4. Assignment 4:#

Due: 2020-10-05 11:59pm

accept the assignment

Table 4.1 practice basic pandas by reshaping and organizing data#


skill (max level)

drop nan rows from a dataset

prepare (2)

display parts of a dataframe

summarize (1)

impute a value to fill missing values

prepare (2)

filter data based on extreme values or other outliers

prepare (2)

convert a variable to one hot encoding

prepare (2)

add a new column computed from one or more other columns

prepare (2)

transform a dataset to tidy format

prepare (2)

compute overall and individual summary statistics

summarize (2)

use split-apply-combine paradigm

summarize (2)

generate at least two types of plots

visualize (2)

interpret statistics and plots

summarize, visualize

use list comprehensions or loops and pythonic conventions

python (2)

load data from at least two types

access (2)

compare data storage formats

access (2)

match EDA techniques to questions appropriately

process (1)

For this assignment, prepare the provided datasets. Your preparation needs to include the following steps and narrative description of how you’re making decisions about your data cleaning.

The notebooks in the template have instructions for how to work with each dataset.

To earn prepare level 2, clean the data and do just enough exploratory data analysis to show that the data is usable (eg 1 stat and/or plot). For prepare level 2:

  • travel_times AND one of:

  • cs_degrees, airlines, and coffee

To earn summarize and visualize level 2, add extra exploratory data analyses meeting the criteria above.

To earn python level 2, make sure that you use a function or lambda and comprehension or pythonic loops somewhere. The CS degrees data will have that, but it’s harder. The coffee data will be the easiest one to get all python level 2.

For access level 2 you must clean the airline data (to get data in a second file type).


renaming thing is often done well with a dictionary comprehension or lambda.