Class 6: Exploratory Data Analysis


topics = ['what is data science', 'jupyter', 'conditional','functions', 'lists', 'dictionaries','pandas' ]
['what is data science',

What happens when we index with -1?


We get the last value.

Recall last class we used : to index DataFrames with .loc, we can do that with lists too:

['dictionaries', 'pandas']


  • next assignment will go up today

  • try practingin throughout the week

  • Check Brightspace for TA office hours

Why Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) before cleaning?

Typically a Data process looks like one of these figures:

dsprocess osem

ds process roles

Data cleaning, which some of you asked about on Friday, would typically, happen before EDA, but it’s hard to know what good data looks like, until you’re used to manipulating it. Also, it’s hard to check if data is good (and your cleaning worked) without some EDA. So, I’m choosing to teach EDA first. We’ll do data cleaning next, with these tools from EDA available as options for checking and determining what cleaning to do.


# a version of the SAFI data with more columns
data_url = ''

As usual, we import pandas

import pandas as pd

and pull in the data.

safi_df = pd.read_csv(data_url)
key_id interview_date quest_no start end province district ward village years_farm ... items_owned items_owned_other no_meals months_lack_food no_food_mitigation gps_Latitude gps_Longitude gps_Altitude gps_Accuracy instanceID
0 1 17 November 2016 1 2017-03-23T09:49:57.000Z 2017-04-02T17:29:08.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 11 ... ['bicycle' ; 'television' ; 'solar_panel' ; ... NaN 2 ['Jan'] ['na' ; 'rely_less_food' ; 'reduce_meals' ; ... -19.112259 33.483456 698 14.0 uuid:ec241f2c-0609-46ed-b5e8-fe575f6cefef
1 2 17 November 2016 1 2017-04-02T09:48:16.000Z 2017-04-02T17:26:19.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 2 ... ['cow_cart' ; 'bicycle' ; 'radio' ; 'cow_pl... NaN 2 ['Jan' ; 'Sept' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov' ; 'Dec'] ['na' ; 'reduce_meals' ; 'restrict_adults' ;... -19.112477 33.483416 690 19.0 uuid:099de9c9-3e5e-427b-8452-26250e840d6e

2 rows × 65 columns

Recall on Friday, we can use describe to see several common descriptive statistics

key_id quest_no years_farm note2 no_membrs members_count years_liv respondent_wall_type_other buildings_in_compound rooms ... note money_source_other liv_owned_other liv_count items_owned_other no_meals gps_Latitude gps_Longitude gps_Altitude gps_Accuracy
count 131.000000 131.000000 131.000000 0.0 131.00000 131.00000 131.000000 0.0 131.000000 131.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 131.000000 0.0 131.000000 131.000000 131.000000 131.000000 131.000000
mean 66.000000 85.473282 15.832061 NaN 7.19084 7.19084 23.053435 NaN 2.068702 1.740458 ... NaN NaN NaN 2.366412 NaN 2.603053 -19.102671 33.471971 648.221374 71.115344
std 37.960506 63.151628 10.903883 NaN 3.17227 3.17227 16.913041 NaN 1.241530 1.092547 ... NaN NaN NaN 1.082775 NaN 0.491143 0.023754 0.027081 187.697067 335.854190
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 NaN 2.00000 2.00000 1.000000 NaN 1.000000 1.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 1.000000 NaN 2.000000 -19.114989 33.403836 0.000000 3.000000
25% 33.500000 32.500000 8.000000 NaN 5.00000 5.00000 12.000000 NaN 1.000000 1.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 1.000000 NaN 2.000000 -19.112222 33.483329 691.000000 9.000000
50% 66.000000 66.000000 15.000000 NaN 7.00000 7.00000 20.000000 NaN 2.000000 1.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 2.000000 NaN 3.000000 -19.112188 33.483397 702.000000 11.000000
75% 98.500000 138.000000 20.500000 NaN 9.00000 9.00000 27.500000 NaN 3.000000 2.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 3.000000 NaN 3.000000 -19.112077 33.483438 710.000000 13.000000
max 131.000000 202.000000 60.000000 NaN 19.00000 19.00000 96.000000 NaN 8.000000 8.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 5.000000 NaN 3.000000 -19.042909 33.488268 745.000000 2099.999000

