agree.      If you don't practice at all and carry a gun for self-defense you\nmost likely would be in big trouble if a situation were to arise.\n\nJason - u28037@uicvm.cc.uic.edu\n",
  'From: lisa@alex.com (Lisa Rowlands)\nReturn-Path: <news>\nSubject: Paint jobs in the UK\nNntp-Posting-Host: baldrick\nOrganization: Alex Technologies Ltd, London, England\nLines: 11\n\nCan anyone recommend a good place for reasonably priced bike paint jobs, preferably but not essentially in the London area. \n\nThanks \n\nLisa Rowlands\n-- \nAlex Technologies Ltd\t\tCP House\n\t\t\t\t97-107 Uxbridge Road\nTel: \t+44 (0)81 566 2307\tEaling\nFax: \t+44 (0)81 566 2308\tLONDON\nemail:\tlisa@alex.com\t\tW5 5LT\n',
  "From: v119matc@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (Claus Schwinge)\nSubject: Needed, large, fast backup utility\nOrganization: University at Buffalo\nLines: 15\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41\nNntp-Posting-Host: ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu\n\nI'm looking for a better method to back up files.  Currently using a MaynStream\n250Q that uses DC 6250 tapes.  I will need to have a capacity of 600 Mb to 1Gb\nfor future backups.  Only DOS files.\n\nI would be VERY appreciative of information about backup devices or\nmanufacturers of these products.  Flopticals, DAT, tape, anything.  \nIf possible, please include price, backup speed, manufacturer (phone #?), \nand opinions about the quality/reliability.\n\nPlease E-Mail, I'll send summaries to those interested.\n\nThanx in advance,\n\n-Claus Schwinge\n-SUNYAB Student Finances and Records\n",
  'From: oyalcin@iastate.edu (Onur Yalcin)\nSubject: Re: ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES\nOrganization: Iowa State University, Ames, IA\nLines: 38\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.155856.8260@kpc.com> henrik@quayle.kpc.com  writes:\n>In article <1993Apr17.185118.10792@ee.rochester.edu>, terziogl@ee.rochester.edu (Esin Terzioglu) writes:\n>|>\n>|>..[cancellum]... \n>|>\n>\n>\n>Let me clearify Mr. Turkish;\n>\n>ARMENIA is NOT getting "itchy". SHE is simply LETTING the WORLD KNOW that SHE\n>WILL NO  LONGER sit there QUIET and LET TURKS get away with their FAMOUS \n>tricks. Armenians DO REMEMBER of the TURKISH invasion of the Greek island of\n>CYPRESS WHILE the world simply WATCHED. \n>\n>\n\nIt is more appropriate to address netters with their names as they appear in\ntheir signatures (I failed to do so since you did not bother to sign your\nposting). Not only because it is the polite thing to do, but also to avoid\naddressing ladies with "Mr.", as you have done.\n\nSecondly, the island of which the name is more correctly spelled as Cyprus has\nnever been Greek, but rather, it has been home to a bi-communal society formed\nof Greeks and Turks. It seems that you know as little about the history and\nthe demography of the island, as you know about the essence of Turkey\'s \nmilitary intervention to it under international agreements.\n\nBe that as it may, an analogy between an act of occupation in history and what\nis going on today on Azerbaijani land, can only be drawn with the expansionist\npolicy that Armenia is now pursuing.\n\nBut, I could agree that it is not for us to issue diagnoses to the political\nconduct of countries, and promulgate them in such terminology as\n"itchy-bitchy"... \n\nOnur Yalcin\n\n-- \n',
  'From: richg@sequent.com (Richard Garrett)\nSubject: Computers for sale ( PC and amiga )\nArticle-I.D.: sequent.1993Apr21.151726.26547\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.\nLines: 57\nNntp-Posting-Host: crg8.sequent.com\n\nIts time for a little house cleaning after my PC upgrade.  I have the following\nfor sale:\n\nLeading Technology PC partner (286) sytsem.  includes\n\t80286 12mhz intel cpu\n\t85Mb IDE drive (brand new - canabalized from new system)\n\t3.5 and 5.24 floppies\n\t1 Meg ram\n\tvga congroller\n\tkb\n\t5.0 dos on hard drive\nneed to get $300 for system\n\nAT style kb - $20\nLogitech serial trackman with latest drivers $45\n\nAmiga 500 with 2.0 roms installed and 1Mb video ram and 4Mb addon ram\n\t501 clone (512K ram and clock)\n\tRoctec addon disk IDE disk controller includes SCSI option\n\tQuantum 105mb SCSI drive with lots of software\n\t4mb ( 4 x 1mb simm) installed in roctec\n\tAmiga DOS 2.04\n\tICD Flicker Fixer II\nAsking $500 for  system, \n\nI will part out the amiga, make an offer!\n\namiga Software\n\tCando\t\t\t\t- $25\n\tTextcraft Plus\t\t\t- $5\n\ttetris & welltris\t\t- $5 for both\n\tSword of Sodam\t\t\t- $5\n\tQix\t\t\t\t- $5\n\tCarmen Sandiego\t\t\t- $5\n\tCrossword Construction Kit\t- $10\n\n\tCanadian Prototype Replicas\n\tCD rom Fast File System\t\t- $30\n\n\tHypermedia CD rom containing fred fish disks 1-480\n\tincludes registration card, low cost upgrades.\t$20\n\n\tAmiga hardware Reference Man\t- $5\n\tAmiga to vga monitor cable\t- $5\n\ttwo joysticks\t\t\t- $5 each\n\t\n\nPrices DO NOT include shipping.\n\nContact Rich Garrett\nEmail - richg@sequent.com\nHOME (503) 591-5466\tWORK (503) 578-3822\n-- \n             OOo O                Rich Garrett\n             O oO                 richg@sequent.com\n              o                   WORK (503) 578-3822\n       _____ o o\t\t  \n',
  "From: jake@bony1.bony.com (Jake Livni)\nSubject: Re: Go Hezbollah!!\nOrganization: The Department of Redundancy Department\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <C5HIyr.327@news.cso.uiuc.edu> eshneken@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu (Edward A Shnekendorf) writes:\n\n>Brad, You're a very sick son-of-a-bitch.  Wishing for someone's death, even if\n>they are your enemy, is very deranged.  I really have pity for you and those\n>like you.  Did you acquire this philosophy from Islam?\n\n>>Brad Hernlem (hernlem@chess.ncsu.EDU)\n>Ed.\n\nThis is an interesting question to ponder.  Did Brad/Ali's sickness\nmake Ayatollah-style Islam attractive to him or did this new religion \nthat Brad/Ali has formally adopted give him this sickness?\n\n-- \nJake Livni  jake@bony1.bony.com           Ten years from now, George Bush will\nAmerican-Occupied New York                   have replaced Jimmy Carter as the\nMy opinions only - employer has no opinions.    standard of a failed President.\n",
  "From: nicho@vnet.IBM.COM (Greg Stewart-Nicholls)\nSubject: Re: Biosphere II\nReply-To: nicho@vnet.ibm.com\nDisclaimer: This posting represents the poster's views, not those of IBM\nNews-Software: UReply 3.1\nX-X-From: nicho@vnet.ibm.com\n            <1q1kia$gg8@access.digex.net>\nLines: 18\n\nIn <1q1kia$gg8@access.digex.net> Pat writes:\n>In article <19930408.043740.516@almaden.ibm.com> nicho@vnet.ibm.com writes:\n>>In <1q09ud$ji0@access.digex.net> Pat writes:\n>>>Why is everyone being so critical of B2?\n>> Because it's bogus science, promoted as 'real' science.\n>It seems to me, that it's sorta a large engineering project more\n>then a science project.\n  Bingo.\n>B2 is not bench science,  but rather a large scale attempt to\n>re-create a series of micro-ecologies.   what's so eveil about this?\n Nothing evil at all. There's no actual harm in what they're doing, only\nhow they represent it.\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------\n .sig files are like strings ... every yo-yo's got one.\n\nGreg Nicholls ... nicho@vnet.ibm.com (business) or\n                  nicho@olympus.demon.co.uk (private)\n",
  'From: Harry Powell Watson <hw26+@andrew.cmu.edu>\nSubject: Boss Guitar Pedal\nOrganization: Freshman, Design, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA\nLines: 5\nNNTP-Posting-Host: po3.andrew.cmu.edu\nIn-Reply-To: <C4vu72.D18@smsc.sony.com>\n\nFor Sale:\n    One Boss Turbo Overdrive Pedal for guitar, bass, or keyboards--$35\nor best offer. Thanks!! Respond to hw26 or call 268-4841.               \n                           \n                                               Harry\n',
  "From: cpc4@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu (CONNIN PATRICK COLGAIN)\nSubject: Keenan signs with the Rangers!!\nOrganization: Lehigh University\nLines: 11\n\nJust heard on the news that Mike Keenan formerly of the Blackhawks, Flyers,\nand General of a Siberian Prison has just signed to coach the Rangers.  The\nRangers, who won the President's Cup last year have slipped just a bit at the\nend of the season and are destined to finish last behind the lowly Flyers.\nThe Flyers' fans are going to be disappointed on Keenans decision, because\nthey were very interested in him.  Oh well.\n\nGo CAPS!!!!!!!\n\nConnin\n-- \n",
  "From: dchhabra@stpl.ists.ca (Deepak Chhabra)\nSubject: Re: hawks vs leafs lastnight\nNntp-Posting-Host: stpl.ists.ca\nOrganization: Solar Terresterial Physics Laboratory, ISTS\nDistribution: na\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <1993Apr18.153820.10118@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca> golchowy@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Gerald Olchowy) writes:\n\n>>on all replays, joe murphy's goal shouldn't have counted ! \n>>the game would have ended in 2-2 tie !\n\n>I thought the red light went on...thus, in the review, the presumption\n>would be to find conclusive evidence that the puck did not go in the\n>net...from the replays I say, even from the rear, the evidence wasn't\n>conclusive that the puck was in or out...in my opinion...\n\nI was under the impression that the objective is to find conclusive\nevidence that the puck _did_ cross the line.  And, the replays I saw showed \nfairly conclusively that the puck did _not_ cross the goal line at any\ntime anyway.  Somebody screwed up.  \n\n\ndchhabra@stpl.ists.ca\n\n",
  'From: turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin)\nSubject: Re: Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)\nOrganization: CS Dept, University of Texas at Austin\nLines: 53\nDistribution: inet\nNNTP-Posting-Host: saltillo.cs.utexas.edu\nKeywords: science   errors   Turpin\n\n-*----\nI agree with everything that Lee Lady wrote in her previous post in\nthis thread.  In case this puzzles people, I would like to expand\non two of her comments.\n\nIn article <C5JoDH.9IG@news.Hawaii.Edu> lady@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Lee Lady) writes:\n> Avoiding mistakes is certainly highly desirable.  However it is also \n> widely acknowledged that perfectionism is inimicable to creativity. \n> ... In the extreme case, a perfectionist becomes so paralyzed by all\n> the possible mistakes he might make that he is unable to even leave\n> the house.  \n\nOne of the most important (and difficult) aspects of reasoning\nabout empirical investigation lies in understanding the context,\nscope, and importance of the various arguments and pieces of\nevidence that are marshalled for a claim.  Some errors break the\nback of a piece of research, some leave a hole that needs to be\nfilled in, and some are trivial in their importance.  It is a\ngrave mistake to confuse these.\n\nPast snippets from this thread:\n\n>>> I doubt if Einstein used any formal methodology.  ....\n\n>> He also proposed numerous experiments which if performed would\n>> distinguish a universe in which special relativity holds from\n>> one in which it does not. ...\n\nBack to Lee Lady:\n\n> These are not the rules according to many who post to sci.med and\n> sci.psychology.  According to these posters  "If it\'s not supported by\n> carefully designed controlled studies then it\'s not science."\n\nThese posters are making the mistake that I have previously\ncriticized of adhering to a methodological recipe.  A "carefully\ndesigned and controlled study" is neither always possible nor\nalways important.  (On the other hand, if someone is proposing a\nremedy that supposedly alleviates a chronic medical problem, we\nhave enough knowledge of the errors that have plagued *this* kind\nof claim to ask for a "carefully designed and controlled study"\nto alleviate our skepticism.)\n\nRules such as "support the hypothesis by a carefully designed and\ncontrolled study" are too narrow to apply to *all* investigation.\nI think that the requirements for particular reasoning to be\nconvincing depends greatly on the kinds of mistakes that have\noccurred in past reasoning about the same kinds of things.  (To\nreuse the previous example, we know that conclusions from\nuncontrolled observations of the treatment of chronic medical\nproblems are notoriously problematic.)  \n\nRussell\n',
  'From: smb@research.att.com (Steven Bellovin)\nSubject: Re: (new) reason for Clipper alg\'m secrecy\nOrganization: AT&T Bell Laboratories\nLines: 31\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.155924.29995@news.clarkson.edu>, tuinstra@signal.ece.clarkson.edu.soe (Dwight Tuinstra) writes:\n> First, note that the "experts" will only look at "details", and of just \n> the algorithm:\n> \n>     In addition, respected experts from outside the\n>     government will be offered access to the confidential details of\n>     the algorithm to assess its capabilities and publicly report\n>     their findings.\n> \n> Why not the chip design?  Well, here\'s the possiblity:  in addition to\n> encryption, the chip pre-processes voice signals to make them easier\n> to analyze/transcribe electronically.  The chip, once widespread, might\n> effectively be part of a massively parallel computer for "voice-\n> grepping" the US phone network (or the criminal & wrong-thinking patrons\n> thereof).\n\nFirst of all, the chip doesn\'t do that.  It runs at 16 megabits/second,\nwhich is far beyond what you need for voice.  It\'s obviously intended\nfor data as well, and on high-speed lines at that.\n\nSecond -- what advantage is there to doing the processing in the phone?\nI don\'t care how fancy that chip is; it\'s not as fancy as the roomful\nof analyzers at Fort Meade running the program they\'ll have 5 years from\nnow.  They can\'t update every Clipper chip that\'s out there.\n\nThird -- if they did do this preprocessing in the chip, it would probably\nhave a serious effect on recognizability of the voice patterns.  If\nnothing else, that would hurt the acceptability of the product.  The\nV.32bis modems are just barely fast enough to do a good job on properly-\nmassaged voice as is; add any more to the mix, and you\'re completely out\nof the ballpark.\n',
  'From: sylvain@netcom.com (Nicholas Sylvain)\nSubject: Re: "Proper gun control?" What is proper gun control? (was Re: My Gun is like my American Express Card)\nOrganization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest)\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <DLB.93Apr15130411@fanny.wash.inmet.com> dlb@fanny.wash.inmet.com (David Barton) writes:\n>For what it is worth, I own no firearms of any sort.  As long-time\n>readers of this group know, I am dedicated to the RKBA.\n\nA long-time reader of t.p.g, I am also a staunch RKBA supporter, yet\nI own no firearms.\n\n>This is not about toys.  It is about freedom.\n\nAmen, brother.\n\n--\nNicholas Sylvain (sylvain@netcom.com) --- I am the NRA\n\n\n-- \nNicholas Sylvain (sylvain@netcom.com) --- I am the NRA\n',
  'From: luke@aero.org (Robert A. Luke)\nSubject: Help!  Installing old HD on older Compaq XT\nOrganization: The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA\nLines: 27\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: aerospace.aero.org\n\nWe are trying to install a donated hard disk (Miniscribe\nvintage 1988) on a supercheap ancient Compaq XT for\nuse in education.  The only problem is that the\nsupercheap Compaq didn\'t come with the manual and I\nhaven\'t been able to figure out how to start the SETUP\nprogram.\n\nI began using PCs after 286s were invented, so I have\na couple of basic questions:\n\n1.  Did XT-class computers even *have* SETUP programs?\n\n2.  If they did (or, do), how do I access it?\n\nIf anybody has any good advice on how to proceed or\nwhat to do next or what to look out for, please let me\nknow.  E-mail is best, but I\'ll also be watching the\nnewsgroup postings.\n\nThanks in advance,\n-Robert\n\n-- \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRobert Luke                     Internet:   luke@aero.org                     \nThe Aerospace Corporation       CompuServe: 71155,3011\n"Danger, Will Robinson!"  \n',
  'From: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nSubject: Re: Travel outside US (Bangladesh)\nReply-To: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 17\n\nIn article <1p7ciqINN3th@tamsun.tamu.edu> covingc@ee.tamu.edu (Just George) writes:\n>I will be traveling to Bangaldesh this summer, and am wondering\n>if there are any immunizations I should get before going.\n>\n\nYou can probably get this information by calling your public health\ndepartment in your county (in Pittsburgh, they give the shots free,\nas well).  There are bulletins in medical libraries that give\nrecommendations, or you could call the infectious diseases section\nof the medicine department of your local medical school.  You also\nwill probably want to talk about Malaria prophylaxis.  You will\nneed your doctor to get the prescription.  \n-- \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGordon Banks  N3JXP      | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and\ngeb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu   |  it is shameful to surrender it too soon." \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  'Subject: College Hockey All-Star Roster\nFrom: bdhissong@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu\nOrganization: Miami University Academic Computer Service"\nLines: 2\n\nCould someone please post the rosters for the College Hockey All-Star game East\nand West Rosters?  Thanks in advance.\n',
  'From: alf@st.nepean.uws.edu.au (Andrew Leahy)\nSubject: Running dxterm\'s onto Apollo from DEC 5000/240\nOrganization: University of Western Sydney, Nepean\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL4\nLines: 36\n\n\nHelp!\n\nI\'m trying to run dxterm\'s (DECs\' xterm) on a DECstation 5000/240\n(Ultrix 4.3, X11R4, Motif 1.1.3) with the DISPLAY variable set to an\nApollo DN2500 (Domain/OS 10.3, X11R4, Motif ?.?).\n\nI get these errors appearing on the DECstation:\n\n> dxterm\nX Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apCharDel        " to type VirtualBinding\nX Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apCopy   " to type VirtualBinding\nX Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apCut    " to type VirtualBinding\nX Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apPaste  " to type VirtualBinding\nX Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apUpBox  " to type VirtualBinding\nX Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apDownBox        " to type VirtualBinding\nX Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apRightBar       " to type VirtualBinding\nX Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apLeftBar        " to type VirtualBinding\nSegmentation fault\n>\n\nAny ideas? Is it a Motif problem...are the DEC and Apollo versions of Motif\nincompatible? Or something to do with XKeysymDB?\n\n(xterms run fine on DEC displaying on Apollo..arggh)\n\nI need to run dxterm because the package we are using on the DEC\'s, Oracle Case,\nuses dxterm by default, and we have a lab of Apollo workstations we would like\nto run Oracle from.\n\nAndrew "Alf" Leahy, alf@st.nepean.uws.edu.au\n--\n__________________________________________________________________________\nAndrew "Alf" Leahy                  phone: (047) 360771 (W) irc: pepsi-alf\nUni. Western Sydney, Nepean.        Remote-email: alf@st.nepean.uws.edu.au\nSydney, Australia.                  Local-email: alf\n',
  "From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: Keith Schneider - Stealth Poster?\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 12\nNNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu\n\nsandvik@newton.apple.com (Kent Sandvik) writes:\n\n>>To borrow from philosophy, you don't truly understand the color red\n>>until you have seen it.\n>Not true, even if you have experienced the color red you still might\n>have a different interpretation of it.\n\nBut, you wouldn't know what red *was*, and you certainly couldn't judge\nit subjectively.  And, objectivity is not applicable, since you are wanting\nto discuss the merits of red.\n\nkeith\n",
  'From: wallacen@CS.ColoState.EDU (nathan wallace)\nSubject:  ORION space drive\nReply-To: wallacen@CS.ColoState.EDU\nNntp-Posting-Host: beethoven.cs.colostate.edu\nOrganization: Colorado State University -=- Computer Science Dept.\nLines: 16\n\nAn excellent reference for non-technical readers on the ORION system is\n"The Starflight Handbook", by Eugene Mallove and Gregory Matloff, ISBN\n0-471-61912-4. The relevant chapter is 4: Nuclear Pulse Propulsion.\n\nThe book also contains lots of technical references for the more academically\ninclined. \n\nEnjoy!\n---\nC/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/\nC/    Nathan F. Wallace                   C/C/           "Reality Is"         C/\nC/    e-mail: wallacen@cs.colostate.edu   C/C/    ancient Alphaean proverb    C/\nC/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/\n \n\n\n',
  'From: jks2x@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU (Jason K. Schechner)\nSubject: Foot switches for sale\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nLines: 11\n\n\n\tI have 2 foot switches for sale.  They\'re great for guitar\namps, and keyboards.  Each is about 1" in diameter with a 6\' (or so)\ncable.  I\'d like $15 for both, but make me an offer, who knows...\n\n-Jason\n-- \nSettle down, raise a family join the PTA, \nbuy some sensible shoes, and a Chevrolet\nAnd party \'till you\'re broke and they drag you away. It\'s ok.\n\t\t\t\t\tAl Yankovic\n',
  'From: jaskew@spam.maths.adelaide.edu.au (Joseph Askew)\nSubject: Re: Small Astronaut (was: Budget Astronaut)\nOrganization: Statistics, Pure & Applied Mathematics, University of Adelaide\nLines: 25\n\nIn article <1pfkf5$7ab@access.digex.com> prb@access.digex.com (Pat) writes:\n\n>Only one problem with sending a corp of Small astronauts.\n>THey may want to start a galactic empire:-)   Napoleon\n>complex you know.  Genghis Khan was a little guy too.  I\'d bet\n>Julius caesar never broke 5\'1".\n\nI think you would lose your money. Julius was actually rather tall\nfor a Roman. He did go on record as favouring small soldiers though.\nThought they were tougher and had more guts. He was probably right\nif you think about it. As for Napoleon remember that the French\navergae was just about 5 feet and that height is relative! Did he\nreally have a complex?\n\nObSpace :  We have all seen the burning candle from High School that goes\nout and relights. If there is a large hot body placed in space but in an\natmosphere, exactly how does it heat the surroundings? Diffusion only?\n\nJoseph Askew\n\n-- \nJoseph Askew, Gauche and Proud  In the autumn stillness, see the Pleiades,\njaskew@spam.maths.adelaide.edu  Remote in thorny deserts, fell the grief.\nDisclaimer? Sue, see if I care  North of our tents, the sky must end somwhere,\nActually, I rather like Brenda  Beyond the pale, the River murmurs on.\n',
  "From: eliot@lanmola.engr.washington.edu (eliot)\nSubject: Re: station wagons (was  Open letter to NISSAN\nOrganization: clearer than blir\nLines: 30\nDistribution: na\nNNTP-Posting-Host: lanmola.engr.washington.edu\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.052013.23517@leland.Stanford.EDU> tedebear@leland.Stanford.EDU (Theodore Chen) writes:\n>>but you'll\n>>never catch me dead in a minivan!\n\n>even a minivan based on viper running gear?\n\nhmmmm.. not sure, since no such beast exists.. i can tell you another\nthough..  you won't catch me dead in a GMC Syclone or Typhoon either,\n1000 bhp or not.. not even the fact that Clint Eastwood has one.  just\nmy taste,  no rational reasons for it.\n\n>-teddy\n>p.s. i think the audi S4 gets a 4.2 liter V-8 next year.\n\nCAR just tested the S4 wagon with 5 banger and 6 speed manual.  Rave\nreview except for Servotronic..  Audi is trying to recoup the\ndevelopment costs for the V8, and since the V8 is not selling well,\nthey are sticking it into the 100 series cars.. Neat marketing trick,\neh?  yeah, a 100 V8-32v wouldn't be a bad idea as competition for the\nupcoming bimmer 530/540i would it?  maybe they can use a 3.6 liter\nversion to avoid conflicts with the v8 model.. then strip off all the\nluxo-garbage.  let the S4 remain with the flared arches and fat tires\nto go fight with the M5.... maybe turn up the boost a wee bit to bump\nbhp up to say 450 or so.. :-) while keeping the 100 V8 with mercedes\n500E style subtlety.\n\nblah blah blah....\n\n\neliot\n",
  'From: boyle@cactus.org (Craig Boyle)\nSubject: Re: Too fast\nOrganization: Capital Area Central Texas UNIX Society, Austin, Tx\nLines: 108\n\nIn article <1qkon8$3re@armory.centerline.com> jimf@centerline.com (Jim Frost) writes:\n\n[stuff about autobahn and safety of sho at speed deleted]\n>The Mustang is essentially the same deal as the SHO -- a big power\n\nThe Mustang is a much worse case of design irresponsibility than the\nSHO. \n>plant stuck in a mid-size sedan, with almost no other modifications.\n>I have real-life experience with the Mustang -- it handles like a\n>brick (except when you\'re invoking oversteer, of course, something I\n\nIts hard to predicatbaly drift a stock Mustang because\nof the suspension.\n\n>personally avoid doing on the highway) and stopping power is\n>inadequate even from 80mph.  Lots of accelleration -- but the rest of\n>the car is not up to par.\n\nYes. When i think Mustang, I think school-bus +  F16 motor. In\nmy mind the Mustang should be fitted with a speed limiter at 80-90\nor so. It just isn\'t safe, check out your local junkyard, Mustangs\noutnumber other cars by a proportion way in excess of sales in\njunkyards.\n\nI find it astonishing the CU or somesuchlike has not jumped on the\nMustang for poor brakes in relation to power. Ford should at least\nstandardize on the SVO rear brakes for all 5.0\'s.\n\n\n\n>\n>I picked the Porsche example because they are designed with speed in\n>mind.  It didn\'t have to be the 911 -- it could have been the much\n>cheaper 944 or one of several Mercedes or Audi models.  All of these\n>cars are fairly expensive -- but so are the parts that make them\n>drivable at high speed.  This should be elementary.\n>\n>There are a few things to keep in mind about Europe, since you brought\n>it up.  My Autobahn knowledge is admittedly second-hand, but I believe\n>the following to be true:\n>\n>1. Drivers are much better disciplined in Europe than they are here.\n\nTrue of Northern Europe, latin countries are something else.\n\n>2. The roads comprising the Autobahn are much better designed than\nKindof true. remember they were build by adolf in the \'30\'s.\n\n>   they are here, and usually include animal fences.  This makes them\n>   far more predictable than most US highways.\n\nYes.\n\n>3. Not all of Europe is the Autobahn.  Most places in Europe have\n\n"Autobahn" is the german word for freeway. Other countries have\ndifferent names for loose equivalents; autostrada, autoroute, motorway\netc.\n\n>   speed limits that aren\'t out-of-line with what we used to have in\n>   the US -- if my friends weren\'t lying to me they\'re typically not\n>   much higher than 120km/h.\n\nEurope did seem on the brink of a 130kmh limit. It hasn\'t passed as\nfar as I know. typical speeds in western europe are much higher than\nthe US. Law enforcement is negligible in my experience (comapred\nto the US) as there is no revenue enhancement motivation. The things\nyou really notice are the higher speed differentials, and the more\nprofessional attitude to driving. You just never see two cars\nrunning parallel at 55.1 mph oblivious to all around them.\n\n>\n>I strongly suspect you won\'t find a lot of Rabbit owners doing 120mph\n>(nearly 200km/h) on the Autobahn, but I could be wrong.  Some people\n\nYou\'re wrong. GTI\'s  go this fast. Just kind of noisy, not the ideal\n\nautobahn car. A lot of times you see cars being driven with the drivers\nfoot on the floor. How do I know? - when you\'re not making any ground\non the identical car in front of you!\n\n>have no respect for their own lives.\n\nIf something happens at 130-150 you\'re dead, but the same goes for much\nover 35. Driving at high speed forces you to concentrate. I feel much\nsafer driving 130+ on the autobahn than 60-80 in typical US traffic\nbecause most people seem to be awake. I\'ve never seen any driver reading\na book on an autobahn, I see it all too often in the US.\n\nCraig\n\nIt just doesn\'t *seem* fast after 30 minutes or so of aclimation. everybody\ndrives that fast, no big deal. \n\nCraig\n>\n>>>You certainly haven\'t convinced me.\n>\n>>\tOf course not.  "Speeding-is-bad.  Speeding-is-illegal. \n>>I-will-not-speed.  I-love-Big-Brother."  You had your mind made up\n>>already.\n>\n>If you think so you sure don\'t pay attention to my postings.\n>\n>jim frost\n>jimf@centerline.com\n\n\n',
  "From: amehdi@src.honeywell.com (Hossien Amehdi)\nSubject: Re: was: Go Hezbollah!!\nNntp-Posting-Host: tbilisi.src.honeywell.com\nOrganization: Honeywell Systems & Research Center\nLines: 25\n\nIn article <C5HuBA.CJo@news.cso.uiuc.edu> eshneken@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu (Edward A Shnekendorf) writes:\n>amehdi@src.honeywell.com (Hossien Amehdi) writes:\n>\n>>You know when Israelis F16 (thanks to General Dynamics) fly high in the sky\n>>and bomb the hell out of some village in Lebanon, where civilians including\n>>babies and eldery getting killed, is that plain murder or what?\n>\n>If you Arabs wouldn't position guerilla bases in refugee camps, artillery \n>batteries atop apartment buildings, and munitions dumps in hospitals, maybe\n>civilians wouldn't get killed.  Kinda like Saddam Hussein putting civilians\n>in a military bunker.  \n>\n>Ed.\n\nWho is the you Arabs here.  Since you are replying to my article you\nare assuming that I am an Arab.  Well, I'm not an Arab, but I think you\nare brain is full of shit if you really believe what you said.  The\nbombardment of civilian and none civilian areas in Lebanon by Israel is\nvery consistent with its policy of intimidation.  That is the only\npolicy that has been practiced by the so called only democracy in\nthe middle east!\n\nI was merley pointing out that the other side is also suffering.\nLike I said, I'm not an Arab but if I was, say a Lebanese, you bet\nI would defende my homeland against any invader by any means.\n",
  "From: cs1442au@news.uta.edu (cs1442au)\nSubject: Reboot problem\nOrganization: University of Texas at Arlington\nLines: 38\n\nFrom x51948b1@usma1.USMA.EDU Tue Apr 20 10:28:47 1993\nReceived: from usma1.usma.edu by trotter.usma.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-eef)\n\tid AA01628; Tue, 20 Apr 93 11:27:50 EDT\nReceived:  by usma1.usma.edu (5.51/25-eef)\n\tid AA03219; Tue, 20 Apr 93 11:20:18 EDT\nMessage-Id: <9304201520.AA03219@usma1.usma.edu>\nDate: Tue, 20 Apr 93 11:20:17 EDT\nFrom: x51948b1@usma1.USMA.EDU (Peckham David CDT)\nTo: cs1442au@decster.uta.edu\nSubject: Problem.\nStatus: OR\n\n--------------------\n\nI am running a Unisys PW2 386SX20 with DOS 6.  My problem, even when I had DOS\n5.0, is that when I have EMM386 loaded I can't CTL-ALT-DEL.  If I do, the\ncomputer beeps a few times rapidly and hangs.  Then I have to use the obscure\nreset (requires a screwdriver or pencil) or the power switch to reboot.  Does\nanyone have a solution to this problem?\n\nE-mail me at x51948b1@usma1.usma.edu\n\nDave\n---------------------\n\nThanks,\n\ndave\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDavid S. Peckham                   |  Internet : x51948b1@usma1.usma.edu\nU.S. Military Academy              |\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n-- \n Jason Brown\ncs1442au@decster.uta.edu\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nFav player Ruben Sierra\n",
  'From: mpaul@unl.edu (marxhausen paul)\nSubject: Re: Whats wrong with my cordlessphone?\nOrganization: University of Nebraska--Lincoln\t\nLines: 8\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: unlinfo.unl.edu\n\nI\'ve also found that the electronic starters on these "instant-on" \ncompact fluourescent lamp fixtures kick out interference that nukes\nmy cordless phone.  (I can hear it in my guitar amplifier, too...)\n--\npaul marxhausen .... ....... ............. ............ ............ .......... \n .. . .  . . . university of nebraska - lincoln .  . . .. . .  .. . . . . . . .\n .     .    .  .   .     .   .  .    .   .  .   .    .   .  grace .   .    .  . \n   .         .       .      .        .        .      .        .   happens .     \n',
  'From: jmk13@po.cwru.edu (Joseph M. Kasanic)\nSubject: Re: 14" monitors\nArticle-I.D.: usenet.1pt3oe$li6\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Case School of Engineering\nLines: 16\nNNTP-Posting-Host: b63545.student.cwru.edu\nX-UserAgent: Nuntius v1.1.1d20\nX-XXMessage-ID: <A7E78A881501F839@b63545.student.cwru.edu>\nX-XXDate: Tue, 6 Apr 93 03:29:12 GMT\n\nIn article <1pco6eINN99i@corona.hsc.usc.edu> Daniel S. Chen,\ndschen@corona.hsc.usc.edu writes:\n>\tI\'m interested in getting a 14" color monitor for my new LCIII.\n>Unfortunately, I\'m really quite confused with the Sony monitors.\n>Could someone please compare the Sony 1320, 1304 and the Apple 14"? \n>\t\t\t\t\tThanks. Dan\n\nJust thought I would mention that Sony no longer manufactures the CPD-\n1304 because of several manufacturing flaws.  The new model is now the\n1430, which just like Apple\'s new Sony Trinitrom CLAIMS to be 14 inches.\nI\'m not sure of the details on the defects, but I work at our schools\nbookstore\nand can tell you that nearly half of them were returned with some kind of \ndefect or another.\n\nJust my two cents worth.\n',
  'From: unpingco@raman.ucsd.edu (Jose Unpingco)\nSubject: FOR SALE: ULTRABOTS PC GAME\nKeywords: ULTRABOTS,video game, pc game\nLines: 6\n\nElectronics Art\'s Ultrabots game for sale with book and original\n3.5" disks in the original box. \n\n\t- $22 or best offer.\n\ncontact:  unpingco@raman.ucsd.edu                    \n',
  'From: keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider)\nSubject: Re: <Political Atheists?\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena\nLines: 54\nNNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu\n\n(reference line trimmed)\n\nlivesey@solntze.wpd.sgi.com (Jon Livesey) writes:\n\n[...]\n\n>There is a good deal more confusion here.   You started off with the \n>assertion that there was some "objective" morality, and as you admit\n>here, you finished up with a recursive definition.   Murder is \n>"objectively" immoral, but eactly what is murder and what is not itself\n>requires an appeal to morality.\n\nYes.\n\n>Now you have switch targets a little, but only a little.   Now you are\n>asking what is the "goal"?   What do you mean by "goal?".   Are you\n>suggesting that there is some "objective" "goal" out there somewhere,\n>and we form our morals to achieve it?\n\nWell, for example, the goal of "natural" morality is the survival and\npropogation of the species.  Another example of a moral system is\npresented within the Declaration of Independence, which states that we\nshould be guaranteed life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  You see,\nto have a moral system, we must define the purpose of the system.  That is,\nwe shall be moral unto what end?\n\n>>Murder is certainly a violation of the golden rule.  And, I thought I had\n>>defined murder as an intentional killing of a non-murderer, against his will.\n>>And you responded to this by asking whether or not the execution of an\n>>innocent person under our system of capital punishment was a murder or not.\n>>I fail to see what this has to do with anything.  I never claimed that our\n>>system of morality was an objective one.\n>I thought that was your very first claim.   That there was\n>some kind of "objective" morality, and that an example of that was\n>that murder is wrong.   If you don\'t want to claim that any more,\n>that\'s fine.\n\nWell, murder violates the golen rule, which is certainly a pillar of most\nevery moral system.  However, I am not assuming that our current system\nand the manner of its implementation are objectively moral.  I think that\nit is a very good approximation, but we can\'t be perfect.\n\n>And by the way, you don\'t seem to understand the difference between\n>"arbitrary" and "objective".   If Keith Schneider "defines" murder\n>to be this that and the other, that\'s arbitrary.   Jon Livesey may\n>still say "Well, according to my personal system of morality, all\n>killing of humans against their will is murder, and wrong, and what\n>the legal definition of murder may be in the USA, Kuweit, Saudi\n>Arabia, or the PRC may be matters not a whit to me".\n\nWell, "objective" would assume a system based on clear and fundamental\nconcepts, while "arbitary" implies no clear line of reasoning.\n\nkeith\n',
  'From: sasst11+@pitt.edu (Scott A Snowiss)\nSubject: IMAGINE\nOrganization: University of Pittsburgh\nLines: 16\n\nHello again netters,\n\tI finally received the information about Imagine for the PC.  They are presently shipping Version 2.0 of the software and will release Version 3.0 in the first quarter of 1993 (or so they say).  The upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 is $100.00.  To purchase Imagine 2.0, it costs $495.00 or if you are upgrading from another eligible (call them for info) modeler, it is only $200.00 plus shipping & handling.   It requires a PC with 4 Megs a Math Coprocessor, and Dos 5.0 or up and a Microsoft Mouse and SVGA card.\n\tThanks for all your replies about the product.  I have received many contrasting replies, but once I scrounge the money together, I think I will take the plunge.  Thanks again.\n\tHere is the info for Impulse if you want to find out more or get the sheet they sent.\n\tImpulse Inc.\n\t8416 Xerxes Avenue North\n\tMinneapolis, MN 55444\n\t1-800-328-0184\n\nThanks again for all your replies.\nScott\n-- \nScott Snowiss\nsasst11+@.pitt.edu\n\n--Turn on...Jack in...Jack out...\n',
  'From: dpalmer@mcnc.org (W. Dev Palmer)\nSubject: Re: Wanted: A to D hardware for a PC\nArticle-I.D.: mcnc.1993Apr6.220327.4042\nOrganization: MCNC Center for Microelectronics, RTP, NC\nLines: 34\n\nIn article <1993Apr6.053736.23113@doug.cae.wisc.edu> kolstad@cae.wisc.edu (Joel Kolstad) writes:\n>>In <3889@ncr-mpd.FtCollinsCO.NCR.COM> Brad Wright writes:\n>>\n>>>\tIf you know much about PC\'s (IBM comp) you might try the joystick\n>>>port.  Though I haven\'t tried this myself, I\'ve been told that the port\n>\n>I believe that the "A-D converters" found on a joystick port are really\n>timers that tick off how long it takes an R-C circuit (the R being your\n>paddle) to charge up to something like 1/2 Vcc.  For games this works\n>pretty well, but you certainly wouldn\'t want to try to take lab\n>measurements off something as non-linear as that.\n\nThe best info I have seen so far is the article "Joystick Metrics:\nMeasuring physical properties through the PC\'s joystick port" by\nMichael Covington in the May 1985 issue of PC Tech Journal.  It talks\nabout how to read all kinds of things (voltage, current, resistance) in\nBASIC, and even includes code for a simple "oscilloscope" display.\n\nIt\'s possible to read the joystick port directly if you don\'t want to\nuse BASIC.  The detailed information for this is in the PC Technical\nReference under Options and Adapters.  You have to provide some\nmillisecond resolution timing functions, but that\'s a subject which has\nappeared many times in articles from Dr. Dobb\'s, Circuit Cellar Ink,\netc.  Look for the public domain ztimer package on wuarchive.\n\nGood Luck,\n\nDev Palmer\ndpalmer@mcnc.org\nMCNC Room 212\nP.O. Box 12889\nRTP, NC  27709-2889\n(919) 248-1837\n(919) 248-1455 FAX\n',
  'From: BOCHERC@hartwick.edu (Carol A. Bocher)\nSubject: Re:Major Views of the Trinity\nLines: 28\n\nAnn Jackson (ajackson@cs.ubc.ca) wrote on 5 May:\n\n>In article <May>\n>Jim Green writes:\n\n>>Can\'t someone describe someone\'s Trinity in simple declarative\n>>sentences with words that have common meaning?\n\n>The answer to this question appears to be "no".\n\nI would like to submit the following which helped me enormously.\nIf it has already been posted, I apologize.\n\nIt seems that during the Middle Ages, it was customary for pastors to \nexplain the Trinity to their parishoners by analogy to water.\nWater is water, but can exist in three forms--liquid, ice and vapor.\nThus it is possible for one essence to exist in three forms.\n\nAnd recently, the pastor of my church drew an analogy, which I\nalso found useful--A woman is often percieved by others in three\nways, depending on their relationship to her--a mother, a wife and\nan employee in a business.\n\nThus, it seems clear to me that the essence of God can subsist in\nthe Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or, depending on one\'s particular\nneed for Him.\n\nCarol Bocher\n',
  "From: webster@ucssun1.sdsu.EDU (paolini p)\nSubject: ftp:UNIX-dos-UNIX\nOrganization: The Internet\nLines: 13\nTo: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu\n\n\nI'm an new to this.  Having found some files (public) to look into, I\nftp'ed them to a system I have access to.  I then used kermit to transmit\nthem via modem to my host computer, a PC-based file system.  I access\ninternet through modem access to a university mainframe.  From the PC\nfile server, I pull the files to a disk, and then pull them from disk\nto a SGI Indigo (the SGI is not networked yet).  When I try to uncompress\nand un-tar the files, they either come out as garbage or I get an error\nin the tar process about directories being invalid.\nWhat I'm wondering about is the transfer of UNIX files (compressed,\nbinary,ascii) about multiple platforms.  My guess is that it is the copy\nto a 'dos' disk that is screwing things up.  Any help is appreciated.\nbob\n",
  'From: pat@rwing.UUCP (Pat Myrto)\nSubject: Re: White House Public Encryption Management Fact Sheet\nArticle-I.D.: rwing.2087\nDistribution: na\nOrganization: Totally Unorganized\nLines: 52\n\nIn article <19APR199313020883@charon.gsfc.nasa.gov> paul@charon.gsfc.nasa.gov (Paul Olson) writes:\n>In article <1qnav4$r3l@transfer.stratus.com>, cme@ellisun.sw.stratus.com (Carl Ellison) writes...\n>>In article <C5LGAz.250@dove.nist.gov> clipper@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (Clipper Chip Announcement) writes:\n>> \n>>>Further, the Attorney General\n>>\n> [ ... good post describing what is in store for us deleted ... ]\n>\n>It\'s also interesting to note that two months ago Rush Limbaugh said that\n>Clinton would have the "plumbers" out in force shortly.  Clinton and his\n>henchmen firmly believe in strong ubiquitous government control.  Anytime a\n>leader believes in that, the leader will use every means possible to retain\n>that control and take more.\n>\n>WE have to take OUR government back.  Otherwise we will end up living in the\n>equivalent of a high-tech third world dictatorship.  We have to take\n>responsibility for ourselves, our personal welfare, and our actions.\n\nI totally agree.  But how do you propose we take government back?  They\nobviously don\'t listen to the people or want the people to know who is\nresponsibile for what (a person telnetted the site of the Clipper chip\nrelease, to see what the entity \'clipper\' was, and got a few lists.\nBUt when another person tried a bit later, the commands were disabled)\nDoes not sound like an Administration that wants to have any accountability\nor information they don\'t control given to the people.  The secret\ndevelopment and implimentation of the Clipper Chip decision further\nbacks that up.  You can bet unaurhorized encryption methods and software\nwill be considered \'terrorist tools\' and also subject to civil forfeiture,\nalong with the systems that are running it.  YOU WATCH, SEE IF I AM WRONG.\n\nThe government is not going to be very cooperative about the people taking\nit back.  And they have all the resources, unlimited access to the media\nfor propeganda, and almost all the guns (soon to be ALL the guns if\nClinton\'s agenda succeeds)...   Those that do not play ball?  Waco\nmight be a good example of what to expect...  The warrant (just released)\nstated the reason for the raid was the BDs spent a very large sum\nfor weapons, over an undetermined amount of time.  I don\'t recall\nspending a lot of money on guns, etc being illegal ... yet, that is.\n\nClinton might go down in history as the worst thing to ever happen to\nthe US of A. ... Now to be known as the \'Peoples Socalist Democratic\nRepublic of America\'  (PSDRA).\n\nBig Brother is LISTENING!!!\n\nHail Big Brother... (and Sister...?)  only ten years late!!!\n\n-- \npat@rwing.uucp      [Without prejudice UCC 1-207]     (Pat Myrto) Seattle, WA\n         If all else fails, try:       ...!uunet!pilchuck!rwing!pat\nWISDOM: "Only two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity,\n         and I am not sure about the former."              - Albert Einstien\n',
