Submission Introductions#

Your portfolio will be assessed both on your demonstration of skills through your chapters that are inspired by the prompts and that your summary demonstrates that you know you learned the skills.

Each portfolio submission, you will edit the corresponding file. This is where you write your summary and reflect on your learning. This reflection does not need to be long, it shouldn’t take a very long time. It’s okay for it to be brief, mostly bullet points.

KWL Chart#

One part of your introduction is a KWL or Know, Want to know, Learned, chart.

In your file it will look like this:(but longer)

```{list-table} Portfolio 1 KWL Chart
:header-rows: 1
:name: kwl1

* - Skill
  - Know
  - Want to Know
  - Learned
* - python
  - basics
  - more efficient types
* - access
  - that datasets are collated on kaggle
  - how to load data for analysis
  - how to load data from 3 different types and compare them
* - ...
  - ...
  - ...
  - ...

and when you build your portfolio it will render like this:

Table 1 Portfolio 1 KWL Chart#



Want to Know




more efficient patterns

pep8 patterns and common conventions,


that datasets are collated on kaggle

how to load data for analysis

how to load data from 3 different types and compare them


In the overview, you summarize the contents of your portfolio. Think of it as the the introduction to the overall submission. Your goal is to help us know what to expect when grading your portfolio and to know that you know what you’ve learned.

Writing this out will help give you a space to confirm that you’re on track by checking your own work against the Achievement Definitions table. If your work does not earn level 3 achievements, your summary will help us identify if you are on track or if you’re not on track. If you’re not on track it will help us distinguish between if it’s because of a misunderstanding in the expectations or the material.

This summary helps us help you achieve your own goals and lets us help you accordingly. We want you succeed in the course and the best way to do that is to check in frequently.

Learning Tip

This reflection process also help you learn better, in addition to being an accountability check. What you draw your attention to gets reinforced in your memory, so reflecting on what you’ve learned helps you learn better.