8 rows × 25 columns

Then we remember that this includes key_id as a variable tht we don’t actually want to treat as a variable, it’s an index. We can change that with set_index and we can do it in memory (without assignment) using the inplace keyword.

quest_no years_farm note2 no_membrs members_count years_liv respondent_wall_type_other buildings_in_compound rooms no_plots ... note money_source_other liv_owned_other liv_count items_owned_other no_meals gps_Latitude gps_Longitude gps_Altitude gps_Accuracy
count 131.000000 131.000000 0.0 131.00000 131.00000 131.000000 0.0 131.000000 131.000000 131.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 131.000000 0.0 131.000000 131.000000 131.000000 131.000000 131.000000
mean 85.473282 15.832061 NaN 7.19084 7.19084 23.053435 NaN 2.068702 1.740458 2.229008 ... NaN NaN NaN 2.366412 NaN 2.603053 -19.102671 33.471971 648.221374 71.115344
std 63.151628 10.903883 NaN 3.17227 3.17227 16.913041 NaN 1.241530 1.092547 1.078210 ... NaN NaN NaN 1.082775 NaN 0.491143 0.023754 0.027081 187.697067 335.854190
min 1.000000 1.000000 NaN 2.00000 2.00000 1.000000 NaN 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 1.000000 NaN 2.000000 -19.114989 33.403836 0.000000 3.000000
25% 32.500000 8.000000 NaN 5.00000 5.00000 12.000000 NaN 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 1.000000 NaN 2.000000 -19.112222 33.483329 691.000000 9.000000
50% 66.000000 15.000000 NaN 7.00000 7.00000 20.000000 NaN 2.000000 1.000000 2.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 2.000000 NaN 3.000000 -19.112188 33.483397 702.000000 11.000000
75% 138.000000 20.500000 NaN 9.00000 9.00000 27.500000 NaN 3.000000 2.000000 3.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 3.000000 NaN 3.000000 -19.112077 33.483438 710.000000 13.000000
max 202.000000 60.000000 NaN 19.00000 19.00000 96.000000 NaN 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 ... NaN NaN NaN 5.000000 NaN 3.000000 -19.042909 33.488268 745.000000 2099.999000

8 rows × 24 columns

Try it yourself!

You can use settings on pd.read_csv to set the index when the data is read in instead of doing this after the fact

We can also use the descriptive statistics on a single variable.

count    131.000000
mean      15.832061
std       10.903883
min        1.000000
25%        8.000000
50%       15.000000
75%       20.500000
max       60.000000
Name: years_farm, dtype: float64

Note however that this is not well formatted, that’s because it’s a Series instead of a DataFrame


We can use reset_index() to make it back into a dataframe

index years_farm
0 count 131.000000
1 mean 15.832061
2 std 10.903883
3 min 1.000000
4 25% 8.000000
5 50% 15.000000
6 75% 20.500000
7 max 60.000000

And we can drop the added index:

count 131.000000
mean 15.832061
std 10.903883
min 1.000000
25% 8.000000
50% 15.000000
75% 20.500000
max 60.000000


See that we can chain operations together. This is a helpful feature, but to be used with care. Pep8, the style conventions for python, recommends no more than 79 characters per line. A summary and another summary

We can also use individual summary statistics on DataFrame or Series objects


Split - Apply - Combine

A powerful tool in pandas (and data analysis in general) is the ability to apply functions to subsets of the data.