  'From: Rick_Granberry@pts.mot.com (Rick Granberry)\nSubject: Re: Help\nReply-To: Rick_Granberry@pts.mot.com (Rick Granberry)\nOrganization: Motorola Paging and Telepoint Systems Group\nLines: 46\n\nIn article <Apr.>, \nlmvec@westminster.ac.uk (William Hargreaves) writes:\n> Hi everyone, \n> \t   I\'m a commited Christian that is battling with a problem.  I \n> know that romans talks about how we are saved by our faith not our \n> deeds, yet hebrews and james say that faith without deeds is useless, \n> saying\' You fools, do you still think that just believing is enough?\' \n> \n> Now if someone is fully believing but there life is totally lead by \n> themselves and not by God, according to Romans that person is still \n> saved by there faith.\n\nmy $.02 - Yes and No.  I do not believe the above scenario is not possible.  \nEither they are believing and living (in at least some part) led by God, else \nthey are not.  Believing (intellectually, but waiting(?)) is not enough.\n   Especially important to remember is that no one can judge whether you are \nso committed, nor can you judge someone else.  I guess the closest we can \ncome to know someone\'s situation is listening to their own statements.  This \ncan be fallible, as is our sense of communion one with another.\n\n> But then there is the bit which says that God \n> preferes someone who is cold to him (i.e. doesn\'t know him - condemned) \n> so a lukewarm Christian someone who knows and believes in God but doesn\'\n> t make any attempt to live by the bible. \n\nRegarding this passage, we need to remember that this is a letter to a church \n(at Laodicea), people who are Of the Body of Christ. (Rev.3:14-16)  He talks \nabout their works.  A translation could say that he says their lack of \nconcern makes him sick (to the point of throwing up).\n\n> Now I am of the opinion that you a saved through faith alone (not what \n> you do) as taught in Romans, but how can I square up in my mind the \n> teachings of James in conjunction with the lukewarm Christian being \'\n> spat-out\'\n   Right, saving is by faith alone, except that faith does not come alone, if \nyou catch the two meanings.\n   I can offer the explanation that Jesus would that we were either "on fire \nfor Him" or so cold we knew we were not in His will and thus could be made \naware of our separation.  This is admonishment for His children, not eternal \ndamnation.\n\n\n\n| "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." |\n| "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit."  |\n| (proverbs 26:4&5)\n',
  'From: sti@cs.hut.fi (Sami-Jaakko Tikka)\nSubject: Re: finding out state of state keys (eg, CapsLock and NumLock)\nOrganization: Helsinki University of Technology, CS lab\nLines: 23\nDistribution: inet\nNNTP-Posting-Host: tahma.cs.hut.fi\n\nIn <9304211637.AA03386@blue.arbortext.com> rps@arbortext.COM (Ralph Seguin) writes:\n\n>My question is this:  Is there a means of determining what the state\n>of CapsLock and/or NumLock is?\n\nI don\'t know any way except to see what modifiers are on in th\nKeypress event.  Of course if there is some reason why you need to\nalways know the state of modifiers even if your windows don\'t have the\nkeyborads focus you can always ask for KeyPress events from the root\nwindow.  Then you get all the KeyPresses and you always know what have\nbeen pressed.\n\n>An even more pointed question: Is there an easy means of making an X\n>keyboard act like a PC keyboard?  ie, CapsLock is active, and the user\n>presses shift-a, I\'d like to get a lowercase \'a\' instead of \'A\'.\n\nI think this is just a question of how to implement XLookupString.\nYou can always write another function that interprets the KeyPresses\nas you like.  You can look at the implementation of XLookupString from\nthe Xlib sources and then modify it a little bit.\n-- \n        Sami.Tikka@hut.fi | /G=Sami/S=Tikka/O=hut/ADMD=fumail/C=fi/\n                           "Live Long and Prosper!"\n',
  'From: fraseraj@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk (Andrew J Fraser)\nSubject: Re: God-shaped hole (was Re: "Accepting Jeesus in your heart...")\nOrganization: Glasgow University Computing Science Dept.\nLines: 14\n\n[Several people were involved in trying to figure out who first used\nthe phrase "God-shaped hole".  --clh]\n\n"There is a God shaped vacuum in all of us" (or something to that effect) is\ngenerally attributed to Blaise Pascal.\nWhat I want to know is how can you have a God shaped vacuum inside of you if\nGod is in fact infinite (or omnipresent)?\n\n=========================================================================\n||     Name: Andrew James Fraser  E-mail: fraseraj@dcs.gla.ac.uk       ||\n||     ESE-3H student, University of Glasgow.\t\t\t       ||\n||     Standard disclaimers...                                         ||\n\n[Don\'t you think you\'re being a tad too literal with this metaphor?  --clh]\n',
  "From: stssdxb@st.unocal.com (Dorin Baru)\nSubject: Reasons : was Re: was: Go Hezbollah!!\nOrganization: Unocal Corporation\nLines: 35\n\n\n\nHossien Amehdi writes:\n\n>I am not in the business of reading minds, however in this case it would not\n>be necessary.  Israelis top leaders in the past and present, always come across\n>as arrogant with their tough talks trying to intimidate the Arabs.  \n\n>The way I see it, Israelis and Arabs have not been able to achieve peace\n>after almost 50 years of fighting because of the following two major reasons:.\n\n> 1) Arab governments are not really representative of their people, currently\n >   most of their leaders are stupid, and/or not independent, and/or\n>    dictators.\n\n> 2) Israeli government is arrogant and none comprising.\n\n\n\nIt's not relevant whether I agree with you or not, there is some reasonable\nthought in what you say here an I appreciate your point. However, I would make 2\nremarks: \n\n - you forgot about hate, and this is not only at government level.\n - It's not only 'arab' governments.\n\nNow, about taugh talk and arrogance, we are adults, aren't we ? Do you listen \nto tough talk of american politicians ? or switch  the channel ? \nI would rather be 'intimidated' by some dummy 'talking tough' then by a \nbomb ready to blow under my seat in B747.\n\n\n\nDorin\n\n",
  'From: eck@panix.com (Mark Eckenwiler)\nSubject: Re: Capital Gains tax increase "loses" money\nOrganization: NWO Steering Committee\nDistribution: na\nLines: 46\n\nIn <1993Apr15.045651.6892@midway.uchicago.edu>, thf2@midway.uchicago.edu sez:\n>In article <1993Apr14.135227.8579@desire.wright.edu> demon@desire.wright.edu (Not a Boomer) writes:\n>>\n>>\tNo, I\'m saying any long term investor (the ones likely to have large\n>>capital gains) would be foolish to sell in order to avoid a tax hike that a)\n>>might disappear in any given year and b) be overcome in a year or two by\n>>accumlated gains.\n>\n>To which my response is--so what?  Not all people who pay capital gains\n>taxes are long term investors.  More than enough of them aren\'t for there\n>to be huge blip whenever capital gains taxes get raised.\n>   I never said that *everyone* would find this advantageous.  I said that\n>more than enough would for the result to be readily noticeable and distort\n>"trends".\n\nEven if Brett\'s eventual-return figures were correct -- and they\nclearly weren\'t -- he\'d still be wrong about the cause for the \'86\nblip because he fails to consider 2 basic factors:\n\n1) As Ted notes, not everyone is a long-term investor.  One might find\noneself, as I did in late 1986, anticipating expenses in the near term\nthat require selling off holdings.  Given the choice between waiting a\nfew weeks (and taking an extra tax hit) or selling in December with\npreferential tax treatment, only a fool would choose the former.\n\n2) The fact that Brett can now construct _post hoc_ calculations of\nwhat would have been more beneficial to investors is in many respects\nbeside the point.  There was plenty of _Money_-style advice given to\nunsophisticated investors in late 1986 to "sell now and save on\ntaxes."  In case anyone missed it, there was no shortage of similar\nadvice late last year (in the NYTimes, e.g.), even though that advice\nwas based not on the foregone conclusion of enacted law (as in 1986),\nbut merely on the *assumption* that Clinton would raise tax rates\n(without capping CG taxes, contrary to the current proposal).\n\nIt\'s nice to think that investors always behave in their optimal\neconomic interest.  Like assuming weightless ropes and frictionless\npulleys, though, this sort of thinking often fails to describe\naccurately what happens in the real world.\n\n\n-- \nMORAL: Always Choose the Right Sort of Parents \n       Before You Start in to be Rough\n                                        - George Ade\n\tMark Eckenwiler    eck@panix.com    ...!cmcl2!panix!eck\n',
  'From: terziogl@ee.rochester.edu (Esin Terzioglu)\nSubject: Re: ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES\nOrganization: Univ of Rochester, College of Engineering and Applied Science\nLines: 21\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.164517.20876@kpc.com> henrik@quayle.kpc.com writes:\n>\n>Esin Terzioglu]  Your ignorance is obvious from your posting. \n>Esin Terzioglu]  1) Cyprus was an INDEPENDENT country with Turkish/Greek \n>\t\t    inhabitants (NOT a Greek island like your ignorant \n>\t\t\tposting claims)\n>Esin Terzioglu]  2) The name should be Cyprus (in English)\n>Esin Terzioglu]  next time read and learn before you post. \n>\n>\n>\n>Aside from spelling , why is that you TURKS DO NOT want to admit your\n>past MISTAKES ? You know TURKISH INVASION of CYPRUS was a mistake and too\n>bad that U.N. DID NOT do anything about it. You may ask : mistake ?\n>Yes, I would say. Why is that the GREEKS DID NOT INVADE CYPRUS ?\n>\n\nThe Greeks did try to invade Cyprus just before the Turkish intervention: They\nfailed. Just for your info. \n\nEsin. \n',
  "From: essbaum@rchland.vnet.ibm.com (Alexander Essbaum)\nSubject: header paint\nDisclaimer: This posting represents the poster's views, not necessarily those of IBM\nNntp-Posting-Host: relva.rchland.ibm.com\nOrganization: IBM Rochester\nLines: 8\n\nit seems the 200 miles of trailering in the rain has rusted my bike's headers.\nthe metal underneath is solid, but i need to sand off the rust coating and\nrepaint the pipes black.  any recommendations for paint and application\nof said paint?\n\nthanks!\n\naxel\n",
  'From: toml@boulder.parcplace.com (Tom LaStrange)\nSubject: Re: Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window\nOrganization: ParcPlace Boulder\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <C5r25y.HFz@cs.columbia.edu> ethan@cs.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:\n|>\n|>\tHi. I\'m trying to figure out how to make a window manager\n|>place the window where the create window command tells it,\n|>regardless of what it may think is right. (my application has\n|>reason to know better)\n|>\n|>\tI don\'t want to set the override-redirect because I do\n|>want all the embellishments that the window manager gives, I just\n|>want the wm to accept my choice of location.\n\n\nWhat "it may think is right" may be exactly what the user wants.\nAssuming that your application "has reason to know better" is, IMHO,\nanti-social.  If I start your application with a -geometry option are\nyou going to ignore that as well?\n\nThere\'s really no way to force a window manager to do much of anything\nif it\'s managing your window.  You can ask, you can hint, but there\'s\nno guarantee that you\'re going to get what you want.\n\n--\nTom LaStrange        toml@boulder.ParcPlace.COM\n',
  'From: plevine@orca.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Peter Levine)\nSubject: BIKE FOR SALE ... 1986 Harley FLHTC\nOrganization: URI Department of Electrical Engineering\nLines: 12\n\n\n\nFor sale 1986 Harley FLHTC Liberty Edition.\nGood condition. Many extras. Asking $7500.\nLocated in Rhode Island.\n\n      Peter Levine\tplevine@ele.uri.edu\n\n\n\n\n\n',
  'From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: Armenians exterminated 2.5 million Muslim people. Denying the obvious?\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 109\n\nIn article <1993Apr23.122146.23931@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu> gassan@ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu writes:\n\n>After having read this group for some time, I am appalled at its lack of\n>scholarship, its fuzzy-thinking, reliance on obsessed and obnoxious posters\n\nWell, these are Armenian and Jewish scholars, not me. Denying the obvious?\n\n\nSource: Hovannisian, Richard G.: Armenia on the Road to Independence, 1918.\nUniversity of California Press (Berkeley and Los Angeles), 1967, p. 13.\n\n"The addition of the Kars and Batum oblasts to the Empire increased the\n area of Transcaucasia to over 130,000 square miles. The estimated population\n of the entire region in 1886 was 4,700,000, of whom 940,000 (20 percent) were\n Armenian, 1,200,000 (25 percent) Georgian, and 2,220,000 (45 percent) Moslem.\n Of the latter group, 1,140,000 were Tatars. Paradoxically, barely one-third\n of Transcaucasia\'s Armenians lived in the Erevan guberniia, where the \n Christians constituted a majority in only three of the seven uezds. Erevan\n uezd, the administrative center of the province, had only 44,000 Armenians\n as compared to 68,000 Moslems. By the time of the Russian Census of 1897,\n however, the Armenians had established a scant majority, 53 percent, in the\n guberniia; it had risen by 1916 to 60 percent, or 670,000 of the 1,120,000\n inhabitants. This impressive change in the province\'s ethnic character \n notwithstanding, there was, on the eve of the creation of the Armenian \n Republic, a solid block of 370,000 Tartars who continued to dominate the \n southern districts, from the outskirts of Ereven to the border of Persia." \n (See also Map 1. Historic Armenia and Map 4. Administrative subdivisions of \n Transcaucasia).\n\nIn 1920, \'0\' percent Turk. \n\n"We closed the roads and mountain passes that might serve as \n ways of escape for the Tartars and then proceeded in the work \n of extermination. Our troops surrounded village after village. \n Little resistance was offered. Our artillery knocked the huts \n into heaps of stone and dust and when the villages became untenable \n and inhabitants fled from them into fields, bullets and bayonets \n completed the work. Some of the Tartars escaped of course. They \n found refuge in the mountains or succeeded in crossing the border \n into Turkey. The rest were killed. And so it is that the whole \n length of the borderland of Russian Armenia from Nakhitchevan to \n Akhalkalaki from the hot plains of Ararat to the cold mountain \n plateau of the North were dotted with mute mournful ruins of \n Tartar villages. They are quiet now, those villages, except for \n howling of wolves and jackals that visit them to paw over the \n scattered bones of the dead." \n\n                             Ohanus Appressian\n                            "Men Are Like That"\n                                   p. 202.\n\n\n "In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists a single Turkish soul.\n  It is in our power to tear away the veil of illusion that some of us\n  create for ourselves. It certainly is possible to severe the artificial\n  life-support system of an imagined \'ethnic purity\' that some of us\n  falsely trust as the only structure that can support their heart beats \n  in this alien land."\n            (Sahak Melkonian - 1920 - "Preserving the Armenian purity") \n\n\n<1993Apr24.042427.29323@walter.bellcore.com>\nddc@nyquist.bellcore.com (Daniel Dusan Chukurov 21324)\n\n>           The world\'s inaction when the conflict began over the mostly\n>Christian Armenian enclave inside Muslim Azerbaijan might have\n>encouraged the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina, said the\n>Moscow-based activist, who\'s part Armenian.\n\nNo kidding. The Armenians tore apart the Ottoman Empire\'s eastern provinces,\nmassacred 2.5 million defenseless Turkish women, children and elderly \npeople, burned thousands of Turkish and Kurdish villages and exterminated \nthe entire Turkish population of the Armenian dictatorship between \n1914-1920. Such outrageous sleight of hand that is still employed today \nin Armenia brings a depth and verification to the Turkish genocide \nthat is hard to match. A hundred years ago Armenians again thought \nthey could get whatever they wanted through sheer terror like the \nRussian anarchists that they accepted as role models. Several Armenian \nterror groups like ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism and Revisionism Triangle \nresorted to the same tactics in the 1980s, butchering scores of innocent\nTurks and their families in the United States and Europe. It seems that \nthey are doing it again, at a different scale, in fascist x-Soviet Armenia \ntoday.\n\nA merciless massacre of the civilian population of the small Azeri \ntown of Khojali (Pop. 6000) in Karabagh, Azerbaijan, is reported to \nhave taken place on the night of Feb. 28 under a coordinated military \noperation of the 366th mechanized division of the CIS army and the \nArmenian insurgents. Close to 1000 people are reported to have been \nmassacred. Elderly and children were not spared. Many were badly beaten \nand shot at close range. A sense of rage and helplessness has overwhelmed \nthe Azeri population in face of the well armed and equipped Armenian \ninsurgency. The neighboring Azeri city of Aghdam outside of the\nKarabagh region has come under heavy Armenian artillery shelling. City \nhospital was hit and two pregnant women as well as a new born infant \nwere killed. Azerbaijan is appealing to the international community to \ncondemn such barbaric and ruthless attacks on its population and its \nsovereignty.\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           \'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.\'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           \'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.\' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n\n',
  'From: jake@bony1.bony.com (Jake Livni)\nSubject: Re: was:Go Hezbollah!\nOrganization: The Department of Redundancy Department\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <1993Apr19.192207.413@ncsu.edu> hernlem@chess.ncsu.edu (Brad Hernlem) writes:\n\n>I think that you should try to find more sources of news about what goes on\n>in Lebanon and try to see through the propaganda. \n\nThank you, Brad/Ali, for warning us about the dangers of propaganda.\nIt\'s funny, though, coming from you.\n\n>There are no a priori\n>black and white hats but one sure wonders how the IDF can bombard villages in \n>retaliation to pin-point attacks on its soldiers in Lebanon and then call the\n>Lebanese terrorists.\n\nWho is it that executes these "pin-point attacks" on Israelis?  The\nguys in the white hats or the ones in the black hats?  Neither?  You\nmean that they are just civilians, farmers, teachers, school children?\nWell, maybe they ARE terrorists, after all?  And maybe that\n"propaganda" was correct, too?  Hmm?\n\n-- \nJake Livni  jake@bony1.bony.com           Ten years from now, George Bush will\nAmerican-Occupied New York                   have replaced Jimmy Carter as the\nMy opinions only - employer has no opinions.    standard of a failed President.\n',
  'From: stank@cbnewsl.cb.att.com (Stan Krieger)\nSubject: Re: [soc.motss, et al.] "Princeton axes matching funds for Boy Scouts"\nArticle-I.D.: cbnewsl.1993Apr6.041343.24997\nOrganization: Summit NJ\nLines: 39\n\nstudent writes:\n\n>Somewhere, roger colin shouse writes about "radical gay dogma."  Somewhere else\n>he claims not to claim to have a claim to knowing those he doesn\'t know.\n>There are at least twenty instances of this kind of muddleheaded fourth-\n>reich-sophistique shit in his postings.  Maybe more.  In fact I\'m not sure\n>the instances could be counted, because they reproduce like a virus the more\n>you consider his words.\n>\tMy question is this: what is the best response to weasels like\n>shouse and Stan Krieger?  Possibilities:\n>\t(a) study them dispassionately and figure out how they work, then\n>(1) remember what you\'ve learned so as to combat them when they or their clones\n>get into office\n>(2) contribute your insights to your favorite abnormal psych ward\n>\t(b) learn to overcome your repugnance for serial murder\n\nThis posting is totally uncalled for in rec.scouting.\n\nThe point has been raised and has been answered.  Roger and I have\nclearly stated our support of the BSA position on the issue;\nspecifically, that homosexual behavior constitutes a violation of\nthe Scout Oath (specifically, the promise to live "morally straight").\n\nThere is really nothing else to discuss.  Trying to cloud the issue\nwith comparisons to Blacks or other minorities is also meaningless\nbecause it\'s like comparing apples to oranges (i.e., people can\'t\ncontrol their race but they can control their behavior).\n\nWhat else is there to possibly discuss on rec.scouting on this issue?\nNobody, including BSA, is denying anybody the right to live and/or\nworship as they please or don\'t please,  but it doesn\'t mean that BSA\nis the big bad wolf for adhering to the recognized, positive, religious\nand moral standards on which our society has been established and on\nwhich it should continue to be based.\n-- \nStan Krieger                 All opinions, advice, or suggestions, even\nUNIX System Laboratories     if related to my employment, are my own.\nSummit, NJ\nsmk@usl.com\n',
  'From: kmr4@po.CWRU.edu (Keith M. Ryan)\nSubject: Re: <Political Atheists?\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University\nLines: 29\nNNTP-Posting-Host: b64635.student.cwru.edu\n\nIn article <1pigidINNsot@gap.caltech.edu> keith@cco.caltech.edu (Keith Allan Schneider) writes:\n\n>mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk> writes:\n>>As for rape, surely there the burden of guilt is solely on the rapist?\n>\n>Not so.  If you are thrown into a cage with a tiger and get mauled, do you\n>blame the tiger?\n\n\tA human has greater control over his/her actions, than a \npredominately instictive tiger.\n\n\tA proper analogy would be:\n\n\tIf you are thrown into a cage with a person and get mauled, do you \nblame that person?\n\n\tYes. [ providing that that person was in a responsible frame of \nmind, eg not clinicaly insane, on PCB\'s, etc. ]\n\n---\n\n        "One thing that relates is among Navy men that get tatoos that \n        say "Mom", because of the love of their mom.  It makes for more \n        virile men."\n\n        Bobby Mozumder  ( snm6394@ultb.isc.rit.edu )\n        April 4, 1993\n\n        The one TRUE Muslim left in the world. \n',
  'From: thouchin@cs.umr.edu (T. J. Houchin)\nSubject: FOR SALE: Paradise SVGA accelerator card\nArticle-I.D.: umr.1993Apr17.080644.2922\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: University of Missouri - Rolla\nLines: 13\nNntp-Posting-Host: mcs213c.cs.umr.edu\nOriginator: thouchin@mcs213c.cs.umr.edu\n\nFOR SALE:\n\tParadise SVGA accelerator card\n\t-800x600x32768\n\t-1240x1024x16\n\t-up to 15 times faster than vga\n\t-manual, drivers\n\t-used for 5 months, perfect condition\n\t-WD chipset\n\n  $120 OBO\n\nfor more info THOUCHIN@CS.UMR.EDU\nT.J. HOUCHIN\n',
  'From: mangoe@cs.umd.edu (Charley Wingate)\nSubject: Benediktine Metaphysics\nLines: 24\n\nBenedikt Rosenau writes, with great authority:\n\n>     IF IT IS CONTRADICTORY IT CANNOT EXIST.\n\n"Contradictory" is a property of language.  If I correct this to\n\n\n      THINGS DEFINED BY CONTRADICTORY LANGUAGE DO NOT EXIST\n\nI will object to definitions as reality.  If you then amend it to\n\n      THINGS DESCRIBED BY CONTRADICTORY LANGUAGE DO NOT EXIST\n\nthen we\'ve come to something which is plainly false.  Failures in\ndescription are merely failures in description.\n\n(I\'m not an objectivist, remember.)\n\n\n-- \nC. Wingate        + "The peace of God, it is no peace,\n                  +    but strife closed in the sod.\nmangoe@cs.umd.edu +  Yet, brothers, pray for but one thing:\ntove!mangoe       +    the marv\'lous peace of God."\n',
  "From: erich.lim@yob.sccsi.com (Erich Lim) \nSubject: RE: MILITECH\nDistribution: world\nOrganization: Ye Olde Bailey BBS - Houston, TX - 713-520-1569\nReply-To: erich.lim@yob.sccsi.com (Erich Lim) \nLines: 22\n\njchen@wind.bellcore.com (Jason Chen) writes:\n\n-> I saw an interesting product in NY Auto Show, and would like to hear\n-> your comments.\n->\n-> MILITECH(tm) is yet another oil additive. But the demonstration of\n-> this product really impressive, if it didn't cheat.\n\n  Well, I heard that Militech stuff works pretty good too.. One of my\nfriends who races in SCCA sanctioned events and all that stuff got the\nMilitech stuff early as a trial thing, and he put it in his CRX..  He\nsays it worked great, but I didn't ask him for any details.\n\n\n-Erich\nerich.lim@yob.sccsi.com\n                                                                       \n----\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Ye Olde Bailey BBS   713-520-1569 (V.32bis) 713-520-9566 (V.32bis)     |\n|   Houston,Texas          yob.sccsi.com       Home of alt.cosuard       |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
  'From: MANDTBACKA@finabo.abo.fi (Mats Andtbacka)\nSubject: Re: Hell_2: Black Sabbath\nOrganization: Unorganized Usenet Postings UnInc.\nLines: 12\n\nIn <Apr.> jprzybyl@skidmore.edu writes:\n\n> I may be wrong, but wasn\'t Jeff Fenholt part of Black Sabbath?  He\'s a\n> MAJOR brother in Christ now.  He totally changed his life around, and\n\n      Why should he have been any different "then"? Ozzy Osbourne,\nex-singer and main character of the Black Sabbath of good ole days past,\nis and always was a devout catholic. Or so I\'ve heard over on the\nalt.rock-n-roll.metal newsgroups, an\' I figure those folks oughta know..\n\n-- \n  Disclaimer?   "It\'s great to be young and insane!"\n',
  'From: shaig@Think.COM (Shai Guday)\nSubject: Re: Israel\'s Expansion\nOrganization: Thinking Machines Corporation, Cambridge MA, USA\nLines: 39\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: composer.think.com\n\nIn article <18APR93.15729846.0076@VM1.MCGILL.CA>, B8HA000 <B8HA@MUSICB.MCGILL.CA> writes:\n|> Just a couple of questions for the pro-Israeli lobby out there:\n|> \n|> 1) Is Israel\'s occupation of Southern Lebanon temporary?  For Mr.\n|> Stein:  I am working on a proof for you that Israel is diverting\n|> water to the Jordan River (away from Lebanese territory).\n\nYes it is, as has been evidenced by the previous two stages\nof withdrawal from the area and by the reductions in troops.\nCurrently the troops are kept at a level consistent with light\nand armored patrols.  No permanent installations have been\nbuilt in the area, nor are any planned.\n\nAs to the prodigal "water question",  you can continue to waste\nyour time looking for non-existent proof, or you can accept the\ntestimony of people here, some Lebanese, who have acknowledged\nthat they know of no evidence for these allegations.\n\n|> 2) Is Israel\'s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan\n|> temporary?  If so (for those of you who support it), why were so\n|> many settlers moved into the territories?  If it is not temporary,\n|> let\'s hear it.\n\nIt depends which of those territories you refer to.\nIn general, settlers were moved into the territories because\nat the time, in the context of the situations, it seemed the\nlogical move.  This is not to say that views don\'t change\nor that mistakes are not made.  Currently, I would say that\nthe only "disputed territory" that does not appear to be temporary\nis that of Eastern and northern Jerusalem.\n\n|> Steve\n|> \n\n-- \nShai Guday              | Stealth bombers,\nOS Software Engineer    |\nThinking Machines Corp. |\tthe winged ninjas of the skies.\nCambridge, MA           |\n',
  'From: euatno@eua.ericsson.se (Tomas Nopp)\nSubject: Re: Too Many Europeans in NHL\nNntp-Posting-Host: euas27c42.eua.ericsson.se\nNntp-Posting-User: euatno\nOrganization: Ellemtel Telecom Systems Labs, Stockholm, Sweden\nLines: 78\n\nrauser@fraser.sfu.ca (Richard John Rauser) writes:\n\n\n\n>   Ten years ago, the number of Europeans in the NHL was roughly a quarter\n>of what it is now. Going into the 1992/93 season, the numbers of Euros on\n>NHL teams have escalated to the following stats:\n\n>Canadians: 400\n>Americans: 100\n>Europeans: 100\n\n>   Please note that these numbers are rounded off, and taken from the top\n>25 players on each of the 24 teams. My source is the Vancouver Sun.\n\n>   Here\'s the point: there are far too many Europeans in the NHL. I am sick\n>of watching a game between an American and a Canadian team (let\'s say, the\n>Red Wings and the Canucks) and seeing names like "Bure" "Konstantinov" and\n>"Borshevshky". Is this North America or isn\'t it? Toronto, Detriot, Quebec,\n>and Edmonton are particularly annoying, but the numbers of Euros on other\n>teams is getting worse as well. \n\nIs the answer as simple as that you dislike russians???\n\n>    I live in Vancouver and if I hear one more word about "Pavel Bure, the\n>Russian Rocket" I will completely throw up. As it is now, every time I see\n>the Canucks play I keep hoping someone will cross-check Bure into the \n>plexiglass so hard they have to carry him out on a stretcher. (By the way, \n>I\'m not a Canucks fan to begin with ;-). \n\n>Okay, the stretcher remark was a little carried away. But the point is that\n>I resent NHL owners drafting all these Europeans INSTEAD of Canadians (and\n>some Americans). It denies young Canadians the opportunity to play in THEIR\n>NORTH AMERICAN LEAGUE and instead gives it to Europeans, who aren\'t even\n>better hockey players. It\'s all hype. This "European mystique" is sickening,\n>but until NHL owners get over it, Canadian and American players will continue\n>to have to fight harder to get drafted into their own league.\n\n>    With the numbers of Euros in the NHL escalating, the problem is clearly\n>only getting worse.\n\nAnd where would canadian hockey be today without the europeans?? Dont say\nthat the european influence on the league has been all bad for the game.\nI mean, look at the way you play these days. Less fights and more hockey.\nImho, canadian hockey has had a positive curve of development since the\n70\'s when the game was more brute than beauty......\n\n>    I\'m all for the creation of a European Hockey League, and let the Bures\n>and Selannes of the world play on their own continent.\n\nOh, look!! You don\'t like Finns either....\n\n>    I just don\'t want them on mine.\nToo bad almost all of you northamericans originates from europe.....\n\nHmmm... And what kind of a name is Rauser. Doesn\'t sound very "canadian" to\nme. ;-)\n\nPS. When analyzing teams like Italy, France and Great Britain you find that\na lot of their players are "Canadians" with double citizenship... DS\n> \n> \n>-- \n>Richard J. Rauser        "You have no idea what you\'re doing."\n>rauser@sfu.ca            "Oh, don\'t worry about that. We\'re professional\n>WNI                          outlaws - we do this for a living."\n>-----------------\n>"Remember, no matter where you go, there you are." -Dr.Banzai\n         _________________       __________\n          /         _  ,     /l /\n        _/__()_/))_(/_/)_  _/ L/_()_/)_/)_\n                                   /  /\n********************************************************************\n* Tomas Nopp                    Tel   : +46 8 727 33 24            *\n* Ellemtel Telecom Systems Labs Fax   : +46 8 647 80 59            *\n* Box 1505                      Email : Tomas.Nopp@eua.ericsson.se *\n* S-125 25 ALVSJO       <------ Snailmail                          *\n********************************************************************\n',
  "From: anthonyp@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU (Anthony Pun)\nSubject: Re: Why HP printers rated so low?\nArticle-I.D.: extro.anthonyp.735036446\nOrganization: Sydney University Computing Service, Sydney, NSW, Australia\nLines: 16\nNntp-Posting-Host: extro.ucc.su.oz.au\n\negaillou@etu.gel.ulaval.ca (Eric Gailloux) writes:\n\n>I'm about to purchase a laser printer for my Mac and I read the MacUser\n>Buying Guide special issue. All HP printers (except IIISI) are rated very low\n>compared to other noname bargain-priced printers. Why is that so? On the PC,\n>HP printers are THE standard amongst printer manufacturers.\n\n>PS: My personnal favorite -budgetwise- would be the IIIP.\n\nThe IIIP has just been superseded by the 4M, which is the one I am using at\nwork.  The quality of the print is execellent, beating 300 dpi printers hands\ndown.  In Australia the price of the 4M is about comparable with that of the\nIII-series, so HP are trying to get people to buy the new one !!!\n\nAnthony Pun\nanthonyp@extro.ucc.su.oz.au\n",
  'From: mike@avon.demon.co.uk ("Mike H.")\nSubject: Re: Another data hiding scheme... \nDistribution: world\nOrganization: boring\nReply-To: mike@avon.demon.co.uk\nX-Mailer: Simple NEWS 1.90 (ka9q DIS 1.19)\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <1993Apr13.225348.6511@colorado.edu> bear@tigger.cs.Colorado.EDU writes:\n\n>since the price of 1.44 M 3.5" floppies were still high until the last\n>few years.  If you store "old" data, with old file times, in the public\n>filesystem the casual observer may miss the "HD"... especially if you \n>"accidently" cover it with something).\n>\n>-- \n>Bear Giles\n>bear@cs.colorado.edu/fsl.noaa.gov\n>\n\nIt has been done already!\n\nIn the UK the Atari ST box was shipped with 360K disks in the first few\nyears and then later 720K disks. In order to make life less complicated,\nmany freebie disks on mags were double formatted like this. Side 0 of the\ndisk had 360K on it and could be read  by any ST. It also had a flip-side\nprogram. This would swap the sides around so that side 1 became side 0.\n\n-- \n\n                        Mike (mike@avon.demon.co.uk)\n',
  'From: c23st@kocrsv01.delcoelect.com (Spiros Triantafyllopoulos)\nSubject: Re: Ad said Nissan Altima best seller?\nOrganization: Delco Electronics Corp.\nLines: 23\n\nIn article <1r0vk6INNaft@cronkite.Central.Sun.COM> dbernard@clesun.Central.Sun.COM writes:\n>>I too was puzzled by this obvious untruth. What I think is going on is that\n>>Nissan claims that the Altima is "the best selling new car namelplate in\n>>the US" (I think I have this near verbatim). Lee Iaccoca\'s statistics\n>>dept. would have been proud of that sentence.\n>\n>Note that the Corolla/Prism are also new designs... but hey are not new \n>"nameplates."  I guess Nissan doesn\'t even sell as many Altimas as\n>Toyota does Corollas, or there would be no "nameplate" qualifier.\n\nBut waiiiiiit, isn\'t Nissan officially registering the car as far as\ngovernment paperwork goes, Nissan Stanza Altima, to avoid costly and\nlengthy paperwork? I read this on the net a while ago, and someone\nactually may have said there\'s a little Stanza logo on the Altima\nsomewhere.\n\nYou *can* have it both ways :-)\n\nSpiros\n-- \nSpiros Triantafyllopoulos                    c23st@kocrsv01.delcoelect.com\nSoftware Technology, Delco Electronics       (317) 451-0815\nGM Hughes Electronics, Kokomo, IN 46904      "I post, therefore I ARMM"\n',
  "From: hammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu (Valerie S. Hammerl)\nSubject: Re: Goalie masks\nOrganization: UB\nLines: 18\nNntp-Posting-Host: autarch.acsu.buffalo.edu\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.164811.21637@newshub.ists.ca> dchhabra@stpl.ists.ca (Deepak Chhabra) writes:\n\n\n>[...] and I'll give Fuhr's new one an honourable mention, although I haven't\n>seen it closely yet (it looked good from a distance!).  \n\nThis is the new Buffalo one, the second since he's been with the\nSabres?  I recall a price tag of over $700 just for the paint job on\nthat mask, and a total price of almost $1500.  Ouch.  \n\n\n\n\n-- \nValerie Hammerl\t\t\tBirtday -(n)- An event when friends get \nhammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu\ttogether, set your dessert on fire, then\nacscvjh@ubms.cc.buffalo.edu\tlaugh and sing while you frantically try \nv085pwwpz@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu  to blow it out.  \n",
  'From: slack@boi.hp.com (David Slack)\nSubject: Re: Clinton wants National ID card, aka USSR-style "Internal Passport"\nOrganization: Hewlett-Packard / Boise, Idaho\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1.4 PL6]\nLines: 24\n\n\nThe idea of the card is bull in and of its self, but I\'m curious to know, do \nthey plan on making it a requirement to *always* have it on you, or is it \nonly going to be required to be *presented* when trying to ge medical aid?\n\nBTW, anybody planning on shaving Hillary\'s head to look for *666*? 8^)\n\nLater Dave,\nDays\n\n^^^^^^^^\nGoverment logic or just the Clintons?\n\n\n--\n    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n   |_/_/_/  _/       _/      _/_/  _/  _/ | David H. Slack                  |\n   |_/      _/      _/_/    _/     _/ _/  | Boise Surface Mount Center      |\n   |_/_/_/  _/     _/  _/   _/     _/_/   | email: slack@hpdmd48.boi.hp.com |\n   |    _/  _/    _/_/_/_/  _/     _/ _/  | telnet: 323 4019                |\n   |_/_/_/  _/_/ _/      _   _/_/  _/  _/ | phone: (208) 323 4019           |\n   |------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n   | Hewlett-Packard, 11213 Chinden Blvd., Boise Idaho 83714-1023, M/S #625 |\n    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n',
  'From: bobbe@vice.ICO.TEK.COM (Robert Beauchaine)\nSubject: Nostalgia\nOrganization: Tektronix Inc., Beaverton, Or.\nLines: 1049\n\n\n  The recent rise of nostalgia in this group, combined with the\n  incredible level of utter bullshit, has prompted me to comb\n  through my archives and pull out some of "The Best of Alt.Atheism"\n  for your reading pleasure.  I\'ll post a couple of these a day\n  unless group concensus demands that I stop, or I run out of good\n  material.\n\n  I haven\'t been particularly careful in the past about saving\n  attributions.  I think the following comes from John A. Johnson,\n  but someone correct me if I\'m wrong.  This is probably the longest\n  of my entire collection.\n\n________________________________________________________\n\n\n                                  So that the\n                                  Prophecy be\n                                   Fulfilled\n\n                                     * * *\n\n       In considering the Christian religion, and judging it\naccording to its claims, it is important to look at its claims at\nfulfilling earlier Jewish prophecy.  The scribe Matthew is perhaps\nthe most eager to draw out what he thinks are prophetic answers in\nthe career of Jesus of Nazareth.  As you will see, Matthew\'s main\nstrategy is to take various Old Testament passages, often not even\nabout the promised Messiah, and apply them to the circumstances in\nthe New Testament.  We must also bear in mind the question of the\nauthenticity of the accounts.  Since the gospels were written at\nleast 35 years after Jesus was executed, we do not know how much\nhappened exactly as stated.  But, for purposes of analysis, we\nwill take particular claims at face value.\n\nImmanuel:\n\n       We begin, of course, at the beginning.\n\n       (Mt 1.21-22):  "[Mary] will bear a son, and you,\n       Joseph, will name him \'Jesus\' (which means G\'d is\n       salvation), for he will save his people from their\n       sins."  All this happened to fulfil what the lord had\n       spoken by a prophet:\n\n       [Isaiah 7.1-16]:  In the days of Ahaz (c. 750 BCE),\n       king of Judah, Rezin of Syria and Pekah of Israel made\n       war on Jerusalem (capitol of Judah), but could not\n       quite conquer it.  When the house of David (i.e. Ahaz\n       and his court in Judah) were told of this, ...its\n       heart and the heart of its people shook...   And, the\n       lord G\'d said to Isaiah, "go to meet with Ahaz..." \n       ...And the lord spoke to Ahaz (through prophet Isaiah,\n       naturally) saying, "Ask a sign of G\'d your lord.  It\n       can be as deep as Sheol or as high as heaven."  But,\n       Ahaz said, "I won\'t ask; I will not put the lord to a\n       test."  Then (Isaiah) said, "Hear then, O house of\n       David.  Is it not enough for you to weary men, that\n       you must weary my god too?  Therefore, the lord\n       himself will give you a sign:  Behold, a young woman\n       is with child and will bear a son, and name him\n       "Immanuel," which means, "G\'d is with us."   He will\n       eat curds and honey when he knows how to refuse evil\n       and choose good.  For, before the child knows how to\n       refuse evil and choose good, the land of the two kings\n       you dread will have been deserted...\n\nMatthew homes in on just the sentence that is in italics. \nFurther, he the Hebrew word "almah," (young woman), as\nspecifically, "virgin."  But, this is not a prophecy about the\nMessiah.  It is not a prophecy about an event to happen 750 years\nlater.  It is not a prophecy about a virgin (bethulah) mother.  In\nshort, it not about Jesus.  Matthew has made use of a verse out of\ncontext, and tries to make it fit the specific case of Mary.  It\nshould be noted that if we want to read the prophecy in a general\nmanner, a very general one, it can be made to fit Mary.  Mary,\nvirgin or not, was indeed a young woman with child.  Of course,\nthe fit is shady and has problems.  Jesus, while thought of by\nlater Christians to be G\'d walking among men, was never called by\nthe name, Immanuel.  If Christianity wished to claim this prophecy\nfor Jesus, it becomes at best a cut-and-paste prophecy... a second\nclass prophecy.   Not too convincing.\n\nEgypt:\n\n       After Jesus\'s birth in Bethlehem, Matthew tells about a\nquick (and elsewhere unmentioned) excursion to Egypt, as if he\nwishes to liken Jesus to Moses.  This was done to escape an\nalleged infanticidal rampage of the king, Herod.\n\n       [Mt 2.15]  ...and remained there until the death of\n       Herod.  This was to fulfil what the lord had spoken:\n       "Out of Egypt I have cal-led my son."\n\n\nWhat the lord really said was this.\n\n       [Hosea 11.1]  When Israel was a child, I loved him. \n       And, out of Egypt I called my son.  The more I called\n       them (my people), the more they went from me; they\n       kept sacrificing to the Ba\'als, and kept burning\n       incense to idols.\n\nMatthew conveniently omits the rest of Hosea\'s oracle.  But, it\nwas indeed Israel that, once called out of Egypt, wanted to\nreturn.  This is history.  Jesus is certainly not being spoken of\nhere.  And, if we are to draw some kind of parallel here, we wind\nup with a Jesus that flees and resists G\'d.   Again, this prophecy\nis just not as convincing as Matthew probably had hoped.\n\nRachel Weeps:\n\n        While Jesus is off vacationing in Egypt, Matthew says that\nKing Herod sought to kill him, and thus ordered the executions of\nall young male children.  Matthew then writes,\n\n       [Mt 2.17-18]   By this, that which was spoken by the\n       prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:\n\n       "A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud\n       lamentation-- Rachel weeping for her children;\n       she refused to be consoled, because they were\n       no more."   \n\nThe reference is to a passage in Jeremiah 31.15, referring to the\ncarrying off of Israel into exile by Sargon (of Assyria) in 722\nBCE.  Rachel, the ancestor of the major tribes of Israel, Ephraim,\nand Manasseh, is said to weep for her descendants who are "no\nmore."  It is metaphorical, of course, since Rachel lived and dies\nbefore the Hebrews were even in the Egyptian exile.\n       It is interesting to note that it was Leah, not Rachel, who\nwas the ancestor of the Judeans (the land where Jesus and\nBethlehem were).  If anyone should do weeping for her "children,"\nit is Leah.  The only connexion that Rachel has with Bethlehem is\nthat the legends have it that she was buried north of the city,\n"on the way to Ephrath, (Bethlehem)."\n       As for Herod and his infanticide, it is rather unlikely\nthat such an event actually occurred.  One never knows, but the\nevent is not mentioned or alluded to anywhere else in the Bible,\nnor is it mentioned in any of the secular records of the time. \nHerod was particularly unliked in his reign, and many far less\nevil deeds of Herod were carefully recorded.  This might be a\nprime example of how events were added to Jesus\'s life to enhance\nthe message of the church\'s gospel.\n       Because of the whole story\'s similarity to the tale of the\ninfant Moses in Egypt, it is highly likely that it is a device set\nup by Matthew to add prophetic, yet artificial, approval of Jesus.\nIt is not surprising that Matthew conveniently neglects to mention\nthe rest of the Jeremiah quote.   The "children" the prophet\nspeaks of are not dead, but exiled in the Assyrian Empire.  G\'d\ncomforts the weeping Rachel, saying that the children will be\nreturned-- he will gather them back together.  Of course, this\nwould not suit Matthew\'s purpose, as the children he speaks of are\ndead for good.  Again, the "prophecy" Matthew sets up is not even\nthat, and to anyone who bothers to check it out, is not too\nconvincing.