10. Assignment 10: Tuning Model Parameters#

10.1. Quick Facts#

10.3. Asseessment#

Table 10.1 Optimize model parameters#



test the model on test data and interpret in context

classification, clustering, OR regression (2)

choose and justify appropriate parameters parameter grid for the context

classification, clustering, OR regression (2) AND process (2)

evaluate fit of the model while varying the cross validation parameters and interpret

evaluate (2)

optimize model parameter (s) and interpret

optimize (2)

ask releveant questions of the data domain and interpret results in context

process (2)

use EDA techniques to examine the experimental results

summarize (2), visualize (2)

Note you can only earn one of classification, clustering, OR regression, but to earn one of those you must both interpret the model and the parameters.

For process you must situate your overall analysis in context (which you should do even if you already have the process achievement; you should always do this) and explain how you’re picking parameters to evaluate. Your reasons only have to be reasonable, they don’t have to be correct. It’s okay if what you try doesn’t improve the model, but then you have to interpret that.

10.4. Instructions#

summary Extend the work you did in assignment 7,8, or 9, by optimizing the model parameters.

  1. Choose your dataset, task, and a model. It can be any model we have used in class so far.

  2. Fit the model and show some exploration to choose reasonable model parameter values for your parameter grid

  3. Use grid search to find the best performing model parameters

  4. Examine and interpret the cv results. How do they vary in terms of time? Is the performance meaningfully different or just a little?

  5. Try varying the cross validation parameters. Does this change your conclusions?


this is best for regression or classificaiton, but if you use clustering use the scoring parameter to pass better metrics than the default of the score method.


Assignment 11 will be to optimize two models and then compare two models on the same task

Thinking Ahead

What other tradeoffs might you want to make in choosing a model? How could you present these results using your EDA skills?