For example, we can get descriptive statistics per village

quest_no years_farm ... gps_Altitude gps_Accuracy
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean ... 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Chirodzo 39.0 62.487179 44.261705 8.0 44.5 55.0 64.5 200.0 39.0 17.282051 ... 710.0 733.0 39.0 12.461538 7.089080 4.0 9.0 11.0 12.0 39.000
God 43.0 81.720930 77.863839 1.0 14.5 40.0 168.5 202.0 43.0 14.883721 ... 709.5 722.0 43.0 12.630512 6.075239 4.0 9.0 11.0 13.5 30.000
Ruaca 49.0 107.061224 55.024013 23.0 72.0 113.0 152.0 194.0 49.0 15.510204 ... 711.0 745.0 49.0 169.122408 538.291474 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 2099.999

3 rows × 192 columns

We can also rearrange this into a more usable format than this very wide format:

level_0 level_1 village 0
0 quest_no count Chirodzo 39.000000
1 quest_no count God 43.000000
2 quest_no count Ruaca 49.000000
3 quest_no mean Chirodzo 62.487179
4 quest_no mean God 81.720930
... ... ... ... ...
571 gps_Accuracy 75% God 13.500000
572 gps_Accuracy 75% Ruaca 12.000000
573 gps_Accuracy max Chirodzo 39.000000
574 gps_Accuracy max God 30.000000
575 gps_Accuracy max Ruaca 2099.999000

576 rows × 4 columns

This, however, gives some funny variable names, to fix that, we first save it to a variable.

village_summary_df = safi_df.groupby('village').describe().unstack().reset_index()

Now we can use the rename function

Help on method rename in module pandas.core.frame:

rename(mapper=None, index=None, columns=None, axis=None, copy=True, inplace=False, level=None, errors='ignore') method of pandas.core.frame.DataFrame instance
    Alter axes labels.
    Function / dict values must be unique (1-to-1). Labels not contained in
    a dict / Series will be left as-is. Extra labels listed don't throw an
    See the :ref:`user guide <basics.rename>` for more.
    mapper : dict-like or function
        Dict-like or function transformations to apply to
        that axis' values. Use either ``mapper`` and ``axis`` to
        specify the axis to target with ``mapper``, or ``index`` and
    index : dict-like or function
        Alternative to specifying axis (``mapper, axis=0``
        is equivalent to ``index=mapper``).
    columns : dict-like or function
        Alternative to specifying axis (``mapper, axis=1``
        is equivalent to ``columns=mapper``).
    axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns'}, default 0
        Axis to target with ``mapper``. Can be either the axis name
        ('index', 'columns') or number (0, 1). The default is 'index'.
    copy : bool, default True
        Also copy underlying data.
    inplace : bool, default False
        Whether to return a new DataFrame. If True then value of copy is
    level : int or level name, default None
        In case of a MultiIndex, only rename labels in the specified
    errors : {'ignore', 'raise'}, default 'ignore'
        If 'raise', raise a `KeyError` when a dict-like `mapper`, `index`,
        or `columns` contains labels that are not present in the Index
        being transformed.
        If 'ignore', existing keys will be renamed and extra keys will be
    DataFrame or None
        DataFrame with the renamed axis labels or None if ``inplace=True``.
        If any of the labels is not found in the selected axis and
    See Also
    DataFrame.rename_axis : Set the name of the axis.
    ``DataFrame.rename`` supports two calling conventions
    * ``(index=index_mapper, columns=columns_mapper, ...)``
    * ``(mapper, axis={'index', 'columns'}, ...)``
    We *highly* recommend using keyword arguments to clarify your
    Rename columns using a mapping:
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [4, 5, 6]})
    >>> df.rename(columns={"A": "a", "B": "c"})
       a  c
    0  1  4
    1  2  5
    2  3  6
    Rename index using a mapping:
    >>> df.rename(index={0: "x", 1: "y", 2: "z"})
       A  B
    x  1  4
    y  2  5
    z  3  6
    Cast index labels to a different type:
    >>> df.index
    RangeIndex(start=0, stop=3, step=1)
    >>> df.rename(index=str).index
    Index(['0', '1', '2'], dtype='object')
    >>> df.rename(columns={"A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c"}, errors="raise")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    KeyError: ['C'] not found in axis
    Using axis-style parameters:
    >>> df.rename(str.lower, axis='columns')
       a  b
    0  1  4
    1  2  5
    2  3  6
    >>> df.rename({1: 2, 2: 4}, axis='index')
       A  B
    0  1  4
    2  2  5
    4  3  6

