Assignment 7: Decision Trees

Due: 2020-10-27

Decision Trees

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Choose a datasets that is well suited for classification and that has all numerical features. (eg the Wisconsin Breast Cancer data from UCI)

Part 1: DT Basics

  1. Include a basic description of the data(what the features are)

  2. Write your own description of what the classification task is and why a decision tree is a reasonable model to try for this data.

  3. Include one summary visualization of the data.

  4. Fit a decision tree with the default parameters on 50% of the data

  5. Test it on 50% held out data and generate a classification report

  6. Inspect the model by visualizing and interpreting the results

  • Does this model make sense?

  • Are there any leaves that are vey small?

  • Is this an interpretable number of levels?

  1. Repeat with the entropy criterion. Does using the entropy criterion make a big difference or small difference in the overall classifier?


See the documentation for the sklearn DecisionTreeClassifier. One of the parameters is called criterion

Part 2: DT parameters

Do an experiment to see how max_depth, min_values_split, or min_values_leaf impacts the model.

  1. Choose one of these and say explain why and how you hypothesize it will impact the performance

  2. Use the model you fit above and EDA to choose minimum and maximum values for your parameter. Choose a total of 3 values for the parameter.

  3. Retrain the model for each value of the parameter

  4. Test and use at least 3 metrics to describe the performance, compiling your results into a DataFrame

  5. Plot and interpret your results

you should use a loop for this part

Part 3: Test and Train Sizes

Do an experiment to compare test set size vs performance:

  1. Train a decision tree on 20%, 30%, … , 80% of the data, using one of the training parameter combinations you tried above and explain why you chose the one you chose.

  2. Save the results of both test and train accuracy for each size training data in a DataFrame with columns [‘train_pct’,’n_train_samples’,’n_test_samples’,’train_acc’,’test_acc’]

  3. Plot the accuracies vs training percentage.

  4. Explain these results. What is the best test/train split. Why?

you should use a loop for this part


This assignment’s focus is Classification and Evaluation:

  • part 1 will show that you understand classification and can apply it for level 2

  • parts 2 & 3 are opportunities to earn level 2 for evaluation.

  • If you don’t successfully complete the whole assignment, pseudocode or partial answers to the questions could earn you level 1 for either skill.


  • Using functions, loops, and conditionals appropriately while completing those tasks could earn level 2 for python if needed.

  • You can earn level 2 for viz, summarize, prepare, or construct by choosing a messy dataset and/or including extra exploratory data analysis.


How do I find a good dataset?

Look for a dataset with numerical features and a categorical target variable.

If you look at the UCI website you can search for datasets for Classification and numerical and look through what those search filters give you some options. You might want to choose a dataset with less than about 10 attributes to make your decision tree readable. To make the training fast, try to find a dataset with 1000 samples or less.