Assignment 9

Due: 2020-11-10

assignment submission

  1. Apply Kmeans to the dataset you used for assignment 7.

  2. Evaluate how well clustering worked on the data:

  • using clustering metrics and

  • using visualization.

  • the ground truth labels

  1. Include a discussion of your results that addresses the following:

  • describes what the clustering means

  • what the metrics show

  • Does this clustering work better or worse than expected based on the classification performance (if you didn’t complete assignment 7, also apply a classifier)

Evaluation and Grading

The goal of this is for clustering level 2.

You may also earn evaluation level 2. To do this, use at least two metrics, explain them thoroughly, and use train-test splits.

You can earn visualize and summarize by adding and interpretting visualizations and summary statistics.

As always, psuedo code or an outline can earn level 1