Rename takes a dict-like or function that maps from what’s there to what to change it to. We can either provide the mapper and an axis or pass the mapper as the columns parameter. The columns parameter makes it more human readable, and explicit what we’re doing.

renaming_dict = {'level_0':'variable',
village_summary_df.rename(columns= renaming_dict,inplace=True)

Now we have a much better summary table. This is in what’s called tidy format. Each colum

variable statistic village value
0 quest_no count Chirodzo 39.000000
1 quest_no count God 43.000000
2 quest_no count Ruaca 49.000000
3 quest_no mean Chirodzo 62.487179
4 quest_no mean God 81.720930

How could we use this to compute the average across villages for each statistic of each variable?

Try it yourself!

What would it look like to do this from the first result of describe() on the groupby, instead of with the unstack and reset_index?

We do need to groupby 'statistic' and use mean, but that’s not enough:

25% 44.807522
50% 48.428030
75% 54.062308
count 30.388889
max 105.468983
mean 49.868824
min 13.756913
std 24.588967

This averages across all of the variables, too. So instead we need to groupby two variables.

statistic variable
25% buildings_in_compound 1.000000
gps_Accuracy 8.000000
gps_Altitude 691.833333
gps_Latitude -19.112221
gps_Longitude 33.480944
... ... ...
std respondent_wall_type_other NaN
rooms 1.082409
years_farm 10.832121
years_liv 16.549343
yes_group_count 1.074600

192 rows × 1 columns

Index(['interview_date', 'quest_no', 'start', 'end', 'province', 'district',
       'ward', 'village', 'years_farm', 'agr_assoc', 'note2', 'no_membrs',
       'members_count', 'remittance_money', 'years_liv', 'parents_liv',
       'sp_parents_liv', 'grand_liv', 'sp_grand_liv', 'respondent_roof_type',
       'respondent_wall_type', 'respondent_wall_type_other',
       'respondent_floor_type', 'window_type', 'buildings_in_compound',
       'rooms', 'other_buildings', 'no_plots', 'plots_count', 'water_use',
       'no_group_count', 'yes_group_count', 'no_enough_water',
       'months_no_water', 'period_use', 'exper_other', 'other_meth',
       'res_change', 'memb_assoc', 'resp_assoc', 'fees_water',
       'affect_conflicts', 'note', 'need_money', 'money_source',
       'money_source_other', 'crops_contr', 'emply_lab', 'du_labour',
       'liv_owned', 'liv_owned_other', 'liv_count', 'poultry',
       'du_look_aftr_cows', 'items_owned', 'items_owned_other', 'no_meals',
       'months_lack_food', 'no_food_mitigation', 'gps_Latitude',
       'gps_Longitude', 'gps_Altitude', 'gps_Accuracy', 'instanceID'],

What is the most common combination of respondent_wall_type and respondent_floor_type?

respondent_wall_type respondent_floor_type instanceID
0 burntbricks cement 30
1 burntbricks earth 37
2 cement cement 1
3 muddaub cement 3
4 muddaub earth 43
5 sunbricks cement 4
6 sunbricks earth 13

We can read this table to see the result. Or we might want it in a different way

respondent_floor_type cement earth
burntbricks 30.0 37.0
cement 1.0 NaN
muddaub 3.0 43.0
sunbricks 4.0 13.0

Questions After Class

What does the inplace parameter do?

We used inplace for the first time today right after we read in the data. Let’s make a new DataFrame and compare what happens with and without.