\n\nThe Nazarene:\n\n       We do not even have to go to the next chapter to find\nanother Matthean prophecy.  After leaving Egypt, Joseph & wife\ntake the infant Jesus to live in the city of Nazareth, \n\n       [Mt 2.23]  ...that what was spoken of by the prophets\n       might be fulfilled, "He shall be called a Nazarene."\n\nFirst thing we notice is that Matthew does not mention the name of\nthe prophet(s) this time.  Second, we have to ask who "He" is. \nThere are no Messianic prophecies speaking of a Nazarene.  Worse,\nthere are no prophecies, period, mentioning a Nazarene.  Still\nworse, there are no Nazarenes mentioned in the Old Testament at\nall.  In the book of Judges, an angel tells Samson\'s mother that\nshe will,\n\n       [Judges 13.5]  "...conceive and bear a son.  No razor\n       shall tough his head, for he will be a Nazirite to his\n       god from the day of his birth.  He will deliver Israel\n       from the hands of the Philistines."\n\nThis is of course not a prophecy of Jesus, or the messiah of G\'d. \nBut, it is the best that can be found.  Obviously, Matthew has\nbegun to go overboard in cut-and-paste prophecies, in that he is\nsimple making them up now.\n\nBearing our\nDiseases:\n\n       Jesus next goes around healing people of physical illnesses\nand disabilities.\n\n       [Mt 8.17]   This was to fulfil what was spoken by the\n       prophet Isaiah, "He took our infirmities and bore our\n       diseases."\n\nAs expected, the verse quoted in Isaiah is quoted out of context,\nand a few words are skewed to fit the Christian scheme.  We have,\n\n       [Is 53.4]  Surely he, [the suffering servant], has\n       borne our sickness, and carried our pains.\n\nFrom a reading of the surrounding passages in Isaiah, we know that\nthe prophet is speaking in present tense of the collective nation\nof Israel, Jehovah\'s chosen servant and people.  He speaks to the\nIsraelites suffering in exile, in the voice of the gentile nations\nthat look upon it.  This image is deeply ingrained in Jewish\nidentity --an image of a chastised, yet cherished, Israel as the\ninstrument of the nations\' salvation by G\'d.\n      The verses speak of Israel taking on the sicknesses which\nare the literal and metaphorical manifestations of guilt and\ndiscipline.  They do not speak of a "servant" going around and\nhealing people.  Notice that the servant in Isaiah takes on the\nsicknesses and pains of the nations (and individual Jews).  Jesus,\nas we all know, did not take the diseases onto himself.  The\nverses here in Isaiah are not a prophecy of something to come, but\nrather something that had already happened.  While it is believed\nthat Jesus took on the eternal punishment of hell, he did not bear\nthe illnesses he healed.  So, while someone might want to say\nthat, figuratively, Jesus reenacted the deeds of Israel in his\nspiritual atonement, he has to admit that Matthew\'s parallel\nmisses where he intended it to have its effect.\n\n\nSilent Messiah:\n\n      Upon healing multitudes of commoners, it is said that Jesus\nordered them to keep quiet, presumable so that he wouldn\'t arouse\nthe attention of the local rulers.\n\n       [Mt 12.15-21]  This was to fulfill what was spoken by\n       the prophet Isaiah.   \n\n       "Behold my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved,\n       with whom my soul is pleased.  I will put my spirit on\n       him, and he will announce justice to the Gentiles.  He\n       will not wrangle or cry aloud, nor will anyone hear\n       his voice in the streets.  He will not break a bruised\n       reed or quench a smoldering wick until he brings\n       justice to victory, and the gentiles will hope in his\n       name."\n\nThe Isaiah passage quoted reads,\n\n       [Is 42.1-4]  Behold my servant whom I uphold, my\n       chosen, in whom my soul delights.  I have put my\n       spirit on him, and he will bring forth justice to the\n       nations.  We will not cry or lift up his voice, or\n       make it heard in the street.  He will not break a\n       bruised reed, or quench a smoldering wick.  He will\n       faithfully bring forth justice.  He will not fail\n       (burn dimly) or be discouraged (bruised) until he has\n       established justice in the earth.  And the coastlands\n       await his law.\n\nYou see, Matthew has conveniently left out part of the passage,\nbecause it does not suit the dealings of Jesus.  Christians could\nnever think of Jesus failing, never would the "light" of mankind\nburn dimly.  But, the servant nation of Israel will indeed come to\nan end when its job is done.  When the gentiles come to embrace\nG\'d there will no longer be a chosen people, but rather all will\nbe the children of G\'d.  Also, the ending phrase has been changed\nfrom the Judaic "...the coastlands await his law." to the\nChristologic, "the Gentiles will hope in his name."   While the\noriginal proclaims the Torah law of Jehovah, the other rewrites it\nto fit its strange doctrine of "believing in the name."  If one\nhas any doubt the servant referred to is not Jesus, one has only\nto read the whole chapter, Isaiah 42, and hear about the beloved\nbut blind and imperfect servant, "a people robbed and\nplundered..."   So, we see that when Matthew\'s attempt at\n"prophecy" is examined, it crumbles.\n\nThree Days and\nThree Nights:\n\n      Now we come upon a prophecy supposedly uttered by the very\nmouth of the god Jesus himself.  He speaks of his crucifixion and\nresurrection.\n\n       [Mt 12.40]   For as Jonah was in the belly of the\n       whale for three days and three nights, so will the Son\n       of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and\n       three nights.\n\nBefore any further discussion can occur, it is necessary to know\nhow the Jews understood days.  As far as day names went, each was\n24 hours long, lasting from sunset 6pm to the following sunset\n6pm.  What was referred to as a "day" was the period of light from\n6am to the ending sunset at 6pm.  Thus, according to our time\nscale, a sabbath day began at 6pm Friday evening, and lasted until\n6pm saturday evening.  This is why the Jews celebrate their\nsabbath on the daylight portion of Saturdays, instead of Sundays. \n(It seems like a real miracle that Christians didn\'t forget that\nSaturday was indeed the seventh and last day of the week!)  Thus,\nwhen days and nights are referred to together, 12 hour daylight\nportions and 12 hour night periods are being spoken of.  Thus,\nJesus says that he will be in the grave, or in hell, or otherwise\nunresurrected for three days and three nights.\n\n      As the good book tells us, Jesus was crucified on the "ninth\nhour," which is 3pm, Friday afternoon.  He then was put into the\ngrave sometime after that.  Then, Jesus left the grave, "rose,"\nbefore dawn of what we call Sunday (The dawn after the sabbath was\nover).  What this means is that Jesus was, using our time for\nclarity, in the grave from 6pm Friday night to some time before\n6am Sunday morning.  We could also add a little time before 6pm\nFriday, since the bible is not specific here.  What this means\nusing Jewish time is that he was in the grave for one day, two\nnights, and possibly a couple of hours of one day.  Certainly this\nis a problem for Jesus prediction.  There is absolutely no way we\nare even able to have his death involve three days and three\nnights --even using modern time measurements.   We then are led to\nsuspect that this error is another one of Matthew\'s little\nmistakes, and that the gospel writer put false words into his\ngod\'s mouth.   And no matter who made the prediction, it is more\nthan unconvincing... it is counter-convincing.\n\nHearing &\nUnderstanding:\n\n     Jesus tool on a habit of speaking to his vast audiences in\nparables-- stories in which a deeper meaning could be found, if\nyou were already one of the elect, those chosen to understand the\nmessage of Jesus.  He reasons that those who can understand the\nparables are the ones he wants.  If the people cannot understand\nthem, there is no need to bother with them, since they will not\naccept the "plain" message any better.  Matthew says,\n\n       [Mt 13.14-16]  With them [the audience] indeed in\n       fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which says, \n\n       "You will indeed hear but never understand; and you\n       will indeed see, but never perceive.  Because this\n       people\'s heart has grown dull, their ears are heavy of\n       hearing, and they have shut their eyes so the they\n       would not perceive with them, her with their ears, and\n       understand with their heart, and turn for me to heal\n       them."\n\nThe original Isaiah passages are part of his earlier works, his\ncall to the ministry.  This is in 740 BCE, when Israel is\nflourishing, right before it falls under the authority of Assyria. \nIsaiah sees the good times ending, and also a vision from G\'d,\ncalling him to bring reform to Israel and Judah.\n\n       [Is 6.9-13]  And G\'d said, "Go, and say to this\n       people, `Hear and hear, but do not understand; see and\n       see, but do not perceive.\'   Make the heart of this\n       people fat, make their ears heavy, and shut their\n       eyes, so they will not see with their eyes, or hear\n       with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and\n       turn and be healed."  Then Isaiah said, "How long,\n       lord?"  And he said, "Until the cities lie waste\n       without inhabitant, and houses without men, and the\n       land is utterly desolate, and the G\'ds take men far\n       away, and forsaken places are many in the land.  And\n       though a tenth will remain in it, it will be burned\n       again, like a terebinth or an oak whose stump still\n       stands when the tree is felled." The holy seed is its\n       stump.\n\nHere we see that it is really G\'d who causes the people of Israel\nto stop listening to the prophet\'s warnings, but reaffirms the\npromise made to Solomon\'s (and David\'s) seed/lineage.  If you read\nthe rest of Isaiah, you find that this is done to fulfil the plan\nof G\'d to use Israel as a servant, a light to the nations.  (Look\nat Isaiah 42.18-25, 48.20, 49.3)\n     We see that Matthew has cut-and-pasted just a little portion\nof Isaiah\'s verse, to suit his own gospel needs.  More than that,\nhe has altered the words, to make it fit the people who didn\'t\nunderstand Jesus\'s stories.  And, as we see, Isaiah\'s verses are\nnot prophecies, but rather commands from G\'d to him, in the\npresent.   Once again, Matthew\'s prophecy falls flat on its face. \n\n     Matthew tries again to make Jesus\'s parables look like they\nhave the prophetic approval.\n\n       [Mt 13.35]  ...he said nothing to them without a\n       parable.  This was to fulfil what was spoken of by the\n       prophet, "I will open my mouth to them in parables.  I\n       will utter that which has been hidden since the\n       foundation of the world."\n\nMatthew really botches up here.  He attempts to quote not from a\nprophet, but from the Psalms.\n\n       [Ps 78.2-4]  I will open my mouth in parable.  I will\n       utter dark sayings of old, things that we all have\n       heard and known, things that our fathers have told us. \n       We will not hide them from their children, but tell to\n       the coming generation the glorious deeds of the\n       lord...\n\nAs was pointed out, the verses in the Psalms do not really come\nfrom a prophet.  You might also want to know that earlier copies\nof Matthew\'s gospel even inserted Isaiah\'s name as this prophet. \nApparently, later scribes caught the error and tried to cover some\nof it up.\n     Perhaps the most significant part of this is that, once\nagain, Matthew has altered the Old Testament Scriptures.  As Jesus\nhas said earlier, he speaks in parables so that some will not\nunderstand them.  The parables in the Psalms are not to be hidden. \nFurther, they speak of things "known, that our fathers have told\nus."  Jesus deals with things "hidden since the foundation of the\nworld."  Indeed Jesus dealt in a lot of secrecy and confusion. \nThis is in direct opposition to the parables in the Psalms.  No\nwonder Matthew had to rewrite them!   And still once again,\nMatthew\'s artificial prophecies fall flat on their face.  But,\nChristians rarely look at this.  Matthew\'s prophecies aren\'t the\nonly things about Christianity that are beginning to look bad.\n\n\nExcuses of\nLittle Faith:\n\n       In Mt. 17.14-21, we see that the disciples are able to go\naround casting out demons, except in one case.  Not knowing what\nepilepsy was, the people thought those with the disease were\npossesed with demons.  It is no wonder that the disciples were\nunable to "dispossess" the epileptic.  But, Jesus, perhaps no more\nenlightened than they, is reported to have rebuked them, saying\nthey didn\'t have enough faith.   This seems strange.  Why was this\ndemon special?  It seems that either a true believer has faith or\nhe does not.  Apparently, enough faith will allow someone to move\nmountains.  Of course, you will find no one, these days that can\nmove real mountains.  No one parts seas.  The only miracles the\nCharismatics can speak of are those rumoured to happen on trips to\nMexico or some faraway place.  Major miracles are making some old\nwoman\'s arthritis feel better on Sunday morning T.V.\n\n       And the gods, including Jesus, are always shrouded in\nancient lore and writings, protected from the skeptics in their\nsacred pasts.  They are either dead, sleeping, or hiding in\nheaven, with people rumouring about their imminent return and\ntheir great miracles of days long gone.  Yet, life goes on.  \n\n     Tales of mystics, stories of miracles-- all in a distant time\nor a distant place.  Gods used to reveal themselves to men in the\nold days, Jehovah too.  But, now they are silent.  All the\ntheologians give are various excuses as to why we don\'t get to see\nGod anymore.\n\n       We\'re too lazy; we\'re not zealous enough; we\'re\n       sinful; it\'s just his "plan"; we put too many of our\n       own demands on G\'d\'s appearance; if we had the right\n       faith, if we  were willing to meet G\'d on his terms...\n\n     Yet, even the most pious of men have not seen G\'d.  You, dear\nreader, have not seen G\'d.  Not literally, you know that to be\ntrue. (I know that\'s presumptuous and bold.  But, searching your\nheart, you know what I mean.)  All that we\'ve seen religions do is\nmake people feel good and content about not seeing G\'d.  They say\nour little faith does not merit us to see G\'d.  Sometimes, they\nsay, "See the love in these people you worship with... see the\nlives of people change... that is seeing G\'d."   Thus people get\nlulled to sleep, satisfied with turning G\'d into the everyday\nsights.   But, that is not seeing G\'d as I am speaking of... it is\nnot seeing G\'d the way people used to see.  \n      What we see in the world that is good, is the compassion of\nhuman hearts, the love given and taken by men and women, the\nforgiveness practised by Christian & Atheist alike, beauty created\nby the mind of man.  These are the things that are done; these are\nwhat we see.  But, it is said this is so only because everybody\nhas little faith.\n\x0c\nJesus Rides on\nan Ass:\n\n       Shortly after accepting the role of the Jewish messiah\nking, Jesus requests a donkey be brought in for him to ride into\nJerusalem.  \n\n       [Mt 21.5]  This took place to fulfil what was spoken\n       by the prophet, saying,\n\n       Tell the daughter of Zion, "Behold, your king is\n       coming to you, humble, mounted on an ass, and on a\n       ass-colt."\n\nOf course, the passage quoted from Zechariah 9.9 reads a little\ndifferently.\n\n       Lo, your king comes to you; he is triumphant and\n       victorious, humble, and riding on an ass, on an ass-\n       colt... he will command peace to the nations.\n\nThere isn\'t all that much difference here, except that Zechariah\nonly involves one animal  --an ass-colt--  while Matthew reads the\npoetic wording slightly differently.  Thus, he has Jesus call for\nboth a colt and an adult ass.  From Matthew\'s version, we get a\ncomical picture of the divine Christ sweating it to straddle two\ndonkeys.  This could inevitably lead to a theological,\nproctological dilemma!   We find that in the account written\nearlier by St. Mark, only the colt was called for and brought to\nJesus.  This indeed fits the verses of Zechariah properly, and\nshows us that in Matthew attempt to use prophetic verses, he has\nbungled.  Now, excluding many respectable Christians I have met, I\nhave noticed that while Christ is thought to have ridden on asses,\nthe situation is often reversed nowadays...\n\n       Then, entering the Jerusalem temple, the priests were\nangered at people and youngsters calling Jesus the messiah.  But,\nJesus replied as we might expect Matthew to have done,\n\n       [Mt 21.16]  Haven\'t you read?  `Out of the mouth of\n       babes and sucklings thou has brought perfect praise.\'\n\nIt is more likely that Matthew made this response up since Jesus\nwas never one to point out such little "prophetic" things AND\nsince, as we might expect, the quote is in error, which seems to\nfit Matthew\'s track record quite well.  We might ask Jesus or\nMatthew, "Haven\'t you read?" for the source reads,\n\n       [Psalms 8.1-2]  O YaHWeH our lord, how majestic is\n       your name in the whole world!   You, whose glory is\n       chanted above the heavens by babes and infants, you\n       have founded a bulwark against your foes to still the\n       enemy and the avenger.\n\nThe passages hardly need comment.  There is no "perfect praise"\nspoken of in the psalm, and what praise is there is given to G\'d,\nnot his messiah king, and not Jesus.  As mentioned, it seems to be\njust one more case of Matthew\'s pen making up convenient prophetic\nscripture.\n\nYHVH said to \nmy lord...:\n\n      Jesus is said to have asked from whom the promised Jewish\nmessiah-king is to be descended.  The Jews agree-- it is king\nDavid.  But, then Jesus counters by quoting Psalms 110,\n\n       "The LORD said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, until\n       I put your enemies under your feet."\n\nTaken at face value, Jesus is denying the necessity of Davidic\ndescent.  One assumes he is in opposition to their answer.  Of\ncourse, the Christian answer is that he agrees, but is trying to\nmake some hidden point, to reveal some mystery about the divine\nnature of the messiah-king.  It\'s tempting to believe this, if one\nis a Christian and not interested in matters of investigation. \nBut, there are problems.\n       In Jesus\'s time, the psalm was thought to be about the\nmessiah.  And, it is easy to see why David might refer to the\nmessiah as his superior.  We need only look at the scriptures\nabout the messiah to see that he is expected to be a great king,\nbringing the Jews to times even better than those under David\'s\nrule.  Of course, the Jews listening had no good answer, and the\npassage could indeed refer to a divine messiah, such as the\nChristians worship.  The problem lies in the meaning of this\npsalm, an error that apparently several Jews of Jesus\'s time had\nalso made.  One must remember that there were various factions\namong the Jews, often as a result of different expectations of the\nmessiah-king.  Jesus was apparently one of these adventists, like\nhis audience, who thought the messiah\'s advent was imminent, and\nwho interpreted Psalms 110, among others, as being messianic.\nWhat is the problem, then?  Psalm 110 literally reads,\n\n       YHVH\'s utterance to my lord:\n\t"Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your\n       footstool."\n\n       YHVH sends forth your mighty scepter from Zion.  Rule\n       in the midst of your foes!  Your people will offer\n       themselves freely on the day you lead your host on the\n       holy mountains.  \n\n       "You are a priest of the order of Melchizedek\n       forever."\n\nThe word "lord" is often mistakenly capitalised by Christian\nbibles to denote divinity in this lord.  But, in the Hebrew, the\nword is "adoni," and no capitalisation exists.  Adoni simply means\n"lord," a generic term as we would use it.  It is used often in\nthe scriptures to refer to kings and to G\'d.  It is merely an\naddress of respect.  \n      There is nothing in the text itself to imply that the word\nrefers either to divinity or to the messiah-king.  That this is\nsupposed to be written by David is not certain.  The title of the\npsalm translates to either "a psalm of David," or "a psalm about\nDavid."  It seems fitting to assume it to be written by a court\npoet, about David\'s covenant and endorsement from G\'d.  If the\npsalm had been written by David, it is unlikely that he would be\ntalking about the messiah.  The idea of a perfect king, descended\nfrom David, was not present in David\'s age.  We have extensive\ntales of David\'s doings and sayings-- none of which include any\npraises of a messiah.\n     Many of the psalms show evidence of being written long after\nDavid was dead, in times of the exile when G\'d had put his show of\nfavour for David\'s kingdom on hold.  \n     The description in the psalm fit David very well.  David was\npromised by G\'d a rise to power, victory over his enemies,\nsuccessful judgement among the nations he conquered.  He achieved\nthe priesthood common to Melchizedek in being a righteous king,\nenabled to bless the people.   It all fits.\n      We do not have to blame this problem on Matthew alone,\nthough.  Here, there is not artificial prophecy alluded to, though\nhis use of the scripture is rather questionable.  Still, this\nevent is common to the other gospels too.  So, we let Matthew off\na little more easily this time.  It is interesting to note,\nthough, how Matthew dresses up the event.  The earlier gospel of\nMark tells the tale with Jesus simply speaking to a crowd. \nMatthew has the Pharisees, who became the religious competition of\nan infant Christianity, be the target of Jesus\'s question.  As we\nmight expect, Matthew writes that the event ends up by\nembarrassing the Pharisees.  Such power is the pen.\n\nMoses & Jesus,\nHad it Together\nAll Along...:\n\n       We leave the gospel story of Matthew momentarily to see a\npseudo-prophecy in John\'s gospel.  The gospel story of John\ndeserves special treatment, because it seems to be so far removed\nfrom the real events of Jesus\'s career as told by even Matthew. \nBut, for the moment, we will just look at one verse.  The early\nchurch leaders founded a religion on the Jewish hopes of a messiah\nking, and on an artificial extension of the original promises made\nby G\'d.  When constructing the history of Abraham, Moses wrote of\na promise of land and nationhood to the Jewish people.  While this\nwas accomplished eventually, under the rule of king David, the\nChristians who came along later decided that they would claim the\nfulfillment of the promise.  But, to do so, they expanded on the\npromise, preaching about a heavenly kingdom.\n\n       [John 8.56] (J.C. speaking) Your father, Abraham,\n       rejoiced to see My day.  He say it and was glad.\n\nIt would be nice to tie in approval for Jesus from Abraham, but,\nAbraham knew nothing of Jesus or a messiah, or anything Christian. \nI have tried, and failed to find any event in the Old Testament\nwhich corresponds to John\'s little prophecy.  It is par for the\ncourse to see St. John making up Old Testament backings, just like\nhis forerunner Matthew.  Many Christians know that their faith has\nmany of its foundations in such fraud, and it is surprising they\nstill cling to it.\n\nThe Potter\'s\nField:\n\n      We are told that Jesus was betrayed while in Jerusalem by\none of his followers, Judas Iscariot.   Matthew writes,\n\n       [Mt 27.5-10]  And throwing down the pieces of silver\n       in the temple, [Judas] departed... But, the chief\n       priests, taking the silver, said, "It isn\'t lawful for\n       us to put it in the treasury, since it is blood\n       money."  So they... bought a potter\'s field with it to\n       bury strangers in... Then was fulfilled what was\n       spoken by the prophet Jeremiah,\n\n       "And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price\n       of him on whom a price had been set by some of the\n       sons of Israel, and they gave them for the potter\'s\n       field, as the lord directed me."\n\nThis prophecy is an utterly gross bastardisation of Old Testament\nScripture.  First, Matthew has made a mistake regarding the name\nof the prophet.  It is Zechariah who utters the verses which\nMatthew makes use of.\n\n       [Zech. 11.12-13]  ...And they weighed out my wages,\n       thirty shekels of silver.  Then YHVH said to me, "Cast\n       them to the treasury," --the lordly price at which I\n       was paid off by them.  So I took the thirty shekels of\n       silver and cast them into the treasury in the house of\n       YHVH.\n\nFirst of all, the verses of Zechariah do not deal with a betrayer\nof the messiah, or of G\'d.  The deal with a shepherd, most likely\na priest, chosen to serve a function of presiding over the people\nshortly before G\'d would send Judah and Israel into conflict with\none another.  The word, "treasury," had been replaced by the King\nJames Scholars with "to the potter," precisely because this made\nMatthew\'s quote fit better.  But, this is a blatant error.  The\ncorrect translation of the Hebrew is indeed "treasury," which also\nmakes perfect sense in Zechariah\'s context, whereas "potter\'s\nfield" is totally unrelated.  Whether the mistranslation was\nintentional or not seems to be beyond speculation.  However, given\nMatthew\'s track record, one finds it hard to resist the notion of\nintentional dishonesty.\n      Of course, Matthew would have ample reason for altering the\ntext.  The thirty pieces of silver match Judas\'s situation, and if\nas most Christians seem to be, the reader is willing to disregard\nthe contextual incongruity, Matthew might have another prophecy to\ntoss around.  However, the correct translation of Zechariah\ndirectly contradicts the situation with Judas and the high\npriests.  The high priests would not put the money in the\ntreasury.  The worthless shepherd of Zechariah does exactly the\nopposite!  Of course, to the average Thursday-Night Bible student,\nthe "prophecy" as presented by Matthew would be taken at New\nTestament face value.  To those, Matthew\'s work is convincing\nenough.\n\nWine, Vinegar,\n& Casting Lots:\n\n      Then, Jesus is led away to be crucified.\n\n       [Mt 27.34-35]  ...they gave him vinegar to drink,\n       mingled with gall; but when he tasted it, he would not\n       drink it.  And, when they had crucified him, they\n       divided his garments among them by casting lots: that\n       it might be fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet,\n\n       "They parted my garments among them, and upon my\n       vesture did they cast lots."\n\nFirst of all, the vinegar offered to Jesus is actually common sour\nwine, of the type that Roman soldiers drank regularly.  We find\nthat right before Jesus dies, the soldiers themselves give him\nsome to drink --not polluted with gall.\n\n       [Jn 19.28-30]  Jesus... said, "I thirst."  A bowl of\n       vinegar stood there, so they put a sponge full of the\n       vinegar on hyssop and held it to his mouth.  When he\n       had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished;"\n\nBut, Matthew seems to be drawing on, not a passage from the\nprophets, but one from the Psalms.\n\n       [Ps 69.20-28]  I looked for pity, but there was none;\n       and for comforters, but I found none.  They gave me\n       poison for food (lit. they put gall in my meat), and\n       for my thirst, they gave me vinegar to drink...  Add\n       to them punishment upon punishment, may they have no\n       acquittal from thee.  Let them be blotted out of the\n       Book of the Living.\n\nOf course, the sour wine offered to Jesus is done at his request\nof drink.  This does indeed seem to be a show of pity.  The psalm\nquoted is about David and his political and military enemies.  It\nis not about the messiah or Jesus.  It is then not surprising that\nwe run into further problem when we see that the "Jesus" in the\npsalm asks G\'d for the damnation of the "crucifiers," whereas the\nJesus of the gospels says,\n\n       [Lk 23.34]  Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, the\n       don\'t know what they do!"\n\nFurther, Matthew misses with his attempt to create prophecy by\nhaving gall (a bitter substance) put into Jesus\'s drink, not his\nmeat, as the psalm stipulates.\n\n       With the "prophecy" of the vinegar faulty, we naturally\nask, "What of the casting of lots?"  This brings up the 22nd\nPsalm, which deserves discussion all by itself.  Suffice it now to\nsay that the fact that Jesus\'s clothes were divided as told is no\ngreat thing.  It turns out that this happened often to any felon\nin those days.  As we will soon see, it is perhaps the least\nerroneous passage of the psalm when applied to Jesus.  It does\nindeed bring up the interesting question as to the quality of\nJesus\'s clothes.  For a man so removed from worldly possessions,\nhis ownership of clothes worthy of casting lots raises some\nsuspicions.\n\nThe 22nd Psalm:\n\n      This psalm is attributed to David, as a lament of his\ncondition under the attack of his enemies.  It becomes a song of\npraise to YHVH and of hope.  Taken out of context, parts of it\nseem to fit the plight of Jesus at the crucifixion quite well.  We\nwill examine the primary passages.\n\n       Verse 1-2:  My god, my god! why have you forsaken me?! \n       Why are you so far from helping me, far from the words\n       of my groaning?  Oh, my god, I cry by day, but you\n       don\'t answer, and by night, but find no rest.\n\nJesus is said to have cried the first sentence while on the cross. \nThis suggests that the whole psalm is really about Jesus, rather\nthan king David.  Of course, the rest of the first stanza does not\nfit as nicely to Jesus or his execution.  Jesus is not pictured as\ncomplaining about the whole ordeal, he is supposed to be like "the\nlamb led mute before its shearers."  Indeed, Jesus doesn\'t do much\ngroaning, even when on the cross.  He certainly does not cry by\nboth day and night on the cross.\n\n       6-8:  But, I am a worm, and no man-- scorned by men... \n       All who see me mock at me.  They make faces and wag\n       their heads;  "He committed his cause to YHVH.  So let\n       him deliver him... for he delights in him."\n\nThis seems to fit Jesus\'s execution pretty well, with the\nexception of the Holy messiah being called a worm.\n\n       12-13:  Many bulls encompass me... they open their\n       mouths widely at me like a ravening and roaring lion.\n\n       16-18:  Yea, dogs are round about me, a company of\n       evildoers encir-cle me, they have pierced my hands and\n       feet.  I can see all my bones... They divide my\n       garments among them, and cast lost for my raiment.\n\n       19-21:  But you, YHVH, be not far away!  ...Deliver my\n       soul from the sword, my life from the power of the\n       dog!  Save me from the mouth of the lion, and my\n       afflicted soul from the horns of the wild bull!\n\nIt would seem quite convincing, and I\'m sure the early Christian\nfathers who wrote of this prophecy thought so too.  Unfortunately,\nthis prophecy has a fatal flaw.  The words "have pierced" really\ndo not exist in the psalm.  The correct Hebrew translation is,\n\n       16:  Yea, dogs are round about me, a company of\n       evildoers encircles me, like the lion, they are at my\n       hands and feet...\n\nIn Hebrew the phrase "like the lion" and a very rare verb form\nwhich can mean "pierced" differ by one phonetic character.  The\nword in the Hebrew text is literally, "like the lion" (ka\'ari),\nwhich makes sense in the context, and even further fits the animal\nimagery employed by the psalm writer.  It is convenience that\nwould urge a Christian to change the word to "ka\'aru."   But, to\nadd the needed (yet artificial) weight to the "prophecy" this is\njust what the Christian translators have chosen to do.  While the\ncorrect translation does not eliminate the psalm from referring to\nJesus, its absence does not say much for the honesty of the\ntranslators.\n\n       Apart from the erroneous verse 16, the psalm does not lend\nitself to Jesus so easily.  Verse 20 speaks of the sufferer being\nsaved from a sword rather than a cross.  This naturally fits the\npsalm\'s true subject, king David.  As a side note, we now know\nthat crucifixions did not pierce the hands, the palms, but rather\nthe forearms.  This doesn\'t say much in favour of the traditional\nthought of a resurrected Jesus showing his disciples the scars on\nhis palms.  But then, facts aren\'t bound by our religious beliefs.\n\n      Matthew escapes culpability this time, as he does not\nattempt to draw many direct links between this psalm and his lord\nJesus.  But the psalm, like many others, was on the minds of all\nthe gospel writers when they compiled the stories and\ninterpretations of Jesus\'s life and death.  How much these\nscriptures may have contributed to what actually got written down\nis a question that has serious repercussions for Christian\ntheology.  It is easy to see, for those who are not faithful\nfundamentalists, how some of the events in the New Testament might\nhave been "enhanced" by scribes such as the eager Matthew.  But,\nit does less to speculate than to simply investigate scriptural\nmatters and prophetic claims.  So far, this has not said good\nthings for St. Matthew.\n\nThe reference to the piercing looks a lot like Jesus\'s\ncrucifixion.  John\'s gospel recount, written about 70 years after\nthe fact, tells us at Jesus\'s execution,\n\n       [Jn 19.34,37]  But one of the soldiers pierced his\n       side with a spear, and out came blood and water...\n       these things took place that Scripture be fulfilled...\n       "The will look on him whom they\'ve pierced."\n\nOf course, this is built on a passage taken blatantly out of\ncontext.   Prophet Zechariah tells us how much of the nation of\nIsrael will split off from Jerusalem and Judah and go to war with\nthem.\n\n       [Zc 12.7-10]  And YHVH will give victory to Judah...\n       And on that day, I will seek to destroy the nations\n       that come against Jerusalem (in Judah).  And I will\n       pour a spirit of compassion and supplication... on\n       Jerusalem so that when they look on him who they have\n       pierced, they will mourn, and weep bitterly over him\n       like you weep over a firstborn child.\n\nJohn\'s attempt to make up prophecy is perhaps weaker that\nMatthew\'s attempts.  Matthew, at least, usually excontexts more\nthan just one passage.  John\'s errors are grossly obvious and\nblatant here.  It does not speak well for any of the gospel\nwriters, as it helps to show how the prophetic aspects of their\nreligion were founded.\n\n\x0c\nReckoned with\nTransgressors:\n\n       After his arrest, Jesus is quickly executed for claiming\nthe Jewish kingship, messiahship.   According to one version of\nthe gospel tale, Jesus gets executed along with two thieves.\n\n       [Mk 15.27]  And with him they crucified two robbers,\n       one on his right, one on his left.  And so the\n       scripture was fulfilled which says,\n\n       "He was reckoned with the transgressors."\n\nHere, Mark is trying to link Jesus to a passage in Isaiah 53,\nabout the servant nation of Israel.  The passage is not about the\nmessiah, for if one reads the whole chapter of Isaiah 53, and its\nsurrounding chapters, one sees that the servant is a nation.  The\nverses are also about what this servant has gone through in the\npast, not a prediction of what is to come, in any event.  The\nservant is thought of as a criminal.  This also happens to fit the\ndescription of Jesus.  Had the passage really been about the\nmessiah, it still is not at all clear why executing Jesus between\ntwo thieves would fulfill the "prophecy" in Isaiah.  Jesus would\nmore fittingly fulfill it with his whole ministry.  He was\nconsidered a blasphemer and troublemaker all throughout his\ncareer.   Locking onto a single event is a rather poor way to\nsteal prophecy, at least in this case, as we see that Mark could\nhave had made a better analogy with general comparisons.\n\n       Mark goes on to tell us how "those who were crucified with\n[Jesus] also reviled him." [15.32]  This is to be expected from a\ncouple of robbers.  Of course in his later recount, St. Luke\ndecides to change some things.  Luke tells us,\n\n       [Lk 23.39-43]  And one of the criminals who was hanged\n       with him railed, "Aren\'t you the messiah?! Save\n       yourself, and us!"\n\nThis certainly fits with Mark\'s recount, which tells how the\npeople who crucified Jesus said, "Save yourself!" and that the\nrobbers did the same.  But then Luke goes on,\n\n       But the other [criminal] rebuked [the first] saying,\n       "Don\'t you fear G\'d, since you are under the same\n       sentence of condemnation?  And we, indeed justly so,\n       for we are receiving the due reward for our deeds. \n       But, this man has done nothing wrong. And he said,\n       "Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingdom." \n       And Jesus answered, "Verily I say to you, today you\n       will be with me in paradise."\n\nNow, this little dialogue seems highly contrived.  It stretches\nthe imagination a bit to see this picture of one ruffian rebuking\nhis fellow criminal with such eloquent speech.  We have a rather\nstrange picture of a criminal lamenting over the goodness of his\npunishment and the justness of his suffering.   Such a man,\napparently noble and of principle, doesn\'t seem likely to have\nbeen a robber.  We wonder at the amount of theatrics created by\nLuke.  Of course, Luke\'s recount also disagrees with Mark\'s.  \nLuke has only one criminal revile Jesus, not both.  It is easy\nenough to discount the discrepancy because the account was made\nup, but those who wish to believe it is all part of the error free\nwords of G\'d do not have this avenue open.  This is yet another\nexample of a writer trying to take an Old Testament passage and\nexpand it and reinterpret it to suit his theology.  In this case,\nthe embroidery creates some embarrassing problems, as we have\nseen.\n\nThe End of the\nWorld--\n       Mt. 24:\n\n       Now comes perhaps one of the most extraordinary and\nembarrassing passages in the New Testament.  It is found in all\nthree of the synoptic gospel stories, and casts some of the most\nunfavourable doubt on the whole theory of Christianity.  Jesus\nmentions the destruction of the Jewish temples and buildings, and\nhis disciples ask him about this, and about the end of the world\nwhich he has been warning about.\n\n       The disciples: Tell us, when will this [the temple\'s\n       destruction] be, and what will be the sign of your\n       coming, and of the close of the age?\n\n       Jesus: Take care that no one leads you astray, for\n       many will come in my name, saying, "I am the christ."  \n       ...you will hear of wars and rumours of wars... for\n       this must take place, but the end is not yet.   For,\n       nation will rise against nation... all this is but the\n       beginning of the birthpangs.\n             They will deliver you up... put you to death,\n       and false prophets will arise and lead many astray.\n       ...But he who endures to the end will be saved.  This\n       gospel will be preached throughout the whole world, a\n       testimony to the nations, and then the end will come.\n             So, when you see the desolation spoken of by the\n       prophet Daniel, ...let those who are in Judea flee to\n       the mountains.\n\n             Immediately after the tribulation of those days,\n       the sun will be darkened... the stars will fall from\n       heaven... then will appear the sign of the Son of Man\n       in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn,\n       and see the Son of Man coming... and he will send out\n       his angels... and gather his elect...\n             Learn the lesson of the fig tree: as soon as its\n       branch becomes tender and puts forth leaves, you know\n       that summer is near.  So also, when you see all these\n       things, you will know that He is near, at the very\n       gate.  Truly I say to you, this generation will not\n       pass away until all these things take place...\n             But, of the day and hour, no one knows; not the\n       angels, not the Son, but only the Father... Therefore,\n       you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming\n       at an hour you do not expect.\n\nFrom this, it is clear that Jesus thought the world would in\nwithin the lifetimes of at least some of his disciples.  He tells\nthem that although he doesn\'t know the exact day or hour, that it\nwill come, and thus they must be ready.  Theologians have wet\ntheir pants in panic to find some way out of this Holy Error. \nBut, unfortunately, Jesus made himself to explicit.  He told his\ndisciples that their generation would still be around at the End,\nand that they in particular should prepare for it, prepare to be\nswept away.\n      There have been some who resorted to removing the inerrant\nnature of the Bible, and said that the phrase, "this generation\nshall not pass away..." really means "this race of people will not\npass away..."  Of course, the word for generation is used many\ntimes to refer to exactly that, the generation of the disciples. \nIt is an interesting notion that when God decided to learn Greek,\nhe didn\'t learn it well enough to make himself clear.  But. it is\nquite obvious from the rest of the dialogue that the disciples (at\nleast some of them) are supposed to live to the End of the World. \nThe charge of mistranslation is completely blown away by looking\nat the Apostles\' responses.  It becomes abundantly clear from\nRev. 22.7, 1 Peter 4.7, 1 John 2.18, and Rev. 22.20, that Jesus\nmeant exactly what he said.  The End was very near.\n\n       For 2,000 years, Christians have rationalised this 24th\nchapter of Matthew, or ignored its meaning altogether.  For 2,000\nyears, they have waited for their executed leader to come back,\nhearing of wars, and rumours of wars, sure that He is coming soon. \nSurely He must be.  All we must do is wait.  Can you imagine how\ntired He must be, sitting around up there, being holy, waiting for\njust the right moment to spring?\n\n\n       So, shortly after his crucifixion, Jesus of Nazareth,\n(Joshua-ben-Joseph), died.   It is said that after three days, or\nthree days and three nights, or three periods of time, or three\neternal seconds --or three of whatever they can decide makes for\nless trouble-- he was seen again, resurrected, glowing with divine\nradiance.  Then the Saviour decided it wasn\'t in the best\ninterests of his new religion to stick around, and therefore\ndisappeared from sight into heaven.  So the story goes, anyway. \nAs has been seen, there were many things attributed to Jesus when\npeople got around to writing the gospel stories down.  To them,\nJesus was the fulfiller of all prophecy and scripture.  We have\nseen, though, that this matter is quite shaky.  But, throughout\nChurch history, Christians have held fast to faith, in simple\nbelief.  What doctrinal objections could not be solved with\nargumentation or brute force, faith and forgetfulness kept away\nfrom question.  To question and investigate has never been the\neasiest way to treat matters.  Thus for 2,000 years, the\nprophecies cited in the New Testament have gone on largely\naccepted.  Things may well continue that way for some time. \nPausing a moment to consider the way the doctrines of Christianity\nhave been accepted and used (properly or improperly) to support\nwars and persecution, I suppose there is one prophecy of which\nChristianity can securely keep hold.\n\n       [Mt 10.34]  Jesus: "Don\'t think that I have come to\n       bring peace on earth.  I haven\'t come to bring peace,\n       but rather a sword."\n\n\n\n',
  'From: hambidge@bms.com\nSubject: Re: ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!\nReply-To: hambidge@bms.com\nOrganization: Bristol-Myers Squibb\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <C5sv88.HJy@news.cso.uiuc.edu>, irvine@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (Brent Irvine) writes:\n>In article <1r1j3n$4t@transfer.stratus.com> cdt@sw.stratus.com (C. D. Tavares) writes:\n>>In article <1r19tp$5em@bigboote.WPI.EDU>, mfrhein@wpi.WPI.EDU (Michael Frederick Rhein) writes:\n>>\n>>> >napalm, then let the wood stove inside ignite it.\n>>>                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n>>> As someone else has pointed out, why would the stove be in use on a warm day  \n>>> in Texas. \n>>\n>>Do YOU eat all your food cold?\n>\n>Ever hear of electric ovens or microwaves?  Very popular.\n>Electric stoves outside metro-areas especially.\n\nEver hear about cutting off the electricity? That was done.\nHow effective is an electric stove then?\n\nAl\n[standard disclaimer]\n\n',