safi_df_noinplace = pd.read_csv(data_url)
safi_df_inplace = pd.read_csv(data_url)
key_id interview_date quest_no start end province district ward village years_farm ... items_owned items_owned_other no_meals months_lack_food no_food_mitigation gps_Latitude gps_Longitude gps_Altitude gps_Accuracy instanceID
0 1 17 November 2016 1 2017-03-23T09:49:57.000Z 2017-04-02T17:29:08.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 11 ... ['bicycle' ; 'television' ; 'solar_panel' ; ... NaN 2 ['Jan'] ['na' ; 'rely_less_food' ; 'reduce_meals' ; ... -19.112259 33.483456 698 14.0 uuid:ec241f2c-0609-46ed-b5e8-fe575f6cefef
1 2 17 November 2016 1 2017-04-02T09:48:16.000Z 2017-04-02T17:26:19.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 2 ... ['cow_cart' ; 'bicycle' ; 'radio' ; 'cow_pl... NaN 2 ['Jan' ; 'Sept' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov' ; 'Dec'] ['na' ; 'reduce_meals' ; 'restrict_adults' ;... -19.112477 33.483416 690 19.0 uuid:099de9c9-3e5e-427b-8452-26250e840d6e
2 3 17 November 2016 3 2017-04-02T14:35:26.000Z 2017-04-02T17:26:53.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 40 ... ['solar_torch'] NaN 2 ['Jan' ; 'Feb' ; 'Mar' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov' ; ... ['na' ; 'restrict_adults' ; 'lab_ex_food'] -19.112108 33.483450 674 13.0 uuid:193d7daf-9582-409b-bf09-027dd36f9007
3 4 17 November 2016 4 2017-04-02T14:55:18.000Z 2017-04-02T17:27:16.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 6 ... ['bicycle' ; 'radio' ; 'cow_plough' ; 'sola... NaN 2 ['Sept' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov' ; 'Dec'] ['na' ; 'reduce_meals' ; 'restrict_adults' ;... -19.112229 33.483424 679 5.0 uuid:148d1105-778a-4755-aa71-281eadd4a973
4 5 17 November 2016 5 2017-04-02T15:10:35.000Z 2017-04-02T17:27:35.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 18 ... ['motorcyle' ; 'radio' ; 'cow_plough' ; 'mo... NaN 2 ['Aug' ; 'Sept' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov'] ['na' ; 'go_forest' ; 'migrate'] -19.112217 33.483425 689 10.0 uuid:2c867811-9696-4966-9866-f35c3e97d02d

5 rows × 65 columns

interview_date quest_no start end province district ward village years_farm agr_assoc ... items_owned items_owned_other no_meals months_lack_food no_food_mitigation gps_Latitude gps_Longitude gps_Altitude gps_Accuracy instanceID
1 17 November 2016 1 2017-03-23T09:49:57.000Z 2017-04-02T17:29:08.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 11 no ... ['bicycle' ; 'television' ; 'solar_panel' ; ... NaN 2 ['Jan'] ['na' ; 'rely_less_food' ; 'reduce_meals' ; ... -19.112259 33.483456 698 14.0 uuid:ec241f2c-0609-46ed-b5e8-fe575f6cefef
2 17 November 2016 1 2017-04-02T09:48:16.000Z 2017-04-02T17:26:19.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 2 yes ... ['cow_cart' ; 'bicycle' ; 'radio' ; 'cow_pl... NaN 2 ['Jan' ; 'Sept' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov' ; 'Dec'] ['na' ; 'reduce_meals' ; 'restrict_adults' ;... -19.112477 33.483416 690 19.0 uuid:099de9c9-3e5e-427b-8452-26250e840d6e
3 17 November 2016 3 2017-04-02T14:35:26.000Z 2017-04-02T17:26:53.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 40 no ... ['solar_torch'] NaN 2 ['Jan' ; 'Feb' ; 'Mar' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov' ; ... ['na' ; 'restrict_adults' ; 'lab_ex_food'] -19.112108 33.483450 674 13.0 uuid:193d7daf-9582-409b-bf09-027dd36f9007
4 17 November 2016 4 2017-04-02T14:55:18.000Z 2017-04-02T17:27:16.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 6 no ... ['bicycle' ; 'radio' ; 'cow_plough' ; 'sola... NaN 2 ['Sept' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov' ; 'Dec'] ['na' ; 'reduce_meals' ; 'restrict_adults' ;... -19.112229 33.483424 679 5.0 uuid:148d1105-778a-4755-aa71-281eadd4a973
5 17 November 2016 5 2017-04-02T15:10:35.000Z 2017-04-02T17:27:35.000Z Manica Manica Bandula God 18 no ... ['motorcyle' ; 'radio' ; 'cow_plough' ; 'mo... NaN 2 ['Aug' ; 'Sept' ; 'Oct' ; 'Nov'] ['na' ; 'go_forest' ; 'migrate'] -19.112217 33.483425 689 10.0 uuid:2c867811-9696-4966-9866-f35c3e97d02d

5 rows × 64 columns

Without inplace, set_index returns a dataframe, with the index changed, with inplace it returns None. But, without inplace, we don’t see the desired effect when we do our next step, but with inplace the index is changed.