  "From: tcmay@netcom.com (Timothy C. May)\nSubject: Re: Once tapped, your code is no good any more.\nOrganization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)\nX-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5\nDistribution: na\nLines: 25\n\nDave Ihnat (ignatz@chinet.chi.il.us) wrote:\n: In article <1qpg8fINN982@dns1.NMSU.Edu> amolitor@nmsu.edu (Andrew Molitor) writes:\n: >\tNot to pick on Mr. May in particular, of course, but isn't this\n: >kind of the domino theory? When one little country falls, its neighbor\n: >will surely follow, and before you know it, we're all mining salt\n: >in Siberia for not turning in our Captain Crunch Secret Decoder Rings.\n: \n: But, for all the wrongness of our attempt to correct it (VietNam, et. al.),\n: the domino theory wasn't disproved at all.\n\nIronically, the domino theory in fact *was* a reasonable metaphor for\nthe collapse of communism, from the liberalizations in Poland and\nHungary to the border crossings in the summer of '89 to the fall of\nthe Wall later that year....and then to the ultimate collapse of the\nUSSR.\n\n-Tim May\n-- \n..........................................................................\nTimothy C. May         | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,  \ntcmay@netcom.com       | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero\n408-688-5409           | knowledge, reputations, information markets, \nW.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA  | black markets, collapse of governments.\nHigher Power: 2^756839 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.\n\n",
  'From: jaeger@buphy.bu.edu (Gregg Jaeger)\nSubject: Re: Yet more Rushdie [Re: ISLAMIC LAW]\nOrganization: Boston University Physics Department\nLines: 16\n\nIn article <1993Apr10.125109.25265@bradford.ac.uk> L.Newnham@bradford.ac.uk (Leonard Newnham) writes:\n\n>Gregg Jaeger (jaeger@buphy.bu.edu) wrote:\n\n>>Could you please explain in what way the Qur\'an in your eyes carries\n>>"the excess baggage of another era"? The Qur\'an in my opinion carries\n>>no such baggage. \n\n>How about trying to run a modern economy without charging interest on\n>loans.  From what I hear, even fundamentalist Iran is having to\n>compromise this ideal.\n\nWhich sort of loans and what have you heard exactly?\n\n\nGregg\n',
  'From: john@wa3wbu.UUCP (John Gayman)\nSubject: Re: ATI build 59 drivers "good"?\nSummary: ATI\nOrganization: WA3WBU, Marysville, PA\nLines: 22\n\nIn article <C5FoMu.267o@austin.ibm.com>, larryhow@austin.ibm.com writes:\n> \n> How stable are the build 59 drivers?  Are people having success installing\n> and running with these?\n> \n\n\n    I\'ve been using the Build59 drivers on a GW2K 4DX2-66V for several\nweeks with no problems. I\'m running Windows in 1024x758 and all software\nI\'ve run has worked fine. This includes many games and the CD-based \nmulti-media encyclopedia, on which the full-motion video works fine.\nI\'d recommend you give them a try.\n\n\n-- John\n\n\n\n-- \nJohn Gayman, WA3WBU \nUUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!john\nPacket: WA3WBU @ WB3EAH \n',
  "From: andrew@idacom.hp.com (Andrew Scott)\nSubject: USENET Playoff Pool\nOrganization: IDACOM, A division of Hewlett-Packard\nLines: 15\n\nAs I've mentioned in the rules posting, I will be out of town until the\nday before the entry deadline, so I won't be able to respond to your\nmessages until April 18.\n\nI would be grateful if someone could repost the rules and instructions for\nthe playoff pool sometime next week, for the benefit of those who missed the\nfirst two postings.\n\nThanks.\n\n-- \nAndrew Scott                    | andrew@idacom.hp.com\nHP IDACOM Telecom Operation     | (403) 462-0666 ext. 253\n\nDuring the Roman Era, 28 was considered old...\n",
  'From: dbd@urartu.sdpa.org (David Davidian)\nSubject: Accounts of Anti-Armenian Human Right Violatins in Azerbaijan #009\nSummary: Prelude to Current Events in Nagorno-Karabakh\nOrganization: S.D.P.A. Center for Regional Studies\nLines: 262\n\n     Accounts of Anti-Armenian Human Right Violatins in Azerbaijan #009\n                 Prelude to Current Events in Nagorno-Karabakh\n\n      +-----------------------------------------------------------------+\n      |                                                                 |\n      | There were about six burned people in there, and the small      |\n      | corpse of a burned child. It was gruesome. I suffered a         |\n      | tremendous shock. There were about ten people there, but the    |\n      | doctor on duty said that because of the numbers they were being |\n      | taken to Baku. There was a woman\'s corpse there too, she had    |\n      | been . . . well, there was part of a body there . . . a         |\n      | hacked-off part of a woman\'s body. It was something terrible.   |\n      |                                                                 |\n      +-----------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nDEPOSITION OF ROMAN ALEKSANDROVICH GAMBARIAN\n\n   Born 1954\n   Senior Engineer\n   Sumgait Automotive Transport Production Association\n\n   Resident at Building 17/33B, Apartment 40\n   Microdistrict No. 3\n   Sumgait [Azerbaijan]\n\n\nWhat happened in Sumgait was a great tragedy, an awful tragedy for us, the \nArmenian people, and for all of mankind. A genocide of Armenians took place\nduring peacetime.\n\nAnd it was a great tragedy for me personally, because I lost my father in\nthose days. He was still young. Born in 1926.\n\nOn that day, February 28, we were at home. Of course we had heard that there \nwas unrest in town, my younger brother Aleksandr had told us about it. But we \ndidn\'t think . . . we thought that everything would happen outdoors, that they\nwouldn\'t go into people\'s apartments. About five o\'clock we saw a large crowd \nnear the Kosmos movie theater in our microdistrict. We were sitting at home \nwatching television. We go out on the balcony and see the crowd pour into Mir \nStreet. This is right near downtown, next to the airline ticket office, our \nhouse is right nearby. That day there was a group of policeman with shields\nthere. They threw rocks at those policemen. Then they moved off in the \ndirection of our building. They burned a motorcycle in our courtyard and \nstarted shouting for Armenians to come out of the building. We switched off \nthe light. As it turns out, their signal was just the opposite: to turn on the\nlight. That meant that it was an Azerbaijani home. We, of course, didn\'t know \nand thought that if they saw lights on they would come to our apartment.\n\nSuddenly there\'s pounding on the door. We go to the door, all four of us:\nthere were four of us in the apartment. Father, Mother, my younger brother\nAleksandr, and I. He was born in 1959. My father was a veteran of World War \nII and had fought in China and in the Soviet Far East; he was a pilot.\n\nWe went to the door and they started pounding on it harder, breaking it down \nwith axes. We start to talk to them in Azerbaijani, "What\'s going on? What\'s \nhappened?" They say, "Armenians, get out of here!" We don\'t open the door, we \nsay, "If we have to leave, we\'ll leave, we\'ll leave tomorrow." They say, "No, \nleave now, get out of here, Armenian dogs, get out of here!" By now they\'ve \nbroken the door both on the lock and the hinge sides. We hold them off as best\nwe can, my father and I on one side, and my mother and brother on the other. \nWe had prepared ourselves: we had several hammers and an axe in the apartment,\nand grabbed what we could find to defend ourselves. They broke in the door and\nwhen the door gave way, we held it for another half-hour. No neighbors, no\npolice and no one from the city government came to our aid the whole time. We \nheld the door. They started to smash the door on the lock side, first with an \naxe, and then with a crowbar.\n\nWhen the door gave way--they tore it off its hinges--Sasha hit one of them \nwith the axe. The axe flew out of his hands. They also had axes, crowbars, \npipes, and special rods made from armature shafts. One of them hit my father \nin the head. The pressure from the mob was immense. When we retreated into the\nroom, one of them hit my mother, too, in the left part of her face. My brother\nSasha and I fought back, of course. Sasha is quite strong and hot-tempered, he\nwas the judo champion of Sumgait. We had hammers in our hands, and we injured \nseveral of the bandits--in the heads and in the eyes, all that went on. But \nthey, the injured ones, fell back, and others came to take their places, there\nwere many of them.\n\nThe door fell down at an angle. The mob tried to remove the door, so as to go \ninto the second room and to continue . . . to finish us off. Father brought \nskewers and gave them to Sasha and me--we flew at them when we saw Father \nbleeding: his face was covered with blood, he had been wounded in the head, \nand his whole face was bloody. We just threw ourselves on them when we saw \nthat. We threw ourselves at the mob and drove back the ones in the hall, drove\nthem down to the third floor. We came out on the landing, but a group of the \nbandits remained in one of the rooms they were smashing all the furniture in \nthere, having closed the door behind them. We started tearing the door off to \nchase away the remaining ones or finish them. Then a man, an imposing man of \nabout 40, an Azerbaijani, came in. When he was coming in, Father fell down and\nMother flew to him, and started to cry out. I jumped out onto the balcony and \nstarted calling an ambulance, but then the mob started throwing stones through\nthe windows of our veranda and kitchen. We live on the fourth floor. And no \none came. I went into the room. It seemed to me that this man was the leader \nof the group. He was respectably dressed in a hat and a trench coat with a \nfur collar. And he addressed my mother in Azerbaijani: "What\'s with you, \nwoman, why are you shouting? What happened? Why are you shouting like that?"\nShe says, "What do you mean, what happened? You killed somebody!" My father \nwas a musician, he played the clarinet, he played at many weddings, Armenian \nand Azerbaijani, he played for many years. Everyone knew him. Mother says, \n"The person who you killed played at thousands of Azerbaijani weddings, he \nbrought so much joy to people, and you killed that person." He says, "You \ndon\'t need to shout, stop shouting." And when they heard the voice of this \nman, the 15 to 18 people who were in the other room opened the door and \nstarted running out. We chased after them, but they ran away. That man left, \ntoo. As we were later told, downstairs one of them told the others, I don\'t \nknow if it was from fright or what, told them that we had firearms, even\nthough we only fought with hammers and an axe. We raced to Father and started \nto massage his heart, but it was already too late. We asked the neighbors to \ncall an ambulance. The ambulance never came, although we waited for it all \nevening and all through the night.\n\nSomewhere around midnight about 15 policemen came. They informed us they were \nfrom Khachmas. They said, "We heard that a group was here at your place, you \nhave our condolences." They told us not to touch anything and left. Father lay\nin the room.\n\nSo we stayed home. Each of us took a hammer and a knife. We sat at home. Well,\nwe say, if they descend on us again we\'ll defend ourselves. Somewhere around \none o\'clock in the morning two people came from the Sumgait Procuracy, \ninvestigators. They say, "Leave everything just how it is, we\'re coming back \nhere soon and will bring an expert who will record and photograph everything."\nThen people came from the Republic Procuracy too, but no one helped us take \nFather away. The morning came and the neighbors arrived. We wanted to take \nFather away somehow. We called the Procuracy and the police a couple of times,\nbut no one came. We called an ambulance, and nobody came. Then one of the \nneighbors said that the bandits were coming to our place again and we should \nhide. We secured the door somehow or other. We left Father in the room and \nwent up to the neighbor\'s.\n\nThe excesses began again in the morning. The bandits came in several vehicles,\nZIL panel trucks, and threw themselves out of the vehicles like . . . a \nlanding force near the center of town. Our building was located right there. A\ncrowd formed. Then they started fighting with the soldiers. Then, in Buildings\n19 and 20, that\'s next to the airline ticket office, they started breaking \ninto Armenian apartments, destroying property, and stealing. The Armenians \nweren\'t at home, they had managed to flee and hide somewhere. And again they \npoured in the direction of our building. They were shouting that there were \nsome Armenians left on the fourth floor, meaning us. "They\'re up there, still,\nup there. Let\'s go kill them!" They broke up all the furniture remaining in \nthe two rooms, threw it outside, and burned it in large fires. We were hiding \none floor up. Something heavy fell. Sasha threw himself toward the door \nshouting that it was probably Father, they had thrown Father, were defiling \nthe corpse, probably throwing it in the fire, going to burn it. I heard it, \nand the sound was kind of hollow, and I said, "No, that\'s from some of the \nfurniture." Mother and I pounced on Sasha and stopped him somehow, and calmed \nhim down.\n\nThe mob left somewhere around eight o\'clock. They smashed open the door and \nwent into the apartment of the neighbors across from us. They were also\nArmenians, they had left for another city.\n\nThe father of the neighbor who was concealing us came and said, "Are you \ncrazy? Why are you hiding Armenians? Don\'t you now they\'re checking all the \napartments? They could kill you and them!" And to us :" . . . Come on, leave \nthis apartment!" We went down to the third floor, to some other neighbors\'. At\nfirst the man didn\'t want to let us in, but then one of his sons asked him and\nhe relented. We stayed there until eleven o\'clock at night. We heard the sound\nof motors. The neighbors said that it was armored personnel carriers. We went \ndownstairs. There was a light on in the room where we left Father. In the \nother rooms, as we found out later, all the chandeliers had been torn down. \nThey left only one bulb. The bulb was burning, which probably was a signal \nthey had agreed on because there was a light burning in every apartment in our\nMicrodistrict 3 where there had been a pogrom.\n\nWith the help of the soldiers we made it to the City Party Committee and were \nsaved. Our salvation--my mother\'s, my brother\'s, and mine,--was purely \naccidental, because, as we later found out from the neighbors, someone in the \ncrowd shouted that we had firearms up there. Well, we fought, but we were only\nable to save Mother. We couldn\'t save Father. We inflicted many injuries on \nthe bandits, some of them serious. But others came to take their places. We \nwere also wounded, there was blood, and we were scratched all over--we got our\nshare. It was a miracle we survived. We were saved by a miracle and the \ntroops. And if troops hadn\'t come to Sumgait, the slaughter would have been \neven greater: probably all the Armenians would have been victims of the \ngenocide.\n\nThrough an acquaintance at the City Party Committee I was able to contact the \nleadership of the military unit that was brought into the city, and at their \norders we were assigned special people to accompany us, experts. We went to \'\npick up Father\'s corpse. We took it to the morgue. This was about two o\'clock \nin the morning, it was already March 1, it was raining very hard and it was \nquite cold, and we were wearing only our suits. When my brother and I carried \nFather into the morgue we saw the burned and disfigured corpses. There were \nabout six burned people in there, and the small corpse of a burned child. It \nwas gruesome. I suffered a tremendous shock. There were about ten people \nthere, but the doctor on duty said that because of the numbers they were being\ntaken to Baku. There was a woman\'s corpse there too, she had been . . . well, \nthere was part of a body there . . . a hacked-off part of a woman\'s body. It \nwas something terrible. The morgue was guarded by the landing force . . . The \nchild that had been killed was only ten or twelve years old. It was impossible\nto tell if it was a boy or a girl because the corpse was burned. There was a \nman there, too, several men. You couldn\'t tell anything because their faces \nwere disfigured, they were in such awful condition...\n\nNow two and a half months have passed. Every day I recall with horror what \nhappened in the city of Sumgait. Every day: my father, and the death of my \nfather, and how we fought, and the people\'s sorrow, and especially the morgue.\n\nI still want to say that 70 years have passed since Soviet power was\nestablished, and up to the very last minute we could not conceive of what \nhappened  in Sumgait. It will go down in history.\n\nI\'m particularly surprised that the mob wasn\'t even afraid of the troops. They\neven fought the soldiers. Many soldiers were wounded. The mob threw fuel \nmixtures onto the armored personnel carriers, setting them on fire. They \nweren\'t afraid. They were so sure of their impunity that they attacked our \ntroops. I saw the clashes on February 29 near the airline ticket office, right\nacross from our building. And that mob was fighting with the soldiers. The \ninhabitants of some of the buildings, also Azerbaijanis, threw rocks at the \nsoldiers from windows, balconies, even cinder blocks and glass tanks. They \nweren\'t afraid of them. I say they were sure of their impunity. When we were \nat the neighbors\' and when they were robbing homes near the airline ticket \noffice I called the police at number 3-20-02 and said that they were robbing \nArmenian apartments and burning homes. And they told me that they knew that \nthey were being burned. During those days no one from the police department \ncame to anyone\'s aid. No one came to help us, either, to our home, even though\nperhaps they could have come and saved us.\n\nAs we later found out the mob was given free vodka and drugs, near the bus \nstation. Rocks were distributed in all parts of town to be thrown and used in \nfighting. So I think all of it was arranged in advance. They even knew in \nwhich buildings and apartments the Armenians lived, on which floors--they had\nlists, the bandits. You can tell that the "operation" was  planned in advance.\n\nThanks, of course, to our troops, to the country\'s leadership, and to the\nleadership of the Ministry of Defense for helping us, thanks to the Russian\npeople, because the majority of the troops were Russians, and the troops \nsuffered losses, too. I want to express this gratitude in the name of my \nfamily and in the name of all Armenians, and in the name of all Sumgait\nArmenians. For coming in time and averting terrible things: worse would\nhave happened if that mob had not been stopped on time.\n\nAt present an investigation is being conducted on the part of the USSR\nProcuracy. I want to say that those bandits should receive the severest\npossible punishment, because if they don\'t, the tragedy, the genocide, could \nhappen again. Everyone should see that the most severe punishment is meted\nout for such deeds.\n\nVery many bandits and hardened hooligans took part in the unrest, in the mass \ndisturbances. The mobs were huge. At present not all of them have been caught,\nvery few of them have been, I think, judging by the newspaper reports. There \nwere around 80 people near our building alone, that\'s how many people took \npart in the pogrom of our building all in all.\n\nThey should all receive the most severe punishment so that others see that \nretribution awaits those who perform such acts.\n\n   May 18, 1988\n   Yerevan\n\n\t\t     - - - reference - - -\n\n[1] _The Sumgait Tragedy; Pogroms against Armenians in Soviet Azerbaijan,\n    Volume I, Eyewitness Accounts_, edited by Samuel Shahmuradian, forward by\n    Yelena Bonner, 1990, published by Aristide D. Caratzas, NY, pages 153-157\n\n\n-- \nDavid Davidian dbd@urartu.sdpa.org   | "How do we explain Turkish troops on\nS.D.P.A. Center for Regional Studies |  the Armenian border, when we can\'t \nP.O. Box 382761                      |  even explain 1915?" \nCambridge, MA 02238                  |              Turkish MP, March 1992 \n',
  "From: peterson@pms001.pms.ford.com (Doug Peterson)\nSubject: NCAA Hockey Final\nOrganization: Ford Motor Company\nLines: 34\nDistribution: world\nReply-To: peterson@pms860.pms.ford.com\nNNTP-Posting-Host: pms001.pms.ford.com\nKeywords: college\n\nI haven't seen anyone post this so I will do the honors.\n\nMaine beat LSSU 5-4 in Milwaukee on Saturday night.  It was quite a game.\nMaine stormed to a 2-0 lead in the first and looked like they might run away\nwith it.  Maine's first goal came inside the first thirty seconds of the game.\nLSSU came back at the end of the period to cut the lead to 2-1.\n\nLSSU came out in the second dominating the play particularly along the boards.\nThe play went quickly with the refs running a no-holds-barred type of game.\nLSSU scored three more unanswered goals to lead 4-2 at the end of the second.\nNow it looked like LSSU might just walk away with the game.\n\nCoach Walsh, of Maine, replaced the starting goalie Dunham with Snow, who won\nthe game against Michigan.  Snow proved to be a much more aggressive goalie.\nThe third period, like the second, belonged to the team behind.  Maine scored\nthree unanswered goals in a span of five minutes after the four minute mark.\nThey were all scored by Jim Montgomery, the tournament MVP, and all assisted by\nPaul Kariya.\n\nThe last minute of the game bears highlighting.  The change to Snow also\nproved the difference in the end.  With one minute to go and with the LSSU\ngoalie pulled, Snow dueled with a LSSU forward in a amazing set of moves by\nboth.  Snow won.  It was a great way to end the game.\n\nThis year's three championships games were sold out last year in about one\nmonth.  The Bradley Center holds approximately 17,700.  \n\n-- \n+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\nDouglas J. Peterson                   Have         _--____    ____\npeterson@pms860.pms.ford.com            you        `   /  ----        / \nSafety Laboratories Department            driven     -/- __  ____ _  /\nFord Motor Company                           a    .  /  / \\--/___/ \\/\n(313) 390-8089                                    \\_/  ,\\_/ /    \\_/_   lately?\n",
  'From: PA146008@utkvm1.utk.edu (David Veal)\nSubject: National Crime Survey\nOrganization: University of Tennessee Division of Continuing Education\nLines: 19\n\n      Well, I dropped by the library yesterday, and picked up back copies\nof the National Crime Survey (1986-1990) in an effort to examine what\nit said about self-defense with a firearm.\n\n      I haven\'t ground through much in the way of numbers yet, but a couple\nof things jumped out at me.  First only 1986 and 1987 specify the type of\nweapon used in self defense.  1988, 1989, and 1990 refer only to "weapon."\nThe second is that while assaults rose about 3% from 1986 to 1987, w/gun\ndefenses reported *fell* by almost 25%.  Unless there\'s an explanation for\nthis, I\'m tempted to mark it as a reporting problem, and as such going \nahead with any examination of the numbers would be a waste of time.\n\n      Anybody have an idea what might have cause a real difference, and\nnot just a reporting difference?  The survey doesn\'t appear to have\nchanged significantly between 1986 and 1987.\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDavid Veal Univ. of Tenn. Div. of Cont. Education Info. Services Group\nPA146008@utkvm1.utk.edu  \n',
  "From: prahren@pb2esac.uucp (Peter Ahrens)\nSubject: BMWMOA Controversy  \nSummary: Request for _brief_ overview\nKeywords: BMWMOA Board, history of contretemps\nOrganization: Pacific*Bell ESAC, Oakland, CA.\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <1095@rider.UUCP> joe@rider.cactus.org writes:\n>>vech@Ra.MsState.Edu (Craig A. Vechorik) writes:\n>>...good ol boys that have been there too long. \n>\n> [...] while I agree with you that the current\n>board is garbage, voting you in would simply be trading one form of trash \n>for another...do the opponents of your selections get equal time...? \n\nYo' Joe, why don't you post what you really think?\n\nIf there are any rational BMWMOA folks left out there, may the rest of\nus please have a brief summary of the current state of affairs in your\nesteemed organization, together with an historical outline of how you\ngot to the above contretemps?\n\nPoints will be deducted for shouting or bulging veins in the temple area.\n\n-Pete Ahrens\n",
  'From: mjones@watson.ibm.com (Mike Jones)\nSubject: Re: Jack Morris\nReply-To: mjones@donald.aix.kingston.ibm.com\nDisclaimer: This posting represents the poster\'s views, not necessarily those of IBM.\nNntp-Posting-Host: fenway.aix.kingston.ibm.com\nOrganization: IBM AIX/ESA Development, Kingston NY\nLines: 97\n\nmaynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Roger Maynard) writes:\n>In <1993Apr19.053221.11240@cs.cornell.edu> tedward@cs.cornell.edu (Edward [Ted] Fischer) writes:\n>>In article <1993Apr19.024222.11181@newshub.ariel.yorku.ca> cs902043@ariel.yorku.ca (SHAWN LUDDINGTON) writes:\n>>>Hey Valentine, I don\'t see Boston with any world series rings on their\n>>>fingers.\n>>Yah.  So?\n>>>Damn, Morris now has three and probably the Hall of Fame in his \n>>>future.\n>>He certainly didn\'t earn his last one.  *HOW* many games did he blow\n>>in the World Series?  All of the ones he started?\n>He certainly did earn it!  He was a valuable member of the Blue Jay team. \n\nNot particularly *in* the World Series. During the season, he was probably\nmore valuable than, say, putting Olerud out there to pitch, but yeah, he\n*was* valuable in getting them there. In the postseason, he sucked dirty\ncanal water through a straw. The Jays won *in spite* of Morris much more\nthan *because of* him.\n\n>>>Therefore, I would have to say Toronto easily made the best signing.\n>>Oh, yes.  Definitely.  Therefore Morris is better than Clemens.\n>Your definition of "better" refers to some measurement on a scale that\n>has nothing to do with winning WS rings.\n\nUmm, Roger? Return with us to those halcyon days of a few postings ago,\nwhere the poster Valentine was replying to used # of WS rings as a measure\nof better. The concept is called "context", and you should really become\nfamiliar with it someday.\n\n>The facts are that Morris\n>has shown us that he has what it takes to play on a WS winning club.\n>Clemens hasn\'t.\n\nUnless this transaltes to "Clemens hasn\'t gone into Lou Gorman\'s office with\na large caliber handgun and refused to come out until he\'d been traded to\nthe Jays," I\'m at a complete loss as to any possible meaning for it.\n\n>You can go on about what Clemens has done in the \n>past and claim that he is "better" than Morris if you want to.  But \n>the facts are that Morris has shown us that he can win and Clemens\n>hasn\'t.\n\nWhat on earth does this mean? Over their careers, Clemens has "won" 68% of\nthe games he\'s started, Morris 58%. Per year, Clemens has averaged nearly 17\nwins, Morris just under 15. Would you grant the proposition that preventing\nthe other team from scoring increases your chances of winning  a game? If\nso, then consider that Clemens allows 2.8 runs/9 innings pitched. Morris\nallows nearly a run more per nine innings. In fact, Jack Morris has never in\nhis career had an ERA for a single year as good as Clemens\' career ERA. But\nI forget, in the Maynardverse there was obviously some mystical significance\nto Buckner missing that grounder in 1986; had Morris been on the Sox, it\nwould have been a routine groundout, right?\n\n>Whether or not Clemens is better by your standard of measurement\n>is totally meaningless.  The object of the game is not to compile \n>high figures in statistics that you have chosen to feel are important.\n>The object of the game is to contribute to WS victories.  But this\n>has been patiently explained to you many, many times and you are \n>either too stupid or too stubborn to grasp it.\n\nSpeaking of stupid, it has been patiently (and not-so-patiently) explained to\nyou many times that attributing greatness to players based on the\naccomplishments of their teams makes about as much sense as claiming that\na racecar has the most attractive paint job because it won the race. Your\ncontinued failure to not only understand but even to intelligently reply to\nany of the arguments presented leads me to the conclusion that you must have\nspent a few too many games in goal without a mask.\n\n>>Don\'t give me that shit.  If Boston had Alomar, Olerud, Henke, and\n>>Ward while Toronto had Rivera, Jack Clark, Jeff Reardon, things would\n>>have looked a little different last fall.  Give credit where credit is\n>>due.  This lavishing of praise on Morris makes me sick.\n>Yes and the dog would have caught the rabbit too...forget about what\n>didn\'t happen and open your eyes, for once, and look out there and\n>see what is REALLY happening.  Forget about how Morris "shouldn\'t"\n>have won 21 with an ERA over 4.  \n>When Morris pitched, last year, the Jays won.  Stop crying about it and\n>get on with life.\n\nNo one is crying; the Jays won, and as a team they certainly deserved to win\nat least the AL East. They performed well in two short series and won the\nWorld Series, and I congratulate them for it. As a Red Sox fan, I hope they\nkeep Morris. I was happy when they picked up Stewart, and elated when they\ntraded for Darrin Jackson. You see, unless you believe in some mystical link\nbetween Morris and the offense, you can hardly help but believe that the man\nwas credited with so many wins last year because he got lucky. Luck runs\nout, just like it did in 1982 when he pitched 50-odd more innings than 1992,\ngave up exactly *one* earned run more than in 1992, and went 17-16.\n\nSeriously, Roger, I\'d really like to hear your explanation of the difference\nbetween the 1982 Morris and the 1992 Morris. Which one was a better pitcher,\nand why? Did Morris somehow "learn how to win" in the intervening ten years?\nIf so, then why did he go 18-12 in 1991 with Minnesota with an ERA over half\na run lower than 1992?\n\n Mike Jones | AIX High-End Development | mjones@donald.aix.kingston.ibm.com\n\nDon\'t be humble, you\'re not that great.\n',
  "From: hamachi@adobe.com (Gordon Hamachi)\nSubject: Re: Honda Accord Brake Problem\nOrganization: Adobe Systems Incorporated\nLines: 32\n\nJoni Ciarletta writes\n> My Honda Accord just hit the magic 100,000 mile mark and now\n> all sorts of things are beginning to go bad. The latest problem\n> I am experiencing is with my brakes.  They still stop the\n> car fine, but once I am stopped completely, my brake pedal\n> will sink another 2 or 3 inches all by itself.  If feels really\n> strange, and I am worried my brakes will quit working one of\n> these days.\n> \n> I checked my brake fluid, and the reservoir was full, but the\n> fluid itself looked really dirty (like dirty oil).  I called\n> my mechanic and he told me I need a new brake master cylinder,\n> which will cost me a whopping $250-300.\n\nYou are not alone.  My '79 Honda Accord with 110,000 miles on it started  \nshowing the same behavior.\n\nI replaced the brake master cylinder myself.  It took about an hour and cost  \nabout $45.  Sure beats paying $300 to have someone else do it!  If I wanted to  \nrebuild my own master cylinder instead of putting in a rebuilt one, it would  \nhave cost only $20 to $30 for the rebuild kit.\n\nThe Honda brake master cylinder is easy to get to.  Two bolts attach it to the  \nengine compartment.  Two brake lines enter the master cylinder.  The tricky  \npart was that the brake lines were stuck tight.  My Craftsmen open end wrench  \nrounded off the bolt heads!  I had to use Vise Grips to loosen those suckers.   \nWow!  Best invention since sliced bread.  After that it was very easy.  Bolt  \nthe new part in place, add new brake fluid, and bleed the brakes.\n\nThis is quite easy even for a beginner.  My local auto parts store had a repair  \nmanual for the Honda Accord; it had detailed diagrams of the master brake  \ncylinder and a step-by-step procedure for replacing it.\n",
  "From: pw@panix.com (Paul Wallich)\nSubject: Re: Help with ultra-long timing\nOrganization: Trivializers R Us\nLines: 16\n\nIn <1pqu12$pmu@sunb.ocs.mq.edu.au> johnh@macadam.mpce.mq.edu.au (John Haddy) writes:\n>In article <C513wI.G5A@athena.cs.uga.edu>, mcovingt@aisun3.ai.uga.edu (Michael Covington) writes:\n>|> Instead, use a quartz crystal and divide its frequency by 2 40 times\n>|> or something like that.\n>... Wouldn't a crystal be affected by cold? My gut feeling is that, as a\n>mechanically resonating device, extreme cold is likely to affect the\n>compliance (?terminology?) of the quartz, and hence its resonant frequency.\n \nYes, but in a fairly reproducible way. -40 is only a smidgen of the\ndistance to absolute zero. And in any case you're going to have to\nborrow freezer space from a bio lab or someone to test/calibrate this\ndarling anyway. Btw, you're probably going to want those big capacitors\nyou found to fire the solenoid -- High current drain on frozen batteries\ncan be an ugly thing.\n\npaul\n",
  'From: fcrary@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (Frank Crary)\nSubject: Re: Some more about gun control...\nNntp-Posting-Host: ucsu.colorado.edu\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 18\n\nIn article <2071@rwing.UUCP> pat@rwing.UUCP (Pat Myrto) writes:\n>What I find so hard to understand is how come some people, apparantly\n>NOT connected with government or otherwise privileged, will\n>go to great lengths, redefinitions, re-interpretations, in a full-bore\n>attempt to THROW AWAY THE PROTECTION OF THEIR OWN RIGHTS under the\n>Constitution!!!\n>Almost makes me think of lemmings running into the sea during a lemming\n>year...\n>I really wonder that Jefferson and Madison would say to these folks?\n\nThey\'d probably quote Montesque (sp?) who was once asked if Russia\nwas likely to become a democracy any time soon: "No, because\nRussia is a nation of slaves and the people get what they deserve."\nSince he said that, Russia has changed a great deal. But so, \nunfortunately have other nations.\n\n                                                 Frank Crary\n                                                 CU Boulder\n',
  "From: cxs2341@ultb.isc.rit.edu (C.X. Sawran)\nSubject: Bernoulli 44 Removeable SCSI Drive & Disks\nNntp-Posting-Host: ultb-gw.isc.rit.edu\nOrganization: Rochester Institute of Technology\nDistribution: usa\n\n    \n    Storage space for sale:\n    \n    Iomega 44 MB removeable HD for sale w/ 16 cartridges.\n    \n    Total storage space comes out to be about 750 MB.  6 cartridges still in\n    original shrinkwrapping, unused.  Note:  this is NOT compatible with\n    SysQuest 45 cartridges.\n    \n    SCSI interface required... plugs right into the back of Macintoshes,\n    but I don't have a controller for the IBM.  All utilities I have for it\n    are for the Mac.  If you have a Mac, then this is for you!  I have a\n    ton of software on these disks that I don't use anymore, because I sold\n    my mac system.  Stuff included:  Most of the PD stuff from info-mac\n    site, LOTS of GIF's, and LOTS of sound effects.  (1 entire disk with\n    just sounds)\n   \n    I am asking $900 for all, plus shipping.\n\n    For more information, send me mail (cxs2341@ultb.isc.rit.edu) or call\n    (716) 427-0701... ask for Sawran\n    \n    cheers\n    \n    chris\n    cxs2341@ultb.isc.rit.edu\n    cxs2341@ritvax.isc.rit.edu\n",
  'From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: Thousands of Armenians were serving the German army and Waffen-SS.\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 62\n\nIn article <48095@sdcc12.ucsd.edu> hminassi@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (HM) writes:\n\n>    "Turkey must bare its teeth to Armenia."\n\nSooner than you expect. Remember \'Cyprus\'?\n\n>   I have to say I vehemently disagree with you, I have seen\n\nToo bad. In fact, by 1942, Nazi Armenians in Europe had established \na vast network of pro-German collaborators, that extended over two \ncontinents. Thousands of Armenians were serving the German army and \nWaffen-SS in Russia and Western Europe. Armenians were involved in \nespionage and fifth-column activities for Hitler in the Balkans and \nArabian Peninsula. They were promised an \'independent\' state under \nGerman \'protection\' in an agreement signed by the \'Armenian National \nCouncil.\' (A copy of this agreement can be found in the \'Congressional \nRecord,\' November 1, 1945; see Document 1.) On this side of the Atlantic, \nNazi Armenians were aware of their brethrens alliance. They had often \nexpressed pro-Nazi sentiments until America entered the war. In summary,\nduring World War II Armenians were carried away with the German might and\ncringing and fawning over the Nazis. In that zeal, the Armenian publication\nin Germany, Hairenik, carried statements as follows:[1]\n\n"Sometimes it is difficult to eradicate these poisonous elements (the Jews)\n when they have struck deep root like a chronic disease, and when it \n becomes necessary for a people (the Nazis) to eradicate them in an uncommon\n method, these attempts are regarded as revolutionary. During the surgical\n operation, the flow of blood is a natural thing." \n\nNow for a brief view of the Armenian genocide of the Muslims and Jews -\nextracts from a letter dated December 11, 1983, published in the San\nFrancisco Chronicle, as an answer to a letter that had been published\nin the same journal under the signature of one B. Amarian.\n\n "...We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian atrocities\n  against our people (Jews)...Members of our family witnessed the \n  murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum, Turkey, by Armenian \n  neighbors, bent on destroying anything and anybody remotely Jewish \n  and/or Muslim. Armenians should look to their own history and see \n  the havoc they and their ancestors perpetrated upon their neighbors...\n  Armenians were in league with Hitler in the last war, on his premise \n  to grant them self government if, in return, the Armenians would \n  help exterminate Jews...Armenians were also hearty proponents of\n  the anti-Semitic acts in league with the Russian Communists. Mr. Amarian!\n  I don\'t need your bias."  \n\n  Signed Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California.\n\n[1] James G. Mandalian, \'Dro, Drastamat Kanayan,\' in the \'Armenian\n    Review,\' a Quarterly by the Hairenik Association, Inc., Summer:\n    June 1957, Vol. X, No. 2-38.\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           \'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.\'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           \'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.\' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n\n',
  'From: thorf@csa.bu.edu (Thor Farrish)\nSubject: Maxtor drive geometry/jumpers\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: Computer Science Department, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA\nLines: 1\n\n\n',
  'From: rachford@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Jeffery M Rachford)\nSubject: Ryno correction\nOrganization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network\nDistribution: na\nLines: 13\n\n\nI made a mistake on the posted article [been fighting food\npoisoning for last 24 hours...]\n\nThe second paragraph should state the following...\n\n"Doctors cleared Sandberg to swing a padded bat at a ball\non a tee and to catch a ball in his gloved hand."\n\nSorry for the error, didn\'t know it until after posting.\n\nJeffery\n\n',
  'From: "dan mckinnon" <dan.mckinnon@canrem.com>\nSubject: "clipper chip"\nReply-To: "dan mckinnon" <dan.mckinnon@canrem.com>\nOrganization: Canada Remote Systems\nDistribution: sci\nLines: 30\n\n   I have lurked here a bit lately, and though some of the math is\nunknown to me, found it interesting. I thought I would post an article I\nfound in the Saturday, April 17, 1993 Toronto Star:\n\n                  \'CLIPPER CHIP\' to protect privacy\n\n   Washington (REUTER) - President Bill CLinton announced yesterday a\nplan to plant a new "Clipper Chip" in every government telephone and\ncomputer line to prevent eavesdropping.\n\n   Eventually the chips, developed by the government\'s National\nInstitute for Standards and Technology, would be used by commercial and\nprivate electronics communication users.\n\n   The White House said that to assure privacy, each device containing\nthe encryption devices would be assigned two unique "keys" - numbers\nthat will be needed by government agencies to decode messages.\n\n   The attorney-general has been assigned the task of arranging that the\nkeys are deposited in two "key-escrow" data bases. Access to them would\nbe limited to government officials with legal authorization to conduct a\nwiretap, the White House said in a statement.\n\n                              -30-\n\n\n Dan McKinnon\n--\nCanada Remote Systems - Toronto, Ontario\n416-629-7000/629-7044\n',
  'From: pgf5@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Peter Garfiel Freeman)\nSubject: Hamas methods of Murder\nNntp-Posting-Host: cunixa.cc.columbia.edu\nOrganization: Columbia University\nLines: 9\n\n\n\nIf anyone gets the New York Times, the Edit page has a transcript\nof a VHS from Hams describing their methods of torture and \nexecution. I will post it later on.\n\n\n\n\n',
  "From: hungjenc@phakt.usc.edu (Hung-Jen Chen)\nSubject: Forsale Sony D-22 discman\nArticle-I.D.: phakt.1pqnsjINNlmd\nOrganization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA\nLines: 21\nNNTP-Posting-Host: phakt.usc.edu\n\n\n                     \n      Sony D-22 portable Diskman forsale\n      \n      Good condition, flawless.\n      \n      Costomer AC adapter : 6v DC power supply ( tested 9v DC)\n       \n       * The factory adapter was tested 12v DC (AC 110v input) at the \n         time I bought it three years ago. When using it, a lot of heat \n         was generated inside the CD machine. Of course I wouldn't use \n         it to risk this baby's life. Maybe that's why so many owners \n         always complain about their portable machine going kaput after \n         a short time usage. \n\n       * 9v DC factory suggested\n      \n      LED display\n\n\n      asking $ 55  plus shipping, contact Harry if interested\n",
  'From: maynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Roger Maynard)\nSubject: Re: hawks vs leafs lastnight\nOrganization: Dept. of Computer Science, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON\nDistribution: na\nLines: 33\n\nIn <1993Apr18.153820.10118@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca> golchowy@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Gerald Olchowy) writes:\n\n>In article <93106.082502ACPS6992@RyeVm.Ryerson.Ca> Raj Ramnarace <ACPS6992@RyeVm.Ryerson.Ca> writes:\n>>did anyone else see this game last night ? just like a playoff game!!\n>>lots of hitting...but I was disappointed by the video goal judge...\n>>on all replays, joe murphy\'s goal shouldn\'t have counted ! it didn\'t go in net\n>>!! and according to the tsn broadcasters, the video goal judge said that he\n>>saw the water bottle on top of the cage move so he assumed the puck went in!\n>>this is terrible...hope crap like this doesn\'t occur in the playoffs!\n>>the game would have ended in 2-2 tie !\n\n>I thought the red light went on...thus, in the review, the presumption\n>would be to find conclusive evidence that the puck did not go in the\n>net...from the replays I say, even from the rear, the evidence wasn\'t\n>conclusive that the puck was in or out...in my opinion...\n\nIt seemed pretty conclusive to me.  The puck clearly hit the crossbar\nand then came down on the line.  And the announcers, admittedly homers,\nkept harping about how they "must have had a different view upstairs"\nbecause it was obvious to them, and, I would have thought, to anyone who\nsaw the replay, that the puck didn\'t go in.  The referee originally \nsignalled no goal but the video replay "judges" initiated contact with\nthe referee to claim that a goal was in fact scored.  This, to me, is\nunheard of.  Seeing stuff like this happen gives me a bad feeling about\nthe Leaf chances this year.\n\ncordially, as always,\n\nrm\n\n-- \nRoger Maynard \nmaynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca \n',
  "From: sandvik@newton.apple.com (Kent Sandvik)\nSubject: Re: A KIND and LOVING God!!\nOrganization: Cookamunga Tourist Bureau\nLines: 19\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.200231.10206@ra.royalroads.ca>,\nmlee@post.RoyalRoads.ca (Malcolm Lee) wrote:\n> These laws written for the Israelites, God's chosen people whom God had\n> expressly set apart from the rest of the world.  The Israelites were a\n> direct witness to God's existence.  To disobey God after KNOWing that God\n> is real would be an outright denial of God and therefore immediately punishable.\n> Remember, these laws were written for a different time and applied only to \n> God's chosen people.  But Jesus has changed all of that.  We are living in the\n> age of grace.  Sin is no longer immediately punishable by death.  There is\n> repentance and there is salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.  And not just\n> for a few chosen people.  Salvation is available to everyone, Jew and Gentile\n> alike.\n\nJews won't agree with you, Malcolm.\n\nCheers,\nKent\n---\nsandvik@newton.apple.com. ALink: KSAND -- Private activities on the net.\n",
  'From: bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig)\nSubject: Re: 14 Apr 93   God\'s Promise in 1 John 1: 7\nOrganization: Starfleet Headquarters: San Francisco\nLines: 33\n\nbrian@lpl.arizona.edu (Brian Ceccarelli 602/621-9615) writes:\n>\n>Be warned, it is not my job to convert you.  That is the job of\n>the Holy Spirit.  And I, frankly, make a lousy one.  I am only\n>here to testify.  Your conversion is between you and God.  I am\n>"out of the loop".  If you decide to follow Jesus, of which I\n>indeed would be estatic, then all the glory be to God.\n\nI\'ve asked your god several times with all my heart to come to me.  I\nreally wish I could believe in him, \'cos no matter how much confidence\nI build up on my own, the universe *is* a big place, and it would be\nso nice to know I have someone watching over me in it...\n\nI\'ve gone into this with an open mind.  I\'ve layed my beliefs aside\nfrom time to time when I\'ve had doubt, and I\'ve prayed to see what\ngood that would do.  I don\'t see what more I can do to open myself to\nyour god, short of just deciding to believe for no good reason.  And\nif I decide to believe for no good reason, why not believe in some\nother god?  Zeus seems like a pretty cool candidate...\n\nAll I know is that in all my searching, even though I\'ve set aside my\npride and decided that I want to know the truth no matter how\ndifficult it may be to accept, I have never had any encounter with any\ndeity, Christian or otherwise.\n\nPlease tell me what more I can do while still remaining true to myself.\n\n-- \n_/_/_/  Brian Kendig                             Je ne suis fait comme aucun\n/_/_/  bskendig@netcom.com                de ceux que j\'ai vus; j\'ose croire\n_/_/                            n\'etre fait comme aucun de ceux qui existent.\n  /  The meaning of life     Si je ne vaux pas mieux, au moins je suis autre.\n /    is that it ends.                                           -- Rousseau\n',
  'From: jonc@joncpc.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Mike Corcoran)\nSubject: Re: tire recomendation for CB400T wanted\nKeywords: tires recomend CB400T\nOrganization: NCR E&M San Diego\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.172716.4301@cbnewsm.cb.att.com>, asalerno@cbnewsm.cb.att.com (antonio.j.salerno..jr) writes:\n|> \n|> I\'ve got a \'81 CB400T with Chen-Shing (sp?) tires on it.\n|> I got it with these tires on it!  The only reason I need new tires \n|> is beacuse I hate (and don\'t feel safe on) these.\n|> \n|> I\'d appreciate any recomendations I can get (about NEW tires!).\n|> \n|> Thanks,\n|> Tony\n\nI\'ll throw in a vote for a Metzler "economy" tire, the ME77. Good\nfor mid-size older bikes. Rated to 130mph. Wearing well and handles\nmy 12 mile ride(twisties) to work well on the SR500. Costs a bit \nmore than the Chengs/IRC\'s etc, but still less than the Sport\nMetzlers for the newer bikes. Cost from Chaparral is about $60 for the\nfront, and $70 for the rear.\n-- \n          Jon M.(Mike) Corcoran <Mike.Corcoran@SanDiego.NCR.COM>   \n\t\t  \'78 Yamaha SR500 - \'72 Honda XL250 - \'70 Husky 400 Cross\n',
  "From: varvel@plains.NoDak.edu (Andrew Varvel)\nSubject: To be exact, 2.5 million readers enlightened by Serdar Argic\nSummary: :-P\nArticle-I.D.: ns1.C5uvBM.MzE\nOrganization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network\nLines: 13\nNntp-Posting-Host: plains.nodak.edu\n\n\nIn article <9304202017@zuma.UUCP> sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic) writes:\n              (a.k.a. Serdar Argic, The Merciful and Compassionate)\n\n[Serdar Argic's bountiful, divine, all-knowing, and footnoted \nwisdom is regrettably omitted for this solemn tribute.]\n\n\nWHERE CAN I JOIN THE SERDAR ARGIC FAN CLUB?  DO I GET A T-SHIRT?\n\n--The Friendly Neighborhood Alien--\n\nLife just hasn't been the same since David Koresh died...\n",
  'From: mryan@stsci.edu\nSubject: Should I be angry at this doctor?\nLines: 26\nOrganization: Space Telescope Science Institute\nDistribution: na\n\nAm I justified in being pissed off at this doctor?\n\nLast Saturday evening my 6 year old son cut his finger badly with a knife.\nI took him to a local "Urgent and General Care" clinic at 5:50 pm.  The \nclinic was open till 6:00 pm.  The receptionist went to the back and told the \ndoctor that we were there, and came back and told us the doctor would not \nsee us because she had someplace to go at 6:00 and did not want to be delayed \nhere.  During the next few minutes, in response to my questions, with several \ntrips to the back room, the receptionist told me:\n\t- the doctor was doing paperwork in the back,\n\t- the doctor would not even look at his finger to advise us on going\n\t  to the emergency room;\n\t- the doctor would not even speak to me;\n\t- she would not tell me the doctor\'s name, or her own name;\n\t- when asked who is in charge of the clinic, she said "I don\'t know."\n\nI realize that a private clinic is not the same as an emergency room, but\nI was quite angry at being turned away because the doctor did not want to\nbe bothered.  My son did get three stitches at the emergency room.  I\'m still \ntrying to find out who is in charge of that clinic so I can write them a \nletter.   We will certainly never set foot in that clinic again.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nMary Ryan\t\t\t\tmryan@stsci.edu\nSpace Telescope Science Institute\nBaltimore, Maryland\n',
  'Subject: Mives 4 Sale (update)\nFrom: koutd@hiramb.hiram.edu (DOUGLAS KOU)\nOrganization: Hiram College\nNntp-Posting-Host: hiramb.hiram.edu\nLines: 15\n\nVHS movie for sale\n\nKevin Costner\tDances withs Wolves\n\nJust open and was used once, $12.00 or best offer, buyer will have\nto pay shipping. ($1.00 for shipping)\n\nLet me know if you are interested, and send your offer to this\ne-mail address. Koutd@hirama.hiram.edu\n\nthanks,\n\nDouglas Kou\nHiram College\n\n',
  'From: lfoard@hopper.Virginia.EDU (Lawrence C. Foard)\nSubject: Re: New Study Out On Gay Percentage\nOrganization: ITC/UVA Community Access UNIX/Internet Project\nLines: 47\n\nIn article <1993Apr16.200354.8045@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> rscharfy@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Ryan C Scharfy) writes:\n>\n>In article <C5K5LC.CyF@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> lfoard@hopper.Virginia.EDU (La\n>wrence C. Foard) writes:\n>>In article <15378@optilink.com> cramer@optilink.COM (Clayton Cramer) writes:\n>>>\n>>>\n>>>From the Santa Rosa (Cal.) Press-Democrat, April 15, 1993, p. B2:\n>>>\n>>>    Male sex survey: Gay activity low\n>>>\n>>>    A new natonal study on male sexual behavior, the most thorough\n>>>    examination of American men\'s sexual practices published since\n>>>    the Kinsey report more than four decades ago, shows about 2\n>>>    percent of the men surveyed had engaged in homosexual sex and\n>>>    1 percent considered themselves exclusively homosexual.\n>>>\n>>>    The figures on homosexuality in the study released Wednesday\n>>>    by the Alan Guttmacher Institute are significantly lower than\n>>>    the 10 percent figure that has been part of the conventional\n>>>    wisdom since it was published in the Kinsey report.\n>>\n>>1) So what?\n>\n>So there are less gays, then the gays claim.\n\nLast I checked I was one person, I haven\'t even been elected\nas a representative for "gaydom". Should I ascribe every thing\nyou say as representing every member of the straight community?\n\n>>2) It will be interesting to see the reaction when 2.5million queers\n>>   gather in Washington DC. After all if there are only 6million of\n>>   us then this is an event unprecidented in history...\n>>\n>\n>Dream on.  Abortion and African-American Civil rights rallies don\'t even bring\n>in half of that.\n\nThats the point. If there are several million queers in DC you had better\nstart wondering about the validity of the study.\n\n-- \n------          Join the Pythagorean Reform Church!               .\n\\    /        Repent of your evil irrational numbers             . .\n \\  /   and bean eating ways. Accept 10 into your heart!        . . .\n  \\/   Call the Pythagorean Reform Church BBS at 508-793-9568  . . . .\n    \n',
  "From: smb@research.att.com (Steven Bellovin)\nSubject: Re: Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]\nOrganization: AT&T Bell Laboratories\nKeywords: encryption, wiretap, clipper, key-escrow, Mykotronx\nLines: 14\n\nIn article <1qp9d1$e37@dorothy.ibmpcug.co.uk>, gtoal@news.ibmpcug.co.uk (Graham Toal) writes:\n> Try reading between the lines David - there are *strong* hints in there\n> that they're angling for NREN next, and the only conceivable meaning of\n> applying this particular technology to a computer network is that they\n> intend it to be used in exclusion to any other means of encryption.\n\nUmm...  I beg to differ with the phrase ``only conceivable meaning''.\nThe SDNS protocols, for example, make explicit provision for multiple\nencryption systems, as does PEM.  (And I'd love to see how they'd\nmandate this new system for PEM without disclosing it....)\n\nMind you, I'm not saying that multiple algorithms will actually be\nused -- but the relevant technologies certainly provide for them, which\ncertainly casts doubt on your choice of words.\n",
  "Subject: Re: Date is stuck\nFrom: phys169@csc.canterbury.ac.nz\nOrganization: University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand\nNntp-Posting-Host: cantva.canterbury.ac.nz\nLines: 25\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.132300.27816@kosman.uucp>, kevin@kosman.uucp (Kevin O'Gorman) writes:\n> Anybody seen the date get stuck?\n> \n> I'm running MS-DOS 5.0 with a menu system alive all the time.  The machine\n> is left running all the time.\n> \n> Suddenly, the date no longer rolls over.  The time is (reasonably) accurate\n> allways, but we have to change the date by hand every morning.  This involves\n> exiting the menu system to get to DOS.\n> \n> Anyone have the slightest idea why this should be?  Even a clue as to whether\n> the hardware (battery? CMOS?) or DOS is broken?\n\nI bet it suddenly started sticking when you  started leaving the PC running the\nmenu all night.  There is a limitation/bug in the date roll-over software in\nPC's that means you have to be doing something like waiting for keyboard input\nvia a DOS call rather than a BIOS call (as menus often use) otherwise the code\nto update the date after midnight never gets called. \n\nSomebody might be able to correct the details in case I've mis-rememberred\nthem, but I think you have to change the menu program (if you have the sources)\nor add a TSR or system patch or something.  As far as I know the CMOS clock\nkeeps the right time (in fact about 7 seconds/day better than DOS's clock).\n\nMark Aitchison, University of Canterbury.\n",
  'From: elr@trintex.uucp (Ed Ravin)\nSubject: Re: electronic parts in NYC?\nOrganization: Why me?\nLines: 19\n\nTaft Electronics, 45th Street between 5th & 6th -- the only one left in\nwhat was once an entire district of electronics stores.  A little expensive.\n\nTrans-Am Electronics, Canal Street near 7th Ave -- lots of surplus type\nstuff.\n\nSeveral other electronics or "surplus" type places are still on Canal\nStreet.\n\nI think Bronx Wholesale Radio is still in business -- Fordham Road not\ntoo far from Arthur Avenue in the Bronx.  Also in the Bronx is NorthEastern\n(or was it Northwestern?  Northeast Electronics?) on Jerome Avenue near\nBedford Park Boulevard.  They\'re mostly a TV parts supply house, but when\nI was building CB radio projects, they were quite handy..\n-- \nEd Ravin               | "A TV cop fires a gun three times an hour.  A real cop\nProdigy Services Co.   |  fires a gun only once every five years."\nWhite Plains, NY 10601 |------------d i s c l a i m e r - w a s - h e r e -----\n+1-914-993-4737        | elr@trintex.uucp or elr%trintex@uunet.uu.net\n',
  "From: prb@access.digex.com (Pat)\nSubject: Re: Why DC-1 will be the way of the future.\nOrganization: Express Access Online Communications USA\nLines: 12\nNNTP-Posting-Host: access.digex.net\n\nIn article <1993Apr22.164801.7530@julian.uwo.ca> jdnicoll@prism.ccs.uwo.ca (James Davis Nicoll) writes:\n>\tHmmm. I seem to recall that the attraction of solid state record-\n>players and radios in the 1960s wasn't better performance but lower\n>per-unit cost than vacuum-tube systems.\n>\n\n\nI don't think so at first,  but solid state offered  better reliabity,\nid bet,  and any lower costs would be only after the processes really scaled up.\n\npat\n\n",
  "From: jrogoff@scott.skidmore.edu (jay rogoff)\nSubject: Re: best homeruns\nDistribution: rec\nOrganization: Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs NY\nLines: 5\n\nOn two separate occasions I saw Dick Allen (back when he was Richie)\nhomer at Shea off the middle of the black centerfield hitter's\nbackground screen.  I think both shots would have traveled 500 feet.\n\nJay\n",
  'From: mussack@austin.ibm.com (Christopher Mussack)\nSubject: Re: tuff to be a Christian?\nOrganization: IBM Austin\nLines: 66\n\nPlease realize that I am frequently getting in trouble for\nstraying from orthodoxy, but here is my opinion:\n\nIn article <Apr.>, mdbs@ms.uky.edu (no name) writes:\n> ... Moreover the Buddha says that we are \n> intrinsically good (as against Christ\'s "we are all sinners").\n\nI never thought of these two ideas being "against" each other.\nPeople might quibble about what "intrinsically" means but the\nreason we are sinners is because we do not behave as good as we\nare. The message of Christ is that each of us are not only good,\nbut great, that we can approach perfection, albeit perhaps through a \ndifferent technique than you claim Buddhism teaches. Because we do\nnot realize our greatness, we sin. Peter had no problem walking \non water until a little doubt crept in.\n\nDoesn\'t David ask in the 8th Psalm "what is man that you [God] \nshould care for him, but you have made him just a little lower \nthan the angels"?\n\nI probably exagerate in my mind what a scrawny little kid David\nwas, just as I probably exagerate what a gigantic monster Goliath\nwas, but David\'s power easily defeated Goliath\'s.\n\nRemember the rich young man who comes up to Jesus and asks what\nhe can do to enter the Kingdom, Jesus says follow the commandments.\nI always picture the smug look on his face as he says he\'s done that\nhis whole life, probably anticipating an "attaboy" from the \nMessiah. Instead Jesus gives him a harder task, sell everything\nand follow Him. Jesus is raising the bar. The desciples say\nhow can anyone do this if it\'s so hard even for rich people.\nJesus says anyone can do it, with God\'s help.\n\nJesus says not only can we avoid killing people, we can avoid\ngetting angry at people. Not only can we avoid committing\nadultery, we can control our own desires. \n\nI realize this was not your main point, but I wonder how other\npeople see this. \n\n> ...\n> \tParting Question:\n> \t\tWould you have become a Christian if you had not\n> been indoctrinated by your parents? You probably never learned about\n> any other religion to make a comparative study. And therefore I claim\n> you are brain washed.\n\n(Please forgive any generalizations I am about to make.)\n\nYour point about how "hard" other religions are is a good one, just \nas your "Parting Question" is a tough question. I think that Muslims\nworship the same God as I do, we can learn from their name "submission".\nHindus and Buddhists and Taoists, etc. claim that "God" is impersonal. \nIs God personal or impersonal? I say yes, but if I think a little\nmore my answer is whichever is greater. I think it is greater \nto be a personal entity, with an individual consciousness, but\nyou\'re right that that might be a cultural bias. If I think more\nI must admit that God\'s personal nature is as far beyond my\nconception as His impersonal nature is beyond the Hindu\'s\nconception. If somehow Jesus could fit into Hindu cosmology\nthen maybe I wouldn\'t have a problem, though that is hard to imagine.\n\nAre there any former (or present) "Eastern Religion" members here \nwho could comment?\n\nChris Mussack\n',
  'From: wtm@uhura.neoucom.edu (Bill Mayhew)\nSubject: Re: Dmm Advice Needed\nOrganization: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine\nLines: 19\n\nI\'ve had my Fluke 8060A here at work for just over 10 years now.\nIt is a wonderful meter.  Several colleagues here have some of the\nnewer Fluke meters, though I still would just as soon hang on to my\n8060.  The 8060 a is the 1980s digial "analog" to the Simpson 260\nanalog DMM of the 1950-1960s.  There was/is (?) an 8060B that had\nextended frequency response.\n\nI\'ve got a nifty little pen shaped meter made by Soar that I keep\nin my toolbox at home.  I\'ve had that for six or seven years now\nand only replaced the batteries a couple of timees; it is more than\nadequate for day-to-day hobby use.  I think Soar OEMs their stuff\nfor a number of vendors.  Some of JDR Microdevices\' stuff looks\nrather similar to Soar\'s.\n\n\n-- \nBill Mayhew      NEOUCOM Computer Services Department\nRootstown, OH  44272-9995  USA    phone: 216-325-2511\nwtm@uhura.neoucom.edu (    146.580: N8WED\n',
  "From: c5ff@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca (COOK  Charlie)\nSubject: NHL Summary parse results for games played Thur, April 15, 1993\nOrganization: University of New Brunswick\nLines: 278\n\nPhiladelphia                     1 2 4--7\nBuffalo                          0 3 1--4\nFirst period\n     1, Philadelphia, Recchi 52 (Galley, Lindros) 0:18.\nSecond period\n     2, Philadelphia, Hawgood 11 (Dineen, Eklund) pp, 2:15.\n     3, Philadelphia, Dineen 33 (McGill) sh, 5:40.\n     4, Buffalo, Barnaby 1 (Hawerchuk, Smehlik) pp, 7:48.\n     5, Buffalo, Wood 18 (LaFontaine, Ledyard) pp, 17:34.\n     6, Buffalo, Mogilny 75 (Hawerchuk, Carney) pp, 18:56.\nThird period\n     7, Philadelphia, Eklund 11 (Dineen, Beranek) 4:42.\n     8, Buffalo, Mogilny 76 (Errey, LaFontaine) 5:24.\n     9, Philadelphia, Dineen 34 (Brind'Amour) pp, 6:44.\n     10, Philadelphia, Dineen 35 (Brind'Amour, Galley) sh, 8:39.\n     11, Philadelphia, Acton 8 (Dineen, Brind'Amour) 19:48.\n\nPhiladelphia: 7    Power play: 5-2   Special goals:  pp: 2  sh: 2  Total: 4\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nActon              1    0    1\nBeranek            0    1    1\nBrind'Amour        0    3    3\nDineen             3    3    6\nEklund             1    1    2\nGalley             0    2    2\nHawgood            1    0    1\nLindros            0    1    1\nMcGill             0    1    1\nRecchi             1    0    1\n\nBuffalo: 4    Power play: 10-3\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBarnaby            1    0    1\nCarney             0    1    1\nErrey              0    1    1\nHawerchuk          0    2    2\nLaFontaine         0    2    2\nLedyard            0    1    1\nMogilny            2    0    2\nSmehlik            0    1    1\nWood               1    0    1\n\n-----------------------------------------\nMinnesota                        1 1 1--3\nDetroit                          0 2 3--5\nFirst period\n     1, Minnesota, McPhee 18 (Ludwig) 1:23.\nSecond period\n     2, Minnesota, Dahlen 34 (Courtnall, Gagner) pp, 0:31.\n     3, Detroit, Drake 18 (Howe, Ogrodnick) 9:14.\n     4, Detroit, Ysebaert 34 (Lidstrom, Howe) pp, 17:37.\nThird period\n     5, Detroit, Ciccarelli 41 (Coffey, Chiasson) pp, 0:32.\n     6, Detroit, Kennedy 19 (Burr, Probert) 3:42.\n     7, Detroit, Yzerman 58 (Ciccarelli, Gallant) 6:17.\n     8, Minnesota, Dahlen 35 (Courtnall, Gagner) 19:11.\n\nDetroit: 5    Power play: 4-2\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBurr               0    1    1\nChiasson           0    1    1\nCiccarelli         1    1    2\nCoffey             0    1    1\nDrake              1    0    1\nGallant            0    1    1\nHowe               0    2    2\nKennedy            1    0    1\nLidstrom           0    1    1\nOgrodnick          0    1    1\nProbert            0    1    1\nYsebaert           1    0    1\nYzerman            1    0    1\n\nMinnesota: 3    Power play: 2-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nCourtnall          0    2    2\nDahlen             2    0    2\nGagner             0    2    2\nLudwig             0    1    1\nMcPhee             1    0    1\n\n-----------------------------------------\nEdmonton                         0 0 0--0\nWinnipeg                         1 2 0--3\nFirst period\n     1, Winnipeg, Shannon 20 (Steen, Davydov) pp, 2:08.\nSecond period\n     2, Winnipeg, Selanne 76 (Olausson) 5:25.\n     3, Winnipeg, Zhamnov 25 (Selanne) 19:42.\nThird period\n     No scoring.\n\nWinnipeg: 3    Power play: 6-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nDavydov            0    1    1\nOlausson           0    1    1\nSelanne            1    1    2\nShannon            1    0    1\nSteen              0    1    1\nZhamnov            1    0    1\n\nEdmonton: 0    Power play: 3-0\nNo scoring\n\n-----------------------------------------\nToronto                          1 1 0--2\nChicago                          0 2 1--3\nFirst period\n     1, Toronto, Baumgartner 1 (unassisted) 18:40.\nSecond period\n     2, Chicago, Roenick 50 (Murphy, Chelios) 1:29.\n     3, Toronto, Andreychuk 55 (Mironov, Lefebvre) 13:22.\n     4, Chicago, Murphy 7 (Roenick, Chelios) pp, 19:05.\nThird period\n     5, Chicago, Matteau 15 (unassisted) 10:51.\nError: Power play goal mismatch. Assuming calc value.\nError: Team: Toronto  Calc: 0  Read: 1\n\nChicago: 3    Power play: 7-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nChelios            0    2    2\nMatteau            1    0    1\nMurphy             1    1    2\nRoenick            1    1    2\n\nToronto: 2    Power play: 3-0\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nAndreychuk         1    0    1\nBaumgartner        1    0    1\nLefebvre           0    1    1\nMironov            0    1    1\n\n-----------------------------------------\nFirst period\n     1, St Louis, Shanahan 50 (Brown, Felsner) 10:44.\n     2, St Louis, Miller 23 (Bassen, Brown) 19:38.\n     3, St Louis, Bassen 8 (Zombo) 19:48.\nSecond period\n     4, St Louis, Bassen 9 (Hedican, Miller) 0:14.\n     5, St Louis, Miller 24 (Zombo, Hedican) 11:09.\n     6, Tampa Bay, Maltais 7(Hamrlik) 11:27.\n     7, Tampa Bay, Bergland 3 (Hervey, Gilhen) 17:16.\n     8, St Louis, Shanahan 51 (Emerson) 19:38.\nThird period\n     9, Tampa Bay, Creighton 19 (Bergland, Bergevin) 0:40.\n     10, Tampa Bay, Chambers 10 (Zamuner, Cole) 10:37.\n     11, Tampa Bay, Cole 12 (Beers, Bradley) 11:58.\n\nSt Louis: 6    Power play: 4-0\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBassen             2    1    3\nBrown              0    2    2\nEmerson            0    1    1\nFelsner            0    1    1\nHedican            0    2    2\nMiller             2    1    3\nShanahan           2    0    2\nZombo              0    2    2\n\nTampa Bay: 5    Power play: 3-0\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBeers              0    1    1\nBergevin           0    1    1\nBergland           1    1    2\nBradley            0    1    1\nChambers           1    0    1\nCole               1    1    2\nCreighton          1    0    1\nGilhen             0    1    1\nHamrlik            0    1    1\nHervey             0    1    1\nMaltais            1    0    1\nZamuner            0    1    1\n\n-----------------------------------------\nSan Jose                         0 1 2--3\nCalgary                          0 4 3--7\nFirst period\n     No scoring.\nSecond period\n     1, San Jose, Garpenlov 22 (Odgers, Gaudreau) pp, 3:37.\n     2, Calgary, Nieuwendyk 38 (MacInnis, Suter) pp, 5:26.\n     3, Calgary, Ranheim 21 (Otto, Suter) 10:43.\n     4, Calgary, Yawney 1 (Nieuwendyk, Roberts) 11:26.\n     5, Calgary, Berube 4 (Paslawski, Skrudland) 13:45.\nThird period\n     6, San Jose, Wood 1 (Odgers, Kisio) 8:00.\n     7, Calgary, Reichel 40 (unassisted) 9:26.\n     8, Calgary, Roberts 38 (Musil, Paslawski) pp, 12:27.\n     9, San Jose, Kisio 26 (unassisted) 13:10.\n     10, Calgary, Paslawski 18 (Ashton, Stern) 16:16.\n\nCalgary: 7    Power play: 4-2\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nAshton             0    1    1\nBerube             1    0    1\nMacInnis           0    1    1\nMusil              0    1    1\nNieuwendyk         1    1    2\nOtto               0    1    1\nPaslawski          1    2    3\nRanheim            1    0    1\nReichel            1    0    1\nRoberts            1    1    2\nSkrudland          0    1    1\nStern              0    1    1\nSuter              0    2    2\nYawney             1    0    1\n\nSan Jose: 3    Power play: 3-1\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nGarpenlov          1    0    1\nGaudreau           0    1    1\nKisio              1    1    2\nOdgers             0    2    2\nWood               1    0    1\n\n-----------------------------------------\nVancouver                        1 2 5--8\nLos Angeles                      2 3 1--6\nFirst period\n     1, Los Angeles, Robitaille 63 (Gretzky, Sandstrom) 1:39.\n     2, Vancouver, Babych 3 (Craven, Nedved) pp, 9:43.\n     3, Los Angeles, Sandstrom 25 (Gretzky, Robitaille) 10:06.\nSecond period\n     4, Vancouver, Linden 32 (Ronning, Courtnall) pp, 0:54.\n     5, Vancouver, Ward 22 (Hunter, Nedved) 1:24.\n     6, Los Angeles, Gretzky 16 (Sandstrom, Robitaille) 6:57.\n     7, Los Angeles, Zhitnik 12 (Kurri, Robitaille) pp, 14:02.\n     8, Los Angeles, Millen 23 (Hardy) pp, 16:57.\nThird period\n     9, Vancouver, Ronning 27 (Dirk) 5:28.\n     10, Vancouver, Ronning 28 (Courtnall, Linden) pp, 11:15.\n     11, Vancouver, Linden 33 (Courtnall, Ronning) 11:27.\n     12, Los Angeles, Donnelly 29 (Millen, Granato) pp, 14:35.\n     13, Vancouver, Courtnall 31 (Ronning, Ratushny) 14:54.\n     14, Vancouver, Ronning 29 (Linden, Diduck) en, 18:47.\n\nVancouver: 8    Power play: 6-3   Special goals:  pp: 3  en: 1  Total: 4\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nBabych             1    0    1\nCourtnall          1    3    4\nCraven             0    1    1\nDiduck             0    1    1\nDirk               0    1    1\nHunter             0    1    1\nLinden             2    2    4\nNedved             0    2    2\nRatushny           0    1    1\nRonning            3    3    6\nWard               1    0    1\n\nLos Angeles: 6    Power play: 10-3\nScorer            G    A   Pts\n---------------  ---  ---  ---\nDonnelly           1    0    1\nGranato            0    1    1\nGretzky            1    2    3\nHardy              0    1    1\nKurri              0    1    1\nMillen             1    1    2\nRobitaille         1    3    4\nSandstrom          1    2    3\nZhitnik            1    0    1\n\n-----------------------------------------\n",
  'From: manes@magpie.linknet.com (Steve Manes)\nSubject: Re: Gun Control (was Re: We\'re Mad as Hell at the TV News)\nOrganization: Manes and Associates, NYC\nDistribution: na\nX-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]\nLines: 44\n\nJim De Arras (jmd@cube.handheld.com) wrote:\n: In article <C4u3x5.Fw7@magpie.linknet.com> manes@magpie.linknet.com (Steve  \n: Manes) writes:\n: [...]\n: > I don\'t know how anyone can state that gun control could have NO\n: > effect on homicide rates.  There were over 250 >accidental< handgun\n: > homicides in America in 1990, most with licensed weapons.  More\n: > American children accidentally shot other children last year (15)\n: > than all the handgun homicides in Great Britain.  (Source: National\n: > Safety Council.  Please... no dictionary arguments about RATES vs\n: > TOTAL NUMBERS, okay?  They\'re offered for emphasis, not comparison).\n: > \n\n: You\'re a great debater.  You chose your sources of information, claim them\n: to  be superior,\n\nI\'ve made no such claim.  Please direct my attention towards any\nposting of mine where I claimed superior sources of information.\nIt\'s probably because I bothered to post any references at all while\nothers seem content to post numbers pulled from the ozone, that\nyou\'ve confused it with fact-twisting.  If so, I apologize.  \n\n: then take those twisted numbers and twist them further by trying  \n\nWell then, here\'s fair opportunity for you to prove that I\'ve "twisted\nnumbers."  On what grounds do you contradict those references?  Do you have\nany citations... any sources of your own that I can take similar\ngratuitous shots at?\n\n: to compare absolute numbers between two countries that have major population  \n: differences, the USA and GB, and then whine that you are afraid someone might  \n: attack your process, and so claim the numbers are for "emphasis, not  \n: comparison"?  Emphasis of what?\n\nNitpicking and scolding is a whiney debating style, Jim.\n\n: Anything else is blowing smoke.\n\nYou seddit, brudda.\n \n-- \nStephen Manes\t\t\t\t\t   manes@magpie.linknet.com\nManes and Associates\t\t\t\t   New York, NY, USA  =o&>o\n\n',
  "From: king@cogsci.ucsd.edu (Jonathan King)\nSubject: A Move we won't see (was Why The RedFlops Can(but won't) win.....)\nOrganization: University of California, San Diego\nLines: 14\nNNTP-Posting-Host: cogsci.ucsd.edu\nSummary: it would be tragic if ted simmons were to pick up mo vaughn\n\nstwombly@cs.ulowell.edu (Steve Twombly) writes:\n>1.  Mo Vaughn CAN hit .400 in the spring.\n>1b. Mo Vaughn CAN Only hit .230 during the season.\n\nExcellent point.  I hope to God that Ted Simmons doesn't get the weird\nidea of trading for the guy.  And if he does, he had better not\ninclude Jeff King in the deal.  Oh God--what if he traded Zane Smith\nand Jeff King for Vaughn and Greg Blosser?  It would be worse than The\nNichols Curse!\n\nHmm, I guess that doesn't sound sincere enough.  Oh well, at least I\ntried...\n\njking\n",
  'From: Aaron Herskowitz <aherskow@alleg.edu>\nSubject: For Sale: Borland C++ w/ Application Frameworks 3.1\nReply-To: aherskow@alleg.edu\nOrganization: Allegheny College\n\n[Please excuse me if this is inappropriate to post here, but I do not read  \nthese groups normally and I did not see any PC related marketplace  \nnewsgroups]\n\nFOR SALE: Borland C++ with Application Frameworks 3.1 (Full Professional  \nDeveloper Kit)\n\nBorland C++ Programming Package including unopened software, unopened  \nmanuals, and registration card.\n\nSOFTWARE INCLUDES:\n1. *Still plastic wrapped* high density 5.25 inch disks for Borland C++:\n\ttotal of 18 diskettes in 2 individually wrapped packages, each\n\tdisk has "Borland C++" and "BC++ & APP. FRAMEWORKS 3.1" on label\n2. Amish System Utilities for Windows (one 5.25" high density disk):\n\tAmish Launch\n\tAmish Desk Utilities for Windows\n3. Phar Lap\'s 286|DOS-Extender Lite Version 2.5 (one 5.25" HD disk)\n\nMANUALS INCLUDE:\n1. *Still Plastic Wrapped* Manuals include (i.e. unopened):\n\tA. Boland Windows API Volumes:\n\t\tI: Reference Guide\n\t\tII: Reference Guide\n\t\tIII: Windows 3.1 Reference Guide\n\tB. Borland Turbo Debugger 3.0 User\'s Guide\n\tC. Borland Turbo Profiler 3.0 User\'s Guide\n\tD. Borland Turbo Assembler 3.0 Users Guide\n\tE. Borland C++ 3.1 User\'s Guide:\n\t\tintegrated environment\n\t\toptimization\n\t\tcommand line compiler\n\t\tinstallation\n\tF. Borland C++ 3.1 Programmer\'s Guide:\n\t\tlanguage structure, class libraries, advanced prgramming\n\t\ttechniques, anci c implementaion\n\tG. Borland C++ 3.1 Library Reference:\n\t\truntime library, global variables, cross-reference\n\tH. Borland C++ 3.1 Tools and Utilities Guide:\n\t\terror messages, winsightm make, help/resource compilers,\n\t\ttlink\n\tI. Borland Object Windows for C++ User\'s Guide:\n\t\ttutorials, class reference\n\t\t\n2. Opened (no plastic wrapping, but unread) Manuals include:\n\tA. Borland Turbo Assembler 3.0 Quick Reference Guide\n\tB. Borland Turbo Vision for C++ User\'s Guide\n\tC. Borland Resource Workshop User\'s Guide\n\nThis package was purchased by a former employee of my father\'s and my  \nfather has asked me to try and sell it since neither of us have any use  \nfor it.\n\nRetails for $749, most software houses have it for approx. $480.  I am  \nasking $400.\n\nIf you are interested, please e-mail me directly because I do not normally  \nread this newsgroup.\n\n--\nAaron Herskowitz      [aherskow@alleg.edu]\nAllegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania\n',
  'From: PPORTH@hq.nasa.gov ("Tricia Porth (202")\nSubject: Remote Sensing Data\nX-Added: Forwarded by Space Digest\nMmdf-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU\nOrganization: [via International Space University]\nOriginal-Sender: isu@VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU\nDistribution: sci\nLines: 137\n\n=================================================================\nI am posting this for someone else.  Please respond to the \naddress listed below.  Please also excuse the duplication as this \nmessage has been crossposted.  Thanks!\n=================================================================\n \n \n      REQUEST FOR IDEAS FOR APPLICATIONS OF REMOTE SENSING DATABASES \n                             VIA THE INTERNET\n \nNASA is planning to expand the domain of users of its Earth and space science\ndata.  This effort will:\n \n  o   Use the evolving infrastructure of the U.S. Global Change Research \n      Program including the Mission To Planet Earth (MTPE) and the Earth \n      Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Programs.\n \n  o   Use the Internet, particularly the High Performance Computing and \n      Communications Program\'s NREN (National Research and Education \n      Network), as a means of providing access to and distribution of \n      science data and images and value added products.\n \n  o   Provide broad access to and utilization of remotely sensed images in \n      cooperation with other agencies (especially NOAA, EPA, DOE, DEd, \n      DOI/USGS, and USDA). \n \n  o   Support remote sensing image and data users and development \n      communities. \n \nThe user and development communities to be included (but not limited to) as\npart of this effort are educators, commercial application developers (e.g., \ntelevision weather forecasters), librarians, publishers, agriculture \nspecialists, transportation, forestry, state and local government planners, and\naqua business.\n \nThis program will be initiated in 1994.  Your assistance is requested to \nidentify potential applications of remote sensing images and data.  We would \nlike your ideas for potential application areas to assist with development of\nthe Implementation Plan.\n \nPLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS.  \n \nWe are seeking your ideas in these areas: \n \n  (1)  Potential commercial use of remote sensing data and images; \n \n  (2)  Potential noncommercial use of remote sensing data and images in \n       education (especially levels K-12) and other noncommercial areas;\n \n  (3)  Types of on-line capabilities and protocols to make the data more \n       accessible;\n \n  (4)  Additional points of contacts for ideas; and \n \n  (5)  Addresses and names  from whom to request proposals. \n \nFor your convenience, a standard format for responses is included below.  Feel\nfree to amend it as necessary.  Either e-mail or fax your responses to us by\nMay 5, 1993.\n \nE-MAIL:   On Internet "rsdwg@orion.ossa.hq.nasa.gov"  ASCII  - No binary \nattachments please\n \nFAX:   Ernie Lucier, c/o RSDWG, NASA HQ, FAX 202-358-3098\n \nSurvey responses in the following formats may also be placed in the FTP \ndirectory ~ftp/pub/RSDWG on orion.nasa.gov.  Please indicate the format. \nAcceptable formats are: Word for Windows 2.X, Macintosh Word 4.X and 5.X, and \nRTF.  \n \n \n \n----------------------------RESPONSE FORMAT--------------------------\n \nREQUEST FOR IDEAS FOR APPLICATIONS OF REMOTE SENSING DATABASES VIA THE INTERNET\n \n(1)  Potential commercial use of remote sensing data and images  (if possible,\nidentify the relevant types of data or science products, user tools, and\nstandards).\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n(2)  Uses of remote sensing data and images in education (especially levels\nK-12) and other noncommercial areas (if possible, identify the relevant types\nof data or science products, user tools, and standards). \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n(3)  Types of on-line capabilities and protocols to make the data and images\nmore accessible (if possible, identify relevant types of formats, standards,\nand user tools)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n(4)  Additional suggested persons or organizations that may be resources for \nfurther ideas on applications areas.  Please include: Name, Organization, \nAddress and Telephone Number.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n(5)  Organizations, mailing lists (electronic and paper), periodicals, etc. to\nwhom a solicitation for proposals should be sent when developed.  Please \ninclude: Name, Organization, Address and Telephone Number.\n \n \n \n(6)  We would benefit from knowing why users that know about NASA remote \nsensing data do not use the data.  Is it because they do not have ties to NASA\ninvestigators, or high cost, lack of accessibility, incompatible data formats,\npoor area of interest coverage, inadequate spatial or spectral resolution, ...?\n \n \n \n \n \n(7)  In case we have questions, please send us your name, address, phone number\n(and e-mail address if you have one).  If you don\'t wish to send us this\ninformation, feel free to respond to the survey anonymously.  Thank you for\nyour assistance. \n \n \n',
  'From: grantk@nosc.mil (Kelly J. Grant)\nSubject: Strange 386 enhanced behavior...\nKeywords: 386 enhanced, Paradox\nOrganization: Computer Sciences Corporation\nLines: 45\n\nHowdy\n\nWe have been having a real problem with an AST 386sx/16 machine with\n4mb of RAM.  We installed Paradox for Windows, (but I don\'t think \nParadox is the real problem here), and the installation went ok\n(windows is installed on a local drive, paradox installed on a novell\nnetwork (netware 386 v3.26 or greater), DOS 5, Win 3.1) but the program\nwill not load in 386 enchanted mode.  The thermometer bar goes to 60%\nand we then either get a \'invalid command.com\' or a windows nastygram\ntalking about an illegal instruction.  I\'ve checked out the command.com\nthing, but as a long-time C programmer, I\'ve crashed my share of machines\nwith pointer problems and this is a standard behavior :-)\n\nAnyway, paradox will run in standard mode, but not enhanced.  We also have\nquattro pro windows, exhibiting the same behavior.  Spent about 2 hours\nwith Borland\'s tech people, with no avail.  The guy I talked to a microsoft\ndidn\'t want to really dig in and help, as he gave up pretty quickly.\nSomewhat disappointing, really.  I expected more from Microsoft.  You\'d think\nwith all the millions of windows installations that they would have seen all\nthe possible problems, but I guess not...\n\nMicrosoft had sent us a 13 page fax on fixing UAE and General\nProtection faults (sorry, I can\'t fax anything out of here so please\ndon\'t ask, try Microsoft), which we tried.  We did *everything* they\nsaid, and still no luck.\n\nSo.  If you can help, please mail me.  This problem is driving us nuts.\nI will greatly appreciate any information anyone can pass on.\n\nThanks\n\nKelly\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTHIS IS THE REAL SIGNATURE...Please ignore the following demon signature..\n\nKelly J. Grant     grantk@nosc.mil\n4045 Hancock St    (619) 225-2562  "The next time someone asks you if you\nSan Diego, CA 92110                 are a god, you say YES!"  :-)\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n-- \nKelly Grant        grantk@manta.nosc.mil   (619) 553-0850\nComputer Sciences Corp          ^^^^^^^^ Important: manta.UUCP won\'t get to me\n4045 Hancock Street      "If you are given lemons.....see if you can trade for\nSan Diego, CA 92110       chocolate" - me\n',
  'From: pmetzger@snark.shearson.com (Perry E. Metzger)\nSubject: Re: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption\nOrganization: Partnership for an America Free Drug\nDistribution: na\nLines: 104\n\nrlward1@afterlife.ncsc.mil (Robert Ward) writes:\n>In article <bontchev.734981805@fbihh> bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de writes:\n>>and since the US constitutions guarantees the right to every American\n>>to bear arms, why is not every American entitled, as a matter of\n>\n>Have you read the applicable part of the Constitution and interpreted it IN \n>CONTEXT?  If not, please do so before posting this misinterpretation again.\n>It refers to the right of the people to organize a militia, not for individuals \n>to carry handguns, grenades, and assault rifles.  \n\nThe Supreme Court seems to disagree with you -- they have stated that\n"the people" is a term of art refering to an individual right, and\nhave explicitly mentioned the second amendment as an example.\n\nI quote:\n\n  "... \'the people\' seems to have been a term of art employed in\n  select parts of the Constitution.  The Preamble declares that the\n  Constitution is ordained, and established by \'the people of the\n  the U.S.\'  The Second Amendment protects the right of the people\n  to keep and bear Arms ...."\n\t- Supreme Court of the U.S.,  U.S. v. Uerdugo-Uriquidez (1990).\n\nFurthermore, in the Miller decision, they only permitted prosecution\nfor possession of a sawed-off shotgun because the defense had not\npresented testimony and they therefore accepted the argument of the\ngovernment that such weapons have no military value -- they held that\nthe amendment protected the individual right to possess military\nweapons. Unfortunately, no second amendment case has successfully\ngotten to the court in fifty years. However, that does not change the\ninterpretation.\n\nFurthermore, it appears that others disagree with you as well, vis:\n\n "The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept,\n  and wording of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the\n  United States, as well as its interpretation by every major\n  commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratifi-\n  cation, indicates that what is protected is an individual right\n  of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner."\n   - Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the\n     Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate,\n     97th Congress, Second Session ( February 1982 )\n\nYou might rightfully ask "well then, what does that first bit about\nmilitias mean?"\n\nWell, "militia" in historical context basically means the whole of the\nadult males of the country. (Indeed, the U.S. Code still defines\n"militia" as all armed men over the age of 17).\n\n   "The Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting\n    in concert for the common defense ....  And ... these men were\n    expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of\n    the kind in common use at the time."\n\t- Supreme Court of the United States,  U.S. v. Miller (1939).\n\nThe reason for the phrase being there was to explain the rationale\nbehind the amendment, which was this: by depending on the people to\nbear arms in defense of the country, no centralization of military\npower could ever occur which would permit tyranny -- in short, the\ngovernment would remain perpetually in fear of the people, rather than\nthe other way around.\n\n   "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.  The strongest reason\n   for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last\n   resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."\n     - Thomas Jefferson, Proposal Virginia Constitution, June 1776\n       1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334 (C. J. Boyd, Ed., 1950).\n\n   "And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not\n   warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of\n   resistance ?  Let them take arms ... The tree of liberty must be\n   refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."\n     - Thomas Jefferson (letter to William S. Smith, 1787, in\n       Jefferson, On Democracy 20, S. Padover, ed., 1939).\n\n   "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed;\n   as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe.  The supreme\n   power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword;\n   because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute\n   a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on\n   any pretense, raised in the United States."\n     - Noah Webster, "An Examination into the Leading Principles\n       of the Federal Constitution" (1787), in Pamphlets on the\n       Constitution of the United States (P. Ford, 1888).\n\nYou may disagree with the second amendment, and wish that it be\nrepealed, but please do not pretend that it isn\'t there and that it\ndoesn\'t mean what it says. You might argue that conditions have\nchanged and that it should no longer be present, but you can\'t imagine\nit away.\n\nI could fill a book with detailed argumentation. Many have already.\n\nHowever, none of this has anything to do with cryptography.  Lets get\nit out of here. If you insist on discussing this, please do it in\ntalk.politics.guns, where people will gladly discuss this matter with\nyou.\n\n--\nPerry Metzger\t\tpmetzger@shearson.com\n--\nLaissez faire, laissez passer. Le monde va de lui meme.\n',