Without the inplace, to save the changes you need to use an assignment. The following is equivalent to using inplace.

safi_df_noinplace= safi_df_noinplace.set_index('key_id'))
  File "<ipython-input-30-1a84c65392b3>", line 1
    safi_df_noinplace= safi_df_noinplace.set_index('key_id'))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Why is a for loop slower than a pandas operation?

TL;DR: for this example, it’s actually possible to relatively easily write a faster loop, but for other operations, it’s unlikely.

Basically, the advantage of using the library functions is that someone has already put a lot of though into the optimal way to implement things and it leverages core features of the data structure. Here is a blog post about iterating and applying functions in pandas. It covers topics we haven’t yet seen, but will.
The pandas implementation is also fewer lines and can scale for large datasets eaisly.

To test, we can do an experiment. Let’s take the last thing we covered in class today, finding the most common combination of floor and wall types.

First we’ll look at two solutions and verify that they’re the same.

First, how to do it with pandas

wall_floor_df = safi_df.groupby(['respondent_wall_type','respondent_floor_type'])['instanceID'].count()
respondent_wall_type  respondent_floor_type
burntbricks           cement                   30
                      earth                    37
cement                cement                    1
muddaub               cement                    3
                      earth                    43
sunbricks             cement                    4
                      earth                    13
Name: instanceID, dtype: int64

We can read the answer off of that table, but let’s get it programmatically:

('muddaub', 'earth')

Next, how to do it with a for loop (if you have a better for loop, make a PR so share it).

wall_floor_dict = {}

for wall,floor  in zip(safi_df['respondent_wall_type'],safi_df['respondent_floor_type']):
    wf_key = '_'.join([wall,floor])
    if wf_key in wall_floor_dict.keys():
        wall_floor_dict[wf_key] +=1
        wall_floor_dict[wf_key] =1

{'muddaub_earth': 43,
 'burntbricks_cement': 30,
 'burntbricks_earth': 37,
 'sunbricks_earth': 13,
 'muddaub_cement': 3,
 'sunbricks_cement': 4,
 'cement_cement': 1}

Again, we can read from the dict, but lets find it

max(wall_floor_dict, key=wall_floor_dict.get).split('_')
['muddaub', 'earth']

Now we can use a special feature of Jupyter notebooks to time them and see which is faster, called the %timeit magic. Displaying visual things is always slow, so we’ll take the line that would display out of both options.

Now timing the pandas way, with a human deciding

%%timeit -o

wall_floor_df = safi_df.groupby(['respondent_wall_type','respondent_floor_type'])['instanceID'].count().reset_index()
2.31 ms ± 60.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
<TimeitResult : 2.31 ms ± 60.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)>
t_pandas = _

And capture the time by using the _ it gets the std out from the previous cell.

For loop with required interpretation

%%timeit -o
wall_floor_dict = {}

for wall,floor  in zip(safi_df['respondent_wall_type'],safi_df['respondent_floor_type']):
    wf_key = '_'.join([wall,floor])
    if wf_key in wall_floor_dict.keys():
        wall_floor_dict[wf_key] +=1
        wall_floor_dict[wf_key] =1

max(wall_floor_dict, key=wall_floor_dict.get).split('_')
87.1 µs ± 801 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
<TimeitResult : 87.1 µs ± 801 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)>
t_loop = _

On my local computer it was about 12x faster with that loop. Here, we’ll calculate it for the GitHub servers that host the course manual.


For a more a complex question (say we wanted to know a statistic more complicated than the count) the loop gets harder (and probably slower), but the pandas operation stays about the same.

If you’ve made it this far, let me know how you found these notes.