  "From: nyeda@cnsvax.uwec.edu (David Nye)\nSubject: Re: Need advice with doctor-patient relationship problem\nArticle-I.D.: cnsvax.1993Apr17.012019.6087\nOrganization: University of Wisconsin Eau Claire\nLines: 12\n\n[reply to mcovingt@aisun3.ai.uga.edu (Michael Covington)]\n \n>Sounds as though his heart's in the right place, but he is not adept at\n>expressing it.  What you received was _meant_ to be a profound apology.\n>Apologies delivered by overworked shy people often come out like that...\n \nThe guy didn't sound too shy to me.  He sounded like a jerk.  I say ditch\nhim for someone more knowledgeable and empathetic.\n \nDavid Nye (nyeda@cnsvax.uwec.edu).  Midelfort Clinic, Eau Claire WI\nThis is patently absurd; but whoever wishes to become a philosopher\nmust learn not to be frightened by absurdities. -- Bertrand Russell\n",
  "From: spiegel@sgi413.msd.lmsc.lockheed.com (Mark Spiegel)\nSubject: Re: Bay area media (Wings-Leafs coverage)\nOrganization:  Personal Opinions Inc.\nLines: 41\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.031840.18636@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca> maynard@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Roger Maynard) writes:\n>In <DREIER.93Apr19195132@durban.berkeley.edu> dreier@durban.berkeley.edu (Roland Dreier) writes:\n>\n>>The San Francisco Bay area media is reporting tonight that the Detroit\n>>Red Wings beat the Toronto Maple Leafs 6-3.  Can someone who is not\n>>part of the media conspiracy against the Leafs tell me how the game\n>>really went (I am expecting a 4-0 win for the Leafs, shutout for\n>>Potvin, hat trick for Andreychuk and a goal and 3 assists for\n>>Gilmour).  If the Leafs really lost, how many penalties did whichever\n>>biased ref was at the game have to call against the Leafs to let the\n>>Red Wings win?\n>\n>Ah yes.  California.  Did the San Francisco Bay area media report that\n>Joe Montana is rumoured to be the leading candidate to replace fired\n>San Jose Sharks coach George Kingston?  Apparently Montana is not only\n>coveted for his winning attitude, but as a playing coach he will be\n>expected to quarterback the powerplay.\n\n\tClose Roger, but no banana, er avocado or is it artichoke ?!?\n\n\tGeracie in the Murky News said Kingston will be the new 49ers\n\tquarterback.  I'm still trying to determine if he is kidding\n\tor not :).  If I happen to pound down enuff pints sometime \n\tthis week I'll go back and check what stooper idiot Purdy\n\tsaid in his column.  That ought to be worth a few Leafs, I\n\tmean Laughs.   If I'm really depressed I'll read the SF Comicle.\n\n\tmark\n\n just say\n\n #####  #     #    #    ######  #    #   #####           ____                  \n#     # #     #   # #   #     # #   #   #     #            -_ --__             \n#       #     #  #   #  #     # #  #    #                    \\    --_          \n #####  ####### #     # ######  ###      #####                \\      -_        \n      # #     # ####### #   #   #  #          #                |       \\       \n#     # #     # #     # #    #  #   #   #     #    __________ /         \\_____ \n #####  #     # #     # #     # #    #   #####  ___________ /            \\_____\n______________________________________________________________________________\nMark Spiegel  spiegel@lmsc.lockheed.com   Cow Palace:108/K/8  Epicenter: ?\n\n",
  "From: rseymour@reed.edu (Robert Seymour)\nSubject: Re: WHAT car is this!?\nArticle-I.D.: reed.1993Apr21.032905.29286\nReply-To: rseymour@reed.edu\nOrganization: Reed College, Portland, OR\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <1993Apr20.174246.14375@wam.umd.edu> lerxst@wam.umd.edu (where's my  \nthing) writes:\n> \n>  I was wondering if anyone out there could enlighten me on this car I saw\n> the other day. It was a 2-door sports car, looked to be from the late 60s/\n> early 70s. It was called a Bricklin. The doors were really small. In  \naddition,\n> the front bumper was separate from the rest of the body. This is \n> all I know. If anyone can tellme a model name, engine specs, years\n> of production, where this car is made, history, or whatever info you\n> have on this funky looking car, please e-mail.\n\nBricklins were manufactured in the 70s with engines from Ford. They are rather  \nodd looking with the encased front bumper. There aren't a lot of them around,  \nbut Hemmings (Motor News) ususally has ten or so listed. Basically, they are a  \nperformance Ford with new styling slapped on top.\n\n>    ---- brought to you by your neighborhood Lerxst ----\n\nRush fan?\n\n--\nRobert Seymour\t\t\t\trseymour@reed.edu\nPhysics and Philosophy, Reed College\t(NeXTmail accepted)\nArtificial Life Project\t\t\tReed College\nReed Solar Energy Project (SolTrain)\tPortland, OR\n",
  'From: cjhs@minster.york.ac.uk\nSubject: Re: Xt intrinsics: slow popups\nOrganization: Department of Computer Science, University of York, England\nLines: 33\n\ncjhs@minster.york.ac.uk wrote:\n: Help: I am running some sample problems from O\'Reilly volume 4,\n: Xt Intrisics Programming Manual, chapter 3. popup\n: dialog boxes and so on.\n: \n: In example 3.5, page 76 : "Creating a pop-up dialog box"\n: \n: The application creates window with a button "Quit" and "Press me".\n: The button "Press me" pops up a dialog box. The strange feature of\n: this program is that it always pops up the dialog box much faster the\n: first time. If I try to pop it up a 2nd time (3rd, 4th .... time), \n: it is *much* slower.\n: \n: Has anyone any experience with these sample programs, or why I get\n: this behaviour - fast response time for the first time but slow response\n: time from 2nd time onwards ?\n: Anyone can give me some ideas on how to program popups so that each time\n: they popup in reasonable fast response time ?\n: \n: Thankyou - Shirley\n\nThanks to those who responded.\n\nWe were able to prevent this behaviour by two methods:\n\n1) running twm rather than olwm\n2) keeping olwm, but putting "wmTimeout: 10" in the resources\n\nIt has been suggested that the difficuty was something to do with the\nwindow manager positioning the popup window. Any guru who can analyse\nwhat is going on from this information, please post and let us know.\n\nThanks -- Shirley\n',
  'From: aas7@po.CWRU.Edu (Andrew A. Spencer)\nSubject: Re: SHO and SC\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)\nLines: 53\nReply-To: aas7@po.CWRU.Edu (Andrew A. Spencer)\nNNTP-Posting-Host: slc5.ins.cwru.edu\n\n\nIn a previous article, a207706@moe.dseg.ti.com (Robert Loper) says:\n\n>In article <C5L8rE.28@constellation.ecn.uoknor.edu> callison@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (James P. Callison) writes:\n>>In article <1993Apr15.232412.2261@ganglion.ann-arbor.mi.us> david@ganglion.ann-arbor.mi.us (David Hwang) writes:\n>>>In article <5214@unisql.UUCP> wrat@unisql.UUCP (wharfie) writes:\n>>>>In article <chrissC587qB.D1B@netcom.com> chriss@netcom.com (Chris Silvester) writes:\n>>>>\n>>\n>>Why anyone would order an SHO with an automatic transmission is\n>>beyond me; if you can\'t handle a stick, you should stick with a\n>>regular Taurus and leave the SHO to real drivers. That is not to\n>>say that there aren\'t real drivers who can\'t use the stick (eg\n>>disabled persons), but they aren\'t in any position to use an\n>>SHO anyway. \n>>\n>>I would be willing to bet that if we removed the automatic\n>>transmissions from all "performance-type" cars (like the 5.0l\n>>Mustangs, Camaros, and the like) we\'d cut down on the number of\n>>accidents each year. Autos are fine for sedate little sedans,\n>>but they have no business in performance cars, IMHO.\n>>\n>>\t\t\t\tJames\n>>\n>I have to disagree with this.  I have a 92 Z28 with a 350 and a 4-speed auto\n>w/ overdrive, and it is really better that way.  Chevy autos are reknowned\n>for their long life and ability to handle copious amount of power.  I live \n>in the Dallas area, and a manual would be much harder to drive in the traffic \n>here.  Now if I still lived out in the sticks like I used to, a manual would be\n>more fun.  \n>\n>Safety-wise, an auto is less distracting...I would hate to have to be    \n>shifting gears while I was trying to ease into traffic in the freeways here.\n>Performance-wise, I can hold my own against any stock 5.0 Mustang or 5.0\n>Camaro w/ a five speed.  \n>\n>All of this IMHO... :)\n\nall of my HO\'s disagree with your HO\'s.  I LOVED Dallas rush hour in my stick..\ndetested it in the auto(like i did any other time in the auto...).  Of course,\nDalls rush hours are nothing, from what i hear..if i lived in LA, i might\nbe of a different persuasion.  And, just for the record, rarely do you shift\ngears when merging into traffic..that is what 5 speeds are good for..4th is\ngood up through around 80-90, most of the time, so you can just wind it out..\nit\'s not going to hurt anything, and keeps it in the powerband anyway..\nonly shift into top gear when you are exceeding redline in 4th(fairly rare,\nunless you drive a ferrari or some such, i\'d bet) or when you hit cruising \nspeed where you feel comfortable(or when my mother is sitting in the \npassanger seat complaining about how you wind her "poor little engine" way\ntoo hi :-)\nJust my HO\'s..\n\nDREW\n',
  'From: pharvey@quack.kfu.com (Paul Harvey)\nSubject: Re: A KIND and LOVING God!! (NOT!)\nOrganization: The Duck Pond public unix: +1 408 249 9630, log in as \'guest\'.\n\t<sandvik-150493181533@sandvik-kent.apple.com> \n\t<1993Apr16.181605.15072@ra.royalroads.ca> \n\t<sandvik-160493205451@sandvik-kent.apple.com>\nLines: 28\n\nIn article <sandvik-160493205451@sandvik-kent.apple.com> \nsandvik@newton.apple.com (Kent Sandvik) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr16.181605.15072@ra.royalroads.ca>,\n>mlee@post.RoyalRoads.ca (Malcolm Lee) wrote:\n>> This brings up another question I still have to ponder:  why is there so \n>> much anti-Semitism?  Why do people hate Jews?  I don\'t hate Jews.  I consider\n>> them to be like anyone else, sinners we all are.\n>I don\'t know, I don\'t care about ethnical rights and wrongs myself,\n>but it\'s evident that Christians consider Jews no longer to be the \n>sole selected group of God\'s people -- while Jews consider this to\n>be the case.\n\nChristian anti-Semitism comes from the obvious fact that the Jews should\nknow the Hebrew Scriptures better than anyone else, yet they did not\nconvert to Christianity en mass, thus rejecting "Christian Love."\n\n>No wonder this caused anti-Semitism. One might even\n>wonder that if Christianity didn\'t do this separation, would anti-Semitism\n>have even started?\n\nI don\'t see why not. Where are the rest of the tribal people? What\nhappened to the tribes of the Americas? Culture is seen as different and\nundesirable in the West, particular in the US with its failed "melting\npot concept." Most tribes have been hunted to extinction, the Hebrew\ntribe is one of the few survivers from the Neolithic. Of course it\nbecomes difficult at times to separate Christianity from the Western\nexperience, so perhaps you are right, perhaps it would have been a better \nworld if the cultural experiment in Christianity never happened.\n',
  'From: zrdf01@trc.amoco.com (Rusty Foreman)\nSubject: Re: 17" Monitors\nReply-To: zrdf01@trc.amoco.com\nOrganization: Amoco Production Company, Tulsa Research\nLines: 11\n\nHas anyone taken a look at the new ViewSonic 17? They claim 1280x1024 at 76Hz.\nHow does it compare with the T560i in terms of price, and quality of display?\n\n\n|-----|  Living on Tulsa time.....  \n   |   \n   |   Rusty Foreman  - - - - - - - - rforeman@trc.amoco.com\n   |   Amoco Production Research        {...uunet}!apctrc!zrdf01\n   |   P.O. Box 3385                      phone: (918) 660-3488\n   |   Tulsa, OK 74102                      fax: 918-660-4163\n\n',
  'From: gwieman@unl.edu (Gary Wieman)\nSubject: Cards sweep LA, Mets lose, Life is GOOD!\nOrganization: University of Nebraska--Lincoln\t\nLines: 28\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: unlinfo.unl.edu\nKeywords: Cardinals\n\nJust a few lines about my favorite team sweeping the Dodgers (one of \nmy least favorite) in LA (Sweet!).  Also the Mets (my other least \nfavorite team) loss to the Rockies made this this a great day and a \ngreat start to the weekend as the Cardinals are on the ESPN tonight.\n\nBig Lee Smith is having a great start and the Cardinals seem to be\nhitting in the clutch even though they have had a few games with lots\nof hits and not many runs.  Hopefully with the coaches stress on\nsituational hitting in spring training, the runners LOB will be lower\nthis year (probably due to the high strikeout numbers by Jose and\nLankford and Zeile\'s off year).\n\nI don\'t know why all the fuss about the Fillies.  The media and all the \nFilly fans on r.s.b forget who is right behind them in the standings.  \nGive the Wild Thing a week or two before he starts blowing some games \nand we\'ll see who is in first then.  I believe the Cardinal pitching \nstaff is more complete than the Filly staff and that will make the\ndifference.\n\nOn a side note, a few years ago (5-6), a comment was made by some \nbaseball player or manager about the Dodger defense.  He was asked \nwhere to hit the ball against the Dodgers and he replied "Fair."  I \nremember it being in the "They Said It" section of Sports Illustrated.\nI would like to know who said it and what issue it was in.\n\nGO REDBIRDS!!\n\nGary Wieman\n',
  "From: baileyc@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (Christopher R. Bailey)\nSubject: How do I cause a timeout?\nSummary: how can I force a strip chart to update\nNntp-Posting-Host: ucsu.colorado.edu\nOrganization: University of Colorado, Boulder\nLines: 20\n\n\nI have a problem where an Athena strip chart widget is not calling it's\nget value function.  I am pretty sure this is happening because I am\nnot using XtAppMainLoop, but am dealing with events via sockets.  (ya ya).\n\nAnyway, I want to cause a timeout so that the strip chart widget(s) will\ncall their get value callback.  Or if someone knows another FAST way around\nthis (or any way for that matter) let me know.  I cannot (or I don't think)\ncall the XtNgetValue callback myself because I don't have the value for\nthe third parameter of the get value proc (XtPointer call_data).  \n\nIn other words, I want to force a strip chart widget to update itself.\n\nAny ideas anyone?  \n\n-- \nChristopher R. Bailey            |Internet: baileyc@dendrite.cs.colorado.edu\nUniversity of Colorado at Boulder|CompuServe: 70403,1522\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\nRide Fast, Take Chances!\n",
  'From: gtd597a@prism.gatech.EDU (Hrivnak)\nSubject: Re: This year\'s biggest and worst (opinion)...\nKeywords: NHL, awards\nArticle-I.D.: hydra.91528\nOrganization: Georgia Institute of Technology\nLines: 19\n\nIn article <C51CJB.L5z@ccu.umanitoba.ca> umturne4@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Daryl Turner) writes:\n>They were, and even if Washington might consider Patty a bust, I\'d rework\n>that trade in a minute.  Druce has been a complete and utter bust here,\n>only 5 goals.\n\n\tWell, Druce pretty much sucked when he was with the Caps. He had one\ngood **playoffs** (not season). oh well. The Caps are notorious for making\nstupid trades anyway, as can be seen with the Cicarelli and Hrivnak trades.\nSigh.\n\tIn another note... I\'d have to say the Caps biggest surprise was \nCote, as many Caps fans had been expecting a lot from Bondra already.\n \n\n\n-- \nGO SKINS!    ||"Now for the next question... Does emotional music have quite\nGO BRAVES!   ||   an effect on you?" - Mike Patton, Faith No More \nGO HORNETS!  ||\nGO CAPITALS! ||Mike Friedman (Hrivnak fan!) Internet: gtd597a@prism.gatech.edu\n',
  "From: JBF101@psuvm.psu.edu\nSubject: same-sex marriages\nOrganization: Penn State University\nLines: 17\n\nThere has been some talk recently of Latin rites from the early Church used to\nbless same-sex unions.If anyone has any idea where copies of these rites\nexist (in whole or in part), please notify me by e-mail.  (I understand that\nsimilar ceremonies written in Slavonic exist as well.  Let me know where I can\nfind these.)  It doesn't matter whether the Latin rite is in the original or a\ntranslation.  However, I would prefer to have an English version of the Slavon-\nic rite, if it exists.  Thanks in advance.\n\nDoug Hayes @ PSU\n\n[We've had questions about this in the past.  The only source I know\nof is claims by John Boswell in some talks.  He is said to be working\non publication, but as far as I know, nothing is published yet.  I\nhaven't heard of any other source.  If anyone knows of another source,\nplease tell us.  But I think we're going to have to wait for Boswell's\npublication to appear in order to see what he's really talking about.\n--clh]\n",
  'From: dlphknob@camelot.bradley.edu (Jemaleddin Cole)\nSubject: Re: Catholic Lit-Crit of a.s.s.\nNntp-Posting-Host: camelot.bradley.edu\nOrganization: The Society for the Preservation of Cruelty to Homophobes.\nLines: 37\n\nIn <1993Apr14.101241.476@mtechca.maintech.com> foster@mtechca.maintech.com writes:\n\n>I am surprised and saddened. I would expect this kind of behavior\n>from the Evangelical Born-Again Gospel-Thumping In-Your-Face We\'re-\n>The-Only-True-Christian Protestants, but I have always thought \n>that Catholics behaved better than this.\n>                                   Please do not stoop to the\n>level of the E B-A G-T I-Y-F W-T-O-T-C Protestants, who think\n>that the best way to witness is to be strident, intrusive, loud,\n>insulting and overbearingly self-righteous.\n\n(Pleading mode on)\n\nPlease!  I\'m begging you!  Quit confusing religious groups, and stop\nmaking generalizations!  I\'m a Protestant!  I\'m an evangelical!  I don\'t\nbelieve that my way is the only way!  I\'m not a "creation scientist"!  I\ndon\'t think that homosexuals should be hung by their toenails!  \n\nIf you want to discuss bible thumpers, you would be better off singling\nout (and making obtuse generalizations about) Fundamentalists.  If you\ncompared the actions of Presbyterians or Methodists with those of Southern \nBaptists, you would think that they were different religions!\n\nPlease, prejudice is about thinking that all people of a group are the\nsame, so please don\'t write off all Protestants or all evangelicals!\n\n(Pleading mode off.)\n\nGod.......I wish I could get ahold of all the Thomas Stories......\n--\n\t"Fbzr enval jvagre Fhaqnlf jura gurer\'f n yvggyr oberqbz, lbh fubhyq\nnyjnlf pneel n tha.  Abg gb fubbg lbhefrys, ohg gb xabj rknpgyl gung lbh\'er \nnyjnlf znxvat n pubvpr."\n\t\t\t--Yvan Jregzhyyre\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n        Jemaleddin Sasha David Cole IV - Chief of Knobbery Research\n                        dlphknob@camelot.bradley.edu\n',
  'From: thf2@kimbark.uchicago.edu (Ted Frank)\nSubject: Re: Best Second Baseman?\nReply-To: thf2@midway.uchicago.edu\nOrganization: University of Chicago\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 22\n\nIn article <1pqvusINNmjm@crcnis1.unl.edu> horan@cse.unl.edu (Mark Horan) writes:\n>Sandberg is not particulary known for his stolen bases.  What competition did \n>Alomar have?  Sandberg came in a year after Ripken, and the same year as Boggs,\n>Gwynn, and the other magicians.  So less attention was given to Sandberg. \n>Alomar is the only one in his class to be worth a mediocre.  Besides the \n>numbers don\'t count.  National league pitchers are much better pitchers. \n\nYou\'re right: Thomas, Gonzalez, Sheffield, and Griffey don\'t even begin\nto compare with Ripken, Boggs, and Gwynn, so no wonder Alomar gets so\nmuch attention.\n\nSandberg got no attention his rookie year because his rookie year was\nterrible.  So was his sophomore year.\n\nNational League pitchers are "much better pitchers"?  That certainly explains\nSheffield\'s 1993, hm?  Are you confusing "have ERA\'s that are 0.40 lower\nbecause they don\'t face DH\'s" with "much better"?\n-- \nted frank                 | "However Teel should have mentioned that though \nthf2@kimbark.uchicago.edu |  his advice is legally sound, if you follow it \nthe u of c law school     |  you will probably wind up in jail."\nstandard disclaimers      |                    -- James Donald, in misc.legal\n',
  'From: jartsu@hut.fi (Jartsu)\nSubject: 512 kb VRAM SIMMs?\nNntp-Posting-Host: lk-hp-20.hut.fi\nReply-To: jartsu@vipunen.hut.fi\nOrganization: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland\nLines: 12\n\n\nHi there!\n\nCould some kind soul tell me what is the price of LC/IIvi/IIvx\ncompatible 512kb VRAM SIMMs in the US nowadays? The price over here\n(Finland) is so ridiculously high (about $185 each in USD) that I\nthink it is worth the trouble to try to get them overseas.\n\nThanks\n\n--\nJartsu\n',
  'From: ron.roth@rose.com (ron roth)\nSubject: Selective Placebo\nX-Gated-By: Usenet <==> RoseMail Gateway (v1.70)\nOrganization: Rose Media Inc, Toronto, Ontario.\nLines: 34\n\n From: romdas@uclink.berkeley.edu (Ella I Baff) writes:\n\nJB>    RR> "I don\'t doubt that the placebo effect is alive and well with\nJB>    RR>  EVERY medical modality - estimated by some to be around 20+%,\nJB>    RR>  but why would it be higher with alternative versus conventional\nJB>    RR>  medicine?"\nJB>  \nJB>  Because most the the time, closer to 90% in my experience, there is no\nJB>  substance to the \'alternative\' intervention beyond the good intentions of the\nJB>  practitioner, which in itself is quite therapeutic. [.......]\nJB>\nJB>  John Badanes, DC, CA\nJB>  romdas@uclink.berkeley.edu\n\n   Well, if that\'s the case in YOUR practice, I have a hard time \n   figuring out how you even managed to make it into the bottom half\n   of your class, or did you create your diplomas with crayons?\n \n   If someone runs a medical practice with only a 10% success rate,\n   they either tackle problems for which they are not qualified to\n   treat, or they have no conscience and are only in business for\n   fraudulent purposes.\n\n   OTOH, who are we kidding, the New England Medical Journal in 1984\n   ran the heading: "Ninety Percent of Diseases are not Treatable by\n   Drugs or Surgery," which has been echoed by several other reports.\n   No wonder MDs are not amused with alternative medicine, since\n   the 20% magic of the "placebo effect" would award alternative \n   practitioners twice the success rate of conventional medicine...\n\n   --Ron--\n---\n   RoseReader 2.00  P003228: Purranoia: the fear your cat is up to something\n   RoseMail 2.10 : Usenet: Rose Media - Hamilton (416) 575-5363\n',
  'From: narlochn@kirk.msoe.edu\nSubject: last\nDistribution: usa\nOrganization: Milwaukee School Of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI USA\nLines: 20\n\nI have two questions:\n\n1) I have been having troubles with my Wordperfect for Windows.\n   When I try to select and change fonts, etc. some of the text\n   disappears.  I tried to center two lines once, and the second\n   line disappeared.  I can not find the error, and I do not\n   know how to correct it.\n\n2) Is this the right newsgroup?  Where should I go?\n\nE-mail prefered...\n\n                                                  _____\nWho else is still waiting for "Naked Gun Part (Pi) | |  "\n\n\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\n\'/\'\'/\'Nathan\'Narloch\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'"Alumn122@whscdp.whs.edu"/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\n/\'\'/\'(Enforcer\'Burp)\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'or\'/\'"NARLOCHN@KIRK.MSOE.EDU"\'/\'\'/\'\'\n\'\'/\'\'/Milw,/WI/53207/\'\'/\'"Join\'the\'Official\'Psycho/Team..."/\'\'/\'\'/\n\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\'/\'\n',
  "From: A. Charles Gross <acg@eff.org>\nSubject: I have seen the lobby, and it is us\nX-Xxmessage-Id: <A7FAF1313A01AC87@l-b-johnson.eff.org>\nX-Xxdate: Wed, 21 Apr 93 17:40:17 GMT\nNntp-Posting-Host: l-b-johnson.eff.org\nOrganization: Electronic Frontier Foundation\nX-Useragent: Nuntius v1.1.1d17\nLines: 22\n\nIn article <1993Apr21.113152.395@gems.vcu.edu> , langford@gems.vcu.edu\nwrites:\n>However, it's likely to be as hard or harder to exercise this right as it\n>is getting to exercise the other rights that the government is slowly\n>restricting.  Maybe the NRA _would_ be the best existing organization?\n>(Although I think a new one might be better, but perhaps would take too\nlong\n>to start up.  I would certainly join.)\n\nThe NRA is successful because (among a number of things), on the drop of\na hat, they can get a congresspersons office flooded with postcards,\nfaxes and phone calls.  Certainly, with our way-cool Internet powers of\norganization, we can act in the same way, if such action is appropriate.\n\nAs long as we are kept informed of events, anyone on this bboard can make\na call to action.  Hopefully, we're a strong enough community to act on\nthose calls.  I realize this is a little optomistic, and I'm glad EFF is\nworking in the loop on these issues, but don't underestimate the\npotential of the net for political action.\n\nAdam\n* I speak for myself\n",
  "From: swalker@uts.EDU.AU (-s87271077-s.walker-man-50-)\nSubject: What do Nuclear Site's Cooling Towers do?\nOrganization: University of Technology, Sydney\nLines: 12\nDistribution: world\nNNTP-Posting-Host: acacia.ccsd.uts.edu.au\nSummary: Cooling Towers?. Anyone know how they work?\nKeywords: Nuclear\nOrganisation: University of Technology, Sydney, Australia\n\n\n\nI really don't know where to post this question so I figured that\nthis board would be most appropriate.\nI was wondering about those massive concrete cylinders that\nare ever present at nuclear poer sites. They look like cylinders\nthat have been pinched in the middle. Does anybody know what the\nactual purpose of those things are?. I hear that they're called\n'Cooling Towers' but what the heck do they cool?\nI hope someone can help \n\n\n",
  'From: healta@saturn.wwc.edu (Tammy R Healy)\nSubject: Cannanite genocide in the Bible\nLines: 6\nOrganization: Walla Walla College\nLines: 6\n\nexcuse me for my ignorance. But I remember reading once that the \nBiblical tribe known as the Philistines still exists...they are the modern \nday Palestinians.\nAnyone out there with more info, please post it!!!\n\nTammy\n',
  'From: daniels@NeoSoft.com (Brad Daniels)\nSubject: Fresco status?\nOrganization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- (713) 684-5900\nLines: 15\n\nI\'ve been hearing rumblings about Fresco, and it sounds like it may be\nwhat I\'m looking for, but how far is it from release, or at least some kind\nof availability?  How similar is it to InterViews?  If I code to InterViews,\nwill my code work with Fresco?  How about Motif?  I\'ve heard some mention\nof versions of InterViews which support Motif.  Will it be feasible to use\nMotif with Fresco?\n\nAny information would be much appreciated.\n\n- Brad\n-- \nBrad Daniels\t\t`\t|  "If money can\'t buy happiness,\ndaniels@neosoft.com\t\t|   I guess I\'ll have to rent it."\nI don\'t work for NeoSoft, and\t|\t\t- Weird Al Yenkovic\ndon\'t speak for my employer.\t|\n',
  "From: <34AEJ7D@CMUVM.BITNET>\nSubject: Re: Who's next? Mormons and Jews?\nDistribution: world\nLines: 4\n\nAs a minor point of interest, earlier news reports claim to have\nbeen quoting the Governor of Texas when Her Holiness referred to\nthe Dividians as _Mormons_ and called for their expulsion\nfrom TX. Any Texans have details?\n",
  "From: nbetz@csi.compuserve.com (Nathan Betz)\nSubject: First bike: Honda Ascot?\nOrganization: CompuServe Incorporated\nLines: 10\n\nHi folks.\n \nI'm going to be buying my first bike and I'm considering an 82\nHonda Ascot FT500 with less than 5K miles. Does this sound like a\nreasonable choice? Is there anything special I need to know?\n \nThanks.\n \n-Nathan\n\n",
  "From: sra@idx.com\nSubject: Help w/ Greenleaf CommLib 4.0?\nOrganization: IDX Corporation, S. Burlington, VT\nLines: 8\n\nHas anyone had experience with the new Greenleaf CommLib 4.0?  I can't even\nget their demo winterm to run at 4800 baud without dropping characters.\n\ntnx, steve\n\n  /------------------------------------------------------------------------\\\n  >    Steve Alpert (W1GGN)  IDX Systems Corp.   Boston, Massachusetts     <\n  \\--------------------------- sra @ idx.com ------------------------------/\n",
  'From: tvervaek@col.hp.com (Tom Vervaeke)\nSubject: Re: Toyota Land Cruiser worth it?\nOrganization: HP Colorado Springs Division\nLines: 20\nNNTP-Posting-Host: itchub21.cs.itc.hp.com\n\nMy wife and I looked at, and drove one last fall. This was a 1992 model.\nIt was WAYYYYYYYYY underpowered. I could not imagine driving it in the\nmountains here in Colorado at anything approaching highway speeds. I\nhave read that the new 1993 models have a newer, improved hp engine. \n\nI\'m quite serious that I laughed in the salesman face when he said "once\nit\'s broken in it will feel more powerful". I had been used to driving a\nJeep 4.0L 190hp engine. I believe the 92\'s Land Cruisers (Land Yachts)\nwere 3.0L, the sames as the 4Runner, which is also underpowered (in my\nown personal opinion). \n\nThey are big cars, very roomy, but nothing spectacular.\n\n\n( ___ )-----------------------------------------------------------( ___ )\n | / | Tom Vervaeke           Email: tvervaek@cs.itc.hp.com        | \\ |\n | / | Hewlett Packard Co.    Phone: 719-590-2133                  | \\ |\n | / |                                                             | \\ |\n |___|          I love animals. They taste delicious.              |___|\n(_____)-----------------------------------------------------------(_____)\n',
  'From: strnlght@netcom.com (David Sternlight)\nSubject: Re: Screw the people, crypto is for hard-core hackers & spooks only\nOrganization: DSI/USCRPAC\nLines: 39\n\nIn article <WARLORD.93Apr20175546@deathtongue.mit.edu> warlord@MIT.EDU\n(Derek Atkins) writes:\n\n\n>\n>The point here is not the specific instance of the Wiretap Chip.\n>Rather, it is like having the government telling you that they want a\n>copy of your house key, safe-deposit box keys, etc., and telling you\n>that "they wont use them unless its totally neccessary."  I sure\n>wouldn\'t want that.  Why should encryption be any different?\n\nActually the govrnment is telling you that if you want to use their\n"product" the manufacturer (actually better yet, some "trusted" pair\nof escrow agencies) has to have the key.\n\nMost of us already are in this situation--our car makers have keys to our\ncars (or can get them quickly from the VIN  number), and I have no doubt\nthat if presented with a court order, they\'d surrender copies to the\ngovernment.\n\nChances are that many locksmiths have the code numbers for house locks\nthey\'ve installed, and in an emergency can cut keys; thus they\'d also\nprovide such keys to the government pursuant to a court order.\n\nThe state has no difficulty gaining access to your safe deposit box if they\nhave a court order.\n\nBad analogy.\n\nThis is not to argue for or against the proposal, but rather better\ndistinctions are required in thinking about it than "house key, safe-deposit\nkeys, etc.".\n\nDavid\n-- \nDavid Sternlight         Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of\n                         our information, errors and omissions excepted.  \n\n\n',
  'From: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nSubject: After all, Armenians exterminated 2.5 million Muslim people there.\nReply-To: sera@zuma.UUCP (Serdar Argic)\nDistribution: world\nLines: 297\n\nIn article <C5y56o.A62@news.cso.uiuc.edu> hovig@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Hovig Heghinian) writes:\n\n>article.  I have no partisan interests --- I would just like to know\n>what conversations between TerPetrosyan and Demirel sound like.  =)\n\nVery simple.\n\n"X-Soviet Armenian government must pay for their crime of genocide \n against 2.5 million Muslims by admitting to the crime and making \n reparations to the Turks and Kurds."\n\nAfter all, your criminal grandparents exterminated 2.5 million Muslim\npeople between 1914 and 1920.\n\n\n<C5yyBt.5zo@news.cso.uiuc.edu>\nhovig@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Hovig Heghinian)\n\n>To which I say:\n>Hear, hear.  Motion seconded.\n\nYou must be a new \'Arromdian\'. You are counting on ASALA/SDPA/ARF \ncrooks and criminals to prove something for you? No wonder you are in \nsuch a mess. That criminal idiot and \'its\' forged/non-existent junk has \nalready been trashed out by Mutlu, Cosar, Akgun, Uludamar, Akman, Oflazer \nand hundreds of people. Moreover, ASALA/SDPA/ARF criminals are responsible \nfor the massacre of the Turkish people that also prevent them from entering \nTurkiye and TRNC. SDPA has yet to renounce its charter which specifically \ncalls for the second genocide of the Turkish people. This racist, barbarian \nand criminal view has been touted by the fascist x-Soviet Armenian government \nas merely a step on the road to said genocide. \n\nNow where shall I begin?\n\n#From: ahmet@eecg.toronto.edu (Parlakbilek Ahmet)\n#Subject: YALANCI, LIAR : DAVIDIAN\n#Keywords: Davidian, the biggest liar\n#Message-ID: <1991Jan10.122057.11613@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu>\n\nFollowing is the article that Davidian claims that Hasan Mutlu is a liar:\n\n>From: dbd@urartu.SDPA.org (David Davidian)\n>Message-ID: <1154@urartu.SDPA.org>\n\n>In article <1991Jan4.145955.4478@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu> ahmet@eecg.toronto.\n>edu (Ahmet Parlakbilek) asked a simple question:\n\n>[AP] I am asking you to show me one example in which mutlu,coras or any other\n>[AP] Turk was proven to lie.I can show tens of lies and fabrications of\n>[AP] Davidian, like changing quote , even changing name of a book, Anna.\n\n>The obvious ridiculous "Armenians murdered 3 million Moslems" is the most\n>outragious and unsubstantiated charge of all. You are obviously new on this \n>net, so read the following sample -- not one, but three proven lies in one\n>day!\n\n>\t\t\t- - - start yalanci.txt - - -\n\n[some parts are deleted]\n\n>In article <1990Aug5.142159.5773@cbnewsd.att.com> the usenet scribe for the \n>Turkish Historical Society, hbm@cbnewsd.att.com (hasan.b.mutlu), continues to\n>revise the history of the Armenian people. Let\'s witness the operational\n>definition of a revisionist yalanci (or liar, in Turkish):\n\n>[Yalanci] According to Leo:[1]\n>[Yalanci]\n>[Yalanci] "The situation is clear. On one side, we have peace-loving Turks\n>[Yalanci] and on the other side, peace-loving Armenians, both sides minding\n>[Yalanci] their own affairs. Then all was submerged in blood and fire. Indeed,\n>[Yalanci] the war was actually being waged between the Committee of \n>[Yalanci] Dashnaktsutiun and the Society of Ittihad and Terakki - a cruel and \n>[Yalanci] savage war in defense of party political interests. The Dashnaks \n>[Yalanci] incited revolts which relied on Russian bayonets for their success."\n>[Yalanci] \n>[Yalanci] [1] L. Kuper, "Genocide: Its Political Use in the Twentieth Century,"\n>[Yalanci]     New York 1981, p. 157.\n\n>This text is available not only in most bookstores but in many libraries. On\n>page 157 we find a discussion of related atrocities (which is title of the\n>chapter). The topic on this page concerns itself with submissions to the Sub-\n>Commission on Prevention of Discrimination of Minorities of the Commission on\n>Human Rights of the United Nations with respect to the massacres in Cambodia.\n>There is no mention of Turks nor Armenians as claimed above.\n\n\t\t\t\t- - -\n\n>Vay sarsak, vay yobaz, vay yalanci! Vay Turk milletinin yuz karasi Mutlu vay!\n\n>The depth of foolishness the Turkish Historical Society engages in, while\n>covering up the Turkish genocide of the Armenians, is only surpassed by the \n>ridiculous "historical" material publicly displayed!\n\n>David Davidian <dbd@urartu.SDPA.org>  | The life of a people is a sea, and  \n\nReceiving this message, I checked the reference, L.Kuper,"Genocide..." and\nwhat I have found was totally consistent with what Davidian said.The book\nwas like "voice of Armenian revolutionists" and although I read the whole book,\nI could not find the original quota.\nBut there was one more thing to check:The original posting of Mutlu.I found \nthe original article of Mutlu.It is as follows:\n\n> According to Leo:[1]\n\n>"The situation is clear. On one side, we have peace-loving Turks and on\n> the other side, peace-loving Armenians, both sides minding their own \n> affairs. Then all was submerged in blood and fire. Indeed, the war was\n> actually being waged between the Committee of Dashnaktsutiun and the\n> Society of Ittihad and Terakki - a cruel and savage war in defense of party\n> political interests. The Dashnaks incited revolts which relied on Russian\n> bayonets for their success." \n\n>[1] B. A. Leo. "The Ideology of the Armenian Revolution in Turkey," vol II,\n     ======================================================================\n>    p. 157.\n    ======\n\nQUATO IS THE SAME, REFERENCE IS DIFFERENT !\n\nDAVIDIAN LIED AGAIN, AND THIS TIME HE CHANGED THE ORIGINAL POSTING OF MUTLU\nJUST TO ACCUSE HIM TO BE A LIAR.\n\nDavidian, thank you for writing the page number correctly...\n\nYou are the biggest liar I have ever seen.This example showed me that tomorrow\nyou can lie again, and you may try to make me a liar this time.So I decided\nnot to read your articles and not to write answers to you.I also advise\nall the netters to do the same.We can not prevent your lies, but at least\nwe may save time by not dealing with your lies.\n\nAnd for the following line:\n>Vay sarsak, vay yobaz, vay yalanci! Vay Turk milletinin yuz karasi Mutlu vay!\n\nI also return all the insults you wrote about Mutlu to you.\nI hope you will be drowned in your lies.\n\nAhmet PARLAKBILEK\n\n#From: vd8@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Vedat  Dogan)\n#Message-ID: <1993Apr8.233029.29094@news.columbia.edu>\n\nIn article <1993Apr7.225058.12073@urartu.sdpa.org> dbd@urartu.sdpa.org (David Davidian) writes:\n>In article <1993Apr7.030636.7473@news.columbia.edu> vd8@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu\n>(Vedat  Dogan) wrote in response to article <1993Mar31.141308.28476@urartu.\n>11sdpa.org> dbd@urartu.sdpa.org (David Davidian) writes:\n>\n \n>[(*] Source: "Adventures in the Near East, 1918-1922" by A. Rawlinson,\n>[(*] Jonathan Cape, 30 Bedford Square, London, 1934 (First published 1923) \n>[(*] (287 pages).\n>\n>[DD] Such a pile of garbage! First off, the above reference was first published\n>[DD] in 1924 NOT 1923, and has 353 pages NOT 287! Second, upon checking page \n>[DD] 178, we are asked to believe:\n> \n>[VD] No, Mr.Davidian ... \n> \n>[VD]  It was first published IN 1923 (I have the book on my desk,now!) \n>[VD]                         ********\n> \n>[VD]  and furthermore,the book I have does not have 353 pages either, as you\n>[VD]  claimed, Mr.Davidian..It has 377 pages..Any question?..\n>  \n>Well, it seems YOUR book has its total page numbers closer to mine than the \nn>crap posted by Mr. [(*]!\n \n o boy!   \n \n Please, can you tell us why those quotes are "crap"?..because you do not \n like them!!!...because they really exist...why?\n \n As I said in my previous posting, those quotes exactly exist in the source \n given by Serdar Argic .. \n  \n You couldn\'t reject it...\n \n>\n>In addition, the Author\'s Preface was written on January 15, 1923, BUT THE BOOK\n>was published in 1924.\n \n Here we go again..\n In the book I have, both the front page and the Author\'s preface give \n the same year: 1923 and 15 January, 1923, respectively!\n (Anyone can check it at her/his library,if not, I can send you the copies of\n pages, please ask by sct) \n \n \nI really don\'t care what year it was first published(1923 or 1924)\nWhat I care about is what the book writes about murders, tortures,et..in\nthe given quotes by Serdar Argic, and your denial of these quotes..and your\ngroundless accussations, etc. \n \n>\n[...]\n> \n>[DD] I can provide .gif postings if required to verify my claim!\n> \n>[VD] what is new?\n> \n>I will post a .gif file, but I am not going go through the effort to show there \n>is some Turkish modified re-publication of the book, like last time!\n \n \n I claim I have a book in my hand published in 1923(first publication)\n and it exactly has the same quoted info as the book published\n in 1934(Serdar Argic\'s Reference) has..You couldn\'t reject it..but, now you\n are avoiding the real issues by twisting around..\n \n Let\'s see how you lie!..(from \'non-existing\' quotes to re-publication)\n \n First you said there was no such a quote in the given reference..You\n called Serdar Argic a liar!..\n I said to you, NO, MR.Davidian, there exactly existed such a quote...\n (I even gave the call number, page numbers..you could\'t reject it.)\n \n And now, you are lying again and talking about "modified,re-published book"\n(without any proof :how, when, where, by whom, etc..)..\n (by the way, how is it possible to re-publish the book in 1923 if it was\n  first published in 1924(your claim).I am sure that you have some \'pretty \n  well suited theories\', as usual)\n \n And I am ready to send the copies of the necessary pages to anybody who\n wants to compare the fact and Mr.Davidian\'s lies...I also give the call number\n and page numbers again for the library use, which are:  \n                 949.6 R 198\n   \n  and the page numbers to verify the quotes:218 and 215\n              \n     \n \n> \n>It is not possible that [(*]\'s text has 287 pages, mine has 353, and yours has\n>377!\n \n Now, are you claiming that there can\'t be such a reference by saying "it is\n not possible..." ..If not, what is your point?\n \n Differences in the number of pages?\n Mine was published in 1923..Serdar Argic\'s was in 1934..\n No need to use the same book size and the same letter \n charachter in both publications,etc, etc.. does it give you an idea!!\n \n The issue was not the number of pages the book has..or the year\n first published.. \n And you tried to hide the whole point..\n the point is that both books have the exactly the same quotes about\n how moslems are killed, tortured,etc by Armenians..and those quotes given \n by Serdar Argic exist!! \n It was the issue, wasn\'t-it?  \n \n you were not able to object it...Does it bother you anyway? \n \n You name all these tortures and murders (by Armenians) as a "crap"..\n People who think like you are among the main reasons why the World still\n has so many "craps" in the 1993. \n \n Any question?\n \n\n<C5wwqA.9wL@news.cso.uiuc.edu>\nhovig@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Hovig Heghinian)\n\n>   Hmm ... Turks sure know how to keep track of deaths, but they seem to\n>lose count around 1.5 million.\n\nWell, apparently we have another son of Dro \'the Butcher\' to contend with. \nYou should indeed be happy to know that you rekindled a huge discussion on\ndistortions propagated by several of your contemporaries. If you feel \nthat you can simply act as an Armenian governmental crony in this forum \nyou will be sadly mistaken and duly embarrassed. This is not a lecture to \nanother historical revisionist and a genocide apologist, but a fact.\n\nI will dissect article-by-article, paragraph-by-paragraph, line-by-line, \nlie-by-lie, revision-by-revision, written by those on this net, who plan \nto \'prove\' that the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million Turks and Kurds is \nnothing less than a classic un-redressed genocide. We are neither in \nx-Soviet Union, nor in some similar ultra-nationalist fascist dictatorship, \nthat employs the dictates of Hitler to quell domestic unrest. Also, feel \nfree to distribute all responses to your nearest ASALA/SDPA/ARF terrorists,\nthe Armenian pseudo-scholars, or to those affiliated with the Armenian\ncriminal organizations.\n\nArmenian government got away with the genocide of 2.5 million Turkish men,\nwomen and children and is enjoying the fruits of that genocide. You, and \nthose like you, will not get away with the genocide\'s cover-up.\n\nNot a chance.\n\nSerdar Argic\n\n                           \'We closed the roads and mountain passes that \n                            might serve as ways of escape for the Turks \n                            and then proceeded in the work of extermination.\'\n                                                  (Ohanus Appressian - 1919)\n                           \'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists \n                            a single Turkish soul.\' (Sahak Melkonian - 1920)\n\n',
  'From: kmr4@po.CWRU.edu (Keith M. Ryan)\nSubject: Re: Death Penalty (was Re: Political Atheists?)\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University\nLines: 28\nNNTP-Posting-Host: b64635.student.cwru.edu\n\nIn article <1993Apr17.225127.25062@daffy.cs.wisc.edu> mccullou@snake2.cs.wisc.edu (Mark McCullough) writes:\n>You exagerate to the point of libel.  I gave only unpopular reasons\n>deliberately.  Or do you think that we should have let Iraq absorb Kuwait?\n>I could make the tired old 1939 Poland comparison, but I think you\'ve\n>heard it.  But the principle aplies, never play a Chamberlain and\n>roll over to another country being invaded.  That only invites further \n>invasions.\n\n\tPerhaps we ought not to have supported a known genocidist?\n\tProvided him with weapon systems, tactical support, technology,\netc.\n\n\tWe made Suddam Hussein.\n\n\tWhat did Bush call him? Oh yes, an ally and a freind.\n\n\n---  \n\n  " I\'d Cheat on Hillary Too."\n\n   John Laws\n   Local GOP Reprehensitive\n   Extolling "Traditional Family Values."\n\n\n\n\n',
  "Subject: Re: Albert Sabin\nFrom: lippard@skyblu.ccit.arizona.edu (James J. Lippard)\nDistribution: world,local\nOrganization: University of Arizona\nNntp-Posting-Host: skyblu.ccit.arizona.edu\nNews-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41    \nLines: 53\n\nIn article <C5p660.36t@sunfish.usd.edu>, rfox@charlie.usd.edu writes...\n>In article <1993Apr15.225657.17804@rambo.atlanta.dg.com>, wpr@atlanta.dg.com (Bill Rawlins) writes:\n>>|> >|> \n>>|> However, one highly biased account (as well as possibly internally \n>>|> inconsistent) written over 2 mellenia ago, in a dead language, by fanatic\n>>|> devotees of the creature in question which is not supported by other more \n>>|> objective sources and isnt  even accepted by those who's messiah this creature \n>>|> was supposed to be, doesn't convince me in the slightest, especially when many\n>>|> of the current day devotees appear brainwashed into believing this pile of \n>>|> guano...\n>>\n>>       Since you have referred to the Messiah, I assume you are referring\n>>        to the New Testament.  Please detail your complaints or e-mail if\n>>        you don't want to post.  First-century Greek is well-known and\n>>        well-understood.  Have you considered Josephus, the Jewish Historian,\n>>        who also wrote of Jesus?  In addition, the four gospel accounts\n>>        are very much in harmony.  \n> \n>Bill, I have taken the time to explain that biblical scholars consider the\n>Josephus reference to be an early Christian insert.  By biblical scholar I mean\n>an expert who, in the course of his or her research, is willing to let the\n>chips fall where they may.  This excludes literalists, who may otherwise be\n>defined as biblical apologists.  They find what they want to find.  They are\n>not trustworthy by scholarly standards (and others).\n> \n>Why an insert?  Read it - I have, a number of times.  The passage is glaringly\n>out of context, and Josephus, a superb writer, had no such problem elsewhere \n>in his work.  The passage has *nothing* to do with the subject matter in which \n>it lies.  It suddenly appears and then just as quickly disappears.\n\nI think this is a weak argument.  The fact is, there are *two* references to\nJesus in _Antiquities of the Jews_, one of which has unquestionably at least\nbeen altered by Christians.  Origen wrote, in the third century, that\nJosephus did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, while the long passage\nsays the opposite.  There is an Arabic manuscript of _Antiquities of the\nJews_ which contains a version of the passage which is much less gung-ho\nfor Jesus and may be authentic.\n   There is no question that Origen, in the third century, saw a reference\nto Jesus in Josephus.  There are no manuscripts of _Antiquities_ which\nlack the references.\n\nIt is possible that it was fabricated out of whole cloth and inserted, but\nI don't think it's very likely--nor do I think there is a consensus in\nthe scholarly community that this is the case. (I know G.A. Wells takes\nthis position, but that's because he takes the very small minority view\nthat Jesus never existed.  And he is a professor of German, not of\nbiblical history or New Testament or anything directly relevant to\nthe historicity of Jesus.)\n\nJim Lippard              Lippard@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU\nDept. of Philosophy      Lippard@ARIZVMS.BITNET\nUniversity of Arizona\nTucson, AZ 85721\n",
  'From: daveb@pogo.wv.tek.com (Dave Butler)\nSubject: Re: NEW BIBLICAL CONTRADICTIONS [still not] ANSWERED (Judas)\nOrganization: Tektronix, Inc., Wilsonville,  OR.\nLines: 180\n\nMr DeCenso, in spite of requiring Scholarly opinion on the hanging of Judas,\nrejects that the scholarly opinion of the those scholars and then rephrases\nthose scholars opinion on the subject:\n\n> ...we do know from Matthew that he did hang himself and Acts probably records\n> his death.  Although it\'s possible and plausible that he fell from the hanging\n> and hit some rocks, thereby bursting open, I can no longer assume that to be\n> the case.  Therefore, no contradiction.  Matthew did not say Judas died as a\n>                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n> result of the hanging, did he?  Most scholars believe he iprobably did, but..?\n> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n> \n> I quoted all that to show that I highly regard the scholars\' explanations, but\n> in looking at the texts initially, we can\'t assume Judas died.  It is, \n> however, highly probable.                   ^^^^^^\n\nand \n\n> Also, there is nothing in the Greek to suggest success or failure.  It simply\n> means "hang oneself".\n\nActually, if you do further research as to the Greek word "apacgw," you will\nfind that it does denote success.  Those scholars did indeed have an excellent\nreason to assume that the suicide was successful.  As I pointed out, I\nrecently checked several Lexicons:\n\n\t"Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament," Louw and Nida\n\t"Robinson\'s Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament"\n\t"Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament," Grimm\n\t"Word study Concordance," Tynsdale\n\t"A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament and other \n\t early Christian Writings," Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich\n\t"The New Analytical Greek Lexicon," Perschbacher\n\nA couple simply stated "hanged oneself", and a couple were more explicit \nand stated that "apacgw" means specifically "kill yourself by hanging." A\ncouple also noted that the meaning of one the root words for "apacgw" is\n"strangle, throttle or choke" (which pretty much invalidates the guy who\nsuggested to David Joslin that Judas was hung upside down).  One of the best\nreferences though, "Robinson\'s Greek and English Lexicon of the New\nTestament," not only stated the translation, it gave both the root words, the\nliteral translation, related greek words which use the same roots, and also\nother presented specific examples of the word in greek literature (to give\nfurther context).  \n\nThe word "apagchw" has two root words: "gchw" is the "to strangle" root, and\nthe root word "apo" means literally "away." This root words is included in\nwords which denote a transition.  It can mean a transition in place (eg: the\ngreek word "apagello" means to send a message).  "Apo" can also denote a\nchange in state and specifically the change from life to death.  Robinson\nspecifically makes comparison to the word "apokteiuo," which means "to kill."\nIn literal meaning the word "apacgw" means "to throttle, strangle to put out\nof the way," and implicitly denotes a change in life state (ie: away from\nlife, to death).  So while the word "apacgw" does mean "to hang," it\nspecifically denotes a death as well.  Thus Robinson is quite specific when he\nstate that it means "to hang oneself, to end one\'s life by hanging." He then\nnotes the the use of "apacgw" in Homers Odessy 19:230 to denote context.  He\npresents that example of "apacgw" as being used to explicitly mean "suicide by\nhanging." Now since there is a perfectly good word for strangling, without the\nadded denotation of "death," and as you insist that the Bible was written by\nGod, and every word is precicely correct, you are stuck with the complete\nmeaning of "apacgw" (ie: Since the word "apacgw" was used, then death is\ndenoted as the result). \n\nBy the way, I note that Mr DeCenso also presents an example of "apacgw":\n\n> In the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the OT used at the time of Jesus),\n> it\'s only used in 2 Samuel 17:23 : "Now when Ahithophel saw that his advice \n> was not followed, he saddled a donkey, and arose and went home to his house,\n> to his city. Then he put his household in order, and hanged himself, and \n> died; and he was buried in his father\'s tomb."   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n> ^^^^ \n> Notice that not only is it stated that Ahithophel "hanged himself" [Gr. Sept.,\n> APAGCHO], but it explicitly adds, "and died".  Here we have no doubt of the\n> result.\n> In Matthew, we are not explicitly told Judas died.\n\nNote Mr DeCenso, as you say, the Septuagint was a translation from Hebrew to\nGreek, and you have not shown the original meaning of the Hebrew (ie" the the\nHebrew say "and died"), and thus whether it was simply echoed in the Greek. \nIt should also be pointed out that, regardless of the added "and died", the\ncorrect translation would still be "apacgw," as the man did indeed die from\nstrangulation (redundant, but correct).  Further, we have evidence that the\nSeptuagint was repeatedly rewritten and reedited (which included versions\nwhich contradicted each other), and such editing was not even necessarily\nexecuted by Greeks.  Thus I am not sure that you can use the Septuagint as it\nnow stands, as a paragon of ancient greek.  So, what you really need to prove\nyour point Mr DeCenso, is an example, in ancient greek, of someone committing\n"apacgw" and surviving.  Otherwise I would see you as simply making worthless\nassertions without corresponding evidence. \n\nNow I would note Mr DeCenso, that everytime I go out of my way to research it\none of your apparently contrived exegisis, I pretty much find it false.  Thus,\nI think that if you are going to add to the text, something over and above\nwhat the source clearly says, then you had better have an explicit Greek or\nhistorical source to justify it. \n\nBy the way, as to Mr Rose\'s statement about trees around the Potter\'s Field:\n\n> There are still trees around the ledges and a rocky pavement at the bottom.\n\nUnless Mr Rose can show that these trees are two thousand years old, or that\nthere are 2000 year old stumps there, or has a 2 thousand year old description\nof the area which mentions such trees, then it is inappropriate for him to\nassert that the present placement of trees prove the location of the trees two\nthousand years ago (after all, things change). \n\nNow as to your other argument, ie: that the money Judas used is not the same\nas the 30 silvers:\n\n> As to your second question Mr DeCenso, you ask how we could be sure that the\n> money with which Judas purchased the land, was indeed for the betrayal, rather\n> than some other source.  I would point out that in Acts, where it specifically\n> mention "the reward of iniquity" [Acts 1:18], it also specifically mentions\n> what act of iniquity they were talking about (ie: Acts 1:16 "...concerning\n> Judas who was guide to those who arrested Jesus.").  Now I would point out\n> that when the Bible describes an act of "iniquity," and then immediately\n> discusses "*the* reward of iniquity," it would be rather inane to suggest that\n> it was an action of iniquity other than the one discussed."\n> \n>  \n> Notice that in verse 16, the word "iniquity" is not used.  Rather, it states\n> that Judas "became a guide to those who arrested Jesus".\n> But the writer DID NOT stop there...vs. 17, "for he was numbered with us and\n> obtained a part in this ministry."  What part did Judas play in their ministry?\n>          ^^^^^^\n\nTrue, Peter (or the author of Acts) does not specifically call Judas\' betrayal\n"an iniquity," but for that matter, neither does John specifically call Judas\'\nactions "an iniquity" either.  Further John 13:29 did not say that Judas took\nthe money box, but rather said:\n\n    "Some thought that because, Judas had the money box, Jesus was telling\n     him "Buy what we need for the feast"; or that he should give something\n     to the poor, So after receiving the morsel he immediately went out, and\n     it was night."\n\nNote that it is said that Judas left, it does not say that he took the money\nbox.  Thus when I see your explanation it still seems to me you would choose\nthe a an unproven iniquity, mentioned by another author, in a different\nbook, written at a different time, over the iniquity explicitly mentioned by\nthe author of acts.  I find this forced and contrived. \n\nOf course this particular argument becomes moot, since we have have seen\nevidence that "apacgw" means suicide.  You see, since Judas\' hanging was\nsuccessful, he could not have spent the money mentioned in John 13:29, because\nMatthew and Mark explicitly say the betrayal was on the high holy day (ie:\nPassover), and thus he could not have spent the money before killing himself\nthe next day.  Thus the money which bought the "Field of Blood" would have to\nhave been the 30 pieces of silver (Of course he got the 30 pieces of silver\nthat night as well, and thus couldn\'t have spent that either.  Oh dear, I\nbelieve that the house of cards is comming down). \n\nMaybe we should at this point, discuss now whether Jesus was crucified on\nFriday or Saturday as that is now part of the argument about Judas.\n\nBy the way, as to where the prophesy of the Potter\'s field came from (ie: the\nmention of it in Matthew), you say:\n\n> Please, when we are done with this study on his death, remind me to discuss\n> this with you.\n\nI am reminding you now to discuss it now. It\'s all part of the same verse we\nare discussing, and I wish you would quit procrastinating and sidestepping \nthese issues.\n \n\t\t\t\tLater,\n\n\t\t\t\tDave Butler\n\n\tA wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.\n\t\t\t\tDavid Hume, Philosopher\n\t\t\t\tAn Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding\n\n    PS. I would note again, that you are not stating that that Bible\n    is not possibly inerrant; you are stating that it *IS* inerrant.\n    Since you have been, by your own admission, presenting merely "possible"\n    reconciliations (I of course don\'t rate them that highly), then the \n    best you can do is say that the Bible is "possibly" inerrant, not that \n    it *is* inerrant.\n',
  'From: august1@server.uwindsor.ca (AUGUSTYN  ROBERT         )\nSubject: Address interliving?\nOrganization: University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada\nLines: 4\n\nWhat is address interliving? and memmory modules  interliving?\nThanks in advance for the info.\nRobert.\n\n',
  'From: lli+@cs.cmu.edu (Lori Iannamico)\nSubject: Pens box score 4/14\nNntp-Posting-Host: lli.mach.cs.cmu.edu\nOrganization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon\nLines: 44\n\nPens-6 NJ Devils-6\n\nFIRST PERIOD: SCORING: 1, Pittsburgh, Daniels(Needham, Tippett)4:14.\n2, NJ Devils, C. Lemieux(Semak, Driver)10:19.  3, Pittsburgh, Stevens\n(Tocchet, Murphy)12:40ppg.  4, NJ Devils, Zelepukin(Driver, Niedermayer)\n17:26.  PENALTIES: PGH, Stevens(roughing)1:30.  NJD, Pellerin-double\nminor(cross-checking)1:30.  NJD, Zelepukin(tripping)7:21.  NJD,\nStasny(holding)11:15.  PGH, Taglianetti(roughing)13:51.  NJD, Lemieux\n(roughing)13:51.  PGH, Jagr(tripping)15:23.\n\nSECOND PERIOD: SCORING: 5, Pittsburgh, Lemieux(Murphy, Tocchet)1:42.\n6, NJ Devils, Semak(Lemieux, Zelepukin)2:27.  7, Pittsburgh, McEachern\n(Jagr, Barrasso)4:24.  8, NJD, Stevens(Guerin, Pellerin)5:45.  9,\nPittsburgh, Lemieux(unassisted)12:40shg.  10, NJ Devils, Richer\n(Nicholls)15:53.  11, NJ Devils, Lemieux(Zelepukin)17:40.  PENALTIES:\nPGH, Stevens(roughing)3:06.  NJD, McKay(roughing)3:06.  PGH, Mullen\n(hooking)10:42.  PGH, Tocchet(roughing)12:06.  NJD, Stevens(slashing)\n12:06.  NJD, Lemieux(unsportsmanlike conduct)12:40.  PGH, U.\nSamuelsson(cross checking)20:00.  PGH, Barrasso-double minor(spearing)\nserved by McEachern, 20:00.  NJD, Holik(cross checking)20:00.  NJD,\nLemieux(roughing)20:00.\n\nTHIRD PERIOD: SCORING: 12, Pittsburgh, Mullen(Jagr, Lemieux)18:54.\nPENALTIES: NJD, Daneyko(interference)3:37.  PGH, Stevens(roughing)\n9:18.  NJD, Holik(roughing)9:18.  PGH, match penalty-game misconduct,9:50.\nNJD, Zelepukin(tripping)12:01.  PGH, Stevens(roughing)18:41.  NJD,\nDaneyko(roughing)18:41.\n\nOVERTIME: SCORING: No scoring.  PENALTIES: No penalties.\n\nSHOTS ON GOAL:\nPittsburgh: 9-11-8-2=30\nNJ Devils: 12-15-9-3=39\n\nGOALIES:\nBarrasso(39 shots, 33 saves. 43-14-5)\nBillington(30 shots, 24 saves)\n\nREF: Devorski  Linesmen: Gauthier, Vines\n\nLori\nContact for the Penguins\nlli+@cs.cmu.edu\n\n',
  "From: kahn@troi.cc.rochester.edu (James Kahn)\nSubject: Re: Tigers-A's\nOrganization: University of Rochester (Rochester, NY)\nLines: 11\nNntp-Posting-Host: troi.cc.rochester.edu\n\nIn article <1993Apr14.185317.12231@sbcs.sunysb.edu> wynblatt@sbgrad5.cs.sunysb.edu (Michael Wynblatt) writes:\n>\n>Weird thing:  Leading 20-4 going into the top of the ninth, Sparky\n>\t      used his ace closer, Henneman.  The tigers have 8 relievers\n>\t      and at least 6 were rested/available.  Does Sparky trust\n>\t      them that little ?\n\nI think he just wanted to get Henneman some work, because the \nTigers had days off both the day before and the day after.\n\nJim\n",
  'From: nsmca@aurora.alaska.edu\nSubject: Re: army in space\nLines: 13\nNntp-Posting-Host: acad3.alaska.edu\nOrganization: University of Alaska Fairbanks\n\nLast I had heard because of budget and such the Air Farce is the only "Space\nCommand" left.. The rest missions were generally given to the Air Farce..\n\nProbably a good reason for me to transfer from the Army Guard to the Air\nGuard..\n\nI hate walking with a pack on my back, and how do you put on your application\nfor a job as a kitchen worker, that you have done a lot of KP (Kitchen\nPolice)..\n\n==\nMichael Adams, nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu -- I\'m not high, just jacked\n\n',
  'From: remmons@iat.holonet.net (Robert Emmons)\nSubject: Re: MAIL ORDER\nArticle-I.D.: iat.C535JA.Fvx\nOrganization: HoloNet National Internet Access BBS: 510-704-1058/modem\nLines: 24\n\n>If you get good service from a shop, or they regularly have merchandise\n                 ^^^^^^^\n>in stock you need, or they have a knowledgable and/or friendly sales\n                                                       ^^^^^^^^\n>staff, or if for whatever other reason you would like to do business\n>with them, which will in the aggrigate keep them in business and\n>available to fill your future needs, but they charge more for an item\n>than another store, you can usually purchase the item in the store of\n>your choice, and pay the lowest legitimate price being offered\n>elsewhere.\n\n\nSounds pretty lame to me.\n\nLet me see if I understand now. Your "friends" charge you extra?\nJust how much do you usually have to pay for a little\nfriendliness? Seems like you\'re being "serviced" by some\n"friendly" sales people.\n\n\n \nRobert Emmons                 Never hesitate to sacrifice clarity\nCalcShop Inc.                 and maintainability to save precious\nremmons@holonet.net           picoseconds during program execution. \n',
  "From: hades@coos.dartmouth.edu (Brian V. Hughes)\nSubject: Re: New Apple Ergo-Mouse\nReply-To: hades@Dartmouth.Edu\nOrganization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH\nDisclaimer: Personally, I really don't care who you think I speak for.\nModerator: Rec.Arts.Comics.Info\nLines: 19\n\nnwcs@utkvx.utk.edu (Schizophrenia means never being alone) writes:\n\n>Does anyone know how to open up the Apple Ergo-Mouse (ADB Mouse II)?\n>Mine lives near a cat (true, really...) and picks up her fur.  From what\n>I can tell, it looks like Apple welded it shut.\n\n    You must not have tried very hard. I just opend mine in about 2\nseconds. Take a look on the bottom, it has a dial that turns to open\nmuch like the older ADB mouses used to have. It's a bit harder to turn\nat first but it is quite simple to open.\n\n>Also, does anyone know about installing FPUs in a Mac LC III?  I've heard some\n>people saying it has fried the motherboard of the LC III.\n\n    Well, if you don't match up the pins correctly you will have some\nproblems. A close look at the socket should give you an idea of the\nproper orientation of the chip.\n\n-Hades\n",
  'From: rvpst2+@pitt.edu (Richard V Polinski)\nSubject: Re: Winning Streaks\nOrganization: University of Pittsburgh\nLines: 24\n\nIn article <93105.053748RAP115@psuvm.psu.edu> RAP115@psuvm.psu.edu (Robbie Po) writes:\n \n>\n>      The Penguins 18 game unbeaten streak carries over to next season.\n>Meaning, if they start the season with another 18 game unbeaten streak, they\n>will have eclipsed the Flyers record.  Right now, the Penguins are on an 11\n>game winning streak, as streaks carry over from one year to another.\n\nHmmmm, I\'m not sure this is true.  According to Mike Lang and good old\nStagie, along with the rest of the TV crews in pittsburgh, they \nwinning streak could have stopped because it is a regular season mark.\nI would think this would also hold with an unbeaten streak for regular\nseason games.\n\nHowever, you are right that the playoff streak does carry over from\nlast year.  And with 1 more win, I believe they tie an Edmonton record\n(but don\'t quote me on that one).\n>-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n>** Robbie Po **          PGH PENGUINS!!!    "It won\'t be easy, but it\n>Contact for the \'93-\'94  \'91 STANLEY CUP    will have greater rewards.\n>Penn State Lady Lions    \'92 CHAMPIONS      Mountains and Valleys are\n>rap115@psuvm.psu.edu     11 STRAIGHT WINS!  better than nothing at all!"\n\n\n',
  "From: domain@cbnewsf.cb.att.com (george.d.hodge)\nSubject: Dayton Hamfest\nSummary: Where and when is Dayton Hamfest\nOrganization: AT&T\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 14\n\n\nSome weeks ago, someone posted an article telling when and where\na hamfest and computerfest was going to be help in Dayton, OH.\nUnfortunately, I lost the article and I was wondering if someone\ncould repost it.\n\nI believe it was being held the 23,24,and 25 of this month at\nthe Dayton convention center but I'm not sure.\n\nAny help and more details would be greatly appreciated.\n\n\t\tgeorge.d.hodge\n\t\tdomain@cbcat.att.com\n\n",
  'From: kwp@wag.caltech.edu (Kevin W. Plaxco)\nSubject: Re: Boom!  Whoosh......\nOrganization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA\nLines: 22\nNNTP-Posting-Host: sgi1.wag.caltech.edu\n\nIn article <37147@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM> wats@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM (Bruce Watson) writes:\n>+\n>Pageos and two Echo balloons were inflated with a substance\n>which expanded in vacuum. \n\nCalled "gas".\n\n>Once inflated the substance was no longer\n>needed since there is nothing to cause the balloon to collapse.\n>This inflatable structure could suffer multiple holes with no \n>disastrous deflation.\n\nThe balloons were in sufficiently low orbit that they experienced\nsome air resistance.  When they were finally punctured, this \npreasure (and the internal preasure that was needed to maintain\na spherical shape against this resistance) caused them to\ncatastrophically deflated.  The large silvered shards\nthat remained were easily visible for some time before\nreentry, though no longer useful as a passive transponder.\n\nThe billboard should pop like a dime store balloon.\n\n',
  "From: gak@wrs.com (Richard Stueven)\nSubject: Re: Octopus in Detroit?\nReply-To: gak@wrs.com\nOrganization: Wind River Systems, Inc.\nLines: 10\nNntp-Posting-Host: gakbox\n\nIt's in the FAQ.\n\nhave fun\ngak\n\n---\nRichard Stueven       AHA# 22584 |----------| He has erected a multitude of new\nInternet:            gak@wrs.com |----GO----| offices, and sent hither swarms\nATTMAIL: ...!attmail!gakhaus!gak |---SHARX--| of officers to harass our people,\nCow Palace:            107/H/3-4 |----------| and eat out their substance.\n",
  'From: ibeshir@nyx.cs.du.edu (Ibrahim)\nSubject: Terminal for sale\nOrganization: Nyx, Public Access Unix @ U. of Denver Math/CS dept.\nDistribution: usa\nLines: 5\n\nI have a vt200 and vt100 compatible terminal\nwith 1200 external hyess modem\namber screens 101 keyboard,cable\nmake an offer\n0\n',
  'From: anwar+@cs.cmu.edu (Anwar Mohammed)\nSubject: Re: Remember those names come election time.\nKeywords: usa federal, government, international, non-usa government\nNntp-Posting-Host: gs135.sp.cs.cmu.edu\nOrganization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon\nLines: 39\n\nIn article <C5u4qI.Mz4@apollo.hp.com> nelson_p@apollo.hp.com (Peter Nelson) writes:\n>                                \n>  BTW, with Bosnia\'s large Moslem population, why have nations like \n>  Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and others with either money \n>  or strong military forces not spoken out more forcibly or offered \n>  to help out Bosnia?   \n\nObviously, you really don\'t know.\n\nThey *have* spoken out (cf Sec\'y of State Christopher\'s recent trip to the ME),\nthey have provided millions in aid, and they have participated in the airlifts\nto Sarajevo.  They *would* supply military aid, if the UN would lift the embargo \non arms sales. \n\n>  The Turkish ambassador has ocassionally said\n>  a thing or two, but that\'s all; I see no great enthusism from any \n>  of those places to get *their* hands dirty.    Why does the US always\n>  get stuck with this stuff?\n>\n\nSee above.  (Kuwait has directly participated in the airlift of food to\nSarajevo.)\n\n>  Besides, there\'s no case that can be made for US military involvement\n>  there that doesn\'t apply equally well to, say, Liberia, Angola, or\n>  (it appears with the Khmer Rouge\'s new campaign) Cambodia.   Non-whites\n>  don\'t count?\n\nHmm...some might say Kuwaitis are non-white. Ooops, I forgot, Kuwaitis are\n"oil rich", "loaded with petro-dollars", etc so they don\'t count.\n\n>\n>\n>---peter\n>\n>\n>\n\n\n',
  'From: DJCOHEN@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu (Daniel Cohen)\nSubject: Re: Interesting ADB behaviour on C650\nNntp-Posting-Host: yalevm.ycc.yale.edu\nOrganization: Yale University\nLines: 20\n\nIn article <1993Apr15.181440.15490@waikato.ac.nz>\nldo@waikato.ac.nz (Lawrence D\'Oliveiro, Waikato University) writes:\n \n>I\'ve noticed an interesting phenomenon on my Centris 650. If I unplug the\n>keyboard and mouse and plug them in again without turning the power off,\n>the mouse suddenly switches to about half its normal movement speed. I check\n>the "Mouse" control panel, and there\'s no change in its setting there--it\'s\n>still on full speed, the way I like it. Restarting the machine restores the\n>normal mouse speed.\n>\n>By the way, it happens with both the newer-style mouse that came with the\n>Centris, and the older-style mouse from my IIfx at work. Thus I don\'t think\n>it has anything to do with the resolution setting in the mouse--it\'s\n>definitely a quirk of the ADB interface (either hardware or software) in the\n>Centris itself.\n \nI have noticed this exact same phenomenon occurs with my LCIII.  Perhaps it is\na quirk of the new machines?\n \n--Dan\n',
  'From: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nSubject: Re: request for information on "essential tremor" and Indrol?\nReply-To: geb@cs.pitt.edu (Gordon Banks)\nOrganization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science\nLines: 12\n\nIn article <1q1tbnINNnfn@life.ai.mit.edu> sundar@ai.mit.edu writes:\n\nEssential tremor is a progressive hereditary tremor that gets worse\nwhen the patient tries to use the effected member.  All limbs, vocal\ncords, and head can be involved.  Inderal is a beta-blocker and\nis usually effective in diminishing the tremor.  Alcohol and mysoline\nare also effective, but alcohol is too toxic to use as a treatment.\n-- \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGordon Banks  N3JXP      | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and\ngeb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu   |  it is shameful to surrender it too soon." \n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
  'From: dxf12@po.cwru.edu (Douglas Fowler)\nSubject: Re: Christian Parenting\nOrganization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)\nLines: 83\n\n\n     Sorry for posting this, but my e-mail keeps bouncing.  Maybe it will\nhelp others here, anyway, and therefore I pray others will read this.  It is\nactually a response from my Aunt, who has 5 kids, since I have none yet.\n\n>Hi I am a Sociology student and I am currently researching into\n>young offenders.  I am looking at the way various groups of\n>children are raised at home.  At the moment I am formlulating\n>information on discipline within the Christian home.\n>\n>Please, if you are a parent in this catagory can you email me\n>your response to the following questionaire.  All responses\n>will be treated confidentially and will only be used to prepare\n>stats.\n     I\'m posting this for a good Christian relative who does not have e-mail\naccess.  Since this aunt and uncle have 5 kids I felt they would be more\nrelevant than I, who have none (yet).\n\n>1.  Ages & sexes of children\n     13-year-old (13YO) twins, 10YO boy, 6.5YO boy, 2YO girl\n\n>2.  Do you spank your kids?\n     I don\'t call it spanking, but they do, so yes, very rarely.\n\n>3.  If so how often?\n     I don\'t call it spanking because it\'s more of a reaction to something\nvery dangerous, such as trying to stick their finger in a fan or running\ninto the road.  Maybe 3-4 times for each except for the 2YO girl, who has\nnot been spanked yet.\n     They call it that because it *does* hurt their feelings, and of course\nI give all the hugs and stuff to ensure they know they\'re still loved.\n\n>4.  Do you use an implement to spank with?\n     No, that would be too painful.  If it\'s too traumatic they never recall\nwhy they were punished.  Besides, it must be immediate, and taking the time\nto go get a toolmeans you\'re not doing it right away, and that lessens the\nimpact.  It\'s very emotional for a child as it is - which is evidenced by the\nfact that a little slap on the rear - which hurts for perhaps 5 seconds -\nis called a spanking.\n>\n>5. If you do not spank, what method of discipline do you use?\n     Lots of logical consequences - for instance, when 4YO Matthew dared\na good friend to jump out of his treehouse or he would push him out, I made\nsure they didn\'t play together for 5 days so he\'d know that would make him\nlose friends very quickly.  He\'s never done anything like that since.\n     We also use time-out in their rooms - I use a timer so they don\'t keep\narguing with me over leaving, since it\'s hard to argue with a macine.\nI will go to the closed door and tell them timeout won\'t be over until they\ncalm down if they\'re too tantrumy.  I use the top of the stairs when they\'re\nreally young.\n\n>6.  Your age?\n     40\n\n>7.  Your location\n     Bath, Ohio.  It\'s right outside of Akron, in the northeast part of Ohio.\n\n>8.  While under the age of 16 did you ever commit a criminal\n>offence?\n     No, and none of my kids would dream of it.  I hope you can use this to\nteach all parents that physical punishment isn\'t always required - parents use\nthat as an excuse to hit too hard.\n\n>9.  How ere you disciplined as a kid\n     Lots of timeouts, same as I use.  Our family and my husband\'s have never\nused spankings.  In fact, my grandmother in law was one of 11 kids, and they\nwere almost never spanked.  This was around the turn of the century.  And,\nnone of us has ever been afoul of the law - man-made or God\'s law.\n     Jesus says, referring to a small child whom he is holding, that "what\nye do to the least of these, ye do also to me."  The Bible also says in all\nthings to be kind, and merciful, and especially loving. (Colossians 3:12-15.)\nThere is no room for selfish anger, which I\'ll admit I\'ve been tempted with\nat times.  When I\'ve felt like spanking hard in anger, maybe the kid deserved\na little slap on the rear, but what I would have given would have been the\ndevil\'s work.  I could feel the temptation, and just angrily ordered the kid\nto his/her room and went to my room myself.  After praying and asking God\'s\nforgiveness, I was much calmer, and did not feel like spanking, but felt that\nwhat I had done was enough punishment.\n-- \nDoug Fowler: dxf12@po.CWRU.edu  : Me, age 4 & now: "Mommys and Daddys & other\n    Ever wonder if, after Casey : relatives have to give lots of hugs & love\nmissed the 3rd strike in the poem: & support, \'cause Heaven is just a great\nhe ran to first and made it?     : big hug that lasts forever and ever!!!"\n',
 'filenames': array(['/home/runner/scikit_learn_data/20news_home/20news-bydate-train/rec.autos/102994',
 'target_names': ['alt.atheism',
 'target': array([7, 4, 4, ..., 3, 1, 8]),
 'DESCR': '.. _20newsgroups_dataset:\n\nThe 20 newsgroups text dataset\n------------------------------\n\nThe 20 newsgroups dataset comprises around 18000 newsgroups posts on\n20 topics split in two subsets: one for training (or development)\nand the other one for testing (or for performance evaluation). The split\nbetween the train and test set is based upon a messages posted before\nand after a specific date.\n\nThis module contains two loaders. The first one,\n:func:`sklearn.datasets.fetch_20newsgroups`,\nreturns a list of the raw texts that can be fed to text feature\nextractors such as :class:`~sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer`\nwith custom parameters so as to extract feature vectors.\nThe second one, :func:`sklearn.datasets.fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized`,\nreturns ready-to-use features, i.e., it is not necessary to use a feature\nextractor.\n\n**Data Set Characteristics:**\n\n    =================   ==========\n    Classes                     20\n    Samples total            18846\n    Dimensionality               1\n    Features                  text\n    =================   ==========\n\nUsage\n~~~~~\n\nThe :func:`sklearn.datasets.fetch_20newsgroups` function is a data\nfetching / caching functions that downloads the data archive from\nthe original `20 newsgroups website`_, extracts the archive contents\nin the ``~/scikit_learn_data/20news_home`` folder and calls the\n:func:`sklearn.datasets.load_files` on either the training or\ntesting set folder, or both of them::\n\n  >>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups\n  >>> newsgroups_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=\'train\')\n\n  >>> from pprint import pprint\n  >>> pprint(list(newsgroups_train.target_names))\n  [\'alt.atheism\',\n   \'comp.graphics\',\n   \'comp.os.ms-windows.misc\',\n   \'comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware\',\n   \'comp.sys.mac.hardware\',\n   \'comp.windows.x\',\n   \'misc.forsale\',\n   \'rec.autos\',\n   \'rec.motorcycles\',\n   \'rec.sport.baseball\',\n   \'rec.sport.hockey\',\n   \'sci.crypt\',\n   \'sci.electronics\',\n   \'sci.med\',\n   \'sci.space\',\n   \'soc.religion.christian\',\n   \'talk.politics.guns\',\n   \'talk.politics.mideast\',\n   \'talk.politics.misc\',\n   \'talk.religion.misc\']\n\nThe real data lies in the ``filenames`` and ``target`` attributes. The target\nattribute is the integer index of the category::\n\n  >>> newsgroups_train.filenames.shape\n  (11314,)\n  >>> newsgroups_train.target.shape\n  (11314,)\n  >>> newsgroups_train.target[:10]\n  array([ 7,  4,  4,  1, 14, 16, 13,  3,  2,  4])\n\nIt is possible to load only a sub-selection of the categories by passing the\nlist of the categories to load to the\n:func:`sklearn.datasets.fetch_20newsgroups` function::\n\n  >>> cats = [\'alt.atheism\', \'sci.space\']\n  >>> newsgroups_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=\'train\', categories=cats)\n\n  >>> list(newsgroups_train.target_names)\n  [\'alt.atheism\', \'sci.space\']\n  >>> newsgroups_train.filenames.shape\n  (1073,)\n  >>> newsgroups_train.target.shape\n  (1073,)\n  >>> newsgroups_train.target[:10]\n  array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0])\n\nConverting text to vectors\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nIn order to feed predictive or clustering models with the text data,\none first need to turn the text into vectors of numerical values suitable\nfor statistical analysis. This can be achieved with the utilities of the\n``sklearn.feature_extraction.text`` as demonstrated in the following\nexample that extract `TF-IDF`_ vectors of unigram tokens\nfrom a subset of 20news::\n\n  >>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer\n  >>> categories = [\'alt.atheism\', \'talk.religion.misc\',\n  ...               \'comp.graphics\', \'sci.space\']\n  >>> newsgroups_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=\'train\',\n  ...                                       categories=categories)\n  >>> vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()\n  >>> vectors = vectorizer.fit_transform(newsgroups_train.data)\n  >>> vectors.shape\n  (2034, 34118)\n\nThe extracted TF-IDF vectors are very sparse, with an average of 159 non-zero\ncomponents by sample in a more than 30000-dimensional space\n(less than .5% non-zero features)::\n\n  >>> vectors.nnz / float(vectors.shape[0])\n  159.01327...\n\n:func:`sklearn.datasets.fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized` is a function which\nreturns ready-to-use token counts features instead of file names.\n\n.. _`20 newsgroups website`: http://people.csail.mit.edu/jrennie/20Newsgroups/\n.. _`TF-IDF`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf-idf\n\n\nFiltering text for more realistic training\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nIt is easy for a classifier to overfit on particular things that appear in the\n20 Newsgroups data, such as newsgroup headers. Many classifiers achieve very\nhigh F-scores, but their results would not generalize to other documents that\naren\'t from this window of time.\n\nFor example, let\'s look at the results of a multinomial Naive Bayes classifier,\nwhich is fast to train and achieves a decent F-score::\n\n  >>> from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB\n  >>> from sklearn import metrics\n  >>> newsgroups_test = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=\'test\',\n  ...                                      categories=categories)\n  >>> vectors_test = vectorizer.transform(newsgroups_test.data)\n  >>> clf = MultinomialNB(alpha=.01)\n  >>> clf.fit(vectors, newsgroups_train.target)\n  MultinomialNB(alpha=0.01, class_prior=None, fit_prior=True)\n\n  >>> pred = clf.predict(vectors_test)\n  >>> metrics.f1_score(newsgroups_test.target, pred, average=\'macro\')\n  0.88213...\n\n(The example :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_text_plot_document_classification_20newsgroups.py` shuffles\nthe training and test data, instead of segmenting by time, and in that case\nmultinomial Naive Bayes gets a much higher F-score of 0.88. Are you suspicious\nyet of what\'s going on inside this classifier?)\n\nLet\'s take a look at what the most informative features are:\n\n  >>> import numpy as np\n  >>> def show_top10(classifier, vectorizer, categories):\n  ...     feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()\n  ...     for i, category in enumerate(categories):\n  ...         top10 = np.argsort(classifier.coef_[i])[-10:]\n  ...         print("%s: %s" % (category, " ".join(feature_names[top10])))\n  ...\n  >>> show_top10(clf, vectorizer, newsgroups_train.target_names)\n  alt.atheism: edu it and in you that is of to the\n  comp.graphics: edu in graphics it is for and of to the\n  sci.space: edu it that is in and space to of the\n  talk.religion.misc: not it you in is that and to of the\n\n\nYou can now see many things that these features have overfit to:\n\n- Almost every group is distinguished by whether headers such as\n  ``NNTP-Posting-Host:`` and ``Distribution:`` appear more or less often.\n- Another significant feature involves whether the sender is affiliated with\n  a university, as indicated either by their headers or their signature.\n- The word "article" is a significant feature, based on how often people quote\n  previous posts like this: "In article [article ID], [name] <[e-mail address]>\n  wrote:"\n- Other features match the names and e-mail addresses of particular people who\n  were posting at the time.\n\nWith such an abundance of clues that distinguish newsgroups, the classifiers\nbarely have to identify topics from text at all, and they all perform at the\nsame high level.\n\nFor this reason, the functions that load 20 Newsgroups data provide a\nparameter called **remove**, telling it what kinds of information to strip out\nof each file. **remove** should be a tuple containing any subset of\n``(\'headers\', \'footers\', \'quotes\')``, telling it to remove headers, signature\nblocks, and quotation blocks respectively.\n\n  >>> newsgroups_test = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=\'test\',\n  ...                                      remove=(\'headers\', \'footers\', \'quotes\'),\n  ...                                      categories=categories)\n  >>> vectors_test = vectorizer.transform(newsgroups_test.data)\n  >>> pred = clf.predict(vectors_test)\n  >>> metrics.f1_score(pred, newsgroups_test.target, average=\'macro\')\n  0.77310...\n\nThis classifier lost over a lot of its F-score, just because we removed\nmetadata that has little to do with topic classification.\nIt loses even more if we also strip this metadata from the training data:\n\n  >>> newsgroups_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=\'train\',\n  ...                                       remove=(\'headers\', \'footers\', \'quotes\'),\n  ...                                       categories=categories)\n  >>> vectors = vectorizer.fit_transform(newsgroups_train.data)\n  >>> clf = MultinomialNB(alpha=.01)\n  >>> clf.fit(vectors, newsgroups_train.target)\n  MultinomialNB(alpha=0.01, class_prior=None, fit_prior=True)\n\n  >>> vectors_test = vectorizer.transform(newsgroups_test.data)\n  >>> pred = clf.predict(vectors_test)\n  >>> metrics.f1_score(newsgroups_test.target, pred, average=\'macro\')\n  0.76995...\n\nSome other classifiers cope better with this harder version of the task. Try the\n:ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_model_selection_plot_grid_search_text_feature_extraction.py`\nexample with and without the `remove` option to compare the results.\n\n.. topic:: Data Considerations\n\n  The Cleveland Indians is a major league baseball team based in Cleveland,\n  Ohio, USA. In December 2020, it was reported that "After several months of\n  discussion sparked by the death of George Floyd and a national reckoning over\n  race and colonialism, the Cleveland Indians have decided to change their\n  name." Team owner Paul Dolan "did make it clear that the team will not make\n  its informal nickname -- the Tribe -- its new team name." "It\'s not going to\n  be a half-step away from the Indians," Dolan said."We will not have a Native\n  American-themed name."\n\n  https://www.mlb.com/news/cleveland-indians-team-name-change\n\n.. topic:: Recommendation\n\n  - When evaluating text classifiers on the 20 Newsgroups data, you\n    should strip newsgroup-related metadata. In scikit-learn, you can do this\n    by setting ``remove=(\'headers\', \'footers\', \'quotes\')``. The F-score will be\n    lower because it is more realistic.\n  - This text dataset contains data which may be inappropriate for certain NLP\n    applications. An example is listed in the "Data Considerations" section\n    above. The challenge with using current text datasets in NLP for tasks such\n    as sentence completion, clustering, and other applications is that text\n    that is culturally biased and inflammatory will propagate biases. This\n    should be taken into consideration when using the dataset, reviewing the\n    output, and the bias should be documented.\n\n.. topic:: Examples\n\n   * :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_model_selection_plot_grid_search_text_feature_extraction.py`\n\n   * :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_text_plot_document_classification_20newsgroups.py`\n\n   * :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_text_plot_hashing_vs_dict_vectorizer.py`\n\n   * :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_text_plot_document_clustering.py`\n'}

Lables are the topic of the article 0 = computer graphics, 1 = cyrptography.

array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0])

the X is he actual text

'From: robert@cpuserver.acsc.com (Robert Grant)\nSubject: Virtual Reality for X on the CHEAP!\nOrganiza'

We’re going to instantiate the object and fit it two the whole dataset.

count_vec = text.CountVectorizer()
ng_vec = count_vec.fit_transform(ng_X)
ng_vec_train, ng_vec_test, ng_y_train, ng_y_test = train_test_split(ng_vec,ng_y)
(1179, 24257)
clf = MultinomialNB()

THis tells us that from the word counts we are able to distinguish between computer graphics articles and cryptography articles very well.

24.2. TF-IDF#

We wanted the TfidfVectorizer, not the transformer, so that it accepts documents not features. We will again, instantiate the object and then fit on the whole dataset.

The vectorizer can be applied directly to the raw text

Help on class TfidfVectorizer in module sklearn.feature_extraction.text:

class TfidfVectorizer(CountVectorizer)
 |  TfidfVectorizer(*, input='content', encoding='utf-8', decode_error='strict', strip_accents=None, lowercase=True, preprocessor=None, tokenizer=None, analyzer='word', stop_words=None, token_pattern='(?u)\\b\\w\\w+\\b', ngram_range=(1, 1), max_df=1.0, min_df=1, max_features=None, vocabulary=None, binary=False, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, norm='l2', use_idf=True, smooth_idf=True, sublinear_tf=False)
 |  Convert a collection of raw documents to a matrix of TF-IDF features.
 |  Equivalent to :class:`CountVectorizer` followed by
 |  :class:`TfidfTransformer`.
 |  Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <text_feature_extraction>`.
 |  Parameters
 |  ----------
 |  input : {'filename', 'file', 'content'}, default='content'
 |      - If `'filename'`, the sequence passed as an argument to fit is
 |        expected to be a list of filenames that need reading to fetch
 |        the raw content to analyze.
 |      - If `'file'`, the sequence items must have a 'read' method (file-like
 |        object) that is called to fetch the bytes in memory.
 |      - If `'content'`, the input is expected to be a sequence of items that
 |        can be of type string or byte.
 |  encoding : str, default='utf-8'
 |      If bytes or files are given to analyze, this encoding is used to
 |      decode.
 |  decode_error : {'strict', 'ignore', 'replace'}, default='strict'
 |      Instruction on what to do if a byte sequence is given to analyze that
 |      contains characters not of the given `encoding`. By default, it is
 |      'strict', meaning that a UnicodeDecodeError will be raised. Other
 |      values are 'ignore' and 'replace'.
 |  strip_accents : {'ascii', 'unicode'} or callable, default=None
 |      Remove accents and perform other character normalization
 |      during the preprocessing step.
 |      'ascii' is a fast method that only works on characters that have
 |      a direct ASCII mapping.
 |      'unicode' is a slightly slower method that works on any characters.
 |      None (default) does nothing.
 |      Both 'ascii' and 'unicode' use NFKD normalization from
 |      :func:`unicodedata.normalize`.
 |  lowercase : bool, default=True
 |      Convert all characters to lowercase before tokenizing.
 |  preprocessor : callable, default=None
 |      Override the preprocessing (string transformation) stage while
 |      preserving the tokenizing and n-grams generation steps.
 |      Only applies if ``analyzer`` is not callable.
 |  tokenizer : callable, default=None
 |      Override the string tokenization step while preserving the
 |      preprocessing and n-grams generation steps.
 |      Only applies if ``analyzer == 'word'``.
 |  analyzer : {'word', 'char', 'char_wb'} or callable, default='word'
 |      Whether the feature should be made of word or character n-grams.
 |      Option 'char_wb' creates character n-grams only from text inside
 |      word boundaries; n-grams at the edges of words are padded with space.
 |      If a callable is passed it is used to extract the sequence of features
 |      out of the raw, unprocessed input.
 |      .. versionchanged:: 0.21
 |          Since v0.21, if ``input`` is ``'filename'`` or ``'file'``, the data
 |          is first read from the file and then passed to the given callable
 |          analyzer.
 |  stop_words : {'english'}, list, default=None
 |      If a string, it is passed to _check_stop_list and the appropriate stop
 |      list is returned. 'english' is currently the only supported string
 |      value.
 |      There are several known issues with 'english' and you should
 |      consider an alternative (see :ref:`stop_words`).
 |      If a list, that list is assumed to contain stop words, all of which
 |      will be removed from the resulting tokens.
 |      Only applies if ``analyzer == 'word'``.
 |      If None, no stop words will be used. In this case, setting `max_df`
 |      to a higher value, such as in the range (0.7, 1.0), can automatically detect
 |      and filter stop words based on intra corpus document frequency of terms.
 |  token_pattern : str, default=r"(?u)\\b\\w\\w+\\b"
 |      Regular expression denoting what constitutes a "token", only used
 |      if ``analyzer == 'word'``. The default regexp selects tokens of 2
 |      or more alphanumeric characters (punctuation is completely ignored
 |      and always treated as a token separator).
 |      If there is a capturing group in token_pattern then the
 |      captured group content, not the entire match, becomes the token.
 |      At most one capturing group is permitted.
 |  ngram_range : tuple (min_n, max_n), default=(1, 1)
 |      The lower and upper boundary of the range of n-values for different
 |      n-grams to be extracted. All values of n such that min_n <= n <= max_n
 |      will be used. For example an ``ngram_range`` of ``(1, 1)`` means only
 |      unigrams, ``(1, 2)`` means unigrams and bigrams, and ``(2, 2)`` means
 |      only bigrams.
 |      Only applies if ``analyzer`` is not callable.
 |  max_df : float or int, default=1.0
 |      When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a document
 |      frequency strictly higher than the given threshold (corpus-specific
 |      stop words).
 |      If float in range [0.0, 1.0], the parameter represents a proportion of
 |      documents, integer absolute counts.
 |      This parameter is ignored if vocabulary is not None.
 |  min_df : float or int, default=1
 |      When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a document
 |      frequency strictly lower than the given threshold. This value is also
 |      called cut-off in the literature.
 |      If float in range of [0.0, 1.0], the parameter represents a proportion
 |      of documents, integer absolute counts.
 |      This parameter is ignored if vocabulary is not None.
 |  max_features : int, default=None
 |      If not None, build a vocabulary that only consider the top
 |      `max_features` ordered by term frequency across the corpus.
 |      Otherwise, all features are used.
 |      This parameter is ignored if vocabulary is not None.
 |  vocabulary : Mapping or iterable, default=None
 |      Either a Mapping (e.g., a dict) where keys are terms and values are
 |      indices in the feature matrix, or an iterable over terms. If not
 |      given, a vocabulary is determined from the input documents.
 |  binary : bool, default=False
 |      If True, all non-zero term counts are set to 1. This does not mean
 |      outputs will have only 0/1 values, only that the tf term in tf-idf
 |      is binary. (Set idf and normalization to False to get 0/1 outputs).
 |  dtype : dtype, default=float64
 |      Type of the matrix returned by fit_transform() or transform().
 |  norm : {'l1', 'l2'} or None, default='l2'
 |      Each output row will have unit norm, either:
 |      - 'l2': Sum of squares of vector elements is 1. The cosine
 |        similarity between two vectors is their dot product when l2 norm has
 |        been applied.
 |      - 'l1': Sum of absolute values of vector elements is 1.
 |        See :func:`preprocessing.normalize`.
 |      - None: No normalization.
 |  use_idf : bool, default=True
 |      Enable inverse-document-frequency reweighting. If False, idf(t) = 1.
 |  smooth_idf : bool, default=True
 |      Smooth idf weights by adding one to document frequencies, as if an
 |      extra document was seen containing every term in the collection
 |      exactly once. Prevents zero divisions.
 |  sublinear_tf : bool, default=False
 |      Apply sublinear tf scaling, i.e. replace tf with 1 + log(tf).
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  vocabulary_ : dict
 |      A mapping of terms to feature indices.
 |  fixed_vocabulary_ : bool
 |      True if a fixed vocabulary of term to indices mapping
 |      is provided by the user.
 |  idf_ : array of shape (n_features,)
 |      The inverse document frequency (IDF) vector; only defined
 |      if ``use_idf`` is True.
 |  stop_words_ : set
 |      Terms that were ignored because they either:
 |        - occurred in too many documents (`max_df`)
 |        - occurred in too few documents (`min_df`)
 |        - were cut off by feature selection (`max_features`).
 |      This is only available if no vocabulary was given.
 |  See Also
 |  --------
 |  CountVectorizer : Transforms text into a sparse matrix of n-gram counts.
 |  TfidfTransformer : Performs the TF-IDF transformation from a provided
 |      matrix of counts.
 |  Notes
 |  -----
 |  The ``stop_words_`` attribute can get large and increase the model size
 |  when pickling. This attribute is provided only for introspection and can
 |  be safely removed using delattr or set to None before pickling.
 |  Examples
 |  --------
 |  >>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
 |  >>> corpus = [
 |  ...     'This is the first document.',
 |  ...     'This document is the second document.',
 |  ...     'And this is the third one.',
 |  ...     'Is this the first document?',
 |  ... ]
 |  >>> vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
 |  >>> X = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)
 |  >>> vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
 |  array(['and', 'document', 'first', 'is', 'one', 'second', 'the', 'third',
 |         'this'], ...)
 |  >>> print(X.shape)
 |  (4, 9)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      TfidfVectorizer
 |      CountVectorizer
 |      _VectorizerMixin
 |      sklearn.base.BaseEstimator
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, *, input='content', encoding='utf-8', decode_error='strict', strip_accents=None, lowercase=True, preprocessor=None, tokenizer=None, analyzer='word', stop_words=None, token_pattern='(?u)\\b\\w\\w+\\b', ngram_range=(1, 1), max_df=1.0, min_df=1, max_features=None, vocabulary=None, binary=False, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, norm='l2', use_idf=True, smooth_idf=True, sublinear_tf=False)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  fit(self, raw_documents, y=None)
 |      Learn vocabulary and idf from training set.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      raw_documents : iterable
 |          An iterable which generates either str, unicode or file objects.
 |      y : None
 |          This parameter is not needed to compute tfidf.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      self : object
 |          Fitted vectorizer.
 |  fit_transform(self, raw_documents, y=None)
 |      Learn vocabulary and idf, return document-term matrix.
 |      This is equivalent to fit followed by transform, but more efficiently
 |      implemented.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      raw_documents : iterable
 |          An iterable which generates either str, unicode or file objects.
 |      y : None
 |          This parameter is ignored.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      X : sparse matrix of (n_samples, n_features)
 |          Tf-idf-weighted document-term matrix.
 |  transform(self, raw_documents)
 |      Transform documents to document-term matrix.
 |      Uses the vocabulary and document frequencies (df) learned by fit (or
 |      fit_transform).
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      raw_documents : iterable
 |          An iterable which generates either str, unicode or file objects.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      X : sparse matrix of (n_samples, n_features)
 |          Tf-idf-weighted document-term matrix.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  idf_
 |      Inverse document frequency vector, only defined if `use_idf=True`.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      ndarray of shape (n_features,)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'_parameter_constraints': <class 'dict'>}
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from CountVectorizer:
 |  get_feature_names_out(self, input_features=None)
 |      Get output feature names for transformation.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      input_features : array-like of str or None, default=None
 |          Not used, present here for API consistency by convention.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      feature_names_out : ndarray of str objects
 |          Transformed feature names.
 |  inverse_transform(self, X)
 |      Return terms per document with nonzero entries in X.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
 |          Document-term matrix.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      X_inv : list of arrays of shape (n_samples,)
 |          List of arrays of terms.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _VectorizerMixin:
 |  build_analyzer(self)
 |      Return a callable to process input data.
 |      The callable handles preprocessing, tokenization, and n-grams generation.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      analyzer: callable
 |          A function to handle preprocessing, tokenization
 |          and n-grams generation.
 |  build_preprocessor(self)
 |      Return a function to preprocess the text before tokenization.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      preprocessor: callable
 |            A function to preprocess the text before tokenization.
 |  build_tokenizer(self)
 |      Return a function that splits a string into a sequence of tokens.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      tokenizer: callable
 |            A function to split a string into a sequence of tokens.
 |  decode(self, doc)
 |      Decode the input into a string of unicode symbols.
 |      The decoding strategy depends on the vectorizer parameters.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      doc : bytes or str
 |          The string to decode.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      doc: str
 |          A string of unicode symbols.
 |  get_stop_words(self)
 |      Build or fetch the effective stop words list.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      stop_words: list or None
 |              A list of stop words.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from _VectorizerMixin:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from sklearn.base.BaseEstimator:
 |  __getstate__(self)
 |  __repr__(self, N_CHAR_MAX=700)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __setstate__(self, state)
 |  get_params(self, deep=True)
 |      Get parameters for this estimator.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      deep : bool, default=True
 |          If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and
 |          contained subobjects that are estimators.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      params : dict
 |          Parameter names mapped to their values.
 |  set_params(self, **params)
 |      Set the parameters of this estimator.
 |      The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects
 |      (such as :class:`~sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline`). The latter have
 |      parameters of the form ``<component>__<parameter>`` so that it's
 |      possible to update each component of a nested object.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      **params : dict
 |          Estimator parameters.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      self : estimator instance
 |          Estimator instance.

The transformer can be applied to the counts.

tfidf = text.TfidfTransformer()
ng_tfidf = tfidf.fit_transform(ng_vec)
ng_vec_train_tfidf, ng_vec_test_tfidf, ng_y_train_tfidf, ng_y_test_tfidf = train_test_split(ng_tfidf,ng_y)
from sklearn import naive_bayes
gnb = naive_bayes.GaussianNB()

24.3. Comparing representations#

To start, we will look at one element from each in order to compare them.

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[17], line 1
----> 1 ng_tfidf_train[0]

NameError: name 'ng_tfidf_train' is not defined
<1x24257 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
	with 81 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

To start they both have 84 elements, since it is two different representations of the same document, that makes sense. We can check a few others as well

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[19], line 1
----> 1 ng_tfidf_train[1]

NameError: name 'ng_tfidf_train' is not defined
<1x24257 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
	with 74 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
(ng_vec_train[4]>0).sum() == (ng_tfidf_train[4]>0).sum()
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[21], line 1
----> 1 (ng_vec_train[4]>0).sum() == (ng_tfidf_train[4]>0).sum()

NameError: name 'ng_tfidf_train' is not defined

Let’s pick out a common word so that the calculation is meaningful and do the tfidf calucation. To find a common word in the dictionary, we’ll first filter the vocabulary to keep only the words that occur at least 300 times in the training set. We sum along the columns of the matrix, transform it to an array, then iterate over the sum, enumerated (assigning the number to each element of the sum) and use that to get the word out, if its total is over 300. I saw that this is actually a sort of long list, so I chose to only print out the first 25. We print them out with the index so we can use it for the one we choose.

[(count_vec.get_feature_names()[i],i) for i, n in
 if n>300][:25]
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[22], line 2
      1 [(count_vec.get_feature_names()[i],i) for i, n in
----> 2          enumerate(np.asarray(ng_vec_train.sum(axis=0))[0])
      3  if n>300][:25]

NameError: name 'np' is not defined

Let’s use computer.

computer_idx = 6786
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[23], line 2
      1 computer_idx = 6786
----> 2 count_vec.get_feature_names()[computer_idx]

AttributeError: 'CountVectorizer' object has no attribute 'get_feature_names'
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0]])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[25], line 1
----> 1 ng_tfidf_train[:,computer_idx].toarray()[:10].T

NameError: name 'ng_tfidf_train' is not defined

So, we can see they have non zero elements in the same places, meaning that in both representations the column refers to the same thing.

We can compare the untransformed to the count vectorizer:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[26], line 1
----> 1 len(ng_X_train[0].split())

NameError: name 'ng_X_train' is not defined

We see that it is just a count of the number of total words, not unique words, but total

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[28], line 1
----> 1 ng_tfidf_train[0].sum()

NameError: name 'ng_tfidf_train' is not defined

The tf-idf matrix, however is normalized to make the sums smaller. Each row is not the same, but it is more similar.

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[29], line 1
----> 1 sns.displot(ng_vec_train.sum(axis=1),bins=20)

NameError: name 'sns' is not defined
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[30], line 1
----> 1 sns.displot(ng_tfidf_train.sum(axis=1),bins=20)

NameError: name 'sns' is not defined

We can see that the tf-idf makes the totals across documents more spread out.

When we sum across words, we then get to see how

From the documentation we see that the idf is not exactly the inverse of the number of documents, it’s also rescaled some.

\[ idf = \log \frac{1 +n }{1 +df} + 1 \]

In this implementation, each row is the normalized as well, to keep them small, so that documents of different sizes are more comparable. For example, if we return to what we did last week.

24.4. Questions After Class#

24.4.1. What are unique tokens vs total vocabulary?#

the total vocabulary is the unique tokens across all documents. THe number of values stored in the whole matrix is the sume of the number of unique tokens across each word. In that number, any word that appears in more than one document is counted more than once.